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This simple recipe for a lip balm is just as
effective as the store bought kind and
100% natural.
Gently melt the following ingredients over
a low heat and then allow it to cool before
using: 1
tablespoon beeswax, 1 tablespoon coconut
oil, 1 teaspoon shea butter, 2 drops rose
essential oil (or
use any other essential oil of your choice).
4. Homemade bronzer
Try this wonderful beauty tip and create
your own homemade bronzer to give you a
bit of summer
glow. Mix together 1 teaspoon of cocoa, 1
teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of
cornstarch (or add
more of cornstarch, depending on how
dark you want your bronzer to be) and add
1 tablespoon of
cinnamon, and you have a homemade
loose bronzer! It’s that easy!
5. Use a credit card to apply mascara
This is one of the popular beauty tips that
many makeup artists often use: hold a
credit card (or any
other card) up to your lashes, when you
apply your mascara and it will give you an
easy way to get
the mascara right up to the roots of your
lashes, without smudging. Just be sure to
wipe the credit
card clean again, before you use it in a
6. Stop razors rusting
This beauty tip can help you keep your
razors clean and rust free: coat them with
a little olive oil
after each use. The oil will keep the air
from getting to the razor and stop the
metal from oxidising.
7. The secret to perfect smoky eyes
This is one of the most useful beauty tips
for ladies who particularly love the smoky
eyes makeup
look: to stop the shades from becoming
mixed together and creating an unsightly
muddy look,
always use a different, clean brush for
blending. Remember too to clean the
brushes, when you
move from one eye to the other.
8. Use eyeshadow to get full lips
If you love full looking lips but you don’t
want to do any cosmetic surgery, here is
one of the good
and efficient beauty tips that can help you:
apply your lipstick as usual and then go
over it with a
coat of a pale shade of frosted, shimmery
eyeshadow, concentrating in the middle of
your lips; it
will help add dimension to your pout and
will give your lips a much fuller look,
without lip
injections. If you want to achieve even
better effect then slightly outline your lips
with the lip liner
of similar colour to your natural lip colour
and this will make your lips appear even
9. Use a spray starch as a dry shampoo
Are you in a rush and run out of dry
shampoo? No problem, here is another
one of effective beauty
tips that will help: grab some spray of
starch and spray that on the oily parts of
your hair. Spray
starch works just the same way as dry
shampoo and it will leave your hair looking
clean and fresh. If
you don’t have spray starch at hand, you
can also use baby powder (talc) for the
same purpose
10. Remove tanner mistakes with baking
If you’ve put on too much tanner and have
streaky or an orange area of skin, here is
one of the
greatest beauty tips that can help you: you
can easily remove the tanning lotion with
some baking
soda and water. Simply rub the mixture on
the affected area (be gentle), and the
baking soda will
gently exfoliate the mistake away.
All information on this site carries only
informative and not recommendatory
Please, ask the advise of your doctor,
instead of
self-treatment. We will always attempt to
provide the best and most accurate
possible here at,
you are responsible for your own actions.
will not be held liable for anything that
from the use of the information here.
11. Don’t dot concealer, draw a triangle
Here is another one of popular beauty tips
used by professional makeup artists:
instead of putting
dots of concealer under your eyes draw a
triangle and blend downwards. It will
cover any dark
circles much more effectively and will
make you look a lot more awake and fresh.
12. Use baby powder for longer, more
voluminous lashes
If you want to add volume and length to
your eyelashes without doing eyelash
extensions try this
beauty tip: apply one coat of mascara and
then, dust some baby powder over your
lashes, before
applying a second mascara coat. The baby
powder will thicken up the mascara and
make your
lashes look much fuller and longer. Try!
13. Beat the bugs with dryer sheets
To avoid stings and bites, if you rub a
tumble dryer sheet over your clothes, the
scent will repel the
insects. It’s much easier than having to
keep spraying insect repellent on yourself
every half hour or
14. Soothe bikini line rash with camomile
Here is another one of wonderful, easy and
effective beauty tips: if you get a rash
along your bikini
line, then you can calm the irritation with
camomile teabags. Make yourself a nice,
refreshing cup
of camomile tea and let the tea bags cool.
Then place the cool tea bags along your
bikini line and the
herbs in the tea will soothe and calm the
15. Use a spoon to create winged eyes
A teaspoon makes a great stencil for
winged eye makeup, so here is one of the
those useful beauty
tips that can save you time and nerves: just
hold the spoon in the outer corner your
eye and trace
the eye line; you’ll get the perfect shape,
without any of the mistakes.
16. Get a better curl by slightly heating
your eyelash curler
You will get a better and longer lasting curl
to your lashes, if you heat your eyelash
curler with a
blow dryer before you use it. It works in
just the same way as applying heat to the
hair on your head
does. Only make sure that the curler is not
too hot, we don’t want to burn ourselves!
Also, don’t use
this trick too often, only on special
occasions, or, otherwise, you can damage
your lashes with an
overdose of heat.
17. Brighten up your eyes from the corners
Here is another one of the wonderful
beauty tips that makeup artists often use
on celebrities: just a
small amount of light coloured eye pencil
or eyeshadow, applied on the inside
corners of your eyes
can make a huge difference to the way
your face looks. It will open up your eyes
and make them
look much brighter. Just lighten those
darker corners near to your nose, and see
your eyes open up!
18. Ditch the soap and use olive oil to wash
your face
Soap can easily dry out your skin, so try to
use one of the popular beauty tips of
women: wash your face with olive oil. The
ladies of the Mediterranean have done this
for centuries.
The oil gently cleanses your face and, while
it might sound odd it really does work.
19. In an emergency, you can use mascara
as eyeliner
In a pinch, if you find that you have run out
of eyeliner, then mascara will do the job.
Just rub an
eyeliner brush over your mascara wand
and use the product in the same way as
you would any
other eyeliner.
20. Tame fly-away hair with hand lotion
Here is a great beauty tip that can help you
to tame fly-away hair, when you don’t
have your usual
hair spay at hand: you can quickly tame
those fly-away, loose strands of hair with a
bit of hand
lotion. Rub a very small amount of lotion
onto the tips of your fingers and run them
through your
hair and it will flatten and control those
wayward strands.
21. Make perfume last longer
The reason why your scent doesn’t last all
day long might be because you aren’t
putting it on in the
right places. Here is one of the greatest
beauty tips for long lasting perfume: apply
it behind your
ears, to the back of your wrists, the backs
of your knees and the base of your throat.
22. Bring old mascara back to life
If your mascara dries up, then add a few
drops of saline solution to bring it back to
life. But,
remember that it is recommended that
you only use the same mascara for
maximum three months
or so, or it could cause eye infections.
23. Boost your whitening toothpaste
You can make your standard whitening
toothpaste more effective by sprinkling a
little baking soda
on top of it, before you brush. Baking soda
is a very effective tooth polish and it will
get into the hard
to reach parts of the teeth better than just
toothpaste alone. You can use this
treatment occasionally,
just as you would use any other teeth
whitening treatment, but avoid using
baking soda on a daily
basis, as it can also damage your teeth.
24. Make your nail colour pop
If you apply white nail polish first as a base
when you apply your coloured nail polish
the colours
will stand out much more and look much
25. Stop concealer from creasing
When you use concealer under your eyes,
it can easily crease during the day. So one
of the best
beauty tips that can stop concealer from
creasing is to use only a small amount of
the product and
apply some primer first, before applying
concealer, and it will help to stop the
creasing. After
applying concealer, wait a couple of
minutes and then, set it in place with a
light weight loose
powder. All these tips will help stop
concealer from creasing.
26. Turn your body-wash into a scrub, with
brown sugar
Exfoliate while you wash, by adding some
raw brown sugar to your favourite body
wash. It’s best to
try just a small amount of sugar first to
make sure that it’s not too abrasive for you
and then add
more if you need to.
27. Exfoliate your lips
Your lips need exfoliation too. So here is
one of the most useful beauty tips for
kissable lips: to keep
your lips free from dry, dead skin cells, rub
them gently with a clean toothbrush
coated in a mixture
of olive oil and sugar.
28. Use a coconut oil hair mask
Coconut oil is packed with proteins and
fatty acids and it makes a fantastic hair
mask. Massage the
oil into your hair, paying particular
attention to the ends and leave in for, at
least, twenty minutes.
Then, shampoo and rinse as normal. The
coconut oil will give your hair shine and
bounce, and it
will help control split ends too.
29. Remove makeup from clothes with
shaving cream
If you get some makeup on your clothes,
you can quickly remove it with some
shaving cream. Just
add some shaving foam to the mark and
then it will easily lift off with a damp cloth
and you won’t
have to change your clothes.
30. Get the best effect from dry shampoo
Dry shampoo works much better if you
give it some time. To get the maximum
benefit from dry
shampoo, don’t leave it until the morning.
Apply dry shampoo to your roots at night,
before you go
to bed. Through the night it will soak up
any oil and leave your hair looking clean
and fresh in the
31. Tame static electricity in your hair
Sometimes, when you brush your hair, you
can get frizzy hair from the static electricity
that the
brushing has caused. To kill the static
quickly, just run a dryer sheet over your
hair and it will make
your hair lay flat again.
32. Use hand sanitiser on shiny skin
If you are out and you notice that you have
a shiny face, and you don’t have anything
else at hand,
then a bit of hand sanitiser will quickly
clear that up. You can use it on your
forehead, under your
hairline and across the T zone and the
alcohol in the sanitiser will break down the
excess oil and
remove the shine.
33. Combat pimples with Greek yoghurt
A dab of full-fat Greek yogurt, on a pimple,
will soon reduce the redness and the
swelling. The lactic
acid in the yoghurt will unclog the pore
and the probiotics will help combat the
34. Soothe irritated skin with an oatmeal
Here is one of the greatest homemade
beauty tips that can help you nourish and
sooth your skin and
it is especially helpful if you are suffering
from dry, itchy skin or have got a touch of
sunburn: try
taking an oatmeal bath, it is a fantastic
way to soothe your skin and improve its
elasticity and
softness. Just sprinkle two cups of oatmeal
into your warm bath water. Oatmeal
contains substances
that will soothe and moisturise dry and
itchy skin, making it smooth, fresh and
healthy again.
35. If you run out of shaving cream, then
use conditioner or coconut oil instead
If you are in a rush and you’ve run out of
shaving cream, then hair conditioner (or
coconut oil) has
just the same hydrating properties, as
shaving cream and will provide the
protection that you need
for a smooth shave.
36. Stay put hair grips
Here is another great beauty tip: if your
hair grips keep sliding out, try spraying
them with some
hairspray, before you put them in. The
hairspray will make them stick to your hair
and they will
stay in all day long.
37. Delete stains from your nails with
If you have yellow stains or the remnants
of dark nail polish on your nails, then you
can easily
remove it with some whitening
toothpaste. Just brush your nails with a
little whitening toothpaste
and the hydrogen peroxide contained in
the toothpaste will lighten your nails.
38. Make your own lip-gloss with Shea
Another one of great beauty tips is to
make some use of those leftover pigments
from makeup: you
can create your own lip-gloss by mixing left
over pigments with some Shea butter.
39. Make your beautiful eyeshadow pop
even more
You can intensify the colour in eyeshadow
by priming your eyelids with some white
eyeliner pencil
first. Run a white eyeliner pencil over your
entire eyelid and then apply the
eyeshadow. The white
eyeliner will provide the perfect base for
the eyeshadow and it will really make the
colour pop. Try
40. Use crushed aspirin to fight dandruff
You can turn any shampoo into a dandruff
shampoo by adding two crushed aspirins
to it. Aspirin
contains salicylic acid, which helps to break
down and remove the dead and flaky skin
from your
41. Use a gel liner as an eye shadow
Here is another one of those creative and
cool beauty tips that you need to know
about: for a smudge
proof eye shadow and also to save a bit of
time in the morning you can use gel
eyeliner on your lids.
Just cross hatch the gel onto your eyelids
and then blend in well. You can even
create your own
shades by blending in more than one
42. Always check your makeup in the car
The artificial lighting in your home can
make your makeup look very different to
the way it will
appear in the light of day. So here is one of
those beauty tips that you can use on a
daily basis and
that can save you from a lot of stress and
uncomfortable situations: make it a habit
to always check
your makeup in the car, so that you can get
the chance to make any last minute final
and always look your best!
43. Exfoliate your feet
One of the most overlooked, yet important
beauty tips is this: don’t forget your feet,
whether in the
summer sandal months or in the winter.
Keep your feet looking great by exfoliating
them regularly
with a foot scrub made of two tablespoons
of raw brown sugar mixed with four
tablespoons of olive
or coconut oil.
44. Make your gorgeous waves last longer
with a hair straightener
Braiding your hair will give beautiful waves
to your hair and you can make those
waves last much
longer, if you slightly heat your hair, while
it is still braided. Before you take your
braids down, heat
them up with a flat iron and the waves will
last you twice as long.
45. Plump your lips with peppermint oil
Here is another one of those wonderful
beauty tips that can save you some hard
earned cash: save
spending money on expensive lip plumping
products and use simple peppermint oil
instead. Just
add a drop or two to your lip-gloss and the
peppermint oil will have exactly the same,
lip plumping
effect as the more expensive lip enhancing
products available.
46. De-puff under your eyes with cold tea
Beauty tips for getting rid of eye puffiness
and under eye circles are very numerous:
you can use
cucumber slices, cold teaspoons or chilled
potato slices, but one of the most efficient
ways to
reduce puffiness and tighten the skin
under your eyes is to apply chilled, used
green tea bags and
leave them on for five minutes. The chill
effect of the tea bags will reduce the
swelling and the
theine in the tea will tighten your skin.
47. Stop mascara marks with a spoon
This is one of those useful beauty tips that
can help you when you are in a hurry: hold
a teaspoon, so
that it is against your eyelid and, as apply
your mascara, any fallout will touch the
spoon, not your
48. A simple way to get rid of split ends
You don’t have to visit your hair stylist, to
get rid of split ends, you can do it yourself.
Simply twist a
few strands of your hair at a time, around
your fingers, and then snip away any loose
ends. That’s all
the stylist would do anyway.
49. Homemade dry shampoo recipe
Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver, but don’t
pay over the odds for it. You can make
your own, by
mixing a quarter cup of cornstarch with
and a couple of drops of the essential oil of
your choice
(rose essential oil, for example, will smell
simply divine). Apply the mixture to the
roots of your hair
and brush out thoroughly; it will dry out
any greasiness and leave your hair smelling
clean and
50. Keep your aloe vera in the fridge
Try as you might to avoid getting too much
sun there will be days that you might get a
touch of
sunburn. Aloe vera is great for soothing
sunburn, but have you tried chilled aloe
vera? Keep some
aloe vera in the refrigerator during the
summer months, and you’ll be glad that
you did. Chilled aloe
vera brings instant and blissful relief to
sunburn. (Make sure to test Aloe Vera on
your wrist first, to
make sure you are not allergic to it).
SAMPLE…..(*****limited offer*****)
51. Run out of blush?
We believe on doubling up on makeup
uses wherever you can, so here is one of
those beauty tips
that you can use whenever you run out of
blusher, or forget to take it out with you:
lipstick will do
the job of the blusher! Just apply a small
dab of lipstick on your cheek and then
blend it in well with
your finger and you will have that same
rosy look you would have achieved with a
52. Cost effective lip stain
Here is another one of beauty tips that can
save you money: a really inexpensive way
to stain your
lips is Kool-Aid. Just empty out the
contents of a packet into a container and
dab it on your lips.
There are plenty of colours to choose from
and if you want it sweet tasting, then all
you have to do is
to choose a pre-sweetened Kool-Aid
53. Create your own leave-in conditioner
Pour one part of your regular conditioner
and four parts of water into a spray bottle,
and you have
made your own leave-in conditioner. Just a
few sprays of the mixture and you can
control tangles
and frizz all day long.
54. Make a ponytail look longer
Divide your hair into two ponytails, one at
the top and one a few inches underneath
the first, and
then tie the ponytails, so that the top one
falls over the bottom one, concealing the
tie. This will
make your ponytail look both longer and
55. Use a hair grip to apply false lash glue
If you are struggling to apply the false
eyelash glue, then try using a hair grip to
do it. It makes it far
easier to apply, even with a shaky hand.
56. Remove blackheads with baking soda
You can remove blackheads with a mixture
of baking soda and water. Take some
baking soda and
add just enough water to make a creamy
paste. Spread the paste over the affected
area and leave on
until it dries and then wash off and
moisturise. Repeat as necessary and it will
gradually remove all
signs of those pesky blackheads.
57. Draw an ‘X’ to make a cupid’s bow
Here is another one of those cool beauty
tips that can help you to apply your lipstick
easier, and it’s
especially useful if you love bold colours to
the centre of your top lip, with a liner and
then, follow
the ‘X’ to create an even and symmetrical
bow with the lipstick.
58. Revitalize eyeliner pencil
When your eyeliner pencil gets soft and
begins to crumble, popping it into the
refrigerator for five
or ten minutes will firm it up again and
make it easier to use.
59. Get your money’s worth out of lip gloss
This is another one of those beauty tips
that can save you money: if you’re running
low on lip-gloss,
then try placing your old lip gloss in a cup
of warm water. The heat from the water
will melt the
gloss that is left on the side of the tube and
it will run down to the bottom where you
can use it
60. Use apple cider vinegar as a clarifying
After a while product can build up on your
hair and it will not be removed by normal
To give your hair a deep down clean and to
remove the build-up of hair products, wash
your hair
with a mixture of ¼ cup of apple cider
vinegar and 1 cup of water. Then condition
and rinse as
61. Create your own shades of lipstick
Don’t throw away those nearly finished
lipsticks; you can get a bit creative with
them instead. Take
pieces of old lipstick, melt them together
in the microwave and you can create your
own, unique
shades of lipstick by mixing and matching
different lipstick colours.
62. Stock up on blotting sheets from
The guys at Starbucks must be getting tired
of this by now, but it is a well-known fact
that the
Starbucks napkins are made from the same
things that blotting sheets are. Put a few
extra in your
bag the next time you have a coffee. They
won’t mind, they’re used to it!
63. Keep your nails and cuticles
moisturised with sweet almond oil
Soak your fingertips in some sweet almond
oil, on a regular basis, and the oil will
moisturise both
your nails and your cuticles. If you don’t
have sweet almond oil, you can use olive
oil or coconut oil
64. Use coconut oil to remove makeup
Beauty tips with the use of natural oils are
very numerous. For a gentle and natural
way to remove
makeup, try coconut oil. Just place a bit
coconut oil on a cotton pad and it will
quickly dissolve and
wipe the makeup.
65. Use Vaseline to make perfume last
If you apply a touch of Vaseline to your
pulse points before you spray on your
perfume it will make
the scent last much longer. The Vaseline
locks in the perfume and holds the
fragrance far longer
than your skin would.
66. Quick dry nail polish
This is one of those beauty tips that can be
useful for when you are in a hurry. To dry
your nail
polish quickly, just dip your fingers in some
ice water for a few seconds. It’s even
quicker than using
the blow dryer!
67. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week
The build-up of hair products on your hair
can make it look dull and lifeless. Wash
your hair once a
week with clarifying shampoo and it will
remove the build-up of product residue
and bring the life
and shine back to your hair.
68. Always clean off makeup before you go
to bed
Another one of those well known, yet
often overlooked beauty tips is, whatever
time you get home,
never go to bed with your makeup still on.
Makeup left on all night can cause
infections and
69. Treat minor burns with raw honey
If you burn yourself with the hair iron,
reach for the honey jar. Honey will quickly
create a
protective barrier over the burn and
soothe the stinging. It also has
antibacterial properties to help
prevent infection.
70. Store nail polish in the refrigerator
The summer heat can cause nail polish to
become thick and virtually unusable. Store
it in the
refrigerator for a smooth, beautiful and
bubble free, application. Keep it in
separate section in your
fridge, so that no one can confuse it for
being something else.
71. Disguise a chipped manicure with
glitter polish
Here is another one of useful beauty tips
that can save you time: you can go longer
manicures, if you use glitter nail polish to
hide the chips. The glitter disguises the
chips and
distracts the eyes, so no one will ever
know that you overdue a manicure.
72. Use clear mascara over the top of a
black one
To seal in the colour and make your black
mascara look better for longer, seal it by
applying a coat
of clear mascara on your lashes.
73. Get more from your clear lip balm
Clear lip balm has more uses than just for
your lips. It also works well on a dry, sore
nose when you
have a cold, you can use it instead of clear
eyebrow gel and you can also use it as a
cuticle treatment
74. Skip the eyeliner
If you are in a rush, then you can skip the
eyeliner by simply wiggling your mascara
brush at the
roots of your lashes. This will then look
just like you are wearing eyeliner and save
you time.
75. Create a quick up do
This is so easy to do, you can do it the car.
Pull your hair back into a high ponytail and
secure it with
a band. Then twist the tail, wrap it around
the base of the ponytail and pin it into
place. The
quickest and simplest up do ever!
76. Keep the lipstick off of your teeth
Looking good, feeling good, smile and
whoops! Lipstick on the teeth is
embarrassing, especially,
when you are the last to notice it, so here
is one simple beauty tip that can help you
avoid this
unpleasant and embarrassing situation:
once you have finished applying your
lipstick, put your
finger in your mouth, press your lips
together and pull your finger straight out
again and that way
you wipe any excess lipstick off, from the
inside, out.
77. How to create winged eye makeup?
When you are looking for that bold winged
look, always draw the outline of the
winged shape,
before you try and shade them. That way
it’s easier to get the shape right and you
will have a
sharper, better defined outline.
78. An easy way to get polka-dot nails
Create your own nail art at home with the
simple polka dot nail polish technique.
First, paint your
nails the base colour that you want and
allow it to dry. Then, place just the
adhesive part of band aid
over your nails and paint over with a white
nail polish. The white polish will seep
through the
ventilation holes in the band aid, leaving a
fantastic polka dot pattern on your nails.
Isn’t it great?!
79. Create check patterned nails with
scotch tape
To create a checkered pattern on your
nails, take a strip of scotch tape and paint
that with your
chosen colour. Cut the painted scotch tape
into strips and then create the checkered
pattern on your
nails with the strips of this already painted
tape. When everything is in place, just add
a top coat of
clear nail polish to seal everything in.
80. Use baby powder to remove beach
When you have enjoyed your day at the
beach and it’s time to go home, you always
have the
problem of how to get the sand off your
legs, before you get in the car. A simple
solution is to
sprinkle on some baby powder and that
will dry any sun lotion or sweat that is on
the skin, so that
the sand will just brush off very easily.
81. Create a two toned nail polish effect
To create a two toned effect with two
different nail polishes, paint the whole of
your nail with the
first colour and allow it to dry. Then cut
some sticky tape with a pair of scissors,
and tape it over
your nails as a pattern. Then simply paint
the open side of your nails with the second
remove the tape and let your work of art
82. Easy glitter nail polish removal
Glitter nail polish always looks great when
it’s on, but it can be a real fight to get it off
again. If you
paint your nails with a base coat of PVA
glue such as Elmer’s glue before you paint
on the nail
polish, then, when you are ready, the nail
polish will just peel off in one go.
83. Get natural highlights with lemon juice
This is one of very popular summer beauty
tips: a spritz of lemon juice on blonde hair
will give you
natural, sun kissed highlights. If you have
auburn hair, then cranberry juice will give
you darker
highlights to suit your hair colouring.
84. Use lemon juice to remove stains from
your clothes
Strong, underarm deodorants and
antiperspirants can leave nasty looking
stains on your clothes. If
you squeeze a little lemon juice onto the
stains before you put the clothes in the
wash, then the
stains will lift straight out.
85. Use apple cider vinegar as a skin toner
There are so many beauty tips with the use
of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar
is a natural
astringent, so, diluted in water, it makes a
great skin toner. It will also help keep your
skin clean
and breakout free, but avoid applying
undiluted apple cider vinegar straight to
your skin, because if
your skin is sensitive, as it can be a little
86. How to treat ingrown hairs
To treat ingrown hairs, first apply some
witch hazel to reduce the swelling and
irritation and when
that has gone down, tease out the ingrown
hair with tweezers. Don’t pull the hair out
though, or it
will just grow back as an ingrowing hair
87. Use a beer rinse on your hair
Rinsing the hair in beer is one of those
popular beauty tips that even celebrities
love to use as it
moisturises and nourishes the hair and
brings back its volume and shine. Just
shampoo and rinse as
normal and then, rinse with beer, followed
by a final rinse in cold water.
88. Wear sunscreen every day
The biggest single cause of premature
ageing of the skin is the sun! So one of the
most important
beauty tips for those who want to stay
younger for longer is to always wear
sunscreen, even on
cloudy days, because up to 80% of the
harmful UV rays from the sun can pass
straight through the
89. Don’t use makeup sponges
Make up sponges seem like a good way to
apply makeup, but you waste an awful lot
of makeup
when you use them. Sponges soak up
things like liquid foundation, so use a
brush instead and you
will waste less makeup.
90. Don’t squeeze pimples
It’s tempting, but don’t! Popping pimples
can leave scars and it will only spread the
bacteria around
your face and make the breakout even
91. Don’t forget your elbows
Just because you can’t see them easily
don’t assume that other people can’t see
your elbows. Elbows
need just as much care and attention, as
any other part of your body, so one of the
best elbow
beauty tips is to keep them moisturised
daily or otherwise, they will become dry
and unattractive.
92. Experiment with contouring
Applying a single tone of foundation will
make your face look flat and featureless so
to add
dimension to your face contour your
features by applying highlighter to the
parts of your face that
naturally catches the light, such as your
cheekbones and the bridge of your nose.
Also apply
bronzer to the areas of your face that are
naturally in the shade.
93. Zap zits with toothpaste
A dab of toothpaste on a pimple before
you go to bed will dry out the pimple and
draw out the
impurities from the clogged pore. Leave
the toothpaste on overnight and wash off
with warm water
in the morning.
94. Curl lashes before and after mascara
Curling your lashes before and after you
have applied mascara will make your curls
last much
longer and your lashes look better, only
make sure you are gentle and don’t pull
your eyelashes out,
especially when you curl them after
applying mascara. We also wouldn’t
recommend using this
beauty tip on a daily basis though, as it can
also damage your eyelashes if you do it
95. Make nail polish last longer
Always clean your nails with an acetone
based cleanser before you apply any nail
polish. It’s
important to remove any dirt or oil to
make sure that the nail polish adheres to
the nails and lasts
96. Exfoliate your skin regularly
Gently exfoliate your skin regularly and it
will remove any dead skin skills and keep
your face
looking bright, smooth and fresh. It will
also help the pores of your skin clear and
so help to stop
breakouts occurring.
97. Reuse mascara wands
Don’t just throw away old mascara wands.
They have other uses too. Wash them and
keep them,
they make great eyebrow brushes!
98. Cover those stray strands of grey hair
If you have a few grey roots showing, then
you cover them with a touch of mascara if
you have dark
hair. If you are a blonde, then try a dusting
of powder or light bronzer instead.
99. Keep those eyebrows under control
Eyebrows beauty tips are very numerous
and here is one of the easiest and most
effective ones: to
keep your eyebrows just the way you like
them, spray a little hairspray on a clean
mascara wand and
smooth your eyebrows into the desired
shape and the hairspray will keep them
that way, all day
100. Look after your feet
Take care of your feet, as a part of your
daily beauty regime and you will spend
less on pedicures.
Scrub your feet daily with a pumice stone
and moisturise. It will mean that you can
go longer
between pedicures and it will keep fungus
at bay too.
What are your favourite beauty tips?
Stay beautiful and be happy!

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Iron clad makeup hacks that works

  • 1. IRON CLAD MAKEUP HACKS THAT WORKS This simple recipe for a lip balm is just as effective as the store bought kind and 100% natural. Gently melt the following ingredients over a low heat and then allow it to cool before using: 1
  • 2. tablespoon beeswax, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 teaspoon shea butter, 2 drops rose essential oil (or use any other essential oil of your choice). 4. Homemade bronzer Try this wonderful beauty tip and create your own homemade bronzer to give you a bit of summer glow. Mix together 1 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch (or add more of cornstarch, depending on how dark you want your bronzer to be) and add 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, and you have a homemade loose bronzer! It’s that easy! 5. Use a credit card to apply mascara
  • 3. This is one of the popular beauty tips that many makeup artists often use: hold a credit card (or any other card) up to your lashes, when you apply your mascara and it will give you an easy way to get the mascara right up to the roots of your lashes, without smudging. Just be sure to wipe the credit card clean again, before you use it in a store! 6. Stop razors rusting This beauty tip can help you keep your razors clean and rust free: coat them with a little olive oil
  • 4. after each use. The oil will keep the air from getting to the razor and stop the metal from oxidising. 7. The secret to perfect smoky eyes This is one of the most useful beauty tips for ladies who particularly love the smoky eyes makeup look: to stop the shades from becoming mixed together and creating an unsightly muddy look, always use a different, clean brush for blending. Remember too to clean the brushes, when you move from one eye to the other. 8. Use eyeshadow to get full lips
  • 5. If you love full looking lips but you don’t want to do any cosmetic surgery, here is one of the good and efficient beauty tips that can help you: apply your lipstick as usual and then go over it with a coat of a pale shade of frosted, shimmery eyeshadow, concentrating in the middle of your lips; it will help add dimension to your pout and will give your lips a much fuller look, without lip injections. If you want to achieve even better effect then slightly outline your lips with the lip liner
  • 6. of similar colour to your natural lip colour and this will make your lips appear even bigger! 9. Use a spray starch as a dry shampoo Are you in a rush and run out of dry shampoo? No problem, here is another one of effective beauty tips that will help: grab some spray of starch and spray that on the oily parts of your hair. Spray starch works just the same way as dry shampoo and it will leave your hair looking clean and fresh. If you don’t have spray starch at hand, you can also use baby powder (talc) for the same purpose instead.
  • 7. 10. Remove tanner mistakes with baking soda If you’ve put on too much tanner and have streaky or an orange area of skin, here is one of the greatest beauty tips that can help you: you can easily remove the tanning lotion with some baking soda and water. Simply rub the mixture on the affected area (be gentle), and the baking soda will gently exfoliate the mistake away. All information on this site carries only informative and not recommendatory character. Please, ask the advise of your doctor, instead of
  • 8. self-treatment. We will always attempt to provide the best and most accurate information possible here at, but you are responsible for your own actions. We will not be held liable for anything that happens from the use of the information here. MORE AMAZING MAKEUP TUTORIALS IN THE LINKS BELOW…
  • 9. 11. Don’t dot concealer, draw a triangle instead! Here is another one of popular beauty tips used by professional makeup artists: instead of putting
  • 10. dots of concealer under your eyes draw a triangle and blend downwards. It will cover any dark circles much more effectively and will make you look a lot more awake and fresh. 12. Use baby powder for longer, more voluminous lashes If you want to add volume and length to your eyelashes without doing eyelash extensions try this beauty tip: apply one coat of mascara and then, dust some baby powder over your lashes, before applying a second mascara coat. The baby powder will thicken up the mascara and make your lashes look much fuller and longer. Try!
  • 11. 13. Beat the bugs with dryer sheets To avoid stings and bites, if you rub a tumble dryer sheet over your clothes, the scent will repel the insects. It’s much easier than having to keep spraying insect repellent on yourself every half hour or so. 14. Soothe bikini line rash with camomile teabags Here is another one of wonderful, easy and effective beauty tips: if you get a rash along your bikini line, then you can calm the irritation with camomile teabags. Make yourself a nice, refreshing cup
  • 12. of camomile tea and let the tea bags cool. Then place the cool tea bags along your bikini line and the herbs in the tea will soothe and calm the rash. 15. Use a spoon to create winged eyes A teaspoon makes a great stencil for winged eye makeup, so here is one of the those useful beauty tips that can save you time and nerves: just hold the spoon in the outer corner your eye and trace the eye line; you’ll get the perfect shape, without any of the mistakes. 16. Get a better curl by slightly heating your eyelash curler
  • 13. You will get a better and longer lasting curl to your lashes, if you heat your eyelash curler with a blow dryer before you use it. It works in just the same way as applying heat to the hair on your head does. Only make sure that the curler is not too hot, we don’t want to burn ourselves! Also, don’t use this trick too often, only on special occasions, or, otherwise, you can damage your lashes with an overdose of heat. 17. Brighten up your eyes from the corners Here is another one of the wonderful beauty tips that makeup artists often use on celebrities: just a
  • 14. small amount of light coloured eye pencil or eyeshadow, applied on the inside corners of your eyes can make a huge difference to the way your face looks. It will open up your eyes and make them look much brighter. Just lighten those darker corners near to your nose, and see your eyes open up! 18. Ditch the soap and use olive oil to wash your face Soap can easily dry out your skin, so try to use one of the popular beauty tips of Mediterranean women: wash your face with olive oil. The ladies of the Mediterranean have done this for centuries.
  • 15. The oil gently cleanses your face and, while it might sound odd it really does work. 19. In an emergency, you can use mascara as eyeliner In a pinch, if you find that you have run out of eyeliner, then mascara will do the job. Just rub an eyeliner brush over your mascara wand and use the product in the same way as you would any other eyeliner. 20. Tame fly-away hair with hand lotion Here is a great beauty tip that can help you to tame fly-away hair, when you don’t have your usual
  • 16. hair spay at hand: you can quickly tame those fly-away, loose strands of hair with a bit of hand lotion. Rub a very small amount of lotion onto the tips of your fingers and run them through your hair and it will flatten and control those wayward strands. GET FREE MAKEUP PRODUCT SAMPLE IN THE LINKS BELOW.
  • 17. 21. Make perfume last longer The reason why your scent doesn’t last all day long might be because you aren’t putting it on in the right places. Here is one of the greatest beauty tips for long lasting perfume: apply it behind your
  • 18. ears, to the back of your wrists, the backs of your knees and the base of your throat. 22. Bring old mascara back to life If your mascara dries up, then add a few drops of saline solution to bring it back to life. But, remember that it is recommended that you only use the same mascara for maximum three months or so, or it could cause eye infections. 23. Boost your whitening toothpaste You can make your standard whitening toothpaste more effective by sprinkling a little baking soda on top of it, before you brush. Baking soda is a very effective tooth polish and it will get into the hard
  • 19. to reach parts of the teeth better than just toothpaste alone. You can use this treatment occasionally, just as you would use any other teeth whitening treatment, but avoid using baking soda on a daily basis, as it can also damage your teeth. 24. Make your nail colour pop If you apply white nail polish first as a base when you apply your coloured nail polish the colours will stand out much more and look much brighter. 25. Stop concealer from creasing When you use concealer under your eyes, it can easily crease during the day. So one of the best
  • 20. beauty tips that can stop concealer from creasing is to use only a small amount of the product and apply some primer first, before applying concealer, and it will help to stop the creasing. After applying concealer, wait a couple of minutes and then, set it in place with a light weight loose powder. All these tips will help stop concealer from creasing. 26. Turn your body-wash into a scrub, with brown sugar Exfoliate while you wash, by adding some raw brown sugar to your favourite body wash. It’s best to
  • 21. try just a small amount of sugar first to make sure that it’s not too abrasive for you and then add more if you need to. 27. Exfoliate your lips Your lips need exfoliation too. So here is one of the most useful beauty tips for kissable lips: to keep your lips free from dry, dead skin cells, rub them gently with a clean toothbrush coated in a mixture of olive oil and sugar. 28. Use a coconut oil hair mask Coconut oil is packed with proteins and fatty acids and it makes a fantastic hair mask. Massage the
  • 22. oil into your hair, paying particular attention to the ends and leave in for, at least, twenty minutes. Then, shampoo and rinse as normal. The coconut oil will give your hair shine and bounce, and it will help control split ends too. 29. Remove makeup from clothes with shaving cream If you get some makeup on your clothes, you can quickly remove it with some shaving cream. Just add some shaving foam to the mark and then it will easily lift off with a damp cloth and you won’t have to change your clothes.
  • 23. CHECK OUT MORE AMAZING MAKEUP TUTORIALS IN THE LINKS BELOW. 30. Get the best effect from dry shampoo Dry shampoo works much better if you give it some time. To get the maximum benefit from dry
  • 24. shampoo, don’t leave it until the morning. Apply dry shampoo to your roots at night, before you go to bed. Through the night it will soak up any oil and leave your hair looking clean and fresh in the morning. 31. Tame static electricity in your hair Sometimes, when you brush your hair, you can get frizzy hair from the static electricity that the brushing has caused. To kill the static quickly, just run a dryer sheet over your hair and it will make your hair lay flat again. 32. Use hand sanitiser on shiny skin
  • 25. If you are out and you notice that you have a shiny face, and you don’t have anything else at hand, then a bit of hand sanitiser will quickly clear that up. You can use it on your forehead, under your hairline and across the T zone and the alcohol in the sanitiser will break down the excess oil and remove the shine. 33. Combat pimples with Greek yoghurt A dab of full-fat Greek yogurt, on a pimple, will soon reduce the redness and the swelling. The lactic acid in the yoghurt will unclog the pore and the probiotics will help combat the bacteria.
  • 26. 34. Soothe irritated skin with an oatmeal bath Here is one of the greatest homemade beauty tips that can help you nourish and sooth your skin and it is especially helpful if you are suffering from dry, itchy skin or have got a touch of sunburn: try taking an oatmeal bath, it is a fantastic way to soothe your skin and improve its elasticity and softness. Just sprinkle two cups of oatmeal into your warm bath water. Oatmeal contains substances that will soothe and moisturise dry and itchy skin, making it smooth, fresh and healthy again.
  • 27. 35. If you run out of shaving cream, then use conditioner or coconut oil instead If you are in a rush and you’ve run out of shaving cream, then hair conditioner (or coconut oil) has just the same hydrating properties, as shaving cream and will provide the protection that you need for a smooth shave. 36. Stay put hair grips Here is another great beauty tip: if your hair grips keep sliding out, try spraying them with some hairspray, before you put them in. The hairspray will make them stick to your hair and they will stay in all day long.
  • 28. 37. Delete stains from your nails with toothpaste If you have yellow stains or the remnants of dark nail polish on your nails, then you can easily remove it with some whitening toothpaste. Just brush your nails with a little whitening toothpaste and the hydrogen peroxide contained in the toothpaste will lighten your nails. 38. Make your own lip-gloss with Shea Butter Another one of great beauty tips is to make some use of those leftover pigments from makeup: you can create your own lip-gloss by mixing left over pigments with some Shea butter.
  • 29. 39. Make your beautiful eyeshadow pop even more You can intensify the colour in eyeshadow by priming your eyelids with some white eyeliner pencil first. Run a white eyeliner pencil over your entire eyelid and then apply the eyeshadow. The white eyeliner will provide the perfect base for the eyeshadow and it will really make the colour pop. Try it! 40. Use crushed aspirin to fight dandruff You can turn any shampoo into a dandruff shampoo by adding two crushed aspirins to it. Aspirin
  • 30. contains salicylic acid, which helps to break down and remove the dead and flaky skin from your scalp. GET MORE MAKE UP HACKS IN THE LINKS BELOW….
  • 31. 41. Use a gel liner as an eye shadow Here is another one of those creative and cool beauty tips that you need to know about: for a smudge proof eye shadow and also to save a bit of time in the morning you can use gel eyeliner on your lids. Just cross hatch the gel onto your eyelids and then blend in well. You can even create your own shades by blending in more than one colour. 42. Always check your makeup in the car
  • 32. The artificial lighting in your home can make your makeup look very different to the way it will appear in the light of day. So here is one of those beauty tips that you can use on a daily basis and that can save you from a lot of stress and uncomfortable situations: make it a habit to always check your makeup in the car, so that you can get the chance to make any last minute final adjustments and always look your best! 43. Exfoliate your feet One of the most overlooked, yet important beauty tips is this: don’t forget your feet, whether in the
  • 33. summer sandal months or in the winter. Keep your feet looking great by exfoliating them regularly with a foot scrub made of two tablespoons of raw brown sugar mixed with four tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. 44. Make your gorgeous waves last longer with a hair straightener Braiding your hair will give beautiful waves to your hair and you can make those waves last much longer, if you slightly heat your hair, while it is still braided. Before you take your braids down, heat them up with a flat iron and the waves will last you twice as long.
  • 34. 45. Plump your lips with peppermint oil Here is another one of those wonderful beauty tips that can save you some hard earned cash: save spending money on expensive lip plumping products and use simple peppermint oil instead. Just add a drop or two to your lip-gloss and the peppermint oil will have exactly the same, lip plumping effect as the more expensive lip enhancing products available. 46. De-puff under your eyes with cold tea bags Beauty tips for getting rid of eye puffiness and under eye circles are very numerous: you can use
  • 35. cucumber slices, cold teaspoons or chilled potato slices, but one of the most efficient ways to reduce puffiness and tighten the skin under your eyes is to apply chilled, used green tea bags and leave them on for five minutes. The chill effect of the tea bags will reduce the swelling and the theine in the tea will tighten your skin. 47. Stop mascara marks with a spoon This is one of those useful beauty tips that can help you when you are in a hurry: hold a teaspoon, so that it is against your eyelid and, as apply your mascara, any fallout will touch the spoon, not your
  • 36. eyelid. 48. A simple way to get rid of split ends You don’t have to visit your hair stylist, to get rid of split ends, you can do it yourself. Simply twist a few strands of your hair at a time, around your fingers, and then snip away any loose ends. That’s all the stylist would do anyway. 49. Homemade dry shampoo recipe Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver, but don’t pay over the odds for it. You can make your own, by mixing a quarter cup of cornstarch with and a couple of drops of the essential oil of your choice
  • 37. (rose essential oil, for example, will smell simply divine). Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair and brush out thoroughly; it will dry out any greasiness and leave your hair smelling clean and fresh. 50. Keep your aloe vera in the fridge Try as you might to avoid getting too much sun there will be days that you might get a touch of sunburn. Aloe vera is great for soothing sunburn, but have you tried chilled aloe vera? Keep some aloe vera in the refrigerator during the summer months, and you’ll be glad that you did. Chilled aloe
  • 38. vera brings instant and blissful relief to sunburn. (Make sure to test Aloe Vera on your wrist first, to make sure you are not allergic to it). GET FREE MAKEUP PRODUCT SAMPLE…..(*****limited offer*****)
  • 39. 51. Run out of blush? We believe on doubling up on makeup uses wherever you can, so here is one of those beauty tips that you can use whenever you run out of blusher, or forget to take it out with you: lipstick will do the job of the blusher! Just apply a small dab of lipstick on your cheek and then blend it in well with your finger and you will have that same rosy look you would have achieved with a blusher.
  • 40. 52. Cost effective lip stain Here is another one of beauty tips that can save you money: a really inexpensive way to stain your lips is Kool-Aid. Just empty out the contents of a packet into a container and dab it on your lips. There are plenty of colours to choose from and if you want it sweet tasting, then all you have to do is to choose a pre-sweetened Kool-Aid powder. 53. Create your own leave-in conditioner Pour one part of your regular conditioner and four parts of water into a spray bottle, and you have
  • 41. made your own leave-in conditioner. Just a few sprays of the mixture and you can control tangles and frizz all day long. 54. Make a ponytail look longer Divide your hair into two ponytails, one at the top and one a few inches underneath the first, and then tie the ponytails, so that the top one falls over the bottom one, concealing the tie. This will make your ponytail look both longer and fuller. 55. Use a hair grip to apply false lash glue If you are struggling to apply the false eyelash glue, then try using a hair grip to do it. It makes it far
  • 42. easier to apply, even with a shaky hand. 56. Remove blackheads with baking soda You can remove blackheads with a mixture of baking soda and water. Take some baking soda and add just enough water to make a creamy paste. Spread the paste over the affected area and leave on until it dries and then wash off and moisturise. Repeat as necessary and it will gradually remove all signs of those pesky blackheads. 57. Draw an ‘X’ to make a cupid’s bow Here is another one of those cool beauty tips that can help you to apply your lipstick easier, and it’s
  • 43. especially useful if you love bold colours to the centre of your top lip, with a liner and then, follow the ‘X’ to create an even and symmetrical bow with the lipstick. 58. Revitalize eyeliner pencil When your eyeliner pencil gets soft and begins to crumble, popping it into the refrigerator for five or ten minutes will firm it up again and make it easier to use. 59. Get your money’s worth out of lip gloss This is another one of those beauty tips that can save you money: if you’re running low on lip-gloss,
  • 44. then try placing your old lip gloss in a cup of warm water. The heat from the water will melt the gloss that is left on the side of the tube and it will run down to the bottom where you can use it again. 60. Use apple cider vinegar as a clarifying shampoo After a while product can build up on your hair and it will not be removed by normal shampooing. To give your hair a deep down clean and to remove the build-up of hair products, wash your hair
  • 45. with a mixture of ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water. Then condition and rinse as usual. GET OUR LATEST MAKEUP HACKS THAT WORKS LIKE MAGIC EVERYTIME…….
  • 46. 61. Create your own shades of lipstick Don’t throw away those nearly finished lipsticks; you can get a bit creative with them instead. Take pieces of old lipstick, melt them together in the microwave and you can create your own, unique shades of lipstick by mixing and matching different lipstick colours. 62. Stock up on blotting sheets from Starbucks The guys at Starbucks must be getting tired of this by now, but it is a well-known fact that the Starbucks napkins are made from the same things that blotting sheets are. Put a few extra in your
  • 47. bag the next time you have a coffee. They won’t mind, they’re used to it! 63. Keep your nails and cuticles moisturised with sweet almond oil Soak your fingertips in some sweet almond oil, on a regular basis, and the oil will moisturise both your nails and your cuticles. If you don’t have sweet almond oil, you can use olive oil or coconut oil instead. 64. Use coconut oil to remove makeup Beauty tips with the use of natural oils are very numerous. For a gentle and natural way to remove
  • 48. makeup, try coconut oil. Just place a bit coconut oil on a cotton pad and it will quickly dissolve and wipe the makeup. 65. Use Vaseline to make perfume last longer If you apply a touch of Vaseline to your pulse points before you spray on your perfume it will make the scent last much longer. The Vaseline locks in the perfume and holds the fragrance far longer than your skin would. 66. Quick dry nail polish This is one of those beauty tips that can be useful for when you are in a hurry. To dry your nail
  • 49. polish quickly, just dip your fingers in some ice water for a few seconds. It’s even quicker than using the blow dryer! 67. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week The build-up of hair products on your hair can make it look dull and lifeless. Wash your hair once a week with clarifying shampoo and it will remove the build-up of product residue and bring the life and shine back to your hair. 68. Always clean off makeup before you go to bed Another one of those well known, yet often overlooked beauty tips is, whatever time you get home,
  • 50. never go to bed with your makeup still on. Makeup left on all night can cause infections and breakouts. 69. Treat minor burns with raw honey If you burn yourself with the hair iron, reach for the honey jar. Honey will quickly create a protective barrier over the burn and soothe the stinging. It also has antibacterial properties to help prevent infection. GET OUR LATEST TUTORIALS ON MAKE UP BY CLICKING ON THESE LINKS
  • 51. 70. Store nail polish in the refrigerator The summer heat can cause nail polish to become thick and virtually unusable. Store it in the refrigerator for a smooth, beautiful and bubble free, application. Keep it in separate section in your
  • 52. fridge, so that no one can confuse it for being something else. 71. Disguise a chipped manicure with glitter polish Here is another one of useful beauty tips that can save you time: you can go longer between manicures, if you use glitter nail polish to hide the chips. The glitter disguises the chips and distracts the eyes, so no one will ever know that you overdue a manicure. 72. Use clear mascara over the top of a black one To seal in the colour and make your black mascara look better for longer, seal it by applying a coat
  • 53. of clear mascara on your lashes. 73. Get more from your clear lip balm Clear lip balm has more uses than just for your lips. It also works well on a dry, sore nose when you have a cold, you can use it instead of clear eyebrow gel and you can also use it as a cuticle treatment too. 74. Skip the eyeliner If you are in a rush, then you can skip the eyeliner by simply wiggling your mascara brush at the roots of your lashes. This will then look just like you are wearing eyeliner and save you time. 75. Create a quick up do
  • 54. This is so easy to do, you can do it the car. Pull your hair back into a high ponytail and secure it with a band. Then twist the tail, wrap it around the base of the ponytail and pin it into place. The quickest and simplest up do ever! 76. Keep the lipstick off of your teeth Looking good, feeling good, smile and whoops! Lipstick on the teeth is embarrassing, especially, when you are the last to notice it, so here is one simple beauty tip that can help you avoid this unpleasant and embarrassing situation: once you have finished applying your lipstick, put your
  • 55. finger in your mouth, press your lips together and pull your finger straight out again and that way you wipe any excess lipstick off, from the inside, out. 77. How to create winged eye makeup? When you are looking for that bold winged look, always draw the outline of the winged shape, before you try and shade them. That way it’s easier to get the shape right and you will have a sharper, better defined outline. 78. An easy way to get polka-dot nails Create your own nail art at home with the simple polka dot nail polish technique. First, paint your
  • 56. nails the base colour that you want and allow it to dry. Then, place just the adhesive part of band aid over your nails and paint over with a white nail polish. The white polish will seep through the ventilation holes in the band aid, leaving a fantastic polka dot pattern on your nails. Isn’t it great?! 79. Create check patterned nails with scotch tape To create a checkered pattern on your nails, take a strip of scotch tape and paint that with your chosen colour. Cut the painted scotch tape into strips and then create the checkered pattern on your
  • 57. nails with the strips of this already painted tape. When everything is in place, just add a top coat of clear nail polish to seal everything in. 80. Use baby powder to remove beach sand When you have enjoyed your day at the beach and it’s time to go home, you always have the problem of how to get the sand off your legs, before you get in the car. A simple solution is to sprinkle on some baby powder and that will dry any sun lotion or sweat that is on the skin, so that the sand will just brush off very easily.
  • 59. 81. Create a two toned nail polish effect To create a two toned effect with two different nail polishes, paint the whole of your nail with the first colour and allow it to dry. Then cut some sticky tape with a pair of scissors, and tape it over your nails as a pattern. Then simply paint the open side of your nails with the second colour, remove the tape and let your work of art dry. 82. Easy glitter nail polish removal Glitter nail polish always looks great when it’s on, but it can be a real fight to get it off again. If you
  • 60. paint your nails with a base coat of PVA glue such as Elmer’s glue before you paint on the nail polish, then, when you are ready, the nail polish will just peel off in one go. 83. Get natural highlights with lemon juice This is one of very popular summer beauty tips: a spritz of lemon juice on blonde hair will give you natural, sun kissed highlights. If you have auburn hair, then cranberry juice will give you darker highlights to suit your hair colouring. 84. Use lemon juice to remove stains from your clothes
  • 61. Strong, underarm deodorants and antiperspirants can leave nasty looking stains on your clothes. If you squeeze a little lemon juice onto the stains before you put the clothes in the wash, then the stains will lift straight out. 85. Use apple cider vinegar as a skin toner There are so many beauty tips with the use of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent, so, diluted in water, it makes a great skin toner. It will also help keep your skin clean and breakout free, but avoid applying undiluted apple cider vinegar straight to your skin, because if
  • 62. your skin is sensitive, as it can be a little irritating. 86. How to treat ingrown hairs To treat ingrown hairs, first apply some witch hazel to reduce the swelling and irritation and when that has gone down, tease out the ingrown hair with tweezers. Don’t pull the hair out though, or it will just grow back as an ingrowing hair again. 87. Use a beer rinse on your hair Rinsing the hair in beer is one of those popular beauty tips that even celebrities love to use as it
  • 63. moisturises and nourishes the hair and brings back its volume and shine. Just shampoo and rinse as normal and then, rinse with beer, followed by a final rinse in cold water. 88. Wear sunscreen every day The biggest single cause of premature ageing of the skin is the sun! So one of the most important beauty tips for those who want to stay younger for longer is to always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days, because up to 80% of the harmful UV rays from the sun can pass straight through the clouds. 89. Don’t use makeup sponges
  • 64. Make up sponges seem like a good way to apply makeup, but you waste an awful lot of makeup when you use them. Sponges soak up things like liquid foundation, so use a brush instead and you will waste less makeup. 90. Don’t squeeze pimples It’s tempting, but don’t! Popping pimples can leave scars and it will only spread the bacteria around your face and make the breakout even worse. GET FREE MAKEUP GIFTS ON THESE LINKS
  • 65. 91. Don’t forget your elbows Just because you can’t see them easily don’t assume that other people can’t see your elbows. Elbows
  • 66. need just as much care and attention, as any other part of your body, so one of the best elbow beauty tips is to keep them moisturised daily or otherwise, they will become dry and unattractive. 92. Experiment with contouring Applying a single tone of foundation will make your face look flat and featureless so to add dimension to your face contour your features by applying highlighter to the parts of your face that naturally catches the light, such as your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose. Also apply
  • 67. bronzer to the areas of your face that are naturally in the shade. 93. Zap zits with toothpaste A dab of toothpaste on a pimple before you go to bed will dry out the pimple and draw out the impurities from the clogged pore. Leave the toothpaste on overnight and wash off with warm water in the morning. 94. Curl lashes before and after mascara Curling your lashes before and after you have applied mascara will make your curls last much longer and your lashes look better, only make sure you are gentle and don’t pull your eyelashes out,
  • 68. especially when you curl them after applying mascara. We also wouldn’t recommend using this beauty tip on a daily basis though, as it can also damage your eyelashes if you do it regularly. 95. Make nail polish last longer Always clean your nails with an acetone based cleanser before you apply any nail polish. It’s important to remove any dirt or oil to make sure that the nail polish adheres to the nails and lasts longer. 96. Exfoliate your skin regularly
  • 69. Gently exfoliate your skin regularly and it will remove any dead skin skills and keep your face looking bright, smooth and fresh. It will also help the pores of your skin clear and so help to stop breakouts occurring. 97. Reuse mascara wands Don’t just throw away old mascara wands. They have other uses too. Wash them and keep them, they make great eyebrow brushes! 98. Cover those stray strands of grey hair If you have a few grey roots showing, then you cover them with a touch of mascara if you have dark
  • 70. hair. If you are a blonde, then try a dusting of powder or light bronzer instead. 99. Keep those eyebrows under control Eyebrows beauty tips are very numerous and here is one of the easiest and most effective ones: to keep your eyebrows just the way you like them, spray a little hairspray on a clean mascara wand and smooth your eyebrows into the desired shape and the hairspray will keep them that way, all day long. 100. Look after your feet Take care of your feet, as a part of your daily beauty regime and you will spend less on pedicures.
  • 71. Scrub your feet daily with a pumice stone and moisturise. It will mean that you can go longer between pedicures and it will keep fungus at bay too. What are your favourite beauty tips? Stay beautiful and be happy!