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Page 24                                                                                                                                                                   Irish Daily Mail, Monday, July 9, 2012

 FAMILIES raiding rubbish bins for
 food; an entire generation trapped
 by insurmountable debt; mass
 unemployment. In an illuminating
 dispatch on Saturday, Brian Carroll
 described the alarming challenges
 ordinary Spanish people face daily.

  Today, he reveals how families
 have been betrayed by irresponsi-
 ble bankers, persistent corruption
 and a government too long in

                by Brian
                                   In Madrid

    T’S approaching midnight on

                                                     Azucena is a married mother of
    Friday in Plaza Mayor, a 400-
    year-old cobblestoned square
    in central Madrid. The Madrid
    Orchestra is playing for free on
    the site where they used to

                                                     three forced to live in a squat
burn heretics at the height of the
Spanish Inquisition.
  Tourists and Spaniards — distinguishable
by the presence of grandparents and toddlers
at their tables — sit outside the restaurants

                                                     after being evicted from the
that line the square, beneath elegant apart-
ments painted clay-red, and framed by
wrought-iron balconies.
  As Beethoven’s 7th Symphony lingers on
the balmy air, they drink wine and pick from
plates of suckling pig, octopus and the

                                                     family home. She fears losing
Galician green pepper dish of Pimientos de
Padrón. Even here, surrounded by such
history, a three-course meal and wine costs
less than €€25.
  My Spanish waiter, who speaks English,
Dutch, German, and Italian fluently, having

                                                     her children. It’s a harrowing
worked across Europe in a 40-year career,

   Like half of those
  under 25 in Spain,
  she is unemployed                                  parable of the financial crisis
shrugs when I point to the orchestra and ask
him what the special occasion is. ‘This is
Madrid,’ he says simply.
  Spain, with its sun-soaked cultural cocktail       in Spain – a country where
                                                     banks are stuffed with cronies
of cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia
and Seville, and its coastal resorts from the
Costa Bravo to the Costa del Sol, will
always attract tourists — they spent almost
€€50billion here last year. But, like a bon viveur
whose good days have eventually caught

                                                     and corruption is endemic
up with her, beneath the surface, Spain is
riddled with the economic contagion spread-
ing across the eurozone and the world.
  Earlier on Friday, I’d travelled to northern
Madrid to meet Azucena Paredes Villar, a
blonde 30-year-old Spanish mother of three.
She buzzed me through the electronic gates
of her apartment building — a
nondescript red-brick high-rise over-
looking dry wasteland in Roquetas            mother’s €€600 a month pension, and      promised €€100billion in bailout         of the neighbourhood association             same — bankers were giving credit to
de Mar, a working class suburb at            whatever help her mother, who lives      funds from the European Stability        where MP lived, said he had sought           everyone without any controls.
the Pinar De Chamartin end of the            on €€500 a month, can give her. She      Mechanism — have shown no mercy.         shelter for his family from the local          ‘They created a bubble and now
blue Metro line.                             doesn’t speak English and pleads           There are evictions scheduled in       housing council, but had been turned         everyone is suffering in Greece, in
  I could hear her two-year-old son          through an interpreter for us not to     barrios across Madrid today and          down twice on the day he took his            Ireland and here.’
crying as I walked up the cracked            photograph her children: ‘The chil-      throughout the week. On average,         own life.                                      And just like hundreds of thousands
marble steps to her second floor             dren could end up in a foster home       across Spain, there are 159 evictions      Groups like the Plataforma de              of Irish people, the Spanish were
squat. Beyond the damaged front              and my grandmother in a residence.’      every day, and four out of every five    Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH)              induced to buy their own homes, with
door, inside the cramped two-bed               When a squatter is evicted, and        involve families with children.          orchestrate campaigns against the            100 per cent mortgages.
apartment, I meet her sick son, and          children are involved, the Directorate     Suicides have increased by 20 per      banks, and try to physically stop              Banks often loaned up to ten times
his two older sisters, aged three            General Of Care For Children And         cent since 2008, and prescriptions for   evictions. However, the courts, imple-       the applicant’s salary. Home owner-
and five. There is a large hole in the       Adolescents (DGAIA) will automati-       medication to treat depression have      menting a range of public order laws         ship levels in Spain are among the
living room door and a sense of              cally convene a meeting with the par-    increased by 35 per cent. A resident     introduced by the new government,            highest in the EU.
desperation everywhere.                      ent or parents to discuss custody of     of Hospitalet de Llobregat, in           are able to pass injunctions stopping          The giant mortgage lender Bankia,
  Azucena’s 88-year-old grandmother,         the children, if those evicted have no                                            PAH from interfering with evictions.         which is responsible for 80 per cent of
Tomasa Morcillo, is asleep in another        suitable alternative accommodation.                                                 As in Ireland, the people feel a huge      the evictions in Madrid, has asked for

                                                                                          ‘My children
room. Azucena, her children, and her           Azucena tried to shield her children                                            sense of injustice, that the banks are       €€23.4billion in bailout funds — but it
grandmother are all squatters here in        from the eviction but her eldest                                                  being bailed out, while all the arms         is believed to have losses of more
this bank-repossessed apartment.             daughter witnessed the reality of                                                 of the State — the government, the           than €€100billion on its books.
  They were evicted from the family
home — an apartment in a nearby
building — on November 18 last year,
                                             Spain’s economic collapse at first
                                             hand. ‘The eldest came home from
                                             school and found all her little things
                                                                                         could end up in                       legislature, the judiciary, and the
                                                                                                                               police — are used to throw people
                                                                                                                               out of their homes.
                                                                                                                                                                              The Spanish equivalent of Anglo
                                                                                                                                                                            Irish Bank, Bankia’s story is a para-
                                                                                                                                                                            ble of the greed, political corruption
after they fell behind on the €€800
monthly payments. Azucena now
sleeps with her three children in one
                                             on the street and she got scared,’
                                             Azucena said. ‘We told her the old
                                             house broke and that’s why we’re in
                                                                                         a foster home’                          Olmo Gálvez, a 31-year-old IT
                                                                                                                               entrepreneur who spent three years
                                                                                                                               working in China before returning to
                                                                                                                                                                            and lack of regulation which has now
                                                                                                                                                                            forced Ireland, Portugal, Greece,
                                                                                                                                                                            Iceland, Cyprus and Spain to seek
room, with her grandmother in the            the new one.’                                                                     Madrid in 2010, tells me: ‘The EU is         bailouts. Spain was promised €€100bn
other. Her partner has since moved             There are 300,000 others in Madrid     Madrid, hung himself in a park near      giving money to the banks but the            for its banks on June 29, but already
back in with his parents, like 50 per        who are threatened with eviction         his home, after his two years on         banks must pay interest to the ECB.          the markets have issued their judg-
cent of Spanish 30-year-olds.                after falling behind on mortgage         the dole ran out and he received an        ‘Someone has to pay for it, but            ment — the crucial ten-year bond
  Azucena is unemployed, like one in         payments or rents. When the police       eviction notice.                         many of the banks are broke. Spain           yield in Spain, the amount the
two people aged under 25 in Spain.           came to evict Azucena and her family,      Identified only as MP, he was a        will not carry the debt, so someone          government in Madrid pays to bor-
She used to survive on €€390 a month         protesters fought with them on the       45-year-old electrician, married with    else will have to pay it. We are not         row, soared back above seven per
from welfare, but in Spain the dole is       street outside, and neighbours helped    one daughter, and, like 1.5million       going to repay a debt that has been          cent on Friday. Spain’s conservative
cut off after two years.                     kick in the door of the nearby apart-    others in Spain, had lost his job due    artificially created by bankers, politi-     government — run by the Popular
  She now gets by on emergency               ment she now illegally occupies. The     to the collapse of the construction      cians and investors. In Ireland,             Party — has been telling its people
funding from charities, her grand-           Spanish banks — who have been            industry. Juan Alvarez, the chairman     Greece and Iceland it happened the           that the State hasn’t been rescued,
Irish Daily Mail, Monday, July 9, 2012                                                                                                                                                                 Page 41

                                                                                                                               Vibrant: Madrid’s Plaza Mayor remains a hub of activity

                                                                                                                               this year alone. Income taxes have          Guardamar are in Russian — because
                                                                                                                               increased while, as in Ireland, various     they are now the only ones investing
                                                                                                                               indirect levies are further squeezing       in property. Meanwhile, the Chinese
                                                                                                                               middle incomes.                             are taking over vacant commercial
                                                                                                                                 With plans to cut tax reliefs on indi-    units with giant low-cost hyper-
                                                                                                                               vidual property investments and to          markets that are driving Spanish
                                                                                                                               increase VAT to 18 per cent across a        providers out of business.
                                                                                                                               range of services — including restau-         In the Costa Blanca area there is so
                                                                                                                               rants and bars which currently pay a        much hot money circulating, locals
                                                                                                                               maximum of 8 per cent — Spain               used to call €€500 notes Bin Ladens
                                                                                                                               hopes to squeeze another €€8billion         — because the authorities would nev-
                                                                                                                               out of taxpayers in 2013.                   er find them. The ECB has allegedly
                                                                                                                                 These are harsh measures, but Spain       tracked more €€500 notes in circula-
                                                                                                                               has to cough up €€27.5billion in matur-     tion in Costa Blanca than any other
                                                                                                                               ing debt by the end of October and it       part of the EU. Although Osama bin
                                                                                                                               has only weeks to agree terms for the       Laden is now dead, the black market
                                                                                                                               first €€40billion of that immense           is thriving across Spain, which has
                                                                                                                               €€100billion bailout. Indeed, Reuters       one of the highest rates of non-tax
                                                                                                                               has quoted government sources               paying workers in the EU, according
                                                                                                                               saying that unless Spain gets this          to the European Centre For Econom-
                                                                                                                               €€40billion by the end of July, national-   ic And Social Rights.
                                                                                                                               ised lenders Bankia, CatalunyaCaixa,          Spain’s Gestha Union of Tax
                                                                                                                               NovaGalicia and Banco de Valencia           Inspectors (GESTHA) estimates the
                                                                                                                               will collapse. The money will not come      annual tax loss is equivalent to
                                                                                                                               without conditions, however, and the        €€88billion a year. It’s not surprising,
                                                                                                                               price for an EU-backed bailout will be      against such a backdrop of political
                                                                                                                               long overdue reform of Spain’s politi-      and banking corruption, close to
                                                                                                                               cal and banking sectors — politicians       €€100billion was taken out of Spain
                                                                                                                               and political appointees still control-     last year alone.
                                                                                                                               led 80 per cent of Spain’s financial          In shades of Fianna Fáil’s nefarious
                                                                                                                               institutions in 2010.                       past, party apparatchiks presided
                                                                                                                                 Party hacks and even politicial           over dubious planning decisions
                                                                                                                               wives and girlfriends were appointed        across Spain. Luis Rivera Gurrea-
                                                                                                                               to the boards of banks throughout           Nozaleda works with start-up
                                                                                                                               Spain. The CAM bank in Valencia,            companies in the internet and
                                                                                                                                                                           mobile industry in Madrid. He says
                                                                                                                                                                           some work has been done to reform
                                                                                                                                                                           the system, but the last bastions of
                                                                                                                                One bank had a                             power are the politicians themselves
                                                                                                                                                                           and the estimated 250,000 who earn

                                                                                                                                ballet dancer
                                                                                                                                                                           State payments through public serv-
                                                                                                                                                                           ice jobs. ‘Very little has been done
                                                                                                                                                                           around the 150,000 politicians in

                                                                                                                               on its committee                            Spain and the 250,000 non-political
                                                                                                                                                                           politicians — those people who are
                                                                                                                                                                           union representatives or who have
                                                                                                                                                                           public function type jobs and get a
                                                                                                                               which received a €€6billion bailout         government subsidy. That is what we
                                                                                                                               from Spanish taxpayers had a ballet         have to start cleaning up. No-one
                                                                                                                               dancer on its ‘control committee’.          has started addressing that.’
                                                                                                                                 And Bankia, then headed by                  Joe Haslam is professor at the
                                                                                                                               Rodrigo Rato, a close political ally of     School of Entrepreneurship at the IE
                                                                                                                               Rajoy, falsified its accounts, ahead of     Business School in Madrid. From
                                                                                                                               a share offering. It claimed it had         Ireland, he believes reforms will work,
                                                                                                                               made a €€309million profit, when in         but only if the older order moves aside
                                                                                                                               fact another set of accounts showed         to let the generation born after 1975
                                                                                                                               the true picture: losses of €€3billion.     — the year Franco died and democ-
                                                                                      Struggle: Azucena                        Following a court ruling last week,         racy returned to Spain — flourish.
                                                                                      Paredes Villar                           Rato will now face criminal charges.          ‘Spain has a far better than chance
                                                                                      squats illegally                           Meanwhile, Aurelio Izquierdo, one         of a return to growth than Greece,
                                                                                                                               of Bankia’s leading executives con-         Italy or Portugal. The pre-democracy
                                                                                      with her children                        tinues to draw a €€14million pension.       generation has done a good job
                                                                                      and grandmother                            The stories of corruption are legion.     in bringing stability after 40 years
                                                                                                                               In the Costa Blanca area —best              largely cut off from the world, but
                                                                                                                               known to Irish holiday-makers for re-       now they need to hand over to the
                                                                                                                               sorts like Alicante — mayors of towns       new generation, those born after
                                                                                                                               took suitcases of cash to approve           1975, who are more outward looking
                                                                                                                               dodgy planning developments. On             and allow them to bloom.’
                                                                                                                               Saturday, I took the three-and-a-half         From 1936 to 1938, the people of
just its banks. But less than ten                    protested with a nationwide      Spanish government insisted until        hour train journey from Madrid to           Madrid led a bizarre double life, as
days after a €€100billion bank bail-               strike. In Valencia 98 per cent    2010 that there was no economic cri-     Alicante, where in the nearby town of       they fought Franco’s advance with
out, it now seems certain Spain — the        of pharmacists went on strike in June    sis in Spain before it was ousted from   Orihuela, the mayor, Monica Lorente,        the catchphrase ‘No pasaran’ (They
EU’s fifth largest economy — will                                                     power by Mariano Rajoy’s Popular         and five members of the Popular             shall not pass), and went about their
need more money, just to run the                                                      Party in November. However much          Party, have been indicted on corrup-        daily lives while bombers strafed
country and keep paying benefits to
its 4.6million unemployed.
  Despite already having the highest
                                                Spain spends                          Rajoy insists on spinning that every-
                                                                                      thing is alright with the Spanish cof-
                                                                                      fers, the days of Spanish procrastina-
                                                                                                                               tion charges. In a case that’s seen as
                                                                                                                               typical of endemic local political
                                                                                                                               corruption in Spain: the mayor and
                                                                                                                                                                           Madrid and artillery fire turned the
                                                                                                                                                                           Gran Via, Madrid’s main thorough-
                                                                                                                                                                           fare, into ‘Howitzer Alley’.
unemployment rate in the EU, a
bailout for Spain’s banks will mean           €64billion more                         tion, and Mañana politics are over.
                                                                                        Spain, with a 46million population,
                                                                                                                               her party colleagues are accused of
                                                                                                                               rigging public service contracts, to
                                                                                                                               grant lucrative rubbish collection
                                                                                                                                                                             For two years, they refused to
                                                                                                                                                                           accept the reality that they were
                                                                                                                                                                           surrounded on all sides, before finally
                                               than it takes in
more austerity for Azucena and her                                                    spends €€64billion a year more than it
compatriots — who have already seen                                                   takes in — compared to Ireland’s         licences to friends of the Popular          negotiating a surrender in 1939.
€€10billion of cuts in education and                                                  €€9.4billion deficit.                    Party, which currently runs Spain.            There is a growing feeling in
health, as well as increased VAT                                                        Spain’s middle class has already         In an area where most earn less           Europe, particularly in Germany, that
charges, and a series of indirect                                                     been squeezed by direct tax increas-     than €€15,000 a year, there are no long-    Spain needs to end the political cha-
taxation hikes. The bite of austerity        because the government couldn’t pay      es aimed at raising more than            er any cranes on the skyline of Costa       rade that everything is OK, and admit
is becoming more severe across               them the €€480million it owes for dis-   €€6illion and spending cuts designed     Blanca. The advertising hoardings           that along with its banks, the State
society. Teachers have already               pensing medicines. The previous          to deliver over €€9billion in savings    that dot the roads from Alicante to         and its people are also in trouble.

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Irish Daily Mail - A Family Forsaken

  • 1. A FAMILY Page 24 Irish Daily Mail, Monday, July 9, 2012 FAMILIES raiding rubbish bins for food; an entire generation trapped by insurmountable debt; mass unemployment. In an illuminating dispatch on Saturday, Brian Carroll described the alarming challenges ordinary Spanish people face daily. FORSAKEN Today, he reveals how families have been betrayed by irresponsi- ble bankers, persistent corruption and a government too long in denial... by Brian Carroll In Madrid I T’S approaching midnight on Azucena is a married mother of Friday in Plaza Mayor, a 400- year-old cobblestoned square in central Madrid. The Madrid Orchestra is playing for free on the site where they used to three forced to live in a squat burn heretics at the height of the Spanish Inquisition. Tourists and Spaniards — distinguishable by the presence of grandparents and toddlers at their tables — sit outside the restaurants after being evicted from the that line the square, beneath elegant apart- ments painted clay-red, and framed by wrought-iron balconies. As Beethoven’s 7th Symphony lingers on the balmy air, they drink wine and pick from plates of suckling pig, octopus and the family home. She fears losing Galician green pepper dish of Pimientos de Padrón. Even here, surrounded by such history, a three-course meal and wine costs less than €€25. My Spanish waiter, who speaks English, Dutch, German, and Italian fluently, having her children. It’s a harrowing worked across Europe in a 40-year career, Like half of those under 25 in Spain, she is unemployed parable of the financial crisis shrugs when I point to the orchestra and ask him what the special occasion is. ‘This is Madrid,’ he says simply. Spain, with its sun-soaked cultural cocktail in Spain – a country where banks are stuffed with cronies of cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville, and its coastal resorts from the Costa Bravo to the Costa del Sol, will always attract tourists — they spent almost €€50billion here last year. But, like a bon viveur whose good days have eventually caught and corruption is endemic up with her, beneath the surface, Spain is riddled with the economic contagion spread- ing across the eurozone and the world. Earlier on Friday, I’d travelled to northern Madrid to meet Azucena Paredes Villar, a blonde 30-year-old Spanish mother of three. She buzzed me through the electronic gates of her apartment building — a nondescript red-brick high-rise over- looking dry wasteland in Roquetas mother’s €€600 a month pension, and promised €€100billion in bailout of the neighbourhood association same — bankers were giving credit to de Mar, a working class suburb at whatever help her mother, who lives funds from the European Stability where MP lived, said he had sought everyone without any controls. the Pinar De Chamartin end of the on €€500 a month, can give her. She Mechanism — have shown no mercy. shelter for his family from the local ‘They created a bubble and now blue Metro line. doesn’t speak English and pleads There are evictions scheduled in housing council, but had been turned everyone is suffering in Greece, in I could hear her two-year-old son through an interpreter for us not to barrios across Madrid today and down twice on the day he took his Ireland and here.’ crying as I walked up the cracked photograph her children: ‘The chil- throughout the week. On average, own life. And just like hundreds of thousands marble steps to her second floor dren could end up in a foster home across Spain, there are 159 evictions Groups like the Plataforma de of Irish people, the Spanish were squat. Beyond the damaged front and my grandmother in a residence.’ every day, and four out of every five Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) induced to buy their own homes, with door, inside the cramped two-bed When a squatter is evicted, and involve families with children. orchestrate campaigns against the 100 per cent mortgages. apartment, I meet her sick son, and children are involved, the Directorate Suicides have increased by 20 per banks, and try to physically stop Banks often loaned up to ten times his two older sisters, aged three General Of Care For Children And cent since 2008, and prescriptions for evictions. However, the courts, imple- the applicant’s salary. Home owner- and five. There is a large hole in the Adolescents (DGAIA) will automati- medication to treat depression have menting a range of public order laws ship levels in Spain are among the living room door and a sense of cally convene a meeting with the par- increased by 35 per cent. A resident introduced by the new government, highest in the EU. desperation everywhere. ent or parents to discuss custody of of Hospitalet de Llobregat, in are able to pass injunctions stopping The giant mortgage lender Bankia, Azucena’s 88-year-old grandmother, the children, if those evicted have no PAH from interfering with evictions. which is responsible for 80 per cent of Tomasa Morcillo, is asleep in another suitable alternative accommodation. As in Ireland, the people feel a huge the evictions in Madrid, has asked for ‘My children room. Azucena, her children, and her Azucena tried to shield her children sense of injustice, that the banks are €€23.4billion in bailout funds — but it grandmother are all squatters here in from the eviction but her eldest being bailed out, while all the arms is believed to have losses of more this bank-repossessed apartment. daughter witnessed the reality of of the State — the government, the than €€100billion on its books. They were evicted from the family home — an apartment in a nearby building — on November 18 last year, Spain’s economic collapse at first hand. ‘The eldest came home from school and found all her little things could end up in legislature, the judiciary, and the police — are used to throw people out of their homes. The Spanish equivalent of Anglo Irish Bank, Bankia’s story is a para- ble of the greed, political corruption after they fell behind on the €€800 monthly payments. Azucena now sleeps with her three children in one on the street and she got scared,’ Azucena said. ‘We told her the old house broke and that’s why we’re in a foster home’ Olmo Gálvez, a 31-year-old IT entrepreneur who spent three years working in China before returning to and lack of regulation which has now forced Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Iceland, Cyprus and Spain to seek room, with her grandmother in the the new one.’ Madrid in 2010, tells me: ‘The EU is bailouts. Spain was promised €€100bn other. Her partner has since moved There are 300,000 others in Madrid Madrid, hung himself in a park near giving money to the banks but the for its banks on June 29, but already back in with his parents, like 50 per who are threatened with eviction his home, after his two years on banks must pay interest to the ECB. the markets have issued their judg- cent of Spanish 30-year-olds. after falling behind on mortgage the dole ran out and he received an ‘Someone has to pay for it, but ment — the crucial ten-year bond Azucena is unemployed, like one in payments or rents. When the police eviction notice. many of the banks are broke. Spain yield in Spain, the amount the two people aged under 25 in Spain. came to evict Azucena and her family, Identified only as MP, he was a will not carry the debt, so someone government in Madrid pays to bor- She used to survive on €€390 a month protesters fought with them on the 45-year-old electrician, married with else will have to pay it. We are not row, soared back above seven per from welfare, but in Spain the dole is street outside, and neighbours helped one daughter, and, like 1.5million going to repay a debt that has been cent on Friday. Spain’s conservative cut off after two years. kick in the door of the nearby apart- others in Spain, had lost his job due artificially created by bankers, politi- government — run by the Popular She now gets by on emergency ment she now illegally occupies. The to the collapse of the construction cians and investors. In Ireland, Party — has been telling its people funding from charities, her grand- Spanish banks — who have been industry. Juan Alvarez, the chairman Greece and Iceland it happened the that the State hasn’t been rescued,
  • 2. Irish Daily Mail, Monday, July 9, 2012 Page 41 Vibrant: Madrid’s Plaza Mayor remains a hub of activity this year alone. Income taxes have Guardamar are in Russian — because increased while, as in Ireland, various they are now the only ones investing indirect levies are further squeezing in property. Meanwhile, the Chinese middle incomes. are taking over vacant commercial With plans to cut tax reliefs on indi- units with giant low-cost hyper- vidual property investments and to markets that are driving Spanish increase VAT to 18 per cent across a providers out of business. range of services — including restau- In the Costa Blanca area there is so rants and bars which currently pay a much hot money circulating, locals maximum of 8 per cent — Spain used to call €€500 notes Bin Ladens hopes to squeeze another €€8billion — because the authorities would nev- out of taxpayers in 2013. er find them. The ECB has allegedly These are harsh measures, but Spain tracked more €€500 notes in circula- has to cough up €€27.5billion in matur- tion in Costa Blanca than any other ing debt by the end of October and it part of the EU. Although Osama bin has only weeks to agree terms for the Laden is now dead, the black market first €€40billion of that immense is thriving across Spain, which has €€100billion bailout. Indeed, Reuters one of the highest rates of non-tax has quoted government sources paying workers in the EU, according saying that unless Spain gets this to the European Centre For Econom- €€40billion by the end of July, national- ic And Social Rights. ised lenders Bankia, CatalunyaCaixa, Spain’s Gestha Union of Tax NovaGalicia and Banco de Valencia Inspectors (GESTHA) estimates the will collapse. The money will not come annual tax loss is equivalent to without conditions, however, and the €€88billion a year. It’s not surprising, price for an EU-backed bailout will be against such a backdrop of political long overdue reform of Spain’s politi- and banking corruption, close to cal and banking sectors — politicians €€100billion was taken out of Spain and political appointees still control- last year alone. led 80 per cent of Spain’s financial In shades of Fianna Fáil’s nefarious institutions in 2010. past, party apparatchiks presided Party hacks and even politicial over dubious planning decisions wives and girlfriends were appointed across Spain. Luis Rivera Gurrea- to the boards of banks throughout Nozaleda works with start-up Spain. The CAM bank in Valencia, companies in the internet and mobile industry in Madrid. He says some work has been done to reform the system, but the last bastions of One bank had a power are the politicians themselves and the estimated 250,000 who earn ballet dancer State payments through public serv- ice jobs. ‘Very little has been done around the 150,000 politicians in on its committee Spain and the 250,000 non-political politicians — those people who are union representatives or who have public function type jobs and get a which received a €€6billion bailout government subsidy. That is what we from Spanish taxpayers had a ballet have to start cleaning up. No-one dancer on its ‘control committee’. has started addressing that.’ And Bankia, then headed by Joe Haslam is professor at the Rodrigo Rato, a close political ally of School of Entrepreneurship at the IE Rajoy, falsified its accounts, ahead of Business School in Madrid. From a share offering. It claimed it had Ireland, he believes reforms will work, made a €€309million profit, when in but only if the older order moves aside fact another set of accounts showed to let the generation born after 1975 the true picture: losses of €€3billion. — the year Franco died and democ- Struggle: Azucena Following a court ruling last week, racy returned to Spain — flourish. Paredes Villar Rato will now face criminal charges. ‘Spain has a far better than chance squats illegally Meanwhile, Aurelio Izquierdo, one of a return to growth than Greece, of Bankia’s leading executives con- Italy or Portugal. The pre-democracy with her children tinues to draw a €€14million pension. generation has done a good job and grandmother The stories of corruption are legion. in bringing stability after 40 years In the Costa Blanca area —best largely cut off from the world, but known to Irish holiday-makers for re- now they need to hand over to the sorts like Alicante — mayors of towns new generation, those born after took suitcases of cash to approve 1975, who are more outward looking dodgy planning developments. On and allow them to bloom.’ Saturday, I took the three-and-a-half From 1936 to 1938, the people of just its banks. But less than ten protested with a nationwide Spanish government insisted until hour train journey from Madrid to Madrid led a bizarre double life, as days after a €€100billion bank bail- strike. In Valencia 98 per cent 2010 that there was no economic cri- Alicante, where in the nearby town of they fought Franco’s advance with out, it now seems certain Spain — the of pharmacists went on strike in June sis in Spain before it was ousted from Orihuela, the mayor, Monica Lorente, the catchphrase ‘No pasaran’ (They EU’s fifth largest economy — will power by Mariano Rajoy’s Popular and five members of the Popular shall not pass), and went about their need more money, just to run the Party in November. However much Party, have been indicted on corrup- daily lives while bombers strafed country and keep paying benefits to its 4.6million unemployed. Despite already having the highest Spain spends Rajoy insists on spinning that every- thing is alright with the Spanish cof- fers, the days of Spanish procrastina- tion charges. In a case that’s seen as typical of endemic local political corruption in Spain: the mayor and Madrid and artillery fire turned the Gran Via, Madrid’s main thorough- fare, into ‘Howitzer Alley’. unemployment rate in the EU, a bailout for Spain’s banks will mean €64billion more tion, and Mañana politics are over. Spain, with a 46million population, her party colleagues are accused of rigging public service contracts, to grant lucrative rubbish collection For two years, they refused to accept the reality that they were surrounded on all sides, before finally than it takes in more austerity for Azucena and her spends €€64billion a year more than it compatriots — who have already seen takes in — compared to Ireland’s licences to friends of the Popular negotiating a surrender in 1939. €€10billion of cuts in education and €€9.4billion deficit. Party, which currently runs Spain. There is a growing feeling in health, as well as increased VAT Spain’s middle class has already In an area where most earn less Europe, particularly in Germany, that charges, and a series of indirect been squeezed by direct tax increas- than €€15,000 a year, there are no long- Spain needs to end the political cha- taxation hikes. The bite of austerity because the government couldn’t pay es aimed at raising more than er any cranes on the skyline of Costa rade that everything is OK, and admit is becoming more severe across them the €€480million it owes for dis- €€6illion and spending cuts designed Blanca. The advertising hoardings that along with its banks, the State society. Teachers have already pensing medicines. The previous to deliver over €€9billion in savings that dot the roads from Alicante to and its people are also in trouble.