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Investigating Dose And Regimen Of Durvalumab
This project management plan is to conduct the clinical study to determine dose and regimen of
Durvalumab as monotherapy or in combination with Pomalidomide with or without Dexamethasone
in subjects with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma.
The clinical study details are as follows:
Study Type: Interventional Study which is a multi centered and multi country clinical trial determine
the recommended dose and regimen of durvalumab either as monotherapy or in combination with
pomalidomide (POM) with or without low dose dexamethasone in subjects with Relapsed and
Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM).
Study Design:
Allocation: Randomized
Endpoint Classification: Safety Study
Intervention Model: Parallel ... Show more content on ...
The sites are located at USA, France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and Italy etc and
the locations are provided below:
 University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
 John Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
 Dana–Faber Partners Cancer Care, Inc., Boston, MA, USA
 Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA
 Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA
 Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA
 Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA
 Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA
 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
 Tom Baker Cancer Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
 CHRU de Lille–Hopital Claude Huriez Service des Maladies du Sang, Lille, France
 CHU La Miletrie, Poitiers Cedex, France
 Hopital Purpan, Toulouse Cedex, France
 Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany
 Universitaetsklinikum EssenZentrum fuer Innere Medizin, Essen, Germany
 University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
 Klinik f. Innere Medizin, Tumstr. 21, Germany
 Universitatsklinikum Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
 Universitatsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
 Nazionale Dei Tumori, Milano, Italy
 Azienda Ospedaliera Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Torino, Italy
 VU University Medical Center VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
 Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam,
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Reflection On Discharge Treatment Plan
During my placement, I also had difficulty with treatment planning. I struggled to find activities that
were motivating and challenging for clients. Additionally my body language had not been clear to
my supervisor and patients, making communication difficult. With one patient, this combination of
communication and treatment planning difficulties may have left her unprepared upon discharge.
C.D. was a 77 year–old female patient with End–Stage Renal Disease among other medical issues.
She was new to dialysis, and went three times a week for the treatment. C.D. often stated she was
too tired for therapy and required coaxing or encouragement to participate, particularly on the days
she had dialysis treatment. She had not been using a mobility device prior to admission but had a
rolling walker at home. I struggled to find meaningful occupations that would motivate her
participation in ... Show more content on ...
for discharge. Functional mobility with a rolling walker may have been boring and repetitive.
Having more stimulating activities would have benefitted C.D. One way I could have encouraged
participation in therapy would be to use more varied, relevant occupations to still work on energy
conservation and equipment management. This could have included kitchen tasks, dressing tasks,
and item transport with a rolling walker. Reminding C.D. of her goal to ultimately return home
independently could have also bolstered her motivation. I could have gathered more information
about the setup of the assisted living facility from case management. Then, based on the setup of the
assisted living facility, I could have filled out a treatment planning chart to determine appropriate
ways to grade activities. Planning different activities at different levels of difficulty ahead of time
would have allowed me to focus on interpersonal skills and communication during the
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Characteristics Of Saturated Fats
Saturated fats include nuts, and in a recent study not only were nuts a good source of saturated fat,
but they were also proven to improve lipid profile of inflammatory biomarkers. Participants from
cohort studies has high risk for cardiac disease, but those who had a higher consumption of nuts and
exercised consistently were more likely to have lower c–reactive protein and IL–6 concentrations
(5). They ate higher amount of nuts because they replaced red meats, processed meats, and refined
grains with nuts. This reduced their risk of getting heart disease because their overall state of
inflammation was reduced, and chronic low–grade inflammation is known for being a culprit in all
phases of atherosclerosis. The studies strengths were that ... Show more content on
There was another study that studied if a Mediterranean diet could decrease inflammation and
improve one's heart health. In this study, inflammation caused by diet and telomere length were
evaluated with those who have a high risk of heart disease. With the use of the dietary inflammatory
index, they looked to see the association between diet–related inflammation and telomere length.
Telomere length affects how our cells age, and if they shorten, then it will shorten one's life as well
as makine one more susceptible to disease. This study was a cross– sectional and longitudinal study
that resulted in a consistent beneficial effect with aging and health when consuming a anti–
inflammatory diet (7). The beneficial effects were that it changed their telomere length. Anti–
inflammatory diets they included were Mediterranean diets supplemented with olive oil, and
Mediterranean diets supplemented with mixed nuts. The control group was on a low fat diet. This
study also showed that a proinflammatory diet can affect a person telomere length by drastically
shortening it (7). More specifically, proinflammatory foods include fried foods, refined
carbohydrates, and sugar and anti–inflammatory foods include vegetables like kale/spinach, fruits
like tomatoes/blueberries, fatty fish, and nuts.
Unlike with inflammation, there are more diets proven to improve hypertension. In this specific
study 3 different diets were given to participants who had hypertension and
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Essay Los Vinos de La Rioja
Los vinos de La Rioja
Todas las regiones de España tienen algo especial que ofrecer. La Rioja es una de estas regiones. La
Rioja es una comunidad autónoma y una provincia de España, situada en el norte de la Península
Ibérica. La región no se convirtió en una comunidad autónoma oficial hasta 1982, y por eso La
Rioja es una nueva región de estudio con un pasado histórico complicado. En lo que sigue yo
quisiera elaborar sobre algunos aspectos de la cultura de La Rioja; en particular, yo voy a discutir
sobre la geografía y la economía en relación con el vino de La Rioja. La geografía de un región es la
base de todos los demás aspectos de la cultura. Determina los tipos de alimentos a los habitantes
comen, la ropa que llevan, los medios de ... Show more content on ...
El lugar geográfico deseable de La Rioja ha causado muchos conflictos entre los diferentes grupos a
lo largo de los últimos siglos. Incluso los varios invasores extranjeros de España han disfrutado de
los vinos de la Rioja, como los fenicios, cartagineses, romanos, moros, y otros.
Hay tres sub–regiones principales de la Rioja. Primero, Rioja Alta está situada en la frontera
occidental de la región, y en las elevaciones más altas que el resto de las áreas. En La Rioja Alta
domina el clima atlántico de suaves temperaturas ("LA RIOJA"). Segunda, Rioja Alavesa tiene un
clima similar a la región de Alta, y produce vinos más o menos similares. La tercera sub–región es
Rioja Baja que está fuertemente influenciado por un clima mediterráneo que hace de esta zona la
más cálida y más seca de La Rioja. Las temperaturas en el verano por lo general llegan a 95 grados
F ("Great Wine Regions – Rioja."). La Rioja es conocida por su producción de vinos. La Rioja es
una provincia pequeña, pero es muy rica en recursos naturales – es una de las más famosas zonas
vinícolas de España, así como tener un interesante paisaje. La Rioja siempre ha sido una parte vital
de la historia de España. "Fenicios, cartagineses, romanos, árabes y, finalmente, los cruzados
medievales han desempeñado un papel importante en la historia del área. Los romanos, sin embargo,
hizo el vino forma parte de su cultura donde viajaban, y La Rioja no fue
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Self-Determination in the Basque Country Essay examples
Self–Determination in the Basque Country
The Basques, settled on the Franco–Spanish border, are a people who do not have a country that
exists as an entity of its own. They are not recognized internationally. Their borders are not
respected, and their culture is repressed. Thus the history of the Basque Country is one of
contentious protest against imposed conditions, unremitting effort in defense of its identity and a
relentless search for a means of democratizing public life. They have not been able to practice or
pursue the right to self–determination as stated in the international covenants on human rights
(above) and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples from Algeria, July 4th, 1976,
that, "Every ... Show more content on ...
One could be shot for speaking the language or gathering in small numbers. Torture was also very
common with at least 100 cases reported annually and these numbers hold to present day. However
in recent years, through the medium of Basque at private language schools known as ikastolaks,
progress has been slow, but constant. Nevertheless, the number of individuals who use it daily or at
least have a working knowledge of language are still sadly disproportionate. (Astrain)
Although the language is slowly being reintroduced to communities, repression continues because
they do not enjoy any political unity, but rather an excess of political institutions and functions.
Therefore, the Basques are deeply dissatisfied with both their lack of territorial unity and the inferior
status of their language, as well as frustrated by the lack of a more participatory democracy. It is said
that, "The Basques on either side of the Franco–Spanish border vote in elections for no fewer than a
dozen different institutions," (Astrain 6). They want to maintain their cultural integrity and be able
to decide their own future, but this is increasingly difficult when there is no cohesion. Furthermore,
the Basque Country has never been taken into consideration
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Katie Navarra's Five Tips Of Marketing An Equine Business
Marketing is an important area of running a successful business but in the mist of taking care of
horses, managing staff, teaching lessons, training horses, paperwork, and everything else that needs
to be done in a equine business marketing tends to fall through the cracks. While marketing an
equine business is similar to marketing any other business according to Katie Navarra there is one
essential difference, the connection between horses and their owners. Navarra's article 5 Tips for
Successful Stable Marketing lists five tips that can help a stable market themselves successfully.
" Your clients want to talk to you about their horse and their concerns. They will tell you how best to
provide services for their horses if you listen" (qdt.
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Fermin: The Small Well Of San Cernin
Fermin is said to have been the son of a Roman of senatorial rank in Pamplona in the 3rd century,
who was converted to Christianity by Saint Honestus, a disciple of Saint Saturninus. According to
tradition, he was baptised by Saturninus (in Navarra "San Cernin") at the spot now known as the
Pocico de San Cernin, the "Small Well of San Cernin", across from the facade of the church
dedicated to St Cernin, which is built on the foundations of a pagan temple.[1] Saturninus (in France
"Saint Saturnin") was the first bishop of Toulouse, where he was sent during the "consulate of
Decius and Gratus" (AD 250). He was martyred (traditionally in 257 AD), significantly by being
tied to a bull by his feet and dragged to his death, a martyrdom that is sometimes
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First Sergeant Navarra Research Paper
A teacher is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest
potential and see the best in ourselves. They are strong–willed individuals who we admire and aspire
to become. We learn from them. We learn through their commitment, integrity, and perseverance. A
teacher can influence many important aspects of a student's life. They help shape a student's
personality, morality and provide them with the tools necessary to take on their future endeavors. "A
good teacher can teach you something that you will remember for a day, but a great teacher will
teach you something that you will remember for the rest of your life." I was fortunate enough to find
all of these qualities in my Army JROTC instructor, First Sergeant Navarra. ... Show more content
on ...
One of the most important is respect. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or
something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. First Sergeant shows respect by
appreciating the best in other people. It is much more than just talking kindly and listening to
someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone's emotions, feelings and needs.
focuses on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. First Sergeant takes his time to get to know each
student as an individual by valuing their time and caring about what they have to say. First Sergeant
is also trustworthy. I can always go to him to seek advice, or just to have a friend to talk to.
Knowing that there is someone there who will listen to you, makes all the difference in the world.
Whether it's a relationship problem, teenage drama, a bad grade, or something that you feel that your
family just wouldn't understand, First Sergeant is always there to listen or help in any way that he
can. I will always know that I can trust him to keep our conversations private. Whether it was
intended or not, he taught me that it was okay to let people into your
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San Ferville Research Paper
San Fermines is a religious and popular festival, which takes place in Pamplona, the capital of
Navarra. The festivities take place from 6 to 14 July, and are full of different activities, although the
best–known are those that are related to bulls, such as confinement. The origin of the festival dates
back to the Middle Ages, celebrated as religious functions, in honor of San Fermín. Legend has it
that San Fermín was a Pamplona bishop settled in France, who worked several miracles throughout
his life. Because of the cult he was getting, he was ordered to be incarcerated and finally Degollaran.
The news about San Fermín did not arrive in Pamplona until the 12th century, when the religious
activities began in his honor. The festival was held on November 10th, but it was requested to
change the date due to the temporary mal in autumn. It ... Show more content on ...
It is a rocket that launches as the opening of the festivities, then, the people knot the famous red
scarf in the neck, representing the decapitation of San Fermín. From that moment on they live 9
days of celebration without rest. The closures, so it is better known this party, occur from the 7th to
the 14th of July every morning at 8. This is a fast and tense race, which aims to move the Bulls,
running ahead of them, to the bullring, where they will deal in the afternoon. Due to the multitude of
people who come every year the security has been increased so that the closures and the parties can
pass with tranquility. We found during the nine days we found activities like the Fiesta del Toro;
Composed of bullfights every afternoon, religious acts; Vespers, procession and octave, festivals and
music, sports and children's activities ... And to all this you must add the constant main fiesta of the
San Fermines, the party in the street, the party of the people, without programming and
accompanied by the Peñas and the
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Research Paper On Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet, also known Cretan diet or Mediterranean diet is a practice traditional food
in many countries around the Mediterranean Sea characterized by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables,
cereals and olive oil and a low consumption of meat and dairy products.
Several studies show that the Mediterranean diet can:
– reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease;
– reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease;
– improve the chance of pregnancy during assisted fertilization;
– maintaining a healthy brain.
Health Benefits
Its effectiveness is difficult to assess because it is based primarily on observational studies (the plan
is noted for each individual, without anyone trying to change it) and can not be excluded in this
case, a bias in the comparison of several populations. Few interventional studies are of type (the
investigator intentionally alters the habits of a group of patients), but not double–blind, this does not
exclude a placebo effect.
Another technique is to compare the future within the same population group following a serious
diet and a group of dropouts. The comparability of these two groups, however, must be carefully
The studies should be used with caution, because outside the Mediterranean area, people on this ...
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Patients used a margarine based on rapeseed oil and 20% increased their consumption of fruits rich
in vitamin C and bread, while reducing red and processed meats (sausages). This scheme led to a
dramatic drop (–70%) of all–cause mortality. The success was such that the ethics committee has
decided to discontinue the study prematurely, to make these results publicly available
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Leggio Mafia
The Corleonesi became one of the most powerful figures in the Sicilian mafia, but how did they get
there? Luciano Leggio is credited for the rise of the Corleone family. Leggio first joined with the
help of the Capo, Michele Navarra, in 1943. He was known for being violent, especially because of
his most famous homicide of trade unionist Placido Rizzotto, which he was never convicted for
despite the overwhelming evidence. Leggio liked to stay invisible, to not just the authorities, but to
other mafia bosses. Leggio began having altercations over land with Navarra in 1958, when Navarra
sent men to kill him. Leggio came out alive and was able to ambush Navarra, killing him and
starting the second mafia war. The war between Leggio's band and other Corleone bosses. ... Show
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Leggio became the man all Corleonesi aspired to be like, and this mindset led them to their rank.
After killing Navarra, the fighting and the shootouts continued for 5 years. The fighting stopped
once a car bomb led to over 60 arrests of Mafiosi where all were acquitted. Leggio returned to mafia
activity, and in 1969 he was offered a spot on the Commission of Cosa Nostra. The Commission
consists of only three individuals, Leggio, Gaetano Badalamenti, who had connections across the
Atlantic, and was one of the men who was in the party that made the rules for the Commission, and
Stefano Bontate, who was the Capo of the most prominent family in Palermo. Leggio and the
Corleonesi worked their way up to be a part of Commission, which is arguably the highest position
of honor one can have in the Sicilian mafia. The reason this is important is because with the
Commission in effect, it led to the hierarchal structure of the mafia that we learned through
Tommaso Buscetta. Leggio was the one to thank for the rise of the Corleonesi in the
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Olivia Monologue
"My father? Ha! More like a crazy uncle. I moved in with him when my father died." Olivia
blabbered on about her boring existence. She had graduated from the University of Navarra School
of Business and Economics in Pamplona, Spain. Her father was a Pamplona police officer...blah,
blah. Olivia's God mother to her best friend's baby...blah, blah. One day she wants to travel to
Cuba...blah, blah, blah.
Between the cooking show's epic finale––who's take on baked potato would win––and Olivia's elicit
desire for a dog, Quinn came to her whit's end. "Has Danek ever told you how True Sight works?"
she asked.
Olivia fidgeted. "Well, you know more about it than me."
Quinn pulled away and scooted down the couch. "If you don't want to ... Show more content on ...
"Do you understand why I can't talk about it," she sniffled.
Olivia nodded and hugged her again.
"Has anyone ever tried to get rid of True Sight?" Laure asked.
"Why would anyone do that?" Olivia crinkled her brows.
"I need to know everything. The Primordial deprived me of a normal life. Took my youth and father.
Now there is this life." Quinn wiped her cheek. "I may want a wife and kids, someday, with
someone special who can understand True Sight. What if they want it gone?" She looked deep into
Olivia's eyes.
The other woman's olive skin blushed. She giggled and took Quinn's hand, kissing her fingers.
"Someday, I want a wife and kids too. And a parakeet. I understand your life and wouldn't ask you
to get rid of something so important. Maybe, one day, we can have those things together."
The horror of a shared future with Olivia rose bile from Quinn's stomach. She wanted to snatch her
hand back and wash it. I don't do needy piglets, she thought. Restraint prevailed. There was a
beautiful damsel at home to rescue from a flea infested mongrel. Focus!
"I love the idea of that, but," Quinn paused and looked away.
"You want to know for sure," Olivia
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Basque Society, Language and Culture
There are many groups of people throughout the world, who have either managed to keep their
system of values and traditions relevant or have been forced to conform to the modern ways of the
region they inhabit. The Basque people are a group of indigenous that claim the foothills of the
Pyrenees Mountains around the Bay of Biscay in northern Spain and southern France for thousands
of years. Indigenous people are originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. By
analyzing and interpreting their language, communication, religion, transition to modernity,
differences between french and spanish borders, and their history we will be able to better
understand them. Throughout the years, advances in international thinking and action has been
significant on indigenous rights and issues including the adoption to the UN declaration on rights of
indigenous people in 2007.
There are several Basque provinces along the french and spanish border. Northern provinces include
Labourd, Basse–Navarre, and Soule are in france, while the southern provinces are Navarra, Alava,
Vizcaya, and Guipuzcoa which lie in spain (Ott 5). During the later half of the nineteenth century
the Basque population was well over 1,000 people but currently consists of 376 people. Most people
of this indigenous group like their forefathers are pastoralist and cultivate small farmlands scattered
across the valley. . Although much of this tribes history is unverified it is said that they are
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No Tiene Un Gran Significado
Penedés, Ribera del Duero, Rioja, Rías Baixas, Navarra, Priorato, Toro, y Rueda. Para algunas
personas esta lista de regiones españolas no tiene un gran significado. Sin embargo, estas regiones
son muy importantes para España debido a que todas tienen un papel importante en cuanto a la
producción de sus vinos y la calidad de ellos. El vino, ya sea vino tinto o blanco (mayormente se
toma tinto), fue y es todavía hoy en día uno de los productos más importantes para España. El vino
ha existido por siglos y ha tenido una gran influencia en la economía de España a través de su venta
y exportaciones. El turismo también forma parte de la cultura española porque los españoles lo han
integrado en su vida cotidiana. España produce una variedad ... Show more content on ...
Este pueblo está localizado en Zamora, provincia que se encuentra dentro de la comunidad
autónoma de Castilla y León en España. Aparte de estas bodegas, donde originalmente se produjo el
vino Teso La Monja, los hermanos Eguren también compraron otras tierras en Villabuena del Puente
y Toro en las cuales también producen y fabrican una pequeña cantidad de vino Teso La Monja
(aunque la producción de este vino es mayor en Bodegas Teso La Monja). Dadas sus ubicaciones
geográficas, orientadas al norte con ciclos vegetativos muy largos, todas estas tierras son perfectas
para la producción del vino. La frescura de los suelos arcillosos en conjunción con las vetas calizas
erigidas en el subsuelo y la abundante grava que se encuentra en la superficie garantizan la
producción de vinos excepcionales tal como lo es Teso La Monja ("Teso La Monja"). Originalmente
elaborado en el 2008, Teso La Monja 2008 no gano el título de "vino más caro de España" hasta el
año 2012, así lo muestran varios periódicos tal como El Mundo y la revista gastronómica digital 7
Caníbales. Fue durante este mismo año que el vino de los hermanos Eguren supero al reconocido
vino español Dominio de Pingus; el cual hasta ese momento era considerado el vino más caro de
España. Mayormente fabricadas en Bodegas Teso La Monja, de las 898 botellas de Teso La Monja
que son producidas y preparadas para la venta, aproximadamente un poco más de seiscientas se
venden año tras año. El precio
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La Carte Restaurant
Hong Kong has removed all wine duties since February 2008, people pursuit higher standards of
wine and food paring. Therefore, this essay is going to select a restaurant "a la carte" menu with not
less than 40 dishes and create a suggested wine list to match with the dishes are choose.
The selected dishes are including:
Wine list
Non–vintage Champagne
Ayala Brut Nature NV
Champagne, France Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir HK$498.00
Tasting notes: A toasty Champagne, with a woolly texture, firm acidity and flavours of biscuit,
smoke, straw and citrus zest. As a good aperitif is highly match with appetizer, especially with the
dishes are made by poultry and fish. Therefore, this champagne can ... Show more content on ...
This fresh, dramatic, light to medium–bodied, zesty, pure Sauvignon should be pair with the oyster
Argyle Nuthouse Chardonnay 2012
Oregon, USA Chardonnay HK$268.00
Tasting note: An interplay of savory texture and mineral edge, there is a long lasting richness of
fresh cut wheat, lemon sabayon, crêpes suzette, it can be pair with 'Grilled tuna with five spices,
avocado crush and crispy shallot', they complement each other and enhance the textures that they are
both buttery in flavor and share a rich, creamy texture.
Red Wine
Leoville Las Cases St Julien 2eme Cru 1985
St Julien, France Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends HK$3200.00
The wine reveals a youthful deep ruby/purple colour, followed by a classic Las Cases bouquet of
pain grille, lead pencil, minerals, and ripe black currants. Medium to full–bodied, with outstanding
concentration, and soft tannin, this needs fat for balance, fat will soften the tannins and bring a
smoother feel. Therefore, it will perfectly match with 'Roasted US rib of beef'
Calon Segur St Estephe 3eme Cru 1996
St. Estephe, France Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends HK$1750.00
Dark ruby–coloured, with a complex nose of dried herbs, Asian spices, and black cherry jam
intermixed with cassis; it possesses outstanding purity, and
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Spanish Inquisition Research Paper
Beig, "Al–Andalus is referred to the territory occupied by the Muslim empire in Southern Spain,
which refer to the cities of Almeria, Malaga, Cadiz, Huelva, Seville, Cordoba, Jaen and Granada"
(p.1). The moors gradually claimed control over the whole of the peninsula but this in turn sparked
the Christian Reconquest Covadonga in 722AD. For the next four hundred years the Christians and
Muslims fought against each other trying to capture then conquer different areas within the
Peninsula. Then finally in 1230 the Christian armies of Castilla, Aragón and Navarra joined forces to
banish the Muslims for good.
The next stage of Spanish history explains how Fernando of Aragón married Isabel of Castile 1469
uniting their kingdoms under the joint rule of a Catholic monarchy. During their reign the monarchs
implemented "The Spanish Inquisition". Research by Pérez (2005) shows that the Spanish
Inquisition was established to eliminate racial differences, "Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a modern
state" (p. 35). The inquisition was meant to force the Jews to convert to Christianity otherwise they
would be tortured or banished.
In 1492, the monarchs subsided Christopher Columbus's voyage to discover the Americas.
Columbus's discoveries lead to the beginning of the Spanish Empire overseas. The influx of new
wealth enabled them to finance a huge army ... Show more content on ...
This demonstrates the freedom that Spaniards have to believe in their own religious idealism.
Although, religion is not enforced, Spain still flourishes with the traditions that the Catholic Church
used to define their nation. For instance, Holy week is celebrated all over the country to
commemorate the life of Christ. The celebration happens during the last week of lent with street
processions and festivals performed all over the nation, attracting tourists from all over the
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Analysis Of Norma Rae 's ' Character Is Played By Sally Field
The film which is based in the 1970's primarily focuses on the trials and tribulations of two
individuals organizing a labor union at a textile mill company located in North Carolina. Norma Rae
is textile loom worker for the O. P. Henley Textile Mill and mother of three children who is
opinionated about the poor working conditions, long hours and poor wages of her workplace. Her
frustrations began when her mother temporarily loses her hearing at the textile mill but is not treated
well by the workplace doctor. Norma Rae's father dies while experiencing pain in his arm and
requests for a break by management only to be denied at the textile mill. Norma Rae's character is
played by Sally Field whose story is based on a real life person by the name of Crystal Lee Sutton
who tried to organize the J.P. Stevens textile mill. Reuben Warshovsky is a labor organizer from
New York representing the Textile Workers Union of America is committed to convincing the
workplace that unionization will increase wages and better working conditions at the O. P. Henley
Textile Mill. With the assistance of Norma Rae and by working day and night he was able to pull off
an impossible feat of unionizing the workers at the plant. Manipulation, bribery, retaliation and
intimidation are one of the few issues Norma Rae, Reuben Warshovsky and other textile workers
encountered. The film reveals what the type of strings management was willing to pull in order to
prevent unionization in the workplace
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Dbq Essay
Trevor Murphy AP World History per. 5 Mr. Herbst April 12, 2012 DBQ Essay The effects of the
Cuban Revolution on women's lives and gender relations in Cuba from 1959 to 1990 include that
some say women have not reached equality yet with men, women gained more opportunities for
themselves, economy and politics, and also how women still had responsibility for children and
home, not men. One effect of the Cuban Revolution on women was the thought that women still
have not reached equality with men. Ofelia Dominguez Navarra (#1), a female Cuban socialist
feminist, believes an effect of the Cuban Revolution will change the social status of women to be
less patriarchal. As a Cuban feminist, she probably believed this because the ... Show more content
on ...
As politicians in Cuba, the Communists party published this because it made them look like a better
political party due to the increased number of women participating in political matters, which they
approve. An additional document that would be helpful seeing the positive effects of the revolution
would be a speech from a political leader about how the growth of women has been surprising and
helpful to the country. This would help because it would recognize how women's contributions are
needed to strengthen the country and prosper. Also, an effect of the Cuban Revolution on women
was how women were still responsible for taking care of the children and home, not the men. A male
Cuban revolutionary sympathizer (#3), expresses his thoughts about women's rights to an
anthropologist in 1969, believing that an effect on women's lives from the Cuban Revolution was
that it gave women more freedom by gaining jobs, which he thought was wrong. As a male Cuban,
he has this belief because it takes power away from men and time away from household tasks that
aren't preformed throughout the day by the woman. Vilma Espin, a female scientist, president of the
Federation of Cuban women, and a member of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee
(#10), believes an effect of the Cuban Revolution on women is that they created a more stressful life
to handle. She probably believes
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Reality Tv
Have you noticed that most of the channel has reality Tv shows when you turn on the television?
This kind of program has become amazingly popular, and it all started with the real world. When it
began, its purpose was to reflect the life of other people. However, now its goal is to make money
and increases the ratings, but most of the people have become addicted to it because most of the
people are not aware of its purpose is to make money. They think it is harmless fun, while it may
seem like harmless fun, it has a negative effect on society. First and foremost, many reality shows
are harmful to children and teens, as reality TV shows are programs that can quickly affect
children's behavior. Children learn anything what they see on Tv shows and what they hear from
individuals, and most of the children and teens spend their time watching TV, specifically by
watching reality shows; yet, most of the reality TV shows use bad language. When teens and
children hear vulgar words, they start using them in public, which makes them rude and
disrespectful. Many reality tv also makes teens and children more comfortable with swearing, and
teens and children feel that swearing or using vulgar words are a normal and acceptable aspect of
everyday language due to some reality shows. As a consequent, this affects their character. In
addition to changing children's personality, many reality shows cause many teens to lose their
confidence. Since, people on the reality TV always wear expensive
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Creating a Methodology Case Report Essay
Project Management Course – Prof. P. Faroleiro | Creating a Methodology | Case Report
(Q&A) | Binetti Marco Nicola #2235
Brachet Léa #2199
Navarra Martina #2231
Rabassini Iole #2320
Tsui Janice #209317/02/2015 |
1) What can you determine about the corporate culture from the fact that they waited this long to
consider the development of an EPM system?
Analysing the case, it is noticeable that the corporate culture is characterized by individualism in
spite of cooperation, regarding both departments and their executives. Indeed, for the latters, the
prospect of losing authority and power overcomes the benefits originated by the introduction of
Project ... Show more content on ...
2) Can a PMO accelerate the implementation process?
The PMO can accelerate the implementation process as it streamlines the departments' workload by
focusing exclusively on it. As it has been done in the specific case, in order to accelerate this
procedure and improve its efficacy and efficiency, the office has to be comprised of a "handful of
experienced project managers". Indeed, having the specific expertise in this field enables to avoid
conflicts of interest that might occur by giving control of the PMO to an internal executive.
3) Is it acceptable for the PMO to report to the chief information officer or to someone else?
Yes, it is acceptable that the PMO reports to the chief information officer, however there should be
also a varied integration at the top management level (or through sponsors) in order to sustain the
ongoing project whenever needed. As an example, a direct interaction with the President of the
company would benefit the PMO in multiple respects. Thanks to his authority, it would be possible
to sponsor the methodology throughout the entire organization, engaging all departments and
executives. Moreover, the President would be also able to give the PMO the adequate organizational
status to
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Short Story Analysiss
Why Do These Men Do the Things That They Do? Sonta Clouatre Course: English 102 Instructor:
Ms. Amy Acosta Essay Type: Short Story Analysis In a world labeled with "dos" and "don'ts," many
people think society will accept anything morally wrong as long as society does not know about the
sin at face value. If people do not realize what is going on, how can they accept or reject it? Many
also have a tendency to stereotype people for what they see and not for what they do. Further, they
may either ignore the truth or refuse to come to terms with the reality of a situation. These
sentiments are reflected in "No One's a Mystery" by Elizabeth Tallent and "Can–Can" by Arturo
Vivante–both essays dealing with men having affairs. The ... Show more content on
It is obvious in both stories that the mistresses want to be the only ones on their lovers' minds when
they are together. They want the ideas and truths of wives and fidelity left at home so that all
attention can be focused on them. In both stories, the husbands seem confident of their wives'
actions and responses. In "No One's a Mystery," the husband immediately knows his wife is driving
behind them because he says, "She keeps the lights on in the daytime" and also, "She's driving
exactly fifty–five miles an hour" (Tallent 10). These observations may seem trivial or shallow on the
surface, but their mention symbolizes all that spouses learn and know about each other simply from
being married for an extended period. In the story "Can–Can," the husband knows his wife will not
question his going out for a drive. The author writes, "She wasn't the least bit inquisitive, though
jealous she was in silent, subtle ways" (Vivante 5). The husband's true reason for a "drive" is later
revealed, when the author notes, "He wasn't simply going out for a drive, as he said, but going to a
cafe to meet Sarah, whom his wife knew but did not suspect, and with her go to a house on a lake
his wife knew nothing about–a summer cottage to which he had a key" (Vivante 6). The husband's
confidence in his wife's ignorance is unquestioned. This
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The Power Of Knowledge As Power
Knowledge as Power: Since the emergence of knowledge based economy, one's power has been
considered in association with his/her possession of knowledge (Heizman, 2011;
Mudambi&Navarra, 2004). Knowledge and power are intrinsically related. This is because
knowledge creates space for the exercise of power; the exercise of power, in return, makes the
control of knowledge possible (Foucault,
1980).Such relationship constitutes the knowledge–as–power argument, which implies that keeping
knowledge circumscribed confers power. It is considered to be a major focus area in knowledge and
learning industry in the fast growing competitive world. Knowledge
Management Development and sharing helps the organization to develop group dynamics and group
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Running Of The Bull Research Paper
Running of the Bulls can be a form of entertainment and part of the Spanish culture but it is a risk
for others. Running of the bulls is a widely known event that takes place in Pamplona, Spain. The
Running of the Bulls is known in Spain as 'encierro' however to the rest of the world it's known as
the craziest 'sport' in history. This event is one of three main part of the San Fermin festival.
Including also is the bull fights and religious celebrations the 'run' is definitely the most notable part
of the festival in modern times and only really became an international phenomenon after Ernest
Hemmingway published his book "The Sun Also Rises" based on events from the San Fermin
festival specifically the running of the bulls. The 'run' really ... Show more content on ...
By participating in the run, you have accepted the risk that you might be trampled, gored, bumped,
jostled, rammed or tossed in the air by a bull, also tripped or trampled by your fellow runners. It has
been reported that from 1924 to 2014, 15 people have been killed in Pamplona during this event and
over 300 people are injured each year during the run. Looking back at the previous event there were
a number of people who were badly hurt and had to be taken to the hospital. In 2005 over 63 people
were injured at the running of the bull's event. 2007 and 2008 has the highest injured rate as there
was over 200 people in both year. There was over 200 in 2007 and more than 300 in 2008. In 2009,
16 runners were injured during the sixth day of the run. 2013 Running of the Bulls was very
interesting to me because a woman was included in the 50 that was badly hurt and taken to the
hospital. From my reading and understanding it stated that woman where not allow to participate in
the running of the bulls event. According to a news article, "A 23–year–old woman was gored in the
back and suffered multiple rib fractures and damage to her right lung during the final Bull Run in
2013. (Global news, 2013) Finally in 2014 a total of 42 people were injured and were also taken to
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Adhd Case Study
Focus Techniques for ADHD Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic mental
health disorder with distinct behavioral manifestations in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood
(Barkley, 1997; Barkley, Fischer, Smallish, & Fletcher, 2002). Many sources state that the
prevalence in ADHD is about 3% to 7.5% in school–aged children (Fischer, Barkley, Smallish, &
Fletcher, 2005). Most current studies from 1995 to 2006 estimate that the worldwide prevalence is
about 5% and that these studies are similar in all countries that ADHD is studied (Polanczyk, Lima,
Horta, Biederman, & Rohde, 2007). There are a variety of test that have been done to test the
performance, focus and capabilities of children with ADHD. In a great majority ... Show more
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The AULA is based on the paradigm of other Continuous Performance Tests (CPT) but performed in
a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. Visual and auditory stimuli are both present as well as random
distractors of ecological nature appearing progressively. The current article presents the results for
the convergent validity study of the AULA test with Conner's Continuous Performance Test while
using children diagnosed with ADHD. The test included 57 children to be tested, including 42 males
and 15 females ranging in age from 6 to 16. All participants general IQ and their derived indexes
(Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Processing Speed) were
estimated from the standardized and normalized versions of Wechsler's Intelligence Scales, fourth
edition. CPT is a computerized continuous performance test that is comprised of 360 letters (stimuli)
with a duration of 250 milliseconds each. The children were shown a demonstration on the
procedure on how they were supposed to press the button each time a letter appeared on their screen.
The only exception to this rule was the letter x, whose appearance requires an inhibiting response.
The total number of items in the AULA is also 360 as in the Conner's'
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Dugesia Spp Research Paper
Dugesia spp., also known as planaria is a small flat dark brown worm of varying sizes around 0.3 –
2 cm long and 1 – 2 mm wide (Palmer and Fowler, 1975 as cited by Cha, 2001). Although they are
small, they are hermaphroditic (Maule, 2006). The middle of the body is darker in color with tiny
spots. The body consists of an arrow shaped head and a long unsegmented body that narrows as it
reaches the posterior end (T. Huang, biology student, personal communications). Midway down the
ventral side of its body, the pharynx is a tube–like structure that protrudes out for feeding (Cha,
2001). The body is smooth and stretches in contracting and expanding movements as the Dugesia
spp. travels around a flat surface (T. Huang, biology student, personal communications). The two
side parts of the arrow that extends out of its head are sensory organs, the auricles (Cha, 2001). The
auricles help sense water currents so that the Dugesia spp. is aware of the direction of water flow
(Kriska and Gyorgy, 2013). Dugesia spp. has tiny eyes called eyespots located on the dorsal side of
its arrow head. The eyespots can detect light and are extremely sensitive to light (Cha, 2001).
Dugesia spp. lives in freshwater bodies like lakes and ponds located in areas of North America and
Europe (Maule, 2006). Due to its extreme ... Show more content on ...
2001). The ganglia are connected to two nerve cords that goes along the entire body (Saló et al.
2001). When light hits the photoreceptor cells, it signals the nerve cells to react and evade the light
source (Saló et al. 2001). Due to the simplicity of its eyes, it can only detect light and darkness; it
can only live in habitats that are dark. With high sensitive eyes, the prediction is that when Dugesia
spp. is exposed to sunlight, it stresses the planarian and forces it to move away from light (negative
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The Things They Carried By Tim O ' Brien
The Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those
who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O 'Brien illustrates the different affects the
war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war,
demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both
sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental
unpredictability. Desensitization and unstable morals are two main themes relevant not only
throughout the novel, but in Jacqueline 's personal story.
Desensitization is one of many mental affects the Vietnam War caused those associated with it. In
the novel, the reader sees in many situations how characters develop a loss of emotion towards
suffering, killing, and violence. Things that the characters used to be affected by no longer impact
them due to the extreme exposure of the negativity surrounding them. The soldiers saw so much
death it became a normality to them, corpses became objects laughed at and played with. They "had
ways of making the dead seem not quite so dead," shaking hands and making fun of the lifeless
bodies turned into a coping method. The men and nurses learned that "by slighting death, by acting,
we pretended it was not the terrible thing it was" (O 'Brien 480). Not only was their sensitivity lost,
but the majority of their emotions as well. O 'Brien shows this in
Hazeltine 1
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Psychology Personal Statement
Please identify your chosen major and explain why you chose this field? *
Through the last two years as a student at Manchester Community College, I have been able to
experience numerous classes and meet wonderful professors. In my first semester of college, I
decide to take a general psychology class with Dr. Francine Rosselli–Navarra. She taught me that
psychology is a science, which studies our minds and behaviors. After that class I knew that I did
not just want to study the physical feature of the brain and the brain process, but how the
interactions with and within our brains that produce our cognitive functions. After completing that
psychology class I realized that I did not wish to be a biology major anymore, instead I wished to
study in the field of Neuroscience, which is a combination of both biology and psychology. ... Show
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Although at my previous institution by being involved in the school functions and participating in
various groups such as being an Officer in the Alpha Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa
International Honors Society and assisting in the Evening of Fine Wines Event, has given me skills
to be successful at my previous institution.
How open/willing are you to incorporate new techniques into your daily routine to improve
academically? *
Since I am transferring from a Community College to a University I know that I will need to
improve my studying skills and that way that I approach assignments and my classes to make me
successful at the University of Arizona. So any techniques that other want to teach me to assist in
helping me change and improve my current techniques would be greatly appreciated and helpful to
make me successful here at the University of Arizona and my future academic endeavors.
Please share any additional information you feel is relevant for the ASEMS–Transfer program to
consider when reviewing your file
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The Wines Of Spain ( California )
The Wines of Spain
During my young and foolish years, I was a confirmed wine snob; at least as it applied to the red
wines I drank. If they didn?t come from Bordeaux, France, I didn?t consider them worthy. Typically,
my purchases would feature wines from M?doc, Margaux, Pauillac, Saint Emilion, Pomerol and
Graves. This all changed in my late forties, I was gifted with several bottles of red wine from
various countries including Australia, Chile and the United States (California). Begrudgingly, I
accepted the fact that good red wine needn?t come from France.
This oenophilia did not preclude my consumption of ?inferior? wines; it merely dispatched them to
a list of wines I would never consider buying for myself. I assumed that if I couldn?t ... Show more
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Nevertheless, despite my experience in Colorado, I did start expanding my horizons with red wines
until my forties.
I had learned of the pleasures of the red wines from Piedmont, Italy. The incredible richness of
Australian Shiraz proved it as an acceptable alternative to its Rhone Valley cousin. However, it took
another experience with Rioja in my early fifties to start my exploration of Spanish wines.
To do justice to the subject of Spanish wines requires more than a single post, coverage befitting the
third largest producer of wine, behind France and Italy, simply cannot be done within the limits of a
single short article and summarization does a disservice to the exceptional wine making reputation
of Spain?s dedicated vintners.
Any worthwhile discussion of Spain?s wine making needs to include, at a minimum, an overview of
the wine making regulations, under which vintners operate, the labeling requirements and what that
means that means to consumers. After ?lo these concepts are covered, a discussion of the wine
growing areas, the grape varietals and the resulting wines produces a sharper picture of Spain?s
A Brief Historical Perspective
Spain has been growing grapes and making wine for centuries, with traditions as reputable as from
any of the other European wine countries. However, the events of the past few decades, from the
1980s until now have resulted in something of a revolution in
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Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay
Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further
developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant
benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell
research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions
worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found
in the human body, including those identical to itself.
Differentiation is a cellular process whereby a stem cell will divide into a specialised cell, for
example a neuron2. To harness the unique cellular function of a stem cell could mean the cultivation
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(Pera et al, 2004) The bodies specialised cells, a product of stem cell differentiation, cannot be
replaced through natural regeneration. The further exploration of ES cell research will allow
scientists to harness stem cell differentiation and compensate for the bodies inability to regenerate
specialised cells. (Fuchs, 2008) For example, ES cells hold the potential to regenerate the spinal
cord. Common and debilitating injuries to the spinal cord result in paralysis, more accurately known
as paraplegia and quadriplegia. ES cells may be used to repair an impaired spinal cord, restoring
movement and quality of life to those suffering from paralysis. (Rosenfeld et al, 2004) The prospects
for regenerative spinal cord repair is one of the many positive outcomes of ES cell research if
exploration is allowed to continue.
Ethicists often advocate for the use of human embryos in ES cell research due to their fate after
successful IVF treatment. With the successful fertilisation of an IVF patient, remaining embryos that
would have been used in further fertilisation attempts are kept in storage indefinitely. (Morgan,
2006) Many couples opt to donate their spare embryos to ES cell research, as they do not believe
that their fertilised zygote is in fact human life. A human embryo remaining from IVF treatment is
only used in ES cell research one to five days after
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Is Offshore Wind Power : Alternative Or Harmful Fossil...
Offshore Wind Power: Alternative to Harmful Fossil Fuels We have the ability to reduce our
dependency on burning fossil fuels that damage the environment and the solution is Offshore Wind
Power. The difference in solar heating between the earth 's equator and the poles, together with the
earth 's rotation, creates flows of air called wind. We can capture this form of solar energy with wind
turbines that convert it into electrical energy. Creating this type of energy has little harmful impact
to our environment, unlike other energy being created by fossil fuels. Several of the environmental
problems the world faces today, including climate change, air pollution, oil spills, and acid rain are a
result from our dependence on fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels produces heat–trapping gases
that are the main cause of the ongoing rise in global atmospheric temperatures. Even though a
growing list of global warming indicators, along with the alarmingly rapid recession of Arctic sea
ice, opportunistic oil companies continue to exploit the ever–increasing human need for energy
consumption and are constantly on the lookout for untapped oil and gas sources. In addition to
ecological disturbances from fossil fuel extraction, there are certain cultural consequences for
communities around the Pacific Rim. These communities, many Indigenous, are threatened by the
depletion of specific resources they depend upon for their livelihoods and culture. The time is now
for harnessing the
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American Culture Research Paper
Basque Culture I grew up in a small town, which was highly populated with individuals of Basque
descent. My grandfather severed in the military and was stationed in Basque Country. Despite the
large Basque population surrounding me, I knew very little of the culture and traditions commonly
found within the Basque Country. "The homeland of the Basque people, commonly called the
Basque Country, is located on the Bay of Biscay at the western end of the Pyrenees mountain range,
straddling the border of France and Spain. The nearly 8,000–square–mile Basque Country is divided
into seven administrative districts, four in Spain and three in France. Basque culture is distinctive
from that of the rest of Spain in many ways" (Thomas, par. 1). This assignment has allowed me the
privilege to interview and spend time with Maria Begona Narvaiza–Peck. I was able to experience
the Basque culture through conversation, photographs, museum, and meals.
Begona, as she prefers to be addressed, immigrated to the United States with her family in 1975, she
was nine years old at the time. Her father, who was a sheepherder, moved to the United States ahead
of the rest of the family. He was working to earn passage for the family to be reunited once again.
The family was soon sponsored and began saving money for flights to America. She recalls this took
quite a long while, as her father made only $200 a month. Once saving the money they needed, her
mother and siblings began their journey to America
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Violence In Pan's Labyrinth
El Laberinto Del Pan
El Laberinto Del Pan, or Pan's Labyrinth, is based on the turbulence that occurred after the Civil
War. It is set in post–Civil War Spain, in 1944, after the victory of the fascist Nationalists led by
General Franco. Though the war had ended, many republican rebels were still striking back against
the new oppressive government. Other citizens were exiled, or attempted to flee the country. A large
portion of those that did rebel hid in more remote areas of Spain, such as the region of Navarra in
Northern Spain, where Pan's Labyrinth takes place.
During the Spanish civil war, both Nationalists and Republicans killed, tortured, and attacked
citizens. Anyone either side disagreed with was likely to be harmed (school teachers, ... Show more
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My feelings about Pan's Labyrinth are rather split, as I appreciate the storyline but disliked the
actual movie. When I first watched the film, I was shocked and horrified (I honestly thought it was
horrible). At the time, I was too hung up on the creepiness and violence of the movie to value
anything about it. After a few days of thinking about it, however, I was able to appreciate the
subtlety behind the story, as well as the uniqueness of the plot. Pan's Labyrinth is similar to a twisted
fairy tale, and has an interesting storyline, incredible effects, and good characterization. For those
reasons, I feel as if I should recommend this movie to others. Pan's Labyrinth is essentially a classic,
and is probably the kind of movie everyone should see once. Despite this, I cannot imagine possibly
watching the movie a second time. It is for this reason that I wouldn't recommend the movie to
others, as I did not enjoy it as I watched it. As I viewed the film, I was shocked and horrified by the
violence, annoyed with Ophelia's character, and slightly confused about the storyline. It was only
afterwards, during reflection upon it, that I could appreciate its good qualities. On one hand, I am
interested by Pan's Labyrinth, on the other hand, I hated it. Therefore, I do not actually know if I
would recommend this film to someone else or not. I think it would depend on the person and their
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Chinese Government Administration Of Coal Mine Safety Essay
caused the Chinese government to implement regulations to improve the industry safety. With the
establishment of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (SACMS) the Chinese State Council
was able to set up an independent and vertically integrated safety supervisory institution (Xunpeng,
2009). Despite a high number of deaths in China's coal mines, the death rate is falling as measured
by number of deaths per million tons because of the regulation (Xunpeng, 2009). This organization
functioned as an independent third party that improved worker safety for the Chinese people.
Historically large businesses have had a negative reputation for pollution. Government agencies can
implement measures that lead to large reductions in pollution. With the passage of the Clean Air Act
of 1990, the number of summer ozone–advisory days has declined (Salvatore, 2015). New York City
had 4 days of ozone advisories during the summer of 1993, compared with 21 days during the
summer of 1988, while in Washington there was just 1 day in summer 1993, compared with 12 days
in 1988 (Salvatore, 2015). The government used regulation to significantly improve the quality of
life for the citizens. In this circumstance the market had clearly failed the population. Moderate
Approach to Regulation The government's influence over the economy through regulation should
stem from decision making that is properly vetted through different sequences. The government
needs to be aware of situations that
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Hallermann Steriff Syndrome With Cutaneous Manifestations...
Hallermann–Steriff Syndrome with cutaneous manifestations: A case review Anugrah Parikh M.D;
Apeksha Solanki M.D; Rishi Patel MBBS; Dr Rashmi Arora MBBS Department of Dermatology,
GK General Hospital, Gujarat Adani Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bhuj, Gujarat Keywords–
Hallermann–Steriff Syndrome, Nevus anemicus, Hypospadias. Summary– Hallermann–Steriff
Syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder that is characterized primarily by head–face
abnormalities,hypotrichosis and various ophthalmic abnormalities. We report here a 14 year old boy
with Hallermann–Steriff syndrome with nevus anemicus and review the literature. Introduction–
The first description of Hallerman Steriff syndrome seems to have been made in 1893 by Aubry and
later it was described completely in 1948 by Hallermann and then by Steriff in 1950 (1) HSS is
primarily characterized by head–face abnormalities. Patients have bird like facies, dental
abnormalities, hypotrichosis with various ophthalmic abnormalities(2). Seven essential signs
described by Francois as diagnostic criteria for HSS are presented in table (2) 1. Dyscephalia and
bird like facies 2. Abnormal dentition 3. Hypotrichosis 4. Atrophy of skin especially on nose 5.
Bilateral Microphthalmia 6. Congenital Cataracts 7. Proportionate Dwarfism (2) Case Report– A 14
year old boy came to the Department of Dermatology in our hospital with complaints of hair loss
from scalp since birth and altered hair color, hypopigmented macular lesion on the trunk since
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Dog Sees God Play Analysis
Ohlone College Theatre and Dance Department "knocked it out of the park "with its provocative
production of Dog Sees Go: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. The play by Bert V. Royal, which
debuted at the New York Fringe Festival in 2004, was performed in the fall of 2012. Dog Sees God
is a dramatization of Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" cartoon. These lovable characters are all grown up
and dealing with the insane world of high school. The main attraction, CB (Charlie Brown), is
questioning the existence of an afterlife after his dog dies (this was a big surprise). His friends are
too involved in their own drama and can't really help him, but a chance meeting with Beethoven
(Schroeder), the target of this group's bullying, offers CB solace and thus begins a friendship that
will push teen angst to the very limits. The universal themes presented – suicide, drug use, child
sexual abuse, eating disorders, teen violence, struggles with identity, rebellion, sexual relations
couldn't be more current, ... Show more content on ...
In this scene, Matt (Pigpen) approaches Beethoven in the choir room about staying away from CB.
When Beethoven, an outcast to begin with, stands up for himself, Matt, being the school bully,
smashes his fingers on the piano. When I first read and later watched this scene, I was shocked, and
observed the same reaction ripple through the audience. This was exactly what the director wanted.
Navarre's intent was to make the audience feel deeply, with the hopes of making an impact that
would provide reflection and questions about who we are as people and how we live. In a post–show
discussion, one person commented, "Though I believe homosexuality is wrong, bullying is also
wrong. This is food for serious reflection." And if we can get just one person to think like that, then
the director's intention and the theme of the play have
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Suzette For Being Too American Mother Summary
As the story progresses, Suzette's mother becomes increasingly critical of Suzette for being "too
American" and questions the authenticity of her "Haitian–ness." Her mother's criticism seems to be
justified when she sees Suzette distancing herself from her Haitian values, "Would you get up and
give an old lady like me your subway seat? In this state of mind, I bet you don't even give up your
seat to a pregnant lady. My mother, who is often right about that. Sometimes I get up and give my
seat. Other times, I don't." (146) By incorporating this story, Danticat substantiates that Suzette
understands right from wrong according to Haitian values, but having grown up in America, she has
already assimilated into American culture and fundamentally has a different relationship with Haiti.
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In the scholarly article, "Oral Narrative as Short Story Cycle: Forging Community in Edwidge
Danticat's Krik? Krak," Rocio Davis, an academic in literature at the University of Navarra in Spain,
generally agrees with the previous analysis on "New York Day Women" and suggests that the
passage exemplifies the rift between mother and daughter may be brought about by attitudes
towards immigration. She critiques that the mother's exile from Haiti, which implies the loss of an
original place, eliminates the sense of belonging and often causes dissociation from both the old
ways in Haiti and from her new home in America. Davis describes that the process of diasporic self–
formation is presented in "New York Day Women" through the growing distance between Suzette
and her mother who struggle to define new identities and decide what to keep and what to
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Basque Identity Formation
Basque Identity Formation
The Basque Country, although not geographically large, is home to one of the most, diverse,
historical and ancient cultures of the World. Euskal Herria, more commonly known as the Basque
Country, is located on the Spanish–French boarder and is made up of seven Basque Provinces, three
on the French side and four on the Spanish side. Labourd, Basse–Navarre, and Soule form the
French Basque territory Iparralde, the northern side. Vizcaya, Alava, Guipuzcoa, and Navarra form
the Spanish Basque Territory Hegoalde, the southern side (Ott "syllabus" 2). The Basques speak the
common language of Euskara and share a significant amount of common heritage, history and
identity but each territory is vastly different form the other. Each of the ... Show more content on ...
This paper will analyze process of identify formation through social institutions, and popular
culture, and how it differs between French Basques and Spanish Basques. This paper will also
analyze a third group of Basques, Basque Americans, and how their process of identity formation
has been uniquely shaped by the Basque diaspora and American culture. Lush countryside and
mountainous terrains shape the rural, French side of the Basque country. The Basque language
remains heavily spoken in this part of the Basque country. The Basque people that call this land
home continue to live in a way that their ancestors once lived. Rural Basque identity formation is
still structured off of the same values practiced by their ancestors, strength, reciprocity, and mutual
aid to name a few. The rural shepherding community of Santazi remains a perfect representation of
the traditional Basuqe life style and values. Santazi is located in the province of Soule, surrounded
by the Pyrenees Mountain
... Get more on ...
The Corleonesi Research Paper
The Corleonesi was a mafia group whose leaders were originated from Corleone, Italy. The main
leader Luciano Leggio. Leggio started out working for Micele Navarra. While under Navarra,
Leggio's murder of Placido Rizzotto, a resistance veteran, is on the most noteworthy murders of a
political figure in the years after the war. This murder shows just the beginning brutality of what was
yet to come of Leggio and the Corleonesi. Leggio hid from authority after the murdering Rizzotto,
and due to his skill at staying away from justice, he was given the nickname "Scarlet Pimpernel".
Much like the brutality shown in his murder of Rizzotto, his secretiveness and concealment would
also become areas that the Corleonesi would become known for. Leggio, ... Show more content on ...
Continuing with the theme of violence, the Corleonesi attacked and killed three of Navarra's best
fighters in the middle of Corleone, while also injuring innocent bystanders. His violence and coup
against the established bosses was not something commonly done; furthermore, it displayed that the
power of group lie with its military prowess, rather than their political influence. The Corleonesi
functioned under the plan of using devastating violence to get what they want while suffering short–
term political loss. The Corleonesi continued their fight against the Navarra and as they were about
to claim victory against the Navarra, the Ciaculli car bomb went off which led to mass arrests of
mafia members, including Leggio. Leggio's trial is carried out very similar to the ways of other
mafia trails, such as Notarbartolo's murder trial, where evidence is lost, and defendants do not talk,
which then ultimately lead to the mafioso not getting convicted. After not getting convicted, he
would continue his work in the mafia, by becoming one of the leaders of the Commission when it
... Get more on ...

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Investigating Dose And Regimen Of Durvalumab

  • 1. Investigating Dose And Regimen Of Durvalumab AIM AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY: This project management plan is to conduct the clinical study to determine dose and regimen of Durvalumab as monotherapy or in combination with Pomalidomide with or without Dexamethasone in subjects with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. The clinical study details are as follows: Study Type: Interventional Study which is a multi centered and multi country clinical trial determine the recommended dose and regimen of durvalumab either as monotherapy or in combination with pomalidomide (POM) with or without low dose dexamethasone in subjects with Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM). Study Design: Allocation: Randomized Endpoint Classification: Safety Study Intervention Model: Parallel ... Show more content on ... The sites are located at USA, France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and Italy etc and the locations are provided below:  University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA  John Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA  Dana–Faber Partners Cancer Care, Inc., Boston, MA, USA  Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA  Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA  Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA  Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA  Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA  Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA  Tom Baker Cancer Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada  CHRU de Lille–Hopital Claude Huriez Service des Maladies du Sang, Lille, France  CHU La Miletrie, Poitiers Cedex, France  Hopital Purpan, Toulouse Cedex, France  Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany  Universitaetsklinikum EssenZentrum fuer Innere Medizin, Essen, Germany  University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany  Klinik f. Innere Medizin, Tumstr. 21, Germany  Universitatsklinikum Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany  Universitatsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany  Nazionale Dei Tumori, Milano, Italy  Azienda Ospedaliera Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Torino, Italy
  • 2.  VU University Medical Center VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Netherlands  Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Reflection On Discharge Treatment Plan During my placement, I also had difficulty with treatment planning. I struggled to find activities that were motivating and challenging for clients. Additionally my body language had not been clear to my supervisor and patients, making communication difficult. With one patient, this combination of communication and treatment planning difficulties may have left her unprepared upon discharge. C.D. was a 77 year–old female patient with End–Stage Renal Disease among other medical issues. She was new to dialysis, and went three times a week for the treatment. C.D. often stated she was too tired for therapy and required coaxing or encouragement to participate, particularly on the days she had dialysis treatment. She had not been using a mobility device prior to admission but had a rolling walker at home. I struggled to find meaningful occupations that would motivate her participation in ... Show more content on ... for discharge. Functional mobility with a rolling walker may have been boring and repetitive. Having more stimulating activities would have benefitted C.D. One way I could have encouraged participation in therapy would be to use more varied, relevant occupations to still work on energy conservation and equipment management. This could have included kitchen tasks, dressing tasks, and item transport with a rolling walker. Reminding C.D. of her goal to ultimately return home independently could have also bolstered her motivation. I could have gathered more information about the setup of the assisted living facility from case management. Then, based on the setup of the assisted living facility, I could have filled out a treatment planning chart to determine appropriate ways to grade activities. Planning different activities at different levels of difficulty ahead of time would have allowed me to focus on interpersonal skills and communication during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Characteristics Of Saturated Fats Saturated fats include nuts, and in a recent study not only were nuts a good source of saturated fat, but they were also proven to improve lipid profile of inflammatory biomarkers. Participants from cohort studies has high risk for cardiac disease, but those who had a higher consumption of nuts and exercised consistently were more likely to have lower c–reactive protein and IL–6 concentrations (5). They ate higher amount of nuts because they replaced red meats, processed meats, and refined grains with nuts. This reduced their risk of getting heart disease because their overall state of inflammation was reduced, and chronic low–grade inflammation is known for being a culprit in all phases of atherosclerosis. The studies strengths were that ... Show more content on ... There was another study that studied if a Mediterranean diet could decrease inflammation and improve one's heart health. In this study, inflammation caused by diet and telomere length were evaluated with those who have a high risk of heart disease. With the use of the dietary inflammatory index, they looked to see the association between diet–related inflammation and telomere length. Telomere length affects how our cells age, and if they shorten, then it will shorten one's life as well as makine one more susceptible to disease. This study was a cross– sectional and longitudinal study that resulted in a consistent beneficial effect with aging and health when consuming a anti– inflammatory diet (7). The beneficial effects were that it changed their telomere length. Anti– inflammatory diets they included were Mediterranean diets supplemented with olive oil, and Mediterranean diets supplemented with mixed nuts. The control group was on a low fat diet. This study also showed that a proinflammatory diet can affect a person telomere length by drastically shortening it (7). More specifically, proinflammatory foods include fried foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar and anti–inflammatory foods include vegetables like kale/spinach, fruits like tomatoes/blueberries, fatty fish, and nuts. Unlike with inflammation, there are more diets proven to improve hypertension. In this specific study 3 different diets were given to participants who had hypertension and ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Essay Los Vinos de La Rioja Los vinos de La Rioja Todas las regiones de España tienen algo especial que ofrecer. La Rioja es una de estas regiones. La Rioja es una comunidad autónoma y una provincia de España, situada en el norte de la Península Ibérica. La región no se convirtió en una comunidad autónoma oficial hasta 1982, y por eso La Rioja es una nueva región de estudio con un pasado histórico complicado. En lo que sigue yo quisiera elaborar sobre algunos aspectos de la cultura de La Rioja; en particular, yo voy a discutir sobre la geografía y la economía en relación con el vino de La Rioja. La geografía de un región es la base de todos los demás aspectos de la cultura. Determina los tipos de alimentos a los habitantes comen, la ropa que llevan, los medios de ... Show more content on ... El lugar geográfico deseable de La Rioja ha causado muchos conflictos entre los diferentes grupos a lo largo de los últimos siglos. Incluso los varios invasores extranjeros de España han disfrutado de los vinos de la Rioja, como los fenicios, cartagineses, romanos, moros, y otros. Hay tres sub–regiones principales de la Rioja. Primero, Rioja Alta está situada en la frontera occidental de la región, y en las elevaciones más altas que el resto de las áreas. En La Rioja Alta domina el clima atlántico de suaves temperaturas ("LA RIOJA"). Segunda, Rioja Alavesa tiene un clima similar a la región de Alta, y produce vinos más o menos similares. La tercera sub–región es Rioja Baja que está fuertemente influenciado por un clima mediterráneo que hace de esta zona la más cálida y más seca de La Rioja. Las temperaturas en el verano por lo general llegan a 95 grados F ("Great Wine Regions – Rioja."). La Rioja es conocida por su producción de vinos. La Rioja es una provincia pequeña, pero es muy rica en recursos naturales – es una de las más famosas zonas vinícolas de España, así como tener un interesante paisaje. La Rioja siempre ha sido una parte vital de la historia de España. "Fenicios, cartagineses, romanos, árabes y, finalmente, los cruzados medievales han desempeñado un papel importante en la historia del área. Los romanos, sin embargo, hizo el vino forma parte de su cultura donde viajaban, y La Rioja no fue ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Self-Determination in the Basque Country Essay examples Self–Determination in the Basque Country The Basques, settled on the Franco–Spanish border, are a people who do not have a country that exists as an entity of its own. They are not recognized internationally. Their borders are not respected, and their culture is repressed. Thus the history of the Basque Country is one of contentious protest against imposed conditions, unremitting effort in defense of its identity and a relentless search for a means of democratizing public life. They have not been able to practice or pursue the right to self–determination as stated in the international covenants on human rights (above) and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples from Algeria, July 4th, 1976, that, "Every ... Show more content on ... One could be shot for speaking the language or gathering in small numbers. Torture was also very common with at least 100 cases reported annually and these numbers hold to present day. However in recent years, through the medium of Basque at private language schools known as ikastolaks, progress has been slow, but constant. Nevertheless, the number of individuals who use it daily or at least have a working knowledge of language are still sadly disproportionate. (Astrain) Although the language is slowly being reintroduced to communities, repression continues because they do not enjoy any political unity, but rather an excess of political institutions and functions. Therefore, the Basques are deeply dissatisfied with both their lack of territorial unity and the inferior status of their language, as well as frustrated by the lack of a more participatory democracy. It is said that, "The Basques on either side of the Franco–Spanish border vote in elections for no fewer than a dozen different institutions," (Astrain 6). They want to maintain their cultural integrity and be able to decide their own future, but this is increasingly difficult when there is no cohesion. Furthermore, the Basque Country has never been taken into consideration ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Katie Navarra's Five Tips Of Marketing An Equine Business Marketing is an important area of running a successful business but in the mist of taking care of horses, managing staff, teaching lessons, training horses, paperwork, and everything else that needs to be done in a equine business marketing tends to fall through the cracks. While marketing an equine business is similar to marketing any other business according to Katie Navarra there is one essential difference, the connection between horses and their owners. Navarra's article 5 Tips for Successful Stable Marketing lists five tips that can help a stable market themselves successfully. " Your clients want to talk to you about their horse and their concerns. They will tell you how best to provide services for their horses if you listen" (qdt. ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Fermin: The Small Well Of San Cernin Fermin is said to have been the son of a Roman of senatorial rank in Pamplona in the 3rd century, who was converted to Christianity by Saint Honestus, a disciple of Saint Saturninus. According to tradition, he was baptised by Saturninus (in Navarra "San Cernin") at the spot now known as the Pocico de San Cernin, the "Small Well of San Cernin", across from the facade of the church dedicated to St Cernin, which is built on the foundations of a pagan temple.[1] Saturninus (in France "Saint Saturnin") was the first bishop of Toulouse, where he was sent during the "consulate of Decius and Gratus" (AD 250). He was martyred (traditionally in 257 AD), significantly by being tied to a bull by his feet and dragged to his death, a martyrdom that is sometimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. First Sergeant Navarra Research Paper A teacher is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. They are strong–willed individuals who we admire and aspire to become. We learn from them. We learn through their commitment, integrity, and perseverance. A teacher can influence many important aspects of a student's life. They help shape a student's personality, morality and provide them with the tools necessary to take on their future endeavors. "A good teacher can teach you something that you will remember for a day, but a great teacher will teach you something that you will remember for the rest of your life." I was fortunate enough to find all of these qualities in my Army JROTC instructor, First Sergeant Navarra. ... Show more content on ... One of the most important is respect. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. First Sergeant shows respect by appreciating the best in other people. It is much more than just talking kindly and listening to someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone's emotions, feelings and needs. focuses on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. First Sergeant takes his time to get to know each student as an individual by valuing their time and caring about what they have to say. First Sergeant is also trustworthy. I can always go to him to seek advice, or just to have a friend to talk to. Knowing that there is someone there who will listen to you, makes all the difference in the world. Whether it's a relationship problem, teenage drama, a bad grade, or something that you feel that your family just wouldn't understand, First Sergeant is always there to listen or help in any way that he can. I will always know that I can trust him to keep our conversations private. Whether it was intended or not, he taught me that it was okay to let people into your ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. San Ferville Research Paper San Fermines is a religious and popular festival, which takes place in Pamplona, the capital of Navarra. The festivities take place from 6 to 14 July, and are full of different activities, although the best–known are those that are related to bulls, such as confinement. The origin of the festival dates back to the Middle Ages, celebrated as religious functions, in honor of San Fermín. Legend has it that San Fermín was a Pamplona bishop settled in France, who worked several miracles throughout his life. Because of the cult he was getting, he was ordered to be incarcerated and finally Degollaran. The news about San Fermín did not arrive in Pamplona until the 12th century, when the religious activities began in his honor. The festival was held on November 10th, but it was requested to change the date due to the temporary mal in autumn. It ... Show more content on ... It is a rocket that launches as the opening of the festivities, then, the people knot the famous red scarf in the neck, representing the decapitation of San Fermín. From that moment on they live 9 days of celebration without rest. The closures, so it is better known this party, occur from the 7th to the 14th of July every morning at 8. This is a fast and tense race, which aims to move the Bulls, running ahead of them, to the bullring, where they will deal in the afternoon. Due to the multitude of people who come every year the security has been increased so that the closures and the parties can pass with tranquility. We found during the nine days we found activities like the Fiesta del Toro; Composed of bullfights every afternoon, religious acts; Vespers, procession and octave, festivals and music, sports and children's activities ... And to all this you must add the constant main fiesta of the San Fermines, the party in the street, the party of the people, without programming and accompanied by the Peñas and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Research Paper On Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet, also known Cretan diet or Mediterranean diet is a practice traditional food in many countries around the Mediterranean Sea characterized by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, cereals and olive oil and a low consumption of meat and dairy products. Several studies show that the Mediterranean diet can: – reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease; – reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease; – improve the chance of pregnancy during assisted fertilization; – maintaining a healthy brain. Health Benefits Its effectiveness is difficult to assess because it is based primarily on observational studies (the plan is noted for each individual, without anyone trying to change it) and can not be excluded in this case, a bias in the comparison of several populations. Few interventional studies are of type (the investigator intentionally alters the habits of a group of patients), but not double–blind, this does not exclude a placebo effect. Another technique is to compare the future within the same population group following a serious diet and a group of dropouts. The comparability of these two groups, however, must be carefully tested. The studies should be used with caution, because outside the Mediterranean area, people on this ... Show more content on ... Patients used a margarine based on rapeseed oil and 20% increased their consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C and bread, while reducing red and processed meats (sausages). This scheme led to a dramatic drop (–70%) of all–cause mortality. The success was such that the ethics committee has decided to discontinue the study prematurely, to make these results publicly available ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Leggio Mafia The Corleonesi became one of the most powerful figures in the Sicilian mafia, but how did they get there? Luciano Leggio is credited for the rise of the Corleone family. Leggio first joined with the help of the Capo, Michele Navarra, in 1943. He was known for being violent, especially because of his most famous homicide of trade unionist Placido Rizzotto, which he was never convicted for despite the overwhelming evidence. Leggio liked to stay invisible, to not just the authorities, but to other mafia bosses. Leggio began having altercations over land with Navarra in 1958, when Navarra sent men to kill him. Leggio came out alive and was able to ambush Navarra, killing him and starting the second mafia war. The war between Leggio's band and other Corleone bosses. ... Show more content on ... Leggio became the man all Corleonesi aspired to be like, and this mindset led them to their rank. After killing Navarra, the fighting and the shootouts continued for 5 years. The fighting stopped once a car bomb led to over 60 arrests of Mafiosi where all were acquitted. Leggio returned to mafia activity, and in 1969 he was offered a spot on the Commission of Cosa Nostra. The Commission consists of only three individuals, Leggio, Gaetano Badalamenti, who had connections across the Atlantic, and was one of the men who was in the party that made the rules for the Commission, and Stefano Bontate, who was the Capo of the most prominent family in Palermo. Leggio and the Corleonesi worked their way up to be a part of Commission, which is arguably the highest position of honor one can have in the Sicilian mafia. The reason this is important is because with the Commission in effect, it led to the hierarchal structure of the mafia that we learned through Tommaso Buscetta. Leggio was the one to thank for the rise of the Corleonesi in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Olivia Monologue "My father? Ha! More like a crazy uncle. I moved in with him when my father died." Olivia blabbered on about her boring existence. She had graduated from the University of Navarra School of Business and Economics in Pamplona, Spain. Her father was a Pamplona police officer...blah, blah. Olivia's God mother to her best friend's baby...blah, blah. One day she wants to travel to Cuba...blah, blah, blah. Between the cooking show's epic finale––who's take on baked potato would win––and Olivia's elicit desire for a dog, Quinn came to her whit's end. "Has Danek ever told you how True Sight works?" she asked. Olivia fidgeted. "Well, you know more about it than me." Quinn pulled away and scooted down the couch. "If you don't want to ... Show more content on ... "Do you understand why I can't talk about it," she sniffled. Olivia nodded and hugged her again. "Has anyone ever tried to get rid of True Sight?" Laure asked. "Why would anyone do that?" Olivia crinkled her brows. "I need to know everything. The Primordial deprived me of a normal life. Took my youth and father. Now there is this life." Quinn wiped her cheek. "I may want a wife and kids, someday, with someone special who can understand True Sight. What if they want it gone?" She looked deep into Olivia's eyes. The other woman's olive skin blushed. She giggled and took Quinn's hand, kissing her fingers. "Someday, I want a wife and kids too. And a parakeet. I understand your life and wouldn't ask you to get rid of something so important. Maybe, one day, we can have those things together." The horror of a shared future with Olivia rose bile from Quinn's stomach. She wanted to snatch her hand back and wash it. I don't do needy piglets, she thought. Restraint prevailed. There was a beautiful damsel at home to rescue from a flea infested mongrel. Focus!
  • 25. "I love the idea of that, but," Quinn paused and looked away. "You want to know for sure," Olivia ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Basque Society, Language and Culture There are many groups of people throughout the world, who have either managed to keep their system of values and traditions relevant or have been forced to conform to the modern ways of the region they inhabit. The Basque people are a group of indigenous that claim the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains around the Bay of Biscay in northern Spain and southern France for thousands of years. Indigenous people are originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. By analyzing and interpreting their language, communication, religion, transition to modernity, differences between french and spanish borders, and their history we will be able to better understand them. Throughout the years, advances in international thinking and action has been significant on indigenous rights and issues including the adoption to the UN declaration on rights of indigenous people in 2007. There are several Basque provinces along the french and spanish border. Northern provinces include Labourd, Basse–Navarre, and Soule are in france, while the southern provinces are Navarra, Alava, Vizcaya, and Guipuzcoa which lie in spain (Ott 5). During the later half of the nineteenth century the Basque population was well over 1,000 people but currently consists of 376 people. Most people of this indigenous group like their forefathers are pastoralist and cultivate small farmlands scattered across the valley. . Although much of this tribes history is unverified it is said that they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. No Tiene Un Gran Significado Penedés, Ribera del Duero, Rioja, Rías Baixas, Navarra, Priorato, Toro, y Rueda. Para algunas personas esta lista de regiones españolas no tiene un gran significado. Sin embargo, estas regiones son muy importantes para España debido a que todas tienen un papel importante en cuanto a la producción de sus vinos y la calidad de ellos. El vino, ya sea vino tinto o blanco (mayormente se toma tinto), fue y es todavía hoy en día uno de los productos más importantes para España. El vino ha existido por siglos y ha tenido una gran influencia en la economía de España a través de su venta y exportaciones. El turismo también forma parte de la cultura española porque los españoles lo han integrado en su vida cotidiana. España produce una variedad ... Show more content on ... Este pueblo está localizado en Zamora, provincia que se encuentra dentro de la comunidad autónoma de Castilla y León en España. Aparte de estas bodegas, donde originalmente se produjo el vino Teso La Monja, los hermanos Eguren también compraron otras tierras en Villabuena del Puente y Toro en las cuales también producen y fabrican una pequeña cantidad de vino Teso La Monja (aunque la producción de este vino es mayor en Bodegas Teso La Monja). Dadas sus ubicaciones geográficas, orientadas al norte con ciclos vegetativos muy largos, todas estas tierras son perfectas para la producción del vino. La frescura de los suelos arcillosos en conjunción con las vetas calizas erigidas en el subsuelo y la abundante grava que se encuentra en la superficie garantizan la producción de vinos excepcionales tal como lo es Teso La Monja ("Teso La Monja"). Originalmente elaborado en el 2008, Teso La Monja 2008 no gano el título de "vino más caro de España" hasta el año 2012, así lo muestran varios periódicos tal como El Mundo y la revista gastronómica digital 7 Caníbales. Fue durante este mismo año que el vino de los hermanos Eguren supero al reconocido vino español Dominio de Pingus; el cual hasta ese momento era considerado el vino más caro de España. Mayormente fabricadas en Bodegas Teso La Monja, de las 898 botellas de Teso La Monja que son producidas y preparadas para la venta, aproximadamente un poco más de seiscientas se venden año tras año. El precio ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. La Carte Restaurant Hong Kong has removed all wine duties since February 2008, people pursuit higher standards of wine and food paring. Therefore, this essay is going to select a restaurant "a la carte" menu with not less than 40 dishes and create a suggested wine list to match with the dishes are choose. The selected dishes are including: ed Wine list Champagne Non–vintage Champagne Ayala Brut Nature NV Champagne, France Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir HK$498.00 Tasting notes: A toasty Champagne, with a woolly texture, firm acidity and flavours of biscuit, smoke, straw and citrus zest. As a good aperitif is highly match with appetizer, especially with the dishes are made by poultry and fish. Therefore, this champagne can ... Show more content on ... This fresh, dramatic, light to medium–bodied, zesty, pure Sauvignon should be pair with the oyster dish. Argyle Nuthouse Chardonnay 2012 Oregon, USA Chardonnay HK$268.00 Tasting note: An interplay of savory texture and mineral edge, there is a long lasting richness of fresh cut wheat, lemon sabayon, crêpes suzette, it can be pair with 'Grilled tuna with five spices, avocado crush and crispy shallot', they complement each other and enhance the textures that they are both buttery in flavor and share a rich, creamy texture. Red Wine Leoville Las Cases St Julien 2eme Cru 1985 St Julien, France Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends HK$3200.00 The wine reveals a youthful deep ruby/purple colour, followed by a classic Las Cases bouquet of pain grille, lead pencil, minerals, and ripe black currants. Medium to full–bodied, with outstanding concentration, and soft tannin, this needs fat for balance, fat will soften the tannins and bring a smoother feel. Therefore, it will perfectly match with 'Roasted US rib of beef' Calon Segur St Estephe 3eme Cru 1996 St. Estephe, France Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends HK$1750.00 Dark ruby–coloured, with a complex nose of dried herbs, Asian spices, and black cherry jam intermixed with cassis; it possesses outstanding purity, and
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  • 34. Spanish Inquisition Research Paper Beig, "Al–Andalus is referred to the territory occupied by the Muslim empire in Southern Spain, which refer to the cities of Almeria, Malaga, Cadiz, Huelva, Seville, Cordoba, Jaen and Granada" (p.1). The moors gradually claimed control over the whole of the peninsula but this in turn sparked the Christian Reconquest Covadonga in 722AD. For the next four hundred years the Christians and Muslims fought against each other trying to capture then conquer different areas within the Peninsula. Then finally in 1230 the Christian armies of Castilla, Aragón and Navarra joined forces to banish the Muslims for good. The next stage of Spanish history explains how Fernando of Aragón married Isabel of Castile 1469 uniting their kingdoms under the joint rule of a Catholic monarchy. During their reign the monarchs implemented "The Spanish Inquisition". Research by Pérez (2005) shows that the Spanish Inquisition was established to eliminate racial differences, "Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a modern state" (p. 35). The inquisition was meant to force the Jews to convert to Christianity otherwise they would be tortured or banished. In 1492, the monarchs subsided Christopher Columbus's voyage to discover the Americas. Columbus's discoveries lead to the beginning of the Spanish Empire overseas. The influx of new wealth enabled them to finance a huge army ... Show more content on ... This demonstrates the freedom that Spaniards have to believe in their own religious idealism. Although, religion is not enforced, Spain still flourishes with the traditions that the Catholic Church used to define their nation. For instance, Holy week is celebrated all over the country to commemorate the life of Christ. The celebration happens during the last week of lent with street processions and festivals performed all over the nation, attracting tourists from all over the ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Analysis Of Norma Rae 's ' Character Is Played By Sally Field The film which is based in the 1970's primarily focuses on the trials and tribulations of two individuals organizing a labor union at a textile mill company located in North Carolina. Norma Rae is textile loom worker for the O. P. Henley Textile Mill and mother of three children who is opinionated about the poor working conditions, long hours and poor wages of her workplace. Her frustrations began when her mother temporarily loses her hearing at the textile mill but is not treated well by the workplace doctor. Norma Rae's father dies while experiencing pain in his arm and requests for a break by management only to be denied at the textile mill. Norma Rae's character is played by Sally Field whose story is based on a real life person by the name of Crystal Lee Sutton who tried to organize the J.P. Stevens textile mill. Reuben Warshovsky is a labor organizer from New York representing the Textile Workers Union of America is committed to convincing the workplace that unionization will increase wages and better working conditions at the O. P. Henley Textile Mill. With the assistance of Norma Rae and by working day and night he was able to pull off an impossible feat of unionizing the workers at the plant. Manipulation, bribery, retaliation and intimidation are one of the few issues Norma Rae, Reuben Warshovsky and other textile workers encountered. The film reveals what the type of strings management was willing to pull in order to prevent unionization in the workplace ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Dbq Essay Trevor Murphy AP World History per. 5 Mr. Herbst April 12, 2012 DBQ Essay The effects of the Cuban Revolution on women's lives and gender relations in Cuba from 1959 to 1990 include that some say women have not reached equality yet with men, women gained more opportunities for themselves, economy and politics, and also how women still had responsibility for children and home, not men. One effect of the Cuban Revolution on women was the thought that women still have not reached equality with men. Ofelia Dominguez Navarra (#1), a female Cuban socialist feminist, believes an effect of the Cuban Revolution will change the social status of women to be less patriarchal. As a Cuban feminist, she probably believed this because the ... Show more content on ... As politicians in Cuba, the Communists party published this because it made them look like a better political party due to the increased number of women participating in political matters, which they approve. An additional document that would be helpful seeing the positive effects of the revolution would be a speech from a political leader about how the growth of women has been surprising and helpful to the country. This would help because it would recognize how women's contributions are needed to strengthen the country and prosper. Also, an effect of the Cuban Revolution on women was how women were still responsible for taking care of the children and home, not the men. A male Cuban revolutionary sympathizer (#3), expresses his thoughts about women's rights to an anthropologist in 1969, believing that an effect on women's lives from the Cuban Revolution was that it gave women more freedom by gaining jobs, which he thought was wrong. As a male Cuban, he has this belief because it takes power away from men and time away from household tasks that aren't preformed throughout the day by the woman. Vilma Espin, a female scientist, president of the Federation of Cuban women, and a member of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee (#10), believes an effect of the Cuban Revolution on women is that they created a more stressful life to handle. She probably believes ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Positive And Negative Effects Of Reality Tv Have you noticed that most of the channel has reality Tv shows when you turn on the television? This kind of program has become amazingly popular, and it all started with the real world. When it began, its purpose was to reflect the life of other people. However, now its goal is to make money and increases the ratings, but most of the people have become addicted to it because most of the people are not aware of its purpose is to make money. They think it is harmless fun, while it may seem like harmless fun, it has a negative effect on society. First and foremost, many reality shows are harmful to children and teens, as reality TV shows are programs that can quickly affect children's behavior. Children learn anything what they see on Tv shows and what they hear from individuals, and most of the children and teens spend their time watching TV, specifically by watching reality shows; yet, most of the reality TV shows use bad language. When teens and children hear vulgar words, they start using them in public, which makes them rude and disrespectful. Many reality tv also makes teens and children more comfortable with swearing, and teens and children feel that swearing or using vulgar words are a normal and acceptable aspect of everyday language due to some reality shows. As a consequent, this affects their character. In addition to changing children's personality, many reality shows cause many teens to lose their confidence. Since, people on the reality TV always wear expensive ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Creating a Methodology Case Report Essay Project Management Course – Prof. P. Faroleiro | Creating a Methodology | Case Report (Q&A) | Binetti Marco Nicola #2235 Brachet Léa #2199 Navarra Martina #2231 Rabassini Iole #2320 Tsui Janice #209317/02/2015 | 1) What can you determine about the corporate culture from the fact that they waited this long to consider the development of an EPM system? Analysing the case, it is noticeable that the corporate culture is characterized by individualism in spite of cooperation, regarding both departments and their executives. Indeed, for the latters, the prospect of losing authority and power overcomes the benefits originated by the introduction of Project ... Show more content on ... 2) Can a PMO accelerate the implementation process? The PMO can accelerate the implementation process as it streamlines the departments' workload by focusing exclusively on it. As it has been done in the specific case, in order to accelerate this procedure and improve its efficacy and efficiency, the office has to be comprised of a "handful of experienced project managers". Indeed, having the specific expertise in this field enables to avoid conflicts of interest that might occur by giving control of the PMO to an internal executive. 3) Is it acceptable for the PMO to report to the chief information officer or to someone else? Yes, it is acceptable that the PMO reports to the chief information officer, however there should be also a varied integration at the top management level (or through sponsors) in order to sustain the ongoing project whenever needed. As an example, a direct interaction with the President of the company would benefit the PMO in multiple respects. Thanks to his authority, it would be possible to sponsor the methodology throughout the entire organization, engaging all departments and executives. Moreover, the President would be also able to give the PMO the adequate organizational status to ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Short Story Analysiss Why Do These Men Do the Things That They Do? Sonta Clouatre Course: English 102 Instructor: Ms. Amy Acosta Essay Type: Short Story Analysis In a world labeled with "dos" and "don'ts," many people think society will accept anything morally wrong as long as society does not know about the sin at face value. If people do not realize what is going on, how can they accept or reject it? Many also have a tendency to stereotype people for what they see and not for what they do. Further, they may either ignore the truth or refuse to come to terms with the reality of a situation. These sentiments are reflected in "No One's a Mystery" by Elizabeth Tallent and "Can–Can" by Arturo Vivante–both essays dealing with men having affairs. The ... Show more content on ... It is obvious in both stories that the mistresses want to be the only ones on their lovers' minds when they are together. They want the ideas and truths of wives and fidelity left at home so that all attention can be focused on them. In both stories, the husbands seem confident of their wives' actions and responses. In "No One's a Mystery," the husband immediately knows his wife is driving behind them because he says, "She keeps the lights on in the daytime" and also, "She's driving exactly fifty–five miles an hour" (Tallent 10). These observations may seem trivial or shallow on the surface, but their mention symbolizes all that spouses learn and know about each other simply from being married for an extended period. In the story "Can–Can," the husband knows his wife will not question his going out for a drive. The author writes, "She wasn't the least bit inquisitive, though jealous she was in silent, subtle ways" (Vivante 5). The husband's true reason for a "drive" is later revealed, when the author notes, "He wasn't simply going out for a drive, as he said, but going to a cafe to meet Sarah, whom his wife knew but did not suspect, and with her go to a house on a lake his wife knew nothing about–a summer cottage to which he had a key" (Vivante 6). The husband's confidence in his wife's ignorance is unquestioned. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Power Of Knowledge As Power Knowledge as Power: Since the emergence of knowledge based economy, one's power has been considered in association with his/her possession of knowledge (Heizman, 2011; Mudambi&Navarra, 2004). Knowledge and power are intrinsically related. This is because knowledge creates space for the exercise of power; the exercise of power, in return, makes the control of knowledge possible (Foucault, 1980).Such relationship constitutes the knowledge–as–power argument, which implies that keeping knowledge circumscribed confers power. It is considered to be a major focus area in knowledge and learning industry in the fast growing competitive world. Knowledge Management Development and sharing helps the organization to develop group dynamics and group activity ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Running Of The Bull Research Paper Running of the Bulls can be a form of entertainment and part of the Spanish culture but it is a risk for others. Running of the bulls is a widely known event that takes place in Pamplona, Spain. The Running of the Bulls is known in Spain as 'encierro' however to the rest of the world it's known as the craziest 'sport' in history. This event is one of three main part of the San Fermin festival. Including also is the bull fights and religious celebrations the 'run' is definitely the most notable part of the festival in modern times and only really became an international phenomenon after Ernest Hemmingway published his book "The Sun Also Rises" based on events from the San Fermin festival specifically the running of the bulls. The 'run' really ... Show more content on ... By participating in the run, you have accepted the risk that you might be trampled, gored, bumped, jostled, rammed or tossed in the air by a bull, also tripped or trampled by your fellow runners. It has been reported that from 1924 to 2014, 15 people have been killed in Pamplona during this event and over 300 people are injured each year during the run. Looking back at the previous event there were a number of people who were badly hurt and had to be taken to the hospital. In 2005 over 63 people were injured at the running of the bull's event. 2007 and 2008 has the highest injured rate as there was over 200 people in both year. There was over 200 in 2007 and more than 300 in 2008. In 2009, 16 runners were injured during the sixth day of the run. 2013 Running of the Bulls was very interesting to me because a woman was included in the 50 that was badly hurt and taken to the hospital. From my reading and understanding it stated that woman where not allow to participate in the running of the bulls event. According to a news article, "A 23–year–old woman was gored in the back and suffered multiple rib fractures and damage to her right lung during the final Bull Run in 2013. (Global news, 2013) Finally in 2014 a total of 42 people were injured and were also taken to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Adhd Case Study Focus Techniques for ADHD Attention Deficit/ hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic mental health disorder with distinct behavioral manifestations in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (Barkley, 1997; Barkley, Fischer, Smallish, & Fletcher, 2002). Many sources state that the prevalence in ADHD is about 3% to 7.5% in school–aged children (Fischer, Barkley, Smallish, & Fletcher, 2005). Most current studies from 1995 to 2006 estimate that the worldwide prevalence is about 5% and that these studies are similar in all countries that ADHD is studied (Polanczyk, Lima, Horta, Biederman, & Rohde, 2007). There are a variety of test that have been done to test the performance, focus and capabilities of children with ADHD. In a great majority ... Show more content on ... The AULA is based on the paradigm of other Continuous Performance Tests (CPT) but performed in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. Visual and auditory stimuli are both present as well as random distractors of ecological nature appearing progressively. The current article presents the results for the convergent validity study of the AULA test with Conner's Continuous Performance Test while using children diagnosed with ADHD. The test included 57 children to be tested, including 42 males and 15 females ranging in age from 6 to 16. All participants general IQ and their derived indexes (Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Processing Speed) were estimated from the standardized and normalized versions of Wechsler's Intelligence Scales, fourth edition. CPT is a computerized continuous performance test that is comprised of 360 letters (stimuli) with a duration of 250 milliseconds each. The children were shown a demonstration on the procedure on how they were supposed to press the button each time a letter appeared on their screen. The only exception to this rule was the letter x, whose appearance requires an inhibiting response. The total number of items in the AULA is also 360 as in the Conner's' ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Dugesia Spp Research Paper Dugesia spp., also known as planaria is a small flat dark brown worm of varying sizes around 0.3 – 2 cm long and 1 – 2 mm wide (Palmer and Fowler, 1975 as cited by Cha, 2001). Although they are small, they are hermaphroditic (Maule, 2006). The middle of the body is darker in color with tiny spots. The body consists of an arrow shaped head and a long unsegmented body that narrows as it reaches the posterior end (T. Huang, biology student, personal communications). Midway down the ventral side of its body, the pharynx is a tube–like structure that protrudes out for feeding (Cha, 2001). The body is smooth and stretches in contracting and expanding movements as the Dugesia spp. travels around a flat surface (T. Huang, biology student, personal communications). The two side parts of the arrow that extends out of its head are sensory organs, the auricles (Cha, 2001). The auricles help sense water currents so that the Dugesia spp. is aware of the direction of water flow (Kriska and Gyorgy, 2013). Dugesia spp. has tiny eyes called eyespots located on the dorsal side of its arrow head. The eyespots can detect light and are extremely sensitive to light (Cha, 2001). Dugesia spp. lives in freshwater bodies like lakes and ponds located in areas of North America and Europe (Maule, 2006). Due to its extreme ... Show more content on ... 2001). The ganglia are connected to two nerve cords that goes along the entire body (Saló et al. 2001). When light hits the photoreceptor cells, it signals the nerve cells to react and evade the light source (Saló et al. 2001). Due to the simplicity of its eyes, it can only detect light and darkness; it can only live in habitats that are dark. With high sensitive eyes, the prediction is that when Dugesia spp. is exposed to sunlight, it stresses the planarian and forces it to move away from light (negative ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Things They Carried By Tim O ' Brien The Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O 'Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental unpredictability. Desensitization and unstable morals are two main themes relevant not only throughout the novel, but in Jacqueline 's personal story. Desensitization is one of many mental affects the Vietnam War caused those associated with it. In the novel, the reader sees in many situations how characters develop a loss of emotion towards suffering, killing, and violence. Things that the characters used to be affected by no longer impact them due to the extreme exposure of the negativity surrounding them. The soldiers saw so much death it became a normality to them, corpses became objects laughed at and played with. They "had ways of making the dead seem not quite so dead," shaking hands and making fun of the lifeless bodies turned into a coping method. The men and nurses learned that "by slighting death, by acting, we pretended it was not the terrible thing it was" (O 'Brien 480). Not only was their sensitivity lost, but the majority of their emotions as well. O 'Brien shows this in Hazeltine 1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Psychology Personal Statement Please identify your chosen major and explain why you chose this field? * Through the last two years as a student at Manchester Community College, I have been able to experience numerous classes and meet wonderful professors. In my first semester of college, I decide to take a general psychology class with Dr. Francine Rosselli–Navarra. She taught me that psychology is a science, which studies our minds and behaviors. After that class I knew that I did not just want to study the physical feature of the brain and the brain process, but how the interactions with and within our brains that produce our cognitive functions. After completing that psychology class I realized that I did not wish to be a biology major anymore, instead I wished to study in the field of Neuroscience, which is a combination of both biology and psychology. ... Show more content on ... Although at my previous institution by being involved in the school functions and participating in various groups such as being an Officer in the Alpha Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society and assisting in the Evening of Fine Wines Event, has given me skills to be successful at my previous institution. How open/willing are you to incorporate new techniques into your daily routine to improve academically? * Since I am transferring from a Community College to a University I know that I will need to improve my studying skills and that way that I approach assignments and my classes to make me successful at the University of Arizona. So any techniques that other want to teach me to assist in helping me change and improve my current techniques would be greatly appreciated and helpful to make me successful here at the University of Arizona and my future academic endeavors. Please share any additional information you feel is relevant for the ASEMS–Transfer program to consider when reviewing your file ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Wines Of Spain ( California ) The Wines of Spain During my young and foolish years, I was a confirmed wine snob; at least as it applied to the red wines I drank. If they didn?t come from Bordeaux, France, I didn?t consider them worthy. Typically, my purchases would feature wines from M?doc, Margaux, Pauillac, Saint Emilion, Pomerol and Graves. This all changed in my late forties, I was gifted with several bottles of red wine from various countries including Australia, Chile and the United States (California). Begrudgingly, I accepted the fact that good red wine needn?t come from France. This oenophilia did not preclude my consumption of ?inferior? wines; it merely dispatched them to a list of wines I would never consider buying for myself. I assumed that if I couldn?t ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, despite my experience in Colorado, I did start expanding my horizons with red wines until my forties. I had learned of the pleasures of the red wines from Piedmont, Italy. The incredible richness of Australian Shiraz proved it as an acceptable alternative to its Rhone Valley cousin. However, it took another experience with Rioja in my early fifties to start my exploration of Spanish wines. Overview To do justice to the subject of Spanish wines requires more than a single post, coverage befitting the third largest producer of wine, behind France and Italy, simply cannot be done within the limits of a single short article and summarization does a disservice to the exceptional wine making reputation of Spain?s dedicated vintners. Any worthwhile discussion of Spain?s wine making needs to include, at a minimum, an overview of the wine making regulations, under which vintners operate, the labeling requirements and what that means that means to consumers. After ?lo these concepts are covered, a discussion of the wine growing areas, the grape varietals and the resulting wines produces a sharper picture of Spain?s wines. A Brief Historical Perspective Spain has been growing grapes and making wine for centuries, with traditions as reputable as from any of the other European wine countries. However, the events of the past few decades, from the 1980s until now have resulted in something of a revolution in ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself. Differentiation is a cellular process whereby a stem cell will divide into a specialised cell, for example a neuron2. To harness the unique cellular function of a stem cell could mean the cultivation ... Show more content on ... (Pera et al, 2004) The bodies specialised cells, a product of stem cell differentiation, cannot be replaced through natural regeneration. The further exploration of ES cell research will allow scientists to harness stem cell differentiation and compensate for the bodies inability to regenerate specialised cells. (Fuchs, 2008) For example, ES cells hold the potential to regenerate the spinal cord. Common and debilitating injuries to the spinal cord result in paralysis, more accurately known as paraplegia and quadriplegia. ES cells may be used to repair an impaired spinal cord, restoring movement and quality of life to those suffering from paralysis. (Rosenfeld et al, 2004) The prospects for regenerative spinal cord repair is one of the many positive outcomes of ES cell research if exploration is allowed to continue. Ethicists often advocate for the use of human embryos in ES cell research due to their fate after successful IVF treatment. With the successful fertilisation of an IVF patient, remaining embryos that would have been used in further fertilisation attempts are kept in storage indefinitely. (Morgan, 2006) Many couples opt to donate their spare embryos to ES cell research, as they do not believe that their fertilised zygote is in fact human life. A human embryo remaining from IVF treatment is only used in ES cell research one to five days after ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Is Offshore Wind Power : Alternative Or Harmful Fossil... Offshore Wind Power: Alternative to Harmful Fossil Fuels We have the ability to reduce our dependency on burning fossil fuels that damage the environment and the solution is Offshore Wind Power. The difference in solar heating between the earth 's equator and the poles, together with the earth 's rotation, creates flows of air called wind. We can capture this form of solar energy with wind turbines that convert it into electrical energy. Creating this type of energy has little harmful impact to our environment, unlike other energy being created by fossil fuels. Several of the environmental problems the world faces today, including climate change, air pollution, oil spills, and acid rain are a result from our dependence on fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels produces heat–trapping gases that are the main cause of the ongoing rise in global atmospheric temperatures. Even though a growing list of global warming indicators, along with the alarmingly rapid recession of Arctic sea ice, opportunistic oil companies continue to exploit the ever–increasing human need for energy consumption and are constantly on the lookout for untapped oil and gas sources. In addition to ecological disturbances from fossil fuel extraction, there are certain cultural consequences for communities around the Pacific Rim. These communities, many Indigenous, are threatened by the depletion of specific resources they depend upon for their livelihoods and culture. The time is now for harnessing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. American Culture Research Paper Basque Culture I grew up in a small town, which was highly populated with individuals of Basque descent. My grandfather severed in the military and was stationed in Basque Country. Despite the large Basque population surrounding me, I knew very little of the culture and traditions commonly found within the Basque Country. "The homeland of the Basque people, commonly called the Basque Country, is located on the Bay of Biscay at the western end of the Pyrenees mountain range, straddling the border of France and Spain. The nearly 8,000–square–mile Basque Country is divided into seven administrative districts, four in Spain and three in France. Basque culture is distinctive from that of the rest of Spain in many ways" (Thomas, par. 1). This assignment has allowed me the privilege to interview and spend time with Maria Begona Narvaiza–Peck. I was able to experience the Basque culture through conversation, photographs, museum, and meals. Begona, as she prefers to be addressed, immigrated to the United States with her family in 1975, she was nine years old at the time. Her father, who was a sheepherder, moved to the United States ahead of the rest of the family. He was working to earn passage for the family to be reunited once again. The family was soon sponsored and began saving money for flights to America. She recalls this took quite a long while, as her father made only $200 a month. Once saving the money they needed, her mother and siblings began their journey to America ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Violence In Pan's Labyrinth El Laberinto Del Pan El Laberinto Del Pan, or Pan's Labyrinth, is based on the turbulence that occurred after the Civil War. It is set in post–Civil War Spain, in 1944, after the victory of the fascist Nationalists led by General Franco. Though the war had ended, many republican rebels were still striking back against the new oppressive government. Other citizens were exiled, or attempted to flee the country. A large portion of those that did rebel hid in more remote areas of Spain, such as the region of Navarra in Northern Spain, where Pan's Labyrinth takes place. During the Spanish civil war, both Nationalists and Republicans killed, tortured, and attacked citizens. Anyone either side disagreed with was likely to be harmed (school teachers, ... Show more content on ... My feelings about Pan's Labyrinth are rather split, as I appreciate the storyline but disliked the actual movie. When I first watched the film, I was shocked and horrified (I honestly thought it was horrible). At the time, I was too hung up on the creepiness and violence of the movie to value anything about it. After a few days of thinking about it, however, I was able to appreciate the subtlety behind the story, as well as the uniqueness of the plot. Pan's Labyrinth is similar to a twisted fairy tale, and has an interesting storyline, incredible effects, and good characterization. For those reasons, I feel as if I should recommend this movie to others. Pan's Labyrinth is essentially a classic, and is probably the kind of movie everyone should see once. Despite this, I cannot imagine possibly watching the movie a second time. It is for this reason that I wouldn't recommend the movie to others, as I did not enjoy it as I watched it. As I viewed the film, I was shocked and horrified by the violence, annoyed with Ophelia's character, and slightly confused about the storyline. It was only afterwards, during reflection upon it, that I could appreciate its good qualities. On one hand, I am interested by Pan's Labyrinth, on the other hand, I hated it. Therefore, I do not actually know if I would recommend this film to someone else or not. I think it would depend on the person and their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Chinese Government Administration Of Coal Mine Safety Essay caused the Chinese government to implement regulations to improve the industry safety. With the establishment of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (SACMS) the Chinese State Council was able to set up an independent and vertically integrated safety supervisory institution (Xunpeng, 2009). Despite a high number of deaths in China's coal mines, the death rate is falling as measured by number of deaths per million tons because of the regulation (Xunpeng, 2009). This organization functioned as an independent third party that improved worker safety for the Chinese people. Historically large businesses have had a negative reputation for pollution. Government agencies can implement measures that lead to large reductions in pollution. With the passage of the Clean Air Act of 1990, the number of summer ozone–advisory days has declined (Salvatore, 2015). New York City had 4 days of ozone advisories during the summer of 1993, compared with 21 days during the summer of 1988, while in Washington there was just 1 day in summer 1993, compared with 12 days in 1988 (Salvatore, 2015). The government used regulation to significantly improve the quality of life for the citizens. In this circumstance the market had clearly failed the population. Moderate Approach to Regulation The government's influence over the economy through regulation should stem from decision making that is properly vetted through different sequences. The government needs to be aware of situations that ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Hallermann Steriff Syndrome With Cutaneous Manifestations... Hallermann–Steriff Syndrome with cutaneous manifestations: A case review Anugrah Parikh M.D; Apeksha Solanki M.D; Rishi Patel MBBS; Dr Rashmi Arora MBBS Department of Dermatology, GK General Hospital, Gujarat Adani Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bhuj, Gujarat Keywords– Hallermann–Steriff Syndrome, Nevus anemicus, Hypospadias. Summary– Hallermann–Steriff Syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder that is characterized primarily by head–face abnormalities,hypotrichosis and various ophthalmic abnormalities. We report here a 14 year old boy with Hallermann–Steriff syndrome with nevus anemicus and review the literature. Introduction– The first description of Hallerman Steriff syndrome seems to have been made in 1893 by Aubry and later it was described completely in 1948 by Hallermann and then by Steriff in 1950 (1) HSS is primarily characterized by head–face abnormalities. Patients have bird like facies, dental abnormalities, hypotrichosis with various ophthalmic abnormalities(2). Seven essential signs described by Francois as diagnostic criteria for HSS are presented in table (2) 1. Dyscephalia and bird like facies 2. Abnormal dentition 3. Hypotrichosis 4. Atrophy of skin especially on nose 5. Bilateral Microphthalmia 6. Congenital Cataracts 7. Proportionate Dwarfism (2) Case Report– A 14 year old boy came to the Department of Dermatology in our hospital with complaints of hair loss from scalp since birth and altered hair color, hypopigmented macular lesion on the trunk since ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Dog Sees God Play Analysis Ohlone College Theatre and Dance Department "knocked it out of the park "with its provocative production of Dog Sees Go: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. The play by Bert V. Royal, which debuted at the New York Fringe Festival in 2004, was performed in the fall of 2012. Dog Sees God is a dramatization of Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" cartoon. These lovable characters are all grown up and dealing with the insane world of high school. The main attraction, CB (Charlie Brown), is questioning the existence of an afterlife after his dog dies (this was a big surprise). His friends are too involved in their own drama and can't really help him, but a chance meeting with Beethoven (Schroeder), the target of this group's bullying, offers CB solace and thus begins a friendship that will push teen angst to the very limits. The universal themes presented – suicide, drug use, child sexual abuse, eating disorders, teen violence, struggles with identity, rebellion, sexual relations couldn't be more current, ... Show more content on ... In this scene, Matt (Pigpen) approaches Beethoven in the choir room about staying away from CB. When Beethoven, an outcast to begin with, stands up for himself, Matt, being the school bully, smashes his fingers on the piano. When I first read and later watched this scene, I was shocked, and observed the same reaction ripple through the audience. This was exactly what the director wanted. Navarre's intent was to make the audience feel deeply, with the hopes of making an impact that would provide reflection and questions about who we are as people and how we live. In a post–show discussion, one person commented, "Though I believe homosexuality is wrong, bullying is also wrong. This is food for serious reflection." And if we can get just one person to think like that, then the director's intention and the theme of the play have ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Suzette For Being Too American Mother Summary As the story progresses, Suzette's mother becomes increasingly critical of Suzette for being "too American" and questions the authenticity of her "Haitian–ness." Her mother's criticism seems to be justified when she sees Suzette distancing herself from her Haitian values, "Would you get up and give an old lady like me your subway seat? In this state of mind, I bet you don't even give up your seat to a pregnant lady. My mother, who is often right about that. Sometimes I get up and give my seat. Other times, I don't." (146) By incorporating this story, Danticat substantiates that Suzette understands right from wrong according to Haitian values, but having grown up in America, she has already assimilated into American culture and fundamentally has a different relationship with Haiti. ... Show more content on ... In the scholarly article, "Oral Narrative as Short Story Cycle: Forging Community in Edwidge Danticat's Krik? Krak," Rocio Davis, an academic in literature at the University of Navarra in Spain, generally agrees with the previous analysis on "New York Day Women" and suggests that the passage exemplifies the rift between mother and daughter may be brought about by attitudes towards immigration. She critiques that the mother's exile from Haiti, which implies the loss of an original place, eliminates the sense of belonging and often causes dissociation from both the old ways in Haiti and from her new home in America. Davis describes that the process of diasporic self– formation is presented in "New York Day Women" through the growing distance between Suzette and her mother who struggle to define new identities and decide what to keep and what to ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Basque Identity Formation Basque Identity Formation The Basque Country, although not geographically large, is home to one of the most, diverse, historical and ancient cultures of the World. Euskal Herria, more commonly known as the Basque Country, is located on the Spanish–French boarder and is made up of seven Basque Provinces, three on the French side and four on the Spanish side. Labourd, Basse–Navarre, and Soule form the French Basque territory Iparralde, the northern side. Vizcaya, Alava, Guipuzcoa, and Navarra form the Spanish Basque Territory Hegoalde, the southern side (Ott "syllabus" 2). The Basques speak the common language of Euskara and share a significant amount of common heritage, history and identity but each territory is vastly different form the other. Each of the ... Show more content on ... This paper will analyze process of identify formation through social institutions, and popular culture, and how it differs between French Basques and Spanish Basques. This paper will also analyze a third group of Basques, Basque Americans, and how their process of identity formation has been uniquely shaped by the Basque diaspora and American culture. Lush countryside and mountainous terrains shape the rural, French side of the Basque country. The Basque language remains heavily spoken in this part of the Basque country. The Basque people that call this land home continue to live in a way that their ancestors once lived. Rural Basque identity formation is still structured off of the same values practiced by their ancestors, strength, reciprocity, and mutual aid to name a few. The rural shepherding community of Santazi remains a perfect representation of the traditional Basuqe life style and values. Santazi is located in the province of Soule, surrounded by the Pyrenees Mountain ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Corleonesi Research Paper The Corleonesi was a mafia group whose leaders were originated from Corleone, Italy. The main leader Luciano Leggio. Leggio started out working for Micele Navarra. While under Navarra, Leggio's murder of Placido Rizzotto, a resistance veteran, is on the most noteworthy murders of a political figure in the years after the war. This murder shows just the beginning brutality of what was yet to come of Leggio and the Corleonesi. Leggio hid from authority after the murdering Rizzotto, and due to his skill at staying away from justice, he was given the nickname "Scarlet Pimpernel". Much like the brutality shown in his murder of Rizzotto, his secretiveness and concealment would also become areas that the Corleonesi would become known for. Leggio, ... Show more content on ... Continuing with the theme of violence, the Corleonesi attacked and killed three of Navarra's best fighters in the middle of Corleone, while also injuring innocent bystanders. His violence and coup against the established bosses was not something commonly done; furthermore, it displayed that the power of group lie with its military prowess, rather than their political influence. The Corleonesi functioned under the plan of using devastating violence to get what they want while suffering short– term political loss. The Corleonesi continued their fight against the Navarra and as they were about to claim victory against the Navarra, the Ciaculli car bomb went off which led to mass arrests of mafia members, including Leggio. Leggio's trial is carried out very similar to the ways of other mafia trails, such as Notarbartolo's murder trial, where evidence is lost, and defendants do not talk, which then ultimately lead to the mafioso not getting convicted. After not getting convicted, he would continue his work in the mafia, by becoming one of the leaders of the Commission when it was ... Get more on ...