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6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R
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Introduction to R
Ben Charoenwong
June 25, 2015
6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R
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R Markdown
This is an R Markdown presentation. Markdown is a simple
formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word
documents. For more details on using R Markdown see
I wrote this document through R Studio, which is an editing
environment for R. It can also compile PDFs, HTML documents,
This document contains live R code that is evaluated when this
document is "compiled" (or rather, "knitted").
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Why R?
R is a freely available language and enviroment for statistical
computing and graphics. It provides a wide variety of statistical
and graphical techniques.
Most statisticians are using R (though not all finance firms do). A
large number of add-on packages can be installed and run on R.
You rarely need to code anything from scratch yourself
R's syntax is very simple (so simple it's a bit like sloppy
programming). Since R is an interpreted language, not a compiled
one, it doesn't require building a complete program like in many
other languages (like C, Fortran, etc.)
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How to install R
You can download R in different forms (Windows, Linux, Mac) at:
You can also get the most updated R version from there
For packages, to install, use install.packages() and to update,
use update.packages(ask = F).
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Coding Environment
Once you initialize R, the programming console will appear.
The interface looks a little different in R Studio. Use whichever
you feel most comfortable with!
Code is written in scripts.
To create a new script, select "File" -> "New Script". The editor
looks standard.
You can set up other text editors to be able to interpret and run R
code too (won't get into this).
Code is saved in files ending with ".R", and code can be run using
the command source().
Don't forget to save!
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Let's Start Coding
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If/when you get stuck
Try the built-in help menu. For example, suppose I want to know
how the command "lm" works. The code below all have the same
Google for help. There is a large R user community on
StackOverflow and R-Blogger. Being able to find the most
efficient and readable code from these online resources is an
extremely valuable skill.
Email the TA (me) at:, but only
AFTER you try steps 1 and 2.
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Basic Commands
Let's jump into some basic commands.
Assign objects by using either "<-" or "=" (the former is more
a = 5
## [1] 5
## [1] -5
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Basic Commands
b = 4
## [1] 4
a + b
## [1] 9
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Basic Commands
Example where "<-" is different from "=":
but {r, echo = T, eval = F} system.time(a = 5) returns an
error (you can try it).
system.time(a <- 5)
## user system elapsed
## 0 0 0
The "<-" always means assign, but "=" is also for passing in
arguments into a function. More on this later.
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Basic Commands
R remembers everything that you assign (up to overwriting
variables) in memory. You can check what's in memory with
## [1] "a" "b"
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Basic Commands
Just a tiny bit on style:
I use ";" to end a line in R. This is not necessary. Using ";" allows
me to sometimes compress multiple lines of code into one (we
can debate whether that is good or bad).
This is different from MATLAB! In MATLAB the ";" suppresses the
I also usually use "=" to assign values, rather than "<-".
Mainly because I started programming in C++ and MATLAB.
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Basic Commands
Just a tiny bit on style:
a = 5; a;
## [1] 5
b = 4; b + a;
## [1] 9
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Basic Commands
Recall a = 5; b = 4; :
a - b;
## [1] 1
a * b;
## [1] 20
a / b;
## [1] 1.25
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Basic Commands
Recall: a = 5; b = 4;:
a ^ b;
## [1] 625
## [1] 54.59815
log(b); # Default base "e". You can specify "base = 2", etc.
## [1] 1.386294
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Basic Commands
Recall: a = 5; b = 4;:
min(a, b);
## [1] 4
max(a, b);
## [1] 5
## [1] 5
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Basic Commands
Recall: a = 5; b = 4;:
R doesn't like this kind of imaginary numbers. Need to be assigned
slightly differently
## [1] 2.236068
## Warning in sqrt(-a): NaNs produced
## [1] NaN
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Basic Commands
R also handles real and imaginary numbers. (You may never need to
use these though.)
x = 0 + 5i; temp = complex(imaginary = sqrt(5));
Re(x); Re(temp);
## [1] 0
## [1] 0
Im(x); Im(temp);
## [1] 5
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Vectors & Matrices
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Basic Commands: Vectors
Let's look at some vectors, and a case where R may work when
we don't want it to!
By default, operations in R are element-wise
We will look at matrix operations in a couple of slides
x = c(1:4); x; # by default: row vector
## [1] 1 2 3 4
y = c(1:3);
x * y
## Warning in x * y: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object
## length
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Basic Commands: Vectors
The rep command repeats the x-variable times-number of times
z1 = rep(5, 2); z1;
## [1] 5 5
z2 = rep(x = 5, times = 2); z2;
## [1] 5 5
z3 = rep(times = 2, x = 5); z3;
## [1] 5 5
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Basic Commands: Vectors
The rep command repeats the x-variable times-number of times
z1 = rep(x = c(1,2,3), times = 2); z1;
## [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3
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Basic Commands: Matrices
To create a matrix (note: Matrix != Array/List != Data Frame)
M = matrix(c(1:4),nrow = 2, ncol = 2);
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
N = matrix(c(1:4),nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = T);
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 2
## [2,] 3 4 23/80
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Transposing a matrix
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 2
## [2,] 3 4
any(t(M) != N); # element-wise checking whether M[i,j] != N[i,j]
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Let's look at some matrix operations
M * N;
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 6
## [2,] 6 16
M %*% N;
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 10 14
## [2,] 14 20
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Basic Commands: Matrices
What about subscripting matrices?
The command M[1,5] gives an error
Error in M[1, 5] : subscript out of bounds
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
## [1] 3
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Basic Commands: Matrices
What about subscripting matrices?
## [1] 1
M[4]; # bad style!
## [1] 4
M[6]; # note: no error! Unlike the subscript out of bounds
## [1] NA
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Picking out rows and columns (used frequently)
## [1] 1 3
## [1] 1 2
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Basic Commands: Matrices
We can also specify which rows we DON'T want
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 3
## [2,] 2 4
## [1] 2 4
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Basic Commands: Matrices
You can name rows and columns in matrices (same with
data.frame), so you can refer to names instead of indices
row.names(M); colnames(M);
row.names(M) = c("dave","pete");
colnames(M) = c("weight","height"); #note: function name inconsistent!
## weight height
## dave 1 3
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Basic Commands: Matrices
You can name rows and columns in matrices (same with
data.frame), so you can refer to names instead of indices
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
M["dave","height"]; M[c("pete","dave"), "height"];
## [1] 3
## pete dave
## 4 3
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Inverting some matrices may cause problems (numerically singular,
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## dave pete
## weight -2 1.5
## height 1 -0.5
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Basic Commands: Matrices
To solve a system of equations of the form Mx = b
## [1] -2
b = matrix(c(2,5) , nrow = nrow(M), ncol = 1); b;
## [,1]
## [1,] 2
## [2,] 5
solve(a = M, b = b); #solves for ax = b, a is square, b is column
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Diagonal matrices
D = diag(c(1,2,3), nrow = 3) # much better than "eye" in MATLAB!!!
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Basic Commands: Matrices
Diagonal matrices. Let's look at some potential pathological cases.
diag(c(1,2,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 1)
## [,1]
## [1,] 1
## [2,] 0
## [3,] 0
diag(c(1:50), nrow = 2, ncol = 2);
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1 0
## [2,] 0 2 35/80
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Data Types
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Basic Commands: Data Types
We use the command class() to verify the variable type.
## [1] "matrix"
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "numeric"
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Basic Commands: Data Types
vec = c(1:5);
vec > 2;
as.numeric(vec > 2);
## [1] 0 0 1 1 1
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Basic Commands: Data Types
Like in many other languages, logicals and numerics are brethren.
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Basic Commands: Data Types
Let's look at some potentially pathological cases.; is.nan(NaN);
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
class(NA); class(NaN);
## [1] "logical"
## [1] "numeric"
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Basic Commands: Data Types
Some functions/operations only work on specific variable types
(cue: overloading concepts).
x = complex(real = 4);
## [1] "complex"
## [1] 4
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Basic Commands: Data Types
Some functions/operations only work on specific variable types
(cue: overloading concepts).
y = complex(imaginary = 5);
## Warning: imaginary parts discarded in coercion
## [1] 0
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Basic Commands: Data Types
Again, let's consider some potentially pathological cases.
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] NA
## [1] "logical"
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
You can combine things of the same data type.
Command c() works for vectors
x = c(1,2,4);
c(x, 5);
## [1] 1 2 4 5
y = c(T, TRUE, F, FALSE);
c(y, NA, FALSE);
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
Recall that logical and numeric are brethren, and that numeric is
more general. It will automatically be converted.
Command c() works for vectors·
## [1] 0 10 2 1 0
## [1] "hi" "world" "!"
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
rbind(M, c(1,2)); # a bit sloppy
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## 1 2 47/80
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
Pathological cases
rbind(M, 5);
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## 5 5
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
R will NOT NECESSARILY throw an error when using rbind() if
number of columns don't match.
Pathological cases·
rbind(M, c(1,2,3));
## Warning in rbind(M, c(1, 2, 3)): number of columns of result is not a
## multiple of vector length (arg 2)
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## 1 2
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
newRow = c(1,2);
rbind(M, newRow); # still a bit sloppy. also notice
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## newRow 1 2
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
newRow = c(1,2);
rbind(M, newRow); # still a bit sloppy. also notice
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## newRow 1 2
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
newRow = matrix(c(1,2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1);
rbind(M, newRow) # slightly better style
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## 1 2
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Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items
We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine
# another difference between assign vs "="
rbind(M, newRow <- matrix(c(1,2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1));
## weight height
## dave 1 3
## pete 2 4
## 1 2
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I include those I have used a lot in financial applications.
Other Useful Commands
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Basic Commands: Additional
x = c(2,3,5,1,8);
## [1] 5
## [1] 1 2 3 5 8
sort(x, decreasing = T);
## [1] 8 5 3 2 1
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Basic Commands: Additional
## [1] 2 3 5 1 8
## [1] 19
## [1] 2 5 10 11 19
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Basic Commands: Additional
## [1] 2 3 5 1 8
## [1] 240
## [1] 2 6 30 30 240
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Basic Commands: Additional
## [1] 2 3 5 1 8
## [1] 1 2 -4 7
diff(x, 2);
## [1] 3 -2 3
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Basic Commands: Additional
## [1] 2 3 5 1 8
## [1] 2 3 4 1 5
cut(x, breaks = 2);
## [1] (0.993,4.5] (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01] (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01]
## Levels: (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01]
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Basic Application: Ranking Analysts
Here is an example:
data = data.frame(analystID = c(10001,10002,10003),
ret = c(0.05, -0.21, 0.62));
## analystID ret
## 1 10001 0.05
## 2 10002 -0.21
## 3 10003 0.62
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Basic Application: Ranking Analysts
Here is an example:
data$rank = rank(-data$ret);
## analystID ret rank
## 1 10001 0.05 2
## 2 10002 -0.21 3
## 3 10003 0.62 1
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This is probably what you will doing most.
Data Analysis with R
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Set Working Directory
Should be pretty self-explanatory. It sets the default for
input/output interactions with R.
For Windows, the file path is with double backslashes :(
getwd(); #this gets the current working directory
## [1] "/Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview"
setwd("/Users/bencharoenwong/"); #for Linux/Mac
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Reading in Data
The most commonly used commands will be:
R can read many other formats:
Excel using read.xls in gdata or xlsx
SAS using spss.get in Hmisc
SPSS using read.sas7bdat in sas7bdat
Stata using read.dta in foreign
SQL using RMySQL, RPostgreSQL
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Generating Data
data = data.frame(GS = rnorm(100, mean = 0.2, sd = 0.4),
MS = rnorm(100, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.8));
head(data, n = 4); #default is n = 6
## GS MS
## 1 0.22541579 0.7166003
## 2 0.14879169 -0.1149048
## 3 0.07723751 0.5002469
## 4 -0.54295420 0.5789232
tail(data, n = 4);
## GS MS
## 97 -0.02045411 0.4689193
## 98 0.91976861 -0.9991719 65/80
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Generating Data
You can draw random numbers from many distributions. They all
usually take form of r + <distribution>
You can include more distributions from other packages too.
runif (default U[0,1])
rnorm (default N(0,1))
rt (must set degree of freedom df)
rchisq (must set degree of freedom df)
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Let's look at plotting in the base package. (I don't really use this
anymore. I use the package ggplot2).
plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist); # default scatter, ugly hollow point
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plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed",
type = "p", pch = 19); # look up "pch"'s a pain!
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plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed",
type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Speed", ylab= "Distance (km)");
abline(a = 0.5, b = 10, col = 5); # of the form ax + b
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plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed",
type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Speed", ylab= "Distance (km)");
abline(h = 20, col = "blue");
abline(v = 17, col = "green");
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The standard statistical functions work:
mean() computes sample mean
var(), or sd() which is just the sqrt(var())
median() (might not be in data. If coinciding with 2 numbers, will
take average.)
cov() computes sample covariance
cor() computes sample correlation, can specify pair-wise and
correlation type.
hist() makes histograms
No built-in function for the statistical mode!
· 71/80
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## speed dist
## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00
## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00
## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00
## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98
## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56.00
## Max. :25.0 Max. :120.00
mean(cars$speed); var(cars$speed); sqrt(var(cars$speed)) == sd(cars$speed);
## [1] 15.4
## [1] 27.95918
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hist(cars$speed, breaks = 10);
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Linear Models
Basic regression models can be estimated with the command lm.
There are more general and special versions of this.
summary(lm(speed ~ dist, data = cars));
## Call:
## lm(formula = speed ~ dist, data = cars)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -7.5293 -2.1550 0.3615 2.4377 6.4179
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 8.28391 0.87438 9.474 1.44e-12 ***
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This will go through the basic loops. This will NOT cover
the apply class of functions, nor advanced function
application tools like dplyr or data.table.
Programming with R
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For Loops
Pretty self explanatory.
for (i in c(1:5)) {
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
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While Loops
Pretty self explanatory.
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
i = i + 1;
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
## [1] "hi"
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If, and if-else commands.
x = 5; y = 3;
if (x > y) {print("x more than y");}
## [1] "x more than y"
if (x <= y) {print ("x less than or equal to y");}
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If, and if-else commands.
x = 5; y = 3;
if (x > y) {
print("x more than y");
} else {
print ("x less than or equal to y");
## [1] "x more than y"
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R is a powerful tool!
Use R!
Depending on how much R you anticipate to use in the future,
decide whether to pay the fixed cost to learn new
There are also a lot of shady packages out there…
Time to quit with q().

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Introduction to R

  • 1. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 1 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Introduction to R Ben Charoenwong June 25, 2015 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 2 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 R Markdown This is an R Markdown presentation. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see I wrote this document through R Studio, which is an editing environment for R. It can also compile PDFs, HTML documents, This document contains live R code that is evaluated when this document is "compiled" (or rather, "knitted"). 2/80
  • 2. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 3 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Why R? R is a freely available language and enviroment for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques. Most statisticians are using R (though not all finance firms do). A large number of add-on packages can be installed and run on R. You rarely need to code anything from scratch yourself R's syntax is very simple (so simple it's a bit like sloppy programming). Since R is an interpreted language, not a compiled one, it doesn't require building a complete program like in many other languages (like C, Fortran, etc.) · · · · 3/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 4 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 How to install R You can download R in different forms (Windows, Linux, Mac) at: You can also get the most updated R version from there For packages, to install, use install.packages() and to update, use update.packages(ask = F). · · · 4/80
  • 3. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 5 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Coding Environment Once you initialize R, the programming console will appear. The interface looks a little different in R Studio. Use whichever you feel most comfortable with! Code is written in scripts. To create a new script, select "File" -> "New Script". The editor looks standard. You can set up other text editors to be able to interpret and run R code too (won't get into this). Code is saved in files ending with ".R", and code can be run using the command source(). Don't forget to save! · · · · · · · 5/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 6 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Let's Start Coding
  • 4. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 7 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 If/when you get stuck Try the built-in help menu. For example, suppose I want to know how the command "lm" works. The code below all have the same effect: · ?lm help(lm) help("lm") Google for help. There is a large R user community on StackOverflow and R-Blogger. Being able to find the most efficient and readable code from these online resources is an extremely valuable skill. Email the TA (me) at:, but only AFTER you try steps 1 and 2. · · 7/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 8 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Let's jump into some basic commands. Assign objects by using either "<-" or "=" (the former is more robust) · a = 5 a ## [1] 5 -a ## [1] -5 8/80
  • 5. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 9 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands b = 4 b ## [1] 4 a + b ## [1] 9 9/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 10 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Example where "<-" is different from "=": but {r, echo = T, eval = F} system.time(a = 5) returns an error (you can try it). system.time(a <- 5) ## user system elapsed ## 0 0 0 The "<-" always means assign, but "=" is also for passing in arguments into a function. More on this later. · 10/80
  • 6. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 11 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands R remembers everything that you assign (up to overwriting variables) in memory. You can check what's in memory with · ls() ## [1] "a" "b" 11/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 12 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Just a tiny bit on style: I use ";" to end a line in R. This is not necessary. Using ";" allows me to sometimes compress multiple lines of code into one (we can debate whether that is good or bad). This is different from MATLAB! In MATLAB the ";" suppresses the output. I also usually use "=" to assign values, rather than "<-". Mainly because I started programming in C++ and MATLAB. · · · · 12/80
  • 7. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 13 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Just a tiny bit on style: a = 5; a; ## [1] 5 b = 4; b + a; ## [1] 9 13/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 14 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Recall a = 5; b = 4; : a - b; ## [1] 1 a * b; ## [1] 20 a / b; ## [1] 1.25 14/80
  • 8. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 15 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Recall: a = 5; b = 4;: a ^ b; ## [1] 625 exp(b); ## [1] 54.59815 log(b); # Default base "e". You can specify "base = 2", etc. ## [1] 1.386294 15/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 16 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Recall: a = 5; b = 4;: min(a, b); ## [1] 4 max(a, b); ## [1] 5 abs(-a); ## [1] 5 16/80
  • 9. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 17 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands Recall: a = 5; b = 4;: R doesn't like this kind of imaginary numbers. Need to be assigned slightly differently sqrt(a); ## [1] 2.236068 sqrt(-a); ## Warning in sqrt(-a): NaNs produced ## [1] NaN 17/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 18 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands R also handles real and imaginary numbers. (You may never need to use these though.) x = 0 + 5i; temp = complex(imaginary = sqrt(5)); Re(x); Re(temp); ## [1] 0 ## [1] 0 Im(x); Im(temp); ## [1] 5 18/80
  • 10. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 19 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Vectors & Matrices 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 20 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Vectors Let's look at some vectors, and a case where R may work when we don't want it to! By default, operations in R are element-wise We will look at matrix operations in a couple of slides · · · x = c(1:4); x; # by default: row vector ## [1] 1 2 3 4 y = c(1:3); x * y ## Warning in x * y: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object ## length 20/80
  • 11. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 21 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Vectors The rep command repeats the x-variable times-number of times z1 = rep(5, 2); z1; ## [1] 5 5 z2 = rep(x = 5, times = 2); z2; ## [1] 5 5 z3 = rep(times = 2, x = 5); z3; ## [1] 5 5 21/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 22 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Vectors The rep command repeats the x-variable times-number of times z1 = rep(x = c(1,2,3), times = 2); z1; ## [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 22/80
  • 12. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 23 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices To create a matrix (note: Matrix != Array/List != Data Frame) M = matrix(c(1:4),nrow = 2, ncol = 2); M; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 3 ## [2,] 2 4 N = matrix(c(1:4),nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = T); N; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 2 ## [2,] 3 4 23/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 24 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Transposing a matrix M; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 3 ## [2,] 2 4 t(M); ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 2 ## [2,] 3 4 any(t(M) != N); # element-wise checking whether M[i,j] != N[i,j] 24/80
  • 13. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 25 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Let's look at some matrix operations M * N; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 6 ## [2,] 6 16 M %*% N; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 10 14 ## [2,] 14 20 25/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 26 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices What about subscripting matrices? The command M[1,5] gives an error Error in M[1, 5] : subscript out of bounds M; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 3 ## [2,] 2 4 M[1,2]; ## [1] 3 26/80
  • 14. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 27 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices What about subscripting matrices? M[1]; ## [1] 1 M[4]; # bad style! ## [1] 4 M[6]; # note: no error! Unlike the subscript out of bounds ## [1] NA 27/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 28 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Picking out rows and columns (used frequently) M[1,]; ## [1] 1 3 M[,1]; ## [1] 1 2 28/80
  • 15. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 29 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices We can also specify which rows we DON'T want M; ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 3 ## [2,] 2 4 M[-1,]; ## [1] 2 4 M[,-1]; 29/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 30 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices You can name rows and columns in matrices (same with data.frame), so you can refer to names instead of indices row.names(M); colnames(M); ## NULL ## NULL row.names(M) = c("dave","pete"); colnames(M) = c("weight","height"); #note: function name inconsistent! M ## weight height ## dave 1 3 30/80
  • 16. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 31 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices You can name rows and columns in matrices (same with data.frame), so you can refer to names instead of indices M; ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 M["dave","height"]; M[c("pete","dave"), "height"]; ## [1] 3 ## pete dave ## 4 3 31/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 32 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Inverting some matrices may cause problems (numerically singular, etc.) M; ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 solve(M); ## dave pete ## weight -2 1.5 ## height 1 -0.5 32/80
  • 17. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 33 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices To solve a system of equations of the form Mx = b det(M); ## [1] -2 b = matrix(c(2,5) , nrow = nrow(M), ncol = 1); b; ## [,1] ## [1,] 2 ## [2,] 5 solve(a = M, b = b); #solves for ax = b, a is square, b is column 33/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 34 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Diagonal matrices D = diag(c(1,2,3), nrow = 3) # much better than "eye" in MATLAB!!! 34/80
  • 18. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 35 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Matrices Diagonal matrices. Let's look at some potential pathological cases. DANGER: THEY WORK! diag(c(1,2,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 1) ## [,1] ## [1,] 1 ## [2,] 0 ## [3,] 0 diag(c(1:50), nrow = 2, ncol = 2); ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 0 ## [2,] 0 2 35/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 36 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Data Types
  • 19. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 37 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types We use the command class() to verify the variable type. class(M) ## [1] "matrix" class(4) ## [1] "numeric" class(c(1,2,3)) ## [1] "numeric" 37/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 38 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types vec = c(1:5); vec > 2; ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE as.numeric(vec > 2); ## [1] 0 0 1 1 1 38/80
  • 20. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 39 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types Like in many other languages, logicals and numerics are brethren. as.logical(c(0,2,1,0)) ## [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 39/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 40 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types Let's look at some potentially pathological cases.; is.nan(NaN); ## [1] TRUE ## [1] TRUE class(NA); class(NaN); ## [1] "logical" ## [1] "numeric" 40/80
  • 21. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 41 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types Some functions/operations only work on specific variable types (cue: overloading concepts). x = complex(real = 4); class(x); ## [1] "complex" as.numeric(x); ## [1] 4 class(as.numeric(x)); 41/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 42 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types Some functions/operations only work on specific variable types (cue: overloading concepts). y = complex(imaginary = 5); as.numeric(y); ## Warning: imaginary parts discarded in coercion ## [1] 0 42/80
  • 22. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 43 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Data Types Again, let's consider some potentially pathological cases. class(as.numeric(NA)); ## [1] "numeric" as.logical(NaN); ## [1] NA class(as.logical(NaN)); ## [1] "logical" 43/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 44 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 "Combinding"
  • 23. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 45 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items You can combine things of the same data type. Command c() works for vectors · · x = c(1,2,4); c(x, 5); ## [1] 1 2 4 5 y = c(T, TRUE, F, FALSE); c(y, NA, FALSE); ## [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE NA FALSE 45/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 46 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items Recall that logical and numeric are brethren, and that numeric is more general. It will automatically be converted. Command c() works for vectors· c(F,10,2,T,F); ## [1] 0 10 2 1 0 c("hi","world","!"); ## [1] "hi" "world" "!" 46/80
  • 24. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 47 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames · M; ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 rbind(M, c(1,2)); # a bit sloppy ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## 1 2 47/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 48 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames Pathological cases · · rbind(M, 5); ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## 5 5 48/80
  • 25. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 49 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items R will NOT NECESSARILY throw an error when using rbind() if number of columns don't match. Pathological cases· rbind(M, c(1,2,3)); ## Warning in rbind(M, c(1, 2, 3)): number of columns of result is not a ## multiple of vector length (arg 2) ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## 1 2 49/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 50 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames · newRow = c(1,2); rbind(M, newRow); # still a bit sloppy. also notice ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## newRow 1 2 50/80
  • 26. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 51 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames · newRow = c(1,2); rbind(M, newRow); # still a bit sloppy. also notice ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## newRow 1 2 51/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 52 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames · newRow = matrix(c(1,2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1); rbind(M, newRow) # slightly better style ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## 1 2 52/80
  • 27. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 53 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: "Combinding" Items We can use cbind() and rbind() to combine matrices/data.frames · # another difference between assign vs "=" rbind(M, newRow <- matrix(c(1,2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1)); ## weight height ## dave 1 3 ## pete 2 4 ## 1 2 53/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 54 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 I include those I have used a lot in financial applications. Other Useful Commands
  • 28. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 55 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Additional x = c(2,3,5,1,8); length(x); ## [1] 5 sort(x); ## [1] 1 2 3 5 8 sort(x, decreasing = T); ## [1] 8 5 3 2 1 55/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 56 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Additional x; ## [1] 2 3 5 1 8 sum(x); ## [1] 19 cumsum(x); ## [1] 2 5 10 11 19 56/80
  • 29. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 57 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Additional x; ## [1] 2 3 5 1 8 prod(x); ## [1] 240 cumprod(x); ## [1] 2 6 30 30 240 57/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 58 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Additional x; ## [1] 2 3 5 1 8 diff(x); ## [1] 1 2 -4 7 diff(x, 2); ## [1] 3 -2 3 58/80
  • 30. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 59 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Commands: Additional x; ## [1] 2 3 5 1 8 rank(x); ## [1] 2 3 4 1 5 cut(x, breaks = 2); ## [1] (0.993,4.5] (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01] (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01] ## Levels: (0.993,4.5] (4.5,8.01] 59/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 60 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Application: Ranking Analysts Here is an example: data = data.frame(analystID = c(10001,10002,10003), ret = c(0.05, -0.21, 0.62)); data; ## analystID ret ## 1 10001 0.05 ## 2 10002 -0.21 ## 3 10003 0.62 60/80
  • 31. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 61 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Basic Application: Ranking Analysts Here is an example: data$rank = rank(-data$ret); data; ## analystID ret rank ## 1 10001 0.05 2 ## 2 10002 -0.21 3 ## 3 10003 0.62 1 61/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 62 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 This is probably what you will doing most. Data Analysis with R
  • 32. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 63 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Set Working Directory Should be pretty self-explanatory. It sets the default for input/output interactions with R. For Windows, the file path is with double backslashes :( setwd("C:Usersbencharoenwong") getwd(); #this gets the current working directory ## [1] "/Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview" setwd("/Users/bencharoenwong/"); #for Linux/Mac 63/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 64 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Reading in Data The most commonly used commands will be: read.csv() read.table() R can read many other formats: Excel using read.xls in gdata or xlsx SAS using spss.get in Hmisc SPSS using read.sas7bdat in sas7bdat Stata using read.dta in foreign SQL using RMySQL, RPostgreSQL etc. · · · · · · · · · 64/80
  • 33. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 65 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Generating Data data = data.frame(GS = rnorm(100, mean = 0.2, sd = 0.4), MS = rnorm(100, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.8)); head(data, n = 4); #default is n = 6 ## GS MS ## 1 0.22541579 0.7166003 ## 2 0.14879169 -0.1149048 ## 3 0.07723751 0.5002469 ## 4 -0.54295420 0.5789232 tail(data, n = 4); ## GS MS ## 97 -0.02045411 0.4689193 ## 98 0.91976861 -0.9991719 65/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 66 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Generating Data You can draw random numbers from many distributions. They all usually take form of r + <distribution> You can include more distributions from other packages too. runif (default U[0,1]) rnorm (default N(0,1)) rt (must set degree of freedom df) rchisq (must set degree of freedom df) · · · · 66/80
  • 34. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 67 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Plotting Let's look at plotting in the base package. (I don't really use this anymore. I use the package ggplot2). plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist); # default scatter, ugly hollow point 67/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 68 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Plotting plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed", type = "p", pch = 19); # look up "pch"'s a pain! 68/80
  • 35. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 69 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Plotting plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed", type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Speed", ylab= "Distance (km)"); abline(a = 0.5, b = 10, col = 5); # of the form ax + b 69/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 70 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Plotting plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, main = "Dist vs. Speed", type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Speed", ylab= "Distance (km)"); abline(h = 20, col = "blue"); abline(v = 17, col = "green"); 70/80
  • 36. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 71 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Statistics The standard statistical functions work: mean() computes sample mean var(), or sd() which is just the sqrt(var()) median() (might not be in data. If coinciding with 2 numbers, will take average.) cov() computes sample covariance cor() computes sample correlation, can specify pair-wise and correlation type. hist() makes histograms summary() No built-in function for the statistical mode! · · · · · · · · 71/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 72 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Statistics summary(cars); ## speed dist ## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00 ## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00 ## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00 ## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98 ## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56.00 ## Max. :25.0 Max. :120.00 mean(cars$speed); var(cars$speed); sqrt(var(cars$speed)) == sd(cars$speed); ## [1] 15.4 ## [1] 27.95918 72/80
  • 37. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 73 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Statistics hist(cars$speed, breaks = 10); 73/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 74 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Linear Models Basic regression models can be estimated with the command lm. There are more general and special versions of this. summary(lm(speed ~ dist, data = cars)); ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = speed ~ dist, data = cars) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -7.5293 -2.1550 0.3615 2.4377 6.4179 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 8.28391 0.87438 9.474 1.44e-12 *** 74/80
  • 38. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 75 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 This will go through the basic loops. This will NOT cover the apply class of functions, nor advanced function application tools like dplyr or data.table. Programming with R 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 76 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 For Loops Pretty self explanatory. for (i in c(1:5)) { print('hi'); }; ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" 76/80
  • 39. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 77 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 While Loops Pretty self explanatory. i = 0; while (i < 5) { print('hi'); i = i + 1; }; ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" ## [1] "hi" 77/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 78 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Conditionals If, and if-else commands. x = 5; y = 3; if (x > y) {print("x more than y");} ## [1] "x more than y" if (x <= y) {print ("x less than or equal to y");} 78/80
  • 40. 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 79 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Conditionals If, and if-else commands. x = 5; y = 3; if (x > y) { print("x more than y"); } else { print ("x less than or equal to y"); } ## [1] "x more than y" 79/80 6/26/15, 12:48 AMIntroduction to R Page 80 of 80file:///Users/bencharoenwong/Dropbox/Citadel/R_overview/introToR-bencharoenwong.html#1 Conclusion R is a powerful tool! Use R! Depending on how much R you anticipate to use in the future, decide whether to pay the fixed cost to learn new packages/commands. There are also a lot of shady packages out there… Time to quit with q(). · · · · · 80/80