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Introduction to Programming in
May 4th, 2017
Hungai Amuhinda
❖ Introduction
❖ Scala Concepts
❖ FP
❖ Collections
Scala is a Java like programming
language which unifies object - oriented
and functional programming.
Scala Concepts
● Scala is an object oriented language in pure form: every
value is an object and every operator is a method.
● “ + ”, “ - ”, “ * ”, “ / ” are all methods
Scala Concepts
● Everything is an expression
● Expression is an instruction to execute something that
will return a value.
● An expression evaluates to a result or results in a value
Scala Class Hierarchy
scala.AnyVal scala.AnyRef
Scala Data Types
● Boolean
● Byte
● Short
● Int
● Long
● Float
● Double
● Char
● String
Type System)
● Static
● Inferred (Type Inference)
● Structural
● Strong
Program with Scala (REPL)
Read Evaluate Print Loop
$ scala
Demo 03 SCAVANNAH 2017
Program with Scala (REPL)
Read Evaluate Print Loop
$ scala -Dscala.color
Demo 04 SCAVANNAH 2017
Program with Scala
Work with worksheets
● IntelliJ
● Scala IDE or Eclipse
with Scala Plugin
● Ensime
Demo 04 SCAVANNAH 2017
Program with Scala (Main)
object Demo1 {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(“Hello Everyone”)
println(“Welcome to today's event”)
Demo 01 SCAVANNAH 2017
Program with Scala (App)
object Demo2 extends App {
val todaysEvent = “Scavannah”
lazy val fun = (0 to 4).map(x => “fun”).mkString(“ ”)
println(“Hello world”)
println(“Welcome to ” + todaysEvent + “! n”)
Demo 02 SCAVANNAH 2017
Scala Concepts
❖ var, val
❖ If expressions
❖ def
❖ Block expressions
❖ While - Loops
❖ For - Loops
❖ Nested Function
❖ Recursion vs Tail recursion
❖ Pattern Matching
Scala Concepts
❖ var - variable
Something that is able or
likely to change or be
changed (Mutable)
Demo 05 SCAVANNAH 2017
❖ val - value
A value is an expression
that cannot be changed
any further (Wiki)
It's similar to final in
Expression with Semicolon?
val x = 5566
val y = 87
val java = “Java” ; val scala = “scala”
Demo 06 SCAVANNAH 2017
If you have multiple expressions in one
line, you will need semicolons(;).
Otherwise you don't need it.
If Expressions
❖ If has return value (expression)
❖ Scala has no ternary operator (? : )
val value = 0
val negative =
Demo 07 SCAVANNAH 2017
If (value < 0 ) true else false
Everything is an expression
def max (x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
If (x > y) x else y
Demo 08 SCAVANNAH 2017
Function body in Curly braces
Equals sign
Result type of function
Function name
“def” starts a function definition
Demo 09 SCAVANNAH 2017
def max (x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
If (x > y)
return x
return y
Demo 010 SCAVANNAH 2017
def max (x: Int, y: Int) = {
If (x > y)
No Result type
Demo 011 SCAVANNAH 2017
def max (x: Int, y: Int) =
If (x > y)
No Curly brackets
Summary of def
❖ You don't need a return statement
- Last expression of a block will be the return value
❖ You don't need return type in method or function definition.
- Scalac will infer your return type in most cases. Its a good habit
to have a return type, especially if your API has a public
❖ You don't need curly brackets
- If you have multiple lines of code, using curly brackets ({ }) is a
good habit
Block expressions (Curly brackets)
val n = 5
val factorial = {
var result = 1
for (i <- 1 to n )
result = result * i
Last expression (result) in block will be the
return value, then it will be assign result to
While Loop
var n = 10
var sum = 0
while (n > 0) {
sum = sum + 1
n = n - 1
For - Loop
var sum = 0
for (i <- 1 to 10) {
sum += 1
Nested Function
def min (x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
def max (x: Int, y: Int) = {
if (x > y)
if (x >= max(x,y)) y else x
Recursion vs Tail Recursion
Recursion vs Tail - recursion
def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = {
If (n == 0) 1
n * factorial(n - 1)
factorial (15)
factorial (150)
factorial(15000) // java.lang.StackOverflowError
Recursion vs Tail - recursion
def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = {
def helpFunction(acc : Int, n: Int) : BigInt = {
If (n == 0)
helpFunction(acc * n , n -1 )
“Tail - Recursion”
Recursion vs Tail - recursion
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = {
def helpFunction(acc : Int, n: Int) : BigInt = {
If (n == 0)
helpFunction(acc * n , n -1 )
“You have to add a return type, when the
function is recursive”
“Add annotation is a good habit. Compiler
can check whether or not it can be
optimised. ”
Pattern Matching
❖ Pattern matching is a feature that is very common in functional
❖ It matches a value against an expression
❖ Each pattern points to an expression
❖ It's similar to “switch case” but its more general. There are some
- No fall through
- Each condition needs to return a value(Everything in scala is an
- It can match anything
Pattern Matching
def matchString(x : String): String = {
x match {
case “Dog” => x
case “Cat” => “Not a cat person”
case _ => “Neither Dog or Cat”
Scala (Object Oriented)
❖ Classes
❖ Extends , with, override
❖ Abstract classes
❖ Objects, Companion
❖ Traits
❖ Case classes
class Employee(id : Int, val name: String, address: String, var salary: Long
val employee = new Employee(1,”Hungai”,”Kakamega”,40L)
Primary Constructor val in constructor will give you a getter
var in constructor will give you a getter and setter
Extends, with, override.
❖ Scala is single inheritance like Java.
❖ Scala - extends = Java - extends
❖ Scala - with = Java - implements
❖ Scala - override = Java - @Override
Single inheritance enables a derived class to inherit
properties and behaviour from a single parent class
Abstract classes.
❖ Abstract classes are just like normal classes but can have abstract
methods and abstract fields
❖ In scala, you don't need the keyword abstract for methods and fields
in an abstract class
Abstract classes.
abstract class Animal (val name: String) {
val footNumber: Int
val fly : Boolean
def speaks : Unit
class Dog(name: String) extends Animal (name) {
override val footNumber : Int = 4
override val fly = false
override def speak : Unit = println(“Spark”)
class Bird(name : String) extends Animal(name) {
override val footNumber : Int = 2
override val fly = true
override def speaks: Unit = println(“chatter”)
Subclasses should be in the same file.
❖ A singleton object is declared using the object keyword.
❖ When a singleton object shares the same name with a class it's
referred to as a Companion object.
❖ A companion object and its classes can access each others private
methods or fields
Singleton Object.
object MathUtil {
def doubleHalfUp(precision: Int, origin: Double): Double {
val tmp = Math.pow(10,precision)
Math.round(origin * tmp)/ tmp
Case Classes.
Case classes are just regular classes that are :
➔ Immutable by default
➔ Decomposable through pattern matching
➔ Compared by structural equality instead of by reference.
When you declare a case class the scala compiler does the following for you:
➔ Creates a class and its companion object
➔ Implements the ‘apply’ method that you can use a factory. This lets you
create instances of the class without the ‘new’ keyword
Case classes.
abstract class Notification
case class Email(sourceEmail: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification.
case class SMS (sourceNumber: String, message: String) extends Notification.
case class VoiceRecording(contactName: String, link: String) extends Notification.
val emailNotification = Email(“”,”Scavannah”,”Todays lesson”)
The Lambda Calculus.
Alonzo Church 1930
❖ Theoretical foundation
❖ Pure functions - no state
❖ Not a programming language
Lambda Calculus.
ƛx . x + 1
Function Application
Lambda Calculus.
ƛx . x + 1
// Scala Translation
{ x : Int => x + 1 }
Scala (Functional)
❖ Functional Concepts
❖ First class functions
❖ Anonymous functions
❖ Higher order functions
Functional Concepts.
❖ Immutability (Referential Transparency - Expressions always evaluates to
the same result in any context)
- No side effects (Modifies state, Not predictable)
❖ Functions as values
- Functions as objects
❖ Higher order functions - Input: Takes one or more functions as parameters,
Output: Returns a function as result
Anonymous functions (Lambdas).
Anonymous functions.
((x : Int ) => x * x)
(0 until 10).map ((value: Int) => value * value)
(0 until 10).map (value => value * value )
(0 until 10).map (value => value + 1)
(0 until 10).map (_ + 1)
High-order Functions.
def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal, salary: BigDecimal) : BigDecimal = {
val kenyaTax = (salary: BigDecimal) => {
if (salary > 413201) salary * 0.396 else salary * 0.3
val tzTax: BigDecimal => BigDecimal = _ * 0.25
High-order Functions.
def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal, salary: BigDecimal) : BigDecimal = {
def kenyaTax (salary: BigDecimal) = {
calculateTax(x =>
if (salary > 413201) salary * 0.396 else salary * 0.3, salary )
def tzTax(salary: BigDecimal ) =
calculateTax( _ * 0.25, salary)
High-order Functions.
def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal) : (BigDecimal ) => BigDecimal = {
def kenyaTax = calculateTax(x => if (x > 413201) x * 0.396 else x * 0.3 )
def tzTax = calculateTax( x => x * 0.25)
High-order Functions - Curry.
def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal) (salary : BigDecimal ) : BigDecimal =
rate (salary)
def kenyaTax(salary : BigDecimal) = calculateTax(x => if (x > 413201) x * 0.396 else x *
0.3 )(salary)
def tzTax(salary : BigDecimal) = calculateTax( x => x * 0.25)(salary)
❖ Concept of Collections
❖ Hierarchy of Collections
- Immutable
- Mutable
❖ Immutable List
❖ Scala supports mutable collections and immutable collections.
❖ A mutable collection can be updated or extended in place. This means you
can change, add or remove elements as a side effect.
❖ Immutable collections never change. You have still operations that stimulate
additions, removals, updates by creating a new collection and leave the old
Collections Hierarchy
Hierarchy of Immutable Collections
Hierarchy of mutable Collections
Immutable List
// Construct a List
val list1 = List(1,2,3)
val list2 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil
val list3 = List(“apples”, “oranges”,”bananas”)
val list4 = List(5,5,6,6) ::: List(8,7)
Pronounced “cons”
Immutable List (API)
val list = List(4,3,0,1,2)
➔ list.head
➔ list.tail
➔ list.length
➔ list.max
➔ list.min
➔ list.sum
➔ list.contains(2)
➔ list.drop
➔ list.reverse
➔ list.sortWith(_ > _)
➔ => x * 2)
➔ * 2)
➔ list.reduce((x,y) => x + y)
➔ list.filter(_ % 2 == 0)
➔ list.groupBy(x => x % 2 == 0)
Summary of Scala.
❖ Keep it simple
❖ Don’t pack too much in one expression
❖ Find meaningful names
❖ Prefer functional
❖ Careful with mutable objects
Further Reading $ References.
❖ Scala Official Docs
❖ Cousera - Martin Odesky
❖ Creative Scala
❖ Scala School by Twitter
❖ Scala 101 by Lightbend
Q & A

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Introduction to programming in scala

  • 1. Introduction to Programming in Scala May 4th, 2017
  • 3. Agenda ❖ Introduction ❖ Scala Concepts ❖ OOP ❖ FP ❖ Collections
  • 4. Scala: Scala is a Java like programming language which unifies object - oriented and functional programming.
  • 5. Scala Concepts ● Scala is an object oriented language in pure form: every value is an object and every operator is a method. ● “ + ”, “ - ”, “ * ”, “ / ” are all methods SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 6. Scala Concepts ● Everything is an expression ● Expression is an instruction to execute something that will return a value. ● An expression evaluates to a result or results in a value SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 7. Scala Class Hierarchy scala.Any scala.AnyVal scala.AnyRef scala.Int scala.Byte scala.Boolean scala.Char scala.Stringscala.List scala.Seq scala.Map
  • 8. Scala Data Types ● Boolean ● Byte ● Short ● Int ● Long SCAVANNAH 2017 ● Float ● Double ● Char ● String
  • 9. Scala Concepts(Advanced Type System) ● Static ● Inferred (Type Inference) ● Structural ● Strong SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 10. Program with Scala (REPL) Read Evaluate Print Loop $ scala Demo 03 SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 11. Program with Scala (REPL) Read Evaluate Print Loop $ scala -Dscala.color Demo 04 SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 12. Program with Scala (Worksheet) Work with worksheets ● IntelliJ ● Scala IDE or Eclipse with Scala Plugin ● Ensime Demo 04 SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 13. Program with Scala (Main) object Demo1 { def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(“Hello Everyone”) println(“Welcome to today's event”) } } Demo 01 SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 14. Program with Scala (App) object Demo2 extends App { val todaysEvent = “Scavannah” lazy val fun = (0 to 4).map(x => “fun”).mkString(“ ”) println(“Hello world”) println(“Welcome to ” + todaysEvent + “! n”) } Demo 02 SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 15. Scala Concepts SCAVANNAH 2017 ❖ var, val ❖ If expressions ❖ def ❖ Block expressions ❖ While - Loops ❖ For - Loops ❖ Nested Function ❖ Recursion vs Tail recursion ❖ Pattern Matching
  • 16. Scala Concepts ❖ var - variable Something that is able or likely to change or be changed (Mutable) Demo 05 SCAVANNAH 2017 ❖ val - value A value is an expression that cannot be changed any further (Wiki) (Immutable) It's similar to final in Java
  • 17. Expression with Semicolon? val x = 5566 val y = 87 val java = “Java” ; val scala = “scala” Demo 06 SCAVANNAH 2017 If you have multiple expressions in one line, you will need semicolons(;). Otherwise you don't need it.
  • 18. If Expressions ❖ If has return value (expression) ❖ Scala has no ternary operator (? : ) val value = 0 val negative = Demo 07 SCAVANNAH 2017 If (value < 0 ) true else false Everything is an expression
  • 19. def def max (x: Int, y: Int): Int = { If (x > y) x else y } Demo 08 SCAVANNAH 2017 Function body in Curly braces Equals sign Result type of function Parameters Function name “def” starts a function definition
  • 20. def Demo 09 SCAVANNAH 2017 def max (x: Int, y: Int): Int = { If (x > y) return x else return y }
  • 21. def Demo 010 SCAVANNAH 2017 def max (x: Int, y: Int) = { If (x > y) x else y } No Result type
  • 22. def Demo 011 SCAVANNAH 2017 def max (x: Int, y: Int) = If (x > y) x else y No Curly brackets
  • 23. Summary of def ❖ You don't need a return statement - Last expression of a block will be the return value ❖ You don't need return type in method or function definition. - Scalac will infer your return type in most cases. Its a good habit to have a return type, especially if your API has a public interface ❖ You don't need curly brackets - If you have multiple lines of code, using curly brackets ({ }) is a good habit SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 24. Block expressions (Curly brackets) val n = 5 val factorial = { var result = 1 for (i <- 1 to n ) result = result * i result } Demo 012 SCAVANNAH Last expression (result) in block will be the return value, then it will be assign result to “factorial”
  • 25. While Loop var n = 10 var sum = 0 while (n > 0) { sum = sum + 1 n = n - 1 } Demo 013 SCAVANNAH
  • 26. For - Loop Demo 014 SCAVANNAH var sum = 0 for (i <- 1 to 10) { sum += 1 } println(sum)
  • 27. Nested Function def min (x: Int, y: Int): Int = { def max (x: Int, y: Int) = { if (x > y) x else y } if (x >= max(x,y)) y else x } Demo 015 SCAVANNAH
  • 28. Recursion vs Tail Recursion
  • 29. Recursion vs Tail - recursion def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = { If (n == 0) 1 else n * factorial(n - 1) } factorial (15) factorial (150) factorial(15000) // java.lang.StackOverflowError Demo 016 SCAVANNAH
  • 30. Recursion vs Tail - recursion def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = { def helpFunction(acc : Int, n: Int) : BigInt = { If (n == 0) acc else helpFunction(acc * n , n -1 ) } helpFunction(1,n) } factorial(15000) Demo 017 SCAVANNAH “Tail - Recursion”
  • 31. Recursion vs Tail - recursion import scala.annotation.tailrec def factorial(n : Int): BigInt = { @tailrec def helpFunction(acc : Int, n: Int) : BigInt = { If (n == 0) acc else helpFunction(acc * n , n -1 ) } helpFunction(1,n) } factorial(15000) Demo 018 SCAVANNAH “You have to add a return type, when the function is recursive” “Add annotation is a good habit. Compiler can check whether or not it can be optimised. ”
  • 32. Pattern Matching ❖ Pattern matching is a feature that is very common in functional languages ❖ It matches a value against an expression ❖ Each pattern points to an expression ❖ It's similar to “switch case” but its more general. There are some differences: - No fall through - Each condition needs to return a value(Everything in scala is an expression) - It can match anything SCAVANNAH 2017
  • 33. Pattern Matching def matchString(x : String): String = { x match { case “Dog” => x case “Cat” => “Not a cat person” case _ => “Neither Dog or Cat” } matchString(“Dog”) matchString(“Human”) Demo 019 SCAVANNAH
  • 34. OOP
  • 35. Scala (Object Oriented) SCAVANNAH 2017 ❖ Classes ❖ Extends , with, override ❖ Abstract classes ❖ Objects, Companion objects ❖ Traits ❖ Case classes
  • 36. Classes class Employee(id : Int, val name: String, address: String, var salary: Long ) val employee = new Employee(1,”Hungai”,”Kakamega”,40L) Demo 020 SCAVANNAH Primary Constructor val in constructor will give you a getter var in constructor will give you a getter and setter
  • 37. Extends, with, override. ❖ Scala is single inheritance like Java. ❖ Scala - extends = Java - extends ❖ Scala - with = Java - implements ❖ Scala - override = Java - @Override SCAVANNAH Single inheritance enables a derived class to inherit properties and behaviour from a single parent class
  • 38. Abstract classes. ❖ Abstract classes are just like normal classes but can have abstract methods and abstract fields ❖ In scala, you don't need the keyword abstract for methods and fields in an abstract class SCAVANNAH
  • 39. Abstract classes. abstract class Animal (val name: String) { val footNumber: Int val fly : Boolean def speaks : Unit } class Dog(name: String) extends Animal (name) { override val footNumber : Int = 4 override val fly = false override def speak : Unit = println(“Spark”) } class Bird(name : String) extends Animal(name) { override val footNumber : Int = 2 override val fly = true override def speaks: Unit = println(“chatter”) } Demo 021 SCAVANNAH Subclasses should be in the same file.
  • 40. Objects. ❖ A singleton object is declared using the object keyword. ❖ When a singleton object shares the same name with a class it's referred to as a Companion object. ❖ A companion object and its classes can access each others private methods or fields SCAVANNAH
  • 41. Singleton Object. object MathUtil { def doubleHalfUp(precision: Int, origin: Double): Double { val tmp = Math.pow(10,precision) Math.round(origin * tmp)/ tmp } } Demo 022 SCAVANNAH
  • 42. Case Classes. Case classes are just regular classes that are : ➔ Immutable by default ➔ Decomposable through pattern matching ➔ Compared by structural equality instead of by reference. When you declare a case class the scala compiler does the following for you: ➔ Creates a class and its companion object ➔ Implements the ‘apply’ method that you can use a factory. This lets you create instances of the class without the ‘new’ keyword SCAVANNAH
  • 43. Case classes. abstract class Notification case class Email(sourceEmail: String, title: String, body: String) extends Notification. case class SMS (sourceNumber: String, message: String) extends Notification. case class VoiceRecording(contactName: String, link: String) extends Notification. val emailNotification = Email(“”,”Scavannah”,”Todays lesson”) println(emailNotification) Demo 023 SCAVANNAH
  • 44. FP
  • 45. The Lambda Calculus. Demo 012 SCAVANNAH Alonzo Church 1930 ❖ Theoretical foundation ❖ Pure functions - no state ❖ Not a programming language
  • 46. Lambda Calculus. ƛx . x + 1 SCAVANNAH ExpressionsVariable Function Application
  • 47. Lambda Calculus. ƛx . x + 1 // Scala Translation { x : Int => x + 1 } Demo 024 SCAVANNAH
  • 48. Scala (Functional) SCAVANNAH 2017 ❖ Functional Concepts ❖ First class functions ❖ Anonymous functions ❖ Higher order functions
  • 49. Functional Concepts. ❖ Immutability (Referential Transparency - Expressions always evaluates to the same result in any context) - No side effects (Modifies state, Not predictable) ❖ Functions as values - Functions as objects ❖ Higher order functions - Input: Takes one or more functions as parameters, Output: Returns a function as result Demo 012 SCAVANNAH
  • 51. Anonymous functions. ((x : Int ) => x * x) (0 until 10).map ((value: Int) => value * value) (0 until 10).map (value => value * value ) (0 until 10).map (value => value + 1) (0 until 10).map (_ + 1) Demo 025 SCAVANNAH
  • 52. High-order Functions. def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal, salary: BigDecimal) : BigDecimal = { rate(salary) } val kenyaTax = (salary: BigDecimal) => { if (salary > 413201) salary * 0.396 else salary * 0.3 } val tzTax: BigDecimal => BigDecimal = _ * 0.25 calculateTax(kenyaTax,413201) calculateTax(tzTax,100) Demo 026 SCAVANNAH
  • 53. High-order Functions. def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal, salary: BigDecimal) : BigDecimal = { rate(salary) } def kenyaTax (salary: BigDecimal) = { calculateTax(x => if (salary > 413201) salary * 0.396 else salary * 0.3, salary ) } def tzTax(salary: BigDecimal ) = calculateTax( _ * 0.25, salary) kenyaTax(413202) tzTax(100) Demo 027 SCAVANNAH
  • 54. High-order Functions. def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal) : (BigDecimal ) => BigDecimal = { rate } def kenyaTax = calculateTax(x => if (x > 413201) x * 0.396 else x * 0.3 ) def tzTax = calculateTax( x => x * 0.25) kenyaTax(413202) tzTax(100) calculateTax(kenyaTax)(413202) calculateTax(tzTax)(100) Demo 028 SCAVANNAH
  • 55. High-order Functions - Curry. def calculateTax(rate: BigDecimal => BigDecimal) (salary : BigDecimal ) : BigDecimal = { rate (salary) } def kenyaTax(salary : BigDecimal) = calculateTax(x => if (x > 413201) x * 0.396 else x * 0.3 )(salary) def tzTax(salary : BigDecimal) = calculateTax( x => x * 0.25)(salary) kenyaTax(413202) tzTax(100) Demo 029 SCAVANNAH
  • 57. Collections ❖ SCAVANNAH ❖ Concept of Collections ❖ Hierarchy of Collections - Immutable - Mutable ❖ Immutable List
  • 58. Collections. ❖ Scala supports mutable collections and immutable collections. ❖ A mutable collection can be updated or extended in place. This means you can change, add or remove elements as a side effect. ❖ Immutable collections never change. You have still operations that stimulate additions, removals, updates by creating a new collection and leave the old unchanged. SCAVANNAH
  • 60. Hierarchy of Immutable Collections SCAVANNAH
  • 61. Hierarchy of mutable Collections SCAVANNAH
  • 62. Immutable List // Construct a List val list1 = List(1,2,3) val list2 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil val list3 = List(“apples”, “oranges”,”bananas”) val list4 = List(5,5,6,6) ::: List(8,7) Demo030 SCAVANNAH Pronounced “cons”
  • 63. Immutable List (API) val list = List(4,3,0,1,2) ➔ list.head ➔ list.tail ➔ list.length ➔ list.max ➔ list.min ➔ list.sum ➔ list.contains(2) ➔ list.drop ➔ list.reverse Demo031 SCAVANNAH ➔ list.sortWith(_ > _) ➔ => x * 2) ➔ * 2) ➔ list.reduce((x,y) => x + y) ➔ list.filter(_ % 2 == 0) ➔ list.groupBy(x => x % 2 == 0)
  • 64. Summary of Scala. ❖ Keep it simple ❖ Don’t pack too much in one expression ❖ Find meaningful names ❖ Prefer functional ❖ Careful with mutable objects SCAVANNAH
  • 65. Further Reading $ References. ❖ Scala Official Docs ❖ Cousera - Martin Odesky ❖ Creative Scala ❖ Scala School by Twitter ❖ Scala 101 by Lightbend SCAVANNAH
  • 66. Q & A