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Mock Interview Essay
I actually enjoyed doing this mock interview. During the mock interview, overall I felt pretty
comfortable and confident. I think the biggest thing I learned from the mock interview is to give
more detail in my responses to the interviewer's questions. When answering a question from the
interviewer I should answer the question just as if I was writing it in an essay. Restate the question
but with an answer, give a reason or example to support my answer, and then conclude my response
by tying the information together. Good listening and eye contact are a few communication skills
came into play during my interview. I also learned that I have to be more direct when answering a
question and state more evidence to support my answers. If I answer
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Student Interview Essay
For my student interview, I was partnered up with a fellow student named Mary Fowler, but some
call her by her nickname "Lynn Lou." Her name was chosen by her grandmother on her father's side
who passed away. She is 18 years old and was born December 22,1998. She works at a salon called
Celebrity Styles in Mentor and works as a babysitter as a side job. She just came from Columbus
to get her Cosmetology license. A few years ago, she worked at a disgusting place called
Manhattan Deli, she stopped working there because she had to get surgery in her leg. She had torn
her MCL and ACL skateboarding and she was glad that she didn't have to go back. In the time of
us talking we began discussing many topics such as her school life and her 7th more
She revealed that she was a troublemaker and picked fights with others because of issues at
home. Her parents' divorce caused her to misbehave at school. Her parents going through a
divorce was the scariest thing in her life. Her father was becoming addicted to drugs and he later
became homeless. These situations led to the feelings of depression and attempting to commit
suicide. Later, we began to discuss her memories in 7th grade. She explained how she wasn't
good at basketball at all and was only good at defense. She couldn't remember what position she
played because she didn't really care for basketball and only wanted to follow in her sister's
footsteps. She did finally get around to something she loved to do which is theatre. In 7th grade
her friends told her to do theatre so she joined a group called the Shoreline Singers. Her first show
was Alice and Wonderland she played rapping singing turtle. She laughs at how cringe and
embarrassing it was but it gave her confidence to continue doing it. Theatre as of now is her
favorite hobby. She loves acting and dancing. She has been in at least 10 shows and wants to pursue
theatre as a
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Leadership Interview Essay
To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational
speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be
bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not
arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a
considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs
to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading.
During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home
health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content...
The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and
attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by
professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado.
Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example.
Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not
willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several
leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated
the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must
Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of
successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members;
unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and
recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what
makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective
As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on
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Human Resource Interview Essay examples
Human Resource Management Interview
I. Introduction...............................1
II. Organization Information...................1
III. Background Information.....................2
IV. Role of Human Resources....................3
V. Performance Appraisals.....................5
VI. Closing....................................6
VII. Works Cited................................7
Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to
allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization's effectiveness
and satisfying all of the employee's needs. Organizational goals more content...
Background Information
Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch
for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as
another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs.
Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource
Role of Human Resources
The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a
work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure
themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future
employment opportunity.
One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits
offered to the employees. "We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker's comp"
(Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held
Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe
benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this
aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO with
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Coaching Interview
East Hall High School is where I conducted my coaching interview. I was granted the opportunity
to interview one of the most prestige High School coaches in the state of Georgia; Joe Dix. Dix is
the head coach for the boys' Varsity basketball team at East Hall. Dix and his staff were
conducting try outs during our coaching interview, which is was pumped about. Coach Dix talked
about the pressure on him and his team to bring home a State Title this year since it's been a decade
since his last one. Joe Dix is in his 21st season as a basketball coach and his 11th as the head coach
at East Hall. As the head coach at East Hall Dix has won 2 State Titles, with 5 Final Four
appearances, and 7 Region Championships. Being that East Hall and more
Coach Dix believes that this style of coaching helps him motivate his young team. Being that
crazy, funny, heady, and intense coach gets the young teens pumped and ready to run through a
wall for him. When we talked about the difficult situations he has had to endure while coaching,
Dix described two situations that occurred during his tenure at East Hall; Coach Dix mentioned a
time when his star player who happened to win the Georgia Player of the year the previous year,
kicked a ball during practice and broke out a window in the gym. He stated this was a difficult
and sticky situation because the team played its big rival in two days. He said he did not sleep
well the next few nights because of the impact a suspension would have on his squad. Another
situation Dix had to deal with was a parent during a game, walked to the bench, grabbed their son
and told the player to get dressed, we're transferring from this school. Dix said that this was new
territory for him and at that time he did not know what to do. To conclude the interview, I asked
Dix two final questions. I asked him what were his ultimate goals for his team and what advice
would he give to a first year coach? "Championships and graduation," Coach Dix stated. As for
advice for a first year coach, Dix said "Preparation was KEY." "Great coaches are always prepared
for anything and everything!" In conclusion, my interview with Coach Dix was great. Dix is a
fiery, and competitive coach I think I would like to model once I merge into the coaching field.
Dix gave me a lot of insight on what it takes to be successful when running a sports program. I
believe I became a better coach from just asking and listening to him. It was a great overall
experience, and I'm glad I was able to interview a coach of his
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Examples Of Interview Essay
The subject of my interview was Juan Chavay. He was born and raised in small village close to
the mountains. The actual name was not mentioned by Juan, but he emphasized on a small,
remote village. He came to America in 2009 and has been here since. He is currently trying to
achieve citizenship, but is encountering problems with actually achieving it. He has since been
here on a work visa, which allows him to stay in the US for an extended period of time. He says he
will continue the work he is doing in Mississippi. I wanted to look at how he transitioned from one
country to another. I also looked at if he felt in racial tension or hostility as an immigrant in the
south. I also focused on the concept of community in the US compared to Guatemalan community. more content...
When I asked about an outstanding role model, he said his mother has been his rock though his
transition. He always calls her throughout the week, just to hear her voice. He said community in
Guatemala is a tighter knit community, compared to the US. He mentioned the sense of
individualism in America. He still has a hard time understanding this mindset since it's such a
polar opposite of his hometown. Juan realized he wanted to leave Guatemala in 2006 and spent
that time to make his way to the US. He originally came to the US to become a priest. He made
his way to the US when a position as a priest opened up. I asked Juan the hardest thing about
moving to America. He said it was learning English. He arrived to the Jackson airport knowing no
English at all. The first weeks for Juan were extremely difficult for him. Once he arrived to the
University of New Orleans, he began an intensive English class in order to learn the language. He
learned the language in about a year and could actually hold a conversation. Juan's time as priest
was a difficult task as he expressed in the interview. He had to juggle many responsibilities and at the
same time make many different people happy.
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Reflective Essay On Interview Experience
During the interview I learned various things about how a person who once was dreaming of a
career worked hard to make that dream closer and closer to reality. I always thought about jobs as
boring, stressful, and tiring ways to make money to sustain one's life. But from this interview
experience I have learned that it isn't always and doesn't have to be that way. It is important for
someone to pick a job they want to do, and if they don't like it, that's okay as long as they are
willing to obtain that burning determination and motivation to study and develop different variety
of newly introduced skills to accomplish what they want to do for a living. I realized that
working in a job that you don't enjoy doing isn't necessarily bad. Different jobs require different
skills and knowledge in different fields/areas. A person who switched jobs multiple times (not
because they got fired) has a higher possibility of having more skills and experiences on different
types of work, which causes the gap between the doors of opportunity to widen, enabling that
person to choose from a wide variety of different job options that they want to do and be content
with. From a student's' point of view, just the thought of getting into a job that you dream of seems
difficult and challenging. When we look at what we want to do when we grow up, we see a long
road ahead of us with constant obstacles of traffic jam (you have to compete with different people
who are closer to the destination than you
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A Interview With An Interview Essay
*For the purpose of this assignment and to keep the privacy of participates, the interviewee will be
addressed as such, or as Person A. The purpose of the assignment was to interview another person
and record it, then later analyze how well you used interview techniques. The interview was to last
fifteen minutes and discuss why your interviewee had decided to choose a career in the health field.
General Aspects of an Interview Overall, the interview was accomplished with few complications.
There was definitely areas of the interview that need attending to, and there were areas in which I
excelled. The dyadic interview started with an opening statement. I attempted to make Person A feel
comfortable by asking a simple question of "How are you today?" I believe I made Person A feel as
comfortable as possible in front of a camera and build a rapport. I could have asked one or two
more easy questions to lighten the mood. I was nervous being in front of a camera especially for
an assignment worth a large portion of my grade. When I'm nervous I sometimes bite my lip and
unfortunately throughout the interview I chewed my lip. This could have made Person A feel
awkward if she took it in uncomfortable way. The listening aspect of the interview I believe I did
very well in. I gave attention to what Person A was saying and tried to ask questions that allowed
her to elaborate, although there were a few instances that I missed the opportunity. I also tried to
write some notes down
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Example Of A Pharmacist Interview Essay
Albert Einstein once stated, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile", and I sincerely
deem this to be true. A little over a year ago; I interviewed at The University of Saint Joseph
School of Pharmacy. During this interview, I was asked to recall a time where I had made a
difference. I stated that we always make a difference, every day, but remember that I did not mention
a specific moment. Although I have helped many patients since starting my career in pharmacy, for
some odd reason, I could not come up with an exact moment where I felt I had truly made a
difference– until a few months ago.
Since my interview at USJ, I have continued to expand on my knowledge and career in pharmacy. I
obtained a promotion at Yale New Haven's new specialty pharmacy, Outpatient Pharmacy Services at
YNHHS, as a Specialty Pharmacy Liaison within the Oncology division. In this new position, my
team's objective is to ensure that patients start their oral chemotherapies as quickly and as seamlessly more content...
It was the patient taking a moment to recognize my hard work and conveying his appreciation for
helping him make this, already difficult process, significantly easier to deal with; I still have the
letter hung at my desk today. It wasn't until that precise moment in time that I realized I truly
made a difference in that patient's life and, as a result, live by the quote "only a life lived for
others is a life worthwhile". I believe pharmacists do this every day, they live their life in the
service of helping others. It is one of several reasons why I continue to love pharmacy and wish,
now more than ever, to attend The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy to obtain my
Pharm.D degree. Caring for the well–being of our patients makes me feel like life is worthwhile and
it inspires me every day to know I am making a difference in someone's life and within our
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Interview : Comparative Interview Paper Essay
Comparative Interview Paper Introduction Gladwell Kamaru MidAmerica Nazarene University
Comparative Interview Paper Introduction I got the opportunity to interview two distinct
professional counselors. I will be discussing their similarities and differences in their professional
careers; Based on their professional identity, approach to therapy orientation, work setting as well
as discussing unique experiences they have encountered. The interview experience was very
insightful in understanding the work environment for counselors across the board is very
diverse. Moreover, it was a great incredulity to my ignorance of the daily duties of a counselor on
a daily basis. I was given the privilege to interview two very distinct therapists with different
licensure and outlook in their field. Licenses The first interviewee was Mrs. Jennifer Elliot. She
holds a professional counselor license (LPC). In addition, she holds a Temporary Masters level
psychologist level license(TLMLP) from Kansas state. She describes the TLMPL as a temporary
licensure when anticipating to take nationally standardized competency exam (EPPP). It was very
interesting and quit a surprise to encounter a master's level psychologist. She explained that her
degree and licensure enable her to do psychological testing, the whole level from selecting
individuals, administering the tests as well as Interpretation of different diagnostics. Furthermore,
Mrs.Damaris Karanja was my second individuality interview.
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An Interview With A Counselor Essay
Introduction Counseling is defined as "the use of therapeutic strategies to help clients address
personal concerns and mental health issues" (Nystul, 2016). Pursuing counseling as a career
involves many years of formal study and certification or licensure. After receiving licensure to
practice as a professional counselors it is a requirement to maintain involvement and certification
in certain associations in order to hold your license. These association often require further
education and/or professional practice in order to maintain membership in these associations. It
is quite obvious that counseling requires a large amount of commitment and passion in order to
pursue it as a career and maintain a title as a counselor. I have conducted an interview with a
professional counselor in order to further understand the experience of being a counselor. The
interview that I conducted explores the requirements of maintaining and receiving a counselling
career, the experience of being a counselor, and what characteristics or skills a professional may
have. The Individual who agreed to the interview was a counselor by the name of Susie Facio.
Susie Facio, through this interview, will be giving us a look at what influenced her to become a
counselor, what her work entails on a day to day basis, and what qualities and skills she has
acquired in order to become a successful counselor. Part I: Becoming A Professional Counselor "I
always wanted to work with children, so I pursued a
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motivational interviewing Essay example
Module Title: Promoting Health
Module Coordinator: Mary Murphy
Word Count: 1750
Actual Word Count: 1894
Introduction Motivational interviewing may be defined as "a collaborative, goal–oriented style of
communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen
personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person's
own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion" (Miller and Rollnick
2012). It is this students aim to demonstrate an understanding of this concept. This will be achieved
by critiquing a digital recording of a case scenario that this student previously recorded. Throughout
this essay more content...
According to Herman et al 2011, when we, as humans, hear reasons why we should change, our
minds automatically contemplate reasons why we shouldn't. In this situation the patient has other
"issues" going on in her life at the present moment rather that quitting smoking. As a nurse I have to
accept this. It was poorly portrayed in the digital recording in my opinion.
Resistance is the active process of pushing against reason for change (Herman et al 2011). This
active process can be influenced by nurses either positively or negatively. Increased resistance may
occur by convincing the patient they have a problem, arguing the benefits of change if the patient
changes, by telling the patient how to change and by warning the patient of the consequences if they
do not change (Moyers et al, 2007). In the digital recording, I can see myself using these negative
influences, I warn the patient of serious health consequences caused by smoking, I also say that her
"angina is linked with smoking". In future I will not take such a harsh approach and let the patient
realise him/herself the situation with guidance from myself. I can see I interrupt the patient quite
frequently which naturally enough puts strain on the conversation. However, as nurses we can
positively influence the patient by using the concept developed by Rollnick and Miller (2002);
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My Interview with a Jewish Friend Essay examples
Introduction of the religion The religion I decided to do this interview on is Judaism. I have always
been interested in this religion and was ready to learn more. One of the three great monotheistic
world religions, Judaism began as the faith of the ancient Hebrews, and its sacred text is the Hebrew
Bible, particularly the Torah. Fundamental toJudaism is the belief that the people of Israel are
God's chosen people, who must serve as a light for other nations. God made a covenant first with
Abraham, then renewed it with Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. The worship of Yahweh (God) was
centered in Jerusalem from the time of David.
The destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (586 BC) and the subsequent more content...
These are things that all Jews share.
3.What different methods of worship does your religion practice?
Answer: Traditionally, Jews use certain rituals on a daily basis, too. Some of these are: putting on
the Tallit (a prayer shawl) and Tefillin (phylacteries, which are small leather boxes containing verses
from the Bible that remind Jews of their duties–one worn on the forehead and one on the arm),
praying three times a day, and keeping the dietary laws called Kashrut.
4.Is there a particular day you practice these methods of worship?
Answer: Yes of course. Jews have long revered Shabbat, the Sabbath, as a "taste of the world to
come," a time of rest, of peace, and of contentment. From sundown on Friday night until sundown on
Saturday night, observant Jews set aside time to pray and study–a day to refrain from work and
everyday cares.
5.What is your place of worship called?
6.What are the important holidays and traditions of this religion?
Answer: Yes a few are: the high holy days, sukkot, hannukkah, pesach, the omer period, Shavuot, and
7.How has religion shaped your life?
Answer: Of course it has. Being Jewish is what I am. I was raised this way, left this way of life and
came back. I love being the Jewish man I am.
8.What are the challenges, if
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Informational Interview
Informational Interview As an Accounting major, I am very interested and have become fond of
learning about the varying business aspects within the sports industry. As a result, I decided to
conduct my interview with a professional that is associated with the business operations of
athletics. The person that I interviewed was Dawn Reynolds, the Senior Associate Athletic
Director for Business and Finance here at the University of Miami. After initially getting in
contact with Ms. Reynolds a few weeks ago, I was finally able to meet with her briefly and
conduct my interview on November 30, 2010, in room 261 in the Hecht Athletics Center. Just to
give a bit of background information about Ms. Reynolds, she is from Elmira, New York and now more content...
I recommend that you take every opportunity that is given to you. You must be willing to start in
an entry level position and work your way up. Q: How did you get to your current role? A: I
worked in the University 's Budget Office for three years before working in athletics. I began my
career in Athletics in 1993 as the Senior Business Manager where I worked with day to day
activities and reconciling. I was promoted to Assistant Athletic Director in 1999 and Associate
Athletic Director in 2005. On September 2010, I was offered the position I hold now: Senior
Associate Director for Business and Finance. Q: What do you like/dislike about your job? A: I
love the people I work with and love being a part of this great program. I enjoy the people I am
around and I enjoy working with numbers. The only downside is the amount of hours you have
to work. There are times where I have to work long hours and put in a lot of extra time. Q: What
has been the most memorable moment of your career thus far? A: When you are in my position,
you get to travel with the football team so I must say the most memorable moment of my career
was being able to watch the Hurricanes win a National Championship at the Rose Bowl. Q: What
keeps you motivated? A: I try to always have a positive outlook on things. I have a great husband
and a great family that supports me with my work. My personal
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Example Of A Informal Interview
Informal Interview Essay
The interview I had was with a professional who graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas
with a degree in Supply Chain Management. The individual I interviewed was Sanel Thomas,
alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi, in which, I am currently in the pledging process of. This interview I
had with Sanel was straightforward, we met on campus, just because his daily field op varies from
time to time. Sanel is currently the Senior Director of Chick–fil–A, in which he works with the fifth
largest grossing CFA in the nation. Although what Sanel currently does has nothing to do with his
degree in Supply Chain, Sanel is a business professional who learns new things on the job and
develops skills on his journey. After conducting this interview, I have learned quite a bit about
living the cooperate life, and just the skills needed to be successful in the business field, or any field
in general.
The first thing I learned from Sanel was that he was very open– more content...
Sanel has been with CFA with quite sometime and he loved what he did during college, and so
worked his way up from being a normal employer to a senior director. That to me showed, that you
need to be dedicated in the employer you want to work with it, but also passionate for what you
want to do in life. Along with being dedicated to the employer and job, it is almost equally
important to know what you are getting your self into. From Sanel's experience it seems like
Chick–Fil–A is not an easy job, but it can be rewarding. Sanel is currently taking a on a leadership
program from Chick–Fil–A where he will be going across the United States to several restaurant
locations for five to six weeks at a time where he will be making changes on how restaurants do
daily operations to increase efficiency and
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Personal Experience During an Interview Essay
When I think of the word interview I think of it as a series of questions asked from one person to
another to seek information. In my previous assessment we were asked to interview a fellow peer,
on their personal experience of QIBT so far this year. We were not given any question, but made to
think of our own. As we were interviewing our peer another peer was marking us on our overall
ability to interview. This piece of reflective writing will be an explanation of what I thought my
personal strengths and weaknesses were throughout my interview.
Through reflecting on my previous interview I was able to pull apart both positives and negatives
aspects of my interview allowing myself time to look into the effects that the more
Whilst the open ended questions allowed deeper responses as spoken about above it was also
evident that these questions allowed Mary Doe to feel comfortable throughout the interview as she
was allowed to express her own open thought rather than having a written script of multiple smaller
closed ended questions. REF
The safe environment was carried through the whole interview. I concluded the interview by asking
Mary Doe if she had any concerns or further questions she would like to talk about. This continues
the safe environment feel, which I created throughout the whole interview.
Once finishing the interview I recall thinking that I had forgotten one major factor within the
interview, which was taking notes. This would have to be my only major weakness that I found I
had whilst interviewing Mary Doe. At the time I was so focused on eye contact, so it was really
easy for myself to just ask the questions and get lost in the answer whilst trying to figure out what
question to ask next. The lack of note taking in response to Mary Doe's answers left me forgetting
to listen one hundred percent as I was switching focus to what came next. When researching how I
can improve this skill there was a lot of positive feedback on how to strengthen this skill. One that I
shall be focusing on for future interviewing opportunities is to continually jot down small phrases as
spoken, any specific information that is useful
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Essay On Informational Interview
Informational Interview Report
The person who I conducted my informational interview was Chang Wang, Esq. I was acquainted
with Mr. Chang Wang through a class he taught at the University of Minnesota. Professor Wang is
a man of many professions; he is a lawyer, a professor, an actor and a writer. I could tell that he is
extremely accomplished in his many careers through the list of schools he has taught at, awards he
has received, the many licenses he's obtained, and the number of publications he has authored.
Because of his busy schedule, I contacted him a month before the interview to solidify a schedule
with him. I requested half an hour of his time, but he was very generous and gave me over an hour
of his company. I wanted to interview Mr. Wang for my assignment because I always wanted to
pick his brain and learn more about what he did at Thomson Reuters. Aside from completing this
assignment and getting to know more about his work, I also had a different agenda of ultimately
requesting a letter of recommendation in more content...
Because of the lack of rights in China, he is zealous about the American legal system and is a
strong proponent of democracy in China. Whether in his lifetime or after, he truly hopes for a
better China with a "rule of law". I think Mr. Wang intentionally decided not to share the
technicalities of work because he wanted to share the bigger picture of his work. His approach of
sharing the significance of his work reminded me of the parable of the three stonecutters; how the
first two stonecutters only saw the individualistic means of their work and how the third stone
cutter embraced the broader vision of his work. I don't know if my future career will be the "best"
of all the jobs, but I will have to find the significance of what I do and contribute to society someway,
somehow with that
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Examples Of In-Depth Interview
To answer my research question, I chose semi–structured in–depth interviews because it particularly
lends itself to exploring challenging and complex life situations such as the return to work following
parental leave. According to Valerie Yow, "the recorded in
–depth interview can offer answers to
questions that no other methodology can provide" (Yow 2005, 9). In her introductory chapter on
in–depth interviewing, Yow specifically mentions complex decisions as a case where in–depth
interviews allow us to pose questions that remain invisible in statistics and official records. Thus,
while the OECD family database statistics might provide us with useful information about Hungarian
mothers' decisions concerning employment, in my research I would like to ask women to explain
the various and differing factors contributing to these more content...
8 respondents were university graduates, 7 had high school diplomas and 1 interviewee completed a
vocational secondary course. 10 interviewees worked in full–time jobs, 4 in part–time (6 hour)
positions and 1 in a flexible work arrangement. One woman was currently on maternity leave, but
before the birth of her second child, she had worked full time. Interviewees conducted a wide range
of blue–, pink–, and white–collar jobs, and not all women carried out work according to their
qualifications. For example, several university graduates worked in jobs not requiring tertiary
studies. 10 of my respondents had one child, 2 women had two and 4 had three or more children.
Youngest children were aged 7 months to 26 months at the time when the interviewees ended their
parental leave. 9 of my interviewees were located in Budapest, while 7 lived outside of the capital:
among them 6 lived in towns and one in a
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Manager Interview Essay
I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the
County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual
disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position
within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of
time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I
come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words
to get my point across."
Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence,
"even if I'm unsure of myself, more content...
She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)."
Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements in
management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and the
people you work with.
Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is
expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high
energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are
systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts.
The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are
good listeners and so concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with
others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue
short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own
communication style and adjust the style according to the situation.
Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that
can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3)
dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth
(p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have
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Effective recruitment interviewing
It is essential in the first instance to outline our terms of reference. Specifically, what do we mean by
effective recruitment interviewing? It can be posited that the effectiveness of an interview process
lies in its ability to identify those candidates who most closely match the requirements of the post
applied for. Innumerable recruitment decisions have been made on the basis of interpersonal
chemistry between interviewer and candidate; some of these decisions will be successful, others will
result in the failure of an unsuitable candidate. The aim of the recruitment interview should be to
maximise the likelihood of a successful selection decision. In order to achieve this in a way that is more content...
A well thought–out interview structure will promote a number of important features within the
interview process, including equality, consistency, objectivity and fairness. Equality and consistency
are achieved through a solid, standardised interview template or matrix since candidates are treated
in the same manner, and are asked the same or similar questions in order to elicit the desired
information. Objectivity is gained through a direct comparison of candidates' responses. For most
candidates, there is a prevailing sense of fairness and transparency to a structured interview process.
This is evidenced by the statistical decrease in the likelihood of a legal challenge to a structure
driven selection decision: "...methods most likely to be challenged in proportion to their use are
...unstructured interviews (200%)...structured interviews (50%) were least likely to be challenged."
(Robertson, Smith 2001).
This structured, specification–based interview is the method employed within my company, Scott
Jardine , which not only aids our selection process, but allows us to demonstrate to clients'
satisfaction why we have made certain decisions about candidates' suitability. With the information
gleaned from having this standardised,
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Interview Essays Examples

  • 1. Mock Interview Essay I actually enjoyed doing this mock interview. During the mock interview, overall I felt pretty comfortable and confident. I think the biggest thing I learned from the mock interview is to give more detail in my responses to the interviewer's questions. When answering a question from the interviewer I should answer the question just as if I was writing it in an essay. Restate the question but with an answer, give a reason or example to support my answer, and then conclude my response by tying the information together. Good listening and eye contact are a few communication skills came into play during my interview. I also learned that I have to be more direct when answering a question and state more evidence to support my answers. If I answer Get more content on
  • 2. Student Interview Essay For my student interview, I was partnered up with a fellow student named Mary Fowler, but some call her by her nickname "Lynn Lou." Her name was chosen by her grandmother on her father's side who passed away. She is 18 years old and was born December 22,1998. She works at a salon called Celebrity Styles in Mentor and works as a babysitter as a side job. She just came from Columbus to get her Cosmetology license. A few years ago, she worked at a disgusting place called Manhattan Deli, she stopped working there because she had to get surgery in her leg. She had torn her MCL and ACL skateboarding and she was glad that she didn't have to go back. In the time of us talking we began discussing many topics such as her school life and her 7th more content... She revealed that she was a troublemaker and picked fights with others because of issues at home. Her parents' divorce caused her to misbehave at school. Her parents going through a divorce was the scariest thing in her life. Her father was becoming addicted to drugs and he later became homeless. These situations led to the feelings of depression and attempting to commit suicide. Later, we began to discuss her memories in 7th grade. She explained how she wasn't good at basketball at all and was only good at defense. She couldn't remember what position she played because she didn't really care for basketball and only wanted to follow in her sister's footsteps. She did finally get around to something she loved to do which is theatre. In 7th grade her friends told her to do theatre so she joined a group called the Shoreline Singers. Her first show was Alice and Wonderland she played rapping singing turtle. She laughs at how cringe and embarrassing it was but it gave her confidence to continue doing it. Theatre as of now is her favorite hobby. She loves acting and dancing. She has been in at least 10 shows and wants to pursue theatre as a Get more content on
  • 3. Leadership Interview Essay To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading. During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content... The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado. Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example. Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members; unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective leadership. As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on Get more content on
  • 4. Human Resource Interview Essay examples Human Resource Management Interview Contents I. Introduction...............................1 II. Organization Information...................1 III. Background Information.....................2 IV. Role of Human Resources....................3 V. Performance Appraisals.....................5 VI. Closing....................................6 VII. Works Cited................................7 Introduction Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization's effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee's needs. Organizational goals more content... Background Information Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs. Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource Association. Role of Human Resources The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future employment opportunity. One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits offered to the employees. "We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker's comp" (Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held accountable. Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO with Get more content on
  • 5. Coaching Interview East Hall High School is where I conducted my coaching interview. I was granted the opportunity to interview one of the most prestige High School coaches in the state of Georgia; Joe Dix. Dix is the head coach for the boys' Varsity basketball team at East Hall. Dix and his staff were conducting try outs during our coaching interview, which is was pumped about. Coach Dix talked about the pressure on him and his team to bring home a State Title this year since it's been a decade since his last one. Joe Dix is in his 21st season as a basketball coach and his 11th as the head coach at East Hall. As the head coach at East Hall Dix has won 2 State Titles, with 5 Final Four appearances, and 7 Region Championships. Being that East Hall and more content... Coach Dix believes that this style of coaching helps him motivate his young team. Being that crazy, funny, heady, and intense coach gets the young teens pumped and ready to run through a wall for him. When we talked about the difficult situations he has had to endure while coaching, Dix described two situations that occurred during his tenure at East Hall; Coach Dix mentioned a time when his star player who happened to win the Georgia Player of the year the previous year, kicked a ball during practice and broke out a window in the gym. He stated this was a difficult and sticky situation because the team played its big rival in two days. He said he did not sleep well the next few nights because of the impact a suspension would have on his squad. Another situation Dix had to deal with was a parent during a game, walked to the bench, grabbed their son and told the player to get dressed, we're transferring from this school. Dix said that this was new territory for him and at that time he did not know what to do. To conclude the interview, I asked Dix two final questions. I asked him what were his ultimate goals for his team and what advice would he give to a first year coach? "Championships and graduation," Coach Dix stated. As for advice for a first year coach, Dix said "Preparation was KEY." "Great coaches are always prepared for anything and everything!" In conclusion, my interview with Coach Dix was great. Dix is a fiery, and competitive coach I think I would like to model once I merge into the coaching field. Dix gave me a lot of insight on what it takes to be successful when running a sports program. I believe I became a better coach from just asking and listening to him. It was a great overall experience, and I'm glad I was able to interview a coach of his Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Interview Essay The subject of my interview was Juan Chavay. He was born and raised in small village close to the mountains. The actual name was not mentioned by Juan, but he emphasized on a small, remote village. He came to America in 2009 and has been here since. He is currently trying to achieve citizenship, but is encountering problems with actually achieving it. He has since been here on a work visa, which allows him to stay in the US for an extended period of time. He says he will continue the work he is doing in Mississippi. I wanted to look at how he transitioned from one country to another. I also looked at if he felt in racial tension or hostility as an immigrant in the south. I also focused on the concept of community in the US compared to Guatemalan community. more content... When I asked about an outstanding role model, he said his mother has been his rock though his transition. He always calls her throughout the week, just to hear her voice. He said community in Guatemala is a tighter knit community, compared to the US. He mentioned the sense of individualism in America. He still has a hard time understanding this mindset since it's such a polar opposite of his hometown. Juan realized he wanted to leave Guatemala in 2006 and spent that time to make his way to the US. He originally came to the US to become a priest. He made his way to the US when a position as a priest opened up. I asked Juan the hardest thing about moving to America. He said it was learning English. He arrived to the Jackson airport knowing no English at all. The first weeks for Juan were extremely difficult for him. Once he arrived to the University of New Orleans, he began an intensive English class in order to learn the language. He learned the language in about a year and could actually hold a conversation. Juan's time as priest was a difficult task as he expressed in the interview. He had to juggle many responsibilities and at the same time make many different people happy. Get more content on
  • 7. Reflective Essay On Interview Experience During the interview I learned various things about how a person who once was dreaming of a career worked hard to make that dream closer and closer to reality. I always thought about jobs as boring, stressful, and tiring ways to make money to sustain one's life. But from this interview experience I have learned that it isn't always and doesn't have to be that way. It is important for someone to pick a job they want to do, and if they don't like it, that's okay as long as they are willing to obtain that burning determination and motivation to study and develop different variety of newly introduced skills to accomplish what they want to do for a living. I realized that working in a job that you don't enjoy doing isn't necessarily bad. Different jobs require different skills and knowledge in different fields/areas. A person who switched jobs multiple times (not because they got fired) has a higher possibility of having more skills and experiences on different types of work, which causes the gap between the doors of opportunity to widen, enabling that person to choose from a wide variety of different job options that they want to do and be content with. From a student's' point of view, just the thought of getting into a job that you dream of seems difficult and challenging. When we look at what we want to do when we grow up, we see a long road ahead of us with constant obstacles of traffic jam (you have to compete with different people who are closer to the destination than you Get more content on
  • 8. A Interview With An Interview Essay *For the purpose of this assignment and to keep the privacy of participates, the interviewee will be addressed as such, or as Person A. The purpose of the assignment was to interview another person and record it, then later analyze how well you used interview techniques. The interview was to last fifteen minutes and discuss why your interviewee had decided to choose a career in the health field. General Aspects of an Interview Overall, the interview was accomplished with few complications. There was definitely areas of the interview that need attending to, and there were areas in which I excelled. The dyadic interview started with an opening statement. I attempted to make Person A feel comfortable by asking a simple question of "How are you today?" I believe I made Person A feel as comfortable as possible in front of a camera and build a rapport. I could have asked one or two more easy questions to lighten the mood. I was nervous being in front of a camera especially for an assignment worth a large portion of my grade. When I'm nervous I sometimes bite my lip and unfortunately throughout the interview I chewed my lip. This could have made Person A feel awkward if she took it in uncomfortable way. The listening aspect of the interview I believe I did very well in. I gave attention to what Person A was saying and tried to ask questions that allowed her to elaborate, although there were a few instances that I missed the opportunity. I also tried to write some notes down Get more content on
  • 9. Example Of A Pharmacist Interview Essay Albert Einstein once stated, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile", and I sincerely deem this to be true. A little over a year ago; I interviewed at The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy. During this interview, I was asked to recall a time where I had made a difference. I stated that we always make a difference, every day, but remember that I did not mention a specific moment. Although I have helped many patients since starting my career in pharmacy, for some odd reason, I could not come up with an exact moment where I felt I had truly made a difference– until a few months ago. Since my interview at USJ, I have continued to expand on my knowledge and career in pharmacy. I obtained a promotion at Yale New Haven's new specialty pharmacy, Outpatient Pharmacy Services at YNHHS, as a Specialty Pharmacy Liaison within the Oncology division. In this new position, my team's objective is to ensure that patients start their oral chemotherapies as quickly and as seamlessly more content... It was the patient taking a moment to recognize my hard work and conveying his appreciation for helping him make this, already difficult process, significantly easier to deal with; I still have the letter hung at my desk today. It wasn't until that precise moment in time that I realized I truly made a difference in that patient's life and, as a result, live by the quote "only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile". I believe pharmacists do this every day, they live their life in the service of helping others. It is one of several reasons why I continue to love pharmacy and wish, now more than ever, to attend The University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy to obtain my Pharm.D degree. Caring for the well–being of our patients makes me feel like life is worthwhile and it inspires me every day to know I am making a difference in someone's life and within our Get more content on
  • 10. Interview : Comparative Interview Paper Essay Comparative Interview Paper Introduction Gladwell Kamaru MidAmerica Nazarene University Comparative Interview Paper Introduction I got the opportunity to interview two distinct professional counselors. I will be discussing their similarities and differences in their professional careers; Based on their professional identity, approach to therapy orientation, work setting as well as discussing unique experiences they have encountered. The interview experience was very insightful in understanding the work environment for counselors across the board is very diverse. Moreover, it was a great incredulity to my ignorance of the daily duties of a counselor on a daily basis. I was given the privilege to interview two very distinct therapists with different licensure and outlook in their field. Licenses The first interviewee was Mrs. Jennifer Elliot. She holds a professional counselor license (LPC). In addition, she holds a Temporary Masters level psychologist level license(TLMLP) from Kansas state. She describes the TLMPL as a temporary licensure when anticipating to take nationally standardized competency exam (EPPP). It was very interesting and quit a surprise to encounter a master's level psychologist. She explained that her degree and licensure enable her to do psychological testing, the whole level from selecting individuals, administering the tests as well as Interpretation of different diagnostics. Furthermore, Mrs.Damaris Karanja was my second individuality interview. Get more content on
  • 11. An Interview With A Counselor Essay Introduction Counseling is defined as "the use of therapeutic strategies to help clients address personal concerns and mental health issues" (Nystul, 2016). Pursuing counseling as a career involves many years of formal study and certification or licensure. After receiving licensure to practice as a professional counselors it is a requirement to maintain involvement and certification in certain associations in order to hold your license. These association often require further education and/or professional practice in order to maintain membership in these associations. It is quite obvious that counseling requires a large amount of commitment and passion in order to pursue it as a career and maintain a title as a counselor. I have conducted an interview with a professional counselor in order to further understand the experience of being a counselor. The interview that I conducted explores the requirements of maintaining and receiving a counselling career, the experience of being a counselor, and what characteristics or skills a professional may have. The Individual who agreed to the interview was a counselor by the name of Susie Facio. Susie Facio, through this interview, will be giving us a look at what influenced her to become a counselor, what her work entails on a day to day basis, and what qualities and skills she has acquired in order to become a successful counselor. Part I: Becoming A Professional Counselor "I always wanted to work with children, so I pursued a Get more content on
  • 12. motivational interviewing Essay example Module Title: Promoting Health Module Coordinator: Mary Murphy Word Count: 1750 Actual Word Count: 1894 Introduction Motivational interviewing may be defined as "a collaborative, goal–oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person's own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion" (Miller and Rollnick 2012). It is this students aim to demonstrate an understanding of this concept. This will be achieved by critiquing a digital recording of a case scenario that this student previously recorded. Throughout this essay more content... According to Herman et al 2011, when we, as humans, hear reasons why we should change, our minds automatically contemplate reasons why we shouldn't. In this situation the patient has other "issues" going on in her life at the present moment rather that quitting smoking. As a nurse I have to accept this. It was poorly portrayed in the digital recording in my opinion. Resistance is the active process of pushing against reason for change (Herman et al 2011). This active process can be influenced by nurses either positively or negatively. Increased resistance may occur by convincing the patient they have a problem, arguing the benefits of change if the patient changes, by telling the patient how to change and by warning the patient of the consequences if they do not change (Moyers et al, 2007). In the digital recording, I can see myself using these negative influences, I warn the patient of serious health consequences caused by smoking, I also say that her "angina is linked with smoking". In future I will not take such a harsh approach and let the patient realise him/herself the situation with guidance from myself. I can see I interrupt the patient quite frequently which naturally enough puts strain on the conversation. However, as nurses we can positively influence the patient by using the concept developed by Rollnick and Miller (2002); Get more content on
  • 13. My Interview with a Jewish Friend Essay examples Introduction of the religion The religion I decided to do this interview on is Judaism. I have always been interested in this religion and was ready to learn more. One of the three great monotheistic world religions, Judaism began as the faith of the ancient Hebrews, and its sacred text is the Hebrew Bible, particularly the Torah. Fundamental toJudaism is the belief that the people of Israel are God's chosen people, who must serve as a light for other nations. God made a covenant first with Abraham, then renewed it with Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. The worship of Yahweh (God) was centered in Jerusalem from the time of David. The destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (586 BC) and the subsequent more content... These are things that all Jews share. 3.What different methods of worship does your religion practice? Answer: Traditionally, Jews use certain rituals on a daily basis, too. Some of these are: putting on the Tallit (a prayer shawl) and Tefillin (phylacteries, which are small leather boxes containing verses from the Bible that remind Jews of their duties–one worn on the forehead and one on the arm), praying three times a day, and keeping the dietary laws called Kashrut. 4.Is there a particular day you practice these methods of worship? Answer: Yes of course. Jews have long revered Shabbat, the Sabbath, as a "taste of the world to come," a time of rest, of peace, and of contentment. From sundown on Friday night until sundown on Saturday night, observant Jews set aside time to pray and study–a day to refrain from work and everyday cares. 5.What is your place of worship called? 6.What are the important holidays and traditions of this religion? Answer: Yes a few are: the high holy days, sukkot, hannukkah, pesach, the omer period, Shavuot, and tishah. 7.How has religion shaped your life? Answer: Of course it has. Being Jewish is what I am. I was raised this way, left this way of life and came back. I love being the Jewish man I am. 8.What are the challenges, if Get more content on
  • 14. Informational Interview Informational Interview As an Accounting major, I am very interested and have become fond of learning about the varying business aspects within the sports industry. As a result, I decided to conduct my interview with a professional that is associated with the business operations of athletics. The person that I interviewed was Dawn Reynolds, the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Business and Finance here at the University of Miami. After initially getting in contact with Ms. Reynolds a few weeks ago, I was finally able to meet with her briefly and conduct my interview on November 30, 2010, in room 261 in the Hecht Athletics Center. Just to give a bit of background information about Ms. Reynolds, she is from Elmira, New York and now more content... I recommend that you take every opportunity that is given to you. You must be willing to start in an entry level position and work your way up. Q: How did you get to your current role? A: I worked in the University 's Budget Office for three years before working in athletics. I began my career in Athletics in 1993 as the Senior Business Manager where I worked with day to day activities and reconciling. I was promoted to Assistant Athletic Director in 1999 and Associate Athletic Director in 2005. On September 2010, I was offered the position I hold now: Senior Associate Director for Business and Finance. Q: What do you like/dislike about your job? A: I love the people I work with and love being a part of this great program. I enjoy the people I am around and I enjoy working with numbers. The only downside is the amount of hours you have to work. There are times where I have to work long hours and put in a lot of extra time. Q: What has been the most memorable moment of your career thus far? A: When you are in my position, you get to travel with the football team so I must say the most memorable moment of my career was being able to watch the Hurricanes win a National Championship at the Rose Bowl. Q: What keeps you motivated? A: I try to always have a positive outlook on things. I have a great husband and a great family that supports me with my work. My personal Get more content on
  • 15. Example Of A Informal Interview Informal Interview Essay The interview I had was with a professional who graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in Supply Chain Management. The individual I interviewed was Sanel Thomas, alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi, in which, I am currently in the pledging process of. This interview I had with Sanel was straightforward, we met on campus, just because his daily field op varies from time to time. Sanel is currently the Senior Director of Chick–fil–A, in which he works with the fifth largest grossing CFA in the nation. Although what Sanel currently does has nothing to do with his degree in Supply Chain, Sanel is a business professional who learns new things on the job and develops skills on his journey. After conducting this interview, I have learned quite a bit about living the cooperate life, and just the skills needed to be successful in the business field, or any field in general. The first thing I learned from Sanel was that he was very open– more content... Sanel has been with CFA with quite sometime and he loved what he did during college, and so worked his way up from being a normal employer to a senior director. That to me showed, that you need to be dedicated in the employer you want to work with it, but also passionate for what you want to do in life. Along with being dedicated to the employer and job, it is almost equally important to know what you are getting your self into. From Sanel's experience it seems like Chick–Fil–A is not an easy job, but it can be rewarding. Sanel is currently taking a on a leadership program from Chick–Fil–A where he will be going across the United States to several restaurant locations for five to six weeks at a time where he will be making changes on how restaurants do daily operations to increase efficiency and Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Experience During an Interview Essay When I think of the word interview I think of it as a series of questions asked from one person to another to seek information. In my previous assessment we were asked to interview a fellow peer, on their personal experience of QIBT so far this year. We were not given any question, but made to think of our own. As we were interviewing our peer another peer was marking us on our overall ability to interview. This piece of reflective writing will be an explanation of what I thought my personal strengths and weaknesses were throughout my interview. Through reflecting on my previous interview I was able to pull apart both positives and negatives aspects of my interview allowing myself time to look into the effects that the more content... Whilst the open ended questions allowed deeper responses as spoken about above it was also evident that these questions allowed Mary Doe to feel comfortable throughout the interview as she was allowed to express her own open thought rather than having a written script of multiple smaller closed ended questions. REF The safe environment was carried through the whole interview. I concluded the interview by asking Mary Doe if she had any concerns or further questions she would like to talk about. This continues the safe environment feel, which I created throughout the whole interview. Once finishing the interview I recall thinking that I had forgotten one major factor within the interview, which was taking notes. This would have to be my only major weakness that I found I had whilst interviewing Mary Doe. At the time I was so focused on eye contact, so it was really easy for myself to just ask the questions and get lost in the answer whilst trying to figure out what question to ask next. The lack of note taking in response to Mary Doe's answers left me forgetting to listen one hundred percent as I was switching focus to what came next. When researching how I can improve this skill there was a lot of positive feedback on how to strengthen this skill. One that I shall be focusing on for future interviewing opportunities is to continually jot down small phrases as spoken, any specific information that is useful Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Informational Interview Informational Interview Report The person who I conducted my informational interview was Chang Wang, Esq. I was acquainted with Mr. Chang Wang through a class he taught at the University of Minnesota. Professor Wang is a man of many professions; he is a lawyer, a professor, an actor and a writer. I could tell that he is extremely accomplished in his many careers through the list of schools he has taught at, awards he has received, the many licenses he's obtained, and the number of publications he has authored. Because of his busy schedule, I contacted him a month before the interview to solidify a schedule with him. I requested half an hour of his time, but he was very generous and gave me over an hour of his company. I wanted to interview Mr. Wang for my assignment because I always wanted to pick his brain and learn more about what he did at Thomson Reuters. Aside from completing this assignment and getting to know more about his work, I also had a different agenda of ultimately requesting a letter of recommendation in more content... Because of the lack of rights in China, he is zealous about the American legal system and is a strong proponent of democracy in China. Whether in his lifetime or after, he truly hopes for a better China with a "rule of law". I think Mr. Wang intentionally decided not to share the technicalities of work because he wanted to share the bigger picture of his work. His approach of sharing the significance of his work reminded me of the parable of the three stonecutters; how the first two stonecutters only saw the individualistic means of their work and how the third stone cutter embraced the broader vision of his work. I don't know if my future career will be the "best" of all the jobs, but I will have to find the significance of what I do and contribute to society someway, somehow with that Get more content on
  • 18. Examples Of In-Depth Interview To answer my research question, I chose semi–structured in–depth interviews because it particularly lends itself to exploring challenging and complex life situations such as the return to work following parental leave. According to Valerie Yow, "the recorded in –depth interview can offer answers to questions that no other methodology can provide" (Yow 2005, 9). In her introductory chapter on in–depth interviewing, Yow specifically mentions complex decisions as a case where in–depth interviews allow us to pose questions that remain invisible in statistics and official records. Thus, while the OECD family database statistics might provide us with useful information about Hungarian mothers' decisions concerning employment, in my research I would like to ask women to explain the various and differing factors contributing to these more content... 8 respondents were university graduates, 7 had high school diplomas and 1 interviewee completed a vocational secondary course. 10 interviewees worked in full–time jobs, 4 in part–time (6 hour) positions and 1 in a flexible work arrangement. One woman was currently on maternity leave, but before the birth of her second child, she had worked full time. Interviewees conducted a wide range of blue–, pink–, and white–collar jobs, and not all women carried out work according to their qualifications. For example, several university graduates worked in jobs not requiring tertiary studies. 10 of my respondents had one child, 2 women had two and 4 had three or more children. Youngest children were aged 7 months to 26 months at the time when the interviewees ended their parental leave. 9 of my interviewees were located in Budapest, while 7 lived outside of the capital: among them 6 lived in towns and one in a Get more content on
  • 19. Manager Interview Essay I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across." Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence, "even if I'm unsure of myself, more content... She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)." Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements in management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and the people you work with. Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts. The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are good listeners and so concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own communication style and adjust the style according to the situation. Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3) dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth (p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have Get more content on
  • 20. Effective recruitment interviewing It is essential in the first instance to outline our terms of reference. Specifically, what do we mean by effective recruitment interviewing? It can be posited that the effectiveness of an interview process lies in its ability to identify those candidates who most closely match the requirements of the post applied for. Innumerable recruitment decisions have been made on the basis of interpersonal chemistry between interviewer and candidate; some of these decisions will be successful, others will result in the failure of an unsuitable candidate. The aim of the recruitment interview should be to maximise the likelihood of a successful selection decision. In order to achieve this in a way that is more content... A well thought–out interview structure will promote a number of important features within the interview process, including equality, consistency, objectivity and fairness. Equality and consistency are achieved through a solid, standardised interview template or matrix since candidates are treated in the same manner, and are asked the same or similar questions in order to elicit the desired information. Objectivity is gained through a direct comparison of candidates' responses. For most candidates, there is a prevailing sense of fairness and transparency to a structured interview process. This is evidenced by the statistical decrease in the likelihood of a legal challenge to a structure driven selection decision: "...methods most likely to be challenged in proportion to their use are ...unstructured interviews (200%)...structured interviews (50%) were least likely to be challenged." (Robertson, Smith 2001). This structured, specification–based interview is the method employed within my company, Scott Jardine , which not only aids our selection process, but allows us to demonstrate to clients' satisfaction why we have made certain decisions about candidates' suitability. With the information gleaned from having this standardised, Get more content on