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Health Matters
                                                                                                                          November 2009

NUTRITION FOR LIFE                                                   Home Immunity Quick Shop                           Best Sellers Articles

Dear customer,
As we head into the darker and colder months there’s
no need to let it get the best of you. Read all about
                                                                                                               on the
the ‘Sniffle Solution’ and let Dr. Thomas Stuttaford                                                           streeT
help you avoid catching flu this winter. We’ve also
added in a few extra health facts for you too.

                                                                                                               Brain food
Sniffle                                                                                                        Did you know? Latest
                                                                                                               research, involving almost 500
                                                                                                               healthy people with an

Solution                                                                                                       average age of 70, found that
                                                                                                               taking 900mg omega 3 DHA
                                                                                                               per day could improve age-
                                                                                                               related forgetfulness and
Avoiding the coughs and sniffles that seem almost inevitable amongst during                                    memory. The
the winter months may be easier than we thought. An endless supply of bugs                                     researchers found
and nasties can seem mandatory at this time of year, but according to a                                        the effects were
                                                                                                               equivalent to
recent study, a daily supplement of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains
                                                                                                               turning back
of probiotic may reduce the incidence of cold and ‘flu-like symptoms                                           the mental
by 50 per cent.                                                                                                ageing clock by
                                                                                                               three years.

                                                  A combination of the two strains
                                                  was linked to reductions in fever
                                                  incidence by 73%, a reduction in
                                                  the occurrence of runny noses by
                                                  59% and drop in the incidence of
                                                  coughing by 62%, according to
                                                  findings published in Pediatrics.

                                                                                                               DID YOU
These findings suggest that a daily probioitic supplement – especially during
the winter months – is an effective way to reduce the plethora of nasty flu
symptoms such as fever, runny nopses and cough, as well as the cumulative
                                                                                                               If you’re prone to
duration of those symptoms, the incidence of antibiotic prescriptions, and the                                 cold fingers or
number of missed work or school days attributable to illness.                                                  toes, why not try
                                                                                                               stimulating your
                                                                                                               circulation with one
It is though that the immune-enhancing effect of probiotics work by
                                                                                                               of the three ‘Gs’:
modulating the ‘dendritic’ cells that play a role in the immune system function                                Ginger
of the gut.                                                                                                    Ginkgo Biloba
                                                                                                               By opening up blood flow to
                                                                                                               the peripheries, these
                                                                                                               warming supplements can

Avoiding flu this winter…                                                                                      help to improve circulation and
                                                                                                               may offer some relief for those
                                                                                                                who suffer from chilblains,
                                                                                                                especially during the colder
               Dr Thomas Stuttaford who                                                                         months.
               was the medical columnist
               at The Times for 21 years
               investigates the best ways of
               avoiding flu this winter...
                                                                                                               The Arthritis Research
...It is not only those occasional years when the country has to face a pandemic                               Campaign (ARC) has launched
- such as this year’s swine flu outbreak - that the immune system and                                          a report evaluating how well
                                                                                                               alternative remedies ease
resistance of people to infection in important. Every year there are not only
                                                                                                               arthritic symptoms. Many
seasonal differences in the incidence of flu but also of other viruses, including                              were extremely promising:
three to four hundred different varieties of the common cold, respiratory                                      Fish oil, like that found in
infections and the onslaught of a host of organisms that can upset the guts,                                   omega 3 supplements scored
                                                                                                               5 out of 5 for sufferers of
lungs or a person’s general wellbeing. To keep these infections, whether flu or
                                                                                                               rheumatoid arthritis.
other troubles, at bay, we need to look at our sleep, diet, the temperature of our                             Capsicum, found in some joint
surroundings and personal hygiene. There are few measures as important as                                      gels, proved most effective at
regular hand washing.                                                                                          relieving pain and tenderness.

It is too easy to dismiss the effect that a good diet may have on reinforcing the
immune system, but scientific reseach has confirmed the popular belief that
what we eat can determine our resistance to infection. Injections against flu are
important, it is amazing how many people don’t take the chance to have these if
they are offered them by the NHS or their firms, but so too is diet. The                                       Don’t forget that Healthspan
influence of nutrition on the likelihood of catching seasonal infections has been                              has a wealth of useful advice
demonstrated by planned research...                                                                            and educational articles
                                                                                                               written by a team of leading
                                                                                                               doctors and nutritionists – all
                                                                                                               of which can be found in our
                                                                                                               article archive.                                                                        FREEPHONE           0800 73 123 77
      This email was sent to #EMAIL ADDRESS#. Did someone forward you this message? Skip the grapevine and sign up to our e-newsletter
                                to receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan. Click here and hear it first.
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        Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775
                          | | 0800 73 123 77
NUTRITION FOR LIFE                                                                  FREE UK DELIV ERY

Brain health
Dear Customer,
This month Healthspan are delighted to bring to you
a selection of our best selling brain health products.
With savings on these as well as our new Omega 3
products, there has never been a better time to
stock up. So what are you waiting for, boost your
brain health today…

      Brain Synergex                                   Ginkgo & Ginseng
       Was £12.95                                    120 Tablets Was £5.95

 NOW £10.95                                          NOW £3.95

    Happy Days 5-HTP                               Super Strength Omega 3                                        Memo Plus
   60 Tablets Was £8.95                            180 Capsules Was £13.95                                60 Capsules Was £12.95

  NOW £7.95                                         NOW £12.95                                             NOW £10.95                                                                       FREEPHONE        0800 73 123 77
          Did someone forward you this message? Sign up to our e-newsletter to receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan.
                                                       Click here and hear it first.
                                           Healthspan do not pass your information to 3rd parties.
                                   If you do not wish to receive our regular newsletter please unsubscribe.
                                   Offer code: EM2-KSE. Offer and prices expire at midnight on 31/10/09.
       Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775
NUTRITION FOR LIFE                         FREE UK DELIV ERY

HURRY!                                 days left
                                       of our Summer Sale…

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summer                          from Healthspan before they’ve flown

                                 View All

                                SAVE £2.00
                                on selected
                                products                           FREEPHONE   0800 73 123 77
Health Barometer

News round-up... August 2012

                                          Plant Sterols heart risk!
                                          Following reports that plant sterols
                                          and stanols could cause a risk to
                                          cardiovascular health, Heart UK has
                                          defended the use saying that the
                                          research provides no compelling
                                          evidence that highlight significant
                                          “Plant sterol and stanol-enriched
                                          foods are recommended by leading
                                          authorities such as the European
                                          Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the
                                           European Atherosclerosis Society
                                          (EAS) for the management of blood
                                           cholesterol concentrations,” says
                                           Heart UK Chief Executive, Jules Payne.

 Multi-tasking vitamins
 A healthy, balanced diet is just one
 of the things to remember during
 pregnancy, but recent research has
 added one more essential ingredient
 to your shopping list.
 A study of 36,000 Danish women
 published by the American Journal of        PregnaPure
 Clinical Nutrition showed that those        30 tablets &
 who took a multivitamin in the four         30 capsules
 weeks before and eight weeks after          £9.95
 their last period had a 16% lower
 chance of delivering a premature baby.

                        Moderately does it
                        A study of 4,000 people in the UK by the University College
                        London and funded by the British Heart Foundation has
                        found that if individuals increase moderate exercise when
                        they retire, this can make a big improvement to their heart
                        In a statement, the BHF said: “This is great news for retirees
                        who often indulge in gardening, countryside walks and gentle
                        sports once they are no longer chained to their desks. In the
                        study a remarkable 83% of people around retirement age
                        managed the recommended 2.5 hours a week of moderate
                        physical activity.”

                        MultiVitality 50 Plus
                        180 tablets £10.95

   Milk it!
   Shed some pounds with calcium, it’s
   been found to prevent dietary fat
   being absorbed into your body.
   Aim for 1,000mg a day and
   remember that non-dairy foods that
   contain calcium include tinned fish,
   almonds, kale, peas and beans.

  For further information or product samples, please contact:
  Debbie Wakefield                        Mars Webb
  Healthspan Press Office                 Mars Webb PR
  Email:         Email:
  Tel: 01481 711321 ext 1100              Tel: 02890 812 070
                                          Mobile: 07717718063

  Range of experts in various fields to help with quotes including:
  Henrietta Norton – Head of Nutrition and Registered Nutritionist
  Dr Sarah Brewer – Medical Director and GP

In the 3rd or 4th week of pregnancy, a
                                                       narrow sheath down the embryo’s back folds
                                                       and closes to form the brain and spinal cord.

 In some pregnancies
 this does not happen          
      - resulting in
     Neural Tube
     defect (NTD)
  such as Spina Bifida.

                                                           Why do

 Research shows
  that the right
   amount of
    folic acid
                                                           I need
  can significantly
reduce the chances
 of your baby being
 born with an NTD.
                                                     Folic Acid?
           1995 - 2000                                                                                  w...
                                                                                                    kno tamin,
                250                                                                             you      i
                                                                                           Did is a B v foods
                                                                                                id         y
            1990 - 1994                                                                     c ac     man     es
                                                                                      Foli sent in [ puls
                 500                                                                        re       eg
                                                                                      it’s p green v rmite
             1985 - 1989
                                                                                            [      [M
                1,000                                The Department
             1980 - 1984                               of Health
                2,250                             recommends that you
                                                 start taking folic acid as
             1975 - 1979                          soon as you stop using
                3,500                                                          You should

                                                 contraception. It can be
    Birth                                       hard to know when you’ll        take folic
                    s wih                        conceive and the baby’s         acid for
sp                                                 spine develops very
       ina bifida*                                soon after conception.
                                                                                             weeks after
 * The already dropping rate by 1991 is attributed
 in many cases to an already improving public diet                                      
 and better pregnancy screening methods                             

 In pregnancy, women should also take...
 [ Ginger - for morning sickness.
 [ Omega 3 - for foetal brain development.
 [ Evening Primrose oil - for stretch marks.                                                               NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN
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                   in your mailbox. If you are having difficulty viewing this email click here to view the web version

                                       FREE UK DELIVERY                                            When ordering
                                       With every order. Tax FREE prices.                          please quote code:   NEM1-KAU

 nurture replenish           skin nutrition systems          moisturisers        cleansers        skin nutrition supplements

                                                               beauty bulletin                                  August 2010

                                                                                             more articles...
                                            a healthy                                       the future of skincare

                                            approach                                        -nutricosmetics
                                                                                            Analyze & Realize AG is a consulting

                                            to ageing
                                                                                            company which evaluates market
                                                                                            trends and ingredients, specialising
                                                                                            in nutraceuticals...

                                                       Jo Carlowe gives                                                  read more

                                                       us a postive spin
                                                       on ageing and how
                                                       to prolong ‘our
                                                       youthful longevity’
                                                       by following a few
                                                       simple suggestions.
                                                                                            overnight skin treats
                                                                                            Using a night cream is equally as
                                                                                            important to your skin as a day cream.
                                                                                            Night creams are thicker and often
                                                                                            more intensive because overnight,
  We’re all living longer and that should be cause for                                      whilst you are resting...
  celebration, yet society seems obsessed with turning                                                                   read more
  back the clocks. The word ‘anti-ageing’ says it all – it
  implies we should wage war on our own bodies and
                                                                                            a conversation with a beauty
  cling to our fading youth by our fingernails.                                             journalist
  Yet it needn’t be this way. There is a growing movement                                   Despite her youth, Jo Fairley has
  of people who talk not of ‘anti-ageing’...                                                already had a long career in
                                                                                            journalism, starting...
                                                                          read more
                                                                                                                         read more

   check                                                             ...dear nurture
                                                                     Our skincare specialists answer your questions...

                                                Q: I have been taking prescribed HRT medication for over 15 years.
                                                My doctor suggested I wean myself off them gradually. This I have
                                                now done. Having taken them for so long my main concern now is
                                                if, as everyone says, HRT keeps you looking and feeling younger,
                                                what will be the consequence of stopping? I’m now looking for a
                                                herbal alternative have you any suggestions?
                                                A: Oestrogen is responsible for many functions within the body, including
                                                having a direct impact on skin’s health and appearance as it is oestrogen
                                                which stimulates the production of collagen. Many women choose to go on
                                                HRT to help combat a variety of menopausal symptoms but most doctors
                                                wouldn’t advise taking HRT purely for skin benefits. That’s why there are an
                                                increasing number of women who are, like yourself, searching for more

                                                natural alternatives.
                                                Nurture replenish is a sub range of nurture
                                                which is specifically designed for women
                                                who are either perimenopausal or
 replenish day/       Imedeen                   postmenopausal. All products contain
     night skin       Prime renewal             phytoestrogens (natural plant oestrogens)
  supplements                                   to help feed back oestrogen (and therefore
                                                collagen levels) to skin. These plant
     £9.95* £53.95*                             oestrogens are less potent than HRT but still
                                                mimic the qualities of oestrogen, therefore
 1 months supply      1 months supply           stimulating the production of collagen.
*Prices correct: Imedeen website 29.07.10

                        nurture’s unique skincare philosophy
      Healthspan nurture is different to other skincare brands because we take a holistic approach, caring for skin
     both from the inside and on the outside. We have developed a unique 2-step approach for 24-hour skin nutrition:

                    STEP 1
            skin nutrition for
              inner health
                                            inner health

                                                           &          outer beauty

                                                                                                        STEP 2
                                                                                                        skincare for
                                                                                                        outer beauty
     Feed skin from inside,                                                                             Nourish, care and
    deep below the surface                                                                              protect on the outside
  where traditional creams                                                                              with nutrient-enriched
  can’t reach, with specially                                                                           moisturisers to work in
   developed skin nutrition                                                                             harmony with the skin
              supplements.                                                                              nutrition supplements
                                                                                                        for optimal skin health.

                order now - visit our website
                                 FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510

about us    privacy policy       terms & conditions
                                  To unsubscribe to emails from Healthspan nurture please click here.
                                           © 2010 Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.
Introducing our award winning skincare range.Is this email displaying correctly? Click here to read it online.
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                                                                              NEW protect
                                                                              day cream SPF15
                                                                              (worth £9.95)

                                                                                        when you buy
                                                                                        just one other
                                                                                        product in the
                                                                                        nurture range

                                                                                                  read more

    nurture protectTM is a NEW innovation in skincare to help defend against
    premature ageing as well as reducing existing signs of damage.
    The entire nurture protect range;
    • Helps protect against UV damage - the No.1 cause of premature ageing.
    • Contains clinically proven active ingredients such as biomimetic
      tetrapeptide ChroNoline™ to help reduce the appearance of fine
      lines and wrinkles.
    • Contains natural plant extracts such as edelweiss extract to
      help protect against free radical damage.
    • Is hypoallergenic, so is suitable for even the most sensitive of skin.
    • Is FREE FROM fragrance, colours and artificial preservatives.

   Buy ANY nurture product to claim your FREE protect day cream SPF15
                     Click here to see all products

 NEW protect skin                                     NEW protect day cream                                 NEW protect night cream
 nourishment supplement                               SPF15
                                                                                                            With rice bran oil to help
 A blend of rosemary, lycopene                         With ChroNoline™, helps to                           leave skin soft and supple.
 and lutein helps to protect                           smooth fine lines, wrinkles
 your skin from sun damage.                            and regenerate the skin.

                      £10.95                                          £9.95 50ml                                          £9.95 50ml
                      30 tablets

                        read more                                       read more                                           read more

                         buy now                                         buy now                                              buy now

 NEW protect moisture                                 NEW protect eye cream                                 NEW protect soothing
 boosting serum                                                                                             cream cleanser
                                                      Edelweiss extract helps to                            With pro-vitamin B5 to help
 This calming serum is enriched                       soothe skin whilst helping                            leave the skin clean, soft
 with Neutrazen™ to calm,                             to protect it from                                    and hydrated without
 soothe and boost hydration.                          environmental damage.                                 causing irritation or drying.

               £9.95 30ml                                        £8.95 15ml                                                £4.45 200ml

                 read more                                         read more                                                 read more

                  buy now                                            buy now                                                   buy now

                                               Join us on Facebook to: • Read expert advice and articles
                                               • Receive unique promotions • Share your skincare stories
                                               • Win nurture goodies                                                                      FREEPHONE        0800 73 123 77

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   receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan. Click here and hear it first. Healthspan do not pass your information to 3rd parties.
                                   If you do not wish to receive our regular newsletter please unsubscribe.
                                  Offer Code: HSEMB-UJN. Offer and prices expire at midnight on 04.07.11.
      Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775
                         | | 0800 73 123 77
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                  in your mailbox. If you are having difficulty viewing this email click here to view the web version

                                                                                                 When ordering        NEM-KSE2
                                                                                                 please quote code:

FREE                                             energising day cream
                                                 when you spend £10*

                                                        great looking skin
                                                               on the go

    Product                                                           luxury starter collection

      m nth
                                                                      • Perfect for short breaks; displayed in an

 of the                                                                 aeroplane-friendly transparent pouch
                                                                      • Ideal way to try out our fantastic range
                                                                        – or even better, to give as a present!

          Contains: • re-densifying firming day cream SPF15 • night renewal regenerating cream
       • 3-in-1 cleansing wipes • anti-ageing protective hand cream • anti-wrinkle firming eye cream

Plus other great savings on your nurture favourites. HURRY – Offers end soon!

  Top SALE products this month
                                See below for some fantastic savings this month…


                               prime radiance                                               replenish facial wash


                               skin supplements                                             A luxuriously creamy facial
                               Unique skin nutrition                                        wash containing advanced
                               supplement, containing                                       phytoestrogens, nutrients and
                               the essential micro-                                         vitamins to help replenish skin
                               nutrients to help nourish                                    whilst you cleanse.
                               skin from within.                                            SAVE £1 NOW £5.45
                               SAVE £1
                               NOW £8.95


                        replenish lip and                                         3-in-1 gentle cleansing wipes


                        eye contour serum                                      Quickly and effectively removes make-up
                        A rich, fragrance-free                               from the face and delicate eye area. Enriched
                        serum which reduces the                           with organic chamomile and micro-fused vitamin E.
                        appearance of crow’s feet                               3 FOR 2 £5.90 FOR 3 PACKS
                        and fine lines in these
                        delicate areas.
                        SAVE £1 NOW £7.95

          order now - visit our new website
                             FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510

      If you are having problems accessing these special offer prices please enter code NEM-KSE2 in the ‘offer code’ box at the
           bottom right hand corner of the website, or alternatively call to place your order on FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510.
                      To unsubscribe to emails from Healthspan nurture please click here. Offer expires 31.10.09
 * You recieve a free energising day cream with any order over the value of £10, when purchasing Healthspan nurture products only.
                                         Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
                                          © 2009 Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. Health Matters November 2009 NUTRITION FOR LIFE Home Immunity Quick Shop Best Sellers Articles Dear customer, As we head into the darker and colder months there’s Word no need to let it get the best of you. Read all about on the the ‘Sniffle Solution’ and let Dr. Thomas Stuttaford streeT help you avoid catching flu this winter. We’ve also added in a few extra health facts for you too. Brain food Sniffle Did you know? Latest research, involving almost 500 healthy people with an Solution average age of 70, found that taking 900mg omega 3 DHA per day could improve age- related forgetfulness and Avoiding the coughs and sniffles that seem almost inevitable amongst during memory. The the winter months may be easier than we thought. An endless supply of bugs researchers found and nasties can seem mandatory at this time of year, but according to a the effects were equivalent to recent study, a daily supplement of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains turning back of probiotic may reduce the incidence of cold and ‘flu-like symptoms the mental by 50 per cent. ageing clock by three years. A combination of the two strains was linked to reductions in fever incidence by 73%, a reduction in the occurrence of runny noses by 59% and drop in the incidence of coughing by 62%, according to findings published in Pediatrics. DID YOU These findings suggest that a daily probioitic supplement – especially during the winter months – is an effective way to reduce the plethora of nasty flu KNOW? symptoms such as fever, runny nopses and cough, as well as the cumulative If you’re prone to duration of those symptoms, the incidence of antibiotic prescriptions, and the cold fingers or number of missed work or school days attributable to illness. toes, why not try stimulating your circulation with one It is though that the immune-enhancing effect of probiotics work by of the three ‘Gs’: modulating the ‘dendritic’ cells that play a role in the immune system function Ginger of the gut. Ginkgo Biloba Garlic By opening up blood flow to the peripheries, these warming supplements can Avoiding flu this winter… help to improve circulation and may offer some relief for those who suffer from chilblains, especially during the colder Dr Thomas Stuttaford who months. was the medical columnist at The Times for 21 years investigates the best ways of avoiding flu this winter... ARC The Arthritis Research ...It is not only those occasional years when the country has to face a pandemic Campaign (ARC) has launched - such as this year’s swine flu outbreak - that the immune system and a report evaluating how well alternative remedies ease resistance of people to infection in important. Every year there are not only arthritic symptoms. Many seasonal differences in the incidence of flu but also of other viruses, including were extremely promising: three to four hundred different varieties of the common cold, respiratory Fish oil, like that found in infections and the onslaught of a host of organisms that can upset the guts, omega 3 supplements scored 5 out of 5 for sufferers of lungs or a person’s general wellbeing. To keep these infections, whether flu or rheumatoid arthritis. other troubles, at bay, we need to look at our sleep, diet, the temperature of our Capsicum, found in some joint surroundings and personal hygiene. There are few measures as important as gels, proved most effective at regular hand washing. relieving pain and tenderness. It is too easy to dismiss the effect that a good diet may have on reinforcing the immune system, but scientific reseach has confirmed the popular belief that what we eat can determine our resistance to infection. Injections against flu are important, it is amazing how many people don’t take the chance to have these if they are offered them by the NHS or their firms, but so too is diet. The Don’t forget that Healthspan influence of nutrition on the likelihood of catching seasonal infections has been has a wealth of useful advice demonstrated by planned research... and educational articles written by a team of leading doctors and nutritionists – all of which can be found in our article archive. FREEPHONE 0800 73 123 77 This email was sent to #EMAIL ADDRESS#. Did someone forward you this message? Skip the grapevine and sign up to our e-newsletter to receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan. Click here and hear it first. Healthspan do not pass your information to 3rd parties. If you do not wish to receive our regular newsletter please unsubscribe. Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775 | | 0800 73 123 77
  • 2. NUTRITION FOR LIFE FREE UK DELIV ERY Brain health savings Dear Customer, This month Healthspan are delighted to bring to you a selection of our best selling brain health products. With savings on these as well as our new Omega 3 products, there has never been a better time to stock up. So what are you waiting for, boost your brain health today… Brain Synergex Ginkgo & Ginseng Was £12.95 120 Tablets Was £5.95 NOW £10.95 NOW £3.95 Happy Days 5-HTP Super Strength Omega 3 Memo Plus 60 Tablets Was £8.95 180 Capsules Was £13.95 60 Capsules Was £12.95 NOW £7.95 NOW £12.95 NOW £10.95 FREEPHONE 0800 73 123 77 Did someone forward you this message? Sign up to our e-newsletter to receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan. Click here and hear it first. Healthspan do not pass your information to 3rd parties. If you do not wish to receive our regular newsletter please unsubscribe. Offer code: EM2-KSE. Offer and prices expire at midnight on 31/10/09. Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775
  • 3. NUTRITION FOR LIFE FREE UK DELIV ERY HURRY! days left of our Summer Sale… 9 6 5 3 2 1 8 7 4 SAVE on best selling products summer from Healthspan before they’ve flown SALE View All SAVE £2.00 on selected Healthspan products FREEPHONE 0800 73 123 77
  • 4. Health Barometer NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN News round-up... August 2012 Plant Sterols heart risk! Following reports that plant sterols and stanols could cause a risk to cardiovascular health, Heart UK has defended the use saying that the research provides no compelling evidence that highlight significant risks. “Plant sterol and stanol-enriched foods are recommended by leading authorities such as the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) for the management of blood cholesterol concentrations,” says Heart UK Chief Executive, Jules Payne. Multi-tasking vitamins A healthy, balanced diet is just one of the things to remember during pregnancy, but recent research has added one more essential ingredient to your shopping list. A study of 36,000 Danish women published by the American Journal of PregnaPure Clinical Nutrition showed that those 30 tablets & who took a multivitamin in the four 30 capsules weeks before and eight weeks after £9.95 their last period had a 16% lower chance of delivering a premature baby. Moderately does it A study of 4,000 people in the UK by the University College London and funded by the British Heart Foundation has found that if individuals increase moderate exercise when they retire, this can make a big improvement to their heart health. In a statement, the BHF said: “This is great news for retirees who often indulge in gardening, countryside walks and gentle sports once they are no longer chained to their desks. In the study a remarkable 83% of people around retirement age managed the recommended 2.5 hours a week of moderate physical activity.” MultiVitality 50 Plus 180 tablets £10.95 Milk it! Shed some pounds with calcium, it’s been found to prevent dietary fat being absorbed into your body. Aim for 1,000mg a day and remember that non-dairy foods that contain calcium include tinned fish, almonds, kale, peas and beans. For further information or product samples, please contact: Debbie Wakefield Mars Webb Healthspan Press Office Mars Webb PR Email: Email: Tel: 01481 711321 ext 1100 Tel: 02890 812 070 Mobile: 07717718063 Range of experts in various fields to help with quotes including: Henrietta Norton – Head of Nutrition and Registered Nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer – Medical Director and GP
  • 5. In the 3rd or 4th week of pregnancy, a narrow sheath down the embryo’s back folds and closes to form the brain and spinal cord. In some pregnancies this does not happen - resulting in Neural Tube defect (NTD) such as Spina Bifida. Why do Research shows that the right amount of folic acid I need can significantly reduce the chances of your baby being born with an NTD. Folic Acid? 1995 - 2000 w... kno tamin, 250 you i Did is a B v foods ... id y 1990 - 1994 c ac man es Foli sent in [ puls 500 re eg it’s p green v rmite a 1985 - 1989 [ [M 1,000 The Department 1980 - 1984 of Health 2,250 recommends that you start taking folic acid as 1975 - 1979 soon as you stop using 3,500 You should 12 contraception. It can be Birth hard to know when you’ll take folic s wih conceive and the baby’s acid for sp spine develops very ina bifida* soon after conception. weeks after conception. * The already dropping rate by 1991 is attributed in many cases to an already improving public diet and better pregnancy screening methods In pregnancy, women should also take... [ Ginger - for morning sickness. [ Omega 3 - for foetal brain development. [ Evening Primrose oil - for stretch marks. NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN
  • 6. Please remember to add to your email address book to continue receiving our emails in your mailbox. If you are having difficulty viewing this email click here to view the web version FREE UK DELIVERY When ordering With every order. Tax FREE prices. please quote code: NEM1-KAU new nurture replenish skin nutrition systems moisturisers cleansers skin nutrition supplements beauty bulletin August 2010 more articles... a healthy the future of skincare approach -nutricosmetics Analyze & Realize AG is a consulting to ageing company which evaluates market trends and ingredients, specialising in nutraceuticals... Jo Carlowe gives read more us a postive spin on ageing and how to prolong ‘our youthful longevity’ by following a few simple suggestions. overnight skin treats Using a night cream is equally as important to your skin as a day cream. Night creams are thicker and often more intensive because overnight, We’re all living longer and that should be cause for whilst you are resting... celebration, yet society seems obsessed with turning read more back the clocks. The word ‘anti-ageing’ says it all – it implies we should wage war on our own bodies and a conversation with a beauty cling to our fading youth by our fingernails. journalist Yet it needn’t be this way. There is a growing movement Despite her youth, Jo Fairley has of people who talk not of ‘anti-ageing’... already had a long career in journalism, starting... read more read more price check ...dear nurture Our skincare specialists answer your questions... Q: I have been taking prescribed HRT medication for over 15 years. My doctor suggested I wean myself off them gradually. This I have now done. Having taken them for so long my main concern now is if, as everyone says, HRT keeps you looking and feeling younger, what will be the consequence of stopping? I’m now looking for a herbal alternative have you any suggestions? A: Oestrogen is responsible for many functions within the body, including having a direct impact on skin’s health and appearance as it is oestrogen which stimulates the production of collagen. Many women choose to go on HRT to help combat a variety of menopausal symptoms but most doctors wouldn’t advise taking HRT purely for skin benefits. That’s why there are an increasing number of women who are, like yourself, searching for more Vs natural alternatives. Nurture replenish is a sub range of nurture which is specifically designed for women who are either perimenopausal or replenish day/ Imedeen postmenopausal. All products contain night skin Prime renewal phytoestrogens (natural plant oestrogens) supplements to help feed back oestrogen (and therefore collagen levels) to skin. These plant £9.95* £53.95* oestrogens are less potent than HRT but still mimic the qualities of oestrogen, therefore 1 months supply 1 months supply stimulating the production of collagen. *Prices correct: Imedeen website 29.07.10 nurture’s unique skincare philosophy Healthspan nurture is different to other skincare brands because we take a holistic approach, caring for skin both from the inside and on the outside. We have developed a unique 2-step approach for 24-hour skin nutrition: STEP 1 skin nutrition for inner health inner health & outer beauty STEP 2 skincare for outer beauty Feed skin from inside, Nourish, care and deep below the surface protect on the outside where traditional creams with nutrient-enriched can’t reach, with specially moisturisers to work in developed skin nutrition harmony with the skin supplements. nutrition supplements for optimal skin health. order now - visit our website FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510 about us privacy policy terms & conditions To unsubscribe to emails from Healthspan nurture please click here. © 2010 Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.
  • 7. Introducing our award winning skincare range.Is this email displaying correctly? Click here to read it online. To stop Healthspan emails being seen as junk, add ‘’ to your email address book. NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN FREE NEW NURTURE PROTECT DAY CREAM SPF15 OFFER VALID FOR 1 WEEK ONLY FREE NEW protect day cream SPF15 (worth £9.95) when you buy just one other product in the nurture range read more nurture protectTM is a NEW innovation in skincare to help defend against premature ageing as well as reducing existing signs of damage. The entire nurture protect range; • Helps protect against UV damage - the No.1 cause of premature ageing. • Contains clinically proven active ingredients such as biomimetic tetrapeptide ChroNoline™ to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. • Contains natural plant extracts such as edelweiss extract to help protect against free radical damage. • Is hypoallergenic, so is suitable for even the most sensitive of skin. • Is FREE FROM fragrance, colours and artificial preservatives. Buy ANY nurture product to claim your FREE protect day cream SPF15 Click here to see all products NEW protect skin NEW protect day cream NEW protect night cream nourishment supplement SPF15 With rice bran oil to help A blend of rosemary, lycopene With ChroNoline™, helps to leave skin soft and supple. and lutein helps to protect smooth fine lines, wrinkles your skin from sun damage. and regenerate the skin. £10.95 £9.95 50ml £9.95 50ml 30 tablets read more read more read more buy now buy now buy now NEW protect moisture NEW protect eye cream NEW protect soothing boosting serum cream cleanser Edelweiss extract helps to With pro-vitamin B5 to help This calming serum is enriched soothe skin whilst helping leave the skin clean, soft with Neutrazen™ to calm, to protect it from and hydrated without soothe and boost hydration. environmental damage. causing irritation or drying. £9.95 30ml £8.95 15ml £4.45 200ml read more read more read more buy now buy now buy now Join us on Facebook to: • Read expert advice and articles • Receive unique promotions • Share your skincare stories • Win nurture goodies FREEPHONE 0800 73 123 77 HSEMB-UJN This email was sent to #EMAIL ADDRESS#. Did someone forward you this message? Skip the grapevine and sign up to our e-newsletter to receive news and exclusive offers from Healthspan. Click here and hear it first. Healthspan do not pass your information to 3rd parties. If you do not wish to receive our regular newsletter please unsubscribe. Offer Code: HSEMB-UJN. Offer and prices expire at midnight on 04.07.11. Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 425, Healthspan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3WU. Registered in Guernsey No. 19775 | | 0800 73 123 77
  • 8. Please remember to add to your email address book to continue receiving our emails in your mailbox. If you are having difficulty viewing this email click here to view the web version When ordering NEM-KSE2 please quote code: FREE energising day cream when you spend £10* great looking skin on the go SAVE £1 NOW £8.95 AEROPLANE FRIENDLY Product luxury starter collection m nth • Perfect for short breaks; displayed in an of the aeroplane-friendly transparent pouch • Ideal way to try out our fantastic range – or even better, to give as a present! Contains: • re-densifying firming day cream SPF15 • night renewal regenerating cream • 3-in-1 cleansing wipes • anti-ageing protective hand cream • anti-wrinkle firming eye cream Plus other great savings on your nurture favourites. HURRY – Offers end soon! Top SALE products this month See below for some fantastic savings this month… LE LE prime radiance replenish facial wash SA SA skin supplements A luxuriously creamy facial Unique skin nutrition wash containing advanced supplement, containing phytoestrogens, nutrients and the essential micro- vitamins to help replenish skin nutrients to help nourish whilst you cleanse. skin from within. SAVE £1 NOW £5.45 SAVE £1 NOW £8.95 LE LE replenish lip and 3-in-1 gentle cleansing wipes SA SA eye contour serum Quickly and effectively removes make-up A rich, fragrance-free from the face and delicate eye area. Enriched serum which reduces the with organic chamomile and micro-fused vitamin E. appearance of crow’s feet 3 FOR 2 £5.90 FOR 3 PACKS and fine lines in these delicate areas. SAVE £1 NOW £7.95 order now - visit our new website FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510 If you are having problems accessing these special offer prices please enter code NEM-KSE2 in the ‘offer code’ box at the bottom right hand corner of the website, or alternatively call to place your order on FREEPHONE 0800 072 9510. To unsubscribe to emails from Healthspan nurture please click here. Offer expires 31.10.09 * You recieve a free energising day cream with any order over the value of £10, when purchasing Healthspan nurture products only. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. © 2009 Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.