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In this Issue
Letter from Michael Blecker & Yaniv Newman
Our Impact: 2016
Fighting for Veterans Healthcare Forum
Veteran Profile: Kevin Miller
Veteran Housing Portraits
Bad Paper Update
Summer Solstice Symphony Concert
War causes wounds and suffering
that last beyond the battlefield.
Swords to Plowshares’ mission is
to heal the wounds of war, to
restore dignity, hope, and
self-sufficiency to all veterans
in need, and to prevent and
end homelessness and
poverty among veterans.
All veterans will have access to the
care and services they need to
rebuild their lives.
Yaniv Newman, Chair of the Board
Del Seymour, Vice Chair
Michael Fassler, Secretary
Julie Cane
Paul Cox
Michael Dekshenieks
Erik Edwards
Rick Houlberg
Kristina Lawson
Steve Plath
Stephen Snyder
Stacey Sprenkel
Michael Thiel
Robert Trevorrow
Mike Cerre
Steve Fields
Chris Kanios
John Keker
Dudley Miller
William Millichap
Major General J. Michael Myatt
(USMC Ret.)
Craig Newmark
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Mark Solit
Joanette Sorkin
Carol Wilder
Roger Walther
Main Office
1060 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Healthcare is at the forefront of all Americans’ minds this year.
Like many Americans, veterans are in jeopardy of losing access
to healthcare that they rely on. Current threats to Medicare,
Social Security, Medicaid and the VA impact those who are most
vulnerable—the elderly, the sick, the poor and veterans.
After the years following the Vietnam War, the detrimental
effects of our fellow service members’ lack of access to VA
healthcare became increasingly evident. Veterans who were
stripped of their honor and discharged with “bad paper” were
desperately looking for relief from the horrors of war, but they
were denied benefits and lacked support in the community and
from employers.
Access to care impacts our community. It means Mr. Ramirez,
one of our 2016 Profiles of Courage, finally had access to the
treatment he needed to address his post-traumatic stress, 50
years after his service ended. It means Kevin Miller, featured
in this newsletter, has one integrated health system to address
the multiple and complex injuries he sustained from three
At Swords to Plowshares, we believe that housing is the
beginning to stable health. Getting a homeless veteran housed
in a safe environment is key to reducing the daily stress on
the mind and body after living without a stable home, and
establishes a foundation for a path to self-sufficiency. A formerly
homeless veteran who receives housing and healthcare after
years without access to support finally has the ability to
focus on their trauma and deteriorating health. When one is
homeless, the struggle to find food and shelter is a primary daily
need that overshadows all else.
Supporting veterans’ access to quality healthcare is not a
partisan issue. It’s the right thing to do. Swords to Plowshares
took up this fight 43 years ago and will continue fighting to
ensure that veterans have access to the veteran-centered care
they need, earned and deserve. Please join us to protect the
high-quality, innovative and life-saving VA healthcare system
that so many veterans rely upon.
You can help. Talk to your representatives about protecting
veteran healthcare, remain active in your community and
informed about the issues, and continue supporting the efforts
of organizations like Swords to Plowshares who advocate for
Michael Blecker			 Yaniv Newman
Executive Director		 Chair of the Board
U.S. Army, 1967-1970		 U.S. Marine Corps, 1999-2003
Dear Friends & Supporters,
Page 4 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter
On Thursday, April 13th, House Democratic Leader
Nancy Pelosi joined the new advocacy group, Veterans
Healthcare Action Campaign, for a forum entitled
“Real Threats to Veterans Healthcare. What Can Be
Done?” Over 250 veterans, advocates and healthcare
experts packed a room in the Veterans War Memorial
building in San Francisco to listen to speakers,
including our Executive Director, Michael Blecker, and
share their concerns about the future of the Veterans
Health Administration (VHA).
Michael Blecker introduced the event
by discussing his experience as an
appointee to the congressionally
mandated Commission on Care whose
task was to consider the future of the
VHA over the next two decades. Michael
wrote the dissenting view to the
Commission’s final report supporting
the proposed “VHA Care System.” That
system would outsource and undermine
veteran-specific care for millions of
veterans. Commission members,
including hospital and healthcare
executives favored VHA privatization. Michael and
the Swords to Plowshares team recognize that this
proposal will siphon resources away from the VHA,
fracture integrated care and ultimately fail to improve
the health outcomes of veterans.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi warned that
privatization is a real threat to VA healthcare that
she steadfastly opposes. “We will not let them make
money off of delivering healthcare to our veterans
and that’s a promise. We’ve got to move our own
healthcare system to a more nonprofit place, rather
than moving our Veterans Health Administration to a
‘Let’s make more off our vets’ place.”
After the panel of speakers shared their concerns
with the overflowing crowd, dozens of veterans and
other concerned citizens share their stories with the
audience about the positive experiences they have
had with VHA care. While all agree that
the VHA needs to continually improve,
veterans cited instances of care they
could not have gotten outside of the
One veteran described his struggles
after becoming addicted to pain
medications and street opiates. He was
in no position to afford residential drug
treatment outside of the VHA, and now,
he credits five years of sobriety not only
to the intensive program but also the
ongoing support he still receives every week through
his local VA.
Another described early detection of cancer spotted
through same-day, no-cost x-rays provided while
visiting the VHA for another issue. After two surgeries,
he is cancer free today. These are stories you will not
hear in the mainstream media. Veterans not only
“We will not let
them make money
off of delivering
healthcare to our
veterans and that’s
a promise.”
—Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Fighting for
Healthcare Recap
Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 5
talked about how great their care was at the
VHA but how it, in fact, saved their lives and was
essential to their continued well-being.
At the conclusion of the forum, the message was
clear. Veterans want the VHA strengthened and
improved, rather than dismantled and outsourced
to the private sector through expanded “choice.”
Over the next few months, discussions to expand
VHA “choice” will be taking place in Congress and
our team at Swords to Plowshares will continue to
advocate against privatization of VHA and stand
up for our veterans who rely on its culturally
competent, veteran-centered and integrated care.
“Veterans not only talked
about how great their
care was at the VHA but
how it, in fact, saved their
lives and was essential
to their continued well-
Have you received
services from Swords
to Plowshares?
We want to hear from you!
Join the Swords to Plowshares Alumni Group:
Page 6 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter
“Since I’ve been diagnosed with
traumatic brain injury, PTSD and
chronic pain, there’s a lot of overlap
in symptoms and conditions. Outside
providers might be specializing in one
but not two or all three. At the VA, they
do recognize that and talk as a team for
your care and procedures.”
Veteran Profile:
Kevin Miller
Veterans like Kevin Miller don’t know what they
would do if not for the integrated, veteran-specific
care the VA offers. “I have over a dozen specialists at
the VA to address my various injuries, and at the VA I
get one-stop shopping healthcare,” Miller said.
Like many Post-9/11 veterans who have deployed to
combat multiple times, Kevin lives with a number of
injuries from his time in the Marine Corps. He served
three deployments as an infantryman, and during his
last deployment to Iraq, he sustained blast exposure
injuries resulting in traumatic brain injury and injuries
to his neck and spine.
At just 33 years old, Kevin’s body is aged beyond its
years. In addition to the chronic pain he experiences,
Kevin lives with invisible wounds as well. Like too
many of his peers, traumatic brain injury and post-
traumatic stress disorder are disabilities he lives with
daily. However, thanks to the culturally competent
specialists at the VA, he continually learns new ways
to cope and improve his life.
Chronic pain affects many Post-9/11 veterans:
•	 Post 9/11 Veterans carry heavy combat equipment, body armor and weaponry often exceeding a 100lbs.
•	 50% of veterans with PTSD have received chronic pain diagnoses
The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in an increased numbers of veterans who have
experienced traumatic brain injuries (TBI):
•	 60% to 80% of servicemembers who have other blast injuries may also have traumatic brain injuries.
Key Facts
Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 7
Veteran Housing Portraits
“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where
we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
Anthony B. Handy | Army: 1979-1982 Richard Bailey | Army: 1972-1973 David Zielke | Army: 1968-1970
Veterans Academy
“The VA referred me to Swords to
Plowshares. After my time at Treasure
Island’s Transitional Housing Program,
I had become so grateful to Swords
to Plowshares and the VA. The way
they worked together worked just
beautifully for me.”
—Dawn Sitka on recovering from
homelessness and depression
Located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the
Veterans Academy—which opened in 2000—is
home to 108 formerly homeless veterans with
disabilities, most of whom are seniors.
Dawn Sitka | Airforce: 1973-1981
Page 8 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter
“Give it a try. You got to give it
a try. I swear it on the Bible. I’d
much rather be dead than live with
untreated depression.”
—Frank Knowlton on tapping into
VA resources to get off drugs and
Veterans Commons
Located at 150 Otis Street in a historic city
building, Veterans Commons—which opened
in 2012—is home to 75 formerly homeless
veterans with disabilities.
Frank Knowlton | Navy: 1968-1973
Alvin Sompayrac | Navy: 1971-1972 Ronnie Peterson | Marines: 1973 George Arthur | Marines: 1985
Veteran Housing Portraits
Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 9
Richard Hensen | Army: 1977-1979 Stephen Tillisch | Navy: 1969-1970 Stevon Williams | Air Force: 1972-1974
The Stanford Hotel
Located at 250 Kearny Street downtown, the
Stanford Hotel—which opened in partnership
with the Mayor’s Office of Housing in 2014—
is home to 130 formerly chronically homeless
veterans with disabilities.
Special thanks to Gwendolyn Morton
who volunteered her time and talents to
photograph our veteran residents.
Ed Hahn| Air Force: 1966-1970
“I was at Ft. Miley hospital with pneumonia,
and told them I don’t want to go back on the
streets because I was homeless and it was
wintertime. If I’d go back out, I’d die. The
VA social worker connected me to Swords to
Plowshares and fixed it so that when I was
discharged from the hospital I went straight
into housing here."
—Ed Hahn on being referred to his new
home at 250 Kearny Street
Page 10 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter
Last year, our report Underserved: How the
VA Wrongfully Excludes Veterans with Bad
Paper made national headlines. Co-authored in
partnership with National Veterans Legal Services
Program and the Veterans Legal Clinic at the
Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, our
report explained how hundreds of thousands of
Americans who served in our Armed Forces are
not considered “veterans” by the VA due to a
less than General discharge, also known as “bad
These “bad paper” discharges create a barrier
for former service members who need access to
VA healthcare,
resources, and
other benefits
and services the
VA provides.
Veterans with bad paper discharges, many of them
combat veterans, are often in greater need of
support. They are twice as likely to commit suicide
and more likely to become homeless or involved in
the criminal justice system.
Prior to our “Underserved” report, we worked
with the National Veterans Legal Services
Program, Legal Services Center of Harvard Law
School, and Latham and Watkins LLP to submit a
Rulemaking Petition to the VA. In it, we and our
partners laid out the intent, history, and impact of
barring veterans with “bad paper” from VA care.
We requested simple amendments to the VA’s
regulations which would open up veterans’ access
to the care and benefits needed to heal from their
wounds of war.
Since the filing of our Rulemaking Petition and
the publishing of our report, many veterans and
supporters have become aware of the inequality
and injustice of the “bad paper” issue. Thanks
to pressure from the public and the veteran
community, the VA has gone as far as making an
announcement this past March that it would begin
providing mental health services to veterans with
bad paper discharges.
This was a big relief to hear. However, details of
the VA’s plan revealed that the VA does not go
far enough to increase veterans’ access to care.
So, we reached out to our fellow veteran service
organizations―Disabled American Veterans (DAV),
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Paralyzed
Veterans of America (PVA), Protector our
Defenders, and High Ground Veterans Advocacy―
for letters of support for our Rulemaking Petition.
Along with support from these veteran service
organizations, we received over half a dozen
support letters from legal organizations that, like
us, provide legal assistance to veterans seeking
access to VA
With the
groundswell of
support from
the public and veteran and legal community, we
hope that the VA acts on the recommendations
of our Rulemaking Petition to ensure that the VA
creates a comprehensive plan for taking care of
veterans with bad paper. We encourage all our
supporters to continue to reach out to their local
representative and senator to let them know you
think the VA should keep its promise take care of
all veterans.
To read the full report, Underserved, go to:
Bad Paper Update
Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 11
by sending in the remit
envelope included in this
newsletter or visiting
our website!
SPONSORSHIPS begin at $500
TICKETS start at $40
Join us for an evening of music by Symphonia Caritas, benefiting Swords to Plowshares. The
orchestra will perform Beethoven’s Symphony 8 and Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E
minor with featured violin soloist, Ian Swensen.
401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
JUNE 21, 2017
Join us on November 10, 2017for the
Annual Veterans Day Dinner
 Profiles of Courage Awards Ceremony
INSIDE SWORDS: Spring 2017
Follow Us!
Get the latest news! Visit us at:
and subscribe to our e-newsletter
Set up Monthly Donations
Will you consider donating $43 each month in honor of our
43 years of service? It is easy to do on our website and will
go a long way in helping our veterans in need.
Visit: and select monthly.
Double or Triple Your Donation
Many employers have a matching gift program. Some
employers may even have a double match, making your
$100 donation worth $300. Talk to your Human Resources
department for more information and consider participating
in the matching gift program. This is an easy way to make
your donation go further.
Join the Veterans Legacy Circle
By joining Swords to Plowshares Veterans Legacy Circle and
including Swords to Plowshares in your will or trust, you
can leave your legacy and give back to veterans for decades
to come. Your testamentary gift expresses your abiding
commitment to healing the wounds of war. You can also
access free resources, information and customized guides at:
1060 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

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Inside Swords: Spring 2017

  • 1. INSIDE SWORDS SPRING 2017 In this Issue Letter from Michael Blecker & Yaniv Newman Our Impact: 2016 Fighting for Veterans Healthcare Forum Veteran Profile: Kevin Miller Veteran Housing Portraits Bad Paper Update Summer Solstice Symphony Concert
  • 2. OUR MISSION War causes wounds and suffering that last beyond the battlefield. Swords to Plowshares’ mission is to heal the wounds of war, to restore dignity, hope, and self-sufficiency to all veterans in need, and to prevent and end homelessness and poverty among veterans. OUR VISION All veterans will have access to the care and services they need to rebuild their lives. ··· BOARD OF DIRECTORS Yaniv Newman, Chair of the Board Del Seymour, Vice Chair Michael Fassler, Secretary Julie Cane Paul Cox Michael Dekshenieks Erik Edwards Rick Houlberg Kristina Lawson Steve Plath Stephen Snyder Stacey Sprenkel Michael Thiel Robert Trevorrow ADVISORY BOARD Mike Cerre Steve Fields Chris Kanios John Keker Dudley Miller William Millichap Major General J. Michael Myatt (USMC Ret.) Craig Newmark The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Mark Solit Joanette Sorkin Carol Wilder Roger Walther ··· Main Office 1060 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415-252-4788 #SupportVets Healthcare is at the forefront of all Americans’ minds this year. Like many Americans, veterans are in jeopardy of losing access to healthcare that they rely on. Current threats to Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid and the VA impact those who are most vulnerable—the elderly, the sick, the poor and veterans. After the years following the Vietnam War, the detrimental effects of our fellow service members’ lack of access to VA healthcare became increasingly evident. Veterans who were stripped of their honor and discharged with “bad paper” were desperately looking for relief from the horrors of war, but they were denied benefits and lacked support in the community and from employers. Access to care impacts our community. It means Mr. Ramirez, one of our 2016 Profiles of Courage, finally had access to the treatment he needed to address his post-traumatic stress, 50 years after his service ended. It means Kevin Miller, featured in this newsletter, has one integrated health system to address the multiple and complex injuries he sustained from three deployments. At Swords to Plowshares, we believe that housing is the beginning to stable health. Getting a homeless veteran housed in a safe environment is key to reducing the daily stress on the mind and body after living without a stable home, and establishes a foundation for a path to self-sufficiency. A formerly homeless veteran who receives housing and healthcare after years without access to support finally has the ability to focus on their trauma and deteriorating health. When one is homeless, the struggle to find food and shelter is a primary daily need that overshadows all else. Supporting veterans’ access to quality healthcare is not a partisan issue. It’s the right thing to do. Swords to Plowshares took up this fight 43 years ago and will continue fighting to ensure that veterans have access to the veteran-centered care they need, earned and deserve. Please join us to protect the high-quality, innovative and life-saving VA healthcare system that so many veterans rely upon. You can help. Talk to your representatives about protecting veteran healthcare, remain active in your community and informed about the issues, and continue supporting the efforts of organizations like Swords to Plowshares who advocate for veterans. Sincerely, Michael Blecker Yaniv Newman Executive Director Chair of the Board U.S. Army, 1967-1970 U.S. Marine Corps, 1999-2003 Dear Friends & Supporters,
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  • 4. Page 4 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter On Thursday, April 13th, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi joined the new advocacy group, Veterans Healthcare Action Campaign, for a forum entitled “Real Threats to Veterans Healthcare. What Can Be Done?” Over 250 veterans, advocates and healthcare experts packed a room in the Veterans War Memorial building in San Francisco to listen to speakers, including our Executive Director, Michael Blecker, and share their concerns about the future of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Michael Blecker introduced the event by discussing his experience as an appointee to the congressionally mandated Commission on Care whose task was to consider the future of the VHA over the next two decades. Michael wrote the dissenting view to the Commission’s final report supporting the proposed “VHA Care System.” That system would outsource and undermine veteran-specific care for millions of veterans. Commission members, including hospital and healthcare executives favored VHA privatization. Michael and the Swords to Plowshares team recognize that this proposal will siphon resources away from the VHA, fracture integrated care and ultimately fail to improve the health outcomes of veterans. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi warned that privatization is a real threat to VA healthcare that she steadfastly opposes. “We will not let them make money off of delivering healthcare to our veterans and that’s a promise. We’ve got to move our own healthcare system to a more nonprofit place, rather than moving our Veterans Health Administration to a ‘Let’s make more off our vets’ place.” After the panel of speakers shared their concerns with the overflowing crowd, dozens of veterans and other concerned citizens share their stories with the audience about the positive experiences they have had with VHA care. While all agree that the VHA needs to continually improve, veterans cited instances of care they could not have gotten outside of the VHA. One veteran described his struggles after becoming addicted to pain medications and street opiates. He was in no position to afford residential drug treatment outside of the VHA, and now, he credits five years of sobriety not only to the intensive program but also the ongoing support he still receives every week through his local VA. Another described early detection of cancer spotted through same-day, no-cost x-rays provided while visiting the VHA for another issue. After two surgeries, he is cancer free today. These are stories you will not hear in the mainstream media. Veterans not only “We will not let them make money off of delivering healthcare to our veterans and that’s a promise.” —Rep. Nancy Pelosi Fighting for Veterans Healthcare Recap
  • 5. Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 5 talked about how great their care was at the VHA but how it, in fact, saved their lives and was essential to their continued well-being. At the conclusion of the forum, the message was clear. Veterans want the VHA strengthened and improved, rather than dismantled and outsourced to the private sector through expanded “choice.” Over the next few months, discussions to expand VHA “choice” will be taking place in Congress and our team at Swords to Plowshares will continue to advocate against privatization of VHA and stand up for our veterans who rely on its culturally competent, veteran-centered and integrated care. “Veterans not only talked about how great their care was at the VHA but how it, in fact, saved their lives and was essential to their continued well- being.” ALUMNI Have you received services from Swords to Plowshares? We want to hear from you! Join the Swords to Plowshares Alumni Group:
  • 6. Page 6 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter “Since I’ve been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, PTSD and chronic pain, there’s a lot of overlap in symptoms and conditions. Outside providers might be specializing in one but not two or all three. At the VA, they do recognize that and talk as a team for your care and procedures.” Veteran Profile: Kevin Miller Veterans like Kevin Miller don’t know what they would do if not for the integrated, veteran-specific care the VA offers. “I have over a dozen specialists at the VA to address my various injuries, and at the VA I get one-stop shopping healthcare,” Miller said. Like many Post-9/11 veterans who have deployed to combat multiple times, Kevin lives with a number of injuries from his time in the Marine Corps. He served three deployments as an infantryman, and during his last deployment to Iraq, he sustained blast exposure injuries resulting in traumatic brain injury and injuries to his neck and spine. At just 33 years old, Kevin’s body is aged beyond its years. In addition to the chronic pain he experiences, Kevin lives with invisible wounds as well. Like too many of his peers, traumatic brain injury and post- traumatic stress disorder are disabilities he lives with daily. However, thanks to the culturally competent specialists at the VA, he continually learns new ways to cope and improve his life. Chronic pain affects many Post-9/11 veterans: • Post 9/11 Veterans carry heavy combat equipment, body armor and weaponry often exceeding a 100lbs. • 50% of veterans with PTSD have received chronic pain diagnoses The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in an increased numbers of veterans who have experienced traumatic brain injuries (TBI): • 60% to 80% of servicemembers who have other blast injuries may also have traumatic brain injuries. Key Facts
  • 7. Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 7 Veteran Housing Portraits “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” Anthony B. Handy | Army: 1979-1982 Richard Bailey | Army: 1972-1973 David Zielke | Army: 1968-1970 Veterans Academy “The VA referred me to Swords to Plowshares. After my time at Treasure Island’s Transitional Housing Program, I had become so grateful to Swords to Plowshares and the VA. The way they worked together worked just beautifully for me.” —Dawn Sitka on recovering from homelessness and depression Located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Veterans Academy—which opened in 2000—is home to 108 formerly homeless veterans with disabilities, most of whom are seniors. Dawn Sitka | Airforce: 1973-1981
  • 8. Page 8 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter “Give it a try. You got to give it a try. I swear it on the Bible. I’d much rather be dead than live with untreated depression.” —Frank Knowlton on tapping into VA resources to get off drugs and alcohol Veterans Commons Located at 150 Otis Street in a historic city building, Veterans Commons—which opened in 2012—is home to 75 formerly homeless veterans with disabilities. Frank Knowlton | Navy: 1968-1973 Alvin Sompayrac | Navy: 1971-1972 Ronnie Peterson | Marines: 1973 George Arthur | Marines: 1985 Veteran Housing Portraits
  • 9. Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 9 Richard Hensen | Army: 1977-1979 Stephen Tillisch | Navy: 1969-1970 Stevon Williams | Air Force: 1972-1974 The Stanford Hotel Located at 250 Kearny Street downtown, the Stanford Hotel—which opened in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Housing in 2014— is home to 130 formerly chronically homeless veterans with disabilities. Special thanks to Gwendolyn Morton who volunteered her time and talents to photograph our veteran residents. Ed Hahn| Air Force: 1966-1970 “I was at Ft. Miley hospital with pneumonia, and told them I don’t want to go back on the streets because I was homeless and it was wintertime. If I’d go back out, I’d die. The VA social worker connected me to Swords to Plowshares and fixed it so that when I was discharged from the hospital I went straight into housing here." —Ed Hahn on being referred to his new home at 250 Kearny Street
  • 10. Page 10 • Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter Last year, our report Underserved: How the VA Wrongfully Excludes Veterans with Bad Paper made national headlines. Co-authored in partnership with National Veterans Legal Services Program and the Veterans Legal Clinic at the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, our report explained how hundreds of thousands of Americans who served in our Armed Forces are not considered “veterans” by the VA due to a less than General discharge, also known as “bad paper.” These “bad paper” discharges create a barrier for former service members who need access to VA healthcare, homeless resources, and other benefits and services the VA provides. Veterans with bad paper discharges, many of them combat veterans, are often in greater need of support. They are twice as likely to commit suicide and more likely to become homeless or involved in the criminal justice system. Prior to our “Underserved” report, we worked with the National Veterans Legal Services Program, Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, and Latham and Watkins LLP to submit a Rulemaking Petition to the VA. In it, we and our partners laid out the intent, history, and impact of barring veterans with “bad paper” from VA care. We requested simple amendments to the VA’s regulations which would open up veterans’ access to the care and benefits needed to heal from their wounds of war. Since the filing of our Rulemaking Petition and the publishing of our report, many veterans and supporters have become aware of the inequality and injustice of the “bad paper” issue. Thanks to pressure from the public and the veteran community, the VA has gone as far as making an announcement this past March that it would begin providing mental health services to veterans with bad paper discharges. This was a big relief to hear. However, details of the VA’s plan revealed that the VA does not go far enough to increase veterans’ access to care. So, we reached out to our fellow veteran service organizations―Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), Protector our Defenders, and High Ground Veterans Advocacy― for letters of support for our Rulemaking Petition. Along with support from these veteran service organizations, we received over half a dozen support letters from legal organizations that, like us, provide legal assistance to veterans seeking access to VA services. With the groundswell of support from the public and veteran and legal community, we hope that the VA acts on the recommendations of our Rulemaking Petition to ensure that the VA creates a comprehensive plan for taking care of veterans with bad paper. We encourage all our supporters to continue to reach out to their local representative and senator to let them know you think the VA should keep its promise take care of all veterans. To read the full report, Underserved, go to: Bad Paper Update
  • 11. Inside Swords Spring 2017 Newsletter • Page 11 PURCHASE TICKETS by sending in the remit envelope included in this newsletter or visiting our website! SPONSORSHIPS begin at $500 TICKETS start at $40 Join us for an evening of music by Symphonia Caritas, benefiting Swords to Plowshares. The orchestra will perform Beethoven’s Symphony 8 and Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor with featured violin soloist, Ian Swensen. DIANE B. WILSEY CENTER FOR OPERAat the SAN FRANCISCO WAR MEMORIAL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco JUNE 21, 2017 SAVE DATEthe Join us on November 10, 2017for the 21st Annual Veterans Day Dinner Profiles of Courage Awards Ceremony
  • 12. INSIDE SWORDS: Spring 2017 Follow Us! Get the latest news! Visit us at: and subscribe to our e-newsletter @vetshelpingvets WAYS TO GIVE Set up Monthly Donations Will you consider donating $43 each month in honor of our 43 years of service? It is easy to do on our website and will go a long way in helping our veterans in need. Visit: and select monthly. Double or Triple Your Donation Many employers have a matching gift program. Some employers may even have a double match, making your $100 donation worth $300. Talk to your Human Resources department for more information and consider participating in the matching gift program. This is an easy way to make your donation go further. Join the Veterans Legacy Circle By joining Swords to Plowshares Veterans Legacy Circle and including Swords to Plowshares in your will or trust, you can leave your legacy and give back to veterans for decades to come. Your testamentary gift expresses your abiding commitment to healing the wounds of war. You can also access free resources, information and customized guides at: 1060 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94103