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Foster creativity and innovation-the development of new ideas
Bureaucratic- involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes
Corporate venturing and intrapreneurship- a connection between two things that
makes them affect each other,where employees develop entrepreneurial acitivities within
the organization,working on their own projects outside the usual frameworks
Entrepreneurial- someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order
to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks
Skunk works-away from the main company sites and outside the usuals structures to
work on innovations
New product development-
Research and development-
Bring a product to market-
First mover advantage-you can influence the way the market develops
Trendsetters or innovators- someone who starts a new fashion or makes it popular
Follower- someone who believes in a particular system of ideas, or who supports a leader
who teaches these ideas
 Pioneers- someone who is important in the early development of something, and whose
work or ideas are later developed by other people
Emerging industry- in an early state of development
Technology- new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on
modern knowledge about science and computers
Attractive- someone who is attractive is pleasant to look at, especially in a way that
makes you sexually interested in them
Structure- the way in which the parts of something are connected with each other and
form a whole, or the thing that these parts make up
Established- already in use or existing for a long period of time
Drop out- to no longer do an activity or belong to a group
Shakeout and consolidation-leaving the larger companies with the resources to
dominate the industry
Dominate- to control someone or something or to have more importance than other
people or things
Mature-someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a
sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave
Focus groups-groups of consumers who say what they think of the product –at a very
early stage in the development process
Development process-

Anticipate competitors- to expect that something will happen and be ready for it:
Social and economic environment-they have to be ready to respond to changes in
society and changes in the economy as a whole
Respond to changes- to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or
Scenario planning-we imagine ways in which the nergy industry might change and
Evolve- if a type of animal or plant evolves, it changes gradually over a long period of
Futurologist or futurist- the activity of trying to say correctly what will happen in the
Futurology- the activity of trying to say correctly what will happen in the future
Crystal ball- a glass ball that you can look into, which some people believe can show
what is going to happen in the future
Delphi method-where a panel of experts make their forecasts about a subject
independently,and the forecasts are circulated to the other members of the group
Panel of experts-
Forecast- a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information
that you have now
Reach a consensus-an agreement about what is likely to happen

The adjectives from ML, Vocabulary C, p.109.

p.108 Starting up
home entertainment (n) - things such as films, television, performances etc that are
intended to amuse or interest people
innovation (n)- a new idea, method, or invention

p.109 Vocabulary A, B, C, D
airbag (n)- a bag in a car that fills with air to protect the driver or passenger in an accident
apply for a patent/ a licence (license) (col)- a special document that gives you the right to
make or sell a new invention or product that no one else is allowed to copy
brainwave (n)- a sudden clever idea or an electrical force that is produced by the brain
and that can be measured
breakthrough (n)- an important new discovery in something you are studying, especially
one made after trying for a long time
cell (n)- the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently
clone (n,v)- someone or something that looks and behaves exactly the same as someone or
something else //
concept (n)- an idea of how something is, or how something should be done
controversial (adj)- causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong
opinions about the subject being discussed
disposable contact lenses (col)-
escalator (n)- a set of moving stairs that take people to different levels in a building
fault (n)- if something bad that has happened is your fault, you should be blamed for it,
because you made a mistake or failed to do something
GM/ genetically-modified (adj)-
go back to the drawing board (idm)- if you go back to the drawing board, you start again
with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed
heart pacemaker (n)-
lone inventor (col)- used to talk about the only person or thing in a place, or the only
person or thing that does something
make a discovery (col)- a fact or thing that someone finds out about, when it was not
known about before
mammal (n)- a type of animal that drinks milk from its mother's body when it is young.
Humans, dogs, and whales are mammals.
out-of-date (adj)- if something is out-of-date, it is no longer considered useful or
effective, because something more modern exists// an official document that is out-of-
date cannot be used because the period of time for which it was effective has finished
perfect (v)- to make something as good as you are able to
Post-it note (n)- a small piece of coloured paper that sticks to things, used for leaving
notes for people
remote control (n)- a thing you use for controlling a piece of electrical or electronic
equipment without having to touch it, for example for turning a television on or off
setback (n)- a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they
solution (n)- a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
traffic signal (n)-
vacuum cleaner (n)- a machine that cleans floors by sucking up dirt
working model (col)- a model that has parts that move

pp.110-111 Reading A, B, C, D
anti-ageing cream (col)-
articulate (v)- to express your ideas or feelings in words
be/ lie at the root of sth (col)- be the cause of something
build brands (col)-
business unit (n)- a group of people working together as part of a larger group
celebrate innovators (col)- famous
collect feedback (col)-
company-wide (adj,adv) -
contend (v)- compete against someone in order to gain something
conventional method (col)- a conventional method, product, practice etc has been used for
a long time and is considered the usual type
core business (n)- the main business or activities of a company or organization
cut down on test-marketing (col)- to cut through the main part of a tree so that it falls on
the ground
cut your reliance (on sb/ sth) (col)- when someone or something is dependent on someone
or something else
deeply involved (col)- involved very much
evenly distributed (col)- to exist in different parts of an area or group
external source (col)-
fat bonus (col)-
frustration (n)- the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot
control or change a situation, or achieve something
gain (n)- an advantage or improvement, especially one achieved by planning or effort
(chemicals) giant (n)- a very large successful company//omeone who is very good at
doing something
give out (modest) rewards (col)-
intuitive (adj)- an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts
labour in anonymity (col)-
learn something insightful (col)- able to understand or showing that you understand what a
situation or person is really like
marketer (n)- someone who sells goods or services
mind you (phr)- saying something that is almost the opposite of what you have just said,
or that explains or emphasizes it
new entry (col)-
one-on-one (adj)- between only two people
organic growth (col)-
pay schemes (n)-
post sth on a(n) (internal) website (col)- put
present findings (col)-
put out a product (col)-
report directly to sb (col)-
return on (innovation) investments (col)- profit from their investment
revamp (v)- o change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern
rigour (rigor) (n)- the problems and difficulties of a situation
roll-out (n)- an occasion when a new product is made available for people to buy or use
stock option (n)- that a company offers to sell to an employee at a price that is lower than
the usual price
the rank and file (idm)- the ordinary members of an organization rather than the leaders:
trend-based business (col)- a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or
vast area (col)- extremely large
washing powder (n)- soap in the form of a powder used for washing clothes

brilliant- excellent// extremely clever or skilful
pointless- worthless or not likely to have any useful result
wasteful- using more of something than you should, especially money, time, or effort
beneficial- having a good effect
ridiculous- very silly or unreasonable
silly- not sensible, or showing bad judgment// not serious or practical
time-saving- designed to reduce the time usually needed to do something
practical- relating to real situations and events rather than ideas, emotions etc
ground-breaking- groundbreaking work involves making new discoveries, using new
methods etc
life-saving- life-saving medical treatments or equipment are used to help save people's
annoying- making you feel slightly angry


The expressions from ML, Useful language box, p.113.
pp.111-112 Language review A, B, C
grant approval (col)- when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted
consortium (n)- a group of companies or organizations who are working together to do
enhance an ability (col)- to improve an ability
knight (sb for sth) (v)- to give someone the rank of knight
make modifications (col)-make a small change made in something such as a design, plan,
or system
prestigious award (col)- admired as one of the best and most important award
test-drive (v)- an occasion when you drive a car so that you can decide if you want to buy
thinker (n)- someone who thinks carefully about important subjects such as science or
philosophy, especially someone who is famous for thinking of new ideas or a person who
thinks in a particular way
trial (n)- legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine
information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime

p.112 Listening A, B
back-up plan (col)- plan that you can use to replace something that does not work or is
build a rapport (col)- friendly agreement and understanding between people
grab attention (col)- to take hold of attention with a sudden or violent movement
jargon (n)- words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group
of people, which are difficult for other people to understand - often used to show
question and answer session (col)-
seating arrangement (col)- the places where people will sit, according to an arrangement
striking image (col)- unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed
the KISS principle (keep-it-short-and-simple) (n)- the idea that products or processes
should be kept as simple as possible because they will be more effective and easier to
use. KISS is an abbreviation of 'keep it simple, stupid'.
vary (v)- if several things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other

pp.112-113 Skills A, B, C, D, E
brief (adj)- continuing for a short time or using very few words or including few details
careers evening (col)-
distinctive (adj)- having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and
easy to recognize
foil (n)- metal sheets that are as thin as paper, used for wrapping food or paper that is
covered with very thin sheets of metal
high (visual) impact (col)- the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on
someone or something
nationwide (adj,adv)- happening or existing in every part of the country
perks (n)- something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such
as goods, meals, or a car
promising (adj)- showing signs of being successful or good in the future
script (n)- the written form of a speech, play, film etc or the set of letters that are used in
writing a language
shortly (adv)- soon or speaking in an impatient and unfriendly way
test launch (n)- to start test, usually something big or important
thoroughly (adv)- completely or carefully, so that nothing is forgotten

pp.114-115 Case study
all too often (phr) - used to say that something sad, disappointing, or annoying happens
too much
briefcase (n)- a flat case used especially by business people for carrying papers or
broadcast (v)- a programme on the radio or on television
canvas (n)- strong cloth used to make bags, tents, shoes etc or a painting done with oil
paints, or the piece of cloth it is painted on
embroidery (n)- a pattern sewn onto cloth, or cloth with patterns sewn onto it or
imaginary details that are added to make a story seem more interesting or exciting
fibre (n)- the parts of plants that you eat but cannot digest. Fibre helps to keep you
healthy by moving food quickly through your body
flick a switch (col)- very quickly and easily, by pressing a switch
get away with sth (phr v)- to not be caught or punished when you have done something
leather (n) - animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, and is used for making shoes,
bags etc
look out for sth (phr v)- to pay attention to what is happening around you, so that you will
notice a particular person or thing if you see them
mock (adj)- not real, but intended to be very similar to a real situation, substance etc or
surprise etc that you pretend to feel, especially as a joke
panel of judges (col)-
printed fabric (col)-
reflect light (col)- if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see
an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
runner-up (n)- the person or team that comes second in a race or competition
slick (adj)- if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems
expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas
space-age (adj)- very modern
tailored (adj)- a piece of clothing that is tailored is made to fit very well or made or done
specially for someone's particular need or situation
televise (v)- to broadcast something on television
tension (n)- a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax
textured (adj)- having a surface that is not smooth
thing of the past (idm)- something that does not exist any more
thread (n)- DCTIM a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth or an
idea, feeling, or feature that connects the different parts of an explanation, story etc

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  • 1. Foster creativity and innovation-the development of new ideas Bureaucratic- involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes Corporate venturing and intrapreneurship- a connection between two things that makes them affect each other,where employees develop entrepreneurial acitivities within the organization,working on their own projects outside the usual frameworks Entrepreneurial- someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks Skunk works-away from the main company sites and outside the usuals structures to work on innovations New product development- Research and development- Bring a product to market- First mover advantage-you can influence the way the market develops Trendsetters or innovators- someone who starts a new fashion or makes it popular Follower- someone who believes in a particular system of ideas, or who supports a leader who teaches these ideas Pioneers- someone who is important in the early development of something, and whose work or ideas are later developed by other people Emerging industry- in an early state of development Technology- new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers Attractive- someone who is attractive is pleasant to look at, especially in a way that makes you sexually interested in them Structure- the way in which the parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole, or the thing that these parts make up Established- already in use or existing for a long period of time Drop out- to no longer do an activity or belong to a group Shakeout and consolidation-leaving the larger companies with the resources to dominate the industry Dominate- to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things Mature-someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave Focus groups-groups of consumers who say what they think of the product –at a very early stage in the development process Development process- Anticipate competitors- to expect that something will happen and be ready for it: Social and economic environment-they have to be ready to respond to changes in society and changes in the economy as a whole Respond to changes- to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done Scenario planning-we imagine ways in which the nergy industry might change and evolve
  • 2. Evolve- if a type of animal or plant evolves, it changes gradually over a long period of time Futurologist or futurist- the activity of trying to say correctly what will happen in the future Futurology- the activity of trying to say correctly what will happen in the future Crystal ball- a glass ball that you can look into, which some people believe can show what is going to happen in the future Delphi method-where a panel of experts make their forecasts about a subject independently,and the forecasts are circulated to the other members of the group Panel of experts- Forecast- a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now Reach a consensus-an agreement about what is likely to happen 2 The adjectives from ML, Vocabulary C, p.109. p.108 Starting up home entertainment (n) - things such as films, television, performances etc that are intended to amuse or interest people innovation (n)- a new idea, method, or invention p.109 Vocabulary A, B, C, D airbag (n)- a bag in a car that fills with air to protect the driver or passenger in an accident apply for a patent/ a licence (license) (col)- a special document that gives you the right to make or sell a new invention or product that no one else is allowed to copy brainwave (n)- a sudden clever idea or an electrical force that is produced by the brain and that can be measured breakthrough (n)- an important new discovery in something you are studying, especially one made after trying for a long time cell (n)- the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently clone (n,v)- someone or something that looks and behaves exactly the same as someone or something else // concept (n)- an idea of how something is, or how something should be done controversial (adj)- causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed disposable contact lenses (col)- escalator (n)- a set of moving stairs that take people to different levels in a building fault (n)- if something bad that has happened is your fault, you should be blamed for it, because you made a mistake or failed to do something GM/ genetically-modified (adj)- go back to the drawing board (idm)- if you go back to the drawing board, you start again with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed heart pacemaker (n)- lone inventor (col)- used to talk about the only person or thing in a place, or the only person or thing that does something
  • 3. make a discovery (col)- a fact or thing that someone finds out about, when it was not known about before mammal (n)- a type of animal that drinks milk from its mother's body when it is young. Humans, dogs, and whales are mammals. out-of-date (adj)- if something is out-of-date, it is no longer considered useful or effective, because something more modern exists// an official document that is out-of- date cannot be used because the period of time for which it was effective has finished perfect (v)- to make something as good as you are able to Post-it note (n)- a small piece of coloured paper that sticks to things, used for leaving notes for people remote control (n)- a thing you use for controlling a piece of electrical or electronic equipment without having to touch it, for example for turning a television on or off setback (n)- a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were solution (n)- a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation traffic signal (n)- vacuum cleaner (n)- a machine that cleans floors by sucking up dirt working model (col)- a model that has parts that move pp.110-111 Reading A, B, C, D anti-ageing cream (col)- articulate (v)- to express your ideas or feelings in words be/ lie at the root of sth (col)- be the cause of something build brands (col)- business unit (n)- a group of people working together as part of a larger group celebrate innovators (col)- famous collect feedback (col)- company-wide (adj,adv) - contend (v)- compete against someone in order to gain something conventional method (col)- a conventional method, product, practice etc has been used for a long time and is considered the usual type core business (n)- the main business or activities of a company or organization cut down on test-marketing (col)- to cut through the main part of a tree so that it falls on the ground cut your reliance (on sb/ sth) (col)- when someone or something is dependent on someone or something else deeply involved (col)- involved very much evenly distributed (col)- to exist in different parts of an area or group external source (col)- fat bonus (col)- frustration (n)- the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something gain (n)- an advantage or improvement, especially one achieved by planning or effort (chemicals) giant (n)- a very large successful company//omeone who is very good at doing something give out (modest) rewards (col)- intuitive (adj)- an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts
  • 4. labour in anonymity (col)- learn something insightful (col)- able to understand or showing that you understand what a situation or person is really like marketer (n)- someone who sells goods or services mind you (phr)- saying something that is almost the opposite of what you have just said, or that explains or emphasizes it new entry (col)- one-on-one (adj)- between only two people organic growth (col)- pay schemes (n)- post sth on a(n) (internal) website (col)- put present findings (col)- put out a product (col)- report directly to sb (col)- return on (innovation) investments (col)- profit from their investment revamp (v)- o change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern rigour (rigor) (n)- the problems and difficulties of a situation roll-out (n)- an occasion when a new product is made available for people to buy or use stock option (n)- that a company offers to sell to an employee at a price that is lower than the usual price the rank and file (idm)- the ordinary members of an organization rather than the leaders: trend-based business (col)- a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing vast area (col)- extremely large washing powder (n)- soap in the form of a powder used for washing clothes brilliant- excellent// extremely clever or skilful pointless- worthless or not likely to have any useful result wasteful- using more of something than you should, especially money, time, or effort beneficial- having a good effect ridiculous- very silly or unreasonable life-changing- space-saving- silly- not sensible, or showing bad judgment// not serious or practical time-saving- designed to reduce the time usually needed to do something practical- relating to real situations and events rather than ideas, emotions etc ground-breaking- groundbreaking work involves making new discoveries, using new methods etc life-saving- life-saving medical treatments or equipment are used to help save people's lives annoying- making you feel slightly angry money-saving- 3 The expressions from ML, Useful language box, p.113.
  • 5. pp.111-112 Language review A, B, C grant approval (col)- when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted consortium (n)- a group of companies or organizations who are working together to do something enhance an ability (col)- to improve an ability knight (sb for sth) (v)- to give someone the rank of knight make modifications (col)-make a small change made in something such as a design, plan, or system prestigious award (col)- admired as one of the best and most important award test-drive (v)- an occasion when you drive a car so that you can decide if you want to buy it thinker (n)- someone who thinks carefully about important subjects such as science or philosophy, especially someone who is famous for thinking of new ideas or a person who thinks in a particular way trial (n)- legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime p.112 Listening A, B back-up plan (col)- plan that you can use to replace something that does not work or is lost build a rapport (col)- friendly agreement and understanding between people grab attention (col)- to take hold of attention with a sudden or violent movement jargon (n)- words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group of people, which are difficult for other people to understand - often used to show disapproval question and answer session (col)- seating arrangement (col)- the places where people will sit, according to an arrangement striking image (col)- unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed the KISS principle (keep-it-short-and-simple) (n)- the idea that products or processes should be kept as simple as possible because they will be more effective and easier to use. KISS is an abbreviation of 'keep it simple, stupid'. vary (v)- if several things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other pp.112-113 Skills A, B, C, D, E brief (adj)- continuing for a short time or using very few words or including few details careers evening (col)- distinctive (adj)- having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize foil (n)- metal sheets that are as thin as paper, used for wrapping food or paper that is covered with very thin sheets of metal high (visual) impact (col)- the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something nationwide (adj,adv)- happening or existing in every part of the country perks (n)- something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car promising (adj)- showing signs of being successful or good in the future
  • 6. script (n)- the written form of a speech, play, film etc or the set of letters that are used in writing a language shortly (adv)- soon or speaking in an impatient and unfriendly way test launch (n)- to start test, usually something big or important thoroughly (adv)- completely or carefully, so that nothing is forgotten pp.114-115 Case study all too often (phr) - used to say that something sad, disappointing, or annoying happens too much briefcase (n)- a flat case used especially by business people for carrying papers or documents broadcast (v)- a programme on the radio or on television canvas (n)- strong cloth used to make bags, tents, shoes etc or a painting done with oil paints, or the piece of cloth it is painted on embroidery (n)- a pattern sewn onto cloth, or cloth with patterns sewn onto it or imaginary details that are added to make a story seem more interesting or exciting fibre (n)- the parts of plants that you eat but cannot digest. Fibre helps to keep you healthy by moving food quickly through your body flick a switch (col)- very quickly and easily, by pressing a switch get away with sth (phr v)- to not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong leather (n) - animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, and is used for making shoes, bags etc look out for sth (phr v)- to pay attention to what is happening around you, so that you will notice a particular person or thing if you see them mock (adj)- not real, but intended to be very similar to a real situation, substance etc or surprise etc that you pretend to feel, especially as a joke panel of judges (col)- printed fabric (col)- reflect light (col)- if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water runner-up (n)- the person or team that comes second in a race or competition slick (adj)- if something is slick, it is done in a skilful and attractive way and seems expensive, but it often contains no important or interesting ideas space-age (adj)- very modern tailored (adj)- a piece of clothing that is tailored is made to fit very well or made or done specially for someone's particular need or situation televise (v)- to broadcast something on television tension (n)- a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax textured (adj)- having a surface that is not smooth thing of the past (idm)- something that does not exist any more thread (n)- DCTIM a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth or an idea, feeling, or feature that connects the different parts of an explanation, story etc