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English, please! 2 
Student’s Book 
E10-SB-M1 1 8/04/14 9:58
English, please! 2 fue diseñado en el marco de los 
Convenios de Cooperación 127 de 2012 y 751 de 2013 suscritos 
entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, el British Council 
y la Fundación Empresarios por la Educación 
English, please! 2 
Student’s Book 
María Fernanda Campo Saavedra 
Ministra de Educación Nacional 
Julio Salvador Alandete Arroyo 
Viceministro de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media 
Mónica Patricia Figueroa Dorado 
Directora de Calidad de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media 
Judith Yeni Jimenez Torres 
Gerente Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras 
Equipo Técnico 
Ministerio de Educación Nacional 
Sindy Moya 
Carola Gomez Medina 
British Council 
Katie Potts 
Camila Murcia 
Fundación Empresarios por la Educación 
Sandra Patricia Corzo Delgadillo 
Especialista académico 
Jan Van De Putte 
Nathalie Ruge, Maya Briggs, Helen Speranza, Luzkarime Calle, Yuddy Pérez, Paola Urueña, 
Larissa Tatiana Rico, Nancy Echeverri, Nancy Paola Riascos, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Oscar Hernán 
Montoya, María Alejandra Roa, Frank Giraldo, Lizbeth Arévalo, María Eugenia Oviedo Bocanegra. 
Consultores académicos 
NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) 
Thom Kiddle, Simon Smith, Rod Bolitho 
Ilustraciones y Fotografías 
Carátula: David Osorio; Imágenes del libro: P. 199 
Coordinación editorial 
Ideas Maestras - Ana Julia Mora Torres 
Diseño: Paola López Mora. Diagramación: Leidy Sánchez, Diana González Molina. 
Edición: Beatriz Henao Zapata, Juanita Navarro Páez, Aylin Aldana. 
© Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2014 
ISBN 978-958-691-618-9 
Calle 43 No. 57-14 Piso 5. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia 
Citación: Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2014). English, please! 2. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia 
Impreso por Imprenta Nacional de Colombia 
Disponible en: 
Todos los derechos reservados 
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, el registro o la transmisión 
por cualquier medio de recuperación de información, sin autorización 
previa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 
Bogotá D. C. – Colombia 
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“Nuestro propósito es formar ciudadanos competitivos, capaces de 
interactuar con el mundo, a través de una lengua extranjera”. 
La inversión social a través del acceso a una educación pertinente y de calidad es una prioridad 
del Gobierno Nacional. En el Plan de Desarrollo 2010–2014 se considera el dominio de una lengua 
extranjera, particularmente el inglés, como un vehículo para lograr una mayor competitividad 
del país. Por eso, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional trabaja en la internacionalización de la 
educación, como una importante oportunidad de apoyar la consolidación de la política exterior 
con un enIoTue hacia la diversiÀcación de la agenda internacional del país. 
En la política sectorial 2010-2014 “Educación de Calidad, el Camino para la Prosperidad”, del 
Ministerio de Educación Nacional, consolidamos una importante estrategia, el Proyecto de 
Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras, que busca garantizar 
que nuestros estudiantes desarrollen mejores competencias comunicativas en una lengua extranjera 
durante todo el ciclo educativo, para convertirse luego en ciudadanos que logren insertarse mejor 
en el mundo globalizado en que vivimos y contribuir a mejorar las condiciones de competitividad 
de nuestro país. 
6in duda, para lograr una mejora signiÀcativa en el desempexo de los estudiantes, es necesario 
fortalecer los ambientes de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera en el país, lo que implica impactar 
todos los aspectos del ciclo del mejoramiento de la calidad educativa. Por eso, desde el Ministerio, 
se han identiÀcado y deÀnido cuatro ejes formación y acompaxamiento a docentes, aspectos 
pedagógicos, evaluación y seguimiento, y fortalecimiento institucional), que se constituyen en una 
guía orientadora para la formulación de proyectos pertinentes y sostenibles, tendientes a mejorar 
las condiciones en que nuestros nixos y jóvenes aprenden a interactuar en una lengua extranjera. 
‡ )ormación y acompaxamiento a docentes 
El docente, como actor primordial que orienta el mejoramiento de las competencias de los nixos 
y jóvenes, debe contar con un nivel adecuado de una lengua extranjera y apropiar prácticas de 
aula efectivas. De ahí la importancia de ofrecer esquemas de desarrollo profesional continuo, 
que respondan a las necesidades reales de los docentes en servicio del sector oÀcial colombiano. 
Esto se logra con la implementación de programas diferenciados, que contemplan no sólo la fase 
de formación, sino también la de acompaxamiento a la implementación. En esta línea, para el 
Ministerio de Educación es igualmente prioritario asegurar la calidad de los nuevos docentes, 
por lo que de forma paralela a la formación de docentes en servicio, se adelantan y direccionan 
proyectos de fortalecimiento a los programas de licenciatura y a los ciclos complementarios de las 
Escuelas Normales Superiores. 
‡ Aspectos pedagógicos 
Contar con docentes cualiÀcados es un paso fundamental, que se complementa con el disexo 
e implementación de herramientas pedagógicas y materiales didácticos que buscan mejorar la 
experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes y facilitar la labor de ensexanza del docente. Las 
acciones de este eje se apoyan en el resultado de la formación y están encaminadas a transformar 
las prácticas de aula, asegurando la apropiación de los estándares de competencias y el uso 
efectivo de material pedagógico. 
Al respecto, el Ministerio de Educación ha dado el paso siguiente a la creación de los Estándares 
Básicos de Competencias en Inglés, adelantado proyectos de desarrollo de material propio. Como 
English, please! 
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‡ Evaluación y seguimiento 
Asegurar la pertinencia de las estrategias y la sostenibilidad de los proyectos requiere de un proceso 
continuo de seguimiento, que inicia con el análisis del contexto y las necesidades particulares y 
se consolida en la identiÀcación de indicadores de progreso y la generación de herramientas de 
medición de impacto. Las acciones de este eje soportan entonces el proceso de toma de decisiones. 
Por un lado, el Ministerio de Educación ha encaminado sus medidas en este eje al aseguramiento 
de la calidad, a través del análisis de resultados del componente de inglés de las Pruebas SABER 
en los niveles del ciclo educativo en que se evalúa esta área; y, por otro lado, al seguimiento al 
impacto generado por los procesos de formación, a través de la prueba diagnóstica que toman de 
manera voluntaria los docentes desde el axo 200. 
‡ Fortalecimiento institucional 
Estamos convencidos de que las estrategias concebidas en cada eje serían acciones aisladas si no 
se desarrollaran dentro de instituciones (Secretarias de Educación, Instituciones de Educación 
Superior y Escuelas Normales Superiores) que hayan tomado la decisión autónoma y consciente de 
movilizar a sus comunidades educativas hacia el logro de los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto. 
Por eso, las acciones que el Ministerio adelanta en este eje buscan generar capacidad instalada 
y fomentar condiciones institucionales adecuadas para que los proyectos se vuelvan efectivos y 
sostenibles gracias a la participación decidida de toda la comunidad educativa. 
Cabe resaltar que las experiencias signiÀcativas identiÀcadas en los últimos axos han evidenciado 
que así como es indispensable desarrollar acciones particulares en cada una de estas cuatro 
líneas, también es esencial articular coherentemente las acciones entre ejes, para garantizar un 
fortalecimiento integral de los procesos de aprendizaje y ensexanza de la lengua extranjera. 
María Fernanda Campo Saavedra 
Ministra de Educación Nacional 
English, please! 
Para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional es un orgullo presentar a la comunidad educativa English, 
please!, un proyecto que se enmarca en el eje de aspectos pedagógicos y, a partir del cual se 
busca que los docentes y estudiantes del país cuenten con materiales y recursos didácticos más 
pertinentes para sus aulas y contextos escolares. Este material pretende apoyar los procesos 
de ensexanza y aprendizaje de inglés de estudiantes que cursan grados ž, 10ž y 11ž en las 
instituciones educativas públicas del país. 
El proyecto se ha construido a partir del disexo de un programa modelo de inglés de alta calidad, 
mediante el cual los docentes puedan transformar su práctica en el aula y garantizar resultados 
en los procesos de la ensexanza y aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera. 
En el Ministerio de Educación Nacional creemos que interactuar en inglés es una competencia 
básica para que nuestros estudiantes se comuniquen mejor con el mundo y para que puedan tener 
más oportunidades de progreso personal y profesional; condiciones que, sin duda, redundarán en 
el desarrollo de Colombia. 
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English, please! 
Estimados docentes y estudiantes 
El Ministerio de Educación Nacional en el marco del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al 
Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras se complace en entregarle English, 
please!, una estrategia creada para que los jóvenes colombianos alcancen mejores 
niveles de inglés y logren así acceder al mundo globalizado, identiÀcándose con jóvenes 
de otros países y contextos, y reÁexionando sobre otras culturas, sociedades y estilos 
de vida. Esta serie se constituye en un importante avance para promover en los jóvenes 
colombianos conciencia intercultural a través del aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa. 
English, please! es una serie de alta calidad desarrollada para los grados 9°, 10° y 
11° mediante la cual los docentes pueden transformar los procesos de enseñanza y 
aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera y garantizar mejores resultados. Su sílabo 
está orientado a los niveles A1 y A2 con exposición progresiva hacia niveles superiores 
(B1), especialmente en las habilidades receptivas. Este sílabo es comunicativo y se 
organiza por macrotemas (Topic based syllabus) que permiten un trabajo interdisciplinar 
con Educación para la Sexualidad, Educación para el Ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos, 
Educación Ambiental y Educación para el Desarrollo de Competencia para la Ciudadanía. 
English, please! Está alineado a los Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas 
Extranjeras: inglés (Guía 22) y a los estándares transversales de competencias ciudadanas 
con un sílabo cíclico que promueve el desarrollo de las habilidades de forma integrada 
para que los estudiantes mejoren su dominio de la lengua a través del descubrimiento 
y del uso de estrategias de aprendizaje efectivas. En la serie, se privilegia el desarrollo 
de proyectos y la evaluación mediante portafolios. Su estructura sugerida reÁeja la 
organización del año escolar en las instituciones educativas oÀciales, trabajando un 
módulo de tres unidades por bimestre con una intensidad de 3 a 5 horas semanales. Aun 
así, se espera que los docentes apropien y adapten el plan de estudios a su contexto 
El material comprende el texto del estudiante, la guía del docente, un CD con actividades 
de audio, y un componente virtual de ejercicios complementarios disponible en www. El Ministerio de Educación Nacional le 
apuesta a este nuevo proyecto pensado, diseñado y creado por docentes de inglés 
colombianos de diferentes regiones del país y dirigido a contextos escolares variados 
con un interés particular en la inclusión y la diversidad. Siendo un material que surge de 
un proceso de investigación riguroso, se evidencia una pertinencia y aceptabilidad alta 
dentro de las aulas colombianas en las cuales fue piloteado. English, please! es una 
apuesta pedagógica que le presenta a los docentes un repertorio amplio de opciones 
adaptables a los diversos contextos nacionales que busca transformar las prácticas 
docentes, y las creencias sobre el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en Colombia. 
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1 Teen culture Module 2Module 
Unit 1 Having Fun 
L1. Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests ........... 12 
L2. Getting to know urban tribes! ................. 16 
L3. Having fun on a camping trip .................. 20 
Money makes the 
world go around 
Unit 1 What we spend 
L1. Shopaholics ........................................ 61 
L2. Are we in or out? ................................... 67 
L3. I want this, and this, and that!................. 71 
Unit 2 Teen power 
L4. In my world! ...................................... 26 
L5. Think differently! .................................... 31 
L6. You can become a hero too! ..................... 37 
Unit 3 Spending time wisely 
L7. Scouting ............................................. 43 
L8. Exploring other teen organisations ............ 48 
L9. Getting active ...................................... 52 
L10. Self Assessment .................................... 56 
Unit 2 How the world works 
L4. How things are made ............................. 77 
L5. The global workplace ............................. 83 
Unit 3 Ready to change 
L7. Consumer power is yours ........................ 95 
L8. We can make a change .......................... 99 
L9. Self Assessment .................................. 103 
© MEN Colombia 
L6. Fair trade .......................................... 88 
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3Module 4Module 
We are all 
d i f f e rent Ecotourism 
Unit 1 Eco-friendly holidays 
L1. Let’s travel green! ............................ 154 
L2. Take only pictures, 
leave only footprints! ........................ 160 
L3. Ecotourism and communities .................. 165 
Unit 1 Different looks, different lifestyles 
L1. Lifestyles around the world .................... 108 
L2. Celebrations around the world ................ 112 
Unit 2 Your own beauty: be who you are 
L4. Diversity is beautiful ........................... 124 
L5. Life is full of beauty ........................... 128 
Unit 3 Mind your manners 
L7. Melting pots and culture identity ..............139 
L8. When in Rome... .................................. 142 
L9. Beauty and culture together ................... 146 
L10. Self Assessment ............................... 149 
Unit 2 Ecotourism: treasures 
and cultures to protect 
L4. Indigenous communities ........................ 171 
L5. Adopt an animal ............................... 177 
L6. What’s the problem? .......................... 182 
Unit 3 Colombia: a natural and 
cultural paradise 
L7. Valuing our heritage .......................... 187 
L8. Promoting sustainable ecotourism 
in Colombia .................................... 193 
L9. Self Assessment............................... 197 
© MEN Colombia 
L3. The old days... better days? .................. 117 
L6. Body art ........................................ 132 
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© MEN Colombia 
1 Teen culture Module 
In this module you will... 
…talk about hobbies, sports and leisure activities and urban tribes, in 
Unit 1 Having fun 
…reÁect on teen issues and learn about teen action and power, in 
Unit 2 Teen power 
…learn about different teen groups and making the most of your free time, in 
Unit 3 Spending time wisely 
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© MEN Colombia 
Read these sentences. Circle the ones that you want to know 
more about. 
1. We are a group of fourteen- and Àfteen-year-olds trying to 
make a difference. 
2. There are many teenage heroes in the world. 
3. I fancy Mary. 
4. If I want to go hiking, I need proper equipment. 
5. Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young 
people aged 12 to 18. 
6. Camping trips are one of the best ways to make new friends. 
7. Hoppers, skaters, metachos, and Áoggers are some urban 
Which units do the statements belong to? 
Unit 1. Having fun 
Unit 3. Spending time 
Look Ahead 
Unit 2. Teen power 
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An oral 
about an urban 
An advertisement 
for a camping trip 
Project : A scrapbo : my teen organisation 
In this module, you will learn about teenagers’ culture, identity, interests, youth organisations 
and heroes. Your task will be to create a teen organisation and illustrate it in a scrapbook. You 
will include a name, a logo for and objectives of your organisation. You will also include different 
activities your members can do. 
© MEN Colombia 
Ȼ listen to radio 
programmes about 
teen problems and 
young people who 
help make the world 
a better place 
Ȼ listen to a speech by 
a teen leader from a 
youth organisation 
Ȼ listen to teens 
talking about their 
favourite activities 
Ȼ write an article 
about your favourite 
hobby, sport, or 
leisure activity 
Ȼ write an 
advertisement for a 
camping trip 
Ȼ write a journal entry 
about a young hero 
Project: A scrapbook 
of my teen 
A portrait of a real 
life hero 
An article about my 
favourite activity or 
You will also… 
Ȼ In your group, decide 
on the roles that 
each member will be 
responsible for (for 
example: notetaker, 
presenter, graphic 
designer, IT assistant, 
Ȼ Complete the table: 
Name Role – Responsibilities 
The portfolio is a collection of the 
tasks you will complete during 
this module. Use a folder or a 
decorated box for your portfolio. 
Your portfolio is evidence of your 
learning. You can also use it to 
assess your own progress. 
Task 1: 
Ȼ Which topics from this 
module interest you the most? 
Ȼ What do you want to learn 
in this module? Write two 
objectives. E.g.: I want to learn 
Ȼ identify speciÀc 
information in 
formal letters, 
articles; and 
Ȼ dentify the parts of 
a news article 
Ȼ compare 
characteristics of 
different urban 
Ȼ give advice about 
teen problems 
Ȼ give an oral 
presentation about 
young people who 
have had an impact 
on the world 
Ȼ interview a teen 
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Module 1 
1 Having fun 
 Lesson 1 – Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests 
 Lesson 2 – Getting to know urban tribes! 
 Lesson 3 – Having fun on a camping trip 
© MEN Colombia 11 
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© MEN Colombia 
Lesson: Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests 
Focus on Vocabulary 
1. Match pictures to the sports and hobbies. 
a b 
c d 
f g 
h i j k 
Ȼ skydiving 
Ȼ water rafting 
Ȼ skateboarding 
Ȼ fishing 
Ȼ horse riding 
Ȼ playing music 
Ȼ online chatting 
Ȼ playing board games 
Ȼ bowling 
Ȼ playing basketball 
Ȼ playing ice hockey 
2. Choose 3 sports or hobbies. Complete the information for each. Look at the examples: 
Ȼ Playing board games is a hobby. 
Ȼ You can play them indoors or outdoors. 
Ȼ You can play them with one or more players. 
Sport Hobby Indoors Outdoors Team Individual 
Playing board 
games X X X X 
Skating X X X 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
Speak / 
3. What do you do in your free time? In 
pairs, ask and answer questions. 
a. What outdoor/indoor sports/hobbies do 
you like? 
b. Which sports/hobbies would you like to 
c. What are the most popular sports and 
hobbies in your country? 
d. Which sports/hobbies are dangerous 
or safe? 
4. Read these sentences. 
a. I really like playing board games. 
b. I'd really like to try bungee jumping. 
c. Do you like cycling? 
d. Would you like to play the drums? 
5. Circle the word you hear in these sentences: 
like, ’d like, Do you like or Would you like. 
a. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like 
b. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like 
c. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like 
d. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like 
Listening Tip 
Before you listen, read the 
sentences or questions to know what 
information you need to listen for. 
Try to guess the answer before you 
listen. This will help you listen for 
Names Hobbies Sports 
does doesn’t does doesn’t 
© MEN Colombia 13 
specific information. 
6. Listen to Thomas, Angela and Chris 
talk about their hobbies and sports. 
Complete the chart with the hobbies and 
sports they do and don't do. 
7. Listen again and complete the 
a. Thomas: I extreme 
sports. I spending time 
with others. 
b. Angela: I indoor activities. 
I playing sports. 
c. Chris: I doing all kinds of 
sports or hobbies. I being 
outdoors at weekends. Sports and 
hobbies are my passion. 
8. Find someone in the class who does one 
of the activities below. Walk around 
the room and ask a yes/no question to 
different classmates. When the answer is 
yes, write the person’s name. 
Useful Language 
Ȼ I like fishing. / I don't really like fishing. 
I prefer playing basketball. 
Ȼ In my country, the most popular sports/ 
hobbies are... 
Ȼ I'd like to try... / I really want to try... 
Ȼ Bungee jumping is dangeous/safe... 
a. does spinning 
b. plays basketball 
c. hates soccer 
d. would like to try water rafting 
e. plays the piano 
f. enjoys bowling 
g. doesn't like outdoor activities 
h. would like to try skydiving 
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© MEN Colombia 
Lesson 1 
9. Look at the picture and share with a partner 
a. Do you think Parkour is a sport or a hobby? 
b. Do you think that it is a team or individual 
sport/ hobby? 
c. Have you tried it or seen it? 
10. Read the article and check your predictions. 
Parkour makes you feel like you are flying 
Parkour is deÀnitely my favourite outdoor sport. I love using my 
body to move freely and to overcome obstacles in public places with 
only my body and skills. Parkour can be a hobby, an extreme sport, 
or an art. It also involves climbing, running, and jumping. It is about 
learning how to use your body to get from one point to another without 
stopping, and using your physical abilities 
Parkour is an excellent exercise because it helps you to keep Àt and healthy. It makes you more fearless and 
mentally conÀdent, too. Another good thing about Parkour is that it is very cheap. All you need is to be in 
good physical condition and a good pair of running shoes. 
However, Parkour can be dangerous. If you are new to Parkour, 
you need to know and understand the different basic moves. For 
example, you have to know how to break your fall before you jump 
off an obstacle. You also need to be very well trained to avoid 
having an accident. 
Even though it can take a long time to become good at Parkour, 
and you can sometimes hurt yourself, I think it is a perfect way to 
exercise and you can discover your body´s potential. Try it! You will 
feel as if you are Áying. 
Reading Tip 
Look at the title of a text and the 
pictures before you read. This can help 
you get an idea of what the topic is 
and predict the information you will 
read in the text. 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ avoid: evitar 
Ȼ trained: capacitado 
Ȼ fearless: sin miedo 
Ȼ innovative: novedoso 
Ȼ hurt yourself: lastimarte 
Ȼ taking advantage of: aprovechando 
Ȼ overcome obstacles: superar obstaculos 
Ȼ know how to break your fall: saber cómo 
amortiguar su caída 
11. Read the text again. Write the paragraph where the information is found in the text. 
a. Description of Parkour. Paragraph 
b. Requirements for practising Parkour. Paragraph 
c. BeneÀts of Parkour. Paragraph 
d. Conclusion. Paragraph 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
Read / Focus on Language 
12. Read the article again. Complete the 
a. Parkour is an activity in which you use 
b. The beneÀts of Parkour are 
c. Requirements for practising Parkour 
13. Look at the sentences. Then answer the 
Ȼ Parkour is an excellent exercise 
because it helps you keep fit and 
Ȼ Parkour also involves climbing, running 
and jumping. 
Ȼ However, Parkour can be dangerous. 
For example, you can fall and hurt 
a. Which linking word gives a reason? 
b. Which word links an opposite idea? 
c. Which word links a similar idea? 
Useful Language 
Linking words 
Ȼ To link similar ideas, you can use also or too. 
Example: Fishing is cheap. It is also relaxing. 
Fishing is cheap. It is relaxing too. 
Ȼ To give reasons, you can use because. 
Example: Parkour is an excellent sport because it 
keeps you healthy. 
Ȼ To contrast ideas, you can use however and even 
Example: Hiking is great. However, it is 
Ȼ To show examples, you can use for example. 
Example: Parkour integrates different 
disciplines; for example, it can be a hobby, an 
extreme sport or an art. 
14. Link the sentences below using because, 
also, too, however and even though. An 
example has been done for you. 
‡ Parkour is excellent exercise. It keeps you 
healthy and in good shape. 
‡ Parkour is excellent exercise because it 
keeps you healthy and in good shape. 
a. Basketball is an exciting sport. It can 
be exhausting. 
b. Rock climbing is a difÀcult sport. You 
need to be very well trained. 
c. Playing chess is an interesting board 
game. You exercise your mind. 
d. Aerobics is fun. It is enjoyable. 
e. There are many board games: chess, 
checkers, Parcheesi and dominoes. 
f. Swimming is relaxing. It can be 
g. Karate can be dangerous. You can 
hurt yourself. 
Work in groups. Choose a sport or a hobby your group likes 
the most and write an article about it. Include pictures or 
Paragraph 1: describe your favourite sport 
or hobby, and explain why you enjoy it. 
Paragraph 2: say what the points in favour of the 
sport,activity or hobby are. 
Paragraph 3: say the requirements of doing the 
sport or hobby, giving reasons. 
© MEN Colombia 15 
Paragraph 4: write a short conclusion about your 
favourite sport/hobby and give an opinion about it. 
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© MEN Colombia 
2 Lesson: Getting to know urban tribes! Read 
1. Match the pictures with the name of these urban tribes. 
skinheads – punks – emos – heavies - rappers 
2. Read about Jim and David´s urban tribe’s interests and styles. 
Skaters! A free style 
Hi, my name is Jim. I am a skater. You can tell 
skaters apart by the way we dress, but mostly by our 
skateboarding. We are a group of teens under 20 who 
love skating in parks and on the streets and enjoy 
jumping ramps or obstacles. Riding and performing 
tricks are our favourite way of having fun. For us, 
skateboarding is not just a way of getting around but 
also an art form. 
Skater clothing is also important for us and part of our 
identity. We wear baggy or cargo shorts, skinny denim 
jeans, t-shirts, jackets and trainers or skate shoes. We 
also like to carry cameras to record our tricks while 
we skateboard. 
Even though skating can be dangerous, we use the 
right equipment to protect ourselves. For example, 
we wear safety gear like a helmet, knee pads, elbow 
pads, wrist guards and ankle guards. 
I think that belonging to an urban 
tribe is about meeting people who 
like doing the same things and 
sharing the same interests and 
lifestyles. For me, it means having 
fun together doing what we love 
most which is skateboarding. 
Reading Tip 
To get the general idea of a text, 
read the title, and first lines of 
each paragraph. Then look at the 
comprehension questions to know what 
information to read for. This will focus 
your reading. 
Floggers: A sensational fashion style 
Hello I am David. I love being a 
Flogger. Wearing fun, colourful 
clothes is what really identifies 
us. Tight, brightly coloured jeans 
or jogging pants, T-shirts with 
fluorescent colours and colourful 
trainers or skate shoes are all part of our fashion 
style. We also like dancing to electro house and 
listening to techno music. 
Flogger comes from the word flog, short for 
Fotolog, a website where we post pictures and 
comments and where we share our taste for fashion 
and brands. We have lots of fans who follow our 
glam styles. I think that’s the reason why we have 
become very popular among some teens. Taking 
photos of ourselves to post up in Fotolog is a typical 
Floggers’ urban tribe is a trendy group of teens who 
have a distinct fashion style and who love admiring 
people and being admired. 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ dress: vestirse 
Ȼ performing tricks: haciendo maiobras 
Ȼ jumping ramps: saltando rampas 
Ȼ safety gear: implementos de protección 
Ȼ knee and elbow pads: coderas y 
Ȼ wrist and ankle guards: manilleras y 
Ȼ belong: pertenecer 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ brands: marcas 
Ȼ trendy: de moda 
Ȼ glam style: estilo glamuroso 
Ȼ follow: seguir 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
Focus on Vocabulary 
3. Fill in the chart. Find differences and similarities between Skaters’ and Floggers’ styles. 
Skaters and Floggers identity Dress styles Activities 
4. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences below. 
a. Urban tribes are multicultural groups that live in rural areas. 
b. Each member of an urban tribe has a different ideology and style. 
c. Skaters are commonly associated with Fotolog. It is a webpage where they post videos 
about their fashion style and brands. 
d. Dancing and listening to techno music are some of the things Jim likes. 
e. Skaters wear baggy coloured cargos, Áuorescent branded cotton shirts and colourful 
f. Skaters and Floggers share the same rebellious thoughts and ideologies. 
5. Clothes and Parts of the body. 
a. What do Skaters wear? Look at 
the picture and write the correct 
word next to each body part. 
1. Head 
2. Torso 
3. Elbow 
4. Legs 
5. Knees 
6. Ankle 
7. Foot/feet 
8. Wrist 
b. Look at the picture and label the 
1. a shirt 
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c. Now describe one of these urban tribes fashion style. 
Ȼ skinhead Ȼ punk Ȼ emo Ȼ heavies Ȼ rapper 
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Speak / Focus on Language 
Lesson 2 
6. Share in pairs: 
Yes, I'd like... because... 
Not really, I... because... 
Yes, I... 
Not, I... 
Useful Language 
Gerunds as subjects 
Ȼ A gerund is the base+ING form of a verb, 
i.e. wear +ing. 
Ȼ We can use gerunds as the subject of a 
Reading books helps you to learn 
as a 
+ verb + complement 
Do you know anyone who belongs to one? 
In my city/town there… 
They wear… 
They listen to… 
Would you like to belong to an urban 
tribe? Yes? No? Which one? Why? 
Yes, I belong to... 
No, I don't belong to... 
Do you belong to an urban tribe? 
What urban tribes are there in your city/town? 
What do they wear/do? 
What music do they listen to? 
7. Read these sentences and answer the questions. 
Ȼ Taking photos of ourselves to post up 
in Fotolog is a typical pastime. 
Ȼ They are taking photos of Áoggers. 
a. Taking is a noun in 
1. the Àrst sentence 
2. the second sentence 
b. Taking is a verb in 
1. the Àrst sentence 
2. the second sentence 
8. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Look at the example: 
a. feel happy/ who share/ the same likes/ meeting people/ makes me 
Meeting people who share the same likes makes me feel happy. 
b. are our favourite way/ riding/ of having fun/ and/ performing tricks 
c. a way of/ skateboarding/ is not just/ is also an art form/ getting around / but 
d. fun and colourful/ Wearing/ is/ identiÀes us/ what really/ clothes 
e. Áoggers/ enjoy the most/ to electro house/ is what/ to techno music/ listening/ and/ dancing 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
4 9. Use the verbs in the box in their gerund form to complete the sentences below. Then listen and 
check your answers. 
Ȼ do parkour 
Ȼ listen to techno music 
Ȼ wear safety 
Ȼ perform tricks 
Ȼ find information online 
Ȼ write poetry 
Ȼ cook hot-dogs 
Ȼ chat with my friends 
Ȼ post pictures and 
Ȼ smoke 
Example: Doing parkour helps you keep your mind and body healthy. 
a. is one of my 
favourite activities. 
b. can save your life 
if you do extreme sports. 
c. on Fotolog is what 
Floggers usually do. 
d. makes me feel 
e. is the most popular 
activity around a campÀre. 
10. Now, write your own sentences. Use the expressions in the box with -ing forms and match them 
with the pictures. 
Ȼ learn languages 
Ȼ watch cartoons 
Ȼ cook meals 
Ȼ play soccer 
Ȼ go camping 
Ȼ help others 
Ȼ do exercise 
Ȼ have fun 
Ȼ eat fruit 
b. c. d. 
Learning languages 
takes time. 
e. f. g. h. i. 
Urban tribes presentation 
Research, write, design and present. 
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Prepare a presentation on 
your urban tribe. Begin: We 
will talk about ... Members 
of this tribe wear ...They 
like to .... They listen to..... 
In groups, 
choose an urban 
tribe you are 
interested in. 
Research information about 
your tribe on the web, e.g. 
Identity: clothing, favourite 
activities, music and anything 
else you think is important. 
Write a description about 
your urban tribe. Include 
information about fashion 
style, activities, music and 
other information. 
f. can be the best way 
to express your feelings on paper. 
g. cigarettes is a bad 
h. is easier and faster 
than going to a library. 
i. in the park and 
streets is what skaters do to have 
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Lesson: Having fun on a camping trip 
Focus on Vocabulary 1. What equipment do you need to go to the camping trip? 
a. Match the pictures with the words in the box. 
b. Tick ( ) the things you should take on the camping trip. 
c. Listen to the words and practise the pronunciation. 
backpack ³ sleeping bag ³ hiking boots ³ swimsuit ³ Áashlight ³ T-shirt 
life vest — baggy pants — dress — camera — sunglasses — jacket — tent 
helmet — trainers — stationery 
2. What activities are the items in Exercise 1 used for? Put them in the correct column. Then, 
add one more item for each activity. 
Go hiking 
and cycling 
Go canoeing 
and swimming 
Do arts and 
Lie down 
and rest 
Go horse 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
Listen / Read 
3. Share with partner. 
a. What things do people take to go to camping? 
b. What activities do people do on camping trips? 
c. Have you been on a camping trip? 
4. Susana and her mother are talking about her 
camping trip. Read and complete the dialogue 
with the following sentences. Then listen and 
check your answers. 
Ȼ It sounds like fun 
Ȼ What are you doing in the evening? 
Ȼ We have lots of exciting plans 
Ȼ On Sunday, we are having a campfire 
Ȼ If you want to enjoy yourself and have a good time 
Listening Tip 
Before completing a gapped dialogue, read 
the dialogue carefully. Try to guess what 
information you need to complete the gaps. 
After you have heard and completed the 
dialogue, read it again to check that your 
answers make sense. 
Mum: Are you ready to go on your camping trip tomorrow, Susana? 
Susana: Yes, I think so mum! I have already packed everything I need there. 
Mum: That's great! Remember, , you need to respect and follow the camp trip leader's rules. 
Susana: I know mum… Let's see the activities and the recommendations the camp leader has for the trip. 
Mum: Tell me! What activities are you going to do there? 
Susana: Wow, Look, in the mornings we are doing different kinds of water activities. We are going to 
have swimming lessons, then we are going canoeing or kayaking. In the afternoons, we are planning to 
go hiking and horse riding. The camp leader recommends that we wear a summer hat and use sunscreen 
if we don't want to get sunburned. 
Mum: And what about the recommendation to do water activities? 
Susana: Ok, the camp leader says: “if campers want to do water activities, they need to wear a swimsuit and life vest 
to be safe” 
Mum: And… 
Susana: It depends on the day. For example; , and we're going to tell stories, sing songs and cook hot dogs. 
It's just great! 
Mum: ! Just don't forget to get up early if you plan to do all of these things. Have a nice trip! 
Susana: I know Mum, Please, the trip's supposed to be fun! 
5. Who says what? Tick ( ) M (Mum) or S (Susana). 
S M 
a. Follow instructions and respect rules on the camping trip. 
b. What do you plan to do in the evening? 
c. Let's see the recommendations for water activities the camp leader has. 
d. The trip is supposed to be fun. 
e. Get up early to enjoy all the activities in the trip. 
f. I've packed everything I need for the trip. 
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Lesson 3 
Write / Focus on Language 
6. Tick the questions that the dialogue answers. Then Ànd sentences in the dialogue that 
support your answers. 
a. What activities does Susana plan to do 
in the mornings? 
b. Why doesn’t Susana want to join in 
the evening activities? 
c. Where is Susana going? 
d. How long is the trip going to be? 
7. Read the sentences below and answer the questions. 
e. What does Susana need to do water 
Ȼ If you want to enjoy yourself and have a good time, you need 
to respect and follow the camp leader’s rules. 
Ȼ Use a summer hat and a sunscreen if you don’t want to get 
Ȼ If you pay in advance, you get a 20% discount. 
a. What do these sentences have in common? 
b. Which sentence talks about a situation or fact that is generally 
c. Look back at the dialogue for other similar sentences. 
f. What does Susana’s mother tell her to 
do to have an enjoyable trip? 
g. Why does the camp leader 
recommend that the campers wear 
summer hats and sunscreen? 
a. If you want to go 
b. If you go hiking for 
more than one hour, 
c. If you don’t register 
your morning activities 
on time, 
d. If you plan to have fun 
on the trip, 
e. If you get home early 
after the camp trip, 
wear comfortable shoes and 
drink plenty of water. 
wait for me so we can 
have dinner together. 
you need to take special precautions. 
make sure you pack all the 
equipment you need. 
you need to call the camp 
leader so that you can be 
included on the list. 
8. Match the phrases to complete the sentences. 
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Module 1  Unit 1 
Focus on language / Speak 
Useful Language 
Zero Conditional 
We use the zero conditional to: 
Ȼ talk about facts 
If you heat water, it boils. 
Ȼ talk about rules 
If you arrive late, you cannot take the exam 
Ȼ talk about things that are always or normally true. 
When the sun goes down, it gets dark. 
9. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. 
Ȼ Zero conditional sentences have 
two parts and contain the word if 
or when. 
Ȼ The present simple tense is 
normally used in both parts of the 
Ȼ Sometimes you can use the 
imperative or modal verbs in the 
If you arrive late, wait outside. 
If you arrive late, you cannot enter. 
a. If you want to go swimming, what do you need to take? 
b. When you go camping, what are 3 things you need to take with you? 
c. Where do you go when you go camping? 
d. If you have a problem, who do you speak to? 
e. What items do you pack if you go camping? 
f. What happens if you don’t use sunscreen and don't wear a hat 
in the summer? 
10. Work in pairs. Read the activities Okly’s Camp offers on Saturday and 
Sunday. Tell your partner which activities you want to do during these days. 
Join Okly´s Camp Activities Over 
the Weekend 
In the morning: water activities, art and 
drawing and drama classes, hiking and jogging. 
For active, artistic and creative people. 
In the afternoon: go climbing, canoeing, 
rafting, or horse riding competition. For 
daring and adventurous people. 
At night: big party, live music, storytelling, 
barbecue or just cooking sausages. In addition, 
funny games at the campÀre. For sociable, 
extrovert and outgoing people. 
On Saturday and Sunday: be prepared for 
the song contest at 9:00 pm. This is a great 
opportunity to have fun, relax and make lots 
of new friends. 
A: Hey Sandra, look at Okly's camp 
activities. I want to join drama and 
art classes in the morning. I am very 
creative and I love to paint and act. 
What about you? 
B: I prefer water activities. I love 
swimming in the river. What 
activities are you doing in the 
A: Well! I… 
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Lesson 3 
Camping trip advertisement 
1. Work in groups of three or four. Imagine you are in charge of 
organising a camping trip for your school. 
2. Make an advertisement and write the activities you are going 
to offer over two days. Think about: 
Ȼ What is the name of your camping trip? 
Ȼ What are students going to do in the morning, in the 
afternoon, and in the evening? 
Ȼ What special event can they do at night? 
Ȼ What equipment or items do they need to bring on the 
camping trip? 
3. Look back at Exercise 10 and use this example as a guide 
to make your own design. Be creative: use pictures or 
draw them; bring the materials you need to design the 
4. Invite students from other classrooms, and explain to them 
the different activities you are offering on the camping trip. 
You can start your presentation like this: 
Welcome to Okly's camp. Let us tell you all the 
amazing activities we have prepared for you for 
the next two days. On Saturday morning… 
On Sunday, you are… 
In the evening… 
Focus on Language 
LOOK BACK - Review 
Ȼ My favourite activity was… 
Ȼ The most useful words or 
expressions were… 
Ȼ I enjoyed learning about… 
Ȼ I need to practise… 
11. Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. 
a. We do art and craft the morning. 
b. The song festival is 9:00 pm 
Saturday and Sunday. 
c. the afternoon we are going to the river 
and we return to the camp 6:00 pm. 
d. night I prefer playing games round/by/ 
near the campÀre rather than telling stories. 
e. We get home on Sunday 7:00 pm 
the evening. 
f. The next school camp trip is June. 
g. Saturday, we are going to do water 
activities, and night we will be playing 
hide and seek. 
Useful Language 
Preposition of time IN / ON / AT 
Ȼ We use IN for months, years and times of 
the day. 
Example: In February, in 11, in the 
morning, in the evening 
Ȼ ON: Dates and Days. 
Example: On March 2th (you say ¶March the 
2th’). On Monday, on Valentine’s Day. 
Ȼ AT: times, festival periods. 
Example: At 6 o’clock. At Christmas, Easter. 
At night. At the weekend, too. 
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Module 1 
2 Teen power 
 Lesson 4 – In my world! 
 Lesson 5 – Think differently! 
 Lesson 6 – You can become a hero, too! 
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Lesson: In my world! 
1. Discuss in pairs. What topics do you think are the most important for 
teenagers nowadays? 
Ȼ deciding the future Ȼ school and homework 
Ȼ arguing with 
parents or siblings 
2. In pairs, discuss the questions about the pictures: 
Ȼ relationships 
Ȼ sports 
1 2 3 4 
a. What are the teens doing? 
In the Àrst picture, the 
teenager is arguing with… 
b. What problems do you think they have? 
I think the problem is... 
Maybe her brother used her stuff 
without asking. 
Reading Tips 
Predict information to improve 
your understanding 
Before you read, think about 
what you already know about 
the topic. 
Think about what words you 
may find in the text. 
Now read the text to see if you 
made some correct guesses. 
Comparing what you know with 
what you read helps you to 
understand a text. 
3. Match the pictures with the stories from Exercise 4. 
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Module 1  Unit 2 
4. Read the stories. Then complete the chart below. 
1 Two people from my class keep 
laughing at me for wearing a cycle 
helmet when I’m cycling to school. 
The roads are quite busy so I think it’s 
safer to wear one. I don’t care what 
they say. I am going to keep wearing 
my helmet. I prefer to be safe. 
Rachel, 14(1) 
2 The Àve of us have been friends since 
Year 7. Diana always seems to be picking 
on one of us, like criticising everything 
we say, or what we wear, making us do 
stuff we don’t want to. The other day 
she did it to me. So I told her to stop. 
I asked her why she does that. She 
apologised. Well, I’m glad I spoke to her 
and sorted things out. 
Aleja 15(1) 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ pick on: criticar 
Ȼ apologise: disculparse 
Ȼ sort out: arreglar 
Ȼ hang around: pasar el rato 
Ȼ sneak off: escaparse 
Ȼ take up: empezar 
Ȼ break: descansos 
3 I usually hang around with Max and 
Jair at break times and lunch times. 
They’ve started smoking and now it’s 
like they’re in some little club. They 
sneak off to get cigarettes and smoke 
them. So I’ve decided to take up 
basketball. There is a group of us who 
play during our breaks. 
Jack, 14(1) 
Rachel Aleja Jack 
1.What was the problem? 
2. What did they do about it? 
5. Read the advice Rachel, Aleja and Jack give to students in similar situations. Match the 
advice with the person. More than one answer is possible. 
a. You could try persuading other people to start cycling and wearing them too. 
b. Tell her kindly to stop. 
c. Try doing something you like during the breaks. 
d. I’d talk to them. 
e. Talk to her. 
f. You should tell them that they are being immature. 
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Focus on Language 
Lesson 4 
6. Giving advice or suggestions. 
a. Read the sentences in Exercise 5. Underline the advice or suggestion. 
b. What do we call these verbs could, would, should? 
c. What are these verbs: try, talk to, tell (her)? 
d. What are the contraction forms of I would? 
e. When we use Why don’t you …?, are we asking a question? 
7. Listen to the way we pronounce these words. 
a. Listen and repeat. 
Ȼ You should talk to an adult. 
Ȼ You shouldn’t stay away. 
Ȼ I wouldn’t be friends with her. 
8. Look at the 3 pictures. What is happening in each picture? Read the titles of the stories. 
Now write down one idea about each story. 
Useful Language 
Pronunication of modal verbs: 
should /ݕݜd/ 
could - /k ݜ d/ 
would- /w ݜ d/ 
Ȼ The letter “ l ” is silent in 
these modal verbs and the 
vowel sound ڵ is pronounced 
like in the words: good, 
b. Listen and write the word you hear. 
1. What you do in that situation? 
2. I get upset. 
3. You Ànd other things to do. 
4. What I do? 
a. The Fun Club b. Community First c.The tutoring Coop 
5. I tell an adult about it. 
6. You think about it. 
7. I talk to them about it. 
8. You tell them how you feel. 
c. Reformulate this advice using should, could or would.Then read the advice out aloud. 
Look at the example 
Ignore them: You should ignore them. You could ignore them. I’d ignore them. 
1. Tell them to stop. 
2. Say it is for your safety. 
3. Move away from that group. 
4. Stick up for your friends. 
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Module 1  Unit 2 
Focus on Language 
9. Listen to the 3 stories and answer the questions. 
The Fun Club 
a. Who is Kim and who is Sandra? 
b. What are they doing? 
c. What advice do they give? 
Community First 
a. Who is Brayden? 
b. What is he organising? 
c. What is his advice? 
The Tutoring Coop 
a. What is the Tutoring Coop? 
b. What do they do? 
c. What is the advice they give? 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ hang out: pasar el rato 
Ȼ left out: excluída 
Ȼ made up: inventó 
Ȼ had a crush on: me gustaba 
Ȼ made fun of: se burlaba de 
Ȼ have feelings for: sentir algo por 
Ȼ the wrong crowd: mala compaxia 
10. Match these adjectives with an antonym on the right. 
1. active 
2. extroverted 
3. mature 
4. respectful 
5. cheerful 
a. immature 
b. shy 
c. rude 
d. passive 
e. moody 
11. Fill in the gaps with one of the adjectives from 
Exercise 10. 
a. Laura is ; she talks to everyone and loves 
meeting people. 
b. My neighbour’s children seem older than they 
are; they are very . 
c. Jenny is always involved in everything. She is so 
d. We are to others in class for example 
when we listen to them without 
e. Some boys were and punched their 
adjective + noun 
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f. Jenny is a person. She is always 
happy and in a good mood. 
Useful Language 
Descriptive adjectives are words that 
Ȼ describe something or someone. 
Ȼ describe someone's personality. 
Ȼ Adjectives can go before a noun 
John is the kind boy who lives next door. 
Ȼ Adjectives can go after a verb. 
Susana is beautiful. 
verb + adjective 
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Lesson 4 
Useful Language 
Giving advice 
Ȼ You should first…: You should first talk 
to her. 
Ȼ Try …ing: Try looking for work... 
Ȼ Why don’t you…?: Why don’t you do a 
course in...? 
Scrapbook plan 
It’s time to start thinking about the organisation you want for your Scrapbook: my teen organisation. 
Remember you will create your youth organisation and design a scrapbook to show classmates and 
other people in the school. 
Get into project groups 
1. Decide on type of scrapbook (paper, digital) 
depending on the resources you have available. 
2. Decide on the different responsibilities each 
member of the group will have. 
3. Decide on these parts of your scrapbook today: 
Ȼ A name for your organisation 
Ȼ Objectives (what do you want to change 
through the organisation?) 
Ȼ Have an FAQ section (these are typical 
questions people may ask about your 
organisation, e.g. How to get involved; how to 
join etc… 
Ȼ Provide answers for your Frequently Asked 
12. In small groups, choose one of the stories 
from this lesson and act it out. 
a. Decide how many characters there 
are and assign the roles. You can add 
characters if you want. 
b. Make notes on what you are going to say. 
c. Choose the most appropriate ending for 
your role play. 
13. In your groups, write a new story offering two or more endings Share your story with 
the class and vote on the best ending. 
Plan your story Àrst: 
Actions or behaviour 
causing problem 
Consequences Choice 
Who is doing or saying what? 
How is this making the 
person feel or act? 
How can the people involved 
react to this situation? 
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Lesson: Think differently! 
1. Look at the pictures and match them with the quotes. 
a. “These teen mothers are my own daughters. I want my girls to be empowered!” 
Catalina Escobar 
b. “My mission is to make sure no child grows up behind prison walls.” 
Pushpa Basnet 
c. “I’m helping to educate children so that we can change Kliptown together.” 
Thulani Madondo 
2. Read life stories of people who have changed the 
lives of thousands of teenagers around the world. 
Say what these numbers refer to in the text: 
a. 400 
b. 10 
c. 20 
d. 6 
e. 16 
f. 2,000 
Reading Tip 
Read for general meaning first. 
Number the main points in the text. 
Make notes on the main ideas from the text. 
1 Thulani Madondo started a program which provides academic support to 
400 children living in the slums of Kliptown, South Africa. 
Thulani’s story 
While he was studying 10th grade, his father told him he didn’t have 
enough money to keep him at high school. To keep studying, Thulani 
decided to wash cars and worked as a stock boy to pay his school fees. 
Many other young people like Thulani were living in the same situation. 
The program 
To help other young people in Kliptown get an education and improve their lives, 
Kliptown Youth Program was created. KYP helps young people in Johannesburg by 
providing uniforms, books and school fees.(2) 
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Lesson 5 
2 3 Catalina Escobar, has 
transformed the lives of 
Colombian teen mothers 
through her Foundation. 
Catalina’s story 
A 12-day-old boy died in 
Catalina’s arms while she 
was working as a volunteer in the maternity 
clinic in Cartagena. The baby's teenage 
mother didn’t have the money for the 
treatment that would have saved the baby’s 
life. Less than a week later, Catalina’s son, 
Juan Felipe, a 16-month-old baby fell from 
a balcony and died. After these two tragic 
events, she decided to help prevent child 
The Foundation has provided help and 
training for more than 2,000 teen mothers 
It also includes a daycare center and 
medical center for around 400 young 
mothers each year.(4) 
Pushpa Basnet is a housemother at her Day 
Care Centre for more than 20 children in 
Pushpa’s story 
She was only 21 when she found her calling. 
While her family ran a successful business, she 
was studying social work at university. One day 
while she was visiting a women’s prison, she 
was shocked to discover children living behind 
bars. So Basnet decided to start a children’s 
Day Care Centre to take them out of prison. 
Childhood Chi 
Development Center 
With her Day Centre she has 
helped over 100 children. Today, 
she runs a day care program for 
children under 6 and a residential 
home where mostly older 
children receive education, food, 
medical care and a chance to 
live a more normal life.(3) 
3. Complete the chart with information from each text: 
Questions Thulani Pushpa Catalina 
a. What did they begin? 
b. Why did they decide 
to help people? 
c. How do they help 
4. Read the texts again and answer the questions below: 
a. Why did Thulandi Madondo have to work while he was still at school? 
b. What kind of organisation did Thulandi create to help poor children? 
c. What did Pushpa study at university? 
d. Why did Pushpa start a Children Day Centre? 
e. What happened to Catalina Escobar’s youngest son? 
f. Why did the 12-day-old baby die? 
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Module 1  Unit 2 
Speak / Focus on Language 
5. Discuss the questions below with a partner. 
a. Which story did you Ànd interesting? 
b. Which person would you choose as your hero? Why? 
c. Do you know any similar stories? 
6. Read the story of Michael Gay, the man who saved Jodi Oakes from dying. 
Going through Àre to save a woman from 
The night was cold. It was raining and the road 
was wet. After work, Jodi Oakes was going to 
have dinner with a friend. She was very tired 
and while she was driving, she fell asleep. 
With her foot still on the accelerator pedal, 
her car drove into a tree, and it caught Àre. 
While Michael Gay was driving home down the 
same road, he noticed the big Àre. 
A tree was burning and he became curious. 
He drove closer towards the Àre. Then, he 
saw a car on Àre. Michael heard screams, and 
realised there was a woman in the burning 
car. Inside the car, Jodi was screaming. 
She was trying to get out of the car 
but she couldn’t. 
Michael quickly called 
the police on his mobile 
phone. Then, he ran 
to door of the car, but 
it was stuck. He broke 
the window and he was 
pulling Jodi out of the 
car when the police and 
Àre engine arrived.(5) 
a. Write ‘T’ (true) and ‘F’ (false) for each 
1. Jodi Oakes was tired when she was 
driving home. 
2. Jodi Oakes crashed her car. 
3. Michael Gay noticed a big Àre while he 
was looking through his bedroom 
4. Michael Gay saw a woman inside a 
burning car. 
5. Jody Oakes couldn’t get out of the car. 
6. Michael Gay called the Àre brigade and 
waited for them to get Jodi out of her 
b. Look back at the article and answer the 
questions below. 
Ȼ Fifteen examples in the simple past are 
underlined. Find three regular and three 
irregular simple past verb forms. 
Ȼ One example of the past continuous is 
circled. Find three more examples. 
c. Read the sentences and answer the 
questions below. 
1. Jodi drove her car on an empty road. 
2. Michael pulled Jodi out of the car. 
3. Jodi was driving her car on an empty road. 
4. Michael was pulling Jodi out of her car. 
Ȼ Which of the sentences above describes a 
finished event in the past? 
Ȼ Which of the sentences expresses an 
action in progress in the past? 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ road: carretera 
Ȼ catch fire: encenderse 
Ȼ burning: quemándose 
Ȼ get out: salirse 
Ȼ break: romper 
Ȼ stuck: atascado 
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Lesson 5 
Useful Language 
Past Simple 
Ȼ Use the auxiliary verb did + verb for 
questions and negative statements. 
Did you go to the movies yesterday? 
I didn’t do my homework. 
Past Continuous 
Ȼ Use to be in past + -ing verb form to make 
affirmative, negative and interrogative questions 
I was playing football in the park. 
I wasn’t dancing last night. 
What were you doing? 
Ȼ Use was for I, he,she,it 
Ȼ Use were for you, we, they 
7. Read the story of Chris, a 16 year old boy who saved the life of a baby. Fill in the gaps using 
the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or past continuous depending on the case. 
Chris C 
left school at around 3 p.m. As he (1. walk) home he decided to go to the park. 
He H 
(2. see) a bench and (3. sit) down. As he began to relax and take sights of the 
park p 
he (4. hear) a scream for help. Chris (5. jump) and (6. run) to save 
the t 
boy. He (7. pull) the boy out of the water. Some people who (8. observe) the 
scene (9. call) the paramedics. Some minutes later the paramedics (10. arrive) . 
8. In pairs, think of 5 qualities of a hero. 
9. Listen to the deÀnition of what a hero is. What are heroes according to this person? 
10. Listen again. Tick ( ) the things you hear. 
a. Heroes shown in Hollywood movies: 
are often individuals with 
superhuman abilities 
are incredible villains 
come in and save the day 
b. The speaker mentions these people: 
police ofÀcers 
brothers and sisters 
fathers and mothers 
d. A hero is someone who 
sacriÀces something to help out. 
gets paid for protecting people 
protects someone or something 
when people are in danger. 
leaves things better than when 
they found it 
makes extraordinary things 
happen when there is a need. 
is rich and famous. 
c. Why do heroes do heroic acts? 
To be famous. 
To do what they think is right. 
For money. 
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Module 1  Unit 2 
© MEN Colombia 
11. Listen and repeat these sentences. 
Then underline where the links are. 
a. Hollywood heroes are often 
individuals with supernatural 
b. They come in and save the day. 
c. A mother who’s always by her 
children’s side. 
d. They’re other types of heroes 
e. They don’t give up 
f. Because it’s what’s right 
g. When they found it. 
Improve Your English Pronunciation 
Linking words 
Ȼ When we speak in English, we don’t pronounce 
words one by one. We connect them and speak 
with rhythm and stress to speak quickly and 
Ȼ Here are 2 ways we connect speech: 
- Contractions 
- Linking when consonants are followed by vowels 
E.g. We are going to talk about heroes becomes: 
We’re gonna talk about heroes. 
Contraction Linking 
12. Complete the description about heroes with the qualities below. 
Ȼ determined 
Ȼ courageous 
Ȼ brave 
Ȼ inspirational 
Ȼ helpful 
Ȼ reliable 
Ȼ creative 
Ȼ kind 
a. Heroes never give up until they achieve 
a goal. 
Heroes are . 
b. Heroes are selÁess; they expect nothing 
in return for their sacriÀce. Heroes 
are and . 
c. A hero may stand alone to defend what 
it is right; they do it no matter what 
the cost is. Heroes 
are and . 
d. Heroes are always a model to follow. 
Their actions show others that anyone 
can make a difference. Heroes are 
e. Heroes are constantly thinking of new 
ways or ideas to help others. Heroes are 
f. A hero is someone who you can tell any 
problem you have, and you can trust on 
anything. A hero is . 
13. Read the statements from Exercise 14 about heroes again. Do you agree or disagree with them? 
Example: I don’t agree with the statement in number 4 because in my opinion a hero is a 
person who… 
Useful Language 
Expressing agreement 
Ȼ I agree with... 
Ȼ I couldn’t agree with…. more. 
Ȼ That’s so true. 
Ȼ That’s exactly how I feel. 
Expressing disagreement 
Ȼ I don’t think so. 
Ȼ I completely disagree. 
Ȼ I totally agree 
Ȼ That’s not always true. 
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Speak / Write 
A logo 
It’s time to think about your Scrapbook: My Youth Organisation Project again. 
Remember you will create your youth organisation and design a scrapbook to 
show classmates and other people in the school. 
Lesson 5 
Get into your project groups. Decide on: 
Ȼ A logo 
Ȼ A statement telling others why this 
organisation is important. 
Ȼ Activities members can do 
Things to take into account when 
designing your logo: 
Ȼ The name of your organisation 
Ȼ The objectives of your organisation 
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14. Write a short story using the pictures below. 
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6 Lesson: You can become a hero, too! 
1. Would you like to be a hero some day? Explain. 
2. Do you have what it takes to become a hero? Answer the following qui] and Ànd out. 
1. You see a kid being bullied at school. You: 
a. go over to the bullies and stop them. 
b. leave him alone because he is weak. 
c. look for a teacher or an adult. 
2. You see the new kid eating alone. You: 
a. go over to him and have lunch with 
b. sit with your best friends 
c. laugh at him. 
3. You see that a nine year old is drinking 
beer. You: 
a. talk to them and explain to them why 
the kid must not drink beer. 
b. talk to them but don’t really care. 
c. Ànd out who’s with them and ask 
them to take care of the kid. 
4. You see a person drowning (ahogándose) 
but you can’t swim. You: 
a. ask someone to help. 
b. think it is not my problem. 
c. throw the person a life jacket and 
scream for help. 
5. You see a lost child. You: 
a. ask the child if he/she is lost and look 
for their parents. 
b. ignore the child. 
c. let an adult know that the child is 
lost and walk away. 
6. Who or what do you protect? 
a. Everyone and everything. 
b. Myself 
c. My family and friends 
7. Would you ever sacriÀce your own wants 
or needs for someone else? 
a. I would help no matter who needs it. 
b. No way! 
c. Maybe once. 
8. When the team you play for wins, you 
a. Good game 
b. Oh yes! We won, losers! 
c. Nothing 
9. If you won the lottery, you would 
a. give it all away to charity. 
b. spend it on elegant things for you and 
your family. 
c. spend the money on what you need. 
10. What sentence do you relate most 
closely to? 
a. Serve and protect. 
b. c. Check your answers 
‹ Most of your answers are 
A. You are on the path to 
becoming an everyday hero. 
Congratulations! People like 
you have changed our world! 
I’m better than you. 
Aim low. 
‹ Most of your answers are B. 
You clearly need to think about others. Being selÀsh is 
not the way to construct a new 
society. You have lots of things 
to offer. Why don’t you try to 
help someone once? I bet you 
will feel awesome! 
‹ Most of your answers are C. 
helping others but sometimes to 
become a hero you must take 
risks from time to time. Keep 
doing the right thing every time 
you can, Àll your heart with 
courage and try to go further!(6) 
re k more 
h i 
You are a good person who likes 
h l i h b i 
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3. Look at the pictures from The Unsung Heroes. 
a. What do you think the title of the text “The Unsung Heroes” mean? 
b. Read the titles of each text and the Àrst sentence of each paragraph in each text. 
What is each text about? 
Young people who have changed their communities. 
Let’s find out what they have done to change the world. 
As a child Sandra Souza grew up begging for money in São Paulo, Brazil. Being 
alone and unprotected, Sandra got pregnant when she was a teenager. Her 
family told her she was not old enough to be a mother and were really unkind 
to her. 
While she was pregnant she was supported by an organization called Lua Nova, 
an organisation that provides accommodation and support for pregnant women 
in Brazil. After giving birth, Sandra signed up for a construction class although 
the teachers said that not many women can become builders. 
Sandra did and she and 19 other women began to make bricks to build their own homes. Now they 
also sell bricks to make extra money to buy more supplies to build the houses. Sandra proved to be 
incredibly determined and she now lives with her three children in a house she built herself.(7) 
Lesson 6 
© MEN Colombia 
William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, Africa and grew up without electricity 
or running water. When he was 14, he had to leave school because his family were 
extremely poor and could not afford to pay for school. 
Although William had to stop going to school, he used to read lots of books at the 
local library every day. One day he read about windmills and he became very 
interested in how the windmill could make electricity and pump water. 
So he decided to build a windmill. 
Using wood, scrap metal and old tractor parts, William built a windmill that was able 
to power four light bulbs and two radios in his house. William also used a bicycle to power the 
People soon started spreading news about William’s invention. As William was an exceptionally 
brilliant teenager, he won a scholarship at a university in South Africa. Since 2007 he has been 
teaching young people how to make their own windmills and repair water pumps. William’s major 
dream is to bring electricity to everyone in his country.(7) 
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4. Read the texts again and answer the 
a. Why did William have to leave school when 
he was 14? 
b. What invention did William create? 
c. Why was Sandra determined to learn about 
d. What organisation helped Sandra when she 
was pregnant? 
5. What similarities and differences are there 
between William and Sandra? Complete the chart. 
Module 1  Unit 2 
Read / Focus on Language 
Sandra William 
6. Read the texts again and look at the words in 
a. Look at the following sentences taken from 
the articles: 
Ȼ His family were extremely poor. 
Ȼ He became very interested in how 
windmills can make electricity. 
Ȼ William was an exceptionally brilliant 
Ȼ Sandra’s family became really unkind. 
Ȼ Sandra was not old enough to live alone. 
Ȼ Sandra was incredibly determined. 
Ȼ Her teachers said Sandra was not prepared 
enough to build her own home. 
b. Why do you think the writer has used the 
words: very, really, extremely, incredibly, 
exceptionally before each adjective? 
c. What’s the position of the adverbs very, 
really, extremely, incredibly, exceptionally 
and enough in the sentence? 
Useful Language 
Ȼ We use adverbs like very, really 
and extremely to make adjectives 
William was very excited. 
It’s a really interesting invention. 
Sandra was extremely excited 
about her house. 
Ȼ Other intensifiers are: certainly, 
obviously, simply, literally, 
completely, totally. 
Ȼ We also use enough to say more 
about an adjective, but enough 
comes after its adjective: 
Sandra was not old enough to live 
7. In pairs, practise these short dialogues 
using one of the intensiÀers from the 
Useful Language box. Then make short 
dialogues of your own about the two 
a. Martha: Did you enjoy Sandra’s story? 
Annie: Yes, I found it 
b. David: What do you think about 
William’s invention? 
Mark: I think it is sensational! 
c. Maureen: What do you think about 
Sandra’s family reaction? 
Laura: It was extreme. 
d. Laura: Did you think Sandra was 
mature to have a baby? 
Sara: I don’t know. She was very 
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8. Look at the picture of the windmill that William Kamkwamba invented. What materials did 
William use? 
Ȼ farming 
Useful Language 
Phrasal Verbs 
Ȼ Many phrasal verbs have a different 
meaning from the meaning of the 
individual words combined. 
Ȼ A phrasal verb consists of a verb and 
one or two particles such as down, 
up, on, off, after, by, in, out, etc. 
Ȼ When a phrasal verb has an object, 
the object can go either before or 
after the adverb or particle: 
She turned the computer on. 
Verb noun particle 
She turned on the computer. 
Verb particle noun 
Lesson 6 
William: My name is William Kamkwamba and I’m from Malawi. Most of the people in Malawi work in farming. 
We depend on tobacco farms. I’m 20 years old now. There are 60 families in my village and there are 20 
people in my family alone. I had to drop out of school because my family 
had no money to pay my school fees and the fees are about $80 dollars. It 
is very windy in Malawi and I was thinking: “How can we use wind for our 
beneÀt?” That’s when I came up with the idea about windmills. 
I went to the library to Ànd out more. The books only had pictures of 
windmills but it didn’t say anything about how to build one or how it 
generates electricity or how it pumps water. 
Interviewer: You Àgured it out on your own. 
William: Yeah, I Àgured it out on my own. I came up with my own creative design. 
I was 14 years old when I Àrst decided to build a windmill and it took me 
about two months to build the Àrst one. Nobody could believe that I could make something to generate 
electricity. They only got it when I powered a radio, and they heard music from the radio.(8) 
a. Complete the sentences with the appropriate information from the box below. 
1. When Willliam was 14 years old he had to 
2. William’s school fees cost . 
3. He the idea about windmills 
because it is very windy in Malawi. 
b. Read the following sentences taken from the interview. 
Match the word in bold on the left with the meaning on 
the right. 
1. I had to drop out of school because 
my family had no money to pay for 
my school fees. 
a. understood 
2. You Àgured out how to construct 
the windmill on your own. 
b. discover, 
3. I came up with the idea. c. solved, deduced 
4. They got it when they heard music 
from the radio. 
d. make an 
device operate 
5. William ran the bicycle dynamo to 
power up the 12-watt battery. 
e. abandon 
6. I went to the library to Ànd out 
f. invented 
© MEN Colombia 
Ȼ drop out of school Ȼ 14 Ȼ $ US80 Ȼ windmill Ȼ came up with 
4. The majority of Malawians work in . 
5. William taught himself how to build a . 
6. William was when he built 
his Àrst windmill. 
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Ȼ figure out 
Portrait of a real-life hero 
1. Work in groups. Select 
a photograph of a 
friend, family member, 
mentor or someone 
you have heard of or 
have seen on TV, who 
is a hero to you or an 
organisation that has 
done something heroic. 
Module 1  Unit 2 
4. Recall a heroic quality your group 
admires in your real-life hero. 
Think about how you might behave 
like your hero. For example, if 
they are brave, think about how 
you can become brave, too. Think 
also about situations in which you 
can use these new qualities. 
5. Present the proÀle of your real-life 
hero to your classmates. 
LOOK BACK - Review 
Ȼ My favourite activity was… 
Ȼ The most useful words or 
expressions were… 
Ȼ I enjoyed learning about… 
Ȼ I need to practise… 
Focus on Language 
9. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box. 
a. Someday doctors will a cure for cancer. 
b. The wind and a bicycle William’s windmill. 
c. They explained the process to him many times but he 
didn’t . 
d. To more about Lua Nova you can visit 
their website. 
e. Most teenagers school because they have 
to work to support their families. 
f. She hopes to how to bring drinking water 
to her community. 
© MEN Colombia 
Ȼ get it Ȼ drop out of Ȼ power up Ȼ find out Ȼ come up with 
2. If possible, interview your real –life 
hero or Ànd information on the 
Internet or in the news. 
a. Find a quote by or about your hero. 
b. List the qualities your hero has. E.g.,: 
brave, caring, loyal, dedicated, etc. 
c. Make a timeline of the important 
achievements in your hero’s life. 
3. Set up an imaginary homepage of 
a social networking site such as 
FacebookŒ and complete the proÀle 
for your real-life hero. 
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Module 1 
3 Spending time wisely 
 Lesson 7 - Scouting 
 Lesson 8 - Exploring teen organisations 
 Lesson 9 – Getting active 
 Lesson 10 – Self Assessment 
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7 Lesson: Scouting 
Focus on Vocabulary 
1. What do you know about scouts? Look at the two pictures below and label 
the names of the clothes that you recognise. 
2. Scout BINGO. 
a. Look at the following BINGO table. Write the name of the item below the correct 
binoculars — sleeping bag — Àshing hook — compass — lamp — hat — boots — pot 
thermos — map — water bottle — backpack — raft — suitcase — knife — tent 
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Ȼ Scout BINGO 
b. Find someone in the classroom who has the 
objects from the BINGO table.: 
Ask: Do you have a...? 
Possible answer: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 
Useful Language 
To find out what your classmates 
have, you can ask the following 
Ȼ Do you have backpack? 
Yes, I do/No, I don’t 
Ȼ Notice that if the piece of 
clothing is singular you use a/an 
Example: A backpack, a tent 
Ȼ Do you have binoculars? 
Yes, I do/No, I don’t 
Ȼ As the word “binoculars” is 
plural, you don’t use a/an 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ Beavers: scouts from 5 to 
8 years old. 
Ȼ Cubs: scouts from 8 to 10 years 
3. Work with a partner. Answer the following questions about 
a. What do you think scouts do? 
b. Would you like to be a boy or girl scout? Why? Why not? 
4. Read the text about scouting and get familiarised with it. Use the words 
below to complete the paragraphs in the text “What is Scouting?” 
Ȼ astronomy 
Paragraph 1 
Scouting began in 1907 when 
experienced soldier Robert 
Baden-Powell set up a scheme 
to train life skills to young boys 
in Britain. Baden-Powell wrote 
a book called (1) 
which contained ideas how to become 
a good citizen. Boys quickly began to get together to 
use ideas from the book and formed their own patrol 
Paragraph 2 
In 1908, Baden-Powell (2) an ofÀce 
to deal with the hundreds of people who wanted to 
know about scouting. The (3) 
continued to grow as three age groups were created 
for boys and, in 1910, the Girl Guides began for girls. 
The Scout uniform is a widely recognised 
characteristic of Scouting. It consists of a khaki 
button-up shirt, (4) , and a broad-brimmed 
campaign hat. 
Paragraph 3 
The aim of scouting is to help young people reach their 
full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential. 
Scouts learn new (5) by taking part in 
fun and exciting activities in the air, on land or in water. 
These can be done as part of a group on a local, 
national or international scale. 
Paragraph 4 
Young people experience lots of practical outdoor 
activities such as camping, woodcraft, water sports, 
hiking, and 
(6) . There are many opportunities to 
develop skills in technology and creativity in activities 
such as computing, (7) , amateur 
radio, dance, music, art and crafts. Scouts (8) 
activity badges when they learn a 
new skill or take part in an activity for a period of time. 
They wear the badges on their uniform. There are 12 for 
Beavers, 35 for Cubs and 70 for Scouts. Some activities 
scouts do include (9) , circus skills, 
martial arts, parascending and street sports.(9) 
Lesson 7 
© MEN Colombia 
Ȼ electronics Ȼ movement Ȼ can earn 
Ȼ skills Ȼ games Ȼ shorts Ȼ opened Ȼ Scouting for Boys 
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Write / Speak 
5. Which title best matches each paragraph? 
a. Origin of scouting 
b. Objectives of scouting 
Module 1  Unit 3 
c. Scouting activites 
d. The development of scouting 
6. Complete the graphic organiser with information from the text. Write a sentence 
about what you Ànd in the text related to the key word or words given in the graphic 
organiser below. 
Example: a Scouting began in 10. 
b. Patrols c. The objective 
of Scouting 
d. Recognition 
of Scouts... 
a. The beginning 
of Scouting 
7. Answer the questions with a partner. 
a. What outdoor activities do scouts do? E.g. camping, hiking, etc. Write a list. 
b. Do you like any of these activities? Which ones? 
c. Which activities would you like to try? Why? 
1. speed 
2. strength 
3. precision 
4. patience 
Mountain biking Rafting Roller skating 
Canoeing Climbing Football 
© MEN Colombia 
8. Work in pairs. What do you need to practise these activities? 
10 5 
5. concentration 
6. warming up 
7. a course 
8. training 
9. appropiate team 
10. appropiate equipment 
11. appropiate clothes 
12. balance control 
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9. What “if sentences” can you write from the information in the table? See the Àrst sentence 
as an example: 
a. If I want to go mountain biking, I 
need appropiate equipment. 
b. If I want to climb walls, I… 
c. If I want to play football, I… 
10. Look at the Jamboree schedule below. 
a. Tell a classmate which activities you like 
doing and those you dislike doing. 
b. Tell the class 3 things your classmate likes 
and doesn’t like doing. 
Example: Maria loves going hiking, but she 
doesn’t like group competitions. 
7:00 Morning bell rings and scouts wake 
7:30 Scouts clean their tents. 
7:50 Flag ceremony (Izada de 
8:00 Breakfast 
8:45 Divide scouts in groups for 
different activities 
9:30 Go hiking, dance, crafts or sports 
10:30 Make lunch for off-camp activity 
(fun day hike off-camp, etc.) 
2:15 Showers (every other day) 
3:30 Groups meeting. 
4:30 Snack time 
5:30 Bell rings 
5:50 Flag ceremony 
6:00 Dinner 
7:30 CampÀre: contests, games, group 
competitions or art. 
10:00 Lights out 
11. Write three sentences based on the schedule to describe scouts’ everyday routine. 
Example: Scouts have a Áag ceremony every day at :50 a.m. 
12. Match the following sentences to express some problems scouts can suffer. Write the letter in 
the space provided. 
d. If I want to skate professionally, I… 
e. If I want to practise rafting, I… 
f. If I want to practise canoeing, I… 
A Jamboree is a big scout reunion and celebration. The national jamboree is a chance to camp out 
with friends, meet new friends, try high-adventure activities, learn new skills, and enjoy the outdoors 
a. If you don’t drink enough water 
b. If you don’t use sunblock 
c. If you don’t put out a Àre in the forest 
d. If snakes are scared, 
e. If you stay long in very cold water, 
1. they bite 
2. you get sunburn 
3. you het hypothermia 
4. you dehydrate 
5. it will spread and burn plants and trees. 
Lesson 7 
Speak / Write 
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Module 1  Unit 2 
Focus on Language / Speak 
13. Tell your classmates 5 things you want to change or experience in your life. Look at the 
a. Ask your classmate for some advice. Look at the example in the box. 
Ȼ I want to be more active 
Ȼ I want to be fitter 
Ȼ I want to start a sport 
Ȼ I want to take up a hobby 
b. Now listen to your classmate’s Àve sentences and give some advice. 
If you want to be Àtter, you can exercise more. For example, you can… 
If you want to take on a hobby, you can try … 
Design of your scrapbook 
It’s time to work on the design your Scrapbook: My Youth Organisation Project. 
Ȼ Get into project groups and: 
‡ create a title for your scrapbook 
‡ design your front and back cover 
‡ design the layout of your scrapbook 
Ȼ Things you need to take into account: 
‡ Decide how big you want your scrapbook to be. 
‡ What paper sizes do you want to use? 
‡ What font and font size will you use? 
‡ What colour scheme and where you want to 
place your photos and your text. 
‡ What materials will you use? (cardboard, co-loured 
‡ What title is appropriate for your organisation? 
(Think about the organisation’s name, logo and 
Ȼ Draw your scrapbook layout on a piece of paper 
so that you'll don’t forget your ideas. 
Remember you will 
create your youth 
organisation and design 
a scrapbook to show 
classmates and other 
people in the school. 
© MEN Colombia 
14. Work in pairs. 
a. Ask and answer these questions. 
Ȼ Have you ever been… hiking in the mountains or through the forest? camping in the 
Ȼ Have you had any exciting or adventurous experiences? 
Ȼ What dangerous, daring or risky activities have you done? 
b. In pairs, choose one of the two experiences and Ànd possible risks 
Example: When you go hiking: If you don't drink water, you dehydrate. 
c. Share one of the experiences and the risks you chose with the class. 
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8 Lesson: Exploring teen organisations 
1. What other youth organisations do you know? Are there any in your 
neighbourhood, city or region? 
2. Look at the pictures. Which of the statements below do you think are true about the 
Ȼ Interact is a Colombian organisation. 
Ȼ I nteract is a children's organisation. 
Ȼ Interact is for both girls and boys. 
3. Read the text quickly and say what these numbers refer to in the text. 
a. 12-18 b. at least two c. 10,700 d. 109 e. 200,000 
Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact is Rotary 
International’s club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual 
Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. 
Club membership varies greatly. Clubs can be single gender or mixed, large or small. They 
can draw from the student body of a single school or from two or more schools in the same 
Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which 
furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interact members 
develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of: 
‡ developing leadership skills and personal integrity (integridad) 
‡ demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others 
‡ understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work 
‡ advancing international understanding and goodwill (buena voluntad) 
With more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a 
worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact. 
For more information about Interact in your area, contact your local Rotary club, or ask RI staff. 
Read the Interact Handbook and the Interact Brochure.(10) 
© MEN Colombia 
4. Read the text and answer true or false. Correct the false statements. 
a. Interact is an international organisation. 
b. Interact is only for people over 
18 years old. 
c. Only women can be members of Interact. 
d. Interact members develop networks of 
e. Interact members can develop leadership 
skills and human values. 
E10-SB-M1 48 31/03/14 13:04
Module 1  Unit 23 
5. You will read a speech by member of the Environmental Children’s Organisation. 
a. Look at the pictures and guess what the speech is about. 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ to speak on behalf of – 
to speak for: hablar a 
nombre de 
Ȼ to make a difference: 
marcar la diferencia 
Ȼ cries go unheard: 
quejas no son 
Ȼ to break it: daxarlo 
Ȼ to fix it: arreglarlo 
b. Read the statements below. Then match each sentence with a picture. 
1. We are a group of twelve- and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make 
a difference. 
2. I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose 
cries go unheard. 
3. I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because 
they have nowhere left to go. 
4. I used to go Àshing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we 
found the Àsh full of cancer. 
5. I am not afraid to tell the world how I feel. 
6. If you don’t know how to Àx it, please stop breaking it! 
6. What is the meaning of each sentence? Match one sentence from exercise 4 with a meaning 
a. Stop damaging the world. 
b. There are many animals that are losing their habitats. 
c. Express yourself freely. 
d. Many boys and girls don’t have the opportunity to express their problems. 
e. Animals are dying due to strange illnesses caused by contamination. 
f. Boys and girls have initiative to make a difference. 
© MEN Colombia 
A B 
D E F 
E10-SB-M1 49 31/03/14 13:05
7. Now read Severn Suzuki’s speech and check if your predictions were correct. 
a. Are the sentences you completed in Exercise 4 correct? 
b. Complete the text with words from the box. 
Ȼ you were 
Ȼ twelve 
Ȼ in the sun 
Ȼ raised 
Ȼ am fighting 
Ȼ organisation 
Ȼ speak 
Ȼ children 
Ȼ generations 
Ȼ change 
Ȼ because 
Ȼ go fishing 
Ȼ found 
Ȼ animals 
Ȼ butterflies 
Hello, I’m Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. – The 
Environmental Children’s . 
We are a group of and thirteen-year-olds trying to make a 
Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and myself. We all 
the money ourselves to come Àve thousand miles to tell you adults you must 
your ways. Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda. I 
for my future. 
Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here 
to speak for all to come. 
I am here to on behalf of the starving around the world whose cries go 
I am here to speak for the countless dying across this planet because they have 
nowhere left to go. 
I am afraid to go out now because of the holes in the ozone layer. I am afraid to 
breathe the air I don’t know what chemicals are in it. 
I used to in Vancouver, my home, with my dad until just a few 
years ago when we the Àsh full of cancer. And now we hear about 
animals and plants going extinct every day — vanishing forever. 
In my life, I have dreamt of seeing great herds of wild animals, jungles and 
rainforests full of birds and , but now I wonder if they will ever 
exist for my children to see. 
Did you have to worry about these things when my age? 
Lesson 8 
© MEN Colombia 
k h 
Speech given by Severn Suzuki in 1992 at the Rio de 
Janeiro United Nations Conference on Environment and 
E10-SB-M1 50 31/03/14 13:05
8. Severn Suzuki’s speech has not Ànished. 
Complete Severn’s speech. If you had 
the chance to speak in front of the UN 
audience, what would you talk about? 
a. Brainstorm topics you are worried 
about in the world, or local social 
problems you know of around your 
Some possible concerns 
Writing Tip 
Graphic Organisers help you 
organise ideas. Use them to plan 
what you need to write or say. 
Remember to keep your 
portfolio updated. Which 
individual tasks do you 
think are suitable for your 
portfolio? Which tasks done 
in small groups are suitable 
for your portfolio? 
Ȼ waste disposal 
Ȼ education 
Ȼ body image 
Ȼ extreme poverty 
Ȼ teenage pregnancy 
Ȼ sexual education 
Ȼ working children 
Ȼ drugs  alcohol 
Ȼ eating disorders 
Ȼ gender issues 
Ȼ bullying 
Ȼ street violence 
Ȼ racism issues 
b. Select one and make a mind map 
with sub-topics or ideas related to it. 
Module 1  Unit 23 
9. In pairs, prepare Àve sentences about the 
problem you selected to inform others about 
it. Practise saying the sentences and then 
report to the class. Be ready to present it to 
the class. 
Ȼ I am here to speak on behalf of… 
Ȼ I see (something negative)… 
Ȼ I am afraid to… , because… 
Ȼ I used to… 
Ȼ I dream of seeing (something positive)… 
Text selection 
It’s almost time to present your Scrapbook: My 
Youth Organisation Project. 
Ȼ Get into your project groups 
- In your groups, look back at the work you 
have done in this module. 
- What information, classwork or homework 
can you use for your scrapbook? Look at 
the tasks you included in the portfolio. It is 
time to use them for this project. 
- Proofread and edit the work you have 
chosen for scrapbook. 
© MEN Colombia 
Write / Speak 
E10-SB-M1 51 31/03/14 13:05
9 Lesson: Getting active 
1. Individually, answer the following questions. Then, share your answers with a 
a. Have you ever gone camping? 
b. Where did you go camping? 
c. Who did you go camping with? 
d. What did you do while you were 
2. Order the paragraphs in the story and answer the questions at the end. 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ sunset: atardecer 
Ȼ put out the fire: apagar el 
Ȼ climbed into: meterse 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ stove: estufa 
Ȼ badminton: tipo de juego de 
Ȼ shine: brillo del sol 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ cozy: cómodo 
Useful Vocabulary 
Ȼ to milk: ordexar 
Ȼ supper: dinner 
Ȼ crops: siembras 
A. At sunset they went back to their cold tent and 
started a small Àre near it to warm up for a while 
before going to bed. Forty minutes later, they put 
out the Àre, climbed into their sleeping bags and fell 
fast asleep. Nothing disturbed them until the relaxing 
singing of the birds woke them next morning. 
B. Early every morning the two children and their 
mother went hiking for two hours while their father 
made the breakfast. When they came back, hungry and 
tired from their exercise, they found him cooking beans 
and eggs on a portable gas stove. After breakfast they 
all went down to the river and played badminton and 
enjoyed the sunshine. 
C. Last summer Richard and his sister Jessica went 
on a camping holiday in Salento (Quindio) with their 
parents for the Àrst time. Their big new orange and 
blue tent, which had two bedrooms and a living-room, 
was very cozy and they pitched it in a large Àeld near a 
green area Àlled with “Quindio Wax Palm” trees (Palma 
de Cera). There were no other tents in the Àeld and 
Richard pretended that they were boy and girl scouts. 
D. In the afternoons the children went Àshing with 
their Àshing poles in the clear waters of the river; they 
loved it. In the meantime, their parents sat on big rocks 
reading. In the evening they walked to the farmhouse at 
the foot of the hill. They watched the cows being milked 
and then had dinner with the farmer and his wife. The 
farmer told the children all about his animals and his 
crops and promised to let them help with the harvest if 
they came back in the autumn. 
© MEN Colombia 
A camping holiday by Haydn Richards 
E10-SB-M1 52 31/03/14 13:05
3. Find the FALSE sentences and check them 
to make them true according to the story. 
a. This is Richard and Jessica’s second 
camping experience with their parents. 
b. Their mother cooked supper every 
c. The camping area 
was very crowded. 
d. The family got 
up early every 
e. All the family went 
Àshing in the 
Emphasizers: incredibly, certainly, 
obviously, really, simply, literally, 
for sure. 
AmpliÀers: completely, totally, 
PremodiÀers: very, quite, rather. 
a. Their tent was 
comfortable and spacious. 
b. Going hiking was 
c. Dad’s breakfast was 
d. Going Àshing while their 
parents were reading was 
e. The farmer was 
f. It was cold. 
g. The birds’ singing sounded 
Module 1  Unit 23 
5. Write about one of your classmates. 
a. Ask a classmate the questions in the table below. 
b. Write answers in the table, and then use the 
answers to write a paragraph. 
c. Be careful with the use of in-on-at. 
d. Then use the information in the table to write 
a short paragraph about her/him. 
e. When you Ànish ask your classmate to check it. 
1. When were you born? 
Mary was 
born in… 
2. At approximately what 
time were you born? 
In the morning? In 
the afternoon? In the 
evening or at night? 
3. What time do you arrive 
at school? 
4. What time do you arrive 
home after school? 
5. What time do you wake 
up on Saturdays? Why? 
6. Do you have any classes 
at weekends? 
7. Do you do any sport? 
When do you do it? 
8. What do you do on your 
9. Who is your best friend? 
10.What do you usually do 
with your best friend? 
I was born on October 22nd 16 in Tulua at 1:25 in 
the morning. I usually get to work at  a.m. and get 
home at 5 pm. On Saturdays, I usually wake up at  
a.m. because I have to travel to Pereira at :00. On 
weekends, I take dance lessons at 4:00 pm. I usually 
go swimming on Sundays at 3:00 in the afternoon. My 
best friend is Jane and we usually go to a restaurant 
at weekends. At Christmas, we usually stay home 
waiting for our Christmas dinner. I like holidays in 
December because it is a longer period for relaxation 
and to be with my family 
4. Based on the story “A camping holiday” 
complete the following sentences with 
the words provided to give emphasis. 
© MEN Colombia 
E10-SB-M1 53 31/03/14 13:05
6. Listen to an interview with the founder of a teen organisation. Choose the best option: 
7. Listen again. Correct the 7 mistakes in bold in the summary below using information from 
the interview. 
Claudia has been the president of a children’s organisation for several years, and she has shared 
some information based on her experience. She talked about tips to maintain an organisation: 
To start an organisation, she said you must have people who want to work for money. With the 
members, you Àrst need to deÀne the name, the mission and the vision of the organization. You 
need to also design a logo and devise a slogan after you design your webpage, because this is 
essential for the image of the group. An important thing you need is money for what you want to 
improve in society. 
Claudia says it is also important to have a deÀnite plan for the Àrst year. It is important to Ànd 
sponsors. The organisation’s members need to have meetings once or twice a month. The 
organization can design a poster. 
a. If you want to win 
you have to 
b. You need to work 
in teams if… 
c. If you want to go 
camping, you… 
d. If you want to eat 
healthy food, you... 
e. You need to 
concentrate if... 
Lesson 9 
a. Who are talking in the interview? 
1. Two men 
2. Two women 
3. A man and a woman 
b. When is the interview? 
1. In the morning 
2. In the afternoon 
3. In the evening 
c. What is the general topic of the 
1. Suggestions to maintain an 
2. Advice to create and organisation 
3. Advice to close an organisation. 
8. Complete the sentences for each picture. Follow the example. 
f. If you don’t want 
to get sunburn, 
g. You need to warm 
up if… 
h. If you want a 
clean city, … 
© MEN Colombia 
E10-SB-M1 54 31/03/14 13:05
In my neighbourhood, there 
are many young people who 
waste their time, and don’t 
nd anything productive to 
Scrapbook: My youth organisation 
It’s time to present your scrapbook 
a. What information do you still 
need to include in your project? 
b. Set deadlines. 
c. Assign roles and responsibilities. 
Module 1  Unit 23 
9. Think of teen issues related to topics like education, body image, poverty, teenage 
pregnancy, etc. 
a. Choose one of them and write a situation to solve. 
b. Pass the situation statement to a classmate and ask him/her to Ànd a solution. 
a. Organise your materials, outlines, 
scripts for your presentation, etc. 
b. Ask your teacher for help if you 
need it. 
a. Practise pronunciation. 
b. Review your teacher’s 
c. Make necessary changes. 
© MEN Colombia 
Ȼ You should encourage them to play 
basketball or their favourite sport. 
Ȼ You could ask them to join a hip hop 
dance group. 
E10-SB-M1 55 31/03/14 13:05
10 Self Assessment 
1. Assessment of your English skills 
Ȼ Look back over the module. What have you learned? Tick the appropriate box. 
I can do 
this with 
I need to 
work on 
A. I can identify the main topic and the important details in 
a speech from a young leader in a teen organisation. 
B. I can understand an interview about a boy who built a 
windmill for his community 
C. I can understand teens talk about their favourite hobbies 
and sports 
A. I can give very short presentations about young people who 
impact the world 
B. I can maintain a simple conversation in English about teen 
problems and solutions 
C. I can interview a teen leader. 
A. I can Ànd identify characteristics of a hero in a text. 
B. I can categorise the different aspects of 3 urban tribe texts. 
C. I can organise the ideas of a text on a camping trip. 
A. I can write suggestions for solving a teen problem. 
B. I can write an article about my favourite hobby or sport. 
C. I can write a journal entry about a young hero. 
© MEN Colombia 
E10-SB-M1 56 31/03/14 13:05
2. Assessment of your English study skills. 
Ȼ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these 
study skills. 
1. I connect new material to 
what I already know. 
2. I organise my thoughts and 
ideas before starting an activity. 
3. I use new vocabulary learnt 
when I express my ideas. 
4. I review my notes and the 
texts that I write. 
5. I speak English in class. 
3. Project Assessment. 
Ȼ First individually, and then with your group, assess your performance in the Project 
work Write at least 3 comments for each aspect. 
Module 1  Unit 3 
© MEN Colombia 57 
E10-SB-M1 57 31/03/14 13:05
© MEN Colombia 
Money makes 
the world go around 2Module 
In this module you will… 
…discuss how people spend money and prioritise their spending, in 
Unit 1 What we spend 
…read and talk about work, how products are made and who makes them in 
the global supply chain, in 
Unit 2 How the world works 
…talk about the power of the consumer, and how the things we buy can make 
a difference, in 
Unit 3 Ready to change 
E10-SB-M2.indd 58 31/03/14 13:06
© MEN Colombia 
Look Ahead 
Answer the following questions. 
1. Are brands important when you buy clothes? 
2. Are you a shopaholic? 
3. Name 3 traditional Colombian handicrafts. 
4. Should companies take care of the environment? 
5. Should advertising be prohibited? 
Unit 1. 
What we spend 
Unit 2. 
How the world works 
Unit 3. 
Ready to change 
E10-SB-M2.indd 59 31/03/14 13:06
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Ingles Colombia aprende (1)
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Ingles Colombia aprende (1)
Ingles Colombia aprende (1)

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Ingles Colombia aprende (1)

  • 1. English, please! 2 Student’s Book E10-SB-M1 1 8/04/14 9:58
  • 2. English, please! 2 fue diseñado en el marco de los Convenios de Cooperación 127 de 2012 y 751 de 2013 suscritos entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, el British Council y la Fundación Empresarios por la Educación English, please! 2 Student’s Book María Fernanda Campo Saavedra Ministra de Educación Nacional Julio Salvador Alandete Arroyo Viceministro de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media Mónica Patricia Figueroa Dorado Directora de Calidad de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media Judith Yeni Jimenez Torres Gerente Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras Equipo Técnico Ministerio de Educación Nacional Sindy Moya Carola Gomez Medina British Council Katie Potts Camila Murcia Fundación Empresarios por la Educación Sandra Patricia Corzo Delgadillo Especialista académico Jan Van De Putte Autores Nathalie Ruge, Maya Briggs, Helen Speranza, Luzkarime Calle, Yuddy Pérez, Paola Urueña, Larissa Tatiana Rico, Nancy Echeverri, Nancy Paola Riascos, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Oscar Hernán Montoya, María Alejandra Roa, Frank Giraldo, Lizbeth Arévalo, María Eugenia Oviedo Bocanegra. Consultores académicos NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) Thom Kiddle, Simon Smith, Rod Bolitho Ilustraciones y Fotografías Carátula: David Osorio; Imágenes del libro: P. 199 Coordinación editorial Ideas Maestras - Ana Julia Mora Torres Diseño: Paola López Mora. Diagramación: Leidy Sánchez, Diana González Molina. Edición: Beatriz Henao Zapata, Juanita Navarro Páez, Aylin Aldana. © Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2014 ISBN 978-958-691-618-9 Calle 43 No. 57-14 Piso 5. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia Citación: Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2014). English, please! 2. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia Impreso por Imprenta Nacional de Colombia Disponible en: Todos los derechos reservados Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, el registro o la transmisión por cualquier medio de recuperación de información, sin autorización previa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Bogotá D. C. – Colombia E10-SB-M1 2 8/04/14 9:58
  • 3. “Nuestro propósito es formar ciudadanos competitivos, capaces de interactuar con el mundo, a través de una lengua extranjera”. La inversión social a través del acceso a una educación pertinente y de calidad es una prioridad del Gobierno Nacional. En el Plan de Desarrollo 2010–2014 se considera el dominio de una lengua extranjera, particularmente el inglés, como un vehículo para lograr una mayor competitividad del país. Por eso, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional trabaja en la internacionalización de la educación, como una importante oportunidad de apoyar la consolidación de la política exterior con un enIoTue hacia la diversiÀcación de la agenda internacional del país. En la política sectorial 2010-2014 “Educación de Calidad, el Camino para la Prosperidad”, del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, consolidamos una importante estrategia, el Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras, que busca garantizar que nuestros estudiantes desarrollen mejores competencias comunicativas en una lengua extranjera durante todo el ciclo educativo, para convertirse luego en ciudadanos que logren insertarse mejor en el mundo globalizado en que vivimos y contribuir a mejorar las condiciones de competitividad de nuestro país. 6in duda, para lograr una mejora signiÀcativa en el desempexo de los estudiantes, es necesario fortalecer los ambientes de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera en el país, lo que implica impactar todos los aspectos del ciclo del mejoramiento de la calidad educativa. Por eso, desde el Ministerio, se han identiÀcado y deÀnido cuatro ejes formación y acompaxamiento a docentes, aspectos pedagógicos, evaluación y seguimiento, y fortalecimiento institucional), que se constituyen en una guía orientadora para la formulación de proyectos pertinentes y sostenibles, tendientes a mejorar las condiciones en que nuestros nixos y jóvenes aprenden a interactuar en una lengua extranjera. ‡ )ormación y acompaxamiento a docentes El docente, como actor primordial que orienta el mejoramiento de las competencias de los nixos y jóvenes, debe contar con un nivel adecuado de una lengua extranjera y apropiar prácticas de aula efectivas. De ahí la importancia de ofrecer esquemas de desarrollo profesional continuo, que respondan a las necesidades reales de los docentes en servicio del sector oÀcial colombiano. Esto se logra con la implementación de programas diferenciados, que contemplan no sólo la fase de formación, sino también la de acompaxamiento a la implementación. En esta línea, para el Ministerio de Educación es igualmente prioritario asegurar la calidad de los nuevos docentes, por lo que de forma paralela a la formación de docentes en servicio, se adelantan y direccionan proyectos de fortalecimiento a los programas de licenciatura y a los ciclos complementarios de las Escuelas Normales Superiores. ‡ Aspectos pedagógicos Contar con docentes cualiÀcados es un paso fundamental, que se complementa con el disexo e implementación de herramientas pedagógicas y materiales didácticos que buscan mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes y facilitar la labor de ensexanza del docente. Las acciones de este eje se apoyan en el resultado de la formación y están encaminadas a transformar las prácticas de aula, asegurando la apropiación de los estándares de competencias y el uso efectivo de material pedagógico. Al respecto, el Ministerio de Educación ha dado el paso siguiente a la creación de los Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Inglés, adelantado proyectos de desarrollo de material propio. Como English, please! E10-SB-M1 3 15/04/14 19:38
  • 4. ‡ Evaluación y seguimiento Asegurar la pertinencia de las estrategias y la sostenibilidad de los proyectos requiere de un proceso continuo de seguimiento, que inicia con el análisis del contexto y las necesidades particulares y se consolida en la identiÀcación de indicadores de progreso y la generación de herramientas de medición de impacto. Las acciones de este eje soportan entonces el proceso de toma de decisiones. Por un lado, el Ministerio de Educación ha encaminado sus medidas en este eje al aseguramiento de la calidad, a través del análisis de resultados del componente de inglés de las Pruebas SABER en los niveles del ciclo educativo en que se evalúa esta área; y, por otro lado, al seguimiento al impacto generado por los procesos de formación, a través de la prueba diagnóstica que toman de manera voluntaria los docentes desde el axo 200. ‡ Fortalecimiento institucional Estamos convencidos de que las estrategias concebidas en cada eje serían acciones aisladas si no se desarrollaran dentro de instituciones (Secretarias de Educación, Instituciones de Educación Superior y Escuelas Normales Superiores) que hayan tomado la decisión autónoma y consciente de movilizar a sus comunidades educativas hacia el logro de los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto. Por eso, las acciones que el Ministerio adelanta en este eje buscan generar capacidad instalada y fomentar condiciones institucionales adecuadas para que los proyectos se vuelvan efectivos y sostenibles gracias a la participación decidida de toda la comunidad educativa. Cabe resaltar que las experiencias signiÀcativas identiÀcadas en los últimos axos han evidenciado que así como es indispensable desarrollar acciones particulares en cada una de estas cuatro líneas, también es esencial articular coherentemente las acciones entre ejes, para garantizar un fortalecimiento integral de los procesos de aprendizaje y ensexanza de la lengua extranjera. María Fernanda Campo Saavedra Ministra de Educación Nacional English, please! Para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional es un orgullo presentar a la comunidad educativa English, please!, un proyecto que se enmarca en el eje de aspectos pedagógicos y, a partir del cual se busca que los docentes y estudiantes del país cuenten con materiales y recursos didácticos más pertinentes para sus aulas y contextos escolares. Este material pretende apoyar los procesos de ensexanza y aprendizaje de inglés de estudiantes que cursan grados ž, 10ž y 11ž en las instituciones educativas públicas del país. El proyecto se ha construido a partir del disexo de un programa modelo de inglés de alta calidad, mediante el cual los docentes puedan transformar su práctica en el aula y garantizar resultados en los procesos de la ensexanza y aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera. En el Ministerio de Educación Nacional creemos que interactuar en inglés es una competencia básica para que nuestros estudiantes se comuniquen mejor con el mundo y para que puedan tener más oportunidades de progreso personal y profesional; condiciones que, sin duda, redundarán en el desarrollo de Colombia. E10-SB-M1 4 31/03/14 13:03
  • 5. English, please! Estimados docentes y estudiantes El Ministerio de Educación Nacional en el marco del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras se complace en entregarle English, please!, una estrategia creada para que los jóvenes colombianos alcancen mejores niveles de inglés y logren así acceder al mundo globalizado, identiÀcándose con jóvenes de otros países y contextos, y reÁexionando sobre otras culturas, sociedades y estilos de vida. Esta serie se constituye en un importante avance para promover en los jóvenes colombianos conciencia intercultural a través del aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa. English, please! es una serie de alta calidad desarrollada para los grados 9°, 10° y 11° mediante la cual los docentes pueden transformar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera y garantizar mejores resultados. Su sílabo está orientado a los niveles A1 y A2 con exposición progresiva hacia niveles superiores (B1), especialmente en las habilidades receptivas. Este sílabo es comunicativo y se organiza por macrotemas (Topic based syllabus) que permiten un trabajo interdisciplinar con Educación para la Sexualidad, Educación para el Ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos, Educación Ambiental y Educación para el Desarrollo de Competencia para la Ciudadanía. English, please! Está alineado a los Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: inglés (Guía 22) y a los estándares transversales de competencias ciudadanas con un sílabo cíclico que promueve el desarrollo de las habilidades de forma integrada para que los estudiantes mejoren su dominio de la lengua a través del descubrimiento y del uso de estrategias de aprendizaje efectivas. En la serie, se privilegia el desarrollo de proyectos y la evaluación mediante portafolios. Su estructura sugerida reÁeja la organización del año escolar en las instituciones educativas oÀciales, trabajando un módulo de tres unidades por bimestre con una intensidad de 3 a 5 horas semanales. Aun así, se espera que los docentes apropien y adapten el plan de estudios a su contexto particular. El material comprende el texto del estudiante, la guía del docente, un CD con actividades de audio, y un componente virtual de ejercicios complementarios disponible en www. El Ministerio de Educación Nacional le apuesta a este nuevo proyecto pensado, diseñado y creado por docentes de inglés colombianos de diferentes regiones del país y dirigido a contextos escolares variados con un interés particular en la inclusión y la diversidad. Siendo un material que surge de un proceso de investigación riguroso, se evidencia una pertinencia y aceptabilidad alta dentro de las aulas colombianas en las cuales fue piloteado. English, please! es una apuesta pedagógica que le presenta a los docentes un repertorio amplio de opciones adaptables a los diversos contextos nacionales que busca transformar las prácticas docentes, y las creencias sobre el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en Colombia. E10-SB-M1 5 31/03/14 13:03
  • 6. Content 1 Teen culture Module 2Module Unit 1 Having Fun L1. Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests ........... 12 L2. Getting to know urban tribes! ................. 16 L3. Having fun on a camping trip .................. 20 Money makes the world go around Unit 1 What we spend L1. Shopaholics ........................................ 61 L2. Are we in or out? ................................... 67 L3. I want this, and this, and that!................. 71 Unit 2 Teen power L4. In my world! ...................................... 26 L5. Think differently! .................................... 31 L6. You can become a hero too! ..................... 37 Unit 3 Spending time wisely L7. Scouting ............................................. 43 L8. Exploring other teen organisations ............ 48 L9. Getting active ...................................... 52 L10. Self Assessment .................................... 56 Unit 2 How the world works L4. How things are made ............................. 77 L5. The global workplace ............................. 83 Unit 3 Ready to change L7. Consumer power is yours ........................ 95 L8. We can make a change .......................... 99 L9. Self Assessment .................................. 103 © MEN Colombia L6. Fair trade .......................................... 88 E10-SB-M1 6 15/04/14 19:38
  • 7. 3Module 4Module We are all d i f f e rent Ecotourism Unit 1 Eco-friendly holidays L1. Let’s travel green! ............................ 154 L2. Take only pictures, leave only footprints! ........................ 160 L3. Ecotourism and communities .................. 165 Unit 1 Different looks, different lifestyles L1. Lifestyles around the world .................... 108 L2. Celebrations around the world ................ 112 Unit 2 Your own beauty: be who you are L4. Diversity is beautiful ........................... 124 L5. Life is full of beauty ........................... 128 Unit 3 Mind your manners L7. Melting pots and culture identity ..............139 L8. When in Rome... .................................. 142 L9. Beauty and culture together ................... 146 L10. Self Assessment ............................... 149 Unit 2 Ecotourism: treasures and cultures to protect L4. Indigenous communities ........................ 171 L5. Adopt an animal ............................... 177 L6. What’s the problem? .......................... 182 Unit 3 Colombia: a natural and cultural paradise L7. Valuing our heritage .......................... 187 L8. Promoting sustainable ecotourism in Colombia .................................... 193 L9. Self Assessment............................... 197 © MEN Colombia L3. The old days... better days? .................. 117 L6. Body art ........................................ 132 E10-SB-M1 7 31/03/14 13:03
  • 8. © MEN Colombia 1 Teen culture Module In this module you will... …talk about hobbies, sports and leisure activities and urban tribes, in Unit 1 Having fun …reÁect on teen issues and learn about teen action and power, in Unit 2 Teen power …learn about different teen groups and making the most of your free time, in Unit 3 Spending time wisely 8 E10-SB-M1 8 31/03/14 13:03
  • 9. © MEN Colombia Read these sentences. Circle the ones that you want to know more about. 1. We are a group of fourteen- and Àfteen-year-olds trying to make a difference. 2. There are many teenage heroes in the world. 3. I fancy Mary. 4. If I want to go hiking, I need proper equipment. 5. Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people aged 12 to 18. 6. Camping trips are one of the best ways to make new friends. 7. Hoppers, skaters, metachos, and Áoggers are some urban tribes. Which units do the statements belong to? Unit 1. Having fun Unit 3. Spending time wisely Look Ahead Unit 2. Teen power 9 E10-SB-M1 9 31/03/14 13:03
  • 10. An oral presentation about an urban tribe An advertisement for a camping trip Project : A scrapbo : my teen organisation In this module, you will learn about teenagers’ culture, identity, interests, youth organisations and heroes. Your task will be to create a teen organisation and illustrate it in a scrapbook. You will include a name, a logo for and objectives of your organisation. You will also include different activities your members can do. 1Module © MEN Colombia Ȼ listen to radio programmes about teen problems and young people who help make the world a better place Ȼ listen to a speech by a teen leader from a youth organisation Ȼ listen to teens talking about their favourite activities Ȼ write an article about your favourite hobby, sport, or leisure activity Ȼ write an advertisement for a camping trip Ȼ write a journal entry about a young hero Project: A scrapbook of my teen organisation Listening Writing Reading Speaking A portrait of a real life hero An article about my favourite activity or sport You will also… Ȼ In your group, decide on the roles that each member will be responsible for (for example: notetaker, presenter, graphic designer, IT assistant, etc.) Ȼ Complete the table: Name Role – Responsibilities Portfolio The portfolio is a collection of the tasks you will complete during this module. Use a folder or a decorated box for your portfolio. Your portfolio is evidence of your learning. You can also use it to assess your own progress. Task 1: Ȼ Which topics from this module interest you the most? Ȼ What do you want to learn in this module? Write two objectives. E.g.: I want to learn about… ok Ȼ identify speciÀc information in formal letters, articles; and biographies Ȼ dentify the parts of a news article Ȼ compare characteristics of different urban tribes Ȼ give advice about teen problems Ȼ give an oral presentation about young people who have had an impact on the world Ȼ interview a teen leader 10 E10-SB-M1 10 31/03/14 13:03
  • 11. Module 1 1 Having fun Unit Lesson 1 – Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests Lesson 2 – Getting to know urban tribes! Lesson 3 – Having fun on a camping trip © MEN Colombia 11 E10-SB-M1 11 31/03/14 13:03
  • 12. 1 © MEN Colombia 12 Lesson: Teens’ sports, hobbies and interests Focus on Vocabulary 1. Match pictures to the sports and hobbies. a b e c d f g h i j k Ȼ skydiving Ȼ water rafting Ȼ skateboarding Ȼ fishing Ȼ horse riding Ȼ playing music Ȼ online chatting Ȼ playing board games Ȼ bowling Ȼ playing basketball Ȼ playing ice hockey 2. Choose 3 sports or hobbies. Complete the information for each. Look at the examples: Ȼ Playing board games is a hobby. Ȼ You can play them indoors or outdoors. Ȼ You can play them with one or more players. Sport Hobby Indoors Outdoors Team Individual Playing board games X X X X Skating X X X E10-SB-M1 12 31/03/14 13:04
  • 13. Module 1 Unit 1 Speak / 3. What do you do in your free time? In pairs, ask and answer questions. a. What outdoor/indoor sports/hobbies do you like? b. Which sports/hobbies would you like to try? c. What are the most popular sports and hobbies in your country? d. Which sports/hobbies are dangerous or safe? 4. Read these sentences. a. I really like playing board games. b. I'd really like to try bungee jumping. c. Do you like cycling? d. Would you like to play the drums? 5. Circle the word you hear in these sentences: like, ’d like, Do you like or Would you like. a. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like b. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like c. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like d. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like Listening Tip Before you listen, read the sentences or questions to know what information you need to listen for. Try to guess the answer before you listen. This will help you listen for 1 Names Hobbies Sports does doesn’t does doesn’t Thomas Angela Chris © MEN Colombia 13 specific information. 6. Listen to Thomas, Angela and Chris talk about their hobbies and sports. Complete the chart with the hobbies and sports they do and don't do. 3 3 2 7. Listen again and complete the sentences. a. Thomas: I extreme sports. I spending time with others. b. Angela: I indoor activities. I playing sports. c. Chris: I doing all kinds of sports or hobbies. I being outdoors at weekends. Sports and hobbies are my passion. 8. Find someone in the class who does one of the activities below. Walk around the room and ask a yes/no question to different classmates. When the answer is yes, write the person’s name. Useful Language Ȼ I like fishing. / I don't really like fishing. I prefer playing basketball. Ȼ In my country, the most popular sports/ hobbies are... Ȼ I'd like to try... / I really want to try... Ȼ Bungee jumping is dangeous/safe... FOCUS ON PRONUNCIATION SPEAK a. does spinning b. plays basketball c. hates soccer d. would like to try water rafting e. plays the piano f. enjoys bowling g. doesn't like outdoor activities h. would like to try skydiving Listen E10-SB-M1 13 31/03/14 13:04
  • 14. © MEN Colombia 14 Read Lesson 1 9. Look at the picture and share with a partner a. Do you think Parkour is a sport or a hobby? b. Do you think that it is a team or individual sport/ hobby? c. Have you tried it or seen it? 10. Read the article and check your predictions. Parkour makes you feel like you are flying Parkour is deÀnitely my favourite outdoor sport. I love using my 1 body to move freely and to overcome obstacles in public places with only my body and skills. Parkour can be a hobby, an extreme sport, or an art. It also involves climbing, running, and jumping. It is about learning how to use your body to get from one point to another without stopping, and using your physical abilities Parkour is an excellent exercise because it helps you to keep Àt and healthy. It makes you more fearless and mentally conÀdent, too. Another good thing about Parkour is that it is very cheap. All you need is to be in good physical condition and a good pair of running shoes. However, Parkour can be dangerous. If you are new to Parkour, you need to know and understand the different basic moves. For example, you have to know how to break your fall before you jump off an obstacle. You also need to be very well trained to avoid having an accident. Even though it can take a long time to become good at Parkour, and you can sometimes hurt yourself, I think it is a perfect way to exercise and you can discover your body´s potential. Try it! You will feel as if you are Áying. 2 3 4 Reading Tip Look at the title of a text and the pictures before you read. This can help you get an idea of what the topic is and predict the information you will read in the text. Useful Vocabulary Ȼ avoid: evitar Ȼ trained: capacitado Ȼ fearless: sin miedo Ȼ innovative: novedoso Ȼ hurt yourself: lastimarte Ȼ taking advantage of: aprovechando Ȼ overcome obstacles: superar obstaculos Ȼ know how to break your fall: saber cómo amortiguar su caída 11. Read the text again. Write the paragraph where the information is found in the text. a. Description of Parkour. Paragraph b. Requirements for practising Parkour. Paragraph c. BeneÀts of Parkour. Paragraph d. Conclusion. Paragraph E10-SB-M1 14 31/03/14 13:04
  • 15. Module 1 Unit 1 Read / Focus on Language 12. Read the article again. Complete the sentences: a. Parkour is an activity in which you use b. The beneÀts of Parkour are c. Requirements for practising Parkour FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 13. Look at the sentences. Then answer the questions. Ȼ Parkour is an excellent exercise because it helps you keep fit and healthy. Ȼ Parkour also involves climbing, running and jumping. Ȼ However, Parkour can be dangerous. For example, you can fall and hurt yourself. a. Which linking word gives a reason? b. Which word links an opposite idea? c. Which word links a similar idea? Useful Language Linking words Ȼ To link similar ideas, you can use also or too. Example: Fishing is cheap. It is also relaxing. Fishing is cheap. It is relaxing too. Ȼ To give reasons, you can use because. Example: Parkour is an excellent sport because it keeps you healthy. Ȼ To contrast ideas, you can use however and even though. Example: Hiking is great. However, it is exhausting. Ȼ To show examples, you can use for example. Example: Parkour integrates different disciplines; for example, it can be a hobby, an extreme sport or an art. 14. Link the sentences below using because, also, too, however and even though. An example has been done for you. Example: ‡ Parkour is excellent exercise. It keeps you healthy and in good shape. ‡ Parkour is excellent exercise because it keeps you healthy and in good shape. a. Basketball is an exciting sport. It can be exhausting. b. Rock climbing is a difÀcult sport. You need to be very well trained. c. Playing chess is an interesting board game. You exercise your mind. d. Aerobics is fun. It is enjoyable. e. There are many board games: chess, checkers, Parcheesi and dominoes. f. Swimming is relaxing. It can be g. Karate can be dangerous. You can Article tiring. hurt yourself. Work in groups. Choose a sport or a hobby your group likes the most and write an article about it. Include pictures or drawings. Paragraph 1: describe your favourite sport or hobby, and explain why you enjoy it. Paragraph 2: say what the points in favour of the sport,activity or hobby are. Paragraph 3: say the requirements of doing the sport or hobby, giving reasons. © MEN Colombia 15 Paragraph 4: write a short conclusion about your favourite sport/hobby and give an opinion about it. E10-SB-M1 15 31/03/14 13:04
  • 16. © MEN Colombia 16 2 Lesson: Getting to know urban tribes! Read 1. Match the pictures with the name of these urban tribes. skinheads – punks – emos – heavies - rappers 2. Read about Jim and David´s urban tribe’s interests and styles. Skaters! A free style Hi, my name is Jim. I am a skater. You can tell skaters apart by the way we dress, but mostly by our skateboarding. We are a group of teens under 20 who love skating in parks and on the streets and enjoy jumping ramps or obstacles. Riding and performing tricks are our favourite way of having fun. For us, skateboarding is not just a way of getting around but also an art form. Skater clothing is also important for us and part of our identity. We wear baggy or cargo shorts, skinny denim jeans, t-shirts, jackets and trainers or skate shoes. We also like to carry cameras to record our tricks while we skateboard. Even though skating can be dangerous, we use the right equipment to protect ourselves. For example, we wear safety gear like a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and ankle guards. I think that belonging to an urban tribe is about meeting people who like doing the same things and sharing the same interests and lifestyles. For me, it means having fun together doing what we love most which is skateboarding. Reading Tip To get the general idea of a text, read the title, and first lines of each paragraph. Then look at the comprehension questions to know what information to read for. This will focus your reading. Floggers: A sensational fashion style Hello I am David. I love being a Flogger. Wearing fun, colourful clothes is what really identifies us. Tight, brightly coloured jeans or jogging pants, T-shirts with fluorescent colours and colourful HFc uof trainers or skate shoes are all part of our fashion style. We also like dancing to electro house and listening to techno music. Flogger comes from the word flog, short for Fotolog, a website where we post pictures and comments and where we share our taste for fashion and brands. We have lots of fans who follow our glam styles. I think that’s the reason why we have become very popular among some teens. Taking photos of ourselves to post up in Fotolog is a typical pastime. Floggers’ urban tribe is a trendy group of teens who have a distinct fashion style and who love admiring people and being admired. Useful Vocabulary Ȼ dress: vestirse Ȼ performing tricks: haciendo maiobras Ȼ jumping ramps: saltando rampas Ȼ safety gear: implementos de protección Ȼ knee and elbow pads: coderas y rodilleras Ȼ wrist and ankle guards: manilleras y tobilleras Ȼ belong: pertenecer Useful Vocabulary Ȼ brands: marcas Ȼ trendy: de moda Ȼ glam style: estilo glamuroso Ȼ follow: seguir E10-SB-M1 16 31/03/14 13:04
  • 17. Module 1 Unit 1 Focus on Vocabulary 3. Fill in the chart. Find differences and similarities between Skaters’ and Floggers’ styles. Skaters and Floggers identity Dress styles Activities Similarities Differences 4. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences below. a. Urban tribes are multicultural groups that live in rural areas. b. Each member of an urban tribe has a different ideology and style. c. Skaters are commonly associated with Fotolog. It is a webpage where they post videos about their fashion style and brands. d. Dancing and listening to techno music are some of the things Jim likes. e. Skaters wear baggy coloured cargos, Áuorescent branded cotton shirts and colourful f. Skaters and Floggers share the same rebellious thoughts and ideologies. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY 5. Clothes and Parts of the body. a. What do Skaters wear? Look at the picture and write the correct word next to each body part. 1. Head 2. Torso 3. Elbow 4. Legs 5. Knees 6. Ankle 7. Foot/feet 8. Wrist b. Look at the picture and label the 1. a shirt 2. 3. 4. trainers. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 3 clothes. 1 3 4 2 © MEN Colombia 17 c. Now describe one of these urban tribes fashion style. Ȼ skinhead Ȼ punk Ȼ emo Ȼ heavies Ȼ rapper E10-SB-M1 17 31/03/14 13:04
  • 18. © MEN Colombia 18 Speak / Focus on Language Lesson 2 6. Share in pairs: Yes, I'd like... because... Not really, I... because... Yes, I... Not, I... Useful Language Gerunds as subjects Ȼ A gerund is the base+ING form of a verb, i.e. wear +ing. Ȼ We can use gerunds as the subject of a sentence. Example: Reading books helps you to learn Gerund as a subject + verb + complement Do you know anyone who belongs to one? In my city/town there… They wear… They listen to… Would you like to belong to an urban tribe? Yes? No? Which one? Why? Yes, I belong to... No, I don't belong to... Do you belong to an urban tribe? What urban tribes are there in your city/town? What do they wear/do? What music do they listen to? FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 7. Read these sentences and answer the questions. Ȼ Taking photos of ourselves to post up in Fotolog is a typical pastime. Ȼ They are taking photos of Áoggers. a. Taking is a noun in 1. the Àrst sentence 2. the second sentence b. Taking is a verb in 1. the Àrst sentence 2. the second sentence 8. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Look at the example: a. feel happy/ who share/ the same likes/ meeting people/ makes me Meeting people who share the same likes makes me feel happy. b. are our favourite way/ riding/ of having fun/ and/ performing tricks c. a way of/ skateboarding/ is not just/ is also an art form/ getting around / but d. fun and colourful/ Wearing/ is/ identiÀes us/ what really/ clothes e. Áoggers/ enjoy the most/ to electro house/ is what/ to techno music/ listening/ and/ dancing E10-SB-M1 18 31/03/14 13:04
  • 19. Module 1 Unit 1 4 9. Use the verbs in the box in their gerund form to complete the sentences below. Then listen and check your answers. Ȼ do parkour Ȼ listen to techno music Ȼ wear safety equipment Ȼ perform tricks Ȼ find information online Ȼ write poetry Ȼ cook hot-dogs Ȼ chat with my friends Ȼ post pictures and comments Ȼ smoke Example: Doing parkour helps you keep your mind and body healthy. a. is one of my favourite activities. b. can save your life if you do extreme sports. c. on Fotolog is what Floggers usually do. d. makes me feel alive. e. is the most popular activity around a campÀre. 10. Now, write your own sentences. Use the expressions in the box with -ing forms and match them with the pictures. Ȼ learn languages Ȼ watch cartoons Ȼ cook meals Ȼ play soccer Ȼ go camping Ȼ help others Ȼ do exercise Ȼ have fun Ȼ eat fruit a. b. c. d. Learning languages takes time. e. f. g. h. i. Urban tribes presentation Research, write, design and present. © MEN Colombia 19 Prepare a presentation on your urban tribe. Begin: We will talk about ... Members of this tribe wear ...They like to .... They listen to..... In groups, choose an urban tribe you are interested in. Research information about your tribe on the web, e.g. Identity: clothing, favourite activities, music and anything else you think is important. Write a description about your urban tribe. Include information about fashion style, activities, music and other information. Write f. can be the best way to express your feelings on paper. g. cigarettes is a bad habit. h. is easier and faster than going to a library. i. in the park and streets is what skaters do to have fun. E10-SB-M1 19 31/03/14 13:04
  • 20. © MEN Colombia 20 3 Lesson: Having fun on a camping trip Focus on Vocabulary 1. What equipment do you need to go to the camping trip? a. Match the pictures with the words in the box. b. Tick ( ) the things you should take on the camping trip. c. Listen to the words and practise the pronunciation. backpack ³ sleeping bag ³ hiking boots ³ swimsuit ³ Áashlight ³ T-shirt life vest — baggy pants — dress — camera — sunglasses — jacket — tent helmet — trainers — stationery 2. What activities are the items in Exercise 1 used for? Put them in the correct column. Then, add one more item for each activity. Go hiking and cycling Go canoeing and swimming Do arts and crafts Lie down and rest Go horse riding 5 E10-SB-M1 20 31/03/14 13:04
  • 21. Module 1 Unit 1 Listen / Read 3. Share with partner. a. What things do people take to go to camping? b. What activities do people do on camping trips? c. Have you been on a camping trip? 4. Susana and her mother are talking about her camping trip. Read and complete the dialogue with the following sentences. Then listen and check your answers. Ȼ It sounds like fun Ȼ What are you doing in the evening? Ȼ We have lots of exciting plans Ȼ On Sunday, we are having a campfire Ȼ If you want to enjoy yourself and have a good time Listening Tip Before completing a gapped dialogue, read the dialogue carefully. Try to guess what information you need to complete the gaps. After you have heard and completed the dialogue, read it again to check that your answers make sense. Mum: Are you ready to go on your camping trip tomorrow, Susana? Susana: Yes, I think so mum! I have already packed everything I need there. Mum: That's great! Remember, , you need to respect and follow the camp trip leader's rules. Susana: I know mum… Let's see the activities and the recommendations the camp leader has for the trip. Mum: Tell me! What activities are you going to do there? Susana: Wow, Look, in the mornings we are doing different kinds of water activities. We are going to have swimming lessons, then we are going canoeing or kayaking. In the afternoons, we are planning to go hiking and horse riding. The camp leader recommends that we wear a summer hat and use sunscreen if we don't want to get sunburned. Mum: And what about the recommendation to do water activities? Susana: Ok, the camp leader says: “if campers want to do water activities, they need to wear a swimsuit and life vest to be safe” Mum: And… Susana: It depends on the day. For example; , and we're going to tell stories, sing songs and cook hot dogs. It's just great! Mum: ! Just don't forget to get up early if you plan to do all of these things. Have a nice trip! Susana: I know Mum, Please, the trip's supposed to be fun! 5. Who says what? Tick ( ) M (Mum) or S (Susana). S M a. Follow instructions and respect rules on the camping trip. b. What do you plan to do in the evening? c. Let's see the recommendations for water activities the camp leader has. d. The trip is supposed to be fun. e. Get up early to enjoy all the activities in the trip. f. I've packed everything I need for the trip. 6 © MEN Colombia 21 E10-SB-M1 21 31/03/14 13:04
  • 22. © MEN Colombia Lesson 3 22 Write / Focus on Language 6. Tick the questions that the dialogue answers. Then Ànd sentences in the dialogue that support your answers. a. What activities does Susana plan to do in the mornings? b. Why doesn’t Susana want to join in the evening activities? c. Where is Susana going? d. How long is the trip going to be? FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 7. Read the sentences below and answer the questions. e. What does Susana need to do water Ȼ If you want to enjoy yourself and have a good time, you need to respect and follow the camp leader’s rules. Ȼ Use a summer hat and a sunscreen if you don’t want to get sunburned. Ȼ If you pay in advance, you get a 20% discount. a. What do these sentences have in common? b. Which sentence talks about a situation or fact that is generally true? c. Look back at the dialogue for other similar sentences. activities? f. What does Susana’s mother tell her to do to have an enjoyable trip? g. Why does the camp leader recommend that the campers wear summer hats and sunscreen? a. If you want to go camping, b. If you go hiking for more than one hour, c. If you don’t register your morning activities on time, d. If you plan to have fun on the trip, e. If you get home early after the camp trip, wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water. wait for me so we can have dinner together. you need to take special precautions. make sure you pack all the equipment you need. you need to call the camp leader so that you can be included on the list. 8. Match the phrases to complete the sentences. E10-SB-M1 22 8/04/14 9:58
  • 23. Module 1 Unit 1 Focus on language / Speak Useful Language Zero Conditional We use the zero conditional to: Ȼ talk about facts If you heat water, it boils. condition Ȼ talk about rules result If you arrive late, you cannot take the exam condition result Ȼ talk about things that are always or normally true. When the sun goes down, it gets dark. condition result 9. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. Ȼ Zero conditional sentences have two parts and contain the word if or when. Ȼ The present simple tense is normally used in both parts of the sentence. Ȼ Sometimes you can use the imperative or modal verbs in the result. If you arrive late, wait outside. If you arrive late, you cannot enter. a. If you want to go swimming, what do you need to take? b. When you go camping, what are 3 things you need to take with you? c. Where do you go when you go camping? d. If you have a problem, who do you speak to? e. What items do you pack if you go camping? f. What happens if you don’t use sunscreen and don't wear a hat in the summer? 10. Work in pairs. Read the activities Okly’s Camp offers on Saturday and Sunday. Tell your partner which activities you want to do during these days. Join Okly´s Camp Activities Over the Weekend In the morning: water activities, art and drawing and drama classes, hiking and jogging. For active, artistic and creative people. In the afternoon: go climbing, canoeing, rafting, or horse riding competition. For daring and adventurous people. At night: big party, live music, storytelling, barbecue or just cooking sausages. In addition, funny games at the campÀre. For sociable, extrovert and outgoing people. On Saturday and Sunday: be prepared for the song contest at 9:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to have fun, relax and make lots of new friends. Example: A: Hey Sandra, look at Okly's camp activities. I want to join drama and art classes in the morning. I am very creative and I love to paint and act. What about you? B: I prefer water activities. I love swimming in the river. What activities are you doing in the afternoon? A: Well! I… © MEN Colombia 23 E10-SB-M1 23 8/04/14 11:17
  • 24. © MEN Colombia Lesson 3 24 Camping trip advertisement 1. Work in groups of three or four. Imagine you are in charge of organising a camping trip for your school. 2. Make an advertisement and write the activities you are going to offer over two days. Think about: Ȼ What is the name of your camping trip? Ȼ What are students going to do in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening? Ȼ What special event can they do at night? Ȼ What equipment or items do they need to bring on the camping trip? 3. Look back at Exercise 10 and use this example as a guide to make your own design. Be creative: use pictures or draw them; bring the materials you need to design the advertisement. 4. Invite students from other classrooms, and explain to them the different activities you are offering on the camping trip. You can start your presentation like this: Welcome to Okly's camp. Let us tell you all the amazing activities we have prepared for you for the next two days. On Saturday morning… On Sunday, you are… In the evening… Focus on Language LOOK BACK - Review Ȼ My favourite activity was… Ȼ The most useful words or expressions were… Ȼ I enjoyed learning about… Ȼ I need to practise… 11. Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. a. We do art and craft the morning. b. The song festival is 9:00 pm Saturday and Sunday. c. the afternoon we are going to the river and we return to the camp 6:00 pm. d. night I prefer playing games round/by/ near the campÀre rather than telling stories. e. We get home on Sunday 7:00 pm the evening. f. The next school camp trip is June. g. Saturday, we are going to do water activities, and night we will be playing hide and seek. Useful Language Preposition of time IN / ON / AT Ȼ We use IN for months, years and times of the day. Example: In February, in 11, in the morning, in the evening Ȼ ON: Dates and Days. Example: On March 2th (you say ¶March the 2th’). On Monday, on Valentine’s Day. Ȼ AT: times, festival periods. Example: At 6 o’clock. At Christmas, Easter. At night. At the weekend, too. E10-SB-M1 24 31/03/14 13:04
  • 25. Module 1 2 Teen power Unit Lesson 4 – In my world! Lesson 5 – Think differently! Lesson 6 – You can become a hero, too! © MEN Colombia 25 E10-SB-M1 25 31/03/14 13:04
  • 26. 4 © MEN Colombia 26 Speak Lesson: In my world! 1. Discuss in pairs. What topics do you think are the most important for teenagers nowadays? Ȼ deciding the future Ȼ school and homework Ȼ arguing with parents or siblings 2. In pairs, discuss the questions about the pictures: Ȼ relationships Ȼ sports 1 2 3 4 a. What are the teens doing? In the Àrst picture, the teenager is arguing with… b. What problems do you think they have? I think the problem is... Maybe her brother used her stuff without asking. Reading Tips Predict information to improve your understanding Before you read, think about what you already know about the topic. Think about what words you may find in the text. Now read the text to see if you made some correct guesses. Comparing what you know with what you read helps you to understand a text. 3. Match the pictures with the stories from Exercise 4. E10-SB-M1 26 31/03/14 13:04
  • 27. Module 1 Unit 2 Read 4. Read the stories. Then complete the chart below. 1 Two people from my class keep laughing at me for wearing a cycle helmet when I’m cycling to school. The roads are quite busy so I think it’s safer to wear one. I don’t care what they say. I am going to keep wearing my helmet. I prefer to be safe. Rachel, 14(1) 2 The Àve of us have been friends since Year 7. Diana always seems to be picking on one of us, like criticising everything we say, or what we wear, making us do stuff we don’t want to. The other day she did it to me. So I told her to stop. I asked her why she does that. She apologised. Well, I’m glad I spoke to her and sorted things out. Aleja 15(1) Useful Vocabulary Ȼ pick on: criticar Ȼ apologise: disculparse Ȼ sort out: arreglar Ȼ hang around: pasar el rato Ȼ sneak off: escaparse Ȼ take up: empezar Ȼ break: descansos 3 I usually hang around with Max and Jair at break times and lunch times. They’ve started smoking and now it’s like they’re in some little club. They sneak off to get cigarettes and smoke them. So I’ve decided to take up basketball. There is a group of us who play during our breaks. Jack, 14(1) Rachel Aleja Jack 1.What was the problem? 2. What did they do about it? 5. Read the advice Rachel, Aleja and Jack give to students in similar situations. Match the advice with the person. More than one answer is possible. a. You could try persuading other people to start cycling and wearing them too. b. Tell her kindly to stop. c. Try doing something you like during the breaks. d. I’d talk to them. e. Talk to her. f. You should tell them that they are being immature. © MEN Colombia 27 E10-SB-M1 27 31/03/14 13:04
  • 28. © MEN Colombia 28 Focus on Language Lesson 4 6. Giving advice or suggestions. a. Read the sentences in Exercise 5. Underline the advice or suggestion. b. What do we call these verbs could, would, should? c. What are these verbs: try, talk to, tell (her)? d. What are the contraction forms of I would? e. When we use Why don’t you …?, are we asking a question? FOCUS ON PRONUNCIATION 7. Listen to the way we pronounce these words. a. Listen and repeat. Ȼ You should talk to an adult. Ȼ You shouldn’t stay away. Ȼ I wouldn’t be friends with her. 8. Look at the 3 pictures. What is happening in each picture? Read the titles of the stories. Now write down one idea about each story. Useful Language Pronunication of modal verbs: should /ݕݜd/ could - /k ݜ d/ would- /w ݜ d/ Ȼ The letter “ l ” is silent in these modal verbs and the vowel sound ڵ is pronounced like in the words: good, wood. b. Listen and write the word you hear. 1. What you do in that situation? 2. I get upset. 3. You Ànd other things to do. 4. What I do? a. The Fun Club b. Community First c.The tutoring Coop 7 8 5. I tell an adult about it. 6. You think about it. 7. I talk to them about it. 8. You tell them how you feel. c. Reformulate this advice using should, could or would.Then read the advice out aloud. Look at the example Ignore them: You should ignore them. You could ignore them. I’d ignore them. 1. Tell them to stop. 2. Say it is for your safety. 3. Move away from that group. 4. Stick up for your friends. E10-SB-M1 28 31/03/14 13:04
  • 29. Module 1 Unit 2 Focus on Language 9. Listen to the 3 stories and answer the questions. The Fun Club a. Who is Kim and who is Sandra? b. What are they doing? c. What advice do they give? Community First a. Who is Brayden? b. What is he organising? c. What is his advice? The Tutoring Coop a. What is the Tutoring Coop? b. What do they do? c. What is the advice they give? Useful Vocabulary Ȼ hang out: pasar el rato Ȼ left out: excluída Ȼ made up: inventó Ȼ had a crush on: me gustaba Ȼ made fun of: se burlaba de Ȼ have feelings for: sentir algo por Ȼ the wrong crowd: mala compaxia 10. Match these adjectives with an antonym on the right. 1. active 2. extroverted 3. mature 4. respectful 5. cheerful a. immature b. shy c. rude d. passive e. moody 11. Fill in the gaps with one of the adjectives from Exercise 10. a. Laura is ; she talks to everyone and loves meeting people. b. My neighbour’s children seem older than they are; they are very . c. Jenny is always involved in everything. She is so . d. We are to others in class for example when we listen to them without interrupting. e. Some boys were and punched their classmates. adjective + noun © MEN Colombia 29 f. Jenny is a person. She is always happy and in a good mood. Useful Language Descriptive adjectives are words that Ȼ describe something or someone. Ȼ describe someone's personality. Ȼ Adjectives can go before a noun John is the kind boy who lives next door. Ȼ Adjectives can go after a verb. Susana is beautiful. verb + adjective 9 E10-SB-M1 29 31/03/14 13:04
  • 30. © MEN Colombia Lesson 4 30 Useful Language Giving advice Ȼ You should first…: You should first talk to her. Ȼ Try …ing: Try looking for work... Ȼ Why don’t you…?: Why don’t you do a course in...? Scrapbook plan It’s time to start thinking about the organisation you want for your Scrapbook: my teen organisation. Remember you will create your youth organisation and design a scrapbook to show classmates and other people in the school. Get into project groups 1. Decide on type of scrapbook (paper, digital) depending on the resources you have available. 2. Decide on the different responsibilities each member of the group will have. 3. Decide on these parts of your scrapbook today: Ȼ A name for your organisation Ȼ Objectives (what do you want to change through the organisation?) Ȼ Have an FAQ section (these are typical questions people may ask about your organisation, e.g. How to get involved; how to join etc… Ȼ Provide answers for your Frequently Asked Questions Write 12. In small groups, choose one of the stories from this lesson and act it out. a. Decide how many characters there are and assign the roles. You can add characters if you want. b. Make notes on what you are going to say. c. Choose the most appropriate ending for your role play. 13. In your groups, write a new story offering two or more endings Share your story with the class and vote on the best ending. Plan your story Àrst: Actions or behaviour causing problem Consequences Choice Who is doing or saying what? How is this making the person feel or act? How can the people involved react to this situation? E10-SB-M1 30 31/03/14 13:04
  • 31. 5 Lesson: Think differently! 1. Look at the pictures and match them with the quotes. a. “These teen mothers are my own daughters. I want my girls to be empowered!” Catalina Escobar b. “My mission is to make sure no child grows up behind prison walls.” Pushpa Basnet c. “I’m helping to educate children so that we can change Kliptown together.” Thulani Madondo 2. Read life stories of people who have changed the lives of thousands of teenagers around the world. Say what these numbers refer to in the text: a. 400 b. 10 c. 20 d. 6 e. 16 f. 2,000 Reading Tip Read Read for general meaning first. Number the main points in the text. Make notes on the main ideas from the text. EVERYDAY PEOPLE CHANGING THE WORLD 1 Thulani Madondo started a program which provides academic support to 400 children living in the slums of Kliptown, South Africa. Thulani’s story While he was studying 10th grade, his father told him he didn’t have enough money to keep him at high school. To keep studying, Thulani decided to wash cars and worked as a stock boy to pay his school fees. Many other young people like Thulani were living in the same situation. The program To help other young people in Kliptown get an education and improve their lives, Kliptown Youth Program was created. KYP helps young people in Johannesburg by providing uniforms, books and school fees.(2) © MEN Colombia 31 E10-SB-M1 31 31/03/14 13:04
  • 32. © MEN Colombia Lesson 5 2 3 Catalina Escobar, has 32 transformed the lives of Colombian teen mothers through her Foundation. Catalina’s story A 12-day-old boy died in Catalina’s arms while she was working as a volunteer in the maternity clinic in Cartagena. The baby's teenage mother didn’t have the money for the treatment that would have saved the baby’s life. Less than a week later, Catalina’s son, Juan Felipe, a 16-month-old baby fell from a balcony and died. After these two tragic events, she decided to help prevent child mortality. Foundation The Foundation has provided help and training for more than 2,000 teen mothers It also includes a daycare center and medical center for around 400 young mothers each year.(4) Pushpa Basnet is a housemother at her Day Care Centre for more than 20 children in Nepal. Pushpa’s story She was only 21 when she found her calling. While her family ran a successful business, she was studying social work at university. One day while she was visiting a women’s prison, she was shocked to discover children living behind bars. So Basnet decided to start a children’s Day Care Centre to take them out of prison. Childhood Chi Development Center Wit With her Day Centre she has he helped over 100 children. Today, sh she runs a day care program for ch children under 6 and a residential h home where mostly older c children receive education, food, m medical care and a chance to live a more normal life.(3) 3. Complete the chart with information from each text: Questions Thulani Pushpa Catalina a. What did they begin? b. Why did they decide to help people? c. How do they help people? 4. Read the texts again and answer the questions below: a. Why did Thulandi Madondo have to work while he was still at school? b. What kind of organisation did Thulandi create to help poor children? c. What did Pushpa study at university? d. Why did Pushpa start a Children Day Centre? e. What happened to Catalina Escobar’s youngest son? f. Why did the 12-day-old baby die? Write E10-SB-M1 32 31/03/14 13:04
  • 33. Module 1 Unit 2 Speak / Focus on Language 5. Discuss the questions below with a partner. a. Which story did you Ànd interesting? b. Which person would you choose as your hero? Why? c. Do you know any similar stories? FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 6. Read the story of Michael Gay, the man who saved Jodi Oakes from dying. Going through Àre to save a woman from dying The night was cold. It was raining and the road was wet. After work, Jodi Oakes was going to have dinner with a friend. She was very tired and while she was driving, she fell asleep. With her foot still on the accelerator pedal, her car drove into a tree, and it caught Àre. While Michael Gay was driving home down the same road, he noticed the big Àre. A tree was burning and he became curious. He drove closer towards the Àre. Then, he saw a car on Àre. Michael heard screams, and realised there was a woman in the burning car. Inside the car, Jodi was screaming. She was trying to get out of the car but she couldn’t. Michael quickly called the police on his mobile phone. Then, he ran to door of the car, but it was stuck. He broke the window and he was pulling Jodi out of the car when the police and Àre engine arrived.(5) a. Write ‘T’ (true) and ‘F’ (false) for each statement. 1. Jodi Oakes was tired when she was driving home. 2. Jodi Oakes crashed her car. 3. Michael Gay noticed a big Àre while he was looking through his bedroom window. 4. Michael Gay saw a woman inside a burning car. 5. Jody Oakes couldn’t get out of the car. 6. Michael Gay called the Àre brigade and waited for them to get Jodi out of her car. b. Look back at the article and answer the questions below. Ȼ Fifteen examples in the simple past are underlined. Find three regular and three irregular simple past verb forms. Ȼ One example of the past continuous is circled. Find three more examples. c. Read the sentences and answer the questions below. 1. Jodi drove her car on an empty road. 2. Michael pulled Jodi out of the car. 3. Jodi was driving her car on an empty road. 4. Michael was pulling Jodi out of her car. Ȼ Which of the sentences above describes a finished event in the past? Ȼ Which of the sentences expresses an action in progress in the past? Useful Vocabulary Ȼ road: carretera Ȼ catch fire: encenderse Ȼ burning: quemándose Ȼ get out: salirse Ȼ break: romper Ȼ stuck: atascado © MEN Colombia 33 E10-SB-M1 33 31/03/14 13:04
  • 34. © MEN Colombia Read Lesson 5 Useful Language Past Simple Ȼ Use the auxiliary verb did + verb for questions and negative statements. Did you go to the movies yesterday? I didn’t do my homework. Past Continuous Ȼ Use to be in past + -ing verb form to make affirmative, negative and interrogative questions I was playing football in the park. I wasn’t dancing last night. What were you doing? Ȼ Use was for I, he,she,it Ȼ Use were for you, we, they 7. Read the story of Chris, a 16 year old boy who saved the life of a baby. Fill in the gaps using the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or past continuous depending on the case. Chris C left school at around 3 p.m. As he (1. walk) home he decided to go to the park. He H (2. see) a bench and (3. sit) down. As he began to relax and take sights of the park p he (4. hear) a scream for help. Chris (5. jump) and (6. run) to save the t boy. He (7. pull) the boy out of the water. Some people who (8. observe) the scene (9. call) the paramedics. Some minutes later the paramedics (10. arrive) . 8. In pairs, think of 5 qualities of a hero. 9. Listen to the deÀnition of what a hero is. What are heroes according to this person? 10. Listen again. Tick ( ) the things you hear. a. Heroes shown in Hollywood movies: are often individuals with superhuman abilities are incredible villains come in and save the day b. The speaker mentions these people: police ofÀcers ÀreÀghters neighbours teachers brothers and sisters fathers and mothers 10 10 d. A hero is someone who sacriÀces something to help out. gets paid for protecting people protects someone or something when people are in danger. leaves things better than when they found it makes extraordinary things happen when there is a need. is rich and famous. c. Why do heroes do heroic acts? To be famous. To do what they think is right. For money. 34 E10-SB-M1 34 31/03/14 13:04
  • 35. Module 1 Unit 2 © MEN Colombia Listen 11 11. Listen and repeat these sentences. Then underline where the links are. a. Hollywood heroes are often individuals with supernatural abilities. b. They come in and save the day. c. A mother who’s always by her children’s side. d. They’re other types of heroes e. They don’t give up f. Because it’s what’s right g. When they found it. Improve Your English Pronunciation Linking words Ȼ When we speak in English, we don’t pronounce words one by one. We connect them and speak with rhythm and stress to speak quickly and fluently. Ȼ Here are 2 ways we connect speech: - Contractions - Linking when consonants are followed by vowels E.g. We are going to talk about heroes becomes: We’re gonna talk about heroes. Contraction Linking 12. Complete the description about heroes with the qualities below. Ȼ determined Ȼ courageous Ȼ brave Ȼ inspirational Ȼ helpful Ȼ reliable Ȼ creative Ȼ kind a. Heroes never give up until they achieve a goal. Heroes are . b. Heroes are selÁess; they expect nothing in return for their sacriÀce. Heroes are and . c. A hero may stand alone to defend what it is right; they do it no matter what the cost is. Heroes are and . d. Heroes are always a model to follow. Their actions show others that anyone can make a difference. Heroes are . e. Heroes are constantly thinking of new ways or ideas to help others. Heroes are . f. A hero is someone who you can tell any problem you have, and you can trust on anything. A hero is . 13. Read the statements from Exercise 14 about heroes again. Do you agree or disagree with them? Example: I don’t agree with the statement in number 4 because in my opinion a hero is a person who… Useful Language Expressing agreement Ȼ I agree with... Ȼ I couldn’t agree with…. more. Ȼ That’s so true. Ȼ That’s exactly how I feel. Expressing disagreement Ȼ I don’t think so. Ȼ I completely disagree. Ȼ I totally agree Ȼ That’s not always true. 35 E10-SB-M1 35 31/03/14 13:04
  • 36. Speak / Write A logo It’s time to think about your Scrapbook: My Youth Organisation Project again. Remember you will create your youth organisation and design a scrapbook to show classmates and other people in the school. Lesson 5 Get into your project groups. Decide on: Ȼ A logo Ȼ A statement telling others why this organisation is important. Ȼ Activities members can do Things to take into account when designing your logo: Ȼ The name of your organisation Ȼ The objectives of your organisation © MEN Colombia 14. Write a short story using the pictures below. 36 E10-SB-M1 36 31/03/14 13:04
  • 37. 6 Lesson: You can become a hero, too! 1. Would you like to be a hero some day? Explain. 2. Do you have what it takes to become a hero? Answer the following qui] and Ànd out. 1. You see a kid being bullied at school. You: a. go over to the bullies and stop them. b. leave him alone because he is weak. c. look for a teacher or an adult. 2. You see the new kid eating alone. You: a. go over to him and have lunch with him. b. sit with your best friends c. laugh at him. 3. You see that a nine year old is drinking beer. You: a. talk to them and explain to them why the kid must not drink beer. b. talk to them but don’t really care. c. Ànd out who’s with them and ask them to take care of the kid. 4. You see a person drowning (ahogándose) but you can’t swim. You: a. ask someone to help. b. think it is not my problem. c. throw the person a life jacket and scream for help. 5. You see a lost child. You: a. ask the child if he/she is lost and look for their parents. b. ignore the child. c. let an adult know that the child is lost and walk away. 6. Who or what do you protect? a. Everyone and everything. b. Myself c. My family and friends 7. Would you ever sacriÀce your own wants or needs for someone else? a. I would help no matter who needs it. b. No way! c. Maybe once. 8. When the team you play for wins, you say a. Good game b. Oh yes! We won, losers! c. Nothing 9. If you won the lottery, you would a. give it all away to charity. b. spend it on elegant things for you and your family. c. spend the money on what you need. 10. What sentence do you relate most closely to? a. Serve and protect. b. c. Check your answers ‹ Most of your answers are A. You are on the path to becoming an everyday hero. Congratulations! People like you have changed our world! I’m better than you. Aim low. ‹ Most of your answers are B. You clearly need to think about others. Being selÀsh is not the way to construct a new society. You have lots of things to offer. Why don’t you try to help someone once? I bet you will feel awesome! ‹ Most of your answers are C. helping others but sometimes to become a hero you must take risks from time to time. Keep doing the right thing every time you can, Àll your heart with courage and try to go further!(6) re k more h i You are a good person who likes h l i h b i © MEN Colombia Read 37 E10-SB-M1 37 31/03/14 13:04
  • 38. 3. Look at the pictures from The Unsung Heroes. a. What do you think the title of the text “The Unsung Heroes” mean? b. Read the titles of each text and the Àrst sentence of each paragraph in each text. What is each text about? THE UNSUNG HEROES Young people who have changed their communities. Let’s find out what they have done to change the world. SANDRA’S STORY: FROM BEGGING TO BUILDING As a child Sandra Souza grew up begging for money in São Paulo, Brazil. Being alone and unprotected, Sandra got pregnant when she was a teenager. Her family told her she was not old enough to be a mother and were really unkind to her. While she was pregnant she was supported by an organization called Lua Nova, an organisation that provides accommodation and support for pregnant women in Brazil. After giving birth, Sandra signed up for a construction class although the teachers said that not many women can become builders. Sandra did and she and 19 other women began to make bricks to build their own homes. Now they also sell bricks to make extra money to buy more supplies to build the houses. Sandra proved to be incredibly determined and she now lives with her three children in a house she built herself.(7) WILLIAM’S STORY: ECO-FRIENDLY INVENTOR Lesson 6 Read © MEN Colombia William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, Africa and grew up without electricity or running water. When he was 14, he had to leave school because his family were extremely poor and could not afford to pay for school. Although William had to stop going to school, he used to read lots of books at the local library every day. One day he read about windmills and he became very interested in how the windmill could make electricity and pump water. So he decided to build a windmill. Using wood, scrap metal and old tractor parts, William built a windmill that was able to power four light bulbs and two radios in his house. William also used a bicycle to power the electricity. People soon started spreading news about William’s invention. As William was an exceptionally brilliant teenager, he won a scholarship at a university in South Africa. Since 2007 he has been teaching young people how to make their own windmills and repair water pumps. William’s major dream is to bring electricity to everyone in his country.(7) 38 E10-SB-M1 38 31/03/14 13:04
  • 39. 4. Read the texts again and answer the questions. a. Why did William have to leave school when he was 14? b. What invention did William create? c. Why was Sandra determined to learn about construction? d. What organisation helped Sandra when she was pregnant? 5. What similarities and differences are there between William and Sandra? Complete the chart. Module 1 Unit 2 Read / Focus on Language Sandra William FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 6. Read the texts again and look at the words in bold. a. Look at the following sentences taken from the articles: Ȼ His family were extremely poor. Ȼ He became very interested in how windmills can make electricity. Ȼ William was an exceptionally brilliant teenager. Ȼ Sandra’s family became really unkind. Ȼ Sandra was not old enough to live alone. Ȼ Sandra was incredibly determined. Ȼ Her teachers said Sandra was not prepared enough to build her own home. b. Why do you think the writer has used the words: very, really, extremely, incredibly, exceptionally before each adjective? c. What’s the position of the adverbs very, really, extremely, incredibly, exceptionally and enough in the sentence? Useful Language Intensifiers Ȼ We use adverbs like very, really and extremely to make adjectives stronger: William was very excited. It’s a really interesting invention. Sandra was extremely excited about her house. Ȼ Other intensifiers are: certainly, obviously, simply, literally, completely, totally. Ȼ We also use enough to say more about an adjective, but enough comes after its adjective: Sandra was not old enough to live alone. 7. In pairs, practise these short dialogues using one of the intensiÀers from the Useful Language box. Then make short dialogues of your own about the two texts. a. Martha: Did you enjoy Sandra’s story? Annie: Yes, I found it inspiring. b. David: What do you think about William’s invention? Mark: I think it is sensational! c. Maureen: What do you think about Sandra’s family reaction? Laura: It was extreme. d. Laura: Did you think Sandra was mature to have a baby? Sara: I don’t know. She was very © MEN Colombia young. 39 E10-SB-M1 39 31/03/14 13:04
  • 40. 8. Look at the picture of the windmill that William Kamkwamba invented. What materials did William use? Ȼ farming Useful Language Phrasal Verbs Ȼ Many phrasal verbs have a different meaning from the meaning of the individual words combined. Ȼ A phrasal verb consists of a verb and one or two particles such as down, up, on, off, after, by, in, out, etc. Ȼ When a phrasal verb has an object, the object can go either before or after the adverb or particle: She turned the computer on. Verb noun particle She turned on the computer. Verb particle noun Lesson 6 Read William: My name is William Kamkwamba and I’m from Malawi. Most of the people in Malawi work in farming. We depend on tobacco farms. I’m 20 years old now. There are 60 families in my village and there are 20 people in my family alone. I had to drop out of school because my family had no money to pay my school fees and the fees are about $80 dollars. It is very windy in Malawi and I was thinking: “How can we use wind for our beneÀt?” That’s when I came up with the idea about windmills. I went to the library to Ànd out more. The books only had pictures of windmills but it didn’t say anything about how to build one or how it generates electricity or how it pumps water. Interviewer: You Àgured it out on your own. William: Yeah, I Àgured it out on my own. I came up with my own creative design. I was 14 years old when I Àrst decided to build a windmill and it took me about two months to build the Àrst one. Nobody could believe that I could make something to generate electricity. They only got it when I powered a radio, and they heard music from the radio.(8) a. Complete the sentences with the appropriate information from the box below. 1. When Willliam was 14 years old he had to . 2. William’s school fees cost . 3. He the idea about windmills because it is very windy in Malawi. b. Read the following sentences taken from the interview. Match the word in bold on the left with the meaning on the right. 1. I had to drop out of school because my family had no money to pay for my school fees. a. understood 2. You Àgured out how to construct the windmill on your own. b. discover, investigate 3. I came up with the idea. c. solved, deduced 4. They got it when they heard music from the radio. d. make an electronic device operate 5. William ran the bicycle dynamo to power up the 12-watt battery. e. abandon 6. I went to the library to Ànd out more. f. invented © MEN Colombia Ȼ drop out of school Ȼ 14 Ȼ $ US80 Ȼ windmill Ȼ came up with 4. The majority of Malawians work in . 5. William taught himself how to build a . 6. William was when he built his Àrst windmill. 40 E10-SB-M1 40 15/04/14 19:38
  • 41. Ȼ figure out Portrait of a real-life hero 1. Work in groups. Select a photograph of a friend, family member, mentor or someone you have heard of or have seen on TV, who is a hero to you or an organisation that has done something heroic. Module 1 Unit 2 4. Recall a heroic quality your group admires in your real-life hero. Think about how you might behave like your hero. For example, if they are brave, think about how you can become brave, too. Think also about situations in which you can use these new qualities. 5. Present the proÀle of your real-life hero to your classmates. LOOK BACK - Review Ȼ My favourite activity was… Ȼ The most useful words or expressions were… Ȼ I enjoyed learning about… Ȼ I need to practise… Focus on Language 9. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box. a. Someday doctors will a cure for cancer. b. The wind and a bicycle William’s windmill. c. They explained the process to him many times but he didn’t . d. To more about Lua Nova you can visit their website. e. Most teenagers school because they have to work to support their families. f. She hopes to how to bring drinking water to her community. © MEN Colombia Ȼ get it Ȼ drop out of Ȼ power up Ȼ find out Ȼ come up with 2. If possible, interview your real –life hero or Ànd information on the Internet or in the news. a. Find a quote by or about your hero. b. List the qualities your hero has. E.g.,: brave, caring, loyal, dedicated, etc. c. Make a timeline of the important achievements in your hero’s life. 3. Set up an imaginary homepage of a social networking site such as FacebookŒ and complete the proÀle for your real-life hero. 41 E10-SB-M1 41 31/03/14 13:04
  • 42. Module 1 3 Spending time wisely Unit Lesson 7 - Scouting Lesson 8 - Exploring teen organisations Lesson 9 – Getting active Lesson 10 – Self Assessment © MEN Colombia 42 E10-SB-M1 42 31/03/14 13:04
  • 43. 7 Lesson: Scouting Focus on Vocabulary 1. What do you know about scouts? Look at the two pictures below and label the names of the clothes that you recognise. badge 2. Scout BINGO. a. Look at the following BINGO table. Write the name of the item below the correct picture. binoculars — sleeping bag — Àshing hook — compass — lamp — hat — boots — pot thermos — map — water bottle — backpack — raft — suitcase — knife — tent © MEN Colombia 43 E10-SB-M1 43 31/03/14 13:04
  • 44. Ȼ Scout BINGO b. Find someone in the classroom who has the objects from the BINGO table.: Ask: Do you have a...? Possible answer: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Useful Language To find out what your classmates have, you can ask the following question: Ȼ Do you have backpack? Yes, I do/No, I don’t Ȼ Notice that if the piece of clothing is singular you use a/an Example: A backpack, a tent Ȼ Do you have binoculars? Yes, I do/No, I don’t Ȼ As the word “binoculars” is plural, you don’t use a/an Useful Vocabulary Ȼ Beavers: scouts from 5 to 8 years old. Ȼ Cubs: scouts from 8 to 10 years old 3. Work with a partner. Answer the following questions about scouting. a. What do you think scouts do? b. Would you like to be a boy or girl scout? Why? Why not? 4. Read the text about scouting and get familiarised with it. Use the words below to complete the paragraphs in the text “What is Scouting?” Ȼ astronomy WHAT IS SCOUTING? Paragraph 1 Scouting began in 1907 when experienced soldier Robert Baden-Powell set up a scheme to train life skills to young boys in Britain. Baden-Powell wrote a book called (1) which contained ideas how to become a good citizen. Boys quickly began to get together to use ideas from the book and formed their own patrol groups. Paragraph 2 In 1908, Baden-Powell (2) an ofÀce to deal with the hundreds of people who wanted to know about scouting. The (3) continued to grow as three age groups were created for boys and, in 1910, the Girl Guides began for girls. The Scout uniform is a widely recognised characteristic of Scouting. It consists of a khaki button-up shirt, (4) , and a broad-brimmed campaign hat. Paragraph 3 The aim of scouting is to help young people reach their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential. Scouts learn new (5) by taking part in fun and exciting activities in the air, on land or in water. These can be done as part of a group on a local, national or international scale. Paragraph 4 Young people experience lots of practical outdoor activities such as camping, woodcraft, water sports, hiking, and (6) . There are many opportunities to develop skills in technology and creativity in activities such as computing, (7) , amateur radio, dance, music, art and crafts. Scouts (8) activity badges when they learn a new skill or take part in an activity for a period of time. They wear the badges on their uniform. There are 12 for Beavers, 35 for Cubs and 70 for Scouts. Some activities scouts do include (9) , circus skills, martial arts, parascending and street sports.(9) Lesson 7 Read READ © MEN Colombia Ȼ electronics Ȼ movement Ȼ can earn Ȼ skills Ȼ games Ȼ shorts Ȼ opened Ȼ Scouting for Boys hi 44 E10-SB-M1 44 31/03/14 13:04
  • 45. Write / Speak 5. Which title best matches each paragraph? a. Origin of scouting b. Objectives of scouting Module 1 Unit 3 c. Scouting activites d. The development of scouting 6. Complete the graphic organiser with information from the text. Write a sentence about what you Ànd in the text related to the key word or words given in the graphic organiser below. Example: a Scouting began in 10. b. Patrols c. The objective of Scouting d. Recognition of Scouts... a. The beginning of Scouting 7. Answer the questions with a partner. a. What outdoor activities do scouts do? E.g. camping, hiking, etc. Write a list. b. Do you like any of these activities? Which ones? c. Which activities would you like to try? Why? 1. speed 2. strength 3. precision 4. patience Mountain biking Rafting Roller skating Canoeing Climbing Football © MEN Colombia 8. Work in pairs. What do you need to practise these activities? 10 5 5. concentration 6. warming up 7. a course 8. training 9. appropiate team 10. appropiate equipment 11. appropiate clothes 12. balance control 45 E10-SB-M1 45 31/03/14 13:04
  • 46. 9. What “if sentences” can you write from the information in the table? See the Àrst sentence as an example: a. If I want to go mountain biking, I need appropiate equipment. b. If I want to climb walls, I… c. If I want to play football, I… 10. Look at the Jamboree schedule below. a. Tell a classmate which activities you like doing and those you dislike doing. b. Tell the class 3 things your classmate likes and doesn’t like doing. Example: Maria loves going hiking, but she doesn’t like group competitions. JAMBOREE SCHEDULE MORNING AFTERNOON 7:00 Morning bell rings and scouts wake up 7:30 Scouts clean their tents. 7:50 Flag ceremony (Izada de bandera) 8:00 Breakfast 8:45 Divide scouts in groups for different activities 9:30 Go hiking, dance, crafts or sports 10:30 Make lunch for off-camp activity (fun day hike off-camp, etc.) 2:15 Showers (every other day) 3:30 Groups meeting. 4:30 Snack time 5:30 Bell rings 5:50 Flag ceremony 6:00 Dinner 7:30 CampÀre: contests, games, group competitions or art. 10:00 Lights out 11. Write three sentences based on the schedule to describe scouts’ everyday routine. Example: Scouts have a Áag ceremony every day at :50 a.m. 12. Match the following sentences to express some problems scouts can suffer. Write the letter in the space provided. d. If I want to skate professionally, I… e. If I want to practise rafting, I… f. If I want to practise canoeing, I… A Jamboree is a big scout reunion and celebration. The national jamboree is a chance to camp out with friends, meet new friends, try high-adventure activities, learn new skills, and enjoy the outdoors a. If you don’t drink enough water b. If you don’t use sunblock c. If you don’t put out a Àre in the forest d. If snakes are scared, e. If you stay long in very cold water, 1. they bite 2. you get sunburn 3. you het hypothermia 4. you dehydrate 5. it will spread and burn plants and trees. Lesson 7 Speak / Write © MEN Colombia 46 E10-SB-M1 46 31/03/14 13:04
  • 47. Module 1 Unit 2 Focus on Language / Speak 13. Tell your classmates 5 things you want to change or experience in your life. Look at the examples. a. Ask your classmate for some advice. Look at the example in the box. Ȼ I want to be more active Ȼ I want to be fitter Ȼ I want to start a sport Ȼ I want to take up a hobby b. Now listen to your classmate’s Àve sentences and give some advice. Examples: If you want to be Àtter, you can exercise more. For example, you can… If you want to take on a hobby, you can try … Design of your scrapbook It’s time to work on the design your Scrapbook: My Youth Organisation Project. Ȼ Get into project groups and: ‡ create a title for your scrapbook ‡ design your front and back cover ‡ design the layout of your scrapbook Ȼ Things you need to take into account: ‡ Decide how big you want your scrapbook to be. ‡ What paper sizes do you want to use? ‡ What font and font size will you use? ‡ What colour scheme and where you want to place your photos and your text. ‡ What materials will you use? (cardboard, co-loured paper…) ‡ What title is appropriate for your organisation? (Think about the organisation’s name, logo and objectives.) Ȼ Draw your scrapbook layout on a piece of paper so that you'll don’t forget your ideas. Remember you will create your youth organisation and design a scrapbook to show classmates and other people in the school. 3 © MEN Colombia 14. Work in pairs. a. Ask and answer these questions. Ȼ Have you ever been… hiking in the mountains or through the forest? camping in the wild? Ȼ Have you had any exciting or adventurous experiences? Ȼ What dangerous, daring or risky activities have you done? b. In pairs, choose one of the two experiences and Ànd possible risks Example: When you go hiking: If you don't drink water, you dehydrate. c. Share one of the experiences and the risks you chose with the class. 47 E10-SB-M1 47 31/03/14 13:04
  • 48. 8 Lesson: Exploring teen organisations Read 1. What other youth organisations do you know? Are there any in your neighbourhood, city or region? 2. Look at the pictures. Which of the statements below do you think are true about the organisation? Ȼ Interact is a Colombian organisation. Ȼ I nteract is a children's organisation. Ȼ Interact is for both girls and boys. 3. Read the text quickly and say what these numbers refer to in the text. a. 12-18 b. at least two c. 10,700 d. 109 e. 200,000 Interact Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact is Rotary International’s club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. Club membership varies greatly. Clubs can be single gender or mixed, large or small. They can draw from the student body of a single school or from two or more schools in the same community. Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interact members develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of: ‡ developing leadership skills and personal integrity (integridad) ‡ demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others ‡ understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work ‡ advancing international understanding and goodwill (buena voluntad) With more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact. For more information about Interact in your area, contact your local Rotary club, or ask RI staff. Read the Interact Handbook and the Interact Brochure.(10) © MEN Colombia 4. Read the text and answer true or false. Correct the false statements. a. Interact is an international organisation. b. Interact is only for people over 18 years old. c. Only women can be members of Interact. d. Interact members develop networks of friendship. e. Interact members can develop leadership skills and human values. 48 E10-SB-M1 48 31/03/14 13:04
  • 49. Module 1 Unit 23 5. You will read a speech by member of the Environmental Children’s Organisation. a. Look at the pictures and guess what the speech is about. Useful Vocabulary Ȼ to speak on behalf of – to speak for: hablar a nombre de Ȼ to make a difference: marcar la diferencia Ȼ cries go unheard: quejas no son escuchadas Ȼ to break it: daxarlo Ȼ to fix it: arreglarlo C b. Read the statements below. Then match each sentence with a picture. Read 1. We are a group of twelve- and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference. 2. I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. 3. I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. 4. I used to go Àshing in Vancouver with my dad until just a few years ago we found the Àsh full of cancer. 5. I am not afraid to tell the world how I feel. 6. If you don’t know how to Àx it, please stop breaking it! 6. What is the meaning of each sentence? Match one sentence from exercise 4 with a meaning below. a. Stop damaging the world. b. There are many animals that are losing their habitats. c. Express yourself freely. d. Many boys and girls don’t have the opportunity to express their problems. e. Animals are dying due to strange illnesses caused by contamination. f. Boys and girls have initiative to make a difference. © MEN Colombia A B D E F 49 E10-SB-M1 49 31/03/14 13:05
  • 50. 7. Now read Severn Suzuki’s speech and check if your predictions were correct. a. Are the sentences you completed in Exercise 4 correct? b. Complete the text with words from the box. Ȼ you were Ȼ twelve Ȼ in the sun Ȼ raised Ȼ am fighting Ȼ organisation Ȼ speak Ȼ children Ȼ generations Ȼ change Ȼ because Ȼ go fishing Ȼ found Ȼ animals Ȼ butterflies Hello, I’m Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. – The Environmental Children’s . We are a group of and thirteen-year-olds trying to make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and myself. We all the money ourselves to come Àve thousand miles to tell you adults you must your ways. Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda. I for my future. Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all to come. I am here to on behalf of the starving around the world whose cries go unheard. I am here to speak for the countless dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. I am afraid to go out now because of the holes in the ozone layer. I am afraid to breathe the air I don’t know what chemicals are in it. I used to in Vancouver, my home, with my dad until just a few years ago when we the Àsh full of cancer. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day — vanishing forever. In my life, I have dreamt of seeing great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and , but now I wonder if they will ever exist for my children to see. Did you have to worry about these things when my age? Lesson 8 Write © MEN Colombia k h Speech given by Severn Suzuki in 1992 at the Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. 50 E10-SB-M1 50 31/03/14 13:05
  • 51. 8. Severn Suzuki’s speech has not Ànished. Complete Severn’s speech. If you had the chance to speak in front of the UN audience, what would you talk about? a. Brainstorm topics you are worried about in the world, or local social problems you know of around your neighbourhood. Some possible concerns RUBBISH Writing Tip CLASSIFY WASTE PRODUCTS RECYCLING EDUCATE PEOPLE GIVE RESOURCES Graphic Organisers help you organise ideas. Use them to plan what you need to write or say. Portfolio Remember to keep your portfolio updated. Which individual tasks do you think are suitable for your portfolio? Which tasks done in small groups are suitable for your portfolio? Ȼ waste disposal Ȼ education Ȼ body image Ȼ extreme poverty Ȼ teenage pregnancy Ȼ sexual education Ȼ working children Ȼ drugs alcohol Ȼ eating disorders Ȼ gender issues Ȼ bullying Ȼ street violence Ȼ racism issues b. Select one and make a mind map with sub-topics or ideas related to it. Module 1 Unit 23 SPEAK 9. In pairs, prepare Àve sentences about the problem you selected to inform others about it. Practise saying the sentences and then report to the class. Be ready to present it to the class. Ȼ I am here to speak on behalf of… Ȼ I see (something negative)… Ȼ I am afraid to… , because… Ȼ I used to… Ȼ I dream of seeing (something positive)… Text selection It’s almost time to present your Scrapbook: My Youth Organisation Project. Ȼ Get into your project groups - In your groups, look back at the work you have done in this module. - What information, classwork or homework can you use for your scrapbook? Look at the tasks you included in the portfolio. It is time to use them for this project. - Proofread and edit the work you have chosen for scrapbook. © MEN Colombia Write / Speak 51 E10-SB-M1 51 31/03/14 13:05
  • 52. 9 Lesson: Getting active 1. Individually, answer the following questions. Then, share your answers with a classmate. a. Have you ever gone camping? b. Where did you go camping? c. Who did you go camping with? d. What did you do while you were camping? 2. Order the paragraphs in the story and answer the questions at the end. Useful Vocabulary Ȼ sunset: atardecer Ȼ put out the fire: apagar el fuego Ȼ climbed into: meterse Useful Vocabulary Ȼ stove: estufa Ȼ badminton: tipo de juego de raquetas Ȼ shine: brillo del sol Useful Vocabulary Ȼ cozy: cómodo Useful Vocabulary Ȼ to milk: ordexar Ȼ supper: dinner Ȼ crops: siembras A. At sunset they went back to their cold tent and started a small Àre near it to warm up for a while before going to bed. Forty minutes later, they put out the Àre, climbed into their sleeping bags and fell fast asleep. Nothing disturbed them until the relaxing singing of the birds woke them next morning. B. Early every morning the two children and their mother went hiking for two hours while their father made the breakfast. When they came back, hungry and tired from their exercise, they found him cooking beans and eggs on a portable gas stove. After breakfast they all went down to the river and played badminton and enjoyed the sunshine. C. Last summer Richard and his sister Jessica went on a camping holiday in Salento (Quindio) with their parents for the Àrst time. Their big new orange and blue tent, which had two bedrooms and a living-room, was very cozy and they pitched it in a large Àeld near a green area Àlled with “Quindio Wax Palm” trees (Palma de Cera). There were no other tents in the Àeld and Richard pretended that they were boy and girl scouts. D. In the afternoons the children went Àshing with their Àshing poles in the clear waters of the river; they loved it. In the meantime, their parents sat on big rocks reading. In the evening they walked to the farmhouse at the foot of the hill. They watched the cows being milked and then had dinner with the farmer and his wife. The farmer told the children all about his animals and his crops and promised to let them help with the harvest if they came back in the autumn. © MEN Colombia A camping holiday by Haydn Richards Revision 52 E10-SB-M1 52 31/03/14 13:05
  • 53. 3. Find the FALSE sentences and check them to make them true according to the story. a. This is Richard and Jessica’s second camping experience with their parents. b. Their mother cooked supper every evening. c. The camping area was very crowded. d. The family got up early every morning. e. All the family went Àshing in the afternoons. Emphasizers: incredibly, certainly, obviously, really, simply, literally, for sure. AmpliÀers: completely, totally, absolutely. PremodiÀers: very, quite, rather. a. Their tent was comfortable and spacious. b. Going hiking was tiring. c. Dad’s breakfast was delicious. d. Going Àshing while their parents were reading was fun. e. The farmer was nice. f. It was cold. g. The birds’ singing sounded beautiful. Module 1 Unit 23 5. Write about one of your classmates. a. Ask a classmate the questions in the table below. b. Write answers in the table, and then use the answers to write a paragraph. c. Be careful with the use of in-on-at. d. Then use the information in the table to write a short paragraph about her/him. e. When you Ànish ask your classmate to check it. QUESTION STUDENT 1 ANSWERS SENTENCE 1. When were you born? Where? Mary was born in… 2. At approximately what time were you born? In the morning? In the afternoon? In the evening or at night? 3. What time do you arrive at school? 4. What time do you arrive home after school? 5. What time do you wake up on Saturdays? Why? 6. Do you have any classes at weekends? 7. Do you do any sport? When do you do it? 8. What do you do on your holidays? 9. Who is your best friend? 10.What do you usually do with your best friend? Example: I was born on October 22nd 16 in Tulua at 1:25 in the morning. I usually get to work at a.m. and get home at 5 pm. On Saturdays, I usually wake up at a.m. because I have to travel to Pereira at :00. On weekends, I take dance lessons at 4:00 pm. I usually go swimming on Sundays at 3:00 in the afternoon. My best friend is Jane and we usually go to a restaurant at weekends. At Christmas, we usually stay home waiting for our Christmas dinner. I like holidays in December because it is a longer period for relaxation and to be with my family 4. Based on the story “A camping holiday” complete the following sentences with the words provided to give emphasis. © MEN Colombia Revision 53 E10-SB-M1 53 31/03/14 13:05
  • 54. 6. Listen to an interview with the founder of a teen organisation. Choose the best option: 7. Listen again. Correct the 7 mistakes in bold in the summary below using information from the interview. Claudia has been the president of a children’s organisation for several years, and she has shared some information based on her experience. She talked about tips to maintain an organisation: To start an organisation, she said you must have people who want to work for money. With the members, you Àrst need to deÀne the name, the mission and the vision of the organization. You need to also design a logo and devise a slogan after you design your webpage, because this is essential for the image of the group. An important thing you need is money for what you want to improve in society. Claudia says it is also important to have a deÀnite plan for the Àrst year. It is important to Ànd sponsors. The organisation’s members need to have meetings once or twice a month. The organization can design a poster. 12 12 a. If you want to win you have to participate. b. You need to work in teams if… c. If you want to go camping, you… d. If you want to eat healthy food, you... e. You need to concentrate if... Lesson 9 a. Who are talking in the interview? 1. Two men 2. Two women 3. A man and a woman b. When is the interview? 1. In the morning 2. In the afternoon 3. In the evening c. What is the general topic of the interview? 1. Suggestions to maintain an organisation 2. Advice to create and organisation 3. Advice to close an organisation. 8. Complete the sentences for each picture. Follow the example. f. If you don’t want to get sunburn, you… g. You need to warm up if… h. If you want a clean city, … © MEN Colombia Revision 54 E10-SB-M1 54 31/03/14 13:05
  • 55. Example: In my neighbourhood, there are many young people who waste their time, and don’t À nd anything productive to do. Scrapbook: My youth organisation It’s time to present your scrapbook 1. ACTION PLAN a. What information do you still need to include in your project? b. Set deadlines. c. Assign roles and responsibilities. Module 1 Unit 23 9. Think of teen issues related to topics like education, body image, poverty, teenage pregnancy, etc. a. Choose one of them and write a situation to solve. b. Pass the situation statement to a classmate and ask him/her to Ànd a solution. 2. PREPARE! PREPARE! PREPARE! a. Organise your materials, outlines, scripts for your presentation, etc. b. Ask your teacher for help if you need it. 3. REHEARSAL TIME a. Practise pronunciation. b. Review your teacher’s comments. c. Make necessary changes. 4. TIME TO PRESENT © MEN Colombia Solution: Ȼ You should encourage them to play basketball or their favourite sport. Ȼ You could ask them to join a hip hop dance group. Revision 55 E10-SB-M1 55 31/03/14 13:05
  • 56. 10 Self Assessment 1. Assessment of your English skills Ȼ Look back over the module. What have you learned? Tick the appropriate box. SKILL STATEMENT I can do this I can do this with help I need to work on this LISTENING A. I can identify the main topic and the important details in a speech from a young leader in a teen organisation. B. I can understand an interview about a boy who built a windmill for his community C. I can understand teens talk about their favourite hobbies and sports READING A. I can give very short presentations about young people who impact the world B. I can maintain a simple conversation in English about teen problems and solutions C. I can interview a teen leader. SPEAKING A. I can Ànd identify characteristics of a hero in a text. B. I can categorise the different aspects of 3 urban tribe texts. C. I can organise the ideas of a text on a camping trip. WRITING A. I can write suggestions for solving a teen problem. B. I can write an article about my favourite hobby or sport. C. I can write a journal entry about a young hero. © MEN Colombia 56 E10-SB-M1 56 31/03/14 13:05
  • 57. 2. Assessment of your English study skills. Ȼ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these study skills. STUDY SKILLS ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER 1. I connect new material to what I already know. 2. I organise my thoughts and ideas before starting an activity. 3. I use new vocabulary learnt when I express my ideas. 4. I review my notes and the texts that I write. 5. I speak English in class. 3. Project Assessment. Ȼ First individually, and then with your group, assess your performance in the Project work Write at least 3 comments for each aspect. WHAT WENT WELL? WHAT DIDN’T WORK? WHAT I/WE CAN DO BETTER NEXT TIME? ME MY GROUP Module 1 Unit 3 © MEN Colombia 57 E10-SB-M1 57 31/03/14 13:05
  • 58. © MEN Colombia Money makes the world go around 2Module In this module you will… …discuss how people spend money and prioritise their spending, in Unit 1 What we spend …read and talk about work, how products are made and who makes them in the global supply chain, in Unit 2 How the world works …talk about the power of the consumer, and how the things we buy can make a difference, in Unit 3 Ready to change 58 E10-SB-M2.indd 58 31/03/14 13:06
  • 59. © MEN Colombia Look Ahead Answer the following questions. 1. Are brands important when you buy clothes? 2. Are you a shopaholic? 3. Name 3 traditional Colombian handicrafts. 4. Should companies take care of the environment? 5. Should advertising be prohibited? Unit 1. What we spend Unit 2. How the world works Unit 3. Ready to change 59 E10-SB-M2.indd 59 31/03/14 13:06