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Indoor Water Parks

           History of Water

           Filtration Systems
                                 Water Park Project
                                  Everyone goes to the water park fairly often, but have you
           How water parks
            are designed and      ever stopped and thought about everything that really
            made.                 goes into making a water park as well as what it takes to
           Future innovations    keep one safe and clean. Well we did! We were very
                                  surprised about what we found out along the way and
           Interviews with
                                  hopefully you will be too.
            staff members of
            Country Springs
            and WTI

           And more…



History                      2

Creating a Water Park        3   History of Indoor Water Parks
Creating a proposal          4    The first indoor water       Polynesian Resort in the    eclipsed by the giants that
Understanding the client’s        park was built in 1985 in,   Wisconsin Dells to make     followed such as the
needs                        5    Edmonton, Alberta,           it a year round tourist     Kalahari and The
                                  Canada at the West           destination. Before its     Wilderness. It still operates
Project Managers             6
                                  Edmonton Mall. It was        construction the            within the Dells but is now
Building the park            7    called, The World Water      Wisconsin Dells season      a relatively small resort
                                  Park and was over            only ran from Memorial      compared to the huge
Keeping it safe and
                                  200,000 sq. ft. which is     Day to Labor Day. This      resorts that have since
Healthy                      8    fairly big for and indoor    new type of water park      conquered the Dells.
                                  water park. It was a huge    allowed them to continue    However, since the first
Filtration systems           9
                                  success for the mall and     operation all year,         water park in Canada the
H.A.V.C                   10      is still operating,          maintaining a constant      water park business has
                                  (although with some add-     flow of income              skyrocketed with over
What the future holds
11                                ons) to this day. The        throughout the year.        1,000 water park resorts in
                                  success of the World         Unfortunately the           North America. With
Fun Facts                 12
                                  Water Park in Canada         Polynesian Resort did not   Europe and Asia following,
                                  prompted the first indoor    experience the same         all in all the future looks
                                  water park in America to     success as the World        pretty good for the Indoor
                                  be built in 1989 by the      Water Park and was soon     Water Park business.
     Indoor Water Parks

                            Creating a Water Park
                            Now everyone just assumes that if you want to build a water park
                            you just do some sketches, get the money, and call the builder right?
                            No, wrong! It turns out that there’s more to it than that so my
                            partner Gabe and I went to WTI, (a water park design firm based in
                            Beaver Dam Wisconsin) to find out how it’s really done.

Interviews with the staff

While we were at WTI

we talked to several        Creating a Proposal
                            There are two main types    a bid. Then the                 will send to a customer.
employees and asked
                            of Water Parks that WTI     government chooses who          The proposal includes
                            designs, private and        to hire. In a private one       schematics, drawings,
them a few questions.
                            municipal. Municipal is     the company can look at         and estimations on cost
                            for the government and      only one persons offer.         as well as numbers of
1.What is the Biggest
                            is generally smaller.       However most of the             bolts, and various other
                            Private is a company        time private ones will          materials and things that
project you have ever
                            choosing to hire you and    also look at more than          will be necessary to build
worked on? 2. What’s        are generally bigger. The   one person’s proposal to        the park. If it is accepted
                            main difference between     find the best one.              those are the plans the
the smallest?               the two is that by law a                                    water park will be built
                                                        So what is a proposal?
                            municipal project has to                                    from .
Amin 1. A 150,000 m2        be open to all companies
                                                        A proposal is a document
                            and allow them to submit
                                                        that a firm such as WTI
water park in Dubai

2. A $100,000 pool          Understanding The Clients Needs
                            When it comes to            East, if you just but rows      sense. Unlike us, people
Adam 1. A $150,000          designing a water park      of chairs in front of a         over there will not let
                                                                                        another person or family
                            some of the most            wave pool people would not
splash pad.                                             like it. Instead you must       ride with them on a slide. So
                            important things to
                                                        design earthworks to make       it would make more sense to
                            understand are the
                                                        private areas with 4-5 chairs   build a 2-3 person ride.
2. A 13 million dollar      client’s needs as well as
                                                        each. Also, if you build a
                            the regions cultures. For
                                                        slide in the Middle East with
project in Canada.          instance in the Middle      5-6 seats it would not make
Indoor Water Parks

 Project Managers/ Management
 Before the park can         3-D models of the         as theme and size.
 even be made, and the       park. But the people      They help the owners
 water set flowing, the      who really lead the       choose the site to put
 water park needs to be      project are the project   their parks on. This is
 planned down all the        managers. They are        often based on soil and
 way to the piping.          the ones who deal with    landforms (such as
 Everything, even the        the clients and travel    hills valleys, ect…).
 number of bolts             to the site during        They also take things     Interviews (continued)
 necessary must be           construction. They also   such as bus routes,
 calculated. This is done    put together the plans,   neighborhoods, and
                                                                                 What changes have
 by the Auto-Cad,            schematics, drawings,     accessibility into
                                                                                 you noticed to water
 Department, using           and other materials       consideration when
                                                                                 parks over time?
 programs such as Cad        necessary for the         planning it. In some
 and Revit to design as      proposal. They talk to    cases a Project
 well as Photoshop to        the owners to             manager will work on      Amin- Things such as
 make schematics and         determine things such     up to 15 projects at      wave pools and lazy
                                                       once.                     river haven't changed
                                                                                 over time however
                                                                                 things such as the flow
 Building the park                                                               rider, water coasters,
                                                                                 and family slides are
 Okay, now the plans         install the Filtration    were at Country           fairly new additions,
 have been made and          systems that clean the    Springs we asked          also people’s
 the slides planned but      water and heating and     about their lazy river.   expectations of water
 it is still a long way to   cooling systems. Once     They said that they       parks have grown in
 go until the park can       a company is chosen,      originally wanted it to   past years and simply
 open to the public.         let’s just say it’s       run faster but some       repairing old facilities
 Now the Owner has to        Neuman group.             the turns were sharper    no longer works.
 choose who will build       Several things happen.    than they were
 it. Firms such as the       First they send           supposed to be. This
 Nueman group submit         construction workers      caused problems when
 bids to the water park      to the site. It is very   it was run at the
 owner. Each tries to        important that they       original speed. As a
 either be faster,           follow the designer’s     result, they had to
 cheaper, or better in       plans down to the         redo the pumps and
 one way or another.         nearest inch. For         piping for the Lazy
 They also sell and          instance when we          river.

                                    Keeping it Safe and Healthy
                                    Once the water park is up and       chloramines. You know                    it has been shown that
                                    running, there is still the issue   when you enter a pool and                lifeguards and guests
                                    of keeping it healthy and safe.
                                                                        think wow; they put way too              staying in a water park with
                                    This includes simple things such
                                                                        much chlorine in here!                   higher amounts of
                                    as hiring lifeguards and putting
                                                                        That’s actually wrong, the               chloramines are more likely
                                    down non-slip flooring in pools
                                    and in areas such as entrances.     chlorine smell comes from                to experience stuffy noses,
Liquid Chlorine and sulfuric        But this also includes things       the chlorine breaking down               eye irritation and colds than
                                    such as chlorinating the water      the oils and stuff in the pool.          those who are in a well
acid is mixed into the water        and adding various chemicals to     The byproducts are                       ventilated park. That’s why
                                    the water to balance the pH         chloramines. They are the                it’s necessary to have things
by a series of mini pumps           and neutralize each other. It       gasses you smell. The worse              such as UV filters and
                                    also means including or             it smells the more chlorine              efficient ventilation systems
at the Country Springs              upgrading ventilation               actually has to be added to              in parks.
                                    systems to remove                   the pool. In several studies
Water Park. Employees

check the water twice a
                                    Different Types of Chlorine/ pH Control
day to make sure the right
                                          There are three different           easy to use, but more                  basic, so sodium
                                          types of chlorinating               expensive than                         bicarbonate is added to
amounts are being added.                  substances used to                  Chlorine gas but is                    even it out:
                                          chlorinate pools.
                                                                              less dangerous.                        When liquid chlorine is
                                          Chlorine gas, is the first
                                                                              However, it is less                    added to the water it
                                          one but is dangerous
                                                                              dangerous.                             makes it too acidic, so
                                          and not used on many
                                                                               Solid chlorine/ Shock                 Co2 is added to balance
                                          jobs, is highly explosive,
                                                                              tablets are often used                 it. Liquid acid is also
                                          poisonous and very
                                                                              in home pools but are                  added fairly often to
                                          hard to use, however it
                                                                              almost never used in                   balance out the pH.
                                          is very cheap.
                                                                              water parks.
                                              Liquid chlorine is
                                                                             When gas is used it
                                             pumped into pools
                                                                             makes the water to
                                             during filtering and is

                     Different water parks use different kinds                  one for each pool/slide.                        filter which kills bacteria
                     of filters. This is because of size,                       Sand filters remove                             and removes
                     efficiency, or cost. When we went to                       impurities from water by                        chloramines from the
                     Country Springs we were able to tour                       forcing water through a                         water.
                     their underground filter/ pump room,                       layer of sand several feet
                     here’s what they had                                       thick. The sand traps all of        There is another type of filter that

                                                                                the contaminates in it.             Country Springs doesn’t have
                            1.   Four Iron Filters to remove the                Then the sand is removed            called a regenerative media filter.
                                 Iron from the city water before                from the water by several           It’s basically a bunch of rods
                                 it goes into the water park.                   cartridge filters in the pipe.      coated with a chemical called
                                 Iron filters expose the iron in                                                    Perlite which makes dirt and
                                 the water to air ,oxidizing it, so        3.   Cartridge filters are               debris stick to them. Not only is it
                                 it becomes rust. The rust is                   commonly used in home               more effective than a sand
                                 then removed from the water                    pools but not in water              filtering it also takes less water to
                                 by filters.                                    parks.                              clean it.

                            2.   A lot of sand filters, at least           4.   Country Springs has a UV

      H.V.A.C Systems/ Heating the water
Country Springs keeps their            to move air around the park.          Then the water is taken down to
water park a little warmer than        However, unlike some                  the filter room. Once it is down in
most standard water parks. Even        systems it has no air                 filter room it is run through thing
to keep the pools from freezing        conditioning.                         called a heat exchange which is
in the winter they must have a                                               basically a large insulated pipe
                                                                                                                        Below: Boilers in the
H.V.A.C system. It works by            Now even if you don’t think           where the heated water and the
heating a sheet of metal and           about it, the water has to be         chlorinated, filtered water runs           back room of Country
then blowing air across it. The        heated too so it doesn’t              side by side. The heat from the
heat from the metal heats the air      freeze in the pipes or make           heated water transfers to the              springs heat the parks
in a process called conduction.        the pools ice cold. To do this        filtered water and then it is sent
Theirs is actually underneath a        ,the park has several boilers,        to the park. The reason that the           water.

stairwell and outside. It is a         here’s how it works. The              chlorinated water doesn’t get run
very, very large one. In fact it is    water is run through pipes            through the boiler is because they
so big that you can walk around        over a set of burners, the            don’t want chlorine buildups in the
inside it. It contains the parks air   heat from the flames are              pipes which possibly if overheated
filters, heating elements, and         transferred into the water in         could combust.
some of the fans that are used         a process called conduction.

  Future rides and attractions
    As time goes on, new rides         called the Hydrodome. The        fish, dolphins, and manta
    and attractions are                Hydrodome is not so much         rays to make the experience
    developed and eventually           of a ride but more of a          lifelike. There is currently a
    replace earlier attractions.       separate area of the park. In    hyrdodome in Fort
    Examples of this are the           it participants would be able    Lauderdale Florida.
    Flow rider and Tornado             to get into a B.O.B
    slides and Water Coaters.          (breathable observation
    Not only will there no doubt       bubble) and dive into a pool.
    be new slides and other            In it there would be several
    things in the future but one       separate areas (one for each
    of the big things being            depth of the sea) as well as
    looked into. Is a new idea         artificial choral, automated

    Fun Facts
               There are over 1,000 water parks in
                North America.

               Over 78 million people attend water                                                                Above: the Hydrodome is an
                parks throughout North America every                                                               interactive underwater
                                                                                                                   environment in which users
                year.                                                                                              can use B.O.B’s (Breathing
                                                                                                                   observation bubble) to
                                                                                                                   explore the undersea world.
               To be considered “big” in the Indoor
                Water Park world you must be over
                50,000 ft2

Left: This graph shows
some of the, but not all of
the biggest water parks. In
fact some of them aren’t
even that big but they are
on there for comparison.

                              Water Parks
                              So from making the bid, to    hard it is to make a water       me think about water parks
                              deciding on a theme, there    park as well as little things    a little bit differently. I hope
                              are many aspects that go      such as how to make a Prezi      now that you have read my
                              into building a water park,   and even how to make this        report you can say the
                              much less maintaining one.    report. All in all I feel this   same.
                              This project has really       project has been very
                              shown Gabe and me how         interesting and really made

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Indoor water parks

  • 1. Indoor Water Parks Subjects covered  History of Water Parks  Filtration Systems Water Park Project Everyone goes to the water park fairly often, but have you  How water parks are designed and ever stopped and thought about everything that really made. goes into making a water park as well as what it takes to  Future innovations keep one safe and clean. Well we did! We were very surprised about what we found out along the way and  Interviews with hopefully you will be too. staff members of Country Springs and WTI  And more… . Contents History 2 Creating a Water Park 3 History of Indoor Water Parks Creating a proposal 4 The first indoor water Polynesian Resort in the eclipsed by the giants that Understanding the client’s park was built in 1985 in, Wisconsin Dells to make followed such as the needs 5 Edmonton, Alberta, it a year round tourist Kalahari and The Canada at the West destination. Before its Wilderness. It still operates Project Managers 6 Edmonton Mall. It was construction the within the Dells but is now Building the park 7 called, The World Water Wisconsin Dells season a relatively small resort Park and was over only ran from Memorial compared to the huge Keeping it safe and 200,000 sq. ft. which is Day to Labor Day. This resorts that have since Healthy 8 fairly big for and indoor new type of water park conquered the Dells. water park. It was a huge allowed them to continue However, since the first Filtration systems 9 success for the mall and operation all year, water park in Canada the H.A.V.C 10 is still operating, maintaining a constant water park business has (although with some add- flow of income skyrocketed with over What the future holds 11 ons) to this day. The throughout the year. 1,000 water park resorts in success of the World Unfortunately the North America. With Fun Facts 12 Water Park in Canada Polynesian Resort did not Europe and Asia following, prompted the first indoor experience the same all in all the future looks water park in America to success as the World pretty good for the Indoor be built in 1989 by the Water Park and was soon Water Park business.
  • 2. 2 TYPE TITLE HERE Indoor Water Parks Creating a Water Park Now everyone just assumes that if you want to build a water park you just do some sketches, get the money, and call the builder right? No, wrong! It turns out that there’s more to it than that so my partner Gabe and I went to WTI, (a water park design firm based in Beaver Dam Wisconsin) to find out how it’s really done. Interviews with the staff While we were at WTI we talked to several Creating a Proposal There are two main types a bid. Then the will send to a customer. employees and asked of Water Parks that WTI government chooses who The proposal includes designs, private and to hire. In a private one schematics, drawings, them a few questions. municipal. Municipal is the company can look at and estimations on cost for the government and only one persons offer. as well as numbers of 1.What is the Biggest is generally smaller. However most of the bolts, and various other Private is a company time private ones will materials and things that project you have ever choosing to hire you and also look at more than will be necessary to build worked on? 2. What’s are generally bigger. The one person’s proposal to the park. If it is accepted main difference between find the best one. those are the plans the the smallest? the two is that by law a water park will be built So what is a proposal? municipal project has to from . Amin 1. A 150,000 m2 be open to all companies A proposal is a document and allow them to submit that a firm such as WTI water park in Dubai 2. A $100,000 pool Understanding The Clients Needs When it comes to East, if you just but rows sense. Unlike us, people Adam 1. A $150,000 designing a water park of chairs in front of a over there will not let another person or family some of the most wave pool people would not splash pad. like it. Instead you must ride with them on a slide. So important things to design earthworks to make it would make more sense to understand are the private areas with 4-5 chairs build a 2-3 person ride. 2. A 13 million dollar client’s needs as well as each. Also, if you build a the regions cultures. For slide in the Middle East with project in Canada. instance in the Middle 5-6 seats it would not make
  • 3. Indoor Water Parks 3 Project Managers/ Management Before the park can 3-D models of the as theme and size. even be made, and the park. But the people They help the owners water set flowing, the who really lead the choose the site to put water park needs to be project are the project their parks on. This is planned down all the managers. They are often based on soil and way to the piping. the ones who deal with landforms (such as Everything, even the the clients and travel hills valleys, ect…). number of bolts to the site during They also take things Interviews (continued) necessary must be construction. They also such as bus routes, calculated. This is done put together the plans, neighborhoods, and What changes have by the Auto-Cad, schematics, drawings, accessibility into you noticed to water Department, using and other materials consideration when parks over time? programs such as Cad necessary for the planning it. In some and Revit to design as proposal. They talk to cases a Project well as Photoshop to the owners to manager will work on Amin- Things such as make schematics and determine things such up to 15 projects at wave pools and lazy once. river haven't changed over time however things such as the flow Building the park rider, water coasters, and family slides are Okay, now the plans install the Filtration were at Country fairly new additions, have been made and systems that clean the Springs we asked also people’s the slides planned but water and heating and about their lazy river. expectations of water it is still a long way to cooling systems. Once They said that they parks have grown in go until the park can a company is chosen, originally wanted it to past years and simply open to the public. let’s just say it’s run faster but some repairing old facilities Now the Owner has to Neuman group. the turns were sharper no longer works. choose who will build Several things happen. than they were it. Firms such as the First they send supposed to be. This Nueman group submit construction workers caused problems when bids to the water park to the site. It is very it was run at the owner. Each tries to important that they original speed. As a either be faster, follow the designer’s result, they had to cheaper, or better in plans down to the redo the pumps and one way or another. nearest inch. For piping for the Lazy They also sell and instance when we river.
  • 4. 4 TYPE TITLE HERE Keeping it Safe and Healthy Once the water park is up and chloramines. You know it has been shown that running, there is still the issue when you enter a pool and lifeguards and guests of keeping it healthy and safe. think wow; they put way too staying in a water park with This includes simple things such much chlorine in here! higher amounts of as hiring lifeguards and putting That’s actually wrong, the chloramines are more likely down non-slip flooring in pools and in areas such as entrances. chlorine smell comes from to experience stuffy noses, Liquid Chlorine and sulfuric But this also includes things the chlorine breaking down eye irritation and colds than such as chlorinating the water the oils and stuff in the pool. those who are in a well acid is mixed into the water and adding various chemicals to The byproducts are ventilated park. That’s why the water to balance the pH chloramines. They are the it’s necessary to have things by a series of mini pumps and neutralize each other. It gasses you smell. The worse such as UV filters and also means including or it smells the more chlorine efficient ventilation systems at the Country Springs upgrading ventilation actually has to be added to in parks. systems to remove the pool. In several studies Water Park. Employees check the water twice a Different Types of Chlorine/ pH Control day to make sure the right There are three different easy to use, but more basic, so sodium types of chlorinating expensive than bicarbonate is added to amounts are being added. substances used to Chlorine gas but is even it out: chlorinate pools. less dangerous. When liquid chlorine is Chlorine gas, is the first However, it is less added to the water it one but is dangerous dangerous. makes it too acidic, so and not used on many Solid chlorine/ Shock Co2 is added to balance jobs, is highly explosive, tablets are often used it. Liquid acid is also poisonous and very in home pools but are added fairly often to hard to use, however it almost never used in balance out the pH. is very cheap. water parks. Liquid chlorine is When gas is used it pumped into pools makes the water to during filtering and is Filters Different water parks use different kinds one for each pool/slide. filter which kills bacteria of filters. This is because of size, Sand filters remove and removes efficiency, or cost. When we went to impurities from water by chloramines from the Country Springs we were able to tour forcing water through a water. their underground filter/ pump room, layer of sand several feet here’s what they had thick. The sand traps all of There is another type of filter that the contaminates in it. Country Springs doesn’t have 1. Four Iron Filters to remove the Then the sand is removed called a regenerative media filter. Iron from the city water before from the water by several It’s basically a bunch of rods it goes into the water park. cartridge filters in the pipe. coated with a chemical called Iron filters expose the iron in Perlite which makes dirt and the water to air ,oxidizing it, so 3. Cartridge filters are debris stick to them. Not only is it it becomes rust. The rust is commonly used in home more effective than a sand then removed from the water pools but not in water filtering it also takes less water to by filters. parks. clean it. 2. A lot of sand filters, at least 4. Country Springs has a UV
  • 5. 5 H.V.A.C Systems/ Heating the water Country Springs keeps their to move air around the park. Then the water is taken down to water park a little warmer than However, unlike some the filter room. Once it is down in most standard water parks. Even systems it has no air filter room it is run through thing to keep the pools from freezing conditioning. called a heat exchange which is in the winter they must have a basically a large insulated pipe Below: Boilers in the H.V.A.C system. It works by Now even if you don’t think where the heated water and the heating a sheet of metal and about it, the water has to be chlorinated, filtered water runs back room of Country then blowing air across it. The heated too so it doesn’t side by side. The heat from the heat from the metal heats the air freeze in the pipes or make heated water transfers to the springs heat the parks in a process called conduction. the pools ice cold. To do this filtered water and then it is sent Theirs is actually underneath a ,the park has several boilers, to the park. The reason that the water. stairwell and outside. It is a here’s how it works. The chlorinated water doesn’t get run very, very large one. In fact it is water is run through pipes through the boiler is because they so big that you can walk around over a set of burners, the don’t want chlorine buildups in the inside it. It contains the parks air heat from the flames are pipes which possibly if overheated filters, heating elements, and transferred into the water in could combust. some of the fans that are used a process called conduction. Future rides and attractions As time goes on, new rides called the Hydrodome. The fish, dolphins, and manta and attractions are Hydrodome is not so much rays to make the experience developed and eventually of a ride but more of a lifelike. There is currently a replace earlier attractions. separate area of the park. In hyrdodome in Fort Examples of this are the it participants would be able Lauderdale Florida. Flow rider and Tornado to get into a B.O.B slides and Water Coaters. (breathable observation Not only will there no doubt bubble) and dive into a pool. be new slides and other In it there would be several things in the future but one separate areas (one for each of the big things being depth of the sea) as well as looked into. Is a new idea artificial choral, automated Fun Facts  There are over 1,000 water parks in North America.  Over 78 million people attend water Above: the Hydrodome is an parks throughout North America every interactive underwater environment in which users year. can use B.O.B’s (Breathing observation bubble) to explore the undersea world.  To be considered “big” in the Indoor Water Park world you must be over 50,000 ft2
  • 6. 6 TYPE TITLE HERE Left: This graph shows some of the, but not all of the biggest water parks. In fact some of them aren’t even that big but they are on there for comparison. Water Parks So from making the bid, to hard it is to make a water me think about water parks deciding on a theme, there park as well as little things a little bit differently. I hope are many aspects that go such as how to make a Prezi now that you have read my into building a water park, and even how to make this report you can say the much less maintaining one. report. All in all I feel this same. This project has really project has been very shown Gabe and me how interesting and really made