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In Reality
Written By
Hayden Condon
Phone Number
The HALLWAY is empty and silent. A BANNER hangs across the
hallway and reads "PROM! 1 MONTH AWAY!" The BELL RINGS.
STUDENTS fill the hallways. LOCKERS are opened. The students
talk loudly to one another.
MATTHEW THOMPSON (18), an average-height boy dressed in a
t-shirt and jeans, takes books out of his locker. SARAH
ADAMS (18), a friendly girl with long,beautiful hair dressed
in jeans and a tank-top , takes her books out from her
locker next to Matthew's. Matthew looks up at her. Sarah
looks at him. Matthew quickly turns his head back to his
Matthew looks behind himself to see if she is talking to
anyone else.
You going to the prom?
Matthew looks back at Sarah. Sarah lets out a small laugh
I'm talking to you.
Oh, well I mean,I want to. I just
don't know who to ask.
Oh come on, Matthew. Any girl would
be lucky to go with you.
Oh, yeah, I'm so sure.
Matthew finishes emptying out his locker and closes it.
Sarah closes hers as well. She rests her head and shoulder
on the lockers.
They just need a chance to get to
know you like I did.
Well, I don't see your arm around
Sarah laughs and taps Matthew's shoulder.
Come on, you know I'm dating Jacob.
Matthew lets out small laugh with Sarah.
But you see what I mean? How can
any girl resist that humor of
I think you have me mistaken for
someone else.
Don't sell yourself so short.
Sooner or later the right girl will
come along.
Time will tell I guess.
Sarah lets out another laugh and stands up straight.
She will, but hey I got to get
going. I think Sophie's waiting for
me. I'll see you around.
Sarah begins to walk away. Matthew watches her and mumbles
to himself.
I can only hope.
Matthew stands in the same position watching Sarah make her
way through the crowd of students. ALEX MORRISON (18),an
average-height, sarcastic boy who thinks highly himself and
one of Matthew's best friends, stands by his locker nearby
dressed in a buttoned down shirt with jeans.
So sad.
Matthew turns around and sees Alex.
Were you standing there the whole
Just about. I can't believe you
blew that.
What are you talking about?
She was practically begging for the
Oh, shut up. There's no way she'd
ever date me.
Were you not listening to a word
she said?
Alex impersonates Sarah in a high-pitched voice.
(as Sarah)
Oh, Matthew, any girl would be
lucky to go with you.
Matthew lets out a small laugh.
Shut up, dude. She was just saying
that to be nice.
Trust me, I know these types of
Trust you? I honestly don't think
I've seen you have a full
conversation with a girl.
Bitch, I choose not to talk to
them. High school girls are so 8th
grade. I like them older women,
like Ms. Gonzales.
Our Spanish teacher? Dude, shes
like 45.
Yeah, I want to be her "Poppi".
Such an ass. Come on let's go find
Matthew and Alex walk further down the hall.
They see a GROUP OF SENIORS dressed in letterman jackets
pushing JEREMY BLANCO (18), a bowl-cutted, mute and one of
Matthew's best friends dressed in a striped t-shirt and
jeans. Matthew and Alex stand back and watch.
You know, this situation wouldn't
be so bad if he would just yell for
We should help him.
You do realize helping someone
usually means to make the situation
better, not the other way around,
Well, what are we suppose to do?
Let him get shoved into a locker?
Pretty much. Do you not see the
size of them?
Yeah, but he's our friend.
Okay, be my guest.
Alex steps aside and extends his arm out to make way for
Matthew. Matthew steps forward towards the group of football
Could you just leave him alone?
The group of seniors push Jeremy into his locker and look at
Matthew and Alex. JACOB BRULEY (18) a large, muscular boy,
the football team's captain and quarterback, pushes through
the other players and steps forward.
Which one of you pussies said that?
Alex steps back and nervously points at Matthew. Matthew
looks at Alex with his eyes wide open. Matthew looks back at
I guess that was me.
You guess? How can you guess?
Could you just leave him alone? He
hasn't done anything to you, Jacob.
Okay, you're right. Come on guys.
Matthew looks surprised. Matthew turns and looks at Alex.
Alex looks surprised as well and gives two thumbs up.
Matthew talks with a soft voice.
I can't believed that actually
Jacob walks and stands behind Matthew.
Dumb ass!
Jacob flips Matthew's shirt over his head. Jacob pushes
Matthew into the group of football players. Matthew
struggles to fix his shirt. The players push Matthew into
the locker next to Jeremy. Jacob walks up to Alex and grabs
his shirt.
Hey, man, I didn't say anything. I
was trying to stop Matt, but he
wouldn't listen.
Jeez, how big is your vagina?
Jacob looks around. He sees a GIRL standing by a nearby
locker holding a purse. He walks up to her and grabs the
purse with his hand.
Do you mind? Thanks.
Jacob takes the purse from the girl and searches through it
until he finds a tampon. He pulls the tampon out and tosses
the purse back to the girl. He walks back to Alex. He pushes
Alex into the group of seniors.
Hold em.
The football players grab Alex by his arms and restrain
them. Alex struggles to try to break free.
Come on, guys. You don't gotta do
Jacob removes the plastic containing the tampon. He walks up
to Alex, holding the tampon up so Alex can see it.
Alex struggles to keep his feet as he tries to break free
once more. His shoes start SQUEAKING against the floor.
As Jacob approaches Alex, the camera focuses on Jacob's
Please, no.
Alex can be heard resisting for a few seconds. He falls to
the ground on his butt as the football players remain
restraining his arms. Jacob steps away from Alex.
The camera reveals Alex sitting on the ground with the
tampon in his nose. OTHER STUDENTS begin to LAUGH.
Shove this pussy into the locker
next to his two boyfriends.
The players lift Alex off the ground and shove him in the
locker next to Matthew and Jeremy. The players SLAM the
lockers shut.
The hallway is silent. A janitor mops the hallway slowly as
he drags his mop bucket along with him. Matthew, Alex, and
Jeremy step out of the lockers.
Well you really know how to back
someone up, Alex.
Dude, don't even. I got a fucking
tampon shoved in my nose.
Alex pulls the tampon out his pocket and dangles it in front
of Matthew's face. He tosses it at Jeremy. Jeremy stands
still and lets it hit him in the face. It doesn't bother
Yeah, after you refused to help me.
I mean, do you see why?
Alex extends his arms out towards the lockers.
You still could have at least said
something to back me up.
Really? I told you not to get
I mean I'm not going to let Jeremy
just get picked on.
He's old enough to defend himself,
though. If he would just talk he -
Chill, dude, you know why he
doesn't talk. Anyway, Jeremy,
buddy, you alright?
Do you really expect him to answer?
Jeremy makes a positive shrug with his shoulders and gives a
thumb up.
Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy exit the school.
Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy walk towards Alex's car that is
parked in the student parking lot.
I just don't understand why people
are assholes for no reason. At
least it's the weekend and we don't
have to worry about them.
I hate to break it to you, dude,
but they have assholes everywhere.
21-YEAR-OLD FEMALE GENIES walk through the park wearing
purple robes. A UNICORN with long, white hair pulls a
carridge filled with a YOUNG WIZARD AND WITCH, who are
dressed in black robes and long pointy hats. KEEBS, TINY
ELVES that live in trees, crawl in and out the trees. JINN,
an average-height, pretty-boy with combed hair GENIE in a
blue robe talks to, JED, a short,fat GENIE with a mustache
and GENE, a tall, slender sarcastic GENIE as the float on
their magic carpets.
Damn, look at them. You see the
size of those things?
I know, right? I sure would like to
show her my magic stick.
All the magic in the world couldn't
help you float that.
Jed hasn't been able to pull off a
magic trick since like '09.
What are you talking about? I was
with someone last week.
Your mom doesn't count.
A GROUP OF short, fat GNOMES wearing red hats with wrinkles
in their skin from being so short. They begin to set up a
game of KRONUM, a mixture of SOCCER and BASKETBALL.
Guys, shut the fuck up, they're
It's time.
Let the games begin.
(towards the gnomes)
Hey, shriveled sacks, y'all looking
to do some damage, huh?
What did you call us?
Yeah, what the hell? We're just
trying to play our game.
That's not a game, that's just a
reason so y'all can call yourselves
And to occasionally touch each
And we thought Jed had trouble
getting laid.
Jed lightly slaps Jinn on the shoulder.
Man, what the fuck?
Go ahead. Play. Give us something
else to laugh at.
Com on, guys. Let's go play
somewhere else. Screw these
What did you just say you talking
I said, screw you!
Jinn hops off of his magic carpet. He steps towards Noam 1.
I don't think you know who you are
talking to.
I know exactly who I'm talking to.
An asshole genie, who thinks,
because he has magical powers, he
can do whatever he wants.
Well, you do have one part of that
right. Which one do you think it
Jinn points his finger at Gnome 1. A bolt of energy flies
towards Gnome 1. Gnome 1 flies backwards over the other
Goblins. The other Gnomes charge at Jinn. Jed and Gene get
off of their magic carpets. The three point their fingers at
the remaining noams and shoot them backwards creating a pile
on top of one another. Nearby Keebs see this going on. The
Keebs send out a LOUD, MUSICAL warning message throughout
the entire park. It alerts the Cadalina Police
Shit! The fucking keebs!
Come on, we should get out of here
before KRONE gets here.
Fuck that, these assholes deserve
He's going to be here any second.
Yeah, but -
KRONE, an 8 ft. tall, purple GARGOYLE lands down on the
ground a couple yards away.
Halt, Genies!
Fuck! He's here! Come on!
Jinn, Jed, and Gene hop back on their magic carpets and fly
The Cadalenna POLICE, led by Krone,consists of MINOTAURS, 7
ft. tall bulls that walk on two legs like a human and can
detatch their horns to use them for weapons, GRIFFINS, 5
ft. long copper tinted lions with wings, SATYRS, 6 ft. tall
goats that walk on two legs like a human and cary bow and
arrows, AND THUNDERBIRDS, giant yellow and black birds that
carry people and can shoot electricity from their mouths.
They scatter in pursuit of Jinn, Jed, and Gene.
Jinn, Jed, and Gene fly above Cadalenna City with the
Cadalenna Police still in pursuit.
Shit, man. We're screwed.
Shut up and keep moving.
I think we should split up. Don't
give them a chance to catch us all
I don't know I think we should stay
Don't be such a pussy. I'll keep
going straight, Jed you go left,
and Gene you go right.
Alright, good luck man.
But -
You too.
Jinn accelerates forward and Gene takes off to the right.
Jed pauses.
Well fuck me, right?
Jed looks left, but decides to go right with Gene.
JED (O.S.)
Wait up.
Gene looks back and sees Jed.
What the fuck? Jinn said to split
Jed catches up to Gene and flies next him.
Yeah, but whens the last time a
plan of Jinn's actually worked.
Good point.
Besides, those Thunderbirds scare
the crap out of me.
Such a pussy. Come on we gotta keep
Jinn flies above Cadalenna City. A Thunderbird spots him and
lets out a loud SCREECH. It begins shooting bolts of
lightning from its mouth down at Jinn.
Jinn weeves through the lightning bolts as they rain down
onto to the ground, sending electrical shocks throughout
anything they touch.
Jinn flies his magic carpet to street level. Pedestrians,
other magical creatures, scatter out of the way letting out
SCREAMS. The Thunderbird continues to fly above. A Minotaur
runs behind Jinn hitting street lights and carriages out of
the way. A Griffin flies on the side of him letting out a
GROWL. Krone sits at the top of a building ahead. A Satyr
runs ahead of Jinn unnoticed on the street running parallel
to the one Jinn is on.
Oh, come on! Give me a break!
Jinn aims his finger at the Griffin. The Griffin flies
upwards. Jinn watches the Grffin fly up. He looks straight
ahead. The Satyr jumps out from a nearby alleyway infront of
Jinn tries to slow down his magic carpet. He flies into the
Satyr, knocking him off of his magic carpet into a nearby
store window causing glass to fly everywhere. Krone flies
down infront of the store.
In the name of Cadalina City
Police, I order you to give up now!
Jinn slowly gets to his feet. He looks at Krone and at the
sky. Jinn sees Jed and Gene hovering above a building
looking down on him.
Jed and Gene land on the nearby rooftop They watch Jinn from
across the street.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh -
Shut up.
Gene slaps Jed on the back of the head.
You don't want them spotting us
But, they got him.
No shit. Now shut up before they
hear us.
I will only repeat this one more
time! Give yourself up or be
prepared to be taken down!
Come on, Jinn. Just give up.
Oh, shit! Jinn looks like he's
about to do something stupid.
He isn't going to do what I think
he's about to do, is he?
Gene and Jed watch Jinn put both hands behind his back.
Now, step forward!
Oh come on, Krone. Don't you get
tired of chasing after me.
You have no idea, genie. Now give
yourself up.
I could, but I won't.
Jinn takes two steps and aims both of his index fingers at
Krone. Two blue bolts of energy hurl towards Krone and hit
him in his armored chest. Krone does not budge a single
inch. Jinn's eyes widen.
Hmmm. Came prepared this time?
Not bad, but not as impressive as
Jinn snaps his fingers. A large, blue gun that resembles the
shape of a shotgun and shines like plasma appears in his
hands. He holds the trigger down and causes it to charge.
Blue energy fills the barrel. Jinn releases the trigger and
sends a ball of blue energy the size of basketball towards
Krone. It hits Krone in the armor. He slides back a few feet
but nothing more.
That is going to cost you.
What the fu-
Krone flies towards Jinn and knocks him out with one punch.
Jed and Gene are shocked. They look at one another and back
at Jinn and the Gargoyle.
Did you just see that?
Yeah, I've never seen anything like
that before.
How was he not hurt by that?
I think it has to do with that
armor he has on. Must be specially
made to withstand our magic.
I didn't even know they made that.
Must be new, but I'm not going
anywhere near him to find out.
But what about Jinn?
I mean he's our friend and all, but
I'm not getting my ass kicked by
Krone. He just knocked Jinn out
with one punch. Besides, it was
Jinn who got us into all of this.
But -
I'm sure he wouldn't want us to get
caught either. Come on let's get
out of here.
Gene flies away. Jed pauses to look at Jinn one more time.
Good lu -
Let's go, already.
Krone picks Jinn up over his shoulders. He takes notice of
Gene and Jed.
Sir, should we go after them?
No, let them go. I have a
Krone taps Jinn on the head.
...this one was the real problem
anyway. Grab his rug and meet me a
the Court House.
Very well, sir.
Krone's wings expand open and he flies away. The Satyr picks
up Jinn's magic carpet and leaves as the other members of
the Cadalina police disperse.
Jinn stands in the court room with his hands bound with
leprechaun-gold handcuffs, in front of the JUDGE. The Judge,
a FIESTY LEPRECHAUN, sits with the back of his chair towards
Jinn. Krone stands to the side.
Mr... Jinn, is it? I see that you
have caused quite a commotion out
there today.
You could say that.
Oh, a bit arrogant, are we?
The judge SPINS his chair around to face Jinn. Jinn laughs
at the judge's appearance.
A bit tiny are we?
The judge STANDS up in his chair and puts his hands on his
You really need to learn to show
others respect, young Genie.
You have to earn my respect. Now
hurry up and sentence me to that
joke of a prison I'll be out of
that place in no no time.
Oh, no, you won't be going to the
prison. I'm going to have to send
you somewhere "special". Perhaps a
month in Reality would do?
Jinn stops laughing. He looks at the judge with a shocked
A month! In Reality! The hell with
that. I'm not going to a place with
all those normies. They are so
pathetic and worthless.
Ah it looks like it's the right
place after all.It's settled then.
You are going. I've even found a
special assignment for you to do as
you spend your time there.
Special assignment?
I have recently been monitoring the
nearby Reality entrances and have
come across a group of three
teenage boys. Since I can't remove
your powers because this is only
your second offense, you will be
forced to use your magic to only,
and I mean only help these young
The Judge takes out a small, gold couldron that is empty
from behind his podium. He jumps off his desk with the pot
in his hands and waddles over to Jinn. The Judge takes out a
small, brown sack filled with gold dust. He takes a handful
and throws it into the couldron. The IMAGE of Matthew, ALEX,
You can't be serious. I have to
help these kids? I mean, seriously,
that one kid has a bowl cut. What
the hell kind of punishment is
Clearly, these young boys aren't
the most popular. Perhaps you can
help them since you seem to think
yourself above everyone else.
All the magic in the world couldn't
help these kids.
Are you saying that you are not
strong enough to help them?
Oh, please. I know that I am.
Then you shall prove it to me.
But what's the purpose of all of
You will see. All in good time.
Now, KRONE, please unshackle the
young genie.
Krone places his large claw on Jinn's back. He breathes
heavily down Jinn's back.
Come on, Krone. Could you please
try not to act like you are about
to take me from behind?
Krone's fingernails grow an extra three inches. He slices
through the gold handcuffs. Krone pushes Jinn forward. Krone
puts his arm to the ground and allows the Judge to crawl up
to his shoulder. The Judge stands on Krone's shoulder.
Are you ready, genie?
I have to go right now?
But of course.
I don't even have my majic carpet.
Ah, very well. Krone, please
retrieve the young genie's magic
The Judge jumps off Krone's shoulder. Krone leaves the
And just to be sure you do your
assignment, here.
The Judge takes out a small gold bracelet.
What the hell is this? In case you
haven't noticed, I'm not after your
lucky charms.
The Judge jumps up and slaps Jinn across the FACE.
Silence! Now, this is going to
allow me to monitor you. You are to
only use your magic to help the
boys. No matter what the
circumstances are. Unless one of
them asks you to use your magic
then you are to refrain from using
it. If you break this rule, you
will be immediately escorted back
here and it will be considered your
third and final strike.
Krone re-enters the courtroom. Krone tosses the magic carpet
onto JINN'S HEAD, covering his face. Krone extends his arm
downward towards The Judge. The Judge CLIMBS up Krone's ARM
and stands on his shoulder again.
Any last words, genie?
Jinn attempts to uncover his face.
This is some minotaursh-
The Judge throws a handful of GOLD DUST at Jinn. Jinn
disappears. A beat.
What a productive day. What you say
we go for a drink and watch our
young genie, Krone?
Sounds good.
The Judge sits on Krone's shoulder and points to the door.
To the Fourth Leaf.
Alex's car sits in the parking lot alone. Everyone else
besides them has left the school. Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy
approach Alex's car. Alex takes his keys out and opens his
Yeah, and somehow they always seem
to find their way to us.
A large portal opens up over Alex's car. Matthew, Alex, and
Jeremy look up.
What the hell is that?
Fuck if I know, but I'm not waiting
to find out. Get in!
Alex hops in his car. Jeremy enters, but Matthew stands
outside the car watching the portal.
Matt, what the hell, get in!
I think I hear something.
Jinn falls through the portal with his magic carpet covering
his head and lands on the top of Alex's car, leaving a dent.
The portal closes shut and disappears. Alex looks up.
What the fuck was that?!
Alex quickly gets out his car and looks at Jinn. Matthew
watches without saying a word. Jeremy remains in the car for
a few seconds longer than Alex before getting out. Jinn
struggles to realize where exactly he is at and sits up,
with the magic carpet still covering his face. He rubs the
back of his head.
Fucking leprechaun.
Did he just say leprechaun?
Hey, buddy, what the fuck?
Alex pulls the magic carpet off Jinn. Alex and Matthew
quickly take notice of Jinn's blue robes.
Woah, and I thought you dressed
bad, Matt. Where you think he's
Matt shrugs his shoulders and points to the sky where the
portal was located.
I think he fell through that hole
or whatever.
Alex looks up at where Matthew is pointing.
What do you mean he fell through?
I honestly don't know how else I
can explain that to you. He fell.
Through the hole. That was once
there. But now isn't.
Alex flips Matthew the "bird" and taps Jinn on the shoulder.
Jinn looks at Alex with confused, disgusted look.
Hey, buddy, mind telling me where
you came from? Kind of just landed
on my car.
Your what?
My car. You know the thing you're
still currently sitting on.
Jinn looks around and then between his legs down at the car.
He stands up, denting the car even more.
Oh, this thing?
Dude, what the fuck? Get off my
Alright, alright, don't get all
butt hurt.
Jinn jumps down and lands on his feet. He looks at Alex,
then at Matthew, and then pauses when he sees Jeremy. He
lets out a small laugh.
That bowl-cut is too funny.
Jinn looks back at Alex and notices he is holding his magic
Gimme back my ride.
Your ride?
Jinn looks over his shoulder at Matthew.
Yeah, my ride.
Jinn looks back at Alex.
I think you mean "rug".
You think I'm that dumb to where I
don't know the difference between
the word "ride" and "rug"?
I mean you didn't know what a car
That's because we don't have them
where I'm from you damn Normie
What the hell is a Normie?
Alex looks around at Matt and Jeremy. Jeremy shrugs his
shoulders and puts his hands up as if he can't come up with
an answer.
Where are you from?
Yeah, what place are you from that
doesn't have cars and requires you
to dress up as if a clown and
magician had a baby?
You better watch that tone of
Hey, I'm not the one who came
crashing into your "ride".
Jinn looks at Alex's car and laughs.
I don't think you understand.
I'm not like you.
Oh really? I didn't notice.
Alex widens his eyes and looks directly at Jinn's blue
robes. He looks across the other side of the car at Matthew,
and points at Jinn.
This dude.
Okay, wise ass. I see you're going
to be hard to convince. Go ahead,
wish for something.
Wish for something?
Yeah, what do you mean wish for
I mean it's pretty
Alright then. I wish my car was
Very well. Stand back.
The boys take a couple of steps away from the car. Jinn
snaps his fingers and aims his index finger at Alex's car. A
bolt of blue energy flies towards the car and covers the
entire body. The dents on the roof of the car begin to fix
What the fuck?
Holy shit!
Jeremy's mouth opens and he points at the car. He looks at
Matthew with his mouth still open and then back at the car.
The blue energy dissolves and Alex's car shines as if it is
brand new.
And there you go.
And there you go? Dude, do you
realize what just happened?
I mean I did do it.
Yeah but what was it? Who are you?
I think the better question is,
"What are you?"
Jinn laughs.
You Normies don't know a thing
about magic, do you?
There you go again with that Normie
word. What the hell does that mean?
Oh, I could tell you, but it seems
more fun if I don't.
Whatever, dude. What the hell are
you anyway?
A wizard?
Jeremy acts as if he is rubbing a Genie's lamp in the
background, trying to get Alex and Matthew's attention.
Oh, please! Don't ever categorize
me with those pussies.
A warlock?
Jinn quickly looks down then back up at Alex
Are you serious?
They're literally the same as
wizards,but the balls sag more.
Jeremy continues to do gestures that suggest Jinn is a
Genie. Matt and Alex finally take notice of him.
What are you doing? You look like a
Matthew continues to stare at Jeremy. He realizes what he is
trying to say and looks back at Jinn.
A genie?
Jeremy throws his arms up in relief.
Jinn points to Matthew. Matthew quickly jumps onto the
ground and covers his heads with his hands to avoid being
shot by Jinn's magic.
Woah, what the hell are you doing?
Matthew looks up and notices everyone else is still standing
and staring at him. He stands back up and wipes the dirt off
his jeans.
Well that's embarrassing. I thought
you were about to shoot me with
your magic.
Jeez, are you really that much of a
Alex laughs.
He kind of is.
What are you laughing at? You're
more of a pussy than he is.
Alex stops laughing. Matthew laughs
I know all about your little
incident that happened earlier, so
don't try to act tougher than you
What? How?
Yeah, were you spying on us or
I was forced to watch. Trust me,
it's not something I wanted to do.
What do you mean you were forced?
And where the fuck were you
watching us from?
Jeez, slow down with the questions.
Fuck that. You came flying through
a hole in the middle of the fucking
air. I want answers.
Okay, fine, the hole was a portal.
A portal?
Yes, a portal. I was sent from my
world to here in order to help
What do you mean help us?
Yeah, who said we need help?
Do you not recall what happened to
you earlier?
Fair point.
Well why you? What makes you so
Look, I wasn't sent here by choice.
What do you mean?
I was forced to come here after I
got into some trouble.
Matthew and Alex stare at each other with confused looks.
Matthew looks back at Jinn.
What do you mean by trouble?
Let's just say I could have been a
little nicer to some people.
So you're an asshole?
Matthew slaps Alex in the shoulder.
What, dude. I mean that's what he
basically said.
Yeah, but he can easily fuck you
Jinn walks up to Alex and points his finger at him. Alex
begins to levitate off the ground a couple of feet. He drops
Jinn's magic carpet onto the ground.
Woah, what the fuck! Matt, grab me!
Matt grabs a hold of Alex's legs, but begins to rise as
well. Jeremy grabs a hold of Matt's legs and begins to pull.
The gold bracelet on Jinns wrist heats up and turns red. It
burns Jinn's wrist as smoke begins to rise from the area.
Son of a bitch!
Jinn shakes his hand to try and relieve some of the pain.
Alex and Matt fall down onto Jeremy. They struggle to get
off one another and stand up.
Another portal opens up in the air. The IMAGE of the Judge
and Krone drinking in a booth at The Four Leaf appears. The
Judge sits on the table with his beer mug only slightly
smaller than he is. Krone sits in the booth holding his beer
mug, which is noticeably small in his hands.
The boys look at each other, then at the portal, then at
What the fuck is that?
Another portal?
The Judge lifts his mug up with both hands and sips on his
beer, spilling some on his shirt and beard. The judge sets
down his beer and looks down at his shirt
Oh dear, a bit sloppy.
The Judge grabs a couple of napkins that cover his face as
he tries to dry the beer off his beard.
Who the fuck are those guys?
Young genie! Breaking the rules
this early are we?
No, not at all.
Don't lie to me genie. I told you I
can see everything you do.
So is this my final strike?
It could be, but what fun would
that be if your assignment ended
this early. I will give you one
last chance. Don't screw it up.
Yeah, yeah I won't.
Be sure of that. I don't want to
have to make another appearance.
Okay, I get it. You can go now.
Very well, cheers boys.
The Judge lifts his mug again with both hands and tips it
towards the boys. More beer spills out of it onto the table.
Damn it!
The portal closes.
Damn leprechaun.
The boys stare at Jinn, waiting for him to address the
situation that just occurred.
What the hell was all that about?
You just said leprechaun like you
did earlier. Is that who that was?
Unfortunately, yes.
What was he saying about rules?
Jinn sighs as if he doesn't want them to know the full
Well, as you already know, my
assignment is to help y'all. What I
didn't care to mention was that I
must only use my magic if it's to
only help y'all.
And what happens if you break the
It would be considered my third and
final strike.
Which means?
I'd lose my powers.
Well that sucks.
So, you're like our bitch?
Fuck, no, I'm no one's bitch.
Kind of seems like you are.
Chill, Alex. He's obviously already
being forced to help us, no need to
make it worse for him.
Jinn looks at Matthew and takes notice of how he is standing
up for him.
Are you serious? The guy has been
an asshole ever since he's gotten
Look, I'm only here for a month. So
let's just make the best of it,
even if we don't get along. I just
want to do my time and head back
Well where are you going to stay? I
mean it's not like my parents won't
notice an extra person living with
He could stay with me. My mom is
barely ever home since she started
that job at the grocery store.
Thank you. I don't know what I'd do
if I was stuck at home with the
mime over there.
Jinn points at Jeremy.
Oh you'd have to purposefully use
your magic just to save yourself
from boredom.
Jinn laughs. Jeremy flips Alex the "bird".
Jeez, I was just joking, man. Don't
get all butt hurt.
Yeah, but you know it was dick
thing to say.
Maybe just a little. My bad, bud.
Anyway, let's get going. Think my
mom is making her special mac n
cheese, and I don't want to be late
for that.
Matthew looks at Jinn with a disgusted look and shakes his
It's really not that good.
Bitch, please. You know it's the
Matthew laughs.
Yeah, yeah.
Alex walks to the driver's side, but takes notice of Jinn's
magic carpet on the ground. He picks it up and walks over to
My bad. Here's your ride.
Jinn laughs.
Matthew enters the passenger seat while Jeremy and Jinn sit
in the back. Alex turns on the radio. They drive off.
The boys and Jinn ride in Alex's car towards Matthew's home.
Alex JAMS to a song on the radio. Matthew looks in the back
seat to talk with Jinn. Jeremy stares at Jinn and begins to
pull on his blue robes. He holds a piece of it in his hand
and closely looks at it. Jinn watches Jeremy as he does this
and then looks at Matthew.
What the hell is his problem.
He's just curious, that's all.
Does he do this whenever he meets
another one of you Normies?
Alex stops JAMMING. He looks in his rear view mirror at
Hey, what's a Normie?
Nice try.
Damn it.
Matthew laughs. Alex starts JAMMING again.
No, he doesn't, but I mean you're
the first genie we've met.
Jinn pulls his robes away from Jeremy.
Yeah, well, just because I'm a
genie doesn't mean I like other
dudes pulling on me, especially
Alex stops JAMMING again. He looks back in his review mirror
again at Jinn. Jinn looks at Alex in the mirror and shakes
his head.
Don't even.
Alex continues to JAM. Jeremy points at Jinn.
What's he doing now?
I think he wants to tell you
Oh, yeah? Well let's hear it.
Alex stops JAMMING and turns down the radio.
More like let's watch it. No shot
he's going to say anything.
Jeremy looks at Alex. He hits him in the back of the head.
Jeremy looks back at Jinn and points at him again.
How do you know what he's saying?
I'm usually pretty good at guessing
what he's trying to say. Go on,
Jeremy points at Jinn.
Jeremy makes a lower-case "r" with his finger.
Jeremy shakes his head no and makes the same gesture, but
acts like he says a word.
Oh, are. Okay, you are.
Jeremy points to himself.
Jeremy nods his head yes. He thinks for a second and then
points to Alex.
Friend? You are my friend?
Oh, well thanks, I guess.
Jeremy shakes his head no repeatedly and points at Alex
again and hits him.
What the hell, I'm driving here.
Oh, bitch. He's saying you are his
Alex and Matthew laugh.
Ohhhhh, you just got dumped on.
Jinn can't help but laugh either.
I don't believe it. Bowl-cut has
some balls.
Alex and the boys pull up to Matthew's house, a large, white
two-story house with green shutters. A silver Infinity car
sits in the driveway. Jinn looks out the windo and is
impressed with the home.
Well, we're here
Matthew notices the car in the driveway.
Shit! My moms home.
I thought you said she wasn't going
to be home.
She usually isn't. She must have
gotten off early or something.
Well what are we going to do? I
can't keep him at my place and I'm
sure he doesn't want to get stuck
hanging with Sir Talks-Alot.
We can try to sneak him through the
window in my room.
That's on the second floor, though.
I know, damn it.
Jeremy looks at Jinn and then at Matthew and Alex. He slaps
both of them in the head. They look back at him. He points
to Jinn and begins to flutter his fingers upwards.
Yeah, I can just use my magic
carpet to get up there.
Matthew laughs.
Well that's true. I didn't think of
I keep forgetting we got a damn
genie with us now.
Jeremy covers his face with his hands as if he is
embarrassed for them.
Okay, wait here while I go inside
and unlock the window.
Matthew gets out of the car and walks towards his house.
Got some real geniuses in this car.
Matthew enters his house. The stairs are right by the door,
but he walks to the kitchen after he smells something being
cooked. He walks past a hallway that holds a family portrait
He enters the kitchen and sees a pot of noodles boiling. He
looks around for his mother. He leaves the kitchen and heads
upstairs into his room.
Matthew sets down his schoolbag and walks to his window. He
opens it and signals to Jinn the coast is clear.
Jinn steps out of Alex's car. He looks around for any other
bystanders. He tosses his magic carpet on the ground. It
begins to float. He hops on and begins to fly towards
Matthew's window. As he reaches Matthew's window, Matthew's
MOM calls his name just before entering his room.
Matthew's Mom walks towards his room off-screen.
Matthew, honey?
Matthew is startled and quickly shuts his window. Jinn flies
into it soft enough to not break it.
Alex and Jeremy watch Jinn fly into the window and fall down
into some bushes below. Alex laughs.
Did you just see that?
Jeremy gets out the car and goes to check on Jinn.
Matthew's mom walks into the room. Matthew turns around
towards his mom.
Mom. You scared me for a second.
Why would I scare you? Didn't you
see my car in the drive way?
Yeah, but when I came in I couldn't
find you.
Oh, I was just cleaning some things
in my room while the food cooked.
What are you doing by the window?
Oh, I was just telling Alex and
Jeremy bye.
But what was that loud noise before
I came in.
Oh I forgot one of my books in
Alex's car and he tried throwing it
up to me but I missed it.
Oh, all right. Well, dinner will be
ready in about 15 minutes.
Matthew's mom leaves his room. Matthew closes his door and
quickly opens his window back up. He looks down at the
bushes and sees Jeremy helping Jinn up.
What the hell?
I'm sorry, my mom came in. It's
safe now.
You sure?
Yeah, come on up.
Matthew steps back from the window. Jinn flies up and enters
through the window. Matthew looks back out the window.
Hey, tell Alex, I'll call you and
him tomorrow.
Matthew watches Jeremy and Alex drive away. He turns around
and sees Jinn looking around his room. The first thing he
notices is his XBOX 360.
That's an Xbox.
A what?
An Xbox. It allows me to play
Wait, you mean to tell me you don't
know what video-games are?
Nope, the only games we have in
Cadalina are like the sports played
Wow, how can you live? Video games
are awesome.
Jinn picks up an Xbox 360 game. He reads the title outloud.
H-A-L-O 3. What's Halo 3?
Um, it's only the third installment
to the greatest video-game ever.
Well let's play it?
Jinn tosses the game to Matthew. Matthew catches it.
Okay, it's a little tough, though.
I'll start you off with the
The what?
The campaign. It's the part of the
game where you play through the
entire story. It'll help you get
used to the controls.
Whatever, pop it in already.
Matthew laughs.
All right, if you think you can
handle it.
Oh, I can handle it.
Matthew opens the game case and puts the game into his Xbox
360. The game loads up as it plays the iconic Halo music.
Woah, things sounds like they're
already getting emotional.
Matthew laughs.
Oh, you don't even know.
Matthew picks up a Xbox 360 controller and turns it on. He
presses start to pull up the main menu to the game. He
clicks on the campaign and lets it load up. He tosses Jinn a
Xbox 360 controller.
Here, you're going to need this to
Jinn almost drops the controller but manages to hold on to
it. He begins to inspect it.
There's so many buttons. Do you use
all of them?
Every single one.
Jinn starts moving his thumbs around on the joysticks and
presses the buttons. The campaign begins. Jinn watches the
introduction scene. He is amazed by what he sees.
Woah, what's going on. What's that
big ball of fire falling from the
That's you.
Jinn looks at Matthew.
Yup. You're the Master Chief. He's
basically a super-soldier. He's got
certain protective armor around him
that allows him to do things other
soldiers can't. One of those just
happens to be jumping out of a
moving spaceship from thousands of
feet above the atmosphere and live.
That's insane.
But awesome, right?
Jinn continues to watch the scene. He reaches the moment
where Master Chief lies motionless on the ground.
That's you.
Well, if that's me, why the hell am
I not moving. Thought you said he
was going to live?
Matthew laughs.
Give it a moment.
Jinn watches and sees Master Chief rise. He gets excited.
The introduction scene ends, and Jinn is allowed to control
Master Chief now. He immediately starts making him run
around, jumping, shooting, and throwing grenades.
This is awesome!
Woah, woah, woah. Chill you're
going to end up killing your
Fuck those dudes.
He kills a couple of the friendly AI. They begin shooting at
Hey! Why are they shooting at me?
You said they were my teammates.
Yeah, well if you're a dick to your
teammates they won't hesitate to
turn on you.
The friendly AI's kill Master Chief.
Well, fuck me.
Matthew laughs.
Here, let me show you how to play.
Matthew's mom calls for him to come eat dinner.
Matthew, dinner's ready!
Shit. I gotta go eat dinner. Here,
I'll teach you real quick. This is
to shoot. This is to jump. This is
to reload your gun. This is how you
pick up a different gun. This is
how you use your grenades. This is
to crouch, and this is how to use
your equipment. Got all that?
Matthew extends the controller out to Jinn. Jinn stares at
him with a confused look and laughs.
Oh, yeah, not a problem.
Matthew laughs.
I won't be long. Just try to keep
it down.
Matthew starts to walk towards the door of his room. He
opens it and he hears Jinn's stomach rumble. He looks back
at Jinn.
Any chance you could sneak me some
of that food?
I'll see what I can do. Remember,
keep it down.
Matthew walks out of his room and closes the door behind
Matthew's mom finishes making two plates of spaghetti and
meatballs. She pulls out a tray of garlic bread from the
oven and sets it on the counter. Matthew walks in.
Sure smells good, mom.
Matthew fixes two glasses of water.
Glad you think you so.
Matthew sits at the dinner table in the kitchen with the two
glasses of water. His mom finishes putting two pieces of
bread on each plate and walks to the table. She sets down
the plates on the table and joins Matthew. Matthew begins
eating quickly. He starts to talk with his mouth full.
So what are you doing home so early
Matthew takes a sip of water.
Well, I quit working at the grocery
Matthew swallows everything in his mouth.
What? But what are we going to do
for money now, mom?
We'll be fine for the time being.
Your father's life insurance money
is more than enough to get us by
until I find a new job.
Are you sure? I can get a job if
you need me to, mom.
Yes, I'm sure. Don't you worry
about our money situation. That's
my job.
Matthew slowly begins to eat again.
All right, mom. If you say so.
Matthew's mom takes a bite from her food and takes a sip of
water. She wipes any extra sauce from around her mouth.
So, anything interesting happen at
school today?
Matthew stops eating and coughs on his food. He takes a sip
of water to clear his throat.
Interesting? No, what do you mean?
Well, did you ask that Sarah Adams
girl to prom.
Matthew shakes his head.
Oh, mom.
Matthew continues to eat.
What? You constantly mention her
name to your friends, so I thought
I'd ask.
Yeah, but she's dating that kid
Yeah, but didn't you say he was a
Yeah, but that doesn't make a
And how would you know? Have you
talked to Sarah about him?
Matthew finishes eating and puts his fork down.
What would I even say? "Hey, Sarah,
you're boyfriend is kind of a dick.
Want to hang out sometime?"
Matthew's mom laughs. She wipes her mouth again.
You never know. That just might
Matthew laughs. A loud THUMP is heard from upstairs. Matthew
and his mom immediately look up at the ceiling. His mom
looks back at him.
What was that?
Matthew looks back at his mom.
Think my books fell of my desk.
Matthew gets up from the table.
Any ways, thanks for the meal, mom.
It was delicious.
Matthew picks up his plate and puts it in the sink. He
quickly walks out of the kitchen and runs up the stairs. His
mom watches him the entire time with a strange look.
Such an odd boy.
Matthew enters his room and closes the door behind him.
I thought I told you to be quiet.
Matthew sees Jinn laying on his bed on his back reading a
book. He looks at his Xbox 360 and notices it in pieces. He
looks at Jinn and hits him in the foot.
Dude, what the fuck?
Jinn sets the book down on his chest.
What do you mean "What"? You broke
my Xbox.
Oh, that wasn't my fault.
How was it not your fault.
The damn game cheats. I was
shooting this big Alien with spikes
coming out of his back and he just
wouldn't die.
Matthew looks back down at his Xbox and back at Jinn.
So you just decided to break my
Don't get your panties in a knot.
It's not like I did it on purpose.
Besides, all you have to do is ask
me to fix it for you, and boom,
problem solved.
Yeah, but you should be more
respectful of other people's stuff.
Just because you have this magic,
doesn't give you the right to do
whatever you want.
Jeez, you sound like that damn
Leprechaun. Come on, just ask me to
fix it.
Matthew shakes his head out of disbelief.
All right. I wish you -
Matthew pauses.
Wait a minute. We never actually
asked you about this whole wish
situation. What? Do we just get
like three wishes each or
Jinn laughs.
That whole three wish thing is a
lie some Genie came up with
centuries ago.
What? Really?
Yeah, we only tell that to people
we don't like.
So, you're saying you like us? Gay.
Jinn laughs.
Don't get ahead of yourself. You
three would've found out eventually
from the Leprechaun anyway.
Well, this makes things a little
more exciting. Okay, I wish for you
to fix my Xbox 360.
Jinn stands up from the bed.
As you wish.
Jinn points his finger at the Xbox 360. Blue energy leaves
his fingers and surrounds the Xbox 360. It repairs itself.
Good as new. Anything else?
Oh we're just getting started.
Matthew takes his phone and sends a text to Alex.
I just texted Alex and told him to
pick up Jeremy and then come get
Oh, where are we going?
To get a little payback.
Jinn laughs.
Now we're talking. You want to fuck
up that bully, don't you?
Nah, I want to humiliate him.
Either way, I'm in.
First things first. We need to get
you some new clothes. Can't be
going out in public looking like
that, especially if we are trying
to do the humiliating.
What's wrong with my robes?
Jinn sticks his arms out to sides to give Matthew full look
at his robes.
I'm just going to answer that
question with a wish. I wish you
had new clothes.
But I -
I said I wish.
Very well.
Jinn points his finger at himself. Blue energy surrounds
him. His robes turn into a shirt and jeans.
There you go. Now you look like a
normal person. Hey, wait a minute.
Is that what Normie means?
Yeah, but don't you dare call me
that. And don't let Alex know. It
still seems to give him some
Matthew laughs.
Jinn struggles to loosen his jeans in the crotch area. He
bends his knees outward and slowly crouches towards the
How the hell is anyone comfortable
in these things. My nuts are so
cramped up they feel like a bouquet
of flowers.
You'll get use to them.
Yeah if I chop my nuts off.
Matthew laughs. He gets a text from Alex. He opesn the phone
and sees a text that says, "I'm on my way. Be there in 5"
Okay, Alex just texted me. He'll be
here soon. You ready to get some
More than you already know.

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In Reality Part 3

  • 1. CONTINUED In Reality Written By Hayden Condon Address Phone Number
  • 2. CONTINUED 1 FADE IN: INT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - END OF CLASS The HALLWAY is empty and silent. A BANNER hangs across the hallway and reads "PROM! 1 MONTH AWAY!" The BELL RINGS. STUDENTS fill the hallways. LOCKERS are opened. The students talk loudly to one another. INT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - MATTHEW'S LOCKER - DAY MATTHEW THOMPSON (18), an average-height boy dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, takes books out of his locker. SARAH ADAMS (18), a friendly girl with long,beautiful hair dressed in jeans and a tank-top , takes her books out from her locker next to Matthew's. Matthew looks up at her. Sarah looks at him. Matthew quickly turns his head back to his locker. SARAH Hey. Matthew looks behind himself to see if she is talking to anyone else. SARAH (CONT'D) You going to the prom? Matthew looks back at Sarah. Sarah lets out a small laugh SARAH (CONT'D) I'm talking to you. MATTHEW Oh, well I mean,I want to. I just don't know who to ask. SARAH Oh come on, Matthew. Any girl would be lucky to go with you. MATTHEW (sarcastically) Oh, yeah, I'm so sure. Matthew finishes emptying out his locker and closes it. Sarah closes hers as well. She rests her head and shoulder on the lockers. SARAH They just need a chance to get to know you like I did.
  • 3. CONTINUED 2 MATTHEW Well, I don't see your arm around mine. Sarah laughs and taps Matthew's shoulder. SARAH Come on, you know I'm dating Jacob. Matthew lets out small laugh with Sarah. SARAH (CONT'D) But you see what I mean? How can any girl resist that humor of yours? MATTHEW I think you have me mistaken for someone else. SARAH Don't sell yourself so short. Sooner or later the right girl will come along. MATTHEW Time will tell I guess. Sarah lets out another laugh and stands up straight. SARAH She will, but hey I got to get going. I think Sophie's waiting for me. I'll see you around. Sarah begins to walk away. Matthew watches her and mumbles to himself. MATTHEW I can only hope. INT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - MATTHEW'S LOCKER - CONTINUOUS Matthew stands in the same position watching Sarah make her way through the crowd of students. ALEX MORRISON (18),an average-height, sarcastic boy who thinks highly himself and one of Matthew's best friends, stands by his locker nearby dressed in a buttoned down shirt with jeans. ALEX (O.S.) So sad.
  • 4. CONTINUED 3 Matthew turns around and sees Alex. MATTHEW Were you standing there the whole time? ALEX Just about. I can't believe you blew that. MATTHEW What are you talking about? ALEX She was practically begging for the "D". MATTHEW Oh, shut up. There's no way she'd ever date me. ALEX Were you not listening to a word she said? Alex impersonates Sarah in a high-pitched voice. ALEX (as Sarah) Oh, Matthew, any girl would be lucky to go with you. Matthew lets out a small laugh. MATTHEW Shut up, dude. She was just saying that to be nice. ALEX Trust me, I know these types of things. MATTHEW Trust you? I honestly don't think I've seen you have a full conversation with a girl. ALEX Bitch, I choose not to talk to them. High school girls are so 8th grade. I like them older women, like Ms. Gonzales.
  • 5. CONTINUED 4 MATTHEW Our Spanish teacher? Dude, shes like 45. ALEX Yeah, I want to be her "Poppi". MATTHEW Such an ass. Come on let's go find Jeremy. Matthew and Alex walk further down the hall. INT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - JEREMY'S LOCKER - END OF CLASS They see a GROUP OF SENIORS dressed in letterman jackets pushing JEREMY BLANCO (18), a bowl-cutted, mute and one of Matthew's best friends dressed in a striped t-shirt and jeans. Matthew and Alex stand back and watch. ALEX You know, this situation wouldn't be so bad if he would just yell for help. MATTHEW We should help him. ALEX You do realize helping someone usually means to make the situation better, not the other way around, right? MATTHEW Well, what are we suppose to do? Let him get shoved into a locker? ALEX Pretty much. Do you not see the size of them? MATTHEW Yeah, but he's our friend. ALEX Okay, be my guest. Alex steps aside and extends his arm out to make way for Matthew. Matthew steps forward towards the group of football players.
  • 6. CONTINUED 5 MATTHEW (nervously) Could you just leave him alone? The group of seniors push Jeremy into his locker and look at Matthew and Alex. JACOB BRULEY (18) a large, muscular boy, the football team's captain and quarterback, pushes through the other players and steps forward. JACOB Which one of you pussies said that? Alex steps back and nervously points at Matthew. Matthew looks at Alex with his eyes wide open. Matthew looks back at Jacob. MATTHEW (nervously) I guess that was me. JACOB You guess? How can you guess? MATTHEW (nervously) Could you just leave him alone? He hasn't done anything to you, Jacob. JACOB Okay, you're right. Come on guys. Matthew looks surprised. Matthew turns and looks at Alex. Alex looks surprised as well and gives two thumbs up. Matthew talks with a soft voice. MATTHEW I can't believed that actually worked. Jacob walks and stands behind Matthew. JACOB (laughing) Dumb ass! Jacob flips Matthew's shirt over his head. Jacob pushes Matthew into the group of football players. Matthew struggles to fix his shirt. The players push Matthew into the locker next to Jeremy. Jacob walks up to Alex and grabs his shirt. ALEX (nervously) (MORE)
  • 7. CONTINUED 6 Hey, man, I didn't say anything. I ALEX (CONT'D) was trying to stop Matt, but he wouldn't listen. JACOB Jeez, how big is your vagina? Jacob looks around. He sees a GIRL standing by a nearby locker holding a purse. He walks up to her and grabs the purse with his hand. JACOB Do you mind? Thanks. Jacob takes the purse from the girl and searches through it until he finds a tampon. He pulls the tampon out and tosses the purse back to the girl. He walks back to Alex. He pushes Alex into the group of seniors. JACOB (CONT'D) Hold em. The football players grab Alex by his arms and restrain them. Alex struggles to try to break free. ALEX Come on, guys. You don't gotta do this. Jacob removes the plastic containing the tampon. He walks up to Alex, holding the tampon up so Alex can see it. Alex struggles to keep his feet as he tries to break free once more. His shoes start SQUEAKING against the floor. As Jacob approaches Alex, the camera focuses on Jacob's back. ALEX (CONT'D) Please, no. Alex can be heard resisting for a few seconds. He falls to the ground on his butt as the football players remain restraining his arms. Jacob steps away from Alex. The camera reveals Alex sitting on the ground with the tampon in his nose. OTHER STUDENTS begin to LAUGH. JACOB Shove this pussy into the locker next to his two boyfriends. The players lift Alex off the ground and shove him in the
  • 8. CONTINUED 7 locker next to Matthew and Jeremy. The players SLAM the lockers shut. INT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - JEREMY'S LOCKER - LATER The hallway is silent. A janitor mops the hallway slowly as he drags his mop bucket along with him. Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy step out of the lockers. MATTHEW Well you really know how to back someone up, Alex. ALEX Dude, don't even. I got a fucking tampon shoved in my nose. Alex pulls the tampon out his pocket and dangles it in front of Matthew's face. He tosses it at Jeremy. Jeremy stands still and lets it hit him in the face. It doesn't bother him. MATTHEW Yeah, after you refused to help me. ALEX I mean, do you see why? Alex extends his arms out towards the lockers. MATTHEW You still could have at least said something to back me up. ALEX Really? I told you not to get involved. MATTHEW I mean I'm not going to let Jeremy just get picked on. ALEX He's old enough to defend himself, though. If he would just talk he - MATTHEW Chill, dude, you know why he doesn't talk. Anyway, Jeremy, buddy, you alright? ALEX Do you really expect him to answer?
  • 9. CONTINUED 8 Jeremy makes a positive shrug with his shoulders and gives a thumb up. ALEX (CONT'D) Shocker. Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy exit the school. EXT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - AFTERNOON Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy walk towards Alex's car that is parked in the student parking lot. MATTHEW I just don't understand why people are assholes for no reason. At least it's the weekend and we don't have to worry about them. ALEX I hate to break it to you, dude, but they have assholes everywhere. CUT TO: EXT. CADALINA CITY PARK - DAY TINY, GOLD FAIRIES FLY through the air. A GROUP OF 21-YEAR-OLD FEMALE GENIES walk through the park wearing purple robes. A UNICORN with long, white hair pulls a carridge filled with a YOUNG WIZARD AND WITCH, who are dressed in black robes and long pointy hats. KEEBS, TINY ELVES that live in trees, crawl in and out the trees. JINN, an average-height, pretty-boy with combed hair GENIE in a blue robe talks to, JED, a short,fat GENIE with a mustache and GENE, a tall, slender sarcastic GENIE as the float on their magic carpets. JINN Damn, look at them. You see the size of those things? JED I know, right? I sure would like to show her my magic stick. GENE All the magic in the world couldn't help you float that. JINN Jed hasn't been able to pull off a magic trick since like '09.
  • 10. CONTINUED 9 JED What are you talking about? I was with someone last week. GENE Your mom doesn't count. A GROUP OF short, fat GNOMES wearing red hats with wrinkles in their skin from being so short. They begin to set up a game of KRONUM, a mixture of SOCCER and BASKETBALL. JINN (laughing) Guys, shut the fuck up, they're here. JED It's time. GENE Let the games begin. JINN (towards the gnomes) Hey, shriveled sacks, y'all looking to do some damage, huh? GNOME 1 What did you call us? GNOME 2 Yeah, what the hell? We're just trying to play our game. JED That's not a game, that's just a reason so y'all can call yourselves athletic. GENE And to occasionally touch each other. JINN And we thought Jed had trouble getting laid. Jed lightly slaps Jinn on the shoulder. JED (silently) Man, what the fuck?
  • 11. CONTINUED 10 JINN (laughing) Go ahead. Play. Give us something else to laugh at. GNOME 1 Com on, guys. Let's go play somewhere else. Screw these assholes. JINN What did you just say you talking scrotum? GNOME 1 (angrily) I said, screw you! Jinn hops off of his magic carpet. He steps towards Noam 1. JINN I don't think you know who you are talking to. GNOME 1 I know exactly who I'm talking to. An asshole genie, who thinks, because he has magical powers, he can do whatever he wants. JINN Well, you do have one part of that right. Which one do you think it is? Jinn points his finger at Gnome 1. A bolt of energy flies towards Gnome 1. Gnome 1 flies backwards over the other Goblins. The other Gnomes charge at Jinn. Jed and Gene get off of their magic carpets. The three point their fingers at the remaining noams and shoot them backwards creating a pile on top of one another. Nearby Keebs see this going on. The Keebs send out a LOUD, MUSICAL warning message throughout the entire park. It alerts the Cadalina Police GENE Shit! The fucking keebs! JED Come on, we should get out of here before KRONE gets here.
  • 12. CONTINUED 11 JINN Fuck that, these assholes deserve this. JED He's going to be here any second. JINN Yeah, but - KRONE, an 8 ft. tall, purple GARGOYLE lands down on the ground a couple yards away. KRONE Halt, Genies! GENE Fuck! He's here! Come on! Jinn, Jed, and Gene hop back on their magic carpets and fly off. The Cadalenna POLICE, led by Krone,consists of MINOTAURS, 7 ft. tall bulls that walk on two legs like a human and can detatch their horns to use them for weapons, GRIFFINS, 5 ft. long copper tinted lions with wings, SATYRS, 6 ft. tall goats that walk on two legs like a human and cary bow and arrows, AND THUNDERBIRDS, giant yellow and black birds that carry people and can shoot electricity from their mouths. They scatter in pursuit of Jinn, Jed, and Gene. EXT. CADALINA CITY - DAY Jinn, Jed, and Gene fly above Cadalenna City with the Cadalenna Police still in pursuit. JED Shit, man. We're screwed. GENE Shut up and keep moving. JINN I think we should split up. Don't give them a chance to catch us all together. JED I don't know I think we should stay together. JINN Don't be such a pussy. I'll keep (MORE)
  • 13. CONTINUED 12 going straight, Jed you go left, JINN (CONT'D) and Gene you go right. GENE Alright, good luck man. JED But - JINN You too. Jinn accelerates forward and Gene takes off to the right. Jed pauses. JED Well fuck me, right? Jed looks left, but decides to go right with Gene. JED (O.S.) Wait up. Gene looks back and sees Jed. GENE What the fuck? Jinn said to split up. Jed catches up to Gene and flies next him. JED Yeah, but whens the last time a plan of Jinn's actually worked. GENE Good point. JED Besides, those Thunderbirds scare the crap out of me. GENE Such a pussy. Come on we gotta keep going. EXT. CADALINA CITY - DAY Jinn flies above Cadalenna City. A Thunderbird spots him and lets out a loud SCREECH. It begins shooting bolts of lightning from its mouth down at Jinn.
  • 14. CONTINUED 13 Jinn weeves through the lightning bolts as they rain down onto to the ground, sending electrical shocks throughout anything they touch. JINN Fuck! Jinn flies his magic carpet to street level. Pedestrians, other magical creatures, scatter out of the way letting out SCREAMS. The Thunderbird continues to fly above. A Minotaur runs behind Jinn hitting street lights and carriages out of the way. A Griffin flies on the side of him letting out a GROWL. Krone sits at the top of a building ahead. A Satyr runs ahead of Jinn unnoticed on the street running parallel to the one Jinn is on. JINN Oh, come on! Give me a break! Jinn aims his finger at the Griffin. The Griffin flies upwards. Jinn watches the Grffin fly up. He looks straight ahead. The Satyr jumps out from a nearby alleyway infront of Jinn. JINN Damn! Jinn tries to slow down his magic carpet. He flies into the Satyr, knocking him off of his magic carpet into a nearby store window causing glass to fly everywhere. Krone flies down infront of the store. EXT. CADALINA CITY - OUTSIDE OF STORE - DAY KRONE In the name of Cadalina City Police, I order you to give up now! Jinn slowly gets to his feet. He looks at Krone and at the sky. Jinn sees Jed and Gene hovering above a building looking down on him. EXT. CADALINA CITY - ROOFTOP - DAY Jed and Gene land on the nearby rooftop They watch Jinn from across the street. JED Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh - GENE Shut up.
  • 15. CONTINUED 14 Gene slaps Jed on the back of the head. GENE (CONT'D) You don't want them spotting us too. JED But, they got him. GENE No shit. Now shut up before they hear us. KRONE (O.S.) I will only repeat this one more time! Give yourself up or be prepared to be taken down! JED Come on, Jinn. Just give up. GENE Oh, shit! Jinn looks like he's about to do something stupid. JED He isn't going to do what I think he's about to do, is he? Gene and Jed watch Jinn put both hands behind his back. EXT. CADALINA CITY - OUTSIDE OF STORE - DAY KRONE Now, step forward! JINN (grinning) Oh come on, Krone. Don't you get tired of chasing after me. KRONE You have no idea, genie. Now give yourself up. JINN I could, but I won't. Jinn takes two steps and aims both of his index fingers at Krone. Two blue bolts of energy hurl towards Krone and hit him in his armored chest. Krone does not budge a single
  • 16. CONTINUED 15 inch. Jinn's eyes widen. JINN (surprised) Hmmm. Came prepared this time? KRONE Indeed. JINN Not bad, but not as impressive as this. Jinn snaps his fingers. A large, blue gun that resembles the shape of a shotgun and shines like plasma appears in his hands. He holds the trigger down and causes it to charge. Blue energy fills the barrel. Jinn releases the trigger and sends a ball of blue energy the size of basketball towards Krone. It hits Krone in the armor. He slides back a few feet but nothing more. KRONE That is going to cost you. JINN What the fu- Krone flies towards Jinn and knocks him out with one punch. EXT. CADALINA CITY - ROOFTOP - DAY Jed and Gene are shocked. They look at one another and back at Jinn and the Gargoyle. JED Did you just see that? GENE Yeah, I've never seen anything like that before. JED How was he not hurt by that? GENE I think it has to do with that armor he has on. Must be specially made to withstand our magic. JED I didn't even know they made that.
  • 17. CONTINUED 16 GENE Must be new, but I'm not going anywhere near him to find out. JED But what about Jinn? GENE I mean he's our friend and all, but I'm not getting my ass kicked by Krone. He just knocked Jinn out with one punch. Besides, it was Jinn who got us into all of this. JED But - GENE I'm sure he wouldn't want us to get caught either. Come on let's get out of here. Gene flies away. Jed pauses to look at Jinn one more time. JED Good lu - GENE (O.S.) Let's go, already. Krone picks Jinn up over his shoulders. He takes notice of Gene and Jed. SATYR 1 Sir, should we go after them? KRONE No, let them go. I have a feeling... Krone taps Jinn on the head. KRONE (CONT'D) ...this one was the real problem anyway. Grab his rug and meet me a the Court House. SATYR 1 Very well, sir. Krone's wings expand open and he flies away. The Satyr picks
  • 18. CONTINUED 17 up Jinn's magic carpet and leaves as the other members of the Cadalina police disperse. INT. CADALINA CITY COURT HOUSE - AFTERNOON Jinn stands in the court room with his hands bound with leprechaun-gold handcuffs, in front of the JUDGE. The Judge, a FIESTY LEPRECHAUN, sits with the back of his chair towards Jinn. Krone stands to the side. THE JUDGE Mr... Jinn, is it? I see that you have caused quite a commotion out there today. JINN You could say that. THE JUDGE Oh, a bit arrogant, are we? The judge SPINS his chair around to face Jinn. Jinn laughs at the judge's appearance. JINN (laughing) A bit tiny are we? The judge STANDS up in his chair and puts his hands on his HIPS. THE JUDGE You really need to learn to show others respect, young Genie. JINN (laughing) You have to earn my respect. Now hurry up and sentence me to that joke of a prison I'll be out of that place in no no time. THE JUDGE Oh, no, you won't be going to the prison. I'm going to have to send you somewhere "special". Perhaps a month in Reality would do? Jinn stops laughing. He looks at the judge with a shocked look.
  • 19. CONTINUED 18 JINN A month! In Reality! The hell with that. I'm not going to a place with all those normies. They are so pathetic and worthless. THE JUDGE Ah it looks like it's the right place after all.It's settled then. You are going. I've even found a special assignment for you to do as you spend your time there. JINN Special assignment? THE JUDGE I have recently been monitoring the nearby Reality entrances and have come across a group of three teenage boys. Since I can't remove your powers because this is only your second offense, you will be forced to use your magic to only, and I mean only help these young boys. The Judge takes out a small, gold couldron that is empty from behind his podium. He jumps off his desk with the pot in his hands and waddles over to Jinn. The Judge takes out a small, brown sack filled with gold dust. He takes a handful and throws it into the couldron. The IMAGE of Matthew, ALEX, and JEREMY BEING BULLIED BY THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS appears. JINN You can't be serious. I have to help these kids? I mean, seriously, that one kid has a bowl cut. What the hell kind of punishment is this? THE JUDGE Clearly, these young boys aren't the most popular. Perhaps you can help them since you seem to think yourself above everyone else. JINN All the magic in the world couldn't help these kids.
  • 20. CONTINUED 19 THE JUDGE Are you saying that you are not strong enough to help them? JINN (laughing) Oh, please. I know that I am. THE JUDGE Then you shall prove it to me. JINN But what's the purpose of all of this? THE JUDGE You will see. All in good time. Now, KRONE, please unshackle the young genie. Krone places his large claw on Jinn's back. He breathes heavily down Jinn's back. JINN Come on, Krone. Could you please try not to act like you are about to take me from behind? Krone's fingernails grow an extra three inches. He slices through the gold handcuffs. Krone pushes Jinn forward. Krone puts his arm to the ground and allows the Judge to crawl up to his shoulder. The Judge stands on Krone's shoulder. THE JUDGE Are you ready, genie? JINN I have to go right now? THE JUDGE But of course. JINN I don't even have my majic carpet. THE JUDGE Ah, very well. Krone, please retrieve the young genie's magic carpet. The Judge jumps off Krone's shoulder. Krone leaves the courtroom.
  • 21. CONTINUED 20 THE JUDGE And just to be sure you do your assignment, here. The Judge takes out a small gold bracelet. THE JUDGE (CONT'D) Wrist. JINN What the hell is this? In case you haven't noticed, I'm not after your lucky charms. The Judge jumps up and slaps Jinn across the FACE. THE JUDGE Silence! Now, this is going to allow me to monitor you. You are to only use your magic to help the boys. No matter what the circumstances are. Unless one of them asks you to use your magic then you are to refrain from using it. If you break this rule, you will be immediately escorted back here and it will be considered your third and final strike. Krone re-enters the courtroom. Krone tosses the magic carpet onto JINN'S HEAD, covering his face. Krone extends his arm downward towards The Judge. The Judge CLIMBS up Krone's ARM and stands on his shoulder again. THE JUDGE (CONT'D) Any last words, genie? Jinn attempts to uncover his face. JINN This is some minotaursh- The Judge throws a handful of GOLD DUST at Jinn. Jinn disappears. A beat. THE JUDGE What a productive day. What you say we go for a drink and watch our young genie, Krone? KRONE Sounds good.
  • 22. CONTINUED 21 The Judge sits on Krone's shoulder and points to the door. THE JUDGE To the Fourth Leaf. CUT TO: EXT. BLUFFINGTON HIGHSCHOOL - AFTERNOON Alex's car sits in the parking lot alone. Everyone else besides them has left the school. Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy approach Alex's car. Alex takes his keys out and opens his door. MATTHEW Yeah, and somehow they always seem to find their way to us. A large portal opens up over Alex's car. Matthew, Alex, and Jeremy look up. MATTHEW What the hell is that? ALEX Fuck if I know, but I'm not waiting to find out. Get in! Alex hops in his car. Jeremy enters, but Matthew stands outside the car watching the portal. ALEX (CONT'D) Matt, what the hell, get in! MATTHEW I think I hear something. JINN (O.S.) -Shiiittttt! Jinn falls through the portal with his magic carpet covering his head and lands on the top of Alex's car, leaving a dent. The portal closes shut and disappears. Alex looks up. ALEX What the fuck was that?! Alex quickly gets out his car and looks at Jinn. Matthew watches without saying a word. Jeremy remains in the car for a few seconds longer than Alex before getting out. Jinn struggles to realize where exactly he is at and sits up, with the magic carpet still covering his face. He rubs the back of his head.
  • 23. CONTINUED 22 JINN Fucking leprechaun. MATTHEW Did he just say leprechaun? ALEX Hey, buddy, what the fuck? Alex pulls the magic carpet off Jinn. Alex and Matthew quickly take notice of Jinn's blue robes. ALEX (CONT'D) Woah, and I thought you dressed bad, Matt. Where you think he's from? Matt shrugs his shoulders and points to the sky where the portal was located. MATTHEW I think he fell through that hole or whatever. Alex looks up at where Matthew is pointing. ALEX What do you mean he fell through? MATTHEW I honestly don't know how else I can explain that to you. He fell. Through the hole. That was once there. But now isn't. Alex flips Matthew the "bird" and taps Jinn on the shoulder. Jinn looks at Alex with confused, disgusted look. ALEX Hey, buddy, mind telling me where you came from? Kind of just landed on my car. JINN Your what? ALEX My car. You know the thing you're still currently sitting on. Jinn looks around and then between his legs down at the car. He stands up, denting the car even more.
  • 24. CONTINUED 23 JINN Oh, this thing? ALEX Dude, what the fuck? Get off my car! JINN Alright, alright, don't get all butt hurt. Jinn jumps down and lands on his feet. He looks at Alex, then at Matthew, and then pauses when he sees Jeremy. He lets out a small laugh. JINN (CONT'D) That bowl-cut is too funny. Jinn looks back at Alex and notices he is holding his magic carpet. JINN (CONT'D) Gimme back my ride. MATTHEW (O.S.) Your ride? Jinn looks over his shoulder at Matthew. JINN Yeah, my ride. Jinn looks back at Alex. ALEX I think you mean "rug". JINN You think I'm that dumb to where I don't know the difference between the word "ride" and "rug"? ALEX I mean you didn't know what a car was. JINN That's because we don't have them where I'm from you damn Normie ALEX What the hell is a Normie?
  • 25. CONTINUED 24 Alex looks around at Matt and Jeremy. Jeremy shrugs his shoulders and puts his hands up as if he can't come up with an answer. MATTHEW (O.S.) Where are you from? ALEX Yeah, what place are you from that doesn't have cars and requires you to dress up as if a clown and magician had a baby? JINN You better watch that tone of yours. ALEX Hey, I'm not the one who came crashing into your "ride". Jinn looks at Alex's car and laughs. JINN I don't think you understand. ALEX Obviously. JINN I'm not like you. ALEX Oh really? I didn't notice. Alex widens his eyes and looks directly at Jinn's blue robes. He looks across the other side of the car at Matthew, and points at Jinn. ALEX (CONT'D) This dude. JINN Okay, wise ass. I see you're going to be hard to convince. Go ahead, wish for something. MATTHEW Wish for something? ALEX Yeah, what do you mean wish for something?
  • 26. CONTINUED 25 JINN I mean it's pretty self-explanatory. ALEX Alright then. I wish my car was fixed. JINN Very well. Stand back. The boys take a couple of steps away from the car. Jinn snaps his fingers and aims his index finger at Alex's car. A bolt of blue energy flies towards the car and covers the entire body. The dents on the roof of the car begin to fix themselves. ALEX What the fuck? MATTHEW Holy shit! Jeremy's mouth opens and he points at the car. He looks at Matthew with his mouth still open and then back at the car. The blue energy dissolves and Alex's car shines as if it is brand new. JINN And there you go. ALEX And there you go? Dude, do you realize what just happened? JINN I mean I did do it. MATTHEW Yeah but what was it? Who are you? ALEX I think the better question is, "What are you?" Jinn laughs. JINN You Normies don't know a thing about magic, do you?
  • 27. CONTINUED 26 MATTHEW Magic? ALEX There you go again with that Normie word. What the hell does that mean? JINN Oh, I could tell you, but it seems more fun if I don't. ALEX Whatever, dude. What the hell are you anyway? JINN Guess. MATTHEW A wizard? Jeremy acts as if he is rubbing a Genie's lamp in the background, trying to get Alex and Matthew's attention. JINN Oh, please! Don't ever categorize me with those pussies. ALEX A warlock? Jinn quickly looks down then back up at Alex JINN Are you serious? ALEX What? JINN They're literally the same as wizards,but the balls sag more. Jeremy continues to do gestures that suggest Jinn is a Genie. Matt and Alex finally take notice of him. ALEX What are you doing? You look like a jackass. Matthew continues to stare at Jeremy. He realizes what he is trying to say and looks back at Jinn.
  • 28. CONTINUED 27 MATTHEW A genie? Jeremy throws his arms up in relief. JINN Bingo! Jinn points to Matthew. Matthew quickly jumps onto the ground and covers his heads with his hands to avoid being shot by Jinn's magic. JINN (CONT'D) Woah, what the hell are you doing? Matthew looks up and notices everyone else is still standing and staring at him. He stands back up and wipes the dirt off his jeans. MATTHEW Well that's embarrassing. I thought you were about to shoot me with your magic. JINN Jeez, are you really that much of a pussy? Alex laughs. ALEX He kind of is. MATTHEW Dick. JINN What are you laughing at? You're more of a pussy than he is. Alex stops laughing. Matthew laughs JINN (CONT'D) I know all about your little incident that happened earlier, so don't try to act tougher than you are. MATTHEW What? How? ALEX Yeah, were you spying on us or (MORE)
  • 29. CONTINUED 28 something? ALEX (CONT'D) JINN I was forced to watch. Trust me, it's not something I wanted to do. MATTHEW What do you mean you were forced? ALEX And where the fuck were you watching us from? JINN Jeez, slow down with the questions. ALEX Fuck that. You came flying through a hole in the middle of the fucking air. I want answers. JINN Okay, fine, the hole was a portal. MATTHEW A portal? JINN Yes, a portal. I was sent from my world to here in order to help y'all. MATTHEW What do you mean help us? ALEX Yeah, who said we need help? JINN Do you not recall what happened to you earlier? ALEX Fair point. MATTHEW Well why you? What makes you so special? JINN Look, I wasn't sent here by choice.
  • 30. CONTINUED 29 ALEX What do you mean? JINN I was forced to come here after I got into some trouble. Matthew and Alex stare at each other with confused looks. Matthew looks back at Jinn. MATTHEW What do you mean by trouble? JINN Let's just say I could have been a little nicer to some people. ALEX So you're an asshole? Matthew slaps Alex in the shoulder. MATTHEW Alex. ALEX What, dude. I mean that's what he basically said. MATTHEW Yeah, but he can easily fuck you up. Jinn walks up to Alex and points his finger at him. Alex begins to levitate off the ground a couple of feet. He drops Jinn's magic carpet onto the ground. ALEX Woah, what the fuck! Matt, grab me! Matt grabs a hold of Alex's legs, but begins to rise as well. Jeremy grabs a hold of Matt's legs and begins to pull. The gold bracelet on Jinns wrist heats up and turns red. It burns Jinn's wrist as smoke begins to rise from the area. JINN Son of a bitch! Jinn shakes his hand to try and relieve some of the pain. Alex and Matt fall down onto Jeremy. They struggle to get off one another and stand up. Another portal opens up in the air. The IMAGE of the Judge
  • 31. CONTINUED 30 and Krone drinking in a booth at The Four Leaf appears. The Judge sits on the table with his beer mug only slightly smaller than he is. Krone sits in the booth holding his beer mug, which is noticeably small in his hands. The boys look at each other, then at the portal, then at Jinn. ALEX What the fuck is that? MATTHEW Another portal? JINN Worse. The Judge lifts his mug up with both hands and sips on his beer, spilling some on his shirt and beard. The judge sets down his beer and looks down at his shirt THE JUDGE Oh dear, a bit sloppy. The Judge grabs a couple of napkins that cover his face as he tries to dry the beer off his beard. ALEX (O.S.) Who the fuck are those guys? THE JUDGE Young genie! Breaking the rules this early are we? JINN No, not at all. THE JUDGE Don't lie to me genie. I told you I can see everything you do. JINN So is this my final strike? THE JUDGE It could be, but what fun would that be if your assignment ended this early. I will give you one last chance. Don't screw it up. JINN Yeah, yeah I won't.
  • 32. CONTINUED 31 THE JUDGE Be sure of that. I don't want to have to make another appearance. JINN Okay, I get it. You can go now. THE JUDGE Very well, cheers boys. The Judge lifts his mug again with both hands and tips it towards the boys. More beer spills out of it onto the table. THE JUDGE Damn it! The portal closes. JINN Damn leprechaun. The boys stare at Jinn, waiting for him to address the situation that just occurred. JINN (CONT'D) What? ALEX What the hell was all that about? MATTHEW You just said leprechaun like you did earlier. Is that who that was? JINN Unfortunately, yes. ALEX What was he saying about rules? Jinn sighs as if he doesn't want them to know the full story. JINN Well, as you already know, my assignment is to help y'all. What I didn't care to mention was that I must only use my magic if it's to only help y'all. MATTHEW And what happens if you break the rules?
  • 33. CONTINUED 32 JINN It would be considered my third and final strike. ALEX Which means? JINN I'd lose my powers. MATTHEW Well that sucks. ALEX So, you're like our bitch? JINN Fuck, no, I'm no one's bitch. ALEX Kind of seems like you are. MATTHEW Chill, Alex. He's obviously already being forced to help us, no need to make it worse for him. Jinn looks at Matthew and takes notice of how he is standing up for him. ALEX Are you serious? The guy has been an asshole ever since he's gotten here. JINN Look, I'm only here for a month. So let's just make the best of it, even if we don't get along. I just want to do my time and head back home. ALEX Well where are you going to stay? I mean it's not like my parents won't notice an extra person living with me. MATTHEW He could stay with me. My mom is barely ever home since she started that job at the grocery store.
  • 34. CONTINUED 33 JINN Thank you. I don't know what I'd do if I was stuck at home with the mime over there. Jinn points at Jeremy. ALEX Oh you'd have to purposefully use your magic just to save yourself from boredom. Jinn laughs. Jeremy flips Alex the "bird". ALEX (CONT'D) Jeez, I was just joking, man. Don't get all butt hurt. MATTHEW Yeah, but you know it was dick thing to say. ALEX Maybe just a little. My bad, bud. Anyway, let's get going. Think my mom is making her special mac n cheese, and I don't want to be late for that. Matthew looks at Jinn with a disgusted look and shakes his head. MATTHEW It's really not that good. ALEX Bitch, please. You know it's the tits. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW Yeah, yeah. Alex walks to the driver's side, but takes notice of Jinn's magic carpet on the ground. He picks it up and walks over to Jinn. ALEX My bad. Here's your ride. Jinn laughs.
  • 35. CONTINUED 34 JINN Thanks. Matthew enters the passenger seat while Jeremy and Jinn sit in the back. Alex turns on the radio. They drive off. INT. ALEX'S CAR - AFTERNOON The boys and Jinn ride in Alex's car towards Matthew's home. Alex JAMS to a song on the radio. Matthew looks in the back seat to talk with Jinn. Jeremy stares at Jinn and begins to pull on his blue robes. He holds a piece of it in his hand and closely looks at it. Jinn watches Jeremy as he does this and then looks at Matthew. JINN What the hell is his problem. MATTHEW He's just curious, that's all. JINN Does he do this whenever he meets another one of you Normies? Alex stops JAMMING. He looks in his rear view mirror at Jinn. ALEX Hey, what's a Normie? JINN Nice try. ALEX Damn it. Matthew laughs. Alex starts JAMMING again. MATTHEW No, he doesn't, but I mean you're the first genie we've met. Jinn pulls his robes away from Jeremy. JINN Yeah, well, just because I'm a genie doesn't mean I like other dudes pulling on me, especially Normies. Alex stops JAMMING again. He looks back in his review mirror
  • 36. CONTINUED 35 again at Jinn. Jinn looks at Alex in the mirror and shakes his head. JINN Don't even. Alex continues to JAM. Jeremy points at Jinn. JINN (CONT'D) What's he doing now? MATTHEW I think he wants to tell you something. JINN Oh, yeah? Well let's hear it. Alex stops JAMMING and turns down the radio. ALEX More like let's watch it. No shot he's going to say anything. Jeremy looks at Alex. He hits him in the back of the head. MATTHEW Bitch. Jeremy looks back at Jinn and points at him again. JINN How do you know what he's saying? MATTHEW I'm usually pretty good at guessing what he's trying to say. Go on, Jeremy. Jeremy points at Jinn. MATTHEW You. Jeremy makes a lower-case "r" with his finger. MATTHEW Hook. JINN Hook? Jeremy shakes his head no and makes the same gesture, but acts like he says a word.
  • 37. CONTINUED 36 MATTHEW Oh, are. Okay, you are. Jeremy points to himself. MATTHEW My? Jeremy nods his head yes. He thinks for a second and then points to Alex. MATTHEW Friend? You are my friend? JINN Oh, well thanks, I guess. Jeremy shakes his head no repeatedly and points at Alex again and hits him. ALEX What the hell, I'm driving here. MATTHEW Oh, bitch. He's saying you are his bitch. Alex and Matthew laugh. ALEX Ohhhhh, you just got dumped on. Jinn can't help but laugh either. JINN I don't believe it. Bowl-cut has some balls. INT. ALEX'S CAR - OUTSIDE OF MATTHEW'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Alex and the boys pull up to Matthew's house, a large, white two-story house with green shutters. A silver Infinity car sits in the driveway. Jinn looks out the windo and is impressed with the home. ALEX Well, we're here Matthew notices the car in the driveway. MATTHEW Shit! My moms home.
  • 38. CONTINUED 37 ALEX I thought you said she wasn't going to be home. MATTHEW She usually isn't. She must have gotten off early or something. ALEX Well what are we going to do? I can't keep him at my place and I'm sure he doesn't want to get stuck hanging with Sir Talks-Alot. MATTHEW We can try to sneak him through the window in my room. ALEX That's on the second floor, though. MATTHEW I know, damn it. Jeremy looks at Jinn and then at Matthew and Alex. He slaps both of them in the head. They look back at him. He points to Jinn and begins to flutter his fingers upwards. JINN Yeah, I can just use my magic carpet to get up there. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW Well that's true. I didn't think of that. ALEX I keep forgetting we got a damn genie with us now. Jeremy covers his face with his hands as if he is embarrassed for them. MATTEW Okay, wait here while I go inside and unlock the window. Matthew gets out of the car and walks towards his house. JINN Got some real geniuses in this car.
  • 39. CONTINUED 38 INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON - CONTINUOUS Matthew enters his house. The stairs are right by the door, but he walks to the kitchen after he smells something being cooked. He walks past a hallway that holds a family portrait of HIM, HIS MOTHER, and HIS FATHER. He enters the kitchen and sees a pot of noodles boiling. He looks around for his mother. He leaves the kitchen and heads upstairs into his room. INT. MATTHEW'S ROOM - AFTERNOON Matthew sets down his schoolbag and walks to his window. He opens it and signals to Jinn the coast is clear. EXT. ALEX'S CAR - OUTSIDE OF MATTHEW'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Jinn steps out of Alex's car. He looks around for any other bystanders. He tosses his magic carpet on the ground. It begins to float. He hops on and begins to fly towards Matthew's window. As he reaches Matthew's window, Matthew's MOM calls his name just before entering his room. INT. MATTHEW'S ROOM - AFTERNOON Matthew's Mom walks towards his room off-screen. MATTHEW'S MOM (O.S.) Matthew, honey? Matthew is startled and quickly shuts his window. Jinn flies into it soft enough to not break it. INT. ALEX'S CAR - OUTSIDE OF ALEX'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Alex and Jeremy watch Jinn fly into the window and fall down into some bushes below. Alex laughs. ALEX Did you just see that? Jeremy gets out the car and goes to check on Jinn. INT. MATTHEW'S ROOM - AFTERNOON Matthew's mom walks into the room. Matthew turns around towards his mom. MATTHEW Mom. You scared me for a second. MATTHEW'S MOM Why would I scare you? Didn't you (MORE)
  • 40. CONTINUED 39 see my car in the drive way? MATTHEW'S MOM (CONT'D) MATTEW Yeah, but when I came in I couldn't find you. MATTHEW'S MOM Oh, I was just cleaning some things in my room while the food cooked. What are you doing by the window? MATTEW Oh, I was just telling Alex and Jeremy bye. MATTHEW'S MOM But what was that loud noise before I came in. MATTHEW Oh I forgot one of my books in Alex's car and he tried throwing it up to me but I missed it. MATTHEW'S MOM Oh, all right. Well, dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. MATTHEW Okay. Matthew's mom leaves his room. Matthew closes his door and quickly opens his window back up. He looks down at the bushes and sees Jeremy helping Jinn up. JINN What the hell? MATTHEW I'm sorry, my mom came in. It's safe now. JINN You sure? MATTHEW Yeah, come on up. Matthew steps back from the window. Jinn flies up and enters through the window. Matthew looks back out the window. MATTHEW (CONT'D) Hey, tell Alex, I'll call you and (MORE)
  • 41. CONTINUED 40 him tomorrow. MATTHEW (CONT'D) Matthew watches Jeremy and Alex drive away. He turns around and sees Jinn looking around his room. The first thing he notices is his XBOX 360. MATTHEW (CONT'D) That's an Xbox. JINN A what? MATTHEW An Xbox. It allows me to play video-games. JINN Video-games? MATTHEW Wait, you mean to tell me you don't know what video-games are? JINN Nope, the only games we have in Cadalina are like the sports played here. MATTEW Wow, how can you live? Video games are awesome. Jinn picks up an Xbox 360 game. He reads the title outloud. JINN H-A-L-O 3. What's Halo 3? MATTHEW Um, it's only the third installment to the greatest video-game ever. JINN Well let's play it? Jinn tosses the game to Matthew. Matthew catches it. MATTHEW Okay, it's a little tough, though. I'll start you off with the campaign. JINN The what?
  • 42. CONTINUED 41 MATTHEW The campaign. It's the part of the game where you play through the entire story. It'll help you get used to the controls. JINN Whatever, pop it in already. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW All right, if you think you can handle it. JINN Oh, I can handle it. Matthew opens the game case and puts the game into his Xbox 360. The game loads up as it plays the iconic Halo music. JINN (CONT'D) Woah, things sounds like they're already getting emotional. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW Oh, you don't even know. Matthew picks up a Xbox 360 controller and turns it on. He presses start to pull up the main menu to the game. He clicks on the campaign and lets it load up. He tosses Jinn a Xbox 360 controller. MATTEW(CONT'D) Here, you're going to need this to play. Jinn almost drops the controller but manages to hold on to it. He begins to inspect it. JINN There's so many buttons. Do you use all of them? MATTHEW Every single one. JINN Jeez.
  • 43. CONTINUED 42 Jinn starts moving his thumbs around on the joysticks and presses the buttons. The campaign begins. Jinn watches the introduction scene. He is amazed by what he sees. JINN Woah, what's going on. What's that big ball of fire falling from the sky. MATTHEW (O.S.) That's you. Jinn looks at Matthew. JINN Me? MATTHEW Yup. You're the Master Chief. He's basically a super-soldier. He's got certain protective armor around him that allows him to do things other soldiers can't. One of those just happens to be jumping out of a moving spaceship from thousands of feet above the atmosphere and live. JINN That's insane. MATTHEW But awesome, right? JINN Definitely. Jinn continues to watch the scene. He reaches the moment where Master Chief lies motionless on the ground. MATTHEW (O.S.) That's you. JINN Well, if that's me, why the hell am I not moving. Thought you said he was going to live? Matthew laughs. MATTHEW (O.S.) Give it a moment. Jinn watches and sees Master Chief rise. He gets excited.
  • 44. CONTINUED 43 JINN Okaaayyyyy. The introduction scene ends, and Jinn is allowed to control Master Chief now. He immediately starts making him run around, jumping, shooting, and throwing grenades. JINN This is awesome! MATTHEW (O.S.) Woah, woah, woah. Chill you're going to end up killing your teammates. JINN Fuck those dudes. He kills a couple of the friendly AI. They begin shooting at him. JINN Hey! Why are they shooting at me? You said they were my teammates. MATTHEW (O.S.) Yeah, well if you're a dick to your teammates they won't hesitate to turn on you. The friendly AI's kill Master Chief. JINN Well, fuck me. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW Here, let me show you how to play. Matthew's mom calls for him to come eat dinner. MATTHEW'S MOM (O.S.) Matthew, dinner's ready! MATTHEW Shit. I gotta go eat dinner. Here, I'll teach you real quick. This is to shoot. This is to jump. This is to reload your gun. This is how you pick up a different gun. This is how you use your grenades. This is to crouch, and this is how to use (MORE)
  • 45. CONTINUED 44 your equipment. Got all that? MATTHEW (CONT'D) Matthew extends the controller out to Jinn. Jinn stares at him with a confused look and laughs. JINN (sarcastically) Oh, yeah, not a problem. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW I won't be long. Just try to keep it down. Matthew starts to walk towards the door of his room. He opens it and he hears Jinn's stomach rumble. He looks back at Jinn. JINN Any chance you could sneak me some of that food? MATTHEW I'll see what I can do. Remember, keep it down. Matthew walks out of his room and closes the door behind him. INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Matthew's mom finishes making two plates of spaghetti and meatballs. She pulls out a tray of garlic bread from the oven and sets it on the counter. Matthew walks in. MATTHEW Sure smells good, mom. Matthew fixes two glasses of water. MATTHEW'S MOM Glad you think you so. Matthew sits at the dinner table in the kitchen with the two glasses of water. His mom finishes putting two pieces of bread on each plate and walks to the table. She sets down the plates on the table and joins Matthew. Matthew begins eating quickly. He starts to talk with his mouth full. MATTHEW So what are you doing home so early for?
  • 46. CONTINUED 45 Matthew takes a sip of water. MATTHEW'S MOM Well, I quit working at the grocery store. Matthew swallows everything in his mouth. MATTHEW What? But what are we going to do for money now, mom? MATTHEW'S MOM We'll be fine for the time being. Your father's life insurance money is more than enough to get us by until I find a new job. MATTHEW Are you sure? I can get a job if you need me to, mom. MATTHEW'S MOM Yes, I'm sure. Don't you worry about our money situation. That's my job. Matthew slowly begins to eat again. MATTHEW All right, mom. If you say so. Matthew's mom takes a bite from her food and takes a sip of water. She wipes any extra sauce from around her mouth. MATTHEW'S MOM So, anything interesting happen at school today? Matthew stops eating and coughs on his food. He takes a sip of water to clear his throat. MATTHEW Interesting? No, what do you mean? MATTHEW'S MOM Well, did you ask that Sarah Adams girl to prom. Matthew shakes his head. MATTHEW Oh, mom.
  • 47. CONTINUED 46 Matthew continues to eat. MATTHEW'S MOM What? You constantly mention her name to your friends, so I thought I'd ask. MATTHEW Yeah, but she's dating that kid Jacob. MATTHEW'S MOM Yeah, but didn't you say he was a jerk? MATTHEW Yeah, but that doesn't make a difference. MATTHEW'S MOM And how would you know? Have you talked to Sarah about him? Matthew finishes eating and puts his fork down. MATTHEW What would I even say? "Hey, Sarah, you're boyfriend is kind of a dick. Want to hang out sometime?" Matthew's mom laughs. She wipes her mouth again. MATTHEW'S MOM You never know. That just might work. Matthew laughs. A loud THUMP is heard from upstairs. Matthew and his mom immediately look up at the ceiling. His mom looks back at him. MATTHEW'S MOM (CONT'D) What was that? Matthew looks back at his mom. MATTHEW Think my books fell of my desk. Matthew gets up from the table. MATTHEW (CONT'D) Any ways, thanks for the meal, mom. It was delicious.
  • 48. CONTINUED 47 Matthew picks up his plate and puts it in the sink. He quickly walks out of the kitchen and runs up the stairs. His mom watches him the entire time with a strange look. MATTHEW'S MOM Such an odd boy. INT. MATTHEW'S ROOM - AFTERNOON Matthew enters his room and closes the door behind him. MATTHEW I thought I told you to be quiet. Matthew sees Jinn laying on his bed on his back reading a book. He looks at his Xbox 360 and notices it in pieces. He looks at Jinn and hits him in the foot. MATTHEW (CONT'D) Dude, what the fuck? Jinn sets the book down on his chest. JINN What? MATTHEW What do you mean "What"? You broke my Xbox. JINN Oh, that wasn't my fault. MATTHEW How was it not your fault. JINN The damn game cheats. I was shooting this big Alien with spikes coming out of his back and he just wouldn't die. Matthew looks back down at his Xbox and back at Jinn. MATTHEW So you just decided to break my Xbox? JINN Don't get your panties in a knot. It's not like I did it on purpose. Besides, all you have to do is ask me to fix it for you, and boom, (MORE)
  • 49. CONTINUED 48 problem solved. JINN (CONT'D) MATTHEW Yeah, but you should be more respectful of other people's stuff. Just because you have this magic, doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want. JINN Jeez, you sound like that damn Leprechaun. Come on, just ask me to fix it. Matthew shakes his head out of disbelief. MATTHEW All right. I wish you - Matthew pauses. MATTHEW (CONT'D) Wait a minute. We never actually asked you about this whole wish situation. What? Do we just get like three wishes each or something? Jinn laughs. JINN That whole three wish thing is a lie some Genie came up with centuries ago. MATTHEW What? Really? JINN Yeah, we only tell that to people we don't like. MATTHEW So, you're saying you like us? Gay. Jinn laughs. JINN Don't get ahead of yourself. You three would've found out eventually from the Leprechaun anyway.
  • 50. CONTINUED 49 MATTHEW Well, this makes things a little more exciting. Okay, I wish for you to fix my Xbox 360. Jinn stands up from the bed. JINN As you wish. Jinn points his finger at the Xbox 360. Blue energy leaves his fingers and surrounds the Xbox 360. It repairs itself. JINN (CONT'D) Good as new. Anything else? MATTHEW Oh we're just getting started. Matthew takes his phone and sends a text to Alex. MATTHEW (CONT'D) I just texted Alex and told him to pick up Jeremy and then come get us. JINN Oh, where are we going? MATTHEW To get a little payback. Jinn laughs. JINN Now we're talking. You want to fuck up that bully, don't you? MATTHEW Nah, I want to humiliate him. JINN Either way, I'm in. MATTHEW First things first. We need to get you some new clothes. Can't be going out in public looking like that, especially if we are trying to do the humiliating. JINN What's wrong with my robes?
  • 51. CONTINUED 50 Jinn sticks his arms out to sides to give Matthew full look at his robes. MATTHEW I'm just going to answer that question with a wish. I wish you had new clothes. JINN But I - MATTHEW I said I wish. JINN Very well. Jinn points his finger at himself. Blue energy surrounds him. His robes turn into a shirt and jeans. MATTHEW There you go. Now you look like a normal person. Hey, wait a minute. Is that what Normie means? JINN Yeah, but don't you dare call me that. And don't let Alex know. It still seems to give him some trouble. Matthew laughs. MATTHEW Okay. Jinn struggles to loosen his jeans in the crotch area. He bends his knees outward and slowly crouches towards the ground. JINN How the hell is anyone comfortable in these things. My nuts are so cramped up they feel like a bouquet of flowers. MATTHEW You'll get use to them. JINN Yeah if I chop my nuts off.
  • 52. CONTINUED 51 Matthew laughs. He gets a text from Alex. He opesn the phone and sees a text that says, "I'm on my way. Be there in 5" MATTHEW Okay, Alex just texted me. He'll be here soon. You ready to get some payback? JINN More than you already know. INT. ALEX'S CAR - NIGHT