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In 1736, a famous Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 –
1783) started the work in the area of Graph Theory through his
successful attempt in solving the problem of “Seven Bridges of
Konigsberg.” Graph Theory solved many problems in multiple
fields (Chinese Postman Problem, DNA fragment assembly, and
aircraft scheduling.) In Chemistry, Graph Theory is used in the
study of molecules, construction of bonds in chemistry, and the
study of atoms. In Biology, Graph Theory is used in the study
of breeding patterns or tracking the spread of disease.
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
1. Choose two (2) applications for graph theory within your area
of specialization (Networking, Security, Databases, Data
Mining, Programming, etc.).
2. Examine how these applications are being used in your
3. Determine how graph theory has advanced the knowledge in
your area of specialization.
4. Conclude how you will apply graph theory in your area of
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality
as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. In-text citations
must be used appropriately and have a corresponding reference
entry. Each reference must have at least one in-text citation.
Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
· Model relationships with graphs, functions, and trees.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in
discrete math.
· Write clearly and concisely about discrete math using proper
writing mechanics.
Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4
page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s
modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing,
reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to
2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for
help with APA format.
If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal
case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor
and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would
argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your
answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in
your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your
analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to
include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If
your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in
the question, state what that information is and how it affects
your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state
what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any
facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s
Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each
directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be
rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the
ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult
your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally
Submit your responses to the following:
1. A lessee is a tenant and a renter of goods. Have you ever
leased anything? What rights or duties would you have when
2. A merchant is one regularly dealing in the sale of goods or
having specialized knowledge of goods. How important is a
merchant under the Uniform Commercial Code?
3. Course of performance is a way in which a particular
transaction has been carried out. What would an example of
course of performance be?
4. Sale is a contract that transfers title in goods from seller to
buyer for a price. What have you seen a sale of lately? How
important are contracts in the sales area?
5. Usage of trade is a standard custom or widely accepted
practice in a particular occupation that can be applied to a
dispute. What would a usage of trade or standard custom be in
your field or workplace?
6. The bill of sale is a written proof of ownership of goods.
Have you ever used a bill of sale? How important is it if a case
goes to trial?
7. Identified goods are exact goods being sold that have been
decided on by seller and buyer. If you ordered a product online
but the seller sent the wrong item, how could you prove that the
identified goods are the incorrect ones sent to you?
8. Fungible goods are a unit equivalent of any other unit.
Provide an example of fungible goods.
9. Contract to sell is a sale in which title to goods passes
from seller to buyer at a future time. What can you contract to
sell when dealing with property?
10. Assume that seller A sends B, the buyer, a form offering to
sell certain goods. B returns a form accepting the offer. The
two forms do not agree on every point. Do A and B have a
contract under Article 2? Why or why not?
11. Cole, a retail auto parts dealer, needed some parts quickly.
He sent a telegram to Veterans Wholesale Auto Parts,
requesting that the necessary parts be sent immediately. Two
days later, Cole followed up with a telephone call to Veterans.
Five weeks later, the parts arrived, but Cole rejected them,
claiming that they arrived too late. Cole had made other
arrangements. Veterans sued Cole for breach of contract. Was
Cole liable for breach of contract?
12. Bell, purchasing agent for the Hiram Paint Company,
mailed a purchase order to the ABC Can Company requesting
50,000 new paint cans. The order form contained, among other
things, a condition stating, “The buyer may reject any defective
goods within twenty days of delivery.” The ABC Can Company
sent a return letter confirming the order. The letter contained a
condition stating, “An objection to goods shipped must be made
in writing within five days of receipt of the goods.” On the
eighth day after receipt of the shipment of cans, Bell filed an
objection to 5,000 cans he stated were defective. Is this
objection legally valid?
13. Johnson purchased a television set on thirty days’ credit
from Martinson and Kelly TV sales and Service Center. While
filling out the credit application, Johnson made false statements
about his credit rating. Shortly after the purchase was made,
Johnson moved to another city without paying for the TV set.
Before moving, however, he sold the TV set to Carvel, who
knew nothing of the fraudulent transaction. Martinson and
Kelly traced the sale of the TV to Carvel and demanded the
return of the set. May Martinson and Kelly legally recover the
TV set from Carvel?
Module 6 Journal Assignment
Directions: Why do you suppose the UCC does not cover the
sale of services? How are contracts for the sale of services
analyzed by courts? Please apply APA format with in text
citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count
to 400 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for
help with APA format.
Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4
page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s
modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing,
reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to
2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for
help with APA format.
If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal
case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor
and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would
argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your
answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in
your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your
analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to
include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If
your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in
the question, state what that information is and how it affects
your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state
what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any
facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s
Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each
directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be
rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the
ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult
your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally
Submit your responses to the following:
1. What is the difference between accord and satisfaction?
When might an accord be made?
2. How does commercial impracticability change the way that
contracts are discharged because they are too difficult to
perform? Is commercial impracticability a common law or
statutory doctrine? How is commercial impracticability
different from impossibility?
3. What is a novation? If a novation occurs, what happens to
the parties in that contract?
4. What is rescission? Are contracts always rescinded quite
easily? What reason would a contract is rescinded?
5. What is duress? There is one crime under criminal law,
where duress is not allowed as a defense. What is that crime?
Research that crime. Summarize the facts of a case you find
related to that crime? Does it make sense that duress is not a
defense in that case?
6. What is a material breach? Provide an example. If one
party creates a material breach what can the other party do?
Are the parties forced to still comply with the contract?
7. What is undue influence? Why would someone claim this
defense? Provide an example.
8. What is a waiver? How do waivers apply in a contract?
Look at the License Agreement from Module 3’s homework
assignment. Was a there a waiver in this Agreement? If so,
provide the section number and a summary of the waiver.
9. What are nominal damages? Are nominal damages given
often in a lawsuit due to contract breach?
10. Vance, a peanut grower, entered into an agreement to
provide 2,000 pounds of peanuts to Timmons, a peanut
processor. Severe rains, however, caused flooding and
destroyed the peanut crop to be supplied by Vance. Vance
argued that his contract with Timmons was discharged. He
claimed that because the subject matter of the contract (the
peanuts) was destroyed, he could not deliver the product as
initially promised. Do you agree that the contract was
11. Connors and Ferris entered into a contract in which
Connors was obligated to deliver certain goods to Ferris by
March 8. On March 1, Connors told Ferris that he would not
deliver the goods called for in the contract. The reason for
refusing to deliver the goods was simply a change of mind at
this time. Connors told Ferris that he would think more about it
and possibly deliver the goods sometime in the future. Can
Ferris successfully sue Connors immediately or must he wait to
see what Connors decides to do?
12. What are compensatory damages? What kind of restriction
is placed on a person who is entitled to compensatory damages?
13. In purchasing a new automobile, Blacklaw ordered it with
no extra equipment except power steering. She did not read the
contract presented to her before signing it. She learned later
that the car included power steering, radio, air conditioning, and
tinted glass. What effect, if any, did Blacklaw's mistake have
on the contract?
Module 5 Journal Assignment
Directions: When do courts usually enforce specific
performance under a contract? Give an example of when
specific performance might be appropriate? Do you think
specific performance is good in all cases? Please apply APA
format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space.
Limit your word count to 400 words. Please visit the Academic
Resource Center for help with APA format.
Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE]
Student Name
Allied American University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME],
Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4
page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s
modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing,
reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to
2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for
help with APA format.
If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal
case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor
and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would
argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your
answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in
your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your
analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to
include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If
your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in
the question, state what that information is and how it affects
your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state
what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any
facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s
Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each
directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be
rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the
ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult
your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally
Submit your responses to the following:
1. What is the parol evidence rule? When will a court allow
parol evidence?
2. What is the statute of frauds? When does it apply? Why is
it important? Research your state’s statute of frauds. What
types of contracts are required to be in writing according to
your state’s statute of frauds? Please make sure to include
which state you research.
3. How is real property different from personal property?
Give several examples of each.
4. Find a prenuptial agreement online. What provisions are
included in your example? Is it important to have a prenuptial
in today’s society? Why and who may want to gain one prior to
5. What does it mean when a party to a contract assigns their
rights? Who is the assignor? Who is the assignee? Who is the
obligor? Why would someone want to assign their contractual
rights over to another person?
6. What does it mean when a party to a contract delegates
their obligations? Who is the delegator? Who is the delegate?
Who is the obligee? Why would a party to a contract want to
delegate their duty to another person?
7. Mr. Long executed the following legal document: "In
consideration for goods sold to me on account by George
Northman, I hereby transfer to George Northman all claims I
may have against H. Hall arising from his debt of $1,500 to
me." (Signed) Thomas Long, March 21, 2004Who is the
Who is the assignee?
Why is Mr. Northman a party to this document?
Why is H. Hall a party to this document?
8. How does the possibility of performance relate to the One
Year Rule under the statute of frauds?
9. Thompson, the owner of a successful floral shop, orally
promised Franks, an experienced floral arranger, a bonus of
$10,000 and a monthly salary if Franks would work for
Thompson for two years. The bonus was to be paid at the end
of the two-year period. Franks actually did work for the full
term of the oral agreement. Will the statute of frauds prevent
Franks from collecting the bonus? Why or why not?
10. Cancho assigned to Plonski the right to collect $500 from
Pitt. Pitt, who was not notified of the assignment, paid the
$500 to Cancho. Can Plonski collect the $500 from Pitt? Why
or why not?
Correct = (Students’ answers may vary.)
Hint = p. 210
LO = 7B4
11. Discuss the term e-signature, name the contracts that are
not valid when signed with an e-signature, and the media
through which an e-signature can satisfy the written
requirement of a contract.
Module 4 Journal Assignment
Directions: In this module, we learned that duties that require a
special talent may not be delegated without the permission of
both parties to the contract. Why do you suppose this is the
case? What issues can you foresee with allowing these duties to
be delegated? Please apply APA format with in text citing,
reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 400
words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with
APA format.

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  • 1. In 1736, a famous Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) started the work in the area of Graph Theory through his successful attempt in solving the problem of “Seven Bridges of Konigsberg.” Graph Theory solved many problems in multiple fields (Chinese Postman Problem, DNA fragment assembly, and aircraft scheduling.) In Chemistry, Graph Theory is used in the study of molecules, construction of bonds in chemistry, and the study of atoms. In Biology, Graph Theory is used in the study of breeding patterns or tracking the spread of disease. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: 1. Choose two (2) applications for graph theory within your area of specialization (Networking, Security, Databases, Data Mining, Programming, etc.). 2. Examine how these applications are being used in your specialization. 3. Determine how graph theory has advanced the knowledge in your area of specialization. 4. Conclude how you will apply graph theory in your area of specialization. 5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. In-text citations must be used appropriately and have a corresponding reference entry. Each reference must have at least one in-text citation. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
  • 2. date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Model relationships with graphs, functions, and trees. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in discrete math. · Write clearly and concisely about discrete math using proper writing mechanics. [INSERT TITLE HERE] 2 PART I Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4 page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format. If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in the question, state what that information is and how it affects your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s case.
  • 3. Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally prepared. Submit your responses to the following: 1. A lessee is a tenant and a renter of goods. Have you ever leased anything? What rights or duties would you have when leasing? 2. A merchant is one regularly dealing in the sale of goods or having specialized knowledge of goods. How important is a merchant under the Uniform Commercial Code? 3. Course of performance is a way in which a particular transaction has been carried out. What would an example of course of performance be? 4. Sale is a contract that transfers title in goods from seller to buyer for a price. What have you seen a sale of lately? How important are contracts in the sales area? 5. Usage of trade is a standard custom or widely accepted practice in a particular occupation that can be applied to a dispute. What would a usage of trade or standard custom be in your field or workplace? 6. The bill of sale is a written proof of ownership of goods. Have you ever used a bill of sale? How important is it if a case goes to trial? 7. Identified goods are exact goods being sold that have been decided on by seller and buyer. If you ordered a product online but the seller sent the wrong item, how could you prove that the
  • 4. identified goods are the incorrect ones sent to you? 8. Fungible goods are a unit equivalent of any other unit. Provide an example of fungible goods. 9. Contract to sell is a sale in which title to goods passes from seller to buyer at a future time. What can you contract to sell when dealing with property? 10. Assume that seller A sends B, the buyer, a form offering to sell certain goods. B returns a form accepting the offer. The two forms do not agree on every point. Do A and B have a contract under Article 2? Why or why not? 11. Cole, a retail auto parts dealer, needed some parts quickly. He sent a telegram to Veterans Wholesale Auto Parts, requesting that the necessary parts be sent immediately. Two days later, Cole followed up with a telephone call to Veterans. Five weeks later, the parts arrived, but Cole rejected them, claiming that they arrived too late. Cole had made other arrangements. Veterans sued Cole for breach of contract. Was Cole liable for breach of contract? 12. Bell, purchasing agent for the Hiram Paint Company, mailed a purchase order to the ABC Can Company requesting 50,000 new paint cans. The order form contained, among other things, a condition stating, “The buyer may reject any defective goods within twenty days of delivery.” The ABC Can Company sent a return letter confirming the order. The letter contained a condition stating, “An objection to goods shipped must be made in writing within five days of receipt of the goods.” On the eighth day after receipt of the shipment of cans, Bell filed an objection to 5,000 cans he stated were defective. Is this objection legally valid? 13. Johnson purchased a television set on thirty days’ credit
  • 5. from Martinson and Kelly TV sales and Service Center. While filling out the credit application, Johnson made false statements about his credit rating. Shortly after the purchase was made, Johnson moved to another city without paying for the TV set. Before moving, however, he sold the TV set to Carvel, who knew nothing of the fraudulent transaction. Martinson and Kelly traced the sale of the TV to Carvel and demanded the return of the set. May Martinson and Kelly legally recover the TV set from Carvel? PART II Module 6 Journal Assignment Directions: Why do you suppose the UCC does not cover the sale of services? How are contracts for the sale of services analyzed by courts? Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 400 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format. [INSERT TITLE HERE] 1 PART I Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4 page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format. If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to
  • 6. include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in the question, state what that information is and how it affects your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s case. Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally prepared. Submit your responses to the following: 1. What is the difference between accord and satisfaction? When might an accord be made? 2. How does commercial impracticability change the way that contracts are discharged because they are too difficult to perform? Is commercial impracticability a common law or statutory doctrine? How is commercial impracticability different from impossibility? 3. What is a novation? If a novation occurs, what happens to the parties in that contract? 4. What is rescission? Are contracts always rescinded quite easily? What reason would a contract is rescinded? 5. What is duress? There is one crime under criminal law, where duress is not allowed as a defense. What is that crime? Research that crime. Summarize the facts of a case you find related to that crime? Does it make sense that duress is not a defense in that case?
  • 7. 6. What is a material breach? Provide an example. If one party creates a material breach what can the other party do? Are the parties forced to still comply with the contract? 7. What is undue influence? Why would someone claim this defense? Provide an example. 8. What is a waiver? How do waivers apply in a contract? Look at the License Agreement from Module 3’s homework assignment. Was a there a waiver in this Agreement? If so, provide the section number and a summary of the waiver. 9. What are nominal damages? Are nominal damages given often in a lawsuit due to contract breach? 10. Vance, a peanut grower, entered into an agreement to provide 2,000 pounds of peanuts to Timmons, a peanut processor. Severe rains, however, caused flooding and destroyed the peanut crop to be supplied by Vance. Vance argued that his contract with Timmons was discharged. He claimed that because the subject matter of the contract (the peanuts) was destroyed, he could not deliver the product as initially promised. Do you agree that the contract was discharged? 11. Connors and Ferris entered into a contract in which Connors was obligated to deliver certain goods to Ferris by March 8. On March 1, Connors told Ferris that he would not deliver the goods called for in the contract. The reason for refusing to deliver the goods was simply a change of mind at this time. Connors told Ferris that he would think more about it and possibly deliver the goods sometime in the future. Can Ferris successfully sue Connors immediately or must he wait to see what Connors decides to do? 12. What are compensatory damages? What kind of restriction
  • 8. is placed on a person who is entitled to compensatory damages? 13. In purchasing a new automobile, Blacklaw ordered it with no extra equipment except power steering. She did not read the contract presented to her before signing it. She learned later that the car included power steering, radio, air conditioning, and tinted glass. What effect, if any, did Blacklaw's mistake have on the contract? PART II Module 5 Journal Assignment Directions: When do courts usually enforce specific performance under a contract? Give an example of when specific performance might be appropriate? Do you think specific performance is good in all cases? Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 400 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format. [INSERT TITLE HERE] 1 Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE] [INSERT TITLE HERE] Student Name Allied American University
  • 9. Author Note This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME], [INSERT COURSE ASSIGNMENT] taught by [INSERT INSTRUCTOR’S NAME]. PART I Directions: Please review the questions below and write a 3-4 page essay analyzing each legal issue presented in this week’s modules readings. Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 2,000 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format. If applicable, include arguments from each side. If a criminal case exists, you would present arguments from the prosecutor and the defense attorney. If it is a civil case, then you would argue as a plaintiff and defense lawyer. Be sure that your answers respond to the questions. Do not restate the problem in your answer. Mention the facts where relevant to your analysis. If you are asked for a recommendation, be sure to include one, but do not fail to consider counterarguments. If your answer depends upon essential information not set forth in the question, state what that information is and how it affects your answer. If facts are missing in your argument, please state what facts would be pertinent to each party’s case; also list any facts or information that could potentially damage a party’s case. Read the questions carefully and attempt to answer each directly. Clear, well-organized, and concise writing will be rewarded. If there are ambiguities in the questions, discuss the
  • 10. ambiguity and how it impacts your answer. You may consult your text, lecture notes, or outlines that you have personally prepared. Submit your responses to the following: 1. What is the parol evidence rule? When will a court allow parol evidence? 2. What is the statute of frauds? When does it apply? Why is it important? Research your state’s statute of frauds. What types of contracts are required to be in writing according to your state’s statute of frauds? Please make sure to include which state you research. 3. How is real property different from personal property? Give several examples of each. 4. Find a prenuptial agreement online. What provisions are included in your example? Is it important to have a prenuptial in today’s society? Why and who may want to gain one prior to marriage? 5. What does it mean when a party to a contract assigns their rights? Who is the assignor? Who is the assignee? Who is the obligor? Why would someone want to assign their contractual rights over to another person? 6. What does it mean when a party to a contract delegates their obligations? Who is the delegator? Who is the delegate? Who is the obligee? Why would a party to a contract want to delegate their duty to another person? 7. Mr. Long executed the following legal document: "In consideration for goods sold to me on account by George Northman, I hereby transfer to George Northman all claims I may have against H. Hall arising from his debt of $1,500 to
  • 11. me." (Signed) Thomas Long, March 21, 2004Who is the assignor? Who is the assignee? Why is Mr. Northman a party to this document? Why is H. Hall a party to this document? 8. How does the possibility of performance relate to the One Year Rule under the statute of frauds? 9. Thompson, the owner of a successful floral shop, orally promised Franks, an experienced floral arranger, a bonus of $10,000 and a monthly salary if Franks would work for Thompson for two years. The bonus was to be paid at the end of the two-year period. Franks actually did work for the full term of the oral agreement. Will the statute of frauds prevent Franks from collecting the bonus? Why or why not? 10. Cancho assigned to Plonski the right to collect $500 from Pitt. Pitt, who was not notified of the assignment, paid the $500 to Cancho. Can Plonski collect the $500 from Pitt? Why or why not? Correct = (Students’ answers may vary.) Hint = p. 210 LO = 7B4 11. Discuss the term e-signature, name the contracts that are not valid when signed with an e-signature, and the media through which an e-signature can satisfy the written requirement of a contract. PART II Module 4 Journal Assignment Directions: In this module, we learned that duties that require a special talent may not be delegated without the permission of both parties to the contract. Why do you suppose this is the
  • 12. case? What issues can you foresee with allowing these duties to be delegated? Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Limit your word count to 400 words. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format.