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• Clockwise IB
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The criteria for winning the X prize include the artwork's "humanistic character and
contribution to cultural, national, language and religious tolerance, its existential,
timeless character, its generally human validity and its ability to hand over a
testimony about our times." The award is disrespectful to X’s memory according to
some people. Ideally, the recipient should not know what the prize is and why it is
given to him.
Franz Kafka
The title of a famous movie derives from Leon Trotsky's last testament; while in exile
in Mexico, expecting to die shortly from high blood pressure (or from agents loyal to
his rival Joseph Stalin), Trotsky wrote,
"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so
that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of
grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight
everywhere. ___ __ ________. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil,
oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
The X device was an unshielded, pulsed nuclear reactor originally situated at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico, U.S. It was one of a number of
criticality devices within Technical Area 18 (TA-18). Specifically, it was used to produce
bursts of neutrons and gamma rays for irradiating test samples, and inspired
development of X-like reactors. It received its name from Otto Frisch, who called it X
because it was 'naked and unshielded.'
The morning of that day, a Friday, Shankar, Chadda and tabla maestro Allah Rukha
huddled with other musicians in a shed, waiting for their helicopter. “There were
chickens there, and this guy was chasing the chickens. Then, in the helicopter he sat
in front of me and started pulling hair out of his chest,” Chadda says.

“I asked Raviji what was going on and he said,”Pagal aadmi hai, maja dekho.””

Who is this ‘pagal aadmi?’
A Gestapo official once found a copy of X in one of its random searches of Y’s house.
The official asked Y whether he did X. Y’s reply was “No you did.”
X and Y?
“Steve Jobs the pioneer of computer as a jail made cool designed to sever fools
from their freedom has died.

As Chicago Mayor Harold Washington once said of the corrupt former Mayor
Daly “I’m not glad he’s dead but I am glad he’s gone.” Nobody deserves to die-not
Jobs not Bill, not even people guilty of bigger evils than theirs. But we all deserve
the end of Jobs’ malign influence on people’s computing.
Unfortunately that influence continues despite his absence. We can only hope
his successors, as they attempt to carry on his legacy, will be less effective.”

This is X’s eulogy after Jobs’ death. X?
Richard Stallman
Deus Ex Machina
Thích Quảng Đức was a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, who burnt himself
in Saigon in 1963. The monk was protesting President Ngô Đình
Diệm's administration for oppressing the Buddhist religion. The photograph drew
international attention and persuaded U.S. President John F. Kennedy to withdraw
support for Ngô Đình Diệm's government. It was taken by Associated
Press correspondent Malcolm Browne; a similar photograph earned the award
of World Press Photo of the Year in 1963. How has the picture been immortalized in
pop culture?
This political cartoon refers to Lord Derby's comment that Disraeli was taking a
‘_____ __ ___ ____' when he sponsored the second Reform Act - which he
considered an astute political move. By using popular support for reform to
introduce a Bill extending the vote to urban working-class electors, he believed
the Tories would stand to gain in subsequent elections.
Leap in the Dark
Charles Davis, a scientist turned statistician, conducted a research in 2008. In the
research it was found that on the eight day of the fifth test in 1928-29 there are some
runs allotted wrongly to Jack Ryder. “There is no doubt that a recording error of
some kind has occurred. So where do these runs belong?” is what Davis was asking.
A couple of unlikely explanations offered by Davis were that the runs were actually
scored by Ryder and that these runs weren’t actually scored at all.
If Davis’ most plausible explanation were to be true then what would happen?
Davis said that Bradman scored
the missing four runs. That
would have made Bradman’s
final batting test average 100!
Opening Statement of Nicholas J. McSlick of Fairweather, Winters, and
Summers, Attorney for_____:
The plaintiff, X, has filed a lawsuit against, my client, the ____ sounding in tort
for products liability alleging that _____., was negligent, reckless, and placed
products into the stream of commerce through its mail order catalogues. X also
alleges strict products liability, breach of warranty, breach of warranty of
merchantability, and that the products were not fit for their intended use. X
seeks the outrageous sum of twenty one million seven hundred fifty thousand
dollars for general compensatory damages and attorney’s fees, and an
additional seventeen million dollars in punitive or exemplary damages
alleging____acted in reckless disregard for plaintiff's safety.
Furthermore, we will show by a preponderance of the evidence that plaintiff X
is a malingerer and a fraud and at no time has he ever sustained any permanent
injury whatsoever.
Although, X represents himself as a self-employed-professional, to wit: a
predator, we will prove through films that X is a rich, playboy, cartoon
star/actor. We will view videotaped footage wherein the X after suffering
seemingly horrendous, grotesque, debilitating and life threatening injuries, is
seen no more than 30 seconds later totally uninjured and unscathed.
We had Mr. X examined by an independent medical doctor, one Dr. S. Brandon
Quackmeister, who will testify that none of the plaintiff's claimed injuries are
permanent. X has not had any residual pain symptoms since that alleged
In truth and in fact, ladies and gentlemen, the claims of the plaintiff Mr.X are
The term "______" originated during the Mexican-American War, where
Mexican civilians would supposedly use it to express their opinion of X-
coated American soldiers ("X,Y!") This despite the fact that the US Army
didn't have X uniforms until the 1940s. (It comes from a Spanish version of
a medieval Latin phrase denoting unintelligibility, which also spawned our
Shakespeare-imported "it's all Greek to me".)
According to the Oxford University Quiz Society, _________ ___________ is an
affliction suffered by regular question setters, who cannot read a book or watch a
television program without looking for possible question subjects. An obvious
symptom is the frequent utterance of "That would make a good question…"
Quiz Goggles
X was a member of the San Tribe commonly known as Y. He didn’t know his exact
age and before appearing in the films he had little experience of typical “modern”
living. He was unaware of paper money and evidently, he allowed his first earnings
from Z to literally blow away in the wind. Give me X,Y,Z. Y and Z fetches half and X
fetches half points..
X – Nixau
Y – Bushmen
Z – The Gods Must Be
X and Y got married on 14th August 1942. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was to attend their
wedding but got arrested a day earlier for supporting Gandhi’s Quit India
Movement. X had been acting on the stage in different parts of India and putting
up plays for jails inmates, including at Ferozepore jail. After staging a play, X stayed
on to watch an execution as well. In other fronts, X has also appeared on the
famous series Mind Your Language in 1978. Y was a young scientist, painter and
dancer from Indore, eight years X’s junior. Give X and Y.
X – Zohra Sehgal
Y – K.N. Sehgal
X’s brother, Y is portrayed to be extremely intelligent but a devious old man.
As per legend, on the advice of astrologers, to avert a calamity it was said that
X was married to a goat before getting married to Z. And the goat had been
sacrificed promptly thereafter. Technically, this made X a widow and Z her
second husband. Many years later when her husband Z learns about this
truth, shocked and enraged, Z puts X’s entire family, including King M in
prison. In prison, they were served just one fistful of rice every day. Realizing
that this was an elaborate plan to starve them to death, X’s father declared
that none but his youngest son would eat the sparse food being served, so that
at least one amongst them would survive to avenge the death of the rest. The
youngest son of king M was Y. He survived and swore not to rest until the
entire kingdom is destroyed.
X – Gandhari
Y- Shakuni
 Sportsmen/women to have been named after other
The concept of X predated Apollo, with a 1952–1954 series in Collier's
Weekly magazine by Wernher von Braun and others, "Man Will Conquer Space
Soon!" In this, von Braun, who had come to America from Germany
under Operation Paperclip and was a leader at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency,
described a six-week stay on the Moon, featuring 10-ton tractor trailers for moving
supplies. The X was a battery-powered four-wheeled rover used on the Moon in
the last three missions of the American Apollo program during 1971 and 1972. It
was popularly known as the Y, a play on the phrase "_____ _____”
Y - Moon Buggy from
“Dune Buggy”
On 5 July 1799, a Friday evening at 7 o'clock, a man was arrested at the Mansion
House, London, and sent to the Poultry Compter. He confirmed that he had
accepted a wager of 10 guineas. The first recorded incident of X by a college student
in the United States occurred in 1804 at Washington College (now Washington and
Lee University) when senior George William Crump was arrested “X” in Lexington,
Virginia, where the university is located. During The Weather Channel coverage
of Hurricane Irene, showed many cases of X. Now X is popular in various field
X is a streetwise, 11-year-old Calcutta orphan, who becomes the adopted son of
Y. Rarely depicted without his bejeweled turban and Nehru jacket, he is proficient
in judo, which he learned from an American Marine. The seventh son of a seventh
son, X seems to possess mystical powers (including snake charming, levitation,
magic, and hypnotism) which may or may not be attributed to parlor trickery. The
Z family meet X while Y is lecturing at Calcutta University; he saves Y's life (by
blocking a thrown knife intended for the doctor with a basket lid) and is
subsequently adopted into the Z family. Later, X is revealed to be an Indian prince,
and is given the last name Singh.
X - Hadji
In a study by Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob it was found that adopting this
psychological marketing technique led to an increase in the amount of purchasing
by women customers. Interestingly, they also concluded that this strategy does not
only increase the number of buyers, but also increases the number of sales from
those who already buy. Another explanation for adopting this technique was as an
anti-theft measure; forcing store clerks to ring up orders and open cash drawers
rather than just pocketing the money. What is this marketing technique?
Charging one cent less. For
example, pricing a product 99
cents instead of $1.
In 1992, Ernest Hemingway’s sons formed Hemingway Ltd. to license
the use of his name, image and signature. The brothers soon came
under fire when one of the first items they authorized was a
Hemingway shotgun. (Hemingway had used a double barrelled 12-
gauge English shotgun to commit suicide) They protested that their
father really had loved such a gun. Sometime later, they were
criticized again, this time for licensing a $600 limited edition Mont
Blanc fountain pen. Why?
Hemingway never used a pen. He
only used pencils.
A popular myth states that Gurkha soldiers, fighting for Britain in WWI, in the
pitch dark nights in trenches, crawled along the ground, feeling the___ of the
soldiers they encountered. British soldiers employed straight or bar-____, while
Japanese troops employed a criss-cross one. Criss-cross ones could therefore
mean the difference between life and death. The importance of correct____ was
thus emphasized by the British.
Shoe Laces!
The first known incident of this kind was a 1575 Mexican ecclesiastical council
decree that forbid the use of____ in any church in Mexico and Spanish colonies in
the Carribean.

The Ottoman ruler Murad IV prohibited _____in his empire in 1633.

Pope Urban VII in particular threatened to excommunicate anyone who took ___in
the porch of or inside a church.

The first modern incident was imposed by the Nazi Party in every German
university, post office, military hospital and Nazi party office, under orders from
Adolf Hitler.

Probably Mother Teresa’s most vocal and ferocious opponent, X has described her as a
“political opportunist who adopted the guise of a saint in order to raise money and
spread an extreme religious ideology.” X condemned Teresa for having used
contributions to open convents in 150 countries rather than establishing the teaching
hospital toward which her donors expected her to apply their gifts. He claimed that
Teresa was no "friend to the poor," and that she opposed structural measures to end
poverty, particularly those that would raise the status of women. He argued she was a
tool by which the Catholic Church furthered its political and theological aims, and the
cult of personality that she developed was used by politicians, dictators and bankers to
gain credibility and assuage guilt.
Christopher Hitchens
Jack Warner spoke of the "magic quality that transformed this sometimes bland
and not beautiful little girl into a great artist”. In 1962 she became the first person
to secure ten Academy Award nominations for acting. She attracted a following in
the gay subculture and was frequently imitated by female impersonators such
as Tracey Lee and Charles Pierce. Among the film roles offered to X following her
return to film making was Rose Sayer in The African Queen (1951). When
informed that the film was to be made in Africa, X refused the part, telling Jack
Warner, "If you can't shoot the picture in a boat on the back lot, then I'm not
interested." Katharine Hepburn played the role.
The 1939 movie Jesse James starring Henry Fonda as the outlaw became notorious
after the death of a horse on its sets. What started as a result of it?
The disclaimer: “ No animals were
harmed in the making of this film” was
introduced in movies after this because a
horse was killed during this movie’s
In his short career, Duncan Edwards amassed 177 club appearances and 18 caps for
country. The origin of X lies in the song intended to insult Duncan Edwards.

West Brom fans started this: "Duncan Edwards is ______, rotting in his grave, man
you are ______- rotting in your grave".

There was a brawl up on the old Scoreboard End in 1964-65 season when the West
Bromwich Albion fans sang. A big battle took place with the home fans that
outnumbered the visiting ones and hammered them. Liverpool and Leeds fans
copied this with their own versions.
The origin of the term ‘ManU’
being used as an insult.
Xand Y were sharing a small room. The evening before the incident they
were at a Cafe drinking absinthe, a known epileptogenic drink that is now
illegal. For no apparent reason X picked up his absinthe and threw it at Y.
The next day he couldn't remember having done it. Y told him he was going
to go elsewhere, which upset X. Y went out for a walk...

"Going to his mirror and taking up his razor, X began to shave the edges of
his ruddy beard. Just then, he told the doctor, he heard a disembodied voice
commanding him to kill Y. In Rey's (the doctor's) opinion, X was having a
At around midnight X took a package to a brothel Y frequented. There he left
the package at the door of a prostitute with a note saying it was for
‘keepsake.’ The prostitute on opening the package lost consciousness .

What happened?
Van Gogh cut off his ear
British book seller W.H. Smith said that he sold a mere
hundred copies of the book in mid January 1989.
However, following ‘the incident’, the book flew off the
shelves. In America it sold an "unprecedented" five
times more copies than the number two
book, Star by Danielle Steel, selling more than 750,000
copies of the book by May 1989.
B. Dalton, a bookstore chain, had initially chosen not to
sell copies of the book. But considering public popularity
after ‘the incident’ they had to stock. Within a year, the
book was Viking’s all time best seller.

Don’t give me the book. Give me ‘the incident.’
X is a decommissioned coal-fired power station located on the
south bank of the River Thames, South London. The station
comprises two individual power stations, built in two stages in
the form of a single building. The station ceased generating
electricity in 1983, but over the past 50 years it has become one of
the best known landmarks in London. Pop culture funda?
 Artists to have painted themselves into their own


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Identity Finals

  • 1.
  • 2. • Clockwise IB • SVC • Anticlockwise IB • LVC
  • 3.
  • 4. The criteria for winning the X prize include the artwork's "humanistic character and contribution to cultural, national, language and religious tolerance, its existential, timeless character, its generally human validity and its ability to hand over a testimony about our times." The award is disrespectful to X’s memory according to some people. Ideally, the recipient should not know what the prize is and why it is given to him.
  • 5.
  • 7. The title of a famous movie derives from Leon Trotsky's last testament; while in exile in Mexico, expecting to die shortly from high blood pressure (or from agents loyal to his rival Joseph Stalin), Trotsky wrote, "Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. ___ __ ________. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. The X device was an unshielded, pulsed nuclear reactor originally situated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico, U.S. It was one of a number of criticality devices within Technical Area 18 (TA-18). Specifically, it was used to produce bursts of neutrons and gamma rays for irradiating test samples, and inspired development of X-like reactors. It received its name from Otto Frisch, who called it X because it was 'naked and unshielded.'
  • 11.
  • 13. The morning of that day, a Friday, Shankar, Chadda and tabla maestro Allah Rukha huddled with other musicians in a shed, waiting for their helicopter. “There were chickens there, and this guy was chasing the chickens. Then, in the helicopter he sat in front of me and started pulling hair out of his chest,” Chadda says. “I asked Raviji what was going on and he said,”Pagal aadmi hai, maja dekho.”” Who is this ‘pagal aadmi?’
  • 14.
  • 16. A Gestapo official once found a copy of X in one of its random searches of Y’s house. The official asked Y whether he did X. Y’s reply was “No you did.” X and Y?
  • 17.
  • 19. “Steve Jobs the pioneer of computer as a jail made cool designed to sever fools from their freedom has died. As Chicago Mayor Harold Washington once said of the corrupt former Mayor Daly “I’m not glad he’s dead but I am glad he’s gone.” Nobody deserves to die-not Jobs not Bill, not even people guilty of bigger evils than theirs. But we all deserve the end of Jobs’ malign influence on people’s computing. Unfortunately that influence continues despite his absence. We can only hope his successors, as they attempt to carry on his legacy, will be less effective.” This is X’s eulogy after Jobs’ death. X?
  • 20.
  • 23.
  • 25. Thích Quảng Đức was a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, who burnt himself in Saigon in 1963. The monk was protesting President Ngô Đình Diệm's administration for oppressing the Buddhist religion. The photograph drew international attention and persuaded U.S. President John F. Kennedy to withdraw support for Ngô Đình Diệm's government. It was taken by Associated Press correspondent Malcolm Browne; a similar photograph earned the award of World Press Photo of the Year in 1963. How has the picture been immortalized in pop culture?
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. This political cartoon refers to Lord Derby's comment that Disraeli was taking a ‘_____ __ ___ ____' when he sponsored the second Reform Act - which he considered an astute political move. By using popular support for reform to introduce a Bill extending the vote to urban working-class electors, he believed the Tories would stand to gain in subsequent elections.
  • 29.
  • 30. Leap in the Dark
  • 31. Charles Davis, a scientist turned statistician, conducted a research in 2008. In the research it was found that on the eight day of the fifth test in 1928-29 there are some runs allotted wrongly to Jack Ryder. “There is no doubt that a recording error of some kind has occurred. So where do these runs belong?” is what Davis was asking. A couple of unlikely explanations offered by Davis were that the runs were actually scored by Ryder and that these runs weren’t actually scored at all. If Davis’ most plausible explanation were to be true then what would happen?
  • 32.
  • 33. Davis said that Bradman scored the missing four runs. That would have made Bradman’s final batting test average 100!
  • 34. Opening Statement of Nicholas J. McSlick of Fairweather, Winters, and Summers, Attorney for_____: The plaintiff, X, has filed a lawsuit against, my client, the ____ sounding in tort for products liability alleging that _____., was negligent, reckless, and placed products into the stream of commerce through its mail order catalogues. X also alleges strict products liability, breach of warranty, breach of warranty of merchantability, and that the products were not fit for their intended use. X seeks the outrageous sum of twenty one million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for general compensatory damages and attorney’s fees, and an additional seventeen million dollars in punitive or exemplary damages alleging____acted in reckless disregard for plaintiff's safety. Furthermore, we will show by a preponderance of the evidence that plaintiff X is a malingerer and a fraud and at no time has he ever sustained any permanent injury whatsoever. Although, X represents himself as a self-employed-professional, to wit: a predator, we will prove through films that X is a rich, playboy, cartoon star/actor. We will view videotaped footage wherein the X after suffering seemingly horrendous, grotesque, debilitating and life threatening injuries, is seen no more than 30 seconds later totally uninjured and unscathed. We had Mr. X examined by an independent medical doctor, one Dr. S. Brandon Quackmeister, who will testify that none of the plaintiff's claimed injuries are permanent. X has not had any residual pain symptoms since that alleged incidents. In truth and in fact, ladies and gentlemen, the claims of the plaintiff Mr.X are
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. The term "______" originated during the Mexican-American War, where Mexican civilians would supposedly use it to express their opinion of X- coated American soldiers ("X,Y!") This despite the fact that the US Army didn't have X uniforms until the 1940s. (It comes from a Spanish version of a medieval Latin phrase denoting unintelligibility, which also spawned our Shakespeare-imported "it's all Greek to me".)
  • 38.
  • 40. According to the Oxford University Quiz Society, _________ ___________ is an affliction suffered by regular question setters, who cannot read a book or watch a television program without looking for possible question subjects. An obvious symptom is the frequent utterance of "That would make a good question…"
  • 41.
  • 43. X was a member of the San Tribe commonly known as Y. He didn’t know his exact age and before appearing in the films he had little experience of typical “modern” living. He was unaware of paper money and evidently, he allowed his first earnings from Z to literally blow away in the wind. Give me X,Y,Z. Y and Z fetches half and X fetches half points..
  • 44.
  • 45. X – Nixau Y – Bushmen Z – The Gods Must Be Crazy
  • 46. X and Y got married on 14th August 1942. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was to attend their wedding but got arrested a day earlier for supporting Gandhi’s Quit India Movement. X had been acting on the stage in different parts of India and putting up plays for jails inmates, including at Ferozepore jail. After staging a play, X stayed on to watch an execution as well. In other fronts, X has also appeared on the famous series Mind Your Language in 1978. Y was a young scientist, painter and dancer from Indore, eight years X’s junior. Give X and Y.
  • 47.
  • 48. X – Zohra Sehgal Y – K.N. Sehgal
  • 49. X’s brother, Y is portrayed to be extremely intelligent but a devious old man. As per legend, on the advice of astrologers, to avert a calamity it was said that X was married to a goat before getting married to Z. And the goat had been sacrificed promptly thereafter. Technically, this made X a widow and Z her second husband. Many years later when her husband Z learns about this truth, shocked and enraged, Z puts X’s entire family, including King M in prison. In prison, they were served just one fistful of rice every day. Realizing that this was an elaborate plan to starve them to death, X’s father declared that none but his youngest son would eat the sparse food being served, so that at least one amongst them would survive to avenge the death of the rest. The youngest son of king M was Y. He survived and swore not to rest until the entire kingdom is destroyed.
  • 50.
  • 51. X – Gandhari Y- Shakuni
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 59.  Sportsmen/women to have been named after other sportsmen/women
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. The concept of X predated Apollo, with a 1952–1954 series in Collier's Weekly magazine by Wernher von Braun and others, "Man Will Conquer Space Soon!" In this, von Braun, who had come to America from Germany under Operation Paperclip and was a leader at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency, described a six-week stay on the Moon, featuring 10-ton tractor trailers for moving supplies. The X was a battery-powered four-wheeled rover used on the Moon in the last three missions of the American Apollo program during 1971 and 1972. It was popularly known as the Y, a play on the phrase "_____ _____”
  • 67.
  • 68. Y - Moon Buggy from “Dune Buggy”
  • 69. On 5 July 1799, a Friday evening at 7 o'clock, a man was arrested at the Mansion House, London, and sent to the Poultry Compter. He confirmed that he had accepted a wager of 10 guineas. The first recorded incident of X by a college student in the United States occurred in 1804 at Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) when senior George William Crump was arrested “X” in Lexington, Virginia, where the university is located. During The Weather Channel coverage of Hurricane Irene, showed many cases of X. Now X is popular in various field sports.
  • 70.
  • 72. X is a streetwise, 11-year-old Calcutta orphan, who becomes the adopted son of Y. Rarely depicted without his bejeweled turban and Nehru jacket, he is proficient in judo, which he learned from an American Marine. The seventh son of a seventh son, X seems to possess mystical powers (including snake charming, levitation, magic, and hypnotism) which may or may not be attributed to parlor trickery. The Z family meet X while Y is lecturing at Calcutta University; he saves Y's life (by blocking a thrown knife intended for the doctor with a basket lid) and is subsequently adopted into the Z family. Later, X is revealed to be an Indian prince, and is given the last name Singh.
  • 73.
  • 75. In a study by Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob it was found that adopting this psychological marketing technique led to an increase in the amount of purchasing by women customers. Interestingly, they also concluded that this strategy does not only increase the number of buyers, but also increases the number of sales from those who already buy. Another explanation for adopting this technique was as an anti-theft measure; forcing store clerks to ring up orders and open cash drawers rather than just pocketing the money. What is this marketing technique?
  • 76.
  • 77. Charging one cent less. For example, pricing a product 99 cents instead of $1.
  • 78. In 1992, Ernest Hemingway’s sons formed Hemingway Ltd. to license the use of his name, image and signature. The brothers soon came under fire when one of the first items they authorized was a Hemingway shotgun. (Hemingway had used a double barrelled 12- gauge English shotgun to commit suicide) They protested that their father really had loved such a gun. Sometime later, they were criticized again, this time for licensing a $600 limited edition Mont Blanc fountain pen. Why?
  • 79.
  • 80. Hemingway never used a pen. He only used pencils.
  • 81. A popular myth states that Gurkha soldiers, fighting for Britain in WWI, in the pitch dark nights in trenches, crawled along the ground, feeling the___ of the soldiers they encountered. British soldiers employed straight or bar-____, while Japanese troops employed a criss-cross one. Criss-cross ones could therefore mean the difference between life and death. The importance of correct____ was thus emphasized by the British.
  • 82.
  • 84. The first known incident of this kind was a 1575 Mexican ecclesiastical council decree that forbid the use of____ in any church in Mexico and Spanish colonies in the Carribean. The Ottoman ruler Murad IV prohibited _____in his empire in 1633. Pope Urban VII in particular threatened to excommunicate anyone who took ___in the porch of or inside a church. The first modern incident was imposed by the Nazi Party in every German university, post office, military hospital and Nazi party office, under orders from Adolf Hitler. What?
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87. Probably Mother Teresa’s most vocal and ferocious opponent, X has described her as a “political opportunist who adopted the guise of a saint in order to raise money and spread an extreme religious ideology.” X condemned Teresa for having used contributions to open convents in 150 countries rather than establishing the teaching hospital toward which her donors expected her to apply their gifts. He claimed that Teresa was no "friend to the poor," and that she opposed structural measures to end poverty, particularly those that would raise the status of women. He argued she was a tool by which the Catholic Church furthered its political and theological aims, and the cult of personality that she developed was used by politicians, dictators and bankers to gain credibility and assuage guilt.
  • 88.
  • 90. Jack Warner spoke of the "magic quality that transformed this sometimes bland and not beautiful little girl into a great artist”. In 1962 she became the first person to secure ten Academy Award nominations for acting. She attracted a following in the gay subculture and was frequently imitated by female impersonators such as Tracey Lee and Charles Pierce. Among the film roles offered to X following her return to film making was Rose Sayer in The African Queen (1951). When informed that the film was to be made in Africa, X refused the part, telling Jack Warner, "If you can't shoot the picture in a boat on the back lot, then I'm not interested." Katharine Hepburn played the role.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. The 1939 movie Jesse James starring Henry Fonda as the outlaw became notorious after the death of a horse on its sets. What started as a result of it?
  • 94.
  • 95. The disclaimer: “ No animals were harmed in the making of this film” was introduced in movies after this because a horse was killed during this movie’s making.
  • 96. In his short career, Duncan Edwards amassed 177 club appearances and 18 caps for country. The origin of X lies in the song intended to insult Duncan Edwards. West Brom fans started this: "Duncan Edwards is ______, rotting in his grave, man you are ______- rotting in your grave". There was a brawl up on the old Scoreboard End in 1964-65 season when the West Bromwich Albion fans sang. A big battle took place with the home fans that outnumbered the visiting ones and hammered them. Liverpool and Leeds fans copied this with their own versions.
  • 97.
  • 98. The origin of the term ‘ManU’ being used as an insult.
  • 99. Xand Y were sharing a small room. The evening before the incident they were at a Cafe drinking absinthe, a known epileptogenic drink that is now illegal. For no apparent reason X picked up his absinthe and threw it at Y. The next day he couldn't remember having done it. Y told him he was going to go elsewhere, which upset X. Y went out for a walk... "Going to his mirror and taking up his razor, X began to shave the edges of his ruddy beard. Just then, he told the doctor, he heard a disembodied voice commanding him to kill Y. In Rey's (the doctor's) opinion, X was having a seizure. At around midnight X took a package to a brothel Y frequented. There he left the package at the door of a prostitute with a note saying it was for ‘keepsake.’ The prostitute on opening the package lost consciousness . What happened?
  • 100.
  • 101. Van Gogh cut off his ear
  • 102. British book seller W.H. Smith said that he sold a mere hundred copies of the book in mid January 1989. However, following ‘the incident’, the book flew off the shelves. In America it sold an "unprecedented" five times more copies than the number two book, Star by Danielle Steel, selling more than 750,000 copies of the book by May 1989. B. Dalton, a bookstore chain, had initially chosen not to sell copies of the book. But considering public popularity after ‘the incident’ they had to stock. Within a year, the book was Viking’s all time best seller. Don’t give me the book. Give me ‘the incident.’
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106.
  • 108. X is a decommissioned coal-fired power station located on the south bank of the River Thames, South London. The station comprises two individual power stations, built in two stages in the form of a single building. The station ceased generating electricity in 1983, but over the past 50 years it has become one of the best known landmarks in London. Pop culture funda?
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112. LVC
  • 120.
  • 121. +10/-5
  • 122. +5/0
  • 123.
  • 124.  Artists to have painted themselves into their own works
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 130.
  • 131. Caravaggio
  • 132. Michelangel o