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                                                                                         Controller Association

                                                                                                  In this issue:
                                                                                                         ICV Statement
                                                                                                          “Modern Budgeting”
                                                                                                         Plan the new year 2013 with
                                                                                                          the ICV!
                                                                                                         Board’s Christmas Letter
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

                                                                   Dear Readers!
      Green-Controlling-Prize 2012 goes
      to Hansgrohe SE                                              The year’s end is a good time for changes.
                                                                   Last year in December we did give you the
      “Green Controlling - Green Profit - Green Future“            first issue of the ICV Bulletin. And this De-
                                                                   cember—what has changed in the ICV?
      On Thursday (November 29, 2012) Hansgrohe SE from
      Schiltach in Black Forest has been awarded with the          But don’t we change all the time? We do gain
      Green-Controlling Prize of Péter Horváth’s Foundation        new members all the time, not only indivi-
      in collaboration with International Controller Association   dual, but also company members. We organize
      (ICV) for Controlling Solutions “Green Controlling -         conferences and regional workshops — just to mention
      Green Profit - Green Future“.                                Controlling Competence Stuttgart. Thanks to engaged
                                                                   managers and good leaders there are new mem-
      The 10,000 EUR prize was given for the second time           ber countries in our Association! Milena Heim is
      during the conference “10th Controlling Competence           the Head of the Work Group England and Slavko
      Stuttgart - CCS 2012”. Jury chairman Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.      Simic— Work Group Bosnia and Herzegovina. And
      mult. Péter Horváth (Horváth AG, IPRI gGmbH, director        other Work Groups work also very hard organizing
      of ICV Ideenwerkstatt) handed the prize to Hansgrohe         meetings and gaining new valuable members!
      controller team in IBM forum Ehningen during the con-
      ference “Controlling Competence Stuttgart – CCS              And we planned at least as much interesting events for
      2012”.                                                       the next year! In this issue we present two of them —
                                                                   dedicated especially for the non-German speaking mem-
                                                                   bers: the VII International Controller Congress in Poznań
                                                                   and a new regional event:1st Congress of the ICV in
                                                                   Barcelona. I am looking forward to seeing you all there!

                                                                   You will also get to know a man with an interesting pas-
                                                                   sion. You would never guess what Conrad Günther, the
                                                                   Managing Director of the ICV does in his free time! Next
                                                                   ICV Board Member in the series presenting the Board
                                                                   with the tongue in cheek is Conrad Günther.

                                                                   Much pleasure while reading!

                                                                   I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New
                                                                   Year full of successes! I keep the faith that the
                                                                   next year will be even more prosperous and
      The Green-Controlling Prize of Péter Horváth Founda-         rewarding for all of you!
      tion was given for the second time during the southern
      German ICV conference “Controlling Competence
      Stuttgart”. The ICV had already taken up the theme                             Yours
      of “Green Costs” in 2009 in his Innovators Panel, the                             Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska
      “Idea Workshop”. A White Paper has already been pub-
      lished in end of 2010. In the meantime some ICV
      Work Group works go on with this topic. Péter                                   ICV Board Member
      Horváth’s Foundation in collaboration with International
      Controller Association (ICV) will promote the most inno-
      vative and most effective "green" controlling solution.                                                        Controlling - Creating Future
   Publisher: International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

                                                                  Modern Budgeting…
Modern Budgeting                                                  … leads back to the core values of planning via an integrated
ICV Controller Statement                                          conceptual approach which is linked to strategy, objectives
                                                                  and management system. With this approach, budgets
The newest ICV Statement created by the members of                should be implemented consistently, simply and above all
the Work Group “Modern Budgeting” is one of the                   flexibly, while still adhering to strategies. Modern Budgeting
achievements in year 2012. It has been also translated            does not imply having to invent new tools or even concepts.
in English at once. You can download the whole State-             Modern Budgeting comprises six recommendations to devise
ment on the ICV Homepage, For members only. Here we               plans and budgets in two categories:
present only a fragment of this work.
Management accountants and controllers are intensively             Simple: lean procedures; only concentrate on control-
involved in planning. They discuss the advantages and dis-
                                                                    relevant content; only apply beneficial instruments and
advantages of certain planning methods and instruments,
                                                                    methods; use only few entry values; find an optimum level
and regard planning as the most crucial tool to control enter-      of detail; sometimes “top-down” is sufficient.
prises. As correct as that may be, one should never forget
that plans rarely unfold as intended for various reasons.          Flexible: Be open to change; sensitivities and scenarios;
This is to do with the nature of business and economics             also relative goals based on benchmarks; (rolling) fore-
being evolutionary processes with an open outcome:                  casts; flexible and controlled (re-) distribution of resources.
 Certain events in the economy cannot really be fore-             Integrate: Strategy, planning, reporting and forecasts must
    seen. Constant change, a plethora of influential factors        be interwoven. Concrete objectives derive from one an-
    and the sheer impossible task of predicting                     other. Partially couple budgets with systems for bonuses
                                                                    and incentives. Don’t just pursue short-term objectives.
 certain information, such as decisions and purchases, do
    not allow for exact forecasts.                                Foundations:
 In addition, new ideas, innovations and products are             Mapping the Organisation: concrete, unambiguous targets;
    constantly being created. Some manage to take hold,             oriented towards the overall objective; organisations must
    others disappear. It is hard to predict which of those will     find short and rapid decision-making channels.
    remain.                                                        Mapping the Value Chain: Understand your own supply
Under these circumstances, we can deduce that the benefit           chain and business model. Objectives, bottlenecks and
of good planning is not being able to define what is going to       restrictions determine planning.
happen in the future. That does not render planning super-         Clarifying and Communicating Intentions: Make objectives
fluous or useless, though. Plans are necessary to allocate          and intentions clear and understandable; communicate the
and distribute resources (finances, capacities and staff) and       plan’s core values and transform them equally on all lev-
to synchronise these resources within a budget. Resources           els; delegate responsibility for implementation with prem-
are always in limited supply and many applications will com-        ises and avoid top-down loops in setting objectives.
pete for access to them at the same time. Companies can
prepare well for the future by considering their options early.
They can gain a head start and will have mentally prepared
themselves for changes and new developments by the time
they occur. With that in mind, all companies are well-
advised to continue to intensify their efforts in planning and
budgeting, and to continuously develop and improve them.
There is of course no single patent type of planning for all
and sundry enterprises; planning is always company-
specific. It can, in fact must, differ from company to com-
pany. This is true even if two different companies are active
in the same sector and are of a similar size and type of or-
ganisation. In spite of that, there are several basic princi-
ples which should hold true for all businesses and should
represent these core values. These are the values dis-
cussed in Modern Budgeting.

Why „Modern Budgeting”?
One look at the companies which make up over 6,000 mem-           hardly ever hold their own, and implementation of such ideas
bers of ICV, its pertinent analysis and empirical studies,        would be highly questionable in the majority of companies.
proves that planning and budgeting remain the most impor-         Hence, an adequate concept for problems that could be ap-
tant issues and instruments in controlling. Despite this im-      plied in practice has been missing thus far.
portance, discussions continue to question the efficiency
and effectiveness of budgeting. The resulting criticism of        The “Internationaler Controller Verein (ICV)”, an international
both planning and budgeting processes has become more             association of controllers, therefore founded an expert work
intense due to ever changing business environments, above         group in November 2007 with over 50 members active in
all through increasingly dynamic markets.                         research and consulting, with experience in a whole host of
The approaches to solutions that have developed from this         industries and companies. In the last four years, the work
situation are only appropriate to a certain degree. On the        group has developed a scientifically profound, consistent and
one hand, they do not represent a complete concept, but           practical concept: “Modern Budgeting”.
merely provide key terms for a multitude of ideas and stru-
ments for making improvements. On the other hand, they                     A fragment of the Preface by Siegfried Gänßlen,
                                                                           Chairman of the ICV

© International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

      Plan the New Year 2013 with the International Controller Association!
What plans do you have for the New Year 2013? What will you change in your life? You have already determined your plans
for the next months for sure—not private, but also professional goals!. You want to develop yourself, perfect your skills, ob-
tain interesting experiences, enclose new friendships and acquaintances in your branch... You should definitely note down
events organized by the ICV. In this issue we present two of them: 1st Congress of the ICV in Spain and 7th CIA in Poland.

                   Barcelona, Spain                                                 Poznań, Poland
The core group of the ICV is proud to announce the 1st
Congress of the ICV that is organized together with ACCID            What factors determine development and success
(Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció) as organi-                        of your enterprise?
zation team. This Congress will take place on the 6th and
7th of June 2013 in the installations of the University UIC                What new trends and solutions appear
(Universidad Internacional de Catalunya). The organization                       in the controller’s work?
team invited interesting speakers such as Mr. Karl-Heinz
Steinke, Corporate Controlling at Deutsche Lufthansa AG             What experiences have other controllers and CFOs
and Mr. Dietmar Pascher, Partner and Trainer at Controller                  from all ICV member countries?
Akademie, just to name two of them. For further information
about the program and how to register, please contact
Maribel Fernandez of the German Chamber of Commerce in
Spain (

The ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein) Work Group
Spain was founded in 2010 in order to expand the Control-
ling know-how in Spain. Within the ICV there is a core group
of 8 members who organize all activities.
This group meets once a month in the German Chamber of
Commerce in Spain and organizes different activities such
as monthly informal reunions or the so called Stammtisch,                                            Poznań
which take place in the „heart“ of Barcelona. These reunions
are held with different speakers like professors of Universi-
ties, CFO´s, etc. who give lectures on subjects of actual                   VII International Controller Congress
importance. Up to twice a year the core group of the ICV                     Controlling Intelligence Adventure
assists in the organization of Breakfasts together with the           “Increasing efficiency—new role of controllers”
company Ernst & Young. Furthermore, another important
event is the Controlling Seminar, that is organized twice a      In seven years since its beginning in 2007 the Controlling
year for two days with different subjects, „Controlling – the    Intelligence Adventure in Poznań, Poland has gained the
modern focus“ and „Sales Controlling“.                           reputation of the only international congress of the ICV. Next
                                                                 year it takes place on April 18-19, 2013. It has also gained
                                                                 many faithful participants who are there every time and is
                                                                 still gaining new fans. English as a second conference lan-
                                                                 guage, top quality technical knowledge, interesting speakers
                                                                 from many countries and many reliable enterprises and ex-
                                                                 perience exchange with new business contacts — all this
                                                                 make the Congress an obligatory event for all controllers
This year´s highlight of the ICV agenda was the visit to the     and chief financial officers as well as the managers who
winery Torres in Vilafranca del Penedés close to Barcelona       want to improve the results of the company. For it’s neces-
in order to get to know how the Controlling department           sary in the today’s world to search for new possibilities and
works. The family business, Torres, is the biggest winery in     ways to improvement, it’s also necessary to lifelong learning
Catalunya with 1.300 ha of own vineyards, homesteads,            — that’s why we invite you to participate in this interesting
wineries and wine stores in 140 countries, heading Spain.        event!
The visit of the company was impressive, apart from the
Controlling subject, because of the whole fermentation proc-     For more information         contact:   Anna     Włodarczyk,
ess and the kind of investments in the infrastructure in order
to maintain and protect the nature. The end of the visit in-
cluded a wine tasting with three wines of which each of          What did the participants say about the last Congress?
them expressed its own character reflecting not only its fla-
vor but also its broth taken out of the wide variety of grapes   “I wish such events to keep abreast of financial matters.”
and of course of the different kinds of barrels used.            Mirosław Sekuła, Polish Vice-Minister of Finance
The ICV Spain year-end closure is generally celebrated with
a dinner for all members and non-members of the ICV-             “Great controlling minds gathered together!”
group. This year especially, a Stammtisch was included           Aleksander Socha, Business Controller, RAMIRENT S.A.
beforehand, discussing „Transfer prices“.
For more information about all activities and the ICV Spain,
you can find us on these homepages:,,,

© International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

In this issue the caricature of the series presenting the
Members of the ICV Board with tongue in cheek. After
the Chairman Siegfried Gänβlen and Prof. Dr. Heimo
Losbichler it’s Conrad Günther’s turn. The others will
come in the following issues of the Bulletin. Do stay

Your Bulletin Team—in the hope that the Board sense of

How to make the Controller happy?
By Hans-Peter Sander
ICV Press-Manager

Board Member of the CA Controller Akademie AG…
Managing Director of the International Controller Asso-
ciation ICV… Chairman of the publishing house for
Controlling Knowledge AG… Conrad Günther has been
an extremely effective association manager for more
than 20 years!

Conrad Günther is like an institution

Who in the German-speaking Controlling-community does
not know him? Conrad Günther is like an institution; all
thanks to his personality and his leading roles. One has met
him already at a seminar of the CA Controller Academy, at a
Controller Congress in Munich, during the event of the Inter-
national Controller Association (ICV) or at the meeting of the
International Group of Controlling (IGC). One can see the 53
-year-old also as a cello player at a concert, as well as with
his 3 children at a sport competition or at a school event,
and sometimes even on a safari in South Africa or on holi-
day in Florida.                                                  years he has been tirelessly, objectively and discreetly, but
                                                                 very effectively offering his help to self help.
A quiet but powerful man
                                                                 Always spreading the Controlling philosophy
He never put himself in the spotlight. He speaks thoughtfully
and clearly and when needed, also diplomatically. He is a     Conrad Günther does work consistently on spreading the
careful and experienced organiser, who holds the strings      Controlling philosophy of its pioneers - especially of Dr.
discreetly but firmly in his                                                                    Albrecht Deyhle - who
hands. Conrad Günther is a For the future Controller it is necessary to from the beginning was
member of the Board of the                                                                      oriented on the Controller
CA Controller Academy AG, take up and fulfill the role of a business part- image of business part-
the Managing Director of ner, which includes participation in a strategic ners, as it is practiced
the International Controller decison making.                                                    now by the ICV, the IGC
Association (ICV) and the                                                                       and other Controlling
Chairman of the publishing                                                                      institutions. Although the
house for Controlling Knowledge AG (VCW), which is re-        perception of the Controller has changed in the public and
sponsible for the "Controller Magazine", which is also a me-  the business view, and the amount of Controllers who meet
dium of the International Controller Association eV.          the requirements increased, Conrad Günther claims that he
                                                              does not lose ground: Controllers must always go back to
International Controller Association has grown                thinking about "rationality assurance", also as Manage-
with him since 1990!                                          ment's business partners. He has recently said in an inter-
When Conrad Günther became the head of Controller Asso-
ciation in 1990, he welcomed the 1,000th member. The fact        "For the future Controller it is necessary to take up and fulfill
that ICV has now over 6,500 members and more than 80             the role of a business partner, which includes participation in
regional professional and working groups in 16 European          a strategic decision making process. However, in my opin-
countries, is a result of his successful path as the Associa-    ion Controllers need to be precise as if “counting
tion manager and a team player. Those who work with him,         peas'“ (from German: peas counting = nitpicking). Otherwise
have already experienced that his attitude and the way of        it might happen that there will be no peas, just apples and
thinking and behavior in everything he does is based on one      pears thrown into the same pot" - The statement that could
sentence that is the main principle of the CA Controller         not describe better the Controlling institution, Conrad Gün-
Academy : 'We want to make controllers happy'. For over 20       ther.

© International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

           Board’s Christmas Letter                                 We would also like to highly recommend you this year's state-
                                                                    ment of ICV "Modern budgeting". A few weeks ago an expert
                                          Gauting, December 2012    group of the same name has managed to publish an English
                                                                    version of the statement. You can always obtain additional cop-
Dear executives and top performers at the ICV, dear ICV-            ies through contacting our office.
members,                                                            We have also worked on a joint position paper of the ICV and
a year ago, we wrote that "tax in volatile times" would be the      the IGC (International Group of Controlling) including the core
thematic focus of the ICV in 2012. When we look at our en-          elements of controlling. The aim of the paper is to formulate
vironment, we must note that we have hit the bullseye with          basis of controlling understanding developed by Albrecht Dey-
this subject. Volatility affects us not only with its content but   hle and to determine a current status of the controller’s role as
also directly in our role as an organizer. We were able to          policy position of ICV and IGC.
record an increase of the participants’ number at some of           We were able to award the Otto Group with the Controller Price.
our events in 2012, but on the other hand we had to accept          The Controlling Newcomer Award went to Sabine Rosegger of
even declines at some other events. Nevertheless, both our          the University Joanneum in Kapfenberg. Green Controlling
Congress and all the regional meetings have been very suc-          Price of Péter Horváth Foundation was given to the Hansgrohe.
cessful events, presenting valuable contents, and as always         Worth mentioning is that the deadline for applications for the
supplying excellent platform for exchanging experiences             Controller Price 2013 ends on January 25, 2013. The an-
within the controlling community.                                   nouncement is available for the first time in English .
The ICV is very visible by its public events, nevertheless          In November this year in Frankfurt we met within a "small" lead-
they only represent a part of our all club activities. We reaf-     ership committee meeting of the ICV with the regional dele-
firm our belief that the Work Groups are the core of the ICV.       gates to discuss about the activities in all regions and to net-
We also wish a lot of joy and success in the work of all            work within the professional circle.
those being new to this position! This also relates to Milena
Heim and Slavko Simic, who are responsible for building             Finally, we would like to congratulate the Controller Academy,
new Work Groups this year.                                          from whom we derive the origin of ICV. The Academy has cele-
The fact that we no longer explicitly distinguish between the       brated its 40th birthday in October this year.
German-speaking countries and all the "other" countries             The study "Operations efficiency radar" which we have already
allows you realize that the internationalization process has        carried out for the 4th time in cooperation with the consulting
taken another step at the ICV. Nevertheless, internationali-        company Roland Berger is already leading us into the new
zation is an ongoing challenge and we are aware of the fact         year. It is all about adjusting lever, for the CFOs to be able to
that there is a lot of work ahead of us. An example of what         control their businesses efficiently.
works really well as far as the internationalization process is
concerned, is the management of translation activities.             The year 2013 welcomes us with many challenges. We, at ICV
                                                                    have quite clearly in mind two of them: it will be about develop-
Like every year, our Think Tank has managed to address              ing the strategy and setting the goals for the ICV. The second
the current issues and prepare them accordingly so that             challenge is to adapt our website to a new content management
they are understandable and manageable for us controller.           system (CMS), as the old one does not meet the technical re-
The title of last edition´s "Dreamcar" sounded "Behavioral          quirements of the future anymore. The Public Relations Com-
Controlling – it depends on the behavior", whereas our cur-         mittee, led by Dr. Herwig Friedag has prepared the topic in
rent work is dedicated to the aforementioned theme "Ahead           close coordination with the Board. We would like to thank Dr.
of boom and crisis – let’s make controlling volatility-             Friedag and all team members for that effort!
                                                                    The year 2012 was overall a very successful year. In the con-
We are very delighted to observe the development in the             trolling community and beyond we are perceived as the ones
number of our member companies. We have noticed more                you address if you want to know something about controlling
than 20 entrants and so we are operating on the im-                     and as those who also have something to say about control-
pressive number of more than 60 corporate members                       ling. And we can be proud of that. We look forward to many
with names such as Beiersdorf AG and 1&1 Internet                      interesting meetings with you in the coming year, you are
AG. We are particularly pleased about the fact that                       very welcomed to join us at the General Assembly on 21
the corporate membership is becoming more and                               April 2013 in Munich and the subsequent 38th Controller
more popular outside of Germany. Only in 2012                                 Congress.
members like for example Migros from Swit-
zerland, Lenzing AG from Austria and                                             We would like to wish you and your families a very
Santander Consumer Bank SA from Poland                                           Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year
have joined the ICV.                                                             with a lot of health, prosperity and success!
After 7 years because of professional rea-
sons Dr. Bernd Schwarze resigned from the                                                Sincerely, your ICV Board
function of a board member at ICV. Dear
Bernd, we thank you for the excellent and                                                    Siegfried Gänßlen
constructive cooperation over the past                                                       Conrad Günther
years and wish you all the best for the                                                      Marcus Haegi
future! The ICV members voted on                                                             Adrianna Lewandowska
for Mr. Karl-Heinz Steinke, the Head                                                         Heimo Losbichler
of Corporate Controlling at Lufthansa                                                        Walter Schmidt
as the successor of Dr. Bernd                                                                Karl-Heinz Steinke
Schwarze. At the general meeting we
also presented a new honorary member,                                              Reduced Version. Read the whole Letter at
Mr. Alfred Biel.                                                                   http://

© International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
ICV Bulletin | December 2012

The ControllerPreis 2013 to be           Controlling Newcomer Award 2012              ICV Mission Statement
taken—last month for admis-
sion!                                    Controlling Newcomer Award 2012
                                         goes to Sabine Rossegger, FH              The ICV being a non-commercially
International Controller Association     Joanneum Kapfenberg with the              oriented association is the biggest
is starting advertising for Controller   thesis "Modern budgeting, – Ade-           controller organization in Europe.
-Preis 2013. Everybody can com-          quate IT support for practical imple-
pete by submitting your controlling      mentation". Controlling Newcomer
solutions.                               Award of International Controller              ICV Key Objectives
                                         Association (ICV) was held on 27
                                         October during the conference                    The ICV as an active
                                         "Innovation Controlling Berlin - CIB
                                                                                          international network
                                         2012" it was awarded for the eighth
                                         time. The key criteria were: acade-             enhances the function
                                         mic foundation, practical relevance              of practically applied
                                         of the problem, direct applicability            controlling and the role
                                         of developed recommendations in                     of the controller
                                         action and innovation degree of the
Challenge your colleagues in the         work.                                             in the responsibility
competition and face the decision                                                             for successful
of our competent judges!
                                         More about the ICV awards: http://
More about the ICV awards: http://                Awards.158549.html

All Work Groups in non-German speaking countries
Bosna and Hercegovina
Slavko Simić

Bulgaria                                 Poland
Denko Yamboliev                          Gdańsk                                  Warszawa                         Robert Panufnik                         Karol Sikora
Jasmina Očko                             Katowice                                Wrocław                 Anna Jarkulisz                          Honorata Ulatowska
Great Britain
Milena Heim                              Kraków                                  Zielona Góra                      Dorota Gołąb-Bełtowicz                  Małgorzata Lepak
Toomas Haldma                            Lublin                                  Romania                      Paweł Rafalski                          Cristina Hodea
Edita Gimžauskienė                       Łódź                                    Russia                Karolina Zielińska                      Valentin Usenkov
Budapest 1                               Poznań                                  Serbia
Ervin Nemesdy                            Dariusz Gulczyński                      Bojan Šćepanović                      

Budapest 2                               Szczecin                                Slovenia
Andreas Kovacs                           Aleksander Socha                        Dragica Erčulj

Italy                                    Toruń                                   Spain
Claudio Zoldan                           Andrzej Derkowski                       Ulrich Müller Bosom          

Imprint                                   Editing                                International Controller Association
Publisher and Copyrights:                 Brigitte Dienstl-Arnegger              ICV Office Poland
                                          Dr. Herwig Friedag                     Ul.Fredry 7/1
International Controller Association
                                                                                 61-809 Poznań PL
Public Relations Committee                Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska
                                                                                 Phone/Fax +48 61 853 20 10
                                          Hans-Peter Sander                      Mail:
                                          Anna Włodarczyk

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Icv bulletin december 2012

  • 1. International Controller Association In this issue:  ICV Statement “Modern Budgeting”  Plan the new year 2013 with the ICV!  Board’s Christmas Letter ICV Bulletin | December 2012 Dear Readers! Green-Controlling-Prize 2012 goes to Hansgrohe SE The year’s end is a good time for changes. Last year in December we did give you the “Green Controlling - Green Profit - Green Future“ first issue of the ICV Bulletin. And this De- cember—what has changed in the ICV? On Thursday (November 29, 2012) Hansgrohe SE from Schiltach in Black Forest has been awarded with the But don’t we change all the time? We do gain Green-Controlling Prize of Péter Horváth’s Foundation new members all the time, not only indivi- in collaboration with International Controller Association dual, but also company members. We organize (ICV) for Controlling Solutions “Green Controlling - conferences and regional workshops — just to mention Green Profit - Green Future“. Controlling Competence Stuttgart. Thanks to engaged managers and good leaders there are new mem- The 10,000 EUR prize was given for the second time ber countries in our Association! Milena Heim is during the conference “10th Controlling Competence the Head of the Work Group England and Slavko Stuttgart - CCS 2012”. Jury chairman Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Simic— Work Group Bosnia and Herzegovina. And mult. Péter Horváth (Horváth AG, IPRI gGmbH, director other Work Groups work also very hard organizing of ICV Ideenwerkstatt) handed the prize to Hansgrohe meetings and gaining new valuable members! controller team in IBM forum Ehningen during the con- ference “Controlling Competence Stuttgart – CCS And we planned at least as much interesting events for 2012”. the next year! In this issue we present two of them — dedicated especially for the non-German speaking mem- bers: the VII International Controller Congress in Poznań and a new regional event:1st Congress of the ICV in Barcelona. I am looking forward to seeing you all there! You will also get to know a man with an interesting pas- sion. You would never guess what Conrad Günther, the Managing Director of the ICV does in his free time! Next ICV Board Member in the series presenting the Board with the tongue in cheek is Conrad Günther. Much pleasure while reading! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of successes! I keep the faith that the next year will be even more prosperous and The Green-Controlling Prize of Péter Horváth Founda- rewarding for all of you! tion was given for the second time during the southern German ICV conference “Controlling Competence Stuttgart”. The ICV had already taken up the theme Yours of “Green Costs” in 2009 in his Innovators Panel, the Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska “Idea Workshop”. A White Paper has already been pub- lished in end of 2010. In the meantime some ICV Work Group works go on with this topic. Péter ICV Board Member Horváth’s Foundation in collaboration with International Controller Association (ICV) will promote the most inno- vative and most effective "green" controlling solution. Controlling - Creating Future Publisher: International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
  • 2. ICV Bulletin | December 2012 Modern Budgeting… Modern Budgeting … leads back to the core values of planning via an integrated ICV Controller Statement conceptual approach which is linked to strategy, objectives and management system. With this approach, budgets The newest ICV Statement created by the members of should be implemented consistently, simply and above all the Work Group “Modern Budgeting” is one of the flexibly, while still adhering to strategies. Modern Budgeting achievements in year 2012. It has been also translated does not imply having to invent new tools or even concepts. in English at once. You can download the whole State- Modern Budgeting comprises six recommendations to devise ment on the ICV Homepage, For members only. Here we plans and budgets in two categories: present only a fragment of this work. Recommendations: Management accountants and controllers are intensively  Simple: lean procedures; only concentrate on control- involved in planning. They discuss the advantages and dis- relevant content; only apply beneficial instruments and advantages of certain planning methods and instruments, methods; use only few entry values; find an optimum level and regard planning as the most crucial tool to control enter- of detail; sometimes “top-down” is sufficient. prises. As correct as that may be, one should never forget that plans rarely unfold as intended for various reasons.  Flexible: Be open to change; sensitivities and scenarios; This is to do with the nature of business and economics also relative goals based on benchmarks; (rolling) fore- being evolutionary processes with an open outcome: casts; flexible and controlled (re-) distribution of resources.  Certain events in the economy cannot really be fore-  Integrate: Strategy, planning, reporting and forecasts must seen. Constant change, a plethora of influential factors be interwoven. Concrete objectives derive from one an- and the sheer impossible task of predicting other. Partially couple budgets with systems for bonuses and incentives. Don’t just pursue short-term objectives.  certain information, such as decisions and purchases, do not allow for exact forecasts. Foundations:  In addition, new ideas, innovations and products are  Mapping the Organisation: concrete, unambiguous targets; constantly being created. Some manage to take hold, oriented towards the overall objective; organisations must others disappear. It is hard to predict which of those will find short and rapid decision-making channels. remain.  Mapping the Value Chain: Understand your own supply Under these circumstances, we can deduce that the benefit chain and business model. Objectives, bottlenecks and of good planning is not being able to define what is going to restrictions determine planning. happen in the future. That does not render planning super-  Clarifying and Communicating Intentions: Make objectives fluous or useless, though. Plans are necessary to allocate and intentions clear and understandable; communicate the and distribute resources (finances, capacities and staff) and plan’s core values and transform them equally on all lev- to synchronise these resources within a budget. Resources els; delegate responsibility for implementation with prem- are always in limited supply and many applications will com- ises and avoid top-down loops in setting objectives. pete for access to them at the same time. Companies can prepare well for the future by considering their options early. They can gain a head start and will have mentally prepared themselves for changes and new developments by the time they occur. With that in mind, all companies are well- advised to continue to intensify their efforts in planning and budgeting, and to continuously develop and improve them. There is of course no single patent type of planning for all and sundry enterprises; planning is always company- specific. It can, in fact must, differ from company to com- pany. This is true even if two different companies are active in the same sector and are of a similar size and type of or- ganisation. In spite of that, there are several basic princi- ples which should hold true for all businesses and should represent these core values. These are the values dis- cussed in Modern Budgeting. Why „Modern Budgeting”? One look at the companies which make up over 6,000 mem- hardly ever hold their own, and implementation of such ideas bers of ICV, its pertinent analysis and empirical studies, would be highly questionable in the majority of companies. proves that planning and budgeting remain the most impor- Hence, an adequate concept for problems that could be ap- tant issues and instruments in controlling. Despite this im- plied in practice has been missing thus far. portance, discussions continue to question the efficiency and effectiveness of budgeting. The resulting criticism of The “Internationaler Controller Verein (ICV)”, an international both planning and budgeting processes has become more association of controllers, therefore founded an expert work intense due to ever changing business environments, above group in November 2007 with over 50 members active in all through increasingly dynamic markets. research and consulting, with experience in a whole host of The approaches to solutions that have developed from this industries and companies. In the last four years, the work situation are only appropriate to a certain degree. On the group has developed a scientifically profound, consistent and one hand, they do not represent a complete concept, but practical concept: “Modern Budgeting”. merely provide key terms for a multitude of ideas and stru- ments for making improvements. On the other hand, they A fragment of the Preface by Siegfried Gänßlen, Chairman of the ICV © International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
  • 3. ICV Bulletin | December 2012 Plan the New Year 2013 with the International Controller Association! What plans do you have for the New Year 2013? What will you change in your life? You have already determined your plans for the next months for sure—not private, but also professional goals!. You want to develop yourself, perfect your skills, ob- tain interesting experiences, enclose new friendships and acquaintances in your branch... You should definitely note down events organized by the ICV. In this issue we present two of them: 1st Congress of the ICV in Spain and 7th CIA in Poland. Barcelona, Spain Poznań, Poland The core group of the ICV is proud to announce the 1st Congress of the ICV that is organized together with ACCID What factors determine development and success (Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció) as organi- of your enterprise? zation team. This Congress will take place on the 6th and 7th of June 2013 in the installations of the University UIC What new trends and solutions appear (Universidad Internacional de Catalunya). The organization in the controller’s work? team invited interesting speakers such as Mr. Karl-Heinz Steinke, Corporate Controlling at Deutsche Lufthansa AG What experiences have other controllers and CFOs and Mr. Dietmar Pascher, Partner and Trainer at Controller from all ICV member countries? Akademie, just to name two of them. For further information about the program and how to register, please contact Maribel Fernandez of the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain ( The ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein) Work Group Spain was founded in 2010 in order to expand the Control- ling know-how in Spain. Within the ICV there is a core group of 8 members who organize all activities. This group meets once a month in the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain and organizes different activities such as monthly informal reunions or the so called Stammtisch, Poznań which take place in the „heart“ of Barcelona. These reunions are held with different speakers like professors of Universi- ties, CFO´s, etc. who give lectures on subjects of actual VII International Controller Congress importance. Up to twice a year the core group of the ICV Controlling Intelligence Adventure assists in the organization of Breakfasts together with the “Increasing efficiency—new role of controllers” company Ernst & Young. Furthermore, another important event is the Controlling Seminar, that is organized twice a In seven years since its beginning in 2007 the Controlling year for two days with different subjects, „Controlling – the Intelligence Adventure in Poznań, Poland has gained the modern focus“ and „Sales Controlling“. reputation of the only international congress of the ICV. Next year it takes place on April 18-19, 2013. It has also gained many faithful participants who are there every time and is still gaining new fans. English as a second conference lan- guage, top quality technical knowledge, interesting speakers from many countries and many reliable enterprises and ex- perience exchange with new business contacts — all this make the Congress an obligatory event for all controllers This year´s highlight of the ICV agenda was the visit to the and chief financial officers as well as the managers who winery Torres in Vilafranca del Penedés close to Barcelona want to improve the results of the company. For it’s neces- in order to get to know how the Controlling department sary in the today’s world to search for new possibilities and works. The family business, Torres, is the biggest winery in ways to improvement, it’s also necessary to lifelong learning Catalunya with 1.300 ha of own vineyards, homesteads, — that’s why we invite you to participate in this interesting wineries and wine stores in 140 countries, heading Spain. event! The visit of the company was impressive, apart from the Controlling subject, because of the whole fermentation proc- For more information contact: Anna Włodarczyk, ess and the kind of investments in the infrastructure in order to maintain and protect the nature. The end of the visit in- cluded a wine tasting with three wines of which each of What did the participants say about the last Congress? them expressed its own character reflecting not only its fla- vor but also its broth taken out of the wide variety of grapes “I wish such events to keep abreast of financial matters.” and of course of the different kinds of barrels used. Mirosław Sekuła, Polish Vice-Minister of Finance The ICV Spain year-end closure is generally celebrated with a dinner for all members and non-members of the ICV- “Great controlling minds gathered together!” group. This year especially, a Stammtisch was included Aleksander Socha, Business Controller, RAMIRENT S.A. beforehand, discussing „Transfer prices“. For more information about all activities and the ICV Spain, you can find us on these homepages:,,, © International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
  • 4. ICV Bulletin | December 2012 In this issue the caricature of the series presenting the Members of the ICV Board with tongue in cheek. After the Chairman Siegfried Gänβlen and Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler it’s Conrad Günther’s turn. The others will come in the following issues of the Bulletin. Do stay tuned! Your Bulletin Team—in the hope that the Board sense of humor... How to make the Controller happy? By Hans-Peter Sander ICV Press-Manager Board Member of the CA Controller Akademie AG… Managing Director of the International Controller Asso- ciation ICV… Chairman of the publishing house for Controlling Knowledge AG… Conrad Günther has been an extremely effective association manager for more than 20 years! Conrad Günther is like an institution Who in the German-speaking Controlling-community does not know him? Conrad Günther is like an institution; all thanks to his personality and his leading roles. One has met him already at a seminar of the CA Controller Academy, at a Controller Congress in Munich, during the event of the Inter- national Controller Association (ICV) or at the meeting of the International Group of Controlling (IGC). One can see the 53 -year-old also as a cello player at a concert, as well as with his 3 children at a sport competition or at a school event, and sometimes even on a safari in South Africa or on holi- day in Florida. years he has been tirelessly, objectively and discreetly, but very effectively offering his help to self help. A quiet but powerful man Always spreading the Controlling philosophy He never put himself in the spotlight. He speaks thoughtfully and clearly and when needed, also diplomatically. He is a Conrad Günther does work consistently on spreading the careful and experienced organiser, who holds the strings Controlling philosophy of its pioneers - especially of Dr. discreetly but firmly in his Albrecht Deyhle - who hands. Conrad Günther is a For the future Controller it is necessary to from the beginning was member of the Board of the oriented on the Controller CA Controller Academy AG, take up and fulfill the role of a business part- image of business part- the Managing Director of ner, which includes participation in a strategic ners, as it is practiced the International Controller decison making. now by the ICV, the IGC Association (ICV) and the and other Controlling Chairman of the publishing institutions. Although the house for Controlling Knowledge AG (VCW), which is re- perception of the Controller has changed in the public and sponsible for the "Controller Magazine", which is also a me- the business view, and the amount of Controllers who meet dium of the International Controller Association eV. the requirements increased, Conrad Günther claims that he does not lose ground: Controllers must always go back to International Controller Association has grown thinking about "rationality assurance", also as Manage- with him since 1990! ment's business partners. He has recently said in an inter- view: When Conrad Günther became the head of Controller Asso- ciation in 1990, he welcomed the 1,000th member. The fact "For the future Controller it is necessary to take up and fulfill that ICV has now over 6,500 members and more than 80 the role of a business partner, which includes participation in regional professional and working groups in 16 European a strategic decision making process. However, in my opin- countries, is a result of his successful path as the Associa- ion Controllers need to be precise as if “counting tion manager and a team player. Those who work with him, peas'“ (from German: peas counting = nitpicking). Otherwise have already experienced that his attitude and the way of it might happen that there will be no peas, just apples and thinking and behavior in everything he does is based on one pears thrown into the same pot" - The statement that could sentence that is the main principle of the CA Controller not describe better the Controlling institution, Conrad Gün- Academy : 'We want to make controllers happy'. For over 20 ther. © International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
  • 5. ICV Bulletin | December 2012 Board’s Christmas Letter We would also like to highly recommend you this year's state- ment of ICV "Modern budgeting". A few weeks ago an expert Gauting, December 2012 group of the same name has managed to publish an English version of the statement. You can always obtain additional cop- Dear executives and top performers at the ICV, dear ICV- ies through contacting our office. members, We have also worked on a joint position paper of the ICV and a year ago, we wrote that "tax in volatile times" would be the the IGC (International Group of Controlling) including the core thematic focus of the ICV in 2012. When we look at our en- elements of controlling. The aim of the paper is to formulate vironment, we must note that we have hit the bullseye with basis of controlling understanding developed by Albrecht Dey- this subject. Volatility affects us not only with its content but hle and to determine a current status of the controller’s role as also directly in our role as an organizer. We were able to policy position of ICV and IGC. record an increase of the participants’ number at some of We were able to award the Otto Group with the Controller Price. our events in 2012, but on the other hand we had to accept The Controlling Newcomer Award went to Sabine Rosegger of even declines at some other events. Nevertheless, both our the University Joanneum in Kapfenberg. Green Controlling Congress and all the regional meetings have been very suc- Price of Péter Horváth Foundation was given to the Hansgrohe. cessful events, presenting valuable contents, and as always Worth mentioning is that the deadline for applications for the supplying excellent platform for exchanging experiences Controller Price 2013 ends on January 25, 2013. The an- within the controlling community. nouncement is available for the first time in English . The ICV is very visible by its public events, nevertheless In November this year in Frankfurt we met within a "small" lead- they only represent a part of our all club activities. We reaf- ership committee meeting of the ICV with the regional dele- firm our belief that the Work Groups are the core of the ICV. gates to discuss about the activities in all regions and to net- We also wish a lot of joy and success in the work of all work within the professional circle. those being new to this position! This also relates to Milena Heim and Slavko Simic, who are responsible for building Finally, we would like to congratulate the Controller Academy, new Work Groups this year. from whom we derive the origin of ICV. The Academy has cele- The fact that we no longer explicitly distinguish between the brated its 40th birthday in October this year. German-speaking countries and all the "other" countries The study "Operations efficiency radar" which we have already allows you realize that the internationalization process has carried out for the 4th time in cooperation with the consulting taken another step at the ICV. Nevertheless, internationali- company Roland Berger is already leading us into the new zation is an ongoing challenge and we are aware of the fact year. It is all about adjusting lever, for the CFOs to be able to that there is a lot of work ahead of us. An example of what control their businesses efficiently. works really well as far as the internationalization process is concerned, is the management of translation activities. The year 2013 welcomes us with many challenges. We, at ICV have quite clearly in mind two of them: it will be about develop- Like every year, our Think Tank has managed to address ing the strategy and setting the goals for the ICV. The second the current issues and prepare them accordingly so that challenge is to adapt our website to a new content management they are understandable and manageable for us controller. system (CMS), as the old one does not meet the technical re- The title of last edition´s "Dreamcar" sounded "Behavioral quirements of the future anymore. The Public Relations Com- Controlling – it depends on the behavior", whereas our cur- mittee, led by Dr. Herwig Friedag has prepared the topic in rent work is dedicated to the aforementioned theme "Ahead close coordination with the Board. We would like to thank Dr. of boom and crisis – let’s make controlling volatility- Friedag and all team members for that effort! resistant". The year 2012 was overall a very successful year. In the con- We are very delighted to observe the development in the trolling community and beyond we are perceived as the ones number of our member companies. We have noticed more you address if you want to know something about controlling than 20 entrants and so we are operating on the im- and as those who also have something to say about control- pressive number of more than 60 corporate members ling. And we can be proud of that. We look forward to many with names such as Beiersdorf AG and 1&1 Internet interesting meetings with you in the coming year, you are AG. We are particularly pleased about the fact that very welcomed to join us at the General Assembly on 21 the corporate membership is becoming more and April 2013 in Munich and the subsequent 38th Controller more popular outside of Germany. Only in 2012 Congress. members like for example Migros from Swit- zerland, Lenzing AG from Austria and We would like to wish you and your families a very Santander Consumer Bank SA from Poland Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year have joined the ICV. with a lot of health, prosperity and success! After 7 years because of professional rea- sons Dr. Bernd Schwarze resigned from the Sincerely, your ICV Board function of a board member at ICV. Dear Bernd, we thank you for the excellent and Siegfried Gänßlen constructive cooperation over the past Conrad Günther years and wish you all the best for the Marcus Haegi future! The ICV members voted on Adrianna Lewandowska for Mr. Karl-Heinz Steinke, the Head Heimo Losbichler of Corporate Controlling at Lufthansa Walter Schmidt as the successor of Dr. Bernd Karl-Heinz Steinke Schwarze. At the general meeting we also presented a new honorary member, Reduced Version. Read the whole Letter at Mr. Alfred Biel. http:// only.167676.html © International Controller Association ICV | Poznań Office
  • 6. ICV Bulletin | December 2012 The ControllerPreis 2013 to be Controlling Newcomer Award 2012 ICV Mission Statement taken—last month for admis- sion! Controlling Newcomer Award 2012 goes to Sabine Rossegger, FH The ICV being a non-commercially International Controller Association Joanneum Kapfenberg with the oriented association is the biggest is starting advertising for Controller thesis "Modern budgeting, – Ade- controller organization in Europe. -Preis 2013. Everybody can com- quate IT support for practical imple- pete by submitting your controlling mentation". Controlling Newcomer solutions. Award of International Controller ICV Key Objectives Association (ICV) was held on 27 October during the conference The ICV as an active "Innovation Controlling Berlin - CIB international network 2012" it was awarded for the eighth time. The key criteria were: acade- enhances the function mic foundation, practical relevance of practically applied of the problem, direct applicability controlling and the role of developed recommendations in of the controller action and innovation degree of the Challenge your colleagues in the work. in the responsibility competition and face the decision for successful of our competent judges! More about the ICV awards: http:// More about the ICV awards: http:// Awards.158549.html Awards.158549.html All Work Groups in non-German speaking countries Bosna and Hercegovina Slavko Simić Bulgaria Poland Denko Yamboliev Gdańsk Warszawa Robert Panufnik Karol Sikora Croatia Jasmina Očko Katowice Wrocław Anna Jarkulisz Honorata Ulatowska Great Britain Milena Heim Kraków Zielona Góra Dorota Gołąb-Bełtowicz Małgorzata Lepak Estonia Toomas Haldma Lublin Romania Paweł Rafalski Cristina Hodea Lithuania Edita Gimžauskienė Łódź Russia Karolina Zielińska Valentin Usenkov Hungary Budapest 1 Poznań Serbia Ervin Nemesdy Dariusz Gulczyński Bojan Šćepanović Budapest 2 Szczecin Slovenia Andreas Kovacs Aleksander Socha Dragica Erčulj ková Italy Toruń Spain Claudio Zoldan Andrzej Derkowski Ulrich Müller Bosom Imprint Editing International Controller Association Publisher and Copyrights: Brigitte Dienstl-Arnegger ICV Office Poland Dr. Herwig Friedag Ul.Fredry 7/1 International Controller Association 61-809 Poznań PL Public Relations Committee Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska Phone/Fax +48 61 853 20 10 Hans-Peter Sander Mail: Anna Włodarczyk