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Why NPEs have struggled to win over corporate Japan – and how that might change
China moves closer to becoming a global litigation hub
Mastering the innovation cycle for sustained success
Korea’s IP marketplace – on the brink of a boom
How Rambus changed its business model
The US law firms that put quality patents first
Issue 71 May/June 2015
Intellectual Asset Management Magazine
Time for a new conversation
Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
A great innovation is only the
first step for success. The best
companies understand that the key
to sustainable advantage is to build
a model for successive innovation
so that they are continuously one
step ahead of their competitors
By Arvin Patel, Marian Underweiser,
Richard Ludwin and Marc Ehrlich
The innovation cycle:
an IP strategy for
sustained business
To a typical C-suite executive, the term
‘intellectual property’ is synonymous with
sensational headlines such as “Samsung
Pays Microsoft $1 billion in Patent Dispute”
or “Court Approves $4.5 Billion Sale of
Nortel Patent Portfolio”. However, the
phrase ‘IP department’ is likely to evoke a
very different image: perhaps a group of
executives issuing threats in a desperate
attempt to generate some licensing income
from a portfolio of slowly dwindling IP
assets or, more likely, a group of lawyers
slumped over their desks with quill
pens in hands and green visors perched
on their foreheads as they mutter an
incomprehensible stream of technical and
legal language.
This article is about neither of those.
After all, how many articles about IP
licensing have you already decided not to
read? Instead, in this article and a series of
others to follow, we will discuss something
far more valuable: the use of intellectual
property as a means to position your
company to win in today’s and – more
importantly – tomorrow’s marketplace.
Our goal is an audacious one, but we think
that we are up to the task. We will explain
why IP strategy is an essential part of your
business strategy which belongs squarely
in the boardroom – not something that is
relegated to the IP department.
Leadership that lasts
“In order to win, your company needs
to harness its innovations.”That is the
mantra of every C-level executive. But when
you compare the number of companies
competing in the market against the few that
truly succeed, it becomes plain that a great
innovation cannot be the only ingredient
required for success. If you remove from
that list the one-hit wonders – companies
that hit upon a winning product only to
be later surpassed by their competitors –
the list becomes shorter still. To become
one of those remaining companies is the
entrepreneur’s holy grail and raison d’etre.
One-hit wonders
There is good reason to focus on innovation
as the key to success. After all, it is trite
but true that we are in the midst of an
era of dynamic changes in innovation.
Technological developments such as
the creation of global communications
networks have enabled new forms of
collaboration, spawning innovation on a
scale and pace never before contemplated.
Innovation spans companies, governments
and geography. It is created and shared as
quickly as data can traverse a cable or carrier
signal. Not since the advent of the printing
press has there been such dynamism in the
area of innovation.
And yet, clearly, innovation itself is not
enough. The best companies understand not
only the need to capitalise on innovation to
win in the marketplace, but also the need to
take a longer-range view. They understand
that the key to sustainable advantage is to
build a model for successive innovation to
ensure that they are continuously a step
ahead of their competitors in new markets.
22 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
Picture: Bloomberg/Getty Images
era is the understanding that winning their
current platform is not an end in itself.
Leadership in a market must be a path to
leadership in successive markets in order to
build a company that lasts.
Battle for platforms
The battle for IT dominance today is a
battle for control of platforms. Facebook is
the 800-pound gorilla in social networking,
chased by the likes of LinkedIn, Twitter,
Google+ and others. But whether Facebook
maintains its social hegemony depends on
Pictures clockwise from top left: Getty Images, Science & Society Picture Library/Getty Images, Tim
Boyle/Getty Images, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Picture: John Lamb/Getty Images
Consider Apple’s ground-breaking
iPod and its concomitant leadership in
smartphones. Innovations developed for
these products turned them into widely
popular platforms (for music, application
software and new technologies), which in
turn enabled Apple’s successful entrance
into the tablet computing area (a computing
platform where numerous competitors
had previously failed to gain traction).
Apple’s success in portable music gave it
a leading position in smartphones, which
in turn helped to enable and strengthen
its subsequent success in tablets. Other
long-term successful firms have followed
a similar pattern. Microsoft’s dominant
operating system enabled it to become the
dominant application provider for office
productivity software, which in turn led
it to databases, middleware and beyond.
Amazon’s dominance as a bookseller
enabled it to become the dominant seller of,
well, everything, as well as being a tablet,
streaming media and web services leader.
Success begets success. But this does
not happen by chance among these most
elite and consistent market leaders. Before
Google leveraged its internet search engine
dominance into markets such as mobile
and video, other search engines such as
AltaVista and Excite held sway, before
eventually being displaced. What separates
the companies that dominate a market for a
short time from those that dominate for an
Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
cement success in their present market and
ensure their path to future success.
It is tricky to strike a balance between
competing for ownership of a current
platform and preparing for the transition to
a future platform. This is where IP strategy
comes into play. Intellectual property creates
the bridge that connects ownership of a
current platform to leadership of the next.
By choosing which intellectual property to
keep as proprietary, which to license and
which to give freely to others, a firm with
an understanding of its platform strategy
can at once establish control of its present
platform and ensure that it has a lead in
owning the next one. To do this requires an
understanding of how innovation evolves.
Visualising innovation
There are many tools offered by many
consultants which track the course of
an innovation. One of the best-known
examples is the Gartner hype cycle.
Developed by consulting firm Gartner, Inc,
the hype cycle is a graphical representation
of the maturity and adoption of a
technological innovation over time. It can
be used to assess the risk associated with
adopting an innovation based on the stage
of its evolution, as shown in Figure 1.
The stages represent the typical
evolution of a technical innovation. Starting
with a technology trigger, which occurs due
to a technical breakthrough, there follows
a period of inflated expectations, which
leads to a period where these unrealistic
expectations fail to be realised (the trough
of disillusionment). In time, a more modest
degree of success is realised by one or a few
implementers (the slope of enlightenment).
This prompts others to join the market and
heralds the arrival of second and third-
generation products. Finally, at the plateau
of productivity, mainstream adoption takes
off, more providers enter the market and the
promise of the original innovation begins to
approach realisation.
The hype cycle is a means of visualising
an innovation’s progress towards viability.
It does not, and is not intended to, directly
address innovation from the standpoint of
an innovator. Rather, it addresses it from
the vantage point of an adopter. To do
this, it charts the progress towards market
acceptance associated with making an
innovative product workable. It is possible
and useful to overlay an IP perspective on
the hype cycle. We demonstrated how this
could be done in an earlier article (“How
to value IP portfolios for acquisition”, IAM
63). We illustrated that the tool enables
executives to understand the state of their
Visionary companies plan their platform
progressions and have a strategy for what
those progressions will look like right from
the start
Peak of inflated expectations
Plateau of productivity
Slope of enlightenment
Trough of disillusionment
Technology trigger
Figure 1. Gartner hype cycle
what it can do for an encore. If Facebook
does not own the next important social
platform that evolves, it risks losing its
subscribers to the innovator which does.
That is why Facebook has worked to extend
its leadership in social media into mobile
computing through the acquisition of
Instagram, WhatsApp and others, as well
as through home-grown initiatives such as
Facebook Home.
The recent emergence of on-demand
transportation provider Uber illustrates the
fact that the battle for platform ownership
starts when a company is first formed. Uber
has quickly grown to dominate the platform
for ride sharing, which it helped to create.
However, this is just the first chapter of
its business plan. Uber intends to leverage
its ownership of its taxi service platform
to develop a more extensive transit and
logistical platform and eventually to own
the platform for anything delivered. Once
Uber owns the summoning of cars, trucks
and aircraft on demand, why would it not
then own delivery as well? The fact that
Uber has a plan to evolve to successive
markets even as it competes to own its first
market is a good sign for a company that
wants to sustain its leadership.
Visionary companies plan their platform
progressions and have a strategy for what
those progressions will look like right
from the start. As Peter Thiel notes in his
ground-breaking book Zero to One: Notes
on Startups or How to Build the Future, the
founding of a company “lasts as long as a
company is creating new things and ends
when creation stops. If you get the founding
moment right you can do more than create
a valuable company, you can steer its
distant future toward the creation of new
things instead of stewardship of inherited
success. You might even extend its founding
indefinitely”. We agree, except we believe
that you must extend the founding moment
indefinitely. A company such as Apple is
creating and owning platforms today that
its founders could never have envisioned
from the confines of their garage start-up.
Companies must continuously develop
their next platform strategy because it will
24 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
associated with the original innovation
and to extend that ownership to the next
platform. To do that, a tool must provide IP
However, the paucity of such tools
reveals a more fundamental issue.
Leaders have not yet developed a robust
understanding of how intellectual property
can be used to achieve ownership of current
platforms, let alone extend it to future
platforms. In fact, the hype cycle and other
tools like it do not actually describe a cycle
at all. They are linear models, not cyclical,
and their linear character exists because
they do not contemplate how current-
generation innovations and intellectual
property can be used to extend control to
future innovations. Because they do not
consider its IP aspects, they do not view
innovation in a cyclical manner.
Elon Musk, founder of electric car
company Tesla, recently declared that he
would make all of his company’s patents
freely available to any competitor. His
premise was to encourage other companies
to make the same kind of investment in
electric cars that he had. He responded
to those questioning the wisdom of such
an action by indicating his intention to
OLED screens for PCs
Media tablet
Over-the-top set-top boxes
3D flat-panel TVs and displays
Solar power mobile devices
Head-mounted displays
Blu-ray devices for consumers
Connected video game handhelds
Connected portable media playersGames consoles as media hubs
Premium communication devices and open OS
Terrestrial digital radio
Connected portable navigation devicesE-book
Connected imaging devices
Basic communication
devices and open OS
Satellite digital radio Interactive TV
Internet radio
Voice-augmented MFPs
Mobile transphones
4k x 2k TV displays
Quantum dot displays
Photonic crystal displays
Technology trigger Peak of
Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of
Electrofluidic and electrowetting displays
Home server
Broadband connected televisions
Smart appliances
Wi-Fi personal-area networks
MEMS displays
Years to mainstream adoption:
Less than 2 years
2 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
Figure 2. Hype cycle - case study
In this case study, Rovi shows up with 12 specific technologies indicated by a red dot outlined with a blue circle.
patent portfolio mapped against a specific
technology at a given stage of the hype
cycle. This provides more insight than
simply generating a patent portfolio report
tallying patents filed or issued in a technical
area. Nonetheless, the hype cycle is limited
as an IP strategy tool, as it cannot be used to
plan a successive platform control strategy.
In this case study, Rovi shows up with
12 specific technologies indicated by a red
dot outlined with a blue circle
The hype cycle is not built with the
innovator in mind, so it is unsurprising
that it does not chart next-generation
innovations. This shortcoming is also
present in many other tools for charting
the progress of innovations. These tools
generally do not see past what is necessary
to achieve success on the first platform
and so are limited to the evolution of the
first innovation. They do not address the
innovator’s need to extend the founding
moment indefinitely. In fact, because
they do not incorporate IP considerations
into their models, they tend to offer little
more than an observer’s feedback on the
evolutionary stage of an innovation. What is
really needed is a tool that shows innovators
how to achieve ownership of the platform
Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
original objective was to determine whether
patents would have any relevance in a world
where firms were regularly joining standards
bodies with royalty-free patent licensing
terms and making use of open source
software, which provided a free patent
licence. What emerged in response to that
inquiry went far beyond the initial question.
To address the question, we created
a model for tracking the progress of
an innovation from initial discovery to
development, commercialisation and,
finally, commoditisation. Although we
independently developed this model, we
subsequently learned that our stages of
innovation matched fairly closely with the
work of others in fields such as economics
(see Abernathy and Utterback http://
innovation-management-theory-part-6/ ).
So we felt that we had hit on a workable set
of stages for the progress of an innovation.
However, since our work was guided by the
aforementioned initial inquiry, we spent
much of our time focusing on what happens
after an innovation becomes broadly
adopted, as is the case in both open source
and open standards. This focus yielded
insights that are unique to our model. The
critical difference with our work was that
when we tracked the course of innovation
in various fields, we discovered that when
an innovation passed into common use
(ie, when it became a broadly adopted
platform), it also became a starting point for
a successive innovation that built upon that
platform. Our model recognises that the
progression of innovation is circular, with
one widely adopted innovation serving as a
foundation, itself giving rise to a next round
of innovation. This was the origin of the
innovation cycle.
Figure 3 provides an overview of our
innovation cycle model. An innovation
progresses through the stages listed along
the blue arrow, starting at the research stage
and culminating with the infrastructure
phase. At each stage a distinct type of
innovation predominates, ranging from
radical innovation (typical of the scientific
exploration undertaken at the research stage)
to incremental innovation (common at the
commercial stage, where a focus on yield,
reliability and scalability predominates).
Accordingly, at each stage there is a
predominant IP treatment for the innovation
associated with that particular period of its
progression. For example, at the research
stage – where basic scientific research is
mostly carried out via public funding – the
licensing of resulting discoveries is typically
fairly open. By contrast, early protoypes of
innovate fast enough to ‘invalidate’ his prior
patents in terms of what really matters.
But does this strategy make sense? First,
does it not seem plausible that Tesla, while
presently very successful, recognised the
need for its larger automotive rivals to invest
in building out the global infrastructure
needed to make its electric car vision a
reality (eg, availability of charging stations or
repair facilities)? Or, to put it another way,
does it seem likely that Tesla might need the
investment of others to make the platform
viable? The company did receive a one-off
government subsidy of nearly half a billion
dollars. But as heady as that investment
was, it is not nearly enough money to build
a national, let alone global, network of
charging stations and other infrastructure
needed to realise its ultimate vision. Viewed
from that perspective, one can see why
Musk would want to assure his competitors
that their use of Tesla technology when
building out the infrastructure would not
incur his patent wrath.
In fact, he is wise to encourage his
rivals to build out charging stations that
are plug compatible with his cars. But
does that objective really require that he
open his entire portfolio of patents to
competitors to get them to act? Is Musk’s
attempt to attract competitors to his
current platform actually a detriment to
his ability to capture the next platform? To
address these types of concerns, we have
developed an innovation management tool
that specifically addresses how companies
can use their intellectual property to gain
control of a current platform and extend
that control to future platforms. We call our
tool the innovation cycle.
Understanding the innovation cycle
Several years ago, we developed a model for
charting the progress of innovations. Our
Process and process-based
Prototype Commercial
Figure 3. Innovation exhibits a natural cycle with distinct phases
26 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
they must selectively open up access to their
patents in order to shape the future platform.
Think of it this way: if your competitors
are looking to replace your Monopoly
board with another, better one, part of
the reason they are doing so is that they
believe you own too much of the first board
already. However, if you let them own some
of that first board (by sharing access to
your patents), you have diminished their
incentive to replace it. Of course, you
have also cut into your own share of the
current market. But now your competitors
are following you – as a leader, you are in
the best position to focus on what comes
next. Additionally, since your competitors
are adopting your technological platform,
you have a head start in determining what
comes next. After all, you created the
platform to begin with and likely have
some development already underway, if not
completed, on the next platform. You also
likely have patents filed and issued on this
next platform – these are not the patents
that you should be openly licensing.
Companies that want the innovation
cycle to work to their advantage must
openly license patents on their current
successful platform. Simultaneously, they
must restrict access to the next platform
by tightly controlling their patents. Only
when the next innovation becomes the
newly accepted platform should a company
consider broadly opening up those patents
for licensing. This is how successful
organisations can enable the development
of yet another platform and traverse the
innovation cycle again.
New infrastructure
We have briefly described how the
innovation cycle was developed and how it
can be harnessed to achieve long-term
success. In developing this model, we
primarily focused on technology sectors
such as communications and computers.
There is a reason for that. As Clayton
Ford Model T
Ford Motor Company
commercial solutions harnessing discoveries
from the research stage are usually the
province of private industry and are closely
held proprietary IP rights that are not
broadly licensed.
The set of red arrows illustrate a
feedback loop from the commons stage,
pointing back to the prototype stage. These
arrows represent our finding that
innovations, once broadly adopted (at either
the commons or the infrastructure stage),
serve as a platform upon which successive
innovations are created. In the area of
information technology, it is often the case
that this common platform is based on an
open standard or on open source code, both
involving easy or free access to patents
required to practise the technology at the
heart of the innovation. From an IP
perspective, this finding was
counterintuitive. Why would an innovator
whose innovation has just become a
successful commercial product make its
valuable patents available broadly, often for
free? Is that not like snatching defeat from
the jaws of victory?
And yet examples of this kind of
platform succession are legion. So common,
in fact, that any innovator ought to expect
that a next generation of innovations will
be built on top of its own. Thiel makes
an excellent analogy for this succession.
Arguing that the best businesses are those
that face little to no competition (ie, they
enjoy small, monopolistic markets – as was
the case initially for PayPal in the area of
electronic payments), he stresses that the
market promotes dynamism in monopolies.
Real markets are distinguished from the
market portrayed in the famous board game,
where the board is static and the winner
is the player who collects the most rent,
because “the history of progress is a history
of better monopoly businesses replacing
incumbents”. As examples, he cites Apple’s
iOS succeeding and reducing Microsoft’s
operating system dominance, which in turn
overtook IBM’s hardware dominance of the
1960s. So, in the real world, our Monopoly
board is constantly being replaced with a
newer, better board; thus, merely amassing
properties on one board does not win the
game. The way to win is to control the
succession of boards.
Armed with the knowledge that
hegemony is fleeting and that their
innovation will be replaced by a next
generation of innovations, what can
innovators do to own and control that next
platform? Our answer, which solved our
puzzle regarding the use of patents in a world
of open source and open standards, is that
Companies that want the innovation
cycle to work to their advantage must
openly license patents on their current
successful platform. Simultaneously, they
must restrict access to the next platform
by tightly controlling their patents
Picture: Barry Winiker/Getty Images
Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
design and logistics support for the finished
product. The intricate choreography
required to process the order, build the
laptop and deliver it within two weeks is
repeated thousands of times every day for
each of Dell’s products.
The choreography of the‘flat world’
relies on companies working together across
a global network. In order to achieve this
separation of labour, standards are required.
For example, Dell needs to know how the
components it gets from multiple sources
will work together, how the delivery systems
for multiple suppliers will ensure that the
right parts in sufficient numbers will arrive
for assembly in time to process orders, how
payments will be processed by the time
orders ship and how various fulfilment
operations will coordinate the shipment
of the finished goods. These intercompany
operations require common standardised
protocols to ensure the seamless operations
that Dell depends on to run its business. This
is the norm for running business operations
in the modern economy, but it is light years
from how companies used to operate.
The Ford Motor Company of 1913 is an
iconic example of how companies operated
in the heyday of the industrial era. Ford
produced every component in the Model T.
It designed and built the engine, chassis and
suspension. Ford even owned rubber tree
plantations, which it used to harvest rubber
for tyres. Fast forward to 2014 and Ford is as
globally integrated as every other successful
company. Its supplier network provides
most of the components for its modern cars
(see boxes).
Thus, the infrastructure used by
companies to create their products has
Christensen noted in his book The
Innovators Dilemma: “Those who study
genetics avoid studying humans…because
new generations come along only every
thirty years or so. Instead they study fruit
flies, because they are conceived, born,
mature, and die all within a single day.” That
is why Christensen studied the market for
disk drives and that is why we focused on
network intensive industries. In technology
sectors where devices must communicate,
connect and interoperate, the
interdependence of products makes
traversal of the innovation cycle faster and
more visible.
Metcalfe’s Law holds that the utility
of a network is proportional to the square
of the number of connected users. For
technology companies, this means that
there is a strong incentive to build products
that work together, which in turn is why
standard interfaces and communication
protocols pervade the business. Technology
is a business of standards.
In The World is Flat, Thomas
Friedman describes the emergence of a
global communication network that has
transformed the way in which businesses
operate. This network also fundamentally
changed the way that companies use (or
ought to use) their intellectual property.
The global communications network
that Friedman describes enables labour
specialisation by permitting companies
to interact with one another. Friedman
illustrates this transformation by tracking a
customer’s order of a Dell laptop computer
from website to doorstep. The process
involves hundreds of companies in dozens
of geographies providing parts, labour,
Ford Fusion
Air intake manifold – Montaplast
Washer hose assembly – Bowles Fluidics
Side-view mirrors actuator – MCI Mirror
Front windshield direct glazing – Sika
Glove box latch – Southco
HVAC duct- ABC Group
Piston pins – Burgess-Norton
Turbo control valve – KSPG Automotive
Propeller shaft – IFA Rotorion
Wiring clip – TRW Fasteners
Overflow bottle – MPC
Cooling fan module – Johnson Electric
Charge air cooler – Behr
Front bumper mounting components – EFC
Battery cover assembly – Midway Products
Cockpit and console – IAC
4WD coupling – JTEKT
Clutch hydraulic actuation system – FTE
Torque sensor – Borums
Transmission end covers – Metadyne
Drivetrain components – Automatic Spring
Seat adjusters – Brose
Mirror button – 3M
Passive outside door handles – ADAC
Steering wheel – Takata-Petri
Heated seat switch – Omron
2-way lumbar system – Leggett & Platt
Muffler coatings – Magni
Side door locking system – Kiekert
Fuel system – CWC
Cargo floor mat – AGM Automotive
Strut bearings – FAG
Fuel charging assembly – Cooper-Standard
Fuel lines – Fraenkische
Picture: Bloomberg/Getty Images
28 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
intellectual property.
A company that holds pertinent
intellectual property can often dictate the
direction for standards development. That
company’s willingness to allow others to
access the intellectual property has a lot
to do with the way that the standard will
develop. Those that control the development
of the standard will have a significant first
mover advantage to develop on top of the
standard, versus their competitors.
Sound familiar? It should, because it is
precisely the mechanism that we have been
advocating for using the innovation cycle.
The pervasiveness of standards in building
critical business infrastructure creates a real
opportunity for savvy companies to use their
intellectual property to gain market advantage.
But wait, there’s more…
We began this article with a bold objective:
to convince executives that IP strategy is
essential to their company’s success and
accordingly that it must be developed at the Picture: Lionel LOURDEL/Getty Images
Plan Create Leverage
Evaluate Enable Invent Manage Defend Influence Capitalise
IP assessment
Culture of
IP pipeline
IP policies
guidelines Influence
innovation and IP
innovation and IP
networkIP strategy
IP tools Risk management
IP landscape
Communications IP portfolio
IP budget
Partner landscape
strategy align
Deploy IP
Allocations Manage
Legal/regulatory IP asset valuation
IP needs list
IP organisaton
Deploy inventor
IP portfolio
Industry standards IP asset marketing
management Performance
IP strategy
implementation IP organisation
Inventor training
Asset donation
IP engagement
Regulatory & legal
Invention review
IP leaks Open innovation
Product sales
Strategic invention
Defensive leverage
Asset negotiation
Figure 4. IP component business model
evolved from being completely in-house
during the industrial era to largely outsourced
in our globally interconnected economy.
These changes call for CEOs to make a shift
in how they use their intellectual property.
In the industrial era, intellectual property
could properly be viewed as serving the same
function as a moat around a castle. Since a
competitor would need to replicate the entire
infrastructure to create a competing product,
the prohibitively expensive costs were a huge
barrier to entry – rubber plantations are not
cheap. In this environment, patents were an
additional barrier to entry to be used against
the few competitors which had the financial
means to compete.
In the modern, globally interconnected
economy, the infrastructure for building
products no longer exists within a
single firm; rather, it exists in the form
of a network of connections between
cooperating firms. That network is held
together by standards and standards are
shaped by those that hold important
Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015
Ahead of the game
The CBM represents the architecture
of a business. As seen above, the columns
divide the business by capability (they
answer the question: “What do we need
to be good at?”) and the rows divide the
business by operational level (Direct =
strategic level; Control = management level;
Execute = processing level).
At the intersection of the columns and
rows are the components – the building
blocks of innovation and IP enterprise.
Each component represents a set of best
practices and activities which deliver a
service within the overall business. Within
each component, critical information about
operationalising that business competency
are captured, including the following:
• business purpose;
• activities;
• resources;
• key performance indicators; and
• performance metrics.
This model delivers the modularity and
flexibility required to meet the changing
needs of a business. It enables a flexible,
real-time and realistic way of implementing
business policies, as opposed to merely
attempting to adopt wholesale a completely
predefined structured IP model.
Flexibility is important because optimal
IP strategy depends on the industry,
market and innovation itself, as well as the
company and its culture. If you review the
CBM chart in light of the innovation cycle,
you may see many components relevant to
your business. Others may see a different
set of relevant components, and that makes
sense. CBM provides a framework to help
deconstruct and reconstruct business
processes, enabling incorporation of the
insights achieved by the innovation cycle
and other IP tools and principles.
The innovation cycle and IP tools
discussed earlier are only a sub-set of
tools contained in the components above.
Thoughtful leading organisations must
develop their own CBM not only to track
their operational effectiveness, but also to
win in the future.
Great innovation is not the only ingredient
required for success. The best companies
understand that the key to sustainable
advantage is building a model for
successive innovation that ensures they
are continuously one step ahead of
their competitors. Here is how the best
companies successfully navigate the
innovation cycle:
• They understand that winning in one
market must be a path to winning in
successive markets.
• Visionary companies plan their market
progressions and have a strategy for
what those progressions will look like
from the start.
• Savvy companies use intellectual
property to gain control of a current
market and extend that control to
future markets.
• Companies must openly license
patents in their current successful
market, while simultaneously restricting
access to the next market by tightly
controlling those patents.
• Only when its next innovation becomes
the newly accepted platform should a
company consider opening access to
those patents.
• A company that holds pertinent
intellectual property can often
dictate the direction for standards
• The component business model
enables companies to integrate many
IP best practices in a manner that is
specifically relevant to them and can
lead to breakthrough results.
Action plan
top of the company. If you agree with this
premise now and you did not before you
read this article, then we have achieved our
goal. However, what we have described here
is by no means a complete IP strategy in and
of itself.
In order to use the innovation cycle
effectively, a firm needs to have a precise
picture of its intellectual property,
including the characteristics of its global
patent portfolio. For example, it would
be impossible to gain control of a current
platform, let alone use that control to
lead the market to a successive platform,
without patents covering essential aspects
of each platform. Obtaining these patents
and understanding how and when to use
them requires a deep understanding of your
business, your innovation culture and the
IP environment in which your business
competes, to name a few of the relevant
considerations. The innovation cycle is not
a tool for beginners. To use it, a firm must
be well versed in many more fundamental
aspects of a complete IP strategy.
While the benefit of harnessing the
power of the innovation cycle is a worthy
reason to develop a comprehensive IP
strategy, the innovation cycle model is just
one of many arrows in the quiver of a firm
with a fully integrated IP strategy.
While the development of such a
strategy is beyond the scope of this or any
single article, we intend to publish further
articles which will focus on other tools,
as well as some of the more fundamental
aspects for developing a fully integrated IP
strategy. However, for now, it is sufficient
to note that developing a comprehensive
IP strategy is not an easy task. Companies
need a road map to follow in charting their
course. Our preferred approach is through
the use of a component business model
(CBM) methodology.
Component business model
The CBM is a methodology originally
developed by IBM that has proven to
be effective in designing/re-designing
organisations, making important
management decisions and guiding
re-engineering processes. It has been
successfully deployed within IBM and
in Fortune 100 companies worldwide.
The CBM methodology enables firms to
integrate many IP best practices in a manner
that is specifically relevant to each firm.
Properly implemented, the methodology
can lead to breakthrough results which
follow when technology, legal and business
processes are seamlessly integrated into the
fabric of the business.
Arvin Patel is senior vice president of
intellectual property and licensing at Rovi,
Santa Clara, California.
Marian Underweiser is head counsel for IP
policy at IBM, New York, United States.
Richard Ludwin is associate general
counsel for intellectual property and patent
strategy at IBM, New York.
Marc Ehrlich is associate general counsel
for intellectual property at IBM, New York

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IAM Magazine 71 Innovation

  • 1. Why NPEs have struggled to win over corporate Japan – and how that might change China moves closer to becoming a global litigation hub Mastering the innovation cycle for sustained success Korea’s IP marketplace – on the brink of a boom How Rambus changed its business model The US law firms that put quality patents first Issue 71 May/June 2015 Intellectual Asset Management Magazine Time for a new conversation
  • 2. Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game A great innovation is only the first step for success. The best companies understand that the key to sustainable advantage is to build a model for successive innovation so that they are continuously one step ahead of their competitors By Arvin Patel, Marian Underweiser, Richard Ludwin and Marc Ehrlich The innovation cycle: an IP strategy for sustained business leadership To a typical C-suite executive, the term ‘intellectual property’ is synonymous with sensational headlines such as “Samsung Pays Microsoft $1 billion in Patent Dispute” or “Court Approves $4.5 Billion Sale of Nortel Patent Portfolio”. However, the phrase ‘IP department’ is likely to evoke a very different image: perhaps a group of executives issuing threats in a desperate attempt to generate some licensing income from a portfolio of slowly dwindling IP assets or, more likely, a group of lawyers slumped over their desks with quill pens in hands and green visors perched on their foreheads as they mutter an incomprehensible stream of technical and legal language. This article is about neither of those. After all, how many articles about IP licensing have you already decided not to read? Instead, in this article and a series of others to follow, we will discuss something far more valuable: the use of intellectual property as a means to position your company to win in today’s and – more importantly – tomorrow’s marketplace. Our goal is an audacious one, but we think that we are up to the task. We will explain why IP strategy is an essential part of your business strategy which belongs squarely in the boardroom – not something that is relegated to the IP department. Leadership that lasts “In order to win, your company needs to harness its innovations.”That is the mantra of every C-level executive. But when you compare the number of companies competing in the market against the few that truly succeed, it becomes plain that a great innovation cannot be the only ingredient required for success. If you remove from that list the one-hit wonders – companies that hit upon a winning product only to be later surpassed by their competitors – the list becomes shorter still. To become one of those remaining companies is the entrepreneur’s holy grail and raison d’etre. One-hit wonders There is good reason to focus on innovation as the key to success. After all, it is trite but true that we are in the midst of an era of dynamic changes in innovation. Technological developments such as the creation of global communications networks have enabled new forms of collaboration, spawning innovation on a scale and pace never before contemplated. Innovation spans companies, governments and geography. It is created and shared as quickly as data can traverse a cable or carrier signal. Not since the advent of the printing press has there been such dynamism in the area of innovation. And yet, clearly, innovation itself is not enough. The best companies understand not only the need to capitalise on innovation to win in the marketplace, but also the need to take a longer-range view. They understand that the key to sustainable advantage is to build a model for successive innovation to ensure that they are continuously a step ahead of their competitors in new markets.
  • 3. 22 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game Picture: Bloomberg/Getty Images era is the understanding that winning their current platform is not an end in itself. Leadership in a market must be a path to leadership in successive markets in order to build a company that lasts. Battle for platforms The battle for IT dominance today is a battle for control of platforms. Facebook is the 800-pound gorilla in social networking, chased by the likes of LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and others. But whether Facebook maintains its social hegemony depends on Pictures clockwise from top left: Getty Images, Science & Society Picture Library/Getty Images, Tim Boyle/Getty Images, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Picture: John Lamb/Getty Images Consider Apple’s ground-breaking iPod and its concomitant leadership in smartphones. Innovations developed for these products turned them into widely popular platforms (for music, application software and new technologies), which in turn enabled Apple’s successful entrance into the tablet computing area (a computing platform where numerous competitors had previously failed to gain traction). Apple’s success in portable music gave it a leading position in smartphones, which in turn helped to enable and strengthen its subsequent success in tablets. Other long-term successful firms have followed a similar pattern. Microsoft’s dominant operating system enabled it to become the dominant application provider for office productivity software, which in turn led it to databases, middleware and beyond. Amazon’s dominance as a bookseller enabled it to become the dominant seller of, well, everything, as well as being a tablet, streaming media and web services leader. Success begets success. But this does not happen by chance among these most elite and consistent market leaders. Before Google leveraged its internet search engine dominance into markets such as mobile and video, other search engines such as AltaVista and Excite held sway, before eventually being displaced. What separates the companies that dominate a market for a short time from those that dominate for an
  • 4. Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game cement success in their present market and ensure their path to future success. It is tricky to strike a balance between competing for ownership of a current platform and preparing for the transition to a future platform. This is where IP strategy comes into play. Intellectual property creates the bridge that connects ownership of a current platform to leadership of the next. By choosing which intellectual property to keep as proprietary, which to license and which to give freely to others, a firm with an understanding of its platform strategy can at once establish control of its present platform and ensure that it has a lead in owning the next one. To do this requires an understanding of how innovation evolves. Visualising innovation There are many tools offered by many consultants which track the course of an innovation. One of the best-known examples is the Gartner hype cycle. Developed by consulting firm Gartner, Inc, the hype cycle is a graphical representation of the maturity and adoption of a technological innovation over time. It can be used to assess the risk associated with adopting an innovation based on the stage of its evolution, as shown in Figure 1. The stages represent the typical evolution of a technical innovation. Starting with a technology trigger, which occurs due to a technical breakthrough, there follows a period of inflated expectations, which leads to a period where these unrealistic expectations fail to be realised (the trough of disillusionment). In time, a more modest degree of success is realised by one or a few implementers (the slope of enlightenment). This prompts others to join the market and heralds the arrival of second and third- generation products. Finally, at the plateau of productivity, mainstream adoption takes off, more providers enter the market and the promise of the original innovation begins to approach realisation. The hype cycle is a means of visualising an innovation’s progress towards viability. It does not, and is not intended to, directly address innovation from the standpoint of an innovator. Rather, it addresses it from the vantage point of an adopter. To do this, it charts the progress towards market acceptance associated with making an innovative product workable. It is possible and useful to overlay an IP perspective on the hype cycle. We demonstrated how this could be done in an earlier article (“How to value IP portfolios for acquisition”, IAM 63). We illustrated that the tool enables executives to understand the state of their Visionary companies plan their platform progressions and have a strategy for what those progressions will look like right from the start Peak of inflated expectations Plateau of productivity Slope of enlightenment Trough of disillusionment Technology trigger Visibility Time Figure 1. Gartner hype cycle what it can do for an encore. If Facebook does not own the next important social platform that evolves, it risks losing its subscribers to the innovator which does. That is why Facebook has worked to extend its leadership in social media into mobile computing through the acquisition of Instagram, WhatsApp and others, as well as through home-grown initiatives such as Facebook Home. The recent emergence of on-demand transportation provider Uber illustrates the fact that the battle for platform ownership starts when a company is first formed. Uber has quickly grown to dominate the platform for ride sharing, which it helped to create. However, this is just the first chapter of its business plan. Uber intends to leverage its ownership of its taxi service platform to develop a more extensive transit and logistical platform and eventually to own the platform for anything delivered. Once Uber owns the summoning of cars, trucks and aircraft on demand, why would it not then own delivery as well? The fact that Uber has a plan to evolve to successive markets even as it competes to own its first market is a good sign for a company that wants to sustain its leadership. Visionary companies plan their platform progressions and have a strategy for what those progressions will look like right from the start. As Peter Thiel notes in his ground-breaking book Zero to One: Notes on Startups or How to Build the Future, the founding of a company “lasts as long as a company is creating new things and ends when creation stops. If you get the founding moment right you can do more than create a valuable company, you can steer its distant future toward the creation of new things instead of stewardship of inherited success. You might even extend its founding indefinitely”. We agree, except we believe that you must extend the founding moment indefinitely. A company such as Apple is creating and owning platforms today that its founders could never have envisioned from the confines of their garage start-up. Companies must continuously develop their next platform strategy because it will
  • 5. 24 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game associated with the original innovation and to extend that ownership to the next platform. To do that, a tool must provide IP insight. However, the paucity of such tools reveals a more fundamental issue. Leaders have not yet developed a robust understanding of how intellectual property can be used to achieve ownership of current platforms, let alone extend it to future platforms. In fact, the hype cycle and other tools like it do not actually describe a cycle at all. They are linear models, not cyclical, and their linear character exists because they do not contemplate how current- generation innovations and intellectual property can be used to extend control to future innovations. Because they do not consider its IP aspects, they do not view innovation in a cyclical manner. Elon Musk, founder of electric car company Tesla, recently declared that he would make all of his company’s patents freely available to any competitor. His premise was to encourage other companies to make the same kind of investment in electric cars that he had. He responded to those questioning the wisdom of such an action by indicating his intention to OLED screens for PCs 3D LCDs Media tablet Over-the-top set-top boxes 3D flat-panel TVs and displays Solar power mobile devices Head-mounted displays Ultra-mini-PCs Blu-ray devices for consumers Connected video game handhelds Connected portable media playersGames consoles as media hubs Premium communication devices and open OS Terrestrial digital radio Connected portable navigation devicesE-book readers Connected imaging devices Basic communication devices and open OS Consumer mini-notebooks Satellite digital radio Interactive TV Internet radio Voice-augmented MFPs Mobile transphones 4k x 2k TV displays Quantum dot displays Photonic crystal displays Technology trigger Peak of inflated expectations Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Electrofluidic and electrowetting displays Home server Broadband connected televisions Smart appliances OLED TVs Wi-Fi personal-area networks MEMS displays Expectations Years to mainstream adoption: Less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years Figure 2. Hype cycle - case study In this case study, Rovi shows up with 12 specific technologies indicated by a red dot outlined with a blue circle. patent portfolio mapped against a specific technology at a given stage of the hype cycle. This provides more insight than simply generating a patent portfolio report tallying patents filed or issued in a technical area. Nonetheless, the hype cycle is limited as an IP strategy tool, as it cannot be used to plan a successive platform control strategy. In this case study, Rovi shows up with 12 specific technologies indicated by a red dot outlined with a blue circle The hype cycle is not built with the innovator in mind, so it is unsurprising that it does not chart next-generation innovations. This shortcoming is also present in many other tools for charting the progress of innovations. These tools generally do not see past what is necessary to achieve success on the first platform and so are limited to the evolution of the first innovation. They do not address the innovator’s need to extend the founding moment indefinitely. In fact, because they do not incorporate IP considerations into their models, they tend to offer little more than an observer’s feedback on the evolutionary stage of an innovation. What is really needed is a tool that shows innovators how to achieve ownership of the platform
  • 6. Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game original objective was to determine whether patents would have any relevance in a world where firms were regularly joining standards bodies with royalty-free patent licensing terms and making use of open source software, which provided a free patent licence. What emerged in response to that inquiry went far beyond the initial question. To address the question, we created a model for tracking the progress of an innovation from initial discovery to development, commercialisation and, finally, commoditisation. Although we independently developed this model, we subsequently learned that our stages of innovation matched fairly closely with the work of others in fields such as economics (see Abernathy and Utterback http:// innovation-management-theory-part-6/ ). So we felt that we had hit on a workable set of stages for the progress of an innovation. However, since our work was guided by the aforementioned initial inquiry, we spent much of our time focusing on what happens after an innovation becomes broadly adopted, as is the case in both open source and open standards. This focus yielded insights that are unique to our model. The critical difference with our work was that when we tracked the course of innovation in various fields, we discovered that when an innovation passed into common use (ie, when it became a broadly adopted platform), it also became a starting point for a successive innovation that built upon that platform. Our model recognises that the progression of innovation is circular, with one widely adopted innovation serving as a foundation, itself giving rise to a next round of innovation. This was the origin of the innovation cycle. Figure 3 provides an overview of our innovation cycle model. An innovation progresses through the stages listed along the blue arrow, starting at the research stage and culminating with the infrastructure phase. At each stage a distinct type of innovation predominates, ranging from radical innovation (typical of the scientific exploration undertaken at the research stage) to incremental innovation (common at the commercial stage, where a focus on yield, reliability and scalability predominates). Accordingly, at each stage there is a predominant IP treatment for the innovation associated with that particular period of its progression. For example, at the research stage – where basic scientific research is mostly carried out via public funding – the licensing of resulting discoveries is typically fairly open. By contrast, early protoypes of innovate fast enough to ‘invalidate’ his prior patents in terms of what really matters. But does this strategy make sense? First, does it not seem plausible that Tesla, while presently very successful, recognised the need for its larger automotive rivals to invest in building out the global infrastructure needed to make its electric car vision a reality (eg, availability of charging stations or repair facilities)? Or, to put it another way, does it seem likely that Tesla might need the investment of others to make the platform viable? The company did receive a one-off government subsidy of nearly half a billion dollars. But as heady as that investment was, it is not nearly enough money to build a national, let alone global, network of charging stations and other infrastructure needed to realise its ultimate vision. Viewed from that perspective, one can see why Musk would want to assure his competitors that their use of Tesla technology when building out the infrastructure would not incur his patent wrath. In fact, he is wise to encourage his rivals to build out charging stations that are plug compatible with his cars. But does that objective really require that he open his entire portfolio of patents to competitors to get them to act? Is Musk’s attempt to attract competitors to his current platform actually a detriment to his ability to capture the next platform? To address these types of concerns, we have developed an innovation management tool that specifically addresses how companies can use their intellectual property to gain control of a current platform and extend that control to future platforms. We call our tool the innovation cycle. Understanding the innovation cycle Several years ago, we developed a model for charting the progress of innovations. Our Private Enterprise Proprietary Open/collaborative Exploration Discovery-based Exploitation Process and process-based Public Foundation IPperspective Infrastructure Prototype Commercial Discovery Research Applications Commons Figure 3. Innovation exhibits a natural cycle with distinct phases
  • 7. 26 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game they must selectively open up access to their patents in order to shape the future platform. Think of it this way: if your competitors are looking to replace your Monopoly board with another, better one, part of the reason they are doing so is that they believe you own too much of the first board already. However, if you let them own some of that first board (by sharing access to your patents), you have diminished their incentive to replace it. Of course, you have also cut into your own share of the current market. But now your competitors are following you – as a leader, you are in the best position to focus on what comes next. Additionally, since your competitors are adopting your technological platform, you have a head start in determining what comes next. After all, you created the platform to begin with and likely have some development already underway, if not completed, on the next platform. You also likely have patents filed and issued on this next platform – these are not the patents that you should be openly licensing. Companies that want the innovation cycle to work to their advantage must openly license patents on their current successful platform. Simultaneously, they must restrict access to the next platform by tightly controlling their patents. Only when the next innovation becomes the newly accepted platform should a company consider broadly opening up those patents for licensing. This is how successful organisations can enable the development of yet another platform and traverse the innovation cycle again. New infrastructure We have briefly described how the innovation cycle was developed and how it can be harnessed to achieve long-term success. In developing this model, we primarily focused on technology sectors such as communications and computers. There is a reason for that. As Clayton Ford Model T Supplier: Ford Motor Company commercial solutions harnessing discoveries from the research stage are usually the province of private industry and are closely held proprietary IP rights that are not broadly licensed. The set of red arrows illustrate a feedback loop from the commons stage, pointing back to the prototype stage. These arrows represent our finding that innovations, once broadly adopted (at either the commons or the infrastructure stage), serve as a platform upon which successive innovations are created. In the area of information technology, it is often the case that this common platform is based on an open standard or on open source code, both involving easy or free access to patents required to practise the technology at the heart of the innovation. From an IP perspective, this finding was counterintuitive. Why would an innovator whose innovation has just become a successful commercial product make its valuable patents available broadly, often for free? Is that not like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? And yet examples of this kind of platform succession are legion. So common, in fact, that any innovator ought to expect that a next generation of innovations will be built on top of its own. Thiel makes an excellent analogy for this succession. Arguing that the best businesses are those that face little to no competition (ie, they enjoy small, monopolistic markets – as was the case initially for PayPal in the area of electronic payments), he stresses that the market promotes dynamism in monopolies. Real markets are distinguished from the market portrayed in the famous board game, where the board is static and the winner is the player who collects the most rent, because “the history of progress is a history of better monopoly businesses replacing incumbents”. As examples, he cites Apple’s iOS succeeding and reducing Microsoft’s operating system dominance, which in turn overtook IBM’s hardware dominance of the 1960s. So, in the real world, our Monopoly board is constantly being replaced with a newer, better board; thus, merely amassing properties on one board does not win the game. The way to win is to control the succession of boards. Armed with the knowledge that hegemony is fleeting and that their innovation will be replaced by a next generation of innovations, what can innovators do to own and control that next platform? Our answer, which solved our puzzle regarding the use of patents in a world of open source and open standards, is that Companies that want the innovation cycle to work to their advantage must openly license patents on their current successful platform. Simultaneously, they must restrict access to the next platform by tightly controlling their patents Picture: Barry Winiker/Getty Images
  • 8. Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game design and logistics support for the finished product. The intricate choreography required to process the order, build the laptop and deliver it within two weeks is repeated thousands of times every day for each of Dell’s products. The choreography of the‘flat world’ relies on companies working together across a global network. In order to achieve this separation of labour, standards are required. For example, Dell needs to know how the components it gets from multiple sources will work together, how the delivery systems for multiple suppliers will ensure that the right parts in sufficient numbers will arrive for assembly in time to process orders, how payments will be processed by the time orders ship and how various fulfilment operations will coordinate the shipment of the finished goods. These intercompany operations require common standardised protocols to ensure the seamless operations that Dell depends on to run its business. This is the norm for running business operations in the modern economy, but it is light years from how companies used to operate. The Ford Motor Company of 1913 is an iconic example of how companies operated in the heyday of the industrial era. Ford produced every component in the Model T. It designed and built the engine, chassis and suspension. Ford even owned rubber tree plantations, which it used to harvest rubber for tyres. Fast forward to 2014 and Ford is as globally integrated as every other successful company. Its supplier network provides most of the components for its modern cars (see boxes). Thus, the infrastructure used by companies to create their products has Christensen noted in his book The Innovators Dilemma: “Those who study genetics avoid studying humans…because new generations come along only every thirty years or so. Instead they study fruit flies, because they are conceived, born, mature, and die all within a single day.” That is why Christensen studied the market for disk drives and that is why we focused on network intensive industries. In technology sectors where devices must communicate, connect and interoperate, the interdependence of products makes traversal of the innovation cycle faster and more visible. Metcalfe’s Law holds that the utility of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users. For technology companies, this means that there is a strong incentive to build products that work together, which in turn is why standard interfaces and communication protocols pervade the business. Technology is a business of standards. In The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman describes the emergence of a global communication network that has transformed the way in which businesses operate. This network also fundamentally changed the way that companies use (or ought to use) their intellectual property. The global communications network that Friedman describes enables labour specialisation by permitting companies to interact with one another. Friedman illustrates this transformation by tracking a customer’s order of a Dell laptop computer from website to doorstep. The process involves hundreds of companies in dozens of geographies providing parts, labour, Ford Fusion Suppliers: Air intake manifold – Montaplast Washer hose assembly – Bowles Fluidics Side-view mirrors actuator – MCI Mirror Controls Front windshield direct glazing – Sika Glove box latch – Southco HVAC duct- ABC Group Piston pins – Burgess-Norton Turbo control valve – KSPG Automotive Propeller shaft – IFA Rotorion Wiring clip – TRW Fasteners Overflow bottle – MPC Cooling fan module – Johnson Electric Charge air cooler – Behr Front bumper mounting components – EFC International Battery cover assembly – Midway Products Cockpit and console – IAC 4WD coupling – JTEKT Clutch hydraulic actuation system – FTE Torque sensor – Borums Transmission end covers – Metadyne Drivetrain components – Automatic Spring Products Seat adjusters – Brose Mirror button – 3M Passive outside door handles – ADAC Steering wheel – Takata-Petri Heated seat switch – Omron 2-way lumbar system – Leggett & Platt Muffler coatings – Magni Side door locking system – Kiekert Fuel system – CWC Cargo floor mat – AGM Automotive Strut bearings – FAG Fuel charging assembly – Cooper-Standard Fuel lines – Fraenkische Picture: Bloomberg/Getty Images
  • 9. 28 Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game intellectual property. A company that holds pertinent intellectual property can often dictate the direction for standards development. That company’s willingness to allow others to access the intellectual property has a lot to do with the way that the standard will develop. Those that control the development of the standard will have a significant first mover advantage to develop on top of the standard, versus their competitors. Sound familiar? It should, because it is precisely the mechanism that we have been advocating for using the innovation cycle. The pervasiveness of standards in building critical business infrastructure creates a real opportunity for savvy companies to use their intellectual property to gain market advantage. But wait, there’s more… We began this article with a bold objective: to convince executives that IP strategy is essential to their company’s success and accordingly that it must be developed at the Picture: Lionel LOURDEL/Getty Images Plan Create Leverage Evaluate Enable Invent Manage Defend Influence Capitalise Direct IP assessment Culture of innovation IP pipeline IP policies Enforcement guidelines Influence innovation and IP network Leverage innovation and IP networkIP strategy IP tools Risk management Sales/licensing guidelines IP landscape Communications IP portfolio Reputation building IP budget Negotiation leverage Collaboration guidelines Partner landscape Control IP/business strategy align Organisational change management Deploy IP organisation enablement Allocations Manage infringement assertions Legal/regulatory IP asset valuation IP needs list IP organisaton infrastructure Deploy inventor enablement IP portfolio management Industry standards IP asset marketing Performance measurement Performance measurement Performance measurement Quality management Performance measurement Performance measurement Performance measurementPerformance measurement Execute IP strategy implementation IP organisation enablement Inventor training Invention evaluation Invention identification Asset donation IP engagement enablement Regulatory & legal monitoring Invention harvesting Invention review process IP leaks Open innovation Product sales enablement Landscape monitoring Inventor enablement Strategic invention development Publications Defensive leverage creation Standards participation Asset negotiation Licensing Legal/regulatory intervention Figure 4. IP component business model evolved from being completely in-house during the industrial era to largely outsourced in our globally interconnected economy. These changes call for CEOs to make a shift in how they use their intellectual property. In the industrial era, intellectual property could properly be viewed as serving the same function as a moat around a castle. Since a competitor would need to replicate the entire infrastructure to create a competing product, the prohibitively expensive costs were a huge barrier to entry – rubber plantations are not cheap. In this environment, patents were an additional barrier to entry to be used against the few competitors which had the financial means to compete. In the modern, globally interconnected economy, the infrastructure for building products no longer exists within a single firm; rather, it exists in the form of a network of connections between cooperating firms. That network is held together by standards and standards are shaped by those that hold important
  • 10. Intellectual Asset Management May/June 2015 Ahead of the game The CBM represents the architecture of a business. As seen above, the columns divide the business by capability (they answer the question: “What do we need to be good at?”) and the rows divide the business by operational level (Direct = strategic level; Control = management level; Execute = processing level). At the intersection of the columns and rows are the components – the building blocks of innovation and IP enterprise. Each component represents a set of best practices and activities which deliver a service within the overall business. Within each component, critical information about operationalising that business competency are captured, including the following: • business purpose; • activities; • resources; • key performance indicators; and • performance metrics. This model delivers the modularity and flexibility required to meet the changing needs of a business. It enables a flexible, real-time and realistic way of implementing business policies, as opposed to merely attempting to adopt wholesale a completely predefined structured IP model. Flexibility is important because optimal IP strategy depends on the industry, market and innovation itself, as well as the company and its culture. If you review the CBM chart in light of the innovation cycle, you may see many components relevant to your business. Others may see a different set of relevant components, and that makes sense. CBM provides a framework to help deconstruct and reconstruct business processes, enabling incorporation of the insights achieved by the innovation cycle and other IP tools and principles. The innovation cycle and IP tools discussed earlier are only a sub-set of tools contained in the components above. Thoughtful leading organisations must develop their own CBM not only to track their operational effectiveness, but also to win in the future. Great innovation is not the only ingredient required for success. The best companies understand that the key to sustainable advantage is building a model for successive innovation that ensures they are continuously one step ahead of their competitors. Here is how the best companies successfully navigate the innovation cycle: • They understand that winning in one market must be a path to winning in successive markets. • Visionary companies plan their market progressions and have a strategy for what those progressions will look like from the start. • Savvy companies use intellectual property to gain control of a current market and extend that control to future markets. • Companies must openly license patents in their current successful market, while simultaneously restricting access to the next market by tightly controlling those patents. • Only when its next innovation becomes the newly accepted platform should a company consider opening access to those patents. • A company that holds pertinent intellectual property can often dictate the direction for standards development. • The component business model enables companies to integrate many IP best practices in a manner that is specifically relevant to them and can lead to breakthrough results. Action plan top of the company. If you agree with this premise now and you did not before you read this article, then we have achieved our goal. However, what we have described here is by no means a complete IP strategy in and of itself. In order to use the innovation cycle effectively, a firm needs to have a precise picture of its intellectual property, including the characteristics of its global patent portfolio. For example, it would be impossible to gain control of a current platform, let alone use that control to lead the market to a successive platform, without patents covering essential aspects of each platform. Obtaining these patents and understanding how and when to use them requires a deep understanding of your business, your innovation culture and the IP environment in which your business competes, to name a few of the relevant considerations. The innovation cycle is not a tool for beginners. To use it, a firm must be well versed in many more fundamental aspects of a complete IP strategy. While the benefit of harnessing the power of the innovation cycle is a worthy reason to develop a comprehensive IP strategy, the innovation cycle model is just one of many arrows in the quiver of a firm with a fully integrated IP strategy. While the development of such a strategy is beyond the scope of this or any single article, we intend to publish further articles which will focus on other tools, as well as some of the more fundamental aspects for developing a fully integrated IP strategy. However, for now, it is sufficient to note that developing a comprehensive IP strategy is not an easy task. Companies need a road map to follow in charting their course. Our preferred approach is through the use of a component business model (CBM) methodology. Component business model The CBM is a methodology originally developed by IBM that has proven to be effective in designing/re-designing organisations, making important management decisions and guiding re-engineering processes. It has been successfully deployed within IBM and in Fortune 100 companies worldwide. The CBM methodology enables firms to integrate many IP best practices in a manner that is specifically relevant to each firm. Properly implemented, the methodology can lead to breakthrough results which follow when technology, legal and business processes are seamlessly integrated into the fabric of the business. Arvin Patel is senior vice president of intellectual property and licensing at Rovi, Santa Clara, California. Marian Underweiser is head counsel for IP policy at IBM, New York, United States. Richard Ludwin is associate general counsel for intellectual property and patent strategy at IBM, New York. Marc Ehrlich is associate general counsel for intellectual property at IBM, New York