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How To Write And Make Money
            (Online) In 30 Days!
              ... with my easy to use system for Creating
                   Your Own Money Making Reports!

Copyright © 2009 Mark Huber
Richmond, British Columbia Canada V6Y 2S3

Information in this documentation is the property of Mark Huber and
SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
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All rights reserved.

OBLIGATORY LEGAL NOTICE: While all attempts have been made to verify
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      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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Hello and Welcome!

Congratulations for making a great choice!

You are now in possession of a very content driven report on how to make your
very first dollar (and more) online through easy-to-develop reports.

Now, if you’re like most individuals you already have a wealth of information that
would benefit certain segments of the population.

However, no one is benefiting from your knowledge and/or expertise because
you have yet to create your very first information product that you can profit from.

Today – that all changes for you!


Because this report will teach you what you can do to quickly develop a sellable
report and how to market it to reach large numbers of potential buyers.

You now have in your possession an information product that will take you
through the steps you need to take to develop, market and profit from your
very first information product.

I have made effort to make this report complete and accurate and as
of the writing of this report - all information is based on current strategies.

To begin with, I recommend that you put some quiet time aside to read this
entire report. There is so much information on the next 45 plus pages that to try
to absorb it all with distractions will not serve you best.

What you will find in this report
   •   What are information products?
   •   Benefits of low priced reports
   •   Creating your first report
   •   Where to start
   •   Before you begin
   •   Pricing
   •   Developing HOT topics
   •   Where to find content
   •   You’re ready to begin
   •   Mind mapping and the list method
   •   Write to a niche

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•   Titles that sell
   •   Formatting your report
   •   Delivering your report to the buyer
   •   Landing pages
   •   Sales page copywriting
   •   Words that sell
   •   Testimonials
   •   Promoting your report
   •   Make more money with affiliates
   •   Now go do it!

Making money with reports
I am sure that you have heard stories of people making truckloads of money
online by selling information products. Yet for most people making their first
$100 would make them very happy.

You see, once you make your first $100 the next $100 is much easier.

It’s called “rinse and repeat”!

This report provides you with a great deal of information on how to create
your very first information product – a sellable low cost report!

So What are Information Products?
Well, the term “information products” include Books, CDs, MP3s, white papers,
reports, teleseminars, webinars, Podcasts, etc.

However, in the Internet context, the term “information products” refers to
electronically deliverable, knowledge-based products.

This means that anything that contains knowledge and that you can deliver
electronically is considered an information product.

Now, one of the easiest (and quickest to create) information products around is a
report. And yet, many people have no idea where to start, how to market
and how to turn their information into profits.

So, let’s start at the beginning.

The benefits of low priced reports
There are many benefits to creating low priced reports!

Nowadays, many consumers would rather pay a few dollars for a fast solution to
their problem than have to search around for the information (even if it’s free).

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It doesn’t matter what topic, market or industry, reports are a great way to
provide solutions to readers and generate great revenue with very little

Reports are also a great way to build your ‘opt-in” subscriber list. Most people
have heard, “The gold is in the list.” This is so true. With a good “opt-in” list
of subscribers you can literally make money at the push of a button.

Reports are very easy to create!

In fact, you can often do so with little or no money out of your pocket. Sure, there
is time involved, but when you consider that you can generate hundreds (and even
thousands) of dollars in revenue from a 10 – 20 page plus report, the time
invested is worth it!

Because your reports will be delivered electronically, there are no storage
costs. With physical products you have to keep inventory on hand, find a
place to store them and often watch them collect dust. This won’t happen
with online reports!

After the initial costs of developing your report, there are literally no
additional costs to continue selling them. That is, unless you have an affiliate
program set up. Then you pay your affiliates based on performance. (More
on affiliates later).

With the right systems in place you can generate fast money – and ongoing
income streams!

You are going to learn exactly how this is done so that you can begin generating
income sooner rather than later.

Conveying the Value of a Report
Because there is so much free information on the Internet you may be tempted to
assume that people will not pay for information.

This is not true!

People will pay for information if they feel there is high value for the purchase.

You job is to convey this value. You do this with very tight “sales copy”, an
“attractive landing” page and by establishing your credibility and expertise.

And of course, the report itself will determine if people continue to buy from you.

Everything from A – Z must be stellar in your information product, development,
content and delivery. The more you raise your own bar the more likely it is you will
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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develop a strong customer base who will buy virtually anything you put on the

But again, you must deliver above and beyond expectation.

Most people have had the experience of buying a report only to be highly
disappointed in the content. Many a report has been written with little content and
overt sales copy throughout the document.

Don’t do this. Create high content for your reader!

Even if you are selling other people’s information reports, the same holds true.

Tight sales copy, an attractive landing page and great content are a must!

Creating your first report
The following is a birds-eye view of what needs to be done. We will go into much
more detail in each area in the pages that follow.

1. Determine what your market needs, wants and is willing to pay for.

2. Create a working title that reflects the topic of the report.

3. Develop a series of 10 – 15 questions about the topic.

4. Either type or record your answers.

5. If you recorded the answers have the information transcribed.

6. With either the transcripts or what you have typed you will need to edit and
   clean up as needed.

7. Format into a readable document like Word or something comparable.

8. Convert to a PDF file.

9. Create a Landing Page including graphics, copy and method of payment.

10. Create a series of emails you will use to promote the landing page and report.
    The first email needs to be a thank you message with the download link for
    the report.

11. Notify your affiliates if you are opening the opportunity up to them. I don’t
    now why you wouldn’t do this as they will bring you business you otherwise
    may not have gotten.

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12. Begin marketing

13. Continue marketing.

14. Begin your next report.

Before you begin
Before you write your first word, you need to know who you are writing for.

Far too often someone will develop an information product before they have
clearly defined who they are writing for, what the problem is for those they
are writing for and what the solution is.

Identify your market! Who specifically is your market?

What do you know about your market? You also need to know what people
are willing to pay for. And you need to know if there is enough of a market
for what you are offering. This often requires test marketing and testing

Many people who are new to information product development and sales get
frustrated if they don’t hit the target on pricing right away. The fact is, anyone
who are in the business of “information products”: Tests, tests and tests!

Reports can range in price from $5 up to $37 plus. The price points I have
found work well are $7 and $9 for short (under 15 pages) reports, $17 for
longer reports like this one (over 15 pages) and upwards of $37-$97 if you are
creating a massive amount of value (over 100 pages).

Pricing also depends on your level of expertise, how much the market views
you as an expert, what else is available to your potential buyers and the
industry to which you are writing to and/or about.

There is no doubt that you will not be able to charge as much for something being
sold to low to moderate income individuals as you would to six figure

You must constantly test pricing, titles, subjects and sales copy…and the more you
do this the closer you will get.

Back to your market
Here are some essential questions that will help you identify your market.

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You may not need to answer each and every one, but the more you know
about your market, the better.

   •   What do you know about your market?
   •   What is your market’s age group?
   •   Gender? Primarily male? Female? Both?
   •   What is their family structure? (Number of children, extended family, etc.)
   •   What is their lifestyle like?
   •   What methods do they prefer for online payment?
   •   What type of web sites, forums and social networks do they visit?
   •   How do they want their product delivered?
   •   Where do they live?
   •   What do they do for a living?
   •   What keeps them awake at night?
   •   How do they like to spend their spare time?
   •   What motivates them?
   •   What do they invest in specific to your offerings?
   •   What are they likely to spend money on?
   •   What is their annual income?

Identifying your market is an ongoing process!

Who your market is today may not be who they are a year from now. As you grow
and change, so does your market.

How large is the market you are targeting? In order to have a profitable business
you have to have a large enough market of people who will buy from you.

Also consider this:

   •   Who will buy your product?
   •   Is there a primary or secondary target market?
   •   What factors influence their decision to buy?
   •   Who is involved in the purchase decision?
   •   How often will they buy?
   •   Where do they currently buy, when and how much?
   •   Is there opportunity to turn casual buyers into loyal buyers?
   •   Can you build a long-term relationship with your market?

Developing HOT Topics

Indentify the problem
It’s amazing how many people will develop information products before they
even know if there is a problem and desire for a solution.

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Some people have spent months, thousands of dollars and tons of energy
developing very complex programs only to find out what they thought the
Market wanted is not at all what they wanted.

Low cost reports are one of the most cost effective ways to see how your
market will respond to solutions you offer. If there is not an interest from
your market for a low-priced report how do you expect to sell a high priced
program to them?

Developing a low priced report will give you a good indication if people are
interested in what you are providing a solution for.

Not only can you make money with the report, you can learn a lot about
what your market wants this way.

It’s actually quite easy to identify the problem a specific market has.

   •   Survey potential buyers
   •   Visit Forums specific to your market
   •   Notice what your clients are asking for
   •   Social networks such as “Facebook” and “LinkedIn”
   •   Micro blogs such as “Twitter”
   •   Pay attention to what’s happening in media

Finding content by surveying
Let’s start with surveying.
You can develop a very short, simple and easy to answer survey by utilizing free
services on the Internet.

I am a firm believer in utilizing free resources whenever possible as long as they
serve your purpose.

Initially, you don’t need to invest in a lot of high priced programs, services
or subscriptions. Get a feel for what you are doing before spending money

Here are just a few of the available online survey tools.

Obviously, the free version will have limitations such as how many responses
you can collect, how many questions you can ask and customization of the

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However, all do offer upgrades to their paid version which will then give you more

But to begin the free version of each can work very nicely. I just happen to use
Survey Monkey and am very happy with this service. The paid version runs about
$20 per month.

Below are sample survey questions I developed for a survey for a teleseminar
program I was working on. The answers to the following questions gave me the
information I needed to know what to add to the sales copy, what to focus on
regarding problems and solutions and if those responding would be a good match
for my products and/or services.

1. What is your level of experience with hosting teleseminars?
  Above average

2. Do you currently use Teleseminars in your business?

3. If yes to #2 do you generate revenues with Teleseminars?

4. What is your greatest challenge with hosting teleseminars?
Check as many as you want.
  Money to implement
  Too much competition
  Lack of resources such as software
  Someone to help with the tech stuff
  Managing everything

5. What are your current revenue streams?
  Brick and mortar
  Information products
  Professional speaker
  Other (please specify)

6. If you could learn one thing about teleseminars and making

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money with teleseminars, what would it be?

7. Are you familiar with Mark Huber’s information products and

8. How did you hear about TalkAndMakeMoney with
Teleseminars? Check as many as you want.
  Blog posting
  Media release
  Someone else’s ezine or email message

Here is a “screen shot” of the Survey Monkey online survey…

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The information you can extract from a survey like this is priceless in developing
your topic matter.

Create your own survey questions based on your market and what solutions
you offer. You can survey your current opt in subscribers, members of groups
you belong to online, in your social networks and in forums.

Questions you might ask your market?







A great place to ferret out information is in any forum your market participates in.
This is why the more you know about your market; the more likely you will be able
to find forums specific to their interests.

For example, let’s say my market happens to be ragdoll cat owners. There
are likely to be forums specific to this area of interest.

All you would need to do is go to and input “ragdoll cat +
forums” in the search to find some top groups. There were quite a few that
came up with this search. Try it with yourself.

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Below is a snapshot of a Ragdoll Cats Forum that boasts allot of members. If your
target market is Ragdoll cats this is the place to be.

Note: I am the proud owner of two lovely ragdoll cats!...

See their picture here:

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Deszi & Lucy

What are your clients telling you they need a solution to?
The most profitable reports will be ones that are developed based on what your
market asked for and/or what they are telling you about their problems.

By paying attention to what they were saying you will be able to narrow your focus
and have a laser beam approach to developing a solution.

This is probably one of the most overlooked areas in identifying what will sell!

Warning! Don’t base your decision on what you will develop because of
what one or two people ask for. Make sure you can justify the time it
takes to write reports (and develop other information products) by
getting input from enough people.

Additionally, make sure who you are getting input from is truly in your
target market.

It’s likely your siblings, neighbours and/or parents are not your target
market. So be careful what kind of feedback they give you and you listen

Social Networks
With the popularity of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and countless other social
networks you can find ample information about what people are looking for.

One simply needs to pay attention to the conversations.

You can also “prime the pump” by asking for input about a specific topic. You
will be amazed at how generous people are with their input.

The Media Can Reveal a Lot

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There is so much information available by what is going on in the news.

For example, as there is still allot going on with mortgage rates, foreclosures and
refinancing, this is a prime time for someone in the mortgage or real estate
industry to produce reports.

Possible titles:
   • Buying your first home in a downturn economy
   • How to refinance your home and save thousands
   • Ten ways to save your home from being foreclosed

Any one of these topics could be turned into a short report, very content
filled that could sell for under $10. If enough of the right people (your
market with the need and desire for this information) knows about the
report, you will sell it.

Speaking of mortgages: here is the “sales page” for an eBook that I put together
on that very subject…

As you can see, the possibilities are endless!

Your job is to pay attention to what is going on by bringing timely and valuable
information to your readers.

Where can you find information on what your market wants?






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You’re ready to begin!
Now, once you’ve gotten your survey answers back, visited forums, listened to
what your market is saying and paid attention to current events - you are now
ready to create your report.

But before you begin writing the content of your report it is a good idea to think
about what you want to include in the report. You also want to think about your
title and subtitle.

There are countless ways to do this with two of the most popular being “mind
mapping” and “list writing”.

Mind map your report
A mind map is a diagram used to help you organize your thoughts and ideas
for the report. Some people find mind mapping works great while others
prefer to write a list.

A mind map can be hand generated or computer generated. It’s entirely
based on what works for you.

1.   Start with a central theme. Turn this into a working title.
2.   Create all the possible subtopics for that theme.
3.   Write one sentence for each subtopic.
4.   Organize in the order you want to explain things.
5.   Write a paragraph for each subtopic.
6.   Expand from there.

Free Mind
Get organized and more effective - quickly and visually with this FREE “mind
mapping” program. Learn how to use Free Mind - Tutorials

Here is a screen shot from Free Mind

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List method
Some people do better by listing all the elements they want to add in their
report. Below is an example of how I could have written a list to create the
report you are reading.

Topic/Title – How to develop money making reports

• Who is the market?
• Topic
• Title
• Subtitle
• Write
• Format
• Landing page
• Promotions
• Selling

Now you try it
Topic - (What is the main thing you will be teaching with your report?)
• Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic?
• Subtopic - What are other things pertinent to the topic?
• Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic?
• Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic?
• Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic?
• Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic?

Write to a niche
Rather than thinking everyone needs what you have, think in terms of a
specific group of people who have a very specific problem that would want
      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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your reports. These are referred to as niche markets.

Niche markets are core groups of people within a larger target audience.
They will have similar characteristics, but are even more defined.

Let’s say your general market is dog owners. Within that market you have
dog owners who are interested in breeding. You have dog owners interested
in specific breeds. Owners who have concerns about fleas and ticks.

3 completely different markets and topics
• Dogs - How to pick the right dog for your lifestyle
• Horses - How to fit a saddle on your horse
• Women - How to women over the age of 50 can lose weight fast, easy
and without dieting

Many people only go to the surface level of defining a market. The deeper
you go, the more of a solution you can provide.

However, you need to know there are enough people within a secondary
niche to make it worth your while to develop a report.

What is your area of expertise?
Write based on your area of expertise. What successes have you had that
you have the “right” to teach people about?

What are you good at? What do others come to you for advice about? What
do you know well?

You have to write subject matter that potential buyers will be interested in.

There’s no reason to create a report that no one is going to buy. That is why
doing your research before you begin writing is so essential.

The beauty of information products is that people rarely buy just one
information product on a particular subject. Think about your own buying
habits. When you have an interest in something don’t you get as much
information as you possibly can on the topic?

When I was researching healthy eating I not only bought books from my
local book store, I bought several reports online within a very short period of
time. I wanted as much information as I could get my hands on.

Whether it's animal care, health, midlife, child rearing, or gardening, most
people will buy several resources. Your job is to identify the market, what
keeps them awake at night and provide a solution by way of a report.
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And….to market to them. More on marketing later in this report.

Write what you have an interest in
To really optimize your development time you will be well served to write
about something you have an interest in. Many people develop products
based on monetary reasons only. The fact is, you are going to work harder
developing products you have no interest in rather than those you really
enjoy writing about.

When you are developing the content, the subject matter should match your
expertise. In other words, why spend time on something you have to
research extensively and have no real passion about.

Again, you will find the process a lot easier (and more enjoyable) if you are
writing on something you have an interest in and a passion for.

Titles that sell
Your title is one of the most important parts of your report. You don’t want
to take this aspect of your report development lightly. The title and subtitle
can make or break the success of your report. People often make their
buying decisions on how “catchy” a title is.

Keep your title specific to your market. Rather than, “Everything you want to
know about dogs,” try “The selection and care of __________ dogs.” You
could fill it in with just about any breed.

Granted, you may target owners of all types of dog breeds, but chances are
each report you write will address a specific area.

Think of it this way; if you put everything in your first report you’ll miss
opportunities for other reports for the same market.

Some great words that have worked for me are:

• How to __________
• Secrets of ___________
• 101 Ways to ____________

In many cases, a subtitle will give more strength to the title. However, if you
have a really great title that is very descriptive you may not need a subtitle.
The title is usually 3 – 7 words. The subtitle can be much longer. The idea
behind the subtitle is to convey benefits.

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One of my most highly received reports has been

Financial Planner Finally Reveals Closely Held Secrets On How To Quickly
   and Easily Build A Thriving Business By Using Teleconference Calls

          Marketing YOU - Your Products And Services - Through Teleseminars

You can download it free of charge here at:

Host a teleconference call
Hosting a teleconference call is simple, fun AND profitable!

It’s a great way to connect with other like minded individuals and gives you a
wealth of information to work with…

   •   One of the easiest ways to get out a report is:
   •   Host a teleconference call
   •   Have the call “transcribed”
   •   Edit the transcription
   •   Format the transcription
   •   Create a PDF
   •   Market and sell

Teleconferencing Services

I personally use both BV FreeConferencing and Instant Teleseminar
Check each out and determine for yourself which one you want to start with…

BV FreeConferencing is a free and robust conference calling service: This “on-
demand” conference calling service allows for a 250-person conference call
capacity. It also includes instant conference call access, no conference calling
fees, full membership—not a trial, manage calls online—Included Free: Free
Conference Call Recording

Instant Teleseminar is by far the world's simplest most powerful system to
explode your website profits!

Once your teleconference call has ended you will need to get it “transcribed”.

I use OnlineAndOntime Virtual Transcription Services. I have used this service for
years and give it my full endorsement.

As a matter of fact, you can get going quickly by just speaking into your computer
microphone and having your talk recorded with Audacity

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This FREE to download “standard in the industry” and “open source” program
allows you to record and then “clean up” or manipulate your audio files. You can’t
live without it!

Formatting your report
For someone very new to developing information products a simple process
is write your report in a Word document, format, add clipart and/or pictures
as needed, convert into a PDF file.

When you want to use images in your report – try out Will allow you to use their “royalty free” materials for
FREE (or a modest amount). Search from over 3 million photographs, vector
illustrations, video footage and Flash files.

For those who don’t have Microsoft “Word” installed on their computer Open Office
is a great FREE “online” alternative!

And while Adobe Acrobat is a great resource for turning your file into a PDF
document it does come at a cost…

While your getting started use is a FREE online document conversion to .pdf format! I use this online
service constantly…and in fact, make this report with it!

Website Hosting of your report

You will need to rent some “cyberspace real estate” with which “host” your website
and your report…

Here are 2 of my favourites from personal experience:

Kiosk Hosting
My personal Web Hosting company of choice…

Another excellent Web Hosting company…

Delivery of the report to the buyer
Once your report is formatted you will need to upload it to your website. (If

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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you don’t know how to do this talk to your web designer.)

Website design is not difficult these days! All you need is a good WYSIWYG (what
you see is what you get) HTML editor.

Personally, I use Nvu which is a FREE “open source” program. If you need some
help to get going there are great tutorials at: Nvu Tutorials

Now, create a hyperlink to your report. This is what your buyer will click to
download the report after they make the purchase.

On the sales page you need to have an “order now” or “buy now” button. This
NEEDS to be connected to your shopping cart.

Below is by far the most tested “buy button” in Internet history.

It is known as “The Belcher Button”…

Split tests show “close rates” increased by 35 to 320% over ANY other buy button
used. Every element of the button has been tested individually in over 10,000
closed transactions.

Here is my tested & proven buy button…

          “The Belcher Button”

The button is 100% free for you to use. Just go grab it here at

Now, moving on…
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When someone buys they are taken to a download page.

Automate the delivery process as much as possible…

To make sure that they get the report right away you can also set up a follow up
message in your autoresponder with the link inside to the PDF report.

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Anyone serious about making money online uses what is known as a “sequential
autoresponder” service.

There are some very good providers out there however, my personal
autoresponder service provider of choice is Aweber

To find out more just to to Aweber You can also learn more about email
marketing with Email Marketing Tutorials

Landing Pages
A landing page, also referred to as a squeeze page, is a web page that is
linked to or landed on directly from a hyperlink in an e-mail campaign, blog
entry or related website. This will be the page where you tell people about
your report.

In the purest sense a landing page is what will have your sales copy and/or
offer that encourages potential buyers of your report to become actual

To see what a landing page looks like for one of my teleseminars go to:

Why Do You Need a Landing Page?
The main reason you need a landing page is so that you can “talk” to your

Keep in mind, especially with a page that is selling something, you cannot be at
your site to have an actual conversation with people and answer all their questions
in a real time scenario. You must anticipate as many of the questions and concerns
your potential buyer may have.

Landing pages are also designed specifically to capture visitors from an ad or
other targeted marketing strategies. It is used to influence a specific action
from visitors to your site.

Try to use audio and video as well! These mediums engage the viewer and
“personalises” your site as well as allowing your viewers to see and hear you!

This builds on the “know, like and trust” factor – before they make the “buying
decision”… is one of my sites where I have a “Welcome

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 23
How much copy do I need?
The less the investment the shorter the copy. Your higher priced products
(several hundred or several thousand dollars) the longer the copy.

For a low priced report the copy would likely be no more than two or three
pages of information if you were to print it out.

Sales copy for high end items can be 30, 35, 40 pages plus.

Why Are Some Landing Pages So Long?
There is a great deal of debate by those who are not familiar with the power
of long sales letters as to their effectiveness. The fact is, long pages do
work; that is, if they are well written.

Again, the purpose of a sales page is to answer the many questions that the
potential buyer has. That is why many sales landing pages are so long for
higher priced items.

Elements of an effective squeeze page are:
   • A catchy title or headline
   • A way for visitors to determine if the message on the page is for them
   • Video
   • Benefits-driven bullet points
   • Some type of an offer
   • Buy now button
   • Payment options

Do not give your visitors more than two choices when they arrive at your
landing page! The most effective squeeze pages are those where your only
option is to purchase or leave.

Check out Mini Site Secrets Tutorial as a bonus 2 mini site “templates” are
included to get you going…

Please note: a landing page is different than your blog or website. On your
blog or website you may have several options for visitors.

See my landing page at

Promotional Messages Should Have Some Urgency
Promotional messages that lead people to your landing page must not only be
compelling, you may also need to create urgency.

Urgency is created through:

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 24
•   Limited time offer
   •   Limited price offer
   •   Limited number of spots

With the right market, urgency works very well and is very ethical.

You can add something special when people make their purchase by a
specific date. For example, when they buy within 48 hours of you sending
out the promotional message they receive an MP3 file with the report. In the
case of some of my reports, I will add in a live bonus teleseminar with the
report purchase.

Do what you can to get people to take action the first time they visit your
landing page. Chances are if they leave the page they won’t return.

Sales page copywriting
Developing a well written sales page is a determining factor of whether or
not your report will sell. The following information will help you to have the
best copy you can to persuade someone to purchase your report.

Know and believe in your product
This is essential to good copywriting. You have to know your product and
you have to believe in it. In this case, the product is your report.

There are those who will say it is not necessary to believe in what you’re
selling, but if you want to be viewed as someone who sells with integrity
then you must believe in what you are selling. This comes across in your

Warning! Before you launch your promotions be sure to test the
links, the shopping cart and the autoresponder message.

Know who your ideal client is and write to that person
Profile your ideal client. Their age, educational level, hobbies, interests,
profession, etc. The more you can identify who your ideal client is, the easier
your copywriting become.

Instead of trying to write to a mass of people, write to your ideal client. Use
your client’s language patterns. What are their buzz words? What phrases
might they use.

As I mentioned earlier, surveys are a great way to find out what your market
wants. They are also a great way to notice the language patterns they use.

In a survey, add a few open ended questions. This will give you ideas for
what needs to go in your copy.
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 25
Convey benefits
It is very important that your reader know what the benefits of your report
are. Otherwise they won’t justify the purchase.

Benefits can be developed by identify what problem your report solves. In
the sales copy that was on the landing page for the report you are reading I
listed several benefits you would receive by getting the report.

Here are a few of them:

  •   Learn how to develop HOT topics that people eagerly pay for

  •   Learn how to ferret out great content for an unlimited number of reports

  •   Find out how to set up a replicable system to create ongoing revenues

  •   Learn how to get a report to market even if you don't like to write
      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 26
•   Learn how you can begin making money within 24 hours even if you don't
       have your own report to sell.

   •   Your buyer may be interested in something that will make them money,
       save time, increase the quality of their personal and/or professional life and
       make them feel good.

   •   Your job is to find out what they want and write you copy with benefits
       specific to their interest.

Address objections
As you write keep in mind that your sales copy needs to address the buyer’s
objections. You are not going to be able to address their objections so your
sales copy must.

Some of the most common objections will be time, money, don’t know you,
will your report solve their problem.

The best way to write is to do so as if you are speaking to a friend. Don’t try
to get overly fancy, just tell it like it is. Who can your report help and how
will it help?

Having either audio or video on your sales page even goes farther in helping with
the sales process…

Your heading has to grab the reader’s attention immediately. Make the
heading stand out and convey a benefit.

Most people will initially scan your sales copy. If there are key points that
“jump out” at them, they are more likely to go back and read your copy in
more detail.

Break up copy with color, typeface size and subheads. However, don’t put so
many different visuals on the page that it becomes confusing to the reader.

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 27
Keep paragraphs short
Avoid having huge blocks of copy. Short paragraphs work very well for sales
copy for a report.

Use words that Sell
Some words tend to influence your reader or listener more than others. Test
words in your copy to determine which have the greatest pull.

Below is a list of words that you can pick and choose from for your copy.

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 30

Add testimonials to your sales copy
One of the most effective methods for you to enhance your credibility and
trust with prospective clients is with strong testimonies. Money-making
landing pages will be enhanced by utilizing effective testimonials.

Authentic client testimonials are a powerful marketing tool. There are
numerous benefits in using positive client feedback including:

  •   You will establish your credibility quickly.
  •   You can set yourself apart from your competition.
  •   You can quickly and easily show results other clients obtained when they
      worked with you.

A testimonial consists of a written or spoken statement about the experience
someone has had with you, your product or service or your company. Keep
testimonials specific to the subject matter of your report.

Potential customers are most likely to believe testimonials from trustworthy
clients than they are to believe you tooting your own horn. It is not unheard
of for a new client to make a buying decision based upon a testimonial.

Two types of testimonials
Results driven
Feel good

Three primary parts to a well-developed testimonial

Below is a “screen shot” of some of the testimonials on my mortgage eBook site:

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 31
If I am promoting a report on building an opt-in subscriber list the first example
below is more effective than the second.

Example One
“I increased my opt-in database by 300% in less
than a month with Mark Huber’s step-by-step list
building method.”

Example Two
“Mark Huber is really fun to work with.”

Promoting your report
There are numerous ways to promote your report. What you are actually
going to promote is the landing page telling people about the report.

In order to achieve optimum results you should utilize a number of methods.

Remember, there are countless ways to market and promote that cost you
absolutely nothing.

   •   Opt-in subscriber list
   •   Email Signature File
   •   Media release

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 32
•    Articles in your ezine
   •    Advertisements
       • Solo
       • Classifieds
   •    Advertisement swaps
        • Other Ezine publisher
        • On various websites
   •    Social networks
   •    Forums
   •    Blogging
   •    Affiliates

Those who are extremely successful at generating great revenues from low
-priced reports do a lot of marketing. The more you market the better you
are likely to do.

It is not likely you will reach everyone who is a potential buyer with one or
two messages. You need to send out several messages utilizing as many
avenues as possible.

Again, the more you know who your market is, where they tend to “hang
out” and what motivates them, the easier your marketing becomes.

Options for payment
There are simple options you can provide for payment. A merchant account
and/or PayPal. You can also post your report on a directory like Clickbank
and others can sell it for you. Regardless of what method you choose, you
do have to promote the report.

What is Clickbank?
ClickBank is a secure online retail outlet for more than 12,000 digital product
vendors and 100,000 active affiliate marketers.

There is a small fee to join Clickbank. Once you do you can post your
eProducts for affiliates to sell.

There is no guarantee that you will make any money through Clickbank.

However, it is a nice option for someone just starting out in the world of
eBased products and a very nice option for seasoned Internet marketers.

No matter how great your report is, your job is to let resellers know it exists.

With over 12,000 vendors it is not likely someone will simply happen upon
your product. So don’t think that all you have to do is create the product,
post it and make lots of money.
        ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                          Page 33
Regardless of how you intend to sell your reports you absolutely must
promote this fact.

Other ways to generate money from reports
Sell reports developed from your own information. Create content by
interviewing experts.

Sell other people’s reports and earn an affiliate commission.

Set up an affiliate program for others to sell your report.

The first two options are great for people who either can’t write very well or
simply don’t like to write.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to be a world class writer to create money
making reports. What you do have to do is give a lot of great content.

Become an affiliate
One of the easiest ways to become an affiliate is after you have bought a
report find out if the person who wrote the report is offering affiliate
commissions for you to resell.

On page 32 of this report there is information on how you can become a
SuccessOnTheFly affiliate and earn 50% from this report.

Sell two and you’ve earned your investment back. Sell ten and you have
earned over $80. It’s very simple if you know people who would be interested in
this topic.

Regardless of what you decide to sell there has to be an interest in the topic
by the people you will be promoting it to.

Your own affiliate program
If you have a good shopping cart program you can easily set up your own
affiliate program. Check to see if this option is available with the program
you have.

If you don’t yet have a shopping cart, check out EasyWebAutomation

(1shoppingcart) If you have your own blog/website and you want to accept credit
cards online, you’re going to need a shopping cart. EasyWebAutomation
(1shoppingcart) provides this as well as autoresponders, tracking software,
merchant accounts and a lot more. The #1 Automation and Shopping Cart

      ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                        Page 34
You can get a 30 day trial of EasyWebAutomation here at EasyWebAutomation

If you are looking for something more you will be very well served with

At you can create your own membership sites, premium rss feeds,
and podcasts in minutes…

Automate delivery of digital and physical products, services, premium rss or
podcasts, including on demand print and shipment…


Automate your own affiliate program, manage affiliate brokers, automate affiliate
bonus offer delivery, customize promotions with coupons and more!

In conclusion
Now that you have read this report, the rest is up to you. Why wait to begin.

Set a target date for the following:

Identifying your market

Surveying your market

Developing a topic, title and outline

Write the content




Set up your shopping cart

Create your landing page


Enjoy the fruits of your labor

Thank you for investing in this report. If you are serious about making
money reports you can. The key is to have a plan and take action on the plan.

Here’s To Your Success!
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 35
Mark Huber

PS: For more “step by step” instructions on how to write and make money please


                          Mark Huber’s Million Dollar Rolodex!

                                Your Business Building Resources


You now have access to my private Million Dollar Rolodex!

Take advantage of my years of Online experience dealing with vendor products and services
that can make or break you in the Online marketing world.

I’ve spent a great deal of time and money on many things that didn’t work as promised. I spent
that money so you don’t have to. Let me point you in the right direction by giving you access to
the people, products and services listed in my personal Million Dollar Resource Rolodex.

Please be aware that SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises and Mark Huber do not take any
responsibility for the results that you experience using any of the listed vendors or their
products or services. Also please note that while some of the venders listed may compensate
me for sending business their way, I only recommend them too you because of the successes
that I have experienced with them in my own personal businesses.

P.S. If you are in need a particular service that is not listed here, let me know. Chances are I
can find you a recommended resource from someone in my network.

P.P.S. If you see an *asterisk beside a particular vender it means that I have not yet used their
product or service but have heard good things about them from colleagues.

The following tools and service providers will be of great assistance to you, your opportunity
and your business… and increasing your income through writing money making reports.

Free Mind
Get organized and more effective - quickly and visually with this FREE “mind mapping”

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 36
Learn how to use Free Mind - Tutorials

Teleconferencing Services

Each of the following resources are well known and have a good reputations. Check each out
and determine for yourself which one you want to go with…

BV FreeConferencing

A free and robust conference calling service: This “on-demand” conference calling service
allows for a 250-person conference call capacity. It also includes instant conference call access,
no conference calling fees, full membership—not a trial, manage calls online—Included Free:
Free Conference Call Recording

Instant Teleseminar
Get instant access to the world's simplest most powerful system to explode website profits!

IT is a complete turnkey marketing system for GROUP SALES EVENTS. IT attracts prospects,
builds lists, and increases sales. You pick an event date and time, and IT does everything else!

Get a 21-Day Trial for $1

This is telephone through your computer!

Record your Skype call with Evoca. You can even get it transcribed!

Audio Editor

This FREE “standard in the industry” and “open source” program allows you to manipulate
your audio files. You can’t live without it!

dBPowerAmp *
This service will convert a fast playing or weird sounding audio file for free. Just “upload” your
mp3 file and “convert” it to: MP3 - 44.1khz – 16 bit – 128kbps

Allows you to edit your audio file for a cleaner sound – you can also add sound effects like intro
and exit music. Very versatile, the industry standard – and FREE.

Transcription Services

OnlineAndOntime Virtual Transcription Services. I have used this service for years and give
it my full endorsement. *

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 37
Transcription rates are approx. $1.50 a minute

Lead Capture Page Maker (A “Squeeze Page”)

Mini Site Secrets Tutorial
(As a Bonus: 2 mini site “templates” to get you going)

Website Design

HTML Editor

“Open source” I personally use this constantly

Nvu Tutorials

Graphics Editor

“Open source” I personally use this constantly

Gimp Tutorials

FTP Software – (File Transfer Protocol)

Filzillala FTP

Sequential Autoresponder Service

My personal autoresponder service provider of choice…

Email Marketing Tutorials

Website Hosting

Kiosk Hosting
My personal Web Hosting company of choice…

HostGator *
Another excellent Web Hosting company…

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 38
Domain Name Registrar

Name Cheap

Payment Processor


Merchant Account


Survey Tool

Survey Monkey

Membership Site Maker – And MORE!

Create your own membership sites, premium rss feeds, and podcasts in minutes

Automate delivery of digital and physical products, services, premium rss or podcasts,
including on demand print and shipment!

Automate your own affiliate program, manage affiliate brokers, automate affiliate bonus offer
delivery, customize promotions with coupons and more!

Shopping Cart


(1shoppingcart) If you have your own blog/website and you want to accept credit cards online,
you’re going to need a shopping cart. EasyWebAutomation (1shoppingcart) provides this as
well as autoresponders, tracking software, merchant accounts and a lot more. The #1
Automation and Shopping Cart Solution…

Tracking & Testing


Great tool to monitor, test and track your sales copy and links.

Social Networking
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 39
A free automated social networking posting service

This free service automatically updates ALL of YOUR social networking sites– alerting
everyone that there was new “content” available from you!

They currently support over 30 social networking sites and are adding more on a regular

Other Resources

Have a meeting - public or private. Make a podcast. Or start your own talk show. You
automatically get your RSS and iTunes feeds, so you can spread the word about your talk
show…all for FREE!

Learn OR share your knowledge. With your FREE membership, you can...create an online
course, get paid for your knowledge, learn from other experts, connect with other members!


Blog Talk Radio
Host your very own Internet talk radio show – for FREE!

Other Favorites

Open Office *

Free alternative to Microsoft!

Google Docs *

Create “slide shows”, “online” calendars and a ton of other useful things – all for FREE!

Free online document conversion to .pdf format (I use this constantly…and make this report
with it!)
        ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                          Page 40
This firm is a “fulfillment house” for creating “physical” products of your audio or video
recordings – CD’s, DVDs, etc. – no minimum orders! Shipped directly to your clients
doorstep! (Ask for “Charles”)

Disc MoJo *

Converts your digital information products into physical products

Designers from around the globe will submit design concepts to compete for your business.

“Royalty free” materials for you to use. Search from over 3 million photographs, vector
illustrations, video footage and Flash files.

Royalty FREE music

Outsourcing: Finding An Expert Online – To Do What You Want

Contact Any Celebrity * (great for endorsements)
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 41

Find Authors To Interview


Toll Free Numbers *

Self Publishing

Aardvark Global *
ISBN and Barcodes

Back Up Your Hard Drive (automatically)
Mozy *

Help Desk Software
OS Ticket


Remember, the true power of leverage is to do the work once and get “paid” for it over and
over…this is the power of your opportunity – and the services showcased above…

For more resources and reviews feel free to visit us at

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 42
Who Is Mark Huber?

Mark Huber

Mark Huber is a proud Canadian living with his wife in scenic Richmond, British Columbia,

Mark has been online since 1999 and enjoys sharing cutting edge marketing ideas and practices
with those who also share a passionate vision for creating true wealth and living their dream

“It’s Your Life! Plan For It! Then Live Like You Mean It!”


Social Networks: (Twitter) (Facebook Fan Page) (Blog Talk Radio Show)

Contact Information:
Mark Huber
SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises
8380 Ash Street
Richmond, British Columbia,
V6Y 2S3 Canada
Tel: 604-207-9970
       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 43
Fax: 604-207-9971


The information expressed and contained in Mark Huber's Web Sites, Blogs, emails, reports,
ebooks, audios, broadcasts and newsletters are solely the opinion of the author based on his
personal observations and years of experience and those of 3rd parties.

Where links to web site and/or included in emails and
electronic broadcasts are affiliate links, Mark Huber may receive financial
compensation should a purchase of products or services be made by clicking on
said links.

Use this information at your own risk. Be responsible! Always do your own due diligence.

Copyright 2009 SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises.

All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and service marks are property of their
respective owners.

Neither Mark Huber or SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises assume any liability whatsoever for the
use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in his Web Sites, Blogs, emails,
reports, ebooks, audios, broadcasts and newsletters.

                                            The End

       ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved.
                                         Page 44

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How towriteandmakemoneywithreports

  • 1. How To Write And Make Money (Online) In 30 Days! ... with my easy to use system for Creating Your Own Money Making Reports! Copyright © 2009 Mark Huber Richmond, British Columbia Canada V6Y 2S3 Information in this documentation is the property of Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from author or publisher. All rights reserved. OBLIGATORY LEGAL NOTICE: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication is an information product, and is not intended for use as a source of legal, accounting, or tax advice. Information contained herein may be subject to varying national, provincial, state, and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain the services of competent professionals for legal, accounting, or tax advice. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information, including adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, provincial, state, and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in Canada or any other jurisdiction in the world. No guarantees of income are made. Publisher reserves the right to make changes. If you can’t accept these terms, please return this product. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 1
  • 2. Hello and Welcome! Congratulations for making a great choice! You are now in possession of a very content driven report on how to make your very first dollar (and more) online through easy-to-develop reports. Now, if you’re like most individuals you already have a wealth of information that would benefit certain segments of the population. However, no one is benefiting from your knowledge and/or expertise because you have yet to create your very first information product that you can profit from. Today – that all changes for you! Why? Because this report will teach you what you can do to quickly develop a sellable report and how to market it to reach large numbers of potential buyers. You now have in your possession an information product that will take you through the steps you need to take to develop, market and profit from your very first information product. I have made effort to make this report complete and accurate and as of the writing of this report - all information is based on current strategies. To begin with, I recommend that you put some quiet time aside to read this entire report. There is so much information on the next 45 plus pages that to try to absorb it all with distractions will not serve you best. What you will find in this report • What are information products? • Benefits of low priced reports • Creating your first report • Where to start • Before you begin • Pricing • Developing HOT topics • Where to find content • You’re ready to begin • Mind mapping and the list method • Write to a niche ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 2
  • 3. Titles that sell • Formatting your report • Delivering your report to the buyer • Landing pages • Sales page copywriting • Words that sell • Testimonials • Promoting your report • Make more money with affiliates • Now go do it! Making money with reports I am sure that you have heard stories of people making truckloads of money online by selling information products. Yet for most people making their first $100 would make them very happy. You see, once you make your first $100 the next $100 is much easier. It’s called “rinse and repeat”! This report provides you with a great deal of information on how to create your very first information product – a sellable low cost report! So What are Information Products? Well, the term “information products” include Books, CDs, MP3s, white papers, reports, teleseminars, webinars, Podcasts, etc. However, in the Internet context, the term “information products” refers to electronically deliverable, knowledge-based products. This means that anything that contains knowledge and that you can deliver electronically is considered an information product. Now, one of the easiest (and quickest to create) information products around is a report. And yet, many people have no idea where to start, how to market and how to turn their information into profits. So, let’s start at the beginning. The benefits of low priced reports There are many benefits to creating low priced reports! Nowadays, many consumers would rather pay a few dollars for a fast solution to their problem than have to search around for the information (even if it’s free). ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 3
  • 4. It doesn’t matter what topic, market or industry, reports are a great way to provide solutions to readers and generate great revenue with very little work. Reports are also a great way to build your ‘opt-in” subscriber list. Most people have heard, “The gold is in the list.” This is so true. With a good “opt-in” list of subscribers you can literally make money at the push of a button. Reports are very easy to create! In fact, you can often do so with little or no money out of your pocket. Sure, there is time involved, but when you consider that you can generate hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars in revenue from a 10 – 20 page plus report, the time invested is worth it! Because your reports will be delivered electronically, there are no storage costs. With physical products you have to keep inventory on hand, find a place to store them and often watch them collect dust. This won’t happen with online reports! After the initial costs of developing your report, there are literally no additional costs to continue selling them. That is, unless you have an affiliate program set up. Then you pay your affiliates based on performance. (More on affiliates later). With the right systems in place you can generate fast money – and ongoing income streams! You are going to learn exactly how this is done so that you can begin generating income sooner rather than later. Conveying the Value of a Report Because there is so much free information on the Internet you may be tempted to assume that people will not pay for information. This is not true! People will pay for information if they feel there is high value for the purchase. You job is to convey this value. You do this with very tight “sales copy”, an “attractive landing” page and by establishing your credibility and expertise. And of course, the report itself will determine if people continue to buy from you. Everything from A – Z must be stellar in your information product, development, content and delivery. The more you raise your own bar the more likely it is you will ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 4
  • 5. develop a strong customer base who will buy virtually anything you put on the market. But again, you must deliver above and beyond expectation. Most people have had the experience of buying a report only to be highly disappointed in the content. Many a report has been written with little content and overt sales copy throughout the document. Don’t do this. Create high content for your reader! Even if you are selling other people’s information reports, the same holds true. Tight sales copy, an attractive landing page and great content are a must! Creating your first report The following is a birds-eye view of what needs to be done. We will go into much more detail in each area in the pages that follow. 1. Determine what your market needs, wants and is willing to pay for. 2. Create a working title that reflects the topic of the report. 3. Develop a series of 10 – 15 questions about the topic. 4. Either type or record your answers. 5. If you recorded the answers have the information transcribed. 6. With either the transcripts or what you have typed you will need to edit and clean up as needed. 7. Format into a readable document like Word or something comparable. 8. Convert to a PDF file. 9. Create a Landing Page including graphics, copy and method of payment. 10. Create a series of emails you will use to promote the landing page and report. The first email needs to be a thank you message with the download link for the report. 11. Notify your affiliates if you are opening the opportunity up to them. I don’t now why you wouldn’t do this as they will bring you business you otherwise may not have gotten. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 5
  • 6. 12. Begin marketing 13. Continue marketing. 14. Begin your next report. Before you begin Before you write your first word, you need to know who you are writing for. Far too often someone will develop an information product before they have clearly defined who they are writing for, what the problem is for those they are writing for and what the solution is. Identify your market! Who specifically is your market? What do you know about your market? You also need to know what people are willing to pay for. And you need to know if there is enough of a market for what you are offering. This often requires test marketing and testing prices. Many people who are new to information product development and sales get frustrated if they don’t hit the target on pricing right away. The fact is, anyone who are in the business of “information products”: Tests, tests and tests! Pricing Reports can range in price from $5 up to $37 plus. The price points I have found work well are $7 and $9 for short (under 15 pages) reports, $17 for longer reports like this one (over 15 pages) and upwards of $37-$97 if you are creating a massive amount of value (over 100 pages). Pricing also depends on your level of expertise, how much the market views you as an expert, what else is available to your potential buyers and the industry to which you are writing to and/or about. There is no doubt that you will not be able to charge as much for something being sold to low to moderate income individuals as you would to six figure professionals. You must constantly test pricing, titles, subjects and sales copy…and the more you do this the closer you will get. Back to your market Here are some essential questions that will help you identify your market. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 6
  • 7. You may not need to answer each and every one, but the more you know about your market, the better. • What do you know about your market? • What is your market’s age group? • Gender? Primarily male? Female? Both? • What is their family structure? (Number of children, extended family, etc.) • What is their lifestyle like? • What methods do they prefer for online payment? • What type of web sites, forums and social networks do they visit? • How do they want their product delivered? • Where do they live? • What do they do for a living? • What keeps them awake at night? • How do they like to spend their spare time? • What motivates them? • What do they invest in specific to your offerings? • What are they likely to spend money on? • What is their annual income? Identifying your market is an ongoing process! Who your market is today may not be who they are a year from now. As you grow and change, so does your market. How large is the market you are targeting? In order to have a profitable business you have to have a large enough market of people who will buy from you. Also consider this: • Who will buy your product? • Is there a primary or secondary target market? • What factors influence their decision to buy? • Who is involved in the purchase decision? • How often will they buy? • Where do they currently buy, when and how much? • Is there opportunity to turn casual buyers into loyal buyers? • Can you build a long-term relationship with your market? Developing HOT Topics Indentify the problem It’s amazing how many people will develop information products before they even know if there is a problem and desire for a solution. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 7
  • 8. Some people have spent months, thousands of dollars and tons of energy developing very complex programs only to find out what they thought the Market wanted is not at all what they wanted. Low cost reports are one of the most cost effective ways to see how your market will respond to solutions you offer. If there is not an interest from your market for a low-priced report how do you expect to sell a high priced program to them? Developing a low priced report will give you a good indication if people are interested in what you are providing a solution for. Not only can you make money with the report, you can learn a lot about what your market wants this way. It’s actually quite easy to identify the problem a specific market has. • Survey potential buyers • Visit Forums specific to your market • Notice what your clients are asking for • Social networks such as “Facebook” and “LinkedIn” • Micro blogs such as “Twitter” • Pay attention to what’s happening in media Finding content by surveying Let’s start with surveying. You can develop a very short, simple and easy to answer survey by utilizing free services on the Internet. I am a firm believer in utilizing free resources whenever possible as long as they serve your purpose. Initially, you don’t need to invest in a lot of high priced programs, services or subscriptions. Get a feel for what you are doing before spending money unnecessarily. Here are just a few of the available online survey tools. Obviously, the free version will have limitations such as how many responses you can collect, how many questions you can ask and customization of the survey. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 8
  • 9. However, all do offer upgrades to their paid version which will then give you more flexibility. But to begin the free version of each can work very nicely. I just happen to use Survey Monkey and am very happy with this service. The paid version runs about $20 per month. Below are sample survey questions I developed for a survey for a teleseminar program I was working on. The answers to the following questions gave me the information I needed to know what to add to the sales copy, what to focus on regarding problems and solutions and if those responding would be a good match for my products and/or services. 1. What is your level of experience with hosting teleseminars? Minimal Moderate Above average Outstanding 2. Do you currently use Teleseminars in your business? Yes No 3. If yes to #2 do you generate revenues with Teleseminars? Yes No 4. What is your greatest challenge with hosting teleseminars? Check as many as you want. Time Money to implement Too much competition Knowledge Lack of resources such as software Someone to help with the tech stuff Managing everything 5. What are your current revenue streams? Consulting Coaching Brick and mortar Information products Writing Professional speaker Other (please specify) 6. If you could learn one thing about teleseminars and making ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 9
  • 10. money with teleseminars, what would it be? 7. Are you familiar with Mark Huber’s information products and services? Yes No 8. How did you hear about TalkAndMakeMoney with Teleseminars? Check as many as you want. Blog posting Media release Twitter Someone else’s ezine or email message Other Here is a “screen shot” of the Survey Monkey online survey… ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 10
  • 11. The information you can extract from a survey like this is priceless in developing your topic matter. Create your own survey questions based on your market and what solutions you offer. You can survey your current opt in subscribers, members of groups you belong to online, in your social networks and in forums. Questions you might ask your market? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Forums A great place to ferret out information is in any forum your market participates in. This is why the more you know about your market; the more likely you will be able to find forums specific to their interests. For example, let’s say my market happens to be ragdoll cat owners. There are likely to be forums specific to this area of interest. All you would need to do is go to and input “ragdoll cat + forums” in the search to find some top groups. There were quite a few that came up with this search. Try it with yourself. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 11
  • 12. Below is a snapshot of a Ragdoll Cats Forum that boasts allot of members. If your target market is Ragdoll cats this is the place to be. Note: I am the proud owner of two lovely ragdoll cats!... See their picture here: ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 12
  • 13. Deszi & Lucy What are your clients telling you they need a solution to? The most profitable reports will be ones that are developed based on what your market asked for and/or what they are telling you about their problems. By paying attention to what they were saying you will be able to narrow your focus and have a laser beam approach to developing a solution. This is probably one of the most overlooked areas in identifying what will sell! Warning! Don’t base your decision on what you will develop because of what one or two people ask for. Make sure you can justify the time it takes to write reports (and develop other information products) by getting input from enough people. Additionally, make sure who you are getting input from is truly in your target market. It’s likely your siblings, neighbours and/or parents are not your target market. So be careful what kind of feedback they give you and you listen to. Social Networks With the popularity of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and countless other social networks you can find ample information about what people are looking for. One simply needs to pay attention to the conversations. You can also “prime the pump” by asking for input about a specific topic. You will be amazed at how generous people are with their input. The Media Can Reveal a Lot ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 13
  • 14. There is so much information available by what is going on in the news. For example, as there is still allot going on with mortgage rates, foreclosures and refinancing, this is a prime time for someone in the mortgage or real estate industry to produce reports. Possible titles: • Buying your first home in a downturn economy • How to refinance your home and save thousands • Ten ways to save your home from being foreclosed Any one of these topics could be turned into a short report, very content filled that could sell for under $10. If enough of the right people (your market with the need and desire for this information) knows about the report, you will sell it. Speaking of mortgages: here is the “sales page” for an eBook that I put together on that very subject… As you can see, the possibilities are endless! Your job is to pay attention to what is going on by bringing timely and valuable information to your readers. Where can you find information on what your market wants? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 14
  • 15. You’re ready to begin! Now, once you’ve gotten your survey answers back, visited forums, listened to what your market is saying and paid attention to current events - you are now ready to create your report. But before you begin writing the content of your report it is a good idea to think about what you want to include in the report. You also want to think about your title and subtitle. There are countless ways to do this with two of the most popular being “mind mapping” and “list writing”. Mind map your report A mind map is a diagram used to help you organize your thoughts and ideas for the report. Some people find mind mapping works great while others prefer to write a list. A mind map can be hand generated or computer generated. It’s entirely based on what works for you. 1. Start with a central theme. Turn this into a working title. 2. Create all the possible subtopics for that theme. 3. Write one sentence for each subtopic. 4. Organize in the order you want to explain things. 5. Write a paragraph for each subtopic. 6. Expand from there. Free Mind Get organized and more effective - quickly and visually with this FREE “mind mapping” program. Learn how to use Free Mind - Tutorials Here is a screen shot from Free Mind ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 15
  • 16. List method Some people do better by listing all the elements they want to add in their report. Below is an example of how I could have written a list to create the report you are reading. Topic/Title – How to develop money making reports Subtopics • Who is the market? • Topic • Title • Subtitle • Write • Format • Landing page • Promotions • Selling Now you try it Topic - (What is the main thing you will be teaching with your report?) • Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic? • Subtopic - What are other things pertinent to the topic? • Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic? • Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic? • Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic? • Subtopic – What are other things pertinent to the topic? Write to a niche Rather than thinking everyone needs what you have, think in terms of a specific group of people who have a very specific problem that would want ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 16
  • 17. your reports. These are referred to as niche markets. Niche markets are core groups of people within a larger target audience. They will have similar characteristics, but are even more defined. Let’s say your general market is dog owners. Within that market you have dog owners who are interested in breeding. You have dog owners interested in specific breeds. Owners who have concerns about fleas and ticks. 3 completely different markets and topics • Dogs - How to pick the right dog for your lifestyle • Horses - How to fit a saddle on your horse • Women - How to women over the age of 50 can lose weight fast, easy and without dieting Many people only go to the surface level of defining a market. The deeper you go, the more of a solution you can provide. However, you need to know there are enough people within a secondary niche to make it worth your while to develop a report. What is your area of expertise? Write based on your area of expertise. What successes have you had that you have the “right” to teach people about? What are you good at? What do others come to you for advice about? What do you know well? You have to write subject matter that potential buyers will be interested in. There’s no reason to create a report that no one is going to buy. That is why doing your research before you begin writing is so essential. The beauty of information products is that people rarely buy just one information product on a particular subject. Think about your own buying habits. When you have an interest in something don’t you get as much information as you possibly can on the topic? When I was researching healthy eating I not only bought books from my local book store, I bought several reports online within a very short period of time. I wanted as much information as I could get my hands on. Whether it's animal care, health, midlife, child rearing, or gardening, most people will buy several resources. Your job is to identify the market, what keeps them awake at night and provide a solution by way of a report. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 17
  • 18. And….to market to them. More on marketing later in this report. Write what you have an interest in To really optimize your development time you will be well served to write about something you have an interest in. Many people develop products based on monetary reasons only. The fact is, you are going to work harder developing products you have no interest in rather than those you really enjoy writing about. When you are developing the content, the subject matter should match your expertise. In other words, why spend time on something you have to research extensively and have no real passion about. Again, you will find the process a lot easier (and more enjoyable) if you are writing on something you have an interest in and a passion for. Titles that sell Your title is one of the most important parts of your report. You don’t want to take this aspect of your report development lightly. The title and subtitle can make or break the success of your report. People often make their buying decisions on how “catchy” a title is. Keep your title specific to your market. Rather than, “Everything you want to know about dogs,” try “The selection and care of __________ dogs.” You could fill it in with just about any breed. Granted, you may target owners of all types of dog breeds, but chances are each report you write will address a specific area. Think of it this way; if you put everything in your first report you’ll miss opportunities for other reports for the same market. Some great words that have worked for me are: • How to __________ • Secrets of ___________ • 101 Ways to ____________ Subtitles In many cases, a subtitle will give more strength to the title. However, if you have a really great title that is very descriptive you may not need a subtitle. The title is usually 3 – 7 words. The subtitle can be much longer. The idea behind the subtitle is to convey benefits. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 18
  • 19. One of my most highly received reports has been Financial Planner Finally Reveals Closely Held Secrets On How To Quickly and Easily Build A Thriving Business By Using Teleconference Calls Marketing YOU - Your Products And Services - Through Teleseminars You can download it free of charge here at: Host a teleconference call Hosting a teleconference call is simple, fun AND profitable! It’s a great way to connect with other like minded individuals and gives you a wealth of information to work with… • One of the easiest ways to get out a report is: • Host a teleconference call • Have the call “transcribed” • Edit the transcription • Format the transcription • Create a PDF • Market and sell Teleconferencing Services I personally use both BV FreeConferencing and Instant Teleseminar Check each out and determine for yourself which one you want to start with… BV FreeConferencing is a free and robust conference calling service: This “on- demand” conference calling service allows for a 250-person conference call capacity. It also includes instant conference call access, no conference calling fees, full membership—not a trial, manage calls online—Included Free: Free Conference Call Recording Instant Teleseminar is by far the world's simplest most powerful system to explode your website profits! Once your teleconference call has ended you will need to get it “transcribed”. I use OnlineAndOntime Virtual Transcription Services. I have used this service for years and give it my full endorsement. As a matter of fact, you can get going quickly by just speaking into your computer microphone and having your talk recorded with Audacity ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 19
  • 20. This FREE to download “standard in the industry” and “open source” program allows you to record and then “clean up” or manipulate your audio files. You can’t live without it! Formatting your report For someone very new to developing information products a simple process is write your report in a Word document, format, add clipart and/or pictures as needed, convert into a PDF file. When you want to use images in your report – try out Will allow you to use their “royalty free” materials for FREE (or a modest amount). Search from over 3 million photographs, vector illustrations, video footage and Flash files. For those who don’t have Microsoft “Word” installed on their computer Open Office is a great FREE “online” alternative! And while Adobe Acrobat is a great resource for turning your file into a PDF document it does come at a cost… While your getting started use is a FREE online document conversion to .pdf format! I use this online service constantly…and in fact, make this report with it! Website Hosting of your report You will need to rent some “cyberspace real estate” with which “host” your website and your report… Here are 2 of my favourites from personal experience: Kiosk Hosting My personal Web Hosting company of choice… HostGator Another excellent Web Hosting company… Delivery of the report to the buyer Once your report is formatted you will need to upload it to your website. (If ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 20
  • 21. you don’t know how to do this talk to your web designer.) Website design is not difficult these days! All you need is a good WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor. Personally, I use Nvu which is a FREE “open source” program. If you need some help to get going there are great tutorials at: Nvu Tutorials Now, create a hyperlink to your report. This is what your buyer will click to download the report after they make the purchase. On the sales page you need to have an “order now” or “buy now” button. This NEEDS to be connected to your shopping cart. Below is by far the most tested “buy button” in Internet history. It is known as “The Belcher Button”… Split tests show “close rates” increased by 35 to 320% over ANY other buy button used. Every element of the button has been tested individually in over 10,000 closed transactions. Here is my tested & proven buy button… “The Belcher Button” The button is 100% free for you to use. Just go grab it here at Now, moving on… ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 21
  • 22. When someone buys they are taken to a download page. Automate the delivery process as much as possible… To make sure that they get the report right away you can also set up a follow up message in your autoresponder with the link inside to the PDF report. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 22
  • 23. Anyone serious about making money online uses what is known as a “sequential autoresponder” service. There are some very good providers out there however, my personal autoresponder service provider of choice is Aweber To find out more just to to Aweber You can also learn more about email marketing with Email Marketing Tutorials Landing Pages A landing page, also referred to as a squeeze page, is a web page that is linked to or landed on directly from a hyperlink in an e-mail campaign, blog entry or related website. This will be the page where you tell people about your report. In the purest sense a landing page is what will have your sales copy and/or offer that encourages potential buyers of your report to become actual buyers. To see what a landing page looks like for one of my teleseminars go to: Why Do You Need a Landing Page? The main reason you need a landing page is so that you can “talk” to your customer. Keep in mind, especially with a page that is selling something, you cannot be at your site to have an actual conversation with people and answer all their questions in a real time scenario. You must anticipate as many of the questions and concerns your potential buyer may have. Landing pages are also designed specifically to capture visitors from an ad or other targeted marketing strategies. It is used to influence a specific action from visitors to your site. Try to use audio and video as well! These mediums engage the viewer and “personalises” your site as well as allowing your viewers to see and hear you! This builds on the “know, like and trust” factor – before they make the “buying decision”… is one of my sites where I have a “Welcome Video”… ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 23
  • 24. How much copy do I need? The less the investment the shorter the copy. Your higher priced products (several hundred or several thousand dollars) the longer the copy. For a low priced report the copy would likely be no more than two or three pages of information if you were to print it out. Sales copy for high end items can be 30, 35, 40 pages plus. Why Are Some Landing Pages So Long? There is a great deal of debate by those who are not familiar with the power of long sales letters as to their effectiveness. The fact is, long pages do work; that is, if they are well written. Again, the purpose of a sales page is to answer the many questions that the potential buyer has. That is why many sales landing pages are so long for higher priced items. Elements of an effective squeeze page are: • A catchy title or headline • A way for visitors to determine if the message on the page is for them • Video • Benefits-driven bullet points • Some type of an offer • Buy now button • Payment options Do not give your visitors more than two choices when they arrive at your landing page! The most effective squeeze pages are those where your only option is to purchase or leave. Check out Mini Site Secrets Tutorial as a bonus 2 mini site “templates” are included to get you going… Please note: a landing page is different than your blog or website. On your blog or website you may have several options for visitors. See my landing page at Promotional Messages Should Have Some Urgency Promotional messages that lead people to your landing page must not only be compelling, you may also need to create urgency. Urgency is created through: ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 24
  • 25. Limited time offer • Limited price offer • Limited number of spots With the right market, urgency works very well and is very ethical. You can add something special when people make their purchase by a specific date. For example, when they buy within 48 hours of you sending out the promotional message they receive an MP3 file with the report. In the case of some of my reports, I will add in a live bonus teleseminar with the report purchase. Do what you can to get people to take action the first time they visit your landing page. Chances are if they leave the page they won’t return. Sales page copywriting Developing a well written sales page is a determining factor of whether or not your report will sell. The following information will help you to have the best copy you can to persuade someone to purchase your report. Know and believe in your product This is essential to good copywriting. You have to know your product and you have to believe in it. In this case, the product is your report. There are those who will say it is not necessary to believe in what you’re selling, but if you want to be viewed as someone who sells with integrity then you must believe in what you are selling. This comes across in your copy. Warning! Before you launch your promotions be sure to test the links, the shopping cart and the autoresponder message. Know who your ideal client is and write to that person Profile your ideal client. Their age, educational level, hobbies, interests, profession, etc. The more you can identify who your ideal client is, the easier your copywriting become. Instead of trying to write to a mass of people, write to your ideal client. Use your client’s language patterns. What are their buzz words? What phrases might they use. As I mentioned earlier, surveys are a great way to find out what your market wants. They are also a great way to notice the language patterns they use. In a survey, add a few open ended questions. This will give you ideas for what needs to go in your copy. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 25
  • 26. Convey benefits It is very important that your reader know what the benefits of your report are. Otherwise they won’t justify the purchase. Benefits can be developed by identify what problem your report solves. In the sales copy that was on the landing page for the report you are reading I listed several benefits you would receive by getting the report. Here are a few of them: • Learn how to develop HOT topics that people eagerly pay for • Learn how to ferret out great content for an unlimited number of reports • Find out how to set up a replicable system to create ongoing revenues • Learn how to get a report to market even if you don't like to write ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 26
  • 27. Learn how you can begin making money within 24 hours even if you don't have your own report to sell. • Your buyer may be interested in something that will make them money, save time, increase the quality of their personal and/or professional life and make them feel good. • Your job is to find out what they want and write you copy with benefits specific to their interest. Address objections As you write keep in mind that your sales copy needs to address the buyer’s objections. You are not going to be able to address their objections so your sales copy must. Some of the most common objections will be time, money, don’t know you, will your report solve their problem. The best way to write is to do so as if you are speaking to a friend. Don’t try to get overly fancy, just tell it like it is. Who can your report help and how will it help? Having either audio or video on your sales page even goes farther in helping with the sales process… Headings Your heading has to grab the reader’s attention immediately. Make the heading stand out and convey a benefit. Subheadings Most people will initially scan your sales copy. If there are key points that “jump out” at them, they are more likely to go back and read your copy in more detail. Break up copy with color, typeface size and subheads. However, don’t put so many different visuals on the page that it becomes confusing to the reader. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 27
  • 28. Keep paragraphs short Avoid having huge blocks of copy. Short paragraphs work very well for sales copy for a report. Use words that Sell Some words tend to influence your reader or listener more than others. Test words in your copy to determine which have the greatest pull. Below is a list of words that you can pick and choose from for your copy. Absolutely Amazing Approved Attractive Authentic Bargain ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 28
  • 31. Wonderful You Add testimonials to your sales copy One of the most effective methods for you to enhance your credibility and trust with prospective clients is with strong testimonies. Money-making landing pages will be enhanced by utilizing effective testimonials. Authentic client testimonials are a powerful marketing tool. There are numerous benefits in using positive client feedback including: • You will establish your credibility quickly. • You can set yourself apart from your competition. • You can quickly and easily show results other clients obtained when they worked with you. A testimonial consists of a written or spoken statement about the experience someone has had with you, your product or service or your company. Keep testimonials specific to the subject matter of your report. Potential customers are most likely to believe testimonials from trustworthy clients than they are to believe you tooting your own horn. It is not unheard of for a new client to make a buying decision based upon a testimonial. Two types of testimonials Results driven Feel good Three primary parts to a well-developed testimonial Situation Solution Result(s) Below is a “screen shot” of some of the testimonials on my mortgage eBook site: ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 31
  • 32. If I am promoting a report on building an opt-in subscriber list the first example below is more effective than the second. Example One “I increased my opt-in database by 300% in less than a month with Mark Huber’s step-by-step list building method.” Example Two “Mark Huber is really fun to work with.” Promoting your report There are numerous ways to promote your report. What you are actually going to promote is the landing page telling people about the report. In order to achieve optimum results you should utilize a number of methods. Remember, there are countless ways to market and promote that cost you absolutely nothing. • Opt-in subscriber list • Email Signature File • Media release ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 32
  • 33. Articles in your ezine • Advertisements • Solo • Classifieds • Advertisement swaps • Other Ezine publisher • On various websites • Social networks • Forums • Blogging • Affiliates Those who are extremely successful at generating great revenues from low -priced reports do a lot of marketing. The more you market the better you are likely to do. It is not likely you will reach everyone who is a potential buyer with one or two messages. You need to send out several messages utilizing as many avenues as possible. Again, the more you know who your market is, where they tend to “hang out” and what motivates them, the easier your marketing becomes. Options for payment There are simple options you can provide for payment. A merchant account and/or PayPal. You can also post your report on a directory like Clickbank and others can sell it for you. Regardless of what method you choose, you do have to promote the report. What is Clickbank? ClickBank is a secure online retail outlet for more than 12,000 digital product vendors and 100,000 active affiliate marketers. There is a small fee to join Clickbank. Once you do you can post your eProducts for affiliates to sell. There is no guarantee that you will make any money through Clickbank. However, it is a nice option for someone just starting out in the world of eBased products and a very nice option for seasoned Internet marketers. No matter how great your report is, your job is to let resellers know it exists. With over 12,000 vendors it is not likely someone will simply happen upon your product. So don’t think that all you have to do is create the product, post it and make lots of money. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 33
  • 34. Regardless of how you intend to sell your reports you absolutely must promote this fact. Other ways to generate money from reports Sell reports developed from your own information. Create content by interviewing experts. Sell other people’s reports and earn an affiliate commission. Set up an affiliate program for others to sell your report. The first two options are great for people who either can’t write very well or simply don’t like to write. Keep in mind, you don’t have to be a world class writer to create money making reports. What you do have to do is give a lot of great content. Become an affiliate One of the easiest ways to become an affiliate is after you have bought a report find out if the person who wrote the report is offering affiliate commissions for you to resell. On page 32 of this report there is information on how you can become a SuccessOnTheFly affiliate and earn 50% from this report. Sell two and you’ve earned your investment back. Sell ten and you have earned over $80. It’s very simple if you know people who would be interested in this topic. Regardless of what you decide to sell there has to be an interest in the topic by the people you will be promoting it to. Your own affiliate program If you have a good shopping cart program you can easily set up your own affiliate program. Check to see if this option is available with the program you have. If you don’t yet have a shopping cart, check out EasyWebAutomation (1shoppingcart) If you have your own blog/website and you want to accept credit cards online, you’re going to need a shopping cart. EasyWebAutomation (1shoppingcart) provides this as well as autoresponders, tracking software, merchant accounts and a lot more. The #1 Automation and Shopping Cart Solution… ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 34
  • 35. You can get a 30 day trial of EasyWebAutomation here at EasyWebAutomation If you are looking for something more you will be very well served with At you can create your own membership sites, premium rss feeds, and podcasts in minutes… Automate delivery of digital and physical products, services, premium rss or podcasts, including on demand print and shipment… And Automate your own affiliate program, manage affiliate brokers, automate affiliate bonus offer delivery, customize promotions with coupons and more! In conclusion Now that you have read this report, the rest is up to you. Why wait to begin. Set a target date for the following: Identifying your market Surveying your market Developing a topic, title and outline Write the content Edit Format PDF Set up your shopping cart Create your landing page Promote Enjoy the fruits of your labor Thank you for investing in this report. If you are serious about making money reports you can. The key is to have a plan and take action on the plan. Here’s To Your Success! ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 35
  • 36. Mark Huber PS: For more “step by step” instructions on how to write and make money please visit: Resources: Mark Huber’s Million Dollar Rolodex! Your Business Building Resources Congratulations! You now have access to my private Million Dollar Rolodex! Take advantage of my years of Online experience dealing with vendor products and services that can make or break you in the Online marketing world. I’ve spent a great deal of time and money on many things that didn’t work as promised. I spent that money so you don’t have to. Let me point you in the right direction by giving you access to the people, products and services listed in my personal Million Dollar Resource Rolodex. Please be aware that SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises and Mark Huber do not take any responsibility for the results that you experience using any of the listed vendors or their products or services. Also please note that while some of the venders listed may compensate me for sending business their way, I only recommend them too you because of the successes that I have experienced with them in my own personal businesses. P.S. If you are in need a particular service that is not listed here, let me know. Chances are I can find you a recommended resource from someone in my network. P.P.S. If you see an *asterisk beside a particular vender it means that I have not yet used their product or service but have heard good things about them from colleagues. The following tools and service providers will be of great assistance to you, your opportunity and your business… and increasing your income through writing money making reports. Free Mind Get organized and more effective - quickly and visually with this FREE “mind mapping” program. ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 36
  • 37. Learn how to use Free Mind - Tutorials Teleconferencing Services Each of the following resources are well known and have a good reputations. Check each out and determine for yourself which one you want to go with… BV FreeConferencing A free and robust conference calling service: This “on-demand” conference calling service allows for a 250-person conference call capacity. It also includes instant conference call access, no conference calling fees, full membership—not a trial, manage calls online—Included Free: Free Conference Call Recording Instant Teleseminar Get instant access to the world's simplest most powerful system to explode website profits! IT is a complete turnkey marketing system for GROUP SALES EVENTS. IT attracts prospects, builds lists, and increases sales. You pick an event date and time, and IT does everything else! Get a 21-Day Trial for $1 Skype This is telephone through your computer! Evoca Record your Skype call with Evoca. You can even get it transcribed! Audio Editor Audacity This FREE “standard in the industry” and “open source” program allows you to manipulate your audio files. You can’t live without it! dBPowerAmp * This service will convert a fast playing or weird sounding audio file for free. Just “upload” your mp3 file and “convert” it to: MP3 - 44.1khz – 16 bit – 128kbps Allows you to edit your audio file for a cleaner sound – you can also add sound effects like intro and exit music. Very versatile, the industry standard – and FREE. Transcription Services OnlineAndOntime Virtual Transcription Services. I have used this service for years and give it my full endorsement. * ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 37
  • 38. Transcription rates are approx. $1.50 a minute Lead Capture Page Maker (A “Squeeze Page”) Mini Site Secrets Tutorial (As a Bonus: 2 mini site “templates” to get you going) Website Design HTML Editor Nvu “Open source” I personally use this constantly Nvu Tutorials Graphics Editor Gimp “Open source” I personally use this constantly Gimp Tutorials FTP Software – (File Transfer Protocol) Filzillala FTP Sequential Autoresponder Service Aweber My personal autoresponder service provider of choice… Email Marketing Tutorials Website Hosting Kiosk Hosting My personal Web Hosting company of choice… HostGator * Another excellent Web Hosting company… ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 38
  • 39. Domain Name Registrar Name Cheap Payment Processor Paypal Merchant Account Charge Survey Tool Survey Monkey Membership Site Maker – And MORE! Create your own membership sites, premium rss feeds, and podcasts in minutes Automate delivery of digital and physical products, services, premium rss or podcasts, including on demand print and shipment! Automate your own affiliate program, manage affiliate brokers, automate affiliate bonus offer delivery, customize promotions with coupons and more! Shopping Cart EasyWebAutomation (1shoppingcart) If you have your own blog/website and you want to accept credit cards online, you’re going to need a shopping cart. EasyWebAutomation (1shoppingcart) provides this as well as autoresponders, tracking software, merchant accounts and a lot more. The #1 Automation and Shopping Cart Solution… Tracking & Testing Adtrackz Great tool to monitor, test and track your sales copy and links. Social Networking ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 39
  • 40. A free automated social networking posting service This free service automatically updates ALL of YOUR social networking sites– alerting everyone that there was new “content” available from you! They currently support over 30 social networking sites and are adding more on a regular basis… Other Resources Have a meeting - public or private. Make a podcast. Or start your own talk show. You automatically get your RSS and iTunes feeds, so you can spread the word about your talk show…all for FREE! Podcasts Learn OR share your knowledge. With your FREE membership, you can...create an online course, get paid for your knowledge, learn from other experts, connect with other members! Radio Blog Talk Radio Host your very own Internet talk radio show – for FREE! Other Favorites Open Office * Free alternative to Microsoft! Google Docs * Create “slide shows”, “online” calendars and a ton of other useful things – all for FREE! Free online document conversion to .pdf format (I use this constantly…and make this report with it!) ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 40
  • 41. This firm is a “fulfillment house” for creating “physical” products of your audio or video recordings – CD’s, DVDs, etc. – no minimum orders! Shipped directly to your clients doorstep! (Ask for “Charles”) Disc MoJo * Converts your digital information products into physical products Designers from around the globe will submit design concepts to compete for your business. “Royalty free” materials for you to use. Search from over 3 million photographs, vector illustrations, video footage and Flash files. Royalty FREE music Outsourcing: Finding An Expert Online – To Do What You Want Celebrities Contact Any Celebrity * (great for endorsements) ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 41
  • 42. Find Authors To Interview Miscallaneous Toll Free Numbers * Self Publishing Aardvark Global * ISBN and Barcodes Back Up Your Hard Drive (automatically) Mozy * Help Desk Software OS Ticket Teleprompter Remember, the true power of leverage is to do the work once and get “paid” for it over and over…this is the power of your opportunity – and the services showcased above… For more resources and reviews feel free to visit us at ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 42
  • 43. Who Is Mark Huber? Mark Huber Mark Huber is a proud Canadian living with his wife in scenic Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Mark has been online since 1999 and enjoys sharing cutting edge marketing ideas and practices with those who also share a passionate vision for creating true wealth and living their dream lives. “It’s Your Life! Plan For It! Then Live Like You Mean It!” Websites: Social Networks: (Twitter) (Facebook Fan Page) (Blog Talk Radio Show) Contact Information: Mark Huber SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises 8380 Ash Street Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2S3 Canada Tel: 604-207-9970 ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 43
  • 44. Fax: 604-207-9971 Email: Disclaimer: The information expressed and contained in Mark Huber's Web Sites, Blogs, emails, reports, ebooks, audios, broadcasts and newsletters are solely the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience and those of 3rd parties. Where links to web site and/or included in emails and electronic broadcasts are affiliate links, Mark Huber may receive financial compensation should a purchase of products or services be made by clicking on said links. Use this information at your own risk. Be responsible! Always do your own due diligence. Copyright 2009 SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and service marks are property of their respective owners. Neither Mark Huber or SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in his Web Sites, Blogs, emails, reports, ebooks, audios, broadcasts and newsletters. The End ©2009 Copyright Mark Huber and SuccessOnTheFly Enterprises. All rights reserved. Page 44