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Handbook and Tips:
     How to Optimize ROI Using Remote
               DBA and Avoid the Most
                     Common Mistakes


In response to increasing external market conditions, more enterprises are forced to turn to
remote database administration (DBA) to reduce their bottom lines, yet few succeed in designing
an effective cost-saving approach. This white paper will explain how to improve return on
investment (ROI) using remote DBA and how to avoid the most common mistakes.

                                     By Michael Fedotov,
                                     Renat Khasanshyn,
                                       Alex Khizhnyak

                                      Altoros Systems, Inc.
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
                                                           Page 2 of 10
 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  Table of Contents
  1.   Executive Summary                                                  3

  2.   Why Remote DBA?                                                    3

  3.   Internal DBA: Hidden Costs in Your Cost Structure                  4

  4.   ROI: Internal vs. Remote DBA                                       5

  5.   Common Mistakes                                                    6

  6.   Benchmarking Remote DBA: When and Why                              8

  7.   About the Authors                                                  8

  8.   References                                                         10
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
                                                                                    Page 3 of 10
 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

         1.     Executive Summary
  Studies demonstrate that relational databases grow 3x to 5x in size every three years.
  Enterprises manage a growing number of databases containing more data with increasingly
  high requirements for uptime and security. In order to maximize return on investment (ROI),
  companies are challenged to supplement their IT teams and re-balance their development

  The soaring amounts of work are becoming harder and harder for database administrators to
  deal with, and eventually employing new personnel seems inevitable. The reality is, trying to
  keep up with the progress by employing more programmers is often not the best solution

  One possible solution to the problem is remote database administration (DBA). Depending on
  the scope of work, it can help cut DBA expenses by 40% or more without sacrificing reliability,
  uptime, or the security of data.

  This white paper will show why remote database administration is financially beneficial and
  explain how to plan, design, and manage remote DBA initiatives and avoid the most common

         2.     Why Remote DBA?
  Providing infrastructure for data storage and management,
  databases have grown to be a critical component of                    Most of a DBA’s
  companies from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500                       workday is spent on
  companies.                                                            repetitive, low-level
  Often, small and mid-sized companies underestimate the role           administrative
  of their relational databases until they run into problems.           work, whose ROI is
  Safety is not the only concern when it comes to database              fairly low.
  administration, though. Generally speaking, most of a DBA’s
  workday is spent on repetitive, low-level administrative work,
  including such tasks as checking alert logs, monitoring performance logs, tuning, applying
  patches, performing upgrades, installing agents, validating the backup and recovery process,
  following change management procedures, and addressing requests from applications
  developers, O/S administrators, and end users. These tasks are certainly critical to database
  maintenance, but, ironically, while playing a crucial role in the support of an enterprise’s
  infrastructure, they do not relate directly to a company’s core revenue-generating competencies.
  The return on investment of employing internal database administrators, therefore, is fairly low.

  Relying on remote DBA is advantageous in both of these aspects. First, it guarantees your data
  is safe, since taking care of databases is the direct competence of a remote DBA server
  provider. This means no unexpected expenditures caused by security issues. Second, remote
  database administration is beneficial financially, ridding the enterprise of such a considerable,
  yet cost-ineffective expense as keeping internal DB administrators. Depending on the amount
  and specific character of work, remote DBA can help cut DBA expenses by 40% or more.
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  Another huge benefit of remote DBA is round-the-clock database monitoring. 24x7 support is
  rarely feasible for an enterprise’s in-house staff, both from logistical and cost positions. At the
  same time, it’s often necessary, particularly for companies that provide a 24-hour interface with
  customers via the Internet. Remote DBA service providers make this possible.

         3.      Internal DBA: Hidden Costs in Your Cost Structure
  Before companies can start saving on DBA work, they should
  run the numbers to realize how much they are spending.
  Studies show that not many companies can assess the total               Few enterprises can
  cost of internal database administration correctly.                     assess the total cost
   What most enterprises fail to realize is that there’s more to          of internal database
  DBA than just the salaries of the staff involved in the                 administration
  administration process. Estimating the total cost of DBA                correctly.
  requires knowing more than just that. To be able to estimate
  the total cost of database administration, it is important to
  identify all of the costs that comprise it.

  Apart from the most obvious expense—salary—there are a number of less obvious, or hidden,
  costs. Most importantly, these are benefits and pay increases, which contribute to the total
  cost quite considerably. More than that, taxes should also be taken into account, as well as the
  office space costs.

  Typically, for a newly hired database administrator, training is also required.

  Although there has been a consistent trend of hardware and software costs going down, they
  are still an expense to consider. Personnel costs (such as the above-mentioned salary, benefits,
  and pay increase costs), by contrast, seem to be continually rising. As their share in the total
  cost exceeds hardware and software costs, the expenses of an enterprise that employs an
  internal database administrator are increasing, too.

  The structure of internal DBA costs, therefore, looks like this:

                                Exhibit 3.1 Internal DBA Cost Structure

                                      Source: Altoros Systems, Inc.
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  Keeping all these factors in mind can help an enterprise form a more objective view of the total
  costs of internal DBA.

         4.       ROI: Internal vs. Remote DBA
  If a business component does not generate revenue, the ultimate way to improve its ROI is to
  cut its costs. Let’s see how much, exactly, internal DBA costs, and check whether switching to
  remote database administration can help an enterprise save substantially.

  We will estimate every one of the elements that comprise the total cost of internal DBA:

                          Salary is, naturally, the biggest internal DBA expense for an enterprise.
              Salary      On average, reaching about $80,000 per administrator annually,
                          monthly salary costs come to $6,700 for each DBA employed.

         Benefit          The second largest DBA expense of an enterprise,                   benefit
       Compensation       compensation, typically reaches about $20,000 yearly.

              Taxes       With one internal DBA contractor implemented, an enterprise can
                          normally expect its yearly taxes to rise by $15,000.

       Software and       Software and hardware expenses can be quite different depending on
      Hardware Costs      the database solution used and the desired hardware characteristics,
                          but enterprises should budget at least $5,000.

                          Just like software and hardware costs, the costs of renting office space
        Office Space
                          for an internal database administrator could vary, but typically in the US
                          office space for one DBA costs about $5,000 a year.

                          The initial training costs of a database administrator are estimated at
       Training Costs
                          approximately $3,000.

  The total cost of an internal DBA, therefore, comprises about $113,000 a year for one
  administrator. Typically, one database administrator is employed per every 20 relational
  databases, so companies that operate a larger number of databases can spend about $226,000
  or $339,000—or more on internal DBA.

  Remote DBA costs vary depending on the service provider, and complexity and scope of the
  work. Most service providers charge on average about $65,000–$90,000 annually. Of course, if
  the number or size of databases is uncommonly big, or if additional features are being
  implemented, the amount could increase—just as the spending on internal DBA would.

  Enterprises can save up to 45% of their spending on DBA by relying on remote administrators
  instead of one internal employee, and even more if there are two or three internal
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

          Exhibit 4.1 Internal DBA (One Employee) vs. Remote DBA Costs

       140000                                                         TotalCost2
                                                                      Total Cost
        80000                                                         Training Costs
                                                                      Office Space Costs
                                                                      Hardware Software
              0                                                       Taxes

                    Internal DBA Remote DBA
                                    Source: Altoros Systems, Inc.

  Realizing the benefits of remote DBA, many enterprises that had previously relied on internal
  DBA staff, switched to outsourcing relational databases, creating a new trend in database
  management. The number of remote DBA solutions available is steadily increasing, too, and
  has already created a new market with quite a range of offerings. It is important not to make a
  fatal mistake when choosing from this wide selection, though.

         5.       Common Mistakes
  5.1 Remote DBA Service Provider Mistakes
     1) Avoiding responsibility
        A service provider is always fully responsible for the service implementation process.
        Some service providers try to avoid legal accountability for their work, since this protects
        them from many risks. Enterprises should keep in mind that such policies also deprive
        them of their rights to claim indemnity for any deviation from the remote DBA process,
        should it occur.

     2) Referring to an intermediary
        The relationship between a client company and a remote DBA service provider, in a
        sense, is very intimate. You can’t defer to a third party to manage such a relationship.
        Sometimes, as soon as a deal is signed, a managerial team, different from the remote
        DBA team, takes over the relationship. This is undesirable as long as you want to
        maintain contact with the remote DBA team itself—and you normally do, since they are
        the ones who do the job and who you have employed to do it.

  5.2 Client Enterprise Mistakes
     1) Inadequate readiness assessment
        It is critical that an enterprise’s readiness is assessed adequately, the choice of the
        databases to be outsourced is weighed, and the strategy of remote DBA is well thought-
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

        over and accepted. If these conditions are not fulfilled, outsourcing database
        administration can be more of a hassle or even a threat to an enterprise’s database’s
        effective functioning than its catalyst.

     2) Unrealistic cost expectations
        Remote DBA is cost-effective, but one has to be rational         Some remote DBA
        about the extent of economy it guarantees. For several           teams propose costs
        years now, the business press has been claiming that IT          that are half as
        work costing $50-$80 an hour in the United States can
        be done for $20-$35 an hour in India or Russia. If these
                                                                         costly as employing
        numbers sound too good to be true, that’s because they           a full-time DBA, but
        usually are. IT executives should expect to pay an               it’s not rare that the
        additional 5 percent to 15 percent on managing an
                                                                         lower cost is made
        offshore remote DBA program, at least during the first
        year. The transition phase will add costs, too: planned          up for by poor
        expenses should cover diligence, transfer of knowledge,          service.
        and extensive program management.

     3) Relying too much on executive contact
        Once a company has decided to outsource the administration of its databases, usually
        there is a rush to get the deal done and put the transaction on the fast track. To do so,
        executives from the company and the outsourcer meet, agree, and leave sorting out all
        the details of such a relationship to the management phase of the deal. Yet, it is
        advisable that more of the enterprise's human resources be involved in these initial
        meetings and have a say in the agreement; just the top-level executives are rarely

     4) Not letting the remote DBA team lead the process
        In trying to lead the database administration process, enterprises forget that when
        outsourcing it, they, basically, chose to shift this job onto a third-party team. A client
        company should be aware that with any outsourcing, it passes the job-to-be-done to a
        service provider and then buys the job-that-is-already-done from this provider, and the
        surest way to break the relationship is by dictating how this job is to be done.

     5) Signing a deal with too long a term
        The longer the contract terms, the deeper a company gets in it. Building up a long-run
        strategy is important, but on the other hand, if a long-time deal is clinched, it absolutely
        should allow for changes to the agreement terms over short periods of time. It is
        generally considered even better for an enterprise to develop a close relationship with an
        outsourcing company, but sign a short-term contract that can be easily negotiated and, if
        necessary, renegotiated or even broken.

     6) Improper process management
        It is a mistake to assume that once all the details of a remote DBA deal are discussed
        and the contract is signed, you do not have to worry about database administration any
        longer. A person should be assigned to manage the process. The right person for the job
        is someone who understands the process and is able to focus on the results that best
        match the interests of the company. He or she should also have the foresight to
        recognize any possible problems before they actually occur.
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

     7) Treating the outsourcer as an outsider
        Far too often an enterprise forgets that the remote DBA service provider is a business
        asset and must be treated as such. A remote DBA team is a vital part of a successful
        business, and it should be treated accordingly, not as one of the many suppliers, etc.

         6.     Benchmarking Remote DBA: When and Why
  When an enterprise decides to switch to remote DBA, it typically expects that doing so will help
  to save a sizable part of the budget previously allocated for database administration. While
  generally the financial benefits of remote DBA are beyond doubt, it is a mistake for an
  enterprise to think that just clinching the deal guarantees savings. Although some remote DBA
  teams can propose costs that are half as much as employing a full-time database administrator,
  the true price of these cost savings is generally poor service. Benchmarking is required to
  provide a baseline of costs and service levels. An enterprise can use it to compare the results
  delivered with the results within the industry, and consequently negotiate or renegotiate the
  outsourcing deal.

  When negotiating, benchmarking knowledge ensures that adequate expectations are set for
  cost, performance, and the quality of service. When an enterprise has decided to switch to
  remote DBA and does not intend to carry out a painstaking investigation—wishing instead to
  move on through the negotiations quickly—benchmarking data can be used as a guide.

  Once a deal has been settled, benchmarking can be used for contract refinement. Most
  outsourcing contracts are renegotiated within two years of being signed. The main reasons for
  renegotiation are typically dissatisfaction with cost or service quality. Referring to benchmarking
  data is the main way to make a case with the remote DBA team when renegotiating the

  This is why it makes sense that the requirement for benchmarking be included in the final terms
  of a remote DBA contract. In this case, one can expect that realistic expectations help to bring
  about a positive outcome.

         7.     About the Authors
  Michael Fedotov is Technology Evangelist at Altoros Systems, Inc. and has been working as a
  freelance journalist for a number of IT-related periodicals since 2003, covering next to all
  aspects of IT, specifically software developments, in an abundance of articles. He has taken
  part in several scientific conferences and provided services for many more participants creating
  their presentations. He also has experience working as an interpreter and is currently studying

  Alex Khizhnyak is Chief Evangelist at Altoros Systems, Inc. and co-founder of the Belarus Java
  User Group. Since 1998, he has gained experience as an author, editor, media specialist, event
  manager, conference speaker, and blogger. So far, his education background combines IT,
  programming, economics, and journalism.

  Renat Khasanshyn is the founder and CEO of Altoros Systems, Inc. Mr. Khasanshyn speaks
  frequently at a wide range of events, and recently was selected as a finalist for the 2007
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  Emerging Executive of the Year award by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council.
  Prior to founding Altoros Systems, Mr. Khasanshyn was VP of Engineering for Tampa-based
  insurance company, PriMed, Inc. Mr. Khasanshyn is a co-founder of the Belarus Java User
  Group and studied Engineering at Belarusian State Technical University.

  Altoros Systems, Inc. is a global software delivery acceleration specialist that provides focused
  outsourced software product engineering, independent Quality Assurance, and testing services
  to software organizations and information-driven enterprises. Founded in 1999 and
  headquartered in Western Massachusetts, Altoros has representative offices in Tampa, Florida.
  It manages a software development center in Eastern Europe out of its offices in Minsk,
  Belarus. For more information, please visit
How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA
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 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  8. References
     1) Renat Khasanshyn. How to Design & Manage a Strategic Outsourcing Program and
        Avoid Common Mistakes: Handbook and Tips. (Altoros Systems, Inc., 2006)

     2) MySQL Statement of Work. Remote DBA Service. (MySQL)

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How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  • 1. Handbook and Tips: How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Abstract: In response to increasing external market conditions, more enterprises are forced to turn to remote database administration (DBA) to reduce their bottom lines, yet few succeed in designing an effective cost-saving approach. This white paper will explain how to improve return on investment (ROI) using remote DBA and how to avoid the most common mistakes. By Michael Fedotov, Renat Khasanshyn, Alex Khizhnyak Altoros Systems, Inc.
  • 2. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 2 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Why Remote DBA? 3 3. Internal DBA: Hidden Costs in Your Cost Structure 4 4. ROI: Internal vs. Remote DBA 5 5. Common Mistakes 6 6. Benchmarking Remote DBA: When and Why 8 7. About the Authors 8 8. References 10
  • 3. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 3 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes 1. Executive Summary Studies demonstrate that relational databases grow 3x to 5x in size every three years. Enterprises manage a growing number of databases containing more data with increasingly high requirements for uptime and security. In order to maximize return on investment (ROI), companies are challenged to supplement their IT teams and re-balance their development priorities. The soaring amounts of work are becoming harder and harder for database administrators to deal with, and eventually employing new personnel seems inevitable. The reality is, trying to keep up with the progress by employing more programmers is often not the best solution available. One possible solution to the problem is remote database administration (DBA). Depending on the scope of work, it can help cut DBA expenses by 40% or more without sacrificing reliability, uptime, or the security of data. This white paper will show why remote database administration is financially beneficial and explain how to plan, design, and manage remote DBA initiatives and avoid the most common mistakes. 2. Why Remote DBA? Providing infrastructure for data storage and management, databases have grown to be a critical component of Most of a DBA’s companies from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 workday is spent on companies. repetitive, low-level Often, small and mid-sized companies underestimate the role administrative of their relational databases until they run into problems. work, whose ROI is Safety is not the only concern when it comes to database fairly low. administration, though. Generally speaking, most of a DBA’s workday is spent on repetitive, low-level administrative work, including such tasks as checking alert logs, monitoring performance logs, tuning, applying patches, performing upgrades, installing agents, validating the backup and recovery process, following change management procedures, and addressing requests from applications developers, O/S administrators, and end users. These tasks are certainly critical to database maintenance, but, ironically, while playing a crucial role in the support of an enterprise’s infrastructure, they do not relate directly to a company’s core revenue-generating competencies. The return on investment of employing internal database administrators, therefore, is fairly low. Relying on remote DBA is advantageous in both of these aspects. First, it guarantees your data is safe, since taking care of databases is the direct competence of a remote DBA server provider. This means no unexpected expenditures caused by security issues. Second, remote database administration is beneficial financially, ridding the enterprise of such a considerable, yet cost-ineffective expense as keeping internal DB administrators. Depending on the amount and specific character of work, remote DBA can help cut DBA expenses by 40% or more.
  • 4. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 4 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Another huge benefit of remote DBA is round-the-clock database monitoring. 24x7 support is rarely feasible for an enterprise’s in-house staff, both from logistical and cost positions. At the same time, it’s often necessary, particularly for companies that provide a 24-hour interface with customers via the Internet. Remote DBA service providers make this possible. 3. Internal DBA: Hidden Costs in Your Cost Structure Before companies can start saving on DBA work, they should run the numbers to realize how much they are spending. Studies show that not many companies can assess the total Few enterprises can cost of internal database administration correctly. assess the total cost What most enterprises fail to realize is that there’s more to of internal database DBA than just the salaries of the staff involved in the administration administration process. Estimating the total cost of DBA correctly. requires knowing more than just that. To be able to estimate the total cost of database administration, it is important to identify all of the costs that comprise it. Apart from the most obvious expense—salary—there are a number of less obvious, or hidden, costs. Most importantly, these are benefits and pay increases, which contribute to the total cost quite considerably. More than that, taxes should also be taken into account, as well as the office space costs. Typically, for a newly hired database administrator, training is also required. Although there has been a consistent trend of hardware and software costs going down, they are still an expense to consider. Personnel costs (such as the above-mentioned salary, benefits, and pay increase costs), by contrast, seem to be continually rising. As their share in the total cost exceeds hardware and software costs, the expenses of an enterprise that employs an internal database administrator are increasing, too. The structure of internal DBA costs, therefore, looks like this: Exhibit 3.1 Internal DBA Cost Structure Source: Altoros Systems, Inc.
  • 5. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 5 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Keeping all these factors in mind can help an enterprise form a more objective view of the total costs of internal DBA. 4. ROI: Internal vs. Remote DBA If a business component does not generate revenue, the ultimate way to improve its ROI is to cut its costs. Let’s see how much, exactly, internal DBA costs, and check whether switching to remote database administration can help an enterprise save substantially. We will estimate every one of the elements that comprise the total cost of internal DBA: Salary is, naturally, the biggest internal DBA expense for an enterprise. Salary On average, reaching about $80,000 per administrator annually, monthly salary costs come to $6,700 for each DBA employed. Benefit The second largest DBA expense of an enterprise, benefit Compensation compensation, typically reaches about $20,000 yearly. Taxes With one internal DBA contractor implemented, an enterprise can normally expect its yearly taxes to rise by $15,000. Software and Software and hardware expenses can be quite different depending on Hardware Costs the database solution used and the desired hardware characteristics, but enterprises should budget at least $5,000. Just like software and hardware costs, the costs of renting office space Office Space for an internal database administrator could vary, but typically in the US Costs office space for one DBA costs about $5,000 a year. The initial training costs of a database administrator are estimated at Training Costs approximately $3,000. The total cost of an internal DBA, therefore, comprises about $113,000 a year for one administrator. Typically, one database administrator is employed per every 20 relational databases, so companies that operate a larger number of databases can spend about $226,000 or $339,000—or more on internal DBA. Remote DBA costs vary depending on the service provider, and complexity and scope of the work. Most service providers charge on average about $65,000–$90,000 annually. Of course, if the number or size of databases is uncommonly big, or if additional features are being implemented, the amount could increase—just as the spending on internal DBA would. Enterprises can save up to 45% of their spending on DBA by relying on remote administrators instead of one internal employee, and even more if there are two or three internal administrators.
  • 6. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 6 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Exhibit 4.1 Internal DBA (One Employee) vs. Remote DBA Costs 140000 TotalCost2 120000 Total Cost 100000 80000 Training Costs 60000 Office Space Costs 40000 Hardware Software 20000 0 Taxes Internal DBA Remote DBA Source: Altoros Systems, Inc. Realizing the benefits of remote DBA, many enterprises that had previously relied on internal DBA staff, switched to outsourcing relational databases, creating a new trend in database management. The number of remote DBA solutions available is steadily increasing, too, and has already created a new market with quite a range of offerings. It is important not to make a fatal mistake when choosing from this wide selection, though. 5. Common Mistakes 5.1 Remote DBA Service Provider Mistakes 1) Avoiding responsibility A service provider is always fully responsible for the service implementation process. Some service providers try to avoid legal accountability for their work, since this protects them from many risks. Enterprises should keep in mind that such policies also deprive them of their rights to claim indemnity for any deviation from the remote DBA process, should it occur. 2) Referring to an intermediary The relationship between a client company and a remote DBA service provider, in a sense, is very intimate. You can’t defer to a third party to manage such a relationship. Sometimes, as soon as a deal is signed, a managerial team, different from the remote DBA team, takes over the relationship. This is undesirable as long as you want to maintain contact with the remote DBA team itself—and you normally do, since they are the ones who do the job and who you have employed to do it. 5.2 Client Enterprise Mistakes 1) Inadequate readiness assessment It is critical that an enterprise’s readiness is assessed adequately, the choice of the databases to be outsourced is weighed, and the strategy of remote DBA is well thought-
  • 7. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 7 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes over and accepted. If these conditions are not fulfilled, outsourcing database administration can be more of a hassle or even a threat to an enterprise’s database’s effective functioning than its catalyst. 2) Unrealistic cost expectations Remote DBA is cost-effective, but one has to be rational Some remote DBA about the extent of economy it guarantees. For several teams propose costs years now, the business press has been claiming that IT that are half as work costing $50-$80 an hour in the United States can be done for $20-$35 an hour in India or Russia. If these costly as employing numbers sound too good to be true, that’s because they a full-time DBA, but usually are. IT executives should expect to pay an it’s not rare that the additional 5 percent to 15 percent on managing an lower cost is made offshore remote DBA program, at least during the first year. The transition phase will add costs, too: planned up for by poor expenses should cover diligence, transfer of knowledge, service. and extensive program management. 3) Relying too much on executive contact Once a company has decided to outsource the administration of its databases, usually there is a rush to get the deal done and put the transaction on the fast track. To do so, executives from the company and the outsourcer meet, agree, and leave sorting out all the details of such a relationship to the management phase of the deal. Yet, it is advisable that more of the enterprise's human resources be involved in these initial meetings and have a say in the agreement; just the top-level executives are rarely enough. 4) Not letting the remote DBA team lead the process In trying to lead the database administration process, enterprises forget that when outsourcing it, they, basically, chose to shift this job onto a third-party team. A client company should be aware that with any outsourcing, it passes the job-to-be-done to a service provider and then buys the job-that-is-already-done from this provider, and the surest way to break the relationship is by dictating how this job is to be done. 5) Signing a deal with too long a term The longer the contract terms, the deeper a company gets in it. Building up a long-run strategy is important, but on the other hand, if a long-time deal is clinched, it absolutely should allow for changes to the agreement terms over short periods of time. It is generally considered even better for an enterprise to develop a close relationship with an outsourcing company, but sign a short-term contract that can be easily negotiated and, if necessary, renegotiated or even broken. 6) Improper process management It is a mistake to assume that once all the details of a remote DBA deal are discussed and the contract is signed, you do not have to worry about database administration any longer. A person should be assigned to manage the process. The right person for the job is someone who understands the process and is able to focus on the results that best match the interests of the company. He or she should also have the foresight to recognize any possible problems before they actually occur.
  • 8. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 8 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes 7) Treating the outsourcer as an outsider Far too often an enterprise forgets that the remote DBA service provider is a business asset and must be treated as such. A remote DBA team is a vital part of a successful business, and it should be treated accordingly, not as one of the many suppliers, etc. 6. Benchmarking Remote DBA: When and Why When an enterprise decides to switch to remote DBA, it typically expects that doing so will help to save a sizable part of the budget previously allocated for database administration. While generally the financial benefits of remote DBA are beyond doubt, it is a mistake for an enterprise to think that just clinching the deal guarantees savings. Although some remote DBA teams can propose costs that are half as much as employing a full-time database administrator, the true price of these cost savings is generally poor service. Benchmarking is required to provide a baseline of costs and service levels. An enterprise can use it to compare the results delivered with the results within the industry, and consequently negotiate or renegotiate the outsourcing deal. When negotiating, benchmarking knowledge ensures that adequate expectations are set for cost, performance, and the quality of service. When an enterprise has decided to switch to remote DBA and does not intend to carry out a painstaking investigation—wishing instead to move on through the negotiations quickly—benchmarking data can be used as a guide. Once a deal has been settled, benchmarking can be used for contract refinement. Most outsourcing contracts are renegotiated within two years of being signed. The main reasons for renegotiation are typically dissatisfaction with cost or service quality. Referring to benchmarking data is the main way to make a case with the remote DBA team when renegotiating the contract. This is why it makes sense that the requirement for benchmarking be included in the final terms of a remote DBA contract. In this case, one can expect that realistic expectations help to bring about a positive outcome. 7. About the Authors Michael Fedotov is Technology Evangelist at Altoros Systems, Inc. and has been working as a freelance journalist for a number of IT-related periodicals since 2003, covering next to all aspects of IT, specifically software developments, in an abundance of articles. He has taken part in several scientific conferences and provided services for many more participants creating their presentations. He also has experience working as an interpreter and is currently studying Japanese. Alex Khizhnyak is Chief Evangelist at Altoros Systems, Inc. and co-founder of the Belarus Java User Group. Since 1998, he has gained experience as an author, editor, media specialist, event manager, conference speaker, and blogger. So far, his education background combines IT, programming, economics, and journalism. Renat Khasanshyn is the founder and CEO of Altoros Systems, Inc. Mr. Khasanshyn speaks frequently at a wide range of events, and recently was selected as a finalist for the 2007
  • 9. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 9 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Emerging Executive of the Year award by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council. Prior to founding Altoros Systems, Mr. Khasanshyn was VP of Engineering for Tampa-based insurance company, PriMed, Inc. Mr. Khasanshyn is a co-founder of the Belarus Java User Group and studied Engineering at Belarusian State Technical University. Altoros Systems, Inc. is a global software delivery acceleration specialist that provides focused outsourced software product engineering, independent Quality Assurance, and testing services to software organizations and information-driven enterprises. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Western Massachusetts, Altoros has representative offices in Tampa, Florida. It manages a software development center in Eastern Europe out of its offices in Minsk, Belarus. For more information, please visit
  • 10. How to Optimize ROI Using Remote DBA Page 10 of 10 and Avoid the Most Common Mistakes 8. References 1) Renat Khasanshyn. How to Design & Manage a Strategic Outsourcing Program and Avoid Common Mistakes: Handbook and Tips. (Altoros Systems, Inc., 2006) 2) MySQL Statement of Work. Remote DBA Service. (MySQL)