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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: Hi, I am Heather Williams and today I am speaking to Julio De
                  Laffitte. He is one of Australia’s leading communicators in
                  financial wealth and the founder of JDL Strategies.

                      How are you, Julio?

Julio De Lafitte:     Good morning, Heather. I am good. I am great.

Heather Williams: Excellent!

                      Now, I wanted to find out from you what are you about today?

Julio De Lafitte:     Heather, I have an incredible life. I actually get to travel
                      Australia wide, teaching people financial intelligence.  It’s
                      actually how to make a switch of working for money to have
                      money working for them. I am the CEO of JDL Strategies. We
                      are a national company and our little company is growing in
                      leaps and bounds.

Heather Williams: Okay, alright. So, you must have… I mean, this <<inaudible>>
                  special story for what you are doing now but you must have
                  started somewhere. Tell me about where you came from, your

Julio De Lafitte:     My parents are Europeans; they had immigrated to Brazil,
                      South America and raised in Brazil in the middle of the military
                      dictatorship and inflation was rampant, 300% per annum; and
                      in the midst of so much chaos, I saw my parents prosper and
                      prosper and prosper. My father was a big time businessman in
                      Brazil, my mother was a lawyer and basically for me it was
                      growing up in Brazil but when I was 12 by dad started taking
                      me out for visiting some of his businesses and he was buying
                      and selling them and trading commodities and doing all sorts of
                      different things. So, it was just preparation for coming to
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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: I understand your grandfather also came from quite an
                  entrepreneurial background as well. He was a fisherman and

Julio De Lafitte:     That’s right.

Heather Williams: Tell me about him.

Julio De Lafitte:     Sure. It’s funny because you look at your family and you can
                      look back in the past and learn from their lessons and then take
                      the lessons forward. I know that my grandfather was an
                      illiterate man actually and arrived in Brazil with nothing but
                      dreams, just dreams – did not know anyone, did not have any
                      contacts but he actually the Portuguese language when he
                      arrived – and he went forward and built a little empire in the
                      fishing industry and it was early in his life when he made a
                      very, very profitable association with an American engineer,
                      implementing freezers across Rio and imagine just 80-90 years
                      ago coming upon that technology of being able to freeze fish
                      and within 10 years from then getting together, these guys
                      almost could control the price of fish in Rio

Heather Williams: Wow! Unbelievable.

Julio De Lafitte:     And that was my father’s background because my father was
                      just a boy watching his dad going from an illiterate fisherman
                      who had a couple of boats and a couple of crews to then fully
                      engaged with the possibility of business, right? So, it was just
                      taking forward an idea “Wow! We could freeze the fish” for
                      then started placing what we call today is traditional freezers
                      everywhere but back then it was innovative technology where
                      they were placing those freezers in dry stores and people could
                      come and buy fish in the afternoon. And from there they
                      actually built an empire, they bought more boats and had more
                      fishing people, started controlling the price of fish from taking
                      out of the water, from buying in the markets, from freezing in a
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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      holding unit. So, for my dad it was the tough time when he was
                      30 to tell his dad that he actually hated fish.

Heather Williams: Wow!   Okay.    And then what did he go on to do?        You
                  mentioned that he was obviously quite a strong businessman as

Julio De Lafitte:     Yeah. I guess that if you look into history of people’s families…
                      So, my grandfather saw his father as a fisherman who saw his
                      father as a fisherman. So, in that lineage… and then my dad
                      saw his father not as a fisherman but as a businessman, a guy
                      who is chasing possibility and opportunity.

Heather Williams: Absolutely.

Julio De Lafitte:     So, when my dad was in his early 30’s, it was at the time when
                      television fast becoming a conversation and my dad was able to
                      secure the distribution of a famous brand of television in South
                      America and he was slightly just ahead of time because when
                      he secured that, television was just a concept. So, he sat on it
                      for a couple of years and then it took off.

Heather Williams: Wow!

Julio De Lafitte:     So, imagine what it is for every second television set gets sold
                      in a nation, you get a cut of it. That’s how my father positioned

Heather Williams: Yeah.

Julio De Lafitte:     And from there he started to invest in all sorts of different
                      businesses. By the time I came by, when I became aware of
                      who my dad was, I was around 12 to 13 years old and realized

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      that we lived in a medium-sized city in Brazil and my dad
                      basically owned many, many businesses in all sorts of fronts –
                      tire stores, bakeries, the cinema, the supermarket, tickets,
                      exchange rates. Everything you could imagine that had human
                      endeavor, my dad had an interest in it. He used to say “I only
                      make a dollar a deal but I make a dollar in every deal.”

Heather Williams: Absolutely.    Seriously, it sounds like you have the most
                  inspirational story and you have come from this really strong
                  entrepreneurial family.

                      Now, you have made this move from Brazil over to Australia.
                      How did you find the comparison? How did you find Australia?

Julio De Lafitte:     Yeah, it’s interesting because when I first got here, I was
                      basically, I guess, reliving my grandfather’s steps, rather in a
                      new nation. So, there was this whole excitement of arriving in
                      a new country, you know, and then just learning what’s
                      available, what’s possible and so on and I just realized how
                      good Australia really was. See, Heather, when I first came here
                      and I asked people what’s inflation like and they used to say
                      12% but they spoke of 12% as a concern but I come out of
                      Brazil where inflation was 300%.

Heather Williams: Oh my Gosh!

Julio De Lafitte:     So, when I got that it is 12%, I am sitting and thinking “Ha, ha,
                      ha!” You understand, like, people looking at the numbers. And
                      then I also had a distinction very, very early and what it’s
                      telling you is that the price of money was 12%. The thing was
                      this 12% per annum was how much interest rates were at the
                      time I arrived. When I left Brazil, it was 12% per month. So,
                      within being here for only a few months, I figured that inflation
                      was 12% per annum and interest rates were 12% per annum, I
                      knew I was going to be rich.

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      Does it make sense?

Heather Williams: Yeah, absolutely.

Julio De Lafitte:     It’s like you are taking me out of a very harsh environment
                      where my family was prospering like there is no end and you
                      are putting me in such an incredible environment like Australia.
                      I just knew that I just got to get over this fact that I didn’t
                      speak in English, you know. So, I had to learn the language
                      really, really fast and be able to communicate but I knew that
                      the environment was absolutely awesome for prosperity.

Heather Williams: I find that quite surprising to hear from you that being an
                  Australian and it’s quite encouraging to hear that somebody can
                  see that, have that vision for Australia and what there is to
                  offer. So, again, from there how did you turn that around to
                  create this company JDL Strategies? What’s at their thought?

Julio De Lafitte:     JDL existed on the back of my personal work or my experience
                      in Australia. I will take you through that and then I get you to
                      the company itself.

                      So, basically, when I first got here and I realized that I saved
                      some money and I could buy a house, so I did and I bought a
                      house like I am a new immigrant, can’t even speak English –
                      “Oh, you want to buy a house? Okay, here is the money.”
                      Availability of money in Australia is incredible. Anyone can
                      borrow money, right? So, I had a bit of deposit, I got two jobs
                      and I bought house and the time I bought the house, the
                      recession was on and I started noticing that, of course, as the
                      recession hits rents always goes up. So, I put a tenant in my
                      house and within a year I bought another one.

Heather Williams: Wow!

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Julio De Lafitte:     So, basically, then I started what we call today a chain reaction
                      which was I bought one house and then we bought another one
                      and then as soon as we could, we bought another one and then
                      I was like anybody else – I had jobs, you know. So, I actually
                      had two jobs because I could. I working as a draftsman during
                      the day and basically on the weekends I was just trading stuff,
                      you know, basically buying things for one price and selling for
                      another, whatever I could get my hands on. And then as the
                      prosperity stats to come, I started borrowing against my houses
                      and get into the financial industry because I always liked this
                      idea of beginning with money. So, you know, I got really
                      interested in financial planning and very earlier on I went to see
                      a financial planner who had been recommended, went to see
                      the guy and went to the interview. The interview was actually
                      very good but as I looked at his wall, what I noticed was he was
                      the best performer for a specific bank – best performer for last
                      year, the year before and the year before – and as we started
                      talking and he started to give me these strategies, I then
                      realized that he was a sales person.

Heather Williams: Okay, as often we feel that they are.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes.    I actually had no problem with that.        I just had a
                      consideration because the presentation was really good, he took
                      data from me and went back and forth but when the
                      recommendation came, it was very much the platform that he
                      was the best for the last few years and then I started wondering
                      what if another platform or another bank would be doing
                      something else better, you know.          So, I went on this
                      conversation about finding out what’s what and the more I
                      researched, because I would research the persons providing the
                      products but also my common friends like “What do you know?”
                      and I started to realize that there was a real gap in financial
                      understanding for people, like people take a mortgage and
                      that’s all they knew. So, the epiphany from me or the moment
                      for me of creating JDL was “What if I was to create a company
                      that actually represented the client, first and foremost?” but
                      when you are trying to represent a client, the client lives in an
                      environment that everybody should have to sell them

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: Yeah, that’s the nature of the beast.

Julio De Lafitte:     Nature of the beast. And the client really doesn’t know. So, we
                      then changed the model and said let’s educate the client first
                      and explain to the client how interest rate works, explain to the
                      client what debt is actually doing to them, explain to the client
                      how investing is not a “one day I’ll do it”, it’s a must, it’s a
                      discipline and you were to become financial intelligent, what
                      would you invest in?       So, we started then designing this
                      program which again we called a chain reaction and be able to
                      teach that and once people get this as a concept for them, then
                      we can go and get the products to fit in the model. Rather than
                      trying to sell them the product we educate them, then we help
                      them to buy what they need and it’s just been a tremendous
                      success. This concept from the beginning to now we started
                      doing these things under the label JDL in the last 10 years but
                      our office had been involved in this wealth creation for the last
                      15 years and the concept is actually empowering the client first
                      and product comes later. It is the way going forward.

Heather Williams: So, Julio… I mean, it’s interesting that you talk about this
                  misconception out there that the rich have access to this sort of
                  information all the time and as a result the rich get rich and the
                  average person doesn’t even seem to have an opportunity to
                  get access to that sort of information. How do you deal with

Julio De Lafitte:     I believe that people are truly being hypnotized to fail

Heather Williams: It’s a big statement.

Julio De Lafitte:     It is, it is but if you follow for a second, what I notice – and this
                      is not just in Australia, this is throughout the western world ,
                      okay? – our parents with the best intention they say to us “Go
                      and get an education so…” what?

       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: So, you can get a job.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yeah, okay? Go and get education so you can get a job and
                      what our parents really want from us is a good job.

Heather Williams: Absolutely.

Julio De Lafitte:     Okay? Well, a good job is a job that pays a lot of money. And
                      what I have noticed is it doesn't matter what the job is – a low-
                      paying job or a high-paying job. That’s the only financial
                      intelligence that people have, okay? So, then they enter life
                      and once they get a job, you know what they do? They get the
                      bills to match that income.

Heather Williams: Yes.

Julio De Lafitte:     And then they keep on that gig for a long time, like people have
                      some money, you have 50 grand, you spend 50 grand. Now,
                      you have been promoted, you have 100 now, you spend 100. I
                      meet people, they <<inaudible>> 300 grand, they spend 300
                      grand and what they do is no wealth creation in that. So, why
                      not say “Hey, let’s be honest.” People don’t know the code for
                      getting rich. What I am actually talking about is there is no –
                      none – there is no wealth creation in matching your income to
                      expenses, absolutely none. So, that provides, especially in a
                      country like Australia, incredible standard of living and people
                      can feel their standard of living with wealth. Yeah, there is
                      wealth while I am working, addicted to income. So, when I say
                      to people “You are hypnotized to fail”, it’s because you are
                      addicted to income, you keep matching your income to
                      expenses and then you show up in your late 40s and your early
                      50s and say “And now? And now?”, right? Basically, at 50
                      what we notice is people now want to make the switch which is
                      “I have been working for money all my life real and now I need
                      money to work for me and I actually have no clue.”

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: You know, I think that one is so true. Even if I was to reflect on
                  my own life, that whole working to earning income to pay for
                  the lifestyle I get, absolutely, absolutely what I am doing and I
                  see a lot of people out there doing. So, how do I make that
                  switch? How do I turn it around.

Julio De Lafitte:     So, when I say I want to elevate the financial intelligence of a
                      nation, that’s what we are setting out to do in JDL. And you ask
                      me for who – anyone. The first distinction is to pay yourself
                      first. So, people have bills that are non-negotiable. They have
                      to pay the mortgage, they pay the electricity, they pay the
                      phone. What I urge people to do is to think for a second,
                      paying yourself first.

Heather Williams: What do you mean by that?

Julio De Lafitte:     Okay. So, let’s have a look at the equation. This is my net
                      income, let’s just say a hundred grand and then I spend a
                      hundred grand and then one day in will invest, one day. So,
                      the formula is back to front. “One day I will invest” is a concept
                      in the future, it actually never comes, okay? It often comes for
                      people when it’s too late, right? But imagine if I was to go like
                      this – I am going to put my name as my bill. So, basically I will
                      get an amount of money and pay myself first before I pay the
                      electricity. Before I pay my car or my mortgage, I will pay
                      myself. It doesn’t matter what it is – 100 dollars, 200, 500
                      dollars. Every time I get paid, I pay myself first and that is the
                      money that I am going to boss around, I am going to say
                      “Money, go in the marketplace and bring every time.”

Heather Williams: So, you can make money do that.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yeah. “Money, go in the marketplace”, and that’s what our
                      parents, our teachers failed to teach us. Look, sometimes
                      people say “Man, this is a bit controversial” and I will make a
                      statement here – we look at people trying to change the
                      financial services review and then putting the pressure on the
                      providers of financial intelligence such as accountants, financial
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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      planners and all the government agencies themselves. The
                      truth is I reckon that in Grade 11 and Grade 12, financial
                      intelligence should be a subject in school so people can see for
                      themselves this very basic equation of having to pay
                      themselves first and then send the money out for the
                      marketplace to work for them. If that was told in school at
                      Grade 11 and 12, I got to tell you right now, at the end the
                      regulators, we will not have so much struggle because people
                      could say “Hey, did you study this at high school?” – “Yes, I
                      did.” – “So, what are you choosing?” because the hypnosis to
                      keep matching the income to the expenses, matching the
                      income to expenses. So, you want to get rich. The deal is your
                      send your money to the marketplace to work for you and you
                      start building your asset base.

Heather Williams: Can I just ask you on that because obviously… if I look at…
                  again, I can only reflect on myself and then the comparison
                  with the people around me and most people don’t really have a
                  true understanding of how to do that, how do you set up a
                  financial plan, how do you send your money out in the
                  marketplace and make it work for you, what do you give me to
                  assist me in being able to create that success because I
                  wouldn’t even know where to start?

Julio De Lafitte:     Sure. The truth is people are <<inaudible>> and the concept
                      of money working for them, that’s the missing code. So, what
                      we do is we go get a job and this is a social agreement. So,
                      when you say to me “Julio, where do I start?”, first thing I
                      would say, I will have to hammer this down and say “First thing
                      to start is, Heather, as of next week, how much can you save?”
                      So, if you say to me “Julio, I will save a hundred dollars a

Heather Williams: Can I do something with that?

Julio De Lafitte:     So, then that’s the first commitment. If       you start saving a
                      hundred dollars, I already know you know       that at the end of
                      first year you will have 5000 dollars, okay?   So, commitment is
                      the first thing, right? And you say “What      do I do with 5000

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      dollars?” Now, here comes the gig. The moment you knew
                      which, you make the first switch which is “I am now going to
                      invest my money.” Then you are in the open marketplace
                      trying to get and invest in what? The share guys are going to
                      try to sell you shares, the property guys are going to try to sell
                      you property, the managed fund guys are going to try to sell
                      you managed funds. Somebody’s going to try to put your
                      money into a superannuation account, typically the accountant
                      because he is looking at a tax-safe environment or a better tax
                      environment, right?

                      Now, if you look at all this, “Where do I start? Where do I get
                      my intel?” What I am trying to teach people is to start to
                      leverage. So, let’s just say you started with nothing, you were
                      young and you only had a hundred bucks a week. I would say
                      to you “Why don’t you start with a share portfolio, start building
                      that share portfolio, growing and growing and growing” and the
                      moment you have a share portfolio, I would say “Get a deposit
                      and buy a property investment.”

Heather Williams: Okay.

Julio De Lafitte:     Right? And then once you have your first property investment,
                      put a debt reduction on it, start drawing the debt down. Have
                      that property by another property. Then you have two property
                      investments. Once you have two property investments, you
                      have the third one, then you have your second property
                      investment once it goes cash flow positive. Have your property
                      investments, start buying your shares, okay?

                      So, for example, if I bought a house 10 years ago for 200 grand
                      and back then the rent was 190, right now the property is worth
                      400 and the rent that I get from it is 400, give or take. Let’s
                      just say that property is cash flow positive 50 bucks a week.
                      So, I could say to that property technically “Property, I want
                      you to every week 50 dollars to go to this account, this account
                      buys me shares.” 50 dollars’ worth of shares every week. I
                      don’t care if the market is going up or down. As the rent goes
                      up, more and more shares will be purchased it starts – “So, this

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      house now is buying shares. It’s a system. Then I take some
                      more equity of this house and buy another house underneath
                      and this house underneath, I will do the same thing into
                      managed funds.” This is what we call a chain reaction and this
                      is what we are teaching to average Australian to do. Everything
                      begins the moment you say “I am going to save some money.”

Heather Williams: And you know what… I mean, I think that most people want
                  that but they just have no idea where to start and how to get
                  into it and the confusing nature of it because the economy is… I
                  mean, if you have got to the university and they study that,
                  that’s not something that’s taken lightly. Again, how do you
                  give some of the understanding of what goes on in the economy
                  and what to look out for?

Julio De Lafitte:     One of the most fascinating things for me is that I met some
                      farmers that haven’t got a clue how actually the seeds work,
                      what’s the DNA compound of that seed, and what's going into
                      the fertilizer. They just know they are going to prepare the
                      ground, put the seeds down, throw the fertilizer in, irrigate and
                      they get a crop and they come and go. Some of the farmers
                      are highly sophisticated like they actually understand

                      So, wealth is very much like this, there is a system – is money
                      working for you or it isn’t. So, the first thing we got to crack in
                      the code is me asking you the question “Is money working for
                      you or not?” and what I have found Australia wide is for most
                      people money is not, okay? They are just matching their
                      income to the expenses. So, what do we do? The system is
                      based on this.

                      Now, try to understand the economy, let’s go there for a
                      second.    I can teach anyone how to prophesize how the
                      economy’s going to go. It’s very simple – just check the
                      direction of the interest rates. If interest rates are going to go
                      up and up and up, the economy’s going to shrink, right? This
                      has been around for 200 years, this concept. This is called an
                      economic clock. Pretty much it’s like this – as interest rates go

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Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      up, cool?... What actually happens is this – many businesses
                      operate in borrowed funds. So, if interest rate goes up, the
                      profit at the end of the day becomes smaller because they have
                      to pay higher interests out of the profit. What that does is it
                      makes the value of the shares diminish and people that thought
                      that those shares were good shares may now dump those
                      shares which again makes the value of the company even go.
                      So, it actually shrinks the economy…

Heather Williams: Contracts.

Julio De Lafitte:     It contracts the economy tremendously. So, if anyone starts to
                      see the interest rates going up and up and up, they can almost
                      predict a shrinking of the economy.

Heather Williams: Well, most people freak out when they see the interest rates
                  going up because they see then the risk to them and their
                  family and their homes and their commitments.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yeah. When you are trying to teach financial intelligence to
                      people, its’ pretty much saying “Listen, when the interest rates
                      are going to go up, get ready first and foremost with your
                      finances. When they are going to come down, know that the
                      economy’s going to free up and things are going to start moving
                      and when things start moving, ride the wave all the way.”

Heather Williams: Okay.

Julio De Lafitte:     But, you see, for the rich people when the economy actually
                      shrinks, it’s a tremendous moment of opportunity because often
                      when there is a shrink in economy, a lot of wealth actually
                      transfers; and if you understand this, you can actually position
                      yourself to start getting. Now, when I say to the rich person, I
                      may miscommunicate by saying ‘rich’ already, it’s ‘rich’ in
                      understanding because often when economy shrinks, many
                      developer who end up with stock, they can’t afford to hold. So,

       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      if a person has finances – it may be a mom and dad – if their
                      finances are in the right place, they can actually also get a
                      bargain rather than going like “Oh my God! What do I do?
                      What do I do?”, like shrink, that may be the best opportunity
                      for them to buy because they don’t see it. They wait until the
                      economy is expanding so they pay more for it rather than
                      taking the opportunity when the economy is actually shrinking
                      so they get a bargain.

Heather Williams: In essence, obviously, you are saying that in those times, in the
                  economic cycle, economic clock that somebody can either make
                  an opportunity…

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes.

Heather Williams: Or create and opportunity…

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes.

Heather Williams: Or the other choice that they do is they stop spending, they
                  save, they draw into themselves. So, what do you do to set up
                  to make sure that I make the right choice?

Julio De Lafitte:     Okay. The truth is on an economic shrink or expansion or
                      whatever direction, there are opportunities on the way.

Heather Williams: Okay.

Julio De Lafitte:     Okay? So, basically then it’s a concept that I say, I often talk
                      about – money working for you. The hardest thing for people is
                      they truly are addicted to their income. So, they actually can’t
                      even think outside of that.

       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: Would you say that there is a lot of fear attached to that?

Julio De Lafitte:     Yep and it's like the “job security, man”     but if you keep your
                      income and open up your eyes, open up         your possibilities and
                      understand that you are living a country      called Australia, 200
                      years old, going off… Australia is the best   country in the world;
                      nothing beats it. I travel extensively…

Heather Williams: Yeah?

Julio De Lafitte:     Everywhere. Look, I will live nowhere else. Australia is going
                      off, right? And then what we see is when people have fear and
                      they are attached to fears, as you ask, they actually get just
                      like “Oh my God! I am going to lose my job, I am going to lose
                      my job” and they constrain in that. Most people struggle
                      because they are down by fear, as you asked, and they don’t’

Heather Williams: Which is also a part of fear as well.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes.

Heather Williams: Understanding closes fear.

Julio De Lafitte:     That’s exactly right.     And that’s why we come then as a
                      company and what we are going to do is address the
                      understanding. So, I am no longer interested in anything else.
                      As the CEO of JDL, what I really want to do is to lift the financial
                      intelligence of this nation. That’s what inspires me. I wake up
                      in the morning and that’s what drives me. I want to do this and
                      this is my commitment.

       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Heather Williams: I guess the problem is – and let me just stop you there for a
                  moment… I mean, you know what you're talking, you live and
                  breathe this life and understanding, the economic cycle and the
                  economic clock but the average Joe out there don’t know what
                  you are talking about, we don’t know when this opportunity
                  might arise, we don’t understand it. How do you make it easy
                  for me?

Julio De Lafitte:     Awesome! Okay, so even though all these things and these
                      theorems are available, they are just conversations within
                      friends or reference, right? When it comes about you, the chat
                      will be like this “Heather, if you were to retire tonight, how
                      much would you like to retire on?” or “When you retire, what
                      kind of money would you want?”, okay?

Heather Williams: Lots.

Julio De Lafitte:     Lot. That means you say “I want to retire on hundred thousand
                      dollars a year”, okay? Then, we would have to build an asset
                      base big enough to produce that, right? So, what about you?
                      We would start then taking out team of specialists sit with you.
                      So, its’ a process where we would have a client manager sit
                      with you and interview you and truly go through what you see
                      like what is you debt right now, so debt reduction is very
                      important, how much tax are you paying and start interviewing
                      you but basically start sinking now an objective in mind, okay?
                      So, for example, people say “I would like to retire in 10 years,
                      15 years, 20 years, retiring on a hundred grand” and start then
                      bringing those numbers to bear because normally numbers
                      have no feelings, you do, right?

Heather Williams: Absolutely.

Julio De Lafitte:     And we start looking at them and saying “Okay, cool”. Out
                      team of specialists will then sit together and we would have
                      accountants, financial planners, finance brokers, researchers, all
                      the people that know these theorems. So, then what we will be
                      trying to work here is put this team to work to minimize your
       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

                      debt, tax plan you, and as a result of those two functions, you
                      are investing. Now, check this out – the more you invest, the
                      less tax you pay; the less tax you pay, the more you drive your
                      debt down; the less debt you have, the more you invest; the
                      more you invest, the less tax you pay and that’s how we
                      engage with our client.       We want a long-term, a lifetime
                      relationship with our clients because wealth creation is a
                      process, not a get-rich-quick, right? So, there has to be a
                      process. So, then we would take you data, give you a blueprint
                      and start following the steps. So, we would put our hands up to
                      say “Can we design a strategy and then can we implement this
                      strategy?” and the beautiful thing about the relationship is as
                      we start implementing these things, your financial intelligence
                      will grow, you can’t escape that because, you know, you always
                      start having these assets and houses and shares and it’s
                      steady, steady. It’s a steady, steady process but we will be
                      there with you all the time and everything we give you in
                      writing is actually written by the specialists – the accounting
                      side will be written by an accountant, the financial planning by a
                      financial planner, the finance guy writes finance book. Every
                      person in our team is specialized to do what they do best. They
                      just work like a team for you. The objective is to make you
                      rich. The richer you become, the more you become our client.

Heather Williams: I like this answer. I mean, look, at the end of the day, it
                  sounds like what you are doing is simplifying the whole process
                  and making it possible for anybody…

Julio De Lafitte:     Absolutely.

Heather Williams: …to be financially, you know, wealthy.

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes.

Heather Williams: You know, I still keep sitting back and thinking there is got to
                  be a catch.

       For more tips on growing your wealth -
Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams

Julio De Lafitte:     Yes, there is one.

Heather Williams: What is it?

Julio De Lafitte:     The catch is you.

Heather Williams: Oh!

Julio De Lafitte:     See, the way it works is like this – we may have oldest
                      knowhow, oldest specialist ready to go, right? But this is
                      irrelevant until you are ready to commit. It’s when you make
                      your internal decision “You know what, I want my money to
                      work for me.” That’s the place where we can actually engage
                      and have a ongoing relationship with our clients and it’s the
                      moment that you make the commitment “I am going to be
                      rich”. That’s the catch. So, Heather, the catch is you. You are
                      choosing to engage with us. It starts with you.

Heather Williams: Well, I know that I want my money to work for me, that’s for
                  sure. So, I am in.

Julio De Lafitte:     Excellent!

Heather Williams: It has been so wonderful speaking with you, Julio. You are truly
                  an inspirational person. So, thank you again.

Julio De Lafitte:     Thank you.

Heather Williams: Thank you.

       For more tips on growing your wealth -

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How to Make Your Money Grow - Interview with Julio de Laffitte & Heather Williams

  • 1. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: Hi, I am Heather Williams and today I am speaking to Julio De Laffitte. He is one of Australia’s leading communicators in financial wealth and the founder of JDL Strategies. How are you, Julio? Julio De Lafitte: Good morning, Heather. I am good. I am great. Heather Williams: Excellent! Now, I wanted to find out from you what are you about today? Julio De Lafitte: Heather, I have an incredible life. I actually get to travel Australia wide, teaching people financial intelligence. It’s actually how to make a switch of working for money to have money working for them. I am the CEO of JDL Strategies. We are a national company and our little company is growing in leaps and bounds. Heather Williams: Okay, alright. So, you must have… I mean, this <<inaudible>> special story for what you are doing now but you must have started somewhere. Tell me about where you came from, your background. Julio De Lafitte: My parents are Europeans; they had immigrated to Brazil, South America and raised in Brazil in the middle of the military dictatorship and inflation was rampant, 300% per annum; and in the midst of so much chaos, I saw my parents prosper and prosper and prosper. My father was a big time businessman in Brazil, my mother was a lawyer and basically for me it was growing up in Brazil but when I was 12 by dad started taking me out for visiting some of his businesses and he was buying and selling them and trading commodities and doing all sorts of different things. So, it was just preparation for coming to Australia. For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 2. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: I understand your grandfather also came from quite an entrepreneurial background as well. He was a fisherman and then… Julio De Lafitte: That’s right. Heather Williams: Tell me about him. Julio De Lafitte: Sure. It’s funny because you look at your family and you can look back in the past and learn from their lessons and then take the lessons forward. I know that my grandfather was an illiterate man actually and arrived in Brazil with nothing but dreams, just dreams – did not know anyone, did not have any contacts but he actually the Portuguese language when he arrived – and he went forward and built a little empire in the fishing industry and it was early in his life when he made a very, very profitable association with an American engineer, implementing freezers across Rio and imagine just 80-90 years ago coming upon that technology of being able to freeze fish and within 10 years from then getting together, these guys almost could control the price of fish in Rio Heather Williams: Wow! Unbelievable. Julio De Lafitte: And that was my father’s background because my father was just a boy watching his dad going from an illiterate fisherman who had a couple of boats and a couple of crews to then fully engaged with the possibility of business, right? So, it was just taking forward an idea “Wow! We could freeze the fish” for then started placing what we call today is traditional freezers everywhere but back then it was innovative technology where they were placing those freezers in dry stores and people could come and buy fish in the afternoon. And from there they actually built an empire, they bought more boats and had more fishing people, started controlling the price of fish from taking out of the water, from buying in the markets, from freezing in a For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 3. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams holding unit. So, for my dad it was the tough time when he was 30 to tell his dad that he actually hated fish. Heather Williams: Wow! Okay. And then what did he go on to do? You mentioned that he was obviously quite a strong businessman as well. Julio De Lafitte: Yeah. I guess that if you look into history of people’s families… So, my grandfather saw his father as a fisherman who saw his father as a fisherman. So, in that lineage… and then my dad saw his father not as a fisherman but as a businessman, a guy who is chasing possibility and opportunity. Heather Williams: Absolutely. Julio De Lafitte: So, when my dad was in his early 30’s, it was at the time when television fast becoming a conversation and my dad was able to secure the distribution of a famous brand of television in South America and he was slightly just ahead of time because when he secured that, television was just a concept. So, he sat on it for a couple of years and then it took off. Heather Williams: Wow! Julio De Lafitte: So, imagine what it is for every second television set gets sold in a nation, you get a cut of it. That’s how my father positioned himself. Heather Williams: Yeah. Julio De Lafitte: And from there he started to invest in all sorts of different businesses. By the time I came by, when I became aware of who my dad was, I was around 12 to 13 years old and realized For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 4. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams that we lived in a medium-sized city in Brazil and my dad basically owned many, many businesses in all sorts of fronts – tire stores, bakeries, the cinema, the supermarket, tickets, exchange rates. Everything you could imagine that had human endeavor, my dad had an interest in it. He used to say “I only make a dollar a deal but I make a dollar in every deal.” Heather Williams: Absolutely. Seriously, it sounds like you have the most inspirational story and you have come from this really strong entrepreneurial family. Now, you have made this move from Brazil over to Australia. How did you find the comparison? How did you find Australia? Julio De Lafitte: Yeah, it’s interesting because when I first got here, I was basically, I guess, reliving my grandfather’s steps, rather in a new nation. So, there was this whole excitement of arriving in a new country, you know, and then just learning what’s available, what’s possible and so on and I just realized how good Australia really was. See, Heather, when I first came here and I asked people what’s inflation like and they used to say 12% but they spoke of 12% as a concern but I come out of Brazil where inflation was 300%. Heather Williams: Oh my Gosh! Julio De Lafitte: So, when I got that it is 12%, I am sitting and thinking “Ha, ha, ha!” You understand, like, people looking at the numbers. And then I also had a distinction very, very early and what it’s telling you is that the price of money was 12%. The thing was this 12% per annum was how much interest rates were at the time I arrived. When I left Brazil, it was 12% per month. So, within being here for only a few months, I figured that inflation was 12% per annum and interest rates were 12% per annum, I knew I was going to be rich. For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 5. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Does it make sense? Heather Williams: Yeah, absolutely. Julio De Lafitte: It’s like you are taking me out of a very harsh environment where my family was prospering like there is no end and you are putting me in such an incredible environment like Australia. I just knew that I just got to get over this fact that I didn’t speak in English, you know. So, I had to learn the language really, really fast and be able to communicate but I knew that the environment was absolutely awesome for prosperity. Heather Williams: I find that quite surprising to hear from you that being an Australian and it’s quite encouraging to hear that somebody can see that, have that vision for Australia and what there is to offer. So, again, from there how did you turn that around to create this company JDL Strategies? What’s at their thought? Julio De Lafitte: JDL existed on the back of my personal work or my experience in Australia. I will take you through that and then I get you to the company itself. So, basically, when I first got here and I realized that I saved some money and I could buy a house, so I did and I bought a house like I am a new immigrant, can’t even speak English – “Oh, you want to buy a house? Okay, here is the money.” Availability of money in Australia is incredible. Anyone can borrow money, right? So, I had a bit of deposit, I got two jobs and I bought house and the time I bought the house, the recession was on and I started noticing that, of course, as the recession hits rents always goes up. So, I put a tenant in my house and within a year I bought another one. Heather Williams: Wow! For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 6. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Julio De Lafitte: So, basically, then I started what we call today a chain reaction which was I bought one house and then we bought another one and then as soon as we could, we bought another one and then I was like anybody else – I had jobs, you know. So, I actually had two jobs because I could. I working as a draftsman during the day and basically on the weekends I was just trading stuff, you know, basically buying things for one price and selling for another, whatever I could get my hands on. And then as the prosperity stats to come, I started borrowing against my houses and get into the financial industry because I always liked this idea of beginning with money. So, you know, I got really interested in financial planning and very earlier on I went to see a financial planner who had been recommended, went to see the guy and went to the interview. The interview was actually very good but as I looked at his wall, what I noticed was he was the best performer for a specific bank – best performer for last year, the year before and the year before – and as we started talking and he started to give me these strategies, I then realized that he was a sales person. Heather Williams: Okay, as often we feel that they are. Julio De Lafitte: Yes. I actually had no problem with that. I just had a consideration because the presentation was really good, he took data from me and went back and forth but when the recommendation came, it was very much the platform that he was the best for the last few years and then I started wondering what if another platform or another bank would be doing something else better, you know. So, I went on this conversation about finding out what’s what and the more I researched, because I would research the persons providing the products but also my common friends like “What do you know?” and I started to realize that there was a real gap in financial understanding for people, like people take a mortgage and that’s all they knew. So, the epiphany from me or the moment for me of creating JDL was “What if I was to create a company that actually represented the client, first and foremost?” but when you are trying to represent a client, the client lives in an environment that everybody should have to sell them something… For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 7. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: Yeah, that’s the nature of the beast. Julio De Lafitte: Nature of the beast. And the client really doesn’t know. So, we then changed the model and said let’s educate the client first and explain to the client how interest rate works, explain to the client what debt is actually doing to them, explain to the client how investing is not a “one day I’ll do it”, it’s a must, it’s a discipline and you were to become financial intelligent, what would you invest in? So, we started then designing this program which again we called a chain reaction and be able to teach that and once people get this as a concept for them, then we can go and get the products to fit in the model. Rather than trying to sell them the product we educate them, then we help them to buy what they need and it’s just been a tremendous success. This concept from the beginning to now we started doing these things under the label JDL in the last 10 years but our office had been involved in this wealth creation for the last 15 years and the concept is actually empowering the client first and product comes later. It is the way going forward. Heather Williams: So, Julio… I mean, it’s interesting that you talk about this misconception out there that the rich have access to this sort of information all the time and as a result the rich get rich and the average person doesn’t even seem to have an opportunity to get access to that sort of information. How do you deal with that? Julio De Lafitte: I believe that people are truly being hypnotized to fail financially. Heather Williams: It’s a big statement. Julio De Lafitte: It is, it is but if you follow for a second, what I notice – and this is not just in Australia, this is throughout the western world , okay? – our parents with the best intention they say to us “Go and get an education so…” what? For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 8. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: So, you can get a job. Julio De Lafitte: Yeah, okay? Go and get education so you can get a job and what our parents really want from us is a good job. Heather Williams: Absolutely. Julio De Lafitte: Okay? Well, a good job is a job that pays a lot of money. And what I have noticed is it doesn't matter what the job is – a low- paying job or a high-paying job. That’s the only financial intelligence that people have, okay? So, then they enter life and once they get a job, you know what they do? They get the bills to match that income. Heather Williams: Yes. Julio De Lafitte: And then they keep on that gig for a long time, like people have some money, you have 50 grand, you spend 50 grand. Now, you have been promoted, you have 100 now, you spend 100. I meet people, they <<inaudible>> 300 grand, they spend 300 grand and what they do is no wealth creation in that. So, why not say “Hey, let’s be honest.” People don’t know the code for getting rich. What I am actually talking about is there is no – none – there is no wealth creation in matching your income to expenses, absolutely none. So, that provides, especially in a country like Australia, incredible standard of living and people can feel their standard of living with wealth. Yeah, there is wealth while I am working, addicted to income. So, when I say to people “You are hypnotized to fail”, it’s because you are addicted to income, you keep matching your income to expenses and then you show up in your late 40s and your early 50s and say “And now? And now?”, right? Basically, at 50 what we notice is people now want to make the switch which is “I have been working for money all my life real and now I need money to work for me and I actually have no clue.” For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 9. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: You know, I think that one is so true. Even if I was to reflect on my own life, that whole working to earning income to pay for the lifestyle I get, absolutely, absolutely what I am doing and I see a lot of people out there doing. So, how do I make that switch? How do I turn it around. Julio De Lafitte: So, when I say I want to elevate the financial intelligence of a nation, that’s what we are setting out to do in JDL. And you ask me for who – anyone. The first distinction is to pay yourself first. So, people have bills that are non-negotiable. They have to pay the mortgage, they pay the electricity, they pay the phone. What I urge people to do is to think for a second, paying yourself first. Heather Williams: What do you mean by that? Julio De Lafitte: Okay. So, let’s have a look at the equation. This is my net income, let’s just say a hundred grand and then I spend a hundred grand and then one day in will invest, one day. So, the formula is back to front. “One day I will invest” is a concept in the future, it actually never comes, okay? It often comes for people when it’s too late, right? But imagine if I was to go like this – I am going to put my name as my bill. So, basically I will get an amount of money and pay myself first before I pay the electricity. Before I pay my car or my mortgage, I will pay myself. It doesn’t matter what it is – 100 dollars, 200, 500 dollars. Every time I get paid, I pay myself first and that is the money that I am going to boss around, I am going to say “Money, go in the marketplace and bring every time.” Heather Williams: So, you can make money do that. Julio De Lafitte: Yeah. “Money, go in the marketplace”, and that’s what our parents, our teachers failed to teach us. Look, sometimes people say “Man, this is a bit controversial” and I will make a statement here – we look at people trying to change the financial services review and then putting the pressure on the providers of financial intelligence such as accountants, financial For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 10. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams planners and all the government agencies themselves. The truth is I reckon that in Grade 11 and Grade 12, financial intelligence should be a subject in school so people can see for themselves this very basic equation of having to pay themselves first and then send the money out for the marketplace to work for them. If that was told in school at Grade 11 and 12, I got to tell you right now, at the end the regulators, we will not have so much struggle because people could say “Hey, did you study this at high school?” – “Yes, I did.” – “So, what are you choosing?” because the hypnosis to keep matching the income to the expenses, matching the income to expenses. So, you want to get rich. The deal is your send your money to the marketplace to work for you and you start building your asset base. Heather Williams: Can I just ask you on that because obviously… if I look at… again, I can only reflect on myself and then the comparison with the people around me and most people don’t really have a true understanding of how to do that, how do you set up a financial plan, how do you send your money out in the marketplace and make it work for you, what do you give me to assist me in being able to create that success because I wouldn’t even know where to start? Julio De Lafitte: Sure. The truth is people are <<inaudible>> and the concept of money working for them, that’s the missing code. So, what we do is we go get a job and this is a social agreement. So, when you say to me “Julio, where do I start?”, first thing I would say, I will have to hammer this down and say “First thing to start is, Heather, as of next week, how much can you save?” So, if you say to me “Julio, I will save a hundred dollars a week”… Heather Williams: Can I do something with that? Julio De Lafitte: So, then that’s the first commitment. If you start saving a hundred dollars, I already know you know that at the end of first year you will have 5000 dollars, okay? So, commitment is the first thing, right? And you say “What do I do with 5000 For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 11. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams dollars?” Now, here comes the gig. The moment you knew which, you make the first switch which is “I am now going to invest my money.” Then you are in the open marketplace trying to get and invest in what? The share guys are going to try to sell you shares, the property guys are going to try to sell you property, the managed fund guys are going to try to sell you managed funds. Somebody’s going to try to put your money into a superannuation account, typically the accountant because he is looking at a tax-safe environment or a better tax environment, right? Now, if you look at all this, “Where do I start? Where do I get my intel?” What I am trying to teach people is to start to leverage. So, let’s just say you started with nothing, you were young and you only had a hundred bucks a week. I would say to you “Why don’t you start with a share portfolio, start building that share portfolio, growing and growing and growing” and the moment you have a share portfolio, I would say “Get a deposit and buy a property investment.” Heather Williams: Okay. Julio De Lafitte: Right? And then once you have your first property investment, put a debt reduction on it, start drawing the debt down. Have that property by another property. Then you have two property investments. Once you have two property investments, you have the third one, then you have your second property investment once it goes cash flow positive. Have your property investments, start buying your shares, okay? So, for example, if I bought a house 10 years ago for 200 grand and back then the rent was 190, right now the property is worth 400 and the rent that I get from it is 400, give or take. Let’s just say that property is cash flow positive 50 bucks a week. So, I could say to that property technically “Property, I want you to every week 50 dollars to go to this account, this account buys me shares.” 50 dollars’ worth of shares every week. I don’t care if the market is going up or down. As the rent goes up, more and more shares will be purchased it starts – “So, this For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 12. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams house now is buying shares. It’s a system. Then I take some more equity of this house and buy another house underneath and this house underneath, I will do the same thing into managed funds.” This is what we call a chain reaction and this is what we are teaching to average Australian to do. Everything begins the moment you say “I am going to save some money.” Heather Williams: And you know what… I mean, I think that most people want that but they just have no idea where to start and how to get into it and the confusing nature of it because the economy is… I mean, if you have got to the university and they study that, that’s not something that’s taken lightly. Again, how do you give some of the understanding of what goes on in the economy and what to look out for? Julio De Lafitte: One of the most fascinating things for me is that I met some farmers that haven’t got a clue how actually the seeds work, what’s the DNA compound of that seed, and what's going into the fertilizer. They just know they are going to prepare the ground, put the seeds down, throw the fertilizer in, irrigate and they get a crop and they come and go. Some of the farmers are highly sophisticated like they actually understand everything. So, wealth is very much like this, there is a system – is money working for you or it isn’t. So, the first thing we got to crack in the code is me asking you the question “Is money working for you or not?” and what I have found Australia wide is for most people money is not, okay? They are just matching their income to the expenses. So, what do we do? The system is based on this. Now, try to understand the economy, let’s go there for a second. I can teach anyone how to prophesize how the economy’s going to go. It’s very simple – just check the direction of the interest rates. If interest rates are going to go up and up and up, the economy’s going to shrink, right? This has been around for 200 years, this concept. This is called an economic clock. Pretty much it’s like this – as interest rates go For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 13. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams up, cool?... What actually happens is this – many businesses operate in borrowed funds. So, if interest rate goes up, the profit at the end of the day becomes smaller because they have to pay higher interests out of the profit. What that does is it makes the value of the shares diminish and people that thought that those shares were good shares may now dump those shares which again makes the value of the company even go. So, it actually shrinks the economy… Heather Williams: Contracts. Julio De Lafitte: It contracts the economy tremendously. So, if anyone starts to see the interest rates going up and up and up, they can almost predict a shrinking of the economy. Heather Williams: Well, most people freak out when they see the interest rates going up because they see then the risk to them and their family and their homes and their commitments. Julio De Lafitte: Yeah. When you are trying to teach financial intelligence to people, its’ pretty much saying “Listen, when the interest rates are going to go up, get ready first and foremost with your finances. When they are going to come down, know that the economy’s going to free up and things are going to start moving and when things start moving, ride the wave all the way.” Heather Williams: Okay. Julio De Lafitte: But, you see, for the rich people when the economy actually shrinks, it’s a tremendous moment of opportunity because often when there is a shrink in economy, a lot of wealth actually transfers; and if you understand this, you can actually position yourself to start getting. Now, when I say to the rich person, I may miscommunicate by saying ‘rich’ already, it’s ‘rich’ in understanding because often when economy shrinks, many developer who end up with stock, they can’t afford to hold. So, For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 14. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams if a person has finances – it may be a mom and dad – if their finances are in the right place, they can actually also get a bargain rather than going like “Oh my God! What do I do? What do I do?”, like shrink, that may be the best opportunity for them to buy because they don’t see it. They wait until the economy is expanding so they pay more for it rather than taking the opportunity when the economy is actually shrinking so they get a bargain. Heather Williams: In essence, obviously, you are saying that in those times, in the economic cycle, economic clock that somebody can either make an opportunity… Julio De Lafitte: Yes. Heather Williams: Or create and opportunity… Julio De Lafitte: Yes. Heather Williams: Or the other choice that they do is they stop spending, they save, they draw into themselves. So, what do you do to set up to make sure that I make the right choice? Julio De Lafitte: Okay. The truth is on an economic shrink or expansion or whatever direction, there are opportunities on the way. Heather Williams: Okay. Julio De Lafitte: Okay? So, basically then it’s a concept that I say, I often talk about – money working for you. The hardest thing for people is they truly are addicted to their income. So, they actually can’t even think outside of that. For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 15. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: Would you say that there is a lot of fear attached to that? Julio De Lafitte: Yep and it's like the “job security, man” but if you keep your income and open up your eyes, open up your possibilities and understand that you are living a country called Australia, 200 years old, going off… Australia is the best country in the world; nothing beats it. I travel extensively… Heather Williams: Yeah? Julio De Lafitte: Everywhere. Look, I will live nowhere else. Australia is going off, right? And then what we see is when people have fear and they are attached to fears, as you ask, they actually get just like “Oh my God! I am going to lose my job, I am going to lose my job” and they constrain in that. Most people struggle because they are down by fear, as you asked, and they don’t’ understand… Heather Williams: Which is also a part of fear as well. Julio De Lafitte: Yes. Heather Williams: Understanding closes fear. Julio De Lafitte: That’s exactly right. And that’s why we come then as a company and what we are going to do is address the understanding. So, I am no longer interested in anything else. As the CEO of JDL, what I really want to do is to lift the financial intelligence of this nation. That’s what inspires me. I wake up in the morning and that’s what drives me. I want to do this and this is my commitment. For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 16. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Heather Williams: I guess the problem is – and let me just stop you there for a moment… I mean, you know what you're talking, you live and breathe this life and understanding, the economic cycle and the economic clock but the average Joe out there don’t know what you are talking about, we don’t know when this opportunity might arise, we don’t understand it. How do you make it easy for me? Julio De Lafitte: Awesome! Okay, so even though all these things and these theorems are available, they are just conversations within friends or reference, right? When it comes about you, the chat will be like this “Heather, if you were to retire tonight, how much would you like to retire on?” or “When you retire, what kind of money would you want?”, okay? Heather Williams: Lots. Julio De Lafitte: Lot. That means you say “I want to retire on hundred thousand dollars a year”, okay? Then, we would have to build an asset base big enough to produce that, right? So, what about you? We would start then taking out team of specialists sit with you. So, its’ a process where we would have a client manager sit with you and interview you and truly go through what you see like what is you debt right now, so debt reduction is very important, how much tax are you paying and start interviewing you but basically start sinking now an objective in mind, okay? So, for example, people say “I would like to retire in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, retiring on a hundred grand” and start then bringing those numbers to bear because normally numbers have no feelings, you do, right? Heather Williams: Absolutely. Julio De Lafitte: And we start looking at them and saying “Okay, cool”. Out team of specialists will then sit together and we would have accountants, financial planners, finance brokers, researchers, all the people that know these theorems. So, then what we will be trying to work here is put this team to work to minimize your For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 17. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams debt, tax plan you, and as a result of those two functions, you are investing. Now, check this out – the more you invest, the less tax you pay; the less tax you pay, the more you drive your debt down; the less debt you have, the more you invest; the more you invest, the less tax you pay and that’s how we engage with our client. We want a long-term, a lifetime relationship with our clients because wealth creation is a process, not a get-rich-quick, right? So, there has to be a process. So, then we would take you data, give you a blueprint and start following the steps. So, we would put our hands up to say “Can we design a strategy and then can we implement this strategy?” and the beautiful thing about the relationship is as we start implementing these things, your financial intelligence will grow, you can’t escape that because, you know, you always start having these assets and houses and shares and it’s steady, steady. It’s a steady, steady process but we will be there with you all the time and everything we give you in writing is actually written by the specialists – the accounting side will be written by an accountant, the financial planning by a financial planner, the finance guy writes finance book. Every person in our team is specialized to do what they do best. They just work like a team for you. The objective is to make you rich. The richer you become, the more you become our client. Heather Williams: I like this answer. I mean, look, at the end of the day, it sounds like what you are doing is simplifying the whole process and making it possible for anybody… Julio De Lafitte: Absolutely. Heather Williams: …to be financially, you know, wealthy. Julio De Lafitte: Yes. Heather Williams: You know, I still keep sitting back and thinking there is got to be a catch. For more tips on growing your wealth -
  • 18. Interview with Julio de Lafitte & Heather Williams Julio De Lafitte: Yes, there is one. Heather Williams: What is it? Julio De Lafitte: The catch is you. Heather Williams: Oh! Julio De Lafitte: See, the way it works is like this – we may have oldest knowhow, oldest specialist ready to go, right? But this is irrelevant until you are ready to commit. It’s when you make your internal decision “You know what, I want my money to work for me.” That’s the place where we can actually engage and have a ongoing relationship with our clients and it’s the moment that you make the commitment “I am going to be rich”. That’s the catch. So, Heather, the catch is you. You are choosing to engage with us. It starts with you. Heather Williams: Well, I know that I want my money to work for me, that’s for sure. So, I am in. Julio De Lafitte: Excellent! Heather Williams: It has been so wonderful speaking with you, Julio. You are truly an inspirational person. So, thank you again. Julio De Lafitte: Thank you. Heather Williams: Thank you. For more tips on growing your wealth -