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                      Ontologies meet Business Rules

    How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?

Adeline Nazarenko   Luis Polo Thomas Eiter Jos de Bruijn   Antonia
                  Schwichtenberg Stijn Heymans
                (Paris13, CTIC, TU Vienna, ontoprise)

              12 July 2010 — AAAI 2010 Tutorial Forum
                                                       Aim of this Tutorial
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   You will understand:
         1. How NLP can help to extract business knowledge from policy
         2. What type of business knowledge is typically modeled as an
            ontology and what knowledge as rules (both logical and production
         3. Which approaches to combining ontologies and rules are currently
            available; which ones are implemented
         4. How to choose the appropriate combination paradigm for your goals;
         5. How to model a combination of ontologies and rules using mature
            commercial tools

(2/221)                                                c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                     Contents of the Tutorial
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

         1. From Business Policy Documents to a Business Model (1 hour 10

         2. Integrating Ontologies and Rules (2 hours 15 minutes)
                    2.1            OWL 2 ontologies (45 minutes)
                    2.2            Logic Programming and Production Rules (25 minutes)
                    2.3            Integration (50 minutes)
                    2.4            Demo (15 minutes)

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  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  The ONTORULE project consortium: ILOG (an IBM Company),
                  ontoprise, Free University of Bolzano, Vienna University of
                  Technology, PNA, Université Paris 13, Fundación CTIC, Audi and

                  This tutorial is co-funded by the European Union (FP7)

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                                   Business Vocabulary
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

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                                                                             Business Scenario
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                                        Business knowledge

                                                                                         Ship to customer

                            Production process


                                                 Coil                                         Repair


(6/221)                                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
Part I

          From Business Policy Documents to a
                    Business Model

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                                                      Overview of Part I
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies
   State of the art
      Ontology design
      Ontology population
      Information extraction
   Corpus design
   Ontology acquisition
      Terminological analysis
      Term normalization
      Relation identification
   Business rule acquisition
   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules
(8/221)                                             c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules

(9/221)                                             c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                        Why starting from texts?
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   An alternative source of information
                  Expert knowledge is difficult to make explicit
                  Experts are seldom available for intensive interviews
                  Large amount of written information is available

   A challenge for knowledge management
                  Business models must be documented (for traceability)
                  The source documents must be maintained together with the
                  business models

(10/221)                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                           What can be extracted from texts?
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Documents do not contain all the relevant information
                  Domain knowledge is seldom explicit
   Texts are precious source of information
                  Documents often express factual knowledge about the domain
                  entities, their properties, their evolution and their relations.
                  Documents also reflect the underlying domain knowledge : what are
                  the relevant concepts? how do they relate to each other?
                  Policy documents express the business rules that are relevant for
                  the domain.

(11/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                   Example of text
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Domain concept?   Domain entity?   Business rule?          Domaine relation?

(12/221)                                                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art
      Ontology design
      Ontology population
      Information extraction

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules
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                                              Building a hierarchy of concepts
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Two main approaches

                  A distributional approach for "learning" ontologies
                  A terminological approach for assisting the conceptualization task

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                                                           Distributional approach
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Words with similar meanings tend to appear in similar contexts [Harris et
   al., 1989].
                                        mechanical properties
                                        mechanical strength
                                        mechanical process
                                        mechanical behaviour

                  Semantic classes of words can be built out of a distributional
                  They are supposed to represent domain concepts
                  The results are noisy and difficult to exploit
   [Hindle, 1990][Dagan et al., 1993][Faure and Nédellec, 1999][Maedche and
   Staab, 2001][Cimiano and Völker, 2005]
(15/221)                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                        Terminological approach
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Definition (Terms)
   Words and compounds that form the domain vocabulary

               mechanical properties        coil    yield point elongation             strength

                  The terms extracted from a text reflect the conceptual vocabulary
                  A lot of manual work is necessary for filtering, structuring, modeling

   [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2000] [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008] [Szulman et al.,

(16/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                         Ontology population
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Definition (Named entities)
   Textual units that are similar to proper names whose meaning is built
   through the operation of reference.

                                   STRIP   BH2           2%                      Nitrogen

   Given a conceptual model (ontological T-Box), named entity recognition
   tools can be used to extract the concept and relation instances and thus
   enrich the ontological A-Box.
   [Magnini et al., 2006] [Giuliano and Gliozzo, 2008]

(17/221)                                                  c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                             Information extraction
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Definition (Information extraction)
   A set of techniques for automatically extracting structured information
   from unstructured textual documents (e.g. Who gives a conference,
   when and where?)
   [Sundheim, 1992][Grishman and Sundheim, 1996]

                  Extracting relations between entities
                  Discovering concepts properties and relations
                  [Hearst, 1992] [Aussenac-Gilles and Jacques, 2008]
                  Extracting business rules

(18/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                      Information extraction method
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Information extraction relies on extraction patterns that must be carefully
   designed to achieve good precision and recall.

                noun1 , noun2 , ... and other noun3 → noun1 < noun3
     Hospitals, schools and other public buildings → school < public building

                  Extraction patterns are often corpus dependent
                  Manual design is tedious and error prone
                  Machine learning can help but requires large amount of annotated
                  data to extract relational information
                  [Califf M. E., 1998] [Brin, 1999]

(19/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                           Building business models from texts
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                          Goal Combining state-of-the-art approaches
                                  Bootstrapping and help business modeling
                                  Enabling business experts to understand and author
                                  business models
                                  Anchoring business models in policies
               Strategy Three major steps
                            Designing an acquisition corpus
                            Acquiring the domain conceptual model (ontology)
                            Modeling business rules

(20/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules

(21/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                        Corpus design
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Designing an acquisition corpus is a complex task [Atkins et al., 1992]
                  An acquisition corpus is application dependent
                  Identifying relevant documents is challenging in many organizations
                  The sources are heterogeneous (size, types, technicality, target
                  There may be missing or redundant pieces of knowledge
                  Some documents may be confidential
   How to achieve a good representativity of the domain to model?

(22/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                In practice
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  There is no stable methodology or acknowledged good practice to
                  design acquisition corpus: all use cases are different.
                  Knowledge engineers inventory the available documentation and
                  extract the most useful pieces.

   Example (ArcelorMittal use case)

                  Extract from the product catalogue (10 pages, 3,500 words)
                  Use case description (2,000 words)
                  Description of the order Assignment at galvanization Line (1,000
                  Email discussion with experts

(23/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition
      Terminological analysis
      Term normalization
      Relation identification

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules
(24/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                               Ontology design
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   The TERMINAE approach to ontology acquisition
   [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008][Szulman et al., 2009b]
                  An interactive approach
                  A terminological approach

    TERMINAE                       tool (

(25/221)                                                                  c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                   From texts to domain model
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Texts reflect the underlying domain model . . .
                  Domain vocabulary: hardening element, iron crystal lattice
                  Controlled meaning: elements = chemical element
                  Situated communication (e.g. actors, locations, roles)
                  Explicit domain knowledge: The grain structure of steel influences
                  its mechanical behavior
                  Factual knowledge: Coil #13 is a coil, with length 670 meters,
                  currently located in Aviles factor.
   But a partial and distorted view
                  Synonymy: defects = non-conformities
                  Polysemy: (lab test) results = result (of the assignment process)
(26/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                               From a corpus to an ontology
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                      Sublanguage model                            Domain model             1. NLP extraction
                      (semantic network)                            (ontology)
                                                                                            2. Selection and
                                                    3                                          disambiguation of
                                                                                               core meanings
                                                                                            3. Formalisation
                                 terms &                             roles &
                             terminological                         properties


                                               word and term occurrences
                                              syntactic relations, sentences

(27/221)                                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                        Overall approach
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                  Conceptual
                                       level               level                      level (ontology)

                                       Terms         Termino-concepts                      Concepts


                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                    Conceptual
                                      relations          relations                         relations

(28/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                    1st step: Terminological analysis
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Terminological      Termino-conceptual                   Conceptual
                                       level                  level                       level (ontology)

                                       Terms            Termino-concepts                       Concepts


                                   Terminological       Termino-conceptual                    Conceptual
                                      relations              relations                         relations

(29/221)                                                               c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                         Terminology extraction
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Definition (Terminology)
   The body of words or terms relating to a particular subject, field of activity
   or branch of knowledge.

   Definition (Term Extractor)
   Tools that take a domain specific acquisition corpus as input and output a
   list of specialized term candidates (e.g. YaTeA [Aubin and Hamon, 2006])

   Underlying hypothesis
                  The relevant terms of a corpus reflect the domain concepts
                  Terminological analysis can bootstrap the ontology design

(30/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                   Terminology extraction and tagging
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   The Galvanization Line processes coils, long strips of steel, to provide
   them a coating of zinc; this coating will give the product an improved
   surface aspect as well as protection from corrosion. During the process
   the mechanical properties, such as the yield strength, of the steel are
   also changed due to the thermal cycle it goes through.

(31/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                    2nd step: Term normalization
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                  Conceptual
                                       level               level                      level (ontology)

                                       Terms         Termino-concepts                      Concepts


                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                    Conceptual
                                      relations          relations                         relations

(32/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                   Term normalization
 Ontologies meet Business Rules

  To abstract from language peculiarities
                 Term filtering and selection (noise)
                 Term variant clustering (synonymy)
                 Term disambiguation (polysemy)
                 A semantic network of normalized terms and terminological relations
                 TERMINAE         can export the result in SKOS1

(33/221)                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                      Term filtering and selection
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Term extractors provide noisy results (candidate terms) that must be
   further filtered [Nazarenko and Zargayouna, 2009]
                  Terminology creation is a social process: there is a consensus
                  within a given community to use a term t with a specific meaning
                  Termhood cannot be fully captured through linguistic and statistical
   Validation interfaces allow for filtering based on
                  Lexical items
                  Various types of ranking (e.g. frequency, tf.idf)

(34/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                   Term variant clustering
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   In texts, a given term may appear under various forms. Each group of
   (quasi-) synonymous terms must be clustered and associated to a single

       residual carbon precipitation         thickness reduction rates
       precipitation of residual carbon    rate in thickness reduction
       precipitations of residual carbon            reduced thickness
       carbon precipitations               reduction rate of thickness

(35/221)                                                c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                             Variant detection
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Some variants can be identified automatically
                  Typographical normalization: colour vs color
                  Morphological analysis
                  singular vs. plural forms
                  verbs vs. nominalizations
                  Syntactic analysis based on equivalent syntactic patterns [Jacquemin
                  and Tzoukermann, 1999]
                  Noun Noun ⇔ Noun of Noun
                  Synonymy propagation [Hamon et al., 1998]
                  If Noun1 ⇔ Noun2 then Noun1 Noun ⇔ Noun2 Noun
   Other variants often have to be manually identified
                  Irregular morphology: datum vs. data
                  Semantic variation: defect vs. non-conformities
                           "... sometimes there are defects, non-conformities with regard to the
                                                    allowed ranges... "
(36/221)                                                                 c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                          Term disambiguation
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Ambiguous terms must be disambiguated in such a way that each
   relevant meaning be represented as a distinct termino-concept

   Example (result)
   result → lab test result = lab test data
   result → assignment result = outcome of the assignment process

   Method (for a given term)
                  Browse its occurrences
                  Identify its various meanings
                  For each relevant meaning, create a termino-concept
                  Assign the proper occurrences to each termino-concept

(37/221)                                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                   Terminological forms (TERMINAE)
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

(38/221)                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                     3rd step: Conceptualization
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                  Conceptual
                                       level               level                      level (ontology)

                                       Terms         Termino-concepts                      Concepts


                                   Terminological   Termino-conceptual                    Conceptual
                                      relations          relations                         relations

(39/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                          From termino-concepts to concepts
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Once the relevant domain elements are identified, normalized and
   disambiguated, the termino-conceptual level can be formalized into a
   formal ontology.
   At the conceptual level, the termino-concepts can be modeled as
                  instances of concepts
                  relations (object or data properties)
   Those modeling choices depend on the domain and the aimed
   TERMINAE can export the ontological level in OWL.

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                                               Traceability of concepts
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   When a conceptual element is built out of a termino-concept, it is linked
   to that termino-concept, which is itself associated to one or several
   synonymous terms and to text occurrences.
   The termino-concept/concept links ensure the traceability of the
   conceptual level which is grounded in the source document.

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                                                    4th step: Relation identification
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Terminological     Termino-conceptual                  Conceptual
                                       level                 level                      level (ontology)

                                       Terms           Termino-concepts                      Concepts


                                   Terminological     Termino-conceptual                    Conceptual
                                      relations            relations                         relations

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                                    Enriching the conceptual hierarchy with relations
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Two complementary strategies
       Text driven approach where terminological relations
                                   are extracted from the acquisition corpus
                                   are normalized into termino-conceptual relations
                                   are formalized into ontological elements at the conceptual level
                  Ontology driven approach
                                   The knowledge engineer looks for specific relations
                                   Each relation is associated with a set of characteristic extraction
                                   The matching text fragments are occurrences of the searched

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                                                              Looking for relations
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Tools like TERMINAE propose facilities to design patterns and mine
                  Frequent verbs are good clues
                  Co-occurring terms often bring relations into light

   Property isCharacterizedBy
                  Steel is characterized by the mechanical properties of products
                  sold. . .
                  Surface quality is characterized by surface topography, lubrication
                  and chemical treatment.
                  . . . the following parameters, which characterize the material: yield
                  stress, mechanical strength, fracture elongation. . .
(44/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                             Ontology acquisition: conclusion
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   A text-based approach of ontology acquisition
                  Automatic natural language processing of acquisition corpus
                  Normalization of the terminological output into a disambiguated
                  semantic network of termino-concepts
                  Formalization of that network into an ontology
   Future developments
                  Enriching the corpus analysis with named entities recognition
                  Automatically clustering terms (distributional analysis of terms)
                  Integrating bottom-up relation extraction methods

(45/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                       Ontology acquisition: conclusion
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

    TERMINAE ,                     a tool to support that process
                  The modeling work is supported by specific interfaces (i.e.
                  terminological forms).
                  Linking concepts to termino-concepts and terms ensure the
                  traceability of the conceptual model to the source text.
                  The result is a complex knowledge base:
                       1. Ontology (OWL)
                       2. Associated normalized terminology (SKOS), which allows for the
                          recognition of new occurrences of conceptual elements
                       3. Ontology to text links, which allow for the visualization of the semantic
                          annotation of the source text

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  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules

(47/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                  Overall approach of rule acquisition
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                                                   Structural      Operative
                                              1                      rules           rules

         acquisition corpus

                                   Ontology                Index   x
                                                    2                   x
        acquisition corpus
          1 Rule extraction
          2 Semantic annotation wrt. ontology                                                           4
          3 Extraction of relevant textual fragments       Index
          4 Rule editing and rephrasing                                                    R2
                                                                       R5             R4        R3

                                                                            Business rule bases

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                                                                 Fragment detection
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Information extraction can help the identification of fragments of text
   stating rules, although business rules cannot be fully automatically
   extracted from written policies
                  Precise extraction patterns are difficult to design as they are highly
                  corpus dependant
                  Clues and combinations of clues can be used to filter out some
                  relevant fragments and bootstrap the rule acquisition process
                                   Modal verbs
                                   Linguistic markers
                                   Domain specific action verbs

(49/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                       Example of rule fragments
  Ontologies meet Business Rules


                  Usually these targets are allowed to vary within a certain range,
                  specified in the order.
                  However, sometimes there are defects, non-conformities with
                  regard to the allowed ranges, that may make the coil unsuitable for
                  the order it is assigned to.
                  If a coil has a defect, mark it as ’defective’ scrap the coil and alert
                  the user of the defect.
                  When the line finishes the processing of each coil a decision must
                  be made regarding the assignment of the coil.
                  If nevertheless this is the result, the coil must be inspected by an
                  expert and the decision on the assignment be made manually.

(50/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                           Fragment annotation
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Definition (Semantic annotation)
   Semantic annotation is an ontology-driven interpretation of the document
   content. Textual units (e.g. words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs) are
   annotated with ontological ones (concepts, instances, roles, properties
   instances) [Ma et al., 2010].

   Where do annotations come from?
                  The corpus that has been used for ontology acquisition has been
                  annotated during the acquisition process (ontology to text links
                  output by TERMINAE)
                  New corpus can be semantically annotated using the combined
                  ontological-terminological resource output from the acquisition
                  process (OWL and SKOS output from TERMINAE)

(51/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                   Fragment annotation: example
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                   Source document                                                                        Ontology

               The Galvanisation Line processes coils, long
               strips of steel, to provide them a coating of zinc;                                                                            SteelProduct
               this coating will give the product an improved
               surface aspect as well as protection from                                                               target                 yieldStrengh
               corrosion. During the process the mechanical
                                                                                                          Order      hasLower         Value                  Coil
               properties, such as the yield strength, of the                        Extraction
               steel are also changed due to the thermal cycle it                    of relevant                     hasUpper
               goes through.
                                                                                     textual                             belongsTo

                          The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances indicated by the order the coil belongs to.

                                                                                     Semantic annotation wrt. ontology

                          The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances indicated by the order the coil belongs to.

                             The yield strength of the coil should be within the upper and lower values of the order the coil belongs to.

                                                                                     Rule editing

                          SBVR SE Rule
                                       The yield strength of a coil that belongs to an order must be between the upper and lower
                                       values of the order

(52/221)                                                                                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                        Fragment recomposition
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   A fragment often cannot be interpreted in isolation

   The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances
   indicated by the order the coil belongs to.
                  The yield strength of a coil that belongs to an order must be within
                  the upper and lower values of that order .
   ... if at any point the yield strength is outside of this range there exists a
   mechanical defect.
   → The yield strength is a property of a sampling point of a coil (= coil).
                  The yield strength of a sampling point of a coil that belongs to an
                  order must be within the upper and lower values of that order .

(53/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                             Grounding rules in texts and in the ontology
  Ontologies meet Business Rules


                                                                                   SteelProduct              ChemicalComponent

                                                    target                  yieldStrengh        isComposedOf
                                     Order        hasLower        Value                        Coil
                                                                                                                   Steel      Zinc
                Rule base                         hasUpper

             R3                                          belongsTo

                            The Galvanisation Line processes coils, long strips of steel, to provide them a coating of zinc; this coating
                            will give the product an improved surface aspect as well as protection from corrosion. During the process
                            the mechanical properties, such as the yield strength, of the steel are also changed due to the thermal
                            cycle it goes through.

                            The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances of the order the coil belongs to.

(54/221)                                                                                              c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                          Grounding rules in texts and in the ontology
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Rich index structure
                                   Semantic model (ontology + rules)
                                   3 types of links
                                       Text ↔ Ontology
                                       Ontology ↔ Rules
                                       Rules ↔ Text
                                   Explaining rules
                                   Tracing inconsistencies
                                   Updating policy documents

(55/221)                                                               c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                      Acquisition overall strategy
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

       Acquisition                        Term list            Network of          Ontology
         corpus                                             termino-concepts
                                                t2                                                     ONTOLOGY
                                                t3                                                         &
                                                ...                                                   AUTHORING
                                   Extraction         Normalisation     Formalisation

                                                                  CR2                                    RULE
                                                                                     R2               ACQUISITION
                                                                                   R4 R3                  &
                                                                  CR4                                 AUTHORING
       Acquisition                       fragments
         corpus                             texts            Candidate rules     Formal rules

(56/221)                                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                  Ontology and rule acquisition
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Two distinct processes
                  Rule updates are much more frequent than ontology revisions
                  The ontology and the business rule base might be authored by
                  different business people
   Two interlinked processes
                  Rule editing relies on the ontological annotation of the acquisition
                  Rule editing might call for revision/extension of the underlying
                  The rule fragments can be exploited during the ontology acquisition
                  to focus on the rule vocabulary and the rule application

(57/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Building business models from written policies

   State of the art

   Corpus design

   Ontology acquisition

   Business rule acquisition

   Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules

(58/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
 Ontologies meet Business Rules

  Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules
                 OMG Request For Proposal issued by OMG in June 2003
                 An OMG standard since December 2007
                 Version 1.0 formally published in January 2008
                 Revision 1.1 underway

  A business vocabulary contains all the specialized terms, names, and
  fact type forms of concepts that a given organization or community uses
  in their talking and writing in the course of doing business.

  Business Rules form a set of explicit or understood regulations laws or
  principles governing conduct or procedure within any business activity,
  describing, or prescribing what is possible or allowable.

              This section is based on the SBVR OMG specification, v1.0 [OMG, 2008] and
(59/221)        elements are borrowed from a presentation from J. Hall ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                    c (Model systems).
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Scope of an SBVR model
                                   body of shared meanings of a semantic community
                                   at least one vocabulary owned by a speech community within that
                                   semantic community
                  Semantics of SBVR
                                   A subset of SBVR can be expressed in 1st Order Logic
                                   A small extension can only be expressed in modal logic
                  SBVR Structured English
                                   SBVR proposes Structured English (SBVR SE) as one of possibly
                                   many notations that can map to the SBVR Metamodel

(60/221)                                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                   SBVR metamodel (1st part)
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   SBVR is a (abstract) language in which one can describe
                  Object types to classify things on the basis of their common
                  properties (= concepts, also called "noun concepts")
                  Concept definitions to define the meaning of all the terms at the
                  ABox and the TBox levels (= concept definition)
                  Fact types to define relations involving object types and their
                  instances (= n-ary predicates, also called "verb concepts")
                  Fact type forms to enable speech community specific
                  communications (= patterns or templates of expressions of a fact

(61/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   coil belongs to order
      Synonymous form: order owns coil
      Necessity: Each coil belongs to at most one order .
      Note: If a coil fails to meet order targets it is de-assigned from the
   coil has been galvanised
   unprocessed product
      Definition: coil that belongs to an order and that has not been
   processed product
      Definition: coil that belongs to an order and that has been galvanised
      Concept Type: implicitly-understood concept
   processed product has lab test
      Necessity: Each lab test is of exactly one processed product .
   lab-tested product
      Definition: processed product that has had a lab test
(62/221)                                             c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                Terms and names
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Individual concepts (noun concepts) have names
                                     ArcelorMittal Galvanization Line Coil #13 Gijon factory
                  Concepts (general noun concepts)
                                   May have formal, part-formal or informal definitions
                                   May be adopted
                                   May be ’implicitly understood’ (terms used in their everyday sense)
                                                          Width Thickness Weight

(63/221)                                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                      Concept intensional definition
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   unprocessed product (defined concept)
      coil (more general concept)
      that belongs to an order and that has not been galvanised (delimiting

(64/221)                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                                 Fact types
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Fact types define unary, binary or n-ary relations between concepts

                                                   coil has been galvanised
                                                     coil belongs to order

                  Concepts (general noun concepts) play roles in fact types
                  A role name may be:
                                   an existing term: order
                                   a specific role name
                                                          Coil is assigned to order
                  Fact symbols have meaning only in relation to the concept that play
                  the fact type roles
                                    has has different meanings in Coil has Thickness and in
                                               OrderTarget has LowerTolerance
(65/221)                                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                    Constraints in fact types
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Fact type

                                                   Coil belongs to order

                  By itself, the fact type means
                                   ’a coil can belong to any number of orders (including zero),
                                                         and vice versaa’
                  A fact type can be constrained (’necessity’ structural rule)
                                      Necessity: Each coil belongs to at most one order .

(66/221)                                                                   c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                Fact type forms
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                                          representation of a fact type by a pattern
                                     or template of expressions based on the fact type
                  A fact type may have multiple fact type forms
                                   order has target yield strength (semantics in role name)
                                       order targets yield strength (semantics in verb)
                                               yield strength is target of order

(67/221)                                                                 c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                  SBVR metamodel (2nd part)
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   SBVR is a (abstract) language in which one can describe
                  Integrity rules to restrict the contents of the ABox and the content
                  transitions to the ones considered useful
                  Derivation rules to generate new assertions of facts (at the ABox
                  level) from existing assertions of facts
                  Operative business rules to specify prescribed, suggested or
                  self-imposed rules (may be violated)

(68/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                          Creating business rules
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

         1. Select a base fact type
              yield strength is between the upper and lower values of order
         2. Apply a modal operator
                                   ’Necessity’ or ’Possibility’ for a structural rule
                                   ’Obligation’ or ’Permission’ for an operative rule.
                                     It is obligatory that yield strength is between the upper and lower
                                                                 values of order .
                                     Alternatively: yield strength must be between the upper and lower
                                                                  values order .
         3. Use additional fact types to quantify and qualify the rule
                      The yield strength of a sampling point of a coil that belongs to an
                      order must be between the upper and lower values of the order .

(69/221)                                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                             Level of enforcement
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  The level of enforcement describes how strictly a rule will be
                  Some operative rules cannot be automated (or the enterprise has
                  decided not to automate them).
                  They require an enforcement regime:
                      Level of enforcement (strict, pre-authorized, post-justified . . . ) =
                                   business rules
                                   Detection of violations
                                   Remediation of unacceptable activity
                                   (Possibly) application of sanctions to offenders
                  An enforcement regime often leads to additional IS requirements

(70/221)                                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                Benefits of SBVR
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Unified business model combining the conceptual model (ontology)
                  and the rules
                  Business oriented presentation
                  Documented business model
                  Verbalization of the business model understandable to business

             SBVR, a way to specify the expected behaviour of the rule system.

(71/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
Part II

           Integrating Ontologies and Rules

(72/221)                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                     Overview of Part II
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example
   Rules: Logical and Production Rules
      Logical Rules
      Production Rules
      Logical vs. Production
      Rules vs. Ontologies
   Integration of Rules and Ontologies
       Integration of Logical Rules with Ontologies
       Integration of Production Rules with Ontologies
(73/221)                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example

   Rules: Logical and Production Rules

   Integration of Rules and Ontologies


(74/221)                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example

   Rules: Logical and Production Rules

   Integration of Rules and Ontologies


(75/221)                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                               What is an ontology
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   An ontology is a shared model of some domain of the world:

                  ... introducing some vocabulary
                  ... defining the meaning of the concepts
                  ... relating the concepts using properties
                  ... describing the individuals

(76/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                        What is OWL
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  OWL is the W3C recommended language for web ontologies

                  Based on the Description Logic SROIQ

                  History: OWL1 (2004) and OWL2 (2009)

                  Several syntaxes: RDF/XML (normative), DL, functional, XML,

(77/221)                                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                             Description Logics
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   A Description Logic Knowledge Base consists of three parts:
         1. TBox: the ontology axioms defining the concepts
         2. RBox: the ontology axioms defining the properties
         3. ABox: ground facts about the individuals, described using the

   Description Logics is a subset of First Order Logic
                  Open World Assumption (OWA)
                  Not all statements about a domain can be formalized with a
                  Description Logic

(78/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                Why should I care about OWL
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Even if it is not possible to produce a complete model for a business
   domain, using OWL has a number advantages:

                  Understability and clarity of the model
                  Easy maintenance of the model
                  Reusability of a model

(79/221)                                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                   OWL advantages: Understability and Clarity
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   OWL, as a Description Logic language, has an object-centered view.
   It grasps the structure of the business domain:
                  Aggregation: “A steel product has a number of attributes: length,
                  weight, chemical composition”
                  Classification: “Steel products can be flat, long or stainless”
                  Generalization: “All steel products are produced in a steel factory ”

   DL axioms are easier to understand than FOL formulas: “All coils are
   steel products”
                  FOL: ∀x Coil(x) → SteelProduct(x)
                  DL: Coil         SteelProduct

(80/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                    OWL advantages: Easy Maintenance
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Logical implications of each statement are intuitive

                  Formal validation of the business model. Automatic consistency
                  checking using dedicated tools (DL reasoners)
                                   Not looking for completeness or integrity, but just for absence of

(81/221)                                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                OWL advantages: Reusability
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Ontologies capture the static knowledge of the domain
                  Changes are not frequent
                  Several applications can benefit from it as a business data model

   Being a standard means:
                  No vendor lock-in. Applications are interoperable
                  Ontologies can be published and found in the web. OWL is built on
                  top of the web stack (URIs, HTTP, etc.).The default exchanged
                  format is RDF.

(82/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example

   Rules: Logical and Production Rules

   Integration of Rules and Ontologies


(83/221)                                    c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                      OWL in a nutshell
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                          OWL vocabulary                       Properties
                                   Concepts, Properties            Subsumption and
                                   and Individuals                 Equivalence
                          Concepts                                 Disjointness
                                                                   Domain and Range
                                   Subsumption and
                                                                   Inverse, Funct. and Inv.
                                                                   Symm., Asymm.,
                                   Union, Intersection and
                                                                   Reflex. and Irreflex.
                                                                   Transitiveness and
                                                                   Property Chains
                                   Cardinality, Existential,
                                   Universal and               Other features
                                   Individual restrictions

(84/221)                                                            c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                         Running Example
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Business statements from the steel domain will be examined individually
   Each sentence will introduce a new modeling feature of OWL
   The following slides have the same pattern:
         1. Business sentence in natural language
         2. Sentence formalization (DL and/or Functional Syntaxes)
         3. Comments and consequences

(85/221)                                               c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “There is a set of objects called coils”


                  A new symbol (URI) is introduced in the ontology vocabulary for
                  each business concept
                  A DL concept represents a set of individuals of a business domain

(86/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                Concept Hierarchies
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coils are flat steel products which in turn are steel products”

                                   Coil   FlatSteelProduct   SteelProduct

                  Arbitrarily complex concept hierarchies can be defined
                  Multiple inheritance is allowed

(87/221)                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                            Concept Equivalence
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Customer and product assignee are equivalent views of the
                  same concept”

                                    Customer ≡ ProductAssignee

                  The same set of objects are interpreted in two different points of
                  views (e.g. accounting and shipment)
                  Equivalence axioms may be used to align existing vocabularies

(88/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                  Disjoint Concepts
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Chemical elements are either carbon elements or
                  non-carbon elements”

                                   CarbonElement   NonCarbonElement ≡ ⊥

                  With this kind of axioms, it is possible to explicitly forbid the
                  classification of a single domain object as an instance of two (or
                  more) incompatible concepts.

(89/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                               Datatype Properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Length is a measurable property”


                  Datatype properties express attributes of the domain objects
                  Their values are literals (numbers, strings, booleans, etc.)
                  Most datatypes are taken from XML Schema

(90/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                   Object Properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Location is a property of physical objects”


                  Object properties express relationships between domain objects

(91/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                   Property Domain
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Length is a property of coils”

                                               ∀length− .Coil

                  Domain axioms are not checks, but inference rules, i.e. “all objects
                  that have a length are inferred to be coils”
                  Note for OO programmers: Properties are defined globally and
                  independently of concepts (classes). Domain declaration is

(92/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                      Property Range
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Length is measured numerically”
                  “Objects in the steel domain are located in factories”

                   ∀length.xsd : double

                  Same notes that in the previous slide apply here

(93/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                            Properties Hierarchy
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “If a coil has been rejected by a QA team, then it has been
                  examined by that team”

                                     rejectedBy     examinedBy

                  Arbitrarily complex property hierarchies can be defined
                  Multiple inheritance is allowed
                  Note for OO programmers: this feature is usually not available in OO
                  programming languages.

(94/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                             Property Equivalence
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “The location property in system A is the same thing as the
                  place property in system B”

                                          location ≡ place

                  The same set of relationships are interpreted from two different
                  points of views (e.g. accounting and shipment)
                  Equivalence axioms may be used to align existing vocabularies

(95/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                    Disjoint properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Regarding Quality Assurance, a coil cannot be produced and
                  verified by the same team”

   DisjointObjectProperties( producedBy verifiedBy )

                  With this kind of axioms, it is possible to explicitly forbid certain pairs
                  of relationships

(96/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                  Individual Positive Assertions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coil #13 is a coil, with length 670 meters, currently located in
                  Aviles factory”

   Coil#13 ∈ Coil
   (Coil#13, 670) ∈ length
   (Coil#13, AvilesFactory) ∈ locatedIn

                  Individuals are classified in concepts using unary predicates
                  Values for properties of individuals are asserted using binary
                  Assertions about individuals populate the knowledge base (A-Box)

(97/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                Individual Negative Assertions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coil #13 does not contain chromium in its chemical

                                   (Coil#13, Chromium) ∈ contains

                  This kind of assertions are useful to detect inconsistencies in the
                  description of individuals
                  Negative assertions can be made about datatype and object
                  properties, but not about classification

(98/221)                                                        c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                            Individual Equality and Inequality
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coil #13 and product #7 are the same physical object”
                  “Aviles factory and Gijon factory are different places”

   Coil#13 = product#7
   AvilesFactory = GijonFactory

                  Individual equality means logical equality. No unification process is
                  Be aware of OWA and the lack of Unique Name Assumption (UNA):
                  Gijon and Aviles factories are not different places unless you
                  explicitly declare them so

(99/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                 Concept Intersection
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coils are ready to be shipped whenever they have passed the
                  Quality Assurance process”

                                   ShippableCoil ≡ Coil   QACertifiedProduct

                  Complex concepts can be created using set-intersection
                  This mechanism is similar to the definition of multiple inheritances
                  (eg. ShippableCoil Coil; ShippableCoil QACertifiedProduct)

(100/221)                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                       Concept Union
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Steel products can be flat steel products, long steel products
                  or stainless steel products”

               SteelProduct ≡ FlatProduct       LongProduct    StainlessSteelProduct

                  Complex concepts can be created using set-union
                  This mechanism is often used in disjointness axioms:
                  FlatProduct LongProduct ≡ ⊥,
                  FlatProduct StainlessSteelProduct ≡ ⊥,
                  LongProduct      StainlessSteelProduct ≡ ⊥

(101/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                    Enumeration of Individuals
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Chemical elements involved in steel products are Iron, Carbon,
                  Manganese, Chromium, Vandium, Tungsten and Nickel”

   ChemicalElement ≡
   {Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Chromium, Vandium, Tungsten, Nickel}

                  Concepts can be defined extensionally, i.e. enumerating the set of

(102/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                           Concept Complement
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Non-carbon elements are all except carbon and iron”

                           NonCarbonElement ≡ ChemicalElement   ¬{carbon, iron}

                  More details about negation in DLs will be addressed later in the

(103/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                             Cardinality Restrictions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “A coil can be shipped to a customer if it contains
                  at most 12 minor defects”

                                   ShippableCoil   ≤ 12contains.MinorDefect

                  Restriction on the number of relationships can be qualified (to a
                  certain concept) and non-qualified (to any concept)
                  Operator can be at most (≤), at least (≥) or exactly (=)

(104/221)                                                          c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                  Existential Restrictions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Alloy Steel is steel that contains non-carbon elements”

                                   AlloySteel ≡ Steel   ∃contains.NonCarbonElement

                  Intensional concept definition based on the existence of
                  relationships between business objects
                  It is often used with subclassification axioms or to define new
                  concepts with equivalence axioms

(105/221)                                                             c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                   Universal Restriction on Property Expressions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “An order is fulfilled if all the coils are shippable”

                                    SatisfiedOrder   ∀comprises.ShippableCoil

                  Intensional concept definition based on the universality of
                  relationships between business objects
                  It is often used with subclassification axioms or to define new
                  concepts with equivalence axioms
                  It can be used to restrict the range of a property in the context of a
                  particular concept

(106/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                           Individual Value Restriction
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Maraging Steel is a kind of steel that contains nickel”

                                   MaragingSteel ≡ Steel    ∃contains.{Nickel}

                  Intensional concept definition that relates business objects with a
                  single individual (eg. Nickel)
                  It is a particular case of the existential restrictions

(107/221)                                                           c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                 Inverse properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “If a product has a defect, the defect must be located in the

                                      hasDefect ≡ locatedIn−

                  Some properties can be modeled in both directions (eg. hasPart and
                  isPartOf ). Declaring them as inverse simplifies the population of the
                  ontology, as it is possible to infer the other direction.

(108/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                              Functional property
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “A coil can be shipped to exactly one customer”
                  “A coil has just one length”

   FunctionalObjectProperty( shippedTo )
   FunctionalDatatypeProperty( length )

                  Object equality may be inferred as a consequence of a functional
                  property having multiple values (eg. “If coil #12 has been shipped to
                  customer A and customer B, then both customers are the same”)

(109/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                    Inverse functional property
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Two coils produced to meet the same order must be the same,
                  even if they are described by different systems”

   InverseFunctionalObjectProperty( hasOrder )

                  Object equality may be inferred as a consequence of an inverse
                  functional property having multiple values (eg. “If coil #12 and
                  inventory item #7 meet the same order #323, they are the same
                  Useful for integrating data coming from different knowledge bases

(110/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Each coil has a product ID which uniquely identifies the coil”

                                   HasKey( Coil ( ) ( productId ) )

                  Similar to keys in databases
                  Compound keys (using both object and datatype properties) are
                  As inverse functional properties, keys are also useful to integrate
                  data coming from different sources

(111/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                      Reflexive and Symmetrical Properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Several coils can be related because they come from the
                  same steel casting”

   ReflexiveObjectProperty( sameCastingAs )
   SymmetricObjectProperty( sameCastingAs )

                  Reflexive properties relates a domain object with itself
                  Symmetric properties create “mirror” relationships

(112/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                    Irreflexive and Asymmetrical Properties
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Steel production is arranged in a sequence of production steps
                  which follow each other”

   IrreflexiveObjectProperty( follows )
   AsymmetricalObjectProperty( follows )

                  Irreflexive: objects can not be related with themselves
                  Asymmetrical: objects can be related just in one direction, but not in
                  the other one

(113/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                  Transitive Property
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “All metallurgical steps that follow a given one are considered
                  to be downstream in the processing chain”

   follows downstream
   downstream∗ downstream

                  Transitivity is not inherited in the property hierarchy

(114/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                     Property Chains
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “If a shippable coil is assigned to an order, the coil is shipped to
                  the customer who placed the order”

                                          assignedTo ◦ placedBy           shippedTo

                                                                     placedBy        Customer
                                            assignedTo    Order


                  Simple rules can be implemented using this mechanism. Chaining
                  can be arbitrarily long, but the properties are required to be chained:
                  range(pi )          dom(pi+1 ) = ⊥
(115/221)                                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coils and wire are entries in the company product catalog.
                  Coil #13 is a coil. ”

   Coil ∈ ProductCatalogEntry
   Wire ∈ ProductCatalogEntry
   Coil#13 ∈ Coil

                  Metamodeling introduces two levels of terminology description
                  Metamodeling is useful to provide additional domain information
                  about concepts
                  Be careful with metamodeling. Sometimes it is preferable to use an
                  alternative modeling or even annotations
(116/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                       Datatype Restrictions and Definitions
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Order IDs in Aviles start with prefix 033 plus another 10 digits”

   Declaration( Datatype ( OrderId ) )
   DatatypeDefinition( OrderId
      DatatypeRestriction( xsd : string xsd : pattern ”033[0 − 9]{10}” ) )
   DataPropertyRange( hasOrderID OrderId )

                  XML Schema provides the basic datatypes for OWL
                  User-defined datatypes are allowed
                  Some validation data rules can be implemented using restrictions
                  (eg. numerical ranges)

(117/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                   Resource Annotations
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Spanish word for coil is bobina”

                                   AnnotationAssertion(rdfs : labelCoil”bobina”@es)

                  Annotations are not relevant for reasoning
                  A few annotation properties are predefined in OWL
                  Multilingual capabilities are inherited from RDF
                  Annotation properties can have domain, range and hierarchies

(118/221)                                                              c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example

   Rules: Logical and Production Rules

   Integration of Rules and Ontologies


(119/221)                                   c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                               What is Open World Assumption
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   In OWA, no assumptions are made about the truth value of statements
   that we do not know.
   OWA ...
                  ... assumes incomplete information by default
                  ... is good for reusability. If we extend an ontology, all existing true
                  statements remain true (monotonic logic)
                  ... does not make the Unique Name Assumption.

(120/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                  Why should I care about OWA
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Side effects of OWA (counterintuitive behavior):
                  If two individuals have different names (IDs), they can be inferred to
                  be the same resource
                  Data validation for incorrect or missing values (i.e. integrity) is not
                  Sometimes it is mandatory to explicitly declare even silly business
                  statements (eg. People and Places are disjoint concepts)

(121/221)                                                         c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                              Integrity Constraints
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “All coils must have a relation to the factory where they were
                  produced ”

   Coil ∃producedIn.Factory
   Coil#12 ∈ Coil

   This description is consistent even if we do not know where coil #12 was
   produced. This is a side-effect of OWA.
   Proposed solution:
                  Escalation to a Closed World Assumption (CWA) system,
                  implementing integrity constraints with either rules, query languages
                  or modal languages (K-operator)

(122/221)                                                       c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                  N-ary Predicates
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Coil #12 completed production step #7 at 2010/03/12 15:20
                  and completed production step #14 at 2010/03/12 18:57”

   OWL lacks support for n-ary predicates.
   Proposed solutions:
                  Reification of the n-ary predicate
                  Change the modeling point of view

   Consequences of using reification (More details later in the tutorial):
                  Introducing non-intuitive, non-business concepts
                  Syntactic verbosity
                  Non-transparent for applications (eg., rules or query languages)

(123/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                         Procedural Knowledge
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  “Shipment distance is the linear distance between the location
                  of the coil and the shipment destination. ”

   Shipment distance is a calculated property, which value can not be
   obtained from OWL reasoning.
   Proposed solution:
                  Use a procedural language in combination with OWL, either an
                  imperative programming language such as JAVA or a declarative
                  one such as LP.

(124/221)                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                            Dynamic Knowledge
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  OWL ontologies describe a stateless picture of a given business
                  domain. Therefore it is difficult to represent changes, business
                  processes, states, transitions, events, etc.

                  This limitation is shared with pure LP

                  Production rules fit much better for this purpose

(125/221)                                                      c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   Modeling business knowledge using OWL2
     Why use OWL for business knowledge?
     OWL by example

   Rules: Logical and Production Rules

   Integration of Rules and Ontologies


(126/221)                                   c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                    OWL in practice
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  Mature authoring tools. Both commercial and open source

                  DL reasoners continously improving (eg.: performance)

                  Publicly available business ontologies are scarce (exception: Health
                                   Internal usage of ontologies inside companies is difficult to measure

(127/221)                                                                     c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                                     OWL2 Profiles
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

                  OWL 2 DL is a very expressive Description Logic (although
                                   However complexity of the reasoning algorithms (N2ExpTime)
                                   hampers scalability
                  Subsets (profiles) of OWL 2 have been identified:
                                   Still sufficiently expressive
                                   Lower complexity (PTime/logspace)
                  Already available profiles:
                                   EL profile, optimized for large terminologies
                                   QL profile, optimized for queries
                                   RL profile, can be implemented with rule systems

(128/221)                                                                   c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                                                 OWL and SBVR
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   SBVR is a very expressive language to capture complete business
   models using a controlled natural language

                  Some parts of the SBVR business model can be formalized using
                  OWL ontologies

                  Business experts can take advantage of formal reasoning
                  techniques to guarantee model consistency

                  Business experts can take advantage of web nature of OWL and
                  OWA assumption for reusability of business models in several

(129/221)                                                   c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
                                   OWL and combinations with other languages
  Ontologies meet Business Rules

   OWL is commonly used to build expressive, shared and reusable data
   models. However OWL is not a language for writing applications.

(130/221)                                                 c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?
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How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules?

  • 1. ONTOR UL E Ontologies meet Business Rules How to Integrate Ontologies and Rules? Adeline Nazarenko Luis Polo Thomas Eiter Jos de Bruijn Antonia Schwichtenberg Stijn Heymans (Paris13, CTIC, TU Vienna, ontoprise) 12 July 2010 — AAAI 2010 Tutorial Forum
  • 2. ONTOR UL E Aim of this Tutorial Ontologies meet Business Rules You will understand: 1. How NLP can help to extract business knowledge from policy documents 2. What type of business knowledge is typically modeled as an ontology and what knowledge as rules (both logical and production rules) 3. Which approaches to combining ontologies and rules are currently available; which ones are implemented 4. How to choose the appropriate combination paradigm for your goals; 5. How to model a combination of ontologies and rules using mature commercial tools (2/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 3. ONTOR UL E Contents of the Tutorial Ontologies meet Business Rules 1. From Business Policy Documents to a Business Model (1 hour 10 minutes) 2. Integrating Ontologies and Rules (2 hours 15 minutes) 2.1 OWL 2 ontologies (45 minutes) 2.2 Logic Programming and Production Rules (25 minutes) 2.3 Integration (50 minutes) 2.4 Demo (15 minutes) (3/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 4. ONTOR UL E Acknowledgements Ontologies meet Business Rules The ONTORULE project consortium: ILOG (an IBM Company), ontoprise, Free University of Bolzano, Vienna University of Technology, PNA, Université Paris 13, Fundación CTIC, Audi and ArcelorMittal This tutorial is co-funded by the European Union (FP7) (4/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 5. ONTOR UL E Business Vocabulary Ontologies meet Business Rules (5/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 6. ONTOR UL E Business Scenario Ontologies meet Business Rules Business knowledge Ship to customer Production process Decision (assignment) Coil Repair Scrap (6/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 7. Part I From Business Policy Documents to a Business Model (7/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 8. ONTOR UL E Overview of Part I Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Ontology design Ontology population Information extraction Corpus design Ontology acquisition Terminological analysis Term normalization Conceptualization Relation identification Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (8/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 9. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Corpus design Ontology acquisition Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (9/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 10. ONTOR UL E Why starting from texts? Ontologies meet Business Rules An alternative source of information Expert knowledge is difficult to make explicit Experts are seldom available for intensive interviews Large amount of written information is available A challenge for knowledge management Business models must be documented (for traceability) The source documents must be maintained together with the business models (10/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 11. ONTOR UL E What can be extracted from texts? Ontologies meet Business Rules Although Documents do not contain all the relevant information Domain knowledge is seldom explicit Texts are precious source of information Documents often express factual knowledge about the domain entities, their properties, their evolution and their relations. Documents also reflect the underlying domain knowledge : what are the relevant concepts? how do they relate to each other? Policy documents express the business rules that are relevant for the domain. (11/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 12. ONTOR UL E Example of text Ontologies meet Business Rules Domain concept? Domain entity? Business rule? Domaine relation? (12/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 13. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Ontology design Ontology population Information extraction Corpus design Ontology acquisition Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (13/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 14. ONTOR UL E Building a hierarchy of concepts Ontologies meet Business Rules Two main approaches A distributional approach for "learning" ontologies A terminological approach for assisting the conceptualization task (14/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 15. ONTOR UL E Distributional approach Ontologies meet Business Rules Words with similar meanings tend to appear in similar contexts [Harris et al., 1989]. Example mechanical properties mechanical strength mechanical process mechanical behaviour Semantic classes of words can be built out of a distributional analysis They are supposed to represent domain concepts The results are noisy and difficult to exploit [Hindle, 1990][Dagan et al., 1993][Faure and Nédellec, 1999][Maedche and Staab, 2001][Cimiano and Völker, 2005] (15/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 16. ONTOR UL E Terminological approach Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition (Terms) Words and compounds that form the domain vocabulary Example mechanical properties coil yield point elongation strength The terms extracted from a text reflect the conceptual vocabulary A lot of manual work is necessary for filtering, structuring, modeling [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2000] [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008] [Szulman et al., 2009a] (16/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 17. ONTOR UL E Ontology population Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition (Named entities) Textual units that are similar to proper names whose meaning is built through the operation of reference. Example STRIP BH2 2% Nitrogen Given a conceptual model (ontological T-Box), named entity recognition tools can be used to extract the concept and relation instances and thus enrich the ontological A-Box. [Magnini et al., 2006] [Giuliano and Gliozzo, 2008] (17/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 18. ONTOR UL E Information extraction Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition (Information extraction) A set of techniques for automatically extracting structured information from unstructured textual documents (e.g. Who gives a conference, when and where?) [Sundheim, 1992][Grishman and Sundheim, 1996] Goals Extracting relations between entities Discovering concepts properties and relations [Hearst, 1992] [Aussenac-Gilles and Jacques, 2008] Extracting business rules (18/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 19. ONTOR UL E Information extraction method Ontologies meet Business Rules Information extraction relies on extraction patterns that must be carefully designed to achieve good precision and recall. Example noun1 , noun2 , ... and other noun3 → noun1 < noun3 Hospitals, schools and other public buildings → school < public building Difficulties Extraction patterns are often corpus dependent Manual design is tedious and error prone Machine learning can help but requires large amount of annotated data to extract relational information [Califf M. E., 1998] [Brin, 1999] (19/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 20. ONTOR UL E Building business models from texts Ontologies meet Business Rules Goal Combining state-of-the-art approaches Bootstrapping and help business modeling Enabling business experts to understand and author business models Anchoring business models in policies Strategy Three major steps Designing an acquisition corpus Acquiring the domain conceptual model (ontology) Modeling business rules (20/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 21. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Corpus design Ontology acquisition Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (21/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 22. ONTOR UL E Corpus design Ontologies meet Business Rules Designing an acquisition corpus is a complex task [Atkins et al., 1992] An acquisition corpus is application dependent Identifying relevant documents is challenging in many organizations The sources are heterogeneous (size, types, technicality, target audience) There may be missing or redundant pieces of knowledge Some documents may be confidential How to achieve a good representativity of the domain to model? (22/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 23. ONTOR UL E In practice Ontologies meet Business Rules There is no stable methodology or acknowledged good practice to design acquisition corpus: all use cases are different. Knowledge engineers inventory the available documentation and extract the most useful pieces. Example (ArcelorMittal use case) Extract from the product catalogue (10 pages, 3,500 words) Use case description (2,000 words) Description of the order Assignment at galvanization Line (1,000 words) Email discussion with experts (23/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 24. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Corpus design Ontology acquisition Terminological analysis Term normalization Conceptualization Relation identification Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (24/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 25. ONTOR UL E Ontology design Ontologies meet Business Rules The TERMINAE approach to ontology acquisition [Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008][Szulman et al., 2009b] An interactive approach A terminological approach TERMINAE tool ( (25/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 26. ONTOR UL E From texts to domain model Ontologies meet Business Rules Texts reflect the underlying domain model . . . Domain vocabulary: hardening element, iron crystal lattice Controlled meaning: elements = chemical element Situated communication (e.g. actors, locations, roles) Explicit domain knowledge: The grain structure of steel influences its mechanical behavior Factual knowledge: Coil #13 is a coil, with length 670 meters, currently located in Aviles factor. But a partial and distorted view Synonymy: defects = non-conformities Polysemy: (lab test) results = result (of the assignment process) Ellipses Presuppositions (26/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 27. ONTOR UL E From a corpus to an ontology Ontologies meet Business Rules Sublanguage model Domain model 1. NLP extraction (semantic network) (ontology) 2. Selection and 3 disambiguation of core meanings 3. Formalisation 2 concepts, terms & roles & terminological properties relations 1 Corpus (text) word and term occurrences syntactic relations, sentences (27/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 28. ONTOR UL E Overall approach Ontologies meet Business Rules Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual level level level (ontology) Terms Termino-concepts Concepts Acquisition corpus Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual relations relations relations (28/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 29. ONTOR UL E 1st step: Terminological analysis Ontologies meet Business Rules Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual level level level (ontology) Terms Termino-concepts Concepts Acquisition corpus Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual relations relations relations (29/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 30. ONTOR UL E Terminology extraction Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition (Terminology) The body of words or terms relating to a particular subject, field of activity or branch of knowledge. Definition (Term Extractor) Tools that take a domain specific acquisition corpus as input and output a list of specialized term candidates (e.g. YaTeA [Aubin and Hamon, 2006]) Underlying hypothesis The relevant terms of a corpus reflect the domain concepts Terminological analysis can bootstrap the ontology design (30/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 31. ONTOR UL E Terminology extraction and tagging Ontologies meet Business Rules Example The Galvanization Line processes coils, long strips of steel, to provide them a coating of zinc; this coating will give the product an improved surface aspect as well as protection from corrosion. During the process the mechanical properties, such as the yield strength, of the steel are also changed due to the thermal cycle it goes through. (31/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 32. ONTOR UL E 2nd step: Term normalization Ontologies meet Business Rules Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual level level level (ontology) Terms Termino-concepts Concepts Acquisition corpus Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual relations relations relations (32/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 33. ONTOR UL E Term normalization Ontologies meet Business Rules To abstract from language peculiarities Term filtering and selection (noise) Term variant clustering (synonymy) Term disambiguation (polysemy) Output A semantic network of normalized terms and terminological relations TERMINAE can export the result in SKOS1 1 (33/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 34. ONTOR UL E Term filtering and selection Ontologies meet Business Rules Term extractors provide noisy results (candidate terms) that must be further filtered [Nazarenko and Zargayouna, 2009] Terminology creation is a social process: there is a consensus within a given community to use a term t with a specific meaning Termhood cannot be fully captured through linguistic and statistical properties Validation interfaces allow for filtering based on Characters Lexical items Various types of ranking (e.g. frequency, tf.idf) (34/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 35. ONTOR UL E Term variant clustering Ontologies meet Business Rules In texts, a given term may appear under various forms. Each group of (quasi-) synonymous terms must be clustered and associated to a single termino-concept Example residual carbon precipitation thickness reduction rates precipitation of residual carbon rate in thickness reduction precipitations of residual carbon reduced thickness carbon precipitations reduction rate of thickness (35/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 36. ONTOR UL E Variant detection Ontologies meet Business Rules Some variants can be identified automatically Typographical normalization: colour vs color Morphological analysis singular vs. plural forms verbs vs. nominalizations Syntactic analysis based on equivalent syntactic patterns [Jacquemin and Tzoukermann, 1999] Noun Noun ⇔ Noun of Noun Synonymy propagation [Hamon et al., 1998] If Noun1 ⇔ Noun2 then Noun1 Noun ⇔ Noun2 Noun Other variants often have to be manually identified Irregular morphology: datum vs. data Semantic variation: defect vs. non-conformities "... sometimes there are defects, non-conformities with regard to the allowed ranges... " (36/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 37. ONTOR UL E Term disambiguation Ontologies meet Business Rules Ambiguous terms must be disambiguated in such a way that each relevant meaning be represented as a distinct termino-concept Example (result) result → lab test result = lab test data result → assignment result = outcome of the assignment process Method (for a given term) Browse its occurrences Identify its various meanings For each relevant meaning, create a termino-concept Assign the proper occurrences to each termino-concept (37/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 38. ONTOR UL E Terminological forms (TERMINAE) Ontologies meet Business Rules (38/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 39. ONTOR UL E 3rd step: Conceptualization Ontologies meet Business Rules Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual level level level (ontology) Terms Termino-concepts Concepts Acquisition corpus Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual relations relations relations (39/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 40. ONTOR UL E From termino-concepts to concepts Ontologies meet Business Rules Once the relevant domain elements are identified, normalized and disambiguated, the termino-conceptual level can be formalized into a formal ontology. At the conceptual level, the termino-concepts can be modeled as concepts instances of concepts relations (object or data properties) Those modeling choices depend on the domain and the aimed application. TERMINAE can export the ontological level in OWL. (40/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 41. ONTOR UL E Traceability of concepts Ontologies meet Business Rules When a conceptual element is built out of a termino-concept, it is linked to that termino-concept, which is itself associated to one or several synonymous terms and to text occurrences. The termino-concept/concept links ensure the traceability of the conceptual level which is grounded in the source document. (41/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 42. ONTOR UL E 4th step: Relation identification Ontologies meet Business Rules Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual level level level (ontology) Terms Termino-concepts Concepts Acquisition corpus Terminological Termino-conceptual Conceptual relations relations relations (42/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 43. ONTOR UL E Enriching the conceptual hierarchy with relations Ontologies meet Business Rules Two complementary strategies Text driven approach where terminological relations are extracted from the acquisition corpus are normalized into termino-conceptual relations are formalized into ontological elements at the conceptual level Ontology driven approach The knowledge engineer looks for specific relations Each relation is associated with a set of characteristic extraction patterns The matching text fragments are occurrences of the searched relations. (43/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 44. ONTOR UL E Looking for relations Ontologies meet Business Rules Tools like TERMINAE propose facilities to design patterns and mine texts Frequent verbs are good clues Co-occurring terms often bring relations into light Example Property isCharacterizedBy Steel is characterized by the mechanical properties of products sold. . . Surface quality is characterized by surface topography, lubrication and chemical treatment. . . . the following parameters, which characterize the material: yield stress, mechanical strength, fracture elongation. . . (44/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 45. ONTOR UL E Ontology acquisition: conclusion Ontologies meet Business Rules A text-based approach of ontology acquisition Automatic natural language processing of acquisition corpus Normalization of the terminological output into a disambiguated semantic network of termino-concepts Formalization of that network into an ontology Future developments Enriching the corpus analysis with named entities recognition Automatically clustering terms (distributional analysis of terms) Integrating bottom-up relation extraction methods (45/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 46. ONTOR UL E Ontology acquisition: conclusion Ontologies meet Business Rules TERMINAE , a tool to support that process The modeling work is supported by specific interfaces (i.e. terminological forms). Linking concepts to termino-concepts and terms ensure the traceability of the conceptual model to the source text. The result is a complex knowledge base: 1. Ontology (OWL) 2. Associated normalized terminology (SKOS), which allows for the recognition of new occurrences of conceptual elements 3. Ontology to text links, which allow for the visualization of the semantic annotation of the source text (46/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 47. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Corpus design Ontology acquisition Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (47/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 48. ONTOR UL E Overall approach of rule acquisition Ontologies meet Business Rules Structural Operative 1 rules rules Documents acquisition corpus x Ontology Index x 2 x 3 Documents acquisition corpus x x x 1 Rule extraction 2 Semantic annotation wrt. ontology 4 3 Extraction of relevant textual fragments Index 4 Rule editing and rephrasing R2 R1 R5 R4 R3 Business rule bases (48/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 49. ONTOR UL E Fragment detection Ontologies meet Business Rules Information extraction can help the identification of fragments of text stating rules, although business rules cannot be fully automatically extracted from written policies Precise extraction patterns are difficult to design as they are highly corpus dependant Clues and combinations of clues can be used to filter out some relevant fragments and bootstrap the rule acquisition process Modal verbs Linguistic markers Domain specific action verbs (49/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 50. ONTOR UL E Example of rule fragments Ontologies meet Business Rules Example Usually these targets are allowed to vary within a certain range, specified in the order. However, sometimes there are defects, non-conformities with regard to the allowed ranges, that may make the coil unsuitable for the order it is assigned to. If a coil has a defect, mark it as ’defective’ scrap the coil and alert the user of the defect. When the line finishes the processing of each coil a decision must be made regarding the assignment of the coil. If nevertheless this is the result, the coil must be inspected by an expert and the decision on the assignment be made manually. (50/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 51. ONTOR UL E Fragment annotation Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition (Semantic annotation) Semantic annotation is an ontology-driven interpretation of the document content. Textual units (e.g. words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs) are annotated with ontological ones (concepts, instances, roles, properties instances) [Ma et al., 2010]. Where do annotations come from? The corpus that has been used for ontology acquisition has been annotated during the acquisition process (ontology to text links output by TERMINAE) New corpus can be semantically annotated using the combined ontological-terminological resource output from the acquisition process (OWL and SKOS output from TERMINAE) (51/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 52. ONTOR UL E Fragment annotation: example Ontologies meet Business Rules Source document Ontology The Galvanisation Line processes coils, long strips of steel, to provide them a coating of zinc; SteelProduct this coating will give the product an improved surface aspect as well as protection from target yieldStrengh corrosion. During the process the mechanical Order hasLower Value Coil properties, such as the yield strength, of the Extraction steel are also changed due to the thermal cycle it of relevant hasUpper goes through. textual belongsTo fragment The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances indicated by the order the coil belongs to. Semantic annotation wrt. ontology The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances indicated by the order the coil belongs to. The yield strength of the coil should be within the upper and lower values of the order the coil belongs to. Rule editing SBVR SE Rule The yield strength of a coil that belongs to an order must be between the upper and lower Statement values of the order (52/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 53. ONTOR UL E Fragment recomposition Ontologies meet Business Rules A fragment often cannot be interpreted in isolation Example The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances indicated by the order the coil belongs to. The yield strength of a coil that belongs to an order must be within the upper and lower values of that order . ... if at any point the yield strength is outside of this range there exists a mechanical defect. → The yield strength is a property of a sampling point of a coil (= coil). The yield strength of a sampling point of a coil that belongs to an order must be within the upper and lower values of that order . (53/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 54. ONTOR UL E Grounding rules in texts and in the ontology Ontologies meet Business Rules Ontology SteelProduct ChemicalComponent target yieldStrengh isComposedOf Order hasLower Value Coil Steel Zinc Rule base hasUpper R3 belongsTo R2 R1 The Galvanisation Line processes coils, long strips of steel, to provide them a coating of zinc; this coating will give the product an improved surface aspect as well as protection from corrosion. During the process the mechanical properties, such as the yield strength, of the steel are also changed due to the thermal cycle it goes through. The actual yield strength of the coil should be within the tolerances of the order the coil belongs to. (54/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 55. ONTOR UL E Grounding rules in texts and in the ontology Ontologies meet Business Rules Rich index structure Text Semantic model (ontology + rules) 3 types of links Text ↔ Ontology Ontology ↔ Rules Rules ↔ Text Benefit Explaining rules Tracing inconsistencies Updating policy documents (55/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 56. ONTOR UL E Acquisition overall strategy Ontologies meet Business Rules Acquisition Term list Network of Ontology corpus termino-concepts t1 t2 ONTOLOGY ACQUISITION t3 & ... AUTHORING tn Extraction Normalisation Formalisation CR2 RULE R2 ACQUISITION CR3 R4 R3 & CR4 AUTHORING Relevant Acquisition fragments corpus texts Candidate rules Formal rules (56/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 57. ONTOR UL E Ontology and rule acquisition Ontologies meet Business Rules Two distinct processes Rule updates are much more frequent than ontology revisions The ontology and the business rule base might be authored by different business people Two interlinked processes Rule editing relies on the ontological annotation of the acquisition corpus Rule editing might call for revision/extension of the underlying ontology The rule fragments can be exploited during the ontology acquisition to focus on the rule vocabulary and the rule application (57/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 58. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Building business models from written policies State of the art Corpus design Ontology acquisition Business rule acquisition Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules (58/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 59. ONTOR UL E SBVR1 Ontologies meet Business Rules Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules OMG Request For Proposal issued by OMG in June 2003 An OMG standard since December 2007 Version 1.0 formally published in January 2008 Revision 1.1 underway A business vocabulary contains all the specialized terms, names, and fact type forms of concepts that a given organization or community uses in their talking and writing in the course of doing business. Business Rules form a set of explicit or understood regulations laws or principles governing conduct or procedure within any business activity, describing, or prescribing what is possible or allowable. 1 This section is based on the SBVR OMG specification, v1.0 [OMG, 2008] and some (59/221) elements are borrowed from a presentation from J. Hall ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved c (Model systems).
  • 60. ONTOR UL E Basics Ontologies meet Business Rules Scope of an SBVR model body of shared meanings of a semantic community at least one vocabulary owned by a speech community within that semantic community Semantics of SBVR A subset of SBVR can be expressed in 1st Order Logic A small extension can only be expressed in modal logic SBVR Structured English SBVR proposes Structured English (SBVR SE) as one of possibly many notations that can map to the SBVR Metamodel (60/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 61. ONTOR UL E SBVR metamodel (1st part) Ontologies meet Business Rules SBVR is a (abstract) language in which one can describe Object types to classify things on the basis of their common properties (= concepts, also called "noun concepts") Concept definitions to define the meaning of all the terms at the ABox and the TBox levels (= concept definition) Fact types to define relations involving object types and their instances (= n-ary predicates, also called "verb concepts") Fact type forms to enable speech community specific communications (= patterns or templates of expressions of a fact type) (61/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 62. ONTOR UL E Example Ontologies meet Business Rules coil belongs to order Synonymous form: order owns coil Necessity: Each coil belongs to at most one order . Note: If a coil fails to meet order targets it is de-assigned from the order. coil has been galvanised unprocessed product Definition: coil that belongs to an order and that has not been galvanised processed product Definition: coil that belongs to an order and that has been galvanised Concept Type: implicitly-understood concept processed product has lab test Necessity: Each lab test is of exactly one processed product . lab-tested product Definition: processed product that has had a lab test (62/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 63. ONTOR UL E Terms and names Ontologies meet Business Rules Individual concepts (noun concepts) have names ArcelorMittal Galvanization Line Coil #13 Gijon factory Concepts (general noun concepts) May have formal, part-formal or informal definitions May be adopted May be ’implicitly understood’ (terms used in their everyday sense) Width Thickness Weight (63/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 64. ONTOR UL E Concept intensional definition Ontologies meet Business Rules unprocessed product (defined concept) coil (more general concept) that belongs to an order and that has not been galvanised (delimiting characteristic) (64/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 65. ONTOR UL E Fact types Ontologies meet Business Rules Fact types define unary, binary or n-ary relations between concepts coil has been galvanised coil belongs to order Concepts (general noun concepts) play roles in fact types A role name may be: an existing term: order a specific role name Coil is assigned to order OrderAssignement Fact symbols have meaning only in relation to the concept that play the fact type roles has has different meanings in Coil has Thickness and in OrderTarget has LowerTolerance (65/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 66. ONTOR UL E Constraints in fact types Ontologies meet Business Rules Fact type Coil belongs to order By itself, the fact type means ’a coil can belong to any number of orders (including zero), and vice versaa’ A fact type can be constrained (’necessity’ structural rule) Necessity: Each coil belongs to at most one order . (66/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 67. ONTOR UL E Fact type forms Ontologies meet Business Rules Definition representation of a fact type by a pattern or template of expressions based on the fact type A fact type may have multiple fact type forms order has target yield strength (semantics in role name) order targets yield strength (semantics in verb) yield strength is target of order (67/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 68. ONTOR UL E SBVR metamodel (2nd part) Ontologies meet Business Rules SBVR is a (abstract) language in which one can describe Integrity rules to restrict the contents of the ABox and the content transitions to the ones considered useful Derivation rules to generate new assertions of facts (at the ABox level) from existing assertions of facts Operative business rules to specify prescribed, suggested or self-imposed rules (may be violated) (68/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 69. ONTOR UL E Creating business rules Ontologies meet Business Rules 1. Select a base fact type yield strength is between the upper and lower values of order 2. Apply a modal operator ’Necessity’ or ’Possibility’ for a structural rule ’Obligation’ or ’Permission’ for an operative rule. It is obligatory that yield strength is between the upper and lower values of order . Alternatively: yield strength must be between the upper and lower values order . 3. Use additional fact types to quantify and qualify the rule The yield strength of a sampling point of a coil that belongs to an order must be between the upper and lower values of the order . (69/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 70. ONTOR UL E Level of enforcement Ontologies meet Business Rules The level of enforcement describes how strictly a rule will be enforced Some operative rules cannot be automated (or the enterprise has decided not to automate them). They require an enforcement regime: Level of enforcement (strict, pre-authorized, post-justified . . . ) = business rules Detection of violations Remediation of unacceptable activity (Possibly) application of sanctions to offenders An enforcement regime often leads to additional IS requirements (70/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 71. ONTOR UL E Benefits of SBVR Ontologies meet Business Rules Unified business model combining the conceptual model (ontology) and the rules Business oriented presentation Documented business model Verbalization of the business model understandable to business people SBVR, a way to specify the expected behaviour of the rule system. (71/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 72. Part II Integrating Ontologies and Rules (72/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 73. ONTOR UL E Overview of Part II Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Logical Rules Production Rules Logical vs. Production Rules vs. Ontologies Integration of Rules and Ontologies Integration of Logical Rules with Ontologies Integration of Production Rules with Ontologies Demo (73/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 74. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Integration of Rules and Ontologies Demo (74/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 75. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Integration of Rules and Ontologies Demo (75/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 76. ONTOR UL E What is an ontology Ontologies meet Business Rules An ontology is a shared model of some domain of the world: ... introducing some vocabulary ... defining the meaning of the concepts ... relating the concepts using properties ... describing the individuals (76/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 77. ONTOR UL E What is OWL Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL is the W3C recommended language for web ontologies Based on the Description Logic SROIQ History: OWL1 (2004) and OWL2 (2009) Several syntaxes: RDF/XML (normative), DL, functional, XML, Manchester (77/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 78. ONTOR UL E Description Logics Ontologies meet Business Rules A Description Logic Knowledge Base consists of three parts: 1. TBox: the ontology axioms defining the concepts 2. RBox: the ontology axioms defining the properties 3. ABox: ground facts about the individuals, described using the terminology Description Logics is a subset of First Order Logic Open World Assumption (OWA) Not all statements about a domain can be formalized with a Description Logic (78/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 79. ONTOR UL E Why should I care about OWL Ontologies meet Business Rules Even if it is not possible to produce a complete model for a business domain, using OWL has a number advantages: Understability and clarity of the model Easy maintenance of the model Reusability of a model (79/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 80. ONTOR UL E OWL advantages: Understability and Clarity Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL, as a Description Logic language, has an object-centered view. It grasps the structure of the business domain: Aggregation: “A steel product has a number of attributes: length, weight, chemical composition” Classification: “Steel products can be flat, long or stainless” Generalization: “All steel products are produced in a steel factory ” DL axioms are easier to understand than FOL formulas: “All coils are steel products” FOL: ∀x Coil(x) → SteelProduct(x) DL: Coil SteelProduct (80/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 81. ONTOR UL E OWL advantages: Easy Maintenance Ontologies meet Business Rules Logical implications of each statement are intuitive Formal validation of the business model. Automatic consistency checking using dedicated tools (DL reasoners) Not looking for completeness or integrity, but just for absence of contradictions (81/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 82. ONTOR UL E OWL advantages: Reusability Ontologies meet Business Rules Ontologies capture the static knowledge of the domain Changes are not frequent Several applications can benefit from it as a business data model Being a standard means: No vendor lock-in. Applications are interoperable Ontologies can be published and found in the web. OWL is built on top of the web stack (URIs, HTTP, etc.).The default exchanged format is RDF. (82/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 83. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Integration of Rules and Ontologies Demo (83/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 84. ONTOR UL E OWL in a nutshell Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL vocabulary Properties Concepts, Properties Subsumption and and Individuals Equivalence Concepts Disjointness Domain and Range Subsumption and Inverse, Funct. and Inv. Equivalence Funct. Disjointness Symm., Asymm., Union, Intersection and Reflex. and Irreflex. Complement Transitiveness and Enumerations Property Chains Cardinality, Existential, Universal and Other features Individual restrictions (84/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 85. ONTOR UL E Running Example Ontologies meet Business Rules Business statements from the steel domain will be examined individually Each sentence will introduce a new modeling feature of OWL The following slides have the same pattern: 1. Business sentence in natural language 2. Sentence formalization (DL and/or Functional Syntaxes) 3. Comments and consequences (85/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 86. ONTOR UL E Concepts Ontologies meet Business Rules “There is a set of objects called coils” Example Coil A new symbol (URI) is introduced in the ontology vocabulary for each business concept A DL concept represents a set of individuals of a business domain (86/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 87. ONTOR UL E Concept Hierarchies Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coils are flat steel products which in turn are steel products” Example Coil FlatSteelProduct SteelProduct Arbitrarily complex concept hierarchies can be defined Multiple inheritance is allowed (87/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 88. ONTOR UL E Concept Equivalence Ontologies meet Business Rules “Customer and product assignee are equivalent views of the same concept” Example Customer ≡ ProductAssignee The same set of objects are interpreted in two different points of views (e.g. accounting and shipment) Equivalence axioms may be used to align existing vocabularies (88/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 89. ONTOR UL E Disjoint Concepts Ontologies meet Business Rules “Chemical elements are either carbon elements or non-carbon elements” Example CarbonElement NonCarbonElement ≡ ⊥ With this kind of axioms, it is possible to explicitly forbid the classification of a single domain object as an instance of two (or more) incompatible concepts. (89/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 90. ONTOR UL E Datatype Properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “Length is a measurable property” Example length Datatype properties express attributes of the domain objects Their values are literals (numbers, strings, booleans, etc.) Most datatypes are taken from XML Schema (90/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 91. ONTOR UL E Object Properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “Location is a property of physical objects” Example location Object properties express relationships between domain objects (91/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 92. ONTOR UL E Property Domain Ontologies meet Business Rules “Length is a property of coils” Example ∀length− .Coil Domain axioms are not checks, but inference rules, i.e. “all objects that have a length are inferred to be coils” Note for OO programmers: Properties are defined globally and independently of concepts (classes). Domain declaration is optional. (92/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 93. ONTOR UL E Property Range Ontologies meet Business Rules “Length is measured numerically” “Objects in the steel domain are located in factories” Example ∀length.xsd : double ∀locatedIn.Factory Same notes that in the previous slide apply here (93/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 94. ONTOR UL E Properties Hierarchy Ontologies meet Business Rules “If a coil has been rejected by a QA team, then it has been examined by that team” Example rejectedBy examinedBy Arbitrarily complex property hierarchies can be defined Multiple inheritance is allowed Note for OO programmers: this feature is usually not available in OO programming languages. (94/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 95. ONTOR UL E Property Equivalence Ontologies meet Business Rules “The location property in system A is the same thing as the place property in system B” Example location ≡ place The same set of relationships are interpreted from two different points of views (e.g. accounting and shipment) Equivalence axioms may be used to align existing vocabularies (95/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 96. ONTOR UL E Disjoint properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “Regarding Quality Assurance, a coil cannot be produced and verified by the same team” Example DisjointObjectProperties( producedBy verifiedBy ) With this kind of axioms, it is possible to explicitly forbid certain pairs of relationships (96/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 97. ONTOR UL E Individual Positive Assertions Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coil #13 is a coil, with length 670 meters, currently located in Aviles factory” Example Coil#13 ∈ Coil (Coil#13, 670) ∈ length (Coil#13, AvilesFactory) ∈ locatedIn Individuals are classified in concepts using unary predicates Values for properties of individuals are asserted using binary predicates Assertions about individuals populate the knowledge base (A-Box) (97/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 98. ONTOR UL E Individual Negative Assertions Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coil #13 does not contain chromium in its chemical composition” Example (Coil#13, Chromium) ∈ contains / This kind of assertions are useful to detect inconsistencies in the description of individuals Negative assertions can be made about datatype and object properties, but not about classification (98/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 99. ONTOR UL E Individual Equality and Inequality Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coil #13 and product #7 are the same physical object” “Aviles factory and Gijon factory are different places” Example Coil#13 = product#7 AvilesFactory = GijonFactory Individual equality means logical equality. No unification process is involved Be aware of OWA and the lack of Unique Name Assumption (UNA): Gijon and Aviles factories are not different places unless you explicitly declare them so (99/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 100. ONTOR UL E Concept Intersection Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coils are ready to be shipped whenever they have passed the Quality Assurance process” Example ShippableCoil ≡ Coil QACertifiedProduct Complex concepts can be created using set-intersection This mechanism is similar to the definition of multiple inheritances (eg. ShippableCoil Coil; ShippableCoil QACertifiedProduct) (100/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 101. ONTOR UL E Concept Union Ontologies meet Business Rules “Steel products can be flat steel products, long steel products or stainless steel products” Example SteelProduct ≡ FlatProduct LongProduct StainlessSteelProduct Complex concepts can be created using set-union This mechanism is often used in disjointness axioms: FlatProduct LongProduct ≡ ⊥, FlatProduct StainlessSteelProduct ≡ ⊥, LongProduct StainlessSteelProduct ≡ ⊥ (101/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 102. ONTOR UL E Enumeration of Individuals Ontologies meet Business Rules “Chemical elements involved in steel products are Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Chromium, Vandium, Tungsten and Nickel” Example ChemicalElement ≡ {Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Chromium, Vandium, Tungsten, Nickel} Concepts can be defined extensionally, i.e. enumerating the set of individuals (102/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 103. ONTOR UL E Concept Complement Ontologies meet Business Rules “Non-carbon elements are all except carbon and iron” Example NonCarbonElement ≡ ChemicalElement ¬{carbon, iron} More details about negation in DLs will be addressed later in the tutorial (103/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 104. ONTOR UL E Cardinality Restrictions Ontologies meet Business Rules “A coil can be shipped to a customer if it contains at most 12 minor defects” Example ShippableCoil ≤ 12contains.MinorDefect Restriction on the number of relationships can be qualified (to a certain concept) and non-qualified (to any concept) Operator can be at most (≤), at least (≥) or exactly (=) (104/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 105. ONTOR UL E Existential Restrictions Ontologies meet Business Rules “Alloy Steel is steel that contains non-carbon elements” Example AlloySteel ≡ Steel ∃contains.NonCarbonElement Intensional concept definition based on the existence of relationships between business objects It is often used with subclassification axioms or to define new concepts with equivalence axioms (105/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 106. ONTOR UL E Universal Restriction on Property Expressions Ontologies meet Business Rules “An order is fulfilled if all the coils are shippable” Example SatisfiedOrder ∀comprises.ShippableCoil Intensional concept definition based on the universality of relationships between business objects It is often used with subclassification axioms or to define new concepts with equivalence axioms It can be used to restrict the range of a property in the context of a particular concept (106/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 107. ONTOR UL E Individual Value Restriction Ontologies meet Business Rules “Maraging Steel is a kind of steel that contains nickel” Example MaragingSteel ≡ Steel ∃contains.{Nickel} Intensional concept definition that relates business objects with a single individual (eg. Nickel) It is a particular case of the existential restrictions (107/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 108. ONTOR UL E Inverse properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “If a product has a defect, the defect must be located in the product” Example hasDefect ≡ locatedIn− Some properties can be modeled in both directions (eg. hasPart and isPartOf ). Declaring them as inverse simplifies the population of the ontology, as it is possible to infer the other direction. (108/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 109. ONTOR UL E Functional property Ontologies meet Business Rules “A coil can be shipped to exactly one customer” “A coil has just one length” Example FunctionalObjectProperty( shippedTo ) FunctionalDatatypeProperty( length ) Object equality may be inferred as a consequence of a functional property having multiple values (eg. “If coil #12 has been shipped to customer A and customer B, then both customers are the same”) (109/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 110. ONTOR UL E Inverse functional property Ontologies meet Business Rules “Two coils produced to meet the same order must be the same, even if they are described by different systems” Example InverseFunctionalObjectProperty( hasOrder ) Object equality may be inferred as a consequence of an inverse functional property having multiple values (eg. “If coil #12 and inventory item #7 meet the same order #323, they are the same object”) Useful for integrating data coming from different knowledge bases (110/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 111. ONTOR UL E Keys Ontologies meet Business Rules “Each coil has a product ID which uniquely identifies the coil” Example HasKey( Coil ( ) ( productId ) ) Similar to keys in databases Compound keys (using both object and datatype properties) are allowed As inverse functional properties, keys are also useful to integrate data coming from different sources (111/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 112. ONTOR UL E Reflexive and Symmetrical Properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “Several coils can be related because they come from the same steel casting” Example ReflexiveObjectProperty( sameCastingAs ) SymmetricObjectProperty( sameCastingAs ) Reflexive properties relates a domain object with itself Symmetric properties create “mirror” relationships (112/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 113. ONTOR UL E Irreflexive and Asymmetrical Properties Ontologies meet Business Rules “Steel production is arranged in a sequence of production steps which follow each other” Example IrreflexiveObjectProperty( follows ) AsymmetricalObjectProperty( follows ) Irreflexive: objects can not be related with themselves Asymmetrical: objects can be related just in one direction, but not in the other one (113/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 114. ONTOR UL E Transitive Property Ontologies meet Business Rules “All metallurgical steps that follow a given one are considered to be downstream in the processing chain” Example follows downstream downstream∗ downstream Transitivity is not inherited in the property hierarchy (114/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 115. ONTOR UL E Property Chains Ontologies meet Business Rules “If a shippable coil is assigned to an order, the coil is shipped to the customer who placed the order” Example assignedTo ◦ placedBy shippedTo Coil placedBy Customer assignedTo Order shippedTo Simple rules can be implemented using this mechanism. Chaining can be arbitrarily long, but the properties are required to be chained: range(pi ) dom(pi+1 ) = ⊥ (115/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 116. ONTOR UL E Metamodeling Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coils and wire are entries in the company product catalog. Coil #13 is a coil. ” Example Coil ∈ ProductCatalogEntry Wire ∈ ProductCatalogEntry Coil#13 ∈ Coil Metamodeling introduces two levels of terminology description Metamodeling is useful to provide additional domain information about concepts Be careful with metamodeling. Sometimes it is preferable to use an alternative modeling or even annotations (116/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 117. ONTOR UL E Datatype Restrictions and Definitions Ontologies meet Business Rules “Order IDs in Aviles start with prefix 033 plus another 10 digits” Example Declaration( Datatype ( OrderId ) ) DatatypeDefinition( OrderId DatatypeRestriction( xsd : string xsd : pattern ”033[0 − 9]{10}” ) ) DataPropertyRange( hasOrderID OrderId ) XML Schema provides the basic datatypes for OWL User-defined datatypes are allowed Some validation data rules can be implemented using restrictions (eg. numerical ranges) (117/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 118. ONTOR UL E Resource Annotations Ontologies meet Business Rules “Spanish word for coil is bobina” Example AnnotationAssertion(rdfs : labelCoil”bobina”@es) Annotations are not relevant for reasoning A few annotation properties are predefined in OWL Multilingual capabilities are inherited from RDF Annotation properties can have domain, range and hierarchies (118/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 119. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Integration of Rules and Ontologies Demo (119/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 120. ONTOR UL E What is Open World Assumption Ontologies meet Business Rules In OWA, no assumptions are made about the truth value of statements that we do not know. OWA ... ... assumes incomplete information by default ... is good for reusability. If we extend an ontology, all existing true statements remain true (monotonic logic) ... does not make the Unique Name Assumption. (120/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 121. ONTOR UL E Why should I care about OWA Ontologies meet Business Rules Side effects of OWA (counterintuitive behavior): If two individuals have different names (IDs), they can be inferred to be the same resource Data validation for incorrect or missing values (i.e. integrity) is not possible Sometimes it is mandatory to explicitly declare even silly business statements (eg. People and Places are disjoint concepts) (121/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 122. ONTOR UL E Integrity Constraints Ontologies meet Business Rules “All coils must have a relation to the factory where they were produced ” Example Coil ∃producedIn.Factory Coil#12 ∈ Coil This description is consistent even if we do not know where coil #12 was produced. This is a side-effect of OWA. Proposed solution: Escalation to a Closed World Assumption (CWA) system, implementing integrity constraints with either rules, query languages or modal languages (K-operator) (122/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 123. ONTOR UL E N-ary Predicates Ontologies meet Business Rules “Coil #12 completed production step #7 at 2010/03/12 15:20 and completed production step #14 at 2010/03/12 18:57” OWL lacks support for n-ary predicates. Proposed solutions: Reification of the n-ary predicate Change the modeling point of view Consequences of using reification (More details later in the tutorial): Introducing non-intuitive, non-business concepts Syntactic verbosity Non-transparent for applications (eg., rules or query languages) (123/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 124. ONTOR UL E Procedural Knowledge Ontologies meet Business Rules “Shipment distance is the linear distance between the location of the coil and the shipment destination. ” Shipment distance is a calculated property, which value can not be obtained from OWL reasoning. Proposed solution: Use a procedural language in combination with OWL, either an imperative programming language such as JAVA or a declarative one such as LP. (124/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 125. ONTOR UL E Dynamic Knowledge Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL ontologies describe a stateless picture of a given business domain. Therefore it is difficult to represent changes, business processes, states, transitions, events, etc. This limitation is shared with pure LP Production rules fit much better for this purpose (125/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 126. ONTOR UL E Outline Ontologies meet Business Rules Modeling business knowledge using OWL2 Why use OWL for business knowledge? OWL by example Limitations Conclusions Rules: Logical and Production Rules Integration of Rules and Ontologies Demo (126/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 127. ONTOR UL E OWL in practice Ontologies meet Business Rules Mature authoring tools. Both commercial and open source DL reasoners continously improving (eg.: performance) Publicly available business ontologies are scarce (exception: Health Science). Internal usage of ontologies inside companies is difficult to measure (127/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 128. ONTOR UL E OWL2 Profiles Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL 2 DL is a very expressive Description Logic (although decidable). However complexity of the reasoning algorithms (N2ExpTime) hampers scalability Subsets (profiles) of OWL 2 have been identified: Still sufficiently expressive Lower complexity (PTime/logspace) Already available profiles: EL profile, optimized for large terminologies QL profile, optimized for queries RL profile, can be implemented with rule systems (128/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 129. ONTOR UL E OWL and SBVR Ontologies meet Business Rules SBVR is a very expressive language to capture complete business models using a controlled natural language Some parts of the SBVR business model can be formalized using OWL ontologies Business experts can take advantage of formal reasoning techniques to guarantee model consistency Business experts can take advantage of web nature of OWL and OWA assumption for reusability of business models in several scenarios (129/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved
  • 130. ONTOR UL E OWL and combinations with other languages Ontologies meet Business Rules OWL is commonly used to build expressive, shared and reusable data models. However OWL is not a language for writing applications. (130/221) c ONTORULE Consortium, all rights reserved