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How Instagram Changed Photography?
Maitha. O. Alzaabi
Higher Colleges of Technology
Author Note
Maitha. O. Alzaabi, Media communication student, Higher Colleges Of
Technology. Maitha Alzaabi is a new student at Media communication
in HCT. This research support my English work in the Media Education
COM 2323
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Maitha
Alzaabi, Media Communication, HCT, RAK, Contact:
-History of Photography
-How Social Media has developed?
-How Social Media changed Photography?
-How Instagram changed Photography?
-What about mass media theories and Instagram?
In the following paper I will look at photography and its evolution as it goes viral on the
Internet. I start by history of photography, and then I will continue to talk about how Social Media has
developed in the years. After that I will talk about how Social Media changed Photography and linked
it specifically with Instagram and how it changed Photography. Finally, I will link it with three mass
media theories and how they influenced on the Instagram.
Photography is a big world, its incredible world that so many people can find themselves there.
Photography changed the world in many ways; it has changed people at first, their tests and influences
people’s decision-making, alters fashion trends, and even the photography itself changed itself! If I
speak about photography I would not stop because in every second photography develops. People post
until now more than 30 billion pictures in Instagram only! What about other sites? In this research
paper I will talk about how Instagram changed the world of photography in less than five years.
History of Photography
Photography’s origin starts with the camera’s invention. The simple beginning of the camera
was in “5th-4th Centuries B.C. Chinese and Greek philosophers describe the basic principles of optics
and the camera” (Bellis (n.d)). Before the camera started there are so many things happened such as in
 Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light” and in
“1794 First Panorama opens, the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Barker.”(Bellis
(n.d)). The camera kept developing and the first picture was taken in 1814 by Joseph Niepce. The first
photographic image with camera obscura but it takes eight hours of light exposure and later faded
(Bellis (n.d)).
As we know there is so many brands of cameras are very popular from the long time such as
Canon camera and that’s starting “in Tokyo in 1933 by Takeshi Mitarai” (Canon Inc (2015)) (Canon
camera Story (2015)). Nikon is another camera that is popular nowadays; this camera “was established
on 25 July 1917” (Nikon (2015)). Both of these cameras changed the world and make it easy for
everyone to take a picture. Nowadays, new cameras keep on developing and the newest camera can
“get super sharp images even when viewed at 100%” (Joy (2015)). If you want more see: Bellis (n.d),
Canon Inc (2015), Canon camera story (2015), Nikon (2015) and joy (2015).
How Social Media has developed?
Social media began in late 1900s exactly in 1971 when the first e-mails were sent from one
computer to other according to (Cerulo (n.d)). That’s one possible beginning of a digital social media
by using digital device (the computer). According to (Cerulo (n.d)), in 1980 the first dedicated chat
room, in 1994 anyone can crate their own website with Yahoo! GeoCities. It keeps in developed until
now, in March 2002, 3 million people join Friendster at the first three months! In May 2003 LinkedIn
was born, but at the same year in September myspace was published and it was very popular everyone
can create their own space by using many tools on the site.
In the previous year in February 2004 Mark Zuckerberg create one of the most popular sites in
the world the Facebook, after Six years he is the king of the world! In February 2005 the birth of the
most video site the YouTube (YouTube (2015)). In March 2006 twitter was born with limited
characters 140 only. In February 2007 twenty years old David Karp bills create tumbler. In October
2010 one of the simplest applications was born the Instagram. Now these websites or applications are
the most wonderful, helpful and highly addictive things you may find. For more information see:
Cerulo (n.d), YouTube (2015).
How Social Media changed Photography?
Social media is a big world, but what if photography combined with social media what will
happen? Social media changed the world intensely, it made us like a small village, we can connect
together easily. Along with these changes social media also attacks and changed the photography
world, according to (Magazne (2014)) Three billion photographs are uploaded to Facebook every
month and that only on Facebook, what about twitter, Instagram, tumblr or pinterest, what about them?
We know that social media has an impact on the photography industry. For example (Magazne (2014):
Social media has had many positive impacts on the photography
industry. It presents photographers with the opportunity to share their
work with others quickly and easily. Basically it is a form of large-
scale, free advertising. Social media can also be used by photographers
to help them source new clients. It provides the opportunity for word of
mouth advertising. One tweet from a customer about how great your
photography is, could potentially reach hundreds of thousands of users,
some of which are bound to want to hire you or buy your work.
So, you can see that Magazne (2014) says that Social media has an impact on the industry of
photography in a very good way because we use social media in our daily life, sharing, posting, texting
or even liking a picture and that’s made it easier and quicker to do, it’s useful and handy. I believe that
social media has a big impact on the photography world, how? Basically, it helps photographer to
show their work to the world, it can make you from a lonely photographer to a big photographer that
have popularity only by using social media! And I agree with that because I know some creative
photographers become popular because of Instagram such as: Theron Humphrey and Mike Kus
(Creative blog (2014)). If you want more see: Magazne (2014) and Creative blog (2014).
According to Magazne (2014), currently, people use not only cameras to photograph also they
use phones, laptops or even smart swatches! That’s insane! So, we can divide photographers into two
parts Phonegraphers and photographers. I believe that phonegraphy not a word in the dictionary but
it’s on the real world. For example (Magazne (2014)):
The definition of photography is ‘the art or practice of taking and
processing photos’ so we must ask ourselves, does this include
photographs that are taken on mobile phones? Are people who simply
snap a few photos every day and share them on social media
photographers? This is a debate which has caused a lot of controversy
in the photography world. The term ‘phonegraphy’ has been coined and
used to describe photographs which are taken on smartphones like the
iPhone. The worry is that phonegraphy has destroyed the art of
photography. Some could say that phonegraphy has made photography
look easy and has therefore tainted its view as a form of art. However it
could be said that whilst anyone can take a photograph, not everyone
can create a piece of artwork with their camera.
So, you can see that there is a definition for phonegraphy and I believe all of us agree with the
definition, but did phonegraphers destroyers the art of photography? I stopped here because I am
neutralization, I agree and disagree at the same time. We know that phones make our world easier and
more associated together in many ways; it makes the photography looks easier than it is, is that fair to
photographers? Is photography really an easy job? According to Acclaimed Ghanaian photographer
Nii Obodai, he said: ”Photography is not just about grabbing a camera and clicking at anything in
view.” (Graphic Showbiz (2015)). Photography is a mission impossible for photographers; they
sacrifice their lives only to take a picture. Ansel Adams said: "You don't take a photograph, you make
it". (Goodreads. n.d). For more information see: Magazne (2014), Graphic Showbiz (2015) and
Goodreads (n.d).
How Instagram changed Photography?
Instagram is one active part of the world of Social media; it’s one of the most popular
applications worldwide. So, what is Instagram? According to Instagram website definition (2015):
“Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a
photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep
around forever.” So, you can see that Instagram website definition says that they create this
application to snap your series of pictures by using mobile phone, they say your phone they did not
mention cameras! Also, they say then choose a filter to transform the image. For more information see:
Instagram website (2015).
On there FAQ on the original site they explain where this idea comes from, they say: “We love
taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple
years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that
assumption.” Is that a construction or demolition to the world of big bulky cameras and photography?
I believe that we are in both sides’ construction and demolition because as we can see it helped us to
share it with the world and let the world see our work, by using the phones or the cameras, it makes it
so easy. Also, it made every one of as to an artists, food, sun, children or even the water that you drink
you make it into an art, according to (Murphy (2015)) “Instagram has allowed people to start noticing
the art in their everyday life. It has allowed for us to share the artful moments in our lives with
others.” It makes us see the world differently. If you want more see: Instagram website (2015) and
Murphy (2015)
On the other hand, in the world of Instagram everybody now can name them self’s
photographers by using only the phones; even if you asked them do you have a camera they will reply
no I use my phone. According to a photographer and the owner of the professional photography
company, Splaat Greg McClarnon, he said: “…I can see what would look good and I know the
technical details of how to edit the image to make it look even better. But the reality with Instagram is
that the image editing all came from the click of a few buttons on an application. This doesn’t make
you a good photographer but it seems that people think that it does.”(Anonymous (2014)) As we can
see in the real life, his opinion is right. In addition, it makes us feel lazy to bring our bag of the camera
instead we use the phone camera, according to (Prives (2012)) he says that even he is a professional
photographer, he often takes photos from his iPhone because he feel too lazy to get his professional
camera out of the bag or home. If you want more see: Anonymous (2014) and Prives (2012).
What about mass media theories and Instagram?
Mass media is any of the means of communication, such as television, newspapers, that reach
very large numbers of people (see: dictionary1 (2015)), and I would also suggest the Internet is
included. Mass media reaches the audience by using media technologies to send the massage. Its
divided to three sections, the broadcast media such as radio, film and television, the print media such
as books and newspapers and the outdoor media such as billboards signs (see: Mass media
wiki(2015)). In this research I will link three of mass media theories to my topic. For more
information, see: dictionary (2015) and Mass media wiki (2015).
The first theory I acknowledge is the agenda sitting theory, what is agenda? An agenda is a list, a
plan, an outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon (dictionary2
(2015)). According to Pellerine (2015) an instructor in Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in Ras al
khaimah said that he have an agenda he use it every day, he have an agenda to use it by using his
Instagram account, he loves photography and he is professional in photography. His agenda he claims
is based on repeated exposure and reinforcement. He wants to post and spaced intervals to emphasis
his areas of interest: design and dance. In addition, he said he used to put every thing in his account not
only the professional work, he put every thing even photos that he take by using his phone, also he
follow people who are interested in photography and designing, this is his agenda (see: Pellerine) For
more information see Pellerine and go to the dictionary2 (2015).
The second theory I will look at is social media theory. What is social media? Social media is the
collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction,
content-sharing and collaboration. (Rouse (2014)) Instagram is small part of social media, it help to
make businesses more easier and popular in the meantime, according to Delzio (2015) said: “Research
shows Instagram users like brands and are shoppers, so more businesses are looking into marketing
opportunities on this fast-growing platform.” So people can use Instagram for businesses and
marketing and that’s is so effective to make people want to buy what they see in pictures. Why
Instagram accounts are effective to sell products? According to Bird (2014) talking about what special
about sharing images, she said: “So what’s so special about sharing images? For one thing, users are
more likely to be drawn to visuals than to text. In addition, people are 40% more likely to have a better
response to visual content as opposed to plain text.” So, images make the marketing more successful
and active only by having an account in social media (Instagram). For more information see: Rouse
(2014), Delzio (2015) and Bird (2014).
Lastly, the third theory being discussed is the Hypodermic Needle theory. What is this theory
about? The Hypodermic Needle theory is a direct influence via mass media (university of twente
(2015)). Instagram could have a good effective massage on the person viewing the page, or on the
other hand it ma not. This experience depends on the person perceiving it. In Instagram we see so
many famous people and how they look beautiful specifically women, they focus on the look, they
want to be like them! Is it impossible with plastic surgeries? I don’t think so, but not every surgery can
be successful! According to Tee (2015) said:
“I have been following @missalena92 for some time now and, thank
you Lord, she wasn’t always perfection! She looks like a real life
Barbie now, but she sure looked like a typical Russian girl back in the
days. I can’t believe lips make such a huge difference. Some say she
was pretty even before the surgical intervention; I, personally, don’t
think so. I mean, she wasn’t ugly, but… Who cares… (2015)”
So, you can see that there is a very big and effective influence, for some it’s all about how they
look beautiful. There are so many people naturally beautiful and the different angle of taking the photo
or the selfie, also the filters on the Instagram have a big influence. According to Mary grace an author
on ELLE fashion magazine (2015) said: “I have friends who retouch their blemishes, others who pose
specifically to hide their "big nose" or "chubby cheeks," and some who ask other friends to untag them
because they don't like the angle…”.
It is important to point out that this is an example only. Not all people are into “just beauty” as
the point is many do have special interests. Some interests are quite contrary to the example above and
could be viewed as dark or even ugly to the average person.
Talking about how Instagram can effect on the personality, but could it change your thinking and
thoughts? According to Green (2013) said: “It has been argued that the social media effect creates a
false sense of self and self-esteem through the use of likes, fans, comments, posts, etc.… It provides
many individuals with a false sense of self and an inflated sense of who they really are”. She also
mentioned that there are points we should considering while we use social networking such as stop
comparing yourself to others which is common these days (see: Green (2013)). In light of Green we
could say that comparing our self with other can change us and recreate us only by thinking and want
what they have, we should love our selves as we are. For more information see: University of twente
(2015), Tee (2015), grace (2015) and Green (2013).
In summary, this paper had started in looking at photography and its evolution as it goes viral on
the Internet. I started by history of photography, and then I continue to talk about how Social Media
has developed in the years. After that I talked about how Social Media changed Photography and
linked it specifically with Instagram and how it changed Photography. Finally, I linked it with three
mass media theories and how they influenced on the Instagram.
I believe that we should hold in both as Instagram and photography (be it traditional or modern
phonography) go hand in hand. I see the positive things that Instagram and photography provide
society. Without the camera there would be no photography. Instagram has provided a platform for
artists and the average person to reach out to friends or the world via Instagram posts. Let know that
everything have its own purpose and gales with collaborating both of them, we can make incredible
things to amaze this wonderful global, but as we know some may feel that Instagram is a double edged
sword so we should be aware of, while the others just embrace it.
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  • 1. Running head: HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? How Instagram Changed Photography? Maitha. O. Alzaabi Higher Colleges of Technology Author Note Maitha. O. Alzaabi, Media communication student, Higher Colleges Of Technology. Maitha Alzaabi is a new student at Media communication in HCT. This research support my English work in the Media Education COM 2323 Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Maitha Alzaabi, Media Communication, HCT, RAK, Contact:
  • 2. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 2 Contents -History of Photography -How Social Media has developed? -How Social Media changed Photography? -How Instagram changed Photography? -What about mass media theories and Instagram?
  • 3. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 3 In the following paper I will look at photography and its evolution as it goes viral on the Internet. I start by history of photography, and then I will continue to talk about how Social Media has developed in the years. After that I will talk about how Social Media changed Photography and linked it specifically with Instagram and how it changed Photography. Finally, I will link it with three mass media theories and how they influenced on the Instagram. Photography is a big world, its incredible world that so many people can find themselves there. Photography changed the world in many ways; it has changed people at first, their tests and influences people’s decision-making, alters fashion trends, and even the photography itself changed itself! If I speak about photography I would not stop because in every second photography develops. People post until now more than 30 billion pictures in Instagram only! What about other sites? In this research paper I will talk about how Instagram changed the world of photography in less than five years. History of Photography Photography’s origin starts with the camera’s invention. The simple beginning of the camera was in “5th-4th Centuries B.C. Chinese and Greek philosophers describe the basic principles of optics and the camera” (Bellis (n.d)). Before the camera started there are so many things happened such as in “1727
 Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light” and in “1794 First Panorama opens, the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Barker.”(Bellis (n.d)). The camera kept developing and the first picture was taken in 1814 by Joseph Niepce. The first photographic image with camera obscura but it takes eight hours of light exposure and later faded (Bellis (n.d)). As we know there is so many brands of cameras are very popular from the long time such as Canon camera and that’s starting “in Tokyo in 1933 by Takeshi Mitarai” (Canon Inc (2015)) (Canon camera Story (2015)). Nikon is another camera that is popular nowadays; this camera “was established on 25 July 1917” (Nikon (2015)). Both of these cameras changed the world and make it easy for everyone to take a picture. Nowadays, new cameras keep on developing and the newest camera can “get super sharp images even when viewed at 100%” (Joy (2015)). If you want more see: Bellis (n.d), Canon Inc (2015), Canon camera story (2015), Nikon (2015) and joy (2015). How Social Media has developed? Social media began in late 1900s exactly in 1971 when the first e-mails were sent from one computer to other according to (Cerulo (n.d)). That’s one possible beginning of a digital social media by using digital device (the computer). According to (Cerulo (n.d)), in 1980 the first dedicated chat room, in 1994 anyone can crate their own website with Yahoo! GeoCities. It keeps in developed until now, in March 2002, 3 million people join Friendster at the first three months! In May 2003 LinkedIn was born, but at the same year in September myspace was published and it was very popular everyone can create their own space by using many tools on the site. In the previous year in February 2004 Mark Zuckerberg create one of the most popular sites in the world the Facebook, after Six years he is the king of the world! In February 2005 the birth of the most video site the YouTube (YouTube (2015)). In March 2006 twitter was born with limited characters 140 only. In February 2007 twenty years old David Karp bills create tumbler. In October
  • 4. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 4 2010 one of the simplest applications was born the Instagram. Now these websites or applications are the most wonderful, helpful and highly addictive things you may find. For more information see: Cerulo (n.d), YouTube (2015). How Social Media changed Photography? Social media is a big world, but what if photography combined with social media what will happen? Social media changed the world intensely, it made us like a small village, we can connect together easily. Along with these changes social media also attacks and changed the photography world, according to (Magazne (2014)) Three billion photographs are uploaded to Facebook every month and that only on Facebook, what about twitter, Instagram, tumblr or pinterest, what about them? We know that social media has an impact on the photography industry. For example (Magazne (2014): Social media has had many positive impacts on the photography industry. It presents photographers with the opportunity to share their work with others quickly and easily. Basically it is a form of large- scale, free advertising. Social media can also be used by photographers to help them source new clients. It provides the opportunity for word of mouth advertising. One tweet from a customer about how great your photography is, could potentially reach hundreds of thousands of users, some of which are bound to want to hire you or buy your work. So, you can see that Magazne (2014) says that Social media has an impact on the industry of photography in a very good way because we use social media in our daily life, sharing, posting, texting or even liking a picture and that’s made it easier and quicker to do, it’s useful and handy. I believe that social media has a big impact on the photography world, how? Basically, it helps photographer to show their work to the world, it can make you from a lonely photographer to a big photographer that have popularity only by using social media! And I agree with that because I know some creative photographers become popular because of Instagram such as: Theron Humphrey and Mike Kus (Creative blog (2014)). If you want more see: Magazne (2014) and Creative blog (2014). According to Magazne (2014), currently, people use not only cameras to photograph also they use phones, laptops or even smart swatches! That’s insane! So, we can divide photographers into two parts Phonegraphers and photographers. I believe that phonegraphy not a word in the dictionary but it’s on the real world. For example (Magazne (2014)): The definition of photography is ‘the art or practice of taking and processing photos’ so we must ask ourselves, does this include photographs that are taken on mobile phones? Are people who simply snap a few photos every day and share them on social media photographers? This is a debate which has caused a lot of controversy in the photography world. The term ‘phonegraphy’ has been coined and used to describe photographs which are taken on smartphones like the iPhone. The worry is that phonegraphy has destroyed the art of photography. Some could say that phonegraphy has made photography look easy and has therefore tainted its view as a form of art. However it
  • 5. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 5 could be said that whilst anyone can take a photograph, not everyone can create a piece of artwork with their camera. So, you can see that there is a definition for phonegraphy and I believe all of us agree with the definition, but did phonegraphers destroyers the art of photography? I stopped here because I am neutralization, I agree and disagree at the same time. We know that phones make our world easier and more associated together in many ways; it makes the photography looks easier than it is, is that fair to photographers? Is photography really an easy job? According to Acclaimed Ghanaian photographer Nii Obodai, he said: ”Photography is not just about grabbing a camera and clicking at anything in view.” (Graphic Showbiz (2015)). Photography is a mission impossible for photographers; they sacrifice their lives only to take a picture. Ansel Adams said: "You don't take a photograph, you make it". (Goodreads. n.d). For more information see: Magazne (2014), Graphic Showbiz (2015) and Goodreads (n.d). How Instagram changed Photography? Instagram is one active part of the world of Social media; it’s one of the most popular applications worldwide. So, what is Instagram? According to Instagram website definition (2015): “Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever.” So, you can see that Instagram website definition says that they create this application to snap your series of pictures by using mobile phone, they say your phone they did not mention cameras! Also, they say then choose a filter to transform the image. For more information see: Instagram website (2015). On there FAQ on the original site they explain where this idea comes from, they say: “We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption.” Is that a construction or demolition to the world of big bulky cameras and photography? I believe that we are in both sides’ construction and demolition because as we can see it helped us to share it with the world and let the world see our work, by using the phones or the cameras, it makes it so easy. Also, it made every one of as to an artists, food, sun, children or even the water that you drink you make it into an art, according to (Murphy (2015)) “Instagram has allowed people to start noticing the art in their everyday life. It has allowed for us to share the artful moments in our lives with others.” It makes us see the world differently. If you want more see: Instagram website (2015) and Murphy (2015) On the other hand, in the world of Instagram everybody now can name them self’s photographers by using only the phones; even if you asked them do you have a camera they will reply no I use my phone. According to a photographer and the owner of the professional photography company, Splaat Greg McClarnon, he said: “…I can see what would look good and I know the technical details of how to edit the image to make it look even better. But the reality with Instagram is that the image editing all came from the click of a few buttons on an application. This doesn’t make you a good photographer but it seems that people think that it does.”(Anonymous (2014)) As we can see in the real life, his opinion is right. In addition, it makes us feel lazy to bring our bag of the camera instead we use the phone camera, according to (Prives (2012)) he says that even he is a professional
  • 6. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 6 photographer, he often takes photos from his iPhone because he feel too lazy to get his professional camera out of the bag or home. If you want more see: Anonymous (2014) and Prives (2012). What about mass media theories and Instagram? Mass media is any of the means of communication, such as television, newspapers, that reach very large numbers of people (see: dictionary1 (2015)), and I would also suggest the Internet is included. Mass media reaches the audience by using media technologies to send the massage. Its divided to three sections, the broadcast media such as radio, film and television, the print media such as books and newspapers and the outdoor media such as billboards signs (see: Mass media wiki(2015)). In this research I will link three of mass media theories to my topic. For more information, see: dictionary (2015) and Mass media wiki (2015). The first theory I acknowledge is the agenda sitting theory, what is agenda? An agenda is a list, a plan, an outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon (dictionary2 (2015)). According to Pellerine (2015) an instructor in Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in Ras al khaimah said that he have an agenda he use it every day, he have an agenda to use it by using his Instagram account, he loves photography and he is professional in photography. His agenda he claims is based on repeated exposure and reinforcement. He wants to post and spaced intervals to emphasis his areas of interest: design and dance. In addition, he said he used to put every thing in his account not only the professional work, he put every thing even photos that he take by using his phone, also he follow people who are interested in photography and designing, this is his agenda (see: Pellerine) For more information see Pellerine and go to the dictionary2 (2015). The second theory I will look at is social media theory. What is social media? Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. (Rouse (2014)) Instagram is small part of social media, it help to make businesses more easier and popular in the meantime, according to Delzio (2015) said: “Research shows Instagram users like brands and are shoppers, so more businesses are looking into marketing opportunities on this fast-growing platform.” So people can use Instagram for businesses and marketing and that’s is so effective to make people want to buy what they see in pictures. Why Instagram accounts are effective to sell products? According to Bird (2014) talking about what special about sharing images, she said: “So what’s so special about sharing images? For one thing, users are more likely to be drawn to visuals than to text. In addition, people are 40% more likely to have a better response to visual content as opposed to plain text.” So, images make the marketing more successful and active only by having an account in social media (Instagram). For more information see: Rouse (2014), Delzio (2015) and Bird (2014). Lastly, the third theory being discussed is the Hypodermic Needle theory. What is this theory about? The Hypodermic Needle theory is a direct influence via mass media (university of twente (2015)). Instagram could have a good effective massage on the person viewing the page, or on the other hand it ma not. This experience depends on the person perceiving it. In Instagram we see so many famous people and how they look beautiful specifically women, they focus on the look, they want to be like them! Is it impossible with plastic surgeries? I don’t think so, but not every surgery can be successful! According to Tee (2015) said:
  • 7. HOW INSTAGRAM CHANGED PHOTOGRAPHY? 7 “I have been following @missalena92 for some time now and, thank you Lord, she wasn’t always perfection! She looks like a real life Barbie now, but she sure looked like a typical Russian girl back in the days. I can’t believe lips make such a huge difference. Some say she was pretty even before the surgical intervention; I, personally, don’t think so. I mean, she wasn’t ugly, but… Who cares… (2015)” So, you can see that there is a very big and effective influence, for some it’s all about how they look beautiful. There are so many people naturally beautiful and the different angle of taking the photo or the selfie, also the filters on the Instagram have a big influence. According to Mary grace an author on ELLE fashion magazine (2015) said: “I have friends who retouch their blemishes, others who pose specifically to hide their "big nose" or "chubby cheeks," and some who ask other friends to untag them because they don't like the angle…”. It is important to point out that this is an example only. Not all people are into “just beauty” as the point is many do have special interests. Some interests are quite contrary to the example above and could be viewed as dark or even ugly to the average person. Talking about how Instagram can effect on the personality, but could it change your thinking and thoughts? According to Green (2013) said: “It has been argued that the social media effect creates a false sense of self and self-esteem through the use of likes, fans, comments, posts, etc.… It provides many individuals with a false sense of self and an inflated sense of who they really are”. She also mentioned that there are points we should considering while we use social networking such as stop comparing yourself to others which is common these days (see: Green (2013)). In light of Green we could say that comparing our self with other can change us and recreate us only by thinking and want what they have, we should love our selves as we are. For more information see: University of twente (2015), Tee (2015), grace (2015) and Green (2013). Summary In summary, this paper had started in looking at photography and its evolution as it goes viral on the Internet. I started by history of photography, and then I continue to talk about how Social Media has developed in the years. After that I talked about how Social Media changed Photography and linked it specifically with Instagram and how it changed Photography. Finally, I linked it with three mass media theories and how they influenced on the Instagram. I believe that we should hold in both as Instagram and photography (be it traditional or modern phonography) go hand in hand. I see the positive things that Instagram and photography provide society. Without the camera there would be no photography. Instagram has provided a platform for artists and the average person to reach out to friends or the world via Instagram posts. Let know that everything have its own purpose and gales with collaborating both of them, we can make incredible things to amaze this wonderful global, but as we know some may feel that Instagram is a double edged sword so we should be aware of, while the others just embrace it.
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