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“Faith is the best Healer”

                                                      Homoeopathic clinic

      For more information, case studies,
 testimonials please explore our web site :
PHC offers detail information through disease
based brochures on the internet, which forms a
valuable source for people seeking authentic
guidelines on the homoeopathic treatment, from
all over the world.

              Homoeopathic clinic

     : Mobile No : +91 9824022384, +91 999881744
© Homoeopathy India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved
natural way called potentisation. So homeopathic
                                                                        treatment is safe and highly effective. It is even
                                                                        safe to give newborn baby without any side effect.
                                                                       Fast action – Response: Homeopathy give the fast
                                                                        action in children cases because of more sensitivity
                                                                        in children.
                                                                       Natural and Scientific: Homoeopathy work on
                                                                        principle similia similibus curenture means like
                                                                        cures like. Prepared from herbal extracts, minerals,
Children are the most prime part of a family life. Most of
                                                                        refined chemicals. The effects of homoeopathy can
the times, they are the cause of priceless joy but sometimes
                                                                        be scientifically checked nd positive results can be
they may be the reason to engulf in worries. Children
                                                                        reproduced over and again. It works on the solid
work like the forces of attraction among family members
                                                                        and scientific principles.
especially the parents. All parental decisions revolve
                                                                       Immune booster, immune
around                   children's                  interest.
                                                                        corrective: Many disease in
                                                                        children are due to low
Today the nuclear families with both the parents working
                                                                        resistance       or     altered
as a necessity have left the children in dire need of some
                                                                        immunity;             requiring
companions other than the parents to share their lives
                                                                        immunoboosting              and
with. This thing and many other things have paved way
                                                                        immunocorrections. Homoeopathy is believed to
for many mental and emotional disharmonies among
                                                                        do just that. Frequently occurring as well as long
children. This in turn has compelled many parents to
                                                                        standing disease in children respond marvelously
reconsider their children's non-material needs seriously.
                                                                        using homoeopathy.
                                                                       Easy to give: Homoeopathic medicines are sweet in
Also because of increasing pollution and overcrowding,
                                                                        test so child has no any hesitation to take.
the child is exposed to more and more respiratory
allergies, skin diseases, behavioural problems and in
general either a dull or erratic response. These physical,
mental and emotional ups and downs should be tackled
                                                                 Scop of Homoeopathy for various
very softly but effectively without harming child's immune       children disease.
system.                                                          Homoeopathy is working
                                                                 nice most of children
                   This can be achieved to a great extent by     diseases except pure surgical
                   the safe Homoeopathic medicines. There        cases. Parents must know
                   is no wonder that once given                  about homoeopathy and its
                   Homoeopathic medicines, parents often         work over disease.
                   come to us and tell that their child has      Homoeopathy works acute as well as chronic cases.
                   strikingly become calm and composed as        Acute Disease: Acute disease means fast in progress,
opposite to his erratic behavior earlier. This is because, in    intense in nature, short duration.
Homoeopathy, while handling any case, we give prime              Acute disease are Acute cold, Cough, Tonsillitis, Throat
importance to mental and emotional set up of an                  infection, Ear pain, Gastroenteritis, Mumps, Allergic
individual, be it a child! Because, unless and until             rhinitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Viral infection, Measles,
emotional equilibrium is attained along with physical well       Boil, Chickenpox, Urinary tract infection, Pneumonia etc.
being, the cure is incomplete.                                   Note: Many time acute diseases are with fever. Require to
                                                                 administer allopathic drug in high grade fever (above
Following are the reason why Homoeopathic Treatment is           100F) to minimize the complication like febril convulsion.
a choice of Children.                                            Otherwise infection is take care by homoeopathy.
     Safe       Treatment:
        Homeopathic                                              Chronic Diseases: slow in progress, since long time, lack
        medicines        are                                     intensity.
        prepared       from
        natural sources and
There are many chronic diseases in children. We shall
discuss scope of homoeopathy for some of the diseases
according to system. This list cannot be complete.
Respiratory Diseases:
      Frequent Cold: homeopathy having excellent
       medicines for this problem. You can give new
       born baby also rather than other medicines.
      Frequent Tonsillitis: allopathic doctor advice for
       tonsillectomy because of frequency but                       condition. Not required to used steroid.
       homeopathy reduce the frequency, severity and               Psoriasis: Homeopathy having good treatment for
       duration.                                                    this condition. Not required to used steroid.
      Adenoid: good response if size of adenoid is not            Urticaria: Excellent result as compare to other
       very large.                                                  pathy.
       Frequent Laryngitis and Pharyngitis: good                  Vitiligo: Homeopathy is only pathy which gives
       response expected                                            good result if not much extension of patch.
      Frequent Otitis Media: excellent treatment if               Lichen Planus: patience is require otherwise good
       eardrum hole is not big.                                     result.
      Chronic Bronchitis, Allergic Bronchitis: very good          Alopecia Areata: good result except total alopecia.
       treatment in
                                                                   Hair falling: Excellent treatment
                                                                   Warts: Excellent treatment
      Asthma in
       children: with use
       of homoeopathy                                       Head, Brain, Mind:
       you save your                                               Headache: good result in all
       child from                                                   kind of headache, migraine,
       nebulizer / inhaler. Excellent work of                       MCH.
       homeopathy.                                                 Homoeopathy is strongly
                                                                    suggested in behavior
Gastrointestinal diseases – stomach, intestine,
                                                                   Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD
rectum, liver:
                                                                    and learning disorders.
     Chronic Gastritis: very
                                                                   CP child and MR child get temporary response
       good result can be
                                                                    with homeopathy.
                                                                   Epilepsy: good result
     Frequent Gastroenteritis –
                                                                   Anxiety disorders, Depression, Phobias etc
       diarrhoea and vomiting:
                                                                    respond well to homoeopathy
       homoeopathy having
       excellent result with proper
       dehydration management.                              Joints, muscle and bones:
     Constipation: excellent treatment                         Arthritis, muscular dystrophy, chronic
     Hepatitis B and C: Very good treatment                     osteomyelitis respond good.
     Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: very good
       treatment                                            Eyes:
     Dysentery: Good result                                    Recurrent styes, Chalazion good
     Food Allergies: Good                                       result
       Result                                                   Conjunctivitis good result
                                                                Steven johson’s syndrome - good
Skin, Nail, Hair:                                                result
      Eczema: Homeopathy                                       Glaucoma, cataract, optic nerve
       having good                                               atrophy, progressive eye number get
       treatment for this                                        good result.
Blood lymphatics:                                           medicines but result is given by Dr. Darji is
      Anemia: good result                                  excellent. We are happy with his treatment.
      Thrombocytopenia: good result                        Thank you very much.
      Cancerous condition: the cancerous diseases of
       blood and lymphatic system such as Leukemia,
       Hodgkin’s disease etc find supportive treatment in
                                                            Hiralben Patel, UK
       homoeopathy. Homeopathy helps to control             My son who is suffered from
       progress of disease and infection.                   atopic dermatitis . we all are
                                                            tired because of his suffring
Urinary Disease (kidney, Bladder):                          and     use    of    different
      Nephrotic disease: nice treatment                    medicines. We came to
      Renal calculi, gall stone: excellent result          contact to Dr. Darji and
      Enuresis – Bed wetting: Good treatment               started his homoepathic treatment . we get good
      Chronic infection of kidney (Glomerular
       Nephritis), Cystitis, kidney cyst respond well to
                                                            result within month. Now he is free from his
       homoeopathy.                                         skin problem. One thing I like to mantuon that
                                                            he had asthamatic attack when his skin disease
                                                            improve with allopathic drugs and skin
                                                            complaints again start if we took treatment for
                                                            asthma. His both complaint are gone after
                                                            homeopathic treatment. I also started my
                                                            younger son treatment for his asthamatic
                                                            problem with nice result. We are appreciate Dr.
                                                            Darji’s way of handling such kind of problem.
Mr. and Mrs. Yadav, Gujarat , India                         We are greatful to him.
              For the last 3 and a half months
              we were completely surprised and              Rejendra Jadeja, India
              overwhelmingly happy about your               My daughter having boil
              homeopathy medication. Your                   in body. We have trust on
              medicines has given my son new                homoeopathy       so     we
              hope to a normal childhood, your              started      Dr.    Darji’s
treatment gave hope and happiness I can't even              treatment even though
describe to you.                                            our family member want
                                                            to start allopathic treament because of severity.
Mr. Sandip Patel , India                                    Dr. Darji tried his level best and gives excellent
My son get       excellent                                  result. I think that if we went to the allopathic
results with Dr. pankaj                                     doctor, they gave higher antibiotic and develop
medicine and I would like                                   more comlication but our trust win, family
to thank Dr Pankaj so                                       member also happy with his treatment.
much for this. We are fed because of my son
problem but homeopathy play good role to cure               Mr. Jadeja, India
mu son suffering. Thanks to dr. darji.                                    My son having vitiligo since
                                                                          childhood. We tried all medicines
              Mr. and Mrs. Patel, UK                                      without     improvement       but
              My son was suffering from vitiligo                          homoepathy gives nice result. We
              since many years. We tried all the                          also recomand other people who
have same problem for Dr. Darji. Happy to see           PHC Online support system:
result of my son. Thanks to Dr. Darji                                                    The online treatment is
                                                                                         supported        by   Dr.
Mr. Bhavasar, Gujarat
My son who is suffered from childhood asthma. He                                         Pankaj       Darji.   Our
had recurrent cough and cold. Allied doctor every                                        Patient over the world
time advice for nebulizer for week. Then I started
                                                                                         have an easy access to
homoeopathic treatment which completely cured the
my son. We are very grateful to you.                                                     our clinic by personal
                                                        visit (18/7), by e mail
Nisha Maheswari, India
                                                        (24/7), by live web chat
Very first time my son having many months gap in
his asthmatic problem after start homoeopathic          from our web site (16/7),
medicines. My family members are happy with             by     post,        by     video
homoeopathy treatment for my son. His nature also
                                                        conference               through
changed, his appetite also improve after start
homoeopathy treatment. Thank you more than I can        skype / google. Before
say.                                                    starting the treatment as well as throughout the
                                                        course       of      online      treatment,      you   can
Father of Baby Khushi, USA
My daughter having recurrent tonsilitis and last ENT    communicate with Dr. Pankaj Darji
advice to remove tonsil but our belief that tonsil
should not removed. Then we search on net and we       Homoeopathy Treatment by Post
came to contact Dr. Darji through his web site . we
                                                       Many patient may not
put our child on the homoeopathic treatment.
Recurrency decreased and now she is good. The          be    able    to     visit our
surgery avoided.                                       centre in person; nor
                                                       many     they       have     an
Jatin Darji, India
My son was on steroid because of                       access to the internet to
his Nephrotic Syndrom. Relapse                         get treated online. PHC
was occurred even though steroid
                                                       offers treatment by post
was going on. Then I tried Dr.
Pankaj who is my cousine’s                             and    over     the    phone.
homeopathic treatment. We could                        You may sign up by
slowly reduce the dose of steroid. Now he is healthy   calling our clinic and get
without steroid. We           are    happy     with
                                                       a special questionnaire
homoeopathy and pankaj.
                                                       posted/e           ailed/faxed.
                                                       Along with the reply to
                                                       the questionnaire, it will
                                                       help if you also send in
                                                       the photos of the affected parts, for Dr. Darji’s
                                                       evaluation. After that, medicines will be sent you
                                                       by post, anywhere .
PRAMUKH                                       Dr. Pankaj N. Darji
           Homoeopathic clinic (PHC)
                     PHC           -           PRAMUKH
                     HOMOEOPATHY               CLINIC     is
                     established       in    2004.      The
                     Clinic      has    made         steady
                     progress          since          2004.
                     Established        as      a       only
                     homoeopathic clinic, it has
played a vital role in         homoeopathic clinic of          Dr. Darji practice in Gujarat, India. He is studied
Gujarat.    WE   treat   the     patients    with     right    homoeopathy intensively for over seven years.
medication at right time in our Clinic with polite             Dr. Pankaj Darji was completed his                     medical
and homely attitude. We treat the person, not the              graduation in 2001 & joined Institutions of
disease. Thus we take a great deal of pride in the             Clinical Research (I.C.R), reputed institution in the
tradition and uncompromised nature of the                      Gujarat, India. He successfully completed his
personalized care that is provided to our patients.            post graduation in 2003-2004.
      At PRAMUKH HOMOEOPTHIC CLINIC the                        After completed his fellowship in Baroda, he
patient is guided for best services as per his/her             worked      with    pediatrician            for   7years      in
request and need. We treat you like family.                    Gandhinagar,       Gujarat,         India    to   understand
                                                               pediatric emergency & how to handle with
Our mission – is to bring quality healthcare with              homoeopathy         –        like      convulsion,        sever
human touch within the reach of every individual.              breathlessness, high grade fever etc.
We are committed to the achievement and                                       He       is     attending          &      paper
sustenance of excellence in competence and care                presentation in various national conferences &
for the benefit of mankind.                                    workshops on homoeopathy.
Our vision – to be a nationalized recognized
healthcare centre for its unmatched healthcare                  Our experiences rich as I have under our care
services and our commitment to the excellence.                   patients from more than ten countries.
                                                                Dr. Darji is first doctor in Gujarat whose more
                                                                 than 50 video of treated patient in             you tube.
                                                                Pramukh Homoeopathic Clinic has                   Pregnancy
                                                                 Counseling       Centre &         Homoeopathic training
      For more information, case studies,                       More than 6000 different type of cases are
  testimonials please explore our web site :                     treated under one roof b/w 2004 to 2010.

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Homoeopathy fo children

  • 1. “Faith is the best Healer” PRAMUKH Homoeopathic clinic Homoeopathy For more information, case studies, testimonials please explore our web site : For PHC offers detail information through disease based brochures on the internet, which forms a children valuable source for people seeking authentic guidelines on the homoeopathic treatment, from all over the world. PRAMUKH Homoeopathic clinic : Mobile No : +91 9824022384, +91 999881744 e-mail:, © Homoeopathy India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved
  • 2. natural way called potentisation. So homeopathic treatment is safe and highly effective. It is even safe to give newborn baby without any side effect.  Fast action – Response: Homeopathy give the fast action in children cases because of more sensitivity in children.  Natural and Scientific: Homoeopathy work on principle similia similibus curenture means like cures like. Prepared from herbal extracts, minerals, Children are the most prime part of a family life. Most of refined chemicals. The effects of homoeopathy can the times, they are the cause of priceless joy but sometimes be scientifically checked nd positive results can be they may be the reason to engulf in worries. Children reproduced over and again. It works on the solid work like the forces of attraction among family members and scientific principles. especially the parents. All parental decisions revolve  Immune booster, immune around children's interest. corrective: Many disease in children are due to low Today the nuclear families with both the parents working resistance or altered as a necessity have left the children in dire need of some immunity; requiring companions other than the parents to share their lives immunoboosting and with. This thing and many other things have paved way immunocorrections. Homoeopathy is believed to for many mental and emotional disharmonies among do just that. Frequently occurring as well as long children. This in turn has compelled many parents to standing disease in children respond marvelously reconsider their children's non-material needs seriously. using homoeopathy.  Easy to give: Homoeopathic medicines are sweet in Also because of increasing pollution and overcrowding, test so child has no any hesitation to take. the child is exposed to more and more respiratory allergies, skin diseases, behavioural problems and in general either a dull or erratic response. These physical, mental and emotional ups and downs should be tackled Scop of Homoeopathy for various very softly but effectively without harming child's immune children disease. system. Homoeopathy is working nice most of children This can be achieved to a great extent by diseases except pure surgical the safe Homoeopathic medicines. There cases. Parents must know is no wonder that once given about homoeopathy and its Homoeopathic medicines, parents often work over disease. come to us and tell that their child has Homoeopathy works acute as well as chronic cases. strikingly become calm and composed as Acute Disease: Acute disease means fast in progress, opposite to his erratic behavior earlier. This is because, in intense in nature, short duration. Homoeopathy, while handling any case, we give prime Acute disease are Acute cold, Cough, Tonsillitis, Throat importance to mental and emotional set up of an infection, Ear pain, Gastroenteritis, Mumps, Allergic individual, be it a child! Because, unless and until rhinitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Viral infection, Measles, emotional equilibrium is attained along with physical well Boil, Chickenpox, Urinary tract infection, Pneumonia etc. being, the cure is incomplete. Note: Many time acute diseases are with fever. Require to administer allopathic drug in high grade fever (above Following are the reason why Homoeopathic Treatment is 100F) to minimize the complication like febril convulsion. a choice of Children. Otherwise infection is take care by homoeopathy.  Safe Treatment: Homeopathic Chronic Diseases: slow in progress, since long time, lack medicines are intensity. prepared from natural sources and
  • 3. There are many chronic diseases in children. We shall discuss scope of homoeopathy for some of the diseases according to system. This list cannot be complete. Respiratory Diseases:  Frequent Cold: homeopathy having excellent medicines for this problem. You can give new born baby also rather than other medicines.  Frequent Tonsillitis: allopathic doctor advice for tonsillectomy because of frequency but condition. Not required to used steroid. homeopathy reduce the frequency, severity and  Psoriasis: Homeopathy having good treatment for duration. this condition. Not required to used steroid.  Adenoid: good response if size of adenoid is not  Urticaria: Excellent result as compare to other very large. pathy.  Frequent Laryngitis and Pharyngitis: good  Vitiligo: Homeopathy is only pathy which gives response expected good result if not much extension of patch.  Frequent Otitis Media: excellent treatment if  Lichen Planus: patience is require otherwise good eardrum hole is not big. result.  Chronic Bronchitis, Allergic Bronchitis: very good  Alopecia Areata: good result except total alopecia. treatment in  Hair falling: Excellent treatment homoeopathy.  Warts: Excellent treatment  Asthma in children: with use of homoeopathy Head, Brain, Mind: you save your  Headache: good result in all child from kind of headache, migraine, nebulizer / inhaler. Excellent work of MCH. homeopathy.  Homoeopathy is strongly suggested in behavior problem. Gastrointestinal diseases – stomach, intestine,  Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD rectum, liver: and learning disorders.  Chronic Gastritis: very  CP child and MR child get temporary response good result can be with homeopathy. expected.  Epilepsy: good result  Frequent Gastroenteritis –  Anxiety disorders, Depression, Phobias etc diarrhoea and vomiting: respond well to homoeopathy homoeopathy having excellent result with proper dehydration management. Joints, muscle and bones:  Constipation: excellent treatment  Arthritis, muscular dystrophy, chronic  Hepatitis B and C: Very good treatment osteomyelitis respond good.  Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: very good treatment Eyes:  Dysentery: Good result  Recurrent styes, Chalazion good  Food Allergies: Good result Result  Conjunctivitis good result  Steven johson’s syndrome - good Skin, Nail, Hair: result  Eczema: Homeopathy  Glaucoma, cataract, optic nerve having good atrophy, progressive eye number get treatment for this good result.
  • 4. Blood lymphatics: medicines but result is given by Dr. Darji is  Anemia: good result excellent. We are happy with his treatment.  Thrombocytopenia: good result Thank you very much.  Cancerous condition: the cancerous diseases of blood and lymphatic system such as Leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease etc find supportive treatment in Hiralben Patel, UK homoeopathy. Homeopathy helps to control My son who is suffered from progress of disease and infection. atopic dermatitis . we all are tired because of his suffring Urinary Disease (kidney, Bladder): and use of different  Nephrotic disease: nice treatment medicines. We came to  Renal calculi, gall stone: excellent result contact to Dr. Darji and  Enuresis – Bed wetting: Good treatment started his homoepathic treatment . we get good  Chronic infection of kidney (Glomerular Nephritis), Cystitis, kidney cyst respond well to result within month. Now he is free from his homoeopathy. skin problem. One thing I like to mantuon that he had asthamatic attack when his skin disease improve with allopathic drugs and skin complaints again start if we took treatment for asthma. His both complaint are gone after homeopathic treatment. I also started my younger son treatment for his asthamatic problem with nice result. We are appreciate Dr. Darji’s way of handling such kind of problem. Mr. and Mrs. Yadav, Gujarat , India We are greatful to him. For the last 3 and a half months we were completely surprised and Rejendra Jadeja, India overwhelmingly happy about your My daughter having boil homeopathy medication. Your in body. We have trust on medicines has given my son new homoeopathy so we hope to a normal childhood, your started Dr. Darji’s treatment gave hope and happiness I can't even treatment even though describe to you. our family member want to start allopathic treament because of severity. Mr. Sandip Patel , India Dr. Darji tried his level best and gives excellent My son get excellent result. I think that if we went to the allopathic results with Dr. pankaj doctor, they gave higher antibiotic and develop medicine and I would like more comlication but our trust win, family to thank Dr Pankaj so member also happy with his treatment. much for this. We are fed because of my son problem but homeopathy play good role to cure Mr. Jadeja, India mu son suffering. Thanks to dr. darji. My son having vitiligo since childhood. We tried all medicines Mr. and Mrs. Patel, UK without improvement but My son was suffering from vitiligo homoepathy gives nice result. We since many years. We tried all the also recomand other people who
  • 5. have same problem for Dr. Darji. Happy to see PHC Online support system: result of my son. Thanks to Dr. Darji The online treatment is supported by Dr. Mr. Bhavasar, Gujarat My son who is suffered from childhood asthma. He Pankaj Darji. Our had recurrent cough and cold. Allied doctor every Patient over the world time advice for nebulizer for week. Then I started have an easy access to homoeopathic treatment which completely cured the my son. We are very grateful to you. our clinic by personal visit (18/7), by e mail Nisha Maheswari, India (24/7), by live web chat Very first time my son having many months gap in his asthmatic problem after start homoeopathic from our web site (16/7), medicines. My family members are happy with by post, by video homoeopathy treatment for my son. His nature also conference through changed, his appetite also improve after start homoeopathy treatment. Thank you more than I can skype / google. Before say. starting the treatment as well as throughout the course of online treatment, you can Father of Baby Khushi, USA My daughter having recurrent tonsilitis and last ENT communicate with Dr. Pankaj Darji advice to remove tonsil but our belief that tonsil should not removed. Then we search on net and we Homoeopathy Treatment by Post came to contact Dr. Darji through his web site . we Many patient may not put our child on the homoeopathic treatment. Recurrency decreased and now she is good. The be able to visit our surgery avoided. centre in person; nor many they have an Jatin Darji, India My son was on steroid because of access to the internet to his Nephrotic Syndrom. Relapse get treated online. PHC was occurred even though steroid offers treatment by post was going on. Then I tried Dr. Pankaj who is my cousine’s and over the phone. homeopathic treatment. We could You may sign up by slowly reduce the dose of steroid. Now he is healthy calling our clinic and get without steroid. We are happy with a special questionnaire homoeopathy and pankaj. posted/e ailed/faxed. Along with the reply to the questionnaire, it will help if you also send in the photos of the affected parts, for Dr. Darji’s evaluation. After that, medicines will be sent you by post, anywhere .
  • 6. PRAMUKH Dr. Pankaj N. Darji (B.H.M.S;I.C.R) Homoeopathic clinic (PHC) PHC - PRAMUKH HOMOEOPATHY CLINIC is established in 2004. The Clinic has made steady progress since 2004. Established as a only homoeopathic clinic, it has played a vital role in homoeopathic clinic of Dr. Darji practice in Gujarat, India. He is studied Gujarat. WE treat the patients with right homoeopathy intensively for over seven years. medication at right time in our Clinic with polite Dr. Pankaj Darji was completed his medical and homely attitude. We treat the person, not the graduation in 2001 & joined Institutions of disease. Thus we take a great deal of pride in the Clinical Research (I.C.R), reputed institution in the tradition and uncompromised nature of the Gujarat, India. He successfully completed his personalized care that is provided to our patients. post graduation in 2003-2004. At PRAMUKH HOMOEOPTHIC CLINIC the After completed his fellowship in Baroda, he patient is guided for best services as per his/her worked with pediatrician for 7years in request and need. We treat you like family. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India to understand pediatric emergency & how to handle with Our mission – is to bring quality healthcare with homoeopathy – like convulsion, sever human touch within the reach of every individual. breathlessness, high grade fever etc. We are committed to the achievement and He is attending & paper sustenance of excellence in competence and care presentation in various national conferences & for the benefit of mankind. workshops on homoeopathy. Our vision – to be a nationalized recognized healthcare centre for its unmatched healthcare  Our experiences rich as I have under our care services and our commitment to the excellence. patients from more than ten countries.  Dr. Darji is first doctor in Gujarat whose more than 50 video of treated patient in you tube.  Pramukh Homoeopathic Clinic has Pregnancy Counseling Centre & Homoeopathic training centre. For more information, case studies,  More than 6000 different type of cases are testimonials please explore our web site : treated under one roof b/w 2004 to 2010.