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summer 2012
Solving the
MS mysteries
Trawlers, tugs, ships, silos –
everything has something to “say”,
declares Glenda Arnall as she drinks
in the eye-watering view from her
Newcastle Harbour penthouse.
   Having lived in the stunning
home for four years – and lived with
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 40-plus
years – Glenda takes every day as a
   She zips around the balcony, and     MS patient Glenda Arnall has lived with the disease for more than 40 years.
the Honeysuckle precinct for that       BELOW: Researchers Rodney Scott and Jeannette Lechner-Scott.
matter, on an electric buggy as she
fiercely maintains her independence.    clinical coalface. Her husband               The pair are intrigued by
   “I’ve been in a buggy for five       Professor Rodney Scott, meanwhile,       the complexity of a disease
years because it’s easier. I can walk   works at the cutting edge of genetics    that combines neurology and
with the aid of two sticks but I’m      as co-leader of HMRI’s Information       immunology.
impatient,” Glenda says.                Based Medicine Program.                      “Studies have now identified 123
   The penthouse suits her lifestyle                                             genes predisposing to MS – Now
perfectly, and also inspired Glenda                                              we need to find out how we can
to hold a fundraising evening called                                             influence them,” Jeannette says.
“View for a Cause” in late November.                                                 Rodney adds: “All of us have a
   “I have five granddaughters and                                               risk but some cross a threshold and
I want them to visit all the time,”                                              develop the disease.”
Glenda says. “The girls are also                                                     The HMRI team is now
one of the incentives for doing the                                              participating in a world-first clinical
fundraiser – the money might be the                                              trial, known as PrevANZ, which will
catalyst for finding a cure.                                                     determine if Vitamin D supplements
   “They’re all perfectly healthy and      Their research paths merge            can prevent or delay the early
beautiful but you just don’t know. I    because genetic and molecular            onset of MS. Jeannette says it’s
was 22 when I was first diagnosed       profiling is vital to unravelling the    an important step to proving that a
back in the late 1960s.”                mysteries surrounding MS. As a           major risk factor can be modified.
   Since 2007, Glenda has been          married couple, it consumes their            “Although a cure might not yet
a patient and trial participant for     thoughts long after office hours.        be in our grasp, we can now define
Associate Professor Jeannette              “When you’re as involved in your      so many treatment pathways and
Lechner-Scott, Senior Staff             work as Rodney and I am, you don’t       interventions that my aim is to see
Specialist in Neurology at John         leave anything behind,” Jeannette        MS patients going about their daily
Hunter Hospital.                        says. “You think about it when you       life without the disease being a major
   Jeannette is tackling MS at the      walk the dog or go for a bike ride.”     burden on them,” she said.

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RADAR on target

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                                                   Top honour for ‘all-rounder’
A Hunter prostate cancer trial using hormone
therapy to reduce testosterone levels – in
conjunction with radiotherapy – has yielded
                                                   The Hunter Region’s most              ABOVE: Richard Anicich from
promising clinical results, according to chief                                           Sparke Helmore, John Attia,
                                                   prestigious medical research
investigator Professor Jim Denham.                                                       and NBN’s Deborah Wright.
                                                   award has been won by a
   The initial findings of the RADAR
                                                   multidisciplinary epidemiologist      duties and a contribution rate of
(Randomised Androgen Deprivation and
                                                   working in fields as diverse as       almost one medical publication
Radiotherapy) Trial were published recently
                                                   asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart       per week; five of his most
in The Lancet Oncology.
                                                   disease, mental health, public        recent papers appeared in the
   Quality-of-life effects were studied in
                                                   health and stroke.                    respected international journal
a cohort of 1000 men across 23 cancer
                                                     Professor John Attia accepted       Nature Genetics.
centres in Australia and New Zealand.
                                                   the coveted Sparke Helmore/             He currently serves as Chief
   “We’re aiming to see whether 18 months of
                                                   NBN Television Triathlon Award        Investigator for the Hunter
hormone therapy is superior to the standard
                                                   for Research Excellence in a          Community Study, a cohort of
six months of treatment,” Jim said.
                                                   ceremony at the HMRI Building         3,000 men and women aged
   “The study is also testing whether use of
                                                   in late November.                     55-85 years that has ongoing
the drug Zometa can prevent losses in bone
                                                     As a member of HMRI’s               research value in the areas of
mineral density and also prevent the spread
                                                   Information Based Medicine            genetics and ageing.
of secondary cancers into the skeleton.
                                                   and Public Health Programs,             In addition to his research,
   “We obviously want better treatment
                                                   John’s expertise in research          John runs an advanced training
outcomes but not at the price of severe
                                                   methodology, analysis and             program in General Medicine at
side effects. I am highly encouraged by the
                                                   molecular genetics is widely          John Hunter Hospital.
quality-of-life findings.”
                                                   sought by researchers around            “John is a thoroughly deserving
   Cancer-related outcomes of the RADAR
                                                   Australia and the world.              winner and joins a very
trial won’t be known until 2014, however
                                                     “Studies must be designed           impressive HMRI honour board
Jim said that androgen deprivation had
                                                   in such a way that they get           that dates back to 1999,” HMRI
previously been shown to destroy millions of
                                                   accurate results,” John said.         Director Michael Nilsson said.
cancer cells which otherwise would thrive on
                                                     “To give a classic example,           “His work has direct benefit to
                                                   there was a study looking at          public health outcomes across
   The downside was that men experienced
                                                   the link between smoking and          our communities, and building
temporary symptoms similar to menopause.
                                                   Alzheimers Disease, which             capacity in our health services.”
   “In around one quarter of men, side effects
                                                   initially found that smoking was        HMRI Chairman Bob Kennedy
from androgen deprivation can be quite
                                                   protective.                           praised the variety and quality
severe, with hot sweats, swelling of breasts,
                                                     “What the study didn’t factor in,   of work being undertaken by
a reduction in libido and erectile dysfunction,”
                                                   though, was that many smokers         researchers.
he said. “But we found that the additional
                                                   had died earlier, before they had       “In addition to the major
12 months of hormone therapy had little
                                                   a chance to develop Alzheimers.       awards, we were able to present
long-term impact compared to the standard
                                                   When the epidemiology was             a further ten travel prizes funded
treatment. The majority of men returned to
                                                   done correctly, the finding was       by HMRI, PULSE and the Hunter
normal once the therapy ceased.”
                                                   actually reversed.”                   Children’s Research Foundation
   RADAR was kick-started by a donation
                                                     John juggles an extraordinary       to help our younger researchers
from HMRI supporters, the Gusse family.
                                                   work load with teaching               advance their careers,” he said.
news in brief
                                                                              Four new gene
                                                                           regions linked to
                                                                           endometriosis have
                                                                           been discovered
                                                                           in an international
                                                                           study involving HMRI
                                                                             The study of 5648
                                                                           Australian, Japanese
                                                                           and European women with endometriosis
                                                                           gives a clearer picture of the causes of this
                                                                           gynaecological condition, which affects up to
                                         Luke Wolfenden, left, Rebecca     10 per cent of Australian women and causes
                                         Wilson from PULSE, and travel     about half of all female infertility.
                                         award winner Morgan James.          The condition can also induce pelvic pain,
                                                                           menstrual disturbance, and tissue damage.
                                                                             Newcastle researchers Professor Rodney
Good for life ...                     fruit and vegetable consumption
                                      among children.
                                                                           Scott, Dr Elizabeth Holliday, Professor John
                                                                           Attia and Dr Mark McEvoy assisted the

good for Luke                           Another current trial aims to
                                      encourage greater physical
                                                                           Queensland Institute of Medical Research.
                                                                             “This is a major genetic discovery for
                                      activity among children in           such a complex disease, which will help in
Also at the HMRI Awards Night,        childcare.                           building risk profiles,” Rodney Scott said.
Public Health research fellow Dr        A computer-based smoking
                                      intervention continues to operate                             A drug widely used to
Luke Wolfenden was named the
                                      at John Hunter Hospital five                               treat pain and epilepsy
PULSE Early Career Researcher
                                      years after his research ended.                            can substantially reduce
of the Year.                                                                                     the severity of long-
  Luke, 32, works with Hunter           Another first was the trial of
                                                                                                 term chronic coughing,
New England Population Health         a sporting club intervention                               according to a new
at the Wallsend campus and is         to reduce at-risk alcohol                                  study conducted by Dr
a conjoint senior lecturer at the     consumption. Through the                                   Nicole Ryan.
University of Newcastle.              Australian Drug Foundation it has                             Her findings are
  His far-reaching research           reached 5000 clubs nationwide.       the first to show that the drug Gabapentin
has significant public health           “Receiving the award has been      suppresses a nerve-related trigger
relevance as it delves into           humbling,” Luke said. “It has        responsible for stimulating persistent
smoking cessation, alchohol           brought a sense of achievement       coughing. “The results are very promising
                                      and renewed determination to         and raise hope for many people with
abuse and obesity prevention.
                                                                           refractory chronic cough,” Nicole said.
  He successfully managed             conduct innovative research to
                                                                              “The condition can be both
Australia’s largest child obesity     improve community health.”
                                                                           psychologically and physically disabling,
prevention program, “Good For            PULSE also presented travel       and there have been no effective drugs
Kids, Good For Life”, and also        awards to Morgan James and           available. Sufferers now have a potential
conducted the first trial of a        Kirsty Pringle, allowing them to     new treatment option.”
telephone program to promote          attend overseas conferences.
                                                                              Dr Kenneth Moss
     State awards for scientists                                           AM, a foundation board
                                                                           member of the Hunter
  Two past HMRI Award for Research Excellence winners have                 Medical Research
  been acknowledged in the 2012 NSW Science and Engineering                Institute from 1998 to
  awards announced in Sydney.                                              2002, passed away
    Laureate Professor John Aitken was named NSW Scientist of              suddenly in October,
  the Year for his world-leading work in reproductive biology.             just months after being
    “Each year the reproductive needs of some 120 million couples          appointed the University
  worldwide go unmet. Finding more effective ways to control               of Newcastle’s 6th Chancellor.
  fertility is a critical global issue while, at an individual level, we      Dr Moss headed a Capital Campaign
  should never forget the large number of couples seeking safe,            that yielded significant funding for the HMRI
  effective solutions to their infertility,” Professor Aitken said.        Building. He was deeply committed to the
    Fellow University of Newcastle researcher Laureate Professor           University, having graduated with a Bachelor
  Paul Foster won the Excellence in Biological Sciences (Human             of Engineering degree (Hons) in 1968 and a
  and Animal Health) award for his work in respiratory disease.            PhD in mechanical engineering in 1974.
      U t
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H rd

Extra-Ord-inary finish to race
Eight yachts crewed by
HMRI supporters enjoyed a
                                    Fensom’s Long Time Dead,
                                    while third across the line was
                                                                         Dungog bike ride
magnificent day’s sailing on        Wizzard owned by Mic Hinchey.           Member for Newcastle, Tim Owen AM MP,
Newcastle Harbour, contesting         “The HMRI Cup is a great way       went along for the ride when the third annual
the Ord Minnett HMRI Cup.           for NCYC to partner with Hunter      Newcastle to Dungog Charity Bike Ride
  With sponsor Ord Minnett’s        Medical Research Institute and       began on October 27.
crew aboard, the 43-footer          help raise funds for the great          After flagging away the lead riders
Anger Management came from          work they do across a variety        from Nobbys Beach at 6.30am, the State
last place in a handicap start to   of research fields,” NCYC            parliamentarian hopped on a borrowed
clinch victory by a nose.           Chief Executive Officer Richard      bicycle and rode the first section of the
  It was the closest finish in      Howard said.                         picturesque 90km course.
the club’s history, according to      “This year the weather gods           “It has been quite a few years since I last
winning skipper Phil Arnall, the    were kind, allowing for some         hopped on a pushbike but I enjoyed taking
Club Commodore.                     great racing and a fabulous after    part,” Mr Owen said.
  Second place went to Matt         party back at NCYC.”                    “I like the idea of a healthy activity like
                                                                         cycling helping to fund medical research
                                                                         through HMRI, so I take my hat off to all the
                                                                         riders who competed.”
                                                                            The event raised around $15,000 as some
                                                                         220 riders – ranging from elite racers through
                                                                         to the so-called “charleys” – formed an
                                                                         impressive peloton.
                                                                            The route takes in four local government
                                                                         areas – Newcastle, Port Stephens, Great
                                                                         Lakes and Dungog – as it wends its way to
                                                                         the foothills of Barrington.
                                                                            “It’s a unique event in the Hunter, being
                                                                         slightly longer than the Loop The Lake
                                                                         and following a course through beautiful
                                                                         countryside that riders don’t often see,” event
                                                                         spokesman Ian Bourne said.
                                                                            Rotary members served as marshals and
                                                                         also greeted the riders upon crossing the
                 Coming in 2013!                                         finish line at Dungog’s Jubilee Park.
                                                                         See for more details.
 Dec-Jan 20 	    Maitland Regional Art Gallery is hosting the HMRI 	
 		              artist in residence Judith White.
 Jan 26		        PULSE Australia Day party                              Lot 1, Kookaburra Cct
                                                                        New Lambton
 Feb 22 	 	      HMRI Golf Day
 		              Newcastle Golf Course                                  Locked Bag 1000
                                                                        New Lambton
 Mar 17		 20th Sparke Helmore/NBN Television triathlon                  NSW 2305
 		incorporating the Greater Foreshore 5 (Mar 15) 	                     T 02 4042 0000
 		and Tri-junior triathlon (Mar 16)                                    F 02 4042 0001
         SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS                               ABN 27 081 436 919
Your support helps
fund life-changing 	

You can make a real difference

Having spent his working life dispensing good
medicine and good advice, pharmacist Vic Carroll
had a healthy respect for his own wellbeing when
he reached retirement. Just as well …
His regular PSA checks began showing a steady
increase and when the reading reached 6.6, Vic’s
GP referred him to a urologist. A biopsy confirmed
that further treatment was warranted.
“The ‘ray’ treatment went for seven weeks, five
days a week, but I’d drive to Waratah, have my
treatment and be home in an hour,” the Merewether
resident said.
In addition to radiotherapy
Vic received an androgen
deprivation (AD) drug in the
RADAR trial (see page 2).
Now aged 74, Vic has
annual appointments with
Professor Jim Denham and
just received his five-year
“In the Hunter we found
that testing rates had
soared after the ‘Little Prick’ campaign
and, as a result, our detection rate became the
highest in the State according to the NSW Cancer
registry,” Jim Denham said, before adding that early
diagnosis by itself won’t save lives.
Close to 3,300 Australian men succumb to prostate
cancer each year but through research they have a
fighting chance. Jim Denham reported that the use
of six months of AD had reduced prostate cancer
death rates 10 years after treatment from 22% to
11.4% in the trial’s predecessor (TROG 96.01).
As part of the RADAR trial, Vic also took the drug
Zometa but he stopped the medication after it flared
up his gout. Today, he plays tennis three times a
week, walks and gardens.
“Thanks to more effective treatments, that have
been ‘road tested’ in our trials program, we hope
to see the Hunter’s mortality rate, which has been
the highest in NSW for many years, dropping in the
next three or four years,” Jim said.

You can help make life better for cancer
patients like Vic. Please donate today by
completing the form overleaf, or online.

                      I would like to make a
                      donation in support of
                      life changing research!

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   $30		              $50		                  $100
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Payment options:
  Please find enclosed a cheque or money order
  (made payable to HMRI), or
   Please find my credit card details below.
  You can also make a donation online at or by calling our office
  between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday,
  on (02) 4042 1000.
  Gifts of $2 or more are tax deductible.
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   VISA		 Mastercard

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To remove your name from our mailing list, please call our office
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   Please post this form (no stamp required) to:
   Hunter Medical Research Institute
   Reply Paid 86352
   New Lambton NSW 2305

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HMRI Searcher Newsletter Summer 2012-13

  • 1. summer 2012 searcher Solving the MS mysteries Trawlers, tugs, ships, silos – everything has something to “say”, declares Glenda Arnall as she drinks in the eye-watering view from her Newcastle Harbour penthouse. Having lived in the stunning home for four years – and lived with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 40-plus years – Glenda takes every day as a blessing. She zips around the balcony, and MS patient Glenda Arnall has lived with the disease for more than 40 years. the Honeysuckle precinct for that BELOW: Researchers Rodney Scott and Jeannette Lechner-Scott. matter, on an electric buggy as she fiercely maintains her independence. clinical coalface. Her husband The pair are intrigued by “I’ve been in a buggy for five Professor Rodney Scott, meanwhile, the complexity of a disease years because it’s easier. I can walk works at the cutting edge of genetics that combines neurology and with the aid of two sticks but I’m as co-leader of HMRI’s Information immunology. impatient,” Glenda says. Based Medicine Program. “Studies have now identified 123 The penthouse suits her lifestyle genes predisposing to MS – Now perfectly, and also inspired Glenda we need to find out how we can to hold a fundraising evening called influence them,” Jeannette says. “View for a Cause” in late November. Rodney adds: “All of us have a “I have five granddaughters and risk but some cross a threshold and I want them to visit all the time,” develop the disease.” Glenda says. “The girls are also The HMRI team is now one of the incentives for doing the participating in a world-first clinical fundraiser – the money might be the trial, known as PrevANZ, which will catalyst for finding a cure. determine if Vitamin D supplements “They’re all perfectly healthy and Their research paths merge can prevent or delay the early beautiful but you just don’t know. I because genetic and molecular onset of MS. Jeannette says it’s was 22 when I was first diagnosed profiling is vital to unravelling the an important step to proving that a back in the late 1960s.” mysteries surrounding MS. As a major risk factor can be modified. Since 2007, Glenda has been married couple, it consumes their “Although a cure might not yet a patient and trial participant for thoughts long after office hours. be in our grasp, we can now define Associate Professor Jeannette “When you’re as involved in your so many treatment pathways and Lechner-Scott, Senior Staff work as Rodney and I am, you don’t interventions that my aim is to see Specialist in Neurology at John leave anything behind,” Jeannette MS patients going about their daily Hunter Hospital. says. “You think about it when you life without the disease being a major Jeannette is tackling MS at the walk the dog or go for a bike ride.” burden on them,” she said. Follow HMRI on Facebook and Twitter
  • 2. community RADAR on target A w H ds ar M N R ig I h t Top honour for ‘all-rounder’ A Hunter prostate cancer trial using hormone therapy to reduce testosterone levels – in conjunction with radiotherapy – has yielded The Hunter Region’s most ABOVE: Richard Anicich from promising clinical results, according to chief Sparke Helmore, John Attia, prestigious medical research investigator Professor Jim Denham. and NBN’s Deborah Wright. award has been won by a The initial findings of the RADAR multidisciplinary epidemiologist duties and a contribution rate of (Randomised Androgen Deprivation and working in fields as diverse as almost one medical publication Radiotherapy) Trial were published recently asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart per week; five of his most in The Lancet Oncology. disease, mental health, public recent papers appeared in the Quality-of-life effects were studied in health and stroke. respected international journal a cohort of 1000 men across 23 cancer Professor John Attia accepted Nature Genetics. centres in Australia and New Zealand. the coveted Sparke Helmore/ He currently serves as Chief “We’re aiming to see whether 18 months of NBN Television Triathlon Award Investigator for the Hunter hormone therapy is superior to the standard for Research Excellence in a Community Study, a cohort of six months of treatment,” Jim said. ceremony at the HMRI Building 3,000 men and women aged “The study is also testing whether use of in late November. 55-85 years that has ongoing the drug Zometa can prevent losses in bone As a member of HMRI’s research value in the areas of mineral density and also prevent the spread Information Based Medicine genetics and ageing. of secondary cancers into the skeleton. and Public Health Programs, In addition to his research, “We obviously want better treatment John’s expertise in research John runs an advanced training outcomes but not at the price of severe methodology, analysis and program in General Medicine at side effects. I am highly encouraged by the molecular genetics is widely John Hunter Hospital. quality-of-life findings.” sought by researchers around “John is a thoroughly deserving Cancer-related outcomes of the RADAR Australia and the world. winner and joins a very trial won’t be known until 2014, however “Studies must be designed impressive HMRI honour board Jim said that androgen deprivation had in such a way that they get that dates back to 1999,” HMRI previously been shown to destroy millions of accurate results,” John said. Director Michael Nilsson said. cancer cells which otherwise would thrive on “To give a classic example, “His work has direct benefit to testosterone. there was a study looking at public health outcomes across The downside was that men experienced the link between smoking and our communities, and building temporary symptoms similar to menopause. Alzheimers Disease, which capacity in our health services.” “In around one quarter of men, side effects initially found that smoking was HMRI Chairman Bob Kennedy from androgen deprivation can be quite protective. praised the variety and quality severe, with hot sweats, swelling of breasts, “What the study didn’t factor in, of work being undertaken by a reduction in libido and erectile dysfunction,” though, was that many smokers researchers. he said. “But we found that the additional had died earlier, before they had “In addition to the major 12 months of hormone therapy had little a chance to develop Alzheimers. awards, we were able to present long-term impact compared to the standard When the epidemiology was a further ten travel prizes funded treatment. The majority of men returned to done correctly, the finding was by HMRI, PULSE and the Hunter normal once the therapy ceased.” actually reversed.” Children’s Research Foundation RADAR was kick-started by a donation John juggles an extraordinary to help our younger researchers from HMRI supporters, the Gusse family. work load with teaching advance their careers,” he said.
  • 3. news in brief Four new gene regions linked to endometriosis have been discovered in an international study involving HMRI researchers. The study of 5648 Australian, Japanese and European women with endometriosis gives a clearer picture of the causes of this gynaecological condition, which affects up to Luke Wolfenden, left, Rebecca 10 per cent of Australian women and causes Wilson from PULSE, and travel about half of all female infertility. award winner Morgan James. The condition can also induce pelvic pain, menstrual disturbance, and tissue damage. Newcastle researchers Professor Rodney Good for life ... fruit and vegetable consumption among children. Scott, Dr Elizabeth Holliday, Professor John Attia and Dr Mark McEvoy assisted the good for Luke Another current trial aims to encourage greater physical Queensland Institute of Medical Research. “This is a major genetic discovery for activity among children in such a complex disease, which will help in Also at the HMRI Awards Night, childcare. building risk profiles,” Rodney Scott said. Public Health research fellow Dr A computer-based smoking intervention continues to operate A drug widely used to Luke Wolfenden was named the at John Hunter Hospital five treat pain and epilepsy PULSE Early Career Researcher years after his research ended. can substantially reduce of the Year. the severity of long- Luke, 32, works with Hunter Another first was the trial of term chronic coughing, New England Population Health a sporting club intervention according to a new at the Wallsend campus and is to reduce at-risk alcohol study conducted by Dr a conjoint senior lecturer at the consumption. Through the Nicole Ryan. University of Newcastle. Australian Drug Foundation it has Her findings are His far-reaching research reached 5000 clubs nationwide. the first to show that the drug Gabapentin has significant public health “Receiving the award has been suppresses a nerve-related trigger relevance as it delves into humbling,” Luke said. “It has responsible for stimulating persistent smoking cessation, alchohol brought a sense of achievement coughing. “The results are very promising and renewed determination to and raise hope for many people with abuse and obesity prevention. refractory chronic cough,” Nicole said. He successfully managed conduct innovative research to “The condition can be both Australia’s largest child obesity improve community health.” psychologically and physically disabling, prevention program, “Good For PULSE also presented travel and there have been no effective drugs Kids, Good For Life”, and also awards to Morgan James and available. Sufferers now have a potential conducted the first trial of a Kirsty Pringle, allowing them to new treatment option.” telephone program to promote attend overseas conferences. Dr Kenneth Moss State awards for scientists AM, a foundation board member of the Hunter Two past HMRI Award for Research Excellence winners have Medical Research been acknowledged in the 2012 NSW Science and Engineering Institute from 1998 to awards announced in Sydney. 2002, passed away Laureate Professor John Aitken was named NSW Scientist of suddenly in October, the Year for his world-leading work in reproductive biology. just months after being “Each year the reproductive needs of some 120 million couples appointed the University worldwide go unmet. Finding more effective ways to control of Newcastle’s 6th Chancellor. fertility is a critical global issue while, at an individual level, we Dr Moss headed a Capital Campaign should never forget the large number of couples seeking safe, that yielded significant funding for the HMRI effective solutions to their infertility,” Professor Aitken said. Building. He was deeply committed to the Fellow University of Newcastle researcher Laureate Professor University, having graduated with a Bachelor Paul Foster won the Excellence in Biological Sciences (Human of Engineering degree (Hons) in 1968 and a and Animal Health) award for his work in respiratory disease. PhD in mechanical engineering in 1974.
  • 4. events U t C et P I n R in M M H rd O Extra-Ord-inary finish to race Eight yachts crewed by HMRI supporters enjoyed a Fensom’s Long Time Dead, while third across the line was Dungog bike ride magnificent day’s sailing on Wizzard owned by Mic Hinchey. Member for Newcastle, Tim Owen AM MP, Newcastle Harbour, contesting “The HMRI Cup is a great way went along for the ride when the third annual the Ord Minnett HMRI Cup. for NCYC to partner with Hunter Newcastle to Dungog Charity Bike Ride With sponsor Ord Minnett’s Medical Research Institute and began on October 27. crew aboard, the 43-footer help raise funds for the great After flagging away the lead riders Anger Management came from work they do across a variety from Nobbys Beach at 6.30am, the State last place in a handicap start to of research fields,” NCYC parliamentarian hopped on a borrowed clinch victory by a nose. Chief Executive Officer Richard bicycle and rode the first section of the It was the closest finish in Howard said. picturesque 90km course. the club’s history, according to “This year the weather gods “It has been quite a few years since I last winning skipper Phil Arnall, the were kind, allowing for some hopped on a pushbike but I enjoyed taking Club Commodore. great racing and a fabulous after part,” Mr Owen said. Second place went to Matt party back at NCYC.” “I like the idea of a healthy activity like cycling helping to fund medical research through HMRI, so I take my hat off to all the riders who competed.” The event raised around $15,000 as some 220 riders – ranging from elite racers through to the so-called “charleys” – formed an impressive peloton. The route takes in four local government areas – Newcastle, Port Stephens, Great Lakes and Dungog – as it wends its way to the foothills of Barrington. “It’s a unique event in the Hunter, being slightly longer than the Loop The Lake and following a course through beautiful countryside that riders don’t often see,” event spokesman Ian Bourne said. Rotary members served as marshals and also greeted the riders upon crossing the Coming in 2013! finish line at Dungog’s Jubilee Park. See for more details. Dec-Jan 20 Maitland Regional Art Gallery is hosting the HMRI artist in residence Judith White. Jan 26 PULSE Australia Day party Lot 1, Kookaburra Cct New Lambton Feb 22 HMRI Golf Day Newcastle Golf Course Locked Bag 1000 New Lambton Mar 17 20th Sparke Helmore/NBN Television triathlon NSW 2305 incorporating the Greater Foreshore 5 (Mar 15) T 02 4042 0000 and Tri-junior triathlon (Mar 16) F 02 4042 0001 E SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS ABN 27 081 436 919
  • 5. Your support helps fund life-changing research! You can make a real difference Having spent his working life dispensing good medicine and good advice, pharmacist Vic Carroll had a healthy respect for his own wellbeing when he reached retirement. Just as well … His regular PSA checks began showing a steady increase and when the reading reached 6.6, Vic’s GP referred him to a urologist. A biopsy confirmed that further treatment was warranted. “The ‘ray’ treatment went for seven weeks, five days a week, but I’d drive to Waratah, have my treatment and be home in an hour,” the Merewether resident said. In addition to radiotherapy Vic received an androgen deprivation (AD) drug in the RADAR trial (see page 2). Now aged 74, Vic has annual appointments with Professor Jim Denham and just received his five-year all-clear. “In the Hunter we found that testing rates had soared after the ‘Little Prick’ campaign and, as a result, our detection rate became the highest in the State according to the NSW Cancer registry,” Jim Denham said, before adding that early diagnosis by itself won’t save lives. Close to 3,300 Australian men succumb to prostate cancer each year but through research they have a fighting chance. Jim Denham reported that the use of six months of AD had reduced prostate cancer death rates 10 years after treatment from 22% to 11.4% in the trial’s predecessor (TROG 96.01). As part of the RADAR trial, Vic also took the drug Zometa but he stopped the medication after it flared up his gout. Today, he plays tennis three times a week, walks and gardens. “Thanks to more effective treatments, that have been ‘road tested’ in our trials program, we hope to see the Hunter’s mortality rate, which has been the highest in NSW for many years, dropping in the next three or four years,” Jim said. You can help make life better for cancer patients like Vic. Please donate today by completing the form overleaf, or online.
  • 6. Yes! I would like to make a donation in support of life changing research! Please accept my donation of: $30 $50 $100 My choice: $ DM - SEARCHER-1213Q2 D&S Payment options: Please find enclosed a cheque or money order (made payable to HMRI), or Please find my credit card details below. You can also make a donation online at or by calling our office between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, on (02) 4042 1000. Gifts of $2 or more are tax deductible. Please debit my card: VISA Mastercard Credit Card number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry: __ __ / __ __ Security Number: __ __ __ (last three digits on the back of your card) Name on card: Signature: Name: Address: Phone: Mobile: Email: We will use your email address to keep you up to date with our latest campaign and project information. Date of birth: We are privacy compliant and will only disclose information to you in future once personal details, such as date of birth, have been verified. To remove your name from our mailing list, please call our office on (02) 4042 1000. Please post this form (no stamp required) to: Hunter Medical Research Institute Reply Paid 86352 New Lambton NSW 2305