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~ i ~
Glory and credit to God my creator who designed me and gave me life once again to testify of
His greatness. Credit to my father because he has given me breath every day to testify of his
greatness. I extend my sincere gratitude to my brother Jonah Masika, daddy the extent of your
sacrifice is beyond human capability. May God bless you; May He remember you in all aspects
of your life, you are a real blessing, much gratitude to my brother Devis Bwire and my brother
Gilbert Aura. These men stood with me in the real practicality, they went out of their means to
ensure that I find life again and that I draw meaning from it.
Sincere gratitude to my sister Alice, my brother Clifford Mulama and Allan Araka. gratitude to
the family of WESO, while things were not adding up you stood up in prayer to ensure that I
stand up again on my feet the same way the church in the Acts prayed for the release of the
Apostles. God bless you all.
Sincere gratitude again to the family of WESO, you did not only stand with me in prayer but you
went out of your financial spectrum to raise a huge sum that I used to clear my bills in the
Much gratitude and acknowledgement to my dear Mum Christine for your commitment to ensure
that your son gets well.
Surely short of words but I can’t forget to extend my thanks giving to my friends, Pastor Kevin
Temesi, Edgar Auka, Brenda Okuku, Collins, Lucy Nyokabi, Winnie Kanguha, Esther Nechesah
and many more that stood by me and with me. You are special people to me, I intrinsically value
and love you.
Special thanks to My dear brother Hopkins, I can’t reward you but My father has something for
you. The role you played daddy is beyond words. May God bless you very much, much thanks to
my dear sister Rose Naiga, May God bless you and put you in remembrance.
I can’t close this chapter before extending my sincere special thanks to my dear dad pastor
Samuel Shitote. Daddy you are so special to me. Your position is so vital that it causes my heart
always to remember you and pray to God for you. May you never lack in anything daddy. God’s
blessings be upon you forever.
~ ii ~
I dedicate this book to my mum Christine Nabwire, to my siblings, to the church of WESO and
to the young generation that are seeking God. Special dedication to the young men and women
that are learning from me. And finally, to my dear friends all over the globe.
~ iii ~
1. Introduction…………………………………………………....…………………….Page 1
2. The Small beginning………………………………………………………………. Page 3
3. The ride……………………………………………………………………...……... Page 4
4. The Tears of a 26 old man………………………………………………...………. Page 6
5. My two untrained doctors…………………………………………………… …… Page 8
6. The elder’s night…………………………………………………………… ……. Page 9
7. Bad to worse……………………………………………………………… ……. Page 10
8. The Supernatural travel……………………………………………… …………. Page 11
9. The world of modern drama……………………………………………………… Page 13
10. The Heaven’s drama………………………………………………………...……. Page 16
11. Faith in action…………………………………………………………..………... Page 19
12. God is real………………………………...……………………………. …….…. Page 23
13. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………....… 24
It meant no meaning to me when the holy scriptures say: “many are the plans of men but God
Almighty establishes them” until I encountered this magnificent season of learning.
There are seasons we face in this life while we still have an opportunity to live on this earth that
determines our future belief and perhaps our view of life. I agree that the world is a field of
drama in which everyone comes, performs and leaves. Many are things that happens on this earth
and in all cases, these happenings always have a direct effect to the life of the living. This creates
their tomorrow and sometimes destroy their future. Whether a believer or a non-believer, what is
constant is that circumstances weaken or strengthen us.
Life is a perfect derivative of individual responses to situations that happen to the individuals in
the direct proportionality to their faith and the degree of growth of their relationship with their
maker. After pressing situations in life, some choose to interpolate their life or rather truncate but
some choose to extrapolate and stretch towards recovery and they take advantage of the past to
perfect their tomorrow. In all this circumstances there is a response by the individuals either in
the positive plane or in the negative plane.
There is another case where things happen to someone in life beyond his control or imagination.
The supernatural takes the full control over their life acting both as the switch gears and the
determiners. Some times the evil spirits evade the life of someone, enslaves him and operates his
life at their convenience, sometimes the spirit of God causes life of one to be propelled in a
trajectory that someone could not do by his own strength or even imagination. It will be a great
injustice if I can forget to say that life is spiritual. The spirits control our lives and the operation
of everything. This simply means that nothing either evil or good can happen physically by its
own unless it has been established in the spiritual real.
Spirits control sickness, spirits also control the healing, success and failure, progress or
stagnation are also first facilitated by the spirits then manifest to the individual in their physical
life. A man lives first in the spirit before he lives in the physical and he also dies first in the spirit
before he could die physically. All things begin by the spirit first before they manifest in the
physical. “Hebrews 11:4 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command,
so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” From what was not seen (but real,
existed but not visible to the physical man) He made all things that are seen.
Knowledge is the first and essential tool that affects the response of a person from a situation. It
is said, you are always a slave in any area you lack knowledge and the arising and the lifting of
men is directly dependent on the knowledge. And the knowledge of the Kingdom is the best
knowledge that all men should have.
Indeed, many were my plans as a young man and I had a great hope to accomplish this and that
in this city and in that city as I purpose fulfillment for my future. The day was long waited for.
Not to mention that it was my birthday. I never celebrated such a day in my life until I came to
campus and realized people could celebrate it.
~ 2 ~
I purposed that this time around I would celebrate in a style with my friends and my dear people.
Good enough I had completed workshop and my semester and I was free to do whatsoever. I
planned and that was the day I was to travel home to see my dear friend in Busia and I was to
celebrate together with her and the family. Unfortunately, just exactly the same day I was to
celebrate my birthday, was the burial day for my friend's father.
I had no option since she was so dear to me and I was one of them that were in her inner Circle
so it was necessary that we comfort her till the laying off. We purposed with my friends to attend
then when we would come back, I could celebrate my great day. little did I know many are the
plans of Man. On the same date, 23rd of July was the Great WESO elders’ night 2022 and I had
purposed to partake because many of the Elders or finalists were my dear friends. I purposed to
see them finish school in a style. Indeed, the day was packed and planned for.
It is good for a young man to be objective and to be goal centered and it was so to me. It was
pleasing but wait and see what was in the heart of My Father God. The training of my father will
always yield fruits that will remain. Glory and honour be to God Almighty my creator who is the
author of this Story. From this story will shall learn on the good will of God, the training of God,
the mercies of God, the power of God, Faith and the sacrifice of brethren.
~ 3 ~
The Small beginning
The 22nd of July, one day before the burial, together with my friend Davis and Gilbert decided
to travel to the funeral. It was wise that we go one day before so that we could help our sister do
some things for the preparations that were necessary. It was a nice Friday and we decided first to
call on the name of God before we could start our journey. So early in the morning we set off for
prayers at the WESO bush alter. We really prayed honestly and fervently for the success of the
journey and comfort to our sister and strength to her family. Suddenly as we were praying in the
bush, I began to feel some pain from the lower part of my stomach. It seemed obvious to me
because since my high school I had experienced such like pains that could come for a while and
I decided to pray while sleeping prostrate on the ground. However, my friends realized this and
they knew I was not okay. So, after the prayer session ended, they recommended that I should go
to the school dispensary for the checkup. I was accompanied by my friend Gilbert to the
dispensary but we could not be helped since we didn’t have the requirement that could facilitate
my help. After getting out of the dispensary the pain stopped and I felt relieved. In my mind I
believed it was the end of the pain and the journey was to be smooth.
We hired a motorbike from a friend of mine that could facilitate us to travel from Moi University
to Kakamega county a place called Kilindili. The preparations were set, the riding garments were
ready and we began our journey at around 4 p.m. from Mabatini kesses to go and mourn with our
sister Esther. Actually, the stomach ceased and it seemed to be permanently healed and I had
confidence and guess what I was the trusted rider of the bike.
~ 4 ~
The ride
We began our journey at 4pm to the funeral and actually I was the pilot. The journey was
cool though the weather was so cold. God graced us well until we reached Chavakali
market few kilometers to our destination. We saw it wise to visit a supermarket and buy
some snacks since we were not sure of the state of the event. We bought some and took
them rapidly just outside the supermarket. We also bought a packet of sweets hooping
that they could help us manage the night until the down arrives.
We got back to our bike relaxed and expecting to land in few minutes to our destination.
Suddenly, while riding the bike, I begun to feel some abdominal pain. They say behave
like a man, surely, I tried to be one but the pain persisted. When it was beyond control
and I could not contain it any long, I stopped the bike suddenly and sat at the side of the
road. My friends were shocked but it still looked like a drama to them since they used to
see me entertaining them. When I persisted coiling down and pressing my stomach hard
inside, they asked me the issue. “The stomach” was my brief response. All of us believed
it was just something that could take a little time and cease. Within few minutes, I lied
flat on the road crying but at a low tone.
It was now getting serious and all were terrified of what was happening and how it could
be handled since by then it was around 8pm.The drama in my stomach got serious and
actually the actors were so determined to play it well. Beyond my control, I begun to
shout in a loud voice,” my stomach…my stomach…my stomach”. I believe the drama
action was of the horror design. The cry intensified just proportional to the pain. Within a
spectrum of twenty minutes, my lower abdomen was beyond touch, you could think I had
received ten bullets on my stomach and touching it was therefore hell to me.
Thank God I vomited deeply and the stomach pain ceased for a while. However, the
walls of my stomach were still painful and could not be touched. In fact, having contact
with anything was a hell drama. We had to complete what we begun and surely the
journey continued with Devis being the new pilot. This was another session of tears
again. Because of the state of my stomach, I was only comfortable when the bike moves
with a constant speed and smoothly. This meant bumps and holes were to be cleared on
the road and the bike was to run at a very uniform speed. On this earth obviously this
could not work. The journey was a real horror to me but I had no option.
By the grace of the Almighty, we successfully reached Kilindini market center, the
dispensary was necessary hear. The drama intensified and I felt like someone was really
cutting my intestines from the inside. Could it be the snacks we took that were expired?
Maybe. I rolled on the ground like a snake just to find help to ease my pain but it was
impossible. My efforts were really futile. My state was a live drama to the traders that
were still in the market. This was new and entertaining to them and surely, they enjoyed.
~ 5 ~
My friends rushed to the nearby chemist and brought some painkillers. I can’t know
where water came from but I remember using it to swallow the drugs. Mine mouth
discharged again and I felt some rest for a while. We had no time to waste since we
didn’t know what could have happened next. On the bike again slowly to the actual
Immediately we landed, the actors in my stomach decided to utilize that opportunity to
advance the degree of action. This is the first time I felt like dying could at least help me
rest since no solution was probable. As Esther was being contacted to be informed of our
arrival so that she could come and pick us, I found myself in a very deep trench at the
side of the road just at the gate. Life really lost its meaning to me trying to imagine that
the people who came to comfort one in the problem are the one in need of help,
multiplying the problem and the pains of our sister. It was tough. By the time she came to
pick us, we were surrounded by a legion of villagers. It was very difficult to comprehend
and my soul and mind travelled in miles.
~ 6 ~
The tears of a 26 old man
I was taken to the room to rest because the journey was too long for me but my friends were
taken to the tent to view the body. I rested for some minutes in the room and I enjoyed relief
again. Suddenly it began, it was so intense that I lost the hope even though I tried to look for
help. I cried in a loud voice but unfortunately the outside was a very loud music and the people
were dancing so no one could hear my voice Crying from inside of the house.
I had no option but to crawl on my stomach to the door to try if anyone could hear me and come
for my aid. The day was really not mine, in reaching the door I opened it and cried for help
because there were a lot of people seated next to the room, the arrows were so intense in my
stomach and therefore I cried at the top of my voice but to no avail.
Surely, many people were so near the door at which I was crying for help but no one could hear
me since the music was so loud and they were really enjoying it. Things added not up any longer,
tears rolled down my face without my control, my heart cried and my spirit was getting weak to
struggle any longer. Thank God some few people realized that drama and came. Nevertheless,
the more I cried is the more they perceived to be the influence of alcohol. As I cried for help,
they saw me like their fellows drunker and they shouted,” add him more alcohol he shall be
well”. I perceived my end from that moment, my friends were not close and Esther was so busy
trying to put things in their rightful order.
In Samia we say, “what is better than you eat you”. I surely gave up. These people begun to use
me as a playing toy, several times I was carried up and thrown down. Pain upon pain was my
day. My heart stopped bleeding and I agreed with the Samia saying but I was warried to just die
in that home though I was willing to go. These people enjoyed the game with me, I was then
lifted so high and dropped down but this time round my body feelings or senses were active. I
felt a very intense pain and shouted at the top of my voice, ‘My Jesus”.
The light was never placed at the beginning of the tunnel from the beginning and surely this
shout facilitated my vision of the light at the end of the tunnel even though the tunnel itself was
absent. Hearing me shout the name Jesus, they stood still some distance from me, they realized I
was not their fellow drunker. They inquired to know me and surely, I could not waste this a
golden opportunity. I quickly said ‘I am Alphayo Elias a friend to Esther from Moi University,
we came three of us and my friends have gone to view the body. I got ill on the arrival and was
brought here to rest.’ This meant some meaning and I quickly asked them to call me Esther with
tears rolling my face uncontrollable, the relief could not be sustained when they all said they
don’t know anyone by the name Esther.
No option, I told them to call me any member of the family they knew hoping that when they
come, I could have explained or Esther could have been reached. Yeah, surely, she came
eventually but looking so disturbed by the planning and the organization of the burial. I
~ 7 ~
sympathized with her understanding that I was another problem but what could I have done?
Devis and Gilbert also came and tried to figure out what would be done.
Another discharge from my mouth made me cool for some time and they were at least relieved,
she went back and the two stood there to watch over me. It was very late in the night and the
hospital was hard to access. So, a nurse was contacted to come and treat me. Waiting was the
best we could do, I slept on my stomach in the room of the house pretending to be improving
only not to give them more stress. As the pain came, I pressed my stomach hard inside to counter
the pain. I believe I was using the principle of action reaction or sacrificial treatment. Since the
walls of my stomach were very painful when touched, I could press them very hard so that the
pain on the walls could override the intestinal pain. This worked for me and at least my friends
had time to breathe fresh air.
After a short while, the drama shifted to the Chinese Shoulin soccer and the players were doing it
to their climax. I gave my phone to Gilbert and told him to call my mum immediately and inform
her I was badly ill and I was not in school but in Kakamega. In others words I purposed to let her
know before I surrender my spirit. He obeyed and did exactly is I requested.
The next thing I said everyone in that room begun to look at me very careful. “I am dying… I am
dying…I am dying.” I began to shout. Gilbert could tell me brother stop saying that, you won’t
die but I believed he didn’t know what was happening in its exactitude. I tremendously rolled on
the flow hitting everyone that was in the room a wake or a sleep. Everyone woke up and
wondered what was the drama for. The drama in my stomach was so corrosive and I felt like my
heart was being eaten away. My next minute was unpredictable. The nurse came and injected me
some paracetamol and off course the pain was killed. He then said that I had a very strong
malaria and I would be well in a short while, that was 1am in the night. The nurse left eventually
on seeing the pain countered and the hope was restored to all that were present. The room was
filled with sympathy and I could feel it.
After one hour, that is 2am, I realized that I had no luck and I began to bleed again from within
me. Since I had stressed them much, I didn’t want them to realize the pain was in return. This
was a double impact pain; I am dying phrases filled the air again. I cried till 5pm continuously
without anything to do. I felt pain in my heart, imagining that the comforter, was another big
problem to our sister and that if anything could have happened to me, she could be in a big
tragedy. I commanded my friends to take me out of that home regardless of where they could
take me. I was willing to die from the outside but not in the compound. Thank God I landed in
the Kilindini dispensary.
~ 8 ~
My two untrained doctors
On reaching the dispensary, we found a nurse who was completing his night shift and was very
real and open to us, he told us he could not help us much for he was leaving the place to allow
the one on morning shift to come. But he was also good enough that we explained the issue to
him, he examined me and recommended a medication. Nevertheless, the drugs were not in the
dispensary so my friends were sent to buy the drugs at the nearby chemist.
He then went home leaving me in the dispensary alone, with much hope expecting to get help
after my friends come with drugs because it was the prescription of the nurse. I waited,
nevertheless, the drama began, I cried in a loud voice and the pain was a real pain. My friends
could not come in time so I was alone in the dispensary crying and rolling on the floor since I
dropped from the bed.
I crawled to the door expecting help from the people passing. However, this could not work. My
cry in the dispensary just scared them and they just stood there looking at me wondering what
was happening and no one was willing to come close. The day was really bad for me. I cried at
the top of my voice and people gathered at the gate of the dispensary to view what was
happening but no one came for my help. I vomited and the stomach pain again ceased.
Gilbert and Davis came with the drugs but they did not know what to do with them, since there
was no nurse nor a person to administer the drugs, they assumed the position of a doctor and they
began to treat me. In fact, these two doctors of mine did their level best and gave me the drugs.
God was gracious and the pain reduced, however, I could not eat anything though had vomited
almost my intestines. Any food particle into my stomach was so disastrous and I could not
attempt that. Glucose was bought to boost my strength and my doctors really did it well. These
young men were supposed to be doctors but unfortunately, they landed into teaching profession.
Sad enough, none of us attended the burial, it was like we just decided to travel from Moi
university to go and seek medication in Kilindili dispensary. None of us managed to do what had
driven us to travel that long distance to Kakamega, we all stayed in the clinic since they feared
leaving me alone again. The day shift nurse finally came and found new doctors handling a
patient in her clinic. She had no option but to join the process.
After the burial, friends who also came to mourn with our sister joined me in the clinic since they
had the information earlier. These were Eustacy, Clifford and Allan. We had to figure out how
we could travel back to school. I tried to practice walking but it was still very painful since the
muscles of my stomach could not accept any stretch. For a walk I had to bend like a ninety-year-
old man to ensure stomach muscles are not touched in any way. And off course the motion was
to be in one meter per minute. They catered for my transport back by a vehicle being escorted by
Allan and the rest by the bike. I landed in Moi University bent and emaciated but all in all I was
~ 9 ~
The elder’s night
I could not go to my house and therefore I was taken to my friend’s house, that is Jonah Masika,
an associate but was still within doing one two things. It was drama on my arrival, everyone who
saw me the previous day going for the funeral could not believe the kind of distortion and
attenuation that had happened to my health and posture. At first it was a drama but the reality
spoke for itself.
Remember the day was planned for and the major event was the birthday celebration. The story
however changed without my control. My associate friends that is Allan, Clifford and Jonah had
to attend the elder’s night since they were invited by some friends. I was left in the room with a
friend who happened to be a neighbour. He was also a finalist by the name Minji. He was to stay
with me until the rest could come back. He was actually a good young man and he sacrificed to
come and make his studies while watching over me since their final exams were to begin in two
days’ time.
I saw him focused and determined to prepare for his exams, so I made up my mind never to
disturb him in whichever way even if what could happen. Unfortunately, I slowly began listening
to the previous music of my stomach. I was so determined to persevere this time round and
surely, I did it. After a while it was a new match with the new players in the ground and the
referee was a sleep. My stomach pain resumed with a very high tenacity.
I can’t remember what happened there but the next time I was able to see I found myself in an
ambulance. The next place was the university dispensary with a drip of paracetamol on my left
hand. The story was getting complex hour by hour, the graph of my deterioration was so gradual
but very sharp. When I regained my conscience, I explained my condition, the nurses brought
some drugs and gave me. Each time I could be treated, hope came but this time round it was in a
very small quantity. After the elder’s night, friends came over in the dispensary to check on me
and prayed with me.
Some food was brought since I had not taken anything for the previous twenty-eight hours but I
could not take it since I was still afraid of the reaction to my stomach. The paracetamol did it
work very well and the pain ceased. By the same ambulance I was carried back to the room after
being told that I was well and I could improve in two days. I went with much hope and at least
had some sleep that night. This was the same Saturday of 23rd
~ 10 ~
Bad to worse
The Sunday was well spent with some relief and I really hoped to recover as the doctor said. I
woke up early on Monday morning with the determination of the lion, practiced walking to see if
my body could regain its strength and form. Everyone who called to check on me received the
same response, "am improving and in two days I'll be fine and ok". It really sounded nice and
encouraging to all that heard this. My friends who were doing exams at least got a relief and
hoped to have sufficient time for the preparations of the papers that were remaining.
In the evening the same Monday Jonah bought me some fruits and prepared a very delicious
meal for me. I really enjoyed the meals since I had missed food for three consecutive days. All
things were going on well and the improvement in my health was very visible. The tension and
the stress depreciated and the room was filled with hope and great relief. It was time to rest and
so we did.
At around midnight I began to feel some pain but slowly. This caught my attention and I was
really afraid of the previous drama sessions. I could not imagine going back to the same game
after such medication and the degree of improvement observed. I was tired of crying. By 2pm I
was up trying all postures to sleep on the bed to no avail. Seating was impossible, sleeping was
hell, only walking could seem possible but also very difficult. I tried walking in the room but this
could not help. They had to wake up that night to check on me and found out the opposite of
what they could expect. The night was another horror from the Marvel productions, I think this
time round vampires had evaded my stomach and were chewing them like no one’s business. At
some point I felt like Sulphur was burning in my lower abdomen. I tried all postures I could but
no rest was found.
Anyway, Tuesday had to come. By six I was outside the room trying to Walk since sleeping and
seating were missions impossible. The curve of my bent increase so rapidly and the anxiety
resumed. This is the day we realized that since I began feeling unwell, that is five days I had not
gone to the toilet. Though I ate something and the urge was there, I could not manage to
discharge anything. This multiplied our anxiety and things were getting out of hands then. We sat
down and reasoned together in a great desperation and thought of it being maybe because of
warms. Because I couldn't manage to go to the toilet, we thought warms had blocked the waste
channel. Therefore, I used the deworming tablet since I had not used it for the previous 8years.
Our experiment brought results, surely, I managed to discharge into the toilet but now it was
continuous. From there I made friendship with the washrooms, I could go at an interval of 20
minutes both in the night and the day. It was better when I couldn't manage to discharge, life was
unbearable. I tried eating but any attempt could accelerate the stomach pain and the stress. Then
all muscle of my body began to pain too, the back pains were very severe and stomach pain was
now worse than the back. I found myself in a deadlock of life, I could not sleep by the back nor
by the stomach, both of them were impossible. The side was also hell and life got higher than my
height. My night took 72hours and my days took 48 other hours so you can estimate how long
was my day. The only part of my body that was not paining was the hair and the nails.
~ 11 ~
The supernatural travels
The pains advanced by hours and life was pressed so hard and the hope was in fire while the
faith was tested so well. Sleeping was impossible, seating was improbable, eating was a grave
and hot water became my all in all. Sleep rebelled me and life took a new trajectory.
By Wednesday I began to experience some strange travels into a new worlds and territories. I
could just see myself conversing with unknown people in strange environments, back I could see
the opposite, I could see Jonah and Gilbert just busy studying and not talking to me. This
confused me and I kept it in my heart. Each minute I could feel like sleep is coming I could see a
man coming and standing next to my head while me laying on the ground. This was new and
strange. On Wednesday I saw myself dead and the nurses were covering me with a white sheet.
I could see a lot of things that made my life to shift into a very impossible plane that was very
strange and unbearable to me. By the day I could try talking to people so that I am engaged not
to see such things. And remember the toilet was still my close friend. Life in the new world was
so terrifying and I began to feel going. Bad to worse actually, I began to suspect my departure
buy I really loved my mum and never wished to die since this could also destroy her. She had
suffered with me since my childhood and sacrificed a lot to ensure am alive and healthy. I did not
want to go just because of my mum but I was tired and willing to give up my spirit. By time I
began to sympathize with people whose destinies were connected to me and cried in my heart.
This was pain upon pain and I was in a real dilemma.
The Thursday night was the climax and the most horrific travel that forced me to narrate all this
stories to Jonah. I saw the late Ondeto, the founder of the Legion Maria church seated on
something like a throne. He is the founder of Legion Maria and he is also worshiped. The
members of this church believe Ondeto was Jesus Christ but in the African form. So, he was
respected and worshiped. I saw him calling me with a finger sign, all of a sudden two fingers
which meant we were to go a pair but I could not see the other person that was being referred to.
In the dream I saw this meaning death to me and another person. I resisted and adamantly
refused to go to him and I woke up terrified on Friday morning thinking and believing the end
had come so near.
The reason why I can explain this man Ondeto is because before I got saved, I was a member of
the legion Maria. God saved me through his word and his spirit as I encountered Exodus twenty
during my personal bible study that speaks of the ten commandments. The commandment that
was my deliverance was one that says "thou shalt not bow down or worship an image on earth or
in heaven”. Seeing a lot of images like that of Mary, Ondeto and others in the church the spirit
convince me that this was faulty and I was delivered.
I woke up early in the morning, I allowed Gilbert to go for his exams and called Jonah, narrated
the whole story to him and we prayed together. Then I went back to my bed allowing him to
continue with the exam preparations. Though we prayed, the particles of my mind were vibrating
at a very highly velocity in my head and I felt like my spirit was leaving me. I woke up again and
asked Jonah three time, " papa what are you thinking?". I asked him these questions in my mind
knowing that if something special is not done then I was on my way leaving him. The fourth
~ 12 ~
time I asked him he connected and told me the solution was the Moi teaching and referral
hospital (MTRH). But the problem was how could we get there and Jonah had already spent all
of his money trying to treat me, I also had nothing.
Our mind was aligned and we all thought to seek this from the school dispensary. We took the
motor bike to the dispensary since I was told in case of no improvement I could come back.
Immediately we arrived we found an ambulance ready to take a certain lady who was going to
deliver at the MTRH. This was an opportunity to get to the hospital, they agreed to carry us but
we were told that the admission and treatment fee will be out of our efforts. This is how we
landed in Moi teaching and Referral hospital in Eldoret town.
~ 13 ~
The world of modern drama
The school ambulance carried us to the referral hospital and more specifically I landed in the
emergency section but on the arrival, we were told to take care of the rest that was to come. By
the time I arrived I was not in a position to walk so the wheelchair was brought and Jonah
pushed me into the hospital. My mum sent something for admission hoping that things could get
better. Off course I had not told her my condition exactly as it was since I feared breaking her
heart. I was taken to the reception to see the nurse after the admission. We explained to her what
had happened and we were sent to other rooms to carry out the x-ray and the ultrasound tests to
determine if there was something in my stomach.
They recommend this after realizing that the drugs I was using were the same they wanted to
give me but no improvement was observed. Jonah took me still on the wheelchair to the x-ray
room but the multitude that was in the room was discouraging, we saw it growing more difficult.
It was so tough but this was the only way So we had to queue waiting to be attended to. This
time the stomach pain had reduced in magnitude but the frequency at which I was supposed to go
to the toilet was so high. After every twenty minutes Jonah had to take me to the washrooms but
on coming back, we could not regain our position on the queue. It really looked like a
circumnavigation and it was so discouraging. I made up my mind to persevere until we could be
reached but it still failed.
Some people seemed to be understanding and at least I found an opportunity to get back to my
position after every travel to the washrooms. Eventually the radiographer did what he had to do
on me and the results were out. Later we went to the next room for the ultrasound. The game was
the same, the queue was very long and the waiting continued. I spent 8 hours on the wheelchair
moving left, right, north and south for the process to be completed. My backbone developed pain
and the weather was very cold and this too was a factor upon my body. By 5pm we went back to
submit the results to another room and was waiting for the way forward or the doctor’s
Neither Jonah nor I ate anything that day, we were very tired and discouraged by everything that
was happening in the hospital. My body changed due to both the cold and long seating on the
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wheelchair but we had to wait. We submitted our file at 5pm having the results for all the tests to
the doctor in charge. More files were brought and we were waiting for him to go through and
give us the way forward. A lot of people some in very critical and worse conditions than me lied
desperate in the corridor near that room with no one to attend to them. The process was very
slow but we had no power to control it.
My turn to enter finally reached and we got in ready to receive the outputs from the tests and the
doctor’s recommendations. Though inside the room, we still had to wait for long and I was so
keen to see how my file was being handled. This drew my attention; each time my file was
reached, the doctor examined it, looked at me and put it down with some files above it. The next
time he reached it, he again looked at me and inserted it within other files. I told Jonah to go and
find out what was really happening but the kind of rude and abusive response he got, he could
not contain it. We had no option but to assume patience though we were really tired and
I began to wonder of what had happened to my file and what was the course of all that was
happening. The process of looking into my file and inserting it continued until 8pm still in
MTRH. This was too much to bear but we had to assume forbearance. All the patients were
attended to until all the files on the table were done except mine and my anxiety ballooned. The
doctor who was on the day shift told us that the night shift doctor could handle our case and he
left. Our desperation increased immensely. He eventually came and also began to do the same
thing the previous nurse was doing.
After a while I saw him picking a paper that looked like a form that had spaces to be filled. He
carried the form in his hand, stood straight and looked at me again for a while. He walked slowly
towards us and stood again and looked at us. He finally handed the form paper in his hand to
Jonah. Jonah went through it for a while and turned back to me and said, " They are saying you
should undergo a surgery; how do you see it?". I don't know what happened but on hearing that I
was to be operated money was the first thing that came into my mind. I asked him if we could
find that huge amount of money that would facilitate my operation.
Now the doctor came to me and told me that I was to undergo an operation since all the tests
were showing nothing and therefore, they had to open my stomach to see what was the issue.
This meant my operation was still an experiment or a test as you can call it. Another tragedy was
if someone could ask me why was I going for an operation, what would I have said in response.
The document needed my sign that implies that I agree with the results of the theater and
whatever that would happen is fine and accepted. But there was another tragedy, none of my
family members was aware I would go for an operation and therefore my signing meant that
Jonah would be responsible for whichever result from the theater. On addition I was trying to
take care of the shock that could hit my mother in case she realizes I was going for an operation
and therefore I told Jonah not to tell anyone including her before I could be operated. I wanted
her to know this while am out of the theatre. The equivalent of this is that I was setting Jonah in a
very hot fire. Incase anything bad could have happened to me I don't know what could he had
explained to my people. This was actually a foolish decision I've ever made in my life. So, Jonah
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was pressed on both side, mum called him demanding to know my condition and on the other
hand I had told him not to tell anyone.
Mum kept on calling Jonah and the response remained, "we are waiting for the doctor’s
response." I really don't know what was going on in Jonah's mind going through all this and also
him having exams the next day. The good God favour my brother Jonah. I was then told at
around 9pm to get ready for an operation. This involved putting off all my clothing and putting
on the free ward garment. I did so and was told to lie on a bed to wait shortly to be taken to the
theater. The garment was so light and the cold took the advantage but I had hope since I knew the
operation was to take place in a short while.
We waited for the said doctor to no avail and my mother kept on calling worried what could be
happening. Our common response to her lost its power and she became so upset with our
response and Jonah had to face the words of a very tough parent. At around 2am the doctor had
not arrived and it was too much for Jonah to bear. He brought me the phone and advices me to
tell my mother the truth. It was not easy for her to realize that her son was going for an operation
all of a sudden. It was very tough even more when she realized I was trying to hide all this from
We waited for the doctor till 6am in the morning but mum kept on calling Jonah inquiring of the
progress that was really stagnant. By this time, I had freezed, I was dehydrated and my body had
become pale and now turning white. Someone eventually came and told me that she was taking
me to the theatre. Jonah accompanied me narrating some stories to me as we were moving to the
theatre section. Entering this section, I realized I was the first person to get there but after a while
some more people who were to be operated were brought in until it was full
~ 16 ~
The heaven’s drama
Tragedy after tragedy was the pattern. Being the first one in the theatre section I believed I could
be the first one to be attended to so I made a short prayer to God: “After the operation ooh Lord
help me to recover quickly.” I really don’t know why I didn’t pray for the operation process but I
believe God had given me hope and I was convinced intrinsically that I could get out of the
theatre alive.
From 6am I waited on the bed in a very serious cold to be taken to the real operation chamber till
9am. All who were with me in the room were taken and they were attended to in time. Each time
one person was taken I hoped to be the next, unfortunately this happened until I was the only one
remaining un attended. I was really disturbed and surely so many things crossed my mind. I tried
to bring all my imagination on the table to analyze what could be the issue but it worked not.
What surprised me much was the people who were making storied in that room but never cared
about me and my condition. By this time Jonah had already been sent away and told to wait until
am out of the theatre.
All this time I was waiting I can’t imagine what was the condition of my brother Jonah who
waited outside. And I don’t know what was his response each time my mum called to inquire the
progress. We told this woman her son was to be operated at midnight and now it was 10 am
morning, what was Jonah’s explanation to her. Did she not think I died in the process? Only God
knows that but for sure Jonah was sandwiched between two sharp ends of two nails and they
were pressing very hard. But what was going on in the mind of Jonah too as I continued to delay
in the theatre? This man Jonah, may God almighty remember you.
As the men in the room continued to make stories as if I was not there, I began to think what if
these men were waiting to see me die since I had signed the form. I made up my mind that I
should leave, go and die from home but not in such an environment. I woke up from the bed
applying the entire of my remaining strength though this was a great risk. Walked toward the
men and told them, “It seems am already healed and am ok so let me go home since nothing is
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being done to me.” They realized I was serious the moment I told them to give me my clothes
and they began to persuade me saying that it was not arrogance but the one who was to operate
me was not around but he was on the way coming. They told me to get back to the bed and wait
for a moment. I went back but very angry with everything and surely nothing was adding up.
He eventually came by 11am and quickly I was taken to the surgical chamber for the process. On
reaching there, another drama fresh and new began, no arrangements were done by the nurses so
the doctor started quarrelling them as I watched. Fear engulfed me wondering if such kind of
carelessness could spare my life. Anyway, I was already in the chamber, I was transferred to
another bed in which the process was to take place. When the doctor drew close, I began talking
to him explaining the condition of my back. I had slept with my back for seven days and it was
so painful so I was inquiring if there could be away, I could be helped since I needed to use the
same back in the ward after the operation, this was the end of my conversation and I don’t know
how he responded.
I woke up like someone that is from a deep sleep and a terrifying dream when I had forgotten I
was in the hospital. My shock was that I was having pipes all over my body, I was not used to
this surely. My first voice was: “what the hell is this place?”. Someone responded that I was in
the theatre. I began to pull them out of my body only to realize my hand and legs were tightly
tied on the bed. I remembered I had gone for an operation; I pushed my hand slowly and
carefully to my stomach to check whether I was operated or not. I touched a big bandage on my
stomach and immediately I knew the process was so successful. The process was complete and I
was still alive but the pain from the operated wound was so severe. Furthermore, the pipe
through my nose trill into my stomach was so irritating, the one at the side of my stomach for the
discharge was so painful. Another one was for the discharge of urine; my body was fully wired
and this really gave me stress.
The doctor asked me if I was feeling any pain and surely, I told him I was dying of pain. He
called his colleague and they came to me apologizing to me saying that they were supposed to
inject me the painkillers drug from the inside walls of my stomach before they would close my
belly but they had forgotten. This one was so heartbreaking to me and I imagined they were to
reopen my stomach again or else I could see fire. They consulted themselves and decided to
inject me from the outside, that is on the external wall of my stomach.
They told me to relax and expect extra pain as I receive the injection and one was holding a torch
as one was trying to locate the appropriate vessel on my stomach to inject the drug. While my
eyes closed, I began to hear their terrifying conversation: “you see this vessel, if I inject here, he
will just die now.” This came direct to my years and express to my heart and I was holding my
breath to wait for the next probability. All of a sudden, I felt the injection into my body and thank
God I didn’t die but the pain stopped immediately from one side of my stomach. They now
proceeded to the left side of my stomach and began to search for the appropriate blood vessel but
this time round it was not possible. They tried to their level best but didn’t see it, so I heard them
say: “wacha tuu tudunge hapa.” Which meant let us just inject here. I saw death coming and
surely waited for it but thank God it worked. Their success was my relief and I gave thanks to
~ 18 ~
A nurse was called and told to take me to the ward for further treatment and recovery. On our
way to the ward, we met one nurse student who was on internship in the hospital. The nurse gave
him the instructions on how to handle me saying, “ensure your hands are clean and put on
surgical gloves before you handle the patient, ensure you have the correct attire and the tools to
handle the case.” She then handed me to him and instructed him to take me to a certain ward.
Before we could reach the said ward, we met another intern and they began conversing too. He
narrated all the instruction to his colleague but he concluded by telling him that, “but don’t worry
we cannot do those instruction things, this is just Kenya.” This time round they faced a mad
patient, in my condition I raise my head and said all of you are so stupid, how can you jock with
the life of people saying this is just Kenya. They kept quiet and took me to the ward cube and
was given a bed.
Another tragedy was here, my bad was bad and not adjustable so a lied flat just as a normal bed
and no one cared. I decided to make communication first but since my phone was with Jonah and
off, I didn’t have Jonah’s number off head, I requested someone to assist me his phone and
immediately called my mum to tell Jonah that I was outside the theater and that I was in the
ward. Jonah quickly came and on the same day my sister also arrived to take care of me. This
man Jonah, with me in the hospital while the exams going on in the school, in fact this was his
final exams but he sacrificed them to take care of me, May God remember you papa.
The topography of the bed was then a bigger problem, since I was lying flat with my head not
raised, the discharges from my stomach ceased to come out through the pipes but began to come
out through my mouth. I saw clothed blood coming through my mouth, it was so heavy that it
could not flow by itself out but my sister hard to pull it using a tissue paper. This began to block
my chest and breathing was becoming a nightmare. This made my sister weak and I could see
her hope absent.
I suffered on that bed for two days until my legs began to swell and life was becoming
complicated day by day. Then my dear brother Hopkins called and told me he was on the way
coming with my dear sister and friend Rose Naiga to see me in the hospital. They landed just the
time I was going to the toilet since the friendship with it had begun again. They prayed with me
and I at least felt some atoms of hope within me. Rose then told me she was also from another
hospital to see her sister whose child was admitted and that she was going back. I realy felt a
kind of brethren love and sacrifice I never imagined.
After she left, I told Hopkins to engineer my bed and surely, we stole several blankets from other
beds and put them at the head of my bed to raise it and from there I could start to feel the
discharge going through the pipes. This man Hopkins slept in the cold on a bare floor for all the
days I was in the hospital, this man Hopkins washed me like his baby, this man Hopkins became
my parent. Due to much cold and the condition of the ward, the health of my sister deteriorated
and so she had to leave. Hopkins and Jonah were my parents taking the full responsibility. These
men, May God favour you. I saw sleeping alone was not helpful and I was taking long to recover
so I began to slowly walk within the cube.
~ 19 ~
Faith in action
Life took another trajectory thereafter. Hopkins narrated very sweet stories to me that kept me
alive and also stirred my faith greatly. In his stories, he was keen to quote scriptures and the
power that each scripture came with added strength to me. The next day when he shouted saying
‘May the sick say they are healed’, I realized my deliverance had come. He made me to confess
that I was healed and actually this sank so deep into my heart. This is the moment I remembered
that all power belongs to God. I gained strength and began to entertain my fellow patients in our
When things seemed tough, I remembered some time previously I had come for a worship
experience in the hospital that was planned by the medical students who studied in that hospital.
During that worship experience I remember telling God to heal people in that hospital because of
allowing my feet to step in that environment. So, the person that was interceding for the healing
of the sick was now the sick person. I reminded God this and told him that I was there praying
for the sick in the same hospital and I demanded him to remember me too.
Then Hopkins invited our friend and dad who is a pastor at the Fountain of Wisdom Chapel
Eldoret to come over and see me in the hospital. He came with some brethren, encouraged me
and prayed with me for the quick recovery. Before leaving, pastor reminded me of the scripture
in Romans 8:11 that says “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in
you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of[
Spirit who lives in you.”. and he told me to confess it always until I would get out of the hospital
and for the rest of my life. This was my stepping stone and the basis of my demand to God.
Each time thoughts of weakness came in my mind; I confessed this scripture and I was very
strong. After a while mum managed to come since she delayed looking for finances to enable her
come to the hospital. She began to give stories of who did that and this and she was so afraid that
I could not survive. It was so discouraging but this verse become my defense and I overcome.
Some people called with discouraging statements but my strength was in the scripture. I kept on
confessing until the scripture was part of me. Due to the state of the hospital, we used to rest on
the same bed with my brother Jonah while mum and Hopkins were chased out of the ward.
~ 20 ~
One night still in the hospital at around 2am I had a dream: I saw someone the image of a man
injecting me on the backbone. Immediately I woke up but what was a dream seemed to be a
reality, the pain on my back borne caused me to jump from the bed as if I had no wound and this
made Jonah to ask me in great shock what was happening. I only told him that I had seen
something but shockingly he also said that he had seen something. I decided to get back to the
bed till morning since I didn’t want to disturb him. Jonah had been revising for his exams in the
ward and early in the morning he could travel back to school to seat for his exams. This was
really tiresome. In the morning the back pain increased and actually deformed me, I could not
seat on my own nor stand on my own. My waking up and my walking was fully dependent on
the strength of Hopkins. Things reversed just by one dream but I knew this was not just a dream.
I told Hopkins and Jonah that this dream was not just a dream and therefore telling the doctor of
the back pain was not necessary but a spiritual approach was to be taken. We joined faith and
prayed together and trusted God for the healing. I also remembered pastor Shitote telling me that
in the ward the spirit of death always takes advantage to take the life of people. But he told me
am of God and that the spirit could not manage for the spirit that rose Christ was in me. People
began to die in our cube one after the other and this caught the attention of my mother. She kept
on asking me why my body was not improving quickly but my response was one: God is in
control. The back pain began to reduce time by time though very slowly but this time round I had
full confidence in the power of the word of God.
The time came when my doctor examined me and recommended that I was ready to be
discharged. He removed all the discharge pipes from my body and asked me to start taking some
light food for two days before I could leave the hospital. This increased the span of my operation
in the hospital and I could walk almost the whole hospital practicing to strengthen my body.
Because the drip was out of my body, the doctor recommended some drugs that the nurse was to
take from the pharmacy that I could take to help me improve. I stayed three consecutive days in
the ward without taking any drug without the understanding of what was happening. Each time I
could ask the nurse she could claim to have forgotten. I really wondered why was it possible that
other people’s drugs were never forgotten but mine were forgotten for three days.
In my spirit I felt that was not natural and something fishy was being done someplace, I realized
this was a manipulation. I texted my friends and explained to them how manipulation was really
causing delay to my treatment and thank God they were all convince and we went to our knees to
command the release of my drugs. Thanks to these pillars that prayed with me; Hopkins, Jonah,
Temesi, Nyokabi, Auka, Devis, Brenda Okuku and many that I texted and were readily available
to engage the supernatural. After texting them, I too took one hour to pray and after my prayer a
saw nurse come as if someone was chasing her with three boxes in her hands. Guess what! These
were my drugs, the quantity shocked me but the prayers were answered. God is faithful and very
willing to help us and he is very faithful to his word.
Another tragedy was to raise the finance to clear my bills. By then the bill was ksh70,000.00 and
this was a very huge sum to my mum. Relatives disappeared, only a few showed up and getting
out of the hospital was almost becoming a dream. Next to my bed was a man who it was said that
he was in the hospital for the previous eight months due to the inability to raise the funds. I
texted people that I believed blood could be thicker than water but it never worked. Blood is very
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thicker anyway but we need to understand which kind of blood is it. I had an uncle of mine also a
friend who happened to be the assistant CS for external affairs in Kenya who later became the
minister of sports after the elections that happened just the day I was discharged. He was a nice
friend of mine and we used to talk and chat at a friendly level but when I texted him telling him
that I was in the hospital and that I needed his help to clear my bills, this marked the end of our
conversation till today.
All the visible means and roads had been blocked and my mother was so stressed and really
wondered how we could get out. She contacted her friends and raised a maximum of KSH
20,000.00 but this could not help since the bill was approaching KSH 90,000.00. Jonah told me
not to worry and surely, I could not worry, since God had healed me, I considered being
discharged a minor issue. The family of WESO comprising of students, associate and friend
went out of their means and in a span of three days, they raised KSH 23,000.00 and sent to me
for the clearance of the bills. This now mounted to KSH 43, 000.00. this family realy amazed me
and my mum could not believe that what relatives could not do, friends and in fact mere students
could do it. She wondered of such a kind of love that the fellowship of students could have that
the natural blood could not have. I found I platform to preach in great excitement and this was a
sermon to my own mother. I began to tell her that the blood that is really thicker than water is not
the natural blood but the blood of Jesus. These were my family in Jesus Christ limited in many
ways financially but sacrificed to see me well and discharged compare to the relatives that had a
lot of money but could not do that.
I told mum to stop complaining of how her brothers and in-laws had failed her and told her then
to focus on Jesus Christ who had given me a family and that Jesus would ensure I get out of the
hospital. I found a chance to explain to her that there is no love without Jesus and that anyone
that is without Christ cannot love. I told her love is God and anyone without God cannot love.
This time round she began to love my God and really wanted to hear more talk about him. She
came to realize that our relatives had not done anything wrong but they had no capacity to do so
since they had no love which is God through accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour. She
stopped complaining and began to glorify God and the scripture that says “they glorified God in
me” was fulfilled. God preserve WESO, this family is a true definition of love I’ve ever
This was the season of election and therefore one day before the day of voting my mum went and
talked to the social workers in the hospital explaining to them that out of 80k we had only 43k
but we needed help since that was our highest stretch. They wrote us a letter and sent mum to
present it to the board of management of the hospital. She really went but was harassed so badly
that she came back without any hope. She got back to the social workers but they also changed
and became so rough to her. She came back very low thinking to leave me in the hospital to go
home and plan for a fundraising. But this could not work since the same people that were to give
were the same that had refused to support. Remember the next day was the election day and
therefore no one could be discharged. I realized if I couldn’t be released that day, I could stay
there more four to five days since the outcome of election was unpredictable.
I told mum to pack our things and to get ready for home though I didn’t know how. Sincerely
speaking, she packed everything well and waited for the next instruction. She kept on looking at
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me and asking if I was sure of what I was saying and I said yes but I had no solid thing to prove
this. After packing she went outside the hospital to buy some staffs and I decided to utilize that
opportunity well. I got back to my men and by that time Hopkins had gone home. I ask them to
help me pray for my release that day and in fact I told them to tell God that I wanted to go home
that day without missing. They responded well and agreed to do so. This was around 1pm, I also
found I space near my bed and began to present my demand to God reminding him of his word. I
prayed until I was hungry but there was no evidence of it happening. I was convicted to stop
praying and dress well ready for the journey and surely, I did. Nurses, socially workers and
everyone that new my story was shocked and realy thought I was planning to snick from the
hospital. They kept on monitoring every movement I could make in the hospital.
Well dressed and ready for the journey but no evidence of its success again. The nurses had
stopped to wash my wound for the previous three days and it had begun to produces pusses but
they were still not willing to do so. They claimed there was no material in the hospital to wash
me. I decided to stay ready, I combed my hair very well and was really ready. I waited for a
word from the office till 5pm, but according to the regulations of the hospital no one could be
released anytime past 4:59pm. It became tough but I still told God that I was ready to go home
and that I was not willing to sleep in the hospital that night. I told my mother that even if I was to
sleep outside the gate of the hospital, I could be happy than in the hospital.
Faith is an action of obedience you take as a result of your conviction of who God is and the
integrity of His word. Faith is a substance that moves mountains, at the moment things looked
more impossible than before, I saw the two social workers coming. I knew they had come to
clear their desk as they leave for home but it was not so. Light at the end of the tunnel they say.
They called and asked me to give them my details, I wasted no time since I didn’t know what
was happening, these women were doing things in a vibration as if someone was chasing them.
By 5;30pm they told me to call mum from outside and get ready for our released. I had never
seen these women working at such a speed before, they were very slow and lazy at their work
but this time round I believe there was a force facilitating that.
I saw them searching for my file in the shelf as if it was a treasure to them, they dropped a lot of
files down just searching mine and people wondered what was happening. I continued to murmur
some tongues as I told God I was leaving and that it was a must for my file to be found. They
finally got it, signed everything and approved my release, forced one doctor that was around to
sign on the behalf of my doctor who had gone home and I was free.
We were overwhelmed with joy that day. Because it was very late, we began to think where we
could go since home was six hours away, while still thinking my aunt who was staying within
Eldoret town fortunately was coming to see me bringing some food. We told her to make a u tern
and take us to her house and these are the wonders that God did and I found myself out of the
hospital. Before reaching her home, we branched to a nearby chemist to wash the wound since it
had not been washed for the previous three days. It was washed but whoever washed it told me
that it had developed an infection and I was to maintain it clean always. So, she gave me some
iodine and the gauze sponge for washing while am at home. Anyway, the next day, the day of
election we travel to our home in Busia County with my mother.
~ 23 ~
God is real
I stayed home under special treatment and care to facilitate my recovery. However, after few
days the infection in my wound became real and visible. I developed a hole on my stomach just
at the wound that kept on increasing day by day and it produced very light discharges that kept
my t-shirt always wet. I tried to hide it from my mum and my brother but they came to know
about it when they kept on seeing my t-shirt wet only at the place where the wound was. They
forced me to show them the condition of my wound and I had no option but to show them.
When they looked and saw a hole and realized that from it one could see my intestines, mum
began to cry saying that I was going to die. She really cried since our family was associated with
witch craft and she had a lot of terrifying dreams about me. They told me to go back to the
hospital the next day but I didn’t want to go to the hospital since I was traumatized. The next day
she realized in the morning that someone had in the night thrown two hens without heads into
our compound near the fence. Since witchcraft was common in the area her anxiety increased
and she became very weak.
Each time relatives and friends came to see me I could tell them that though I was sick but by
then was fine but my mum could cry out to them, she could say that her sone was dying and that
I had a hole on my stomach to my intestines. This really disturbed me and I thought of a thing to
do to stop this. I called my mother aside and warned her not to discuss me with her friends
explaining to her that she was weakening me and discouraging me. I also assured her that I
would get well and she agreed to keep quiet about the matter. From there I never showed or
opened my wound to the view of anyone.
I chose to be my own doctor, so I went to the internet and searched what could be the course of
the hole at the operated wound. I found out several responses but all talked of an infection. I also
searched for the corrective measures and was told to use the antibiotics. I remembered there was
an uncle of mine who was a nurse but had retired, I told mum to call him, talked to him and he
agreed with my diagnosis but since I could not inject myself, I needed him. I sent him to buy the
antibiotics from the nearby hospital and she could inject me on a daily basis for five days until
the wound dried and the hole was closed. The moment I went for the check up in the hospital to
remove the stiches, the wound was dry and the hole closed and the hope of my mum was
restored. This is what the lord did to me and I am alive till the day ill fulfill my assignment on
this earth.
~ 24 ~
Mighty is the hand of the Lord my God. Psalms 147.5. Great is the Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limits. I went all through those terrifying situations and I managed to
survive but nothing can I credit to myself. It all happened by the mercies of God and his will to
let me live. Not even my faith saved me since even before I could go to the hospital, I had
already lost hope and feared to die. I cannot boast of my strength nor my holiness, it was just be
the glory to which Jesus Christ has been risen to life that I lived. Up to this point I agree with the
scripture in Romans 9;16 that says; it does not, therefore, depend on mans desire or effort, but on
Gods mercy.
It is also very vital to understand that all the power belongs to God. He is the only source of
power in heaven and on earth. This power might be manipulated by evil spirits but it can’t deny
the fact that God is the source of all power. He does all things at his will and no power, no alter
nor a foundation in earth or in heaven that can limit him. Isiah 62:11 God hath spoken once,
twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God.
The entire of this story is just a demonstration of the power of God and his mercy upon humanity
and surely there is nothing impossible with him. Today, when someone asks me to explain on the
subject of the power of God and his mercy, I can surely open up my life to him for a case study
and all the glory will be unto the life-giving God.
(The writing of this testimony was completed by 22nd July 2023.)
God bless you very much for reading this material and I hope it is worthy sharing
to your loved ones!

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HELPED BY GOD. Bro. Alphayo Elias.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. ~ i ~ Acknowledgement Glory and credit to God my creator who designed me and gave me life once again to testify of His greatness. Credit to my father because he has given me breath every day to testify of his greatness. I extend my sincere gratitude to my brother Jonah Masika, daddy the extent of your sacrifice is beyond human capability. May God bless you; May He remember you in all aspects of your life, you are a real blessing, much gratitude to my brother Devis Bwire and my brother Gilbert Aura. These men stood with me in the real practicality, they went out of their means to ensure that I find life again and that I draw meaning from it. Sincere gratitude to my sister Alice, my brother Clifford Mulama and Allan Araka. gratitude to the family of WESO, while things were not adding up you stood up in prayer to ensure that I stand up again on my feet the same way the church in the Acts prayed for the release of the Apostles. God bless you all. Sincere gratitude again to the family of WESO, you did not only stand with me in prayer but you went out of your financial spectrum to raise a huge sum that I used to clear my bills in the hospital. Much gratitude and acknowledgement to my dear Mum Christine for your commitment to ensure that your son gets well. Surely short of words but I can’t forget to extend my thanks giving to my friends, Pastor Kevin Temesi, Edgar Auka, Brenda Okuku, Collins, Lucy Nyokabi, Winnie Kanguha, Esther Nechesah and many more that stood by me and with me. You are special people to me, I intrinsically value and love you. Special thanks to My dear brother Hopkins, I can’t reward you but My father has something for you. The role you played daddy is beyond words. May God bless you very much, much thanks to my dear sister Rose Naiga, May God bless you and put you in remembrance. I can’t close this chapter before extending my sincere special thanks to my dear dad pastor Samuel Shitote. Daddy you are so special to me. Your position is so vital that it causes my heart always to remember you and pray to God for you. May you never lack in anything daddy. God’s blessings be upon you forever.
  • 3. ~ ii ~ DEDICATION I dedicate this book to my mum Christine Nabwire, to my siblings, to the church of WESO and to the young generation that are seeking God. Special dedication to the young men and women that are learning from me. And finally, to my dear friends all over the globe.
  • 4. ~ iii ~ TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction…………………………………………………....…………………….Page 1 2. The Small beginning………………………………………………………………. Page 3 3. The ride……………………………………………………………………...……... Page 4 4. The Tears of a 26 old man………………………………………………...………. Page 6 5. My two untrained doctors…………………………………………………… …… Page 8 6. The elder’s night…………………………………………………………… ……. Page 9 7. Bad to worse……………………………………………………………… ……. Page 10 8. The Supernatural travel……………………………………………… …………. Page 11 9. The world of modern drama……………………………………………………… Page 13 10. The Heaven’s drama………………………………………………………...……. Page 16 11. Faith in action…………………………………………………………..………... Page 19 12. God is real………………………………...……………………………. …….…. Page 23 13. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………....… 24
  • 5. Introduction It meant no meaning to me when the holy scriptures say: “many are the plans of men but God Almighty establishes them” until I encountered this magnificent season of learning. There are seasons we face in this life while we still have an opportunity to live on this earth that determines our future belief and perhaps our view of life. I agree that the world is a field of drama in which everyone comes, performs and leaves. Many are things that happens on this earth and in all cases, these happenings always have a direct effect to the life of the living. This creates their tomorrow and sometimes destroy their future. Whether a believer or a non-believer, what is constant is that circumstances weaken or strengthen us. Life is a perfect derivative of individual responses to situations that happen to the individuals in the direct proportionality to their faith and the degree of growth of their relationship with their maker. After pressing situations in life, some choose to interpolate their life or rather truncate but some choose to extrapolate and stretch towards recovery and they take advantage of the past to perfect their tomorrow. In all this circumstances there is a response by the individuals either in the positive plane or in the negative plane. There is another case where things happen to someone in life beyond his control or imagination. The supernatural takes the full control over their life acting both as the switch gears and the determiners. Some times the evil spirits evade the life of someone, enslaves him and operates his life at their convenience, sometimes the spirit of God causes life of one to be propelled in a trajectory that someone could not do by his own strength or even imagination. It will be a great injustice if I can forget to say that life is spiritual. The spirits control our lives and the operation of everything. This simply means that nothing either evil or good can happen physically by its own unless it has been established in the spiritual real. Spirits control sickness, spirits also control the healing, success and failure, progress or stagnation are also first facilitated by the spirits then manifest to the individual in their physical life. A man lives first in the spirit before he lives in the physical and he also dies first in the spirit before he could die physically. All things begin by the spirit first before they manifest in the physical. “Hebrews 11:4 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” From what was not seen (but real, existed but not visible to the physical man) He made all things that are seen. Knowledge is the first and essential tool that affects the response of a person from a situation. It is said, you are always a slave in any area you lack knowledge and the arising and the lifting of men is directly dependent on the knowledge. And the knowledge of the Kingdom is the best knowledge that all men should have. Indeed, many were my plans as a young man and I had a great hope to accomplish this and that in this city and in that city as I purpose fulfillment for my future. The day was long waited for. Not to mention that it was my birthday. I never celebrated such a day in my life until I came to campus and realized people could celebrate it.
  • 6. ~ 2 ~ I purposed that this time around I would celebrate in a style with my friends and my dear people. Good enough I had completed workshop and my semester and I was free to do whatsoever. I planned and that was the day I was to travel home to see my dear friend in Busia and I was to celebrate together with her and the family. Unfortunately, just exactly the same day I was to celebrate my birthday, was the burial day for my friend's father. I had no option since she was so dear to me and I was one of them that were in her inner Circle so it was necessary that we comfort her till the laying off. We purposed with my friends to attend then when we would come back, I could celebrate my great day. little did I know many are the plans of Man. On the same date, 23rd of July was the Great WESO elders’ night 2022 and I had purposed to partake because many of the Elders or finalists were my dear friends. I purposed to see them finish school in a style. Indeed, the day was packed and planned for. It is good for a young man to be objective and to be goal centered and it was so to me. It was pleasing but wait and see what was in the heart of My Father God. The training of my father will always yield fruits that will remain. Glory and honour be to God Almighty my creator who is the author of this Story. From this story will shall learn on the good will of God, the training of God, the mercies of God, the power of God, Faith and the sacrifice of brethren.
  • 7. ~ 3 ~ The Small beginning The 22nd of July, one day before the burial, together with my friend Davis and Gilbert decided to travel to the funeral. It was wise that we go one day before so that we could help our sister do some things for the preparations that were necessary. It was a nice Friday and we decided first to call on the name of God before we could start our journey. So early in the morning we set off for prayers at the WESO bush alter. We really prayed honestly and fervently for the success of the journey and comfort to our sister and strength to her family. Suddenly as we were praying in the bush, I began to feel some pain from the lower part of my stomach. It seemed obvious to me because since my high school I had experienced such like pains that could come for a while and cease. I decided to pray while sleeping prostrate on the ground. However, my friends realized this and they knew I was not okay. So, after the prayer session ended, they recommended that I should go to the school dispensary for the checkup. I was accompanied by my friend Gilbert to the dispensary but we could not be helped since we didn’t have the requirement that could facilitate my help. After getting out of the dispensary the pain stopped and I felt relieved. In my mind I believed it was the end of the pain and the journey was to be smooth. We hired a motorbike from a friend of mine that could facilitate us to travel from Moi University to Kakamega county a place called Kilindili. The preparations were set, the riding garments were ready and we began our journey at around 4 p.m. from Mabatini kesses to go and mourn with our sister Esther. Actually, the stomach ceased and it seemed to be permanently healed and I had confidence and guess what I was the trusted rider of the bike.
  • 8. ~ 4 ~ The ride We began our journey at 4pm to the funeral and actually I was the pilot. The journey was cool though the weather was so cold. God graced us well until we reached Chavakali market few kilometers to our destination. We saw it wise to visit a supermarket and buy some snacks since we were not sure of the state of the event. We bought some and took them rapidly just outside the supermarket. We also bought a packet of sweets hooping that they could help us manage the night until the down arrives. We got back to our bike relaxed and expecting to land in few minutes to our destination. Suddenly, while riding the bike, I begun to feel some abdominal pain. They say behave like a man, surely, I tried to be one but the pain persisted. When it was beyond control and I could not contain it any long, I stopped the bike suddenly and sat at the side of the road. My friends were shocked but it still looked like a drama to them since they used to see me entertaining them. When I persisted coiling down and pressing my stomach hard inside, they asked me the issue. “The stomach” was my brief response. All of us believed it was just something that could take a little time and cease. Within few minutes, I lied flat on the road crying but at a low tone. It was now getting serious and all were terrified of what was happening and how it could be handled since by then it was around 8pm.The drama in my stomach got serious and actually the actors were so determined to play it well. Beyond my control, I begun to shout in a loud voice,” my stomach…my stomach…my stomach”. I believe the drama action was of the horror design. The cry intensified just proportional to the pain. Within a spectrum of twenty minutes, my lower abdomen was beyond touch, you could think I had received ten bullets on my stomach and touching it was therefore hell to me. Thank God I vomited deeply and the stomach pain ceased for a while. However, the walls of my stomach were still painful and could not be touched. In fact, having contact with anything was a hell drama. We had to complete what we begun and surely the journey continued with Devis being the new pilot. This was another session of tears again. Because of the state of my stomach, I was only comfortable when the bike moves with a constant speed and smoothly. This meant bumps and holes were to be cleared on the road and the bike was to run at a very uniform speed. On this earth obviously this could not work. The journey was a real horror to me but I had no option. By the grace of the Almighty, we successfully reached Kilindini market center, the dispensary was necessary hear. The drama intensified and I felt like someone was really cutting my intestines from the inside. Could it be the snacks we took that were expired? Maybe. I rolled on the ground like a snake just to find help to ease my pain but it was impossible. My efforts were really futile. My state was a live drama to the traders that were still in the market. This was new and entertaining to them and surely, they enjoyed.
  • 9. ~ 5 ~ My friends rushed to the nearby chemist and brought some painkillers. I can’t know where water came from but I remember using it to swallow the drugs. Mine mouth discharged again and I felt some rest for a while. We had no time to waste since we didn’t know what could have happened next. On the bike again slowly to the actual destination. Immediately we landed, the actors in my stomach decided to utilize that opportunity to advance the degree of action. This is the first time I felt like dying could at least help me rest since no solution was probable. As Esther was being contacted to be informed of our arrival so that she could come and pick us, I found myself in a very deep trench at the side of the road just at the gate. Life really lost its meaning to me trying to imagine that the people who came to comfort one in the problem are the one in need of help, multiplying the problem and the pains of our sister. It was tough. By the time she came to pick us, we were surrounded by a legion of villagers. It was very difficult to comprehend and my soul and mind travelled in miles.
  • 10. ~ 6 ~ The tears of a 26 old man I was taken to the room to rest because the journey was too long for me but my friends were taken to the tent to view the body. I rested for some minutes in the room and I enjoyed relief again. Suddenly it began, it was so intense that I lost the hope even though I tried to look for help. I cried in a loud voice but unfortunately the outside was a very loud music and the people were dancing so no one could hear my voice Crying from inside of the house. I had no option but to crawl on my stomach to the door to try if anyone could hear me and come for my aid. The day was really not mine, in reaching the door I opened it and cried for help because there were a lot of people seated next to the room, the arrows were so intense in my stomach and therefore I cried at the top of my voice but to no avail. Surely, many people were so near the door at which I was crying for help but no one could hear me since the music was so loud and they were really enjoying it. Things added not up any longer, tears rolled down my face without my control, my heart cried and my spirit was getting weak to struggle any longer. Thank God some few people realized that drama and came. Nevertheless, the more I cried is the more they perceived to be the influence of alcohol. As I cried for help, they saw me like their fellows drunker and they shouted,” add him more alcohol he shall be well”. I perceived my end from that moment, my friends were not close and Esther was so busy trying to put things in their rightful order. In Samia we say, “what is better than you eat you”. I surely gave up. These people begun to use me as a playing toy, several times I was carried up and thrown down. Pain upon pain was my day. My heart stopped bleeding and I agreed with the Samia saying but I was warried to just die in that home though I was willing to go. These people enjoyed the game with me, I was then lifted so high and dropped down but this time round my body feelings or senses were active. I felt a very intense pain and shouted at the top of my voice, ‘My Jesus”. The light was never placed at the beginning of the tunnel from the beginning and surely this shout facilitated my vision of the light at the end of the tunnel even though the tunnel itself was absent. Hearing me shout the name Jesus, they stood still some distance from me, they realized I was not their fellow drunker. They inquired to know me and surely, I could not waste this a golden opportunity. I quickly said ‘I am Alphayo Elias a friend to Esther from Moi University, we came three of us and my friends have gone to view the body. I got ill on the arrival and was brought here to rest.’ This meant some meaning and I quickly asked them to call me Esther with tears rolling my face uncontrollable, the relief could not be sustained when they all said they don’t know anyone by the name Esther. No option, I told them to call me any member of the family they knew hoping that when they come, I could have explained or Esther could have been reached. Yeah, surely, she came eventually but looking so disturbed by the planning and the organization of the burial. I
  • 11. ~ 7 ~ sympathized with her understanding that I was another problem but what could I have done? Devis and Gilbert also came and tried to figure out what would be done. Another discharge from my mouth made me cool for some time and they were at least relieved, she went back and the two stood there to watch over me. It was very late in the night and the hospital was hard to access. So, a nurse was contacted to come and treat me. Waiting was the best we could do, I slept on my stomach in the room of the house pretending to be improving only not to give them more stress. As the pain came, I pressed my stomach hard inside to counter the pain. I believe I was using the principle of action reaction or sacrificial treatment. Since the walls of my stomach were very painful when touched, I could press them very hard so that the pain on the walls could override the intestinal pain. This worked for me and at least my friends had time to breathe fresh air. After a short while, the drama shifted to the Chinese Shoulin soccer and the players were doing it to their climax. I gave my phone to Gilbert and told him to call my mum immediately and inform her I was badly ill and I was not in school but in Kakamega. In others words I purposed to let her know before I surrender my spirit. He obeyed and did exactly is I requested. The next thing I said everyone in that room begun to look at me very careful. “I am dying… I am dying…I am dying.” I began to shout. Gilbert could tell me brother stop saying that, you won’t die but I believed he didn’t know what was happening in its exactitude. I tremendously rolled on the flow hitting everyone that was in the room a wake or a sleep. Everyone woke up and wondered what was the drama for. The drama in my stomach was so corrosive and I felt like my heart was being eaten away. My next minute was unpredictable. The nurse came and injected me some paracetamol and off course the pain was killed. He then said that I had a very strong malaria and I would be well in a short while, that was 1am in the night. The nurse left eventually on seeing the pain countered and the hope was restored to all that were present. The room was filled with sympathy and I could feel it. After one hour, that is 2am, I realized that I had no luck and I began to bleed again from within me. Since I had stressed them much, I didn’t want them to realize the pain was in return. This was a double impact pain; I am dying phrases filled the air again. I cried till 5pm continuously without anything to do. I felt pain in my heart, imagining that the comforter, was another big problem to our sister and that if anything could have happened to me, she could be in a big tragedy. I commanded my friends to take me out of that home regardless of where they could take me. I was willing to die from the outside but not in the compound. Thank God I landed in the Kilindini dispensary.
  • 12. ~ 8 ~ My two untrained doctors On reaching the dispensary, we found a nurse who was completing his night shift and was very real and open to us, he told us he could not help us much for he was leaving the place to allow the one on morning shift to come. But he was also good enough that we explained the issue to him, he examined me and recommended a medication. Nevertheless, the drugs were not in the dispensary so my friends were sent to buy the drugs at the nearby chemist. He then went home leaving me in the dispensary alone, with much hope expecting to get help after my friends come with drugs because it was the prescription of the nurse. I waited, nevertheless, the drama began, I cried in a loud voice and the pain was a real pain. My friends could not come in time so I was alone in the dispensary crying and rolling on the floor since I dropped from the bed. I crawled to the door expecting help from the people passing. However, this could not work. My cry in the dispensary just scared them and they just stood there looking at me wondering what was happening and no one was willing to come close. The day was really bad for me. I cried at the top of my voice and people gathered at the gate of the dispensary to view what was happening but no one came for my help. I vomited and the stomach pain again ceased. Gilbert and Davis came with the drugs but they did not know what to do with them, since there was no nurse nor a person to administer the drugs, they assumed the position of a doctor and they began to treat me. In fact, these two doctors of mine did their level best and gave me the drugs. God was gracious and the pain reduced, however, I could not eat anything though had vomited almost my intestines. Any food particle into my stomach was so disastrous and I could not attempt that. Glucose was bought to boost my strength and my doctors really did it well. These young men were supposed to be doctors but unfortunately, they landed into teaching profession. Sad enough, none of us attended the burial, it was like we just decided to travel from Moi university to go and seek medication in Kilindili dispensary. None of us managed to do what had driven us to travel that long distance to Kakamega, we all stayed in the clinic since they feared leaving me alone again. The day shift nurse finally came and found new doctors handling a patient in her clinic. She had no option but to join the process. After the burial, friends who also came to mourn with our sister joined me in the clinic since they had the information earlier. These were Eustacy, Clifford and Allan. We had to figure out how we could travel back to school. I tried to practice walking but it was still very painful since the muscles of my stomach could not accept any stretch. For a walk I had to bend like a ninety-year- old man to ensure stomach muscles are not touched in any way. And off course the motion was to be in one meter per minute. They catered for my transport back by a vehicle being escorted by Allan and the rest by the bike. I landed in Moi University bent and emaciated but all in all I was back.
  • 13. ~ 9 ~ The elder’s night I could not go to my house and therefore I was taken to my friend’s house, that is Jonah Masika, an associate but was still within doing one two things. It was drama on my arrival, everyone who saw me the previous day going for the funeral could not believe the kind of distortion and attenuation that had happened to my health and posture. At first it was a drama but the reality spoke for itself. Remember the day was planned for and the major event was the birthday celebration. The story however changed without my control. My associate friends that is Allan, Clifford and Jonah had to attend the elder’s night since they were invited by some friends. I was left in the room with a friend who happened to be a neighbour. He was also a finalist by the name Minji. He was to stay with me until the rest could come back. He was actually a good young man and he sacrificed to come and make his studies while watching over me since their final exams were to begin in two days’ time. I saw him focused and determined to prepare for his exams, so I made up my mind never to disturb him in whichever way even if what could happen. Unfortunately, I slowly began listening to the previous music of my stomach. I was so determined to persevere this time round and surely, I did it. After a while it was a new match with the new players in the ground and the referee was a sleep. My stomach pain resumed with a very high tenacity. I can’t remember what happened there but the next time I was able to see I found myself in an ambulance. The next place was the university dispensary with a drip of paracetamol on my left hand. The story was getting complex hour by hour, the graph of my deterioration was so gradual but very sharp. When I regained my conscience, I explained my condition, the nurses brought some drugs and gave me. Each time I could be treated, hope came but this time round it was in a very small quantity. After the elder’s night, friends came over in the dispensary to check on me and prayed with me. Some food was brought since I had not taken anything for the previous twenty-eight hours but I could not take it since I was still afraid of the reaction to my stomach. The paracetamol did it work very well and the pain ceased. By the same ambulance I was carried back to the room after being told that I was well and I could improve in two days. I went with much hope and at least had some sleep that night. This was the same Saturday of 23rd .
  • 14. ~ 10 ~ Bad to worse The Sunday was well spent with some relief and I really hoped to recover as the doctor said. I woke up early on Monday morning with the determination of the lion, practiced walking to see if my body could regain its strength and form. Everyone who called to check on me received the same response, "am improving and in two days I'll be fine and ok". It really sounded nice and encouraging to all that heard this. My friends who were doing exams at least got a relief and hoped to have sufficient time for the preparations of the papers that were remaining. In the evening the same Monday Jonah bought me some fruits and prepared a very delicious meal for me. I really enjoyed the meals since I had missed food for three consecutive days. All things were going on well and the improvement in my health was very visible. The tension and the stress depreciated and the room was filled with hope and great relief. It was time to rest and so we did. At around midnight I began to feel some pain but slowly. This caught my attention and I was really afraid of the previous drama sessions. I could not imagine going back to the same game after such medication and the degree of improvement observed. I was tired of crying. By 2pm I was up trying all postures to sleep on the bed to no avail. Seating was impossible, sleeping was hell, only walking could seem possible but also very difficult. I tried walking in the room but this could not help. They had to wake up that night to check on me and found out the opposite of what they could expect. The night was another horror from the Marvel productions, I think this time round vampires had evaded my stomach and were chewing them like no one’s business. At some point I felt like Sulphur was burning in my lower abdomen. I tried all postures I could but no rest was found. Anyway, Tuesday had to come. By six I was outside the room trying to Walk since sleeping and seating were missions impossible. The curve of my bent increase so rapidly and the anxiety resumed. This is the day we realized that since I began feeling unwell, that is five days I had not gone to the toilet. Though I ate something and the urge was there, I could not manage to discharge anything. This multiplied our anxiety and things were getting out of hands then. We sat down and reasoned together in a great desperation and thought of it being maybe because of warms. Because I couldn't manage to go to the toilet, we thought warms had blocked the waste channel. Therefore, I used the deworming tablet since I had not used it for the previous 8years. Our experiment brought results, surely, I managed to discharge into the toilet but now it was continuous. From there I made friendship with the washrooms, I could go at an interval of 20 minutes both in the night and the day. It was better when I couldn't manage to discharge, life was unbearable. I tried eating but any attempt could accelerate the stomach pain and the stress. Then all muscle of my body began to pain too, the back pains were very severe and stomach pain was now worse than the back. I found myself in a deadlock of life, I could not sleep by the back nor by the stomach, both of them were impossible. The side was also hell and life got higher than my height. My night took 72hours and my days took 48 other hours so you can estimate how long was my day. The only part of my body that was not paining was the hair and the nails.
  • 15. ~ 11 ~ The supernatural travels The pains advanced by hours and life was pressed so hard and the hope was in fire while the faith was tested so well. Sleeping was impossible, seating was improbable, eating was a grave and hot water became my all in all. Sleep rebelled me and life took a new trajectory. By Wednesday I began to experience some strange travels into a new worlds and territories. I could just see myself conversing with unknown people in strange environments, back I could see the opposite, I could see Jonah and Gilbert just busy studying and not talking to me. This confused me and I kept it in my heart. Each minute I could feel like sleep is coming I could see a man coming and standing next to my head while me laying on the ground. This was new and strange. On Wednesday I saw myself dead and the nurses were covering me with a white sheet. I could see a lot of things that made my life to shift into a very impossible plane that was very strange and unbearable to me. By the day I could try talking to people so that I am engaged not to see such things. And remember the toilet was still my close friend. Life in the new world was so terrifying and I began to feel going. Bad to worse actually, I began to suspect my departure buy I really loved my mum and never wished to die since this could also destroy her. She had suffered with me since my childhood and sacrificed a lot to ensure am alive and healthy. I did not want to go just because of my mum but I was tired and willing to give up my spirit. By time I began to sympathize with people whose destinies were connected to me and cried in my heart. This was pain upon pain and I was in a real dilemma. The Thursday night was the climax and the most horrific travel that forced me to narrate all this stories to Jonah. I saw the late Ondeto, the founder of the Legion Maria church seated on something like a throne. He is the founder of Legion Maria and he is also worshiped. The members of this church believe Ondeto was Jesus Christ but in the African form. So, he was respected and worshiped. I saw him calling me with a finger sign, all of a sudden two fingers which meant we were to go a pair but I could not see the other person that was being referred to. In the dream I saw this meaning death to me and another person. I resisted and adamantly refused to go to him and I woke up terrified on Friday morning thinking and believing the end had come so near. The reason why I can explain this man Ondeto is because before I got saved, I was a member of the legion Maria. God saved me through his word and his spirit as I encountered Exodus twenty during my personal bible study that speaks of the ten commandments. The commandment that was my deliverance was one that says "thou shalt not bow down or worship an image on earth or in heaven”. Seeing a lot of images like that of Mary, Ondeto and others in the church the spirit convince me that this was faulty and I was delivered. I woke up early in the morning, I allowed Gilbert to go for his exams and called Jonah, narrated the whole story to him and we prayed together. Then I went back to my bed allowing him to continue with the exam preparations. Though we prayed, the particles of my mind were vibrating at a very highly velocity in my head and I felt like my spirit was leaving me. I woke up again and asked Jonah three time, " papa what are you thinking?". I asked him these questions in my mind knowing that if something special is not done then I was on my way leaving him. The fourth
  • 16. ~ 12 ~ time I asked him he connected and told me the solution was the Moi teaching and referral hospital (MTRH). But the problem was how could we get there and Jonah had already spent all of his money trying to treat me, I also had nothing. Our mind was aligned and we all thought to seek this from the school dispensary. We took the motor bike to the dispensary since I was told in case of no improvement I could come back. Immediately we arrived we found an ambulance ready to take a certain lady who was going to deliver at the MTRH. This was an opportunity to get to the hospital, they agreed to carry us but we were told that the admission and treatment fee will be out of our efforts. This is how we landed in Moi teaching and Referral hospital in Eldoret town.
  • 17. ~ 13 ~ The world of modern drama The school ambulance carried us to the referral hospital and more specifically I landed in the emergency section but on the arrival, we were told to take care of the rest that was to come. By the time I arrived I was not in a position to walk so the wheelchair was brought and Jonah pushed me into the hospital. My mum sent something for admission hoping that things could get better. Off course I had not told her my condition exactly as it was since I feared breaking her heart. I was taken to the reception to see the nurse after the admission. We explained to her what had happened and we were sent to other rooms to carry out the x-ray and the ultrasound tests to determine if there was something in my stomach. They recommend this after realizing that the drugs I was using were the same they wanted to give me but no improvement was observed. Jonah took me still on the wheelchair to the x-ray room but the multitude that was in the room was discouraging, we saw it growing more difficult. It was so tough but this was the only way So we had to queue waiting to be attended to. This time the stomach pain had reduced in magnitude but the frequency at which I was supposed to go to the toilet was so high. After every twenty minutes Jonah had to take me to the washrooms but on coming back, we could not regain our position on the queue. It really looked like a circumnavigation and it was so discouraging. I made up my mind to persevere until we could be reached but it still failed. Some people seemed to be understanding and at least I found an opportunity to get back to my position after every travel to the washrooms. Eventually the radiographer did what he had to do on me and the results were out. Later we went to the next room for the ultrasound. The game was the same, the queue was very long and the waiting continued. I spent 8 hours on the wheelchair moving left, right, north and south for the process to be completed. My backbone developed pain and the weather was very cold and this too was a factor upon my body. By 5pm we went back to submit the results to another room and was waiting for the way forward or the doctor’s recommendations. Neither Jonah nor I ate anything that day, we were very tired and discouraged by everything that was happening in the hospital. My body changed due to both the cold and long seating on the
  • 18. ~ 14 ~ wheelchair but we had to wait. We submitted our file at 5pm having the results for all the tests to the doctor in charge. More files were brought and we were waiting for him to go through and give us the way forward. A lot of people some in very critical and worse conditions than me lied desperate in the corridor near that room with no one to attend to them. The process was very slow but we had no power to control it. My turn to enter finally reached and we got in ready to receive the outputs from the tests and the doctor’s recommendations. Though inside the room, we still had to wait for long and I was so keen to see how my file was being handled. This drew my attention; each time my file was reached, the doctor examined it, looked at me and put it down with some files above it. The next time he reached it, he again looked at me and inserted it within other files. I told Jonah to go and find out what was really happening but the kind of rude and abusive response he got, he could not contain it. We had no option but to assume patience though we were really tired and discouraged. I began to wonder of what had happened to my file and what was the course of all that was happening. The process of looking into my file and inserting it continued until 8pm still in MTRH. This was too much to bear but we had to assume forbearance. All the patients were attended to until all the files on the table were done except mine and my anxiety ballooned. The doctor who was on the day shift told us that the night shift doctor could handle our case and he left. Our desperation increased immensely. He eventually came and also began to do the same thing the previous nurse was doing. After a while I saw him picking a paper that looked like a form that had spaces to be filled. He carried the form in his hand, stood straight and looked at me again for a while. He walked slowly towards us and stood again and looked at us. He finally handed the form paper in his hand to Jonah. Jonah went through it for a while and turned back to me and said, " They are saying you should undergo a surgery; how do you see it?". I don't know what happened but on hearing that I was to be operated money was the first thing that came into my mind. I asked him if we could find that huge amount of money that would facilitate my operation. Now the doctor came to me and told me that I was to undergo an operation since all the tests were showing nothing and therefore, they had to open my stomach to see what was the issue. This meant my operation was still an experiment or a test as you can call it. Another tragedy was if someone could ask me why was I going for an operation, what would I have said in response. The document needed my sign that implies that I agree with the results of the theater and whatever that would happen is fine and accepted. But there was another tragedy, none of my family members was aware I would go for an operation and therefore my signing meant that Jonah would be responsible for whichever result from the theater. On addition I was trying to take care of the shock that could hit my mother in case she realizes I was going for an operation and therefore I told Jonah not to tell anyone including her before I could be operated. I wanted her to know this while am out of the theatre. The equivalent of this is that I was setting Jonah in a very hot fire. Incase anything bad could have happened to me I don't know what could he had explained to my people. This was actually a foolish decision I've ever made in my life. So, Jonah
  • 19. ~ 15 ~ was pressed on both side, mum called him demanding to know my condition and on the other hand I had told him not to tell anyone. Mum kept on calling Jonah and the response remained, "we are waiting for the doctor’s response." I really don't know what was going on in Jonah's mind going through all this and also him having exams the next day. The good God favour my brother Jonah. I was then told at around 9pm to get ready for an operation. This involved putting off all my clothing and putting on the free ward garment. I did so and was told to lie on a bed to wait shortly to be taken to the theater. The garment was so light and the cold took the advantage but I had hope since I knew the operation was to take place in a short while. We waited for the said doctor to no avail and my mother kept on calling worried what could be happening. Our common response to her lost its power and she became so upset with our response and Jonah had to face the words of a very tough parent. At around 2am the doctor had not arrived and it was too much for Jonah to bear. He brought me the phone and advices me to tell my mother the truth. It was not easy for her to realize that her son was going for an operation all of a sudden. It was very tough even more when she realized I was trying to hide all this from her. We waited for the doctor till 6am in the morning but mum kept on calling Jonah inquiring of the progress that was really stagnant. By this time, I had freezed, I was dehydrated and my body had become pale and now turning white. Someone eventually came and told me that she was taking me to the theatre. Jonah accompanied me narrating some stories to me as we were moving to the theatre section. Entering this section, I realized I was the first person to get there but after a while some more people who were to be operated were brought in until it was full
  • 20. ~ 16 ~ The heaven’s drama Tragedy after tragedy was the pattern. Being the first one in the theatre section I believed I could be the first one to be attended to so I made a short prayer to God: “After the operation ooh Lord help me to recover quickly.” I really don’t know why I didn’t pray for the operation process but I believe God had given me hope and I was convinced intrinsically that I could get out of the theatre alive. From 6am I waited on the bed in a very serious cold to be taken to the real operation chamber till 9am. All who were with me in the room were taken and they were attended to in time. Each time one person was taken I hoped to be the next, unfortunately this happened until I was the only one remaining un attended. I was really disturbed and surely so many things crossed my mind. I tried to bring all my imagination on the table to analyze what could be the issue but it worked not. What surprised me much was the people who were making storied in that room but never cared about me and my condition. By this time Jonah had already been sent away and told to wait until am out of the theatre. All this time I was waiting I can’t imagine what was the condition of my brother Jonah who waited outside. And I don’t know what was his response each time my mum called to inquire the progress. We told this woman her son was to be operated at midnight and now it was 10 am morning, what was Jonah’s explanation to her. Did she not think I died in the process? Only God knows that but for sure Jonah was sandwiched between two sharp ends of two nails and they were pressing very hard. But what was going on in the mind of Jonah too as I continued to delay in the theatre? This man Jonah, may God almighty remember you. As the men in the room continued to make stories as if I was not there, I began to think what if these men were waiting to see me die since I had signed the form. I made up my mind that I should leave, go and die from home but not in such an environment. I woke up from the bed applying the entire of my remaining strength though this was a great risk. Walked toward the men and told them, “It seems am already healed and am ok so let me go home since nothing is
  • 21. ~ 17 ~ being done to me.” They realized I was serious the moment I told them to give me my clothes and they began to persuade me saying that it was not arrogance but the one who was to operate me was not around but he was on the way coming. They told me to get back to the bed and wait for a moment. I went back but very angry with everything and surely nothing was adding up. He eventually came by 11am and quickly I was taken to the surgical chamber for the process. On reaching there, another drama fresh and new began, no arrangements were done by the nurses so the doctor started quarrelling them as I watched. Fear engulfed me wondering if such kind of carelessness could spare my life. Anyway, I was already in the chamber, I was transferred to another bed in which the process was to take place. When the doctor drew close, I began talking to him explaining the condition of my back. I had slept with my back for seven days and it was so painful so I was inquiring if there could be away, I could be helped since I needed to use the same back in the ward after the operation, this was the end of my conversation and I don’t know how he responded. I woke up like someone that is from a deep sleep and a terrifying dream when I had forgotten I was in the hospital. My shock was that I was having pipes all over my body, I was not used to this surely. My first voice was: “what the hell is this place?”. Someone responded that I was in the theatre. I began to pull them out of my body only to realize my hand and legs were tightly tied on the bed. I remembered I had gone for an operation; I pushed my hand slowly and carefully to my stomach to check whether I was operated or not. I touched a big bandage on my stomach and immediately I knew the process was so successful. The process was complete and I was still alive but the pain from the operated wound was so severe. Furthermore, the pipe through my nose trill into my stomach was so irritating, the one at the side of my stomach for the discharge was so painful. Another one was for the discharge of urine; my body was fully wired and this really gave me stress. The doctor asked me if I was feeling any pain and surely, I told him I was dying of pain. He called his colleague and they came to me apologizing to me saying that they were supposed to inject me the painkillers drug from the inside walls of my stomach before they would close my belly but they had forgotten. This one was so heartbreaking to me and I imagined they were to reopen my stomach again or else I could see fire. They consulted themselves and decided to inject me from the outside, that is on the external wall of my stomach. They told me to relax and expect extra pain as I receive the injection and one was holding a torch as one was trying to locate the appropriate vessel on my stomach to inject the drug. While my eyes closed, I began to hear their terrifying conversation: “you see this vessel, if I inject here, he will just die now.” This came direct to my years and express to my heart and I was holding my breath to wait for the next probability. All of a sudden, I felt the injection into my body and thank God I didn’t die but the pain stopped immediately from one side of my stomach. They now proceeded to the left side of my stomach and began to search for the appropriate blood vessel but this time round it was not possible. They tried to their level best but didn’t see it, so I heard them say: “wacha tuu tudunge hapa.” Which meant let us just inject here. I saw death coming and surely waited for it but thank God it worked. Their success was my relief and I gave thanks to God.
  • 22. ~ 18 ~ A nurse was called and told to take me to the ward for further treatment and recovery. On our way to the ward, we met one nurse student who was on internship in the hospital. The nurse gave him the instructions on how to handle me saying, “ensure your hands are clean and put on surgical gloves before you handle the patient, ensure you have the correct attire and the tools to handle the case.” She then handed me to him and instructed him to take me to a certain ward. Before we could reach the said ward, we met another intern and they began conversing too. He narrated all the instruction to his colleague but he concluded by telling him that, “but don’t worry we cannot do those instruction things, this is just Kenya.” This time round they faced a mad patient, in my condition I raise my head and said all of you are so stupid, how can you jock with the life of people saying this is just Kenya. They kept quiet and took me to the ward cube and was given a bed. Another tragedy was here, my bad was bad and not adjustable so a lied flat just as a normal bed and no one cared. I decided to make communication first but since my phone was with Jonah and off, I didn’t have Jonah’s number off head, I requested someone to assist me his phone and immediately called my mum to tell Jonah that I was outside the theater and that I was in the ward. Jonah quickly came and on the same day my sister also arrived to take care of me. This man Jonah, with me in the hospital while the exams going on in the school, in fact this was his final exams but he sacrificed them to take care of me, May God remember you papa. The topography of the bed was then a bigger problem, since I was lying flat with my head not raised, the discharges from my stomach ceased to come out through the pipes but began to come out through my mouth. I saw clothed blood coming through my mouth, it was so heavy that it could not flow by itself out but my sister hard to pull it using a tissue paper. This began to block my chest and breathing was becoming a nightmare. This made my sister weak and I could see her hope absent. I suffered on that bed for two days until my legs began to swell and life was becoming complicated day by day. Then my dear brother Hopkins called and told me he was on the way coming with my dear sister and friend Rose Naiga to see me in the hospital. They landed just the time I was going to the toilet since the friendship with it had begun again. They prayed with me and I at least felt some atoms of hope within me. Rose then told me she was also from another hospital to see her sister whose child was admitted and that she was going back. I realy felt a kind of brethren love and sacrifice I never imagined. After she left, I told Hopkins to engineer my bed and surely, we stole several blankets from other beds and put them at the head of my bed to raise it and from there I could start to feel the discharge going through the pipes. This man Hopkins slept in the cold on a bare floor for all the days I was in the hospital, this man Hopkins washed me like his baby, this man Hopkins became my parent. Due to much cold and the condition of the ward, the health of my sister deteriorated and so she had to leave. Hopkins and Jonah were my parents taking the full responsibility. These men, May God favour you. I saw sleeping alone was not helpful and I was taking long to recover so I began to slowly walk within the cube.
  • 23. ~ 19 ~ Faith in action Life took another trajectory thereafter. Hopkins narrated very sweet stories to me that kept me alive and also stirred my faith greatly. In his stories, he was keen to quote scriptures and the power that each scripture came with added strength to me. The next day when he shouted saying ‘May the sick say they are healed’, I realized my deliverance had come. He made me to confess that I was healed and actually this sank so deep into my heart. This is the moment I remembered that all power belongs to God. I gained strength and began to entertain my fellow patients in our cube. When things seemed tough, I remembered some time previously I had come for a worship experience in the hospital that was planned by the medical students who studied in that hospital. During that worship experience I remember telling God to heal people in that hospital because of allowing my feet to step in that environment. So, the person that was interceding for the healing of the sick was now the sick person. I reminded God this and told him that I was there praying for the sick in the same hospital and I demanded him to remember me too. Then Hopkins invited our friend and dad who is a pastor at the Fountain of Wisdom Chapel Eldoret to come over and see me in the hospital. He came with some brethren, encouraged me and prayed with me for the quick recovery. Before leaving, pastor reminded me of the scripture in Romans 8:11 that says “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of[ his Spirit who lives in you.”. and he told me to confess it always until I would get out of the hospital and for the rest of my life. This was my stepping stone and the basis of my demand to God. Each time thoughts of weakness came in my mind; I confessed this scripture and I was very strong. After a while mum managed to come since she delayed looking for finances to enable her come to the hospital. She began to give stories of who did that and this and she was so afraid that I could not survive. It was so discouraging but this verse become my defense and I overcome. Some people called with discouraging statements but my strength was in the scripture. I kept on confessing until the scripture was part of me. Due to the state of the hospital, we used to rest on the same bed with my brother Jonah while mum and Hopkins were chased out of the ward.
  • 24. ~ 20 ~ One night still in the hospital at around 2am I had a dream: I saw someone the image of a man injecting me on the backbone. Immediately I woke up but what was a dream seemed to be a reality, the pain on my back borne caused me to jump from the bed as if I had no wound and this made Jonah to ask me in great shock what was happening. I only told him that I had seen something but shockingly he also said that he had seen something. I decided to get back to the bed till morning since I didn’t want to disturb him. Jonah had been revising for his exams in the ward and early in the morning he could travel back to school to seat for his exams. This was really tiresome. In the morning the back pain increased and actually deformed me, I could not seat on my own nor stand on my own. My waking up and my walking was fully dependent on the strength of Hopkins. Things reversed just by one dream but I knew this was not just a dream. I told Hopkins and Jonah that this dream was not just a dream and therefore telling the doctor of the back pain was not necessary but a spiritual approach was to be taken. We joined faith and prayed together and trusted God for the healing. I also remembered pastor Shitote telling me that in the ward the spirit of death always takes advantage to take the life of people. But he told me am of God and that the spirit could not manage for the spirit that rose Christ was in me. People began to die in our cube one after the other and this caught the attention of my mother. She kept on asking me why my body was not improving quickly but my response was one: God is in control. The back pain began to reduce time by time though very slowly but this time round I had full confidence in the power of the word of God. The time came when my doctor examined me and recommended that I was ready to be discharged. He removed all the discharge pipes from my body and asked me to start taking some light food for two days before I could leave the hospital. This increased the span of my operation in the hospital and I could walk almost the whole hospital practicing to strengthen my body. Because the drip was out of my body, the doctor recommended some drugs that the nurse was to take from the pharmacy that I could take to help me improve. I stayed three consecutive days in the ward without taking any drug without the understanding of what was happening. Each time I could ask the nurse she could claim to have forgotten. I really wondered why was it possible that other people’s drugs were never forgotten but mine were forgotten for three days. In my spirit I felt that was not natural and something fishy was being done someplace, I realized this was a manipulation. I texted my friends and explained to them how manipulation was really causing delay to my treatment and thank God they were all convince and we went to our knees to command the release of my drugs. Thanks to these pillars that prayed with me; Hopkins, Jonah, Temesi, Nyokabi, Auka, Devis, Brenda Okuku and many that I texted and were readily available to engage the supernatural. After texting them, I too took one hour to pray and after my prayer a saw nurse come as if someone was chasing her with three boxes in her hands. Guess what! These were my drugs, the quantity shocked me but the prayers were answered. God is faithful and very willing to help us and he is very faithful to his word. Another tragedy was to raise the finance to clear my bills. By then the bill was ksh70,000.00 and this was a very huge sum to my mum. Relatives disappeared, only a few showed up and getting out of the hospital was almost becoming a dream. Next to my bed was a man who it was said that he was in the hospital for the previous eight months due to the inability to raise the funds. I texted people that I believed blood could be thicker than water but it never worked. Blood is very
  • 25. ~ 21 ~ thicker anyway but we need to understand which kind of blood is it. I had an uncle of mine also a friend who happened to be the assistant CS for external affairs in Kenya who later became the minister of sports after the elections that happened just the day I was discharged. He was a nice friend of mine and we used to talk and chat at a friendly level but when I texted him telling him that I was in the hospital and that I needed his help to clear my bills, this marked the end of our conversation till today. All the visible means and roads had been blocked and my mother was so stressed and really wondered how we could get out. She contacted her friends and raised a maximum of KSH 20,000.00 but this could not help since the bill was approaching KSH 90,000.00. Jonah told me not to worry and surely, I could not worry, since God had healed me, I considered being discharged a minor issue. The family of WESO comprising of students, associate and friend went out of their means and in a span of three days, they raised KSH 23,000.00 and sent to me for the clearance of the bills. This now mounted to KSH 43, 000.00. this family realy amazed me and my mum could not believe that what relatives could not do, friends and in fact mere students could do it. She wondered of such a kind of love that the fellowship of students could have that the natural blood could not have. I found I platform to preach in great excitement and this was a sermon to my own mother. I began to tell her that the blood that is really thicker than water is not the natural blood but the blood of Jesus. These were my family in Jesus Christ limited in many ways financially but sacrificed to see me well and discharged compare to the relatives that had a lot of money but could not do that. I told mum to stop complaining of how her brothers and in-laws had failed her and told her then to focus on Jesus Christ who had given me a family and that Jesus would ensure I get out of the hospital. I found a chance to explain to her that there is no love without Jesus and that anyone that is without Christ cannot love. I told her love is God and anyone without God cannot love. This time round she began to love my God and really wanted to hear more talk about him. She came to realize that our relatives had not done anything wrong but they had no capacity to do so since they had no love which is God through accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour. She stopped complaining and began to glorify God and the scripture that says “they glorified God in me” was fulfilled. God preserve WESO, this family is a true definition of love I’ve ever imagined. This was the season of election and therefore one day before the day of voting my mum went and talked to the social workers in the hospital explaining to them that out of 80k we had only 43k but we needed help since that was our highest stretch. They wrote us a letter and sent mum to present it to the board of management of the hospital. She really went but was harassed so badly that she came back without any hope. She got back to the social workers but they also changed and became so rough to her. She came back very low thinking to leave me in the hospital to go home and plan for a fundraising. But this could not work since the same people that were to give were the same that had refused to support. Remember the next day was the election day and therefore no one could be discharged. I realized if I couldn’t be released that day, I could stay there more four to five days since the outcome of election was unpredictable. I told mum to pack our things and to get ready for home though I didn’t know how. Sincerely speaking, she packed everything well and waited for the next instruction. She kept on looking at
  • 26. ~ 22 ~ me and asking if I was sure of what I was saying and I said yes but I had no solid thing to prove this. After packing she went outside the hospital to buy some staffs and I decided to utilize that opportunity well. I got back to my men and by that time Hopkins had gone home. I ask them to help me pray for my release that day and in fact I told them to tell God that I wanted to go home that day without missing. They responded well and agreed to do so. This was around 1pm, I also found I space near my bed and began to present my demand to God reminding him of his word. I prayed until I was hungry but there was no evidence of it happening. I was convicted to stop praying and dress well ready for the journey and surely, I did. Nurses, socially workers and everyone that new my story was shocked and realy thought I was planning to snick from the hospital. They kept on monitoring every movement I could make in the hospital. Well dressed and ready for the journey but no evidence of its success again. The nurses had stopped to wash my wound for the previous three days and it had begun to produces pusses but they were still not willing to do so. They claimed there was no material in the hospital to wash me. I decided to stay ready, I combed my hair very well and was really ready. I waited for a word from the office till 5pm, but according to the regulations of the hospital no one could be released anytime past 4:59pm. It became tough but I still told God that I was ready to go home and that I was not willing to sleep in the hospital that night. I told my mother that even if I was to sleep outside the gate of the hospital, I could be happy than in the hospital. Faith is an action of obedience you take as a result of your conviction of who God is and the integrity of His word. Faith is a substance that moves mountains, at the moment things looked more impossible than before, I saw the two social workers coming. I knew they had come to clear their desk as they leave for home but it was not so. Light at the end of the tunnel they say. They called and asked me to give them my details, I wasted no time since I didn’t know what was happening, these women were doing things in a vibration as if someone was chasing them. By 5;30pm they told me to call mum from outside and get ready for our released. I had never seen these women working at such a speed before, they were very slow and lazy at their work but this time round I believe there was a force facilitating that. I saw them searching for my file in the shelf as if it was a treasure to them, they dropped a lot of files down just searching mine and people wondered what was happening. I continued to murmur some tongues as I told God I was leaving and that it was a must for my file to be found. They finally got it, signed everything and approved my release, forced one doctor that was around to sign on the behalf of my doctor who had gone home and I was free. We were overwhelmed with joy that day. Because it was very late, we began to think where we could go since home was six hours away, while still thinking my aunt who was staying within Eldoret town fortunately was coming to see me bringing some food. We told her to make a u tern and take us to her house and these are the wonders that God did and I found myself out of the hospital. Before reaching her home, we branched to a nearby chemist to wash the wound since it had not been washed for the previous three days. It was washed but whoever washed it told me that it had developed an infection and I was to maintain it clean always. So, she gave me some iodine and the gauze sponge for washing while am at home. Anyway, the next day, the day of election we travel to our home in Busia County with my mother.
  • 27. ~ 23 ~ God is real I stayed home under special treatment and care to facilitate my recovery. However, after few days the infection in my wound became real and visible. I developed a hole on my stomach just at the wound that kept on increasing day by day and it produced very light discharges that kept my t-shirt always wet. I tried to hide it from my mum and my brother but they came to know about it when they kept on seeing my t-shirt wet only at the place where the wound was. They forced me to show them the condition of my wound and I had no option but to show them. When they looked and saw a hole and realized that from it one could see my intestines, mum began to cry saying that I was going to die. She really cried since our family was associated with witch craft and she had a lot of terrifying dreams about me. They told me to go back to the hospital the next day but I didn’t want to go to the hospital since I was traumatized. The next day she realized in the morning that someone had in the night thrown two hens without heads into our compound near the fence. Since witchcraft was common in the area her anxiety increased and she became very weak. Each time relatives and friends came to see me I could tell them that though I was sick but by then was fine but my mum could cry out to them, she could say that her sone was dying and that I had a hole on my stomach to my intestines. This really disturbed me and I thought of a thing to do to stop this. I called my mother aside and warned her not to discuss me with her friends explaining to her that she was weakening me and discouraging me. I also assured her that I would get well and she agreed to keep quiet about the matter. From there I never showed or opened my wound to the view of anyone. I chose to be my own doctor, so I went to the internet and searched what could be the course of the hole at the operated wound. I found out several responses but all talked of an infection. I also searched for the corrective measures and was told to use the antibiotics. I remembered there was an uncle of mine who was a nurse but had retired, I told mum to call him, talked to him and he agreed with my diagnosis but since I could not inject myself, I needed him. I sent him to buy the antibiotics from the nearby hospital and she could inject me on a daily basis for five days until the wound dried and the hole was closed. The moment I went for the check up in the hospital to remove the stiches, the wound was dry and the hole closed and the hope of my mum was restored. This is what the lord did to me and I am alive till the day ill fulfill my assignment on this earth.
  • 28. ~ 24 ~ Conclusion Mighty is the hand of the Lord my God. Psalms 147.5. Great is the Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limits. I went all through those terrifying situations and I managed to survive but nothing can I credit to myself. It all happened by the mercies of God and his will to let me live. Not even my faith saved me since even before I could go to the hospital, I had already lost hope and feared to die. I cannot boast of my strength nor my holiness, it was just be the glory to which Jesus Christ has been risen to life that I lived. Up to this point I agree with the scripture in Romans 9;16 that says; it does not, therefore, depend on mans desire or effort, but on Gods mercy. It is also very vital to understand that all the power belongs to God. He is the only source of power in heaven and on earth. This power might be manipulated by evil spirits but it can’t deny the fact that God is the source of all power. He does all things at his will and no power, no alter nor a foundation in earth or in heaven that can limit him. Isiah 62:11 God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God. The entire of this story is just a demonstration of the power of God and his mercy upon humanity and surely there is nothing impossible with him. Today, when someone asks me to explain on the subject of the power of God and his mercy, I can surely open up my life to him for a case study and all the glory will be unto the life-giving God. (The writing of this testimony was completed by 22nd July 2023.) God bless you very much for reading this material and I hope it is worthy sharing to your loved ones!