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{simple living} inspire

                                                                                                     simplify your life
                                                                                                        In today’s busy world, it’s easy to lose sight
                                                                                                       of the things that matter: family, friends, your
                                                                                             ! With a little effort, you can realign
                                                                                                       your priorities and reap rewards in everything
                                                                                                            from your home to your hip pocket
                                                                                                                           Compiled by Jane Parbury
photography john paul urizar, styling melissa heath & sami simper

                                                                    On sofa: ‘Pauola’ cushions in Yellow, $39.95 each, Kas Australia. ‘Brera Lino’ green cushions, $165 each, Orson & Blake. Bonnie & Neil ‘Gum’
                                                                     cushion, $120, Koskela. Taupe cushion and throw, both stylist’s own. ‘St Lucia’ sofa, $4725, Coco Republic. On table: ‘O Sauvignon Blanc’
                                                                      tumbler, $44.95/pair, Riedel. ‘Cam Sise’ glass bottle, $475, Garden Life. ‘Painted Bird’ plate, $20/large, ‘Antwerp’ whitewashed mango
                                                                     wood coffee table, $750, both Orson & Blake. On deck: Timber post stool, $220, Koskela. ‘Cam Suizahi’ glass bottle, $85; Spathiphyllum
                                                                        ‘Sensation’ plant, $30; ‘Odemis’ coloured urn, $445; Ficus Elastica plant, $135; ‘Sekerci Kazani’ copper pot, $2750, all Garden Life.
                                                                                                       Bonnie & Neil ‘Cockatoo’ cushion, $189, Koskela. Stockists, page 195

                                                                                                                                                                      {may 2012} 39
family & friends
                                                    An inviting home – regardless of style or
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Introduce plants and flowers       to your home. Indoor
                                                                                                                                                                                                             plants can cleanse the air and reduce pollutants,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 says environmental creative Joost Bakker.
                                                    size – is one where everyone wants to be.
                                                       Try our tips to turn your space into
                                                               a cosy, relaxing haven

                                                                                                          Make the most of
                                                                                                          your kitchen with
                                                                                                          a spacious bench
                                                                                                        where family or guests can
                                                                                                         sit while you’re cooking.
                                                                                                      “A well-designed island bench
                                                                                                         should be a focal point in
                                                                                                         your kitchen and the hub
                                                                                                        of your home,” says interior
                                                                                                         designer Victoria Waters.

      Clear the clutter. Your surroundings             Orr of Dulux. “Try Tapestry Beige, Warm
      can affect your mood, and a cluttered            Neutral and Hog Bristle, or think about
      space can make you feel crowded in. “If          green, in any shade or tone. They are so
      you make the decision to buy less, our           relaxing to live with.” For party spaces, go
      environment will thank you for it,” says
      Helen Butler of Clutter Rescue. “Making
      the decision to get on top of your clutter,
                                                       bold: “Orange can be a great colour to
                                                       add a little zing to your space, while red
                                                       adds a sense of drama and romance.”
                                                                                                       your home office

                                                                                                                                       photography (opposite) lincoln barbour, (this page) kieran scott
      whether it’s space- or time-related, gives       Be prepared for drop-ins. Invest in              into the living
      you a sense of control and clarity.”             lidded ottomans or chests that double
      Take a look at how your family inhabits          as occasional tables so you can put             area to keep the
      your home. If you spend most of your             away the kids’ toys quickly. Mount                young computer
      time in separate areas, create a zone            the TV on the wall or conceal it in
                                                                                                        addicts in your
      where you can congregate by grouping             a built-in or freestanding storage
      sofas and armchairs around a coffee              unit – and keep it switched off                  family involved
      table or a rug, or introducing an adult          when you have visitors.                         – it also allows
      seating area to a rumpus room. “Furniture        Entertain! You don’t need to host a               you to keep an
      that faces each other encourages                 formal sit-down dinner to have more                                                                                                                                                   Establish a family rule to eat
      conversation,” says Victoria Waters.             time with the people you love. Think
                                                                                                          eye on their                                                                                                                       together regularly – research has
      Decorate to suit the space. “You can’t           Sunday brunch, tea and cake, snags and              web-surfing                                                                                                                        shown that eating together as a
      go past a neutral colour palette for a           salad. Ask people to bring a bottle or a                                                                                                                                            family may fight off childhood obesity.
      calming backdrop,” says Andrea Lucena-           plate, and let the fun begin.                                                                                                                                                        Delegate food preparation tasks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             you’ll not only save yourself time,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           you’ll be teaching your kids life skills. >

40 {may 2012}                                                                                                                                                                                                                     {may 2012} 41
harness your energy
                                           With energy bills going skyward, it makes
                                            sense to cut back on your electricity use,                                                                                                                               Consider solar. Photovoltaic
                                          and investigate alternatives to the traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (PV) panels use light from the
                                              utilities. The earth will love you for it!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sun to generate a current fed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           through an inverter and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         converted to electricity. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       amount generated depends on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the number of panels and size of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the inverter. A newer alternative
             Anne Armansin, energy-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to panels are PV roof tiles, which
             efficient advocate for                                                                                                                                                                                    essentially do the same job. For
             Origin, shares her tips:                                                                                                                                                                                  details, visit
             “When buying an appliance make
             sure it’s not too big for your everyday needs,
             as large appliances use more energy,
             and buy the best quality you can afford
             – cheap appliances don’t last as long.
             It’s more energy efficient to wash up
             once a day in a dishwasher than three times
             a day by hand. Turn off unused appliances
             at the wall as some consume standby power.
             Don’t overfill your kettle and waste energy
             heating the same water more than once.
             Fridge motors should only run a few
             hours a day – if yours is continually running,
             it could need repairing or replacing. Check
             the labels on new units – the higher the
             star rating, the more you could save.
             When using airconditioners,
             keep doors to unused areas closed
             and thermostat temperatures moderate
             – manufacturers recommend settings
             of 24°C in summer. Close curtains over

                                                                                                                     photography (opposite) jacqui way, (solar panels) ilFede/shutterstock, (this page) sue stubbs
             large glass areas as you can lose up to
             16 per cent of heat transfer through glass.
             Front loader washing machines
             use about 50 per cent less energy and
             42 per cent less water than the average
             top loader of similar capacity.”

                                                                                     Off-peak electricity is
                                                                                typically 50 per cent cheaper than                                                                                                                                        Stephen Cranch of Solahart sums up solar power:
                                                                                 peak. Also, check with your local                                                                                                                                        “With solar hot water, heat is captured directly from the sun through
                                                                                   energy supplier about smart                                                                                                                                            collectors installed on the roof and is transferred to the fluid circulating
                                                                                   meters, which will allow you                                                                                                                                           inside, which is then stored in an insulated tank for future use. A solar
                                                                                   to monitor your own energy                                                                                                                                             system can reduce water-heating energy use by 50 to 90 per cent.”
                                                                                  use; these are being rolled out                                                                                                                                         “A 1.5kW solar power system requires six to eight panels depending on
                                                                                  across Victoria and NSW. Visit                                                                                                                                          panel efficiency and size, and will provide around one third of a household’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 electricity needs, depending on various factors. A 5kW system would take up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          most of the suitable roof space and should cover most electricity needs.”

42 {may 2012}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          {may 2012} 43
home harvest
                                               Shopping wisely – especially when it comes
                                               to food – can impact upon your health and
                                                wealth, help the environment and support
                                                your local community. What’s not to love?

                   Drink tap water. “We have some
                 of the best tap water in the world,” says
                  environmental creative Joost Bakker.
              “Drinking tap water saves on the production
               of bottles and freight, plus there’s no need
              for the bottles to be picked up and recycled.”

                                                                                        Consider keeping chooks. Not only
                                                                                         will you have a supply of incredibly fresh
                                                                                          eggs with no associated food miles, but
                                                                                         the chooks will eat food scraps, reducing
                                                                                        wastage, keep down the insect population
                                                                                         and produce an endless supply of garden
                                                                                         – er, fertiliser, too! Check with your local
                                                                                            council for regulations on backyard
                                                                                             chicken coops, and have a look at
                                                                                        Rentachook (, who sell
                                                                                        everything you need and will even let you

                                                                                                                                        photography (this page, top left) nicky ryan, (top & bottom right) sue stubbs, (opposite) craig wall
                                                                                             try your hand before you commit.

  Shop smart to reduce waste.                  Repair it before you replace it.
  “Australians waste over $5 billion worth     “Every new thing we purchase has an
  of food each year,” says Leyla Acaroglu of   entire life of environmental impacts
  Eco Innovators. “Take a list to the market   locked up inside it,” says Leyla. “Repairing,
  and prepare menus in advance so you
  only buy the food you need.”
  Before you buy, whether it’s an apple
                                               borrowing, sharing and leasing items
                                               before buying something new, and giving
                                               things away or lending them out when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grow it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               yourself. No matter
  or an armchair, consider the transport       you no longer need them, is a great way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   how small your
  miles – the distance taken to deliver your   to reduce your ecological footprint.”
  item, from its production to your home.      Store food properly and you’ll waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   space, you can
  Buying local is usually the safest bet.      less. “Different types of fruit and veg                                                                                                                                                         produce something,
  Be selective and strategic about             require individual storage conditions.                                                                                                                                                           even if it’s just
  the things that you own and buy, says        By storing your produce in optimum
                                               conditions for its breathing type, you can                                                                                                                                                        a few herbs. You
  Leyla. “Items that are a higher value
  are usually longer lasting – warranties      keep your greens fresher for longer,”                                                                                                                                                              can pick as you
  are a good indication of how long            explains the team at Tupperware Australia.                                                                                                                                                       need, you’ll save
  a product might last. Lesser-priced          Check out
                                               for more tips on food storage.                                                                                                                                                                      money, and you
  goods are likely to break sooner.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               can’t buy fresher.

44 {may 2012}
money matters
                                     Taking control of your finances is an
                                     essential part of managing your life
                                     and home – and can help reduce the
                                       stress induced by money worries

                                     Andrea Sackson of the Bank
                                     of Queensland shares her
                                     household budget advice:
                                     “Start with the basics. Work out what
                                     you have coming in, for example, salary,
                                     dividends and rental income, and what you
                                     have going out, such as the mortgage, rent,
                                     bills and groceries. To get ahead, you need
                                     to spend less than you earn! Cutting your
                                     spending on ‘nice-to-haves’ like DVDs or
                                     takeaway food can make all the difference.
                                     Decide how much you want to put away
                                     each week and work backwards. Keep nibbling
                                     at your outgoings until the sums work. Lock
                                     it into a spreadsheet and you have your new
                                     household budget. Now for the hard part
                                     – make a commitment to stick to it!
                                     Work out how much you can afford to pay
                                     off your credit cards each month. Set aside
                                     that amount as your ‘credit card kitty’.
                                     Commit to not charging anything to your
                                     cards while you bring that debt under
                                     control. Pay the minimum repayments
                                     every month to avoid missed or late
                                     payment fees, and put whatever is left in
                                     your kitty on the card with the biggest debt.
                                     That credit card debt will disappear like
                                     birthday cake at a kids’ party.”

                                                                                     photography nicky ryan

46 {may 2012}

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Hb0512 Functiona Lsimplelife

  • 1. {simple living} inspire simplify your life In today’s busy world, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that matter: family, friends, your! With a little effort, you can realign your priorities and reap rewards in everything from your home to your hip pocket Compiled by Jane Parbury photography john paul urizar, styling melissa heath & sami simper On sofa: ‘Pauola’ cushions in Yellow, $39.95 each, Kas Australia. ‘Brera Lino’ green cushions, $165 each, Orson & Blake. Bonnie & Neil ‘Gum’ cushion, $120, Koskela. Taupe cushion and throw, both stylist’s own. ‘St Lucia’ sofa, $4725, Coco Republic. On table: ‘O Sauvignon Blanc’ tumbler, $44.95/pair, Riedel. ‘Cam Sise’ glass bottle, $475, Garden Life. ‘Painted Bird’ plate, $20/large, ‘Antwerp’ whitewashed mango wood coffee table, $750, both Orson & Blake. On deck: Timber post stool, $220, Koskela. ‘Cam Suizahi’ glass bottle, $85; Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’ plant, $30; ‘Odemis’ coloured urn, $445; Ficus Elastica plant, $135; ‘Sekerci Kazani’ copper pot, $2750, all Garden Life. Bonnie & Neil ‘Cockatoo’ cushion, $189, Koskela. Stockists, page 195 {may 2012} 39
  • 2. family & friends An inviting home – regardless of style or “Introduce plants and flowers to your home. Indoor plants can cleanse the air and reduce pollutants,” says environmental creative Joost Bakker. size – is one where everyone wants to be. Try our tips to turn your space into a cosy, relaxing haven Make the most of your kitchen with a spacious bench where family or guests can sit while you’re cooking. “A well-designed island bench should be a focal point in your kitchen and the hub of your home,” says interior designer Victoria Waters. Clear the clutter. Your surroundings Orr of Dulux. “Try Tapestry Beige, Warm can affect your mood, and a cluttered Neutral and Hog Bristle, or think about space can make you feel crowded in. “If green, in any shade or tone. They are so you make the decision to buy less, our relaxing to live with.” For party spaces, go environment will thank you for it,” says Helen Butler of Clutter Rescue. “Making the decision to get on top of your clutter, bold: “Orange can be a great colour to add a little zing to your space, while red adds a sense of drama and romance.” Integrate your home office photography (opposite) lincoln barbour, (this page) kieran scott whether it’s space- or time-related, gives Be prepared for drop-ins. Invest in into the living you a sense of control and clarity.” lidded ottomans or chests that double Take a look at how your family inhabits as occasional tables so you can put area to keep the your home. If you spend most of your away the kids’ toys quickly. Mount young computer time in separate areas, create a zone the TV on the wall or conceal it in addicts in your where you can congregate by grouping a built-in or freestanding storage sofas and armchairs around a coffee unit – and keep it switched off family involved table or a rug, or introducing an adult when you have visitors. – it also allows seating area to a rumpus room. “Furniture Entertain! You don’t need to host a you to keep an that faces each other encourages formal sit-down dinner to have more Establish a family rule to eat conversation,” says Victoria Waters. time with the people you love. Think eye on their together regularly – research has Decorate to suit the space. “You can’t Sunday brunch, tea and cake, snags and web-surfing shown that eating together as a go past a neutral colour palette for a salad. Ask people to bring a bottle or a family may fight off childhood obesity. activities. calming backdrop,” says Andrea Lucena- plate, and let the fun begin. Delegate food preparation tasks and you’ll not only save yourself time, you’ll be teaching your kids life skills. > 40 {may 2012} {may 2012} 41
  • 3. harness your energy With energy bills going skyward, it makes sense to cut back on your electricity use, Consider solar. Photovoltaic and investigate alternatives to the traditional (PV) panels use light from the utilities. The earth will love you for it! sun to generate a current fed through an inverter and converted to electricity. The amount generated depends on the number of panels and size of the inverter. A newer alternative Anne Armansin, energy- to panels are PV roof tiles, which efficient advocate for essentially do the same job. For Origin, shares her tips: details, visit “When buying an appliance make sure it’s not too big for your everyday needs, as large appliances use more energy, and buy the best quality you can afford – cheap appliances don’t last as long. It’s more energy efficient to wash up once a day in a dishwasher than three times a day by hand. Turn off unused appliances at the wall as some consume standby power. Don’t overfill your kettle and waste energy heating the same water more than once. Fridge motors should only run a few hours a day – if yours is continually running, it could need repairing or replacing. Check the labels on new units – the higher the star rating, the more you could save. When using airconditioners, keep doors to unused areas closed and thermostat temperatures moderate – manufacturers recommend settings of 24°C in summer. Close curtains over photography (opposite) jacqui way, (solar panels) ilFede/shutterstock, (this page) sue stubbs large glass areas as you can lose up to 16 per cent of heat transfer through glass. Front loader washing machines use about 50 per cent less energy and 42 per cent less water than the average top loader of similar capacity.” Off-peak electricity is typically 50 per cent cheaper than Stephen Cranch of Solahart sums up solar power: peak. Also, check with your local “With solar hot water, heat is captured directly from the sun through energy supplier about smart collectors installed on the roof and is transferred to the fluid circulating meters, which will allow you inside, which is then stored in an insulated tank for future use. A solar to monitor your own energy system can reduce water-heating energy use by 50 to 90 per cent.” use; these are being rolled out “A 1.5kW solar power system requires six to eight panels depending on across Victoria and NSW. Visit panel efficiency and size, and will provide around one third of a household’s electricity needs, depending on various factors. A 5kW system would take up most of the suitable roof space and should cover most electricity needs.” 42 {may 2012} {may 2012} 43
  • 4. home harvest Shopping wisely – especially when it comes to food – can impact upon your health and wealth, help the environment and support your local community. What’s not to love? Drink tap water. “We have some of the best tap water in the world,” says environmental creative Joost Bakker. “Drinking tap water saves on the production of bottles and freight, plus there’s no need for the bottles to be picked up and recycled.” Consider keeping chooks. Not only will you have a supply of incredibly fresh eggs with no associated food miles, but the chooks will eat food scraps, reducing wastage, keep down the insect population and produce an endless supply of garden – er, fertiliser, too! Check with your local council for regulations on backyard chicken coops, and have a look at Rentachook (, who sell everything you need and will even let you photography (this page, top left) nicky ryan, (top & bottom right) sue stubbs, (opposite) craig wall try your hand before you commit. Shop smart to reduce waste. Repair it before you replace it. “Australians waste over $5 billion worth “Every new thing we purchase has an of food each year,” says Leyla Acaroglu of entire life of environmental impacts Eco Innovators. “Take a list to the market locked up inside it,” says Leyla. “Repairing, and prepare menus in advance so you only buy the food you need.” Before you buy, whether it’s an apple borrowing, sharing and leasing items before buying something new, and giving things away or lending them out when Grow it yourself. No matter or an armchair, consider the transport you no longer need them, is a great way how small your miles – the distance taken to deliver your to reduce your ecological footprint.” item, from its production to your home. Store food properly and you’ll waste space, you can Buying local is usually the safest bet. less. “Different types of fruit and veg produce something, Be selective and strategic about require individual storage conditions. even if it’s just the things that you own and buy, says By storing your produce in optimum conditions for its breathing type, you can a few herbs. You Leyla. “Items that are a higher value are usually longer lasting – warranties keep your greens fresher for longer,” can pick as you are a good indication of how long explains the team at Tupperware Australia. need, you’ll save a product might last. Lesser-priced Check out for more tips on food storage. money, and you goods are likely to break sooner.” can’t buy fresher. 44 {may 2012}
  • 5. money matters Taking control of your finances is an essential part of managing your life and home – and can help reduce the stress induced by money worries Andrea Sackson of the Bank of Queensland shares her household budget advice: “Start with the basics. Work out what you have coming in, for example, salary, dividends and rental income, and what you have going out, such as the mortgage, rent, bills and groceries. To get ahead, you need to spend less than you earn! Cutting your spending on ‘nice-to-haves’ like DVDs or takeaway food can make all the difference. Decide how much you want to put away each week and work backwards. Keep nibbling at your outgoings until the sums work. Lock it into a spreadsheet and you have your new household budget. Now for the hard part – make a commitment to stick to it! Work out how much you can afford to pay off your credit cards each month. Set aside that amount as your ‘credit card kitty’. Commit to not charging anything to your cards while you bring that debt under control. Pay the minimum repayments every month to avoid missed or late payment fees, and put whatever is left in your kitty on the card with the biggest debt. That credit card debt will disappear like birthday cake at a kids’ party.” photography nicky ryan 46 {may 2012}