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How my led to the five words no
mother wants to hear…
“Mom, you’ve
ruined my
The true story of how my brittle, thinning hair
sparked an unforgettable journey to discover the
“Divine Locks Method” anyone can use to
rejuvenate the thick, healthy and beautiful hair
of your youth.
It was my daughter’s wedding… but everyone was looking at me.
My daughter sat two chairs over…
It was her big day…
And even though she was smiling during the speeches,
I could see the tears building up in her eyes…
She stood when it was her turn to speak…
But after only two words, she burst out crying – and
crashed back into her chair sobbing…
All because I had made a terrible mistake…
My name is Rebecca Armstrong.
Two days before the wedding, I went to the hair salon…
I’m no regular at the salon because my hair isn’t anything like as thick and beautiful
as it used to be…
My fine and wispy strands look more like a group of cobwebs
year after year…
My scalp becomes more visible with every day that goes by...
And my straw-like strands are so dry and damaged that I
swear they break just by looking at them…
Truthfully, I didn’t think my head of hair could get worse…
I was already so ashamed when I looked at myself in the mirror…
cover it up.
And Ihated going out in publicwith my hairdown – unless it was winterand Icould wearmy beaniehat to
hair nightmare
But this was for my daughter’s wedding – the biggest day of her life…
So I wanted to look great for her.
When I arrived at the hair salon, I was met by a woman in a green
She sat me down in front of the mirror…
“What can I do for you?”
I told her about my brittle strands that fall out at the slightest
…and how I needed her to carefully style my hair.
This was one of those salons where they spin your chair away from
the mirror and go to work…
We made small talk and I drunk coffee…
I was having fun, but not for long…
Because eventually she spun me back around to face the mirror…
I tried to reply…
But my throat was already tight – like it was being gripped by a 300lb wrestler…
I did EVERYTHING I could to stop myself from bursting into tears…
She had totally RUINED my hair…
I don’t remember what the stylist said next…
It was all a blur…
I only remember paying and getting out of there as quickly as I could.
When I arrived home, I tumbled into my husband’s arms…
He tried to tell me it was OK, but I saw the look in his eyes…
“What do you think?” she asked.
It was now so thin you could see through it from my forehead
to the top of my skull…
The gap in my parting looked worse than it ever had before...
And it looked so flat and lifeless on top…
My daughter’s wedding would become the
most mortifying event of my life (especially
because of what happened BEFORE she
began crying)…
But also start my journey to uncover the
“Divine Locks Method” for revitalizing your
thick, full and youthful hair.
Oh, and just before I tell you the rest of this embarrassing story…
You should know the BEST part about this “Divine Locks Method”…
It works for EVERYONE…
Whether you’re 25 or 65…
Whether your hair nightmare is because of stress, childbirth, your hormone levels or anything else…
And no matter whether your hair is straight, curly or tightly coiled…
Different hairstyles… Filling in the gaps
with eye shadow…
Headwraps… A yogurt & honey
looked at me as if I was a 3-year-old – that had taken a pair of scissors
to their own hair.
It wasn’t his fault – my hair looked so embarrassing…
And if he was looking at me like that – every one at the wedding would be
So over the next 48 hours I searched desperately for a way to fix it…
I tried everything…
I was so desperate I even considered shaving my head and getting a wig… but I couldn’t cut off the small
amount of hair I had left.
So I had to make the best out of what I had. And as it turned out…
“Our daughter’s wedding is in TWO days and look at my hair!”
NOTHING was good enough.
In fact, women across America are now living proof that you can REJUVENATE wispy, thinning and damaged
hair with the “Divine Locks Method…
“I had so much broken hair. But now I’m seeing less shedding, less
breakages and my hair is growing faster than before thanks to the Divine
Locks Complex”
- Laura R.
“Great news! I got my hair cut today and the stylist said she could see new
hair growth!”
– Lynette S.
“I love the Divine Locks Complex. It has grown my hair in on the sides and
the front. I’m excited to have all my hair back.”
– Penny R.
Here’s what I’ve been too ashamed to tell anyone until now…
Even before the speeches…
People had been staring at my ruined hair (from the very start of the wedding).
See, as the mother of the bride, it’s tradition to walk down the aisle once everyone has taken their seat…
Of course, this meant I had to take off my wedding hat…
Letting everyone see just how bad the stylist had ruined my
It now looked even more fragile and wispy…
Each thin strand had become so fine and flat they literally just
hung off my skull…
And the “bald patches” close to my temples were no longer
hidden as my hair had been cut too short…
So its no wonder that as soon as I entered the church – everyone
went silent…
Not out of respect for the occasion – but a deathly silence…
Everyone’s eyes were on me as I walked the length of the aisle to my seat in the front row.
And it didn’t take long before I heard whispers from behind…
Someone even suggested I’d ruined my hair on purpose to object to the wedding…
I wanted the church pew to swallow me up…
To not spend another minute with the attention on me…
I prayed that every guest would focus on my beautiful daughter when she entered instead.
And they did focus on her – but only until the reception…
Being sat at the top table meant EVERYONE could see me and
my hair.
There was nowhere to hide.
But as horrible as I felt, I knew it was worse for my daughter…
The day she’d been planning since she was just a kid…
Her day…
And the attention was ALL on her mother.
I felt heartbroken – I couldn’t believe I’d let this happen…
And when my daughter crashed back down into her chair, unable
to make her speech…
With her husband wrapping his arms around her…
She said the most devastating thing…
But when I put my hand on her shoulder she shrugged me off…
Pushed me away…
And ran out of the reception hall…
Her husband and mother-in-law followed right after.
I was stood there – all eyes on me once again…
Having just upstaged my daughter’s entire wedding…
“Is she sick?”
“I didn’t think she was THAT old…”
“Mom, you’ve ruined my wedding!”
I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment.
I wanted to apologize – to hold her and make everything better…
But I thank God every single day that this
isn’t where the story ended…
Because just 24 hours later I’d be on a 5-hour
road trip to meet the cosmetologist behind the
“Divine Locks Method”…
See, I’d taken myself to a secluded corner of the wedding to let the emotion out…
When I felt a tap on my shoulder…
I wiped my eyes and turned around to see a woman…
She must’ve been the same age as me – but one thing stood out…
I’d already tried every trick, remedy and fix you could name…
Stopped all heat styling…
Piled on the argan oil…
Drank at least 2 liters of water daily…
Used an onion and garlic mask every fortnight…
Replaced my cotton pillowcases with silk…
Only washed my hair once a week – and when I did, I
used a deep conditioning mask…
Oh, and I NEVER brushed it when it was wet…
It was a hair project – and nothing worked…
But Carly’s hair looked so great that when she told me she could help, I had to ask “how?”
What she said next blew me away…
Her hair was INCREDIBLE!
She looked at my puffy eyes, gave me a hug and said…
If her hair didn’t look so wonderful, I would never have
believed what she said next…
“My name is Carly. I’m the aunt of the husband. I
hated seeing you up there like that. But I think I
can help…”
It would lead me on the kind of journey you only ever see in movies…
And ultimately not only restored my full and beautiful hair that now GLOWS…
But put me on a MISSION to help millions of women like you stop the shower shedding, enjoy crazy-fast growth
(even in your bald spots) and feel totally confident with a thicker head of hair.
“I used to lose way more hair. Every time I shampooed there were hairs in
the drain. But that’s changed thanks to the Divine Locks Complex.”
– Karly M.
“I have been taking the Divine Locks for a couple of weeks now and my
hair does feel 'thicker'!! I really think my hair is a bit stronger now!”
– Carol B.
See, Carly told me she used to struggle with her hair as well…
The front of her hairline had been thinning for years but became super noticeable in what felt like weeks…
Hair was falling out by the handful…
And the sparseness would be magnified every time she tried to create any kind of volume or height…
She told me she was as desperate as I felt in that moment…
The women she approached was a
cosmetologist called Kayla Rochin.
That’s why she did something crazy…
One day she was coming back from the grocery
store when she saw a woman in the street…
Carly was blown away by how amazing this
woman’s hair looked…
So Carly walked straight over to her to find out
how she did it…
Like I said, crazy!
I paused in shock for a couple of seconds…
The line went quiet…
I felt my face turn red…
So before the cosmetologist could say “no”, I said…
A moment later, she replied…
By chance (or divine intervention), Kayla
Rochin had spent her life researching – and
finding solutions – for hair troubles…
Including the “Divine Locks Method” for
rejuvenating your own healthy head of hair!
I could barely contain my excitement as Carly told me about this cosmetologist…
She had passed the toughest state board exam in the country with flying colors…
Styled the hair of celebrities and music producers…
And had helped women suffering from thinning and shedding to
damaged and brittle hair!
So I knew that if Carly had the same problems with her hair as me…
And the cosmetologist helped her look THIS amazing…
Then it was possible for me as well, right?
Carly handed me Kayla Rochin’s phone number and told me to
call her.
Later that night I picked up the phone…
It was late so I thought it would go to voicemail…
But then a friendly voice answered…
“Hello, this is Kayla Rochin”…
“Err, hi. My name is Rebecca. I’ve just been told about your
‘Divine Locks Method’… and I NEED to know about it”
“Look, I’ve just ruined my daughter’s wedding. My hair is
SO bad that everyone was looking at me… talking about
me… and ignoring my daughter! I’m so desperate. I need
your help.”
She gave me her address and we ended the call.
Of course, I didn’t tell her I was FIVE hours away in a different state!
But after everything that had happened at my daughter’s wedding…
I knew I had to do everything I could to make it right.
And I’m SO glad I did…
Because it would truly change my life – and the lives of everyone I’ve helped since…
At 8 a.m. the very next morning I got in my Ford sedan and started on my journey to the cosmetologist’s office…
And girl, I was giddy the whole way.
I just knew that Kayla Rochin was going to help me refresh the thick, beautiful hair I used to have.
I arrived at her office and walked in…
I picked my jaw up off the floor to speak to the receptionist. She pointed me towards the Kayla Rochin’s office…
I knocked, waited and then walked in…
Kayla looked up at me…
Then broke out into a HUGE smile…
“Oh sweetie, Divine Locks is going to change your life!” she said.
We took a seat and Kayla didn’t waste a second…
She told me that her interest in helping women overcome their hair struggles began in 2014…
Like any doctor or dermatologist would, she keeps up with the latest studies…
“Okay. I’ll help. Can you stop by my office tomorrow
And wow – it was like walking into a Hall of
There were “before and after” photos of
hundreds of different women on every single
Many of the women looked just like me…
but had since rejuvenated their glamorous
head of hair!
The Dermal Papillae are like a straw that gets
“pinched” as we get older – reducing the flow
of nourishing hair nutrients to just a trickle.
Without a steady stream of nutrients reaching
our hair, each strand gets more brittle…
wispier… and sheds more.
This explains why our hair is strong and beautiful when we’re young…
Then as we age – and the Dermal Papilla get “pinched” reducing the flow of nutrients to our hair…
We notice the bald spots, thinner strands and a generally unhealthier head of hair.
And that’s how she stumbled across a paper from Harvard Medical
School… i
At this point, Kayla pulled the study out of her desk drawer and
opened the page to a simple diagram (the one you see here)…
She told me it’s a picture of the hair follicle itself – the part of your
skin where hair grows from.
Each color on the diagram is a different type of cell…
Grey is the hair shaft…
Yellow is the cuticle…
But the most important (and the most often ignored) are the green
They’re called the “Dermal Papillae”.
These cells sit at the base of the hair follicle and
deliver important nutrients to your hair .
So while this Harvard study described how these cells are
responsible for the health of your hair…
The study also revealed that the Dermal Papilla are responsible for hair loss, thinning and virtually every
other issue…
See, Kayla Rochin told me that “as we get older the Dermal Papilla fold over and get ‘pinched’ – dramatically
reducing the flow of nutrients your hair needs to thrive.” ii
I was speechless…
This made so much sense…
But Kayla told me it gets worse than this…
She said that...
This means while many of your Dermal Papilla cells are being pinched (stopping the nutrient flow)…
Some are disappearing altogether!
It’s a double whammy that chokes our follicles of the nutrients they need to grow thick,
strong and beautiful hair.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing…
I always thought my hair problems were because of hormones, having
two children or even stress…
But as she explained, my hair problems were caused by the Dermal
Papillae cells being “pinched” and bringing the flow of hair nutrients
to a stop…
And this is ALL happening at the cellular level…
Which explains why it's virtually impossible to
fix your hair from the “outside” – no matter
how many oils, creams or lotions you rub into
your hair!
By this point, I began to feel hopeful…
I had just discovered why my hair was getting thinner, weaker and more sparse with every month…
There was only one question on my mind…
See, even after the 2014 Harvard study…
Doctors didn’t know much more about the Dermal Papillae cells.
(Of course, that didn’t surprise me at all… women’s hair problems are always ignored!)
So Kayla Rochin took it upon herself to find a safe and easy way to “unpinch” the cells…
“studies also show your number of Dermal Papilla cells HALVE as you age.” iii
“Kayla, is there a way to “unpinch” my Dermal Papilla
cells?” I asked.
She broke out into a huge smile again…
“Honey, that’s why I invited you here!”
She told me it took years of trial and error…
In fact, she started to think the only answer may be surgery (or
But she never gave up…
She knew millions of women (like you and me) were desperate to
restore the flow of nutrients and regain the beautiful hair of our
So Kayla Rochin continued her work…
uncovered an obscure group of natural herbs…
She says they make up less than 0.005% of all plants
in the world. iv
Even from this small group, only one looked
promising enough to “unpinch” the Dermal Papilla
cells… v
It’s what she now calls her “Divine Locks” super nutrient.
And since her discovery, she’s been using it in her own dermatological clinic
and has seen AMAZING results like these…
Aren’t these results incredible?
They were made possible because Kayla Rochin found an unusual study involving this super nutrient and the
dermal layer of the skin…
The study found that this nutrient accelerated cell proliferation
And so Kayla began to think…
Countless tests later and the results were in…
After receiving the “Divine Locks” super nutrient…
“If this super nutrient could rapidly accelerate the creation
of new cells in the skin…
Could it also be used to create BRAND-NEW Dermal Papilla
cells and “unpinch” the flow of nutrients for women
The number of new Dermal Papillae cells had increased by 200%! vii
Divine Locks
Super Nutrient Multiplies Dermal Papilla Cell
In other words…
The “Divine Locks” super nutrient is proven
to “unpinch” the Dermal Papillae by rapidly
creating BRAND-NEW Dermal Papilla cells…
Restoring the flow of nutrients to each strand
of hair on your head.
And that’s not all…
Kayla Rochin told me that this super nutrient may also extend your hair’s growth phase as well.viii
So not only will your hair finally receive the vitamins and minerals its been desperate for… but your hair will
even grow longer (if you want it to)!
Girl, this was all I needed to hear…
I knew Kayla had more studies to share with me, but I had to ask…
This is when she turned and unlocked a silver cabinet…
When she turned back around she had three small bottles in her hand…
I knew what it was immediately – the “Divine Locks” super nutrient…
“This sounds amazing! Its exactly what I came here for. I’m sorry but I NEED
to know where I can get this super nutrient…”
She handed me the bottles…
I thanked her…
And practically ran out of her office…
I was so excited.
In fact, I couldn’t even wait to get home…
Sat in my car, I opened one of the bottles and took two capsules…
They were small, taste-free and super easy-to-swallow!
The very next day I woke up next to my husband and looked at my pillow…
It may have been all in my head…
But I swear there were far less loose hairs left on the pillow than usual.
Yet I really began to see results soon after…
I was doing my makeup in the mirror, when I looked up at my hair parting…
After a decade of the parting becoming bigger and bigger, I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing…
New baby hair was growing in the gaps!
Not just one or two strands… but throughout the entire length of my parting!
“I’m going to give you three bottles to try the “Divine Locks Method” out for
yourself. I want you to take two capsules a day. They’ll give you enough of the
super nutrient to restore your amazing head of hair…”
It felt like a miracle…
And it only got better from here…
At the end of the second week, I was laying in my husband’s lap
watching a movie…
He was stroking my hair when he stopped and looked down at
“Are you using a new conditioner? Your hair is so thick.”
I was gobsmacked…
I love my husband to pieces, but he NEVER notices things like
So I knew the “Divine Locks” super nutrient MUST be working!
But it was at the end of the fourth week where my life changed forever…
My daughter had just got back from her honeymoon…
We hadn’t seen each other since the horrible incident at her wedding…
But I was so desperate to clear the air and get our relationship back on track.
I had invited her out to coffee…
I got there early and found a table for us both…
By now I looked totally different…
Even though I looked great, I felt so tense…
I couldn’t stop thinking “What if my daughter isn’t ready to forgive me?”
But when my daughter arrived, you’ll never guess what happened next…
She looked at me…
And shrieked…
“MOM! You look like a
different woman!”
All my worries vanished…
We hugged, sat down and I explained how ashamed I felt about
her wedding…
And how I’d been on an incredible journey to find the “Divine Locks Method”.
My daughter was so happy for me…
She even apologized for how she reacted at the wedding!
We talked for the next hour…
My hair had grown by
a full inch…
The split ends had
And it was finally
strong enough to
It felt SO good…
And when it was time to leave, we both made our way towards the
But before we reached the door a woman made eye contact with
The woman told me she’d overheard my story…
She said I looked amazing…
And that she wanted to try the “Divine Locks Method” too.
At the time, the Divine Locks bottles were not
available online.
You could only get it from Kayla Rochin herself (and I had to
practically BEG for an appointment)…
But I didn’t want to keep this secret to myself…
So that evening I emailed Kayla….
I told her about my results…
How its changed my life…
And how other women deserve to use the “Divine Locks Method” to rewind the clock and revitalize their thick,
beautiful hair as well…
Kayla emailed me back within the hour…
Rebecca Armstrong,
You’re right!! This NEEDS to be in the hand of as many beautiful women (like you!) as possible.
The truth is, I’ve always wanted to make Divine Locks available to everyone. But I’m soooo busy at my
clinic that I’ve never had the time to sit down and make a website. 
So honey, what about this?
Write down your story and we’ll make it the front page of our website…
People can read your amazing experience…
And if they want to try it for themselves, they can!
Kayla Rochin
I won’t lie…
The thought of telling the world about what happened at my daughter’s wedding was frightening…
It was the most mortifying event of my life…
But the “Divine Locks Method” has changed everything for me…
My husband can’t keep his hands off my hair (and me) as we wind
down in the evenings…
I catch men half my age checking me out…
And I can finally spend a morning at the hair salon without fearing
for the worst…
In fact, my new stylist keeps commenting on how she only ever
sees 21-year-olds with hair as thick, healthy and glowing as
So I would hate myself if I didn’t do everything I could to put the
“Divine Locks Method” into the hands of the millions of women
who need it.
This is why you’re reading this webpage…
You’ve seen today that I’ve tried EVERYTHING – from rubbing weird concoctions into my hair to changing my
The only thing I’ve found that works not just for me – but EVERYONE who tries it – is the “Divine Locks
It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have…
Where you live…
Or how horrible your hair nightmare is…
Divine Locks can help you – for one good reason…
The Divine Locks super nutrient is backed by
the highest-standard and most rigorous
On top of the study I showed you earlier…
Where this super nutrient “unpinches” your hair by creating up to 200% more new Dermal Papillae cells…
Allowing a flood of nourishing nutrients into each strand of hair…
Another cross-analysis of twenty different studies found that the
”Divine Locks” super nutrient strengthens your hair…
While one more study published in the Journal of Science and
Technology determined that it will protect your hair from shedding
as well…ix
So not only will this super nutrient restore the flow of vital
nutrients into your hair – but it will also give you a head of hair
that will make other women green with envy!
Oh and if you’re wondering…
The ”Divine Locks” super nutrient is called Phyllanthus emblica.
It’s the first ingredient inside…
The world’s ONLY supplement specifically
designed to “unpinch” your Dermal Papilla cells. Introducing…
The Divine Locks Complex
Designed by Kayla Rochin herself…
The Divine Locks Complex will renew the flow of vital nutrients to your hair…
Revitalizing the thick, stunning hair of your 20s.
So if you’re ready to halt the incessant shedding…
If you’re ready to finally look in the mirror and be overjoyed with what you see...
And if you’re ready to walk down the street with your hair GLOWING…
Then the Divine Locks Complex is for you.
In fact – and I’ll keep saying it because it’s the truth…
There is literally no other supplement in the world that
addresses the real reason for your hair nightmare – the
“pinched” Dermal Papillae cells.
The Divine Locks Complex uses science-backed nutrients to
“unpinch” each one of these cells…
Allowing your body to do what it’s supposed to…
Deliver vital nutrients to each malnourished strand of hair…
Revitalize them…
And guarantee you a fuller, sexier head of hair every single day.
The first thing you’ll notice after trying the Divine Locks Complex is how much less hair you’re leaving in the
shower, on your pillow and in your hairbrush…
Next you’ll notice how soft and thick your hair is becoming at the roots…
Thicker… Shinier…
Longer… Healthier…
Stronger… Sexier…
And if you’re like most people who try the Divine Locks Complex, you’ll begin to think your hair looks better
than it did when you were 21!
Heck - within a month you’ll notice a new improvement every time you look in the mirror…
It really is this powerful!
And if you’re anything like me, you’ll only be comfortable trying the highest quality supplements…
Which is why I love the Divine Locks Complex so much…
Because it’s manufactured here in the United States…
In an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility…
Or to say it another way: Divine Locks Complex is manufactured to the highest possible standards.
Plus, there’s no side effects (like tummy aches or acne breakouts)…
No GMOs…
And each capsule is super easy-to-swallow.
But my favorite part? The price!
ANYONE – and I mean ANYONE – can afford the Divine Locks Complex.
Which means ANYONE can enjoy hair that’s…
WITHOUT breaking the bank.
The Divine Locks Complex is the perfect solution
to your hair nightmare.
This may sound like a big promise – and it is…
But I can say it with 100% certainty because Kayla Rochin packed the “Divine Locks Complex” with 28 unique
super nutrients…
From all corners of the world, including India, China, Indonesia, Korea and here in the United States…
To create the most effective hair supplement she could…
And girl, believe me…
I’ve looked through the studies myself…

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  • 1. How my led to the five words no mother wants to hear… “Mom, you’ve ruined my wedding!” The true story of how my brittle, thinning hair sparked an unforgettable journey to discover the “Divine Locks Method” anyone can use to rejuvenate the thick, healthy and beautiful hair of your youth. It was my daughter’s wedding… but everyone was looking at me. My daughter sat two chairs over… It was her big day… And even though she was smiling during the speeches, I could see the tears building up in her eyes… She stood when it was her turn to speak… But after only two words, she burst out crying – and crashed back into her chair sobbing… All because I had made a terrible mistake… My name is Rebecca Armstrong. Two days before the wedding, I went to the hair salon… I’m no regular at the salon because my hair isn’t anything like as thick and beautiful as it used to be… My fine and wispy strands look more like a group of cobwebs year after year… My scalp becomes more visible with every day that goes by... And my straw-like strands are so dry and damaged that I swear they break just by looking at them… Truthfully, I didn’t think my head of hair could get worse… I was already so ashamed when I looked at myself in the mirror… cover it up. And Ihated going out in publicwith my hairdown – unless it was winterand Icould wearmy beaniehat to GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE hair nightmare
  • 2. But this was for my daughter’s wedding – the biggest day of her life… So I wanted to look great for her. When I arrived at the hair salon, I was met by a woman in a green blouse… She sat me down in front of the mirror… “What can I do for you?” I told her about my brittle strands that fall out at the slightest touch… …and how I needed her to carefully style my hair. This was one of those salons where they spin your chair away from the mirror and go to work… We made small talk and I drunk coffee… I was having fun, but not for long… Because eventually she spun me back around to face the mirror… I tried to reply… But my throat was already tight – like it was being gripped by a 300lb wrestler… I did EVERYTHING I could to stop myself from bursting into tears… She had totally RUINED my hair… I don’t remember what the stylist said next… It was all a blur… I only remember paying and getting out of there as quickly as I could. When I arrived home, I tumbled into my husband’s arms… He tried to tell me it was OK, but I saw the look in his eyes… “What do you think?” she asked. It was now so thin you could see through it from my forehead to the top of my skull… The gap in my parting looked worse than it ever had before... And it looked so flat and lifeless on top… GET A HARI GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE
  • 3. My daughter’s wedding would become the most mortifying event of my life (especially because of what happened BEFORE she began crying)… But also start my journey to uncover the “Divine Locks Method” for revitalizing your thick, full and youthful hair. Oh, and just before I tell you the rest of this embarrassing story… You should know the BEST part about this “Divine Locks Method”… It works for EVERYONE… Whether you’re 25 or 65… Whether your hair nightmare is because of stress, childbirth, your hormone levels or anything else… And no matter whether your hair is straight, curly or tightly coiled… Different hairstyles… Filling in the gaps with eye shadow… Thickening shampoo… Headwraps… A yogurt & honey concoction… He looked at me as if I was a 3-year-old – that had taken a pair of scissors to their own hair. It wasn’t his fault – my hair looked so embarrassing… And if he was looking at me like that – every one at the wedding would be too. So over the next 48 hours I searched desperately for a way to fix it… I tried everything… I was so desperate I even considered shaving my head and getting a wig… but I couldn’t cut off the small amount of hair I had left. So I had to make the best out of what I had. And as it turned out… “Our daughter’s wedding is in TWO days and look at my hair!” NOTHING was good enough. GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 4. In fact, women across America are now living proof that you can REJUVENATE wispy, thinning and damaged hair with the “Divine Locks Method… “I had so much broken hair. But now I’m seeing less shedding, less breakages and my hair is growing faster than before thanks to the Divine Locks Complex” - Laura R. “Great news! I got my hair cut today and the stylist said she could see new hair growth!” – Lynette S. “I love the Divine Locks Complex. It has grown my hair in on the sides and the front. I’m excited to have all my hair back.” – Penny R. Here’s what I’ve been too ashamed to tell anyone until now… Even before the speeches… People had been staring at my ruined hair (from the very start of the wedding). See, as the mother of the bride, it’s tradition to walk down the aisle once everyone has taken their seat… Of course, this meant I had to take off my wedding hat… Letting everyone see just how bad the stylist had ruined my hair… It now looked even more fragile and wispy… Each thin strand had become so fine and flat they literally just hung off my skull… And the “bald patches” close to my temples were no longer hidden as my hair had been cut too short… So its no wonder that as soon as I entered the church – everyone went silent… Not out of respect for the occasion – but a deathly silence… Everyone’s eyes were on me as I walked the length of the aisle to my seat in the front row. And it didn’t take long before I heard whispers from behind… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 5. Someone even suggested I’d ruined my hair on purpose to object to the wedding… I wanted the church pew to swallow me up… To not spend another minute with the attention on me… I prayed that every guest would focus on my beautiful daughter when she entered instead. And they did focus on her – but only until the reception… Being sat at the top table meant EVERYONE could see me and my hair. There was nowhere to hide. But as horrible as I felt, I knew it was worse for my daughter… The day she’d been planning since she was just a kid… Her day… And the attention was ALL on her mother. I felt heartbroken – I couldn’t believe I’d let this happen… And when my daughter crashed back down into her chair, unable to make her speech… With her husband wrapping his arms around her… She said the most devastating thing… But when I put my hand on her shoulder she shrugged me off… Pushed me away… And ran out of the reception hall… Her husband and mother-in-law followed right after. I was stood there – all eyes on me once again… Having just upstaged my daughter’s entire wedding… “Is she sick?” “I didn’t think she was THAT old…” “Mom, you’ve ruined my wedding!” I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment. I wanted to apologize – to hold her and make everything better… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 6. But I thank God every single day that this isn’t where the story ended… Because just 24 hours later I’d be on a 5-hour road trip to meet the cosmetologist behind the “Divine Locks Method”… See, I’d taken myself to a secluded corner of the wedding to let the emotion out… When I felt a tap on my shoulder… I wiped my eyes and turned around to see a woman… She must’ve been the same age as me – but one thing stood out… I’d already tried every trick, remedy and fix you could name… Stopped all heat styling… Piled on the argan oil… Drank at least 2 liters of water daily… Used an onion and garlic mask every fortnight… Replaced my cotton pillowcases with silk… Only washed my hair once a week – and when I did, I used a deep conditioning mask… Oh, and I NEVER brushed it when it was wet… It was a hair project – and nothing worked… But Carly’s hair looked so great that when she told me she could help, I had to ask “how?” What she said next blew me away… Her hair was INCREDIBLE! She looked at my puffy eyes, gave me a hug and said… If her hair didn’t look so wonderful, I would never have believed what she said next… “My name is Carly. I’m the aunt of the husband. I hated seeing you up there like that. But I think I can help…” GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 7. It would lead me on the kind of journey you only ever see in movies… And ultimately not only restored my full and beautiful hair that now GLOWS… But put me on a MISSION to help millions of women like you stop the shower shedding, enjoy crazy-fast growth (even in your bald spots) and feel totally confident with a thicker head of hair. “I used to lose way more hair. Every time I shampooed there were hairs in the drain. But that’s changed thanks to the Divine Locks Complex.” – Karly M. “I have been taking the Divine Locks for a couple of weeks now and my hair does feel 'thicker'!! I really think my hair is a bit stronger now!” – Carol B. See, Carly told me she used to struggle with her hair as well… The front of her hairline had been thinning for years but became super noticeable in what felt like weeks… Hair was falling out by the handful… And the sparseness would be magnified every time she tried to create any kind of volume or height… She told me she was as desperate as I felt in that moment… The women she approached was a cosmetologist called Kayla Rochin. That’s why she did something crazy… One day she was coming back from the grocery store when she saw a woman in the street… Carly was blown away by how amazing this woman’s hair looked… So Carly walked straight over to her to find out how she did it… Like I said, crazy! GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 8. I paused in shock for a couple of seconds… The line went quiet… I felt my face turn red… So before the cosmetologist could say “no”, I said… A moment later, she replied… By chance (or divine intervention), Kayla Rochin had spent her life researching – and finding solutions – for hair troubles… Including the “Divine Locks Method” for rejuvenating your own healthy head of hair! I could barely contain my excitement as Carly told me about this cosmetologist… She had passed the toughest state board exam in the country with flying colors… Styled the hair of celebrities and music producers… And had helped women suffering from thinning and shedding to damaged and brittle hair! So I knew that if Carly had the same problems with her hair as me… And the cosmetologist helped her look THIS amazing… Then it was possible for me as well, right? Carly handed me Kayla Rochin’s phone number and told me to call her. Later that night I picked up the phone… It was late so I thought it would go to voicemail… But then a friendly voice answered… “Hello, this is Kayla Rochin”… “Err, hi. My name is Rebecca. I’ve just been told about your ‘Divine Locks Method’… and I NEED to know about it” “Look, I’ve just ruined my daughter’s wedding. My hair is SO bad that everyone was looking at me… talking about me… and ignoring my daughter! I’m so desperate. I need your help.” GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 9. She gave me her address and we ended the call. Of course, I didn’t tell her I was FIVE hours away in a different state! But after everything that had happened at my daughter’s wedding… I knew I had to do everything I could to make it right. And I’m SO glad I did… Because it would truly change my life – and the lives of everyone I’ve helped since… At 8 a.m. the very next morning I got in my Ford sedan and started on my journey to the cosmetologist’s office… And girl, I was giddy the whole way. I just knew that Kayla Rochin was going to help me refresh the thick, beautiful hair I used to have. I arrived at her office and walked in… I picked my jaw up off the floor to speak to the receptionist. She pointed me towards the Kayla Rochin’s office… I knocked, waited and then walked in… Kayla looked up at me… Paused… Then broke out into a HUGE smile… “Oh sweetie, Divine Locks is going to change your life!” she said. We took a seat and Kayla didn’t waste a second… She told me that her interest in helping women overcome their hair struggles began in 2014… Like any doctor or dermatologist would, she keeps up with the latest studies… “Okay. I’ll help. Can you stop by my office tomorrow afternoon?” And wow – it was like walking into a Hall of Fame… There were “before and after” photos of hundreds of different women on every single wall… Many of the women looked just like me… but had since rejuvenated their glamorous head of hair! GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 10. The Dermal Papillae are like a straw that gets “pinched” as we get older – reducing the flow of nourishing hair nutrients to just a trickle. Without a steady stream of nutrients reaching our hair, each strand gets more brittle… wispier… and sheds more. This explains why our hair is strong and beautiful when we’re young… Then as we age – and the Dermal Papilla get “pinched” reducing the flow of nutrients to our hair… We notice the bald spots, thinner strands and a generally unhealthier head of hair. And that’s how she stumbled across a paper from Harvard Medical School… i At this point, Kayla pulled the study out of her desk drawer and opened the page to a simple diagram (the one you see here)… She told me it’s a picture of the hair follicle itself – the part of your skin where hair grows from. Each color on the diagram is a different type of cell… Grey is the hair shaft… Yellow is the cuticle… But the most important (and the most often ignored) are the green cells. They’re called the “Dermal Papillae”. These cells sit at the base of the hair follicle and deliver important nutrients to your hair . So while this Harvard study described how these cells are responsible for the health of your hair… The study also revealed that the Dermal Papilla are responsible for hair loss, thinning and virtually every other issue… See, Kayla Rochin told me that “as we get older the Dermal Papilla fold over and get ‘pinched’ – dramatically reducing the flow of nutrients your hair needs to thrive.” ii I was speechless… This made so much sense… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 11. But Kayla told me it gets worse than this… She said that... This means while many of your Dermal Papilla cells are being pinched (stopping the nutrient flow)… Some are disappearing altogether! It’s a double whammy that chokes our follicles of the nutrients they need to grow thick, strong and beautiful hair. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing… I always thought my hair problems were because of hormones, having two children or even stress… But as she explained, my hair problems were caused by the Dermal Papillae cells being “pinched” and bringing the flow of hair nutrients to a stop… And this is ALL happening at the cellular level… Which explains why it's virtually impossible to fix your hair from the “outside” – no matter how many oils, creams or lotions you rub into your hair! By this point, I began to feel hopeful… I had just discovered why my hair was getting thinner, weaker and more sparse with every month… There was only one question on my mind… See, even after the 2014 Harvard study… Doctors didn’t know much more about the Dermal Papillae cells. (Of course, that didn’t surprise me at all… women’s hair problems are always ignored!) So Kayla Rochin took it upon herself to find a safe and easy way to “unpinch” the cells… “studies also show your number of Dermal Papilla cells HALVE as you age.” iii “Kayla, is there a way to “unpinch” my Dermal Papilla cells?” I asked. She broke out into a huge smile again… “Honey, that’s why I invited you here!” GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 12. She told me it took years of trial and error… In fact, she started to think the only answer may be surgery (or steroids)… But she never gave up… She knew millions of women (like you and me) were desperate to restore the flow of nutrients and regain the beautiful hair of our youth… So Kayla Rochin continued her work… Until she uncovered an obscure group of natural herbs… She says they make up less than 0.005% of all plants in the world. iv Even from this small group, only one looked promising enough to “unpinch” the Dermal Papilla cells… v It’s what she now calls her “Divine Locks” super nutrient. And since her discovery, she’s been using it in her own dermatological clinic and has seen AMAZING results like these… Aren’t these results incredible? They were made possible because Kayla Rochin found an unusual study involving this super nutrient and the dermal layer of the skin… The study found that this nutrient accelerated cell proliferation And so Kayla began to think… Countless tests later and the results were in… After receiving the “Divine Locks” super nutrient… “If this super nutrient could rapidly accelerate the creation of new cells in the skin… Could it also be used to create BRAND-NEW Dermal Papilla cells and “unpinch” the flow of nutrients for women everywhere?”
  • 13. The number of new Dermal Papillae cells had increased by 200%! vii Divine Locks Super Nutrient Multiplies Dermal Papilla Cell In other words… The “Divine Locks” super nutrient is proven to “unpinch” the Dermal Papillae by rapidly creating BRAND-NEW Dermal Papilla cells… Restoring the flow of nutrients to each strand of hair on your head. And that’s not all… Kayla Rochin told me that this super nutrient may also extend your hair’s growth phase as well.viii So not only will your hair finally receive the vitamins and minerals its been desperate for… but your hair will even grow longer (if you want it to)! Girl, this was all I needed to hear… I knew Kayla had more studies to share with me, but I had to ask… This is when she turned and unlocked a silver cabinet… When she turned back around she had three small bottles in her hand… I knew what it was immediately – the “Divine Locks” super nutrient… “This sounds amazing! Its exactly what I came here for. I’m sorry but I NEED to know where I can get this super nutrient…”
  • 14. She handed me the bottles… I thanked her… And practically ran out of her office… I was so excited. In fact, I couldn’t even wait to get home… Sat in my car, I opened one of the bottles and took two capsules… They were small, taste-free and super easy-to-swallow! The very next day I woke up next to my husband and looked at my pillow… It may have been all in my head… But I swear there were far less loose hairs left on the pillow than usual. Yet I really began to see results soon after… I was doing my makeup in the mirror, when I looked up at my hair parting… After a decade of the parting becoming bigger and bigger, I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing… New baby hair was growing in the gaps! Not just one or two strands… but throughout the entire length of my parting! “I’m going to give you three bottles to try the “Divine Locks Method” out for yourself. I want you to take two capsules a day. They’ll give you enough of the super nutrient to restore your amazing head of hair…” It felt like a miracle… And it only got better from here… At the end of the second week, I was laying in my husband’s lap watching a movie… He was stroking my hair when he stopped and looked down at me… “Are you using a new conditioner? Your hair is so thick.” I was gobsmacked… I love my husband to pieces, but he NEVER notices things like this. So I knew the “Divine Locks” super nutrient MUST be working!
  • 15. But it was at the end of the fourth week where my life changed forever… My daughter had just got back from her honeymoon… We hadn’t seen each other since the horrible incident at her wedding… But I was so desperate to clear the air and get our relationship back on track. I had invited her out to coffee… I got there early and found a table for us both… By now I looked totally different… Even though I looked great, I felt so tense… I couldn’t stop thinking “What if my daughter isn’t ready to forgive me?” But when my daughter arrived, you’ll never guess what happened next… She looked at me… Blinked… And shrieked… “MOM! You look like a different woman!” All my worries vanished… We hugged, sat down and I explained how ashamed I felt about her wedding… And how I’d been on an incredible journey to find the “Divine Locks Method”. My daughter was so happy for me… She even apologized for how she reacted at the wedding! We talked for the next hour… My hair had grown by a full inch… The split ends had vanished… And it was finally strong enough to curl… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 16. It felt SO good… And when it was time to leave, we both made our way towards the exit… But before we reached the door a woman made eye contact with me… The woman told me she’d overheard my story… She said I looked amazing… And that she wanted to try the “Divine Locks Method” too. At the time, the Divine Locks bottles were not available online. You could only get it from Kayla Rochin herself (and I had to practically BEG for an appointment)… But I didn’t want to keep this secret to myself… So that evening I emailed Kayla…. I told her about my results… How its changed my life… And how other women deserve to use the “Divine Locks Method” to rewind the clock and revitalize their thick, beautiful hair as well… Kayla emailed me back within the hour… Rebecca Armstrong, You’re right!! This NEEDS to be in the hand of as many beautiful women (like you!) as possible. The truth is, I’ve always wanted to make Divine Locks available to everyone. But I’m soooo busy at my clinic that I’ve never had the time to sit down and make a website. So honey, what about this? Write down your story and we’ll make it the front page of our website… People can read your amazing experience…
  • 17. And if they want to try it for themselves, they can! --Thnx, Kayla Rochin I won’t lie… The thought of telling the world about what happened at my daughter’s wedding was frightening… It was the most mortifying event of my life… But the “Divine Locks Method” has changed everything for me… My husband can’t keep his hands off my hair (and me) as we wind down in the evenings… I catch men half my age checking me out… And I can finally spend a morning at the hair salon without fearing for the worst… In fact, my new stylist keeps commenting on how she only ever sees 21-year-olds with hair as thick, healthy and glowing as mine! So I would hate myself if I didn’t do everything I could to put the “Divine Locks Method” into the hands of the millions of women who need it. This is why you’re reading this webpage… You’ve seen today that I’ve tried EVERYTHING – from rubbing weird concoctions into my hair to changing my pillows… The only thing I’ve found that works not just for me – but EVERYONE who tries it – is the “Divine Locks Method”… It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have… Where you live… Or how horrible your hair nightmare is… Divine Locks can help you – for one good reason… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 18. The Divine Locks super nutrient is backed by the highest-standard and most rigorous science. On top of the study I showed you earlier… Where this super nutrient “unpinches” your hair by creating up to 200% more new Dermal Papillae cells… Allowing a flood of nourishing nutrients into each strand of hair… Another cross-analysis of twenty different studies found that the ”Divine Locks” super nutrient strengthens your hair… While one more study published in the Journal of Science and Technology determined that it will protect your hair from shedding as well…ix So not only will this super nutrient restore the flow of vital nutrients into your hair – but it will also give you a head of hair that will make other women green with envy! Oh and if you’re wondering… The ”Divine Locks” super nutrient is called Phyllanthus emblica. It’s the first ingredient inside… The world’s ONLY supplement specifically designed to “unpinch” your Dermal Papilla cells. Introducing… The Divine Locks Complex
  • 19. Designed by Kayla Rochin herself… The Divine Locks Complex will renew the flow of vital nutrients to your hair… Revitalizing the thick, stunning hair of your 20s. So if you’re ready to halt the incessant shedding… If you’re ready to finally look in the mirror and be overjoyed with what you see... And if you’re ready to walk down the street with your hair GLOWING… Then the Divine Locks Complex is for you. In fact – and I’ll keep saying it because it’s the truth… There is literally no other supplement in the world that addresses the real reason for your hair nightmare – the “pinched” Dermal Papillae cells. The Divine Locks Complex uses science-backed nutrients to “unpinch” each one of these cells… Allowing your body to do what it’s supposed to… Deliver vital nutrients to each malnourished strand of hair… Revitalize them… And guarantee you a fuller, sexier head of hair every single day. The first thing you’ll notice after trying the Divine Locks Complex is how much less hair you’re leaving in the shower, on your pillow and in your hairbrush… Next you’ll notice how soft and thick your hair is becoming at the roots… GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE
  • 20. Thicker… Shinier… Longer… Healthier… Stronger… Sexier… And if you’re like most people who try the Divine Locks Complex, you’ll begin to think your hair looks better than it did when you were 21! Heck - within a month you’ll notice a new improvement every time you look in the mirror… It really is this powerful! And if you’re anything like me, you’ll only be comfortable trying the highest quality supplements… Which is why I love the Divine Locks Complex so much… Because it’s manufactured here in the United States… In an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility… Or to say it another way: Divine Locks Complex is manufactured to the highest possible standards. Plus, there’s no side effects (like tummy aches or acne breakouts)… No GMOs… And each capsule is super easy-to-swallow. But my favorite part? The price! ANYONE – and I mean ANYONE – can afford the Divine Locks Complex. Which means ANYONE can enjoy hair that’s… WITHOUT breaking the bank. The Divine Locks Complex is the perfect solution to your hair nightmare. This may sound like a big promise – and it is… But I can say it with 100% certainty because Kayla Rochin packed the “Divine Locks Complex” with 28 unique super nutrients… From all corners of the world, including India, China, Indonesia, Korea and here in the United States… To create the most effective hair supplement she could… And girl, believe me… I’ve looked through the studies myself… HURRY GET A HAIR GROWTH FORMULA BOTTLE HERE