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HIV/AIDS   *   Malaria   *   Environmental Protection   *   Capacity Development & Job Creation


 Celebrating five years of community service in creating a healthy and sustainable society

                           5 YEAR ACTIVITY REPORT

 HACEY is a non-governmental health, environment and community development
    organisation with the mission to empower and educate children, women and
        young people on health and environment, and providing human capacity
                       development to achieve a healthy and sustainable society
Copyright © 2012 HACEY’s Health Initiative

All rights reserved.

This document summarises the work of HACEY’s Health Initiative over the last five years. It is produced by the
staff of the organization.

Rights and Permissions

The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without
permission may be a violation of applicable law. HACEY’s Health Initiative encourages dissemination of its
work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly.

For permission to photocopy, reprint or use any part of this work in any form, please send a request with
complete information to:

HACEY’s Health Initiative
3, Kiniun – Ifa Street, Off Sawmill Bus Stop,
Ifako, Gbagada, Lagos state, Nigeria
T: +2348024207817; +2348095688452

Published by HACEY’s Health Initiative,
Lagos, Nigeria.

December 2012

Our Board                         1

Introduction                      2

Who We Are                        3

Our Core Programming Areas

       HIV/AIDS                   6

       Malaria                    9

       Environment                12

       Capacity Building          15

Our Target Activities

       Children                   18

       Women                      21

       Youth                      24

Going Across Boarders             27

Supporters and Partners           31
Our Board
In 2011, HACEY’s Health Initiative was registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of the

Federal Republic of Nigeria. The board members govern the affairs of the organization and ensure
that all activities of the organization are aimed solely at achieving the goal of the organization.

Members of the board:

           Dr Lawrence Aderemi Olatunji               Board Chair

           Ms Rhoda Robinson                          Board Secretary

           Mr. Isaiah Owolabi                         Project Director

           Mr. Liman Moshood Ibrahim

           Mr. Aaron Offikwu Adah

           Mr. Oluwasijibomi Paul Ojajuni

           Dr Adegboyega Adisa Fawole

           Ms Adeyanju Tiamiyu

Report Compilation
This report was compiled by members of staff of the organization led by
           Olusola Owonikoko

            Director of Programs

            HACEY’s Health Initiative

           Rhoda Robinson

            Director of Administration
            HACEY’s Health Initiative

           Isaiah Owolabi
            Project Director

            HACEY’s Health Initiative


The Journey so far…

Founded in 2007, HACEY’s Health Initiative also known as HACEY is a non-

governmental organization committed to educating, informing and empowering
women and young people on health and environmental issues as it relates to them, and

providing capacity development to achieve a healthy and sustainable society.

HACEY has consistently dedicated its resources and efforts to developing a

consciousness for health and environmental protection in members of the society and

empowering the underserved, disadvantaged individuals in the society. Over the years,
HACEY has inspired and equipped its beneficiaries to lead healthier lives while
implementing positive change efforts that transform their lives and communities;

thereby sustaining livelihood and contributing to national development.

To facilitate the spread of education and empowerment, HACEY has produced books for

various ages on health and environmental issues, and conducted seminars and

programs to educate and inspire positive action towards personal and community
development. To date, HACEY has reached over 100,000 individuals in states across the

nation through its core programs and initiatives on HIV/AIDS prevention, combating
malaria, advocacy for environmental protection and capacity building for job creation

and has inspired thousands to be active participants in our society’s development
process. So far, HACEY has implemented projects in 8 states across Nigeria and

continually works to expand her reach to other regions within and outside the country.

Isaiah Owolabi
Project Director

HACEY is a non-governmental health, environment
    and        community   development   organisation
    with the mission to empower and educate children,
    women and young people concerning health and
    environment,     and   provide   human   capacity
    development to achieve a healthy and sustainable


                                                                                   “Our core programs areas
                                                                                   are    HIV/AIDS,       Malaria,
                                                                                   Environmental protection,
                                                                                   Capacity Building and job

Who We Are…                                                     Our Vision and Mission Statement…
About HACEY                                                     Our Vision

HACEY’s     Health   Initiative   is     a     non-profit       The vision of HACEY is to create a healthy and
community-based       development            organization       sustainable society.

registered with the government of Nigeria under
the Corporate Affairs Commission on 22nd July
                                                                Our Mission
2011, with registration number CAC/IT/NO 46170.
                                                                HACEY’s mission statement is to empower and

HACEY was born out of the conviction that young                 educate women, children and young people on health

people are to champion the fight against major                  and environment issues as it relates to them, to

challenges facing the society while playing crucial             achieve a healthy and sustainable society by training
roles     towards    achieving     the        Millennium        and providing support for women and young people.

Development Goals related to health, sustainable
                                                                This is achieved through capacity development
society, as well as societal capacity development.
                                                                programs to empower them with the skills and
Our core programs areas are:
                                                                knowledge they need to be economically self-
       HIV/AIDS                                                sufficient, and take health and environment friendly

       Malaria                                                 decisions.

       Environmental protection
       Capacity Building and job creation.

Our Core Values…                               Our Approach…
Commitment                                     HACEY’s approach to community development work is unique. We
At HACEY, we believe that only with            use a ‘CARE’ approach in ensuring that every child, woman and
commitment to our work can we achieve          young person in the society is affected positively by our work.
our goals, and we impart this value in
                                               C – Capacity building:   Every of our program is aimed at building
everyone we work with.
                                                                        individual, family and community capacity
                                               A – Advocacy:            We address the root cause of societal
HACEY      encourages       growth       and
                                                                        challenges, while we tackle the effects of
development in all areas of our work,
                                                                        such problem.
always working towards the growth of our
beneficiaries and the community.               R – Research:            We    research     problems,    environments,
                                                                        different case studies and practices to
                                                                        determine which solutions would bring
At HACEY, we are always accountable to
                                                                        about maximum impact when applied.
our donors, stakeholders, beneficiaries
and the public. Our principle is founded       E – Education:           Educating the society about the challenges
on integrity and we are consistently                                    they face and how best they can overcome
committed to producing quality results                                  them. Once understanding is achieved,
evident in all communities where we work                                solutions    are   better   implemented   and
- a healthier and sustainable society.                                  sustained.

                              AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and
                              2011, and more than 33 million people worldwide live with HIV,

                              making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history.

                              This is particularly a significant thematic area, especially in
                              Nigeria where 3.3 million people are living with HIV and

                              approximately 222,000 people died from AIDS in 2009.


                                                  Our HIV/AIDS programs are mainly targeted at

                                                  women and young people across regions, religion,
                                                  race, ethnic group, and social/economic standing.
                                                  Our programs reach both in school and out of school

                                                  young people in rural and urban settlements
In the past 4 years, HACEY has celebrated the
                                                  nationwide. These programs inform and educate our
World AIDS Day, using it as a platform to reach
                                                  target population, and members of the society on
young people and women both in rural and
                                                  the effects of HIV/AIDS on themselves - whether they
urban areas with preventive information and
                                                  are HIV - positive or not, on the society, and on the
education on HIV/AIDS. At these events, people
                                                  economy. The programs have a goal of effecting a
always have the opportunity to learn their HIV
                                                  positive behavioral change in members of our
status through counseling and testing.
                                                  societies that would lead to a drop in the incidence
                                                  of HIV infection; discrimination against HIV infected

                                                  and affected individuals, and HIV-related deaths.


      “The fight against HIV/AIDS
      is a collective one, and we are
       doing everything we can to
       see that we get to Zero HIV
         incidence in Sub-Sahara
                       Africa. “

In 2008, HACEY published a book on

HIV/AIDS titled ‘HIV/AIDS: The future of the                In 2011, HACEY launched her ‘Getting to Zero
infected and affected’ written by the Project               Campaign’ to support the achievement of Zero New
Director of HACEY, Isaiah Owolabi. The book                 HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS
takes an in depth looks at the disastrous                   Related Deaths in Nigeria by 2015. This campaign
effects HIV has on individuals and society,                 creates a platform for advocacy and sensitization of
and on society’s reaction to individuals who                the general public, while specifically empowering
are    HIV        positive.     It     also    contains     young people with life skills and knowledge so they
recommendations               for       actions       for   can be active in the fight against HIV/AIDS. With
government,          society,        institutions    and    support   from   British   Medical   Association   and
individuals to prevent the spread of infection              International Brain Research Organization, books on
and effect of HIV. The book has been a                      HIV/AIDS have been donated to libraries in schools in
major educative tool used during programs                   Lagos to promote the objectives of the campaign.
to educate the public on HIV/AIDS.
                                                            Till date, HACEY has organized HIV/AIDS Education
HACEY also carried out a number of                          Outreach in different parts of the country, with over
researches         amongst           young        people,   30,000 people being reached. We have achieved this
implementing gender specific interventions                  by empowering and supporting young individuals as
and general preventive programs for young                   Peer Educator trainers, who in turn raise other Peer
people       in    the    area,        including     HIV    Educators in secondary schools around Nigeria.
sensitization and Prevention programs in the                Through this strategy, Anti-HIV clubs have been
Northern part of Nigeria for women and                      created in secondary schools in Kwara, Lagos, Ebonyi,
young girls.                                                Zamfara, Niger and other states across Nigeria.


                              To combat the menace of malaria in Nigeria, HACEY
                              organizes various programs to sensitize the public on malaria

                              prevention and treatment. One way HAACEY ensures the
                              sustainability of all her programs is to actively involve the
                              participation of community members during implementation.

                              The use of long lasting insecticide-treated nets is strongly

                              encouraged during these programs, and a campaign for

                              maintaining a healthy, clean environment as ways of
                              preventing the occurrence of malaria


HACEY developed the ‘End Malaria – together we can

initiative’ as means of spreading information about
malaria and its treatment. End malaria – together we can

creates the opportunity for people to be part of Malaria

programs carried out by the organization, as well as an
                                                           HACEY organized forums in universities,
online platform where everyone can have access to          colleges and secondary schools to educate
information   concerning    malaria   including   latest   the students and youths on ways through
developments in anti-malaria drugs and treatment. The      which the spread of malaria can be

online group consistently educates and informs young       reduced such as the use of insecticide
                                                           treated     nets,      effective       anti-malaria
people on how they can actively combat malaria and
                                                           treatment, and the maintenance of a
gives everyone, at all times, the opportunity to get the
                                                           clean     environment.         This    forum    was
information they need on malaria, and to give their        introduced in 2009, and at the end of
opinions and suggestions on various matters relating to    2010,     1000      students     had    committed
malaria.                                                   themselves       to    ensuring        and     living
                                                           healthier lives to combat malaria and to
Through the Malaria Awareness Program, an educational      educating the public.
program for community members, especially mothers.
on how to prevent malaria, the community of Umuahia
was sensitized on the cause and prevention of Malaria.
Mosquito nets were also distributed to over 100 mothers

in the community.


     In 2010, A Malaria Prevention Program specifically for
     women     and    children    in   northern    Nigeria   was
     implemented. Women were reached with messages on
     the prevention and treatment of Malaria, with Long
     Lasting Insecticide-treated nets distributed to women
     and young people in rural communities to support the
     fight against malaria. Misconceptions on the use and
     maintenance of these nets were also treated, and
     answers were provided for questions that the women
     and youths have concerning the Insecticide-treated nets.

     In 2012, the community of Ilaje, a slum by the lagoon
     area in Lagos state, Nigeria received the HACEY team, in
     partnership with the CYFI Health team on the Malaria
     Outreach program held in the community from May to
     December     2012.      During    this   outreach,   HACEY
                                                                   HACEY continue to fight, and mobilize others in
     encouraged and joined the community in cleaning their
                                                                   the fight against Malaria in Africa
     environment, carried out door-to-door sensitization on
     malaria, and outreach and distribution of over 100
     mosquito nets.

 HACEY has taken advantage of this mobile

 era by sending mobile SMS (short message

service) to provide information to women in
             rural communities.

    Our anti-malaria theatre group in

secondary schools help educate students

about malaria symptoms, preventions and

                               Environmental protection and Climate Change is a

                               leading issue in global discussion because of its
                               direct effect on global health. A step to mitigate the

                               effects of climate change on health is to educate
                               community members on how to take better care of

                               their environment and build their capacities in
                               adapting to it; building their appreciation for a clean
                               and healthy environment.


In 2010, HACEY held an environmental education
and Awareness Program in Ebonyi state, Nigeria.                    Motivated by the Article 6 of the United
This   program    engaged     young      graduate       and        Nations Framework Convention on Climate
community members, including school children, to                   Change which stresses the importance for
champion sanitation activities in Ebonyi state.                    countries    to    develop     and        implement
During this program, activities such as street                     programs to educate their population on
cleaning and clearing of drainages around the                      climate     change    and      its    effects    and
communities were done. Waste disposal tools were                   developing adequate responses, HACEY
also donated to schools in this state.                             developed an initiative on environmental

                                                                   protection, the “Student Environmental
                                                                   Education Program” (SEEP).

                                                                   This project is directed toward junior and

                                                                   senior secondary school students and is

                                                                   designed in partnership with Earth Child

                                                                   Institute’s Power of One Child – Global

                                                                   Action Classroom, an international initiative
                                                                   developed     in     collaboration        with   the

                                                                   Environmental        Conservation         Education

                                                                   program at New York University in the

                                                                   USA. This project inspires remarkable life-
                                                                   skills    based      changes         in    students’

                                                                   appreciation of their environment and

                                                                   empowers them to take action to protect

                                                                   their environment while improving quality
   During the 2008 World Health day, HACEY
                                                                   of life in their communities.
   hosted a debate on climate and health among
   students from different departments in the

   University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The purpose

   of this debate was to create awareness on
   environment protection as a key to climatic

   change, as well as to show the direct effect of

   climate change on community health.


HACEY is also an active member of the alliance of
youth-led/focused    organizations        and   young
individuals working to build grassroots movement

across Africa to combat the effect of climate

change and environmental degradation through

innovative projects and Continental Day of
Actions   to   mobilize   Africa   for     sustainable
development. On Wednesday, 5               September,

HACEY jointly organized sensitization on local
television stations in Nigeria on climate change,
                                                              The SEEP project helps the students become
and hosted the ‘Arting Climate Change’ event,
                                                              aware of which actions have negative effects on
aimed at using the arts to showcase the effects of
                                                              the environment and how they can change their
climate change in our society.
                                                              own behavior and influence change in others.

                                                              Through this project, young school children in

                                                              Lagos state Nigeria have been involved in the

                                                              planting of trees, sanitation of their environment,
                                                              and virtual communication with children from

                                                              other countries participating in the program.

                                                                 HACEY continues to champion the course of
                                                                 environmental protection and education on

                                                                   climate change in our society, involving
                                                                   stakeholders, organizations/groups and

                                                               individuals in the planning and implementation
                                                                    of the projects for sustainable impact


                              Investment in the empowerment of individuals, who

                              are vulnerable to crime and unhealthy practices, is
                              one way of ensuring peace, as well as eradicating

                              poverty in the society, both now and in the future.
                              Beyond creating jobs and a means of livelihood for

                              youths, the main aim of our capacity development is

                              to breed leaders for social change.


                                                             In 2010, ‘Project Elevate’ was developed to
HACEY organizes capacity building for youths in
                                                             empower women in northern Nigeria. The aim of
Nigeria that teaches life building skills and empower
                                                             the project was to empower women to become
young people to further develop themselves to
                                                             entrepreneurs, thus providing for themselves
become socially responsible individuals. To give
                                                             and their households. Over 500 women in
them better understanding of leadership, learning
                                                             northern part of Nigeria benefited from this
by action model and interactive activities are
employed that teach the principles of teamwork and

success. In schools, young people are also imparted          In 2012, HACEY, in partnership with a faith based
with knowledge on how they can better cope with              organization    organized    a   leadership       and
school work and making the right career choices. To          entrepreneurship training program for 50 young
help us achieve this, the book ‘SMARTNESS’,                  people in Lagos state, Nigeria. The training
published by HACEY in 2010 was used to engage                program developed the leadership capabilities of
and educate the students.       Using the acronym            young people who participated in the program
‘SMARTNESS’, HACEY also empowers in-school and               and empowered them with adequate knowledge
out-of-school youths in Nigeria to be social change          to prepare and develop their business ideas. The
agents and leaders in their communities. Till date,          program followed up with the participants
over 500 youths have been empowered across                   initiating social projects in their communities


     HACEY also undertakes training programs on life
     skills development for young girls to help them

     make the right decisions in life. These training
     provide young girls with skills in persuasion,

     decision making, peer education and so on. They

     also prepare her to become leaders in their

     Various fields in life as it incorporates both

     leadership   training   and   good   study    habit
     techniques. At present, HACEY has trained over

     500 young girls, both in school and out of school,

     empowering them to develop to their full



                              There are presently 2.2 billion people under the

                              age of 18 in the world. Children are the most
                              vulnerable in any society, as well as an integral

                              part of every society. HACEY’s work with
                              children is aimed at empowering the future

                              generation to make the right choices for
                              themselves and the society


The Children Future Initiatives is a project in rural

communities in Nigeria which helps children live to their

full potential by ensuring they have access to quality

primary education. The mission of this initiative is to help
children have access to education and information that
will enhance their quality of life

     Read and Learn

     The Mobile Library project is another project

     directed    towards    the      children.    Books

     donated to the organization have been
     packaged into a mobile library that moves

     from community to community. Through

     this, we reach out to rural dwellers with

     information they need to live healthier and
     productive lives, we help them have access
     to books on issues related to health and

     environment and we also provide tutors to

     explain what they do not understand,

     sometimes speaking in local languages to
     get the information across. We visit villages

     and schools that do not have access to this
     information     or     cannot       afford     this

     information and we give them access to the
     books and tutors to explain the content to



Going Green

HACEY uses the book 'Adventure of Piggles Pig', an
illustrated children’s story book published by the

organization in 2009, to teach the children about

how they can be a part of taking care of the
environment.     HACEY trains students in tertiary

institution or graduates who serve as volunteer
teachers to compliment the low teacher-student

ratio in public primary schools.                                    In October, 2012, HACEY launched the ‘Hands up

                                                                    for HER campaign’ during the United Nation
                                                                    International Day of the Girl Child event held in

                                                                    Lagos on the 11th October. The event was hosted
                                                                    in partnership   with other organizations     to
                                                                    educate the public on the challenges faced by the

                                                                    girl child on a daily basis. Female students from

                                                                    secondary schools around Lagos as well as

                                                                    members of the community where equipped with
                                                                    information about their health and rights

   The campaign is set to span a period of 5years with

activities set to be held in different states of Nigeria and

  Africa. HACEY also facilitated the Girl Sexual Health
Promotion program for secondary school girls who were
trained to be peer educators in their different schools. The

      aim of the campaign is to promote the health,
        empowerment and rights of the girl child.


                              empowering the woman is empowering the

                              nation and creates a multiplier effect in their
                              lives and that of their children as they are the
                              major caregivers in the family setting; as such,

                              teaching women basic health knowledge will in

                              fact improve the health of the family and


                                                          In 2010, HACEY partnered with          the   National

                                                          Directorate of Employment in Zamfara state to train

                                                          50 women on how to make money from Interior

                                                          decoration and to manage their business to ensure

                                                          profit. After the training, the women were given

   HACEY has also encouraged environmental                financial support to start their own small scale

sanitation in communities as a means of protecting        business and monitored to ensure they had all the

 the environment and reducing the occurrence of           help and advice they needed. At present, some of

diseases. HACEY encouraged the women to engage            these women have apprentices under them who they

  in proper environmental sanitation and proper           in turn train increasing the number of empowered

  disposal of waste in the community; the health          women in Zamfara state.

  effects of an unhealthy environment were also           Integrated into the entrepreneurship training is

explained to the women. They were provided with           health education through which we inform the

      materials to help them in carrying out              women about health conscious decisions they can

            environmental sanitation                      make that will prevent avoidable illness and deaths
                                                          for them and their children.
                                                          They were taught how to recognize signs of illnesses

                                                          and the steps to take in treating such. HACEY also

                                                          held Health education programs for women at

                                                          Ilupeju - Ibafo community in Ogun state, promoting

                                                          prevention of communicable diseases.


HACEY, in partnership with the CYFI Nigeria, carried

out   the    malaria   outreach     project   aimed    at

empowering women in rural communities on malaria

prevention and treatment. During this program,
HACEY facilitated sessions with community leaders,
youths      and   women     associations,     correcting

misconceptions    about   malaria    transmission     and
diagnosis, and encouraged the women to visit health
centers especially when pregnant.

The women were also encouraged to protect

themselves and their children, especially those under

five, from malaria by using long lasting insecticide

treated nets (LLITNs). HACEY jointly carried out door-

to-door outreach in the community and supported in

the distribution of LLITNs to 150 women with children

under five years in the community.


                         Today, youth represent 18% of the global population or

                         1.2 billion people. Eighty seven percent (87%) of youth

                         live in developing countries facing challenges brought
                         about by limited access to resources, healthcare,
                         education,    training,   employment       and    economic

                         opportunities. Our society therefore becomes one that
                         breeds youths more interested in their personal gain
                         than that of the society and has little regard for it


                                                                 Today, youth represent 18% of the global
                                                               population or 1.2 billion people. Eighty seven
                                                                 percent (87%) of youth live in developing
                                                               countries facing challenges brought about by
                                                                   limited access to resources, healthcare,
                                                                    education, training, employment and
                                                                             economic opportunities.

2011 International Youth Year

12th August 2010 – 11th August 2011 was proclaimed           Educative materials were also printed and distributed

by the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed            in 8 different states in Nigeria especially in secondary

an International Year of Youth with the theme ‘Youth         schools   and    higher   institutions.   Several   youths

and the MDGS’ to harness the energy, imagination             participated in the program and they were challenged

and creativity of the world’s youth in overcoming the        to have a positive expectation while they champion

challenges facing mankind. In this respect, HACEY            initiatives that can help the achievement of the MDGs.

organized a nine day program to encourage youths to          They were also encouraged to voice out and be part

take part in the race towards the achievement of the         of decision making processes, especially on issues that

Millennium Development Goals with the theme                  directly affect them.

‘YOUTH AND THE MDGs’. During the program the

MDGs were discussed in forums, classrooms, groups,

public places and online. Each goal was discussed,

giving the youths the opportunity to give their
opinions and suggestions on how each goal can be
achieved. Through television and radio broadcast, we

were able to reach thousands of people in the state

and across the nation. We held discussions in NYSC
Community Development Service groups, and spoke

with students in secondary schools.


To help young people face the
    health challenges of our
  changing world, Pro-Health
Education Groups were created
to educate and inform students
on health issues affecting them
 and how they can be actively
   part of the solutions. The
initiative also enhanced student
  creative skills in the areas of
  music, drama and poetry in
   preventing HIV/AIDS and
Malaria, and encouraged them
to be advocates of the change
they want to see in their society.


                     HACEY’s Health Initiative has been impacting change
                     both at the national and International level. HACEY
                     has participated and been represented in different
                     international conferences on health, environment
                     and sustainable development where we contribute
                     our ideas and innovation to the global community.

Since 2010, HACEY has been represented at the                In 2012, HACEY also attended the United Nation
World     Youth     Congress.      Sharing   ideas     and   Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio

innovative techniques with the next generation of            De Janeiro, tagged Rio+20 which was one of the
leaders has proven a tool for positive impact in the         biggest conferences held to address the issue of
development of a sustainable society; utilized               sustainable development, and our progress towards it.
through    the    training    of   young     leaders   on    HACEY worked to increase youth participation in the

leadership,      social   change       and     youth-led     process and encouraged young leaders to work

development. In 2011, HACEY conducted training at            towards the future they wanted.
the Elos Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil for young
                                                             HACEY       also    attended    the    International   AIDS
change makers from around the world, equipping
                                                             Conference held in Washington DC, USA which was a
them the necessary tools to create a healthy and
                                                             gathering      of    governments,      organizations   and
sustainable society back in their home countries.
                                                             individuals working in the field of HIV, as well as

The United Nations Framework Convention on                   policymakers, people living with HIV and others

Climate Change, Conference of parties (COP) is one           committed to ending the epidemic. The conference,

of the largest gatherings of world leaders to                themed      ‘turning   the     tide   together’   mobilized

address the issue of climate change in our world             stakeholders to join together to bring the epidemic to

today. Since 2011, HACEY has been represented at             a decided end.

the COPs, sharing our achievements and challenges,

and creating a higher awareness for the need of the

younger generation involvement and recognition in

charting the future course.
 The last five years has been filled with
   activities and programs geared at
 achieving the goal of the organization.
   We have experienced challenge in
 delivering services to achieve positive
change in our society, but we have also
overcome these challenges through our
 synergized efforts to push for change.
We need to work together and make the
best use of resources if we are to create
 and maintain a sustainable society; we
need to think beyond our present needs
but unto those of future generations as
well. In the short term, we need to focus
                                                   WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT
 on scaling up successful and impactful
                                                    We can improve and save the lives of
interventions; for long term, we need to
                                                   millions of people. Our commitment is to
 invest in building capacity at local level
                                                    develop and implement interventions,
and maintaining a win-win existence with
                                                    build capacities, research and develop
            the environment.
                                                    solutions, and educate more people to
                                                                 do the same.
                                                      To make a lasting impact, we need
                                                    sustained funding and support. We are
                                                   indebted to our current supporters and
                                                      we will ensure that our efforts and
                                                     resources continue to help the most

                                                   To find out more, please visit our website

 The Hands Up for HER Campaign

 Getting to Zero Campaign

 SEEP Global Action Classroom
 Zero Carbon Africa

 Ilaje Public Toilet and Sanitation

 Mobile Library Project

                               To whom much is given, much is expected...

HACEY’s Health Initiative has benefited immensely from the philanthropy and generosity of organizations,

corporate bodies, and individuals who support the work we do.

        Nestle Nigeria Plc, Lagos                                 Supreme International School, Lagos
        Noun Radio, 105.9 FM, Lagos                               National    Youth    Service      Corps
        Television Continental, Lagos                              Community    Development         Service
        Cool/Wazobia fm, Lagos                                     groups, Lagos
        Inspiration fm, Lagos                                     National    Youth    Service      Corps
        Muri International Television, Lagos                       Community    Development         Service
        Nigeria Television Authority, Lagos                        groups, Ebonyi
        Lagos Television, Lagos                                   Amalgamated      Forum     for    Youth
        Superscreen Television, Lagos                              Development, Kano
        Radio Continental, Lagos                                  Anuoluwapo          Initiative       on
        Legacy Comprehensive Secondary                             Development of Education, AIDE,
         school, Lagos                                              Abuja

 To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
              We specially thank everyone who belief in us, too numerous to mention

* Earth Child Institute       * TeachAIDS USA

         * HIFA2015         * Earth Day Network
              * Zero Carbon Africa

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Hacey's health initiative 5years of making positive change

  • 1. HIV/AIDS * Malaria * Environmental Protection * Capacity Development & Job Creation Celebrating five years of community service in creating a healthy and sustainable society
  • 2. HACEY’S HEALTH INITIATIVE 5 YEAR ACTIVITY REPORT HACEY is a non-governmental health, environment and community development organisation with the mission to empower and educate children, women and young people on health and environment, and providing human capacity development to achieve a healthy and sustainable society
  • 3. Copyright © 2012 HACEY’s Health Initiative All rights reserved. This document summarises the work of HACEY’s Health Initiative over the last five years. It is produced by the staff of the organization. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. HACEY’s Health Initiative encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy, reprint or use any part of this work in any form, please send a request with complete information to: HACEY’s Health Initiative 3, Kiniun – Ifa Street, Off Sawmill Bus Stop, Ifako, Gbagada, Lagos state, Nigeria T: +2348024207817; +2348095688452 E:; W: Published by HACEY’s Health Initiative, Lagos, Nigeria. December 2012
  • 4. Contents Our Board 1 Introduction 2 Who We Are 3 Our Core Programming Areas HIV/AIDS 6 Malaria 9 Environment 12 Capacity Building 15 Our Target Activities Children 18 Women 21 Youth 24 Going Across Boarders 27 Supporters and Partners 31
  • 5. Our Board In 2011, HACEY’s Health Initiative was registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The board members govern the affairs of the organization and ensure that all activities of the organization are aimed solely at achieving the goal of the organization. Members of the board:  Dr Lawrence Aderemi Olatunji Board Chair  Ms Rhoda Robinson Board Secretary  Mr. Isaiah Owolabi Project Director  Mr. Liman Moshood Ibrahim  Mr. Aaron Offikwu Adah  Mr. Oluwasijibomi Paul Ojajuni  Dr Adegboyega Adisa Fawole  Ms Adeyanju Tiamiyu Report Compilation This report was compiled by members of staff of the organization led by  Olusola Owonikoko Director of Programs HACEY’s Health Initiative  Rhoda Robinson Director of Administration HACEY’s Health Initiative  Isaiah Owolabi Project Director HACEY’s Health Initiative 1
  • 6. INTRODUCTION The Journey so far… Founded in 2007, HACEY’s Health Initiative also known as HACEY is a non- governmental organization committed to educating, informing and empowering women and young people on health and environmental issues as it relates to them, and providing capacity development to achieve a healthy and sustainable society. HACEY has consistently dedicated its resources and efforts to developing a consciousness for health and environmental protection in members of the society and empowering the underserved, disadvantaged individuals in the society. Over the years, HACEY has inspired and equipped its beneficiaries to lead healthier lives while implementing positive change efforts that transform their lives and communities; thereby sustaining livelihood and contributing to national development. To facilitate the spread of education and empowerment, HACEY has produced books for various ages on health and environmental issues, and conducted seminars and programs to educate and inspire positive action towards personal and community development. To date, HACEY has reached over 100,000 individuals in states across the nation through its core programs and initiatives on HIV/AIDS prevention, combating malaria, advocacy for environmental protection and capacity building for job creation and has inspired thousands to be active participants in our society’s development process. So far, HACEY has implemented projects in 8 states across Nigeria and continually works to expand her reach to other regions within and outside the country. Isaiah Owolabi Project Director 2
  • 7. HACEY is a non-governmental health, environment and community development organisation with the mission to empower and educate children, women and young people concerning health and environment, and provide human capacity development to achieve a healthy and sustainable society. 3
  • 8. WHO WE ARE “Our core programs areas are HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Environmental protection, Capacity Building and job creation.” Who We Are… Our Vision and Mission Statement… About HACEY Our Vision HACEY’s Health Initiative is a non-profit The vision of HACEY is to create a healthy and community-based development organization sustainable society. registered with the government of Nigeria under the Corporate Affairs Commission on 22nd July Our Mission 2011, with registration number CAC/IT/NO 46170. HACEY’s mission statement is to empower and HACEY was born out of the conviction that young educate women, children and young people on health people are to champion the fight against major and environment issues as it relates to them, to challenges facing the society while playing crucial achieve a healthy and sustainable society by training roles towards achieving the Millennium and providing support for women and young people. Development Goals related to health, sustainable This is achieved through capacity development society, as well as societal capacity development. programs to empower them with the skills and Our core programs areas are: knowledge they need to be economically self-  HIV/AIDS sufficient, and take health and environment friendly  Malaria decisions.  Environmental protection  Capacity Building and job creation. 4
  • 9. WHO WE ARE Our Core Values… Our Approach… Commitment HACEY’s approach to community development work is unique. We At HACEY, we believe that only with use a ‘CARE’ approach in ensuring that every child, woman and commitment to our work can we achieve young person in the society is affected positively by our work. our goals, and we impart this value in C – Capacity building: Every of our program is aimed at building everyone we work with. individual, family and community capacity Growth A – Advocacy: We address the root cause of societal HACEY encourages growth and challenges, while we tackle the effects of development in all areas of our work, such problem. always working towards the growth of our beneficiaries and the community. R – Research: We research problems, environments, different case studies and practices to Accountability determine which solutions would bring At HACEY, we are always accountable to about maximum impact when applied. our donors, stakeholders, beneficiaries and the public. Our principle is founded E – Education: Educating the society about the challenges on integrity and we are consistently they face and how best they can overcome committed to producing quality results them. Once understanding is achieved, evident in all communities where we work solutions are better implemented and - a healthier and sustainable society. sustained.
  • 10. OUR CORE PROGRAMMING AREAS… AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2011, and more than 33 million people worldwide live with HIV, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. This is particularly a significant thematic area, especially in Nigeria where 3.3 million people are living with HIV and approximately 222,000 people died from AIDS in 2009. 6
  • 11. HIV/AIDS Our HIV/AIDS programs are mainly targeted at women and young people across regions, religion, race, ethnic group, and social/economic standing. Our programs reach both in school and out of school young people in rural and urban settlements In the past 4 years, HACEY has celebrated the nationwide. These programs inform and educate our World AIDS Day, using it as a platform to reach target population, and members of the society on young people and women both in rural and the effects of HIV/AIDS on themselves - whether they urban areas with preventive information and are HIV - positive or not, on the society, and on the education on HIV/AIDS. At these events, people economy. The programs have a goal of effecting a always have the opportunity to learn their HIV positive behavioral change in members of our status through counseling and testing. societies that would lead to a drop in the incidence of HIV infection; discrimination against HIV infected and affected individuals, and HIV-related deaths. 7
  • 12. HIV/AIDS “The fight against HIV/AIDS is a collective one, and we are doing everything we can to see that we get to Zero HIV incidence in Sub-Sahara Africa. “ In 2008, HACEY published a book on HIV/AIDS titled ‘HIV/AIDS: The future of the In 2011, HACEY launched her ‘Getting to Zero infected and affected’ written by the Project Campaign’ to support the achievement of Zero New Director of HACEY, Isaiah Owolabi. The book HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS takes an in depth looks at the disastrous Related Deaths in Nigeria by 2015. This campaign effects HIV has on individuals and society, creates a platform for advocacy and sensitization of and on society’s reaction to individuals who the general public, while specifically empowering are HIV positive. It also contains young people with life skills and knowledge so they recommendations for actions for can be active in the fight against HIV/AIDS. With government, society, institutions and support from British Medical Association and individuals to prevent the spread of infection International Brain Research Organization, books on and effect of HIV. The book has been a HIV/AIDS have been donated to libraries in schools in major educative tool used during programs Lagos to promote the objectives of the campaign. to educate the public on HIV/AIDS. Till date, HACEY has organized HIV/AIDS Education HACEY also carried out a number of Outreach in different parts of the country, with over researches amongst young people, 30,000 people being reached. We have achieved this implementing gender specific interventions by empowering and supporting young individuals as and general preventive programs for young Peer Educator trainers, who in turn raise other Peer people in the area, including HIV Educators in secondary schools around Nigeria. sensitization and Prevention programs in the Through this strategy, Anti-HIV clubs have been Northern part of Nigeria for women and created in secondary schools in Kwara, Lagos, Ebonyi, young girls. Zamfara, Niger and other states across Nigeria. 8
  • 13. OUR CORE PROGRAMMING AREAS… To combat the menace of malaria in Nigeria, HACEY organizes various programs to sensitize the public on malaria prevention and treatment. One way HAACEY ensures the sustainability of all her programs is to actively involve the participation of community members during implementation. The use of long lasting insecticide-treated nets is strongly encouraged during these programs, and a campaign for maintaining a healthy, clean environment as ways of preventing the occurrence of malaria 9
  • 14. MALARIA HACEY developed the ‘End Malaria – together we can initiative’ as means of spreading information about malaria and its treatment. End malaria – together we can creates the opportunity for people to be part of Malaria programs carried out by the organization, as well as an HACEY organized forums in universities, online platform where everyone can have access to colleges and secondary schools to educate information concerning malaria including latest the students and youths on ways through developments in anti-malaria drugs and treatment. The which the spread of malaria can be online group consistently educates and informs young reduced such as the use of insecticide treated nets, effective anti-malaria people on how they can actively combat malaria and treatment, and the maintenance of a gives everyone, at all times, the opportunity to get the clean environment. This forum was information they need on malaria, and to give their introduced in 2009, and at the end of opinions and suggestions on various matters relating to 2010, 1000 students had committed malaria. themselves to ensuring and living healthier lives to combat malaria and to Through the Malaria Awareness Program, an educational educating the public. program for community members, especially mothers. on how to prevent malaria, the community of Umuahia was sensitized on the cause and prevention of Malaria. Mosquito nets were also distributed to over 100 mothers in the community. 10
  • 15. MALARIA In 2010, A Malaria Prevention Program specifically for women and children in northern Nigeria was implemented. Women were reached with messages on the prevention and treatment of Malaria, with Long Lasting Insecticide-treated nets distributed to women and young people in rural communities to support the fight against malaria. Misconceptions on the use and maintenance of these nets were also treated, and answers were provided for questions that the women and youths have concerning the Insecticide-treated nets. In 2012, the community of Ilaje, a slum by the lagoon area in Lagos state, Nigeria received the HACEY team, in partnership with the CYFI Health team on the Malaria Outreach program held in the community from May to December 2012. During this outreach, HACEY HACEY continue to fight, and mobilize others in encouraged and joined the community in cleaning their the fight against Malaria in Africa environment, carried out door-to-door sensitization on malaria, and outreach and distribution of over 100 mosquito nets. HACEY has taken advantage of this mobile era by sending mobile SMS (short message service) to provide information to women in rural communities. Our anti-malaria theatre group in secondary schools help educate students about malaria symptoms, preventions and treatment.
  • 16. OUR CORE PROGRAMMING AREAS… Environmental protection and Climate Change is a leading issue in global discussion because of its direct effect on global health. A step to mitigate the effects of climate change on health is to educate community members on how to take better care of their environment and build their capacities in adapting to it; building their appreciation for a clean and healthy environment. 12
  • 17. ENVIRONMENT In 2010, HACEY held an environmental education and Awareness Program in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. Motivated by the Article 6 of the United This program engaged young graduate and Nations Framework Convention on Climate community members, including school children, to Change which stresses the importance for champion sanitation activities in Ebonyi state. countries to develop and implement During this program, activities such as street programs to educate their population on cleaning and clearing of drainages around the climate change and its effects and communities were done. Waste disposal tools were developing adequate responses, HACEY also donated to schools in this state. developed an initiative on environmental protection, the “Student Environmental Education Program” (SEEP). This project is directed toward junior and senior secondary school students and is designed in partnership with Earth Child Institute’s Power of One Child – Global Action Classroom, an international initiative developed in collaboration with the Environmental Conservation Education program at New York University in the USA. This project inspires remarkable life- skills based changes in students’ appreciation of their environment and empowers them to take action to protect their environment while improving quality During the 2008 World Health day, HACEY of life in their communities. hosted a debate on climate and health among students from different departments in the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The purpose of this debate was to create awareness on environment protection as a key to climatic change, as well as to show the direct effect of climate change on community health. 13
  • 18. ENVIRONMENT HACEY is also an active member of the alliance of youth-led/focused organizations and young individuals working to build grassroots movement across Africa to combat the effect of climate change and environmental degradation through innovative projects and Continental Day of Actions to mobilize Africa for sustainable th development. On Wednesday, 5 September, HACEY jointly organized sensitization on local television stations in Nigeria on climate change, The SEEP project helps the students become and hosted the ‘Arting Climate Change’ event, aware of which actions have negative effects on aimed at using the arts to showcase the effects of the environment and how they can change their climate change in our society. own behavior and influence change in others. Through this project, young school children in Lagos state Nigeria have been involved in the planting of trees, sanitation of their environment, and virtual communication with children from other countries participating in the program. HACEY continues to champion the course of environmental protection and education on climate change in our society, involving stakeholders, organizations/groups and individuals in the planning and implementation of the projects for sustainable impact 14
  • 19. OUR CORE PROGRAMMING AREAS… Investment in the empowerment of individuals, who are vulnerable to crime and unhealthy practices, is one way of ensuring peace, as well as eradicating poverty in the society, both now and in the future. Beyond creating jobs and a means of livelihood for youths, the main aim of our capacity development is to breed leaders for social change. 15
  • 20. CAPACITY BUILDING In 2010, ‘Project Elevate’ was developed to HACEY organizes capacity building for youths in empower women in northern Nigeria. The aim of Nigeria that teaches life building skills and empower the project was to empower women to become young people to further develop themselves to entrepreneurs, thus providing for themselves become socially responsible individuals. To give and their households. Over 500 women in them better understanding of leadership, learning northern part of Nigeria benefited from this by action model and interactive activities are project employed that teach the principles of teamwork and success. In schools, young people are also imparted In 2012, HACEY, in partnership with a faith based with knowledge on how they can better cope with organization organized a leadership and school work and making the right career choices. To entrepreneurship training program for 50 young help us achieve this, the book ‘SMARTNESS’, people in Lagos state, Nigeria. The training published by HACEY in 2010 was used to engage program developed the leadership capabilities of and educate the students. Using the acronym young people who participated in the program ‘SMARTNESS’, HACEY also empowers in-school and and empowered them with adequate knowledge out-of-school youths in Nigeria to be social change to prepare and develop their business ideas. The agents and leaders in their communities. Till date, program followed up with the participants over 500 youths have been empowered across initiating social projects in their communities Nigeria 16
  • 21. CAPACITY BUILDING HACEY also undertakes training programs on life skills development for young girls to help them make the right decisions in life. These training provide young girls with skills in persuasion, decision making, peer education and so on. They also prepare her to become leaders in their Various fields in life as it incorporates both leadership training and good study habit techniques. At present, HACEY has trained over 500 young girls, both in school and out of school, empowering them to develop to their full potential. 17
  • 22. OUR TARGET ACTIVITIES… There are presently 2.2 billion people under the age of 18 in the world. Children are the most vulnerable in any society, as well as an integral part of every society. HACEY’s work with children is aimed at empowering the future generation to make the right choices for themselves and the society 18
  • 23. CHILDREN The Children Future Initiatives is a project in rural communities in Nigeria which helps children live to their full potential by ensuring they have access to quality primary education. The mission of this initiative is to help children have access to education and information that will enhance their quality of life Read and Learn The Mobile Library project is another project directed towards the children. Books donated to the organization have been packaged into a mobile library that moves from community to community. Through this, we reach out to rural dwellers with information they need to live healthier and productive lives, we help them have access to books on issues related to health and environment and we also provide tutors to explain what they do not understand, sometimes speaking in local languages to get the information across. We visit villages and schools that do not have access to this information or cannot afford this information and we give them access to the books and tutors to explain the content to them 19
  • 24. CHILDREN Going Green HACEY uses the book 'Adventure of Piggles Pig', an illustrated children’s story book published by the organization in 2009, to teach the children about how they can be a part of taking care of the environment. HACEY trains students in tertiary institution or graduates who serve as volunteer teachers to compliment the low teacher-student ratio in public primary schools. In October, 2012, HACEY launched the ‘Hands up for HER campaign’ during the United Nation International Day of the Girl Child event held in Lagos on the 11th October. The event was hosted in partnership with other organizations to educate the public on the challenges faced by the girl child on a daily basis. Female students from secondary schools around Lagos as well as members of the community where equipped with information about their health and rights The campaign is set to span a period of 5years with activities set to be held in different states of Nigeria and Africa. HACEY also facilitated the Girl Sexual Health Promotion program for secondary school girls who were trained to be peer educators in their different schools. The aim of the campaign is to promote the health, empowerment and rights of the girl child. 20
  • 25. OUR TARGET ACTIVITIES… empowering the woman is empowering the nation and creates a multiplier effect in their lives and that of their children as they are the major caregivers in the family setting; as such, teaching women basic health knowledge will in fact improve the health of the family and community. 21
  • 26. WOMEN In 2010, HACEY partnered with the National Directorate of Employment in Zamfara state to train 50 women on how to make money from Interior decoration and to manage their business to ensure profit. After the training, the women were given HACEY has also encouraged environmental financial support to start their own small scale sanitation in communities as a means of protecting business and monitored to ensure they had all the the environment and reducing the occurrence of help and advice they needed. At present, some of diseases. HACEY encouraged the women to engage these women have apprentices under them who they in proper environmental sanitation and proper in turn train increasing the number of empowered disposal of waste in the community; the health women in Zamfara state. effects of an unhealthy environment were also Integrated into the entrepreneurship training is explained to the women. They were provided with health education through which we inform the materials to help them in carrying out women about health conscious decisions they can environmental sanitation make that will prevent avoidable illness and deaths for them and their children. They were taught how to recognize signs of illnesses and the steps to take in treating such. HACEY also held Health education programs for women at Ilupeju - Ibafo community in Ogun state, promoting prevention of communicable diseases. 22
  • 27. WOMEN HACEY, in partnership with the CYFI Nigeria, carried out the malaria outreach project aimed at empowering women in rural communities on malaria prevention and treatment. During this program, HACEY facilitated sessions with community leaders, youths and women associations, correcting misconceptions about malaria transmission and diagnosis, and encouraged the women to visit health centers especially when pregnant. The women were also encouraged to protect themselves and their children, especially those under five, from malaria by using long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLITNs). HACEY jointly carried out door- to-door outreach in the community and supported in the distribution of LLITNs to 150 women with children under five years in the community. 23
  • 28. OUR TARGET ACTIVITIES… Today, youth represent 18% of the global population or 1.2 billion people. Eighty seven percent (87%) of youth live in developing countries facing challenges brought about by limited access to resources, healthcare, education, training, employment and economic opportunities. Our society therefore becomes one that breeds youths more interested in their personal gain than that of the society and has little regard for it 24
  • 29. YOUTH Today, youth represent 18% of the global population or 1.2 billion people. Eighty seven percent (87%) of youth live in developing countries facing challenges brought about by limited access to resources, healthcare, education, training, employment and economic opportunities. 2011 International Youth Year 12th August 2010 – 11th August 2011 was proclaimed Educative materials were also printed and distributed by the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed in 8 different states in Nigeria especially in secondary an International Year of Youth with the theme ‘Youth schools and higher institutions. Several youths and the MDGS’ to harness the energy, imagination participated in the program and they were challenged and creativity of the world’s youth in overcoming the to have a positive expectation while they champion challenges facing mankind. In this respect, HACEY initiatives that can help the achievement of the MDGs. organized a nine day program to encourage youths to They were also encouraged to voice out and be part take part in the race towards the achievement of the of decision making processes, especially on issues that Millennium Development Goals with the theme directly affect them. ‘YOUTH AND THE MDGs’. During the program the MDGs were discussed in forums, classrooms, groups, public places and online. Each goal was discussed, giving the youths the opportunity to give their opinions and suggestions on how each goal can be achieved. Through television and radio broadcast, we were able to reach thousands of people in the state and across the nation. We held discussions in NYSC Community Development Service groups, and spoke with students in secondary schools. 25
  • 30. YOUTH To help young people face the health challenges of our changing world, Pro-Health Education Groups were created to educate and inform students on health issues affecting them and how they can be actively part of the solutions. The initiative also enhanced student creative skills in the areas of music, drama and poetry in preventing HIV/AIDS and Malaria, and encouraged them to be advocates of the change they want to see in their society. 26
  • 31. GOING PLACES… HACEY’s Health Initiative has been impacting change both at the national and International level. HACEY has participated and been represented in different international conferences on health, environment and sustainable development where we contribute our ideas and innovation to the global community. 27
  • 32. GOING ACROSS BORDERS Since 2010, HACEY has been represented at the In 2012, HACEY also attended the United Nation World Youth Congress. Sharing ideas and Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio innovative techniques with the next generation of De Janeiro, tagged Rio+20 which was one of the leaders has proven a tool for positive impact in the biggest conferences held to address the issue of development of a sustainable society; utilized sustainable development, and our progress towards it. through the training of young leaders on HACEY worked to increase youth participation in the leadership, social change and youth-led process and encouraged young leaders to work development. In 2011, HACEY conducted training at towards the future they wanted. the Elos Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil for young HACEY also attended the International AIDS change makers from around the world, equipping Conference held in Washington DC, USA which was a them the necessary tools to create a healthy and gathering of governments, organizations and sustainable society back in their home countries. individuals working in the field of HIV, as well as The United Nations Framework Convention on policymakers, people living with HIV and others Climate Change, Conference of parties (COP) is one committed to ending the epidemic. The conference, of the largest gatherings of world leaders to themed ‘turning the tide together’ mobilized address the issue of climate change in our world stakeholders to join together to bring the epidemic to today. Since 2011, HACEY has been represented at a decided end. the COPs, sharing our achievements and challenges, and creating a higher awareness for the need of the younger generation involvement and recognition in charting the future course.
  • 33. LOOKING FORWARD . . . The last five years has been filled with activities and programs geared at achieving the goal of the organization. We have experienced challenge in delivering services to achieve positive change in our society, but we have also overcome these challenges through our synergized efforts to push for change. We need to work together and make the best use of resources if we are to create and maintain a sustainable society; we need to think beyond our present needs but unto those of future generations as well. In the short term, we need to focus WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT on scaling up successful and impactful We can improve and save the lives of interventions; for long term, we need to millions of people. Our commitment is to invest in building capacity at local level develop and implement interventions, and maintaining a win-win existence with build capacities, research and develop the environment. solutions, and educate more people to do the same. To make a lasting impact, we need sustained funding and support. We are indebted to our current supporters and we will ensure that our efforts and resources continue to help the most vulnerable. To find out more, please visit our website 29
  • 34.  The Hands Up for HER Campaign  Getting to Zero Campaign  SEEP Global Action Classroom project  Zero Carbon Africa  Ilaje Public Toilet and Sanitation Project  Mobile Library Project
  • 35. OUR SUPPORTERS AND PARTNERS To whom much is given, much is expected... HACEY’s Health Initiative has benefited immensely from the philanthropy and generosity of organizations, corporate bodies, and individuals who support the work we do.  Nestle Nigeria Plc, Lagos  Supreme International School, Lagos  Noun Radio, 105.9 FM, Lagos  National Youth Service Corps  Television Continental, Lagos Community Development Service  Cool/Wazobia fm, Lagos groups, Lagos  Inspiration fm, Lagos  National Youth Service Corps  Muri International Television, Lagos Community Development Service  Nigeria Television Authority, Lagos groups, Ebonyi  Lagos Television, Lagos  Amalgamated Forum for Youth  Superscreen Television, Lagos Development, Kano  Radio Continental, Lagos  Anuoluwapo Initiative on  Legacy Comprehensive Secondary Development of Education, AIDE, school, Lagos Abuja To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." We specially thank everyone who belief in us, too numerous to mention 31
  • 36. PARTNERS * Earth Child Institute * TeachAIDS USA * HIFA2015 * Earth Day Network * Zero Carbon Africa