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Cognitive Processing Impairments of Sleep Deprivation: Visual Search and Brown-
Peterson Task Performance Analysis
Guzzetti, J.R.
Department of Neuroscience, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio
With a surge in cultural prevalence, the operational impairments of sleep deprivation (SD) have
been well documented in recent decades. Previous research exploring the influence of SD on
functional memory and visual sensory impairments has uncovered one which is detrimental. The
present research aimed to investigate the specific visual sensory systematic impairments endured
during total SD, in addition to the impairments on short-term memory. Fourteen college
undergraduates completed two cognitive assays, the Brown-Peterson Task and Visual Search
following a night of total SD, and on another occasion following a solid night sleep. The results
herein assist in the affirmation of a number of previous findings in the field of sleep deprivation
research. The findings herein imply that total SD has a detrimental effect on the filtering
efficiency of vision and on the encryption of information to short-term memory. Implications of
the findings and possible directions for future research are explored in the discussion.
The occurrence of total sleep deprivation, or
one whole night with absolutely no sleep,
has become an occurrence in a frequency on
the rise in a number of cultures around the
world, for a variety of purposes. For many
individuals, there are occasions when total
SD is electively endured—with the apparent
view of a sleeping period as a necessary
tradeoff for the time-consuming, punctual
completion of a task. Of course, there are
numerous, unfortunate instances of total SD,
brought about from a number of reasons,
such as emotional restlessness in any of its
many forms, the unmanageable anxiety
toward a future event, or any other various
reasons. The general impairments of SD
have previously been extensively explored
in a number of scientific disciplines.
Additionally, the impact of SD on neural
circulatory control has been documented.
Kato (2000) sought to record blood pressure,
heart rate (HR), as well as muscle
sympathetic nerve activity in total SD
individuals. He and colleagues found that
SD induced increased resting blood
pressure, decreased muscle sympathetic
nerve activity; however, it had little
influence on HR.[5] Pilcher and Huffcutt
(1996) carried out a meta-analysis outlining
the cognitive and motor impairments of SD,
as well as the negative influence of SD on
mood, which seems to be the most robust. [7]
Durmer and Dinges (2005) carried out an
investigation of the specific regions of
cognition that are hindered by SD, beyond
mood and motor impairments. Their
findings suggest that the cognitive deficits
endured through SD are highly subjective,
and most typically area of working memory,
executive attention, and higher cognitive
functioning are distinctly vulnerable. [2] The
present research deals with instances of
planned SD in order to complete one or
many time-consuming tasks. Arguably, the
most chronically sleep-deprived age groups
in most societies are young adults, the
student population, in particular. Often
times, the degree of the workload taken on
at a college level may lead a student to
resort to total SD in order to satisfy their
goals. It is young adults belonging to this
population that comprise the sample herein.
Understanding the exact nature of the
cognitive impairments of SD may aid these
individuals by providing them with
knowledge of the adverse consequences of
their actions. This education may be a
resolving factor when facing indecision on
proceeding with potentially dangerous tasks
such as driving a motor vehicle or intense
physical activity.
The purpose of this study was to
explore the potential impairments of short-
term memory and visual attention and
discrimination induced by SD.
Undergraduate students whom intended to
sacrifice a night of sleep, typically in order
to address academic obligations, performed
two cognitive assays. The assays
administered here in were Visual Search, to
examine visual discrimination/attention and
the Brown-Peterson task, to analyze
functional short-term memory. Common
Visual Search assays impart the test-taker
with the responsibility of distinguishing
targeted from untargeted/distractor stimuli
and as quickly as possible report whether or
not (Y/N-typically by keystroke) the
consistent target stimulus is present. For
instance, a trial of Visual Search may
present an image with numerous red
triangles and blue squares, with only a
single target item (e.g. blue triangle) either
singularly present or absent on the screen
with the various distractor stimuli. The
Brown-Peterson Task, developed in the
latter half of the 1950s, was developed in
order to record the limits of, and influential
factors on short-term memory. The task
explores the influence of interference on
short-term memory. The task itself is
composed of a series of trials which initially
present the test-taker with a randomized
consonant trigram (e.g. TQW, PZC).
Trigrams employed by the Brown-Peterson
Task are generated through evasion of
common acronyms, arrangements
representative of small words, and
arrangements which can easily be
committed to a mnemonic device, as use of
such tactics by the test-taker are
discouraged. After which, the test-taker is
prompted with simple computation
instructions (e.g. Count backwards by 4’s
from 345), for thirty seconds, which is spent
by the test-taker performing the counting
aloud. The count backwards was varied
across trials, starting and ending numbers
were inconsistent (always started in the
hundreds), and the counting increment was
slightly and randomly varied (by 3’s – by
5’s). Finally, following the thirty second
period, the test-taker’s counting is
interrupted and they are asked to recall the
most recent trigram presented. [9] Herein, a
cross-over repeated-measure experimental
design was incorporated, in which the
participants were assigned to either the
control, or randomly to one of the two cross-
over experimental conditions. Participants in
Condition 1 completed the assays following
SD first, and then a second time when well-
rested (FSD). Condition 2 completed the
assays first when well-rested, then second
when SD (FWR). Participants in these two
conditions had deprived themselves of sleep
for between 18-30 h, in many cases, to
address academic responsibilities. Those
assigned to the control completed the tasks
twice, well-rested each occasion in order to
inspect the significance of potential
improvement upon practice of the tasks
In light of the prevalence of SD
occurrence as an intertwined, recurrent
aspect of numerous modern lifestyles, SD
has become a popular division of research in
a wide ray of biological fields. Prior
research has indicated that SD is a condition
which can occur under multiple,
distinguishable instances with somewhat
differing impacts. The impairments of total
SD have been shown to vary considerably,
as discovered by Raidy and Scharff (2005).
Raidy and Scharff discovered that no
significant deficits are experienced in visual
memory processing until the SD has reached
an approximate length of 18-20 h. [8] These
findings offer a highly important quantified
estimate of when the impact of SD becomes
apparent and detrimental. Kong, Soon, and
Chee (2011) found decreased activation of
visual processing brain regions in SD
subjects, suggesting componential
impairment of visual processing under this
condition. [6] In recent years, Drummond
(2012) conducted an experiment exploring
visual working memory system
impairments, focusing on both total SD, and
partial SD (inadequate sleep over the course
of several nights). Drummond’s findings
suggest that partial and total SD have no
considerable adverse effects on the capacity
of visual working memory; however, total
SD can weaken filtering efficiency, or the
ability to quickly discriminate targeted from
untargeted stimuli. [1] Collectively, a
broadening range of research has indicated
the presence of visual sensory system
impairments, when SD.
The deficits of short-term memory
experienced when SD, additionally, have
been extensively examined. Forest and
Godbout (2000) found increased
vulnerability to distraction during
performance on the Brown-Peterson task in
SD subjects. [3] Similarly, Harrison and
Horne (2000) discovered SD impairments
affecting temporal memory, or recollection
of the chronological order of recent
happenings. [4] These findings carry the
implication that SD can impair short-term
memory mediation and efficiency. Much of
prior SD literature has aimed to investigate
the specific SD impairments of long-term
memory, as well. Findings by Vecsay (2009)
indicated that SD has negative effects on
short-term memory maintenance and
encoding (to long-term memory), as SD
impairs neuronal signaling to the
hippocampus, a region of the brain known to
be the center of learning and long term
memory storage/retrieval. [9] Therefore, the
assumption can be made that short-term
memory function is hindered by SD.
Extensive prior research suggests that SD
may yield short-term memory and visual
sensory systematic impairments.
The present research further
investigated the nature of the known deficits
of SD. I hypothesized that poorer
performance would be exhibited on the
cognitive assays following SD, compared to
being well-rested; as SD should, to some
degree negatively impact the cognitive
processing required for short-term memory
and visual information distinction.
Twelve males and eight females, ages 19-22
years (M age=20.1) were recruited through
personal encounter to participate in the
present research. Participants were college
undergraduates who admitted to having
little-to-no familiarity with sleep deprivation
research. Only prospects that planned to
endure one night of total SD by their own
accord were asked to participate in an
experimental group of the study. Participants
were advised to use to the night of total SD
to address academic obligations. If not using
the time to handle academic responsibilities,
participants were simply advised to keep
themselves occupied. Many sleep-deprived
participants underwent the deprivation in
groups. Use of medication, stimulant or
otherwise was not suggested. Participants
undergoing SD were instructed to moderate
their caffeine intake, if choosing to do so.
Additionally, they were advised to avoid
caffeine consumption altogether in the 1.5
hour period before assay completion. All
participants gave written informed consent
before admittance in the study. The study
was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of Hiram College, United States.
Design and Procedure
In a randomized, repeated-measure, cross
over design, participants completed two
cognitive assays on two separate occasions:
when sleep-deprived and when well-rested.
Participants were randomly assigned to
either of the two experimental groups of the
control. Condition 1 (FSD, n=7) performed
the assays first when sleep-deprived, and
then second when well-rested. Condition 2
(FWR, n=7) performed the assays first when
well-rested, and then second when sleep-
deprived. The control (CWR, n=6)
completed the tasks twice, well-rested on
each occasion in order to investigate the
potential for improvement upon practice of
the tasks. The gap between testing sessions
for participants in all groups stretched from
several days, to weeks. Subjects were
politely greeted upon their scheduled arrival
to the laboratory for completion of the
cognitive assays. Prior to arrival for post-SD
testing, participants resided in lecture or
residence halls within the campus where of
which they were addressing academic
obligation, or occupying themselves
otherwise. All data from SD testing sessions
were collected between 8-11 A.M. on any
given day. Administration of caffeine was
inspected through verbal self-report prior to
Cognitive Assays
The cognitive assays, Visual Search, and the
Brown-Peterson task were performed in that
order at the time of testing sessions. The
Visual Search assay was completed on a
Dell OptiPlex 360 desktop computer. The
Brown-Peterson Task was carried out at the
experimenter’s control via Microsoft Office
Power Point on a Dell OptiPlex 360 desktop
computer with the aid of a stopwatch.
Participant trial completion time and/or
correctness were analyzed and compared
from the WR and SD sessions in order to
examine the specific short-term memory and
visual working memory impairments.
Reaction times (RT) were averaged from
sixty-four Visual Search trials in order to
compute mean RT. Incorrectly-answered
trials were discarded from the calculation of
the mean RT. Additional analysis was
conducted through record of the number of
mistakes made by participants in WR and
SD sessions. The percent correctly-recalled
for the fourteen Brown-Peterson Task trials
was calculated for each participant in each
Figures 1a & 1b comparatively display the
scores of CWR on the first and second
testing sessions for both cognitive assays.
There was no consistent trend of
improvement for either task in the control
group, some improved the second time
around whereas some did worse. Figure 2
displays the scores on the Brown-Peterson
Task for all participants in FSD as well as
FWR. Analysis of solely RTs from the
Visual Search trials failed to express
significantly improved performance when
WR as opposed to SD. Figure 3 displays the
number of errors made of the sixty-four
trials (per session) by participants when SD
and WR. All but one SD participant, made at
least one mistake during at least one of their
testing sessions, removing the option of an
analysis of SD vs. WR scores for strictly
participants correctly answering all trials
sixty-four trials.
(A) Brown Peterson Task
(B) Visual Search
Figure 1. Results of Brown-Peterson Task
for the first and second testing sessions of
the control are graphed (A) Results of the
Visual Search for the first and second testing
sessions of the control are graphed (B).
Brown-Peterson Task
Figure 2. Results of Brown-Peterson Task
for all SD participants. Almost all
participants exhibited better performance
when WR (M score=74.25%) as opposed to
SD (M score=61.3%).
Visual Search
Figure 3. Mean number of errors committed
by SD participants. More errors occurred on
average when SD (M nerror=4.1) than when
WR (M nerror=2.8).
Implications of the findings in terms of the
support within for the hypothesis are
First Second
First Second
Sleep Deprived Well-rested
Sleep Deprived Well-rested
discussed in the forthcoming section, in
addition to directions for future studies.
The hypothesis that a poorer performance
would be exhibited on the Brown-Peterson
Task when participants were SD was
supported. The hypothesis that a poorer
performance would be exhibited on the
Visual Search was not strongly supported
through analysis of RT, but supported to
some degree through analysis of trial error
frequency. The results of the present study
are directly in line with what much of
previous research has indicated, regarding
the cognitive deficits of SD. As Durmer and
Dinges (2005) had suggested, subjectivity in
this type of research is nearly an
unmanageable factor when experimentally
exploring the deficits of SD. [2] This was
seen herein as many individuals performed
considerably more poorly than others when
both SD and/or WR. The differences seen in
error frequency on the Visual Search trials
reaffirm a recent study conducted by
Drummond (2012). Also using visual
search, Drummond has asserted that SD
does not so much limit our capacity for
visual sensory information as much as it
hinders filtering efficiency, or the ability to
distinguish targeted from untargeted visual
stimuli. [1] Filtering efficiency is effectively
examined through Visual Search
administration. Additionally, the
aforementioned findings of Harrison and
Horne (2000), made through the exploration
of the impact of SD on short-term memory
mediation as well as temporal memory were
reaffirmed herein. [4] Although not
graphically depicted in the results, hindrance
of temporal memory was directly observed.
This was seen with SD participants in the
midst of Brown-Peterson Task
administration. On numerous occasions,
when asked to report the most recent
trigram, SD participants would confidently
report trigrams from several trials prior,
clearly indicative of some minor distortion
of time due to SD. I speculate that it may be
fruitful to experimentally explore the
potential of SD-induced strategic neural
signaling inhibition from particular external
information mediums. That is, STM system
maintenance may understandably be more
negligible than visual sensory maintenance,
as the latter is arguable more critical to
Much of what can be drawn from the
findings herein is supplemental to a large
body of existing research focusing on the
impairments of SD. Evidently the properties
of the visual sensory system and working
short-term memory function are negatively
affected in the absence of sufficient sleep.
Alarmingly, countless individuals frequently
suffer from SD, yet that does not cause them
to refrain from daily activities such as
working and driving while experiencing the
impairments. Performance of simple tasks
such as driving immediately qualifies the
detriments of SD as dangerous, to not only
the SD individual but those crossing in close
proximity. The present findings suggest that
one’s driving ability is considerably
impaired by SD, likely as well as
performance at work. Perhaps those who
need to be most cognoscente of their subpar
SD performance are individuals whose work
involves the operation of heavy machinery
(construction worker, crane op, factory
workers, etc.) for palpable reasons. Also,
students undergoing higher learning should
recognize the importance of understanding
that their [typical] SD performance is not
optimal, and that they are not maximizing
their abilities when suffering from SD. This
is of pivotal importance as numerous
students may be doing more harm than good
when depriving themselves of sleep in order
to address academic obligations. For
instance, completely depriving one’s self of
sleep in order to complete a ten page term
paper would likely prove to be a more
efficient and effective strategy than doing so
in order to study extensive material for a
midterm exam. Individuals may benefit from
analyzing the negative impacts of SD prior
to selectively and strategically undergoing
total SD, in order to understand how they
will be affected.
The most outstanding limitations of
the research herein are undoubtedly the
sample size, and the 12-week max
timeframe allocated for the research.
Limited manpower was also problematic for
the demand of data collection. Additionally,
inability to actually limit participants
caffeine intake was problematic, as many
failed to adhere to the advisory of limiting
their intake. Considering the subjective
variety of general neurocognitive
impairments brought about during SD, it
may be a stretch to apply the findings herein
to the general population.
Future research investigating the
cognitive processing impairments of SD
should take care to incorporate the
administration of additional cognitive
assays, such as change blindness, and
operation span, in order to further
investigate the extent of the impairments.
Additionally, future research addressing
similar domains of cognition should
compose experiments using the same assays,
however, with the employment of auditory
and visual distractors during assay
completion in order to examine the impact
of SD on distraction susceptibility.
Administration of the assays used herein and
possibly others should be carried out
experimentally with a variety of age groups
in order to examine the potential for
increased impairment susceptibility with
aging. Additionally an experiment should be
designed which accurately explores the
potential for recruitment of compensatory
mechanisms in individuals who frequently
electively endure total SD, compared to
those who rarely or have never undergone
total SD. Conclusively, future SD research
should seek to unveil the reaches of the
deficits of SD and also address the potential
health issues presented by chronic SD in
order to effectively educate a considerable
portion of the population on what their
bodies are enduring when undergoing SD.
1. Drummond, S. A., Anderson, D. E.,
Straus, L. D., Vogel, E. K., & Perez,
V. B. (2012). The effects of two
types of sleep deprivation on visual
working memory capacity and
filtering efficiency. Plos ONE, 7(4),
2. Durmer, J.S. & Dinges, D.F. (2005).
Neurocognitive consequences of
sleep deprivation. Seminars in
Neurology, 25(1).
3. Forest, G., & Godbout, R. (2000).
Effects of sleep deprivation on
performance and EEG spectral
analysis in young adults. Brain And
Cognition, 43(1-3), 195-200
4. Harrison, Y. A. (2000). Sleep Loss
and Temporal Memory. Quarterly
Journal Of Experimental
Psychology: Section A, 53(1), 271-
5. Kato, M., Philips, B.G., Sigurdsson,
G., Pesek, C.A., & Somers, V.K.
(2000). Effects of sleep deprivation
on neural circulatory control.
Hypertension, 35(5), Article
10818083. Retrieved April 12, 2014
from PubMed.
6. Kong, D., Soon, C., & Chee, M. L.
(2011). Reduced visual processing
capacity in sleep deprived persons.
Neuroimage, 55(2), 629-634.
7. Pilcher, J.J., & Huffcutt, A.J. (1996).
Effects of sleep deprivation on
performance: A meta-analysis.
Sleep: Journal of Sleep Research &
Sleep Medicine, Vol 19(4), May
1996, 318-326.
8. Raidy, D., & Scharff, L. (2005).
Effects of sleep deprivation on
auditory and visual memory tasks.
Perceptual And Motor Skills, 101(2),
9. Vecsey, C. (2009). Sleep deprivation
impairs cAMP signalling in the
hippocampus. Nature, 461(7267),
10. Wadsworth CogLab. Brown-
Peterson Experiment. Cognitive
Psychology: Online Laboratory.
Retrieved from http://coglab.wadsw

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Guzzetti_Cognitive Processing Impairments of Sleep Deprivation

  • 1. 1 Cognitive Processing Impairments of Sleep Deprivation: Visual Search and Brown- Peterson Task Performance Analysis Guzzetti, J.R. Department of Neuroscience, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio ABSTRACT With a surge in cultural prevalence, the operational impairments of sleep deprivation (SD) have been well documented in recent decades. Previous research exploring the influence of SD on functional memory and visual sensory impairments has uncovered one which is detrimental. The present research aimed to investigate the specific visual sensory systematic impairments endured during total SD, in addition to the impairments on short-term memory. Fourteen college undergraduates completed two cognitive assays, the Brown-Peterson Task and Visual Search following a night of total SD, and on another occasion following a solid night sleep. The results herein assist in the affirmation of a number of previous findings in the field of sleep deprivation research. The findings herein imply that total SD has a detrimental effect on the filtering efficiency of vision and on the encryption of information to short-term memory. Implications of the findings and possible directions for future research are explored in the discussion. INTRODUCTION The occurrence of total sleep deprivation, or one whole night with absolutely no sleep, has become an occurrence in a frequency on the rise in a number of cultures around the world, for a variety of purposes. For many individuals, there are occasions when total SD is electively endured—with the apparent view of a sleeping period as a necessary tradeoff for the time-consuming, punctual completion of a task. Of course, there are numerous, unfortunate instances of total SD, brought about from a number of reasons, such as emotional restlessness in any of its many forms, the unmanageable anxiety toward a future event, or any other various reasons. The general impairments of SD have previously been extensively explored in a number of scientific disciplines. Additionally, the impact of SD on neural circulatory control has been documented. Kato (2000) sought to record blood pressure, heart rate (HR), as well as muscle sympathetic nerve activity in total SD individuals. He and colleagues found that SD induced increased resting blood pressure, decreased muscle sympathetic nerve activity; however, it had little influence on HR.[5] Pilcher and Huffcutt (1996) carried out a meta-analysis outlining the cognitive and motor impairments of SD, as well as the negative influence of SD on mood, which seems to be the most robust. [7] Durmer and Dinges (2005) carried out an investigation of the specific regions of cognition that are hindered by SD, beyond mood and motor impairments. Their findings suggest that the cognitive deficits endured through SD are highly subjective, and most typically area of working memory, executive attention, and higher cognitive functioning are distinctly vulnerable. [2] The present research deals with instances of
  • 2. 2 planned SD in order to complete one or many time-consuming tasks. Arguably, the most chronically sleep-deprived age groups in most societies are young adults, the student population, in particular. Often times, the degree of the workload taken on at a college level may lead a student to resort to total SD in order to satisfy their goals. It is young adults belonging to this population that comprise the sample herein. Understanding the exact nature of the cognitive impairments of SD may aid these individuals by providing them with knowledge of the adverse consequences of their actions. This education may be a resolving factor when facing indecision on proceeding with potentially dangerous tasks such as driving a motor vehicle or intense physical activity. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential impairments of short- term memory and visual attention and discrimination induced by SD. Undergraduate students whom intended to sacrifice a night of sleep, typically in order to address academic obligations, performed two cognitive assays. The assays administered here in were Visual Search, to examine visual discrimination/attention and the Brown-Peterson task, to analyze functional short-term memory. Common Visual Search assays impart the test-taker with the responsibility of distinguishing targeted from untargeted/distractor stimuli and as quickly as possible report whether or not (Y/N-typically by keystroke) the consistent target stimulus is present. For instance, a trial of Visual Search may present an image with numerous red triangles and blue squares, with only a single target item (e.g. blue triangle) either singularly present or absent on the screen with the various distractor stimuli. The Brown-Peterson Task, developed in the latter half of the 1950s, was developed in order to record the limits of, and influential factors on short-term memory. The task explores the influence of interference on short-term memory. The task itself is composed of a series of trials which initially present the test-taker with a randomized consonant trigram (e.g. TQW, PZC). Trigrams employed by the Brown-Peterson Task are generated through evasion of common acronyms, arrangements representative of small words, and arrangements which can easily be committed to a mnemonic device, as use of such tactics by the test-taker are discouraged. After which, the test-taker is prompted with simple computation instructions (e.g. Count backwards by 4’s from 345), for thirty seconds, which is spent by the test-taker performing the counting aloud. The count backwards was varied across trials, starting and ending numbers were inconsistent (always started in the hundreds), and the counting increment was slightly and randomly varied (by 3’s – by 5’s). Finally, following the thirty second period, the test-taker’s counting is interrupted and they are asked to recall the most recent trigram presented. [9] Herein, a cross-over repeated-measure experimental design was incorporated, in which the participants were assigned to either the control, or randomly to one of the two cross- over experimental conditions. Participants in Condition 1 completed the assays following SD first, and then a second time when well- rested (FSD). Condition 2 completed the assays first when well-rested, then second when SD (FWR). Participants in these two conditions had deprived themselves of sleep for between 18-30 h, in many cases, to address academic responsibilities. Those assigned to the control completed the tasks twice, well-rested each occasion in order to inspect the significance of potential improvement upon practice of the tasks (CWR).
  • 3. 3 In light of the prevalence of SD occurrence as an intertwined, recurrent aspect of numerous modern lifestyles, SD has become a popular division of research in a wide ray of biological fields. Prior research has indicated that SD is a condition which can occur under multiple, distinguishable instances with somewhat differing impacts. The impairments of total SD have been shown to vary considerably, as discovered by Raidy and Scharff (2005). Raidy and Scharff discovered that no significant deficits are experienced in visual memory processing until the SD has reached an approximate length of 18-20 h. [8] These findings offer a highly important quantified estimate of when the impact of SD becomes apparent and detrimental. Kong, Soon, and Chee (2011) found decreased activation of visual processing brain regions in SD subjects, suggesting componential impairment of visual processing under this condition. [6] In recent years, Drummond (2012) conducted an experiment exploring visual working memory system impairments, focusing on both total SD, and partial SD (inadequate sleep over the course of several nights). Drummond’s findings suggest that partial and total SD have no considerable adverse effects on the capacity of visual working memory; however, total SD can weaken filtering efficiency, or the ability to quickly discriminate targeted from untargeted stimuli. [1] Collectively, a broadening range of research has indicated the presence of visual sensory system impairments, when SD. The deficits of short-term memory experienced when SD, additionally, have been extensively examined. Forest and Godbout (2000) found increased vulnerability to distraction during performance on the Brown-Peterson task in SD subjects. [3] Similarly, Harrison and Horne (2000) discovered SD impairments affecting temporal memory, or recollection of the chronological order of recent happenings. [4] These findings carry the implication that SD can impair short-term memory mediation and efficiency. Much of prior SD literature has aimed to investigate the specific SD impairments of long-term memory, as well. Findings by Vecsay (2009) indicated that SD has negative effects on short-term memory maintenance and encoding (to long-term memory), as SD impairs neuronal signaling to the hippocampus, a region of the brain known to be the center of learning and long term memory storage/retrieval. [9] Therefore, the assumption can be made that short-term memory function is hindered by SD. Extensive prior research suggests that SD may yield short-term memory and visual sensory systematic impairments. The present research further investigated the nature of the known deficits of SD. I hypothesized that poorer performance would be exhibited on the cognitive assays following SD, compared to being well-rested; as SD should, to some degree negatively impact the cognitive processing required for short-term memory and visual information distinction. MATERIALS AND METHOD Participants Twelve males and eight females, ages 19-22 years (M age=20.1) were recruited through personal encounter to participate in the present research. Participants were college undergraduates who admitted to having little-to-no familiarity with sleep deprivation research. Only prospects that planned to endure one night of total SD by their own accord were asked to participate in an experimental group of the study. Participants were advised to use to the night of total SD to address academic obligations. If not using the time to handle academic responsibilities,
  • 4. 4 participants were simply advised to keep themselves occupied. Many sleep-deprived participants underwent the deprivation in groups. Use of medication, stimulant or otherwise was not suggested. Participants undergoing SD were instructed to moderate their caffeine intake, if choosing to do so. Additionally, they were advised to avoid caffeine consumption altogether in the 1.5 hour period before assay completion. All participants gave written informed consent before admittance in the study. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Hiram College, United States. Design and Procedure In a randomized, repeated-measure, cross over design, participants completed two cognitive assays on two separate occasions: when sleep-deprived and when well-rested. Participants were randomly assigned to either of the two experimental groups of the control. Condition 1 (FSD, n=7) performed the assays first when sleep-deprived, and then second when well-rested. Condition 2 (FWR, n=7) performed the assays first when well-rested, and then second when sleep- deprived. The control (CWR, n=6) completed the tasks twice, well-rested on each occasion in order to investigate the potential for improvement upon practice of the tasks. The gap between testing sessions for participants in all groups stretched from several days, to weeks. Subjects were politely greeted upon their scheduled arrival to the laboratory for completion of the cognitive assays. Prior to arrival for post-SD testing, participants resided in lecture or residence halls within the campus where of which they were addressing academic obligation, or occupying themselves otherwise. All data from SD testing sessions were collected between 8-11 A.M. on any given day. Administration of caffeine was inspected through verbal self-report prior to testing. Cognitive Assays The cognitive assays, Visual Search, and the Brown-Peterson task were performed in that order at the time of testing sessions. The Visual Search assay was completed on a Dell OptiPlex 360 desktop computer. The Brown-Peterson Task was carried out at the experimenter’s control via Microsoft Office Power Point on a Dell OptiPlex 360 desktop computer with the aid of a stopwatch. Measures Participant trial completion time and/or correctness were analyzed and compared from the WR and SD sessions in order to examine the specific short-term memory and visual working memory impairments. Reaction times (RT) were averaged from sixty-four Visual Search trials in order to compute mean RT. Incorrectly-answered trials were discarded from the calculation of the mean RT. Additional analysis was conducted through record of the number of mistakes made by participants in WR and SD sessions. The percent correctly-recalled for the fourteen Brown-Peterson Task trials was calculated for each participant in each session. RESULTS Figures 1a & 1b comparatively display the scores of CWR on the first and second testing sessions for both cognitive assays. There was no consistent trend of improvement for either task in the control group, some improved the second time around whereas some did worse. Figure 2 displays the scores on the Brown-Peterson Task for all participants in FSD as well as FWR. Analysis of solely RTs from the Visual Search trials failed to express significantly improved performance when WR as opposed to SD. Figure 3 displays the
  • 5. 5 number of errors made of the sixty-four trials (per session) by participants when SD and WR. All but one SD participant, made at least one mistake during at least one of their testing sessions, removing the option of an analysis of SD vs. WR scores for strictly participants correctly answering all trials sixty-four trials. (A) Brown Peterson Task (B) Visual Search Figure 1. Results of Brown-Peterson Task for the first and second testing sessions of the control are graphed (A) Results of the Visual Search for the first and second testing sessions of the control are graphed (B). Brown-Peterson Task Figure 2. Results of Brown-Peterson Task for all SD participants. Almost all participants exhibited better performance when WR (M score=74.25%) as opposed to SD (M score=61.3%). Visual Search Figure 3. Mean number of errors committed by SD participants. More errors occurred on average when SD (M nerror=4.1) than when WR (M nerror=2.8). Implications of the findings in terms of the support within for the hypothesis are 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 First Second %Correct Session 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 First Second MeanRT(inmsec) Session 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sleep Deprived Well-rested %Correct Condition/Session 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sleep Deprived Well-rested Mean#ofErrors Condition/Session
  • 6. 6 discussed in the forthcoming section, in addition to directions for future studies. Discussion The hypothesis that a poorer performance would be exhibited on the Brown-Peterson Task when participants were SD was supported. The hypothesis that a poorer performance would be exhibited on the Visual Search was not strongly supported through analysis of RT, but supported to some degree through analysis of trial error frequency. The results of the present study are directly in line with what much of previous research has indicated, regarding the cognitive deficits of SD. As Durmer and Dinges (2005) had suggested, subjectivity in this type of research is nearly an unmanageable factor when experimentally exploring the deficits of SD. [2] This was seen herein as many individuals performed considerably more poorly than others when both SD and/or WR. The differences seen in error frequency on the Visual Search trials reaffirm a recent study conducted by Drummond (2012). Also using visual search, Drummond has asserted that SD does not so much limit our capacity for visual sensory information as much as it hinders filtering efficiency, or the ability to distinguish targeted from untargeted visual stimuli. [1] Filtering efficiency is effectively examined through Visual Search administration. Additionally, the aforementioned findings of Harrison and Horne (2000), made through the exploration of the impact of SD on short-term memory mediation as well as temporal memory were reaffirmed herein. [4] Although not graphically depicted in the results, hindrance of temporal memory was directly observed. This was seen with SD participants in the midst of Brown-Peterson Task administration. On numerous occasions, when asked to report the most recent trigram, SD participants would confidently report trigrams from several trials prior, clearly indicative of some minor distortion of time due to SD. I speculate that it may be fruitful to experimentally explore the potential of SD-induced strategic neural signaling inhibition from particular external information mediums. That is, STM system maintenance may understandably be more negligible than visual sensory maintenance, as the latter is arguable more critical to survival. Much of what can be drawn from the findings herein is supplemental to a large body of existing research focusing on the impairments of SD. Evidently the properties of the visual sensory system and working short-term memory function are negatively affected in the absence of sufficient sleep. Alarmingly, countless individuals frequently suffer from SD, yet that does not cause them to refrain from daily activities such as working and driving while experiencing the impairments. Performance of simple tasks such as driving immediately qualifies the detriments of SD as dangerous, to not only the SD individual but those crossing in close proximity. The present findings suggest that one’s driving ability is considerably impaired by SD, likely as well as performance at work. Perhaps those who need to be most cognoscente of their subpar SD performance are individuals whose work involves the operation of heavy machinery (construction worker, crane op, factory workers, etc.) for palpable reasons. Also, students undergoing higher learning should recognize the importance of understanding that their [typical] SD performance is not optimal, and that they are not maximizing their abilities when suffering from SD. This is of pivotal importance as numerous students may be doing more harm than good when depriving themselves of sleep in order to address academic obligations. For instance, completely depriving one’s self of sleep in order to complete a ten page term
  • 7. 7 paper would likely prove to be a more efficient and effective strategy than doing so in order to study extensive material for a midterm exam. Individuals may benefit from analyzing the negative impacts of SD prior to selectively and strategically undergoing total SD, in order to understand how they will be affected. The most outstanding limitations of the research herein are undoubtedly the sample size, and the 12-week max timeframe allocated for the research. Limited manpower was also problematic for the demand of data collection. Additionally, inability to actually limit participants caffeine intake was problematic, as many failed to adhere to the advisory of limiting their intake. Considering the subjective variety of general neurocognitive impairments brought about during SD, it may be a stretch to apply the findings herein to the general population. Future research investigating the cognitive processing impairments of SD should take care to incorporate the administration of additional cognitive assays, such as change blindness, and operation span, in order to further investigate the extent of the impairments. Additionally, future research addressing similar domains of cognition should compose experiments using the same assays, however, with the employment of auditory and visual distractors during assay completion in order to examine the impact of SD on distraction susceptibility. Administration of the assays used herein and possibly others should be carried out experimentally with a variety of age groups in order to examine the potential for increased impairment susceptibility with aging. Additionally an experiment should be designed which accurately explores the potential for recruitment of compensatory mechanisms in individuals who frequently electively endure total SD, compared to those who rarely or have never undergone total SD. Conclusively, future SD research should seek to unveil the reaches of the deficits of SD and also address the potential health issues presented by chronic SD in order to effectively educate a considerable portion of the population on what their bodies are enduring when undergoing SD. REFERENCES 1. Drummond, S. A., Anderson, D. E., Straus, L. D., Vogel, E. K., & Perez, V. B. (2012). The effects of two types of sleep deprivation on visual working memory capacity and filtering efficiency. Plos ONE, 7(4), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035653 2. Durmer, J.S. & Dinges, D.F. (2005). Neurocognitive consequences of sleep deprivation. Seminars in Neurology, 25(1). 3. Forest, G., & Godbout, R. (2000). Effects of sleep deprivation on performance and EEG spectral analysis in young adults. Brain And Cognition, 43(1-3), 195-200 4. Harrison, Y. A. (2000). Sleep Loss and Temporal Memory. Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology: Section A, 53(1), 271- 279. 5. Kato, M., Philips, B.G., Sigurdsson, G., Pesek, C.A., & Somers, V.K. (2000). Effects of sleep deprivation on neural circulatory control. Hypertension, 35(5), Article 10818083. Retrieved April 12, 2014 from PubMed. 6. Kong, D., Soon, C., & Chee, M. L. (2011). Reduced visual processing capacity in sleep deprived persons. Neuroimage, 55(2), 629-634. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.12.0 57 7. Pilcher, J.J., & Huffcutt, A.J. (1996). Effects of sleep deprivation on
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