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The Green Network in 11 European countries
The GREEN  NETWORK- in SWEDEN LRF, farmers Central org Farmers Property and  Landscape Services Ltd Svensk markservice Swedish Groundcare Ltd. GRO Growers  Central org Nurseries, fruit, vegetables Magazine: VIOLA STAF, landscape contractors  Association, 95 Membercompanies. Magazine: UTEMILJÖ Park-fair, Göteborg SVEFAST, Swedish Real Property  Owners Association 80000 privatowned rentalhouses and  45000 private real-estate comp. ELMIA fair Park,golf and  Real estate 2003 SIPA,  Association of the largest Real-estate companies in Scandinavia FASTIGO, real-estate Companies,also employersorg ALMEGA, real estate Companies employer-org Riksbyggen, Ass for 1600 co- Operative Housing companies,  SBC, Sveriges bostadsrätts- Föreningars Centralorganisation,  3600 private co-operative Housing Ass SGA, swedish greenkeepers 1500 members  ALNARP, Agricultural and Landscape  University also MOVIUM, Landscaperesearch-inst FSS, City Parkmanagers Association,  Ca 250 members SKKF, Ass for cemeteries and Crematorias in Sweden Magazine: Kyrkogården FSK, Cemetery-managers Association ca 150 members Kommunförbundet Särskilt upphandlingsfrågor Och statistik SABO, association for 310 Public housing companies Statens fastighetsverk National building agency Arborists, small numbers of ,  Mostly educated in UK, ex  Trädmästarna AB Public sector  Private sector Facility Management Companies like ISS Sverige  AB SCR, Sveriges campingvärdars Riksförbund, 620 av ca 750  Campingplatser är medlemmar SFK,  Swedish Leisuremanagers and culturalmanagers Ass, ca 200 members Fastighetsservice- Entreprenörernas Branschorganisation FEBO, Propertyservice-contractors Ass SBC Bostadsrättscentrum Ltd Builds finances and develops HSB, Ass. ca 4000 co-operative- Housing companies STAF Service Ltd, educations etc Sveriges arkitekter, New org with 500 landscapearchitects  And 3900 buildingarchitects IFMA Sweden chapter Of  Int. IFMA
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in DENMARK Public sector  Privatesector Danish Growers- gardenerAss KVL, kungliga veterinärs-  och landbohöskolen Inst for economyeducation in-, F ex Forestry and landscaping Skovskolen, educ center For forestry, parks and landscape Gardenschools f ex  in Söehus Danish center for farming education DCJ, With gardenschool Danish Nurseries- Association DPF DL, danish Landscape- architects Skov og landskap,  Danish research- Center, 400 employees LDA, danish  Landscape Contractors Ca 230 companies DGF, danish Greenkeeper Ass Stads og kommunegartner Foreningen  city Park Managers Ass FDK, Association Of danish Cemetery Managers DTP, danish Arborists Ass BL Boligselskabernes Landsforening 700 public housing cooperations ABF, andelsbolig Foreningernes Faellesrepr Association for private Housing cooperations Ejendoms- Foreningen Danmark Slots og ejendomsstyrelsen Government building agency Another green fair Have og Landskap 03 Ca 9000 besökare The Green Fair Entreprenader og Grönne Anlegg,EGA DK-camp Association Of danish camping- sites, 324 members ISS Danmark a/S HLA, Have og Landskabs- Etablering A/S ISS Ökodan A/s anleggsgartnervirksomhed BKL, byggefagenes  kooperative landsforening Intr org för kooperativa Bygg/anläggningsföretag Bla inom boligservice og Vissa inom anleggsgartner DSS, dansk  Service selskab DSS  Ejendomsservice A/S Dansk Hjemme- Service A/S Hjemmeserviceforeningen Danmark och Danske Hjemmeservicevirksomheders  Brancheforening Hjemme- service Dansk Facilities  Management DFM Hjemmeservice is homeservice(propertyservice) Housing cooperation Ass
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in NORWAY Public sector Private sector NLH, Norges  Lantbrukshögskola, Inst f landskapsplanläggn Gartner och lant- Bruksskolor ex Gjennestad och  Hjeltnes Planteforsk, 15 forskn.anläggningar och  400 anställda Saerheim Forskn center Ansvarar för grönyteforskning NGF,  Norsk Gartner- Förbund  Plantskolor, blomster- odlare, grönsaksodlare  18 lokalavdeln Tidskrift: Gartneryrket NAML,  Norges anleggs- Mesterlag, trädgårds- Anläggarna, med i BNL Center for Opplärning i Anleggsgartner- faget Landslaget for Park, Idrett och Frilufts- Anlegg, norges stadsträdgårds- mästare och fritidschefer  NKVL, Norges  Kirkevaergelag Ca 440 medl Norska  kyrkogårdschefer Norske Landskaps- Arkitekters forening BNL, bygge- Näringens landsforening EBA, entreprenörs- Foreningen Bygg och  Anlegg 220 medl företag,  20000 anställda Statsbygg,  1570 Statliga byggnads- objekt NGA,  norska  Greenkeepers Ca 115 golfbanor NBBL, Norske Boligbyggelags- Landsforbund, 102 bostadsrättsför m 240000 bostäder Entra Eiendom A/S,  stort o ffentligt fast.bolag Norsk Traepleie- forum Huseiernes landsforbund, Intr org för privata fastighetsägare, dock Också vissa villaägare RBL, reiselivs- Bedriftenes landsforening Intr och arb giv org för hotell,  campingar, restauranger, nöjesparker etc ISS Norge, Facility Management,  ca 300 mkr/år,  Varav 140 mkr inom  vaktmesterkompaniet (200 anst) Eurest AS, facility  Management, 2000 anst Minst 10% inom fast.serv AB-Traepleie A/S,  Norska arborister Park-Anlegg og Golfmessen 2002, Exporama,Oslo Bygg og Eiendom facility managementExhibition 2-4/10 2002 Sjölyst Oslo Tidskriftet Kirkegården FAGUS Nytt utvecklingscenter för Forskning inom gröntanlegg, bildas 2002 Bygdeservice. Norska farmartjänst. 29 lokalorganisationer .  Snabbt växande. Servicebedriftenes landsforening Har bland annat ISS som medlemmar Norwegian Society for Facilities Management NFM
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in FINLAND Public sector Private sector Grönmiljöförbundet rf Centralorganisation I grönmiljöbranschen Föreningen Finlands  Stadsträdgårdsmästare 111 medlemmar Församlingsträdgårds- mästare rf 150 medlemmar Kommunernas  Skogsfunktionärer  METO 88 medl Finlands Landskaps- arkitektförbund rf Mark 100 medl Finlands garden centers 37 företag Plantskoleodlarna rf 72 företag Grönområdesanläggarna 50 företag Trädgårdsanläggarnas Förening 190 medl Grönområdesplanerarna rf 30 företag, 120 personmedl FGA,  Finska  greenkeepers Ca 100 golfbanor ISS Finland Starka på fast.service Flera stora dotterbolag Inom fastighetsservice- branschen FIFMA,  Finnish chapter of Int Fac Management Ass Finska utbildnings- Institutet för fastighetsmanagers Finska fastighetsförbundet 20000 medlemsfastigheter 70% inom bostadsföretag 30% inom kontors/affärslokaler VVO,  stor bostadskoncern Med 40000 egna och Förv lägenheter på 68 orter. Flertal dotterbolag YH-asunnot Finsk allmännyttig Bostadskoncern ägd av  137 kommuner YIT koncernen------- YIT construction Ltd Property services 10% Senatsfastigheter Förvaltar finska  Statens 3600 fastigheter Engel AB, Offentlig fastighets- Koncern med delvis privata  institutionella ägare VIHERTEKNIIKKA  2002   Finsk parkmässa Lepaa Trädgårdsinstitut Yrkeshögskolan Sydväst utb landskaps- Planerare mm Kempele Trädgårds- institut Agrifood research Finland. Forskning inom grönområdet Koncentrerad till växtodling Finsk Camping
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in Germany Public  section Private  section Galabau 2002  Fair  -------------------------- IGA 2003 Rostock  GAFA Verband Friedhofsverwalter Deutschlands VFD IFMA Germany ISS  Germany Zentralverband Gartenbau  ZVG Bundesverband Garten, Land- Schafts und sportplatzbau ----------- Ausbildungsförderwerk Galabau Bundesverband Dipl Ing Gartenbau U Landespflege Bund der Ing Gartenbau u Landespflege BIG Fachhochschulen und Universitäten FH Weihenstephan, Wiesbaden U Osnbrück, Erfurt,Kassel z B. Forschungsgesellschaft FLL GALK Gartenamtsleiterkonferenz beim Deutschen Städtetag Arbeitskreis Friedhofswesen GALK Bund Deutscher Baumschulen Bund Deutscher Landschafts- Architekten BDLA Thalacker Medien Verlag Many grren magazines Institut für Baumpflege Greenkeeperverband Deutschland Bundesverband Campingwirtschaft Verband Deutscher Gartencenter Patzer Verlag  med  Tidn Neue Landschaft O Stadt u Grün mfl Bundes- Verband Golf- Anlagen ev Bundesfachverband Wohungs und Immobilienverwalter Bundesinnungs- Verband des Gebäudereiniger handwerks GEFMA Deutscher Verband für Facility Management Bundesverband Deutscher Wohnungsunternehmen Bund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge Bundesliegenschafts- verwaltung Dachverband Deutscher Immobilien verwalter
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in United Kingdom Public section Private  section GLEE  Fair  Green sector 21-23/9 Landscape  News HTA, Horticultural Trades Association  ,Growers, Nurseries HTA News magazine Landscape Institute, LI, landscape architects British Association of Landscape Industry  BALI,  APL, Association of Professional Landscapers, competitor to BALI Institute of Horticulture med The Horticulturist, facktidskrift The Arboricultural  Association, british arborists 5 Universitites and about 10 Community colleges, ex School of Horticulture, Univ Nottingham,  Reading, Wales, Wye College Burial Authorities Approx 1000 of which Around 200 are members Of CBA, confederation of Burial Authorities Church of England Owns and operates churchyards The Journal Maga-- zine Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration The Commonwealth War Grave Commission Local Government Association City Councils/Unitary Authorities And County Councils Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management  ILAM Parks 03, 15-17/9 In Gateshead arranged by ILAM The Institute of  Groundsmanship Greenkeepers, sportmanagers IFMA United Kingdom British Property Federation Real estate owners International Society of Horticultural Sciences ISS United Kingdom ISA, UK and Ireland Chapter arborister BIGGA,  British and Int Golfkeepers Ass British Institute Of  Facility Management Garden Trade News National Housing Federation,  FMB, federation of Master builders British Holiday and Homeparks Association The Sports Turf Research Institute
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in France Public section Private  section Jardin & Paysage Fair for  Green sector Ecole Nat Sup du Paysage Ecole d Architecture du Paysage De Bordeaux Ecole Sup d Architecuure d Jardins Ecole Nat AC Terrotoriale Institut Nat d Horticulture d Angers Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique L association Francaise Des Directeurs de Jardins et Espaces Vertes Publics French City gardeners FNPHP, Fed Nat des Prod d Horti- Culture et des Pepinieres, ONIFLHOR och ANIHORT  L Office Nat Intprof d  Fruits, Legumes et D l horticulture och  Ass Nat Intprof pour le Fleurissement Institut Francaise de l Horticulture Et du Paysage UNEP, Union Nationale des Entrepeneurs du Paysage French landscape contractors Syndicat Nat d Entr d Engozonnement Bulletin UNEP Paysage Actualités magazine FFP Federation Francaise Du Paysage French landscape architects Societe Francaise d Arboriculture French  arborists Lien hor Lien Horticole magazine AGREF French golfkeepers ISS France Large on maintenance CNATP, Chamre Nat del Artinsanat des Travaux Publics ou Paysagiste Related to Capeb. Capeb, employerorg For small and medium companies Federation des  Entreprises de  Proprete Ministere de l´ Agriculture Federation National De Travaux Publics GIFEN Groupement Ile de France des Entrepreneurs de Nettoyage Lúnion Sociale Pour L´Habitat French centralorg  For public Housing org  Sonacotra French org  For public housing
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Vereiniging von Hoveniers en  1200 medl Groenvoorzieners VHG Holl trädg.entreprenörer AEDES, association 619 cooperative Housing org Real Estate Council of Netherlands  Roz Nederlandse Vereiniging Voor Tuin- en Landschaps- architectuur Wageningen Universität Landscape arch educations DLO Research Center At Wageningen Uni Larenstein Hogeschool Landscape architecture Groenhorst College Agricultural and Horti- cultural IFMA Holland Facility Management Ass ISS Facility Services Holland NGA, Dutch Greenkeepers Ass Tuin & Landschap fachzeitung OSB, building service contractors association Agricultural Education centers AOC Limburg,Oost,,Friesland,Terra etc Int Training Center Groene Ruimte,Arnhem Kring Praktiserende Boom- Verzorgers KPB, dutch arborists Ca 370 members , founded 1982 VHG have sectororg. I e NOG Nederlandse  Organisatie van Groenvoorzieners Ministerium LNV, direktie Naturbeheer en Directie Groene Ruimte en Recreatie Vereiniging van Nederlandse gemeenten Hollands 496 municipalities Ca 1800 Begraaf- Platsen in Holland Association f crematorias Vereiniging van Recreatieondernemers Nederland, association for campings etc VTB 2003 fachmesse Hortifair NTV fachmesse Public sector Private sector Rijksgebouwendienst Government buildings agency Nederlandse Bond van Boomkwekers The GREEN  NETWORK-in the NETHERLANDS
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Höhere bundeslehr und Versuchsanstalt für  Gartenbau  HBLVA Bildungszentrum Gartenbau-  Langenlois Gärtner und meister ausbildungen Fachausschuss für Gärten Und Grünflächen im Österreichischen Städtebund Fachausschuss für Kommunale Friedhöfe und Feuerhallen Im Österreichischen Städtebund Österreichischer Verband Gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen 203 gemeinnützige bau- Vereinigungen, davon 105 Genossenschaften, 88 gesell- Schaften, 10 Aktiengesellschaften Bundes- Immobilien- Geesllschaft Republik Österreich ÖGG, Österreichischen Gartenbaugesellschaft Growers org ÖGLA, Österreichische Gesellschaft für landschafts- Planung und landschafts- Architektur Garten und Landschaftsbau Verband GaLabau Österreich Members of ELCA Bundesfachsektion Baumschulen austrian nurseries Internationale Gartenbaumesse Tullner Messe  IGM ISA Austria Arboristen verein Österreich Interessengemeinschaft der Greenkeeper Österreichs,  greenkeepers Campingplätze In Österreich IFMA Austria Facility ;anagement ISS Österreich, Facility management  ÖRAG, Österreichische Realitäten AG Österreichischer Haus  und Grundbesitzerbund ÖHGB Gärtner Und  Florist Fach- zeitung Bundesinnung der Gärtner und Floristen Neue  Raumpflege Grosses reinigungsbetrieb Mit 1000 angestellten The GREEN  NETWORK- in AUSTRIA Public sector Private sector BaLabau Journal fachzeitung
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The GREEN  NETWORK- in SWITZERLAND Centre de Lullier Schweizerische hochschule Für garteningenieuren etc Hochschule für  Technik Rapperswil Landschaftsarchitektur/ Maschinenbau Hochschule Wäderswil Fachhochule Hortikultur Und Facility Management Eidg. Forschungsanstalt Für Wald,Schnee und Landschaft Interessengemeinschaft Kommunaler Friedhöfe Garten-Center  Fachverband Verband  Schweizerischer Gärtnermeister Verband Schweizerischer Baumschulen Gartenbau- Schule Oeschberg Der Gartenbau fachzeitschrift Groupement Paysagistes Romans GPR Bund Schweizerische Landschaftsarchitekten ISS Schweiz Facility Management Insgesamt 8000 mitarb E Fritz AG Galabauunternehmen Mit 150 mitarbeiter IFMA Schweiz Facility Management Swiss Greenkeepers Association ASMG, Ass SvizzeraMaestri Giardinieri ÖGA, Schweizerische Fachmesse Für die grüne Bransche Allpura-Bern Verband Schweizer Reinigungsunternehmen Schweizerische Hauseigentümer- Verband HEV Schweizerische Verband für Wohnungswesen -dachverband für wohnbau- Genossenschaften  Schweizerischer Verband Liberaler Baugenossenschaften Schweizerische Verband des Personals Öffentlciher Dienste Berufskommision Bau,Wald und Garten Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft Öffentliche Bauämtern im Bund und Kantonen Public sector Private sector 350 Camping firmen
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The GREEN  NETWORK-in ITALY Public sector Private  sector Assoverde Italian landscape contractors  190 memberfirms. Ministero Agricole Ministero Ambiente ANCI, ital municipali- ties, 8100  municipalities ACER/ Il verde Editoriale green publishers with  ACER green magazine CONVEGNI - Ambiente,  Forestazione urbana  e verde attrezzato Italian conference on green issues Universita degli studi di  Pisa , facolta di agraria Educates garden engineers Associazione Italiana Direttori e Tecnici dei Publica Giardini ,  ital City gardeners AIAPP, italian landscape- architects Monzaflora gardenschool AISGG, italian Greenkeepers  IFMA Italy Int facility management Association, italy chapter GESTIRE Rivista di facility Management magazine ISS Italy, facility services Also landscaping CNS consorzio nazionale  Servizi  real estate service- contractors ProFlora Italian  Green magazine- For nurseries etc CNA and Assoedili CNA is the employers org For small and medium  companies Assoedili is a suborg. For building sector FILCAMS, association For cleaningcompanies, Also outdoor cleaning. Flormart/Miflor Fair for green sector Also exhibition with green machines, also testdriving on  40000 m2. Seminaries aswell. Next time 21-23/2 2003 when it is combined with Tecnohortus, proffesional horticulture fair ISA Italy Ital arborister arranges ARBORDAY Sponsored byHusqvarna Conf Commercio Businessorg för Recreation and Turism . Hotels,Campings, restaurants etc  Federazione ItalianaParchi e Riserve Naturali Ital org for national- Parks Facolta di Agraria Universita Turino One or more year Higher education, also Research within turfcare Confederazione Italiana Della Proprieta Edilizia Real estate owners ass Federcasa Ital public housing org Confcooperative, ital public  Housing org Ancab, ital Public housing org
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Green Networks In Europe

  • 1. The Green Network in 11 European countries
  • 2. The GREEN NETWORK- in SWEDEN LRF, farmers Central org Farmers Property and Landscape Services Ltd Svensk markservice Swedish Groundcare Ltd. GRO Growers Central org Nurseries, fruit, vegetables Magazine: VIOLA STAF, landscape contractors Association, 95 Membercompanies. Magazine: UTEMILJÖ Park-fair, Göteborg SVEFAST, Swedish Real Property Owners Association 80000 privatowned rentalhouses and 45000 private real-estate comp. ELMIA fair Park,golf and Real estate 2003 SIPA, Association of the largest Real-estate companies in Scandinavia FASTIGO, real-estate Companies,also employersorg ALMEGA, real estate Companies employer-org Riksbyggen, Ass for 1600 co- Operative Housing companies, SBC, Sveriges bostadsrätts- Föreningars Centralorganisation, 3600 private co-operative Housing Ass SGA, swedish greenkeepers 1500 members ALNARP, Agricultural and Landscape University also MOVIUM, Landscaperesearch-inst FSS, City Parkmanagers Association, Ca 250 members SKKF, Ass for cemeteries and Crematorias in Sweden Magazine: Kyrkogården FSK, Cemetery-managers Association ca 150 members Kommunförbundet Särskilt upphandlingsfrågor Och statistik SABO, association for 310 Public housing companies Statens fastighetsverk National building agency Arborists, small numbers of , Mostly educated in UK, ex Trädmästarna AB Public sector Private sector Facility Management Companies like ISS Sverige AB SCR, Sveriges campingvärdars Riksförbund, 620 av ca 750 Campingplatser är medlemmar SFK, Swedish Leisuremanagers and culturalmanagers Ass, ca 200 members Fastighetsservice- Entreprenörernas Branschorganisation FEBO, Propertyservice-contractors Ass SBC Bostadsrättscentrum Ltd Builds finances and develops HSB, Ass. ca 4000 co-operative- Housing companies STAF Service Ltd, educations etc Sveriges arkitekter, New org with 500 landscapearchitects And 3900 buildingarchitects IFMA Sweden chapter Of Int. IFMA
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. The GREEN NETWORK- in DENMARK Public sector Privatesector Danish Growers- gardenerAss KVL, kungliga veterinärs- och landbohöskolen Inst for economyeducation in-, F ex Forestry and landscaping Skovskolen, educ center For forestry, parks and landscape Gardenschools f ex in Söehus Danish center for farming education DCJ, With gardenschool Danish Nurseries- Association DPF DL, danish Landscape- architects Skov og landskap, Danish research- Center, 400 employees LDA, danish Landscape Contractors Ca 230 companies DGF, danish Greenkeeper Ass Stads og kommunegartner Foreningen city Park Managers Ass FDK, Association Of danish Cemetery Managers DTP, danish Arborists Ass BL Boligselskabernes Landsforening 700 public housing cooperations ABF, andelsbolig Foreningernes Faellesrepr Association for private Housing cooperations Ejendoms- Foreningen Danmark Slots og ejendomsstyrelsen Government building agency Another green fair Have og Landskap 03 Ca 9000 besökare The Green Fair Entreprenader og Grönne Anlegg,EGA DK-camp Association Of danish camping- sites, 324 members ISS Danmark a/S HLA, Have og Landskabs- Etablering A/S ISS Ökodan A/s anleggsgartnervirksomhed BKL, byggefagenes kooperative landsforening Intr org för kooperativa Bygg/anläggningsföretag Bla inom boligservice og Vissa inom anleggsgartner DSS, dansk Service selskab DSS Ejendomsservice A/S Dansk Hjemme- Service A/S Hjemmeserviceforeningen Danmark och Danske Hjemmeservicevirksomheders Brancheforening Hjemme- service Dansk Facilities Management DFM Hjemmeservice is homeservice(propertyservice) Housing cooperation Ass
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. The GREEN NETWORK- in NORWAY Public sector Private sector NLH, Norges Lantbrukshögskola, Inst f landskapsplanläggn Gartner och lant- Bruksskolor ex Gjennestad och Hjeltnes Planteforsk, 15 forskn.anläggningar och 400 anställda Saerheim Forskn center Ansvarar för grönyteforskning NGF, Norsk Gartner- Förbund Plantskolor, blomster- odlare, grönsaksodlare 18 lokalavdeln Tidskrift: Gartneryrket NAML, Norges anleggs- Mesterlag, trädgårds- Anläggarna, med i BNL Center for Opplärning i Anleggsgartner- faget Landslaget for Park, Idrett och Frilufts- Anlegg, norges stadsträdgårds- mästare och fritidschefer NKVL, Norges Kirkevaergelag Ca 440 medl Norska kyrkogårdschefer Norske Landskaps- Arkitekters forening BNL, bygge- Näringens landsforening EBA, entreprenörs- Foreningen Bygg och Anlegg 220 medl företag, 20000 anställda Statsbygg, 1570 Statliga byggnads- objekt NGA, norska Greenkeepers Ca 115 golfbanor NBBL, Norske Boligbyggelags- Landsforbund, 102 bostadsrättsför m 240000 bostäder Entra Eiendom A/S, stort o ffentligt fast.bolag Norsk Traepleie- forum Huseiernes landsforbund, Intr org för privata fastighetsägare, dock Också vissa villaägare RBL, reiselivs- Bedriftenes landsforening Intr och arb giv org för hotell, campingar, restauranger, nöjesparker etc ISS Norge, Facility Management, ca 300 mkr/år, Varav 140 mkr inom vaktmesterkompaniet (200 anst) Eurest AS, facility Management, 2000 anst Minst 10% inom fast.serv AB-Traepleie A/S, Norska arborister Park-Anlegg og Golfmessen 2002, Exporama,Oslo Bygg og Eiendom facility managementExhibition 2-4/10 2002 Sjölyst Oslo Tidskriftet Kirkegården FAGUS Nytt utvecklingscenter för Forskning inom gröntanlegg, bildas 2002 Bygdeservice. Norska farmartjänst. 29 lokalorganisationer . Snabbt växande. Servicebedriftenes landsforening Har bland annat ISS som medlemmar Norwegian Society for Facilities Management NFM
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. The GREEN NETWORK- in FINLAND Public sector Private sector Grönmiljöförbundet rf Centralorganisation I grönmiljöbranschen Föreningen Finlands Stadsträdgårdsmästare 111 medlemmar Församlingsträdgårds- mästare rf 150 medlemmar Kommunernas Skogsfunktionärer METO 88 medl Finlands Landskaps- arkitektförbund rf Mark 100 medl Finlands garden centers 37 företag Plantskoleodlarna rf 72 företag Grönområdesanläggarna 50 företag Trädgårdsanläggarnas Förening 190 medl Grönområdesplanerarna rf 30 företag, 120 personmedl FGA, Finska greenkeepers Ca 100 golfbanor ISS Finland Starka på fast.service Flera stora dotterbolag Inom fastighetsservice- branschen FIFMA, Finnish chapter of Int Fac Management Ass Finska utbildnings- Institutet för fastighetsmanagers Finska fastighetsförbundet 20000 medlemsfastigheter 70% inom bostadsföretag 30% inom kontors/affärslokaler VVO, stor bostadskoncern Med 40000 egna och Förv lägenheter på 68 orter. Flertal dotterbolag YH-asunnot Finsk allmännyttig Bostadskoncern ägd av 137 kommuner YIT koncernen------- YIT construction Ltd Property services 10% Senatsfastigheter Förvaltar finska Statens 3600 fastigheter Engel AB, Offentlig fastighets- Koncern med delvis privata institutionella ägare VIHERTEKNIIKKA 2002 Finsk parkmässa Lepaa Trädgårdsinstitut Yrkeshögskolan Sydväst utb landskaps- Planerare mm Kempele Trädgårds- institut Agrifood research Finland. Forskning inom grönområdet Koncentrerad till växtodling Finsk Camping
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. The GREEN NETWORK- in Germany Public section Private section Galabau 2002 Fair -------------------------- IGA 2003 Rostock GAFA Verband Friedhofsverwalter Deutschlands VFD IFMA Germany ISS Germany Zentralverband Gartenbau ZVG Bundesverband Garten, Land- Schafts und sportplatzbau ----------- Ausbildungsförderwerk Galabau Bundesverband Dipl Ing Gartenbau U Landespflege Bund der Ing Gartenbau u Landespflege BIG Fachhochschulen und Universitäten FH Weihenstephan, Wiesbaden U Osnbrück, Erfurt,Kassel z B. Forschungsgesellschaft FLL GALK Gartenamtsleiterkonferenz beim Deutschen Städtetag Arbeitskreis Friedhofswesen GALK Bund Deutscher Baumschulen Bund Deutscher Landschafts- Architekten BDLA Thalacker Medien Verlag Many grren magazines Institut für Baumpflege Greenkeeperverband Deutschland Bundesverband Campingwirtschaft Verband Deutscher Gartencenter Patzer Verlag med Tidn Neue Landschaft O Stadt u Grün mfl Bundes- Verband Golf- Anlagen ev Bundesfachverband Wohungs und Immobilienverwalter Bundesinnungs- Verband des Gebäudereiniger handwerks GEFMA Deutscher Verband für Facility Management Bundesverband Deutscher Wohnungsunternehmen Bund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge Bundesliegenschafts- verwaltung Dachverband Deutscher Immobilien verwalter
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. The GREEN NETWORK- in United Kingdom Public section Private section GLEE Fair Green sector 21-23/9 Landscape News HTA, Horticultural Trades Association ,Growers, Nurseries HTA News magazine Landscape Institute, LI, landscape architects British Association of Landscape Industry BALI, APL, Association of Professional Landscapers, competitor to BALI Institute of Horticulture med The Horticulturist, facktidskrift The Arboricultural Association, british arborists 5 Universitites and about 10 Community colleges, ex School of Horticulture, Univ Nottingham, Reading, Wales, Wye College Burial Authorities Approx 1000 of which Around 200 are members Of CBA, confederation of Burial Authorities Church of England Owns and operates churchyards The Journal Maga-- zine Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration The Commonwealth War Grave Commission Local Government Association City Councils/Unitary Authorities And County Councils Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management ILAM Parks 03, 15-17/9 In Gateshead arranged by ILAM The Institute of Groundsmanship Greenkeepers, sportmanagers IFMA United Kingdom British Property Federation Real estate owners International Society of Horticultural Sciences ISS United Kingdom ISA, UK and Ireland Chapter arborister BIGGA, British and Int Golfkeepers Ass British Institute Of Facility Management Garden Trade News National Housing Federation, FMB, federation of Master builders British Holiday and Homeparks Association The Sports Turf Research Institute
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. The GREEN NETWORK- in France Public section Private section Jardin & Paysage Fair for Green sector Ecole Nat Sup du Paysage Ecole d Architecture du Paysage De Bordeaux Ecole Sup d Architecuure d Jardins Ecole Nat AC Terrotoriale Institut Nat d Horticulture d Angers Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique L association Francaise Des Directeurs de Jardins et Espaces Vertes Publics French City gardeners FNPHP, Fed Nat des Prod d Horti- Culture et des Pepinieres, ONIFLHOR och ANIHORT L Office Nat Intprof d Fruits, Legumes et D l horticulture och Ass Nat Intprof pour le Fleurissement Institut Francaise de l Horticulture Et du Paysage UNEP, Union Nationale des Entrepeneurs du Paysage French landscape contractors Syndicat Nat d Entr d Engozonnement Bulletin UNEP Paysage Actualités magazine FFP Federation Francaise Du Paysage French landscape architects Societe Francaise d Arboriculture French arborists Lien hor Lien Horticole magazine AGREF French golfkeepers ISS France Large on maintenance CNATP, Chamre Nat del Artinsanat des Travaux Publics ou Paysagiste Related to Capeb. Capeb, employerorg For small and medium companies Federation des Entreprises de Proprete Ministere de l´ Agriculture Federation National De Travaux Publics GIFEN Groupement Ile de France des Entrepreneurs de Nettoyage Lúnion Sociale Pour L´Habitat French centralorg For public Housing org Sonacotra French org For public housing
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Vereiniging von Hoveniers en 1200 medl Groenvoorzieners VHG Holl trädg.entreprenörer AEDES, association 619 cooperative Housing org Real Estate Council of Netherlands Roz Nederlandse Vereiniging Voor Tuin- en Landschaps- architectuur Wageningen Universität Landscape arch educations DLO Research Center At Wageningen Uni Larenstein Hogeschool Landscape architecture Groenhorst College Agricultural and Horti- cultural IFMA Holland Facility Management Ass ISS Facility Services Holland NGA, Dutch Greenkeepers Ass Tuin & Landschap fachzeitung OSB, building service contractors association Agricultural Education centers AOC Limburg,Oost,,Friesland,Terra etc Int Training Center Groene Ruimte,Arnhem Kring Praktiserende Boom- Verzorgers KPB, dutch arborists Ca 370 members , founded 1982 VHG have sectororg. I e NOG Nederlandse Organisatie van Groenvoorzieners Ministerium LNV, direktie Naturbeheer en Directie Groene Ruimte en Recreatie Vereiniging van Nederlandse gemeenten Hollands 496 municipalities Ca 1800 Begraaf- Platsen in Holland Association f crematorias Vereiniging van Recreatieondernemers Nederland, association for campings etc VTB 2003 fachmesse Hortifair NTV fachmesse Public sector Private sector Rijksgebouwendienst Government buildings agency Nederlandse Bond van Boomkwekers The GREEN NETWORK-in the NETHERLANDS
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. Höhere bundeslehr und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau HBLVA Bildungszentrum Gartenbau- Langenlois Gärtner und meister ausbildungen Fachausschuss für Gärten Und Grünflächen im Österreichischen Städtebund Fachausschuss für Kommunale Friedhöfe und Feuerhallen Im Österreichischen Städtebund Österreichischer Verband Gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen 203 gemeinnützige bau- Vereinigungen, davon 105 Genossenschaften, 88 gesell- Schaften, 10 Aktiengesellschaften Bundes- Immobilien- Geesllschaft Republik Österreich ÖGG, Österreichischen Gartenbaugesellschaft Growers org ÖGLA, Österreichische Gesellschaft für landschafts- Planung und landschafts- Architektur Garten und Landschaftsbau Verband GaLabau Österreich Members of ELCA Bundesfachsektion Baumschulen austrian nurseries Internationale Gartenbaumesse Tullner Messe IGM ISA Austria Arboristen verein Österreich Interessengemeinschaft der Greenkeeper Österreichs, greenkeepers Campingplätze In Österreich IFMA Austria Facility ;anagement ISS Österreich, Facility management ÖRAG, Österreichische Realitäten AG Österreichischer Haus und Grundbesitzerbund ÖHGB Gärtner Und Florist Fach- zeitung Bundesinnung der Gärtner und Floristen Neue Raumpflege Grosses reinigungsbetrieb Mit 1000 angestellten The GREEN NETWORK- in AUSTRIA Public sector Private sector BaLabau Journal fachzeitung
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. The GREEN NETWORK- in SWITZERLAND Centre de Lullier Schweizerische hochschule Für garteningenieuren etc Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil Landschaftsarchitektur/ Maschinenbau Hochschule Wäderswil Fachhochule Hortikultur Und Facility Management Eidg. Forschungsanstalt Für Wald,Schnee und Landschaft Interessengemeinschaft Kommunaler Friedhöfe Garten-Center Fachverband Verband Schweizerischer Gärtnermeister Verband Schweizerischer Baumschulen Gartenbau- Schule Oeschberg Der Gartenbau fachzeitschrift Groupement Paysagistes Romans GPR Bund Schweizerische Landschaftsarchitekten ISS Schweiz Facility Management Insgesamt 8000 mitarb E Fritz AG Galabauunternehmen Mit 150 mitarbeiter IFMA Schweiz Facility Management Swiss Greenkeepers Association ASMG, Ass SvizzeraMaestri Giardinieri ÖGA, Schweizerische Fachmesse Für die grüne Bransche Allpura-Bern Verband Schweizer Reinigungsunternehmen Schweizerische Hauseigentümer- Verband HEV Schweizerische Verband für Wohnungswesen -dachverband für wohnbau- Genossenschaften Schweizerischer Verband Liberaler Baugenossenschaften Schweizerische Verband des Personals Öffentlciher Dienste Berufskommision Bau,Wald und Garten Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft Öffentliche Bauämtern im Bund und Kantonen Public sector Private sector 350 Camping firmen
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. The GREEN NETWORK-in ITALY Public sector Private sector Assoverde Italian landscape contractors 190 memberfirms. Ministero Agricole Ministero Ambiente ANCI, ital municipali- ties, 8100 municipalities ACER/ Il verde Editoriale green publishers with ACER green magazine CONVEGNI - Ambiente, Forestazione urbana e verde attrezzato Italian conference on green issues Universita degli studi di Pisa , facolta di agraria Educates garden engineers Associazione Italiana Direttori e Tecnici dei Publica Giardini , ital City gardeners AIAPP, italian landscape- architects Monzaflora gardenschool AISGG, italian Greenkeepers IFMA Italy Int facility management Association, italy chapter GESTIRE Rivista di facility Management magazine ISS Italy, facility services Also landscaping CNS consorzio nazionale Servizi real estate service- contractors ProFlora Italian Green magazine- For nurseries etc CNA and Assoedili CNA is the employers org For small and medium companies Assoedili is a suborg. For building sector FILCAMS, association For cleaningcompanies, Also outdoor cleaning. Flormart/Miflor Fair for green sector Also exhibition with green machines, also testdriving on 40000 m2. Seminaries aswell. Next time 21-23/2 2003 when it is combined with Tecnohortus, proffesional horticulture fair ISA Italy Ital arborister arranges ARBORDAY Sponsored byHusqvarna Conf Commercio Businessorg för Recreation and Turism . Hotels,Campings, restaurants etc Federazione ItalianaParchi e Riserve Naturali Ital org for national- Parks Facolta di Agraria Universita Turino One or more year Higher education, also Research within turfcare Confederazione Italiana Della Proprieta Edilizia Real estate owners ass Federcasa Ital public housing org Confcooperative, ital public Housing org Ancab, ital Public housing org
  • 33.
  • 34.