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ΤOP 10 Off the 

Beaten Track
ΟΜΑ∆Α ΄Α: Θέ(α: Ορεινοί (ροορισ*οί

ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Σύρος Κωσταντίνος, Στεφανό;ουλος Αναστάσης, Πα;αδέα
Σ;υριδούλα, Σ;ανός Νικόλαος, Μαυρό;ουλος Θοδωρής.F
ΟΜΑ∆Α΄Β: Θέ(α: Ικαρία, Μύλος και Πάργα5
ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Σταύρου Σοφία, Μ;ούρδης Παναγιώτης, Παναγιωτίνου
∆ή(ητρα, Σουσάνη Αικατερίνη.F
ΟΜΑ∆Α΄Γ: Θέ(α: Ιστορία, Άθληση, ∆ιαδρο*έςF
ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Ρά;της Ηλίας, Παναγάκος Παναγιώτης, Πα;;ά Ελένη,
Σα(αρτζή Φαίη, Σταυράκος Πάρης.F


Κύκλοι στους ο(οίους ε*(ί(τει το θέ*α: Κοινωνικές ε;ιστή(ες, ;ολιτισ(ός,
;εριβάλλον και νέες τεχνολογίεςF

Υ(εύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Καλούσα Ναυ;ακτίτου ΠΕ19, info@kaloussa.comF

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Γιατί επιλέξαμε αυτό το θέμα - Σκοπός έρευνας5

Η χώρα (ας είναι (ια α;ό τις ο(ορφότερες χώρες όχι (όνο της Ευρώ;ης αλλά κι
ολόκληρης της γης. ∆υστυχώς ό(ως ;ολλοί άνθρω;οι ανά την υφήλιο θεωρούν την
Ελλάδα έναν α;οκλειστικά καλοκαιρινό ;ροορισ(ό. Ε;ι;λέον είναι γεγονός ;ως σε
ό;οια ερώτηση του τύ;ου «τι γνωρίζεις για την Ελλάδα» σε ο;οιονδή;οτε τουρίστα η
α;άντηση είναι ;εριορισ(ένη σε (ε(ονω(ένες λέξεις ό;ως, ήλιος, νησιά, αρχαία,
Μύκονος, Σαντορίνη, σουβλάκι. F


Κανείς δεν α(φισβητεί αυτή την ο;τική της χώρας, ό(ως είναι ;ραγ(ατικά
στενάχωρο να ;αραγκωνίζονται οι εναλλακτικές ;τυχές ;ου (;ορεί να ;ροσφέρει οι
χώρα (ας σε (ια ευρύτερη (ερίδα ανθρώ;ων. Αν συγκρίνου(ε την Ελλάδα (ε άλλες
;ιο τουριστικές ;εριοχές του κόσ(ου (;ορού(ε α(έσως να καταλάβου(ε ;ως οι
;αροχές για τις ο;οίες κατακλύζονται αυτές οι χώρες υ;άρχουν, και (άλιστα σε
(εγάλο βαθ(ό, στην Ελλάδα. ∆εν ;ρέ;ει διόλου να αδιαφορού(ε για τον τουρισ(ό
στη χώρα (ας. Ούτως ή άλλως αυτός είναι η βαριά βιο(ηχανία της ελληνικής
οικονο(ίας και ;άνω σε αυτόν θα ;ρέ;ει να εστιάσου(ε και να ;ρωτοτυ;ήσου(ε αν
θέλου(ε να κάνου(ε την ελληνική ε(;ειρία (ια «must» ε(;ειρία! Αυτός είναι
άλλωστε κι ο σκο;ός του TOP 10 GREECE OFF THE BEATEN TRACK, να
;αρουσιάσου(ε κά;οιες (λίγες) ;ανέ(ορφες γωνιές της ;ατρίδας (ας ;ου (;ορούν
να φτιάξουν (ια νέα εικόνα για τον ελληνικό τουρισ(ό.F


Η ;ροώθηση και η αναγνώριση εναλλακτικών τουριστικών ;ροορισ(ών,
ό;ου είναι (η αναγνωρίσι(οι στο ευρύτερο ;αγκόσ(ιο τουριστικό κοινό.5


Η ;ροώθηση των τουριστικών ;ροορισ(ών της Ελλάδος ;ρος αναγνώριση
τους στο κοινό των ταξιδιωτών, των ερευνητών και των (ικρών ιδιωτικών
ο(άδων ;εριήγησης.5


Η τουριστική αξιο;οίηση των υ;ηρεσιών, των φυσικών και ;ολιτιστικών
;όρων κάθε ;ροορισ(ού.5


Η ανάδειξη της φυσικής και (οναδικής ο(ορφιάς της Ελλάδος ό;ου την
καθιστά το ;ιο φωτεινό ;ροορισ(ό ;αγκοσ(ίως (ε το ξεχωριστό
ενεργειακό της κλί(α.5


Η αναγνωρισι(ότητα των ιστορικών (νη(είων και η εκ(άθηση της
ιστορίας τους ο;ού ;ολλά α;ό αυτά εκτίθενται και στον ;αγκόσ(ιο χώρο.5


Η αναγνώριση των εθί(ων και των ηθών κάθε ;εριοχής.5


Η ;ροώθηση του ορεινού, και του εναλλακτικού τουρισ(ού.F
Page 2 of 33
Όταν συναντηθήκα(ε σαν τ(ή(α στο ;ρώτο (άθη(α της ερευνητικής εργασίας
ορίσα(ε σύ(φωνα (ε συλλογική α;όφαση το θέ(α της εργασίας (ας για το ;ρώτο
τετρά(ηνο το ο;οίο είναι ‘‘οι δέκα(10) κορυφαίοι τουριστικοί ;ροορισ(οί της χώρας
(ας’’ και χωριστήκα(ε σε τρεις ο(άδες. Κάθε (αθητής ανέλαβε ένα θέ(α ;άνω στο
ο;οίο εργάστηκε και ορίσθηκαν οι συντονιστές των τριών ο(άδων για την καλύτερη
α;όδοση της κάθε (ιας. A;οφασίσα(ε να εκδόσου(ε τον οδηγό στα Αγγλικά ώστε να
;ρσελκύσου(ε (ε το ανέβασ(ά του στο internet δυνητικούς ;εριηγητές και
εξερευνητές της (οναδικής χώρας (ας.F


Ερευνητικά Ερωτήματα 5

Γιατί οι Έλληνες να (ην γνωρίζουν τις ο(ορφότερες ;τυχές της χώρας τους;F
Σε τι τύ;ο ανθρώ;ων αναφέρεται ο κάθε ;ροορισ(ός;F
Τι δραστηριότητες ανα;τύσσονται στους κορυφαίους ελληνικούς  ;ροορισ(ούς;F
Μ;ορεί η Ελλάδα να ανταγωνιστεί τους (εγάλους ευρω;αϊκούς ;ροορισ(ούς;F
Γιατί ο ξένος τουρίστας να (ην είναι ενη(ερω(ένος για την αυθεντική ελληνική
φιλοξενία και τις κρυ((ένες ο(ορφιές της Ελλάδας;F
Πως (ε την δη(ιουργία του ;αρακάτω micro-book (;ορού(ε να ανοίξου(ε
δρό(ους τουριστικής ανά;τυξης λιγότερο γνωστών ;εριοχών της Ελλάδας.F


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Top 10 secret attractions in Greece
Greece is one of the most popular tourist
destinations in the world. With over sixty inhabited
islands, historic sites that span four millennia,
idyllic beaches and towering mountain ranges
there is a wide variety of tourist attractions in
Greece to explore. And despite the debt crisis with
credit downgrades and protest by day, Greece as a
travel destination is as popular as it has ever been.
We made a research and found for the real traveller the most undiscovered Greek attractions, so
start reading and we will meet you there…


ΤOP 10 Off the 

Beaten Track 5


10 IKARIA: The island of long life5


9 Mylos the amazing volcanic lovers island5


8 Parga - Go Slow destination5


7 Arachova for enthusiasts & Sacred Delphi 5


6 Zagorochoria for the energetic traveller5


5 Prespa Lakes & Nymfaio – for thewildlife-lover5


4 Dimitsana - for the atmosphere seeking traveller5


3 Natural Spas and thermal springs in Fthiotida5


2 Evros Delta National Park for Birdwatchers & Volunteers5


1 Evritania: the the Switzerland of Greece5


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10 IKARIA: The island of long life5
The island is named after Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and scorched his wings. It's
one of the less developed islands in the Aegean - forested, with secret lakes and chapels
hewn from the rock.F
On the Greek island of Ikaria, life is sweet… and very, very long. So what is the locals'
secret? With its beautiful coves, rocky cliffs, steep valleys and broken canopy of scrub and
olive groves, Ikaria looks similar to any number of other Greek islands. But there is one
vital difference: people here live much longer than the population on other islands and on
the mainland. In fact, people here live on average 10 years longer than those in the rest of
Europe and America – around one in three Ikarians lives into their 90s. Not only that, but
they also have much lower rates of cancer and heart disease, suffer significantly less
depression and dementia, maintain a sex life into old age and remain physically active
deep into their 90s. What is the
secret of Ikaria? What do its
inhabitants know that the rest
of us don’t?F


The University of Athens did a
study about the diet and the
lifestyle of the Ikarians and
found that the Ikarian diet
includes olive oil, red wine,
fish, coffee, herbal tea, honey,
potatoes, garbanzo beans,
black-eyed peas, lentils, and a
limited amount of meat, sugar and dairy products, except goat milk. The Ikarians drink a
lot of herb tea and small quantities of coffee; daily calorie consumption is not high. Ikaria
is still an isolated island, without tourists, which means that, especially in the villages in
the north, where the highest longevity rates have been recorded, life is largely unaffected
by the westernised way of living.” F
But she also refers to research that suggests the Ikarian habit of taking afternoon naps may
help extend life. F
One extensive study of Greek adults showed that regular napping reduced the risk of
heart disease by almost 40%. What's more, Chrysohoou's preliminary studies revealed that
80% of Ikarian males between the ages of 65 and 100 were still having sex. And, of those, a
quarter did so with "good duration" and "achievement". "We found that most males
between 65 and 88 reported sexual activity, but after the age of 90, very few continued to
have sex.”F

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Deep within the Aegean sea, 35 miles off the coast of Turkey lies the Greek island of Ikaria.
People are three times more likely to reach age 90 than in the U.S.


Similar to the island of Sardinia, Ikaria was the subject of repeated invasions by the
Persians, Romans and Turks, causing the population to move away from the sea to the
central area of the island. This created an isolated population, rich in tradition, family
values, health and long life. Ikaria is also famous for its mineral thermal hot springs,
which reportedly have numerous therapeutic benefits.


Longevity Highlights5
Chronic diseases are a rarity in Ikaria. People living in this region have 20% less cancer,
half the rate of
cardiovascular disease, and almost
no dementia! People
traditionally have farming or
fishing jobs and live in a
mountainous terrain, which keep
them active throughout
life. They eat a variation of the
Mediterranean diet, rich
in olive oil, whole grains, fruit and
a little fish. Goat milk
and wine are also traditional here
and loaded with
antioxidants. Time is taken out of
their day to nap and
connect with friends, reducing
stress and promoting relaxation.


Lessons From Ikaria5
F 1.F Get your antioxidants! Ikarians eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, which
consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and a little fish. One key feature of the
Ikarian diet are wild greens, many of which have ten times the level of antioxidants
in green tea or red wine!F
F 2.F

Drink tea! Regular herbal tea consumption is common of Ikarian centenarians.
Many of the teas here act as mild diuretics, prescribed by doctors to lower blood

F 3.F

Take regular naps. People who nap at least five times a week for half an hour have
35% reduced chance of cardiovascular disease. Stress hormones also decrease when
you’re napping.F

F 4.F

Make walking part of your daily routine. The hilly land lends itself well to burning
calories. The Ikarians exercise without thinking about it just by walking to church
or work.F

Watch here videos about Ikaria and the blue zones: F
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9 Mylos the amazing volcanic
lovers island5
Milos is a volcanic island in the southern Aegean Sea and well known for its extensive
mineral deposits and fine beaches. It is part of the Hellenic volcanic arc, that also
comprises the volcanic islands of Santorini and Nisyros. Considered dormant, Milos
presents strong hydrothermal activity, caused by subduction of the African under the
Aegean plate. F
Milos is also known as "The
Island of Lovers" because it is the
discovery site of the famous statue
Venus de Milo, the ancient Greek
Goddess of Love and Beauty, and
every summer and especially
during the month of August it is
the favorite destination of
thousands of young and not-soyoung lovers.F


Milos Island is ideally suited for
outdoor activities such as seakayaking, scuba diving, sailing,
mountain bicycling, trekking,
distance swimming and windsurfing in the island's protected bay, one of the largest and
safest natural harbors in the Mediterranean. The last few years Milos Island is becoming
increasingly popular as a wedding and honeymoon destination as well.F

Milos island is proud of its fascinating history. The famous statue of Venus de Milo was
discovered here in 1820, its early-Christian catacombs are older than Rome's, the ancient
Greco-Roman theater is among the few marble theaters in Greece with such a magnificent,
elevated view, and the island boasts of an 11,000-year mining history. Most exhibits in the
Cycladic wing of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens are findings from Milos


What To Do in Milos Island5
In Milos, several interesting museums (Archaeological, Folklore, Ecclesiastical, Maritime,
Mining) are open to visitors, who can also enjoy the island's spectacular landscapes,
romantic sunsets, white-washed quaint tiny churches and sugar-cube houses, and
incredible local as well as Greek traditional food. Milos island is also very popular because
of its multitude ( more than 70) and diversity of beaches, more than any other island in the
Cyclades. F
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Enjoy almost 80 amazing
among them stands out
and Sarakíniko with white
sheer cliff; add the unique
secluded caves, the
“sleeping” volcanoes and a
experience a unique version

beaches with your better half;
Kléftiko with its turquoise waters
sharp rocks cutting deep into a
lunar landscapes, the rocky
mysterious catacombs, the
picturesque Cycladic Chóra and
of romance!F

Milos Island - Activities5
Milos Island is ideally suited for outdoor activities such as sea-kayaking, scuba diving,
sailing, mountain bicycling,
trekking, distance swimming and
windsurfing in the island's
protected bay, one of the largest
and safest natural harbors in
the Mediterranean. The last few
years Milos Island is
becoming increasingly popular as
a wedding and honeymoon
destination as well.F


Climbing in Milos is an
climbers, as the activity of
to the Aegean sea. Instead of
climbers have the chance to
next to the sea; to be perfectly
Aegean sea.F

extraordinary experience for
climbing takes places right next
climbing on a mountain or a hill,
climb on enormous rocks right
honest climbers hang above the


8 Parga - Go Slow destination5
Set in Greece’s north-western Preveza region, sandwiched between mountains and a
sweeping bay, Parga
is one of those seaside
destinations you
see on postcards.
Colorful boats bob
in the harbors, tavernas
spill out onto
cobbled streets, and
houses cling to the steep
hillsides. It’s no
wonder this place is as
popular with the
Greeks as it is with
Days in Parga
Town tend to be take-iteasy affairs, with
eating and shopping
topping the list of
popular pastimes. Stroll
through the narrow alleyways and you’ll stumble upon postage stamp-sized stores,
family-run meze bars and crumbling old churches. If you’re after the classic combination
of sea and sand, meanwhile, Parga Town has its own little beach, just 5 minutes from the
harbour. And the golden shores of Valtos Beach are just a short taxi boat ride away.F
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Soak up the sun on Valtos Beach	

Climb up to the Venetian castle in Parga Town	

Sail across to the islands of Corfu and Paxos	

Sailing the Ionian Sea5
To those of you who visualize a Greece of sunbaked rock dotted with dazzling
whitewashed houses, the Ionian comes as a gentle surprise. This is not the Greece of the
popular travel brochure but a shaded green country, sheltering red tiled Latin houses, an
eccentric collection of Italian and French architecture and English tastes (in Corfu the
locals play cricket and you can buy currant buns and ginger beer) welded together into a
whole that is indubitably Greek. F

Ever-green cypress, pine, elm, green fields, flowers even in height of summer, and
everywhere the dull dark sheen of the olive, characterize the lower land while higher up
the slopes are covered in pine and the tenacious Mediterranean maquis. If the wind is in
the right direction you can smell the pungent herby aroma a mile out to sea. The green
luxuriance of the islands is in direct contrast to the high eroded mountains of Albania and
mainland Greece that form the eastern boundary to the Ionian.F
The Ionian
side of mainland
islands that are
by their fertile
groves sustained
blue waters. The
civilisations and
welded together
where the most

Islands located on the western
Greece, are seven main
different from other islands
land (blanketed with olive
by the winter rains) and clear
mixture of different
cultures is harmoniously
into one piece that is
Greek, in a complex of islands
beautiful beaches of the
can be explored.F

Wind and Sailing Conditions

The wind and sailing conditions in the Ionian Sea are ideal and predictable. From May to
September the wind blows from North-West at Force 2-5. In Spring and Autumn the wind
is less strong and blows usually from South-West. It arrives around noon, blows between
force 3 to 6 (10 to 25 knots) and dies down at sunset. There may be strong gusts on the
leeward side due to the high land (e.g Eastern side of Ithaka and Zakinthos.)F

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7 Arachova for enthusiasts &
Sacred Delphi 5
Visit in the winter for a cosy weekend at one of the most breathtaking
sea and mountain vistas in Greece. Visit in the summer for the inspiring
mountain fresh air and the Mediterranean waters brushing the shores of
the coastal regions Itea and Galaxidi.
Aráchova is a mountainous
village nestling
picturesquely at the foot of
Mt. Parnassós in Viotia,
Southern Greece.It is the
most cosmopolitan winter
destination in Greece, a
great favourite for
passionate ski lovers and
celebrities, or just first-time
visitors who wish to relax in
a dreamy mountainous setting with modern tourism facilities. Its modern ski resort, its
close proximity to Athens, and its breathtaking mountainous landscape are the strongest
reason why. Apart from the mountain activities, Aráchova is also famous for its bustling
nightlife and as the favorite mountain resort of Athenians. It is located 35 km west of


It was in Arachova that Georgios Karaiskakis (1780-1827) defeated the Turkish army led
by Moustafabei in November 1826.F
Must visit: The Byzantine churches of the village with their well preserved frescos.F
Activities on offer: Get involved in outdoor activities such as hiking or ski down the
slopes of Mt. Parnassós at the biggest downhill ski resort in Greece. The mountain’s high
altitude offers ski lovers long-lasting snow cover at the peaks.F

Hot tips:F
Discover the traditional character of the village by taking leisurely walks through its
narrow cobblestone streets. Enjoy hot and sweet or soft and fruity drinks in cafés, or
traditional kafeneia (coffee shops).F
Stay up all night and enjoy the village’s bustling nightlife. There are a plethora of bars
and clubs up and down the streets of Aráhova.F
Visit the nearby archaeological site of Delphi.F
Trekk around the many routes of Parnassos National ParkF
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Skiing, snow board, sledging as well as other winter sports at the ski resorts of
mountain Parnassos at “Gerontovrachos” (17 km N), "Kelaria" (23 km N) and
"Fterolakka" (26 km N). F
Hiking from the archaeological site of Delphi (which is located at the borders of the
Prefecture of Fokida) to the cave of Korykeio Andro. and many more other options
towards Athens or Lamia.F
Mountain tours (jeep, enduro, mountain bike) at the mountain of Parnassos.F

Famous local products: Aráchova offers a memorable gourmet experience;
taste local specialties: kontosoúvli (big hunks of pork skewered and put on a rotisserie
with onions, tomatoes, peppers and seasoned with salt and pepper, garlic and oregano),
kokorétsi (the intestines of the lamb stuffed with offal), sarmádes (stuffed grape leaves),
traditional pies, handmade trahanás (pasta soup, can be sweet or sour), and hilopites (egg
noodles made in linguine-sized strips, cut into small pieces).F
The region of Arachova is well-known for its textiles, woodwork, dry wines and the local
cheese, called "formaela".It also produces a sweet smelling hard rind cheese of with a
relatively mild flavour that you should definitely taste!F
Have a sip of the divine Parnassós local wine, the red “Mavroudi”, which achieved
Protected Designation of Origin status in 2006. The “Black Aráhova vine” is a full-bodied
prolific variety that produces wines of a deep red hue with a high alcohol content.F
Complete your meal with traditional “spoon-sweets”, or even better, try yogurt with
honey, a dessert served compliments of the house. Before you leave Aráhova, pick up
some hand-made beautifully coloured woven carpets (flocati rugs) and textiles to take
with you as a going-away present.F


Parnassos National Park5
The area extends over three prefectures: Viotia, Fthiotida and Fokida. It includes the
National Park of Parnassos, one section being in Viotia and the rest in Fokida, the
northeastern border of the mountain and the Aesthetic Forest of Tithoreas which belongs
to Fthiotida. Of great archaeological importance is the Oracle of Delphi which is also
included in the area. The predominant climate is continental with a relative cool but dry
summer, rainy in the autumn and a heavy winter which also last many months. F
The greatest percentage of rainfall is observed in November whereas the driest month is
August. The average annual rainfall is about 1,000 mm. There is a high frequency of
hailstorms which cause damage to the cultivation and the reared animals. For at least two
months out of the year the tall peaks of Parnassos and the National Park are covered with
snow which could reach up to four meters above ground. In the alpine zone the snow
continues to melt up until June. The substratum of the area consists of limestone
settlements of various ages. F
The National Park of Parnassos has a main section the size of 3,513 hectares (about 20% of
the area) and this does not include the highest peaks of the mountain (i.e. Liakoura,
Gerontovracho) although which have been included in the area. Beginning from the lowest
altitude of the area (500 m) and reaching up to 800 m, it is observed that the evergreen
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broadleaf trees are predominant. As the altitude increases a transition towards coniferous
trees can be observed. A few Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana clones can also be observed. From
an ecological point of view many types of vegetation are preserved with an excellent
structure among which some are also types of priority natural habitats.F
There are alpine valleys at high altitudes, bare cliffs and moraines, impressive woodlands,
mainly oak tree and
endemic fir forests. The
above features, in
combination with its
geomorphology of interest
render the area especially
rich in flora and fauna. The
National Park of Parnassos
was founded in 1938. It was
the second Greek National
Park after that of Olympus. F
Its main area is under the
Conservation Zone (ZEP)
according to Directive
79/409/EOK for birds. Also, the world reknown Oracle of Delphi has been included in the
suggested area, not only due to its archaeological importance but also since it has been
studied extensively as to the species of plants and animals found there and includes some
of the most important species reported in Greece. F
The preservation and conservation of Delphi is advised also as a natural reserve not only
for the preservation of its significant flora and fauna but also for its ecotouristic appeal.
The entire area is important in regards to its birds of prey, woodpeckers and other birds.F
No visit to Greece would be complete without a tour of Delphi. Surrounded by incredible
natural beauty, this UNESCO designated World Heritage Site is one of the most important
archaeological sites in Greece.


Skiing in Mount Parnassos5
Mount Parnassos, with an altitude of 2,260 metres, ranks among the highest mountains in
Greece. Its spectacular geomorphology and rich biodiversity place it among the most
important mountain environments in our country. Here you will find the biggest
downhill ski resort in Greece. The mountain’s high altitude offers ski lovers long-lasting
snow-covered peaks, and the mountain is a very popular spot for visitors as it is located
near Athens. F


The ski resort consists of two locations,
Kellária and Fterólakka, which are
connected with lifts and runs. A third one,
Yerodóvrahos, is a small separate resort
linked with Kellária by ski trails. The ski
resort boasts 23 ski runs (3 difficult, 8
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intermediate, 8 easy & 4 very easy) with a total length of 27 km, and 13 ski and chair
lifts. F


Alongside your skiing activities, welcome the opportunity to discover the reason why this
destination is so attractive. In Aráchova, various elegant and first-class hotels or
traditional guest houses offer you luxurious accommodation. F
Fine-dining restaurants and small, romantic taverns serve tasty dishes cooked with the
area’s famous products, such as “hilopites” (small square-shaped pieces of pasta made of
durum wheat), or “formaéla”, the traditional cheese of Aráchova.F
 Get involved in other outdoor activities, such as hiking, or visit the near-by
archaeological site of Delfi (one of your favourite sites according to an e-vote held on our
facebook page last month). Stay up all night and enjoy the village’s bustling nightlife. F
And remember: before you leave Aráchova, take with you as a going-away present handmade, and beautifully coloured woven carpets (flocati rugs) and textiles.F


A fantastic video where you can see what the snow-picked Parnassos offers is here:


Hiking around Arachova and Delphi5


For continuing up
Grotto, the ascending
where the trail
(the same drop-off for
marked and mapped
village of Livadi, the
the Gerontovrachos
centers. Two detours
the Velitsa Gorge to

• A second route
days by the villagers
ascend to the higher
said to be partly

Mt. Parnassos from the Corycean
footpath is picked up at Kalivia
crosses the Arachova-Agoriani road
the Grotto-to-Delphi hike). This
footpath proceeds upwards to the
mountaineering club shelter, and
hills, crossing the winter sports
lead to the Parnassos and Liakoura
peaks. The path descends through
the village of Tithorea. F
follows the path taken in the old
of Arachova and Ano Souvala to
slopes of Parnassos. This path is
destroyed. F

• Hikers can walk the entire Parnassos portion of the E4, starting at the "51st Km" and
ending at Kirrha on the Gulf of Corinth. The distance is approximately 60 km and
could be walked in three days with overnights in Agoriani, Delphi, and Kirra.F

• A pleasant day-walk would be to do the final segment of the E4 from Delphi to Kirra.
This was the route taken by pilgrims to the Delphi Oracle. Kirrha has an interesting
history. About 590 BC, several Greek city-states joined to protect the sanctuary of
Delphi. According to one historian, they attacked Kirrha which controlled the road to
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Delphi. Kirrha had appropriated land considered sacred to Apollo and had mistreated
pilgrims. Following an edict from the Oracle of Delphi to destroy the town, the
commander of the siege cut the water-pipes leading into the town. When townspeople
were suffering seriously from thirst, he turned on the water again, but poisoned with
hellebore. The ensuing diarrhea so weakened the town that it was overcome.F

• To the Sybaris Cave and the Pleisto Gorge. This descends an earth road leading from
the main road East of Marmaria. Some guidebooks have details.F

People having been coming to Delphi for thousands of years of Greek
history and the ancient footpaths they used are still in existence."


The Oracle of Delphi was considered to be the center of the earth and universe. Delphi is
best known as where Apollo prophesized through a chosen peasant lady at the Temple of
Apollo. This ancient temple was first built around the 7th century B.C. by the legendary
architects Trophonios and Agamedes. Delphi is also home to the Delphi Theatre. Built in
the 4th century B.C., the Delphi theatre offers some of the most spectacular views in all of
Greece. This theatre was built to provide a venue for various performances such as plays
and musical events and can accommodate around 5,000 people. A visit to the Delphi
Museum will provide visitors with a thorough understanding of the history of Delphi and
is home to such artifacts as the famous bronze Charioteer and the statue of Antinoos. F

At the foot of Mount Parnassos, within the angle formed by the twin rocks of the
Phaedriades, lies the Pan-Hellenic sanctuary of Delphi, which had the most famous oracle
of ancient Greece. Delphi was regarded as the centre of the world.F
According to mythology, it is here that the two eagles sent out by Zeus from the ends of
the universe to find the navel of the world met. The sanctuary of Delphi, set within a most
spectacular landscape, was for many centuries the cultural and religious centre and
symbol of unity for the Hellenic world. F
The history of Delphi begins in prehistory and in the myths of the ancient Greeks. In the
beginning the site was sacred to Mother Earth and was guarded by the terrible serpent
Python, who was later killed by Apollo. Apollo's sanctuary was built here by Cretans who
arrived at Kirrha, the port of Delphi, accompanied by the god in the form of a dolphin.
This myth survived in plays presented during the various Delphic festivals, such as the
Septerion, the Delphinia, the Thargelia, the Theophania and, of course. the famous Pythia,
which celebrated the death of Python and comprised musical and athletic competitions.F
The earliest finds in the area of Delphi, which date to the Neolithic period (4000 BC), come
from the Korykeion Andron, a cave on Parnassos, where the first rituals took place. The
remains of a Mycenaean settlement and cemetery were discovered within the sanctuary,
but traces of occupation are rare and very fragmentary until the eighth century BC, when
the cult of Apollo was established and the development of the sanctuary and the oracle
began. The first stone temples of Apollo and Athena, who was also officially venerated
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under the name of “Pronaia” or “Pronoia” and had her own sanctuary, were built towards
the end of the seventh century BC. According to literary and archaeological evidence other
gods were associated with the sanctuary; these included Artemis, Poseidon, Dionysus,
Hermes, Zeus Polieus, Hygeia and Eileithyia.F
The sanctuary was the centre of the Amphictyonic League, an association of twelve tribes
of Thessaly and the Sterea (south-central Greece), with religious and later political
significance. The Amphictyonic League controlled the operation and finances of the
sanctuary, as it designated its priests and other officials chosen from among the
inhabitants of Delphi. In the sixth century BC, under the League's protection and
administration, the sanctuary was made autonomous (First Sacred War), it increased its
territory and political and religious influence throughout Greece, and reorganised the
Pythian Games, the second most important
games in Greece after the Olympics, which
were held every four years.F


Between the sixth and fourth centuries BC,
the Delphic oracle, which was regarded as
the most trustworthy, was at its peak. It
was delivered by the Pythia, the priestess,
and interpreted by the priests of Apollo.
Cities, rulers and ordinary individuals alike
consulted the oracle, expressing their
gratitude with great gifts and spreading its
fame around the world. F
The oracle was thought to have existed since the dawn of time. Indeed, it was believed to
have successfully predicted events related to the cataclysm of Deukalion, the Argonaut's
expedition and the Trojan War; more certain are the consultations over the founding of the
Greek colonies. It was the oracle's fame and prestige that caused two Sacred Wars in the
middle of the fifth and fourth centuries BC. In the third century BC, the sanctuary was
conquered by the Aetolians, who were driven out by the Romans in 191 BC. In Roman
times, the sanctuary was favoured by some emperors and plundered by others, including
Sulla in 86 BC.F
The rise of the Rationalist movement in philosophy in the third century BC, damaged the
oracle's authority, yet its rituals continued unchanged into the second century AD, when it
was consulted by Hadrian and visited by Pausanias. The latter's detailed description of the
buildings and more than three hundred statues has greatly contributed to our
reconstruction of the area. The Byzantine emperor Theodosius finally abolished the oracle
and the Slavs destroyed the precinct in 394 BC. With the advent of Christianity, Delphi
became an episcopal see, but was abandoned in the sixth-seventh centuries AD. Soon after,
in the seventh century AD, a new village, Kastri, grew over the ruins of the ancient
sanctuary, attracting in modern times several travellers interested in antiquities.F
Archaeological research in Delphi began in 1860 by Germans. In 1891, the Greek
government granted the French School at Athens permission for long-term excavations on
the site. It is then that the village of Kastri was removed to allow for the so-called “Great
Excavation' to take place. The Great Excavation uncovered spectacular remains, including
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about three thousand inscriptions of great importance for our knowledge of public life in
ancient Greece. F


Today, the Greek Archaeological
Service and the French School at
Athens continue to research, excavate
and conserve the two Delphic
sanctuaries. Of all the monuments,
only the Treasury of the Athenians
had enough of its original building
material preserved to allow for its
almost complete reconstruction. The
project was financed by the City of
Athens and carried through by the
French School in 1903-1906. The Chiot altar, the Temple of Apollo and the Tholos were
also partially restored. In 1927 and 1930, the poet Angelos Sikelianos and his wife, Eva,
attempted to revive the Delphic idea and make of Delphi a new cultural centre of the
earth, through a series of events that included performances of ancient theatre.F
The archaeological site of Delphi includes two sanctuaries, dedicated to Apollo and
Athena, and other buildings, mostly intended for sports. Visitors arriving from Athens
first encountered the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia - that is, Athena who is before the
temple of Apollo. Outside its walls spread the settlement of Delphi. Within the walls were
the famous Tholos, the symbol of Delphi today, and the remains of three temples
dedicated to the goddess. The two earlier temples were built of tufa on the same location.
These date to the middle of the seventh century and to c. 500 BC. The third temple, made
of limestone, was built at the west end of the sanctuary after the earthquake of 373 BC.
This sanctuary also includes the altars of Zeus Polieus, Athena Ergane, Athena Zosteria,
Eileithyia and Hygeia, the remains of two buildings dedicated to the cult of the local
heroes Phylakos and Autonos, who routed the Persians from Delphi, and two treasuries
with marble roofs, one Doric and the other Aeolian. The Aeolian Treasury of Massalia
preserves a characteristic palm-leaf capital. Finally, the sanctuary included a memorial to
the routing of the Persians, a statue of Emperor Hadrian, and a building known as the
"house of the priests".F
To the northwest of the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia lay the gymnasium, a place for
exercise and learning, the palaestra and the baths. Further up the slope was the Castalian
spring, the sacred spring of Delphi, were travellers quenched their thirst after a long
voyage and purified themselves before consulting the oracle.F
The central, most important part of the site was the sanctuary of Apollo, which was
surrounded by the usual peribolos, or enclosure wall, with a main gate at its southeast
corner. From here visitors entered the Sacred Way, the street that led to the temple of
Apollo with its famous adyton, where Pythia delivered her oracles. With the temple and
the Sacred Way as its centre, the sanctuary grew larger, spreading over artificial terraces
supported by monumental walls, bordered by porticoes (of Attalus, of the Aetolians, of the
Athenians) and accessed through corresponding gates in the enclosure wall. F
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Scattered among these buildings and along the Sacred Way were numerous votive
monuments dedicated by Greek cities or wealthy individuals on the occasion of sociopolitical events, or simply to express gratitude to the god and his oracle. These
monuments are representative of artistic achievement from the East to the coasts of the
Mediterranean and indicate the wealth of their patrons. They vary from bronze and silver
tripods (one of the oracle's symbols) to complex groups of sculptures in bronze or marble. F
The luxurious and impressive, however small, votive buildings known as treasuries were
used for storing smaller votive offerings, but above all for displaying the art and
splendour of the city which commissioned them. The imposing temple of Apollo
dominated the sanctuary from atop a large terrace supported by a remarkable polygonal
wall. In front of its entrance visitors could admire a series of impressive votive monuments
dedicated mostly by wealthy individuals. Above the temple is the theatre where the
theatrical and musical contests of the Pythian Games took place, while even higher up the
slope, beyond the sacred enclosure, lies the stadium where the athletic contests were held.F
Outside and around the two sanctuaries are the remains of the settlement and cemeteries
of Delphi, which developed mainly in the Classical and Roman period.F


6 Zagorochoria for the energetic
Zagorohoria (from the words ζαγόρι, χωριό= village) consists of 46 villages and 3.700
habitants in an area of 1000 square kilometres. Even though we did not do my maths and
we are purely
copying someone else’s, this
gives us about 4
people for every 1 km! This
peaceful area in
northern Greece is crossed by a
river and one of the
world’s deepest and narrowest
canyons (900m deep
and 1100m wide). If you still
decide to walk along
though you will be rewarded as
it is one of the most
scenic routes. Before modern
roads were
constructed, the villages were
connected with stone
arched bridges and cobblestone
paths which are still
there to remind us of the past. F
The villages of
Zagoria are uniquely endowed
with extraordinary natural beauty, a vast temperate forest ecosystem, distinctive
architecture, cultural wealth and the sheer romance of an ancient way of life. The Zagoria
is best known for its traditional villages with their stone buildings, slate roofs and cobbled
paths, all constructed with local stone. At first glance, the simple, austere structures look
alike except for differences in size. The similarity ends, however, at the threshold of a
house. They are often exquisitely decorated with frescoes, painted cupboards and
elaborate wooden carvings on the ceilings.F
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There are entire villages that have been declared national historical monuments. The
villages of the northern mountains of Greece were largely responsible for maintaining the
Greek heritage during centuries of foreign occupation. The prosperity of Zagoria allowed
the culture to flourish and found its expression in the numerous churches and monasteries
of the region. Churches were built in the style of basilicas and are characterized by low
colonnaded arcades on the sides as well as beautiful frescoes and intricately carved
wooden altar screens. F


History of Zagoria5

During the Byzantine period, the historical evidence for the region of Zagoria is
nonexistent . The numerous Slavic toponyms of the region,make us to suppose that
Zagoria have experienced , not only the big invasions of the Slavs in the beginning of the
6th century ,but the settlements of the Slavic tribes as well.

Specifically in Vitsa,buildings from that period have survived till today. From the late 14th
century, the habitans of Zagoria have been recorded in the History of Epirus , evicting
Albanians who led raids against Ioannina ( 1389 ) . The fact that from the early 14th
century,sources mention names of settlements and sites located on West Zagoria indicates
the creation of the first settlements.

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Zagoria emerged , flourished and prospered during the Ottoman occupation . In 1431 , 14
villages of Central Zagoria declared subjection to Sinan Pasha in exchange for ensuring the
autonomy , self-government and non-payment of taxes. Sinan Pasha accepted proposals
of delegation and a treaty was signed, which granted them autonomy and selfgovernment. Moreover, instead of taxes, they agreed to send to Istanbul every year, a
number of men from each village , according to population, who will serve as grooms of
the sultan army for about two months . This treaty was called “Voiniko” .

In 1681 they stopped sending draftees to Istanbul and, acceding the villages of Western
Zagoria, the " Stewardship Zagoria" was created.

The administration of Zagoria and the adaptation of privileges had been assigned to the
general local notables Zagor Kotsampasis orVekilis of Zagoria. Vekilis was obliged to
gather and pay the taxes to the Turkish government , but also to look after the adaptation
of privileges. He was hearing cases in disputes between residents, except of criminal cases,
which were heard before the Turkish courts. The privileges of Zagoria were respected by
all the Turkish sultans and it was not allowed to any Turk to enter into the region of

These benefits, combined with the restless spirit of the ihabitans of Zagoria, led the region
of Zagoria to an economic and spiritual blooming. During this period, many buildings and
bridges of Zagoria are financed by eminent inhabitans of Zagoria and almost in every
village there are mutual-learning schools and girls schools.

This "golden" period of Zagoria lasts until 1868, when the privileges cease to be valid, and
bandit groups begin to ravage the region. This had as effect many families of rich men,
that were the main target of bandits, to be moved away from the region.

This period lasted until 1913, when Zagoria were liberated from the Turkish occupation
and they followed, from that time, the historical course of the Greek nation .
We searched the web, some of us did some treks and we give you an idea to follow the top
highlights given below:F



Vikos Gorge	

Stone - made bridges	

Dragon Lake	

Traditional villages	

Famous rocksteps of the area	

Rare flowers	

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Follow the 5 days touring and you will feel such an inner peace
together with power."

Day 1: Tsepelovo – Vradeto – Beloi – Tsepelovo:"


From Tsepelovo, we start with an upwards going path towards to the highest village of
Zagori called Vradeto, from where, by following a beautiful path at the edges of Vikos
Gorge, we will arrive to Beloi viewpoint. From there we can have excellent views to Vikos
gorge and a panoramic view of the paths that we will follow the next day. We return to
Vradeto village and from there we continue to Kapesovo village through the famous steps
of Vradeto (stonepath built in the 16th century at the slopes of Vikos Gorge) and transfer
back to Tsepelovo. Overnight in traditional pension in Tsepelovo. (March duration: 5
hours., 12 km)F

Day 2: Tsepelovo – Kipi – Koukouli – Vitsa:	


We descend to where the Vikos Gorge starts, marked by a stone bridge dated back to 980,
called “Paliogefyra” and continue through a forest of beech-trees and pine trees where we
will probably have the opportunity to find bear marks on our way. We end up at the
village of Kipi for a short stop for lunch and some rest. From Kipi we walk up the stairs of
Koukouli (stone steps like the Vradeto stairs) and visit the center of this picturesque
village, we walk down into the Vikos Gorge again, and reach crossing the “Misiou” bridge
the old stairs of Vitsa and reach the village of Vitsa, built just at the edge of the gorge.
Overnight in traditional pension in Vitsa.( March duration: 6 hours 16 km).F


Day 3: Vitsa – Vikos Gorge – Aristi village:"


Early in the morning we descend the old Vitsa stairs into the Vikos ravine. Traversing the
ravine we admire the rare varieties of wild birds and flowers that have found protection
into it. Above us we admire the impressive walls of Vikos Gorge which reach up to height
above 1.000mt. After about 4 hours we reach the Voidomatis river springs. Early in the
afternoon we arrive in Vikos village and from there we are transferred to Aristi village
where we overnight. (March duration: 7 hours.13,2 km)F


Vikos Gorge is one of the most fasinating areas in greece, so we will write a little bit more
about. It is located 30 km northen of Ioannina and is one of the most important and busiest
ambulatory destinations in northern Greece. The National Park (Vikos – Aoou), being
designated in 1973, has a total area of 16,000 hectares.

It is a magnificent location with a great ecological value. Vikos Gorge is in the Guinness
book as the canyon with the smallest opening, only 1100 meters at its narrowest
point,and simultanly a depth of over 900 meters.

With a length of 12 km and a maximum altitude of 1000 meters, is one of the deepest
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canyons in the world. The width ranges from 30 to 100 meters and the slopes are full of
rare flowers and herbs. The river that crosses it, Boidomatis, has water from November to

The flora of the region has approximately a number of 1700 species and subspecies. Five of
them are locally endemic and are found only in the gorge, while twelve are found nowhere
else in Greece .

The fauna of the region is equally rich. Some of the most important species (like wolves,
deer, bears, weasels, wild cats etc) can take shelter here. Unfortunately, poaching is a major
blow to the National Park...F


Day 4: Aristi - Vikos – Mikro Papingo:"


Following the old up-hill path we will traverse the beautiful ravines to Papigo village.
Above us the “Towers of Papigo” are rising to
an inaccessible place that no one can reach. At
the natural swimming pool of the village we’ll
swim and then we’ll have a rest. Overnight in
a traditional pension. (March duration: 4


Day 5:Mikro Papingo – Dragon Lake – Astraka refuge:"


From Papigo we follow the mule track up through juniper scrub and on above the tree line
to open grassland, continuing from there up to the Astraka hut on the Astraka Col at
6400ft (3 hours walk). Just to the north lie the mountains of Albania. After lunch at the
refuge there will be an optional walk to the Tsoumani (Sarakatsani) sheepfolds and
pastures up to the scenic Dragon Lake, perched on the edge of the northern escarpment of
Mt Gamila, which at 2497m is one of the great peaks of Pindos range.(narrow, rough, up
hill stone paths)and return back to refuge (March duration 6 hours 15,5 km).F


Rafting in Zagoria5
Rafting is a popular activity in the region, as Zagori provides visitors with plenty of
routes, amazing experiences, and stunning landscape views. The major river in the area is
“Voidomatis”, which is considered to be a perfect route for novice and experts. Graded
from 1 to 5, Voidomatis is a suitable place for families, as the river is not considered to be a
hostile environment for children.

On the contrary, river “Aoos”, which is part of “Voidomatis”, is the perfect place for those
who want to take their chances, in order to experience the thrill of rafting. Graded from 4
up to 5, river “Aoos” is a spectacular rafting destination that offers visitors demanding
and adventurous routes.F
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5 Prespa Lakes & Nymfaio – for the
Nymfaio is one of the smallest and most
secluded villages in Greece and debatably one
of the most beautiful in Europe, situated 1350m
above sea level on the mountains of Verno. The
myth has it that Nymfaio owes its name to the
vlach word “nevesta” or “nymph” that means
bride because of its beauty and isolated
position. So don’t you want to visit a place like
that? Back in the day residents were partisans
and fighters and later on into silversmithing,
famous for their silverware all over the area for
more than 300 years. If you are curious, there is a museum exhibiting some of those pieces.
Nowadays, the area is mostly famous for the environmental center Arcturos that protects
brown bears and wolves. It is open to visitors and it is a 15-minute walk from the village –
make sure to check it out!F
A shimmering expanse of water riven by islets and ridges, the PRÉSPA LAKES are one of
the Balkans’ most important wildlife sanctuaries. Prepa contains the largest breeding
colony of Dalmatian pelicans in the world, a mixed colony of pelicans and the largest
colony of Pygmy cormorants in Europe. It provides shelter to over 200 species of birds,
many of which belong to rare or declining populations within Europe. That´s why Prespa
is something of a paradise for bird lovers as it contain so many species reflecting such
different habitats in close proximity. It is worth mentioning the presence of rare mammal
species, endangered throughtout Europe, such as the Brown Bear, the Grey Wolf, the

European Otter and the Chamois (
The botanists will delight in the many species of Orchids to be found here as well as the
endemic species Centurea Prespana. Indeed amateur lovers of all plants can find
something for themselves in Prespa strolling through the plains by the like, exploring the
beach, oak and juniper forests of striding across the open alpine spaces of the mountain


Though not postcard-pretty, the basin, in the far northwest of Macedonia, has an eerie
beauty that grows on you with further acquaintance. It also has a surprisingly turbulent
history as a place of exile for troublesome noblemen during the Byzantine era and the
scene of vicious local battles during the 1947–49 Greek civil war.F
Mikrí Préspa, the southerly lake, is mostly shallow (9m maximum depth) and reedy, with
a narrow fjord curling west and just penetrating Albanian territory. The borders of Greece,
Albania and the Republic of Macedonia meet in the middle of deeper Megáli Préspa and,
especially during the early 1990s, it became a major exit corridor into Greece for Albanian
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refugees, who found work as illegal agricultural workers in the local bean and hay
The core of the National park, established in 1971, barely encompasses Mikrí Préspa and
its shores, but the peripheral zone extends well into the surrounding mountains, affording
protection of sorts to foxes, wolves and even bears, which inhabit the area. The lakes have
a dozen resident fish species, including tsiróni, a sort of freshwater sardine, and grivádhi, a
kind of carp, but it’s bird life for which the Préspa basin is most famous.F

The birds of Préspa5
The lakes are home to relatively few birds of prey but you should see a fair number of
egrets, cormorants, crested grebes and pelicans. This is one of the few breeding sites of
both the white and Dalmatian pelican, which nest in the spring, with the chicks out and

about by summer. They feed partly on the large numbers of snakes, which include vipers,
whip snakes and harmless water snakes which you may encounter while swimming.
Observation towers are available at Vromolímni and near Áyios Ahíllios, but dawn spent
anywhere at the edge of the reedbeds with a pair of binoculars will be immensely
rewarding, though bear in mind that you are not allowed to boat or wade into the reeds.F


4 Dimitsana - for the atmosphere
seeking traveller5
Dimitsana is a popular winter destination for a lot of greek tourists but not equally known
outside of greek borders and is one of several attractive villages in the mountainous
Arcadia region, in the eastern Peloponnese. Set on a double hump overlooking the Lousios
river, it has half a dozen beautiful churches from the lengthy periods of Frankish and
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Norman rule. Due to its position near a gorge in the south of Greece, Dimitsana played an
important role during the revolution. This is where most of the gunpowder and flour was

produced in the water-powered mills. You can still find a few of them and a museum
exists nearby to walk you through their story. You will also discover a historic library –
most of its books were destroyed during the revolution as the pages were used to wrap the
gunpowder. While you are there, sit in one of the village’s cafes or tavernas (restaurants)
and enjoy some rakomelo (raki is a greek alcohol, warmed up with honey and spices) – the
perfect remedy for cold temperatures and flus!F
The real gems in this Peloponnesian heartland, however, are the ancient sites of Gortys,
with its Asklepios temple, the superbly preserved Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae
and world-famous Olympia, all within a couple of hours' drive.F

Wandering the Streets of Dimitsana
Beyond the two museums, you can spend an enjoyable day simply wandering around the
cobblestoned streets of Dimitsana. There are a number of churches including the above
mentioned Saint Kyriaki built in 1834 to replace a church of 1603, Saint George from the
seventeenth century, St Haralambus from 1862 with an impressive clock tower dating from
1868, the Transfiguration at the north edge of the village believed to date from the
eighteenth century and the Archangel standing on the foundations of an original church
built in 1635.F
Walking the path to the Transfiguration will also take you past the remains of ancient
walls. The exact origin of these remains is unknown with some suggesting the Mycenaean
and some the Hellenic periods. They are most likely from the ancient town of Teuthis
which is known to have stood on the same spot as modern day Dimitsana.F

Day Trips from Dimitsana
Dimitsana is perfectly situated to be the base for a number of very enjoyable day trips
around the wider area which could easily include visits to Stemnitsa (about 14 kms further
south along a beautiful road that winds along the edge of the Lousios Gorge) and ancient
Gortinia which is a further 10kms or so beyond that. Truth be told, all the roads in the
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region offer fantastic views down the Lousios gorge so if you have a car just get in and go,
you will find many little villages, churches and scenic viewpoints that will keep you
occupied all day long.F

Hiking the Lousios Gorge
A path starting from the Open Air museum will lead you down into the Lousios Gorge
itself and will take you past the Philosophou and Prodromou Monastaries. Although the
snowfall and a slightly cranky two year old prevented us from attempting the walk on this
trip, it is by all accounts a lovely hike and one I plan on doing some springtime soon.
Reasonably priced leaflets and books detailing the trails are available from the museum
kiosk. There are a few offices in Dimitsana that offer guided tours of the area and can also
arrange rafting trips on the Lousios river if that is your thing.F


3 Natural Spas and thermal
springs in Fthiotida5

The spas of Fthiotida combine mountain, sea, sunshine and blue Greek sky. Unlike spas in
other countries, there is no radioactive waste or industrial waste.F


Thermal Spring of Kamena Vourla:

The natural thermal spring of Kamena
Vourla is situated 160 km north of Athens, in central Greece and it is one of the oldest
known hot bath spots. It has been in use since antiquity all the way to the present. It stands
on the coast line of the tranquil north Evoikos gulf. It is categorized among the rarest
springs in the world because of its richness in natural minerals, salts and radon.

Historic background and points of interest
Close to the spa resort area, there are many places of interest. Around Kamena Vourla hot
spring, one can easily visit:F
The historic site of the Battle of Thermopylae (Greek for Hot Gates). This famous battle
took place in 480 BC, between the Persian and the Greek armies, when the Asian empire
invaded Greece. At the final stage of the three day combat, only 300 Spartans, under their
leader Leonidas, were left to face the enemy that wanted to move south and conquer
Athens. Vastly outnumbered by the Persians, they all fell on the battle field, as the laws
and military code of their city state demanded. Today, a statue of king Leonidas
commemorates this historic site. In antiquity, a sign was placed on this spot, reading that
passers-by should announce their fellow Spartans at home, that all 300 lie dead here,
complying with their mother country rules of non retreat on the battle field.F
Thermal spring waterF
Kamena Vourla natural thermal water is classified as radioactive, due to its chemical/
physical properties. Springs with such water are rarely found in the world and they are
well appreciated because of their remarkable and multifaceted action of their radioactive
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elements on the human body. The therapeutic effects of this kind of natural spring water
are mainly due to the transmutation of radium into radon and secondly, because of the
other radioactive elements that the water absorbs during its passage through the
underground rock layers.F
Radon enters into the body through the skin as well as from the respiratory tract by
inhalation. From the skin, the amount of radon that enters the body remains there for
about 1 to 2 hours after the bath. Radon that enters the organism from the respiratory tract,
reaches the tissues through the blood stream and it diffuses there after about 15 minutes.F
Radon, which is the main carrier of the water radioactivity, has shown effectiveness in the
following body conditions:F
Neuralgia and neuritis

Elimination of uric acid

Maintenance of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous

Respiratory and lung problems

Adrenal gland function

Liver cell functionF
Also, there are a great number of clinical trials, followed by reviews published in medical
journals, suggesting the positive effect of radon in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.F
Kamena Vourla spring water also contains also sodium chloride enriched with natural
radon. The natural temperature of the water is between 33 to 49o C and it measures radon
at 100 to 350 units Mache. The water is brackish and odorless.F




Page 26 of 33
Key indicators for treatmentF
Kamena Vourla natural spring water has shown
healing properties for the following disorders:F
Gout and hyperurichemiaF
Degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis or
deforming arthritis of the knee, hip and other
Angylosic SpondylitisF
Rheumatoid arthritisF
Rheumatic diseases of the tendons and the
Radiculopathy (sciatica, neuralgia)F
Stimulation of the nervous systemF
Chronic fatigueF
N e u ro v e g e t a t i v e

d i s o rd e r s ,



Chronic gynaecological conditions (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, ovarian
Asthma bronchioleF
Eczema and skin allergiesF
Also, Kamena Vourla spa water is very effective for the overall regeneration, rejuvenation
and wellness of the body.F

1. Franke A, Reiner L, Resch KL. Long-term benefit of radon spa therapy in the rehabilitation of
rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised, double-blinded trial. Rheumatol Int. 2007 Jun;27(8):703-13. Epub
2007 Jan 4.

2. Falkenbach A, Kovacs J, Franke A, Jörgens K, Ammer K. Radon therapy for the treatment of
rheumatic diseases--review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Rheumatol Int. 2005 Apr;
25(3):205-10. Epub 2003 Dec 12. Review.

3. Franke A, Reiner L, Pratzel HG, Franke T, Resch KL.Long-term efficacy of radon spa therapy in
rheumatoid arthritis--a randomized, sham-controlled study and follow-up. Rheumatology (Oxford).
2000 Aug;39(8):894-902.

Koniaviti Thermal Spas5
Located one kilometer from Mount Wilson to Lamia. Bathing these sources is useful for:
chronic asthma, bronchitis, chronic rhinitis. F
The source is ydrotheiochlorio - sodium and temperature of 32 degrees Celsius.F
Page 27 of 33

The baths of Thermopylae

are located 15km from the city of Lamia. The area is
known for the
b a t t l e
o f
between the Greeks
and Persians in
480 b.C. Next to the
road is a statue of
Leonidas and the
sacred hill, where
died fighting
Leonidas and the
300 Spartans and
700 Thespians. In
m y t h o l o g y,
Hephaestus, at
the request of the
goddess Athena,
created sources to
wash and recover
his forces Hercules
after his labors.
The organization
sources began in
1935. The water
temperature is 40oC. Indicated for the treatment of rheumatic, gynecological diseases and
peripheral nerves.F


The Kallidromo Baths

are located Iin Dhamásta , close to highway Lamia - Athens (
psoroneria ) . In the open pool of hot springs , formed , one can enjoy swimming at 33o C
water , even if it suffers from rheumatism and skin diseases .F
The thermal waters of the ancient Greeks were dedicated to Hercules , because they
strengthen and heal the body and Hercules represents strength. The psoroneria like , and
baths at Thermopylae were known from antiquity. They believed that the goddess Athena
donated to Hercules. Sanctuary dedicated to Hercules was at Thermopylae , as told us by
Herodotus and Pausanias. The 2nd AD century HERO Atticus had built tanks to use the
residents of the surrounding areas . In contrast , during the Turkish baths were completely
neglected .F


Platystomo baths are 35 km away from Lamia and 5km away from Makrakomi, in the foot
of Mount Orthris and at an altitude of 240 metres. The springs, are believed to have been
known since the ancient Ainianes, but they were certainly used by the Romans. In 1929,
when the construction of the thermal city began, ruins of ancient bath facilities were found,
as well as bath vessels and coins. In recent years, these waters were widely used by the
inhabitants of Phthiotis, because of their therapeutic properties. The construction for the
development of the two hot mineral springs began mainly in 1929. Then, the area was
shaped and trees were planted and the modern hydrotherapy centre and mineral water
drinking therapy centre were built.F


Page 28 of 33
2 Evros Delta National Park for
Birdwatchers & Volunteers5
On the border with Turkey, the Evros Delta forms a huge area of 188km2 and was declared
a Ramsar-protected wetland in 1974. In Evros Delta hundreds of thousands of birds find
shelter and food all year round, while it constitutes a very important natural resource for
the local community, because of his value for fishing, stock breeding, agriculture, climate,
flood protection, education, recreation, science.F
The delta still offers good
birdwatching opportunities and,
being close to one of the great
migration flyways, offers the
chance of real rarities, such as
Greater Sand, White-tailed,
Sociable and even Caspian Plovers. F
The scientific personnel of Evros
Delta Management Authority
continue the recording of
important bird species in Evros
Delta under the Monitoring
Winter has come and the populations of waterfowl in Delta are growing. The last days,
strong winds and the coldness brought many birds in the area.F
The ducks were counted in significant numbers, and the most populated species is
Mallards that exceeded 40,000 ind. (probably the highest number that has been ever
recorded in December), followed by Teals with 35,000 ind. and Wigeons with 10,000 ind.
The largest populations of ducks were gathered in the wider area of "Drana" lagoon,
especially in the flooded areas in the south, while significant are also the populations in
“Paloukia” lagoon and in the flooded areas around it.F
Swans also present with
common species with 400
Swans were recorded as

Mute Swan being the most
ind., while 150 Bewick’s
well 50 Whooper Swans.F

Flamingos exceeded 2,500

ind. and Avocets 1,100 ind.F

Geese are still in small
White-fronted and 140

numbers, with as many as 200

10 White-tailed Eagles
4,700 Dunlins and 200

were recorded, as well as

Page 29 of 33
Finally, in the recordings in the roosting place of raptors, 30 Spotted Eagles were recorded.F
If you, dear reader like to be part of a unique place on earth helping keep the environment
for those species intact just take action on one of the activities listed on the black box.F

Activities on Evros Delta region
Being a natural border of Greece with Turkey, the river of Evros is the most proper spot to
try water sports, like canoeing or rafting. Especially at the rivers delta in the Aegean, the
river provides the most comfortable
water routes for "easy" athletes who
visit the northern part of Greece.F



Evros is also an ideal destination for
bird watching and especially in
Dadia, since Evros is a an ecosystem
for a variety of birds and animals in
general as already described above.F

You can see an interesting video in the youtube link about the fantastic natural park of


1 Evritania: the the Switzerland of
Μany call Evritania ' Switzerland of Greece ' ,

the county belongs to the  region of Central Greece and its capital Karpenissi. It consists of
mountainous villages with fantastic canyons and impressive rivers .It is an ideal
destination for winter and summer  short breaks  , with unique and fun activities for kids
and adults! The title ' Switzerland of Greece ' was fairly given to Evrytania because the
landscape with mountain peaks , canyons , rivers ,  lakes and  stone villages bring to mind
the image of Switzerland .


The county is divided into six sections : Karpenisiou, Domnistas , Ktimenion, Potamias ,
Prousou and Fournas. These sections consist of communities with picturesque villages in
the beauty of nature. The villages are really worth visiting is the Small and Large village ,
Boutiro, Sella ,  Domnista and Prouso.

Page 30 of 33
The Small and Large village 


The small village is divided into the old and . Residents with their love for the village,
rebuilt it after the terrible natural disasters which destroyed two thirds of . The new village
is built in a truly alpine landscape through pine forests at a height of 700 meters .In the
dense nature of the forest emerge traditional stone houses and a magnificent lake created
by a landslide in 1963 .F
 The Grand Village is built over a canyon at the foot of Kaliakouda at height of 800 meters ,
has a wonderful view you can not confront nowhere else. It has the cleanest air in Greece
based on measurements of UNESCO that makes it unique. A week stay in the village ,
changes your entire mood and makes you feel healthier. As Small Village and the Grand
has stone houses containing hostels and quaint cobbled streets.




 Proussos joins the big village with one of the most beautiful roads of Greece . It became
known by the River Prousiotis which as they say residents there, is the one of the best
ancient rivers. In Prousos you can admire the traditional architecture of the houses, the
streets and also the " Agathideios " library history books . As a special destination , attracts
lovers of extreme sports, because within 1589 meters there is the canyon of ' Black Cave '
where you can
canoying and
hike the most
beautiful hiking
trails. It takes
about 30
minutes to reach
the cave from
the footpath,
where there are
pools, bridges
and waterfalls. 
It is slippery to
enter the cave so
be careful... F


When you are
here you must
vidit the
Monastery of
Proussos. It was named after the Icon of Panagia Prousiotissa from Prousa in Minor Asia,
according to a legend painted by Luke the Evangelist. It is 31 km north of Karpenisi. It was
build in the 9th century (some say 12th century). According to a legend the monastery was
founded during the period of the Byzantine Emperor Theophilos (829-842) who was an
iconoclast ( against the use of icons). To protect the icon it was decided by supporterts of
Page 31 of 33
the use of icons to move it to a safe place. The two persons responsible to find a place for
the icon who came in Proussos decided to stay here and to build a monastery, and they
were the first monks who changed their names to Dionysios and Timotheos. According to
legends they decided the place due to miracles that happened due to the icon and because
they could not move the icon to another place. Part of the monastery was destroyed 1587
by a fire. During the Greek war of independence it was a refuge place of various heroes
such as Giorgos Karaiskakis, Markos Botsaris or Lambros Katsonis. A large part of the
monastery was destroyed , including many books and documents, by fire set by German
troops in the second world war.


Voutyro is another village of the county with an altitude of 830 meters and situated deep
in the Potamia valley surrounded by green dense forest side , his name, as it is said , comes
from the old occupation of the inhabitants that butter production . Entering the village the
first you see is the largest church of Euritania , Agia Paraskevi. Voutyro is ideal village for
summer and winter holidays because it has beautiful waterfalls and trails among nature
where your relax and rest.


The Domnista is a mountain village at an altitude of 1000 meters, with a rich history and
tradition , built in the dense fir forests of the southern Pindos . From Domnista passes and
part of the famous European trail E4 which attracts many foreigner and Greek hikers . The
village is full of old watermills , threshing floors and traditional mansions that give to the
village a special tone.


Fourna is at an altitude of 830 meters in a large fir and oak forest which is the third
nationwide woodland . This verdant natural beauty with stone houses and unique
religious relics has make it special for you to visit it.Especially in the winter the village is
snow white and beautiful.


The trip to the county, just finished. It is still worth that it has a wonderful and full
equiped  ski center of Velouhi and the magnificent canyon ' Panta Vrexi' that  it is called
fairyland which travels  you with  the pristine waters of Krikellopotamos .F
The region of Evrytania is the most proper for a variety of activities, like F
rafting, climbing and ski. Furthermore, Evrytania is an ideal destination for mountain
biking. Those that really adore to ride a bike in a remote region, they do have the chance to
enjoy routes in most picturesque lands.F


Page 32 of 33
There are dozens of villages in the region of Evrytania which all can be visited by bike. The
European Path E4 crosses over several regions of the prefecture. But the best cycling
routeis considered to be the one that starts from the prefecture's capital, Karpenissi, and
ends to the pfocician Delphi.F


If you ever want to trekk in an Greek "Alpine" site, then Evrytania is the most appropriate
region to visit. The trekking hot-spot in Evrytania Prefecture is the "Panta Vrechi" gorge.
Hidden in the prettiest mountains of Central Greece and just in a three hour distance from
the Greek capital, the "Panta Vrechi" gorge is considered to be in the top of the list of
trekkers who love nature. The river Krikeliotis is also located in the gorge, located between
Kaliakouda and


The area has
Located in
twelve tracks,
or selling ski

an organized ski center.
Velouchi has seven lifts,
ski school, store renting
bar and restaurant.
the winter, the ski center
competitions and shows
snowboard and
Karpenisi offered for
hiking, archery,
mountain biking, rafting, kayak, horseback riding and other activities. There are excellent
routes which pass small picturesque villages of Haryana, by jeep 4x4, bike or foot.F


An amazing video about skiing in Evritania can be seen under the link F

Page 33 of 33

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 Beaten Track ! ΟΜΑ∆Α ΄Α: Θέ(α: Ορεινοί (ροορισ*οί
 ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Σύρος Κωσταντίνος, Στεφανό;ουλος Αναστάσης, Πα;αδέα Σ;υριδούλα, Σ;ανός Νικόλαος, Μαυρό;ουλος Θοδωρής.F ΟΜΑ∆Α΄Β: Θέ(α: Ικαρία, Μύλος και Πάργα5 ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Σταύρου Σοφία, Μ;ούρδης Παναγιώτης, Παναγιωτίνου ∆ή(ητρα, Σουσάνη Αικατερίνη.F  F ΟΜΑ∆Α΄Γ: Θέ(α: Ιστορία, Άθληση, ∆ιαδρο*έςF ΜΕΛΗ ΟΜΑ∆ΑΣ: Ρά;της Ηλίας, Παναγάκος Παναγιώτης, Πα;;ά Ελένη, Σα(αρτζή Φαίη, Σταυράκος Πάρης.F ! Κύκλοι στους ο(οίους ε*(ί(τει το θέ*α: Κοινωνικές ε;ιστή(ες, ;ολιτισ(ός, ;εριβάλλον και νέες τεχνολογίεςF ! ! Υ(εύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Καλούσα Ναυ;ακτίτου ΠΕ19, info@kaloussa.comF ! ! ! Page 1 of 33
  • 2. Γιατί επιλέξαμε αυτό το θέμα - Σκοπός έρευνας5 ! Η χώρα (ας είναι (ια α;ό τις ο(ορφότερες χώρες όχι (όνο της Ευρώ;ης αλλά κι ολόκληρης της γης. ∆υστυχώς ό(ως ;ολλοί άνθρω;οι ανά την υφήλιο θεωρούν την Ελλάδα έναν α;οκλειστικά καλοκαιρινό ;ροορισ(ό. Ε;ι;λέον είναι γεγονός ;ως σε ό;οια ερώτηση του τύ;ου «τι γνωρίζεις για την Ελλάδα» σε ο;οιονδή;οτε τουρίστα η α;άντηση είναι ;εριορισ(ένη σε (ε(ονω(ένες λέξεις ό;ως, ήλιος, νησιά, αρχαία, Μύκονος, Σαντορίνη, σουβλάκι. F ! Κανείς δεν α(φισβητεί αυτή την ο;τική της χώρας, ό(ως είναι ;ραγ(ατικά στενάχωρο να ;αραγκωνίζονται οι εναλλακτικές ;τυχές ;ου (;ορεί να ;ροσφέρει οι χώρα (ας σε (ια ευρύτερη (ερίδα ανθρώ;ων. Αν συγκρίνου(ε την Ελλάδα (ε άλλες ;ιο τουριστικές ;εριοχές του κόσ(ου (;ορού(ε α(έσως να καταλάβου(ε ;ως οι ;αροχές για τις ο;οίες κατακλύζονται αυτές οι χώρες υ;άρχουν, και (άλιστα σε (εγάλο βαθ(ό, στην Ελλάδα. ∆εν ;ρέ;ει διόλου να αδιαφορού(ε για τον τουρισ(ό στη χώρα (ας. Ούτως ή άλλως αυτός είναι η βαριά βιο(ηχανία της ελληνικής οικονο(ίας και ;άνω σε αυτόν θα ;ρέ;ει να εστιάσου(ε και να ;ρωτοτυ;ήσου(ε αν θέλου(ε να κάνου(ε την ελληνική ε(;ειρία (ια «must» ε(;ειρία! Αυτός είναι άλλωστε κι ο σκο;ός του TOP 10 GREECE OFF THE BEATEN TRACK, να ;αρουσιάσου(ε κά;οιες (λίγες) ;ανέ(ορφες γωνιές της ;ατρίδας (ας ;ου (;ορούν να φτιάξουν (ια νέα εικόνα για τον ελληνικό τουρισ(ό.F Στόχοι5 • Η ;ροώθηση και η αναγνώριση εναλλακτικών τουριστικών ;ροορισ(ών, ό;ου είναι (η αναγνωρίσι(οι στο ευρύτερο ;αγκόσ(ιο τουριστικό κοινό.5 • Η ;ροώθηση των τουριστικών ;ροορισ(ών της Ελλάδος ;ρος αναγνώριση τους στο κοινό των ταξιδιωτών, των ερευνητών και των (ικρών ιδιωτικών ο(άδων ;εριήγησης.5 • Η τουριστική αξιο;οίηση των υ;ηρεσιών, των φυσικών και ;ολιτιστικών ;όρων κάθε ;ροορισ(ού.5 • Η ανάδειξη της φυσικής και (οναδικής ο(ορφιάς της Ελλάδος ό;ου την καθιστά το ;ιο φωτεινό ;ροορισ(ό ;αγκοσ(ίως (ε το ξεχωριστό ενεργειακό της κλί(α.5 • Η αναγνωρισι(ότητα των ιστορικών (νη(είων και η εκ(άθηση της ιστορίας τους ο;ού ;ολλά α;ό αυτά εκτίθενται και στον ;αγκόσ(ιο χώρο.5 • Η αναγνώριση των εθί(ων και των ηθών κάθε ;εριοχής.5 • Η ;ροώθηση του ορεινού, και του εναλλακτικού τουρισ(ού.F Page 2 of 33
  • 3. ! Μεθοδολογία5 Όταν συναντηθήκα(ε σαν τ(ή(α στο ;ρώτο (άθη(α της ερευνητικής εργασίας ορίσα(ε σύ(φωνα (ε συλλογική α;όφαση το θέ(α της εργασίας (ας για το ;ρώτο τετρά(ηνο το ο;οίο είναι ‘‘οι δέκα(10) κορυφαίοι τουριστικοί ;ροορισ(οί της χώρας (ας’’ και χωριστήκα(ε σε τρεις ο(άδες. Κάθε (αθητής ανέλαβε ένα θέ(α ;άνω στο ο;οίο εργάστηκε και ορίσθηκαν οι συντονιστές των τριών ο(άδων για την καλύτερη α;όδοση της κάθε (ιας. A;οφασίσα(ε να εκδόσου(ε τον οδηγό στα Αγγλικά ώστε να ;ρσελκύσου(ε (ε το ανέβασ(ά του στο internet δυνητικούς ;εριηγητές και εξερευνητές της (οναδικής χώρας (ας.F ! Ερευνητικά Ερωτήματα 5 • • • • • • Γιατί οι Έλληνες να (ην γνωρίζουν τις ο(ορφότερες ;τυχές της χώρας τους;F Σε τι τύ;ο ανθρώ;ων αναφέρεται ο κάθε ;ροορισ(ός;F Τι δραστηριότητες ανα;τύσσονται στους κορυφαίους ελληνικούς  ;ροορισ(ούς;F Μ;ορεί η Ελλάδα να ανταγωνιστεί τους (εγάλους ευρω;αϊκούς ;ροορισ(ούς;F Γιατί ο ξένος τουρίστας να (ην είναι ενη(ερω(ένος για την αυθεντική ελληνική φιλοξενία και τις κρυ((ένες ο(ορφιές της Ελλάδας;F Πως (ε την δη(ιουργία του ;αρακάτω micro-book (;ορού(ε να ανοίξου(ε δρό(ους τουριστικής ανά;τυξης λιγότερο γνωστών ;εριοχών της Ελλάδας.F ! Bιβλιογραφία5 ! ! ! ! Page 3 of 33
  • 4. Top 10 secret attractions in Greece Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. With over sixty inhabited islands, historic sites that span four millennia, idyllic beaches and towering mountain ranges there is a wide variety of tourist attractions in Greece to explore. And despite the debt crisis with credit downgrades and protest by day, Greece as a travel destination is as popular as it has ever been. We made a research and found for the real traveller the most undiscovered Greek attractions, so start reading and we will meet you there… GREECE: 
 ΤOP 10 Off the 
 Beaten Track 5 15 10 IKARIA: The island of long life5 55 9 Mylos the amazing volcanic lovers island5 75 8 Parga - Go Slow destination5 85 7 Arachova for enthusiasts & Sacred Delphi 5 105 6 Zagorochoria for the energetic traveller5 175 5 Prespa Lakes & Nymfaio – for thewildlife-lover5 225 4 Dimitsana - for the atmosphere seeking traveller5 235 3 Natural Spas and thermal springs in Fthiotida5 255 2 Evros Delta National Park for Birdwatchers & Volunteers5 295 1 Evritania: the the Switzerland of Greece5 305 Page 4 of 33
  • 5. ! ! 10 IKARIA: The island of long life5 The island is named after Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and scorched his wings. It's one of the less developed islands in the Aegean - forested, with secret lakes and chapels hewn from the rock.F On the Greek island of Ikaria, life is sweet… and very, very long. So what is the locals' secret? With its beautiful coves, rocky cliffs, steep valleys and broken canopy of scrub and olive groves, Ikaria looks similar to any number of other Greek islands. But there is one vital difference: people here live much longer than the population on other islands and on the mainland. In fact, people here live on average 10 years longer than those in the rest of Europe and America – around one in three Ikarians lives into their 90s. Not only that, but they also have much lower rates of cancer and heart disease, suffer significantly less depression and dementia, maintain a sex life into old age and remain physically active deep into their 90s. What is the secret of Ikaria? What do its inhabitants know that the rest of us don’t?F ! The University of Athens did a study about the diet and the lifestyle of the Ikarians and found that the Ikarian diet includes olive oil, red wine, fish, coffee, herbal tea, honey, potatoes, garbanzo beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, and a limited amount of meat, sugar and dairy products, except goat milk. The Ikarians drink a lot of herb tea and small quantities of coffee; daily calorie consumption is not high. Ikaria is still an isolated island, without tourists, which means that, especially in the villages in the north, where the highest longevity rates have been recorded, life is largely unaffected by the westernised way of living.” F But she also refers to research that suggests the Ikarian habit of taking afternoon naps may help extend life. F One extensive study of Greek adults showed that regular napping reduced the risk of heart disease by almost 40%. What's more, Chrysohoou's preliminary studies revealed that 80% of Ikarian males between the ages of 65 and 100 were still having sex. And, of those, a quarter did so with "good duration" and "achievement". "We found that most males between 65 and 88 reported sexual activity, but after the age of 90, very few continued to have sex.”F ! ! Page 5 of 33
  • 6. Geography5 Deep within the Aegean sea, 35 miles off the coast of Turkey lies the Greek island of Ikaria. People are three times more likely to reach age 90 than in the U.S.
  F Background5 Similar to the island of Sardinia, Ikaria was the subject of repeated invasions by the Persians, Romans and Turks, causing the population to move away from the sea to the central area of the island. This created an isolated population, rich in tradition, family values, health and long life. Ikaria is also famous for its mineral thermal hot springs, which reportedly have numerous therapeutic benefits.
  F Longevity Highlights5 Chronic diseases are a rarity in Ikaria. People living in this region have 20% less cancer, half the rate of cardiovascular disease, and almost no dementia! People traditionally have farming or fishing jobs and live in a mountainous terrain, which keep them active throughout life. They eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, whole grains, fruit and a little fish. Goat milk and wine are also traditional here and loaded with antioxidants. Time is taken out of their day to nap and connect with friends, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  F Lessons From Ikaria5 F 1.F Get your antioxidants! Ikarians eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, which consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and a little fish. One key feature of the Ikarian diet are wild greens, many of which have ten times the level of antioxidants in green tea or red wine!F F 2.F Drink tea! Regular herbal tea consumption is common of Ikarian centenarians. Many of the teas here act as mild diuretics, prescribed by doctors to lower blood pressure.F F 3.F Take regular naps. People who nap at least five times a week for half an hour have 35% reduced chance of cardiovascular disease. Stress hormones also decrease when you’re napping.F F 4.F Make walking part of your daily routine. The hilly land lends itself well to burning calories. The Ikarians exercise without thinking about it just by walking to church or work.F Watch here videos about Ikaria and the blue zones: F Page 6 of 33
  • 7. ! 9 Mylos the amazing volcanic lovers island5 Milos is a volcanic island in the southern Aegean Sea and well known for its extensive mineral deposits and fine beaches. It is part of the Hellenic volcanic arc, that also comprises the volcanic islands of Santorini and Nisyros. Considered dormant, Milos presents strong hydrothermal activity, caused by subduction of the African under the Aegean plate. F Milos is also known as "The Island of Lovers" because it is the discovery site of the famous statue Venus de Milo, the ancient Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty, and every summer and especially during the month of August it is the favorite destination of thousands of young and not-soyoung lovers.F ! Milos Island is ideally suited for outdoor activities such as seakayaking, scuba diving, sailing, mountain bicycling, trekking, distance swimming and windsurfing in the island's protected bay, one of the largest and safest natural harbors in the Mediterranean. The last few years Milos Island is becoming increasingly popular as a wedding and honeymoon destination as well.F History5 Milos island is proud of its fascinating history. The famous statue of Venus de Milo was discovered here in 1820, its early-Christian catacombs are older than Rome's, the ancient Greco-Roman theater is among the few marble theaters in Greece with such a magnificent, elevated view, and the island boasts of an 11,000-year mining history. Most exhibits in the Cycladic wing of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens are findings from Milos Island.F ! What To Do in Milos Island5 In Milos, several interesting museums (Archaeological, Folklore, Ecclesiastical, Maritime, Mining) are open to visitors, who can also enjoy the island's spectacular landscapes, romantic sunsets, white-washed quaint tiny churches and sugar-cube houses, and incredible local as well as Greek traditional food. Milos island is also very popular because of its multitude ( more than 70) and diversity of beaches, more than any other island in the Cyclades. F Page 7 of 33
  • 8. Enjoy almost 80 amazing among them stands out and Sarakíniko with white sheer cliff; add the unique secluded caves, the “sleeping” volcanoes and a experience a unique version beaches with your better half; Kléftiko with its turquoise waters sharp rocks cutting deep into a lunar landscapes, the rocky mysterious catacombs, the picturesque Cycladic Chóra and of romance!F Milos Island - Activities5 Milos Island is ideally suited for outdoor activities such as sea-kayaking, scuba diving, sailing, mountain bicycling, trekking, distance swimming and windsurfing in the island's protected bay, one of the largest and safest natural harbors in the Mediterranean. The last few years Milos Island is becoming increasingly popular as a wedding and honeymoon destination as well.F ! Climbing in Milos is an climbers, as the activity of to the Aegean sea. Instead of climbers have the chance to next to the sea; to be perfectly Aegean sea.F extraordinary experience for climbing takes places right next climbing on a mountain or a hill, climb on enormous rocks right honest climbers hang above the ! ! 8 Parga - Go Slow destination5 Set in Greece’s north-western Preveza region, sandwiched between mountains and a sweeping bay, Parga is one of those seaside destinations you see on postcards. Colorful boats bob in the harbors, tavernas spill out onto cobbled streets, and whitewashed houses cling to the steep hillsides. It’s no wonder this place is as popular with the Greeks as it is with foreign holidaymakers.F Days in Parga Town tend to be take-iteasy affairs, with eating and shopping topping the list of popular pastimes. Stroll through the narrow alleyways and you’ll stumble upon postage stamp-sized stores, family-run meze bars and crumbling old churches. If you’re after the classic combination of sea and sand, meanwhile, Parga Town has its own little beach, just 5 minutes from the harbour. And the golden shores of Valtos Beach are just a short taxi boat ride away.F Page 8 of 33
  • 9. AT A GLANCE ! Soak up the sun on Valtos Beach Climb up to the Venetian castle in Parga Town Sail across to the islands of Corfu and Paxos Sailing the Ionian Sea5 To those of you who visualize a Greece of sunbaked rock dotted with dazzling whitewashed houses, the Ionian comes as a gentle surprise. This is not the Greece of the popular travel brochure but a shaded green country, sheltering red tiled Latin houses, an eccentric collection of Italian and French architecture and English tastes (in Corfu the locals play cricket and you can buy currant buns and ginger beer) welded together into a whole that is indubitably Greek. F 
 Ever-green cypress, pine, elm, green fields, flowers even in height of summer, and everywhere the dull dark sheen of the olive, characterize the lower land while higher up the slopes are covered in pine and the tenacious Mediterranean maquis. If the wind is in the right direction you can smell the pungent herby aroma a mile out to sea. The green luxuriance of the islands is in direct contrast to the high eroded mountains of Albania and mainland Greece that form the eastern boundary to the Ionian.F The Ionian side of mainland islands that are by their fertile groves sustained blue waters. The civilisations and welded together undoubtedly where the most Mediterranean Islands located on the western Greece, are seven main different from other islands land (blanketed with olive by the winter rains) and clear mixture of different cultures is harmoniously into one piece that is Greek, in a complex of islands beautiful beaches of the can be explored.F ! Wind and Sailing Conditions
 The wind and sailing conditions in the Ionian Sea are ideal and predictable. From May to September the wind blows from North-West at Force 2-5. In Spring and Autumn the wind is less strong and blows usually from South-West. It arrives around noon, blows between force 3 to 6 (10 to 25 knots) and dies down at sunset. There may be strong gusts on the leeward side due to the high land (e.g Eastern side of Ithaka and Zakinthos.)F Page 9 of 33
  • 10. ! 7 Arachova for enthusiasts & Sacred Delphi 5 ! Visit in the winter for a cosy weekend at one of the most breathtaking sea and mountain vistas in Greece. Visit in the summer for the inspiring mountain fresh air and the Mediterranean waters brushing the shores of the coastal regions Itea and Galaxidi. Aráchova is a mountainous village nestling picturesquely at the foot of Mt. Parnassós in Viotia, Southern Greece.It is the most cosmopolitan winter destination in Greece, a great favourite for passionate ski lovers and celebrities, or just first-time visitors who wish to relax in a dreamy mountainous setting with modern tourism facilities. Its modern ski resort, its close proximity to Athens, and its breathtaking mountainous landscape are the strongest reason why. Apart from the mountain activities, Aráchova is also famous for its bustling nightlife and as the favorite mountain resort of Athenians. It is located 35 km west of Livadeia.F ! It was in Arachova that Georgios Karaiskakis (1780-1827) defeated the Turkish army led by Moustafabei in November 1826.F Must visit: The Byzantine churches of the village with their well preserved frescos.F Activities on offer: Get involved in outdoor activities such as hiking or ski down the slopes of Mt. Parnassós at the biggest downhill ski resort in Greece. The mountain’s high altitude offers ski lovers long-lasting snow cover at the peaks.F Hot tips:F Discover the traditional character of the village by taking leisurely walks through its narrow cobblestone streets. Enjoy hot and sweet or soft and fruity drinks in cafés, or traditional kafeneia (coffee shops).F Stay up all night and enjoy the village’s bustling nightlife. There are a plethora of bars and clubs up and down the streets of Aráhova.F Visit the nearby archaeological site of Delphi.F Trekk around the many routes of Parnassos National ParkF Page 10 of 33
  • 11. ! Activities: ! Skiing, snow board, sledging as well as other winter sports at the ski resorts of mountain Parnassos at “Gerontovrachos” (17 km N), "Kelaria" (23 km N) and "Fterolakka" (26 km N). F Hiking from the archaeological site of Delphi (which is located at the borders of the Prefecture of Fokida) to the cave of Korykeio Andro. and many more other options towards Athens or Lamia.F Mountain tours (jeep, enduro, mountain bike) at the mountain of Parnassos.F Famous local products: Aráchova offers a memorable gourmet experience; taste local specialties: kontosoúvli (big hunks of pork skewered and put on a rotisserie with onions, tomatoes, peppers and seasoned with salt and pepper, garlic and oregano), kokorétsi (the intestines of the lamb stuffed with offal), sarmádes (stuffed grape leaves), traditional pies, handmade trahanás (pasta soup, can be sweet or sour), and hilopites (egg noodles made in linguine-sized strips, cut into small pieces).F The region of Arachova is well-known for its textiles, woodwork, dry wines and the local cheese, called "formaela".It also produces a sweet smelling hard rind cheese of with a relatively mild flavour that you should definitely taste!F Have a sip of the divine Parnassós local wine, the red “Mavroudi”, which achieved Protected Designation of Origin status in 2006. The “Black Aráhova vine” is a full-bodied prolific variety that produces wines of a deep red hue with a high alcohol content.F Complete your meal with traditional “spoon-sweets”, or even better, try yogurt with honey, a dessert served compliments of the house. Before you leave Aráhova, pick up some hand-made beautifully coloured woven carpets (flocati rugs) and textiles to take with you as a going-away present.F ! Parnassos National Park5 The area extends over three prefectures: Viotia, Fthiotida and Fokida. It includes the National Park of Parnassos, one section being in Viotia and the rest in Fokida, the northeastern border of the mountain and the Aesthetic Forest of Tithoreas which belongs to Fthiotida. Of great archaeological importance is the Oracle of Delphi which is also included in the area. The predominant climate is continental with a relative cool but dry summer, rainy in the autumn and a heavy winter which also last many months. F The greatest percentage of rainfall is observed in November whereas the driest month is August. The average annual rainfall is about 1,000 mm. There is a high frequency of hailstorms which cause damage to the cultivation and the reared animals. For at least two months out of the year the tall peaks of Parnassos and the National Park are covered with snow which could reach up to four meters above ground. In the alpine zone the snow continues to melt up until June. The substratum of the area consists of limestone settlements of various ages. F The National Park of Parnassos has a main section the size of 3,513 hectares (about 20% of the area) and this does not include the highest peaks of the mountain (i.e. Liakoura, Gerontovracho) although which have been included in the area. Beginning from the lowest altitude of the area (500 m) and reaching up to 800 m, it is observed that the evergreen Page 11 of 33
  • 12. broadleaf trees are predominant. As the altitude increases a transition towards coniferous trees can be observed. A few Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana clones can also be observed. From an ecological point of view many types of vegetation are preserved with an excellent structure among which some are also types of priority natural habitats.F There are alpine valleys at high altitudes, bare cliffs and moraines, impressive woodlands, mainly oak tree and endemic fir forests. The above features, in combination with its geomorphology of interest render the area especially rich in flora and fauna. The National Park of Parnassos was founded in 1938. It was the second Greek National Park after that of Olympus. F Its main area is under the Conservation Zone (ZEP) according to Directive 79/409/EOK for birds. Also, the world reknown Oracle of Delphi has been included in the suggested area, not only due to its archaeological importance but also since it has been studied extensively as to the species of plants and animals found there and includes some of the most important species reported in Greece. F The preservation and conservation of Delphi is advised also as a natural reserve not only for the preservation of its significant flora and fauna but also for its ecotouristic appeal. The entire area is important in regards to its birds of prey, woodpeckers and other birds.F No visit to Greece would be complete without a tour of Delphi. Surrounded by incredible natural beauty, this UNESCO designated World Heritage Site is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece.
 ! Skiing in Mount Parnassos5 Mount Parnassos, with an altitude of 2,260 metres, ranks among the highest mountains in Greece. Its spectacular geomorphology and rich biodiversity place it among the most important mountain environments in our country. Here you will find the biggest downhill ski resort in Greece. The mountain’s high altitude offers ski lovers long-lasting snow-covered peaks, and the mountain is a very popular spot for visitors as it is located near Athens. F ! The ski resort consists of two locations, Kellária and Fterólakka, which are connected with lifts and runs. A third one, Yerodóvrahos, is a small separate resort linked with Kellária by ski trails. The ski resort boasts 23 ski runs (3 difficult, 8 Page 12 of 33
  • 13. intermediate, 8 easy & 4 very easy) with a total length of 27 km, and 13 ski and chair lifts. F ! Alongside your skiing activities, welcome the opportunity to discover the reason why this destination is so attractive. In Aráchova, various elegant and first-class hotels or traditional guest houses offer you luxurious accommodation. F Fine-dining restaurants and small, romantic taverns serve tasty dishes cooked with the area’s famous products, such as “hilopites” (small square-shaped pieces of pasta made of durum wheat), or “formaéla”, the traditional cheese of Aráchova.F  Get involved in other outdoor activities, such as hiking, or visit the near-by archaeological site of Delfi (one of your favourite sites according to an e-vote held on our facebook page last month). Stay up all night and enjoy the village’s bustling nightlife. F And remember: before you leave Aráchova, take with you as a going-away present handmade, and beautifully coloured woven carpets (flocati rugs) and textiles.F ! A fantastic video where you can see what the snow-picked Parnassos offers is here: ! Hiking around Arachova and Delphi5 •
 For continuing up Grotto, the ascending where the trail (the same drop-off for marked and mapped village of Livadi, the the Gerontovrachos centers. Two detours Gerontovrachos the Velitsa Gorge to • A second route days by the villagers ascend to the higher said to be partly Mt. Parnassos from the Corycean footpath is picked up at Kalivia crosses the Arachova-Agoriani road the Grotto-to-Delphi hike). This footpath proceeds upwards to the mountaineering club shelter, and hills, crossing the winter sports lead to the Parnassos and Liakoura peaks. The path descends through the village of Tithorea. F follows the path taken in the old of Arachova and Ano Souvala to slopes of Parnassos. This path is destroyed. F • Hikers can walk the entire Parnassos portion of the E4, starting at the "51st Km" and ending at Kirrha on the Gulf of Corinth. The distance is approximately 60 km and could be walked in three days with overnights in Agoriani, Delphi, and Kirra.F • A pleasant day-walk would be to do the final segment of the E4 from Delphi to Kirra. This was the route taken by pilgrims to the Delphi Oracle. Kirrha has an interesting history. About 590 BC, several Greek city-states joined to protect the sanctuary of Delphi. According to one historian, they attacked Kirrha which controlled the road to Page 13 of 33
  • 14. Delphi. Kirrha had appropriated land considered sacred to Apollo and had mistreated pilgrims. Following an edict from the Oracle of Delphi to destroy the town, the commander of the siege cut the water-pipes leading into the town. When townspeople were suffering seriously from thirst, he turned on the water again, but poisoned with hellebore. The ensuing diarrhea so weakened the town that it was overcome.F • To the Sybaris Cave and the Pleisto Gorge. This descends an earth road leading from the main road East of Marmaria. Some guidebooks have details.F People having been coming to Delphi for thousands of years of Greek history and the ancient footpaths they used are still in existence." ! Delphi 
 The Oracle of Delphi was considered to be the center of the earth and universe. Delphi is best known as where Apollo prophesized through a chosen peasant lady at the Temple of Apollo. This ancient temple was first built around the 7th century B.C. by the legendary architects Trophonios and Agamedes. Delphi is also home to the Delphi Theatre. Built in the 4th century B.C., the Delphi theatre offers some of the most spectacular views in all of Greece. This theatre was built to provide a venue for various performances such as plays and musical events and can accommodate around 5,000 people. A visit to the Delphi Museum will provide visitors with a thorough understanding of the history of Delphi and is home to such artifacts as the famous bronze Charioteer and the statue of Antinoos. F History At the foot of Mount Parnassos, within the angle formed by the twin rocks of the Phaedriades, lies the Pan-Hellenic sanctuary of Delphi, which had the most famous oracle of ancient Greece. Delphi was regarded as the centre of the world.F According to mythology, it is here that the two eagles sent out by Zeus from the ends of the universe to find the navel of the world met. The sanctuary of Delphi, set within a most spectacular landscape, was for many centuries the cultural and religious centre and symbol of unity for the Hellenic world. F The history of Delphi begins in prehistory and in the myths of the ancient Greeks. In the beginning the site was sacred to Mother Earth and was guarded by the terrible serpent Python, who was later killed by Apollo. Apollo's sanctuary was built here by Cretans who arrived at Kirrha, the port of Delphi, accompanied by the god in the form of a dolphin. This myth survived in plays presented during the various Delphic festivals, such as the Septerion, the Delphinia, the Thargelia, the Theophania and, of course. the famous Pythia, which celebrated the death of Python and comprised musical and athletic competitions.F The earliest finds in the area of Delphi, which date to the Neolithic period (4000 BC), come from the Korykeion Andron, a cave on Parnassos, where the first rituals took place. The remains of a Mycenaean settlement and cemetery were discovered within the sanctuary, but traces of occupation are rare and very fragmentary until the eighth century BC, when the cult of Apollo was established and the development of the sanctuary and the oracle began. The first stone temples of Apollo and Athena, who was also officially venerated Page 14 of 33
  • 15. under the name of “Pronaia” or “Pronoia” and had her own sanctuary, were built towards the end of the seventh century BC. According to literary and archaeological evidence other gods were associated with the sanctuary; these included Artemis, Poseidon, Dionysus, Hermes, Zeus Polieus, Hygeia and Eileithyia.F The sanctuary was the centre of the Amphictyonic League, an association of twelve tribes of Thessaly and the Sterea (south-central Greece), with religious and later political significance. The Amphictyonic League controlled the operation and finances of the sanctuary, as it designated its priests and other officials chosen from among the inhabitants of Delphi. In the sixth century BC, under the League's protection and administration, the sanctuary was made autonomous (First Sacred War), it increased its territory and political and religious influence throughout Greece, and reorganised the Pythian Games, the second most important games in Greece after the Olympics, which were held every four years.F ! Between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, the Delphic oracle, which was regarded as the most trustworthy, was at its peak. It was delivered by the Pythia, the priestess, and interpreted by the priests of Apollo. Cities, rulers and ordinary individuals alike consulted the oracle, expressing their gratitude with great gifts and spreading its fame around the world. F The oracle was thought to have existed since the dawn of time. Indeed, it was believed to have successfully predicted events related to the cataclysm of Deukalion, the Argonaut's expedition and the Trojan War; more certain are the consultations over the founding of the Greek colonies. It was the oracle's fame and prestige that caused two Sacred Wars in the middle of the fifth and fourth centuries BC. In the third century BC, the sanctuary was conquered by the Aetolians, who were driven out by the Romans in 191 BC. In Roman times, the sanctuary was favoured by some emperors and plundered by others, including Sulla in 86 BC.F The rise of the Rationalist movement in philosophy in the third century BC, damaged the oracle's authority, yet its rituals continued unchanged into the second century AD, when it was consulted by Hadrian and visited by Pausanias. The latter's detailed description of the buildings and more than three hundred statues has greatly contributed to our reconstruction of the area. The Byzantine emperor Theodosius finally abolished the oracle and the Slavs destroyed the precinct in 394 BC. With the advent of Christianity, Delphi became an episcopal see, but was abandoned in the sixth-seventh centuries AD. Soon after, in the seventh century AD, a new village, Kastri, grew over the ruins of the ancient sanctuary, attracting in modern times several travellers interested in antiquities.F Archaeological research in Delphi began in 1860 by Germans. In 1891, the Greek government granted the French School at Athens permission for long-term excavations on the site. It is then that the village of Kastri was removed to allow for the so-called “Great Excavation' to take place. The Great Excavation uncovered spectacular remains, including Page 15 of 33
  • 16. about three thousand inscriptions of great importance for our knowledge of public life in ancient Greece. F ! Today, the Greek Archaeological Service and the French School at Athens continue to research, excavate and conserve the two Delphic sanctuaries. Of all the monuments, only the Treasury of the Athenians had enough of its original building material preserved to allow for its almost complete reconstruction. The project was financed by the City of Athens and carried through by the French School in 1903-1906. The Chiot altar, the Temple of Apollo and the Tholos were also partially restored. In 1927 and 1930, the poet Angelos Sikelianos and his wife, Eva, attempted to revive the Delphic idea and make of Delphi a new cultural centre of the earth, through a series of events that included performances of ancient theatre.F DescriptionF The archaeological site of Delphi includes two sanctuaries, dedicated to Apollo and Athena, and other buildings, mostly intended for sports. Visitors arriving from Athens first encountered the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia - that is, Athena who is before the temple of Apollo. Outside its walls spread the settlement of Delphi. Within the walls were the famous Tholos, the symbol of Delphi today, and the remains of three temples dedicated to the goddess. The two earlier temples were built of tufa on the same location. These date to the middle of the seventh century and to c. 500 BC. The third temple, made of limestone, was built at the west end of the sanctuary after the earthquake of 373 BC. This sanctuary also includes the altars of Zeus Polieus, Athena Ergane, Athena Zosteria, Eileithyia and Hygeia, the remains of two buildings dedicated to the cult of the local heroes Phylakos and Autonos, who routed the Persians from Delphi, and two treasuries with marble roofs, one Doric and the other Aeolian. The Aeolian Treasury of Massalia preserves a characteristic palm-leaf capital. Finally, the sanctuary included a memorial to the routing of the Persians, a statue of Emperor Hadrian, and a building known as the "house of the priests".F To the northwest of the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia lay the gymnasium, a place for exercise and learning, the palaestra and the baths. Further up the slope was the Castalian spring, the sacred spring of Delphi, were travellers quenched their thirst after a long voyage and purified themselves before consulting the oracle.F The central, most important part of the site was the sanctuary of Apollo, which was surrounded by the usual peribolos, or enclosure wall, with a main gate at its southeast corner. From here visitors entered the Sacred Way, the street that led to the temple of Apollo with its famous adyton, where Pythia delivered her oracles. With the temple and the Sacred Way as its centre, the sanctuary grew larger, spreading over artificial terraces supported by monumental walls, bordered by porticoes (of Attalus, of the Aetolians, of the Athenians) and accessed through corresponding gates in the enclosure wall. F Page 16 of 33
  • 17. Scattered among these buildings and along the Sacred Way were numerous votive monuments dedicated by Greek cities or wealthy individuals on the occasion of sociopolitical events, or simply to express gratitude to the god and his oracle. These monuments are representative of artistic achievement from the East to the coasts of the Mediterranean and indicate the wealth of their patrons. They vary from bronze and silver tripods (one of the oracle's symbols) to complex groups of sculptures in bronze or marble. F The luxurious and impressive, however small, votive buildings known as treasuries were used for storing smaller votive offerings, but above all for displaying the art and splendour of the city which commissioned them. The imposing temple of Apollo dominated the sanctuary from atop a large terrace supported by a remarkable polygonal wall. In front of its entrance visitors could admire a series of impressive votive monuments dedicated mostly by wealthy individuals. Above the temple is the theatre where the theatrical and musical contests of the Pythian Games took place, while even higher up the slope, beyond the sacred enclosure, lies the stadium where the athletic contests were held.F Outside and around the two sanctuaries are the remains of the settlement and cemeteries of Delphi, which developed mainly in the Classical and Roman period.F ! 6 Zagorochoria for the energetic traveller5 ! Zagorohoria (from the words ζαγόρι, χωριό= village) consists of 46 villages and 3.700 habitants in an area of 1000 square kilometres. Even though we did not do my maths and we are purely copying someone else’s, this gives us about 4 people for every 1 km! This peaceful area in northern Greece is crossed by a river and one of the world’s deepest and narrowest canyons (900m deep and 1100m wide). If you still decide to walk along though you will be rewarded as it is one of the most scenic routes. Before modern roads were constructed, the villages were connected with stone arched bridges and cobblestone paths which are still there to remind us of the past. F The villages of Zagoria are uniquely endowed with extraordinary natural beauty, a vast temperate forest ecosystem, distinctive architecture, cultural wealth and the sheer romance of an ancient way of life. The Zagoria is best known for its traditional villages with their stone buildings, slate roofs and cobbled paths, all constructed with local stone. At first glance, the simple, austere structures look alike except for differences in size. The similarity ends, however, at the threshold of a house. They are often exquisitely decorated with frescoes, painted cupboards and elaborate wooden carvings on the ceilings.F Page 17 of 33
  • 18. There are entire villages that have been declared national historical monuments. The villages of the northern mountains of Greece were largely responsible for maintaining the Greek heritage during centuries of foreign occupation. The prosperity of Zagoria allowed the culture to flourish and found its expression in the numerous churches and monasteries of the region. Churches were built in the style of basilicas and are characterized by low colonnaded arcades on the sides as well as beautiful frescoes and intricately carved wooden altar screens. F ! History of Zagoria5 
 During the Byzantine period, the historical evidence for the region of Zagoria is nonexistent . The numerous Slavic toponyms of the region,make us to suppose that Zagoria have experienced , not only the big invasions of the Slavs in the beginning of the 6th century ,but the settlements of the Slavic tribes as well.
 Specifically in Vitsa,buildings from that period have survived till today. From the late 14th century, the habitans of Zagoria have been recorded in the History of Epirus , evicting Albanians who led raids against Ioannina ( 1389 ) . The fact that from the early 14th century,sources mention names of settlements and sites located on West Zagoria indicates the creation of the first settlements.
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  • 19. Zagoria emerged , flourished and prospered during the Ottoman occupation . In 1431 , 14 villages of Central Zagoria declared subjection to Sinan Pasha in exchange for ensuring the autonomy , self-government and non-payment of taxes. Sinan Pasha accepted proposals of delegation and a treaty was signed, which granted them autonomy and selfgovernment. Moreover, instead of taxes, they agreed to send to Istanbul every year, a number of men from each village , according to population, who will serve as grooms of the sultan army for about two months . This treaty was called “Voiniko” .
 In 1681 they stopped sending draftees to Istanbul and, acceding the villages of Western Zagoria, the " Stewardship Zagoria" was created.
 The administration of Zagoria and the adaptation of privileges had been assigned to the general local notables Zagor Kotsampasis orVekilis of Zagoria. Vekilis was obliged to gather and pay the taxes to the Turkish government , but also to look after the adaptation of privileges. He was hearing cases in disputes between residents, except of criminal cases, which were heard before the Turkish courts. The privileges of Zagoria were respected by all the Turkish sultans and it was not allowed to any Turk to enter into the region of Zagoria.
 These benefits, combined with the restless spirit of the ihabitans of Zagoria, led the region of Zagoria to an economic and spiritual blooming. During this period, many buildings and bridges of Zagoria are financed by eminent inhabitans of Zagoria and almost in every village there are mutual-learning schools and girls schools.
 This "golden" period of Zagoria lasts until 1868, when the privileges cease to be valid, and bandit groups begin to ravage the region. This had as effect many families of rich men, that were the main target of bandits, to be moved away from the region.
 This period lasted until 1913, when Zagoria were liberated from the Turkish occupation and they followed, from that time, the historical course of the Greek nation . We searched the web, some of us did some treks and we give you an idea to follow the top highlights given below:F ! Highlights: Vikos Gorge Stone - made bridges Dragon Lake Traditional villages Famous rocksteps of the area Rare flowers Page 19 of 33
  • 20. ! Follow the 5 days touring and you will feel such an inner peace together with power." ! Day 1: Tsepelovo – Vradeto – Beloi – Tsepelovo:" ! From Tsepelovo, we start with an upwards going path towards to the highest village of Zagori called Vradeto, from where, by following a beautiful path at the edges of Vikos Gorge, we will arrive to Beloi viewpoint. From there we can have excellent views to Vikos gorge and a panoramic view of the paths that we will follow the next day. We return to Vradeto village and from there we continue to Kapesovo village through the famous steps of Vradeto (stonepath built in the 16th century at the slopes of Vikos Gorge) and transfer back to Tsepelovo. Overnight in traditional pension in Tsepelovo. (March duration: 5 hours., 12 km)F Day 2: Tsepelovo – Kipi – Koukouli – Vitsa: ! We descend to where the Vikos Gorge starts, marked by a stone bridge dated back to 980, called “Paliogefyra” and continue through a forest of beech-trees and pine trees where we will probably have the opportunity to find bear marks on our way. We end up at the village of Kipi for a short stop for lunch and some rest. From Kipi we walk up the stairs of Koukouli (stone steps like the Vradeto stairs) and visit the center of this picturesque village, we walk down into the Vikos Gorge again, and reach crossing the “Misiou” bridge the old stairs of Vitsa and reach the village of Vitsa, built just at the edge of the gorge. Overnight in traditional pension in Vitsa.( March duration: 6 hours 16 km).F ! Day 3: Vitsa – Vikos Gorge – Aristi village:" ! Early in the morning we descend the old Vitsa stairs into the Vikos ravine. Traversing the ravine we admire the rare varieties of wild birds and flowers that have found protection into it. Above us we admire the impressive walls of Vikos Gorge which reach up to height above 1.000mt. After about 4 hours we reach the Voidomatis river springs. Early in the afternoon we arrive in Vikos village and from there we are transferred to Aristi village where we overnight. (March duration: 7 hours.13,2 km)F ! Vikos Gorge is one of the most fasinating areas in greece, so we will write a little bit more about. It is located 30 km northen of Ioannina and is one of the most important and busiest ambulatory destinations in northern Greece. The National Park (Vikos – Aoou), being designated in 1973, has a total area of 16,000 hectares.
 It is a magnificent location with a great ecological value. Vikos Gorge is in the Guinness book as the canyon with the smallest opening, only 1100 meters at its narrowest point,and simultanly a depth of over 900 meters.
 With a length of 12 km and a maximum altitude of 1000 meters, is one of the deepest Page 20 of 33
  • 21. canyons in the world. The width ranges from 30 to 100 meters and the slopes are full of rare flowers and herbs. The river that crosses it, Boidomatis, has water from November to June.
 The flora of the region has approximately a number of 1700 species and subspecies. Five of them are locally endemic and are found only in the gorge, while twelve are found nowhere else in Greece .
 The fauna of the region is equally rich. Some of the most important species (like wolves, deer, bears, weasels, wild cats etc) can take shelter here. Unfortunately, poaching is a major blow to the National Park...F ! Day 4: Aristi - Vikos – Mikro Papingo:" ! Following the old up-hill path we will traverse the beautiful ravines to Papigo village. Above us the “Towers of Papigo” are rising to an inaccessible place that no one can reach. At the natural swimming pool of the village we’ll swim and then we’ll have a rest. Overnight in a traditional pension. (March duration: 4 hours.6km)F ! ! ! Day 5:Mikro Papingo – Dragon Lake – Astraka refuge:" ! From Papigo we follow the mule track up through juniper scrub and on above the tree line to open grassland, continuing from there up to the Astraka hut on the Astraka Col at 6400ft (3 hours walk). Just to the north lie the mountains of Albania. After lunch at the refuge there will be an optional walk to the Tsoumani (Sarakatsani) sheepfolds and pastures up to the scenic Dragon Lake, perched on the edge of the northern escarpment of Mt Gamila, which at 2497m is one of the great peaks of Pindos range.(narrow, rough, up hill stone paths)and return back to refuge (March duration 6 hours 15,5 km).F ! Rafting in Zagoria5 Rafting is a popular activity in the region, as Zagori provides visitors with plenty of routes, amazing experiences, and stunning landscape views. The major river in the area is “Voidomatis”, which is considered to be a perfect route for novice and experts. Graded from 1 to 5, Voidomatis is a suitable place for families, as the river is not considered to be a hostile environment for children.
 On the contrary, river “Aoos”, which is part of “Voidomatis”, is the perfect place for those who want to take their chances, in order to experience the thrill of rafting. Graded from 4 up to 5, river “Aoos” is a spectacular rafting destination that offers visitors demanding and adventurous routes.F Page 21 of 33
  • 22. 5 Prespa Lakes & Nymfaio – for the wildlife-lover5 Nymfaio is one of the smallest and most secluded villages in Greece and debatably one of the most beautiful in Europe, situated 1350m above sea level on the mountains of Verno. The myth has it that Nymfaio owes its name to the vlach word “nevesta” or “nymph” that means bride because of its beauty and isolated position. So don’t you want to visit a place like that? Back in the day residents were partisans and fighters and later on into silversmithing, famous for their silverware all over the area for more than 300 years. If you are curious, there is a museum exhibiting some of those pieces. Nowadays, the area is mostly famous for the environmental center Arcturos that protects brown bears and wolves. It is open to visitors and it is a 15-minute walk from the village – make sure to check it out!F A shimmering expanse of water riven by islets and ridges, the PRÉSPA LAKES are one of the Balkans’ most important wildlife sanctuaries. Prepa contains the largest breeding colony of Dalmatian pelicans in the world, a mixed colony of pelicans and the largest colony of Pygmy cormorants in Europe. It provides shelter to over 200 species of birds, many of which belong to rare or declining populations within Europe. That´s why Prespa is something of a paradise for bird lovers as it contain so many species reflecting such different habitats in close proximity. It is worth mentioning the presence of rare mammal species, endangered throughtout Europe, such as the Brown Bear, the Grey Wolf, the European Otter and the Chamois ( The botanists will delight in the many species of Orchids to be found here as well as the endemic species Centurea Prespana. Indeed amateur lovers of all plants can find something for themselves in Prespa strolling through the plains by the like, exploring the beach, oak and juniper forests of striding across the open alpine spaces of the mountain topsF ! Though not postcard-pretty, the basin, in the far northwest of Macedonia, has an eerie beauty that grows on you with further acquaintance. It also has a surprisingly turbulent history as a place of exile for troublesome noblemen during the Byzantine era and the scene of vicious local battles during the 1947–49 Greek civil war.F Mikrí Préspa, the southerly lake, is mostly shallow (9m maximum depth) and reedy, with a narrow fjord curling west and just penetrating Albanian territory. The borders of Greece, Albania and the Republic of Macedonia meet in the middle of deeper Megáli Préspa and, especially during the early 1990s, it became a major exit corridor into Greece for Albanian Page 22 of 33
  • 23. refugees, who found work as illegal agricultural workers in the local bean and hay industry.F The core of the National park, established in 1971, barely encompasses Mikrí Préspa and its shores, but the peripheral zone extends well into the surrounding mountains, affording protection of sorts to foxes, wolves and even bears, which inhabit the area. The lakes have a dozen resident fish species, including tsiróni, a sort of freshwater sardine, and grivádhi, a kind of carp, but it’s bird life for which the Préspa basin is most famous.F The birds of Préspa5 The lakes are home to relatively few birds of prey but you should see a fair number of egrets, cormorants, crested grebes and pelicans. This is one of the few breeding sites of both the white and Dalmatian pelican, which nest in the spring, with the chicks out and about by summer. They feed partly on the large numbers of snakes, which include vipers, whip snakes and harmless water snakes which you may encounter while swimming. Observation towers are available at Vromolímni and near Áyios Ahíllios, but dawn spent anywhere at the edge of the reedbeds with a pair of binoculars will be immensely rewarding, though bear in mind that you are not allowed to boat or wade into the reeds.F ! ! ! 4 Dimitsana - for the atmosphere seeking traveller5 Dimitsana is a popular winter destination for a lot of greek tourists but not equally known outside of greek borders and is one of several attractive villages in the mountainous Arcadia region, in the eastern Peloponnese. Set on a double hump overlooking the Lousios river, it has half a dozen beautiful churches from the lengthy periods of Frankish and Page 23 of 33
  • 24. Norman rule. Due to its position near a gorge in the south of Greece, Dimitsana played an important role during the revolution. This is where most of the gunpowder and flour was produced in the water-powered mills. You can still find a few of them and a museum exists nearby to walk you through their story. You will also discover a historic library – most of its books were destroyed during the revolution as the pages were used to wrap the gunpowder. While you are there, sit in one of the village’s cafes or tavernas (restaurants) and enjoy some rakomelo (raki is a greek alcohol, warmed up with honey and spices) – the perfect remedy for cold temperatures and flus!F The real gems in this Peloponnesian heartland, however, are the ancient sites of Gortys, with its Asklepios temple, the superbly preserved Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae and world-famous Olympia, all within a couple of hours' drive.F Wandering the Streets of Dimitsana Beyond the two museums, you can spend an enjoyable day simply wandering around the cobblestoned streets of Dimitsana. There are a number of churches including the above mentioned Saint Kyriaki built in 1834 to replace a church of 1603, Saint George from the seventeenth century, St Haralambus from 1862 with an impressive clock tower dating from 1868, the Transfiguration at the north edge of the village believed to date from the eighteenth century and the Archangel standing on the foundations of an original church built in 1635.F Walking the path to the Transfiguration will also take you past the remains of ancient walls. The exact origin of these remains is unknown with some suggesting the Mycenaean and some the Hellenic periods. They are most likely from the ancient town of Teuthis which is known to have stood on the same spot as modern day Dimitsana.F Day Trips from Dimitsana Dimitsana is perfectly situated to be the base for a number of very enjoyable day trips around the wider area which could easily include visits to Stemnitsa (about 14 kms further south along a beautiful road that winds along the edge of the Lousios Gorge) and ancient Gortinia which is a further 10kms or so beyond that. Truth be told, all the roads in the Page 24 of 33
  • 25. region offer fantastic views down the Lousios gorge so if you have a car just get in and go, you will find many little villages, churches and scenic viewpoints that will keep you occupied all day long.F Hiking the Lousios Gorge A path starting from the Open Air museum will lead you down into the Lousios Gorge itself and will take you past the Philosophou and Prodromou Monastaries. Although the snowfall and a slightly cranky two year old prevented us from attempting the walk on this trip, it is by all accounts a lovely hike and one I plan on doing some springtime soon. Reasonably priced leaflets and books detailing the trails are available from the museum kiosk. There are a few offices in Dimitsana that offer guided tours of the area and can also arrange rafting trips on the Lousios river if that is your thing.F ! 3 Natural Spas and thermal springs in Fthiotida5 ! The spas of Fthiotida combine mountain, sea, sunshine and blue Greek sky. Unlike spas in other countries, there is no radioactive waste or industrial waste.F ! Thermal Spring of Kamena Vourla: The natural thermal spring of Kamena Vourla is situated 160 km north of Athens, in central Greece and it is one of the oldest known hot bath spots. It has been in use since antiquity all the way to the present. It stands on the coast line of the tranquil north Evoikos gulf. It is categorized among the rarest springs in the world because of its richness in natural minerals, salts and radon. Historic background and points of interest Close to the spa resort area, there are many places of interest. Around Kamena Vourla hot spring, one can easily visit:F The historic site of the Battle of Thermopylae (Greek for Hot Gates). This famous battle took place in 480 BC, between the Persian and the Greek armies, when the Asian empire invaded Greece. At the final stage of the three day combat, only 300 Spartans, under their leader Leonidas, were left to face the enemy that wanted to move south and conquer Athens. Vastly outnumbered by the Persians, they all fell on the battle field, as the laws and military code of their city state demanded. Today, a statue of king Leonidas commemorates this historic site. In antiquity, a sign was placed on this spot, reading that passers-by should announce their fellow Spartans at home, that all 300 lie dead here, complying with their mother country rules of non retreat on the battle field.F Thermal spring waterF Kamena Vourla natural thermal water is classified as radioactive, due to its chemical/ physical properties. Springs with such water are rarely found in the world and they are well appreciated because of their remarkable and multifaceted action of their radioactive Page 25 of 33
  • 26. elements on the human body. The therapeutic effects of this kind of natural spring water are mainly due to the transmutation of radium into radon and secondly, because of the other radioactive elements that the water absorbs during its passage through the underground rock layers.F Radon enters into the body through the skin as well as from the respiratory tract by inhalation. From the skin, the amount of radon that enters the body remains there for about 1 to 2 hours after the bath. Radon that enters the organism from the respiratory tract, reaches the tissues through the blood stream and it diffuses there after about 15 minutes.F Radon, which is the main carrier of the water radioactivity, has shown effectiveness in the following body conditions:F Neuralgia and neuritis
 Elimination of uric acid
 Maintenance of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
 Respiratory and lung problems
 Adrenal gland function
 Liver cell functionF Also, there are a great number of clinical trials, followed by reviews published in medical journals, suggesting the positive effect of radon in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.F Kamena Vourla spring water also contains also sodium chloride enriched with natural radon. The natural temperature of the water is between 33 to 49o C and it measures radon at 100 to 350 units Mache. The water is brackish and odorless.F ! W F 
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  • 27. F Key indicators for treatmentF Kamena Vourla natural spring water has shown healing properties for the following disorders:F Gout and hyperurichemiaF Degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis or deforming arthritis of the knee, hip and other joints)F SpondyloarthropathiesF Angylosic SpondylitisF Rheumatoid arthritisF Rheumatic diseases of the tendons and the musclesF Radiculopathy (sciatica, neuralgia)F Stimulation of the nervous systemF Chronic fatigueF N e u ro v e g e t a t i v e d i s o rd e r s , forms of psychoneurosisF Chronic gynaecological conditions (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, ovarian insufficiency)F Asthma bronchioleF Eczema and skin allergiesF Also, Kamena Vourla spa water is very effective for the overall regeneration, rejuvenation and wellness of the body.F References: 1. Franke A, Reiner L, Resch KL. Long-term benefit of radon spa therapy in the rehabilitation of rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised, double-blinded trial. Rheumatol Int. 2007 Jun;27(8):703-13. Epub 2007 Jan 4.
 2. Falkenbach A, Kovacs J, Franke A, Jörgens K, Ammer K. Radon therapy for the treatment of rheumatic diseases--review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Rheumatol Int. 2005 Apr; 25(3):205-10. Epub 2003 Dec 12. Review.
 3. Franke A, Reiner L, Pratzel HG, Franke T, Resch KL.Long-term efficacy of radon spa therapy in rheumatoid arthritis--a randomized, sham-controlled study and follow-up. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2000 Aug;39(8):894-902. ! Koniaviti Thermal Spas5 Located one kilometer from Mount Wilson to Lamia. Bathing these sources is useful for: chronic asthma, bronchitis, chronic rhinitis. F The source is ydrotheiochlorio - sodium and temperature of 32 degrees Celsius.F Page 27 of 33
  • 28. ! ! The baths of Thermopylae are located 15km from the city of Lamia. The area is known for the b a t t l e o f Thermopylae between the Greeks and Persians in 480 b.C. Next to the road is a statue of Leonidas and the sacred hill, where died fighting Leonidas and the 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians. In m y t h o l o g y, Hephaestus, at the request of the goddess Athena, created sources to wash and recover his forces Hercules after his labors. The organization sources began in 1935. The water temperature is 40oC. Indicated for the treatment of rheumatic, gynecological diseases and peripheral nerves.F ! The Kallidromo Baths are located Iin Dhamásta , close to highway Lamia - Athens ( psoroneria ) . In the open pool of hot springs , formed , one can enjoy swimming at 33o C water , even if it suffers from rheumatism and skin diseases .F The thermal waters of the ancient Greeks were dedicated to Hercules , because they strengthen and heal the body and Hercules represents strength. The psoroneria like , and baths at Thermopylae were known from antiquity. They believed that the goddess Athena donated to Hercules. Sanctuary dedicated to Hercules was at Thermopylae , as told us by Herodotus and Pausanias. The 2nd AD century HERO Atticus had built tanks to use the residents of the surrounding areas . In contrast , during the Turkish baths were completely neglected .F ! Platystomo baths are 35 km away from Lamia and 5km away from Makrakomi, in the foot of Mount Orthris and at an altitude of 240 metres. The springs, are believed to have been known since the ancient Ainianes, but they were certainly used by the Romans. In 1929, when the construction of the thermal city began, ruins of ancient bath facilities were found, as well as bath vessels and coins. In recent years, these waters were widely used by the inhabitants of Phthiotis, because of their therapeutic properties. The construction for the development of the two hot mineral springs began mainly in 1929. Then, the area was shaped and trees were planted and the modern hydrotherapy centre and mineral water drinking therapy centre were built.F ! ! ! Page 28 of 33
  • 29. 2 Evros Delta National Park for Birdwatchers & Volunteers5 ! On the border with Turkey, the Evros Delta forms a huge area of 188km2 and was declared a Ramsar-protected wetland in 1974. In Evros Delta hundreds of thousands of birds find shelter and food all year round, while it constitutes a very important natural resource for the local community, because of his value for fishing, stock breeding, agriculture, climate, flood protection, education, recreation, science.F The delta still offers good birdwatching opportunities and, being close to one of the great migration flyways, offers the chance of real rarities, such as Greater Sand, White-tailed, Sociable and even Caspian Plovers. F The scientific personnel of Evros Delta Management Authority continue the recording of important bird species in Evros Delta under the Monitoring Program.F Winter has come and the populations of waterfowl in Delta are growing. The last days, strong winds and the coldness brought many birds in the area.F The ducks were counted in significant numbers, and the most populated species is Mallards that exceeded 40,000 ind. (probably the highest number that has been ever recorded in December), followed by Teals with 35,000 ind. and Wigeons with 10,000 ind. The largest populations of ducks were gathered in the wider area of "Drana" lagoon, especially in the flooded areas in the south, while significant are also the populations in “Paloukia” lagoon and in the flooded areas around it.F Swans also present with common species with 400 Swans were recorded as Mute Swan being the most ind., while 150 Bewick’s well 50 Whooper Swans.F Flamingos exceeded 2,500 ind. and Avocets 1,100 ind.F Geese are still in small White-fronted and 140 numbers, with as many as 200 Greylags.F 10 White-tailed Eagles 4,700 Dunlins and 200 were recorded, as well as Curlews.
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  • 30. Finally, in the recordings in the roosting place of raptors, 30 Spotted Eagles were recorded.F If you, dear reader like to be part of a unique place on earth helping keep the environment for those species intact just take action on one of the activities listed on the black box.F Activities on Evros Delta region Being a natural border of Greece with Turkey, the river of Evros is the most proper spot to try water sports, like canoeing or rafting. Especially at the rivers delta in the Aegean, the river provides the most comfortable water routes for "easy" athletes who visit the northern part of Greece.F ! ! ! Evros is also an ideal destination for bird watching and especially in Dadia, since Evros is a an ecosystem for a variety of birds and animals in general as already described above.F You can see an interesting video in the youtube link about the fantastic natural park of EvrosF http://www.evros-delta.grF ! 1 Evritania: the the Switzerland of Greece5 ! Μany call Evritania ' Switzerland of Greece ' ,
 the county belongs to the  region of Central Greece and its capital Karpenissi. It consists of mountainous villages with fantastic canyons and impressive rivers .It is an ideal destination for winter and summer  short breaks  , with unique and fun activities for kids and adults! The title ' Switzerland of Greece ' was fairly given to Evrytania because the landscape with mountain peaks , canyons , rivers ,  lakes and  stone villages bring to mind the image of Switzerland .
 The county is divided into six sections : Karpenisiou, Domnistas , Ktimenion, Potamias , Prousou and Fournas. These sections consist of communities with picturesque villages in the beauty of nature. The villages are really worth visiting is the Small and Large village , Boutiro, Sella ,  Domnista and Prouso.
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  • 31. The Small and Large village 
 The small village is divided into the old and . Residents with their love for the village, rebuilt it after the terrible natural disasters which destroyed two thirds of . The new village is built in a truly alpine landscape through pine forests at a height of 700 meters .In the dense nature of the forest emerge traditional stone houses and a magnificent lake created by a landslide in 1963 .F  The Grand Village is built over a canyon at the foot of Kaliakouda at height of 800 meters , has a wonderful view you can not confront nowhere else. It has the cleanest air in Greece based on measurements of UNESCO that makes it unique. A week stay in the village , changes your entire mood and makes you feel healthier. As Small Village and the Grand has stone houses containing hostels and quaint cobbled streets.
  Proussos joins the big village with one of the most beautiful roads of Greece . It became known by the River Prousiotis which as they say residents there, is the one of the best ancient rivers. In Prousos you can admire the traditional architecture of the houses, the streets and also the " Agathideios " library history books . As a special destination , attracts lovers of extreme sports, because within 1589 meters there is the canyon of ' Black Cave ' where you can canoying and hike the most beautiful hiking trails. It takes about 30 minutes to reach the cave from the footpath, where there are pools, bridges and waterfalls.  It is slippery to enter the cave so be careful... F ! When you are here you must vidit the Monastery of Proussos. It was named after the Icon of Panagia Prousiotissa from Prousa in Minor Asia, according to a legend painted by Luke the Evangelist. It is 31 km north of Karpenisi. It was build in the 9th century (some say 12th century). According to a legend the monastery was founded during the period of the Byzantine Emperor Theophilos (829-842) who was an iconoclast ( against the use of icons). To protect the icon it was decided by supporterts of Page 31 of 33
  • 32. the use of icons to move it to a safe place. The two persons responsible to find a place for the icon who came in Proussos decided to stay here and to build a monastery, and they were the first monks who changed their names to Dionysios and Timotheos. According to legends they decided the place due to miracles that happened due to the icon and because they could not move the icon to another place. Part of the monastery was destroyed 1587 by a fire. During the Greek war of independence it was a refuge place of various heroes such as Giorgos Karaiskakis, Markos Botsaris or Lambros Katsonis. A large part of the monastery was destroyed , including many books and documents, by fire set by German troops in the second world war.
 Voutyro is another village of the county with an altitude of 830 meters and situated deep in the Potamia valley surrounded by green dense forest side , his name, as it is said , comes from the old occupation of the inhabitants that butter production . Entering the village the first you see is the largest church of Euritania , Agia Paraskevi. Voutyro is ideal village for summer and winter holidays because it has beautiful waterfalls and trails among nature where your relax and rest.
 The Domnista is a mountain village at an altitude of 1000 meters, with a rich history and tradition , built in the dense fir forests of the southern Pindos . From Domnista passes and part of the famous European trail E4 which attracts many foreigner and Greek hikers . The village is full of old watermills , threshing floors and traditional mansions that give to the village a special tone.
 Fourna is at an altitude of 830 meters in a large fir and oak forest which is the third nationwide woodland . This verdant natural beauty with stone houses and unique religious relics has make it special for you to visit it.Especially in the winter the village is snow white and beautiful.
 The trip to the county, just finished. It is still worth that it has a wonderful and full equiped  ski center of Velouhi and the magnificent canyon ' Panta Vrexi' that  it is called fairyland which travels  you with  the pristine waters of Krikellopotamos .F The region of Evrytania is the most proper for a variety of activities, like F rafting, climbing and ski. Furthermore, Evrytania is an ideal destination for mountain biking. Those that really adore to ride a bike in a remote region, they do have the chance to enjoy routes in most picturesque lands.F ! Page 32 of 33
  • 33. There are dozens of villages in the region of Evrytania which all can be visited by bike. The European Path E4 crosses over several regions of the prefecture. But the best cycling routeis considered to be the one that starts from the prefecture's capital, Karpenissi, and ends to the pfocician Delphi.F ! If you ever want to trekk in an Greek "Alpine" site, then Evrytania is the most appropriate region to visit. The trekking hot-spot in Evrytania Prefecture is the "Panta Vrechi" gorge. Hidden in the prettiest mountains of Central Greece and just in a three hour distance from the Greek capital, the "Panta Vrechi" gorge is considered to be in the top of the list of trekkers who love nature. The river Krikeliotis is also located in the gorge, located between the Kaliakouda and Platanaki mountains.F ! The area has Located in twelve tracks, or selling ski Throughout Karpenisi ski, an organized ski center. Velouchi has seven lifts, ski school, store renting bar and restaurant. the winter, the ski center competitions and shows snowboard and snowmobile.The surrounding Karpenisi offered for climbing, hiking, archery, mountain biking, rafting, kayak, horseback riding and other activities. There are excellent routes which pass small picturesque villages of Haryana, by jeep 4x4, bike or foot.F ! An amazing video about skiing in Evritania can be seen under the link F Page 33 of 33