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Using the Google mock (aka gmock) Thierry GAYET (EUROGICIEL) Revolution-S Rennes - 2010
PLAN ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Glossary SUT : System Under Test PUT : Pragmatic Unit Test
System under test In many circumstances, the environment or context in which the  system under test (SUT)  operates very much influences the behavior of the  SUT . In other cases, we must peer "inside"(Technically, the  SUT  is whatever software we are testing and doesn't include anything it depends on so "inside" is a misnomer. It is better to think of the  depended-on component (DOC)  that is the destination of  indirect outputs  as being "behind" the  SUT . the  SUT  to be able to determine whether the expected behavior has occurred. A  Mock Object  is a powerful way to implement  Behavior Verification  while avoiding  Test Code Duplication  between similar tests by delegating the job of verifying the  indirect outputs  of the  SUT  entirely to a  Test Double . First, we define a  Mock Object  that implements the same interface as an object on which the  SUT  depends. Then, during the test, we configure the  Mock Object  with the values with which it should respond to the  SUT   and  the method calls (complete with expected arguments) to expect from the  SUT . Before exercising the  SUT , we install the  Mock Object so that the  SUT  uses it  instead of  the real implementation. When called during  SUT  execution, the  Mock Object  compares the actual arguments received with the expected arguments using  Equality Assertions  and fails the test if they don't match. The test need not do any  assertions  at all!
Test double Test Doubles   are used for many reasons during the development of  Fully Automated Tests   The behavior of the  Test Double  may vary from test to test. There are many ways to define this behavior. When the  Test Double  is very simple and/or very specific to a single test, the simplest solution is often to hard-code the behavior right into the  Test Double . The  Test Double  has all its behavior hard-coded right into it by the  test automater . That is, if it needs to return a value for a method call, the value is hard-coded into the return statement. If it needs to verify that a certain parameter had a specific value, the  assertion  is hard-coded with the value that is expected.
Test stub We replace a real object with a test-specific object that feeds the desired indirect inputs into the system under test.   In many circumstances, the environment or context in which the  system under test (SUT)  operates very much influences the behavior of the  SUT . To get good enough control over the  indirect inputs  of the  SUT , we may have to replace some of the context with something we can control, a  Test Stub . First, we define a test-specific implementation of an interface on which the SUT depends. This implementation is configured to respond to calls from the  SUT  with the values (or exceptions) that will exercise the  Untested Code  within the  SUT . Before exercising the  SUT , we install the  Test Stub  so that the  SUT  uses it  instead of  the real implementation. When called by the  SUT  during test execution, the  Test Stub  returns the previously defined values. The test can then verify the expected outcome in the normal way.
Fragile test We have one or more tests that used to run and pass which either fail to compile and run or fail when they are run. When we have changed the behavior of the  SUT  in question this change in test results is expected, but when we don't think the change should have affected the tests that are failing or we haven't changed any  production code  or tests we then have a case of  Fragile Test . Past efforts at automated testing have often run afoul of the "four sensitivities" of automated tests. These sensitivities are what cause  Fully Automated Tests    that previously passed to suddenly start failing. The root cause for tests failing can be loosely classified into one of these four "sensitivities". Each sensitivity may be cause by a variety of specific test coding behaviors but it is useful to understand the sensitivities in their own right. Software
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C++ mocking landscape ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Google mock introduction
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],About gmock
Tutorial Using Google Mock is easy! Inside your C++ source file, just #include "gtest/gtest.h" and "gmock/gmock.h", and you are ready to go.
A Case for a Mock class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Writing a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Writing a Mock Class You don't need to define these mock methods somewhere else - the MOCK_METHOD* macros will generate the definitions for you. It's that simple! Once you get the hang of it, you can pump out mock classes faster than your source-control system can handle your check-ins. Tip:  If even this is too much work for you, you'll find the tool in Google Mock's scripts/generator/ directory (courtesy of the cppclean project) useful. This command-line tool requires that you have Python 2.4 installed.  You give it a C++ file and the name of an abstract class defined in it, and it will print the definition of the mock class for you. Due to the complexity of the C++ language, this script may not always work, but it can be quite handy when it does.  .hpp file Mock_class
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining a Mock Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Simplifying the Interface without Breaking Existing Code ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Using Mocks in Tests ¶ ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Setting Default Actions ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Setting Expectations ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Matchers A  matcher  matches a  single  argument. You can use it inside  ON_CALL()  or  EXPECT_CALL() , or use it to validate a value directly: Built-in matchers (where  argument  is the function argument) are divided into several categories: Wildcard EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) Asserts that  value  matches  matcher . ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher) The same as  EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) , except that it generates a  fatal  failure. _ argument  can be any value of the correct type. A<type>()  or  An<type>() argument  can be any value of type  type .
Matchers Generic Comparison Except  Ref() , these matchers make a  copy  of  value  in case it's modified or destructed later. If the compiler complains that  value  doesn't have a public copy constructor, try wrap it in  ByRef() , e.g.  Eq(ByRef(non_copyable_value)) .  If you do that, make sure  non_copyable_value  is not changed afterwards, or the meaning of your matcher will be changed. Eq(value)  or  value argument == value Ge(value) argument >= value Gt(value) argument > value Le(value) argument <= value Lt(value) argument < value Ne(value) argument != value IsNull() argument  is a  NULL  pointer (raw or smart). NotNull() argument  is a non-null pointer (raw or smart). Ref(variable) argument  is a reference to  variable . TypedEq<type>(value) argument  has type  type  and is equal to  value . You may need to use this instead of  Eq(value)  when the mock function is overloaded.
Matchers Floating-Point Matchers These matchers use ULP-based comparison (the same as used in  Google Test ). They automatically pick a reasonable error bound based on the absolute value of the expected value.  DoubleEq()  and  FloatEq()  conform to the IEEE standard, which requires comparing two NaNs for equality to return false. The  NanSensitive*  version instead treats two NaNs as equal, which is often what a user wants. DoubleEq(a_double) argument  is a  double  value approximately equal to  a_double , treating two NaNs as unequal. FloatEq(a_float) argument  is a  float  value approximately equal to  a_float , treating two NaNs as unequal. NanSensitiveDoubleEq(a_double) argument  is a  double  value approximately equal to  a_double , treating two NaNs as equal. NanSensitiveFloatEq(a_float) argument  is a  float  value approximately equal to  a_float , treating two NaNs as equal.
Matchers String Matchers ¶ The  argument  can be either a C string or a C++ string object: StrCaseEq() ,  StrCaseNe() ,  StrEq() , and  StrNe()  work for wide strings as well. ContainsRegex(string) argument  matches the given regular expression. EndsWith(suffix) argument  ends with string  suffix . HasSubstr(string) argument  contains  string  as a sub-string. MatchesRegex(string) argument  matches the given regular expression with the match starting at the first character and ending at the last character. StartsWith(prefix) argument  starts with string  prefix . StrCaseEq(string) argument  is equal to  string , ignoring case. StrCaseNe(string) argument  is not equal to  string , ignoring case. StrEq(string) argument  is equal to  string . StrNe(string) argument  is not equal to  string .
Matchers Container Matchers Most STL-style containers support  == , so you can use  Eq(expected_container)  or simply  expected_container  to match a container exactly. If you want to write the elements in-line, match them more flexibly, or get more informative messages, you can use: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Contains(e) argument  contains an element that matches  e , which can be either a value or a matcher. Each(e) argument  is a container where  every  element matches  e , which can be either a value or a matcher. ElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en) argument  has  n + 1  elements, where the i-th element matches  ei , which can be a value or a matcher. 0 to 10 arguments are allowed. ElementsAreArray(array)  or ElementsAreArray(array, count) The same as  ElementsAre()  except that the expected element values/matchers come from a C-style array. ContainerEq(container) The same as  Eq(container)  except that the failure message also includes which elements are in one container but not the other. Pointwise(m, container) argument  contains the same number of elements as in  container , and for all i, (the i-th element in  argument , the i-th element in  container ) match  m , which is a matcher on 2-tuples. E.g.  Pointwise(Le(), upper_bounds)  verifies that each element in  argument  doesn't exceed the corresponding element in  upper_bounds .
Matchers Member Matchers Matching the Result of a Function or Functor Pointer Matchers Multiargument Matchers Technically, all matchers match a  single  value. A &quot;multi-argument&quot; matcher is just one that matches a  tuple . The following matchers  can be used to match a tuple  (x, y) : Field(&class::field, m) argument.field  (or  argument->field  when  argument  is a plain pointer) matches matcher  m , where  argument  is an object of type  class . Key(e) argument.first  matches  e , which can be either a value or a matcher. E.g.  Contains(Key(Le(5)))  can verify that a  map  contains a key  <= 5 . Pair(m1, m2) argument  is an  std::pair  whose  first  field matches  m1  and  second  field matches  m2 . Property(&class::property, m)  (or  argument->property()  when  argument  is a plain pointer) matches matcher  m , where  argument  is an object of type  class . ResultOf(f, m) f(argument)  matches matcher  m , where  f  is a function or functor. Pointee(m) argument  (either a smart pointer or a raw pointer) points to a value that matches matcher  m .
Matchers Multiargument Matchers Technically, all matchers match a  single  value. A &quot;multi-argument&quot; matcher is just one that matches a  tuple . The following matchers  can be used to match a tuple  (x, y) : You can use the following selectors to pick a subset of the arguments (or reorder them) to participate in the matching: Eq() x == y Ge() x >= y Gt() x > y Le() x <= y Lt() x < y Ne() x != y AllArgs(m) Equivalent to  m . Useful as syntactic sugar in  .With(AllArgs(m)) . Args<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(m) The tuple of the  k  selected (using 0-based indices) arguments matches  m , e.g.  Args<1, 2>(Eq()) .
Matchers Composite Matchers You can make a matcher from one or more other matchers: Adapters for Matchers Matchers as Predicates AllOf(m1, m2, ..., mn) argument  matches all of the matchers  m1  to  mn . AnyOf(m1, m2, ..., mn) argument  matches at least one of the matchers  m1  to  mn . Not(m) argument  doesn't match matcher  m . MatcherCast<T>(m) casts matcher  m  to type  Matcher<T> . SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) safely casts  matcher  m  to type  Matcher<T> . Truly(predicate) predicate(argument)  returns something considered by C++ to be true, where  predicate  is a function or functor. Matches(m) a unary functor that returns  true  if the argument matches  m . ExplainMatchResult(m, value, result_listener) returns  true  if  value  matches  m , explaining the result to  result_listener . Value(x, m) returns  true  if the value of  x  matches  m .
Matchers Defining Matchers ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],MATCHER(IsEven, &quot;&quot;) { return (arg % 2) == 0; } Defines a matcher  IsEven()  to match an even number. MATCHER_P(IsDivisibleBy, n, &quot;&quot;) { *result_listener << &quot;where the remainder is &quot; << (arg % n); return (arg % n) == 0; } Defines a macher  IsDivisibleBy(n)  to match a number divisible by  n . MATCHER_P2(IsBetween, a, b, std::string(negation ? &quot;isn't&quot; : &quot;is&quot;) + &quot; between &quot; + PrintToString(a) + &quot; and &quot; + PrintToString(b)) { return a <= arg && arg <= b; } Defines a matcher  IsBetween(a, b)  to match a value in the range [ a ,  b ]. ASSERT_THAT(expression, m) Generates a  fatal failure  if the value of  expression  doesn't match matcher  m . EXPECT_THAT(expression, m) Generates a non-fatal failure if the value of  expression  doesn't match matcher  m .
Actions Actions  specify what a mock function should do when invoked. Returning a Value Return() Return from a  void  mock function. Return(value) Return  value . If the type of  value  is different to the mock function's return type,  value  is converted to the latter type  at the time the expectation is set , not when the action is executed. ReturnArg<N>() Return the  N -th (0-based) argument. ReturnNew<T>(a1, ..., ak) Return  new T(a1, ..., ak) ; a different object is created each time. ReturnNull() Return a null pointer. ReturnPointee(ptr) Return the value pointed to by  ptr . ReturnRef(variable) Return a reference to  variable . ReturnRefOfCopy(value) Return a reference to a copy of  value ; the copy lives as long as the action.
Actions Side Effects Assign(&variable, value) Assign  value  to variable. DeleteArg<N>() Delete the  N -th (0-based) argument, which must be a pointer. SaveArg<N>(pointer) Save the  N -th (0-based) argument to  *pointer . SaveArgPointee<N>(pointer) Save the value pointed to by the  N -th (0-based) argument to  *pointer . SetArgReferee<N>(value) Assign value to the variable referenced by the  N -th (0-based) argument. SetArgPointee<N>(value) Assign  value  to the variable pointed by the  N -th (0-based) argument. SetArgumentPointee<N>(value) Same as  SetArgPointee<N>(value) . Deprecated. Will be removed in v1.7.0. SetArrayArgument<N>(first, last) Copies the elements in source range [ first ,  last ) to the array pointed to by the  N -th (0-based) argument, which can be either a pointer or an iterator. The action does not take ownership of the elements in the source range. SetErrnoAndReturn(error, value) Set  errno  to  error  and return  value . Throw(exception) Throws the given exception, which can be any copyable value. Available since v1.1.0.
Actions Using a Function or a Functor as an Action ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Invoke(f) Invoke  f  with the arguments passed to the mock function, where  f  can be a global/static function or a functor. Invoke(object_pointer, &class::method) Invoke the {method on the object with the arguments passed to the mock function. InvokeWithoutArgs(f) Invoke  f , which can be a global/static function or a functor.  f  must take no arguments. InvokeWithoutArgs(object_pointer, &class::method) Invoke the method on the object, which takes no arguments. InvokeArgument<N>(arg1, arg2, ..., argk) Invoke the mock function's  N -th (0-based) argument, which must be a function or a functor, with the  k  arguments.
Actions Default Action Note:  due to technical reasons,  DoDefault()  cannot be used inside a composite action - trying to do so will result in a run-time error. Composite Actions Defining Actions The  ACTION*  macros cannot be used inside a function or class. DoDefault() Do the default action (specified by  ON_CALL()  or the built-in one). DoAll(a1, a2, ..., an) Do all actions  a1  to  an  and return the result of  an  in each invocation. The first  n - 1  sub-actions must return void. IgnoreResult(a) Perform action  a  and ignore its result.  a  must not return void. WithArg<N>(a) Pass the  N -th (0-based) argument of the mock function to action  a  and perform it. WithArgs<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(a) Pass the selected (0-based) arguments of the mock function to action  a  and perform it. WithoutArgs(a) Perform action  a  without any arguments. ACTION(Sum) { return arg0 + arg1; } Defines an action  Sum()  to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and #1. ACTION_P(Plus, n) { return arg0 + n; } Defines an action  Plus(n)  to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and  n . ACTION_Pk(Foo, p1, ..., pk) { statements; } Defines a parameterized action  Foo(p1, ..., pk)  to execute the given  statements .
Cardinalities These are used in  Times()  to specify how many times a mock function will be called: AnyNumber() The function can be called any number of times. AtLeast(n) The call is expected at least  n  times. AtMost(n) The call is expected at most  n  times. Between(m, n) The call is expected between  m  and  n  (inclusive) times. Exactly(n) or n The call is expected exactly  n  times. In particular, the call should never happen when  n  is 0.
Expectation Order ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Expectation Order ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Verifying and Resetting a Mock ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Mock Classes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Flags --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0 Don't report leaked mock objects as failures. --gmock_verbose=LEVEL Sets the default verbosity level ( info ,  warning , or  error ) of Google Mock messages.
Using Mocks in Tests ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Using Mocks in Tests ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Using Mocks in Tests If you want to use something other than Google Test (e.g. CppUnit or CxxTest) as your testing framework, just change the main() function in the previous section to: int main(int argc, char** argv)  {   // The following line causes Google Mock to throw an exception on failure,   // which will be interpreted by your testing framework as a test failure.   ::testing::GTEST_FLAG(throw_on_failure) = true;   ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);   ... whatever your testing framework requires ... } This approach has a catch: it makes Google Mock throw an exception from a mock object's destructor sometimes.  With some compilers, this sometimes causes the test program to crash. You'll still be able to notice that the test has failed, but it's not a graceful failure. A better solution is to use Google Test's event listener API to report a test failure to your testing framework properly.  You'll need to implement theOnTestPartResult() method of the event listener interface, but it should be straightforward. If this turns out to be too much work, we suggest that you stick with Google Test, which works with Google Mock seamlessly (in fact, it is technically part of Google Mock.).  If there is a reason that you cannot use Google Test, please let us know.
Indy’s example
/* * helloworld.h */ #ifndef HELLOWORLD_H_ #define HELLOWORLD_H_ std::string helloworld(); #endif /* HELLOWORLD_H_ */ Helloworld.c + helloworld.h /* * helloworld.c */ #include <string> using namespace std; string helloworld() { return &quot;Hello World!&quot;; }
Hellomain.c /* * hellomain.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; using namespace std; int main(void) { helloworld(); /* exiting with anything other than 0 means the test failed */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
Unittest.c for gtest 1/2 /* * unittest.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; #include <gtest/gtest.h> using namespace std; void init() { /* any initialization should be done here */ } /* This is an example test that should always pass. * See the GoogleTest documentation for more information * about writing tests. */ TEST(HelloWord, Test1) { EXPECT_EQ(helloworld(), string(&quot;Hello World!&quot;)); }
Unittest.c for gtest 2/2 /*============================================================ * You shouldn't need to modify anything below this line *============================================================ */ int runtests() { return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); /* main() doesn't return RUN_ALL_TESTS() results since the standard Hudson CI server treats autotools's standard Makefile &quot;check&quot; target as a single build rather than discriminating between unit test builds and runs.  If main() returned RUN_ALL_TESTS() failures, then the standard Hudson CI server would abort and never report the corresponding Junit XML failure reports. */ (void)runtests(); return 0; }
Unitmock.c for gmock 1/4 /* * unitmock.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> using namespace std; using ::testing::AtLeast; /* interface abstract class */ class Hello  { public: virtual ~Hello() {} virtual void HelloWorld() = 0; }; /* Depended-On Component Mock Object class */ class MockHello : public Hello  { public: MockHello() {} MOCK_METHOD0(HelloWorld, void()); };
Unitmock.c for gmock 2/4 /* System-Under-Test class */ class Sut : public Hello  { public: Sut() {} Sut(Hello* hello) {h = hello;} virtual ~Sut() {} virtual void HelloWorld(); private: Hello* h; }; void Sut::HelloWorld() { h->HelloWorld(); return; } void init() { /* any initialization should be done here */ }
Unitmock.c for gmock 3/4 /*  * This is an example test that should always pass. * See the GoogleTest documentation for more information * about writing tests. */ TEST(HelloWord, TestMock) { /* Mock Object instantiation */ MockHello doc; /* Mock Object expectation */ EXPECT_CALL(doc, HelloWorld()).Times(AtLeast(1)); /* Mock Object dependency injection installation */ Sut sut(&doc); /* Exercise Mock Object */ sut.HelloWorld(); } /*============================================================ * You shouldn't need to modify anything below this line *============================================================ */ int runtests() { return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
Unitmock.c for gmock 4/4 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv); /* main() doesn't return RUN_ALL_TESTS() results since the standard Hudson CI server treats autotools's standard Makefile &quot;check&quot; target as a single build rather than discriminating between unit test builds and runs.  If main() returned RUN_ALL_TESTS() failures, then the standard Hudson CI server would abort and never report the corresponding Junit XML failure reports. */ (void)runtests(); return 0; }
More examples
Yet another presentation about g{test/mock} Googletest and Googlemock C++ libraries by Seb Rose from IBM Google released the Googletest library for C++ in mid 2008 and it joined a long list of Unit Test frameworks. The developers had concentrated on making the framework powerful and highly portable and released it under a very relaxed open source license.  The library is well thought out, and easy to pick up by anyone familiar with other popular unit testing frameworks. In early 2009 they followed this by releasing the Googlemock mocking library, which is the icing on the cake. C++ developers now have access to a library that provides many of the mocking features that users of languages that provide reflection have had for years. This session will give you an in depth tour of these libraries, pointing out their strengths and shortcomings. Familiarity with C++ is a precondition, but no knowledge of Unit Testing frameworks or TDD is necessary.
Buildin python toolbox
Python scripts   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Dependency : python 2.4
Using Mocks in Tests ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
Generator The Google Mock class generator is an application that is part of cppclean. For more information about cppclean, see the README.cppclean file or visit  cppclean requires Python 2.3.5 or later. If you don't have Python installed on your system, you will also need to install it. You can download Python from:  To use the Google Mock class generator, you need to call it on the command line passing the header file and class for which you want to generate a Google Mock class.  Make sure to install the scripts somewhere in your path. Then you can run the program. header-file.h [ClassName]...  If no ClassNames are specified, all classes in the file are emitted.  To change the indentation from the default of 2, set INDENT in the environment. For example to use an indent of 4 spaces:  INDENT=4 header-file.h ClassName  This version was made from SVN revision 281 in the cppclean repository.  Known Limitations:   Not all code will be generated properly. For example, when mocking templated classes, the template information is lost. You will need to add the template information manually.  Not all permutations of using multiple pointers/references will be rendered properly. These will also have to be fixed manually.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Useful links
[object Object],[object Object],Video training
06/17/10 Any question ?

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Google mock training

  • 1. Using the Google mock (aka gmock) Thierry GAYET (EUROGICIEL) Revolution-S Rennes - 2010
  • 2.
  • 4. Glossary SUT : System Under Test PUT : Pragmatic Unit Test
  • 6. System under test In many circumstances, the environment or context in which the  system under test (SUT)  operates very much influences the behavior of the  SUT . In other cases, we must peer &quot;inside&quot;(Technically, the  SUT  is whatever software we are testing and doesn't include anything it depends on so &quot;inside&quot; is a misnomer. It is better to think of the  depended-on component (DOC)  that is the destination of  indirect outputs  as being &quot;behind&quot; the  SUT . the  SUT  to be able to determine whether the expected behavior has occurred. A  Mock Object  is a powerful way to implement  Behavior Verification  while avoiding  Test Code Duplication  between similar tests by delegating the job of verifying the  indirect outputs  of the  SUT  entirely to a  Test Double . First, we define a  Mock Object  that implements the same interface as an object on which the  SUT  depends. Then, during the test, we configure the  Mock Object  with the values with which it should respond to the  SUT   and  the method calls (complete with expected arguments) to expect from the  SUT . Before exercising the  SUT , we install the  Mock Object so that the  SUT  uses it  instead of  the real implementation. When called during  SUT  execution, the  Mock Object  compares the actual arguments received with the expected arguments using  Equality Assertions  and fails the test if they don't match. The test need not do any  assertions  at all!
  • 7. Test double Test Doubles   are used for many reasons during the development of  Fully Automated Tests   The behavior of the  Test Double  may vary from test to test. There are many ways to define this behavior. When the  Test Double  is very simple and/or very specific to a single test, the simplest solution is often to hard-code the behavior right into the  Test Double . The  Test Double  has all its behavior hard-coded right into it by the  test automater . That is, if it needs to return a value for a method call, the value is hard-coded into the return statement. If it needs to verify that a certain parameter had a specific value, the  assertion  is hard-coded with the value that is expected.
  • 8. Test stub We replace a real object with a test-specific object that feeds the desired indirect inputs into the system under test. In many circumstances, the environment or context in which the  system under test (SUT)  operates very much influences the behavior of the  SUT . To get good enough control over the  indirect inputs  of the  SUT , we may have to replace some of the context with something we can control, a  Test Stub . First, we define a test-specific implementation of an interface on which the SUT depends. This implementation is configured to respond to calls from the  SUT  with the values (or exceptions) that will exercise the  Untested Code  within the  SUT . Before exercising the  SUT , we install the  Test Stub  so that the  SUT  uses it instead of  the real implementation. When called by the  SUT  during test execution, the  Test Stub  returns the previously defined values. The test can then verify the expected outcome in the normal way.
  • 9. Fragile test We have one or more tests that used to run and pass which either fail to compile and run or fail when they are run. When we have changed the behavior of the  SUT  in question this change in test results is expected, but when we don't think the change should have affected the tests that are failing or we haven't changed any  production code  or tests we then have a case of  Fragile Test . Past efforts at automated testing have often run afoul of the &quot;four sensitivities&quot; of automated tests. These sensitivities are what cause  Fully Automated Tests    that previously passed to suddenly start failing. The root cause for tests failing can be loosely classified into one of these four &quot;sensitivities&quot;. Each sensitivity may be cause by a variety of specific test coding behaviors but it is useful to understand the sensitivities in their own right. Software
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  • 16. Tutorial Using Google Mock is easy! Inside your C++ source file, just #include &quot;gtest/gtest.h&quot; and &quot;gmock/gmock.h&quot;, and you are ready to go.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Writing a Mock Class You don't need to define these mock methods somewhere else - the MOCK_METHOD* macros will generate the definitions for you. It's that simple! Once you get the hang of it, you can pump out mock classes faster than your source-control system can handle your check-ins. Tip:  If even this is too much work for you, you'll find the tool in Google Mock's scripts/generator/ directory (courtesy of the cppclean project) useful. This command-line tool requires that you have Python 2.4 installed. You give it a C++ file and the name of an abstract class defined in it, and it will print the definition of the mock class for you. Due to the complexity of the C++ language, this script may not always work, but it can be quite handy when it does. .hpp file Mock_class
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  • 32. Matchers A  matcher  matches a  single  argument. You can use it inside  ON_CALL()  or  EXPECT_CALL() , or use it to validate a value directly: Built-in matchers (where  argument  is the function argument) are divided into several categories: Wildcard EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) Asserts that  value  matches  matcher . ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher) The same as  EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) , except that it generates a  fatal  failure. _ argument  can be any value of the correct type. A<type>()  or  An<type>() argument  can be any value of type  type .
  • 33. Matchers Generic Comparison Except  Ref() , these matchers make a  copy  of  value  in case it's modified or destructed later. If the compiler complains that  value  doesn't have a public copy constructor, try wrap it in  ByRef() , e.g.  Eq(ByRef(non_copyable_value)) . If you do that, make sure  non_copyable_value  is not changed afterwards, or the meaning of your matcher will be changed. Eq(value)  or  value argument == value Ge(value) argument >= value Gt(value) argument > value Le(value) argument <= value Lt(value) argument < value Ne(value) argument != value IsNull() argument  is a  NULL  pointer (raw or smart). NotNull() argument  is a non-null pointer (raw or smart). Ref(variable) argument  is a reference to  variable . TypedEq<type>(value) argument  has type  type  and is equal to  value . You may need to use this instead of  Eq(value)  when the mock function is overloaded.
  • 34. Matchers Floating-Point Matchers These matchers use ULP-based comparison (the same as used in  Google Test ). They automatically pick a reasonable error bound based on the absolute value of the expected value.  DoubleEq()  and  FloatEq()  conform to the IEEE standard, which requires comparing two NaNs for equality to return false. The  NanSensitive*  version instead treats two NaNs as equal, which is often what a user wants. DoubleEq(a_double) argument  is a  double  value approximately equal to  a_double , treating two NaNs as unequal. FloatEq(a_float) argument  is a  float  value approximately equal to  a_float , treating two NaNs as unequal. NanSensitiveDoubleEq(a_double) argument  is a  double  value approximately equal to  a_double , treating two NaNs as equal. NanSensitiveFloatEq(a_float) argument  is a  float  value approximately equal to  a_float , treating two NaNs as equal.
  • 35. Matchers String Matchers ¶ The  argument  can be either a C string or a C++ string object: StrCaseEq() ,  StrCaseNe() ,  StrEq() , and  StrNe()  work for wide strings as well. ContainsRegex(string) argument  matches the given regular expression. EndsWith(suffix) argument  ends with string  suffix . HasSubstr(string) argument  contains  string  as a sub-string. MatchesRegex(string) argument  matches the given regular expression with the match starting at the first character and ending at the last character. StartsWith(prefix) argument  starts with string  prefix . StrCaseEq(string) argument  is equal to  string , ignoring case. StrCaseNe(string) argument  is not equal to  string , ignoring case. StrEq(string) argument  is equal to  string . StrNe(string) argument  is not equal to  string .
  • 36.
  • 37. Matchers Member Matchers Matching the Result of a Function or Functor Pointer Matchers Multiargument Matchers Technically, all matchers match a  single  value. A &quot;multi-argument&quot; matcher is just one that matches a  tuple . The following matchers can be used to match a tuple  (x, y) : Field(&class::field, m) argument.field  (or  argument->field  when  argument  is a plain pointer) matches matcher  m , where  argument  is an object of type  class . Key(e) argument.first  matches  e , which can be either a value or a matcher. E.g.  Contains(Key(Le(5)))  can verify that a  map  contains a key  <= 5 . Pair(m1, m2) argument  is an  std::pair  whose  first  field matches  m1  and  second  field matches  m2 . Property(&class::property, m)  (or  argument->property()  when  argument  is a plain pointer) matches matcher  m , where  argument  is an object of type  class . ResultOf(f, m) f(argument)  matches matcher  m , where  f  is a function or functor. Pointee(m) argument  (either a smart pointer or a raw pointer) points to a value that matches matcher  m .
  • 38. Matchers Multiargument Matchers Technically, all matchers match a  single  value. A &quot;multi-argument&quot; matcher is just one that matches a  tuple . The following matchers can be used to match a tuple  (x, y) : You can use the following selectors to pick a subset of the arguments (or reorder them) to participate in the matching: Eq() x == y Ge() x >= y Gt() x > y Le() x <= y Lt() x < y Ne() x != y AllArgs(m) Equivalent to  m . Useful as syntactic sugar in  .With(AllArgs(m)) . Args<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(m) The tuple of the  k  selected (using 0-based indices) arguments matches  m , e.g.  Args<1, 2>(Eq()) .
  • 39. Matchers Composite Matchers You can make a matcher from one or more other matchers: Adapters for Matchers Matchers as Predicates AllOf(m1, m2, ..., mn) argument  matches all of the matchers  m1  to  mn . AnyOf(m1, m2, ..., mn) argument  matches at least one of the matchers  m1  to  mn . Not(m) argument  doesn't match matcher  m . MatcherCast<T>(m) casts matcher  m  to type  Matcher<T> . SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) safely casts  matcher  m  to type  Matcher<T> . Truly(predicate) predicate(argument)  returns something considered by C++ to be true, where  predicate  is a function or functor. Matches(m) a unary functor that returns  true  if the argument matches  m . ExplainMatchResult(m, value, result_listener) returns  true  if  value  matches  m , explaining the result to  result_listener . Value(x, m) returns  true  if the value of  x  matches  m .
  • 40.
  • 41. Actions Actions  specify what a mock function should do when invoked. Returning a Value Return() Return from a  void  mock function. Return(value) Return  value . If the type of  value  is different to the mock function's return type,  value  is converted to the latter type  at the time the expectation is set , not when the action is executed. ReturnArg<N>() Return the  N -th (0-based) argument. ReturnNew<T>(a1, ..., ak) Return  new T(a1, ..., ak) ; a different object is created each time. ReturnNull() Return a null pointer. ReturnPointee(ptr) Return the value pointed to by  ptr . ReturnRef(variable) Return a reference to  variable . ReturnRefOfCopy(value) Return a reference to a copy of  value ; the copy lives as long as the action.
  • 42. Actions Side Effects Assign(&variable, value) Assign  value  to variable. DeleteArg<N>() Delete the  N -th (0-based) argument, which must be a pointer. SaveArg<N>(pointer) Save the  N -th (0-based) argument to  *pointer . SaveArgPointee<N>(pointer) Save the value pointed to by the  N -th (0-based) argument to  *pointer . SetArgReferee<N>(value) Assign value to the variable referenced by the  N -th (0-based) argument. SetArgPointee<N>(value) Assign  value  to the variable pointed by the  N -th (0-based) argument. SetArgumentPointee<N>(value) Same as  SetArgPointee<N>(value) . Deprecated. Will be removed in v1.7.0. SetArrayArgument<N>(first, last) Copies the elements in source range [ first ,  last ) to the array pointed to by the  N -th (0-based) argument, which can be either a pointer or an iterator. The action does not take ownership of the elements in the source range. SetErrnoAndReturn(error, value) Set  errno  to  error  and return  value . Throw(exception) Throws the given exception, which can be any copyable value. Available since v1.1.0.
  • 43.
  • 44. Actions Default Action Note:  due to technical reasons,  DoDefault()  cannot be used inside a composite action - trying to do so will result in a run-time error. Composite Actions Defining Actions The  ACTION*  macros cannot be used inside a function or class. DoDefault() Do the default action (specified by  ON_CALL()  or the built-in one). DoAll(a1, a2, ..., an) Do all actions  a1  to  an  and return the result of  an  in each invocation. The first  n - 1  sub-actions must return void. IgnoreResult(a) Perform action  a  and ignore its result.  a  must not return void. WithArg<N>(a) Pass the  N -th (0-based) argument of the mock function to action  a  and perform it. WithArgs<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(a) Pass the selected (0-based) arguments of the mock function to action  a  and perform it. WithoutArgs(a) Perform action  a  without any arguments. ACTION(Sum) { return arg0 + arg1; } Defines an action  Sum()  to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and #1. ACTION_P(Plus, n) { return arg0 + n; } Defines an action  Plus(n)  to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and  n . ACTION_Pk(Foo, p1, ..., pk) { statements; } Defines a parameterized action  Foo(p1, ..., pk)  to execute the given  statements .
  • 45. Cardinalities These are used in  Times()  to specify how many times a mock function will be called: AnyNumber() The function can be called any number of times. AtLeast(n) The call is expected at least  n  times. AtMost(n) The call is expected at most  n  times. Between(m, n) The call is expected between  m  and  n  (inclusive) times. Exactly(n) or n The call is expected exactly  n  times. In particular, the call should never happen when  n  is 0.
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  • 50. Flags --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0 Don't report leaked mock objects as failures. --gmock_verbose=LEVEL Sets the default verbosity level ( info ,  warning , or  error ) of Google Mock messages.
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  • 53. Using Mocks in Tests If you want to use something other than Google Test (e.g. CppUnit or CxxTest) as your testing framework, just change the main() function in the previous section to: int main(int argc, char** argv) {   // The following line causes Google Mock to throw an exception on failure,   // which will be interpreted by your testing framework as a test failure.   ::testing::GTEST_FLAG(throw_on_failure) = true;   ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);   ... whatever your testing framework requires ... } This approach has a catch: it makes Google Mock throw an exception from a mock object's destructor sometimes. With some compilers, this sometimes causes the test program to crash. You'll still be able to notice that the test has failed, but it's not a graceful failure. A better solution is to use Google Test's event listener API to report a test failure to your testing framework properly. You'll need to implement theOnTestPartResult() method of the event listener interface, but it should be straightforward. If this turns out to be too much work, we suggest that you stick with Google Test, which works with Google Mock seamlessly (in fact, it is technically part of Google Mock.). If there is a reason that you cannot use Google Test, please let us know.
  • 55. /* * helloworld.h */ #ifndef HELLOWORLD_H_ #define HELLOWORLD_H_ std::string helloworld(); #endif /* HELLOWORLD_H_ */ Helloworld.c + helloworld.h /* * helloworld.c */ #include <string> using namespace std; string helloworld() { return &quot;Hello World!&quot;; }
  • 56. Hellomain.c /* * hellomain.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; using namespace std; int main(void) { helloworld(); /* exiting with anything other than 0 means the test failed */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
  • 57. Unittest.c for gtest 1/2 /* * unittest.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; #include <gtest/gtest.h> using namespace std; void init() { /* any initialization should be done here */ } /* This is an example test that should always pass. * See the GoogleTest documentation for more information * about writing tests. */ TEST(HelloWord, Test1) { EXPECT_EQ(helloworld(), string(&quot;Hello World!&quot;)); }
  • 58. Unittest.c for gtest 2/2 /*============================================================ * You shouldn't need to modify anything below this line *============================================================ */ int runtests() { return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); /* main() doesn't return RUN_ALL_TESTS() results since the standard Hudson CI server treats autotools's standard Makefile &quot;check&quot; target as a single build rather than discriminating between unit test builds and runs. If main() returned RUN_ALL_TESTS() failures, then the standard Hudson CI server would abort and never report the corresponding Junit XML failure reports. */ (void)runtests(); return 0; }
  • 59. Unitmock.c for gmock 1/4 /* * unitmock.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include &quot;helloworld.h&quot; #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> using namespace std; using ::testing::AtLeast; /* interface abstract class */ class Hello { public: virtual ~Hello() {} virtual void HelloWorld() = 0; }; /* Depended-On Component Mock Object class */ class MockHello : public Hello { public: MockHello() {} MOCK_METHOD0(HelloWorld, void()); };
  • 60. Unitmock.c for gmock 2/4 /* System-Under-Test class */ class Sut : public Hello { public: Sut() {} Sut(Hello* hello) {h = hello;} virtual ~Sut() {} virtual void HelloWorld(); private: Hello* h; }; void Sut::HelloWorld() { h->HelloWorld(); return; } void init() { /* any initialization should be done here */ }
  • 61. Unitmock.c for gmock 3/4 /* * This is an example test that should always pass. * See the GoogleTest documentation for more information * about writing tests. */ TEST(HelloWord, TestMock) { /* Mock Object instantiation */ MockHello doc; /* Mock Object expectation */ EXPECT_CALL(doc, HelloWorld()).Times(AtLeast(1)); /* Mock Object dependency injection installation */ Sut sut(&doc); /* Exercise Mock Object */ sut.HelloWorld(); } /*============================================================ * You shouldn't need to modify anything below this line *============================================================ */ int runtests() { return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
  • 62. Unitmock.c for gmock 4/4 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv); /* main() doesn't return RUN_ALL_TESTS() results since the standard Hudson CI server treats autotools's standard Makefile &quot;check&quot; target as a single build rather than discriminating between unit test builds and runs. If main() returned RUN_ALL_TESTS() failures, then the standard Hudson CI server would abort and never report the corresponding Junit XML failure reports. */ (void)runtests(); return 0; }
  • 64. Yet another presentation about g{test/mock} Googletest and Googlemock C++ libraries by Seb Rose from IBM Google released the Googletest library for C++ in mid 2008 and it joined a long list of Unit Test frameworks. The developers had concentrated on making the framework powerful and highly portable and released it under a very relaxed open source license. The library is well thought out, and easy to pick up by anyone familiar with other popular unit testing frameworks. In early 2009 they followed this by releasing the Googlemock mocking library, which is the icing on the cake. C++ developers now have access to a library that provides many of the mocking features that users of languages that provide reflection have had for years. This session will give you an in depth tour of these libraries, pointing out their strengths and shortcomings. Familiarity with C++ is a precondition, but no knowledge of Unit Testing frameworks or TDD is necessary.
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  • 68. Generator The Google Mock class generator is an application that is part of cppclean. For more information about cppclean, see the README.cppclean file or visit cppclean requires Python 2.3.5 or later. If you don't have Python installed on your system, you will also need to install it. You can download Python from: To use the Google Mock class generator, you need to call it on the command line passing the header file and class for which you want to generate a Google Mock class. Make sure to install the scripts somewhere in your path. Then you can run the program. header-file.h [ClassName]... If no ClassNames are specified, all classes in the file are emitted. To change the indentation from the default of 2, set INDENT in the environment. For example to use an indent of 4 spaces: INDENT=4 header-file.h ClassName This version was made from SVN revision 281 in the cppclean repository. Known Limitations: Not all code will be generated properly. For example, when mocking templated classes, the template information is lost. You will need to add the template information manually. Not all permutations of using multiple pointers/references will be rendered properly. These will also have to be fixed manually.
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