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The authors and publisher of these reports have used their best efforts in preparing this program.
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Table of Contents
FREE INTERNET MARKETING REPORT................................................................................................. 1
   Article Marketing ........................................................................................................................... 3
      Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
      Sites to Submit Your Articles To ................................................................................................. 4
   Classified Ads................................................................................................................................. 5
      Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
      Free Online Classified Sites ........................................................................................................ 5
   Forum Marketing ........................................................................................................................... 6
      Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 6
      How To Win With Forum Marketing........................................................................................... 6
      Top “Make Money Forums” On The Internet ............................................................................. 7
   Pay-Per-Click Marketing & Advertising ........................................................................................... 7
      Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7
      Submitting To Pay-Per-Clicks...................................................................................................... 9
      Google AdWords PPC Advertising .............................................................................................. 9
      Pay Per Click Networks ............................................................................................................ 10
   Yahoo Answers Marketing ........................................................................................................... 10
      Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 10
      Steps In Opening Up A Yahoo Answers Account ....................................................................... 10
      Quick Tips To Top Traffic .......................................................................................................... 13
      Additional Resources: .............................................................................................................. 17
   YouTube Marketing ..................................................................................................................... 17
      What Is YouTube...................................................................................................................... 17
      Why Video Is The Hottest Trend On The Internet ..................................................................... 18
      Important Tips And Tricks For Generating Traffic Using YouTube ............................................. 18
Article Marketing
One of the most effective ways of advertising for free on the internet is by the writing and marketing
of articles. It isn’t a secret that the internet has an insatiable appetite for words.

You have a product you are promoting. You want the right traffic right now to make money, right?

Therefore, you need articles.

If someone says the word “article” to you, you might think of stories in magazines and newspapers.
Unless, of course, you’re a serial grammarian, in which case you may picture a series of short words:
a, an, the, and so on. In the interests of avoiding confusion (and assuaging the serial grammarians),
all references to “articles” in this book should be assumed to mean this:

Article: A relatively short, informative piece of writing that conveys an idea or concept in a useful,
interesting and/or entertaining manner.

Now, take a good look at that definition. There are several key words to help you determine what an
article is. The word “informative” is perhaps the most important. Good articles let the reader walk
away (or click away, as the case may be) knowing something they didn’t know before. People read
articles expecting to either learn something or be entertained-preferably both.

What about the term “relatively short”? Articles can vary in length, from a few paragraphs to several
pages. The length of an article should depend on the information you’re trying to convey. For
example, “How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” would be relatively shorter than “The
Basic Operating Principles of Fission Reactors.”

The last part of the definition is to help you understand what an article isn’t.

This is a crucial concept for anyone using articles to increase website traffic and sales, and it’s one
many webmasters fail to grasp: articles are not advertisements.

No one wants to read a three-page ego-stroke about how great your product or book is, or why
dozens of people in your hometown are raving about you.

These types of “articles” will not be circulated or read, and can actually decrease your website traffic
when word starts spreading that your site is nothing but a bunch of advertising hype.

Though your ultimate goal in generating articles for your website is to increase sales, using articles to
spell out your goal in plain English (buy my 4 stuff!) is a good way to make sure you never reach it.
Believe it or not, subtlety still has a place in Internet marketing. By providing people with quality
articles at no cost to them, you will reach a far greater audience-and convert more visitors to buyers.

Articles, Content, Visibility…Sales!

Now that you know what articles are, let’s talk about why you need them.

Ask any successful “netpreneur” the secret to drumming up website traffic and earning repeat
visitors, and you’re practically guaranteed to receive a one-word answer: content. That’s CON-tent
(the “meat” that gives substance to whatever is being referenced, whether it’s words on a website
or cotton in a stuffed bear), not con-TENT (sublime happiness, often realized through sufficient
quantities of money-though that’s not necessarily a bad thing, either).

Articles are content. They are the meat of your website; providing substance and value to both
visitors and search engines. A website without articles is like a headline about alien babies on the
cover of a tabloid magazine: easy to ignore. There is nothing to interest visitors in staying or coming
back, and nothing to appease the search engine spiders into indexing your pages somewhere above
the millions rank.

Once your website has content, you’re on the road to visibility. By offering your visitors something of
value, you not only increase the chance that they’ll come back, but also that they will tell friends
about your site. Also, search engines give more weight to websites with content as well as those that
are frequently updated.

Face it: there are millions of websites out there in cyberspace. You need visibility to get visitors. And
the more visitors you have the more sales you’ll make.

You can either do the submissions to the article banks yourself by hand, so to speak, or you can use
submission software that can help you cut down on the time involved or you can hire an article
submission company to do article submissions for you.

Whatever course you choose for getting articles written and submitted will be fine. You just need to
do it because this is one of the most effective free advertising methods ever devised. 5

Sites to Submit Your Articles To
Amazines -

Article City -

Article Codex -

Article Depot -

Articles Factory -

Business Know-How - - -

Constant Content -

Ezine Articles - - http://www.goarticles.com6
Classified Ads
Offline classified ads are cheap little adverts that appear at the back of newspapers or magazines.
They work well if you’re trying to sell your old Ford Escort or if you’re looking for a new home for
your tatty sofa, but they’re not too profitable for businesses aiming to keep repeat sales coming in.

That’s offline. Online, things are a little different. But not hugely different.

We post adverts on classified columns, but we don’t expect to make a lot of money from them.
What we do expect though is an opportunity to test our headlines and ad copy before we start
spending hard cash on AdWords, text links and sales letters.

That’s why we don’t bother with the dollar ads. If we’re going to spend marketing money, we’d
rather give it to a search engine than a classified ads column. The return on sales just doesn’t justify

But there are places where you can place free ads, and you can actually do this on some of the really
big sites like AOL and Yahoo. Even if we don’t make many sales, the fact that we’re getting our
product in front of so many people certainly won’t do us any harm.

Free Online Classified Sites

Forum Marketing
Forums are areas on the internet where groups of people self-organize around topics, ideas, and
issues that they share in common.

This is one of the fastest ways to get traffic and make sales when done correctly.

The reason why is because you are stepping right into the middle of active, relevant targeted traffic.

All you have to do is find a meaningful position in the community. To help you do that I have a list
below for you of the top 10 ways to become winner in forums and make money.

How To Win With Forum Marketing
Here is our list of the “Top 10 Powerful Forum Post” that can make you a part of the community, the
conversation, and create serious cash flow for you.

1. Ask a question

2. Answer a question

3. Request a critique

4. Make a suggestion

5. Provide an opposing view

6. Agree with a post

7. Provide a link to a YouTube video

8. Suggest a resource

9. Provide an insider tip

10.Post summary of recent news that’s relevant

Make sure you post your offer in the most relevant category!

Try to make the post as interesting as possible to get more visitors to read it.

The more readers, the more potential for sales!

You also want to have a signature that you leave with every forum post. This signature should be
compelling, interesting, and get clicks through the URL you are promoting.

This is where you generate the traffic, the sales… and oh yes… the passive residual income starts to
kick in.

Now it’s time for you to start your Forum Marketing.

Select 3 forums from the list below that you will post to weekly.
Top “Make Money Forums” On The Internet

Pay-Per-Click Marketing & Advertising
“It pays to advertise” is only half the story. The rest of the story is that you have to “pay to
advertise”. I had a very wise friend who once told me that you always must ‘pay something for
something’. He was right. Free advertising methods all cost time and the paid advertising methods
all cost money. The idea is to get the most bangs for the buck, so to speak.

Your advertising budget is no doubt limited as most advertising budgets are.

So you want each advertising dollar to produce as many conversions as possible.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) has proven itself to be an extremely effective paid for method of advertising. It’s
been around a long time now and it shows no signs of lessening…as a matter of fact, it grows
stronger by the day.
The trick to using PPC advertising effectively is your key-word strategy in Adword campaigns, and
just how well you can analyze the results as the campaign progresses.

All PPC advertising campaigns need to be set up so that the keywords that aren’t working can be
filtered out and the ones that are really effective and are producing sales can be enhanced or
improved upon.

One of the better things about PPC advertising campaigns is that you are given the opportunity to
set your own advertising budget so you do have control over how much money you will spend.

This is an extremely important feature for those who have limited advertising budgets and want to
get the most they can out of a PPC campaign and spend as few dollars as possible to do it.

PPC programs (PPC’s) allow you to buy a prime position in a search engine by selecting the price you
wish to pay for each visitor you receive. This can place you exactly where you want to be in the
listing, or let you decide how much you want to spend on advertising.

The big advantage of PPC’s is that you don’t have to worry about messing with keywords or links or
any of that. You can just figure out how much you want to pay for a keyword and buy your position.
In addition, you only pay for people who actually click on your link (for banner ads, you often have to
pay when someone sees it.) And you can also get cheap visitors. Bids usually start at around five
cents per click. The top three bids though are often promoted across a network of sites (Overture
place theirs at the top of Yahoo!) so there can be big bonuses for bidding high.

This Is How Most Pay-Per-Click Programs Work:

       You create your page title, description, and link as you want it to appear in the search
       You enter the keywords and phrases that will prompt your listing to appear.
       You enter your keyword bid (the amount you are willing to pay for each click to your site).
       Your keyword bid is compared to that of other bidders for the same keyword. The results are
        returned to the user with the highest bid appearing first.

Show me the money!

With PPC’s, the name of the game is profit. You need to be careful not to get carried away with the
ranking so that your promotion doesn’t cut into your revenues.

This is essential! There’s no point in being top if you’re out of business in a month. You have to figure
out what you can afford and keep to it. Base your decision on your visitor to sales ratio (the number
of visitors on average that it takes to generate a sale) and your net profit per sale.

So for example, if you were to get a sale from every tenth visitor, and you net a profit of $20 from
each sale, then you can’t pay more than $2 for each click without operating at a loss. In practice, you
might make one sale for every 500 or so clicks and pay perhaps 15 or 20 cents for each visitor,
depending on your market.

It’s absolutely crucial for you to know your visitor to sales ratio.
It’s also important to keep that ratio as high as possible, and that means only bidding on relevant
keywords. If you pay for visitors who are looking for something completely different from the
services you’re offering, you’re just throwing your money away. They aren’t going to buy, and even
at five cents a shot, those wasted nickels soon add up. On the other hand, because you can pay so
little, it is worth bidding on as many relevant keywords as possible.

The key is to balance high payments for top keywords with low payments that bring in less traffic. 11

You should also consider the quality of visitors the site will send you. The more targeted a directory,
the more your visitor to sale ratio may improve–and that might make it worth improving your bid

Submitting To Pay-Per-Clicks
Submitting your site to a PPC program is certainly a lot faster than submitting to a search engine or a
directory. You must, however, make sure you consider the following:

       The maximum amount you can bid (can’t stress that enough!)
       The keywords you wish to bid on.
       The titles and descriptions of the site.

That last point is very important for making the most of PPC’s. Just because you don’t have to worry
about putting keywords in your title and descriptions to please a program, doesn’t mean relevance
isn’t important. On the contrary, relevance still matters. You need to let the user know that your site
is exactly what they’re looking for. That means putting the keyword in the title and having a catchy,
informative description. Remember, the more good clicks you get, the more money you will make.

Google AdWords PPC Advertising
If you do a search at Google, you’ll notice that not only do you get a list of all the sites that return
your keyword, you also get a list of other relevant ads on the right of the page and at the top of the
listing. These are part of Google’s Adwords and Premium Advertising programs.

Advertising like this can certainly be an important part of your marketing plan. Well developed ads
with clever wording can prompt an immediate response from the reader to visit your site. Google is
currently making a lot of money with this kind of advertising–and if they’re making money, you can
be sure their advertisers are too.

Buying an AdWord on Google is a little complicated but it can be very costeffective. In effect, Google
has combined the Pay-per-Click system with their own relevancy calculations. You’ll need to select a
keyword–or an ‘AdWord’ in Googlespeak–and write a short description. But you’ll also have to
choose how much you wish to pay, and the price won’t guarantee you a position.

Advertisers enter a maximum bid per click and this is multiplied by the clickthrough rate (the
percentage of users who click on the ad). That’s the score Google uses to allocate position.

So for example, if you were prepared to pay one dollar per click, and one user in a hundred who saw
your advert clicked on it, you would get a rank number of ($)1 x 1% = 0.01. 12

Let’s say that gives you top position. You might then get even more users and a higher click-through
rate of 2%. That higher rate would reduce your price to 50 cents (0.01 divided by 2%).
All very nice, and it’s always fun to pay less than you’ve said you can afford, but how it works is less
important than the fact that it does. All you have to do is figure out how much you’re prepared to
pay for each click, how much you can afford to pay each month, and write a great description.

And once again, it’s the description that’s key.

Like the PPC’s, your description has to persuade users that you’re relevant; it doesn’t have to play to
the search engine’s software. By all means repeat the keyword, but also make sure you have good,
call-to-action copy like “Grab a great deal on DVD’s today!” or “Buy now, while stocks last!”
Remember, the more clicks you get, the more sales you’ll make–and the less you’ll pay.

Always place the AdWord in the most appropriate category and track the responses you receive
from it. Be proactive in redefining your strategy if you receive minimal response. You’ll probably
have to play with the wording and the keyword selection to get the results you want.

Pay Per Click Networks


Yahoo Answers Marketing
One of the easiest ways to generate traffic to your website is often one of the most overlooked
methods as well, Yahoo Answers. Not only is it a simplified method of driving targeted traffic to your
site, it is also absolutely free to use.

This strategy will be broken down for you in a step-by-step format, making it easy for you to
incorporate this technique into your own marketing efforts.

You’ll quickly discover just how incredibly powerful this tactic is when you begin to analyze your
traffic and see just how much Yahoo Answers is directing your way.

And for those who might be wondering whether Yahoo Answers has a large enough user base to
yield a worthwhile response, here is what Yahoo Answers has to say:

With more than 21 million unique users in the U.S. and 90 million worldwide, Yahoo! Answers is the
largest knowledge-sharing community on the Web.

Is that big enough for you? If so, let’s get started!

Steps In Opening Up A Yahoo Answers Account
Step One: Open a Yahoo Answers Account

You will need a Yahoo Answers account to be able to answer open questions.

To create your account visit:

You will be able to create your account using your current Yahoo messenger account if you already
have an ID:

Step Two: Complete Your Profile

Once you have created a Yahoo Answers account and are logged in, you will be able to add what you
would like to share, and then save your information.

You can choose to allow Yahoo Answer members to contact you via messenger, or keep this
information private. You can also enable “email contact” if you would like to receive comments via
email, or you can choose to disable all contact other than through the questions that you answer.

When you edit your profile it is recommended that you add a photo or customize an avatar. It’s
important to brand yourself and this is an easy way to make your profile more memorable as your
photo will appear within your answers.

Step Three: Familiarize Yourself With Yahoo Answers

From the main Yahoo Answers page you will see categories listed on the left hand side. This is where
questions are posted and grouped according to their subject matter. This is also where you will go
when choosing the different types of questions that you would like to answer, and depending on the
niche markets that you are involved in, you might find yourself answering a variety of questions from
different categories and groups.

Before you start answering questions you should have an idea of what you plan to promote. That
way you can find questions that are relevant to the website that you wish to advertise via the Yahoo
Answers website. Each time you answer a question, you can include a “SOURCE” in a secondary box
that accompanies your response. This is an easy way to promote your websites and direct people to
find out more information about the topic of their question.

You should also browse previously answered questions so that you can get a feel for the way other
people have answered and addressed different questions, paying attention to those answers that
were selected as being the “TOP” response.

As you begin answering questions, you may run into a series of questions that are no longer open.
Here is a breakdown of the life cycle of a question from the time it is first posted:

Questions that are “Resolved” are typically closed from receiving future follow ups while questions
that are marked “Undecided” have not yet received a “TOP” vote.

Questions are open for only four days but the original poster can extend the period for a few extra
days or, they can close it before that time period has ended if a question has been resolved.

It’s important to answer questions as thoroughly as you can and avoid spamming your websites
within your answers. In fact, there are few times where including your website URL within the
answer is acceptable at all. If those viewing your response feel that it is spam you will not receive
votes and your answer may be removed entirely. Therefore, you should try to keep your websites
within the “Source” box only. Those who liked your answer are likely to follow your link to find out
more, especially if you are careful to answer questions that pertain to your niche market.

Start Promoting!

Due to the large number of people answering questions every minute of the day, it is important that
you are quick when responding to open questions.

As mentioned above, you must also do your best to answer the question as thoroughly as possible
and be sure to address the person who posted the question by name (whenever possible). This has
been known to increase your chances of being voted as “best answer” since the original poster feels
that you are taking your time to address them personally.

Quick Tip: There is a built in spell checker available. Use it whenever possible to minimize spelling

Remember that the ultimate goal is to be selected as the best answer (Top

Answer) because the more often you are selected the more exposure your answer, profile and
website will receive.

The Points System

As a member of Yahoo Answers you will earn points for each question that you answer. You will also
discover that there are limits on the number of questions that you can answer each day until you
build up your levels.

Here is a breakdown of the different levels that you can reach depending on the amount of points
you receive every day. (For the first week you will be focusing on building up your levels so that you
can answer more questions by increasing your daily limit. Those who reach Level 5 can answer an
unlimited number of questions every day.

When you start out you begin at Level 1. You are able to answer 20 questions every day at this level.
In the first day it is possible for you to earn 140+ points by answering 20 questions and you will earn
more for every answer that is selected as the ‘top choice’.

You will be able to view your Points and Level on the main page of Yahoo

Answers (on the right hand side) under your name:

Total Points: 190

Level : 1

Here is an overview of how the points are accumulated:

When you begin answering questions you should focus on targeting your main niche until your levels
increase and you are able to answer as many questions as you like.

That way, you can start driving traffic to your site right away, despite being limited to only 20
questions a day.
Locating Specific Niche Related Questions

To find niche-specific questions that are still open for answering, click on the

“Advanced Search” link to get started. You will find this at the top of the

Yahoo Answers website once you are logged in.

Once you have loaded up the Advanced Search page you will be able to enter in keywords that are
relevant to your niche market. You can also minimize any time wasted by being certain to only
search for questions that are still open for answering.

Enter a specific keyword that best describes your niche and set the “Keyword

Match” to “Questions” as you are searching for questions to answer right away.

Next, choose “ALL” when selecting your categories as sometimes questions may appear throughout
different groups.

Be sure to filter out the questions so that you are searching only for questions in your primary
language unless you are able to understand and respond in alternative languages.

And finally be sure to set the status of your search so that it generates a list of “Open Questions”
only. There is no sense in searching for questions that have been resolved (or are closed) from
receiving additional responses.

Once you have completed this step you will generate a search results page that includes multiple un-
answered questions found using your keyword(s).

In my example search, I requested the search engine to find open questions relating to “Wordpress”.

Here is what was found:

By targeting the keyword “Wordpress”, 52 un-answered questions are available to me.

To begin answering questions, simply click on the links to load up the “Question and Answer” page.

By answering questions that target my niche market and including a website that provides additional
information about the question that I am answering I can easily generate traffic to my site in a few
minutes, the time it takes for me to successfully answer the question. Even if my answer does not
end up being chosen as the “top” answer, I can still generate traffic just by using the “Source” box.

Remember as well that Yahoo is the most popular search engine, outranking even Google.

By answering recent questions rather than digging through older ones you are ensuring that your
website receives traffic not only from the Yahoo

Answer center (and those who view your answer from within that section) but also from the Yahoo
search engine as well!

Quick Tips To Top Traffic
Tip #1: Focus on answering recent questions, posted within the last three hours.
Tip #2: Always post a relevant website link in the Source box using a URL that sounds similar to the

(Example: If I was answering a question regarding weight loss, I would create a landing page specific
to that niche and include it in the source box:

Tip #3: Answer questions as thoroughly as you can. The more specific you are with your answers, the
better chance you have of being selected as the top choice.

Tip #4: After your limits are raised and you are able to answer more questions each day, start
answering questions regardless of when they were posted (older ones are fine at this point). Every
answer you submit will be included in Yahoo’s search engine results page regardless of how old the
original question was.

Tip #5: Be sure to include your keyword (that you are optimizing for) in your answer as best as you
can. You can also add your URL (using a href tag) but if you do this incorrectly and your answer reeks
of spam, you will not be chosen as the top answer and in some cases your answer may be removed

Tip #6: It isn’t just Yahoo’s search engine that will pick up your answers (and links). Google may also
spider your answers and give you credit for a back-link. So be sure to answer as many questions as
you can each day, until you reach your limit.

Tip #7: Stick with it. It takes time to build an impressive portfolio and to develop your back-links. If
you use a strategy where you answer questions on a daily basis, incorporate your keywords into
your answers, and link to your websites within the source boxes, you will see results relatively

The more effort you put into answering questions thoroughly and being chosen as the top answer,
the more traffic your website will receive. Always keep this mind when you are answering questions.

Tip #8: Since you are answering questions across a variety of categories and niche markets, be sure
that you know enough about the subject to provide a helpful response.

If you answer a question incorrectly, your credibility will wear down. It is important that you focus
on answering questions relating to topics that you are familiar with. If you are unsure about a
question, take a few minutes to research the correct answer before posting. It is not possible to edit
your answers once they are published!

There have been times where I was unsure of the correct answer to a question but I was slowly
getting involved in the niche and wanted to direct people to a landing page where I was showcasing
a product via an affiliate link. I took a few minutes to search out the answer and posted it, only after
I was certain it was correct. It resulted in my answer being selected as the “Best Answer” and a nice
comment from the original poster:

And one word of caution; Once you begin to receive positive ratings and feedback you’ll find Yahoo
Answers quite addictive!
Tip #9: Don’t underestimate the power of custom landing pages. Instead of directing people to the
main page of your website, creating specific pageswhere you can lead people to find out more
information, while sticking to the topic or subject that you are answering. This way you will avoid
confusing your visitors who are simply looking for additional information about specific topics.

Tip#10: Points & More Points. You will receive points for answering questions (2 points per answer),
10 points for being selected as the best answer and an additional point for every answer you vote
on. When you are building your levels it is important to collect as many points as you can. By voting
on answers submitted by other people you are able to generate more points quickly. However you
must be a LEVEL 2 to be able to vote on answers, so do your best to get to that level as soon as

As you begin to earn points and answer more questions, you will become a top contributor and a
badge will appear near your avatar picture. Once you are a top contributor you will be selected more
often as the “best answer” and more people will view your answers, profile, and your websites.

Use The Answers To Build Your Website

As a Yahoo Answers contributor you will begin to see a pattern emerge where the same types of
questions are being asked over and over again. This is a great way to learn about the current topics
that people are interested in and if you are clever enough to see the value in this, you can utilize
these topics to create interesting blog posts that will capture attention and receive comments.

You can take it a step further and write articles based on the questions that you review. Submit
these articles to and other directories to generate even more traffic. It’s an easy
way to research various niche markets and see just what people are interested in or needing help

To make things easier, you can choose to keep track of specific questions that you plan to address by
clicking on the “SAVE” option under each question. You can save it to your RSS feeder or to your
private watch-list.

Be The First, Every Time

One quick technique that will help you answer more questions before others is to subscribe to the
RSS feed available through Yahoo!. You will receive a listing of recently asked questions that are still
open and available to be answered, and best of all, these questions will be related to your chosen
niche markets!

Here’s how to set this up:

Go to the “Advanced Search” page as discussed earlier. Search for your specific keywords (primary
ones that best describe your niche) and view the results page from your search.

At the very bottom of the page in the left hand corner, you will see the option to add that search
query in your RSS reader, as shown below:

Once you have added this feed to your RSS reader, you will receive updates of new questions
relating to your niche market (based on the keywords you just entered).
This makes it easy to be the first to answer new questions!

Repeat this process selecting keywords for each niche market that you are involved in and wish to
receive notifications of.

Daily Tasks:

Every day, log into your Yahoo Answers account and view the open questions from the different
categories or use the advanced tool to search for more specific questions based on keywords.

Answer the questions that are posted via the feeds.

Build landing pages that you can include in the source box with every question that you answer.
Once you have designed a landing page for each niche market, you will always have a place to refer
people to based on the subject of the question you are answering.

You should also take the time to create multiple pages for each niche so that if you answer a lot of
questions in the same category you can direct your traffic to various places on your website. Writing
articles relating to the niches that you are involved in is the best way to generate traffic and
continue to address different topics on your website.

One easy way to categorize your articles or create new topics on your website for different
questions you answer is by installing a WordPress blog and organizing topics into groups. This way
whenever you answer a new question or you find that certain questions are continuously asked, you
can create a category on your blog for these specific topics in the event that your blog covers a wide
variety of topics.

Tip: Purchase a domain that is generic, so that you can create a multi-topic blog. This will make it
easier to direct people to the same website without having to create multiple blogs or purchase
multiple domain names.

Create A Yahoo Swipe File

By creating a swipe file of previously answered questions you will be able to cut and paste your
answers and cover more ground. Be sure to modify your answers whenever required so that the
person posting the question believes you have answered it exclusively for them.

While this is a time-saver and a method used by a lot of Yahoo Answers marketers, be careful not to
simply paste the same answer repeatedly. Every question is different and you need to ensure that
you modify your answer or change it up a bit from time to time, depending on the nature of the

Cover Multiple Niche Markets Easily

If you are involved in multiple niche markets, you might benefit from creating multiple Yahoo
Answer accounts. This will also help you answer more questions each day under different accounts
while building up levels on all of them.
By creating multiple Yahoo Answer accounts you can also create different characters, (men/woman,
parents, single men, divorced, etc) which will lend credibility when you are answering questions in
different categories.

Yahoo Answers allows multiple accounts so you don’t have to worry about breaking any rules,
however voting for your own answers or point gaming is not allowed.

To make sure that you are familiar with the rules, you should read the

Community Guidelines overview:

In the meantime, have fun with Yahoo Answers. It can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience
and an easy way to generate targeted traffic to your website. Just be sure to log in every day and
build up your levels. The quicker you reach a level where you are able to answer an unlimited
number of questions the more exposure you will receive.

Additional Resources:
If Yahoo Answers isn’t enough for you, here are a few other communities that you may enjoy:

Answer Bag:

Yedda: http://www.Yedda.com25

YouTube Marketing
What Is YouTube
At its heart, YouTube ( is an online community designed for the sole
purpose of allowing people to share their movies with others.

However, it has grown to much more than just a simple video sharing website over the years since
its inception and has actually become a full fledged internet phenomenon. These days, the effect of
YouTube on society cannot totally be comprehended.

It has been a driving force in breaking news stories, has allowed countless videocasters or bloggers
to become household names, and has contributed to many peoples’ fifteen minutes of fame.

To be honest, there has never been a better time than now to get involved in the YouTube
community. There are all kinds of people there from all walks of life and they all share the same
passion for good, well-crafted movies that can help them pass the time with a smile on their face.

Whether you want to create a YouTube account so that you can interact with people from around
the world or if you would like to submit videos in an attempt to get your online business name out
there - the world of YouTube will welcome you with open arms.

Now, there are a few things about YouTube though that you need to keep in mind if you want to
have as much fun as possible. Try not to be insulting or overly complementary with your comments
on the work of others and do not even think about submitting movies that may violate some existing
Also, when you do submit your own work, only submit the good stuff as there are far too many
boring and tasteless videos on YouTube and we certainly do not need any more to sift through just
to find a good video here or there.

Why Video Is The Hottest Trend On The Internet
In the 1990s when the World Wide Web was first invented, the hot new thing was the website. It
was pretty amazing to be able to see text and images created by someone thousands of miles away
on the tiny screen on your computer.

From there, users of the internet realized that there was much more to the Web than just text and
images, and the dawn of digital music and MP3s were born shortly thereafter.

But that still was not enough. Users wanted full motion from their internet browsing experience. It
was then that video became the hottest trend on the internet.

Now, video has been around for quite some time on the internet - but it was not until YouTube came
around that it became so popular. Previously, you could visit a website or two that had some cool
videos to watch or you could just download a clip or two off of an FTP website.

This was all well and good, but people wanted more of a community feel to their web videos. They
wanted to be able to share their favorite clips with anyone and everyone at the touch of their mouse
button - and that is where YouTube shines.

YouTube may not have invented the internet video website but it certainly made it as popular as it
is. Because of YouTube, anyone with a cell phone camera and a few minutes on their hands can
create a video, submit it to YouTube’s database and be as famous as they want. It is great for people
looking to boost their self-esteem as well as people who want to draw some extra visitors to their

As long as you can provide videos on YouTube that people will like, you will be almost guaranteed to
make it famous in no time flat - and that is the true value of video on the internet thanks to

Important Tips And Tricks For Generating Traffic Using YouTube
YouTube can be a highly valuable tool for generating traffic for your website, blog or online business
so long as you know what you are doing.

You should learn to use YouTube differently for each type of online venture you are planning, so we
have provided you with some important tips on how to make your websites successful with traffic
from YouTube.

No matter which type of online business you are trying to generate traffic for, the first thing you will
have to do is create your own unique YouTube account.

If you already have an account for home use, go ahead and create a second reflect your business
name and website address. Once that is done you can start using YouTube to generate traffic for
your online business.
If you own an online business or you are trying to generate traffic to one of your websites that is not
a blog, you will need to work hard at creating your own videos for submission to YouTube.

This is the best way to get people to visit your site because you can make the videos how you want
and put your website address wherever you want so viewers will be able to see it.

Furthermore, you can use your YouTube account to comment on and add other people’s videos to
your favorites - further getting people to view your

YouTube account and ultimately view your online business site.

Alternatively if you are trying to make it rich via ads on your blog, there is another way you can take
advantage of YouTube. While you should also submit and comment on other videos, there is another
way you can generate traffic to your website.

Take advantage of other successful movies and post them to your blog in an attempt to better
popularize your blog by using the work that others have created.


Global Hangout

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Global Hahgout an Amazing Career

  • 1. FREE INTERNET MARKETING REPORT ________________________________________________ Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty The authors and publisher of these reports have used their best efforts in preparing this program. The authors and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The authors and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed in this report. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. These reports are protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. ________________________________________________
  • 2. Table of Contents FREE INTERNET MARKETING REPORT................................................................................................. 1 Article Marketing ........................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3 Sites to Submit Your Articles To ................................................................................................. 4 Classified Ads................................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5 Free Online Classified Sites ........................................................................................................ 5 Forum Marketing ........................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 6 How To Win With Forum Marketing........................................................................................... 6 Top “Make Money Forums” On The Internet ............................................................................. 7 Pay-Per-Click Marketing & Advertising ........................................................................................... 7 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7 Submitting To Pay-Per-Clicks...................................................................................................... 9 Google AdWords PPC Advertising .............................................................................................. 9 Pay Per Click Networks ............................................................................................................ 10 Yahoo Answers Marketing ........................................................................................................... 10 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 10 Steps In Opening Up A Yahoo Answers Account ....................................................................... 10 Quick Tips To Top Traffic .......................................................................................................... 13 Additional Resources: .............................................................................................................. 17 YouTube Marketing ..................................................................................................................... 17 What Is YouTube...................................................................................................................... 17 Why Video Is The Hottest Trend On The Internet ..................................................................... 18 Important Tips And Tricks For Generating Traffic Using YouTube ............................................. 18
  • 3. Article Marketing Introduction One of the most effective ways of advertising for free on the internet is by the writing and marketing of articles. It isn’t a secret that the internet has an insatiable appetite for words. You have a product you are promoting. You want the right traffic right now to make money, right? Therefore, you need articles. If someone says the word “article” to you, you might think of stories in magazines and newspapers. Unless, of course, you’re a serial grammarian, in which case you may picture a series of short words: a, an, the, and so on. In the interests of avoiding confusion (and assuaging the serial grammarians), all references to “articles” in this book should be assumed to mean this: Article: A relatively short, informative piece of writing that conveys an idea or concept in a useful, interesting and/or entertaining manner. Now, take a good look at that definition. There are several key words to help you determine what an article is. The word “informative” is perhaps the most important. Good articles let the reader walk away (or click away, as the case may be) knowing something they didn’t know before. People read articles expecting to either learn something or be entertained-preferably both. What about the term “relatively short”? Articles can vary in length, from a few paragraphs to several pages. The length of an article should depend on the information you’re trying to convey. For example, “How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” would be relatively shorter than “The Basic Operating Principles of Fission Reactors.” The last part of the definition is to help you understand what an article isn’t. This is a crucial concept for anyone using articles to increase website traffic and sales, and it’s one many webmasters fail to grasp: articles are not advertisements. No one wants to read a three-page ego-stroke about how great your product or book is, or why dozens of people in your hometown are raving about you. These types of “articles” will not be circulated or read, and can actually decrease your website traffic when word starts spreading that your site is nothing but a bunch of advertising hype. Though your ultimate goal in generating articles for your website is to increase sales, using articles to spell out your goal in plain English (buy my 4 stuff!) is a good way to make sure you never reach it. Believe it or not, subtlety still has a place in Internet marketing. By providing people with quality articles at no cost to them, you will reach a far greater audience-and convert more visitors to buyers. Articles, Content, Visibility…Sales! Now that you know what articles are, let’s talk about why you need them. Ask any successful “netpreneur” the secret to drumming up website traffic and earning repeat visitors, and you’re practically guaranteed to receive a one-word answer: content. That’s CON-tent
  • 4. (the “meat” that gives substance to whatever is being referenced, whether it’s words on a website or cotton in a stuffed bear), not con-TENT (sublime happiness, often realized through sufficient quantities of money-though that’s not necessarily a bad thing, either). Articles are content. They are the meat of your website; providing substance and value to both visitors and search engines. A website without articles is like a headline about alien babies on the cover of a tabloid magazine: easy to ignore. There is nothing to interest visitors in staying or coming back, and nothing to appease the search engine spiders into indexing your pages somewhere above the millions rank. Once your website has content, you’re on the road to visibility. By offering your visitors something of value, you not only increase the chance that they’ll come back, but also that they will tell friends about your site. Also, search engines give more weight to websites with content as well as those that are frequently updated. Face it: there are millions of websites out there in cyberspace. You need visibility to get visitors. And the more visitors you have the more sales you’ll make. You can either do the submissions to the article banks yourself by hand, so to speak, or you can use submission software that can help you cut down on the time involved or you can hire an article submission company to do article submissions for you. Whatever course you choose for getting articles written and submitted will be fine. You just need to do it because this is one of the most effective free advertising methods ever devised. 5 Sites to Submit Your Articles To Amazines - Article City - Article Codex - Article Depot - Articles Factory - Business Know-How - - - Constant Content - Ezine Articles - - http://www.goarticles.com6
  • 5. Classified Ads Introduction Offline classified ads are cheap little adverts that appear at the back of newspapers or magazines. They work well if you’re trying to sell your old Ford Escort or if you’re looking for a new home for your tatty sofa, but they’re not too profitable for businesses aiming to keep repeat sales coming in. That’s offline. Online, things are a little different. But not hugely different. We post adverts on classified columns, but we don’t expect to make a lot of money from them. What we do expect though is an opportunity to test our headlines and ad copy before we start spending hard cash on AdWords, text links and sales letters. That’s why we don’t bother with the dollar ads. If we’re going to spend marketing money, we’d rather give it to a search engine than a classified ads column. The return on sales just doesn’t justify it. But there are places where you can place free ads, and you can actually do this on some of the really big sites like AOL and Yahoo. Even if we don’t make many sales, the fact that we’re getting our product in front of so many people certainly won’t do us any harm. Free Online Classified Sites http://www.oodle.com7
  • 6. Forum Marketing Introduction Forums are areas on the internet where groups of people self-organize around topics, ideas, and issues that they share in common. This is one of the fastest ways to get traffic and make sales when done correctly. The reason why is because you are stepping right into the middle of active, relevant targeted traffic. All you have to do is find a meaningful position in the community. To help you do that I have a list below for you of the top 10 ways to become winner in forums and make money. How To Win With Forum Marketing Here is our list of the “Top 10 Powerful Forum Post” that can make you a part of the community, the conversation, and create serious cash flow for you. 1. Ask a question 2. Answer a question 3. Request a critique 4. Make a suggestion 5. Provide an opposing view 6. Agree with a post 7. Provide a link to a YouTube video 8. Suggest a resource 9. Provide an insider tip 10.Post summary of recent news that’s relevant Make sure you post your offer in the most relevant category! Try to make the post as interesting as possible to get more visitors to read it. The more readers, the more potential for sales! You also want to have a signature that you leave with every forum post. This signature should be compelling, interesting, and get clicks through the URL you are promoting. This is where you generate the traffic, the sales… and oh yes… the passive residual income starts to kick in. Now it’s time for you to start your Forum Marketing. Select 3 forums from the list below that you will post to weekly.
  • 7. Top “Make Money Forums” On The Internet Pay-Per-Click Marketing & Advertising Introduction “It pays to advertise” is only half the story. The rest of the story is that you have to “pay to advertise”. I had a very wise friend who once told me that you always must ‘pay something for something’. He was right. Free advertising methods all cost time and the paid advertising methods all cost money. The idea is to get the most bangs for the buck, so to speak. Your advertising budget is no doubt limited as most advertising budgets are. So you want each advertising dollar to produce as many conversions as possible. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) has proven itself to be an extremely effective paid for method of advertising. It’s been around a long time now and it shows no signs of lessening…as a matter of fact, it grows stronger by the day.
  • 8. The trick to using PPC advertising effectively is your key-word strategy in Adword campaigns, and just how well you can analyze the results as the campaign progresses. All PPC advertising campaigns need to be set up so that the keywords that aren’t working can be filtered out and the ones that are really effective and are producing sales can be enhanced or improved upon. One of the better things about PPC advertising campaigns is that you are given the opportunity to set your own advertising budget so you do have control over how much money you will spend. This is an extremely important feature for those who have limited advertising budgets and want to get the most they can out of a PPC campaign and spend as few dollars as possible to do it. PPC programs (PPC’s) allow you to buy a prime position in a search engine by selecting the price you wish to pay for each visitor you receive. This can place you exactly where you want to be in the listing, or let you decide how much you want to spend on advertising. The big advantage of PPC’s is that you don’t have to worry about messing with keywords or links or any of that. You can just figure out how much you want to pay for a keyword and buy your position. In addition, you only pay for people who actually click on your link (for banner ads, you often have to pay when someone sees it.) And you can also get cheap visitors. Bids usually start at around five cents per click. The top three bids though are often promoted across a network of sites (Overture place theirs at the top of Yahoo!) so there can be big bonuses for bidding high. This Is How Most Pay-Per-Click Programs Work:  You create your page title, description, and link as you want it to appear in the search results.  You enter the keywords and phrases that will prompt your listing to appear.  You enter your keyword bid (the amount you are willing to pay for each click to your site).  Your keyword bid is compared to that of other bidders for the same keyword. The results are returned to the user with the highest bid appearing first. Show me the money! With PPC’s, the name of the game is profit. You need to be careful not to get carried away with the ranking so that your promotion doesn’t cut into your revenues. This is essential! There’s no point in being top if you’re out of business in a month. You have to figure out what you can afford and keep to it. Base your decision on your visitor to sales ratio (the number of visitors on average that it takes to generate a sale) and your net profit per sale. So for example, if you were to get a sale from every tenth visitor, and you net a profit of $20 from each sale, then you can’t pay more than $2 for each click without operating at a loss. In practice, you might make one sale for every 500 or so clicks and pay perhaps 15 or 20 cents for each visitor, depending on your market. It’s absolutely crucial for you to know your visitor to sales ratio.
  • 9. It’s also important to keep that ratio as high as possible, and that means only bidding on relevant keywords. If you pay for visitors who are looking for something completely different from the services you’re offering, you’re just throwing your money away. They aren’t going to buy, and even at five cents a shot, those wasted nickels soon add up. On the other hand, because you can pay so little, it is worth bidding on as many relevant keywords as possible. The key is to balance high payments for top keywords with low payments that bring in less traffic. 11 You should also consider the quality of visitors the site will send you. The more targeted a directory, the more your visitor to sale ratio may improve–and that might make it worth improving your bid price. Submitting To Pay-Per-Clicks Submitting your site to a PPC program is certainly a lot faster than submitting to a search engine or a directory. You must, however, make sure you consider the following:  The maximum amount you can bid (can’t stress that enough!)  The keywords you wish to bid on.  The titles and descriptions of the site. That last point is very important for making the most of PPC’s. Just because you don’t have to worry about putting keywords in your title and descriptions to please a program, doesn’t mean relevance isn’t important. On the contrary, relevance still matters. You need to let the user know that your site is exactly what they’re looking for. That means putting the keyword in the title and having a catchy, informative description. Remember, the more good clicks you get, the more money you will make. Google AdWords PPC Advertising If you do a search at Google, you’ll notice that not only do you get a list of all the sites that return your keyword, you also get a list of other relevant ads on the right of the page and at the top of the listing. These are part of Google’s Adwords and Premium Advertising programs. Advertising like this can certainly be an important part of your marketing plan. Well developed ads with clever wording can prompt an immediate response from the reader to visit your site. Google is currently making a lot of money with this kind of advertising–and if they’re making money, you can be sure their advertisers are too. Buying an AdWord on Google is a little complicated but it can be very costeffective. In effect, Google has combined the Pay-per-Click system with their own relevancy calculations. You’ll need to select a keyword–or an ‘AdWord’ in Googlespeak–and write a short description. But you’ll also have to choose how much you wish to pay, and the price won’t guarantee you a position. Advertisers enter a maximum bid per click and this is multiplied by the clickthrough rate (the percentage of users who click on the ad). That’s the score Google uses to allocate position. So for example, if you were prepared to pay one dollar per click, and one user in a hundred who saw your advert clicked on it, you would get a rank number of ($)1 x 1% = 0.01. 12 Let’s say that gives you top position. You might then get even more users and a higher click-through rate of 2%. That higher rate would reduce your price to 50 cents (0.01 divided by 2%).
  • 10. All very nice, and it’s always fun to pay less than you’ve said you can afford, but how it works is less important than the fact that it does. All you have to do is figure out how much you’re prepared to pay for each click, how much you can afford to pay each month, and write a great description. And once again, it’s the description that’s key. Like the PPC’s, your description has to persuade users that you’re relevant; it doesn’t have to play to the search engine’s software. By all means repeat the keyword, but also make sure you have good, call-to-action copy like “Grab a great deal on DVD’s today!” or “Buy now, while stocks last!” Remember, the more clicks you get, the more sales you’ll make–and the less you’ll pay. Always place the AdWord in the most appropriate category and track the responses you receive from it. Be proactive in redefining your strategy if you receive minimal response. You’ll probably have to play with the wording and the keyword selection to get the results you want. Pay Per Click Networks http://7search.com13 Yahoo Answers Marketing Introduction One of the easiest ways to generate traffic to your website is often one of the most overlooked methods as well, Yahoo Answers. Not only is it a simplified method of driving targeted traffic to your site, it is also absolutely free to use. This strategy will be broken down for you in a step-by-step format, making it easy for you to incorporate this technique into your own marketing efforts. You’ll quickly discover just how incredibly powerful this tactic is when you begin to analyze your traffic and see just how much Yahoo Answers is directing your way. And for those who might be wondering whether Yahoo Answers has a large enough user base to yield a worthwhile response, here is what Yahoo Answers has to say: With more than 21 million unique users in the U.S. and 90 million worldwide, Yahoo! Answers is the largest knowledge-sharing community on the Web. Is that big enough for you? If so, let’s get started! Steps In Opening Up A Yahoo Answers Account Step One: Open a Yahoo Answers Account You will need a Yahoo Answers account to be able to answer open questions. To create your account visit:
  • 11. You will be able to create your account using your current Yahoo messenger account if you already have an ID: Step Two: Complete Your Profile Once you have created a Yahoo Answers account and are logged in, you will be able to add what you would like to share, and then save your information. You can choose to allow Yahoo Answer members to contact you via messenger, or keep this information private. You can also enable “email contact” if you would like to receive comments via email, or you can choose to disable all contact other than through the questions that you answer. When you edit your profile it is recommended that you add a photo or customize an avatar. It’s important to brand yourself and this is an easy way to make your profile more memorable as your photo will appear within your answers. Step Three: Familiarize Yourself With Yahoo Answers From the main Yahoo Answers page you will see categories listed on the left hand side. This is where questions are posted and grouped according to their subject matter. This is also where you will go when choosing the different types of questions that you would like to answer, and depending on the niche markets that you are involved in, you might find yourself answering a variety of questions from different categories and groups. Before you start answering questions you should have an idea of what you plan to promote. That way you can find questions that are relevant to the website that you wish to advertise via the Yahoo Answers website. Each time you answer a question, you can include a “SOURCE” in a secondary box that accompanies your response. This is an easy way to promote your websites and direct people to find out more information about the topic of their question. You should also browse previously answered questions so that you can get a feel for the way other people have answered and addressed different questions, paying attention to those answers that were selected as being the “TOP” response. As you begin answering questions, you may run into a series of questions that are no longer open. Here is a breakdown of the life cycle of a question from the time it is first posted: Questions that are “Resolved” are typically closed from receiving future follow ups while questions that are marked “Undecided” have not yet received a “TOP” vote. Questions are open for only four days but the original poster can extend the period for a few extra days or, they can close it before that time period has ended if a question has been resolved. It’s important to answer questions as thoroughly as you can and avoid spamming your websites within your answers. In fact, there are few times where including your website URL within the answer is acceptable at all. If those viewing your response feel that it is spam you will not receive votes and your answer may be removed entirely. Therefore, you should try to keep your websites
  • 12. within the “Source” box only. Those who liked your answer are likely to follow your link to find out more, especially if you are careful to answer questions that pertain to your niche market. Start Promoting! Due to the large number of people answering questions every minute of the day, it is important that you are quick when responding to open questions. As mentioned above, you must also do your best to answer the question as thoroughly as possible and be sure to address the person who posted the question by name (whenever possible). This has been known to increase your chances of being voted as “best answer” since the original poster feels that you are taking your time to address them personally. Quick Tip: There is a built in spell checker available. Use it whenever possible to minimize spelling errors. Remember that the ultimate goal is to be selected as the best answer (Top Answer) because the more often you are selected the more exposure your answer, profile and website will receive. The Points System As a member of Yahoo Answers you will earn points for each question that you answer. You will also discover that there are limits on the number of questions that you can answer each day until you build up your levels. Here is a breakdown of the different levels that you can reach depending on the amount of points you receive every day. (For the first week you will be focusing on building up your levels so that you can answer more questions by increasing your daily limit. Those who reach Level 5 can answer an unlimited number of questions every day. When you start out you begin at Level 1. You are able to answer 20 questions every day at this level. In the first day it is possible for you to earn 140+ points by answering 20 questions and you will earn more for every answer that is selected as the ‘top choice’. You will be able to view your Points and Level on the main page of Yahoo Answers (on the right hand side) under your name: Total Points: 190 Level : 1 Here is an overview of how the points are accumulated: When you begin answering questions you should focus on targeting your main niche until your levels increase and you are able to answer as many questions as you like. That way, you can start driving traffic to your site right away, despite being limited to only 20 questions a day.
  • 13. Locating Specific Niche Related Questions To find niche-specific questions that are still open for answering, click on the “Advanced Search” link to get started. You will find this at the top of the Yahoo Answers website once you are logged in. Once you have loaded up the Advanced Search page you will be able to enter in keywords that are relevant to your niche market. You can also minimize any time wasted by being certain to only search for questions that are still open for answering. Enter a specific keyword that best describes your niche and set the “Keyword Match” to “Questions” as you are searching for questions to answer right away. Next, choose “ALL” when selecting your categories as sometimes questions may appear throughout different groups. Be sure to filter out the questions so that you are searching only for questions in your primary language unless you are able to understand and respond in alternative languages. And finally be sure to set the status of your search so that it generates a list of “Open Questions” only. There is no sense in searching for questions that have been resolved (or are closed) from receiving additional responses. Once you have completed this step you will generate a search results page that includes multiple un- answered questions found using your keyword(s). In my example search, I requested the search engine to find open questions relating to “Wordpress”. Here is what was found: By targeting the keyword “Wordpress”, 52 un-answered questions are available to me. To begin answering questions, simply click on the links to load up the “Question and Answer” page. By answering questions that target my niche market and including a website that provides additional information about the question that I am answering I can easily generate traffic to my site in a few minutes, the time it takes for me to successfully answer the question. Even if my answer does not end up being chosen as the “top” answer, I can still generate traffic just by using the “Source” box. Remember as well that Yahoo is the most popular search engine, outranking even Google. By answering recent questions rather than digging through older ones you are ensuring that your website receives traffic not only from the Yahoo Answer center (and those who view your answer from within that section) but also from the Yahoo search engine as well! Quick Tips To Top Traffic Tip #1: Focus on answering recent questions, posted within the last three hours.
  • 14. Tip #2: Always post a relevant website link in the Source box using a URL that sounds similar to the topic. (Example: If I was answering a question regarding weight loss, I would create a landing page specific to that niche and include it in the source box: Tip #3: Answer questions as thoroughly as you can. The more specific you are with your answers, the better chance you have of being selected as the top choice. Tip #4: After your limits are raised and you are able to answer more questions each day, start answering questions regardless of when they were posted (older ones are fine at this point). Every answer you submit will be included in Yahoo’s search engine results page regardless of how old the original question was. Tip #5: Be sure to include your keyword (that you are optimizing for) in your answer as best as you can. You can also add your URL (using a href tag) but if you do this incorrectly and your answer reeks of spam, you will not be chosen as the top answer and in some cases your answer may be removed completely. Tip #6: It isn’t just Yahoo’s search engine that will pick up your answers (and links). Google may also spider your answers and give you credit for a back-link. So be sure to answer as many questions as you can each day, until you reach your limit. Tip #7: Stick with it. It takes time to build an impressive portfolio and to develop your back-links. If you use a strategy where you answer questions on a daily basis, incorporate your keywords into your answers, and link to your websites within the source boxes, you will see results relatively quickly. The more effort you put into answering questions thoroughly and being chosen as the top answer, the more traffic your website will receive. Always keep this mind when you are answering questions. Tip #8: Since you are answering questions across a variety of categories and niche markets, be sure that you know enough about the subject to provide a helpful response. If you answer a question incorrectly, your credibility will wear down. It is important that you focus on answering questions relating to topics that you are familiar with. If you are unsure about a question, take a few minutes to research the correct answer before posting. It is not possible to edit your answers once they are published! There have been times where I was unsure of the correct answer to a question but I was slowly getting involved in the niche and wanted to direct people to a landing page where I was showcasing a product via an affiliate link. I took a few minutes to search out the answer and posted it, only after I was certain it was correct. It resulted in my answer being selected as the “Best Answer” and a nice comment from the original poster: And one word of caution; Once you begin to receive positive ratings and feedback you’ll find Yahoo Answers quite addictive!
  • 15. Tip #9: Don’t underestimate the power of custom landing pages. Instead of directing people to the main page of your website, creating specific pageswhere you can lead people to find out more information, while sticking to the topic or subject that you are answering. This way you will avoid confusing your visitors who are simply looking for additional information about specific topics. Tip#10: Points & More Points. You will receive points for answering questions (2 points per answer), 10 points for being selected as the best answer and an additional point for every answer you vote on. When you are building your levels it is important to collect as many points as you can. By voting on answers submitted by other people you are able to generate more points quickly. However you must be a LEVEL 2 to be able to vote on answers, so do your best to get to that level as soon as possible. As you begin to earn points and answer more questions, you will become a top contributor and a badge will appear near your avatar picture. Once you are a top contributor you will be selected more often as the “best answer” and more people will view your answers, profile, and your websites. Use The Answers To Build Your Website As a Yahoo Answers contributor you will begin to see a pattern emerge where the same types of questions are being asked over and over again. This is a great way to learn about the current topics that people are interested in and if you are clever enough to see the value in this, you can utilize these topics to create interesting blog posts that will capture attention and receive comments. You can take it a step further and write articles based on the questions that you review. Submit these articles to and other directories to generate even more traffic. It’s an easy way to research various niche markets and see just what people are interested in or needing help with! To make things easier, you can choose to keep track of specific questions that you plan to address by clicking on the “SAVE” option under each question. You can save it to your RSS feeder or to your private watch-list. Be The First, Every Time One quick technique that will help you answer more questions before others is to subscribe to the RSS feed available through Yahoo!. You will receive a listing of recently asked questions that are still open and available to be answered, and best of all, these questions will be related to your chosen niche markets! Here’s how to set this up: Go to the “Advanced Search” page as discussed earlier. Search for your specific keywords (primary ones that best describe your niche) and view the results page from your search. At the very bottom of the page in the left hand corner, you will see the option to add that search query in your RSS reader, as shown below: Once you have added this feed to your RSS reader, you will receive updates of new questions relating to your niche market (based on the keywords you just entered).
  • 16. This makes it easy to be the first to answer new questions! Repeat this process selecting keywords for each niche market that you are involved in and wish to receive notifications of. Daily Tasks: Every day, log into your Yahoo Answers account and view the open questions from the different categories or use the advanced tool to search for more specific questions based on keywords. Answer the questions that are posted via the feeds. Build landing pages that you can include in the source box with every question that you answer. Once you have designed a landing page for each niche market, you will always have a place to refer people to based on the subject of the question you are answering. You should also take the time to create multiple pages for each niche so that if you answer a lot of questions in the same category you can direct your traffic to various places on your website. Writing articles relating to the niches that you are involved in is the best way to generate traffic and continue to address different topics on your website. One easy way to categorize your articles or create new topics on your website for different questions you answer is by installing a WordPress blog and organizing topics into groups. This way whenever you answer a new question or you find that certain questions are continuously asked, you can create a category on your blog for these specific topics in the event that your blog covers a wide variety of topics. Tip: Purchase a domain that is generic, so that you can create a multi-topic blog. This will make it easier to direct people to the same website without having to create multiple blogs or purchase multiple domain names. Create A Yahoo Swipe File By creating a swipe file of previously answered questions you will be able to cut and paste your answers and cover more ground. Be sure to modify your answers whenever required so that the person posting the question believes you have answered it exclusively for them. While this is a time-saver and a method used by a lot of Yahoo Answers marketers, be careful not to simply paste the same answer repeatedly. Every question is different and you need to ensure that you modify your answer or change it up a bit from time to time, depending on the nature of the question. Cover Multiple Niche Markets Easily If you are involved in multiple niche markets, you might benefit from creating multiple Yahoo Answer accounts. This will also help you answer more questions each day under different accounts while building up levels on all of them.
  • 17. By creating multiple Yahoo Answer accounts you can also create different characters, (men/woman, parents, single men, divorced, etc) which will lend credibility when you are answering questions in different categories. Yahoo Answers allows multiple accounts so you don’t have to worry about breaking any rules, however voting for your own answers or point gaming is not allowed. To make sure that you are familiar with the rules, you should read the Community Guidelines overview: In the meantime, have fun with Yahoo Answers. It can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience and an easy way to generate targeted traffic to your website. Just be sure to log in every day and build up your levels. The quicker you reach a level where you are able to answer an unlimited number of questions the more exposure you will receive. Additional Resources: If Yahoo Answers isn’t enough for you, here are a few other communities that you may enjoy: Answer Bag: Yedda: http://www.Yedda.com25 YouTube Marketing What Is YouTube At its heart, YouTube ( is an online community designed for the sole purpose of allowing people to share their movies with others. However, it has grown to much more than just a simple video sharing website over the years since its inception and has actually become a full fledged internet phenomenon. These days, the effect of YouTube on society cannot totally be comprehended. It has been a driving force in breaking news stories, has allowed countless videocasters or bloggers to become household names, and has contributed to many peoples’ fifteen minutes of fame. To be honest, there has never been a better time than now to get involved in the YouTube community. There are all kinds of people there from all walks of life and they all share the same passion for good, well-crafted movies that can help them pass the time with a smile on their face. Whether you want to create a YouTube account so that you can interact with people from around the world or if you would like to submit videos in an attempt to get your online business name out there - the world of YouTube will welcome you with open arms. Now, there are a few things about YouTube though that you need to keep in mind if you want to have as much fun as possible. Try not to be insulting or overly complementary with your comments on the work of others and do not even think about submitting movies that may violate some existing copyrights.
  • 18. Also, when you do submit your own work, only submit the good stuff as there are far too many boring and tasteless videos on YouTube and we certainly do not need any more to sift through just to find a good video here or there. Why Video Is The Hottest Trend On The Internet In the 1990s when the World Wide Web was first invented, the hot new thing was the website. It was pretty amazing to be able to see text and images created by someone thousands of miles away on the tiny screen on your computer. From there, users of the internet realized that there was much more to the Web than just text and images, and the dawn of digital music and MP3s were born shortly thereafter. But that still was not enough. Users wanted full motion from their internet browsing experience. It was then that video became the hottest trend on the internet. Now, video has been around for quite some time on the internet - but it was not until YouTube came around that it became so popular. Previously, you could visit a website or two that had some cool videos to watch or you could just download a clip or two off of an FTP website. This was all well and good, but people wanted more of a community feel to their web videos. They wanted to be able to share their favorite clips with anyone and everyone at the touch of their mouse button - and that is where YouTube shines. YouTube may not have invented the internet video website but it certainly made it as popular as it is. Because of YouTube, anyone with a cell phone camera and a few minutes on their hands can create a video, submit it to YouTube’s database and be as famous as they want. It is great for people looking to boost their self-esteem as well as people who want to draw some extra visitors to their website. As long as you can provide videos on YouTube that people will like, you will be almost guaranteed to make it famous in no time flat - and that is the true value of video on the internet thanks to YouTube. Important Tips And Tricks For Generating Traffic Using YouTube YouTube can be a highly valuable tool for generating traffic for your website, blog or online business so long as you know what you are doing. You should learn to use YouTube differently for each type of online venture you are planning, so we have provided you with some important tips on how to make your websites successful with traffic from YouTube. No matter which type of online business you are trying to generate traffic for, the first thing you will have to do is create your own unique YouTube account. If you already have an account for home use, go ahead and create a second reflect your business name and website address. Once that is done you can start using YouTube to generate traffic for your online business.
  • 19. If you own an online business or you are trying to generate traffic to one of your websites that is not a blog, you will need to work hard at creating your own videos for submission to YouTube. This is the best way to get people to visit your site because you can make the videos how you want and put your website address wherever you want so viewers will be able to see it. Furthermore, you can use your YouTube account to comment on and add other people’s videos to your favorites - further getting people to view your YouTube account and ultimately view your online business site. Alternatively if you are trying to make it rich via ads on your blog, there is another way you can take advantage of YouTube. While you should also submit and comment on other videos, there is another way you can generate traffic to your website. Take advantage of other successful movies and post them to your blog in an attempt to better popularize your blog by using the work that others have created. Regards Global Hangout