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gggggloballoballoballoballobal eeeeeyyyyyesesesesesManitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine
March 2014
The Ray Charles
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
Beatrice Watson
Rita Ray Charles one of the late music
superstars Ray Charles graced Winnipeg
recently and was the “headliner” at the
Black History Month gospel concert. A
singer-storyteller wrapped in one sweet
bundle, Charles enthralled a sold out
crowd was a breath of fresh air and her
story was even more amazing
demonstrating the supremacy of the
human spirit to overcome difficulties
Ms Charles did not mince words
sharing with the audience a sordid past
that involved drugs, rock and roll and
jail time, giving birth to crack addicted
children who were taken away from her
and put into care and her journey to
reclaim her spirit and her children.
However through those dark days
her soul emerged enlightened
through the grace of God. Hers was
a story of hope and deliverance,
faith and trust. She said even though
her father was Ray Charles, he
could not save her, while he refused
to accept collect calls from her Jesus
heard her cries came to her rescue
and led her from that solitary
confined cells and showed her
another way of being. Today she
celebrates her life in Christ with songs
of praise. She told the captivated
audience with that no one is too low,
too bad, too far gone to make a
change. Do not give up on yourself,
she said. Like she connected to God
during her confinement she
encouraged those who may be
suffering to call on God to help, speak
to Him and do not give up until He
comes to your rescue.
I was very inspired by Ms Charles
story. There is always hope. There is
always a way out but you have to be
open to accepting help.
When newcomers arrive in a strange
land especially when that move was not
a dream but motivated by the need for
peace and a life free from war and
threats of imminent death in the chaos
of war, they need to connect to
something familiar especially during the
early days of transition. Community
cultural and settlement organizations
are important resources for such people
to feel safe and secure but if those
community organizations are little
hotbeds of political dramas then it is
really not helpful for newcomers trying
to get away from that.
Recently GEM spoke to Abu (not his
real name) who calls himself an East
African. He said he was not involved in
any organization because of the politics.
He said he had almost joined one
association which said they were not
involved in politics only about culture
and helping people but when he looked
closely at its activities he discovered
they were supporting the opposition
party back home. He said he came here
to get away from that and believes
that when politics gets in the mix
things can get messy.
Abu said that many community
leaders get involved in community
organizations to promote their own
agenda. While he sees nothing
wrong with that they should not
operate under the cloak of culture
but be clear about what they are
doing so people know what they are
getting into.
Abu said he keeps away in order to
keep peace for himself. He meets
like minded friends from his
community for drinks and enjoyment
“that’s all”.”
Recently, two dozen plus members
of the Winnipeg Ethiopian Orthodox
church blamed politics for conflicts
within the Church and filed a claim
with the Revenue Canada that called
for an investigation into the Church.
This is sad when communities turn
against each other but politics most
of the time is divisive.
When politics and culture collide in a new country ACAM’S JOB FAIR A HIT
Jim Ogunnoiki, Coordinator
Mr. Jim Ogunnoiki, ACAM
Executive member, founder and
coordinator of the Annual Job Fair, has
done it again this year with a successful
event attracting more than 500 job
seekers throughout the day. Mr.
Ogunnoiki said it is very encouraging to
see the level of interest in the fair and
hoped that people will connect to
employers who will take a chance on
them. Thank you sir.
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
3 3
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Letter to my children
Global Counselor
The danger of Lust
and more
Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication
devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and
Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the
issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims
at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its
It features articles ranging from the achievements of local,
national and international personalities and general information
that are of interest to the African/Caribbean
community. It offers editorials with African/
Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The
Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial
committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and
Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM)
671 Rathgar Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3L 1G6 Congratulations to Guyanese born author and
academic Dr.Sandra Sukhan who describes
herself as a professional hairstylist and who in
addition to being recently appointed Honorary
Consul to Manitoba recently had the launch of
her new book In Search of Blue Lotus at
McNally Robinson to a large audience.
She delivered a lively down to earth reading of
various key passages followed by a question and
answer period.
In this book Sukhan takes you on a very
personal journey of her arrival in Canada to
complete high school, her work as a hairstylist,
her efforts to challenge systemic injustices of
schools, and in later years during her studies for
two masters degrees and a doctoral degree, her
growing awareness of some of the issues of her
youth that affected and impacted her life. She
acknowledges her own complicity in, and efforts
to challenge the hegemony of cultural
imperialism. She is passionate about life long
learning. Her book also can be downloaded from
As Honorary Consul Sukhan hopes to
develop a database of Guyanese living in
Winnipeg, develop partnership relations with
institutions such as Red River College for muual
For any matters pertaining to the Honorary
Consul portfolio of duties, Dr. Sukhan can be
contacted at 204.488.2628.
Honorary Guyanese
Consul and Author -
Book Launch
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
Neil Pitamber,
Lara Badmus, LLB
A prolific writer, poet
and owner, Caribbean
GEM’s Regular Contributors
Discipline Counsel
The Law Society of
Distributed to local businesses, and in
Winnipeg and via email to individuals
in Manitoba and former Manitobans in
various parts of the world.
To receive Global Eyes by mail please
send a cheque for $15.00 to:
Global Eyes Magazine
671 Rathgar Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6
Phone: 204-477-1588
All contents are (c) 2011 and may not
be reprinted without the express or
written consent of the author or Editor.
Editor: Beatrice Watson
“I’m very proud to be black, but
black is not all I am. That’s my
cultural, historical background —
my genetic makeup. But it’s not all
of who I am, nor is it the basis from
which I answer every question.” —
Denzel Washington
Maurice Alexander, Federal Liberal
Candidate for South Centre Winnipeg and a
panellist at CBW Workshop
cont’d on p15
Moderator: Catherine Mitchell, Editor,
Winnipeg, Free-Press, Eleanor Coopsammy,
CTV Morning Host, Hip Hop Artist - Renee
Batson - panellists
Group photo op
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
5 5
BriefsQueen Nanny, featured on the Jamaican
$500 bill, was the leader of a group of slaves
who revolted against their British oppressors.
Queen Nanny was born into slavery
sometime during the 1680s, a child of the
Gold Coast, which is now Ghana.At some
point Nanny, reportedly of royal blood, was
able to escape a British colony on Jamaica
and lead a group of slaves into the inner
mountainous areas of the island. Soon, large
communities of ex-slaves, now calling
themselves Maroons, had formed. Nanny
Town, founded around 1723, was the first
and by far the largest of these communities.
From this town, Nanny was able to lead raids
against plantations in order to liberate the
However, her revolution quickly captured
the attention of the British.A series of
campaigns against the troublesome Maroons
were launched, and Nanny was forced to
lead her people in a guerilla defense
operation. To exploit the defensiveness
nature of inland Jamaica, Nanny ensured that
Maroon settlements were built high into the
mountains. Often, they had only a single
approach, meaning that attacking British
soldiers were easily picked off by small
numbers of Maroons, to whom Nanny had
taught the art of camouflage.
Nanny Town itself was attacked on a
number of occasions, in 1730, 1731, 1732,
and several times in 1734. One British attack
to Dr.
daughter of
Gary and
Elbers of
Cultural Organization, Winnipeg and
assistant professor in the School of
Interdisciplinary arts and Sciences
University of Washington who is the
recipient of Bothwell Faculty’s
Prestigious Woodrow Wilson
Foundation Career Enhancement
Fellowship Award. This award
provides Carlisle with one year to
pursue her scholarly research and
writing, and pairs her with a senior
colleague in her field as a mentor.
Carlisle’s interest is to conduct
research related to the relationship
between stress, coping and health and
will focus on the intersection of race,
ethnicity and nativity and its
implication on population health. She
states the economic burden of racial
inequalities in health has been reported
to be 30 percent in excess. Even
though Carlise research is US based
there could be relevant for Canadians
as well
“It is such an honor to receive this
award and I am grateful for the support
I have received from my colleagues,”
says Carlisle. “I am excited to
contribute to the research agenda on
the UW Bothell campus. Many
students approach me expressing their
interest in the social determinants of
health and now I can provide an
opportunity for these students to
Carlisle grew up in Selkirk Manitoba
and was a part of the Winnipeg
Caribbean community.
in 1734 succeeded in capturing the
settlement, which forced Nanny and the
survivors to flee and found a new camp,
from which they proved just as defiant.
Some historians suggest that Nanny was
trained in the art of catching bullets with her
hands.Whilst others, mainly the British,
seeking to discredit Nanny, claim she caught
bullets with her buttocks and farted them
back out.
Although Nanny and her people faced
nearly constant attack and hunger, they
remained united and strong against the
British under her rule. From 1739–40, the
British signed a peace treaty with the
Maroons, giving them 500 acres of land to
call their own. Nanny, a Jamaican national
hero, is credited with preserving the culture
and freedom of her people and being a
powerful symbol of the resistance to
slavery. (Thanks Lucinda Gordon)
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Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
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Editorial - Take One
Four bright, articulate and passionate youths of
colour spoke about the discrimination and
exclusion they face within the Winnipeg Queer
GenderFest 2014 and The UWSA LGBT
presented a panel discussion that addressed the
oppressions of queer people of colour within our
community. Panelists were Syrus Ware, Chantal
Ramraj, Uzoma Asagwara and Reno Johnston
who spoke about their own experience of
discrimination and lack of inclusion. Each
articulated their issues in a frank and respectful
Continued on p.13.
Black History
Month 2014 was
an exciting
month with many
activities and events to keep the
community hopping from venue to
venue. There was more content than
in the programs from History lessons
which heard from The First Nations
community, East Indian History and
Black History. Mr. Randy Ranville
spoke about Louis Riel’s struggles
and contribution to Canada’s history.
Louis Riel was reviled then but
now is revered as a here with a
statute in his honour. Manitoba has
the largest Métis population in all
of Canada. Derek Dabee, Guyanese
of East Indian heritage spoke about
Gandhi who fought for the rights of
people and was a revolutionary
who believed in the principle of
non-violence. His teachings were
adopted by both Nelson Mandela
and Martin Luther King. Dr. Lois
Stewart Archer presented an in-
depth power point on the life and
military skills of Queen Nanny of
Jamaica who eventually signed a land
treaty with Britain on behalf of her
people now known as Nanny Town.
Children learned to make cloth dolls
Caribbean style. Other activities
included basketball game, movie nights
and fashion show. The big event was the
Gospel Concet that drew people from
our diverse communities. Sheila Raye
Charles was the star performer this year.
There was something for everyone. Job
well done
Reno Johnson, Uzoma Asagwara and Chantal Ramraj
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
7 7
The late John Updike, author
wrote , “Looking foolish does the
spirit good. The need not to look
foolish is one of youth’s many
burdens; as we get older, we are
exempted from more and more, and
float upward in our heedlessness,
singing Gratia Dei sum quod sum
(‘Thanks be to God that I am what I
am’) .”
Social settings are usually the ebb
of a malicious and ill-tempered day.
We are often thrown into situations
where we are spotted by others and
the desire to appear cool, hot, or
gorgeous can be torturous. But
there is a destructive effect that
such things can cause. Here is a
case in point:
A few months ago, I was walking
by the library and I spotted a lively
lady who had the most welcoming
wave I had ever known in a long
while. She would burst into cheer
and wave at me, often frantically,
each time she saw me. I was
amazed at the joy she exuded. She
always livened me up with a spark
of joy and excitement; perhaps, a
childish influence, some would say.
I wanted to become her friend. I
would love such an upbeat
acquaintance in my life.
But, we did not converse for a
long time because our worlds were
far apart: She was involved in the
arts, and I was studying
engineering. Nevertheless, I would
often see her in the bus and she
would wave at me with gusto, a
character which always struck my
heart. I would never forget her
smile, I thought to myself. “I hope
she remains my friend!”
Finally I met her at a favorite
study lounge. And sitting by her was
a close friend. Excited, I did
something I wouldn’t normally do; I
walked up to her and said hello to
both ladies. But there was
something strange about this
meeting; the area felt a little all too
catty for my liking. They sat
together like two girls painted up in
lipstick and earpiece in their ears.
She introduced me to her friend,
and I turned my head to look into
her face. I was turned off by her
dull, depressing look. This was
where I went wrong, because,
without realizing it, I had been
evaluated based on my reaction.
They had scanned me off. My
friend looked at me with a set of
dull eyes. The usual smile on her
face had faded into a gloom. The
meeting ended with the two of
them leaving without even saying
goodbye. That was the end of a
good relationship. She never
smiled at me again. I was left
feeling confused as to why the
relationship ended the way it did.
Thinking back, I now realize that
my friendship was centered on the
lightness of her appearance and
made it difficult for me to accept
her friend; and thus, her. I resolved
to never make a relationship based
on looks again. I would instead,
allow a mature, clean, and budding
relationship to develop. This is
why John Updike said, “we float
upward in our heedlessness,
singing ‘Thanks be to God that I
am what I am…’” We forget that
we are not supposed to do what
flesh tells us to do, saying that we
are what we are. If one obeys the
flesh, one actually ends up worse
off than they initially started. The
Bible says in Proverbs 23:27 that
an adulterous woman is a deep
ditch, and a wayward wife
is a narrow well. We should not
allow ourselves to be swayed
upward the dirty waters of life by
the things we desire or by the
things others tell us to do.
Osauzo Ajiri Jeffrey
The Rev. Rose
is the first black
woman to serve
as chaplain to
the speaker in
the House of
Commons. She
broke the same
barrier when she
was appointed
chaplain to
Queen Elizabeth II. She was also the
first woman, and the first person of
color, to run her parish in Northeast
She currently juggles all three of those
roles, shuttling back and forth between
the poor, diverse communities of her
churches and the magnificent, rarefied
worlds of Westminster and Buckingham
Palace. It has been a long journey for
the girl who was raised in poverty by
her aunt on the shores of Montego Bay,
“I didn’t grow up feeling sorry for
myself and thinking, ‘Oh, gosh, I’m
poor,’ “ Hudson-Wilkin, 53, said in an
interview. “Because that was the life of
everyone around you. When a dice has
been thrown and that is your life, you
learn to live with your life. You grow
from it.”
Now she tries to impart that message to
her parishioners.
Be who you are and say
what you feel, because those
who mind don’t matter and
those who matter don’t
mind.Dr. Suess
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
Letter to my children
Global Counsellor
My dear children,
Black history month was especially
exciting. I felt there was more content
than some other years. I hope that you
participated in the celebration
wherever you are. It’s a time to come
together and share stories of our
ancestors and make the connection
between past and present in order to
map out a strategy for our success in
the coming years. We have a rich
legacy of strong, vibrant leaders and
wise men and women many of whom
rose above their circumstances to
become true role models for us even
today. We can learn from the
strategy of Queen Nanny of
Jamaica, the diplomacy of Kofi of
Guyana, the military might of
Toussaint Le Overture of Haitian
and his development of the initial
Bill of Rights, the bravery and
skills of Harriet Tubman. Studying
the lives of these people can reveal
secrets relevant to today’s
generation with so much more
resources to work with. We need to
tap into their lives by piecing
together the pieces that are
available to us.
I want you to remember always that
within your genes lay warriors in
waiting. You have come from a long
line of resilient, capable strong
people who can face down their
enemies and continue to rise and
flourish. Do not succumb to the
“poh me “syndrome. Whenever you
feel a door has closed keep looking
there is a window you can climb
through and reach your dream.
Love, mom
Dear Global Counsellor
I am from the African continent. I
am male and I am gay 28 year old
professional. I know I was gay for as
long as I can remember and I am sure
my parents are in denial of my
situation. We all pretend everything
is fine. I am feeling like I cannot take
this anymore. I want to explode. This
secret is killing me. I am certain if I
came out to my folks they’d disown
me and ask me to leave their house. I
don’t know which would be worse. I
love my family a lot. I have asked my
mom many times if she loved me and
she would shrug and ask what kind of
foolish question I was asking her. I
need the esteem of my folks
unconditionally but that may be too
much to ask. There is the expectation
that I would marry one day and give
them grandchildren. I know that
would never happen and it makes me
sad but I cannot imagine being with a
woman in that way. What can you
advise me?
Dear Sad,
You have some serious choices to
make. When would you choose
you. You choose everyone else
ahead of you. What would you tell
a good friend should they ask you
the same question. I am sure you
would tell them not to live a
double life. At some point you
have to take care of your soul. It
may be a shock at first but people
have a way of coming to terms
with things they cannot change. In
the mean time find support in like
minded people, Volunteer for
equality-seeking organizations
where you are likely to find
kindred spirit . It is important to
find the support you need. That
would help you bring clarity to
your situation in a caring way.
Just a boy and his Bharatkeet
Stick and tire down the street…
Waves to the Darjeeling Limited
One day ‘We’ll have our seat’
Yeah, life is for rural in the country
Rice paddy and surreal redundancy…
What you did not feel won’t scar
They’ve only said it if you heard
Nothing is wrong with your look
Ghee is sharper than curse words
Don’t wish this world away just yet
Of goat’s milk and Beedi cigarettes
Regular worship in beautiful temples
What they have there only
Neil Pitamber
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
9 9
Thanks to Larry Strachan, one of the few
Black composers in Canada, Manitoba
community got to savour some of
Strachan’s favourite orchestral
compositions by Blacks from the 1920s
including the compositions of Ed Bland,
TJ Anderson, Julia Perry and Howard
Swanson for Black History month.
Under the auspices of Musaic Chamber
Orchestra of which Strachan is the
Artistic Director, the event entitled
Crossroads Orchestral music was held at
the Shaw Performing Arts Centre at the
Forks Market to a large audience, The
chosen pieces were enjoyable and
uplifting. A lively reception followed the
event where Strachan mingled with the
audience and fielded questions.
A touch of class -
Larry Strachan
Doll-making workshop Mavis McLren
hold up a finished doll. Speakers: Dr.
Lois Stewart Archer, Randy Ranville
and Derek Dabee at the Jamaica
Cultural Centre..
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
Chief Devon Clunis is the darling of
the Caribbean community. He is
adored and revered by both old and
young alike and celebrated as the first
Black Police Chief in Canada and
being Jamaica takes him a notch
higher in the large Jamaica population
in Winnipeg.
Guest speaker at the 2014 Black
History Community Awards banquet
Chief Clunis got a standing ovation as
he walked up the podium. As he
respectfully asked the audience to sit,
he said he looked up to the elders in
the community who have always given
him their support.
Chief Clunis, a man of words, did
not disappoint. He roused Island pride
by launching in a bit of Creole talk in
response to Mavis McLaren’s hint that
she heard he spoke first to Jamaicans
in Jamaica before he spoke to the
community in Winnipeg.
Chief Clunis underscored the
importance of remembering Black
history lest history repeats itself.
He said Black History Month is a
time for the community to renew
its resolve to be vigilant about the
gains we have made and to
continue to move forward. “We
are not there yet,” he said.
“The most meaningful
milestone for me happened in
1977 when I saw the television
miniseries Roots. I walked away
feeling that I had a lot to be proud
of. If our people can go through
that and we’re still here, I had no
excuse and that informed my
He said education is the key to
success. “All the young people
here have an opportunity to get
an education. The sky is the
He compared Jamaica youths
who are begging for opportunities
to educate themselves to black
youths in Manitoba who are not
taking full advantage of the
opportunities before them. “We
need to do more” he said adding
4% of the federal prison
population are minority children.
He also challenged his generation
to step up to the plate and see
what more they can do.
He challenged the audience by
asking “what will you do
differently tomorrow because of
Black History today?”
Chief Clunis quoted statistics
to demonstrate the changing
demographics of Winnipeg and
Manitoba with 11 % Aboriginal
people and 25% visible minority.
“In Manitoba we embrace and
celebrate our diversity because
together we are better. We are
blessed to live in Canada and in
Winnipeg. We live in an amazing
city but the success of our city
depends on its rich diversity. We
have the world at our doorsteps.”
Speaking of his police work
Chief Clunis said, “We are
leading North America in terms
of building a community and I
believe as we focus on building
our community the crime will
take care of itself. We are dealing
with the root cause of crime.” he
said of the Winnipeg Police
In closing, Chief Clunis said
“The future of Canada and
Manitoba rests in our diversity
and each and every diverse group
has an opportunity to achieve
success.” He said it is important
for the Black community “to
partner with other groups to find
out how we can succeed
Maurice Alexander, (Member of
the Black History Month
Committee) Mavis McLaren
(Chair of the Black History
Month Committee) Nadia
Thompson (Black History
Month Committee Member) and
Victor Vaughan (Emcee)
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
11 11
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
The Little Girl
She’s locked away beyond the
darkness of her time
Molded by a past long gone
and yet forever captured in her mind
She is not a toy; a plaything with
which to practice your sexual
She is not a tool; a sharpener for
which to finer tune the cutting edge
of your words
She is not a lesson; a sounding board
for your psychological oddities
She is not inanimate; a
punching bag with which to
deny your inferiority or
prove otherwise
She is a child…
A little girl locked behind a
door of starkness;
Of black and
ugly anguish; pain beyond
her knowledge or control
And I hear her cries
Wails of untold anguish, sobs of
untouched shame
Bewildered moans of
doubt; recriminating screams
of blame
With each dawn, I hear her anger
and her sorrow
With each sunset, I
hear her hope – her faith in
I go to her at times
Meaning to leave ajar the door – let
in some light
To take away
the terrors of the day – to
heal the horrors of the night
But I cannot
Mind shrivelling in a race to escape
– I rush to close the door instead
And let her suffer –
-excerpt from I’m An Addict:In
Bits & Pieces by Shamin Brown
Book Release April 2, 2014 @
7pm McNally Robinson
Bookstore (1120 Grant Avenue)
The Colours of man comes from
Creation, from the Garden of
Eden comes Adam.
Mankind was created by God
the Father, not to be sold to the
highest bidder. “We are Sisters
and Brothers, let us worship him
Come, let us talk heart to heart,
our ears can give us a start before
we drift apart.
“Every Love or Hate Vine has a
Root, and from Sweet or Sour
Grapes comes the Gospel Truth”.
Hold my hand and let us walk to
the Promise Land. It was made
spiritually for the Human,
To live, love, share and
understand, in more ways than
“It’s a part of God’s plan and He’s
never wrong”.
The Rainbow appears in
glorious Colours, Showing off the
Creator’s Power.
Rain fill the rivers, it runs from
the Mountains to the Sea,
purifying you and me, let us
reflect upon the Racial Injustices
in Black’s History, created by
mankind with corrupt minds.
There are many names of
Warriors and Sufferers from
Generation to Generation.
Remember those with merciful minds,
and forgive those who eat the apple
and gave the skins to the Swine,
starving some colours, creed or kind.
As we continue on our Journey to
the Promise Land. We stand on the
shoulders of our Elders and Sisters,
who march against Colour Prejudice,
Discrimination and Segregation.
In our memoirs, we honour Dr.
Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln,
Frederick Douglass, Marcus Garvey,
Mahatma Gandhi,
John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela,
Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth
“None of us have made it, until all of
us have made it”. Sister Rosemary
“I have learned over the years that
when one’s mind is made up, this
diminishes fear”.
Sister Rosa Parks.
Get up, Stand up, Open the good
Book, Read with me from Genesis to
Revelation. One Love, One Heart can
be found in every language and Nation
that has a Black History Celebration.
William Bancroft
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
13 13
RCMP Divisions and detachments
across the country celebrated
“Diversity and Inclusion Week” from
January 20th
to 24th
, 2014.
The purpose of this event was to
celebrate different cultures and to learn
to accept and value the differences and
similarities of a collective mix of
people. Similarly, inclusion denotes a
workplace where all employees feel
valued and respected.
“It was an educational experience
for our members to learn each other
cultures, therefore creating a sense of
understanding among each other to
know why we all do certain things
differently: despite the fact that most
of us were all trained in the same way
at the same place,” said Cpl. David
Ogungbemi, “D” Division Cultural
Diversity Liaison Officer. “Diversity
and inclusion allows for a healthier
working environment for all
In addition to being served a variety
of cultural cuisine every day in the “D”
Division Cafeteria, RCMP employees
participated in a Diversity Quiz, some
dressed up in their own ethnic
clothing and a “lunch and learn”
session was held with Mrs. Suenita
Maharaj-Sandhu, M. Ed. - a
Workplace Equity and Diversity
A respectful workplace is a key
component in the RCMP and events
such as Diversity and Inclusion Week
serve to promote that both at work
and in the community.
“It allows our organization, as
Canada’s national police force, to be
an example to other provincial and
municipal police forces,” said
Ogungbemi. “It is an example to
Canadians that we support, reflect
and embrace diversity.”
The RCMP believes that knowledge
is the key to tolerance and
acceptance. Everyone is diverse in
their own way and celebrating those
differences, along with common
interests helps to unite and educate
one another.pass by.
RCMP Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion
Congratulations to Dr. Fisaha
Unduche who was recently hired as
the new Chief Flood Forecaster for the
Province of Manitoba Department of
Water stewardship. Dr. Unduche
replaced Dr. Phillip Mutulu who
resigned last summer. Dr. Unduche
15 plus years experience in Manitoba
and the Netherlands. We wish him well
in his new position.
Premier Greg Selinger today
awarded one of Manitoba’s highest
honours, the Order of the Buffalo
Hunt, to Dr. Denis Mukwege, in
recognition of his work in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
treating victims of sexual violence
Uzoma said as she was trying to
come to terms with her sexuality
she attended a gay nightclub a few
times and on one occasion she was
asked if she knew that she was at a
gay bar and that if people saw her
there they would think that she is
gay “it’s like you cannot be black
person and gay” she said she never
returned. Others spoke about
difficulty in finding partners
because of the colour of their skin
and spoke about their own bouts of
internalized racism.
There was consensus that white
privilege happens in the queer
community as it happens in the
mainstream. Even though the
Queer community faces
discrimination within the larger
community many privilege feel
that they understand
discrimination because of their
experience but for the queer
person of colour discrimination is
multi layered and intersectional
which can escape the
consciousness of those with
privilege. The conversation has
Hello, Black community there are
queer folks in the black
community and they need our
support. It is hard enough being a
minority within a minority, being
excluded by the mainstream and to
find no solace or space in their
cultural communities or worst yet
within their families. We need to
hear the voices and concerns of all
our youths and we need to support
them. Sexual orientation and
gender identity are protected
characteristics under The Human
Rights Code.
LGBTT -continued from p6
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
Let your food be
medicine and your
medicine be food.
Congress of Black Women of
Manitoba Cultural Awareness
Workshop in February 2014 attracted
high interest judging from the large
turn out to the event. The theme,
Media and Diversity, looked at
representation of people of colour in
the media business and employment.
Three panellists: Eleanor
Coopsammy, TV personality ,
Maurice Alexander Federal Liberal
candidate in South Centre Winnipeg
and Renee Batson of Afrosoul who
has on own radio show at CKUW
95.9 FM who shared their
perspectives on how to become
involved in the media business and
tips on how participants can become
involved. This was followed in the
afternoon by a powerful video Miss-
Representation which highlights and
exposes the ways in which the media
undermine women’s self-esteem
especially women of colour who are
underrepresented in the media and
often portrayed negatively.
The film generated interesting
discussions among small groups
around tables and appeared to
resonate well with young women
Congress of Black
Women Cultural
Awareness Workshop -
Media and Diversity
continued from p4
Chicken Marsala
Wine, lemons, and mushrooms
flavor this chicken recipe without
adding any salt or fat.
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 C flour
4 chicken breasts, boned, skinless (5
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 C Marsala wine
1/2 C chicken stock, skim fat from
1/2 lemon fresh lemon juice
1/2 C sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp fresh parsley,
Mix together pepper,
salt, and flour. Coat
chicken with seasoned
In a heavy-bottomed
skillet, heat oil. Place
chicken breasts in skillet and brown
on both sides. Then remove chicken
from skillet and set aside.
To the skillet, add wine and stir until
the wine is heated. Add juice, stock,
and mushrooms. Stir to toss, reduce
heat, and cook for about 10 minutes
until the sauce is partially reduced.
Return browned chicken breasts to
skillet. Spoon sauce over the
Cover and cook for about 5-10
minutes or until chicken is done.
Serve sauce over chicken. Garnish
with chopped parsley.
Pak Choi (or any
greens) and Salted Cod
2 lb baby pak choi
1 cup prepared salted cod (boil to
remove excess salt)
1/2 teaspoon black
1/4 scotch bonnet
1 large onion (diced)
4 cloves garlic (diced)
2 tablespoon olive oil
Optional – Cashews and/or sliced
Double wash the pak choi as
there’s usually sand/dirt between
the stems and drain, then chop
into 1/4 inch pieces (cut across
into ribbons).
Now heat the oil on a medium
flame in a wide pan and
add the diced garlic and
onion. Reduce the heat to
low and slowly cook for 3-
5 minutes. Then toss in the
bits of salted cod (any dry
salted fish) as well as the
black pepper and with the
heat still on low cook for
another 2-3 minutes The goal
here is to get a ton of flavor
created before adding the
chopped pak choi.
Raise the heat to medium and
start adding the chopped pak choi
to the pot.
Cook with the pan uncovered for
5-7 minutes
If you want to add some cashews
or sliced almonds, you can do so
the final 2 minutes of cooking.
This will add a lot of texture to
the dish (and protein).
Serve with steamed or boiled rice,
works well with roti and other flat
breads and if all fails.. make a
sandwich with it. Superb!
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
15 15
Leg Up
A shining light
Lupita Nyongo’s Oscar win for the Best
Supporting Actress in 12 Yesars of Slave,
was hailed by people all over the world
but for many black girls it is what she
said during her many speeches that
resonated and provided confirmation in
their own minds that being black is
beautiful. They heard that Lupita, a
stunning beautiful woman, had doubts
too, wanted to be something else and did
not feel enough.
Ms Nyong’o voiced the thoughts of
many when she said that she wished a
fairy godmother would waved her magic
wand and make her skin a lighter shade.
How can a child not want that when the
media bombard her with images of
beauty that rarely includes her? Of
course she would want to be considered
Parents and the black community can
do a lot to counter negative stereotypes
of black people even though it may
sound daunting given the power of the
media. Here are a few tips:
surround your children with positive
images of black people through books,
music, videos and stories, photographs
and paintings in the home;
instil the importance of both the inner
and outer beauty;
always be ready with stories or
evidence to counteract negative
stereotypes of black people. Children
often need proof and the proof is
- treat our children with respect, lwhen
we treat them with respect they learn to
respect themselves and others too;
- help them to feel that they are
deserving of good things like any
other child and like Ms Nyong’o
“When I look down at this golden
statue, may it remind me and every
little child that no matter where
you’re from your dreams are valid.”
Every Friday morning from
6am to 8am on CKUW 95.9 FM
Wake up Winnipeg/Fantastic
Friday takes to the airwaves, Your
ears and minds will be exposed to
acompendium of beautiful rythms
and ideas emanating from African
origins. We play funk, soul, rap/hip
hop, blues, high life,reggae, soca,
and steelband-the most recent
invented instrument in the world.
Tune in and listen to music and
commentaries originating in fron
the African and its diasporic
communities. All are from current
and historical issues. Tune in and
contribute if you will or can, we
will enable you. Wake up and
dance your way to preparedness for
the emerging day. Get your
children and the rest of your
household moving and grooving.
The show is ably hosted by Ras
Rico I-a tried and tested DJ and
announcer from CIUT FM ,
Toronto fame. You are also
welcome to send your music or
conme on the show to demonstrate
your talent.
For further and additional
information, you may reach Ras
Rico I at 204-504-4574 or:
You may edit and or adjust to your
convenience. Jah Live!Blessed
LoveYour Brother Ras Rico I
Global Eyes Magazine March 2014
L to r Una Francis, The
Grenadian Association of
Manitoba Community
Organization, Heulwen
Jones, Human Rights,
Mr. Gilkes for Una
Gilkes, Long Service
Christine Nnadi,
Religion Dr. Jude
Uzonno, Education,
Kabiru Fujumelody, Chef
Rob Thomas Business
(backrow) Jayden
McKoy, Sports,, Saffyre
McLeod, Youth,,Andrey
Outstanding Service,
Music (not present)
accompanied by Chief of
Police, Devon Clunis and
Hon. Flor Marcelino,
Minister of

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Global eyes magazine gem march 2014

  • 1. gggggloballoballoballoballobal eeeeeyyyyyesesesesesManitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine lst QUARTER March 2014 Sheila Raye Charles GOSPEL CONCERT PERFORMERS BLACK HISTORY The Ray Charles look
  • 2. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 2 Reflection Beatrice Watson Rita Ray Charles one of the late music superstars Ray Charles graced Winnipeg recently and was the “headliner” at the Black History Month gospel concert. A singer-storyteller wrapped in one sweet bundle, Charles enthralled a sold out crowd was a breath of fresh air and her story was even more amazing demonstrating the supremacy of the human spirit to overcome difficulties Ms Charles did not mince words sharing with the audience a sordid past that involved drugs, rock and roll and jail time, giving birth to crack addicted children who were taken away from her and put into care and her journey to reclaim her spirit and her children. However through those dark days her soul emerged enlightened through the grace of God. Hers was a story of hope and deliverance, faith and trust. She said even though her father was Ray Charles, he could not save her, while he refused to accept collect calls from her Jesus heard her cries came to her rescue and led her from that solitary confined cells and showed her another way of being. Today she celebrates her life in Christ with songs of praise. She told the captivated audience with that no one is too low, too bad, too far gone to make a change. Do not give up on yourself, she said. Like she connected to God during her confinement she encouraged those who may be suffering to call on God to help, speak to Him and do not give up until He comes to your rescue. I was very inspired by Ms Charles story. There is always hope. There is always a way out but you have to be open to accepting help. When newcomers arrive in a strange land especially when that move was not a dream but motivated by the need for peace and a life free from war and threats of imminent death in the chaos of war, they need to connect to something familiar especially during the early days of transition. Community cultural and settlement organizations are important resources for such people to feel safe and secure but if those community organizations are little hotbeds of political dramas then it is really not helpful for newcomers trying to get away from that. Recently GEM spoke to Abu (not his real name) who calls himself an East African. He said he was not involved in any organization because of the politics. He said he had almost joined one association which said they were not involved in politics only about culture and helping people but when he looked closely at its activities he discovered they were supporting the opposition party back home. He said he came here to get away from that and believes that when politics gets in the mix things can get messy. Abu said that many community leaders get involved in community organizations to promote their own agenda. While he sees nothing wrong with that they should not operate under the cloak of culture but be clear about what they are doing so people know what they are getting into. Abu said he keeps away in order to keep peace for himself. He meets like minded friends from his community for drinks and enjoyment “that’s all”.” Recently, two dozen plus members of the Winnipeg Ethiopian Orthodox church blamed politics for conflicts within the Church and filed a claim with the Revenue Canada that called for an investigation into the Church. This is sad when communities turn against each other but politics most of the time is divisive. When politics and culture collide in a new country ACAM’S JOB FAIR A HIT Jim Ogunnoiki, Coordinator Mr. Jim Ogunnoiki, ACAM Executive member, founder and coordinator of the Annual Job Fair, has done it again this year with a successful event attracting more than 500 job seekers throughout the day. Mr. Ogunnoiki said it is very encouraging to see the level of interest in the fair and hoped that people will connect to employers who will take a chance on them. Thank you sir.
  • 3. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 3 3 Subscribe Today Name:_________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ Postal Code_______________ Phone:_______________________ Email address:_______________________ Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think we’re doing a good job. Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the Caribbean/Black/larger community - by email or by phone (YES/NO) IN THIS ISSUE Briefs Letter to my children Global Counselor Healthwise The danger of Lust LEG UP and more Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its It features articles ranging from the achievements of local, national and international personalities and general information that are of interest to the African/Caribbean community. It offers editorials with African/ Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution. Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM) 671 Rathgar Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Congratulations to Guyanese born author and academic Dr.Sandra Sukhan who describes herself as a professional hairstylist and who in addition to being recently appointed Honorary Consul to Manitoba recently had the launch of her new book In Search of Blue Lotus at McNally Robinson to a large audience. She delivered a lively down to earth reading of various key passages followed by a question and answer period. In this book Sukhan takes you on a very personal journey of her arrival in Canada to complete high school, her work as a hairstylist, her efforts to challenge systemic injustices of schools, and in later years during her studies for two masters degrees and a doctoral degree, her growing awareness of some of the issues of her youth that affected and impacted her life. She acknowledges her own complicity in, and efforts to challenge the hegemony of cultural imperialism. She is passionate about life long learning. Her book also can be downloaded from As Honorary Consul Sukhan hopes to develop a database of Guyanese living in Winnipeg, develop partnership relations with institutions such as Red River College for muual benefits. For any matters pertaining to the Honorary Consul portfolio of duties, Dr. Sukhan can be contacted at 204.488.2628. Honorary Guyanese Consul and Author - Book Launch
  • 4. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 4 GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Neil Pitamber, Lara Badmus, LLB A prolific writer, poet and owner, Caribbean Shield GEM’s Regular Contributors Discipline Counsel The Law Society of Manitoba Distributed to local businesses, and in Winnipeg and via email to individuals in Manitoba and former Manitobans in various parts of the world. To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a cheque for $15.00 to: Global Eyes Magazine 671 Rathgar Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Phone: 204-477-1588 All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be reprinted without the express or written consent of the author or Editor. Editor: Beatrice Watson QUOTABLE QUOTE A PEOPLE WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR PAST HISTORY, ORIGIN AND CULTURE IS LIKE A TREE WITHOUT ROOTS. MARCUS GARVEY MARK YOUR CALENDAR CONGRESS OF BLACK WOMEN’S FASHION SHOW IN JUNE 2014 “I’m very proud to be black, but black is not all I am. That’s my cultural, historical background — my genetic makeup. But it’s not all of who I am, nor is it the basis from which I answer every question.” — Denzel Washington QUOTABLE QUOTE Maurice Alexander, Federal Liberal Candidate for South Centre Winnipeg and a panellist at CBW Workshop cont’d on p15 Moderator: Catherine Mitchell, Editor, Winnipeg, Free-Press, Eleanor Coopsammy, CTV Morning Host, Hip Hop Artist - Renee Batson - panellists CONGRESS OF BLACK WOMEN - MEDIA AND DIVERSITY PHOTOS Group photo op
  • 5. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 5 5 BriefsQueen Nanny, featured on the Jamaican $500 bill, was the leader of a group of slaves who revolted against their British oppressors. Queen Nanny was born into slavery sometime during the 1680s, a child of the Gold Coast, which is now Ghana.At some point Nanny, reportedly of royal blood, was able to escape a British colony on Jamaica and lead a group of slaves into the inner mountainous areas of the island. Soon, large communities of ex-slaves, now calling themselves Maroons, had formed. Nanny Town, founded around 1723, was the first and by far the largest of these communities. From this town, Nanny was able to lead raids against plantations in order to liberate the slaves. However, her revolution quickly captured the attention of the British.A series of campaigns against the troublesome Maroons were launched, and Nanny was forced to lead her people in a guerilla defense operation. To exploit the defensiveness nature of inland Jamaica, Nanny ensured that Maroon settlements were built high into the mountains. Often, they had only a single approach, meaning that attacking British soldiers were easily picked off by small numbers of Maroons, to whom Nanny had taught the art of camouflage. Nanny Town itself was attacked on a number of occasions, in 1730, 1731, 1732, and several times in 1734. One British attack Congratulations to Dr. Shauna Carlisle, daughter of Gary and Brenda Elbers of the Guyanese Cultural Organization, Winnipeg and assistant professor in the School of Interdisciplinary arts and Sciences University of Washington who is the recipient of Bothwell Faculty’s Prestigious Woodrow Wilson Foundation Career Enhancement Fellowship Award. This award provides Carlisle with one year to pursue her scholarly research and writing, and pairs her with a senior colleague in her field as a mentor. Carlisle’s interest is to conduct research related to the relationship between stress, coping and health and will focus on the intersection of race, ethnicity and nativity and its implication on population health. She states the economic burden of racial inequalities in health has been reported to be 30 percent in excess. Even though Carlise research is US based there could be relevant for Canadians as well “It is such an honor to receive this award and I am grateful for the support I have received from my colleagues,” says Carlisle. “I am excited to contribute to the research agenda on the UW Bothell campus. Many students approach me expressing their interest in the social determinants of health and now I can provide an opportunity for these students to participate.” Carlisle grew up in Selkirk Manitoba and was a part of the Winnipeg Caribbean community. . WHERE ARE THEY NOW? in 1734 succeeded in capturing the settlement, which forced Nanny and the survivors to flee and found a new camp, from which they proved just as defiant. Some historians suggest that Nanny was trained in the art of catching bullets with her hands.Whilst others, mainly the British, seeking to discredit Nanny, claim she caught bullets with her buttocks and farted them back out. Although Nanny and her people faced nearly constant attack and hunger, they remained united and strong against the British under her rule. From 1739–40, the British signed a peace treaty with the Maroons, giving them 500 acres of land to call their own. Nanny, a Jamaican national hero, is credited with preserving the culture and freedom of her people and being a powerful symbol of the resistance to slavery. (Thanks Lucinda Gordon) When you shop at orest People Crafts you are helping forest people support the crafters’families. We’re on the 2nd Floor #226 of The Fork’s Market, One Forks Market
  • 6. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 6 Can’t find a salon to do justice to your hair? Look no more! Les Touche Salon will send you satisfied everytime 4-555 Balmoral Ave Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. Phone: 947-5830 Editorial - Take One Four bright, articulate and passionate youths of colour spoke about the discrimination and exclusion they face within the Winnipeg Queer community. GenderFest 2014 and The UWSA LGBT presented a panel discussion that addressed the oppressions of queer people of colour within our community. Panelists were Syrus Ware, Chantal Ramraj, Uzoma Asagwara and Reno Johnston who spoke about their own experience of discrimination and lack of inclusion. Each articulated their issues in a frank and respectful manner. Continued on p.13. Black History Month 2014 was an exciting month with many interesting activities and events to keep the community hopping from venue to venue. There was more content than in the programs from History lessons which heard from The First Nations community, East Indian History and Black History. Mr. Randy Ranville spoke about Louis Riel’s struggles and contribution to Canada’s history. Louis Riel was reviled then but now is revered as a here with a statute in his honour. Manitoba has the largest Métis population in all of Canada. Derek Dabee, Guyanese of East Indian heritage spoke about Gandhi who fought for the rights of people and was a revolutionary who believed in the principle of non-violence. His teachings were adopted by both Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. Dr. Lois Stewart Archer presented an in- depth power point on the life and military skills of Queen Nanny of Jamaica who eventually signed a land treaty with Britain on behalf of her people now known as Nanny Town. Children learned to make cloth dolls Caribbean style. Other activities included basketball game, movie nights and fashion show. The big event was the Gospel Concet that drew people from our diverse communities. Sheila Raye Charles was the star performer this year. There was something for everyone. Job well done LGBTT OF COLOUR FACE DISCRIMINATION WITHIN THE QUEER COMMUNITY Reno Johnson, Uzoma Asagwara and Chantal Ramraj
  • 7. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 7 7 The late John Updike, author wrote , “Looking foolish does the spirit good. The need not to look foolish is one of youth’s many burdens; as we get older, we are exempted from more and more, and float upward in our heedlessness, singing Gratia Dei sum quod sum (‘Thanks be to God that I am what I am’) .” Social settings are usually the ebb of a malicious and ill-tempered day. We are often thrown into situations where we are spotted by others and the desire to appear cool, hot, or gorgeous can be torturous. But there is a destructive effect that such things can cause. Here is a case in point: A few months ago, I was walking by the library and I spotted a lively lady who had the most welcoming wave I had ever known in a long while. She would burst into cheer and wave at me, often frantically, each time she saw me. I was amazed at the joy she exuded. She always livened me up with a spark of joy and excitement; perhaps, a childish influence, some would say. I wanted to become her friend. I would love such an upbeat acquaintance in my life. But, we did not converse for a long time because our worlds were far apart: She was involved in the arts, and I was studying engineering. Nevertheless, I would often see her in the bus and she would wave at me with gusto, a character which always struck my heart. I would never forget her smile, I thought to myself. “I hope she remains my friend!” Finally I met her at a favorite study lounge. And sitting by her was a close friend. Excited, I did something I wouldn’t normally do; I walked up to her and said hello to both ladies. But there was something strange about this meeting; the area felt a little all too catty for my liking. They sat together like two girls painted up in lipstick and earpiece in their ears. She introduced me to her friend, and I turned my head to look into her face. I was turned off by her dull, depressing look. This was where I went wrong, because, without realizing it, I had been evaluated based on my reaction. They had scanned me off. My friend looked at me with a set of dull eyes. The usual smile on her face had faded into a gloom. The meeting ended with the two of them leaving without even saying goodbye. That was the end of a good relationship. She never smiled at me again. I was left feeling confused as to why the relationship ended the way it did. Thinking back, I now realize that my friendship was centered on the lightness of her appearance and made it difficult for me to accept her friend; and thus, her. I resolved to never make a relationship based on looks again. I would instead, allow a mature, clean, and budding relationship to develop. This is why John Updike said, “we float upward in our heedlessness, singing ‘Thanks be to God that I am what I am…’” We forget that we are not supposed to do what flesh tells us to do, saying that we are what we are. If one obeys the flesh, one actually ends up worse off than they initially started. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:27 that an adulterous woman is a deep ditch, and a wayward wife is a narrow well. We should not allow ourselves to be swayed upward the dirty waters of life by the things we desire or by the things others tell us to do. Osauzo Ajiri Jeffrey The Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin is the first black woman to serve as chaplain to the speaker in the House of Commons. She broke the same barrier when she was appointed chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II. She was also the first woman, and the first person of color, to run her parish in Northeast London. She currently juggles all three of those roles, shuttling back and forth between the poor, diverse communities of her churches and the magnificent, rarefied worlds of Westminster and Buckingham Palace. It has been a long journey for the girl who was raised in poverty by her aunt on the shores of Montego Bay, Jamaica. “I didn’t grow up feeling sorry for myself and thinking, ‘Oh, gosh, I’m poor,’ “ Hudson-Wilkin, 53, said in an interview. “Because that was the life of everyone around you. When a dice has been thrown and that is your life, you learn to live with your life. You grow from it.” Now she tries to impart that message to her parishioners. REV ROSE MADE HISTORY LUST AND THE PERISHABLE RELATIONSHIP Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.Dr. Suess MARK YOUR CALENDAR: CONGRESS OF BLACK WOMEN’S FASHION SHOW IN JUNE 2014
  • 8. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 8 Regulars Letter to my children Global Counsellor My dear children, Black history month was especially exciting. I felt there was more content than some other years. I hope that you participated in the celebration wherever you are. It’s a time to come together and share stories of our ancestors and make the connection between past and present in order to map out a strategy for our success in the coming years. We have a rich legacy of strong, vibrant leaders and wise men and women many of whom rose above their circumstances to become true role models for us even today. We can learn from the strategy of Queen Nanny of Jamaica, the diplomacy of Kofi of Guyana, the military might of Toussaint Le Overture of Haitian and his development of the initial Bill of Rights, the bravery and skills of Harriet Tubman. Studying the lives of these people can reveal secrets relevant to today’s generation with so much more resources to work with. We need to tap into their lives by piecing together the pieces that are available to us. I want you to remember always that within your genes lay warriors in waiting. You have come from a long line of resilient, capable strong people who can face down their enemies and continue to rise and flourish. Do not succumb to the “poh me “syndrome. Whenever you feel a door has closed keep looking there is a window you can climb through and reach your dream. Love, mom Dear Global Counsellor I am from the African continent. I am male and I am gay 28 year old professional. I know I was gay for as long as I can remember and I am sure my parents are in denial of my situation. We all pretend everything is fine. I am feeling like I cannot take this anymore. I want to explode. This secret is killing me. I am certain if I came out to my folks they’d disown me and ask me to leave their house. I don’t know which would be worse. I love my family a lot. I have asked my mom many times if she loved me and she would shrug and ask what kind of foolish question I was asking her. I need the esteem of my folks unconditionally but that may be too much to ask. There is the expectation that I would marry one day and give them grandchildren. I know that would never happen and it makes me sad but I cannot imagine being with a woman in that way. What can you advise me? Sad. Dear Sad, You have some serious choices to make. When would you choose you. You choose everyone else ahead of you. What would you tell a good friend should they ask you the same question. I am sure you would tell them not to live a double life. At some point you have to take care of your soul. It may be a shock at first but people have a way of coming to terms with things they cannot change. In the mean time find support in like minded people, Volunteer for equality-seeking organizations where you are likely to find kindred spirit . It is important to find the support you need. That would help you bring clarity to your situation in a caring way. TURBAN HERMAN Just a boy and his Bharatkeet Stick and tire down the street… Waves to the Darjeeling Limited One day ‘We’ll have our seat’ Yeah, life is for rural in the country Rice paddy and surreal redundancy… What you did not feel won’t scar They’ve only said it if you heard Nothing is wrong with your look Ghee is sharper than curse words Don’t wish this world away just yet Of goat’s milk and Beedi cigarettes Regular worship in beautiful temples What they have there only resembles… Neil Pitamber
  • 9. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 9 9 Thanks to Larry Strachan, one of the few Black composers in Canada, Manitoba community got to savour some of Strachan’s favourite orchestral compositions by Blacks from the 1920s including the compositions of Ed Bland, TJ Anderson, Julia Perry and Howard Swanson for Black History month. Under the auspices of Musaic Chamber Orchestra of which Strachan is the Artistic Director, the event entitled Crossroads Orchestral music was held at the Shaw Performing Arts Centre at the Forks Market to a large audience, The chosen pieces were enjoyable and uplifting. A lively reception followed the event where Strachan mingled with the audience and fielded questions. A touch of class - Larry Strachan Doll-making workshop Mavis McLren hold up a finished doll. Speakers: Dr. Lois Stewart Archer, Randy Ranville and Derek Dabee at the Jamaica Cultural Centre.. BLACK HISTORY MONTH HISTORY WORKSHOP PICTORIAL
  • 10. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 10 Chief Devon Clunis is the darling of the Caribbean community. He is adored and revered by both old and young alike and celebrated as the first Black Police Chief in Canada and being Jamaica takes him a notch higher in the large Jamaica population in Winnipeg. Guest speaker at the 2014 Black History Community Awards banquet Chief Clunis got a standing ovation as he walked up the podium. As he respectfully asked the audience to sit, he said he looked up to the elders in the community who have always given him their support. Chief Clunis, a man of words, did not disappoint. He roused Island pride by launching in a bit of Creole talk in response to Mavis McLaren’s hint that she heard he spoke first to Jamaicans in Jamaica before he spoke to the community in Winnipeg. Chief Clunis underscored the importance of remembering Black history lest history repeats itself. He said Black History Month is a time for the community to renew its resolve to be vigilant about the gains we have made and to continue to move forward. “We are not there yet,” he said. “The most meaningful milestone for me happened in 1977 when I saw the television miniseries Roots. I walked away feeling that I had a lot to be proud of. If our people can go through that and we’re still here, I had no excuse and that informed my future.” He said education is the key to success. “All the young people here have an opportunity to get an education. The sky is the limit.” He compared Jamaica youths who are begging for opportunities to educate themselves to black youths in Manitoba who are not taking full advantage of the opportunities before them. “We need to do more” he said adding 4% of the federal prison population are minority children. He also challenged his generation to step up to the plate and see what more they can do. He challenged the audience by asking “what will you do differently tomorrow because of Black History today?” Chief Clunis quoted statistics to demonstrate the changing demographics of Winnipeg and Manitoba with 11 % Aboriginal people and 25% visible minority. “In Manitoba we embrace and celebrate our diversity because together we are better. We are blessed to live in Canada and in Winnipeg. We live in an amazing city but the success of our city depends on its rich diversity. We have the world at our doorsteps.” Speaking of his police work Chief Clunis said, “We are leading North America in terms of building a community and I believe as we focus on building our community the crime will take care of itself. We are dealing with the root cause of crime.” he said of the Winnipeg Police Service. In closing, Chief Clunis said “The future of Canada and Manitoba rests in our diversity and each and every diverse group has an opportunity to achieve success.” He said it is important for the Black community “to partner with other groups to find out how we can succeed together.” PARTNER AND SUCCEED TOGETHER Maurice Alexander, (Member of the Black History Month Committee) Mavis McLaren (Chair of the Black History Month Committee) Nadia Thompson (Black History Month Committee Member) and Victor Vaughan (Emcee) THE HUDDLE
  • 11. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 11 11
  • 12. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 12 The Little Girl She’s locked away beyond the darkness of her time Molded by a past long gone and yet forever captured in her mind SHE WAS NOT MEANT TO SUFFER She is not a toy; a plaything with which to practice your sexual prowess She is not a tool; a sharpener for which to finer tune the cutting edge of your words She is not a lesson; a sounding board for your psychological oddities She is not inanimate; a punching bag with which to deny your inferiority or prove otherwise AND NEVER SHOULD SHE HAVE BEEN She is a child… A little girl locked behind a door of starkness; Of black and ugly anguish; pain beyond her knowledge or control And I hear her cries Wails of untold anguish, sobs of untouched shame Bewildered moans of doubt; recriminating screams of blame With each dawn, I hear her anger and her sorrow With each sunset, I hear her hope – her faith in tomorrow I go to her at times Meaning to leave ajar the door – let in some light To take away the terrors of the day – to heal the horrors of the night But I cannot Mind shrivelling in a race to escape – I rush to close the door instead And let her suffer – THE LITTLE GIRL LOCKED INSIDE MY HEAD -excerpt from I’m An Addict:In Bits & Pieces by Shamin Brown Book Release April 2, 2014 @ 7pm McNally Robinson Bookstore (1120 Grant Avenue) The Colours of man comes from Creation, from the Garden of Eden comes Adam. Mankind was created by God the Father, not to be sold to the highest bidder. “We are Sisters and Brothers, let us worship him together”. Come, let us talk heart to heart, our ears can give us a start before we drift apart. “Every Love or Hate Vine has a Root, and from Sweet or Sour Grapes comes the Gospel Truth”. Hold my hand and let us walk to the Promise Land. It was made spiritually for the Human, To live, love, share and understand, in more ways than one. “It’s a part of God’s plan and He’s never wrong”. The Rainbow appears in glorious Colours, Showing off the Creator’s Power. Rain fill the rivers, it runs from the Mountains to the Sea, purifying you and me, let us reflect upon the Racial Injustices in Black’s History, created by mankind with corrupt minds. There are many names of Warriors and Sufferers from Generation to Generation. Remember those with merciful minds, and forgive those who eat the apple and gave the skins to the Swine, starving some colours, creed or kind. As we continue on our Journey to the Promise Land. We stand on the shoulders of our Elders and Sisters, who march against Colour Prejudice, Discrimination and Segregation. In our memoirs, we honour Dr. Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Marcus Garvey, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth “None of us have made it, until all of us have made it”. Sister Rosemary Brown. “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear”. Sister Rosa Parks. Get up, Stand up, Open the good Book, Read with me from Genesis to Revelation. One Love, One Heart can be found in every language and Nation that has a Black History Celebration. THE COLOURED MAN’S GOSPEL William Bancroft
  • 13. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 13 13 RCMP Divisions and detachments across the country celebrated “Diversity and Inclusion Week” from January 20th to 24th , 2014. The purpose of this event was to celebrate different cultures and to learn to accept and value the differences and similarities of a collective mix of people. Similarly, inclusion denotes a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected. “It was an educational experience for our members to learn each other cultures, therefore creating a sense of understanding among each other to know why we all do certain things differently: despite the fact that most of us were all trained in the same way at the same place,” said Cpl. David Ogungbemi, “D” Division Cultural Diversity Liaison Officer. “Diversity and inclusion allows for a healthier working environment for all employees.” In addition to being served a variety of cultural cuisine every day in the “D” Division Cafeteria, RCMP employees participated in a Diversity Quiz, some dressed up in their own ethnic clothing and a “lunch and learn” session was held with Mrs. Suenita Maharaj-Sandhu, M. Ed. - a Workplace Equity and Diversity Coordinator. A respectful workplace is a key component in the RCMP and events such as Diversity and Inclusion Week serve to promote that both at work and in the community. “It allows our organization, as Canada’s national police force, to be an example to other provincial and municipal police forces,” said Ogungbemi. “It is an example to Canadians that we support, reflect and embrace diversity.” The RCMP believes that knowledge is the key to tolerance and acceptance. Everyone is diverse in their own way and celebrating those differences, along with common interests helps to unite and educate one another.pass by. RCMP Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion Congratulations to Dr. Fisaha Unduche who was recently hired as the new Chief Flood Forecaster for the Province of Manitoba Department of Water stewardship. Dr. Unduche replaced Dr. Phillip Mutulu who resigned last summer. Dr. Unduche 15 plus years experience in Manitoba and the Netherlands. We wish him well in his new position. ORDER OF THE BUFFALO Premier Greg Selinger today awarded one of Manitoba’s highest honours, the Order of the Buffalo Hunt, to Dr. Denis Mukwege, in recognition of his work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo treating victims of sexual violence Uzoma said as she was trying to come to terms with her sexuality she attended a gay nightclub a few times and on one occasion she was asked if she knew that she was at a gay bar and that if people saw her there they would think that she is gay “it’s like you cannot be black person and gay” she said she never returned. Others spoke about difficulty in finding partners because of the colour of their skin and spoke about their own bouts of internalized racism. There was consensus that white privilege happens in the queer community as it happens in the mainstream. Even though the Queer community faces discrimination within the larger community many privilege feel that they understand discrimination because of their experience but for the queer person of colour discrimination is multi layered and intersectional which can escape the consciousness of those with privilege. The conversation has begun. Hello, Black community there are queer folks in the black community and they need our support. It is hard enough being a minority within a minority, being excluded by the mainstream and to find no solace or space in their cultural communities or worst yet within their families. We need to hear the voices and concerns of all our youths and we need to support them. Sexual orientation and gender identity are protected characteristics under The Human Rights Code. LGBTT -continued from p6
  • 14. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 14 HEALTHWISE Let your food be medicine and your medicine be food. Hippocrates Congress of Black Women of Manitoba Cultural Awareness Workshop in February 2014 attracted high interest judging from the large turn out to the event. The theme, Media and Diversity, looked at representation of people of colour in the media business and employment. Three panellists: Eleanor Coopsammy, TV personality , Maurice Alexander Federal Liberal candidate in South Centre Winnipeg and Renee Batson of Afrosoul who has on own radio show at CKUW 95.9 FM who shared their perspectives on how to become involved in the media business and tips on how participants can become involved. This was followed in the afternoon by a powerful video Miss- Representation which highlights and exposes the ways in which the media undermine women’s self-esteem especially women of colour who are underrepresented in the media and often portrayed negatively. The film generated interesting discussions among small groups around tables and appeared to resonate well with young women participants. Congress of Black Women Cultural Awareness Workshop - Media and Diversity AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION continued from p4 Chicken Marsala Wine, lemons, and mushrooms flavor this chicken recipe without adding any salt or fat. 1/8 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 C flour 4 chicken breasts, boned, skinless (5 ounces) 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 C Marsala wine 1/2 C chicken stock, skim fat from top 1/2 lemon fresh lemon juice 1/2 C sliced mushrooms 1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped Mix together pepper, salt, and flour. Coat chicken with seasoned flour. In a heavy-bottomed skillet, heat oil. Place chicken breasts in skillet and brown on both sides. Then remove chicken from skillet and set aside. To the skillet, add wine and stir until the wine is heated. Add juice, stock, and mushrooms. Stir to toss, reduce heat, and cook for about 10 minutes until the sauce is partially reduced. Return browned chicken breasts to skillet. Spoon sauce over the chicken. Cover and cook for about 5-10 minutes or until chicken is done. Serve sauce over chicken. Garnish with chopped parsley. Pak Choi (or any greens) and Salted Cod Ingredients 2 lb baby pak choi 1 cup prepared salted cod (boil to remove excess salt) 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 scotch bonnet pepper 1 large onion (diced) 4 cloves garlic (diced) 2 tablespoon olive oil Optional – Cashews and/or sliced almonds Double wash the pak choi as there’s usually sand/dirt between the stems and drain, then chop into 1/4 inch pieces (cut across into ribbons). Now heat the oil on a medium flame in a wide pan and add the diced garlic and onion. Reduce the heat to low and slowly cook for 3- 5 minutes. Then toss in the bits of salted cod (any dry salted fish) as well as the black pepper and with the heat still on low cook for another 2-3 minutes The goal here is to get a ton of flavor created before adding the chopped pak choi. Raise the heat to medium and start adding the chopped pak choi to the pot. Cook with the pan uncovered for 5-7 minutes If you want to add some cashews or sliced almonds, you can do so the final 2 minutes of cooking. This will add a lot of texture to the dish (and protein). Serve with steamed or boiled rice, works well with roti and other flat breads and if all fails.. make a sandwich with it. Superb!
  • 15. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 15 15 Leg Up A shining light Lupita Nyongo’s Oscar win for the Best Supporting Actress in 12 Yesars of Slave, was hailed by people all over the world but for many black girls it is what she said during her many speeches that resonated and provided confirmation in their own minds that being black is beautiful. They heard that Lupita, a stunning beautiful woman, had doubts too, wanted to be something else and did not feel enough. Ms Nyong’o voiced the thoughts of many when she said that she wished a fairy godmother would waved her magic wand and make her skin a lighter shade. How can a child not want that when the media bombard her with images of beauty that rarely includes her? Of course she would want to be considered beautiful. Parents and the black community can do a lot to counter negative stereotypes of black people even though it may sound daunting given the power of the media. Here are a few tips: surround your children with positive images of black people through books, music, videos and stories, photographs and paintings in the home; instil the importance of both the inner and outer beauty; always be ready with stories or evidence to counteract negative stereotypes of black people. Children often need proof and the proof is outthere. - treat our children with respect, lwhen we treat them with respect they learn to respect themselves and others too; - help them to feel that they are deserving of good things like any other child and like Ms Nyong’o said: “When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid.” Every Friday morning from 6am to 8am on CKUW 95.9 FM Wake up Winnipeg/Fantastic Friday takes to the airwaves, Your ears and minds will be exposed to acompendium of beautiful rythms and ideas emanating from African origins. We play funk, soul, rap/hip hop, blues, high life,reggae, soca, and steelband-the most recent invented instrument in the world. Tune in and listen to music and commentaries originating in fron the African and its diasporic communities. All are from current and historical issues. Tune in and contribute if you will or can, we will enable you. Wake up and dance your way to preparedness for the emerging day. Get your children and the rest of your household moving and grooving. The show is ably hosted by Ras Rico I-a tried and tested DJ and announcer from CIUT FM , Toronto fame. You are also welcome to send your music or conme on the show to demonstrate your talent. For further and additional information, you may reach Ras Rico I at 204-504-4574 or: You may edit and or adjust to your convenience. Jah Live!Blessed LoveYour Brother Ras Rico I SELASSIE TUNE IN TO RAS RICO I SELASSIE AT CKUW 95.9 FM - RADIO TO AWAKEN THE MIND THE BLACK SKIN IS NOT A BADGE OF SHAME, BUT RATHER A GLORIOUS SYMBOL OF NATIONAL GREATNESS. MARCUS GARVEY
  • 16. Global Eyes Magazine March 2014 16 L to r Una Francis, The Grenadian Association of Manitoba Community Organization, Heulwen Jones, Human Rights, Mr. Gilkes for Una Gilkes, Long Service Christine Nnadi, Religion Dr. Jude Uzonno, Education, Kabiru Fujumelody, Chef Rob Thomas Business (backrow) Jayden McKoy, Sports,, Saffyre McLeod, Youth,,Andrey Warmington, Outstanding Service, Music (not present) accompanied by Chief of Police, Devon Clunis and Hon. Flor Marcelino, Minister of Multiculturalism. CONGRATULATIONS TO AWARD RECIPIENTS