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MONEY AND POLITICS                       Jointly with
           Discussion Club                    Harvard Club of Russia

Initiative to support
National Program to Upgrade Human Resources
“Global Education for the Russians"

Moscow, 2010
Executive summary

      1 Russian economy has great potential to grow, which cannot be fulfilled without getting modern
         technologies to serve as the basis for the modernization

      2 Russian educational system alone will have great difficulties in coping with the task to
         disseminate quickly modern technologies and views

      3 Educating their compatriots in globally leading universities and attracting them back to the home
         country is an efficient mechanism of modernization, which is however, used to a very limited
         extent in Russia, comparing to many successful countries. At the same time countries like China,
         USA, India, Brazil and Kazakhstan have stepped up their efforts in such programs

      4 The Program we suggest will enable to increase significantly the number of Russians studying in
         globally leading universities and going back home by financing the education, providing support
         with the application process and subsequent job placement. The spending will be highly efficient
         as the state will pay for only those who return

      5 The Program will complement current effort to develop Russian education, as it will increase the
         number of young scientist and professors with global education and work experience in Russian
         educational institutions

Russia greatly lags developed countries by labor productivity

                                                   Labor productivity
                                                   Index; USA = 100%

                                                                                 100         93         78          72
                                                                                                                               45          26
                                                   Economy as a
  “The main problem for the Russian                whole, 2007
  economy today is its extreme
  inefficiency. Labor productivity
  remains at an extraordinarily low                                              134        120
  level… The main sectors of the                                                                       100
  Russian economy should achieve                                                                                   71
  at least a fourfold increase in this              Retail                                                                     25         11
  indicator within 12 years"                        banking,
                              V. Putin*             2006

                                                                                                     63               60

                                                                                  2002              2004             2004             2007
  *Source: Speech delivered by V. Putin on February 8, 2008, to an expanded session of the State Council on “Russia’s Development Strategy to 2020”
Russian economy can grow four times if modern technologies* are implemented
through upgrade of human capital
                                                                                                                        Potential for Russia’s economy growth
                                                                                                                        through implementation of modern
                                             Labor productivity in Russia                                               technologies
  Development stages:                          (as % of the US 2007):

  Growth through innovation
  -requires full adoption of modern technologies        ∞                                              INNOVATIVE ECONOMY

                                                      +74%                                            MODERNIZED ECONOMY
  - Labor productivity increase 4 times **
  - Requires mass implementation of
    engineering and managerial
    technologies**                                                                                                                   Efficient and
                                                                                    Efficient                                         innovative
                                                                                   Government                                          business

                                                                                                  UPGRADE OF HUMAN CAPITAL

 Utilization of spare capacity                                              «CEILING» OF BACKWARD PERCEPTIONSS – CANNOT BE REMOVED
 - Exhausted                                           26%                                WITHOUT HUMAN CAPITAL UPGRADE
 - Obsolete equipment and technologies hinder
   productivity                                         **

                                                                   Russia, 2007**

*Here and hereinafter by "technologies" are assumed engineering, managerial and institutional technologies
**Source: McKinsey Global Institute, «Lean Russia», 2009
Powerful instrument to upgrade human capital – invitation of bearers of global
technologies – is not used in Russia
                                                                                                                               Change in the indicator
                                                                                                                        х (х) – Previous period

                        Bearers of global technologies –                                              Universities in          BCG Global
                        educated in foreign universities:                                              The Times               Innovation
                                                                                    effectiveness1       Top-100                  Index

                       •   13,6% ministers (incl 2 PhD)
                       •   9% members of Central Committee of the Communist Party
                       •   81% members of Chinese Academy of Sciences                  35 (46)              6                         27
                       •   9 из 10 most influential economists
                       •   32 из 39 rectors of Shanghai Universities

                       • >20% professor of top 10 US universities
                                                                                        9 (9)-              57                         8

                       • 20 из 21 ministers of Singapore
                                                                                        1 (2)               2                          1
                       • >90% of the heads of universities and companies

                       • <1% officials
                       • <1% university professors
                       • PhD in Economics in national government: 0
                                                                                       71 (64)              02)                       49

1 World Bank 2009
2 Best Russian university is #214 by quality of publications
One of the most important tools to acquire modern technologies – education in
global universities – is not employed by Russia
                                                    Russia is not a leading country by the number of students abroad
                                                         … moreover, is critically behind developed countries1
 Students abroad, #                                                            Share of students studying abroad, (% of total students of the country/region)
                                                                               Central Asia
 China                                                          x15            Western Europe
                                                                               East Asia and Oceania
                                                                               USA                                                   x5
 USA                                                     x11
                                                                               Central and Eastern Europe
                                                                               China                                            x4
 Russia                                                                        Latin America
                      0       100 000     200 000     300 000   400 000                                       0             1             2        3             4

                                               Russia is a laggard by training of its scientists in global universities 2
Share of students in U.S. PhD programs to the country's population
Selected countries, %                                                         Growth of students in U.S. PhD programs in 2000-2008

South Korea                                                      x24          300%                   All countries   68%
Singapore                                    x12                                                     China           90%
Turkey                                                                                                               178%
Chili                                                                         200%                   Russia          -33%
China                        x3
Top-40                              Russia is #34 out of 40,
Italy                               falling behind both
Germany                     x2      developed and developing
Saudi Arabia                        countries
France                                                                        100%
                      0             0,1         0,2          0,3               2000                 2002              2004             2006                     2008
                                       The biggest gap is in the disciplines critically important for the modernization:
       In 1992-2007 the number of Russian citizens who received PhD in the USA: in economics - 117; in political sciences and public administration - 21
Source: 1) OECD, UNESCO; 2) Surveys of Earned Doctorates, NSF                         5
Studying in global universities will enable upgrade of human capital and help
development of the educational system in Russia
Improvement of Russian education
              Increased funding for Russian                                                     Mass education of Russian citizens in
                                                       Hiring of foreign teachers and experts
              education                                                                         global universities

                 Support by the majority of the           Rapid attraction of bearers of           Speed

                 academia and society in general          modern technologies to Russian
                                                          educational system                       Mass capturing of global
                                                                                                   Low risks of inefficient spending

                 Long waiting time, especially in          Expensive                               The need to overcome the "myths"
                 lagging areas (economics, political                                               (see next slide)
                 science and administration)               Complexity of integration into the

                                                           Russian scientific / social             Risks of non-return
                 Requires personnel already in             environment                             (minimized by conditions of financing
                 possession of modern technologies                                                 only if the students return to Russia,
                                                           Limited applicability                   and special types of visas, such as
                 Risks of inefficient spending                                                     J1 visa in the U.S.)

                   Necessary but unattainable               Accelerated development in                   Creating a foundation
                  without the other components                     limited areas                    to improve education in Russia

Russia lags in educating its people in global universities because of a number of
wide-spread myths

                 MYTHS ABOUT
               EDUCATON ABROAD

                                                                             Those who left then returned and founded
  This is a “brain drain”                                                    “silicon valleys” in Singapore, Taiwan, India
                                                                             and other countries

                                                   MODERNIZATION AND         Russian universities in the Times Top100: 0
  Russian universities are world-class
                                                   INNOVATIONS               Quality of publications: MSU – #214
                                                   • “Capturing” of global
                                                                             "Specificity" can be quickly grasped on
                                                     technologies and
  Not compatible with the specificity of Russia                              returning home, but acquiring cutting-edge
                                                     markets                 knowledge is difficult in Russia
                                                   • Through education in
                                                     global universities     The cost of the program is less than 1% of
  Better to finance the Russian universities                                 budget for education in 2010-13, while it can
                                                   • Will require            radically improve the education in Russia
  Students from global universities are a source     established             Promote stability, ensuring the success of
  of instability                                     misconceptions          modernization

  We are a great country with our own mission –
                                                                             No success stories in isolation from the world
  the others should learn from us

                     WE DON’T NEED YOU HERE!                                 STUDY AND RETURN!

Even if not returning straight away, people who received their education in global
universities are a powerful source of network, technology and entrepreneurship

        GONE TO STUDY                             RETURNED                                RESULTS

         Miin Wu did not get back to                In 1980s Taiwan actively                    Miin Wu returned and founded
         Taiwain upon graduation from               engaged the Diaspora: to the                Macronix Co – leader of the
         Stanford in 1976. Got 10 years of          point of building special kinder            Taiwan “silicon valley” Hsinchu
         job experience in the USA                  gardens

         Indians became among the leading              India started to actively attract them    Some returned and founded Bangalor
         programmers in the USA                        back in late 1990s                        “silicon valley”: 20 largest companies
                                                                                                 are founded or governed by the

         In 30 years over 1 500 000                    Chinese leaders dine in Silicon Valley,     60% of foreign direct investment is
         Chinese studied abroad                        attracting "returnees" home.                coming from the Diaspora
                                                       Plans to attract 135,000 to the civil       China became a leader in car
                                                       service                                     manufacturing

                                                   «They made their choice. Why should          >20% of academic Diaspora
         In 30 years around 100 000 left to get    we pay them for their return ticket?»        publicly asked for an educational
         foreign education                         Difficulty in getting visa                   reform (2009)
                                                   Foreign diplomas are not recognized
                                                   Signs of some improvement recently

         Foreign Diaspora – strategic asset, heavily invested in by leading players:
                     In the last 10 years China                                            President of the USA
                     increased 3 times the number of                               announced plans to increase
                     student abroad and the funding                             number of American students in
                     for the program                                              China from 33 000 to 100 000

National programs of human capital upgrade of other countries enable return of the
students and application of the acquired knowledge
             Description                                Enforcement of the Return               Results
Brasi        • Loans for education abroad               • If the student works in Brazil as     • About 4000 loans are
                 through 2 government agencies:             many years as he/she spent              disbursed annually
                 National Counsel of Technological          abroad the government               •   There is evidence of
                 and Scientific Development                 compensates the loan                    strengthening scientific links,
                 (CNPQ) and a branch of Ministry of     •   Otherwise the student is                like increasing numbers of
                 Education (CAPES)                          responsible for paying it off           foreign professors
Turkey       • The Scientific and Technological         • If the student returns and works in   • Up to EUR 100 MM are spent
                 Research Council of Turkey                 Turkey for 2 years the loan is          annually on scholarships for
                 provides loans for those willing to        compensated by the state                education abroad
                 get a PhD abroad                       •   The government provides
                                                            exclusive managerial positions
                                                            and opportunities for career
Kazakhstan   • «Bolashak» scholarship                   •   A prerequisite for candidates is    • Up to 3000 students a year
                 established in 1993                        subsequent employment in                receive the scholarships
             •   Enable students to receive                 Kazakhstan                              (budget of USD 100 MM a
                 bachelor and master degrees and                                                    year)
                 PhD in 630 universities of 32
China        • China Scholarship Council (CSC) – • Despite the absence of special               • In 2008 ~13000 scholarships
                 a non-profit institution responsible       mechanisms, of the ~ 37,500             granted, 5 times as many as in
                 for organization and financing of          attendees ~36,500 people                1996
                 foreign education from high school         returned, which makes a 97%         •   In 1996-2008 48 000 people
                 to post-doctorate studies (over 185        return ratio                            received education abroad

The program can remove most of the obstacles to learning global technologies


 1                  Attracting scholarship holders: the site
                    • Social advertising, Internet and
                    • Dealing with universities to and thefaculty and graduates
                      Social advertising, Internet attract site
INFORMING           • Assistance in roadshows in program, preparation and enrolling
                      Informational choosing the the regions
                    • Regional representative offices to to attract faculty and graduates
                    • Dealing with universities in order

 2                  •   Arranging enrollment planning sessions
                    •   Arranging test solving workshops
PREPARATION         •   Providing preparatory materials
AND ENROLLMENT      •   Assistance in getting a loan from a commercial bank
                    •   Examination fees (GRE, GMAT)

                    •   Signing off the educational loan
 3                  -   50% over 5 years in case of returning to Russia
                    -   100% over 3 years in case of public service or employment in education and science
                    •   Educating high-level public servants abroad
AND EMPLOYMENT      •   Providing public service vacation list within the attraction program
                    •   Carrere planning assistance
                    •   Graduate club
The state will pay only if the student returns to Russia

Major stages for the participant                                                                          5.1
                                                                                                                General admission
                                                                                                                 General admission
                                                                                                                (if TOEFL>215)
                                                                                                                 (if TOEFL>215)
 1                          2                                    3
     Getting information
     Getting information         Getting ready for tests and
                                 Getting ready for tests and          Taking GMAT/GRE and
                                                                      Taking GMAT/GRE and                                                 6
     about the options to
     about the options to        preparing application
                                 preparing application                TOEFL, submitting the
                                                                      TOEFL, submitting the                                                   Getting educational loan
                                                                                                                                               Getting educational loan
     study abroad
     study abroad                                                     application
                                                                      application                                                             from banks partnering in
                                                                                                                                               from banks partnering in
                                                                                                          5.2                                 the program
                                                                                                                                               the program
                                                                                                             Admission with an
                                                                                                              Admission with an
                                                                                                             additional language
                                                                                                              additional language
                                                                                                             tutorial (TOEFL 170
                                                                                                              tutorial (TOEFL 170

                                                                                                          The government finances studying
                                                                                                          abroad only if the student returns
                                                                                                          to Russia

                                                               8.1                                      Government repays
                                                                                                        Government repays
                                                                     Employment within
                                                                      Employment within                 50 % of the loan
                                                                                                        50 % of the loan
                                                               8.2                                                                        Obligation to
                                                                                                                                           Obligation to
                            8                                        Employment with                                                      contribute 100 hours to
                                                                                                                                           contribute 100 hours to
                                                                      Employment with
                                Going back to
                                Going back to                        scientific // educational   9.2                                      the Programm
                                                                                                                                           the Programm
                                                                      scientific educational
                                Russia within 2
                                Russia within 2                      institutions                       Government repays
                                                                                                        Government repays
 7                              years from
                                years from                                                              100% of the loan
                                                                                                        100% of the loan
     Studying and
      Studying and              graduation
                                graduation                     8.3
     receiving a degree
      receiving a degree
                                                                     Employment within
                                                                      Employment within
                                                                     the govemenr
                                                                      the govemenr
                            10                                                                   10.3
                                                                                                        Repay the loan by
                                                                                                        Repay the loan by
                                 Staying abroad
                                 Staying abroad                                                         himself

Program options

                               1    MINIMUM                                                        2      FULL-SCALE

 Vs. number of                  Sending to study                                                       Sending to study
                                • 10 000 Russian citizens within the governmental                      • 30,000 Russian citizens within the governmental
 scholarships in other
                                  program                                                                program, including
 countries in 2011-2013:
                                • 5-10% top-ranking public servants (3-6 months)                       • 10-20% top-ranking public servants
 Kazakhstan 10 000
 Brazil 15 000                  Attracting to Russia                                                   Attracting to Russia
                                • 1 000 to public service                                              • 3,000 to public service
 China 50 000
                                • 2 000 to universities                                                • 6 000 professors and scientists
                                • 15 economists often referred to for designing                        • 50 economists often referred to for designing
                                  economic policy                                                        economic policy
                                                         RUB 15 billion*                                                    RUB 45 billion


                                Number of students abroad
                                800 000

                                600 000

                                400 000                                                                                             Scenario 2

                                200 000                                                                                             Scenario 1             ia
                                                                                                                                    As is
                                        1998      2000     2002    2004    2006   2008   2010   2012     2014   2016    2018    2020

* Less than 1% of 2011-2013 Russian federal budget for education                    12
Scholarship program success depends on national leaders' support, effective
management and active attraction of scholarship holders to home country

                                                              LEADERS SUCCESSFUL IN MODERNIZING THEIR COUNTRIES

LEADER'S SUPPORT REQUIRED                                              Deng Xiaoping ,
                                                                       China economy growth architect

                                                                              Mass-scale education abroad is
                                                                                the strategic task to make
• National leaders who launched the programs of                                   modernization happen                                Lee Kuan Yew,
  learning global technologies went down to history as                                                                                father of the Singapore economic
  the founders of their countries' success                    LEADERS MEET THEIR SUCCESSFUL COMPATRIOTS ACROSS THE
• In all these cases, the key to program's success was        GLOBE TO ATTRACT THEM BACK HOME
  the national leader's support and initiative
                                                                         « ..scholarship holders... helped turn our port city
                                                                         into the model economy»
• National leaders – founders of success:
  – Appointed program steering committee and                           Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore prime minister, Cambridge and Harvard graduate

    program management with international
    experience                                                           Our compatriots abroad are the base for
                                                                         international trade
  – Actively attracted technology champions to
    public service
                                                                       Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan president, Harvard graduate

                                                                         «..the success of modernizing China is linked to
                                                                         international education programs.»

                                                                       Zhang Xinsheng, China deputy minister of education and scholarship
                                                                       program leader, Harvard graduate

Next steps (1/2)
For program implementation

                          Make the decision on Program implementation option

                          Appoint program steering committee and program management with
                          international experience

                 3        Develop and implement a detailed program implementation plan
Next steps (2/2)
For program promotion

                          Sign the attached letter supporting the Program*

                          Propose candidates for supporting the Program to the initiative

                          • Communicate your suggestions on the program to the initiative group
                 3        • Meet the initiative group and/or make a presentation at Money and Politics
Program council team members                                                                                     E-mail:

Name                    Highlights

                        • McKinsey consultant since 2007. Implemented projects on strategy development for several Russian economy sectors
                          and enhancing operational efficiency for major Russian industrial and energy companies
                        • Worked in the USA in telecommunications and other communications management area for two years
                        • Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Business School at Moscow Institute of Physics
                          and Technology / Academy of National Economy

                        • Worked as the director of research and portfolio manager at Marquardt Spectrum investment fund, senior analyst at
                          CERA, as well as at RAO UES of Russia as head of expert group for the developing a competitive market for electrical
       Valentin           energy in CIS
                        • Master of Finance degree from New Economic School; Maser of Management and Bachelor of Economics degrees
                          from Higher School of Economics, additional education: Harvard University and Stanford University

                        • Has been working at Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies since 2009, before that worked for Morgan Stanley
                          investment bank in London office , focusing on M&A in Financial Institutions sector
       Dushkin          • MSc Management degree from Imperial College , London
                        • Graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (BSc and MSc in Economics), where he founded the
                          MGIMO Business Club and was elected Chairman of the Student Research Association
                        • McKinsey engagement manager. Implemented projects on strategy and operational efficiency for major energy and
                          mining companies in Russia. Helped international companies to enter Russian market
       Konstantin       • Served as a trainee at Goldman Sachs bank, working in the area of financing fast growing companies in Russia
                        • Graduated from Harvard University (MBA) and Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation

                        • Has been working in World Bank for eight years. Lead public sector restructuring projects in Middle East and Central
                          Asia and coordinated projects on implementing the assessment of regular impact in Russia on federal and regional
       Michail            level
       Pryadilnikov     • Ph.D degree from Harvard in public administration (2009). Taught the theory of management in London School of

                        • Ex-CEO and a co-owner of a telecommunication company IP-Net. Achieved a 65-time growth of company revenues
                          and was among the first in the world to implement a new satellite telecom technology in telecom
       Murad            • Elected the President of Harvard Club alumni association (360 members in Russia)
       Sofizade         • MBA and MPA from Harvard University
                        • Belongs to 100 most respected Russian entrepreneurs (according to

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  • 1. MONEY AND POLITICS Jointly with Discussion Club Harvard Club of Russia Initiative to support National Program to Upgrade Human Resources “Global Education for the Russians" Moscow, 2010
  • 2. Executive summary • 1 Russian economy has great potential to grow, which cannot be fulfilled without getting modern technologies to serve as the basis for the modernization • 2 Russian educational system alone will have great difficulties in coping with the task to disseminate quickly modern technologies and views • 3 Educating their compatriots in globally leading universities and attracting them back to the home country is an efficient mechanism of modernization, which is however, used to a very limited extent in Russia, comparing to many successful countries. At the same time countries like China, USA, India, Brazil and Kazakhstan have stepped up their efforts in such programs • 4 The Program we suggest will enable to increase significantly the number of Russians studying in globally leading universities and going back home by financing the education, providing support with the application process and subsequent job placement. The spending will be highly efficient as the state will pay for only those who return • 5 The Program will complement current effort to develop Russian education, as it will increase the number of young scientist and professors with global education and work experience in Russian educational institutions 1
  • 3. Russia greatly lags developed countries by labor productivity Labor productivity Index; USA = 100% 100 93 78 72 45 26 Economy as a “The main problem for the Russian whole, 2007 economy today is its extreme inefficiency. Labor productivity remains at an extraordinarily low 134 120 level… The main sectors of the 100 Russian economy should achieve 71 at least a fourfold increase in this Retail 25 11 indicator within 12 years" banking, V. Putin* 2006 100 63 60 21 Construction 2002 2004 2004 2007 *Source: Speech delivered by V. Putin on February 8, 2008, to an expanded session of the State Council on “Russia’s Development Strategy to 2020” 2
  • 4. Russian economy can grow four times if modern technologies* are implemented through upgrade of human capital Potential for Russia’s economy growth through implementation of modern Labor productivity in Russia technologies Development stages: (as % of the US 2007): Growth through innovation -unlimited -requires full adoption of modern technologies ∞ INNOVATIVE ECONOMY Modernization +74% MODERNIZED ECONOMY - Labor productivity increase 4 times ** - Requires mass implementation of ** engineering and managerial technologies** Efficient and World-class Efficient innovative universities Government business UPGRADE OF HUMAN CAPITAL Utilization of spare capacity «CEILING» OF BACKWARD PERCEPTIONSS – CANNOT BE REMOVED - Exhausted 26% WITHOUT HUMAN CAPITAL UPGRADE - Obsolete equipment and technologies hinder productivity ** Russia, 2007** *Here and hereinafter by "technologies" are assumed engineering, managerial and institutional technologies **Source: McKinsey Global Institute, «Lean Russia», 2009 3
  • 5. Powerful instrument to upgrade human capital – invitation of bearers of global technologies – is not used in Russia Change in the indicator х (х) – Previous period MODERNIZATION Bearers of global technologies – Universities in BCG Global Government educated in foreign universities: The Times Innovation effectiveness1 Top-100 Index • 13,6% ministers (incl 2 PhD) • 9% members of Central Committee of the Communist Party • 81% members of Chinese Academy of Sciences 35 (46) 6 27 • 9 из 10 most influential economists • 32 из 39 rectors of Shanghai Universities • >20% professor of top 10 US universities 9 (9)- 57 8 • 20 из 21 ministers of Singapore 1 (2) 2 1 • >90% of the heads of universities and companies • <1% officials • <1% university professors • PhD in Economics in national government: 0 71 (64) 02) 49 1 World Bank 2009 2 Best Russian university is #214 by quality of publications 4
  • 6. One of the most important tools to acquire modern technologies – education in global universities – is not employed by Russia Russia is not a leading country by the number of students abroad … moreover, is critically behind developed countries1 Students abroad, # Share of students studying abroad, (% of total students of the country/region) Central Asia China x15 Western Europe East Asia and Oceania USA x5 USA x11 Central and Eastern Europe China x4 Russia Latin America Russia 0 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 0 1 2 3 4 Russia is a laggard by training of its scientists in global universities 2 Share of students in U.S. PhD programs to the country's population Selected countries, % Growth of students in U.S. PhD programs in 2000-2008 South Korea x24 300% All countries 68% Taiwan Singapore x12 China 90% Turkey 178% India Thailand Chili 200% Russia -33% China x3 Top-40 Russia is #34 out of 40, Italy falling behind both Germany x2 developed and developing Saudi Arabia countries France 100% Japan India Venezuela Iran Russia 0% 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 The biggest gap is in the disciplines critically important for the modernization: In 1992-2007 the number of Russian citizens who received PhD in the USA: in economics - 117; in political sciences and public administration - 21 Source: 1) OECD, UNESCO; 2) Surveys of Earned Doctorates, NSF 5
  • 7. Studying in global universities will enable upgrade of human capital and help development of the educational system in Russia Improvement of Russian education Increased funding for Russian Mass education of Russian citizens in Hiring of foreign teachers and experts education global universities Support by the majority of the Rapid attraction of bearers of Speed Advantages academia and society in general modern technologies to Russian educational system Mass capturing of global technologies Low risks of inefficient spending Long waiting time, especially in Expensive The need to overcome the "myths" lagging areas (economics, political (see next slide) science and administration) Complexity of integration into the Drawbacks Russian scientific / social Risks of non-return Requires personnel already in environment (minimized by conditions of financing possession of modern technologies only if the students return to Russia, Limited applicability and special types of visas, such as Risks of inefficient spending J1 visa in the U.S.) Examples Necessary but unattainable Accelerated development in Creating a foundation without the other components limited areas to improve education in Russia 6
  • 8. Russia lags in educating its people in global universities because of a number of wide-spread myths MYTHS ABOUT REALITY EDUCATON ABROAD Those who left then returned and founded This is a “brain drain” “silicon valleys” in Singapore, Taiwan, India and other countries MODERNIZATION AND Russian universities in the Times Top100: 0 Russian universities are world-class INNOVATIONS Quality of publications: MSU – #214 • “Capturing” of global "Specificity" can be quickly grasped on technologies and Not compatible with the specificity of Russia returning home, but acquiring cutting-edge markets knowledge is difficult in Russia • Through education in global universities The cost of the program is less than 1% of Better to finance the Russian universities budget for education in 2010-13, while it can • Will require radically improve the education in Russia overcoming Students from global universities are a source established Promote stability, ensuring the success of of instability misconceptions modernization We are a great country with our own mission – No success stories in isolation from the world the others should learn from us WE DON’T NEED YOU HERE! STUDY AND RETURN! 7
  • 9. Even if not returning straight away, people who received their education in global universities are a powerful source of network, technology and entrepreneurship GONE TO STUDY RETURNED RESULTS Miin Wu did not get back to In 1980s Taiwan actively Miin Wu returned and founded Taiwain upon graduation from engaged the Diaspora: to the Macronix Co – leader of the Stanford in 1976. Got 10 years of point of building special kinder Taiwan “silicon valley” Hsinchu job experience in the USA gardens Indians became among the leading India started to actively attract them Some returned and founded Bangalor programmers in the USA back in late 1990s “silicon valley”: 20 largest companies are founded or governed by the “returnees” In 30 years over 1 500 000 Chinese leaders dine in Silicon Valley, 60% of foreign direct investment is Chinese studied abroad attracting "returnees" home. coming from the Diaspora Plans to attract 135,000 to the civil China became a leader in car service manufacturing «They made their choice. Why should >20% of academic Diaspora In 30 years around 100 000 left to get we pay them for their return ticket?» publicly asked for an educational foreign education Difficulty in getting visa reform (2009) Foreign diplomas are not recognized Signs of some improvement recently Foreign Diaspora – strategic asset, heavily invested in by leading players: In the last 10 years China President of the USA increased 3 times the number of announced plans to increase student abroad and the funding number of American students in for the program China from 33 000 to 100 000 8
  • 10. National programs of human capital upgrade of other countries enable return of the students and application of the acquired knowledge Description Enforcement of the Return Results Brasi • Loans for education abroad • If the student works in Brazil as • About 4000 loans are through 2 government agencies: many years as he/she spent disbursed annually National Counsel of Technological abroad the government • There is evidence of and Scientific Development compensates the loan strengthening scientific links, (CNPQ) and a branch of Ministry of • Otherwise the student is like increasing numbers of Education (CAPES) responsible for paying it off foreign professors Turkey • The Scientific and Technological • If the student returns and works in • Up to EUR 100 MM are spent Research Council of Turkey Turkey for 2 years the loan is annually on scholarships for provides loans for those willing to compensated by the state education abroad get a PhD abroad • The government provides exclusive managerial positions and opportunities for career development Kazakhstan • «Bolashak» scholarship • A prerequisite for candidates is • Up to 3000 students a year established in 1993 subsequent employment in receive the scholarships • Enable students to receive Kazakhstan (budget of USD 100 MM a bachelor and master degrees and year) PhD in 630 universities of 32 countries China • China Scholarship Council (CSC) – • Despite the absence of special • In 2008 ~13000 scholarships a non-profit institution responsible mechanisms, of the ~ 37,500 granted, 5 times as many as in for organization and financing of attendees ~36,500 people 1996 foreign education from high school returned, which makes a 97% • In 1996-2008 48 000 people to post-doctorate studies (over 185 return ratio received education abroad programs) 9
  • 11. The program can remove most of the obstacles to learning global technologies DESCRIPTION 1 Attracting scholarship holders: the site • Social advertising, Internet and • Dealing with universities to and thefaculty and graduates Social advertising, Internet attract site INFORMING • Assistance in roadshows in program, preparation and enrolling Informational choosing the the regions • Regional representative offices to to attract faculty and graduates • Dealing with universities in order 2 • Arranging enrollment planning sessions • Arranging test solving workshops PREPARATION • Providing preparatory materials AND ENROLLMENT • Assistance in getting a loan from a commercial bank • Examination fees (GRE, GMAT) • Signing off the educational loan 3 - 50% over 5 years in case of returning to Russia - 100% over 3 years in case of public service or employment in education and science ATTRACTION • Educating high-level public servants abroad TO RUSSIA AND EMPLOYMENT • Providing public service vacation list within the attraction program • Carrere planning assistance • Graduate club 10
  • 12. The state will pay only if the student returns to Russia Major stages for the participant 5.1 General admission General admission (if TOEFL>215) (if TOEFL>215) 1 2 3 Getting information Getting information Getting ready for tests and Getting ready for tests and Taking GMAT/GRE and Taking GMAT/GRE and 6 about the options to about the options to preparing application preparing application TOEFL, submitting the TOEFL, submitting the Getting educational loan Getting educational loan study abroad study abroad application application from banks partnering in from banks partnering in 5.2 the program the program Admission with an Admission with an additional language additional language tutorial (TOEFL 170 tutorial (TOEFL 170 -215) -215) The government finances studying abroad only if the student returns to Russia 9.1 8.1 Government repays Government repays Employment within Employment within 50 % of the loan 50 % of the loan business business 11 8.2 Obligation to Obligation to 8 Employment with contribute 100 hours to contribute 100 hours to Employment with Going back to Going back to scientific // educational 9.2 the Programm the Programm scientific educational Russia within 2 Russia within 2 institutions Government repays Government repays institutions 7 years from years from 100% of the loan 100% of the loan Studying and Studying and graduation graduation 8.3 receiving a degree receiving a degree Employment within Employment within the govemenr the govemenr 10 10.3 Repay the loan by Repay the loan by Staying abroad Staying abroad himself himself 11
  • 13. Program options 1 MINIMUM 2 FULL-SCALE Vs. number of Sending to study Sending to study governmental • 10 000 Russian citizens within the governmental • 30,000 Russian citizens within the governmental scholarships in other program program, including countries in 2011-2013: • 5-10% top-ranking public servants (3-6 months) • 10-20% top-ranking public servants Kazakhstan 10 000 Brazil 15 000 Attracting to Russia Attracting to Russia • 1 000 to public service • 3,000 to public service China 50 000 • 2 000 to universities • 6 000 professors and scientists • 15 economists often referred to for designing • 50 economists often referred to for designing economic policy economic policy RUB 15 billion* RUB 45 billion FORECASTED EFFECT OF CLOSING THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GAP VS. OTHER COUNTRIES Number of students abroad 800 000 China 600 000 USA 400 000 Scenario 2 Russ 200 000 Scenario 1 ia As is 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 * Less than 1% of 2011-2013 Russian federal budget for education 12
  • 14. Scholarship program success depends on national leaders' support, effective management and active attraction of scholarship holders to home country LEADERS SUCCESSFUL IN MODERNIZING THEIR COUNTRIES CRITICAL PROGRAM SUCCESS FACTORS LEADER'S SUPPORT REQUIRED Deng Xiaoping , China economy growth architect Mass-scale education abroad is the strategic task to make • National leaders who launched the programs of modernization happen Lee Kuan Yew, learning global technologies went down to history as father of the Singapore economic wonder the founders of their countries' success LEADERS MEET THEIR SUCCESSFUL COMPATRIOTS ACROSS THE • In all these cases, the key to program's success was GLOBE TO ATTRACT THEM BACK HOME the national leader's support and initiative « ..scholarship holders... helped turn our port city into the model economy» • National leaders – founders of success: – Appointed program steering committee and Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore prime minister, Cambridge and Harvard graduate program management with international experience Our compatriots abroad are the base for international trade – Actively attracted technology champions to public service Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan president, Harvard graduate «..the success of modernizing China is linked to international education programs.» Zhang Xinsheng, China deputy minister of education and scholarship program leader, Harvard graduate 13
  • 15. Next steps (1/2) For program implementation Make the decision on Program implementation option 1 Appoint program steering committee and program management with 2 international experience 3 Develop and implement a detailed program implementation plan E-mail: 14
  • 16. Next steps (2/2) For program promotion Sign the attached letter supporting the Program* 1 Propose candidates for supporting the Program to the initiative 2 group • Communicate your suggestions on the program to the initiative group 3 • Meet the initiative group and/or make a presentation at Money and Politics Club E-mail: 15
  • 17. Program council team members E-mail: Name Highlights • McKinsey consultant since 2007. Implemented projects on strategy development for several Russian economy sectors and enhancing operational efficiency for major Russian industrial and energy companies Alexander • Worked in the USA in telecommunications and other communications management area for two years Leonov • Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Business School at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology / Academy of National Economy • Worked as the director of research and portfolio manager at Marquardt Spectrum investment fund, senior analyst at CERA, as well as at RAO UES of Russia as head of expert group for the developing a competitive market for electrical Valentin energy in CIS Preobrazhensky • Master of Finance degree from New Economic School; Maser of Management and Bachelor of Economics degrees from Higher School of Economics, additional education: Harvard University and Stanford University • Has been working at Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies since 2009, before that worked for Morgan Stanley investment bank in London office , focusing on M&A in Financial Institutions sector Kirill Dushkin • MSc Management degree from Imperial College , London • Graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (BSc and MSc in Economics), where he founded the MGIMO Business Club and was elected Chairman of the Student Research Association • McKinsey engagement manager. Implemented projects on strategy and operational efficiency for major energy and mining companies in Russia. Helped international companies to enter Russian market Konstantin • Served as a trainee at Goldman Sachs bank, working in the area of financing fast growing companies in Russia Kuzovkov • Graduated from Harvard University (MBA) and Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation • Has been working in World Bank for eight years. Lead public sector restructuring projects in Middle East and Central Asia and coordinated projects on implementing the assessment of regular impact in Russia on federal and regional Michail level Pryadilnikov • Ph.D degree from Harvard in public administration (2009). Taught the theory of management in London School of Economics • Ex-CEO and a co-owner of a telecommunication company IP-Net. Achieved a 65-time growth of company revenues and was among the first in the world to implement a new satellite telecom technology in telecom Murad • Elected the President of Harvard Club alumni association (360 members in Russia) Sofizade • MBA and MPA from Harvard University • Belongs to 100 most respected Russian entrepreneurs (according to