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Carol Boyko
SOC 348

                            Globalization Through Rock n’ Roll

       Globalization can be understood as the crossing of cultures on a worldwide scale.

It is the effortless mobility of an idea, product, people or currency to flow to a different

location. Each society has its own way of being, but their traditions and concepts become

incorporated in other areas, and spread from culture to culture. Once every culture

intertwines and gains from one another, it is fair to say globalization has occurred. The

globalization of music, more specifically rock n’ roll, portrays this self-fulfilling process

perfectly. In this essay I will discuss how this process has affected music, its authenticity,

and genre ambiguity.

       When considering the globalization of music it is necessary to look at it in terms

of cultural globalization. Music is a large part of culture being a driving force for rituals,

recreation, traditions and everyday routine. Cultural globalization is a phenomena that

has had many outcomes, many of which apply to music. Isomorphism, the tendency for

cultures to turn to similar outcomes and traits, has been a prominent theme in the music

industry. Due to the fact that it is an income driven entity, such as most things are, there

comes a time when musicians feel as though they much follow the lead of their more

successful and inspirational forefathers. This leads to a homogenization of the music’s

central aspects.

       As music travels in this flat world that globalization has provided, it is blatant

how styles blend. It travels so fast that action can be taken equally as fast. Recording a

song and posting it on the internet to give listeners instantaneous accessibility can occur
in just minutes. As soon as that listener decides what he finds impressive and wants to

incorporate into his own music, he can begin writing a song with his newly found

inspiration. It is this vicious cycle that creates the extremely diverse world where

eventually there is so much music out there, that all the diversity sounds like something

one has heard before. Hybridization subconsciously occurs when old styles are mixed to

create a new product.

       In the age of hybrid “world music” there is a pattern of non-mainstream styles

hitting popular culture through the means of the music industry (Wajima 104).

Popularizing non-Western styles and adding elements to make them fit in with the

mainstream is a common occurrence. Glocalization hence has a severe impact while

musicians struggle to maintain their roots while conforming to the conventional.

       Use of the internet creates a whole new element making social context global and

virtual, not just a tangible stance. Extensive media provided by the web creates more

room and freedom (Ryan 42). There is a greater freedom of expression and

experimentation, taken from one’s garage to homes all over. Through browsing websites

such as Youtube, the music world changes in an instant. Ideas are grasped instantly and it

even makes way for a path to the popular culture. Youtube sensations such as Justin

Bieber and Soulja Boy gained fame and fortune through videos they posted which

received massive amounts of hits. Such glamour would not be associated with their music

if it were not for the internet and the billions of views they received worldwide.

       At the same rate, any amateur can potentially become a professional by using

Google to learn to play an instrument. He then can post videos of how quickly he

progressed and possibly become immersed in the mainstream as well. Not only is there a
rapid growth of skill and experience, but competition is now on a global scale in the flat

world of technology (Beckmann-Collier 27).

       When music is constantly zooming from one area to another, music genres are

constantly evolving based on individuals’ changes. It is affected by their context, both

physical and social, and the broader scheme of what is going on in the world. Genres are

progressively fluid trends that never remain the same. Ever-changing and advancing in

their analytic traits, this constant emergence of new genres and new sounds render

ordinary categories obsolete.

       To be able to identify and label a genre, a multifaceted sound must be diagnosed

into many simpler attributes that proclaim a certain identity of a society, leading to a

feeling of unity and meaning. There is a certain rubric that is followed, with topics such

as whether the expression is a genuine one of emotion, or if it is finance-driven

insincerity. Whether it is counter-culture or norm abiding, whereas political systems play

a big role in society. Historical tendencies are then compared and an analysis is formed

(Ryan 36). Defining a genre categorizes the central force of emotion, social and political

stance, target audience and expected outcome of that audience. Much more than just the

sound of the music itself, genres are a whole realm of everyone involved. Creation and

appreciation are conjoined.

       Assessment in rock has been pattern-abiding to other forms of music. It is likely

split into categories of authentic expression, or straight emotion that has been structured.

Great rock musicians are considered so because they pour their heart and soul into their

music. And so, there is a hierarchy that has been institutionalized into the nature of rock

n’ roll (Regev). The problem leads us to the question of why the interpretation of
authentic and inauthentic is widely accepted and creates this form. As globalization in

rock n’ roll spreads, this hierarchy is transmitted to its audience (Tucker 556). Therefore,

categorizing by authenticity becomes a defining factor in the music industry.

       History ties in strongly with music and genre analysis. Bernadette Ryan refers to

historiography when approaching on social details stating, “The concepts we use to

constitute facts are themselves constituted by history, they change over time and in

different contexts.” (Ryan 37)

       Rock n’ roll itself was creating as a blend of different styles. Combining country,

rhythm and blues, and jazz. Mixing elements from almost every underground genre that

was not pop, rock started as a hybrid for the counter-culture. It was the epitome of

counter-hegemony from the day it began, with Elvis as the pretty face to lead the


       Rock music has only had a fairly short history in respect to other genres so it is

easy to trace. Targeting younger generations specifically, when it first began in the 1950s

it was a clear social and political blow. It was a rebel’s taste. Adults were strongly against

it, thinking it was just noise. Although some adults may still think this about some many

of rock, back then it was only a smooth variation on 12-bar blues, contrary to current

times which include a harder sound. Very basic forms were as far as it went with songs

that sound similar to each other to an untrained ear. Of course, rock has come a long way

since then, both socially and musically.

       When surveying rock’s history, it is always cut up into specific eras. Beginning

with Elvis and Chuck Berry, racism was subsided when it came to mainstream music in a
revolutionary time. The Beach Boys lead a wave of surfers and surf-music. This is where

the genre begins to grow, with plenty of experimentation going on in the studio.

       Perhaps the most important groundbreaking band to happen to rock n’ roll were

the Beatles in the 60’s, completely crumbling the foundation of rock n’ roll and

reinventing the familiar sound. This was the first time that rock n’ roll was infiltrated by a

group from outside of the United States, creating the phenomena known as the British

Invasion. Globalization was finally peeking its head into the world of rock n’ roll. Not

only that, but they also brought in styles, experimental sounds, and instruments from

other countries, such as the drone-y sound of Indian music, the sitar, flutes, coughing, and

scratching (Friedlander 88).

       Afterwards, Bob Dylan and folk-rock created a hybrid of the two genres, folk and

rock. The Who made a large impact on rock n’ roll by using a synthesizer, which is now a

commonly used instrument. Come the 70’s, the San Francisco sound added elements of

distortion and heavy emphasis on improvisation while leading one of the largest social

movements America has seen, the counter-culture of the hippies (Friedlander 191).

Political and social emergence lead by music was at its prime at this time. Anti-

establishment later became a prominent theme for musicians, possibly more so than the

music itself. Punk in the 80’s became the violent, savagely, frightening force bestowed

upon society (255). It is clear that there is a distinct sound and social environment for

every era that occurred.

       Fast forward to now, and you will find a completely different scenario. It is

almost difficult to assume one particular sound when thinking rock n’ roll. Scanning the

rock Billboards chart you will find many different kinds of bands. There will be the soft
Coldplay, which can be considered Britpop, as well as the harder Foo Fighters who have

more of a grunge sound. Then there is the gothrock Evanescence next to the metal

Avenged Sevenfold (Billboard). It has gotten to the point where all these artists can fall

under the category of “alternative rock” because in actuality, there is no real concrete

label for them. Some contemporary bands actually struggle to maintain a “good old

American sound,” which can even lead to criticism since there is a strong consistency

without growth and change. On the other hand, less popular bands are experimenting by

adding new textures and concepts, even using peculiar time signatures, but remaining

under the broad genre of rock n’ roll.

       Socially, a “rocker” can be identified as anyone who wears black when it is

unconventional, or wears studs on his clothes and in his ears. There are hippies wearing

tie-dye, goths wearing chain pants, metalheads growing their hair long, and much more.

Yet any of these characteristics can go with any of these labels interchangeably. And any

of these people can go under the category of “rocker.” The recurring pattern of an

ambiguous conglomerate remains for the social scene associated with rock n’ roll.

       Therefore, there is this constant underlying problem of whether or not the genre

rock n’ roll has become obsolete. If the term itself does not say enough about what the

music sounds like, should it even be used anymore? Jam bands are using saxophones,

metal bands are using violins and nearly everyone is using synthesizers. What started off

as two guitars (rhythm and lead), a bass, drums, and piano (Friedlander 305), has turned

into anything that sounds good. It is almost impossible to create and keep a label.

       Bands are beginning to travel to distant locations in order to incorporate styles of

all sorts. For example, Consider the Source, labeled as Sci-Fi Middle Eastern Fusion, is a
rock band that travelled to India for a year to “study complex tala (rhythm) of Northern

India” in order to incorporate a Middle Eastern approach to their music

( This is similar to the Beatles’ engagements in India to

accomplish a parallel goal. The simple instruments and techniques that originally made

up rock n’ roll would no longer suffice in modern day popular culture.

       Perhaps the only distinction for categorization that is possible to make is

authenticity. Passion ideally is the sole driver. Music as an aesthetic world-view is

portrayed to the audience, which later creates a reality from it (Regev). The main concern

is whether or not the music is for profit or from the heart, since famous musicians can

have a great effect on society. Unfortunately, with globalization, money has become a

more leading factor for many producers who are now getting crowned although in some

cases they have not had to work very hard at all.

       Music can be seen as an occupation or an artistic outlet. In popular music it is

usually for profit lessening the worth of authenticity. Rock music in particular has artistic

value due to the creativity, complexity, and commitment without alien concerns, such as

financial gain (Regev). Artistic composition is a prime motivation for the performer, and

messages conveyed are those of creative freedom (Teleaga 115). Globalization imposes

on this, making the artistic validity scarce in a world where rock n’ roll no longer means

what it used to.

       When looking at the future, there is no predicting where globalization will lead us

(Teleaga 112). History may repeat itself and all the imaginative forces guiding music will

run thin leading us back to original rock n’ roll, or evolving techniques will completely
blind us of all we know. If globalization is synonymous with technology, the trend of

losing touch with rock n’ roll roots will be perpetuated.

       In a sense, just the sole movement of rock n’ roll across the globe has been a

product of Americanization, the term used for when American aspects cross borders and

are enforced all over the globe. Many believe that it is the truest form of globalization.

But how can this be so when rock n’ roll started in America, and began changing once it

was infiltrated by outside influence? Is it Americanization or the complete opposite,

possibly deamericanization? The point being, globalization is a two-way street, with

ideas flowing in all directions back and forth.

       Is it possible to say that rather than music being strongly affected by

globalization, that music is a means for globalization to occur (Tucker 555)? I have

discussed how a global culture has benefited and hindered music artistically and

industrially, but now I must step to the other side of the looking glass. Music can be the

instrument for which this globalization can occur.

       Ever since networking has allowed constant communication between one culture

to the next, there has been the idea of a global language. A language we could all

understand. This has been tried with Latin and Romance languages, and more recently it

seems as though English may be taking that path. In countries all over the world, even

those where English is not the main language, words are sprinkled with English letters,

whether it be brand names or signs. But the language of music has been overlooked.

       Music is written the same all over the globe. Everyone understands it, even if

interpretations happen to be different. It is a language the whole world has used to

communicate or receive a message, which can now easily be sent from one point to
another. This flow of music leads to the flow of ideas, income, information, and

movement. These flows are exactly what globalization entails. Music is not just

manipulated for global culture. It is an instrument for manipulation. It reaches the masses

and affects the world allowing a global culture to occur. Helping reach a goal of global

community, music brings people together, whether it be physically at a concert, or

mentally with similar interests. These similar interests can express globality with outlets

such as online forums, where music enthusiasts share their ideas on the topic.

        The ideas that music conveys are far more complex than a verbal language. Songs

have such strong messages that can be far more important and in depth. Even without

lyrics this is so. Words can articulate concrete facts such as “I am sitting on a chair.” It is

true that music itself would not be able to communicate that action, but words cannot

communicate what music can. Music portrays a specific feeling with many layers. It

comes from the heart expressing emotions that one cannot, even if they are fully

comfortable with it, get across with language. “I am sad” tells a person concretely what

emotions are being felt. But writing a sad song will go into such depth, the listener will

understand every crevice of the sadness.

        Emotions derived from implied meanings can be quite strong, and there is always

a distinct set up for interpretation. In this moment, one must ask himself why this widely-

accepted significance is the only that is thought of as correct (Regev). The possibility of

misinterpretation is not one that should be overlooked yet in our daily lives we

experience miscommunications regularly with speech. To assume that music is a lesser

form of expression is unfair.
Globalization has affected music in such a considerable way. It has altered the

industry, instruments used, social scenes, and popular culture. With all the integration of

styles, lines blur almost rendering rock n’ roll obsolete through the process. Even so,

globalization is a self-fulfilling prophecy that music itself helps complete. While some

musicians struggle to sustain authenticity and others care more for financial gain, it

becomes hard to tell what an artist’s true motives are. Music becoming a global

phenomenon puts a lot more on the plate when deciphering artistic quality. Now our

literacy and knowledge must mature to be able to grow a fond appreciation and

understanding of all that music entails.
Works Cited

Beckmann-Collier, A. "Music in a Flat World: Thomas L. Friedman's Ideas and Your
     Program." Music Educators Journal 96.1 (2009): 27-30. Print.

"Top Rock Songs & Charts, Rock Music Hits & Popular Rock Music Charts|" Music News, Reviews, Articles, Information, News Online & Free
      Music | Web. 02 Dec. 2011.

Friedlander, Paul. Rock and Roll: a Social History. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996.

Regev, Motti. "Popular Music Studies: The Issue of Musical Value." Tracking: Popular
       Music Studies 4.2 (1992).

Ryan, Bernadette. "Affects of Internet on Thai Popular Music's Societal Dynamic:
       Predicting Popular Music Genres." Journal of Global Intelligence & Policy 4.4
       (2011): 35-50.

Telegea, Mihai. "The House Phenomenon." New Series Sociology and Social Work
       Section 3 (2010): 111-20. Print.

Tucker, Joshua. "Music Radio and Global Mediation." Cultural Studies 24.4 (2010): 553-
       79. Print.

Wajima, Yusuke. "Are We the "World"? Whose Children Are We?-Globalization, Self-
      Orientalism and World Music in Japan." Dailogue and Universalism 11 (2003):

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  • 1. Carol Boyko 107064624 SOC 348 Globalization Through Rock n’ Roll Globalization can be understood as the crossing of cultures on a worldwide scale. It is the effortless mobility of an idea, product, people or currency to flow to a different location. Each society has its own way of being, but their traditions and concepts become incorporated in other areas, and spread from culture to culture. Once every culture intertwines and gains from one another, it is fair to say globalization has occurred. The globalization of music, more specifically rock n’ roll, portrays this self-fulfilling process perfectly. In this essay I will discuss how this process has affected music, its authenticity, and genre ambiguity. When considering the globalization of music it is necessary to look at it in terms of cultural globalization. Music is a large part of culture being a driving force for rituals, recreation, traditions and everyday routine. Cultural globalization is a phenomena that has had many outcomes, many of which apply to music. Isomorphism, the tendency for cultures to turn to similar outcomes and traits, has been a prominent theme in the music industry. Due to the fact that it is an income driven entity, such as most things are, there comes a time when musicians feel as though they much follow the lead of their more successful and inspirational forefathers. This leads to a homogenization of the music’s central aspects. As music travels in this flat world that globalization has provided, it is blatant how styles blend. It travels so fast that action can be taken equally as fast. Recording a song and posting it on the internet to give listeners instantaneous accessibility can occur
  • 2. in just minutes. As soon as that listener decides what he finds impressive and wants to incorporate into his own music, he can begin writing a song with his newly found inspiration. It is this vicious cycle that creates the extremely diverse world where eventually there is so much music out there, that all the diversity sounds like something one has heard before. Hybridization subconsciously occurs when old styles are mixed to create a new product. In the age of hybrid “world music” there is a pattern of non-mainstream styles hitting popular culture through the means of the music industry (Wajima 104). Popularizing non-Western styles and adding elements to make them fit in with the mainstream is a common occurrence. Glocalization hence has a severe impact while musicians struggle to maintain their roots while conforming to the conventional. Use of the internet creates a whole new element making social context global and virtual, not just a tangible stance. Extensive media provided by the web creates more room and freedom (Ryan 42). There is a greater freedom of expression and experimentation, taken from one’s garage to homes all over. Through browsing websites such as Youtube, the music world changes in an instant. Ideas are grasped instantly and it even makes way for a path to the popular culture. Youtube sensations such as Justin Bieber and Soulja Boy gained fame and fortune through videos they posted which received massive amounts of hits. Such glamour would not be associated with their music if it were not for the internet and the billions of views they received worldwide. At the same rate, any amateur can potentially become a professional by using Google to learn to play an instrument. He then can post videos of how quickly he progressed and possibly become immersed in the mainstream as well. Not only is there a
  • 3. rapid growth of skill and experience, but competition is now on a global scale in the flat world of technology (Beckmann-Collier 27). When music is constantly zooming from one area to another, music genres are constantly evolving based on individuals’ changes. It is affected by their context, both physical and social, and the broader scheme of what is going on in the world. Genres are progressively fluid trends that never remain the same. Ever-changing and advancing in their analytic traits, this constant emergence of new genres and new sounds render ordinary categories obsolete. To be able to identify and label a genre, a multifaceted sound must be diagnosed into many simpler attributes that proclaim a certain identity of a society, leading to a feeling of unity and meaning. There is a certain rubric that is followed, with topics such as whether the expression is a genuine one of emotion, or if it is finance-driven insincerity. Whether it is counter-culture or norm abiding, whereas political systems play a big role in society. Historical tendencies are then compared and an analysis is formed (Ryan 36). Defining a genre categorizes the central force of emotion, social and political stance, target audience and expected outcome of that audience. Much more than just the sound of the music itself, genres are a whole realm of everyone involved. Creation and appreciation are conjoined. Assessment in rock has been pattern-abiding to other forms of music. It is likely split into categories of authentic expression, or straight emotion that has been structured. Great rock musicians are considered so because they pour their heart and soul into their music. And so, there is a hierarchy that has been institutionalized into the nature of rock n’ roll (Regev). The problem leads us to the question of why the interpretation of
  • 4. authentic and inauthentic is widely accepted and creates this form. As globalization in rock n’ roll spreads, this hierarchy is transmitted to its audience (Tucker 556). Therefore, categorizing by authenticity becomes a defining factor in the music industry. History ties in strongly with music and genre analysis. Bernadette Ryan refers to historiography when approaching on social details stating, “The concepts we use to constitute facts are themselves constituted by history, they change over time and in different contexts.” (Ryan 37) Rock n’ roll itself was creating as a blend of different styles. Combining country, rhythm and blues, and jazz. Mixing elements from almost every underground genre that was not pop, rock started as a hybrid for the counter-culture. It was the epitome of counter-hegemony from the day it began, with Elvis as the pretty face to lead the movement. Rock music has only had a fairly short history in respect to other genres so it is easy to trace. Targeting younger generations specifically, when it first began in the 1950s it was a clear social and political blow. It was a rebel’s taste. Adults were strongly against it, thinking it was just noise. Although some adults may still think this about some many of rock, back then it was only a smooth variation on 12-bar blues, contrary to current times which include a harder sound. Very basic forms were as far as it went with songs that sound similar to each other to an untrained ear. Of course, rock has come a long way since then, both socially and musically. When surveying rock’s history, it is always cut up into specific eras. Beginning with Elvis and Chuck Berry, racism was subsided when it came to mainstream music in a
  • 5. revolutionary time. The Beach Boys lead a wave of surfers and surf-music. This is where the genre begins to grow, with plenty of experimentation going on in the studio. Perhaps the most important groundbreaking band to happen to rock n’ roll were the Beatles in the 60’s, completely crumbling the foundation of rock n’ roll and reinventing the familiar sound. This was the first time that rock n’ roll was infiltrated by a group from outside of the United States, creating the phenomena known as the British Invasion. Globalization was finally peeking its head into the world of rock n’ roll. Not only that, but they also brought in styles, experimental sounds, and instruments from other countries, such as the drone-y sound of Indian music, the sitar, flutes, coughing, and scratching (Friedlander 88). Afterwards, Bob Dylan and folk-rock created a hybrid of the two genres, folk and rock. The Who made a large impact on rock n’ roll by using a synthesizer, which is now a commonly used instrument. Come the 70’s, the San Francisco sound added elements of distortion and heavy emphasis on improvisation while leading one of the largest social movements America has seen, the counter-culture of the hippies (Friedlander 191). Political and social emergence lead by music was at its prime at this time. Anti- establishment later became a prominent theme for musicians, possibly more so than the music itself. Punk in the 80’s became the violent, savagely, frightening force bestowed upon society (255). It is clear that there is a distinct sound and social environment for every era that occurred. Fast forward to now, and you will find a completely different scenario. It is almost difficult to assume one particular sound when thinking rock n’ roll. Scanning the rock Billboards chart you will find many different kinds of bands. There will be the soft
  • 6. Coldplay, which can be considered Britpop, as well as the harder Foo Fighters who have more of a grunge sound. Then there is the gothrock Evanescence next to the metal Avenged Sevenfold (Billboard). It has gotten to the point where all these artists can fall under the category of “alternative rock” because in actuality, there is no real concrete label for them. Some contemporary bands actually struggle to maintain a “good old American sound,” which can even lead to criticism since there is a strong consistency without growth and change. On the other hand, less popular bands are experimenting by adding new textures and concepts, even using peculiar time signatures, but remaining under the broad genre of rock n’ roll. Socially, a “rocker” can be identified as anyone who wears black when it is unconventional, or wears studs on his clothes and in his ears. There are hippies wearing tie-dye, goths wearing chain pants, metalheads growing their hair long, and much more. Yet any of these characteristics can go with any of these labels interchangeably. And any of these people can go under the category of “rocker.” The recurring pattern of an ambiguous conglomerate remains for the social scene associated with rock n’ roll. Therefore, there is this constant underlying problem of whether or not the genre rock n’ roll has become obsolete. If the term itself does not say enough about what the music sounds like, should it even be used anymore? Jam bands are using saxophones, metal bands are using violins and nearly everyone is using synthesizers. What started off as two guitars (rhythm and lead), a bass, drums, and piano (Friedlander 305), has turned into anything that sounds good. It is almost impossible to create and keep a label. Bands are beginning to travel to distant locations in order to incorporate styles of all sorts. For example, Consider the Source, labeled as Sci-Fi Middle Eastern Fusion, is a
  • 7. rock band that travelled to India for a year to “study complex tala (rhythm) of Northern India” in order to incorporate a Middle Eastern approach to their music ( This is similar to the Beatles’ engagements in India to accomplish a parallel goal. The simple instruments and techniques that originally made up rock n’ roll would no longer suffice in modern day popular culture. Perhaps the only distinction for categorization that is possible to make is authenticity. Passion ideally is the sole driver. Music as an aesthetic world-view is portrayed to the audience, which later creates a reality from it (Regev). The main concern is whether or not the music is for profit or from the heart, since famous musicians can have a great effect on society. Unfortunately, with globalization, money has become a more leading factor for many producers who are now getting crowned although in some cases they have not had to work very hard at all. Music can be seen as an occupation or an artistic outlet. In popular music it is usually for profit lessening the worth of authenticity. Rock music in particular has artistic value due to the creativity, complexity, and commitment without alien concerns, such as financial gain (Regev). Artistic composition is a prime motivation for the performer, and messages conveyed are those of creative freedom (Teleaga 115). Globalization imposes on this, making the artistic validity scarce in a world where rock n’ roll no longer means what it used to. When looking at the future, there is no predicting where globalization will lead us (Teleaga 112). History may repeat itself and all the imaginative forces guiding music will run thin leading us back to original rock n’ roll, or evolving techniques will completely
  • 8. blind us of all we know. If globalization is synonymous with technology, the trend of losing touch with rock n’ roll roots will be perpetuated. In a sense, just the sole movement of rock n’ roll across the globe has been a product of Americanization, the term used for when American aspects cross borders and are enforced all over the globe. Many believe that it is the truest form of globalization. But how can this be so when rock n’ roll started in America, and began changing once it was infiltrated by outside influence? Is it Americanization or the complete opposite, possibly deamericanization? The point being, globalization is a two-way street, with ideas flowing in all directions back and forth. Is it possible to say that rather than music being strongly affected by globalization, that music is a means for globalization to occur (Tucker 555)? I have discussed how a global culture has benefited and hindered music artistically and industrially, but now I must step to the other side of the looking glass. Music can be the instrument for which this globalization can occur. Ever since networking has allowed constant communication between one culture to the next, there has been the idea of a global language. A language we could all understand. This has been tried with Latin and Romance languages, and more recently it seems as though English may be taking that path. In countries all over the world, even those where English is not the main language, words are sprinkled with English letters, whether it be brand names or signs. But the language of music has been overlooked. Music is written the same all over the globe. Everyone understands it, even if interpretations happen to be different. It is a language the whole world has used to communicate or receive a message, which can now easily be sent from one point to
  • 9. another. This flow of music leads to the flow of ideas, income, information, and movement. These flows are exactly what globalization entails. Music is not just manipulated for global culture. It is an instrument for manipulation. It reaches the masses and affects the world allowing a global culture to occur. Helping reach a goal of global community, music brings people together, whether it be physically at a concert, or mentally with similar interests. These similar interests can express globality with outlets such as online forums, where music enthusiasts share their ideas on the topic. The ideas that music conveys are far more complex than a verbal language. Songs have such strong messages that can be far more important and in depth. Even without lyrics this is so. Words can articulate concrete facts such as “I am sitting on a chair.” It is true that music itself would not be able to communicate that action, but words cannot communicate what music can. Music portrays a specific feeling with many layers. It comes from the heart expressing emotions that one cannot, even if they are fully comfortable with it, get across with language. “I am sad” tells a person concretely what emotions are being felt. But writing a sad song will go into such depth, the listener will understand every crevice of the sadness. Emotions derived from implied meanings can be quite strong, and there is always a distinct set up for interpretation. In this moment, one must ask himself why this widely- accepted significance is the only that is thought of as correct (Regev). The possibility of misinterpretation is not one that should be overlooked yet in our daily lives we experience miscommunications regularly with speech. To assume that music is a lesser form of expression is unfair.
  • 10. Globalization has affected music in such a considerable way. It has altered the industry, instruments used, social scenes, and popular culture. With all the integration of styles, lines blur almost rendering rock n’ roll obsolete through the process. Even so, globalization is a self-fulfilling prophecy that music itself helps complete. While some musicians struggle to sustain authenticity and others care more for financial gain, it becomes hard to tell what an artist’s true motives are. Music becoming a global phenomenon puts a lot more on the plate when deciphering artistic quality. Now our literacy and knowledge must mature to be able to grow a fond appreciation and understanding of all that music entails.
  • 11. Works Cited Beckmann-Collier, A. "Music in a Flat World: Thomas L. Friedman's Ideas and Your Program." Music Educators Journal 96.1 (2009): 27-30. Print. "Top Rock Songs & Charts, Rock Music Hits & Popular Rock Music Charts|" Music News, Reviews, Articles, Information, News Online & Free Music | Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <>. Friedlander, Paul. Rock and Roll: a Social History. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996. Regev, Motti. "Popular Music Studies: The Issue of Musical Value." Tracking: Popular Music Studies 4.2 (1992). Ryan, Bernadette. "Affects of Internet on Thai Popular Music's Societal Dynamic: Predicting Popular Music Genres." Journal of Global Intelligence & Policy 4.4 (2011): 35-50. Telegea, Mihai. "The House Phenomenon." New Series Sociology and Social Work Section 3 (2010): 111-20. Print. Tucker, Joshua. "Music Radio and Global Mediation." Cultural Studies 24.4 (2010): 553- 79. Print. Wajima, Yusuke. "Are We the "World"? Whose Children Are We?-Globalization, Self- Orientalism and World Music in Japan." Dailogue and Universalism 11 (2003): 103-12.