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                                                                                   FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA
          .,.                                                                 Centro de Extensión Académica --CESET-
                1 ~   o >

                            Medellín, Agosto 1 de 2012                                       02 AGo. 2012                         8501-172-12

                            VICERRECTORíA       DE INVESTIGACiÓN
                            La Institución

                            Cordial saludo,

                            Del 12 al 14 de septiembre de 2012 se llevará a cabo en la Sede de Investigación
                            Universitaria (SIU) de la Universidad de Antioquia el XVII Simposio de Tratamiento de
                            Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial STSIVA 2012. Esta versión será organizada en asocio
                            con el Instituto Tecnológico de Metropolitano (ITM) y la Universidad de Antioquia. Este
                            evento es apoyado por la Sociedad Colombiana de Tratamiento de Señales y el Capítulo de
                            la Sociedad de Procesamiento de Señales del IEEE Sección Colombia.

                        En Colombia el STSIVA se ha consolidado, a lo largo de los años, como el lugar propicio
                        para el intercambio de experiencias académicas e investigativas en procesamiento de
                        señales, imágenes y visión artificial; por esto, y para esta nueva versión del Simposio, la
                        Universidad de Antioquia ha unido esfuerzos con el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano -
                        ITM-, con el fin de poder convocar a más de 150 participantes, entre estudiantes,
                        investigadores y profesionales de todo el pais. Para alcanzar los objetivos del evento se ha
                        conformado un comité científico nacional e internacional conformado por evaluadores de 18
                        universidades dentro y fuera de Colombia, lo que ha posibilitado la selección de los trabajos
                        investigativos más representativos de las temáticas que serán el centro de discusión en el

                        La importancia de la reunión académica que posibilita el Simposio, hace que desde hace
                        unos años éste cuente con el apoyo de la IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
                        Engineers, Inc.), asociación internacional con subsedes en más de 190 países y más de
                        370.000 miembros, entre profesionales y estudiantes de diferentes áreas de la ingeniería y
                        de otras profesiones, y cuyo objetivo es el fomento de la prosperidad global mediante la
                        promoción de los procesos de ingenierla. Se puede resaltar que entre los miembros y
                        aliados más destacados de la IEEE se encuentran: Albert Haldemann (NASA), Jim Blinn
                        (NASA), Edwin Catmull (Pixar), Per Christensen (Pixar), Don Chamberlin (IBM), Gerard
                        Alphonse (RCA) entre muchos otros.

                 Ciudad Universitaria: Calle 67 N." 53-108. bloque 21, oficina        134. Recepción de cor~espondencia:     Calle 70 N.o 52-21
                                Teléfonos: 219 5515 2195548.             Fax: 21190   28. Apartado 1226. NIt: 890.980.040-8
                                  http://ingenieria.ude'       Correo electrónico:
                                                  •   Medellín, Colombia

                                                                           FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA
         'ii                                                          Centro de ExtensiónAcadémica-CESET-
         ~   "   ()   1

                          El posicionamiento de STSIVA como evento académico ha permitido la convocatoria de 97
                          trabajos presentados de diferentes países, entre ellos Argentina, Belgium, Canada,
                          Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Netherlands, New
                          Zealand, Spain, United States (las estadisticas están en un archivo anexo, que tiene el
                          mismo nombre). De estos trabajos, se han seleccionado                      80 artículos       aprobados       por
                          evaluadores de 18 universidades dentro y fuera de Colombia.

                          Los trabajos ínvestigativos seleccionados, están desarrollados en las áreas de: técnicas y
                          aplicaciones del procesamiento de señales, visión artificial, procesamiento de señales de
                          origen biológico y aplicaciones desarrolladas con DSP y PLD (FPGA), por mencionar
                          algunas, son un reflejo del desarrollo investigativo de éstas áreas y del estado del arte a
                          nivel nacional e internacional, y de esta manera posibilita un verdadero intercambio de
                          conocimientos y experiencias que sirven a la generación de nuevos campos de trabajo.

                          En este sentido diferentes organizaciones no han sido ajenas al llamado para vincularse al
                          evento y a su propuesta académica, entendiendo asi la importancia de apoyar un simposio
                          que acerca a la industria con los conocimientos que se generan en diferentes universidades.
                          Dentro de las organizaciones que trabajan para que este nuevo certamen sea un éxito
                          están: Componentes Electrónicas Ltda. Representantes de prestigiosas marcas de equipos,
                          programas y servicios electrónicos, como MATLAS; EDASIM Ltda., empresa que vende
                          productos de alta tecnología en el mercado americano desde el año 1990; igualmente
                          estarán haciendo difusión del evento, a través de su diferentes canales de comunicación, el
                          programa Medellín Digital de la Administración Municipal de la Alcaldía de Medellin,
                          quienes consideran que una inclusión digital abre nuevos caminos para integrarse al mundo
                          y donde la tecnología juega un rol importante en este proceso.

                          Por ellos solicitamos a Ustedes, el apoyo económico en modalidad condonable a través del
                          Fondo para la organización de eventos nacionales e intemacionales, para la realización de
                          este evento.

                          Agradecemos el apoyo que nos puedan brindar.


                          E:ca,do       Orer¡o             S.
                          RICARDO MOREN  SÁNCHEZ

             Ciudad Universitaria:    Calle 67 N.O 53-108, bloque 21, oficina 134 • Recepción de cor,~espondencia: Calle 70 N.o 52-21
                             Teléfonos: 219 5515 2195548.            Fax: 2119028.    Apartado 1226.111: 890.980.040.8
                               hnp:I!       Correo electrónico:
                                                      http://wv.' • Medellin, Colombia
F['l.ny        ass/,ranu completing           thIs fotm please conracr aut MOU advfsar al conf,,~nc •• servlc.S@in •. o'g
By complcung
                         and Memorandum
                    lh~ apphcauon.
                                                       of Undeutanding                   (MOU) for IEEE Technlcal
                                      lhe undcrstgncd authoriled representati'c of Lbc Conf-crt:n-ce Organl.fAitlor.
                                                                                                                                     Co-sponsorship                         +IEEE
Cornmittce and me Spon~ors idenbfied rcquest IEEE tedmJcal co-spor.sorslup Qf 1he Confcren.~e tden:lfied lf ttUi
appl1c4t~    15a.:'::qRed and e"ecuttd by authon.t.ed reprC'scntaOvtS of IEEE acttng tJ'uvugh lile IEEE ürg.anlzauOn.l:
Lntt iJenufiro and tEEE Conrerence Scn'lc.cs. th:s apphcation sha,H constitutc a bmdmg agrecmer.t be:I,~ TEFE
and lr.e Conf:1:tlC:          ()rg:ar.lZ2tlOn    Conh-nUl« a.,d t!tc Spoosors.

     1.                 Conference         Information

                                                                                                               ,         "articipanb üpHted
                                    bmpos:.o     de Tnumirt"to
                                    1 1siÓr. Artificial
                                                                         de Se!i.illles. Irnagenes    y
                                                                                                                          e local                         00•50
                                     http://ln;enteria.udI-       •..eciu.::o/salVa201    21                              ()S Regional                    O 51.100
            Auonym:                  iS;¡SIVA 2012
                                                                                                                          e Global                        o   101-500
            Sta" Date: -             Sept.mbecr     12, 201 ~
                                                                                                                         Event Format
                                     S4!ptember14. 20 n                                                                  (cheó. .•1Ith.t appiyi           O    >500

            location:                ¡Sede de l,westigKlon@s          Universtt.lria     (SIU)                            ~ Conference
                                    l.    '.
                                    ,Mededm                                                                    1
                                                                                                                          o Wori<shop                     o Applkation
            State/P'fOvlnce:        IAntioqlJ~
                                                                                                                          O Morlal,                       ~ Sdentiflc Ill.eademic
            ZiplPostal Code:        ~5001000
                                                                                                                          O Short (aune
                                    ko   lombia
                                                                                                                          o Other
                                                                                                                                                          O Otller

            Submltt""      by;
                                                                                                                                                            ~S74Z19 S561
            Name           ¡JeSÚ' Francisco Van¡as Bonillo                                                                (mall

                                                        (" No         IfVe.,num~r 01",,"ibits exp«t"":

                                                              jPresent t~chnological advances and re-search re-sults- in the theoretkal                                 and applie<i
            S<o~ {SOwurds mu} -
                                                              lfields of digital signal and Image and computer visiono

            Keywords'                                           Signil Proce.ssing.lmage             Proc,:es$ing. Video processing.         Biomedical    Slgnal Proce5sing.   Digital Audio ar"ld
            (5...•words sepanllted by commas }                  Voie. Processing. Mutt¡méd~ SigMI Prouuing.                         Statistical Signal Processi"g.

            2.          Sponsors       /IEEE & Non-IEEE)                   •    Below. Identlfy all sponsars and percentage of involvement lif anyl:

     I                       Financial Sponson           ,fuftn-'Meos;                         I Anancial%                                    Technical    Co--sponsors

            Facultad o. Ingen~,i~. nrv&!'sid"d de Ant;oqu~
                                 U                                                                    62                IEEE Signal Proceuing      ChaJ)t.r-Colomb    •••

            l~r.iruto Te.:notogKO Metropolitano                                                        38               IEEECo!"",bla    Secticn
     ,                                                                                                                                                                                           :

            ------------~il-----------                                                                              I


  ¡ ---------------+-----111------------------

  11r----------------¡----Ji :f--------------;
  I ~============~T~O=ta~1
                                                                                                 ¡    Flrst Page            I     Next P~           1   Pfevlous P~         I   laS! Page
                                                                                            ]Uebrvaty 201]                                                                              Page 1 of9
3.            Conference Organization Committee
    Information Cantad:

    Nam€' .        ¡Jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla                                                            Phone 1                     +5742195561

    Address        ¡calle 73 No 53-10B. bloque           19-425                                               Phone 2                     +5742195560

    City           ~IM_e_d_e_lIi_n              ~1     Postal Code 1~0_50_0_1_oo_0               ~            Fax

    5tate/Prov      ,iAntioquia                   .!   Country      I~C_o_lo_m_b_i_a         _                Email     jfvargas@udea,edu,co

    Conference Chair:

    Name .         (Jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla                                                            Phone 1                     +5742195561

    Address        Icalle 73 N° 53-108. bloque           19-42'                                               Pho".2                      +574219   5560

    Cily           IMedemn                        I Postal Code     1,05001000                            ,   Fax

    StatelProv     ¡,A,t1tioqula                  ¡ (ountry!        ~C_o_lo_m_b_ia                        ,   Email

   T&hni(lll PrQgr~m ehair.

    Name -         jJulián David Alias looooño                                                                Phone 1                     .5742197527
    Address        ¡Calle 73 N" 53-10B, bloque 21-410                                                         Phone 2                     +57421 9 5530

    Cíty           IMedemn                        I Postal codel ~0_5_0_0_1000                       J        Fax

    State/Prov     lAnrioquia                     1    Countl)'     ,¡colombia                                Email     jda

   Confer~n(e Treasurer:

    Nam~           !Cés-~rAugusto Pérez Acosta                                                                PhQne 1                     +5742195515

    AddrE:$S       Icalle 73 N° 53-108. bloque21.             ---                                             Pnone 2                     +5742195548

    Cily           iMedelHn
                                                  ! Postal
                                                              Code 105001000
                                                                    ,1                                    ,

    State-IProv jAntioquia                        !, Country        !colombia

    PubliCZltion Cha;r:

    Name           ¡sergiO Ignacio Serna G¿m::es                                                              Phone 1                +5744600727    - exl 55B7

    Address        IcaHe 73 No 76A .354                                                                       Poo"e 2                     +574440   5114

    City           !Medellin
                       -------       ,--   '-
                                                  I Postal Code     1                   ""           _,       Fax

    State/Prov]     e  A_n_t_iO_q_U_ia_~
                                     __         ~j Country          ~IC_o_lo_m_b
                                                                             ia,                 "            Emall

                                                                                     firslPage                      Nexl Page      Prev10us Page        Lasl Page

Requir.¿d Fiefa                                                             22 Feóruary 20 12                                                                Page20f9
4a.          Technical Program (Paper!a&stract revjew processl
As a condition forTe<:hnical Co-spon,orshlp, IEEErequlres dlrect and sub,tantlallnvolvement                                                in the development ofthe
Te<:hnicalProgramo Please provlde th@followingin(ormation:

Can for Pa~er~ URL                                                                                                          •   __    o    -   -   _"          ~                  •

Ab5tl7JCt     submission date                      I~.pr2, 2012                                    Notification of acceptance                  date-    LiJ_u_I_6_,2_0_1_2       .

Final Paper submission date                        IJun 15, 2012

Please describe th@paperreviewandlorab,tractrevi@wprocess     Including a e1ea, Idenoncatlon of the Ievel e( review
performed. Byplacíng your cursarever the OOxyou will se@a Iist of questions that can help provlde an approprlata r"ponsa.

:,. 'vVnat is structure ofth~tec:hnical           program committee?          How many members are thlHE! 1.What i~the role of each membllH                         1
,              p'09ram ccmmittee         is (ormed by the technical program chair aOO the reviewers. Reviewers are reseatc-hers aM ¡:J'cfesscrs in

¡   COIOmbian unlVersities whose topic:s of res~arc:h ¡nelude digital and image- processlng. This comminee is supponed
cnarge o(tl-¡e pJatform fer the admínistration                of paper submission and revlews.
                                                                                                                                                            by two people in

    2. rile materials reviewed are abstracts artd complete manuscrlpts.

    Y(H, th@abstracts¡U@f@vie- ed by thf! commrtt •.e and tr.e complete
                              ••••                                                         rr.anuscripts will be peer fl!"/iewed. ta~h paper is dassifred in one of
    (OUTcategories. These catRgOries are:           -,

!Category      1: Paper;; wth     resutts from     an undergraduate coursé!.
jCate-;¡ory    2: Papers wtth     resu!ts from     ur:.-dergradual.e final projeas
 Category      3: Papers Ifáth    n~sults from     gr.a-duate theses {M:.l.'itQt o' Ph. Dl
 Cotegory      ;:.:Papen with     resLlits frcm    re•• arch groups.

    Papérs are prese:"'lted ora!ty or through po!.ts. based on its lnterest aOOcontribution
    Only papers   in categcries     2. 3 and 4 will be consic!ered      fOf   publkation     In   IEEEXplore.

13.emeria used          by   the reviewers   to   evaluate   submissions   are the   technicaj     reiev¡nce and  qvafity, COrTe<tness..
                                                                                                                                      (orred paper presentation
    ane! proper language us-age elther spanish or eng!lsh. These cmerla are communkated                          through email te the re.••.
                                                                                                                                          iewrs when ~hey accept for ;
    our conference.                                                                                                                                                                   1

    Revie.•••. wdte an on.line repoio indicating why a paper is accepted or rejeded.
           ers                                                                                                                                                                        I
 4. !he ravie'A'ers e .••..
                        aluatíon      ís communicated         to the Teehr.kal Program Com'1iíttee the platform Eas.yChair;
1 htt ps://               f=st51Va20 12
b. Two reviewers       .re aS'>igned to ev.lll~te uch submiuion. lfthey have coniHeting opinlons ahout a submission, In€! dl!Cl5tOn is fl!nd-ered
    by reqvesting a third reviewer tO evaluate the papero The paper ¡s itccepted or rl!jected depending or'tthe ótte¡sion raken by the thirc
    réV¡ewe~ and the- decision ofthe technkal program chair. The technkal program chalr has the final approval tor acceptance. The teehnka!
    p-rogram chai~ is r@5;ponsíbl@ forthe oV21all quality of all submi'SStons acc:ept@citmneconference.

    6.7he number of expeeted papers is 120. And tM aeceptam:e rate-is in th~ r~nge of60-70%.

    7. Silt>misslons from ¡¡ member ofthe technical program comm¡ttee or fromthe                         same institution            are SE!nt to revie"Ners from ancther
    instítution or with no involvement in the paper in confli~

 8. In toe flOalprogram are induded only those submissions whose authors payed the1r rE!9lstrations. The papef5 no~ preser:!ed are not
1i~duded In the conference proceedíngs.

                                                                                             RrstPage              Next Page                       I Previous Page I    laS! Pag@

                                                                                 22 Febtuary 2072                                                                              Page3ef9
4b,          Teehnlcal Program (lEEEOU(s) involvementl
    Ple.,e     de,cribe   how the Technically sponsorlng         IEEEOU(,) will be óirectly and ,ubstantially    involved in the technical        programo      By
¡placing your cursor over the box you willsee a li51of questions that can help prol/ide an approp(iate response.

     IThe IEEE '?C"'O' i, the IEEE Colombia Section throughout the Signal Proce;,ing Chapter Colombia. The SP Chapter Colombia ¡, directly                           I
     tiriVOlved in the organization ofthe Conference, and the conference technical program by re'iewing submissions.           partiópating in the
     ccnference as s-essicn chairs and leeturing short digital signallimage processing tutorials. selecting the best papees and advising about
     publícations.                                                                                                                                                   I

I                                                                                                                                                                    I

11                                                                                                                                                                   I
1 5.               Conferenee Publieation
I      Isthe conference produdng a Conference Publlcation? ~ (i'Vcs
       1, the ccnference     reque,ling   that ¡he (onference       Publication

                                                                                  be includeó   in IhelEEE (onference                   (eYes     ("No
I      Publkation Program (CPP}?~This indudes publication in IEEEXplore.
I     WiIIlEEE own copyright.?                           -
      If no, permission must be granted by a representative ofthe copyright owner for lndusion In IEEEXplore. (¡' Ves
       Please see the section headed "Copyright" in the Terms of Agreement ofthis form for more tnformation

       6.          Addítíonal Agreements or Comments
       Please add any additlonal agreements, arrangements or any other comments

             ¡he e'ent should have a special tegisttatlon fee {discount} for IEEEmembers.

        2.The IEEEColombia Secrion Chair (or hisiher repre5entativelshaIJ be invlted to the opening        cere:mcf'lY   ofthe evento

I       3. Organfzers molYdeliver promotional material of the conference to other local IEEEaetiVaie.s.

       14. The ,enference    títtle cannol inelude ,he 'IEEE' o, 'IEEE Colombia".

           The lEEE logo must be induded in pril1ted material as well.u in 1he even1 website dccording to the usage rule••(http;¡/"
        toolkit/masterbrandlindex.htmll under the tinte "Supported by~wtth tne same relevance of otner supporterentlties.
        6. IEEEColombia míght send ene e-notic:e as well as ene e-mail to its loca! c.ontacls with the wnference         infnrmation (CaHfor Papers cr other¡
I                                                                                                                                                                    ,
        7. IEEEColombia will post the confarence information and URl in its web'iite.
:                                                                                                                                                                    i


I                                                                                                                                                                    I

                                                             "                       I,   Fiist Page   1 Next Page I P,eviou,              Page     I '. la'l   Page      I
                                                                            21Februory20J2                                                                Páge40f9
7.      TlIrms of Agreemllnt
 Thls MOU shall be by and between The Institute of EIeClric.1 .00 Electronics Engineers, Incorporared, • New York not-for-profrt
 corpor.tíon ("IEEE")
                    aetlng through Its Org.nlz.tlon.l Unlt(s) name<! In Seetion 8.2 (the "Technic.1 Co-Sponsor") .nd the Conference
 Sponsors in Seetion 2 colleetively, the "Sponsonng Party"}, together known as the "Partíes". Thls MOU shall not be v.lid until
 .pproved .nd executed by .uthorized represent.tives of both the IEEE Technical Co-sponsor and IEEEConference Seo/ices.

 Ouration of MOU: This MOU the rlghts and obllg'tlons wlth respect to the Conference. Although the partles m.y presently be
 consldering the possibillty of future conferences simil.r in theme or subject matter, no party sh.1I be under any obllg'l;on to renew this

 Flnand.l Liabllity: Itls understood th.t financlalll.billty for the Conference Is the sole-responslblllty and obligarion of the Sponsoring
 Party. The Technic.1 Co-Sponsorwill not In the surplus ofthe Conferenceor be expeeted to contrlbute to the fm.nciallo", If.ny.

 Copyright: If IEEE 's lo be lhe owner ollhe copyright in Ihe Conlerence          publicatlon, lhen Ihe IEEE Copyright Tmnsler lorm musl
 be filled out by each aulhor and provided lo IEEE.

 I1 IEEE will nol be lhe owner 01 lhe copyright in lhe Conference publícation, bul rather a permitted (licensed) user. written
 permisslOn Irom a representativa of lhe eopl![Íght owner must granl IEEE Ihe non-exdusive, irrevocable. royalty-1ree wortdwide
 righls to publish, sen and dislribute lhe copyrighled work lor Ihe Conference named arove and any contenl derlved from lhe
 copyrighled work in any formal or media wilhoul restriclion. IEEE reserves Ihe righl lo wilhdraw any work Imm publication in lhe
 event a daim is asserted againsllEEE based on Ihe work. IEEE reserves Ihe righllo assert a elaim againstlhe Sponsoring Party
 based on any liabihly arising from publicallon of the worl<. IEEE Copyrighl Policy can be found on lhe IEEE Web slle al htlp:/1

 IEEETr~dem~rks: The IEEEand IEEESociety trademarks may only be used fer conference promation upon execution 01 this MOU. The
 right to use the IEEEand IEEESoclety marl<s as approved shali termínate upon terrnlnation of the technlcal cosponsorship pursuant to thi~
 MOU fo, .ny reason. Guirl"lInes for use of the IEEEMaster Br.nd .nd Logotype "IEEE"can be found on tile IEEEWeb slte r.JlI>:l/

 Exhibít, 8001h: Ifrequested by IEEE,he Conferenee shall pro'llde, al no cost, exhlbtt booth, exhlblt table or othe, means of promoting
 IEEEmembershlp .nd activltles durlng the conferenee.

 IEEE Mis,ion: rhe Sponsoring P.rty .gree they 're f.mlli.r with IEEE'smisslon, vlslon .nd commltment to qu.11ty standards for
 conferences .nd promises that the Conferencc will adv.nce thase goals. The IEEEMIsslon .nd Vislon slatement can be found .t
 linp:. 'VvWI,'l-if"t'-€' .orq(abouVvision mission.html

 IEEECode of elhi,,: The Sponsorlng P.rty, fO!ttself.nd eoch member ofthe Conference Org.niz.tlon        Committee, sh.lland does hereby
 .gree to adhere to Ihe IEEE       Code of Ethks whlch can be lound at:
 Ilrrp'¡:'.','VN.: itte org/abouticQrporatelgovernancefo7.8    html

 Term .nd Termln.llon of Technlcal Co-sponsorship: IEEEreserves the uncondltlon.1 rlght to resclnd Its technie.1 cosponsorship if .ny
 ofthe terms or condlllons set forth Inthis MOUare bre.ched.
  Indemnílicatlon : Party shall indemnify, defend .nd hold h.rmless the other Party fmm .nd ag.lnst any and .11e1'ims, dem.nds,
. liabilities.,settlements. damages, C05tS, and expenses. lncluding reasonable attomeys' fees and expenses, ari:íing out or, Of in any way
  connected with, any default. breach or neg"gent non-perionnance of this MOU or any negligent ad or omlssion on the part of
  IndemniMng P.rty, lis agenls and employees arlsing out of this technic.1 cosponsorshlp or the conduet of the Cenference. Eaeh Party
  shall provide prompt written notiflcatlon to the other Part'l Jn the event an indemnified dairn arises. The indemnified Party shall
  reason.bly cooper.te wlth the indemnlMng P.rty.t ¡he Indemnlfylng P.rt'(s expense.

Confidentiallnformallon:      .Cont1denti.llnfonmatlon" me.ns informatlon identifled In goOO faith by either Party as .Conlident!a'" .nd/or
"Prop,iet.!)': or inform.tíon that. under the circumstances, ought re.sonably be tre.ted as confidentlal.nd/or propnet.!)'. "Confidenti.1
Information" shall ¡ndude, but not be limlted too the terms and (onditions ofthls MOU,(ustomer data, usag& statlstics, market research,
anaJyses. studies, processes, present and/or Mure produd ¡nfarmation. prlcing information and business plans.

                                                                                             Next Page   I Prevlous Page [1.aSt    Page

                                                              22 F~bruary 20 12                                                Page S of9
Nelther Party shall disdose to a thlrd party Confidentlallnlormatlon ofthe other Party. The recelvlng Party shall use the same degree of
eare as it uses to protect the eonildentlahty 01 Its own eonfldentlallnlonmation oíllke naturlt. but no less than a reasonable degree of eare.
to malntaln In eonfidenee the Confld.ntlal Infonmatlon 01 the dlscloslng Party. The loregolng obligatlons shall not apply to any
Conrldentlal Infarmatian that: (al can            ¡,.,
                                             demonstratfMi to ha"" been publlcly known as the time of lhe disclaslng Party's disclosure of
sud> Conrldentíal Informatlan to the receivlng Party; (b) beeames pan 01 lhe publle doma In or publlciy known. by publleatian o,
olherwl",. not due to any un.ovthorlzed ael or omlssíon by the recelving Party: (e) can           ¡,.,
                                                                                                 demonstrale<i to have been independently
developed o, aequlre<i by !he receivlng Party w!thout referenco to or rellanee upon such Confldentiallnformatlon: (d) Is provided ro lhe
'e<eMng Party by arhlrd party who Is unde, no obIlgatlan to the disclasing Party to kHp lhe ¡nformatlan confidential: o, {e, "'equÓ'l'd to
   disclasl'd by law, pnwlded that the re<elvlng P.rty, reasonable aOOI<Iwful etlons to avoíd and/ar minlmilo such dise!osure and
p'ompt1y nolifle' the dlscloslng Party SO that the disclaslng Party may t•••• lawful actions to avoiclaOO/or mlnlmiZe such dísclasure.

Each P.rty agrees rh.t ~ wlll use the Confidentlal Inlormatian províded by lhe other P'rry oniy as necessary ro diSCharge lISobIlgatlons
undee lhis MOUand fa, no oth ••.purpose withour the prio, wr1tten CORSenr f tM dlscloslng Party.

Nenprofit>tatus al lh.IEE£: IEEE b<!enrecognlzed as • tax-exompt educationalaOO scientifK organiZarlon under Section SOlic>(3! 01
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approvab for subsequent conferencfl. For proflt and other organiU:tions un. however. provide donations as tndicatM in IEEEPoHeit's
SectIon 10.1.23. IEEEPolides Sec1lon 10can               ¡,.,        loun<!en the IEEEweb sIle al
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Non Ol,cri",ination: IEEE1, cornmilt"'¡ to lh. princlple that all persons shall havo equal acc••• ro facillries. s",vice" aOO
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IEEEXploT.OIgiUl Ubnry and Induln9' Conferences wl1h an approved MOl! may app1y to the IEEE             Conf••.• nc. PubfKarlon Program
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Compliance wI1h taws, Th. Sponsonng r.rry shall ensure that the Conference Is corlducted In .ceordanee wrth .11.pplieable Unlted
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Govemlng taw; Thi, MOU ,hall be governed, construed, applied and enforced In ."ordanee                    wlth the law, of lhe State al New York
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Oisput. Resolution: AIIdisputes .rtslng under thls MOUor rel.tlngto IEEE',public.lIon of lhe works ,hall             ¡,.,
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Blndlng EffeCl: Thi, MOU shalllnure to the benef~ 01, aOObe bindlng upan, the P.rtie~ their succe,so" in mrerest, legal repre,entatlve, .
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Assignment:         None of!he Partles may .ssign or transfer any right. ¡nterest or daim under thi$ MOUwithout tne- express written consent
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No1i<es: Any notice qiv"" under thls MOU to any of the p.rtie, may be effeeted by: O)emall oro[il!facsímile, receipt of whlch i, confirmed
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Counterp.rt" Thi, MOU may           ¡,.,
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                                                                                                            deemed an original. bol all
of wh"h togetho, ,hall constltute one.OO the same Instrument. Ifelth", party uses. SClnnfMi r facsimile tr.nsmlnaL that eopy shall
                                                                                              o                                                    ¡,.,
deemed to    ¡,.,
              'n original.
This MOU sh.1I nol       ¡,., valld until approved       and executl'd by authorized representalives 01 both the IEEETe<hnical C~sponso, aOOIEEE
Confer~e Servk:e'S.

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8.           Sígnatures
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oHicers as of the date in section 8.4.

  8.1 Sponsoring Party (Non-IEEE Financial Spon$O'1
  l' n~t!ded; list additional FinanciaJ Sponsors;n sedion 8.3

     ou.             IUnivers!dad de Antloqula                                                                     Signature

     Name"           ¡jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla                                                               Phcn~1
                                                                                                                                            I     +5742195561

     Address         Icalle 73 N' 53-108, bloque 19-425                                                             Phone 2                       +5742195560

     City            IMedellin                         I Postal Ca<'e 10_S_0_0_1_OO_0_
     SratelProv IAntiOQUia                             I Country I_C_o_lo_m_b_ia _                                 Emall        ¡

     8.2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated                                    acting through (IEEETechnical Co-'ponsa           . s))
     If ne~ded, list addit;onal Technicol Sponsors in sectlon 8.3                                                                                  !              J
     Sponsor'        l~~E Colombia Seelion                               _....                          J          Signature                      },~,'!
     Name .          ICarios Lozano (Chair)                                                                         Phooe 1

     Address         ICalle 12 B # 8 A 03 Oficina 409                                                               Phon~2              .                                  ..1
     City            [B090t.án_.J                              Country           l~b~ .J
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     StatelProv Icundlnamarca                              l   Postal Code       l~    ~                           Email

     8.3 Addition~1 Sponsoring Parties (List any additional Financlal or Technical Co-sponsors where approval is needed)

     Sponsor         jEfE Signal Chapter-Colombia                                                       Signature           JI&tr.J1? /};";;' &1*-1~
     Name            ~an                 Benftez{Chaírj                                                            Phone 1             1       5723218200ext151                 I
                                                                                                                    Phcnt' 2                     573164057114                   I
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Sponsor      ¡m.1                                                                              J       Signature         ~C                         :-         :
Name         ¡sergiO Ignacio serna Gateés                                                              ?hone 1                  +5744600727.     ext_~S87     -1
Address      ICal1e 73 No 76A -354                                                                     'hone 2                       +5744405114

Clty         IMedellin                ! country!             ~C_o_lo_m_b_l_a               _           Fax

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8.3 Additional Spansoring           Parties (Lisl any additiana/ Financial or Technical Co-sponsors where approva/ is needed)

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State/Prov    i                             I Postal Code I                                              Email

Sponsor                                                                                                  Signature

Name                                                                                                     Phone      1

Address                                                                                                  Phcne 2
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8.4 The Institute al Eledrical and Electranics Engineers, Incarporated                              (affice use on/y)

Nami?                     I
                                                                   Slyiied by l"¡a¡iceS(~
                                                                                            I   Dated.
                                                       DN.ác 8q~ple ieee,6tl IEEE.                          -------------------
                                                     - users, oU-lechnlcal Áctllo'lties •
TIlle                         • "                      ou=Users, cn=Francesca Mir}3ione. Slgnature                                                      --.J
                    ~     -                      -     e¡¡tall Lrr11ilgtOlie@leee.Uig                              ---------------
                                                       Date: 2012.06.2516:41:27-04'00'          Email:

        Please do not send this to conference-services@ieee.orgwitheut     appropriate sígnatures from at least ene financial
        sponsoring entiry and alllEEE technical sponsoring entities listed. Failure to do so will delay the conference being
        initiallzed and posted to the IEEEConference searcn page.

                                                                              Pont Form'

                                                                         22 Februmy 2012
2012 XVII Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision
(STSIVA) #21213     <>                               26 de junio de 2012 08:19

  Dear Jesus Francisco Vargas Bonilla,

 Congratulations! Your submission has been reviewed and successfully entered in the conference database
 as conference record #21213
 This is a unique number specifically for your conference. If you haw any changes or updates, please e-mail
 them to        and inelude your conference #21213 in the subject line. Do NOT
 reenter an IEEE Conference Information Schedule for your conference, it will create a duplicate record.

 Your conference will appear on the IEEE Conference Search and the IEEE's Call for Papers Listing within the
 next twenty-four hours.

 The conference application indicated that the conference will produce proceedings. If the conference intends
 to request inelusion in the IEEE Conference Publication Program, which ineludes the posting of material in
 our on-fine collection (IEEE Xplore), an IEEE Publication Form must be submitted to start the review process.
 This form can be found al:                  I

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 promotional materials. Please visit IEEE Brand Identity Toolkit for information, to access the guidelines and

 To assist you in your conference planning, please visit the Conference Organizers web page

 David Stankiewicz

 IEEE Conference Business Services
 445 Hoes Lane
 Piscataway, NJ 08854
 Phone: + 1 732 562 6085
 Fax: +1 732981 1769
 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Eastem Standard TIme

 IEEE: Advancing Technology for Humanity

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General simposio

  • 1. ..... FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA .,. Centro de Extensión Académica --CESET- UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA 1 ~ o > Medellín, Agosto 1 de 2012 02 AGo. 2012 8501-172-12 Señores VICERRECTORíA DE INVESTIGACiÓN La Institución Cordial saludo, Del 12 al 14 de septiembre de 2012 se llevará a cabo en la Sede de Investigación Universitaria (SIU) de la Universidad de Antioquia el XVII Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial STSIVA 2012. Esta versión será organizada en asocio con el Instituto Tecnológico de Metropolitano (ITM) y la Universidad de Antioquia. Este evento es apoyado por la Sociedad Colombiana de Tratamiento de Señales y el Capítulo de la Sociedad de Procesamiento de Señales del IEEE Sección Colombia. En Colombia el STSIVA se ha consolidado, a lo largo de los años, como el lugar propicio para el intercambio de experiencias académicas e investigativas en procesamiento de señales, imágenes y visión artificial; por esto, y para esta nueva versión del Simposio, la Universidad de Antioquia ha unido esfuerzos con el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM-, con el fin de poder convocar a más de 150 participantes, entre estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales de todo el pais. Para alcanzar los objetivos del evento se ha conformado un comité científico nacional e internacional conformado por evaluadores de 18 universidades dentro y fuera de Colombia, lo que ha posibilitado la selección de los trabajos investigativos más representativos de las temáticas que serán el centro de discusión en el evento. La importancia de la reunión académica que posibilita el Simposio, hace que desde hace unos años éste cuente con el apoyo de la IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), asociación internacional con subsedes en más de 190 países y más de 370.000 miembros, entre profesionales y estudiantes de diferentes áreas de la ingeniería y de otras profesiones, y cuyo objetivo es el fomento de la prosperidad global mediante la promoción de los procesos de ingenierla. Se puede resaltar que entre los miembros y aliados más destacados de la IEEE se encuentran: Albert Haldemann (NASA), Jim Blinn (NASA), Edwin Catmull (Pixar), Per Christensen (Pixar), Don Chamberlin (IBM), Gerard Alphonse (RCA) entre muchos otros. Ciudad Universitaria: Calle 67 N." 53-108. bloque 21, oficina 134. Recepción de cor~espondencia: Calle 70 N.o 52-21 Teléfonos: 219 5515 2195548. Fax: 21190 28. Apartado 1226. NIt: 890.980.040-8 http://ingenieria.ude' Correo electrónico: • Medellín, Colombia
  • 2. .. FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA 'ii Centro de ExtensiónAcadémica-CESET- UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA ~ " () 1 El posicionamiento de STSIVA como evento académico ha permitido la convocatoria de 97 trabajos presentados de diferentes países, entre ellos Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, United States (las estadisticas están en un archivo anexo, que tiene el mismo nombre). De estos trabajos, se han seleccionado 80 artículos aprobados por evaluadores de 18 universidades dentro y fuera de Colombia. Los trabajos ínvestigativos seleccionados, están desarrollados en las áreas de: técnicas y aplicaciones del procesamiento de señales, visión artificial, procesamiento de señales de origen biológico y aplicaciones desarrolladas con DSP y PLD (FPGA), por mencionar algunas, son un reflejo del desarrollo investigativo de éstas áreas y del estado del arte a nivel nacional e internacional, y de esta manera posibilita un verdadero intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias que sirven a la generación de nuevos campos de trabajo. En este sentido diferentes organizaciones no han sido ajenas al llamado para vincularse al evento y a su propuesta académica, entendiendo asi la importancia de apoyar un simposio que acerca a la industria con los conocimientos que se generan en diferentes universidades. Dentro de las organizaciones que trabajan para que este nuevo certamen sea un éxito están: Componentes Electrónicas Ltda. Representantes de prestigiosas marcas de equipos, programas y servicios electrónicos, como MATLAS; EDASIM Ltda., empresa que vende productos de alta tecnología en el mercado americano desde el año 1990; igualmente estarán haciendo difusión del evento, a través de su diferentes canales de comunicación, el programa Medellín Digital de la Administración Municipal de la Alcaldía de Medellin, quienes consideran que una inclusión digital abre nuevos caminos para integrarse al mundo y donde la tecnología juega un rol importante en este proceso. Por ellos solicitamos a Ustedes, el apoyo económico en modalidad condonable a través del Fondo para la organización de eventos nacionales e intemacionales, para la realización de este evento. Agradecemos el apoyo que nos puedan brindar. Cordialmente, E:ca,do Orer¡o S. RICARDO MOREN SÁNCHEZ Jefe Ciudad Universitaria: Calle 67 N.O 53-108, bloque 21, oficina 134 • Recepción de cor,~espondencia: Calle 70 N.o 52-21 Teléfonos: 219 5515 2195548. Fax: 2119028. Apartado 1226.111: 890.980.040.8 hnp:I! Correo electrónico: http://wv.' • Medellin, Colombia
  • 3. F['l.ny ass/,ranu completing thIs fotm please conracr aut MOU advfsar al conf,,~nc •• servlc.S@in •. o'g Applicatlon By complcung and Memorandum lh~ apphcauon. of Undeutanding (MOU) for IEEE Technlcal lhe undcrstgncd authoriled representati'c of Lbc Conf-crt:n-ce Organl.fAitlor. Co-sponsorship +IEEE Cornmittce and me Spon~ors idenbfied rcquest IEEE tedmJcal co-spor.sorslup Qf 1he Confcren.~e tden:lfied lf ttUi appl1c4t~ 15a.:'::qRed and e"ecuttd by authon.t.ed reprC'scntaOvtS of IEEE acttng tJ'uvugh lile IEEE ürg.anlzauOn.l: Lntt iJenufiro and tEEE Conrerence Scn'lc.cs. th:s apphcation sha,H constitutc a bmdmg agrecmer.t be:I,~ TEFE and lr.e Conf:1:tlC: ()rg:ar.lZ2tlOn Conh-nUl« a.,d t!tc Spoosors. 1. Conference Information , "articipanb üpHted bmpos:.o de Tnumirt"to 1 1siÓr. Artificial de Se!i.illles. Irnagenes y e local 00•50 http://ln;enteria.udI- •..eciu.::o/salVa201 21 ()S Regional O 51.100 Auonym: iS;¡SIVA 2012 e Global o 101-500 Sta" Date: - Sept.mbecr 12, 201 ~ Event Format S4!ptember14. 20 n (cheó. .•1Ith.t appiyi O >500 location: ¡Sede de l,westigKlon@s Universtt.lria (SIU) ~ Conference Focus l. '. , ,Mededm 1 o Wori<shop o Applkation State/P'fOvlnce: IAntioqlJ~ O Morlal, ~ Sdentiflc Ill.eademic ZiplPostal Code: ~5001000 O Short (aune ko lombia o Other O Otller Submltt"" by; ~S74Z19 S561 Name ¡JeSÚ' Francisco Van¡as Bonillo (mall (" No IfVe.,num~r 01",,"ibits exp«t"": ! jPresent t~chnological advances and re-search re-sults- in the theoretkal and applie<i S<o~ {SOwurds mu} - lfields of digital signal and Image and computer visiono Keywords' Signil Proce.ssing.lmage Proc,:es$ing. Video processing. Biomedical Slgnal Proce5sing. Digital Audio ar"ld (5...•words sepanllted by commas } Voie. Processing. Mutt¡méd~ SigMI Prouuing. Statistical Signal Processi"g. 2. Sponsors /IEEE & Non-IEEE) • Below. Identlfy all sponsars and percentage of involvement lif anyl: I Financial Sponson ,fuftn-'Meos; I Anancial% Technical Co--sponsors Facultad o. Ingen~,i~. nrv&!'sid"d de Ant;oqu~ U 62 IEEE Signal Proceuing ChaJ)t.r-Colomb ••• l~r.iruto Te.:notogKO Metropolitano 38 IEEECo!"",bla Secticn , , : ------------~il----------- I ,:::::~~~~:~:::::::::::~~:~::~::::~-I ~I 1 =========================== ¡ ---------------+-----111------------------ ¡!-¡ 11r----------------¡----Ji :f--------------; I ~============~T~O=ta~1 ==l~OO~======::==~===iOO~=~: i~============================~ ¡ Flrst Page I Next P~ 1 Pfevlous P~ I laS! Page ]Uebrvaty 201] Page 1 of9
  • 4. 3. Conference Organization Committee Information Cantad: Nam€' . ¡Jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla Phone 1 +5742195561 1 Address ¡calle 73 No 53-10B. bloque 19-425 Phone 2 +5742195560 City ~IM_e_d_e_lIi_n ~1 Postal Code 1~0_50_0_1_oo_0 ~ Fax 5tate/Prov ,iAntioquia .! Country I~C_o_lo_m_b_i_a _ Email jfvargas@udea,edu,co Conference Chair: Name . (Jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla Phone 1 +5742195561 Address Icalle 73 N° 53-108. bloque 19-42' Pho".2 +574219 5560 Cily IMedemn I Postal Code 1,05001000 , Fax StatelProv ¡,A,t1tioqula ¡ (ountry! ~C_o_lo_m_b_ia , Email T&hni(lll PrQgr~m ehair. Name - jJulián David Alias looooño Phone 1 .5742197527 ¡ Address ¡Calle 73 N" 53-10B, bloque 21-410 Phone 2 +57421 9 5530 Cíty IMedemn I Postal codel ~0_5_0_0_1000 J Fax State/Prov lAnrioquia 1 Countl)' ,¡colombia Email jda Confer~n(e Treasurer: Nam~ !Cés-~rAugusto Pérez Acosta PhQne 1 +5742195515 AddrE:$S Icalle 73 N° 53-108. bloque21. --- Pnone 2 +5742195548 Cily iMedelHn 1 ! Postal ; Code 105001000 ,1 , State-IProv jAntioquia !, Country !colombia 1 Email PubliCZltion Cha;r: Name ¡sergiO Ignacio Serna G¿m::es Phone 1 +5744600727 - exl 55B7 Address IcaHe 73 No 76A .354 Poo"e 2 +574440 5114 City !Medellin 1 ------- ,-- '- I Postal Code 1 "" _, Fax State/Prov] e A_n_t_iO_q_U_ia_~ __ ~j Country ~IC_o_lo_m_b __ ia, " Emall firslPage Nexl Page Prev10us Page Lasl Page Requir.¿d Fiefa 22 Feóruary 20 12 Page20f9
  • 5. 4a. Technical Program (Paper!a&stract revjew processl As a condition forTe<:hnical Co-spon,orshlp, IEEErequlres dlrect and sub,tantlallnvolvement in the development ofthe Te<:hnicalProgramo Please provlde th@followingin(ormation: Can for Pa~er~ URL • __ o - - _" ~ • Ab5tl7JCt submission date I~.pr2, 2012 Notification of acceptance date- LiJ_u_I_6_,2_0_1_2 . .J Final Paper submission date IJun 15, 2012 Please describe th@paperreviewandlorab,tractrevi@wprocess Including a e1ea, Idenoncatlon of the Ievel e( review performed. Byplacíng your cursarever the OOxyou will se@a Iist of questions that can help provlde an approprlata r"ponsa. :,. 'vVnat is structure ofth~tec:hnical program committee? How many members are thlHE! 1.What i~the role of each membllH 1 irechnlCal , p'09ram ccmmittee is (ormed by the technical program chair aOO the reviewers. Reviewers are reseatc-hers aM ¡:J'cfesscrs in ¡ COIOmbian unlVersities whose topic:s of res~arc:h ¡nelude digital and image- processlng. This comminee is supponed cnarge o(tl-¡e pJatform fer the admínistration of paper submission and revlews. by two people in 2. rile materials reviewed are abstracts artd complete manuscrlpts. Y(H, th@abstracts¡U@f@vie- ed by thf! commrtt •.e and tr.e complete •••• rr.anuscripts will be peer fl!"/iewed. ta~h paper is dassifred in one of (OUTcategories. These catRgOries are: -, !Category 1: Paper;; wth resutts from an undergraduate coursé!. jCate-;¡ory 2: Papers wtth resu!ts from ur:.-dergradual.e final projeas Category 3: Papers Ifáth n~sults from gr.a-duate theses {M:.l.'itQt o' Ph. Dl Cotegory ;:.:Papen with resLlits frcm re•• arch groups. e Papérs are prese:"'lted ora!ty or through po!.ts. based on its lnterest aOOcontribution Only papers in categcries 2. 3 and 4 will be consic!ered fOf publkation In IEEEXplore. , 13.emeria used by the reviewers to evaluate submissions are the technicaj reiev¡nce and qvafity, COrTe<tness.. (orred paper presentation ane! proper language us-age elther spanish or eng!lsh. These cmerla are communkated through email te the re.••. iewrs when ~hey accept for ; our conference. 1 Revie.•••. wdte an on.line repoio indicating why a paper is accepted or rejeded. ers I 4. !he ravie'A'ers e .••.. aluatíon ís communicated to the Teehr.kal Program Com'1iíttee the platform Eas.yChair; 1 htt ps:// f=st51Va20 12 , b. Two reviewers .re aS'>igned to ev.lll~te uch submiuion. lfthey have coniHeting opinlons ahout a submission, In€! dl!Cl5tOn is fl!nd-ered by reqvesting a third reviewer tO evaluate the papero The paper ¡s itccepted or rl!jected depending or'tthe ótte¡sion raken by the thirc réV¡ewe~ and the- decision ofthe technkal program chair. The technkal program chalr has the final approval tor acceptance. The teehnka! p-rogram chai~ is r@5;ponsíbl@ forthe oV21all quality of all submi'SStons acc:ept@citmneconference. 6.7he number of expeeted papers is 120. And tM aeceptam:e rate-is in th~ r~nge of60-70%. 7. Silt>misslons from ¡¡ member ofthe technical program comm¡ttee or fromthe same institution are SE!nt to revie"Ners from ancther instítution or with no involvement in the paper in confli~ 8. In toe flOalprogram are induded only those submissions whose authors payed the1r rE!9lstrations. The papef5 no~ preser:!ed are not 1i~duded In the conference proceedíngs. 1 I RrstPage Next Page I Previous Page I laS! Pag@ 22 Febtuary 2072 Page3ef9
  • 6. 4b, Teehnlcal Program (lEEEOU(s) involvementl Ple.,e de,cribe how the Technically sponsorlng IEEEOU(,) will be óirectly and ,ubstantially involved in the technical programo By ¡placing your cursor over the box you willsee a li51of questions that can help prol/ide an approp(iate response. ! IThe IEEE '?C"'O' i, the IEEE Colombia Section throughout the Signal Proce;,ing Chapter Colombia. The SP Chapter Colombia ¡, directly I I tiriVOlved in the organization ofthe Conference, and the conference technical program by re'iewing submissions. partiópating in the ! I ccnference as s-essicn chairs and leeturing short digital signallimage processing tutorials. selecting the best papees and advising about publícations. I , ¡ I , I , , i I I I 11 I 1 5. Conferenee Publieation I Isthe conference produdng a Conference Publlcation? ~ (i'Vcs 1, the ccnference reque,ling that ¡he (onference Publication <No be includeó in IhelEEE (onference (eYes ("No I Publkation Program (CPP}?~This indudes publication in IEEEXplore. I WiIIlEEE own copyright.? - I J If no, permission must be granted by a representative ofthe copyright owner for lndusion In IEEEXplore. (¡' Ves Please see the section headed "Copyright" in the Terms of Agreement ofthis form for more tnformation ("No 6. Addítíonal Agreements or Comments Please add any additlonal agreements, arrangements or any other comments ¡he e'ent should have a special tegisttatlon fee {discount} for IEEEmembers. I j. 2.The IEEEColombia Secrion Chair (or hisiher repre5entativelshaIJ be invlted to the opening cere:mcf'lY ofthe evento I 3. Organfzers molYdeliver promotional material of the conference to other local IEEEaetiVaie.s. ¡ , 14. The ,enference títtle cannol inelude ,he 'IEEE' o, 'IEEE Colombia". I IS. I The lEEE logo must be induded in pril1ted material as well.u in 1he even1 website dccording to the usage rule••(http;¡/" toolkit/masterbrandlindex.htmll under the tinte "Supported by~wtth tne same relevance of otner supporterentlties. , 6. IEEEColombia míght send ene e-notic:e as well as ene e-mail to its loca! c.ontacls with the wnference infnrmation (CaHfor Papers cr other¡ I , 7. IEEEColombia will post the confarence information and URl in its web'iite. I , ! : i II I, ,, I I I I I " I, Fiist Page 1 Next Page I P,eviou, Page I '. la'l Page I 1 21Februory20J2 Páge40f9
  • 7. 7. TlIrms of Agreemllnt Thls MOU shall be by and between The Institute of EIeClric.1 .00 Electronics Engineers, Incorporared, • New York not-for-profrt corpor.tíon ("IEEE") aetlng through Its Org.nlz.tlon.l Unlt(s) name<! In Seetion 8.2 (the "Technic.1 Co-Sponsor") .nd the Conference Sponsors in Seetion 2 colleetively, the "Sponsonng Party"}, together known as the "Partíes". Thls MOU shall not be v.lid until .pproved .nd executed by .uthorized represent.tives of both the IEEE Technical Co-sponsor and IEEEConference Seo/ices. Ouration of MOU: This MOU the rlghts and obllg'tlons wlth respect to the Conference. Although the partles m.y presently be consldering the possibillty of future conferences simil.r in theme or subject matter, no party sh.1I be under any obllg'l;on to renew this MOU. Flnand.l Liabllity: Itls understood th.t financlalll.billty for the Conference Is the sole-responslblllty and obligarion of the Sponsoring Party. The Technic.1 Co-Sponsorwill not In the surplus ofthe Conferenceor be expeeted to contrlbute to the fm.nciallo", If.ny. Copyright: If IEEE 's lo be lhe owner ollhe copyright in Ihe Conlerence publicatlon, lhen Ihe IEEE Copyright Tmnsler lorm musl be filled out by each aulhor and provided lo IEEE. I1 IEEE will nol be lhe owner 01 lhe copyright in lhe Conference publícation, bul rather a permitted (licensed) user. written permisslOn Irom a representativa of lhe eopl![Íght owner must granl IEEE Ihe non-exdusive, irrevocable. royalty-1ree wortdwide righls to publish, sen and dislribute lhe copyrighled work lor Ihe Conference named arove and any contenl derlved from lhe copyrighled work in any formal or media wilhoul restriclion. IEEE reserves Ihe righl lo wilhdraw any work Imm publication in lhe event a daim is asserted againsllEEE based on Ihe work. IEEE reserves Ihe righllo assert a elaim againstlhe Sponsoring Party based on any liabihly arising from publicallon of the worl<. IEEE Copyrighl Policy can be found on lhe IEEE Web slle al htlp:/1 www.jeee.orgiweb/publicalions/righlsicopyrighlpolicy.hlml IEEETr~dem~rks: The IEEEand IEEESociety trademarks may only be used fer conference promation upon execution 01 this MOU. The right to use the IEEEand IEEESoclety marl<s as approved shali termínate upon terrnlnation of the technlcal cosponsorship pursuant to thi~ MOU fo, .ny reason. Guirl"lInes for use of the IEEEMaster Br.nd .nd Logotype "IEEE"can be found on tile IEEEWeb slte r.JlI>:l/ W"'fl!I-=~,~,orgllhoutltQo(kitlind.x.html. Exhibít, 8001h: Ifrequested by IEEE,he Conferenee shall pro'llde, al no cost, exhlbtt booth, exhlblt table or othe, means of promoting t IEEEmembershlp .nd activltles durlng the conferenee. IEEE Mis,ion: rhe Sponsoring P.rty .gree they 're f.mlli.r with IEEE'smisslon, vlslon .nd commltment to qu.11ty standards for conferences .nd promises that the Conferencc will adv.nce thase goals. The IEEEMIsslon .nd Vislon slatement can be found .t linp:. 'VvWI,'l-if"t'-€' .orq(abouVvision mission.html IEEECode of elhi,,: The Sponsorlng P.rty, fO!ttself.nd eoch member ofthe Conference Org.niz.tlon Committee, sh.lland does hereby .gree to adhere to Ihe IEEE Code of Ethks whlch can be lound at: Ilrrp'¡:'.','VN.: itte org/abouticQrporatelgovernancefo7.8 html Term .nd Termln.llon of Technlcal Co-sponsorship: IEEEreserves the uncondltlon.1 rlght to resclnd Its technie.1 cosponsorship if .ny ofthe terms or condlllons set forth Inthis MOUare bre.ched. , Indemnílicatlon : Party shall indemnify, defend .nd hold h.rmless the other Party fmm .nd ag.lnst any and .11e1'ims, dem.nds, . liabilities.,settlements. damages, C05tS, and expenses. lncluding reasonable attomeys' fees and expenses, ari:íing out or, Of in any way connected with, any default. breach or neg"gent non-perionnance of this MOU or any negligent ad or omlssion on the part of IndemniMng P.rty, lis agenls and employees arlsing out of this technic.1 cosponsorshlp or the conduet of the Cenference. Eaeh Party shall provide prompt written notiflcatlon to the other Part'l Jn the event an indemnified dairn arises. The indemnified Party shall reason.bly cooper.te wlth the indemnlMng P.rty.t ¡he Indemnlfylng P.rt'(s expense. Confidentiallnformallon: .Cont1denti.llnfonmatlon" me.ns informatlon identifled In goOO faith by either Party as .Conlident!a'" .nd/or "Prop,iet.!)': or inform.tíon that. under the circumstances, ought re.sonably be tre.ted as confidentlal.nd/or propnet.!)'. "Confidenti.1 Information" shall ¡ndude, but not be limlted too the terms and (onditions ofthls MOU,(ustomer data, usag& statlstics, market research, anaJyses. studies, processes, present and/or Mure produd ¡nfarmation. prlcing information and business plans. Next Page I Prevlous Page [1.aSt Page 22 F~bruary 20 12 Page S of9
  • 8. Nelther Party shall disdose to a thlrd party Confidentlallnlormatlon ofthe other Party. The recelvlng Party shall use the same degree of eare as it uses to protect the eonildentlahty 01 Its own eonfldentlallnlonmation oíllke naturlt. but no less than a reasonable degree of eare. to malntaln In eonfidenee the Confld.ntlal Infonmatlon 01 the dlscloslng Party. The loregolng obligatlons shall not apply to any Conrldentlal Infarmatian that: (al can ¡,., demonstratfMi to ha"" been publlcly known as the time of lhe disclaslng Party's disclosure of sud> Conrldentíal Informatlan to the receivlng Party; (b) beeames pan 01 lhe publle doma In or publlciy known. by publleatian o, olherwl",. not due to any un.ovthorlzed ael or omlssíon by the recelving Party: (e) can ¡,., demonstrale<i to have been independently developed o, aequlre<i by !he receivlng Party w!thout referenco to or rellanee upon such Confldentiallnformatlon: (d) Is provided ro lhe 'e<eMng Party by arhlrd party who Is unde, no obIlgatlan to the disclasing Party to kHp lhe ¡nformatlan confidential: o, {e, "'equÓ'l'd to ¡,., disclasl'd by law, pnwlded that the re<elvlng P.rty, reasonable aOOI<Iwful etlons to avoíd and/ar minlmilo such dise!osure and a p'ompt1y nolifle' the dlscloslng Party SO that the disclaslng Party may t•••• lawful actions to avoiclaOO/or mlnlmiZe such dísclasure. Each P.rty agrees rh.t ~ wlll use the Confidentlal Inlormatian províded by lhe other P'rry oniy as necessary ro diSCharge lISobIlgatlons undee lhis MOUand fa, no oth ••.purpose withour the prio, wr1tten CORSenr f tM dlscloslng Party. o Nenprofit>tatus al lh.IEE£: IEEE b<!enrecognlzed as • tax-exompt educationalaOO scientifK organiZarlon under Section SOlic>(3! 01 has the U.S. Inte~1 Reo~m..J@ Codeo As such. th~ IEEEcannot e-nter into transaetlons wtth fOl ptoftt or Other organint;oos that are not tax. exempt un<!e, SectIOn SOl(c)(3i excepI en'n arms-Iength basis. Non-compt~nce w~h tM provl,lons 01 thl, potJcy may ",soll In den ••101 approvab for subsequent conferencfl. For proflt and other organiU:tions un. however. provide donations as tndicatM in IEEEPoHeit's SectIon 10.1.23. IEEEPolides Sec1lon 10can ¡,., loun<!en the IEEEweb sIle al ~t"'>£~ ',,-.:~-''''.¡€''fl-€'_P_!g.,_-~/ai)outust'A.:h~thJ.poUci-es/P 10-1. 1 ."tml Non Ol,cri",ination: IEEE1, cornmilt"'¡ to lh. princlple that all persons shall havo equal acc••• ro facillries. s",vice" aOO emplayment withouT regard ti>~rsonal characteristics nol rel<lted to abllity, ~rformance, or quall!lcation' a, determined by IEEE pollcy andio, apptKabIe Iaw,. GENtRAt TERMSANO CONOITlONS: IEEEXploT.OIgiUl Ubnry and Induln9' Conferences wl1h an approved MOl! may app1y to the IEEE Conf••.• nc. PubfKarlon Program ¡OPi. Canference pro<eedings tha! meet IEEE quallty review ,tandard, may ¡,., eto;¡lblefor inc~~siOnIn the IEEEXpIore DígITalLibrary.IEEE reserves the right to deny publicatlon of any proceedlnq' that do not lTlMtthese <landard •. Conference rel6ted (ommuniutáons wch as conf!rence w@bsite, emalL dire<t mall sofidtation. etc. should not refentnce or gua-rantee Inc!u,ion, In the IEEEXplore OIgl1.1Ubrary unlil il 1, accep1"'¡ in the IfEECPP.Furth"" c(>nl",ence eommunic.tlon' should nol referenco o, guarantee InclusiOn, In any .bstractlng and Indoxlng (A&l) •. ,Inee incluslon in such database, IsdetemllnfMi by independt>nt A&I,eMco prevido" and cannot ¡,., guarantROd by IEEE. lsrepresentalion of .~her í, con,idered • vialatlan 01 lhe IEEEBrand, M Compliance wI1h taws, Th. Sponsonng r.rry shall ensure that the Conference Is corlducted In .ceordanee wrth .11.pplieable Unlted Slate, (U.5.J and non-U.$. laws. The Sponsorlng Party shall make all necessal)' eorporate, 'ax aOO other "'g;,tratlo", .nd obraln .11 required Heenses and permlts. Govemlng taw; Thi, MOU ,hall be governed, construed, applied and enforced In ."ordanee wlth the law, of lhe State al New York wl1hout regard to conllict al law principies. Oisput. Resolution: AIIdisputes .rtslng under thls MOUor rel.tlngto IEEE',public.lIon of lhe works ,hall ¡,., governl'd by New Yon<law .nd he.rd by. court al compet.nt )urtsdlcllon in New York. New York. The Sponsorlng Party eonsenls to Jurlsdlctlon in New Yon<,New York lo, that purpo,e. Entire Agrftement; This. MOU shall cantaln the entlre agreement between the Partles and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements. arrangéments, negotlatlons and understandings between the Partíé! relatlng lo the subj@etmaner thereof. There are no other unde-rstandlngs. staternenu, or promisao~of inducement~ oral or otherwise. contrary to the te-rms of this MOU Blndlng EffeCl: Thi, MOU shalllnure to the benef~ 01, aOObe bindlng upan, the P.rtie~ their succe,so" in mrerest, legal repre,entatlve, . • nd '''igns. Assignment: None of!he Partles may .ssign or transfer any right. ¡nterest or daim under thi$ MOUwithout tne- express written consent of the omer Partle s. No1i<es: Any notice qiv"" under thls MOU to any of the p.rtie, may be effeeted by: O)emall oro[il!facsímile, receipt of whlch i, confirmed by fa<:simHe confirmatlo"_ Counterp.rt" Thi, MOU may ¡,., .xe<:uted ,¡mul!aneoosiy in two or m"'" counNrparts .•• ch 01 which ,hall ¡,., deemed an original. bol all of wh"h togetho, ,hall constltute one.OO the same Instrument. Ifelth", party uses. SClnnfMi r facsimile tr.nsmlnaL that eopy shall o ¡,., deemed to ¡,., 'n original. This MOU sh.1I nol ¡,., valld until approved and executl'd by authorized representalives 01 both the IEEETe<hnical C~sponso, aOOIEEE Confer~e Servk:e'S. Page 6 01 9 llF.b'uory20r¡
  • 9. 8. Sígnatures ~N WITNESS WHEREOF. this MOU is executed by the parties hereto by their respective undersigned and authorizec oHicers as of the date in section 8.4. 8.1 Sponsoring Party (Non-IEEE Financial Spon$O'1 l' n~t!ded; list additional FinanciaJ Sponsors;n sedion 8.3 ou. IUnivers!dad de Antloqula Signature Name" ¡jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla Phcn~1 I +5742195561 Address Icalle 73 N' 53-108, bloque 19-425 Phone 2 +5742195560 City IMedellin I Postal Ca<'e 10_S_0_0_1_OO_0_ SratelProv IAntiOQUia I Country I_C_o_lo_m_b_ia _ Emall ¡ 8.2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated acting through (IEEETechnical Co-'ponsa . s)) If ne~ded, list addit;onal Technicol Sponsors in sectlon 8.3 ! J Sponsor' l~~E Colombia Seelion _.... J Signature },~,'! Name . ICarios Lozano (Chair) Phooe 1 Address ICalle 12 B # 8 A 03 Oficina 409 Phon~2 . ..1 City [B090t.án_.J Country l~b~ .J __ Fax StatelProv Icundlnamarca l Postal Code l~ ~ Email 8.3 Addition~1 Sponsoring Parties (List any additional Financlal or Technical Co-sponsors where approval is needed) Sponsor jEfE Signal Chapter-Colombia Signature JI&tr.J1? /};";;' &1*-1~ Name ~an Benftez{Chaírj Phone 1 1 5723218200ext151 I Phcnt' 2 573164057114 I Cilyl ~C_a_Ii ~1 Country JC_o_l_o_m_b_i_a ~ fax ------------ Slale/Prov Ivalle del Cauca Postal Codo ~17_6_oo_100_0 _ Email Sponsor Signature Name Phone 1 Addre~~ _________________ . . . J; Phone 2 City I Count.y --------~ Fax Slale/Proe [_- ~I Code I~ Postal ~ Email First Page Next Page Previous Page Last Page , Requ,it'!d FJeld 21 Februart 20 12 Page 7 of9
  • 10. ,. 8.3 Addition.1 Sponsoring Parties (List any additional Financial or ,Technicalca-sponsor~:::.ere approvae;.eededJ Sponsor ¡m.1 J Signature ~C :- : Q Name ¡sergiO Ignacio serna Gateés ?hone 1 +5744600727. ext_~S87 -1 i Address ICal1e 73 No 76A -354 'hone 2 +5744405114 Clty IMedellin ! country! ~C_o_lo_m_b_l_a _ Fax State/Prov 1_~_n_t_iO_q_U_ia ~¡Postal Cade LIO_S_OO_l00_0 ~ Email Sponsor Slgnature Name Phone 1 Address Phone 2 City 1 Country L. __ ___ ... .. -._ .. .1 i Fax State/Prov 1 1 Postal COQe I i Email Sponsor Slgnature ¡ I Name _1 Phone 1 ____ ~ ___-.1 I Address I Phone 2 City I Country I Fax State/Prov I I Postal Code I I Email Spol1"Sor Slgnature ~ Name Phone 1 I Address I Phone 2 CUy State/Prov e I 1 ! Country. Postal Code ~' • . I Fax Email Rrst Page Next Page Previous Pag;J La,t Page 22F,bruol)'20/2 Page8of9
  • 11. . - ---------, 8.3 Additional Spansoring Parties (Lisl any additiana/ Financial or Technical Co-sponsors where approva/ is needed) Sponsor Signature Name Phonl? 1 Address Phone 2 ...- ----------_ ..._._ .._-------------~ Clty --------- ¡ Country Fa); ___ J 5tate/Pfovl _ Postal Code I~'-------~ Email Sponsor [ Signature Name I Phone 1 .A.ddress I Phone 2 Clty I I Caunlry fax State/Prov i I Postal Code I Email Sponsor Signature Name Phone 1 Address Phcne 2 I City L ! Country fax _J I State/Prov I I Postal Code I Email 8.4 The Institute al Eledrical and Electranics Engineers, Incarporated (affice use on/y) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Nami? I Olglldlly Mlngione Slyiied by l"¡a¡iceS(~ I Dated. I DN.ác 8q~ple ieee,6tl IEEE. ------------------- - users, oU-lechnlcal Áctllo'lties • TIlle • " ou=Users, cn=Francesca Mir}3ione. Slgnature --.J ~ - - e¡¡tall Lrr11ilgtOlie@leee.Uig --------------- Date: 2012.06.2516:41:27-04'00' Email: Please do not send this to conference-services@ieee.orgwitheut appropriate sígnatures from at least ene financial sponsoring entiry and alllEEE technical sponsoring entities listed. Failure to do so will delay the conference being initiallzed and posted to the IEEEConference searcn page. Pont Form' 22 Februmy 2012
  • 12. G~ail 2012 XVII Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision (STSIVA) #21213 <> 26 de junio de 2012 08:19 Para: Ce:,,,, Dear Jesus Francisco Vargas Bonilla, Congratulations! Your submission has been reviewed and successfully entered in the conference database as conference record #21213 This is a unique number specifically for your conference. If you haw any changes or updates, please e-mail them to and inelude your conference #21213 in the subject line. Do NOT reenter an IEEE Conference Information Schedule for your conference, it will create a duplicate record. Your conference will appear on the IEEE Conference Search and the IEEE's Call for Papers Listing within the next twenty-four hours. The conference application indicated that the conference will produce proceedings. If the conference intends to request inelusion in the IEEE Conference Publication Program, which ineludes the posting of material in our on-fine collection (IEEE Xplore), an IEEE Publication Form must be submitted to start the review process. This form can be found al: I In addition, you may now begin using the IEEE Master Brand on your conference's website, publications and promotional materials. Please visit IEEE Brand Identity Toolkit for information, to access the guidelines and materials. To assist you in your conference planning, please visit the Conference Organizers web page Regards, David Stankiewicz IEEE Conference Business Services 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Phone: + 1 732 562 6085 Fax: +1 732981 1769 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Eastem Standard TIme IEEE: Advancing Technology for Humanity