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 [extreme wildlife]
[ sur vival of the fittest ]
                                                                                              “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the
                                                                                              most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

                                                                                                                                         – Charles Darwin

                                     GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, BEYOND DISCOVERY | 1-5

                                     THE ECOVENTURA EXPERIENCE | 6-11
W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M

                                                                                                                                                             G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 1
                                     SIGNATURE YACHTS: M/Y ERIC, FLAMINGO I & LETTY | 12-17

                                     DIVE LIVE-ABOARD: M/Y SKY DANCER | 18-19

                                     EXTENSIONS IN ECUADOR AND PERU | 20-23
a world of evolutionary enchantment

                                                                                                                                                            Wildlife wanders freely and almost fearlessly in the Galapagos. This remote
                                                                                                                                                            island group with its dramatic and desolate beauty is home to some of the

                                                                                              M/Y Eric and Flamingo I, anchored at Española (Hood Island)   most unique species in the world. Many are endemic such as the Galapagos
                                                                                                                                                            tor toise, marine and land iguanas, the flightless cormorant and, of course,
                                                                                                                                                            Darwin’s famous finches. Darwin noted that different species adapted to fit
                                                                                                                                                            different niches on individual islands, which gave rise to his idea of
                                                   [ expedition cr uising with ecoventur a ]                                                                natural selection.
                                                                                                                                                              You may glimpse a frigate bird in cour tship, his bright-red breast puffed
                                         Meet face-to-face with a giant tor toise. Snorkel with penguins and dive with sea lions. Hike along                up in a dazzling display, or the spectacular dive of a blue-footed booby fishing
                                         ancient lava tunnels and back to the beginning of time. Ever since Darwin boarded the Beagle over                  close to shore, or the graceful waved albatross - so comical and clumsy
                                         170 years ago, exploring the Galapagos Islands has remained one of life’s great adventures.                        when taking flight. It’s all here in the Galapagos, a treasure-trove of natural
                                           Since 1990, Ecoventura has been leading the way in expedition cruising in the Galapagos. Our                     histor y awaiting your discover y.
                                         first-class fleet includes three identical motor-yachts and a custom-designed dive boat - all unmatched
                                         for comfor t and safety. Sailing with only 20 fellow guests, venturing ashore in small groups of ten,
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                                         you’ll experience these islands in a highly personal, close-up way. And you’ll also be pleased to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 3
                                         know of our reputation for environmental integrity. We’re committed to preser ving the Galapagos                                                                    galapagos penguin
                                         National Park and we’ve received many plaudits for our effor ts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    While all penguin species are only found in the
                                           Come let our experienced naturalist guides share the secrets of the islands with you. Venture to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Southern Hemisphere, the Galapagos Penguin is the
                                         the most spectacular sites on land or beneath the sea. Enjoy the cour tship dance of the blue-footed                                                     only one to live near the equator. Endemic to the
                                         boobies or massive waved albatross. Dive with a hammerhead shark or whale shark. Come be amazed.                                                          islands, at approximately 14 inches in height it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     smaller and more duck-like than its southern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cousins of the Antarctic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         galapagos islands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [ archipiélago de colón ]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Abington)          Marchena
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Bindloe)                                 Genovesa
                                                     Flightless Cormorant, Punta Espinosa, Fernandina Island                                                                                                                                                                                     (Tower)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pta. Mejía
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pta. Espejo                         Prince Philip’s Steps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Darwin Bay

                                         [ a living laborator y of natural selection ]                                                                                                 Pta. Albermarle

                                                                                                                                                     Ecuador Volcano                Wolf Volcano     Cape Marshall
                                                                                                                                                     Pta.Vicente Roca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Buccaneer Cove
                                         Located about 600 miles west of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands were created five
                                                                                                                                                                                    Darwin               Espumilla Beach
                                                                                                                                                               Tagus Cove
                                                                                                                                                                                    Volcano                 James Bay
                                         million years ago by undersea volcanic eruptions. In 1535, Tomás de Berlanga, Bishop                                                                                                   Santiago          Sullivan Bay
                                                                                                                                                     Pta. Espinoza                                         Puerto Egas           (James)                Bartolome
                                         of Panama, floated into this archipelago and named it Galapagos after the giant tor toises                                                                      Pta. García                                           North Seymour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sombrero Chino                 Mosquera
                                                                                                                                                              La Cumbre                         Alcedo                                              Daphne
                                         he encountered. Pirates used the islands for refuge and to bur y their stolen treasure,                               Volcano                          Volcano                          Rabida            Turtle Cove                   Baltra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cerro Dragon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Jervis) Bachas Beach                            Canal de Itabaca
                                         but it wasn't until the end of the 19th centur y, when it became a regular por t of call                             Fernandina                                                                Guy Fawkes                                                                                          San Cristóbal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pinzon                        Santa Cruz                                                                          (Chatham)
                                                                                                                                                             (Narborough)                                                                                   (Indefatigable)
                                         for whaling fleets, that the wildlife was threatened.                                                                                      Elizabeth Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Duncan)                                                Plazas                                    Leon Dormido                Pta. Pitt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cerro Brujo
                                                                                                                                                                      Pta. Moreno
                                           The islands’ most celebrated visitor was Char les Darwin, who arrived aboard the                                                                                                                                                  Puerto Ayora                                    Playa Ochoa
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sierra Negra Volcano                                                              Academy Bay                                        Isla Lobos
                                         HMS Beagle in 1835. The rare life forms he encountered helped him formulate his                                                                                                                                                                   Santa Fe
                                                                                                                                                                            Cerro Azul
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Chico Volcano                                                                         (Barrington)
                                                                                                                                                     Pta. Cristóbal          Volcano                                                                                                                                                            Loberia
                                         theor y of evolution, which he published in The Origin of Species by Means of                                                                                                                                                                                                 Puerto Baquerizo
                                         Natural Selection.                                                                                                                                                                                           pacific ocean
                                           After visiting the Galapagos in 1941, Herman Melville entitled his book The Encantadas.                                                      (Albemarle)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Devil’s Crown
                                         But it wasn’t until 1959 when it became par t of Ecuador’s national park system that this                                                                                                  Pta. Cormorant                  Champion                                           Española
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Post Office Bay                                                                       (Hood)
                                         fragile ecosystem with its rare and endemic species came under protection. In 1979                                                                                                              Black Beach                Gardner                              Pta. Suárez              Gardner Bay
                                         the Galapagos archipelago was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.                                                                                                                                          Floreana                                                                 Pta. Cevallos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Santa Maria, Charles)
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 5
                                                                                                           giant tortoise
                                                                            The giant tortoise is probably the best known of all Galapagos animals
                                                                             and even gave the archipelago its name; Galapago means “saddle” in
                                                                             Spanish which refers to the saddle-back shape of the shell. They can
                                                                                    weigh up to 250 kg. and live for more than 100 years.

                                                                                                                                                         Red-billed Tropicbird
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                                         “Ecoventura has demonstrated its commitment to the conservation of natural              the galapagos islands
                                         resources and social well-being in Ecuador. Its proactive stance has been a source
                                         of inspiration for conservation organizations that believe in the development of     [ journey to the unknown ]
                                         sustainable tourism.”

                                            — Ronald Sanabria, Sustainable Tourism Director for the Rainforest Alliance
[ greening the galapagos ]

                                          Ecoventura is committed to preserving the Galapagos Islands as a unique and priceless UNESCO World
                                          Heritage site. Through various effor ts in conser vation and sustainability, we are able to offer highly
                                          personalized eco-adventures aboard our fleet of modern motor-yachts while at the same time abiding
                                          by our claim as a responsible tour operator.

                                         SMART ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATION                               GALAPAGOS MARINE BIODIVERSITY FUND
                                         Smart Voyager is a Galapagos conservation program            Ecoventura guests have the oppor tunity to suppor t
                                         created by the highly respected Rainforest Alliance          a new fund administered by the World Wildlife Fund
                                         organization and its Ecuador-based partner, Conservación     in suppor t of the Galapagos National Park Service.
                                         y Desarrollo. Smar t Voyager awards its green seal of        The fund targets environmental education and marine
                                         approval to tour operators who meet a set of                 conservation by strengthening the local communities’
                                         conservation standards. Ecoventura was one of the            ability to manage natural resources. GMBF puts donated
                                         first to receive Smart Voyager certification. In addition,   funds to work on the ground, addressing critical issues,
                                         in 2005 the Rainforest Alliance awarded Ecoventura’s         reversing ecological damage and conserving Galapagos
                                         president, Santiago Dunn, the prestigious Individual         for the future.
                                         Sustainable Standard-Setter award.

                                         ECUADOR’S FIRST
                                         CARBON NEUTRAL COMPANY
                                         The Carbon Neutral Company is a leading provider
                                         of strategic solutions to help companies assess and
                                         reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2006, Ecoventura

                                                                                                                                                                 T H E E C OV E N T U R A E X P E R I E N C E | 9
                                         became the first “carbon neutral” company in Ecuador
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                                         by measuring the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
                                         from their four boats and reducing them wherever
                                         possible. We then offset the unavoidable emissions
                                         through a por tfolio of climate-friendly projects
                                         including reforestation in Chiapas, Mexico, renewable
                                         energy projects in Sri Lanka and India, and methane
                                         recapture in the U.S.
some people sail through life
                                                                  [ others experience it ]

                                           Experience moment after moment of wonder in a land where time stands still. Our comprehensive
                                           7-night cruises explore the entire archipelago. And thanks to an outstanding guide-to-guest ratio, you’ll
                                           venture ashore in small groups of no more than ten fellow explorers, experiencing this magical realm
                                           in the most authentic and educational way possible.
                                             We offer all kinds of active exploration. Go on a nature walk and mar vel at pre-historic land iguanas
                                           and lava lizards. Slip into a sea kayak and discover hidden tide pools, mangrove forests, beaches of
                                           red, green and black sand and the hardened lava fields smeared into the edges of the shores. Swim                               ecoventura welcomes families
                                           back and for th across the equator with sea lions that perform an underwater ballet. Go birding to
                                           look for the Nazca booby. Or put on your own mask and enter the delicate balance of life underwater,        Families with children are welcome throughout the year. However, during
                                           watching schools of graceful spotted eagle rays gliding beneath you.                                        school breaks, there are designated family depar tures that offers the best of a
                                             Exploring the undersea is a major par t of the Galapagos experience where cold and warm waters            science museum, zoo, aviary, marine park and a cruise vacation all rolled into one.
                                           intermingle and where fur sea lions, sea tur tles, dolphins, whales and tame reef shar ks thrive.           Our naturalists know how to bring these Islands they love to life and to balance
                                           We provide complimentar y snorkeling equipment, wet suits and kayaks.                                       learning with fun for the entire family.
                                             After dinner, attend a briefing by one of our naturalists. With so few guests, your guide can take          These depar tures feature age-appropriate activities and kid-friendly meals.
                                           the time to explore a topic that interests you personally.                                                  They are geared toward helping younger children and teens to understand
                                                                                                                                                       and appreciate the delicate balance of this fragile ecosystem. On board, children
                                                                                                                                                       are welcome to visit the bridge and learn about astronomy, navigational char ts
                                                                                                                                                       and tie nautical knots with our Captain. They can enjoy special par ties including
                                                                                                                                                       movies and popcorn, ice cream sundae social and our special King Neptune
                                                                                                                                                       costume par ty and talent show.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                               waved albatross
                                                                                                                                                                                                  With a wing span of 7 to 8 feet and a weight of up
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to 11 pounds, the waved albatross is the largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Galapagos bird. On land they walk with a waddle
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and appear very clumsy, but in the air, they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                        among the most graceful of sea birds.
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                                                                                                                                                                              E C OV E N T U R A F L E E T | 1 3
                                           "These islands, volcanic nubs pushed up above the oceans surface five hundred          the moder n fleet of ecoventur a
                                           miles west of Ecuador, constitute one of the shrines of modern science.”
                                                                                  — David Quammen, Flight of the Iguana    [ m/y eric, flamingo I, letty & m/y sky dancer ]
m/y eric, flamingo I & letty
                                             [ exploring the islands intimately and in depth ]

                                           Ecoventura’s signature fleet includes three identical yachts custom-designed for Galapagos cruising:
                                           the M/Y Eric, Flamingo I and Letty. Built in 1991 and refurbished annually, these superior first-class
                                           sister yachts accommodate no more than 20 guests and feature three decks of spacious staterooms with
                                           polished teak interiors trimmed with shiny brass fittings. Accommodations include ten double
                                           outside-facing cabins with a window or por thole view, one double bed or two twin lower beds,
                                           fully air-conditioned with private bath (hot and cold water showers), soap/shampoo dispensers, hair
                                           dr yer, closet, drawers, intercom and separate climate controls for your comfor t. There’s a dining
                                           room, well-stocked bar and conference area with a flat screen TV and panoramic picture windows.
                                           Or you can relax in a lounge chair on the sun deck, enjoying sea breezes, sunshine or a sky full
                                           of stars.
                                                                                                                                                                               cruise highlights
                                                                                                                                                    ➢   7-night expeditions depar t ever y Sunday from San Cristóbal

                                                                                                                                                    ➢   20-guest superior first-class motor yacht
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Iguana Deck
                                                                                                                                                    ➢   10 fully air-conditioned outside staterooms with private bathrooms

                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Dining room featuring Ecuadorian and international cuisine

                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Fully-stocked bar

                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Conference room for briefings with TV, DVD player and librar y

                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Obser vation areas and open sun deck

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dolphin Deck
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            S I G N AT U R E YA C H T S | 1 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                              enjoy with our compliments
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Three meals daily, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Captain’s welcome and farewell cocktail par ties

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ➢   2 excursions daily with English-speaking naturalist
                                                                                                                                                                                                        guide– maximum 10 guests
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ➢   Complimentar y snorkeling equipment, custom wet
                                                                                                                                                                             Booby Deck                 suits and clear-bottom kayaks
m/y eric, flamingo I & letty
                                                                                              [ signature yachts ]

                                          You’ll venture ashore in rubber infladable dinghies, locally called pangas, in small groups of ten led by
                                          one of our experienced English-speaking guides. That’s impor tant since you can get to know the Galapagos
                                          more intimately aboard a smaller ship. A seasoned Captain, eight dedicated crew members and two
                                          experienced English-speaking naturalist guides attend to the details of your cruise, beginning with transfers
                                          from the airport on San Cristóbal to your private yacht.

                                                                  You’ll start each day with an early breakfast including fresh fruit juices, eggs cooked to order and a wide array

                                          of fresh fruit, followed by a morning excursion.The lunch buffet features a variety of crisp salads, fresh produce

                                          and pastas, meat and fish specialties.You’ll have time for a siesta before another excursion in the afternoon. Before

                                          dinner, naturalists hold a briefing for the next day’s activities. Relax and enjoy a leisurely dinner with local delicacies                                                                                                                       DOLPHIN DECK

                                          such as ceviche, grilled seafood and enticing deserts. The Captain often dines with everyone on board. There’s

                                          a greater sense of camaraderie and shared excitement, and it’s easier to mix and mingle with the staff and

                                          fellow guests. Later, we navigate to the next island, arriving in the morning for a new adventure ashore.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BOOBY DECK
                                          S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

                                                                         L.O.A.:                     83 feet / 25 meters
                                                                         Beam:                       24 feet / 7 meters
                                                                         Draft:                      6 feet / 1.8 meters
                                                                         Gross Tons:                 240
                                                                         Cruising Speed:             10-12 knots
                                                                         Engines:                    (2) 402 HOP Caterpillar, 8-cylinder turbo diesel                                                                                                                                       IGUANA DECK
                                                                         Generators:                 (2) Perking 90 KY generators
                                                                         Water Capacity:             5,000 gallons / 18,921 liters
                                                                         Watermaker Capacity:        2,530 gallons per day / 9,575 liters per day
                                                                         Fuel Capacity:              5,400 gallons / 20,435 liters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DOLPHIN DECK

                                                                                                                                                                                      C A B I N S P E C I F I C AT I O N S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cabins have two twin lower beds or one double bed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and picture windows
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           S I G N AT U R E YA C H T S | 1 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (cabins average 95 square feet / 8.8 square meters)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BOOBY DECK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cabins have one double bed and picture windows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (cabins average 90 square feet / 8.4 square meters)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             IGUANA DECK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cabins have two twin lower beds with port lights or two twin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             lower beds and one upper berth to accommodate triples
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (cabins average 110 square meters / 10.2 square meters)
m/y sky dancer
                                                                  [ premium dive live-aboard ]

                                          Swept by both the cold waters of Antarctica and warm currents from the tropical Pacific, the underwater

                                          world of the Galapagos is as uniquely enchanting as the islands themselves. Here penguins swim with tropical
                                                                                                                                                                Scalloped Hammerhead Shark                                                     Luxury Dive Live-Aboard
                                          fish and iguana feed underwater. Fur sea lions, hammerhead sharks, turtles and the magnificent mantas are just a

                                          fraction of the species that thrive in one of the world’s top dive spots. Remember, the entire archipelago

                                          has been declared a marine reserve, which protects marine life 15 nautical miles off shore and prohibits

                                          industrial fishing 40 nautical miles off shore.

                                              Aboard the M/Y Sky Dancer, you can explore Darwin’s living laboratory while luxuriating in all the creature                                                                                                                LIDO DECK
                                          comforts of a Peter Hughes DivingTM custom-built dive vessel for up to 16 divers. Accommodations include
                                          eight private en-suite cabins with two twin or one king size bed with window view or por t light, private

                                          head/shower, mirrored cabinet and wardrobe, bathrobes, hairdr yer and toiletries. The elegant M/Y Sky

                                          Dancer is fully air conditioned and features a spacious lounge area and fine dining. Two dive masters

                                          and up to four dives a day ensure that your voyage transcends into a treasured adventure.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MAIN DECK
                                                              cruise highlights                               enjoy with our compliments
                                          ➢    7-night expeditions from San Cristóbal                     ➢   All beverages including wines and liquors
                                          ➢    Diving at Wolf and Darwin islands                          ➢   Up to four dives daily and land excursions
                                          ➢    Naturalist dive instructor and dive master                 ➢   Dive deck assistance and fresh water rinses
                                          ➢    Ecuadorian and international cuisine                       ➢   All Peter Hughes amenities including terrycloth
                                          ➢    Main salon with audio/video enter tainment center              bathrobes, fresh hot towels after every dive                                                                                                               DOLPHIN DECK

                                          ➢    Zodiac & dive platforms with fresh water showers               and morning beverage service
                                          ➢    Dive equipment and camera rentals
                                          ➢   Ample space for personal gear storage
                                          ➢    Nitrox fills

                                                                                                                                                                  S P E C I F I C A T I O N S
                                                                                                                                                                                                L.O.A.:                   100 feet
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                                                                                                                                                                                                Beam:                     24 feet
                                                                                                                                                                                                Cruising Speed:           12 knots
                                                                                                                                                                                                Range:                    2,400 miles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        D I V E L I V E - A B OA R D | 1 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                Fuel Capacity:            8,000 gallons
                                                                                                                                                                                                Water Capacity:           6,000 gallons
                                                                                                                                                                                                Desalinator Production:   4,500 gallons per day
                                                                                                                                                                                                Compressors:              two high / two low pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                Voltage:                  110 and 220 volts
                                                                                                                                                                                                Navigational Aids:        VHF and HI-SUB radios, GMDSS, color radar, echo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          sounder, Furuno GPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                Safety Aides:             EPIRB (emergency position indicator radio beacon)
                                           Lido Deck
ecuador [ land of contrast ]                                                                                                     AVENUE OF THE VOLCANOES, COTOPAXI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   & CENTRAL MARKETS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Discover the spectacular scenery of Cotopaxi
                                                                                                     Ecuador contains some of South America’s most spectacular scenery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          National Park and the Avenue of the Volcanoes, where
                                                                                                     and Ecoventura’s post-cruise options are a seamless way of extending
                                                                                                     your travels ashore. Whether you choose to spend just the day or          OTAVALO & THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS                            11 massive, brooding, snow-covered peaks overlook

                                                                                                     a night or two, we offer a selection of options that range from city    The Andean region north of Quito is famous for               brooks and rivers, small villages and terraced farmlands.
                                                                                                     tours in Guayaquil and Quito to overland trips through the Avenue       crystal lakes, traditional adobe villages, snowcapped        You can visit a market nearly every day of the week
                                                                                                     of the Volcanoes or to the famous market at Otavalo. Stay in a jungle   volcanoes and bustling markets.The famous market             where natives dressed in colorful ponchos come
                                                                                                     lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Or reach for the sky on a 6-night       at Otavalo with its magnificent Andean setting is            from miles around to trade their livestock, handicrafts
                                                                                                     journey to Machu Picchu hidden high above the clouds in the             one of the largest in South America. In spite of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and gossip. Or go hiking or biking in the park, named
                                                                                                     Peruvian Andes.The choice is yours.                                     popularity, the indigenous people continue to maintain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          after the highest active volcano in the world. Cotopaxi,
                                                                                                                                                                             their ethnic identity, wearing traditional blue ponchos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with its perfectly shaped cone is home to such high-
                                                                                                                                                                             and speaking Quichua, their native language. Here
                                              QUITO – UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE                                    GUAYAQUIL – PEARL OF THE PACIFIC                                                                                      altitude birds as the Punta hawk and even the
                                                                                                                                                                             you’ll find an array of native, locally-made crafts
                                           Ecuador’s Andean capital sits almost upon the equator,             Ecuador’s largest city and seaport has gone through a                                                                       Andean condor.
                                                                                                                                                                             including alpaca sweaters, ponchos, Panama hats (an
                                           yet at such a high altitude (almost twice as high as               metamorphosis over the past few years. Its crown
                                                                                                                                                                             Ecuadorian creation despite its name), hammocks                                   LA CIENEGA
                                           Denver), its climate is superb - warm days, cool nights - all      jewel is the Malecón 2000, a two-mile pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                                             and woven tapestries.You’ll also visit Calderón, famous      This 400-year old hacienda with its beautiful gardens
                                           in a setting few cities in the world can match.                    walkway along the Guayas River, with restaurants, cafés
                                                                                                                                                                             for its bread-dough figures, and Cotacachi with its fine     and view of Cotopaxi Volcano is a colonial jewel.
                                             Climb Cerro Panecillo to see the striking panoramas:             and shops, botanical gardens and a contemporary art
                                                                                                                                                                             leather goods.                                               Its massive walls have been witness to some of the
                                           an emerald valley punctuated by whitewashed houses                 museum. Many buildings in the city have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          most impor tant events in the history of Ecuador.
                                           topped with red-tiled roofs and encircled by a ring                refurbished, especially in Las Peñas, Guayaquil’s oldest       HACIENDA CUSIN & MONESTARIO DE CUSIN
                                                                                                              neighborhood, where centuries-old houses line narrow,          This exquisitely restored 17th-century estate offers                    SAN AUGUSTIN DEL CALLO
                                           of snowcapped volcanic cones. Walk the steep and
                                                                                                              atmospheric streets.                                           great food and charming guest rooms and cottages,            Experience daily life on a working hacienda at San
                                           winding cobbled streets of the old town with its rich
                                                                                                                Another new attraction is the Guayaquil Historical           many furnished with antiques and log-burning fireplaces.     Augustin del Callo, built in the 15th-century on the
                                           colonial architecture, churches, monasteries and
                                                                                                              Park, an in situs museum of the region’s histor y                                                                           site of an Inca palace and once an impor tant
                                           museums. A host of treasures rim the majestic                                                                                            LA MIRAGE GARDEN HOTEL & SPA
                                                                                                              and culture. Here you’ll find a wildlife park with the                                                                      Augustinian convent.
                                           Plaza de la Independencia including the 19th-century                                                                              This luxury country inn built on the grounds of a
                                                                                                              flora and fauna that once populated the area including
                                           Cathedral and Presidential Palace. Built in 1605, the                                                                             200-year-old hacienda is the only Relais & Châteaux
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                                                                                                              parrots, tapirs and deer, a historic zone that recreates
                                           church of La Compañia with its ornate baroque                                                                                     property in Ecuador. All rooms are essentially suites
                                                                                                              Guayaquil from the early 1900s, and an area that
                                           facades is a stunning display of art and architecture -                                                                           with separate sitting areas, fireplaces and fine antiques.
                                                                                                              celebrates the indigenous cultures complete with
                                           both inside and out. And don’t miss the Capilla del                                                                               The outdoor gardens are also magnificent and there’s
                                                                                                              recreated haciendas and people in native dress.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EXTENSIONS | 21
                                                                                                                                                                             a spa and an outstanding restaurant.
                                           Hombre (Chapel of Man), the former home and

                                           private museum of Oswaldo Guayasamin, a legend

                                           of Ecuadorian art, paintings, sculpture and jewelry, on

                                           permanent exhibit.
ecuadorian rainforest [ jungle lodges ]

                                           The Ecuadorian Amazon, El Oriente, is home to more species of plants and animals than in the rest of
                                           the world's ecosystems combined: brilliant hummingbirds, toucans, macaws, parrots - over 400 species of
                                           birds alone!
                                             Beneath the green canopies wander tapirs, capybaras, peccaries and even jaguar. Scores of howler
                                           monkeys swing from vine to vine and streams, rivers and lakes suppor t an exciting number of species
                                           from the vicious caimans and piranhas to freshwater dolphins and gentle manatees.
                                             Here along the Napo River in the hear t of the rainforest, jungle lodges offer comfor table
                                           accommodations and excellent access to the awesome wildlife. Escor ted by a naturalist and native
                                           guide, you can hike or venture in dugout canoes to the backwaters of this vibrant ecosystem,
                                           discovering the remarkable diversity wildlife and enjoying cultural encounters in tribal villages
                                           tucked deep in the jungle.

                                                            LA SELVA LODGE                            surroundings. Sacha is home to one of the largest                              machu picchu [ lost city of the incas ]
                                           Deep in the virgin forest, La Selva is situated on a       butterfly farms in Ecuador. The observation tower
                                                                                                                                                                 Hidden high in the Andes and lost to the world           the narrow, winding Urubamba Valley, known as
                                           splendid hilltop setting overlooking Garzacocha            built around a giant kapok tree is an excellent
                                                                                                                                                                 for centuries, Machu Picchu was rediscovered in          the Sacred Valley of the Incas, with picturesque
                                           Lake. Built entirely of local materials and delightfully   lookout for birders, and a just-completed 940-
                                                                                                                                                                 1911 by retired U.S. Senator Hiram Bingham. A            villages like Pisac, known for its colorful market, and
                                           designed to blend with its natural setting, this small,    foot canopy walkway provides an unbelievable
                                                                                                                                                                 journey to this lofty citadel is a once-in-a-life-       Ollaytaytambo built on top of original
                                           intimate eco-hotel can accommodate up to 40
                                                                                                      opportunity to spot animals and epiphytes seldom
                                                                                                                                                                 time experience.                                         Inca foundations.
                                           guests in 16 bungalows with private baths and a
                                                                                                      seen from the ground.                                        Our 6-night land extension includes two nights           Abandoned by the Incas, fabled Machu Picchu
                                           lodge with dining room and bar/lounge overlooking
                                                                                                                  NAPO WILDLIFE CENTER                           in Lima, Peru’s Andean capital, built on both sides      is located high above the clouds in a spectacular
                                           the lake. La Selva is well known for its "gourmet"
                                                                                                      From accessible parrot clay licks to giant otters, Napo    of the Rio Rimac at the foot of the Cerro San            setting overlooking the deep canyon of the
                                           jungle cuisine, and there's also a butterfly farm and
                                                                                                      Wildlife Center shows off spectacular wildlife in Yasuní   Cristóbal.The colonial area around Plaza de Armas is     Urubamba River. The citadel served as a place of
                                           a 135-foot tower for a true bird's-eye view of the
                                                                                                      National Park. It is the newest luxury hotel in the        a pedestrian district lined with splendid 17th-century   worship and stargazing, and as a private hacienda for
                                           forest canopy.
W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 2

                                                                                                      region, an ecotourism project that includes the            architecture. Lima has many fine museums and             Inca royalty.
                                                             SACHA LODGE
                                                                                                      conservation of over 52,000 acres of some of the           private art collections with pre-Columbian artifacts,      Ecoventura’s 6-night Machu Picchu extension is
                                           With its stunning lakeside setting and experienced
                                                                                                      most important rainforest in the national park.            stunning relics from the Cuzco era and beautiful         available in three different categories based on hotel
                                           enthusiastic staff, Sacha Lodge provides a superb          The Center accommodates up to 20 guests in 10              works of colonial art.                                   and transportation.The deluxe tour includes travel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EXTENSIONS | 23
                                           base from which to explore the rainforest. There           private bungalows with lake views.There's a dining           Cuzco is an Andean jewel and UNESCO World              on the Hiram Bingham Orient Express train and
                                           are 26 duplex cabins (accommodating up 52 guests)          room, bar and lounge, and an adjacent observation          Cultural Heritage site. Visit the cathedral and La       lodging at the most luxurious hotels in Peru, the
                                           with private baths and high thatched roofs designed        tower.The Center is uniquely located in the ancestral      Compañia, the convent of Santo Domingo and the           Premium First Class tour offers the best value
                                           with native materials and well concealed in the lush       territory of the Anangu Quichua community.                 fortress of Sacsayhuaman. Just an hour away lies         and the Standard tour is our most affordable.
testimonials [ passengers’ experience ]

                                           “The Letty was FABULOUS!!! I keep telling everyone           “We just returned from celebrating our honeymoon
                                           that if you can only take one vacation for the rest          on the Flamingo I in the Galapagos. Besides having
                                           of your life, go to the Galapagos Islands and go on          a phenomenal visit with the wildlife (in and on the
                                           an Ecoventura boat. I especially loved the 20                water) and reveling in the scenery, we also thoroughly
                                           passenger limit. The small boat experience can't be          enjoyed the social life. We've never toured with a
                                           beat. Another thing I found to be so impressive were         more across-the-board delightful group of employees
                                           the ecologically responsible policies you adhere to.         than we found on the Flamingo I.”
                                           I can never say enough positive things about                                       — Maria Doyle and A.J. Rogers
                                           your company.”
                                                                                                        “We enjoyed the luxuries of the Eric, the good food
                                                                               — Valerie Morello
                                                                                                        and great level of service provided by all the crew.
                                           “This turned out to be the trip of a lifetime.               More importantly, the manner in which Ecoventura
                                           I cannot say enough good things about the quality of         makes it possible for visitors to experience nature
                                           the Ecoventura staff. Everyone from the booking              in small groups when traveling on the Flamingo I is
                                           agent, to the crew on the Letty, to the naturalists who      a rare and greatly appreciated experience.”
                                           accompanied us on all our adventures, were truly                                                 — Emilie Barber

                                           extraordinary people.”
                                                                              — Jennifer Rennet
W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 4

                                                                                    “Ecoventura embodies an informal
                                                                                    spirit of discovery and adventure.”
                                                                                                     — Santiago Dunn, President

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Galapagos - Ecoventura Brochure

  • 1. G A L A PAG O S ISLANDS [extreme wildlife]
  • 2. [ sur vival of the fittest ] “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, BEYOND DISCOVERY | 1-5 THE ECOVENTURA EXPERIENCE | 6-11 W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 1 SIGNATURE YACHTS: M/Y ERIC, FLAMINGO I & LETTY | 12-17 DIVE LIVE-ABOARD: M/Y SKY DANCER | 18-19 EXTENSIONS IN ECUADOR AND PERU | 20-23
  • 3. a world of evolutionary enchantment Wildlife wanders freely and almost fearlessly in the Galapagos. This remote island group with its dramatic and desolate beauty is home to some of the M/Y Eric and Flamingo I, anchored at Española (Hood Island) most unique species in the world. Many are endemic such as the Galapagos tor toise, marine and land iguanas, the flightless cormorant and, of course, Darwin’s famous finches. Darwin noted that different species adapted to fit different niches on individual islands, which gave rise to his idea of [ expedition cr uising with ecoventur a ] natural selection. You may glimpse a frigate bird in cour tship, his bright-red breast puffed Meet face-to-face with a giant tor toise. Snorkel with penguins and dive with sea lions. Hike along up in a dazzling display, or the spectacular dive of a blue-footed booby fishing ancient lava tunnels and back to the beginning of time. Ever since Darwin boarded the Beagle over close to shore, or the graceful waved albatross - so comical and clumsy 170 years ago, exploring the Galapagos Islands has remained one of life’s great adventures. when taking flight. It’s all here in the Galapagos, a treasure-trove of natural Since 1990, Ecoventura has been leading the way in expedition cruising in the Galapagos. Our histor y awaiting your discover y. first-class fleet includes three identical motor-yachts and a custom-designed dive boat - all unmatched for comfor t and safety. Sailing with only 20 fellow guests, venturing ashore in small groups of ten, W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 you’ll experience these islands in a highly personal, close-up way. And you’ll also be pleased to G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 3 know of our reputation for environmental integrity. We’re committed to preser ving the Galapagos galapagos penguin National Park and we’ve received many plaudits for our effor ts. While all penguin species are only found in the Come let our experienced naturalist guides share the secrets of the islands with you. Venture to Southern Hemisphere, the Galapagos Penguin is the the most spectacular sites on land or beneath the sea. Enjoy the cour tship dance of the blue-footed only one to live near the equator. Endemic to the boobies or massive waved albatross. Dive with a hammerhead shark or whale shark. Come be amazed. islands, at approximately 14 inches in height it is smaller and more duck-like than its southern cousins of the Antarctic.
  • 4. Darwin (Culpepper) galapagos islands [ archipiélago de colón ] Wolf (Wenman) Pinta (Abington) Marchena (Bindloe) Genovesa Flightless Cormorant, Punta Espinosa, Fernandina Island (Tower) Pta. Mejía Pta. Espejo Prince Philip’s Steps Darwin Bay [ a living laborator y of natural selection ] Pta. Albermarle Ecuador Volcano Wolf Volcano Cape Marshall equator Pta.Vicente Roca Buccaneer Cove Located about 600 miles west of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands were created five Darwin Espumilla Beach Tagus Cove Volcano James Bay million years ago by undersea volcanic eruptions. In 1535, Tomás de Berlanga, Bishop Santiago Sullivan Bay Pta. Espinoza Puerto Egas (James) Bartolome of Panama, floated into this archipelago and named it Galapagos after the giant tor toises Pta. García North Seymour Sombrero Chino Mosquera La Cumbre Alcedo Daphne he encountered. Pirates used the islands for refuge and to bur y their stolen treasure, Volcano Volcano Rabida Turtle Cove Baltra Cerro Dragon (Jervis) Bachas Beach Canal de Itabaca but it wasn't until the end of the 19th centur y, when it became a regular por t of call Fernandina Guy Fawkes San Cristóbal Pinzon Santa Cruz (Chatham) (Narborough) (Indefatigable) for whaling fleets, that the wildlife was threatened. Elizabeth Bay (Duncan) Plazas Leon Dormido Pta. Pitt Cerro Brujo Pta. Moreno The islands’ most celebrated visitor was Char les Darwin, who arrived aboard the Puerto Ayora Playa Ochoa Sierra Negra Volcano Academy Bay Isla Lobos HMS Beagle in 1835. The rare life forms he encountered helped him formulate his Santa Fe Cerro Azul Chico Volcano (Barrington) Pta. Cristóbal Volcano Loberia theor y of evolution, which he published in The Origin of Species by Means of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno Pto.Villamil Natural Selection. pacific ocean Isabela After visiting the Galapagos in 1941, Herman Melville entitled his book The Encantadas. (Albemarle) Devil’s Crown But it wasn’t until 1959 when it became par t of Ecuador’s national park system that this Pta. Cormorant Champion Española Post Office Bay (Hood) Enderby fragile ecosystem with its rare and endemic species came under protection. In 1979 Black Beach Gardner Pta. Suárez Gardner Bay Watson the Galapagos archipelago was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Floreana Pta. Cevallos (Santa Maria, Charles) W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 4 G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S | 5 giant tortoise The giant tortoise is probably the best known of all Galapagos animals and even gave the archipelago its name; Galapago means “saddle” in Spanish which refers to the saddle-back shape of the shell. They can weigh up to 250 kg. and live for more than 100 years. Red-billed Tropicbird
  • 5. T H E E C OV E N T U R A E X P E R I E N C E | 7 W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 6 “Ecoventura has demonstrated its commitment to the conservation of natural the galapagos islands resources and social well-being in Ecuador. Its proactive stance has been a source of inspiration for conservation organizations that believe in the development of [ journey to the unknown ] sustainable tourism.” — Ronald Sanabria, Sustainable Tourism Director for the Rainforest Alliance
  • 6. [ greening the galapagos ] Ecoventura is committed to preserving the Galapagos Islands as a unique and priceless UNESCO World Heritage site. Through various effor ts in conser vation and sustainability, we are able to offer highly personalized eco-adventures aboard our fleet of modern motor-yachts while at the same time abiding by our claim as a responsible tour operator. SMART ECOLOGICAL CERTIFICATION GALAPAGOS MARINE BIODIVERSITY FUND Smart Voyager is a Galapagos conservation program Ecoventura guests have the oppor tunity to suppor t created by the highly respected Rainforest Alliance a new fund administered by the World Wildlife Fund organization and its Ecuador-based partner, Conservación in suppor t of the Galapagos National Park Service. y Desarrollo. Smar t Voyager awards its green seal of The fund targets environmental education and marine approval to tour operators who meet a set of conservation by strengthening the local communities’ conservation standards. Ecoventura was one of the ability to manage natural resources. GMBF puts donated first to receive Smart Voyager certification. In addition, funds to work on the ground, addressing critical issues, in 2005 the Rainforest Alliance awarded Ecoventura’s reversing ecological damage and conserving Galapagos president, Santiago Dunn, the prestigious Individual for the future. Sustainable Standard-Setter award. ECUADOR’S FIRST CARBON NEUTRAL COMPANY The Carbon Neutral Company is a leading provider of strategic solutions to help companies assess and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2006, Ecoventura T H E E C OV E N T U R A E X P E R I E N C E | 9 became the first “carbon neutral” company in Ecuador W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 8 by measuring the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from their four boats and reducing them wherever possible. We then offset the unavoidable emissions through a por tfolio of climate-friendly projects including reforestation in Chiapas, Mexico, renewable energy projects in Sri Lanka and India, and methane recapture in the U.S.
  • 7. some people sail through life [ others experience it ] Experience moment after moment of wonder in a land where time stands still. Our comprehensive 7-night cruises explore the entire archipelago. And thanks to an outstanding guide-to-guest ratio, you’ll venture ashore in small groups of no more than ten fellow explorers, experiencing this magical realm in the most authentic and educational way possible. We offer all kinds of active exploration. Go on a nature walk and mar vel at pre-historic land iguanas and lava lizards. Slip into a sea kayak and discover hidden tide pools, mangrove forests, beaches of red, green and black sand and the hardened lava fields smeared into the edges of the shores. Swim ecoventura welcomes families back and for th across the equator with sea lions that perform an underwater ballet. Go birding to look for the Nazca booby. Or put on your own mask and enter the delicate balance of life underwater, Families with children are welcome throughout the year. However, during watching schools of graceful spotted eagle rays gliding beneath you. school breaks, there are designated family depar tures that offers the best of a Exploring the undersea is a major par t of the Galapagos experience where cold and warm waters science museum, zoo, aviary, marine park and a cruise vacation all rolled into one. intermingle and where fur sea lions, sea tur tles, dolphins, whales and tame reef shar ks thrive. Our naturalists know how to bring these Islands they love to life and to balance We provide complimentar y snorkeling equipment, wet suits and kayaks. learning with fun for the entire family. After dinner, attend a briefing by one of our naturalists. With so few guests, your guide can take These depar tures feature age-appropriate activities and kid-friendly meals. the time to explore a topic that interests you personally. They are geared toward helping younger children and teens to understand and appreciate the delicate balance of this fragile ecosystem. On board, children are welcome to visit the bridge and learn about astronomy, navigational char ts and tie nautical knots with our Captain. They can enjoy special par ties including movies and popcorn, ice cream sundae social and our special King Neptune costume par ty and talent show. T H E E C OV E N T U R A E X P E R I E N C E | 1 1 W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 1 0 waved albatross With a wing span of 7 to 8 feet and a weight of up to 11 pounds, the waved albatross is the largest Galapagos bird. On land they walk with a waddle and appear very clumsy, but in the air, they are among the most graceful of sea birds.
  • 8. W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 1 2 E C OV E N T U R A F L E E T | 1 3 "These islands, volcanic nubs pushed up above the oceans surface five hundred the moder n fleet of ecoventur a miles west of Ecuador, constitute one of the shrines of modern science.” — David Quammen, Flight of the Iguana [ m/y eric, flamingo I, letty & m/y sky dancer ]
  • 9. m/y eric, flamingo I & letty [ exploring the islands intimately and in depth ] Ecoventura’s signature fleet includes three identical yachts custom-designed for Galapagos cruising: the M/Y Eric, Flamingo I and Letty. Built in 1991 and refurbished annually, these superior first-class sister yachts accommodate no more than 20 guests and feature three decks of spacious staterooms with polished teak interiors trimmed with shiny brass fittings. Accommodations include ten double outside-facing cabins with a window or por thole view, one double bed or two twin lower beds, fully air-conditioned with private bath (hot and cold water showers), soap/shampoo dispensers, hair dr yer, closet, drawers, intercom and separate climate controls for your comfor t. There’s a dining room, well-stocked bar and conference area with a flat screen TV and panoramic picture windows. Or you can relax in a lounge chair on the sun deck, enjoying sea breezes, sunshine or a sky full of stars. cruise highlights ➢ 7-night expeditions depar t ever y Sunday from San Cristóbal ➢ 20-guest superior first-class motor yacht Iguana Deck ➢ 10 fully air-conditioned outside staterooms with private bathrooms ➢ Dining room featuring Ecuadorian and international cuisine ➢ Fully-stocked bar ➢ Conference room for briefings with TV, DVD player and librar y ➢ Obser vation areas and open sun deck Dolphin Deck W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 1 4 S I G N AT U R E YA C H T S | 1 5 enjoy with our compliments ➢ Three meals daily, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages ➢ Captain’s welcome and farewell cocktail par ties ➢ 2 excursions daily with English-speaking naturalist guide– maximum 10 guests ➢ Complimentar y snorkeling equipment, custom wet Booby Deck suits and clear-bottom kayaks
  • 10. m/y eric, flamingo I & letty [ signature yachts ] You’ll venture ashore in rubber infladable dinghies, locally called pangas, in small groups of ten led by one of our experienced English-speaking guides. That’s impor tant since you can get to know the Galapagos more intimately aboard a smaller ship. A seasoned Captain, eight dedicated crew members and two experienced English-speaking naturalist guides attend to the details of your cruise, beginning with transfers from the airport on San Cristóbal to your private yacht. You’ll start each day with an early breakfast including fresh fruit juices, eggs cooked to order and a wide array of fresh fruit, followed by a morning excursion.The lunch buffet features a variety of crisp salads, fresh produce and pastas, meat and fish specialties.You’ll have time for a siesta before another excursion in the afternoon. Before dinner, naturalists hold a briefing for the next day’s activities. Relax and enjoy a leisurely dinner with local delicacies DOLPHIN DECK such as ceviche, grilled seafood and enticing deserts. The Captain often dines with everyone on board. There’s a greater sense of camaraderie and shared excitement, and it’s easier to mix and mingle with the staff and fellow guests. Later, we navigate to the next island, arriving in the morning for a new adventure ashore. BOOBY DECK S P E C I F I C AT I O N S L.O.A.: 83 feet / 25 meters Beam: 24 feet / 7 meters Draft: 6 feet / 1.8 meters Gross Tons: 240 Cruising Speed: 10-12 knots Engines: (2) 402 HOP Caterpillar, 8-cylinder turbo diesel IGUANA DECK Generators: (2) Perking 90 KY generators Water Capacity: 5,000 gallons / 18,921 liters Watermaker Capacity: 2,530 gallons per day / 9,575 liters per day Fuel Capacity: 5,400 gallons / 20,435 liters DOLPHIN DECK C A B I N S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Cabins have two twin lower beds or one double bed and picture windows W W W. E C OV E N T U R A . C O M | 1 6 S I G N AT U R E YA C H T S | 1 7 (cabins average 95 square feet / 8.8 square meters) BOOBY DECK Cabins have one double bed and picture windows (cabins average 90 square feet / 8.4 square meters) IGUANA DECK Cabins have two twin lower beds with port lights or two twin lower beds and one upper berth to accommodate triples (cabins average 110 square meters / 10.2 square meters)
  • 11. m/y sky dancer [ premium dive live-aboard ] Swept by both the cold waters of Antarctica and warm currents from the tropical Pacific, the underwater world of the Galapagos is as uniquely enchanting as the islands themselves. Here penguins swim with tropical Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Luxury Dive Live-Aboard fish and iguana feed underwater. Fur sea lions, hammerhead sharks, turtles and the magnificent mantas are just a fraction of the species that thrive in one of the world’s top dive spots. Remember, the entire archipelago has been declared a marine reserve, which protects marine life 15 nautical miles off shore and prohibits industrial fishing 40 nautical miles off shore. Aboard the M/Y Sky Dancer, you can explore Darwin’s living laboratory while luxuriating in all the creature LIDO DECK comforts of a Peter Hughes DivingTM custom-built dive vessel for up to 16 divers. Accommodations include eight private en-suite cabins with two twin or one king size bed with window view or por t light, private head/shower, mirrored cabinet and wardrobe, bathrobes, hairdr yer and toiletries. The elegant M/Y Sky Dancer is fully air conditioned and features a spacious lounge area and fine dining. Two dive masters and up to four dives a day ensure that your voyage transcends into a treasured adventure. MAIN DECK cruise highlights enjoy with our compliments ➢ 7-night expeditions from San Cristóbal ➢ All beverages including wines and liquors ➢ Diving at Wolf and Darwin islands ➢ Up to four dives daily and land excursions ➢ Naturalist dive instructor and dive master ➢ Dive deck assistance and fresh water rinses ➢ Ecuadorian and international cuisine ➢ All Peter Hughes amenities including terrycloth ➢ Main salon with audio/video enter tainment center bathrobes, fresh hot towels after every dive DOLPHIN DECK ➢ Zodiac & dive platforms with fresh water showers and morning beverage service ➢ Dive equipment and camera rentals ➢ Ample space for personal gear storage ➢ Nitrox fills S P E C I F I C A T I O N S L.O.A.: 100 feet W W W. E C OV E N T U R A . C O M | 1 8 Beam: 24 feet Cruising Speed: 12 knots Range: 2,400 miles D I V E L I V E - A B OA R D | 1 9 Fuel Capacity: 8,000 gallons Water Capacity: 6,000 gallons Desalinator Production: 4,500 gallons per day Compressors: two high / two low pressure Voltage: 110 and 220 volts Navigational Aids: VHF and HI-SUB radios, GMDSS, color radar, echo sounder, Furuno GPS Safety Aides: EPIRB (emergency position indicator radio beacon) Lido Deck
  • 12. ecuador [ land of contrast ] AVENUE OF THE VOLCANOES, COTOPAXI & CENTRAL MARKETS Discover the spectacular scenery of Cotopaxi Ecuador contains some of South America’s most spectacular scenery National Park and the Avenue of the Volcanoes, where and Ecoventura’s post-cruise options are a seamless way of extending your travels ashore. Whether you choose to spend just the day or OTAVALO & THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 11 massive, brooding, snow-covered peaks overlook a night or two, we offer a selection of options that range from city The Andean region north of Quito is famous for brooks and rivers, small villages and terraced farmlands. tours in Guayaquil and Quito to overland trips through the Avenue crystal lakes, traditional adobe villages, snowcapped You can visit a market nearly every day of the week of the Volcanoes or to the famous market at Otavalo. Stay in a jungle volcanoes and bustling markets.The famous market where natives dressed in colorful ponchos come lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Or reach for the sky on a 6-night at Otavalo with its magnificent Andean setting is from miles around to trade their livestock, handicrafts journey to Machu Picchu hidden high above the clouds in the one of the largest in South America. In spite of its and gossip. Or go hiking or biking in the park, named Peruvian Andes.The choice is yours. popularity, the indigenous people continue to maintain after the highest active volcano in the world. Cotopaxi, their ethnic identity, wearing traditional blue ponchos with its perfectly shaped cone is home to such high- and speaking Quichua, their native language. Here QUITO – UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE GUAYAQUIL – PEARL OF THE PACIFIC altitude birds as the Punta hawk and even the you’ll find an array of native, locally-made crafts Ecuador’s Andean capital sits almost upon the equator, Ecuador’s largest city and seaport has gone through a Andean condor. including alpaca sweaters, ponchos, Panama hats (an yet at such a high altitude (almost twice as high as metamorphosis over the past few years. Its crown Ecuadorian creation despite its name), hammocks LA CIENEGA Denver), its climate is superb - warm days, cool nights - all jewel is the Malecón 2000, a two-mile pedestrian and woven tapestries.You’ll also visit Calderón, famous This 400-year old hacienda with its beautiful gardens in a setting few cities in the world can match. walkway along the Guayas River, with restaurants, cafés for its bread-dough figures, and Cotacachi with its fine and view of Cotopaxi Volcano is a colonial jewel. Climb Cerro Panecillo to see the striking panoramas: and shops, botanical gardens and a contemporary art leather goods. Its massive walls have been witness to some of the an emerald valley punctuated by whitewashed houses museum. Many buildings in the city have been most impor tant events in the history of Ecuador. topped with red-tiled roofs and encircled by a ring refurbished, especially in Las Peñas, Guayaquil’s oldest HACIENDA CUSIN & MONESTARIO DE CUSIN neighborhood, where centuries-old houses line narrow, This exquisitely restored 17th-century estate offers SAN AUGUSTIN DEL CALLO of snowcapped volcanic cones. Walk the steep and atmospheric streets. great food and charming guest rooms and cottages, Experience daily life on a working hacienda at San winding cobbled streets of the old town with its rich Another new attraction is the Guayaquil Historical many furnished with antiques and log-burning fireplaces. Augustin del Callo, built in the 15th-century on the colonial architecture, churches, monasteries and Park, an in situs museum of the region’s histor y site of an Inca palace and once an impor tant museums. A host of treasures rim the majestic LA MIRAGE GARDEN HOTEL & SPA and culture. Here you’ll find a wildlife park with the Augustinian convent. Plaza de la Independencia including the 19th-century This luxury country inn built on the grounds of a flora and fauna that once populated the area including Cathedral and Presidential Palace. Built in 1605, the 200-year-old hacienda is the only Relais & Châteaux W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 0 parrots, tapirs and deer, a historic zone that recreates church of La Compañia with its ornate baroque property in Ecuador. All rooms are essentially suites Guayaquil from the early 1900s, and an area that facades is a stunning display of art and architecture - with separate sitting areas, fireplaces and fine antiques. celebrates the indigenous cultures complete with both inside and out. And don’t miss the Capilla del The outdoor gardens are also magnificent and there’s recreated haciendas and people in native dress. EXTENSIONS | 21 a spa and an outstanding restaurant. Hombre (Chapel of Man), the former home and private museum of Oswaldo Guayasamin, a legend of Ecuadorian art, paintings, sculpture and jewelry, on permanent exhibit.
  • 13. ecuadorian rainforest [ jungle lodges ] The Ecuadorian Amazon, El Oriente, is home to more species of plants and animals than in the rest of the world's ecosystems combined: brilliant hummingbirds, toucans, macaws, parrots - over 400 species of birds alone! Beneath the green canopies wander tapirs, capybaras, peccaries and even jaguar. Scores of howler monkeys swing from vine to vine and streams, rivers and lakes suppor t an exciting number of species from the vicious caimans and piranhas to freshwater dolphins and gentle manatees. Here along the Napo River in the hear t of the rainforest, jungle lodges offer comfor table accommodations and excellent access to the awesome wildlife. Escor ted by a naturalist and native guide, you can hike or venture in dugout canoes to the backwaters of this vibrant ecosystem, discovering the remarkable diversity wildlife and enjoying cultural encounters in tribal villages tucked deep in the jungle. LA SELVA LODGE surroundings. Sacha is home to one of the largest machu picchu [ lost city of the incas ] Deep in the virgin forest, La Selva is situated on a butterfly farms in Ecuador. The observation tower Hidden high in the Andes and lost to the world the narrow, winding Urubamba Valley, known as splendid hilltop setting overlooking Garzacocha built around a giant kapok tree is an excellent for centuries, Machu Picchu was rediscovered in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, with picturesque Lake. Built entirely of local materials and delightfully lookout for birders, and a just-completed 940- 1911 by retired U.S. Senator Hiram Bingham. A villages like Pisac, known for its colorful market, and designed to blend with its natural setting, this small, foot canopy walkway provides an unbelievable journey to this lofty citadel is a once-in-a-life- Ollaytaytambo built on top of original intimate eco-hotel can accommodate up to 40 opportunity to spot animals and epiphytes seldom time experience. Inca foundations. guests in 16 bungalows with private baths and a seen from the ground. Our 6-night land extension includes two nights Abandoned by the Incas, fabled Machu Picchu lodge with dining room and bar/lounge overlooking NAPO WILDLIFE CENTER in Lima, Peru’s Andean capital, built on both sides is located high above the clouds in a spectacular the lake. La Selva is well known for its "gourmet" From accessible parrot clay licks to giant otters, Napo of the Rio Rimac at the foot of the Cerro San setting overlooking the deep canyon of the jungle cuisine, and there's also a butterfly farm and Wildlife Center shows off spectacular wildlife in Yasuní Cristóbal.The colonial area around Plaza de Armas is Urubamba River. The citadel served as a place of a 135-foot tower for a true bird's-eye view of the National Park. It is the newest luxury hotel in the a pedestrian district lined with splendid 17th-century worship and stargazing, and as a private hacienda for forest canopy. W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 2 region, an ecotourism project that includes the architecture. Lima has many fine museums and Inca royalty. SACHA LODGE conservation of over 52,000 acres of some of the private art collections with pre-Columbian artifacts, Ecoventura’s 6-night Machu Picchu extension is With its stunning lakeside setting and experienced most important rainforest in the national park. stunning relics from the Cuzco era and beautiful available in three different categories based on hotel enthusiastic staff, Sacha Lodge provides a superb The Center accommodates up to 20 guests in 10 works of colonial art. and transportation.The deluxe tour includes travel EXTENSIONS | 23 base from which to explore the rainforest. There private bungalows with lake views.There's a dining Cuzco is an Andean jewel and UNESCO World on the Hiram Bingham Orient Express train and are 26 duplex cabins (accommodating up 52 guests) room, bar and lounge, and an adjacent observation Cultural Heritage site. Visit the cathedral and La lodging at the most luxurious hotels in Peru, the with private baths and high thatched roofs designed tower.The Center is uniquely located in the ancestral Compañia, the convent of Santo Domingo and the Premium First Class tour offers the best value with native materials and well concealed in the lush territory of the Anangu Quichua community. fortress of Sacsayhuaman. Just an hour away lies and the Standard tour is our most affordable.
  • 14. testimonials [ passengers’ experience ] “The Letty was FABULOUS!!! I keep telling everyone “We just returned from celebrating our honeymoon that if you can only take one vacation for the rest on the Flamingo I in the Galapagos. Besides having of your life, go to the Galapagos Islands and go on a phenomenal visit with the wildlife (in and on the an Ecoventura boat. I especially loved the 20 water) and reveling in the scenery, we also thoroughly passenger limit. The small boat experience can't be enjoyed the social life. We've never toured with a beat. Another thing I found to be so impressive were more across-the-board delightful group of employees the ecologically responsible policies you adhere to. than we found on the Flamingo I.” I can never say enough positive things about — Maria Doyle and A.J. Rogers your company.” “We enjoyed the luxuries of the Eric, the good food — Valerie Morello and great level of service provided by all the crew. “This turned out to be the trip of a lifetime. More importantly, the manner in which Ecoventura I cannot say enough good things about the quality of makes it possible for visitors to experience nature the Ecoventura staff. Everyone from the booking in small groups when traveling on the Flamingo I is agent, to the crew on the Letty, to the naturalists who a rare and greatly appreciated experience.” accompanied us on all our adventures, were truly — Emilie Barber extraordinary people.” — Jennifer Rennet W W W. E C O V E N T U R A . C O M | 2 4 “Ecoventura embodies an informal spirit of discovery and adventure.” — Santiago Dunn, President