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Republic of the Philippines
Western Visayas
Kalibo, Aklan
Irregular Sleep Affecting the First Semester’s Academic Performance of
Wadeford SHS Students
Karl Christian J. Canlas
Divine R. Dela Cruz
Karlo D. Inan
Leowench Paul B. Tungala
Princess Hyacinth Hope V. Viray
Jeanelyn F. Oquendo
Samantha Guilian N. Zaulda
Grade 12 - Cecilians
Mr. Aljune R. Cadag
February 28, 2023
Chapter I
Sleep is an essential part of daily living, and we all know that a person should sleep for at
least seven (7) to nine (9) hours every day. Students report significantly fewer total hours of
sleep each night than the daily-recommended amount, for their age group, to promote normal
cognitive functioning (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). Students tend to sacrifice sleep to
participate in social and academic commitments contributing to constantly changing sleep
routines and poor sleeping habits (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). The primary cause of a
person's lack of sleep is their employment, duties, commitments, and so on. Sleep benefits all
cognitive functions in the human body, including memory, learning, decision making, and critical
thinking. This proves that sleep is a vital facet of human existence that is vital to learning
and memory (Vilalobos et al. 2017). Moreover, it proves that sleep is a vital part of human
existence and it is a requirement to perceive healthy sleeping hygiene especially for a student's
academic achievement.
Understanding the impact of irregular sleep on academic performance would help
students realize the necessity of sleep, especially for maintaining high academic performance.
The researcher's objective in this study is to identify irregular sleepers in Senior High School at
Wadeford School while also finding the significant major variable affecting their academic
performance. Furthermore, despite their many tasks and sufferings, this research intends to
examine, encourage, and enhance sleeping hygiene.
Background of the Study
Sleep is one of several critical to cognitive restoration. It affects memory consolidation,
learning, and information processing (e.g., Lavie, 1996; Li Deming et al., 1991; Ramos Pláton,
1996). Sygaco (2021) states that because of the addition of Senior High School, it becomes an
overwhelming situation for grade 12 students, who are bombarded with an overload of academic
tasks such as assignments, product making, practices, and other activities that comprise a larger
portion of their grade. Also, Raley, et al. (2016) discuss on how the academic demands change
throughout the semester, with final exams and other various course requirements due toward the
end of the semester and suggested that university students may need continued education and
reminders, to practice healthy hygiene toward the end of the semester when academic demand is
increased. In line with this, there are numerous negative consequences when teenagers do not get
enough sleep. Students may be aware of some of these hazards, but with their attention focused
on navigating the rigors of the curriculum, few are conscious of their sleep hygiene and how it
may impair their learning and, ultimately, academic success.
As a result, if these students continue to have irregular sleeping habits, their academic
performance and well-being may suffer. However, Naber (2016) states that there is a lack of
knowledge of very simple modifications in sleep hygiene to improve the quality of sleep in
university students, and subsequently, their overall academic performance. Additionally, in a
systematic review, the authors could not establish a cause and effect relationship between sleep
quality and academic performance (Duarte et al, 2014). There are so many negative outcomes
when teenagers do not get the required amount of sleep. Thus, they must be aware of the
consequences and understand the dangers they are facing (Anna S. Urrila et al., 2017; Ahmed S
BaHammam et al., 2012).
Therefore, identifying the factors that contribute to irregular sleep influencing academic
performance of Wadeford School SHS students may give a solution and may appraise which
portions of a student's daily routine should be altered. This study is aimed to assess and identify
irregular sleepers of SHS Students of Wadeford School in the last month of the semester. In
contrast, this also determines which factors have a major influence on the academic performance
of Senior High School Students who sleep infrequently. By determining the repercussions of
irregular sleep and objectively examining the underlying variables, this may drive and assess
readers to always get enough sleep and develop healthy sleeping hygiene despite their busy
Setting of the Study
This research study is intended to conduct and take place at Wadeford School, a Private
Catholic School which is located in Sitio Kamanggahan, Pook, Kalibo, Aklan. The researchers
locale their study on the said school because it is the closest one to the researchers. Also,
gathering of needed data is easier and more convenient since respondents can be easily
conducted. The result of the study is only for and applicable for the said respondents of the study.
Moreover, the researchers decided upon conducting the research in Wadeford School to identify
the students who sleep irregularly and further investigate the major factor of irregular sleep
affecting the 1st semester’s academic performance of the students.
Figure 1 illustrates the map and the campus of Wadeford School.
Figure 1. Locale of the Study
Conceptual Framework
Figure 2. Conceptualized Irregular Sleep affecting the Academic Performance of Students
The interactions of these theoretical positions in a theoretical situation Figure 2 indicates
the context for this analysis. Using the PSQI’s instruments developed by Buysse,D.J.,
Reynolds,C.F., Monk,T.H., Berman,S.R., & Kupfer,D.J., its seven areas of components will be
used to determine the students who sleep irregularly. It is used to measure the quality and
patterns of sleep in adults which can differentiate “poor” to “good” sleep which can be either
irregular or regular sleepers. With the focus on irregular sleepers, their academic performance
will determine according to their Semester Final Grade which can be categorized as either poor
or bad academic performance.
Statement of the Problem
The study is conducted to identify Irregular Sleepers and see what major factors influence
the First Semester’s Academic Performance of Waderford SHS Students.
Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions:
1. How do contributing factors influence the students' irregularity of sleep?
2. How do associated factors influence students' irregular sleeping habits and academic
performance throughout the semester?
3. How does the irregularity of sleep affect the academic performance of the students?
Hypotheses of the study
Alternative Hypothesis
Senior High School Students who sleep irregularly do affect their academic performance
throughout the semester.
Null Hypothesis
Senior High School Students who sleep irregularly don't affect their academic
performance throughout the semester.
The significance of the study
This study will tremendously benefit the readers as they will be more aware and educated
about the factors that lead to irregular sleep and how it affects academic performance, and
everyone will have a better grasp of how to regulate and maintain healthy sleeping habits.
Additionally, it will offer information on the individuals around them who are sleeping
irregularly and how it impacts their academic performance. In such a situation, students will
contribute to the development and perception of a healthy sleeping schedule and quality.
Furthermore, the findings of this study could be used as future reference material and benefit
future researchers who would like to conduct a similar study on the association between irregular
sleep and student academic performance.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The main scope of this study is to quantitatively evaluate and detect irregular sleepers
among SHS students at Wadeford School. In line with this, the study makes an effort to
objectively and quantitatively assess the factors that contribute to the students' first semester
academic performance that is being affected by irregular sleep patterns. Due to changes in
academic demands throughout the semester, this study also aims to give better explanations on
how to control and establish healthy sleeping habits.
Furthermore, this study delimits on how these contributing factors interrelate the Senior
High School students' irregular sleeping patterns and academic performance over the course of
the first semester. This study will also make an effort to support other studies as it indicates
encouraging the students to practice good sleeping habits as the semester comes to an end and
the academic demands are increased.
The data will be collected using surveys and questionnaires, which the researchers will
carefully prepare and create, validated by a group of experts. Since Senior High School is
Wadeford School's highest level of instruction, these teenagers, as opposed to those in lower
levels, are primarily dealing with these kinds of academic demands and responsibilities. As a
result, the study's target population and responses will be all the Senior High School students of
the Wadeford School who can actively participate in it. Every component of a student's personal
data regarding the contributing variables associated with their irregular sleep pattern that could
influence their academic performance throughout the first semester is taken into account in this
The research study consists of following questions during the past month only, meaning
only the last month of first semester for academic year 2022-2023 at Wadeford School is only
Definition of Key Terms
For better comprehension of this research study, conceptually and practically, the
following words were defined as applied to the study:
It is a bodily and mental state that normally lasts for many hours every night and is
characterized by the closing of the eyes, relaxation of the muscles supporting the spine, changed
brain activity, and practically suspended awareness of the surroundings.
These are the people who are between 13 and 19 years old that are also known as “teens”.
Irregular sleep
It is defined as without any sort of real schedule of sleep.
Academic performance
The degree to which a student has achieved either short- or long-term educational goals,
as determined by either continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average.
Sleeping pattern
A person's napping habits, bedtime, and wake-up schedule. The frequency and length of
sleep disruptions may also be included in the sleep pattern.
Academic demand
It characterizes the activities that take place in schools, colleges, and universities,
particularly those that entail learning.
It is defined as the influence and causes of things or something to change.
Circadian rhythm
It is also known as a circadian cycle, is a natural, internal mechanism that governs the
sleep-wake cycle and occurs about once every 24 hours.
Homeostatic Sleep Drive
It is a pressure for sleep that builds up in our bodies, which is a process that increases
your urge to sleep during the day.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
The primary focus of this chapter is a presentation of literature works from both foreign
and local, and other researches that have significant effects on the research’s variables . As this
study is conducted and concentrated on evaluating and identifying the irregular sleepers among
the Wadeford School Senior High School students, as well as to quantitatively assess the
variables that contribute to the SHS student’s academic performance in the first semester that is
being affected by the irregular sleep patterns.
I. Foreign Literature
A. Related Literature
According to Fonseca and Genzel (2020), sleep is essential for cognitive functioning, and
that how good our sleep is depends not only on the length and quality, but also on the timing
relative to our natural sleep onsets. If sleep is not properly maintained, it can have negative
effects on the body physiologically, psychologically, and cognitively, that is linked to the
academic performance of the students. Concerning the factors of irregular sleep, it is important
to understand why proper sleep quality and pattern is required.
This literature review will be divided into three categories related to sleep irregularity: (1)
physiological and psychological health (2) proper sleep hygiene (3) cognitive health and
academic performance. This will focus on the physiological and psychological health which
influence the performance of the students academically, and how to control and establish proper
sleep hygiene, and lastly, on the cognitive health relating to academic performance.
High grade level Students report much lower sleep quality than the general population,
including irregular sleep cycles and sleep deprivation. Additionally, compared to the general
population, they experience more daytime tiredness. The amount of sleep that students report
getting each night is also much less than the amount that is daily advised for their age group to
support good cognitive functioning. Students frequently forgo sleep in favor of social and
academic obligations, which results in irregular sleep schedules and bad sleeping habits. The
normal university student's life may be impacted by all of these things, including their mood,
immune system, and even their usage of drugs (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011).
Although adolescents spend a significant amount of time learning and developing their
education, Shochat et al. (2014) argue that there is a significant research vacuum about how sleep
affects academic functioning and performance. The academic performance of students and the
quality of their sleep have been linked, according to studies by Chen et al. (2014), Hershner and
Chervin (2014), and Brown et al. (2006). By delaying the body's normal circadian rhythm and
homeostatic sleep drive, Milner and Cote (2008) and Gomes et al. (2011) address how sleep
schedule irregularity and napping can impair students' quality of sleep.
Cognitive Behavior was used for insomnia to assess irregular sleep patterns. Irregular
sleep schedules are highly prevalent among students and the consequences can result in lower
grade point averages, increased risk of academic failure and compromised learning indicates that
academic-related stress can reduce motivation and the impact on students’ learning capacity and
mental health problems. In order to combat the effects of irregular sleep on one’s physiological
health, napping for a short period of time and early in the day can be used to maintain optimal
brain function. Management of sleep is important, as it improves sleep quality. Therefore, poor
lifestyle behaviors can influence sleep quality and ultimately reduce academic performance.
The study had several findings, although better performance and grades were correlated
with improved quality of sleep that was longer in duration, better sleep consistency has resulted
in much higher and better grades. The relationship between proper sleep pattern and academic
performance can also be limited by factors such as stress, anxiety, responsibilities, and
motivation that can affect sleep hygiene, specifically on how it affects the overall health that
influences the academic performance of the students. They examined the relationship between
sleep regularity, sleep duration, distribution of sleep across the day, and academic performance
during one semester. The results indicated that going to sleep and waking up at approximately
the same time is as important as the number of hours students slept. Students with more regular
sleep patterns had better school grades on average. Interestingly, researchers found no significant
difference in average amount of time students slept, but it was the student's body clock.
For instance, duration of sleep the night prior to an examination was associated with
academic performance as measured by course grades and semester GPA. According to some
research, this finding is consistent among students who reported sleeping for longer durations
obtaining higher scores on examinations, as well as a study that found sleep behaviors to be
associated with IQ measures and academic performance. In addition, neurophysiologic studies
show that sleep ensures adequate function of the prefrontal cortex, which executes higher brain
functions including language, working memory, logical reasoning, and creativity.
According to H. Raza, the author of the book “Developing Regular Sleep Pattern”,
sleeping patterns have a significant effect on people’s everyday lives and day to day activities as
the desired sleep time approaches, to maintain a comfortable sleep environment. The amount of
sleep that a student gets is one of the strongest predictors of academic success. Stop Losing
Sleep: Establish Healthy Sleep Patterns to Improve Your Health, a book by author K. Richards,
claims that certain behaviors or hobbies have been identified as being harmful to regular sleep.
These "inadequate sleep hygiene" behaviors include irregular sleep schedules, frequent or
prolonged daytime naps, and staying on one's bed for non-sleep-related activities.According to
Brown et al. (2006), improving students' sleeping patterns can help reverse the lack of
understanding about the actions and lifestyle decisions that either prevent or encourage sleep. A
sleep education program should be undertaken, according to Hershner and Chervin (2014) and
Brown et al. (2006), in order to enhance students' sleeping hygiene and habits.
II. Local Literature
A. Related Literature
According to Sygaco (2021), in order to reduce sleep debt, one must practice time
management, set goals, and a relaxing setting for resting and less time spent on social media. The
research concludes that there is no connection between academic performance and sleep
performance. The two extra years of senior high school In the Philippine educational system,
school is eventually a challenging circumstance for 12th graders. As they are overloaded with
academic material tasks like homework, product creation, techniques, as well as other actions
that make up a greater percentage of their grade.
Zeek et al. (2015) found that when students only obtain six hours of sleep per day,
cognitive capacity frequently deteriorates. According to Okano et al. (2019), teenagers and
young adults who stay up late are hampered by their rigid morning schedules and erratic sleep
patterns. Teenagers in college do worse because of more significant sleep unpredictability
(Sygaco, 2021).
Sleep has an integral role in learning and memory consolidation as it affects the
performances of the students academically. According to Dr. Anis Rehman and Danielle Pacheco
of the Sleep Foundation, they define sleep issues as conditions that impact a person's ability to
function while awake as well as the duration and quality of their sleep (Ballesteros et al., 2021).
It is well acknowledged that there is a reciprocal relationship between sleep and overall health,
including physical and mental health: lack of sleep can lead to poor overall health, while stress
can cause sleeping patterns to become disrupted (Ballesteros et al., 2021). (Because it influences
how well students function academically, sleep is essential for learning and memory
consolidation. Sleep difficulties are conditions that affect a person's capacity to function while
awake as well as the quantity and quality of their sleep, according to Dr. Anis Rehman and
Danielle Pacheco of the Sleep Foundation (Ballesteros et al., 2021). It is widely accepted that
there is a reciprocal relationship between sleep and overall health, including both physical and
mental health: insufficient sleep can result in poor overall health, while stress can disturb
sleeping patterns (Ballesteros et al., 2021).
According to Jorge II et al. (2020), it has been discovered that there is no discernible
difference in academic performance between individuals who are overly sleepy and those who
are not considering the relationship between sleepiness and performance in school. Academic
performance and the amount of hours slept at night were significantly positively correlated.
According to this, getting a lot of sleep at night is linked to doing well in school (Toyong, 2020).
According to Ballesteros et al. (2021), the term "sleep hygiene" refers to routines
followed during the day or shortly before bed that foster the best environment for restful sleep.
Policy makers, school administrators, and teachers may utilize the implications as a starting point
for instructing kids and parents on how to properly use mobile phones and other technology. The
usage of mobile phones must be limited, and the parents must establish guidelines on bedtime or
lights-out. A schedule or time for sleeping must be enforced. To ensure that students reach high
academic standards, teachers and school administrators must create a well-thought-out policy for
the distribution of assignments and homework (Toyong, 2020). The same goes for determining
which aspects of a student's daily schedule should change: recognizing the fundamental reasons
for their irregular sleep will provide a remedy (Sygaco, 2021). Teenagers who are aware of the
variables regarding sleep irregularity can be more motivated to control and establish healthy
sleeping hygiene despite their hectic schedules.
Chapter III
This chapter will be accumulated for the frameworks of the methods to be used in the
research study and how it will be conducted. It includes the instruments that will be used,
respondents of the study, procedures of gathering the data, sampling techniques, and the
methods to be used for interpreting the gathered data. On this, it allows the readers to gain
insight into how the researchers measure the reliability of this study.
Research Methodology
The researchers will be utilizing the use of survey research approaches for the aim of its
purpose. In this research, two kinds of surveys will be used which will determine irregular
Sleepers through the use of PSQI instruments and other questionnaires will be used to measure
academic performance of the students who sleep irregularly. Furthermore, the survey research
design will be used to gather data through a survey form which will be distributed personally for
face-to-face learners, and the responses from the students will be used to support the study.
Subjects/Respondents of the Study
The survey will be distributed to each student in each grade level and academic strands in
the Senior High School Department of Wadeford School. Considering that the locale offers both
online and face-to-face learning methods, the research just mainly focused with their
co-face-to-face learners. The number of participants will consist of Grade 11 students, consisting
of following strands; ABM, Arts and Design, GAS, HUMSS, and STEM. And in Grade 12, it
consists of Arts and Design, GAS, and STEM strands. The students who can actively participate
in the study will be used to support the study by gathering their data on identifying their sleep
pattern while knowing the major variable affecting the academic performance of the students
who sleep irregularly.
Sampling technique
In this study, total population sampling will be used. Total population sampling is a
type of purposive sampling technique where we choose to examine the whole or entire
population to determine the irregular sleepers in a particular set of characteristics. This study will
therefore have respondents and will be distributed to the whole population of the Senior High
School Department, grades 11 and 12 which consists of different strands.
Research Instruments
In this study, the researchers will be using The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI),
which is a is an instrument created by Buysse,D.J., Reynolds,C.F., Monk,T.H., Berman,S.R., &
Kupfer,D.J. It is an effective instrument used to measure the quality and patterns of sleep in
adults. It can categorize the irregular and regular sleepers by measuring seven domains:
subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep
disturbances, use of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction over the last month. The results
of the questionnaire will serve as a reference if the students sleep regularly or irregularly that will
accomplish the researchers’ objectives in identifying who sleeps irregularly and see the major
variables affecting their academic performance. Moreover, another survey will be distributed by
researchers to those categorized as irregular sleepers which includes the collection of personal
identification that will remain confidential for students which includes their names, age, year
level, and their academic track/strand. Their final rating also for the 1st semester will be asked
and will be used to measure their academic performance according to their final grade and for
academic evaluation purposes.
Procedures of Gathering Data
The procedures for gathering the data will contain 6 stages;
1. Stage I - Researchers find a validated questionnaire to identify the irregular
2. Stage II - The questionnaire will then be translated by the researcher in different
forms for academic evaluation and to measure the quality of sleep which the
survey can easily comprehend.
3. Stage III - Collect the names for face-to-face learners..
4. Stage IV - Distribute the survey form to the respondents.
5. Stage V - Wait and collect their responses.
6. Stage VI - And lastly, analyze the data from the accumulated survey responses of
the students.
Statistical Treatment of Data
To interpret the accumulated data, researchers will use the following;
1. In scoring the PSQI, seven component scores are derived, each scored 0 (no difficulty) to
3 (severe difficulty). The component scores are summed to produce a global score (range
0 to 21). Higher scores indicate irregular sleepers. Moreover, to measure the academic
performance, the semester's final grade of the students who sleeps irregularly will be used
which is broken down into three categories: Semester Final Grade of 95 higher (Excellent
Performance), Semester Final Grade of 90 to 95 (Good Performance), Final Grade of 84
to 89 (Moderate Performance)
2. Each component of survey responses will use a percentage to determine which major
variable contributes to the irregularity of sleep affecting the 1st academic performance of
the SHS students.
Buysee, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (n.d.).
Herrera, D. (n.d.). Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students.
Jorge II, M. P. P. C., Villalobos, R. E. M., & Nunal, J. C. C. (2020). A Descriptive Study on the
Sleeping Habits and Correlation of Sleepiness withAcademic Performance in a State
University-run Medical School in the Philippines.
Raley, H., Naber, J., Cross, S., & Perlow, M. (2016). The Impact of Duration of Sleep on
Academic Performance in University Students.
Regala, J., Huelgas, K., & Fortes, N. (2021). Woke Up Like This: about the Filipino experience
of sleep problems.
Toyong, P. J. A. (2020). Sleeping Habits, Classroom Behaviour and Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students. Philippine E-Journals.
Valdes, M., Rios, D., Rocha, A., & Rodriquez, K. (2021). Sleep Irregularity and Academic
Performance. The Journal of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry.

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G3-CHAPTER-1-3-1 (1).pdf

  • 1. 1 —-—------- Republic of the Philippines Western Visayas WADEFORD SCHOOL Kalibo, Aklan Irregular Sleep Affecting the First Semester’s Academic Performance of Wadeford SHS Students Karl Christian J. Canlas Divine R. Dela Cruz Karlo D. Inan Leowench Paul B. Tungala Princess Hyacinth Hope V. Viray Jeanelyn F. Oquendo Samantha Guilian N. Zaulda Grade 12 - Cecilians Mr. Aljune R. Cadag February 28, 2023
  • 2. 2 Chapter I Introduction Sleep is an essential part of daily living, and we all know that a person should sleep for at least seven (7) to nine (9) hours every day. Students report significantly fewer total hours of sleep each night than the daily-recommended amount, for their age group, to promote normal cognitive functioning (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). Students tend to sacrifice sleep to participate in social and academic commitments contributing to constantly changing sleep routines and poor sleeping habits (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). The primary cause of a person's lack of sleep is their employment, duties, commitments, and so on. Sleep benefits all cognitive functions in the human body, including memory, learning, decision making, and critical thinking. This proves that sleep is a vital facet of human existence that is vital to learning and memory (Vilalobos et al. 2017). Moreover, it proves that sleep is a vital part of human existence and it is a requirement to perceive healthy sleeping hygiene especially for a student's academic achievement. Understanding the impact of irregular sleep on academic performance would help students realize the necessity of sleep, especially for maintaining high academic performance. The researcher's objective in this study is to identify irregular sleepers in Senior High School at Wadeford School while also finding the significant major variable affecting their academic performance. Furthermore, despite their many tasks and sufferings, this research intends to examine, encourage, and enhance sleeping hygiene.
  • 3. 3 Background of the Study Sleep is one of several critical to cognitive restoration. It affects memory consolidation, learning, and information processing (e.g., Lavie, 1996; Li Deming et al., 1991; Ramos Pláton, 1996). Sygaco (2021) states that because of the addition of Senior High School, it becomes an overwhelming situation for grade 12 students, who are bombarded with an overload of academic tasks such as assignments, product making, practices, and other activities that comprise a larger portion of their grade. Also, Raley, et al. (2016) discuss on how the academic demands change throughout the semester, with final exams and other various course requirements due toward the end of the semester and suggested that university students may need continued education and reminders, to practice healthy hygiene toward the end of the semester when academic demand is increased. In line with this, there are numerous negative consequences when teenagers do not get enough sleep. Students may be aware of some of these hazards, but with their attention focused on navigating the rigors of the curriculum, few are conscious of their sleep hygiene and how it may impair their learning and, ultimately, academic success. As a result, if these students continue to have irregular sleeping habits, their academic performance and well-being may suffer. However, Naber (2016) states that there is a lack of knowledge of very simple modifications in sleep hygiene to improve the quality of sleep in university students, and subsequently, their overall academic performance. Additionally, in a systematic review, the authors could not establish a cause and effect relationship between sleep quality and academic performance (Duarte et al, 2014). There are so many negative outcomes when teenagers do not get the required amount of sleep. Thus, they must be aware of the consequences and understand the dangers they are facing (Anna S. Urrila et al., 2017; Ahmed S BaHammam et al., 2012).
  • 4. 4 Therefore, identifying the factors that contribute to irregular sleep influencing academic performance of Wadeford School SHS students may give a solution and may appraise which portions of a student's daily routine should be altered. This study is aimed to assess and identify irregular sleepers of SHS Students of Wadeford School in the last month of the semester. In contrast, this also determines which factors have a major influence on the academic performance of Senior High School Students who sleep infrequently. By determining the repercussions of irregular sleep and objectively examining the underlying variables, this may drive and assess readers to always get enough sleep and develop healthy sleeping hygiene despite their busy schedule. Setting of the Study This research study is intended to conduct and take place at Wadeford School, a Private Catholic School which is located in Sitio Kamanggahan, Pook, Kalibo, Aklan. The researchers locale their study on the said school because it is the closest one to the researchers. Also, gathering of needed data is easier and more convenient since respondents can be easily conducted. The result of the study is only for and applicable for the said respondents of the study. Moreover, the researchers decided upon conducting the research in Wadeford School to identify the students who sleep irregularly and further investigate the major factor of irregular sleep affecting the 1st semester’s academic performance of the students. Figure 1 illustrates the map and the campus of Wadeford School.
  • 5. 5 Figure 1. Locale of the Study Conceptual Framework Figure 2. Conceptualized Irregular Sleep affecting the Academic Performance of Students The interactions of these theoretical positions in a theoretical situation Figure 2 indicates the context for this analysis. Using the PSQI’s instruments developed by Buysse,D.J., Reynolds,C.F., Monk,T.H., Berman,S.R., & Kupfer,D.J., its seven areas of components will be used to determine the students who sleep irregularly. It is used to measure the quality and
  • 6. 6 patterns of sleep in adults which can differentiate “poor” to “good” sleep which can be either irregular or regular sleepers. With the focus on irregular sleepers, their academic performance will determine according to their Semester Final Grade which can be categorized as either poor or bad academic performance. Statement of the Problem The study is conducted to identify Irregular Sleepers and see what major factors influence the First Semester’s Academic Performance of Waderford SHS Students. Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions: 1. How do contributing factors influence the students' irregularity of sleep? 2. How do associated factors influence students' irregular sleeping habits and academic performance throughout the semester? 3. How does the irregularity of sleep affect the academic performance of the students? Hypotheses of the study Alternative Hypothesis Senior High School Students who sleep irregularly do affect their academic performance throughout the semester. Null Hypothesis Senior High School Students who sleep irregularly don't affect their academic performance throughout the semester.
  • 7. 7 The significance of the study This study will tremendously benefit the readers as they will be more aware and educated about the factors that lead to irregular sleep and how it affects academic performance, and everyone will have a better grasp of how to regulate and maintain healthy sleeping habits. Additionally, it will offer information on the individuals around them who are sleeping irregularly and how it impacts their academic performance. In such a situation, students will contribute to the development and perception of a healthy sleeping schedule and quality. Furthermore, the findings of this study could be used as future reference material and benefit future researchers who would like to conduct a similar study on the association between irregular sleep and student academic performance. Scope and Limitations of the Study The main scope of this study is to quantitatively evaluate and detect irregular sleepers among SHS students at Wadeford School. In line with this, the study makes an effort to objectively and quantitatively assess the factors that contribute to the students' first semester academic performance that is being affected by irregular sleep patterns. Due to changes in academic demands throughout the semester, this study also aims to give better explanations on how to control and establish healthy sleeping habits. Furthermore, this study delimits on how these contributing factors interrelate the Senior High School students' irregular sleeping patterns and academic performance over the course of the first semester. This study will also make an effort to support other studies as it indicates encouraging the students to practice good sleeping habits as the semester comes to an end and the academic demands are increased.
  • 8. 8 The data will be collected using surveys and questionnaires, which the researchers will carefully prepare and create, validated by a group of experts. Since Senior High School is Wadeford School's highest level of instruction, these teenagers, as opposed to those in lower levels, are primarily dealing with these kinds of academic demands and responsibilities. As a result, the study's target population and responses will be all the Senior High School students of the Wadeford School who can actively participate in it. Every component of a student's personal data regarding the contributing variables associated with their irregular sleep pattern that could influence their academic performance throughout the first semester is taken into account in this study. The research study consists of following questions during the past month only, meaning only the last month of first semester for academic year 2022-2023 at Wadeford School is only measured. Definition of Key Terms For better comprehension of this research study, conceptually and practically, the following words were defined as applied to the study: Sleep It is a bodily and mental state that normally lasts for many hours every night and is characterized by the closing of the eyes, relaxation of the muscles supporting the spine, changed brain activity, and practically suspended awareness of the surroundings.
  • 9. 9 Teenagers These are the people who are between 13 and 19 years old that are also known as “teens”. Irregular sleep It is defined as without any sort of real schedule of sleep. Academic performance The degree to which a student has achieved either short- or long-term educational goals, as determined by either continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average. Sleeping pattern A person's napping habits, bedtime, and wake-up schedule. The frequency and length of sleep disruptions may also be included in the sleep pattern. Academic demand It characterizes the activities that take place in schools, colleges, and universities, particularly those that entail learning. Affect It is defined as the influence and causes of things or something to change.
  • 10. 10 Circadian rhythm It is also known as a circadian cycle, is a natural, internal mechanism that governs the sleep-wake cycle and occurs about once every 24 hours. Homeostatic Sleep Drive It is a pressure for sleep that builds up in our bodies, which is a process that increases your urge to sleep during the day.
  • 11. 11 Chapter II Review of Related Literature The primary focus of this chapter is a presentation of literature works from both foreign and local, and other researches that have significant effects on the research’s variables . As this study is conducted and concentrated on evaluating and identifying the irregular sleepers among the Wadeford School Senior High School students, as well as to quantitatively assess the variables that contribute to the SHS student’s academic performance in the first semester that is being affected by the irregular sleep patterns. I. Foreign Literature A. Related Literature According to Fonseca and Genzel (2020), sleep is essential for cognitive functioning, and that how good our sleep is depends not only on the length and quality, but also on the timing relative to our natural sleep onsets. If sleep is not properly maintained, it can have negative effects on the body physiologically, psychologically, and cognitively, that is linked to the academic performance of the students. Concerning the factors of irregular sleep, it is important to understand why proper sleep quality and pattern is required. This literature review will be divided into three categories related to sleep irregularity: (1) physiological and psychological health (2) proper sleep hygiene (3) cognitive health and academic performance. This will focus on the physiological and psychological health which
  • 12. 12 influence the performance of the students academically, and how to control and establish proper sleep hygiene, and lastly, on the cognitive health relating to academic performance. High grade level Students report much lower sleep quality than the general population, including irregular sleep cycles and sleep deprivation. Additionally, compared to the general population, they experience more daytime tiredness. The amount of sleep that students report getting each night is also much less than the amount that is daily advised for their age group to support good cognitive functioning. Students frequently forgo sleep in favor of social and academic obligations, which results in irregular sleep schedules and bad sleeping habits. The normal university student's life may be impacted by all of these things, including their mood, immune system, and even their usage of drugs (Orzech, Salafsky, & Hamilton, 2011). Although adolescents spend a significant amount of time learning and developing their education, Shochat et al. (2014) argue that there is a significant research vacuum about how sleep affects academic functioning and performance. The academic performance of students and the quality of their sleep have been linked, according to studies by Chen et al. (2014), Hershner and Chervin (2014), and Brown et al. (2006). By delaying the body's normal circadian rhythm and homeostatic sleep drive, Milner and Cote (2008) and Gomes et al. (2011) address how sleep schedule irregularity and napping can impair students' quality of sleep. Cognitive Behavior was used for insomnia to assess irregular sleep patterns. Irregular sleep schedules are highly prevalent among students and the consequences can result in lower grade point averages, increased risk of academic failure and compromised learning indicates that academic-related stress can reduce motivation and the impact on students’ learning capacity and mental health problems. In order to combat the effects of irregular sleep on one’s physiological health, napping for a short period of time and early in the day can be used to maintain optimal
  • 13. 13 brain function. Management of sleep is important, as it improves sleep quality. Therefore, poor lifestyle behaviors can influence sleep quality and ultimately reduce academic performance. The study had several findings, although better performance and grades were correlated with improved quality of sleep that was longer in duration, better sleep consistency has resulted in much higher and better grades. The relationship between proper sleep pattern and academic performance can also be limited by factors such as stress, anxiety, responsibilities, and motivation that can affect sleep hygiene, specifically on how it affects the overall health that influences the academic performance of the students. They examined the relationship between sleep regularity, sleep duration, distribution of sleep across the day, and academic performance during one semester. The results indicated that going to sleep and waking up at approximately the same time is as important as the number of hours students slept. Students with more regular sleep patterns had better school grades on average. Interestingly, researchers found no significant difference in average amount of time students slept, but it was the student's body clock. For instance, duration of sleep the night prior to an examination was associated with academic performance as measured by course grades and semester GPA. According to some research, this finding is consistent among students who reported sleeping for longer durations obtaining higher scores on examinations, as well as a study that found sleep behaviors to be associated with IQ measures and academic performance. In addition, neurophysiologic studies show that sleep ensures adequate function of the prefrontal cortex, which executes higher brain functions including language, working memory, logical reasoning, and creativity. According to H. Raza, the author of the book “Developing Regular Sleep Pattern”, sleeping patterns have a significant effect on people’s everyday lives and day to day activities as the desired sleep time approaches, to maintain a comfortable sleep environment. The amount of
  • 14. 14 sleep that a student gets is one of the strongest predictors of academic success. Stop Losing Sleep: Establish Healthy Sleep Patterns to Improve Your Health, a book by author K. Richards, claims that certain behaviors or hobbies have been identified as being harmful to regular sleep. These "inadequate sleep hygiene" behaviors include irregular sleep schedules, frequent or prolonged daytime naps, and staying on one's bed for non-sleep-related activities.According to Brown et al. (2006), improving students' sleeping patterns can help reverse the lack of understanding about the actions and lifestyle decisions that either prevent or encourage sleep. A sleep education program should be undertaken, according to Hershner and Chervin (2014) and Brown et al. (2006), in order to enhance students' sleeping hygiene and habits. II. Local Literature A. Related Literature According to Sygaco (2021), in order to reduce sleep debt, one must practice time management, set goals, and a relaxing setting for resting and less time spent on social media. The research concludes that there is no connection between academic performance and sleep performance. The two extra years of senior high school In the Philippine educational system, school is eventually a challenging circumstance for 12th graders. As they are overloaded with academic material tasks like homework, product creation, techniques, as well as other actions that make up a greater percentage of their grade. Zeek et al. (2015) found that when students only obtain six hours of sleep per day, cognitive capacity frequently deteriorates. According to Okano et al. (2019), teenagers and
  • 15. 15 young adults who stay up late are hampered by their rigid morning schedules and erratic sleep patterns. Teenagers in college do worse because of more significant sleep unpredictability (Sygaco, 2021). Sleep has an integral role in learning and memory consolidation as it affects the performances of the students academically. According to Dr. Anis Rehman and Danielle Pacheco of the Sleep Foundation, they define sleep issues as conditions that impact a person's ability to function while awake as well as the duration and quality of their sleep (Ballesteros et al., 2021). It is well acknowledged that there is a reciprocal relationship between sleep and overall health, including physical and mental health: lack of sleep can lead to poor overall health, while stress can cause sleeping patterns to become disrupted (Ballesteros et al., 2021). (Because it influences how well students function academically, sleep is essential for learning and memory consolidation. Sleep difficulties are conditions that affect a person's capacity to function while awake as well as the quantity and quality of their sleep, according to Dr. Anis Rehman and Danielle Pacheco of the Sleep Foundation (Ballesteros et al., 2021). It is widely accepted that there is a reciprocal relationship between sleep and overall health, including both physical and mental health: insufficient sleep can result in poor overall health, while stress can disturb sleeping patterns (Ballesteros et al., 2021). According to Jorge II et al. (2020), it has been discovered that there is no discernible difference in academic performance between individuals who are overly sleepy and those who are not considering the relationship between sleepiness and performance in school. Academic performance and the amount of hours slept at night were significantly positively correlated. According to this, getting a lot of sleep at night is linked to doing well in school (Toyong, 2020).
  • 16. 16 According to Ballesteros et al. (2021), the term "sleep hygiene" refers to routines followed during the day or shortly before bed that foster the best environment for restful sleep. Policy makers, school administrators, and teachers may utilize the implications as a starting point for instructing kids and parents on how to properly use mobile phones and other technology. The usage of mobile phones must be limited, and the parents must establish guidelines on bedtime or lights-out. A schedule or time for sleeping must be enforced. To ensure that students reach high academic standards, teachers and school administrators must create a well-thought-out policy for the distribution of assignments and homework (Toyong, 2020). The same goes for determining which aspects of a student's daily schedule should change: recognizing the fundamental reasons for their irregular sleep will provide a remedy (Sygaco, 2021). Teenagers who are aware of the variables regarding sleep irregularity can be more motivated to control and establish healthy sleeping hygiene despite their hectic schedules.
  • 17. 17 Chapter III Methodology Introduction This chapter will be accumulated for the frameworks of the methods to be used in the research study and how it will be conducted. It includes the instruments that will be used, respondents of the study, procedures of gathering the data, sampling techniques, and the methods to be used for interpreting the gathered data. On this, it allows the readers to gain insight into how the researchers measure the reliability of this study. Research Methodology The researchers will be utilizing the use of survey research approaches for the aim of its purpose. In this research, two kinds of surveys will be used which will determine irregular Sleepers through the use of PSQI instruments and other questionnaires will be used to measure academic performance of the students who sleep irregularly. Furthermore, the survey research design will be used to gather data through a survey form which will be distributed personally for face-to-face learners, and the responses from the students will be used to support the study. Subjects/Respondents of the Study The survey will be distributed to each student in each grade level and academic strands in the Senior High School Department of Wadeford School. Considering that the locale offers both online and face-to-face learning methods, the research just mainly focused with their co-face-to-face learners. The number of participants will consist of Grade 11 students, consisting
  • 18. 18 of following strands; ABM, Arts and Design, GAS, HUMSS, and STEM. And in Grade 12, it consists of Arts and Design, GAS, and STEM strands. The students who can actively participate in the study will be used to support the study by gathering their data on identifying their sleep pattern while knowing the major variable affecting the academic performance of the students who sleep irregularly. Sampling technique In this study, total population sampling will be used. Total population sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique where we choose to examine the whole or entire population to determine the irregular sleepers in a particular set of characteristics. This study will therefore have respondents and will be distributed to the whole population of the Senior High School Department, grades 11 and 12 which consists of different strands. Research Instruments In this study, the researchers will be using The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which is a is an instrument created by Buysse,D.J., Reynolds,C.F., Monk,T.H., Berman,S.R., & Kupfer,D.J. It is an effective instrument used to measure the quality and patterns of sleep in adults. It can categorize the irregular and regular sleepers by measuring seven domains: subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction over the last month. The results of the questionnaire will serve as a reference if the students sleep regularly or irregularly that will accomplish the researchers’ objectives in identifying who sleeps irregularly and see the major variables affecting their academic performance. Moreover, another survey will be distributed by
  • 19. 19 researchers to those categorized as irregular sleepers which includes the collection of personal identification that will remain confidential for students which includes their names, age, year level, and their academic track/strand. Their final rating also for the 1st semester will be asked and will be used to measure their academic performance according to their final grade and for academic evaluation purposes. Procedures of Gathering Data The procedures for gathering the data will contain 6 stages; 1. Stage I - Researchers find a validated questionnaire to identify the irregular sleepers. 2. Stage II - The questionnaire will then be translated by the researcher in different forms for academic evaluation and to measure the quality of sleep which the survey can easily comprehend. 3. Stage III - Collect the names for face-to-face learners.. 4. Stage IV - Distribute the survey form to the respondents. 5. Stage V - Wait and collect their responses. 6. Stage VI - And lastly, analyze the data from the accumulated survey responses of the students. Statistical Treatment of Data To interpret the accumulated data, researchers will use the following; 1. In scoring the PSQI, seven component scores are derived, each scored 0 (no difficulty) to 3 (severe difficulty). The component scores are summed to produce a global score (range
  • 20. 20 0 to 21). Higher scores indicate irregular sleepers. Moreover, to measure the academic performance, the semester's final grade of the students who sleeps irregularly will be used which is broken down into three categories: Semester Final Grade of 95 higher (Excellent Performance), Semester Final Grade of 90 to 95 (Good Performance), Final Grade of 84 to 89 (Moderate Performance) 2. Each component of survey responses will use a percentage to determine which major variable contributes to the irregularity of sleep affecting the 1st academic performance of the SHS students.
  • 21. 21 REFERENCES: Buysee, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (n.d.). Herrera, D. (n.d.). Effect of Stress on Academic Performance of Students. Jorge II, M. P. P. C., Villalobos, R. E. M., & Nunal, J. C. C. (2020). A Descriptive Study on the Sleeping Habits and Correlation of Sleepiness withAcademic Performance in a State University-run Medical School in the Philippines. Raley, H., Naber, J., Cross, S., & Perlow, M. (2016). The Impact of Duration of Sleep on Academic Performance in University Students. _on_Academic_Performance_in_University_Students Regala, J., Huelgas, K., & Fortes, N. (2021). Woke Up Like This: about the Filipino experience of sleep problems. Toyong, P. J. A. (2020). Sleeping Habits, Classroom Behaviour and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students. Philippine E-Journals. Valdes, M., Rios, D., Rocha, A., & Rodriquez, K. (2021). Sleep Irregularity and Academic Performance. The Journal of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry. or%20quality%20sleep%20among%20college,inattentiveness%20and%20poor%20acade mic%20performance