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Operation of an economic model 
Author: Paulo Arieu 
Course: Sociology 102. 
Teacher: Janet Rivera 
Date: 12-04-2012 
I. Economy 
a) What is economy? 
Economy is the way in which the individuals of a society organized to solve the basic 
economic problems. It’s the study of the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of 
goods and services having an exchangeable value. And an economic model is a theoretical 
scheme of a system or complex reality, which is developed to facilitate understanding. 
b) Economic system:
All economic system should be trying to answer three basic economic problems: 
a) What produce? 
b) How to produce? 
c) Who are the people to produce? 
To try to solve the three basic problems, there are mechanisms or economic systems: 
System of market economy, system of central planning, mixed economic system. All are theory 
and doctrinal based on very different economic conceptions. 
II. Economic models 
a) Market system or free enterprise. Pure capitalism: 
It is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and 
business management. Free and independent of state control, where the allocation of productive 
resources are made in a decentralized fashion by obeying decisions of thousands of economic 
agents that act guided by self-interest. 
b) Central planning. Communism 
Completely opposite to the previous vision takes precedence in Cuba and other 
communist countries, dominated by the trend towards central planning of the economy as 
extreme contrast of pure capitalism, characterized by the property of the Government on most of 
the means of production and making economic decisions in a centralized manner. The companies 
are owned by the Government and this is that through a central Planning Board determines when, 
how and how much produce. 
c) Mixed economies
It’s an intermediate situation between the planned economy and the free market 
economy. Economic activity rests largely on the private sector, but public sector regulating this 
activity, acting to protect workers and redistribute income between the older and lower-income. 
III. Circular flow of the economy 
Economic agents (families or economies, domestic, business and public sector) do not 
live isolated, they are permanently connected. Among them there is a flow of income, a 
continuous flow of goods and services and in Exchange the payment of money and income. The 
circular flow of income is the current goods and services and payments between economic 
agents. The representation of the market economy system uses the scheme called circular flow, 
since the lines describe flows of wealth among agents. 
The outside shows the relationships between families and businesses. The families sent 
production factors (mainly work) to market factors, which are purchased by companies. 
Companies leave the goods and services to the market, where they are consumed by the families.
Flows of goods and services factors are called actual flows, and are represented by internal 
arrows on the chart. Their counterparts, i.e., money that is paid the income with which the land-use 
is remunerated and capitals at the expense of the families are called financial flows, and they 
are represented by the external arrow. 
The center of the scheme shows the relations of the State with other agents. The State 
sells and buys goods and services in markets and factors paying and charging for them as well as 
families or companies. But simultaneously charged taxes and transfers income to families (e.g. 
retirement). The financial system receives deposits from households and made loans to the 
companies and the Government. 
Based on this graph, I will carry out the analysis of an economic model in an economy of 
capitalist, but improved type according to certain social premises of importance. 
a) Companies: 
From the economic and social point of view, it’s an economic and social unit consisting 
of financial, technical and human factors with a certain structure and different objectives and 
whose function is to supply products and services to the society. It’s an organizational unit of an 
economic nature that, through the combination of the factors of production (capital, labor and 
raw materials), aims to obtain a benefit. To operate accurate undertaking some human average 
(managers and employees), financial resources, and technical and economic means. 
The companies make the production of goods and services. They must be well prepared 
to develop and manufacture products intended for sale. The company needs to know how to
stock up on raw, and efficiently produce its product as we can then sell well. A skilled financial 
management is essential in order to make the most possible availability avoiding imprudent uses 
of capital. 
Their prices must be regulated by the free supply and demand. Without that the State 
should intervene at all rather than to monitor that the laws of the country are met and that the 
offered by the company suits with the asserted by it. Corporations must be based on the private 
ownership of the means of production and the free and autonomous management of State 
control, where the allocation of productive resources in decentralized obeying decisions of 
thousands of traders who operate guided by self-interest. 
Companies leave the goods and services to the market (internal and/or external), where it 
will be acquired for family consumption or resale. They must be prepared to pay their income tax 
to the State, so the state persists and administer justice and equity throughout the country. 
Companies must pay fair and competitive wages to their employees (supervisory staff, 
leaders and workers). They must pay proportional bonuses to profits that exceed the net value of 
the retained employee appreciation. They must also lead accounting records of sales and its 
operating costs. Their balance sheets must be supervised by professional accountant’s employees 
and external auditors. 
If the company is a financial institution / Bank, its purpose will be to raise money 
circulating in the market to then lend it at reasonable rates. But this revenue should be unlawful 
in the following cases: demand interest to the poor; invest capital to revenue, without taking into 
account aid to those in need; sign profit contracts without taking into account that we must treat
others in the same way to wish to be treated [10], taking into account that "the distinctive 
christian action is the following of Christ. Jesus Christ is the incarnation personal, vivid and 
determinant of their cause: incarnation of a new style of life" says Hans Küng, a Swiss Catholic 
priest, theologian, and author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global 
Ethic. He is notable for his rejection of the doctrine of papal infallibility. And that is truest 
because "God is the lawyer of poor and of foreigners". The credit is a normal and inevitable 
accident in the life of a society “and RIBA is perfectly lawful, provided it shall not apply to loans 
of the poor, who will surely be hampered to comply. Financial institutions should not ever act as 
"vulture funds". [9] 
b) State: 
Noah Webster was a writer in Connecticut (United States) and educator whose greatest 
achievement was 'An American Dictionary of the English language', published for the first time 
in 1828. Webster graduated from Yale in 1778, during the American Revolutionary War. It was 
unconditionally British anti and the new American nation, considered morally superior to Europe 
[25]. Noah Webster wrote that: "the principles and moral precepts found in the Scriptures should 
form the basis of all our constitutions and civil laws. These principles and precepts are base truth, 
immutable truth."[4] 
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clerel de Tocqueville, was a political thinker and French historian, 
best known for his democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and the 
old regime and the revolution (1856). In both cases, it analyzed to better standards of living and 
social conditions of individuals, as well as their relationship with the market and the State in 
Western societies. Democracy in America was published after Tocqueville on United States
travel, and until this day, is considered a work of sociology and political science [26]. Alexis de 
Tocqueville said that: "there is no country in the world where the Christian religion has greater 
influence over the souls of men than in America; and there cannot be a test more than its utility, 
and of their conformity with human nature, the of that its influence is felt more powerfully over 
the nation more illustrious and free land."[5] 
George Washington was the first President of the United States (1789-1797), Commander 
in Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the 
founders of the United States. He chaired the Convention which drafted the United States 
Constitution, which replaced the articles of Confederation and is still the Supreme Law of the 
land [27]. George Washington, in his inaugural speech as the first President of the United States, 
referred to "the propitious smiles of heaven" that fall solely within that nation, which does not 
"ignore the eternal rules of order and justice which heaven itself has ordained." [6] 
“The authority of the King derives from the sovereignty of the people as God's people. If 
the King breaks the Pact, its authority rests with the people and those who represent him 
have the right and obligation to oppose him” [11] 
These ideas emerged the modern constitutional State, repealing the sacramental power 
and the mentality of serfdom. A sovereign that consistently breaks the mutual obligation of the 
Covenant of the Constitution, must be considered a tyrant declared. We must obey God that a 
similar Monster. [3] 
The State does not constitute the totality of human existence or encompasses all human 
hope. The man and his hope are beyond the reality of the State and beyond the sphere of political 
action. And this is true not only for a State to which one can describe as Babylon, but for any
type of State [even "Christian"] (The myth of the State as a god, the myth of the State as paradise 
and the society without domination or power). The State cannot interfere or give preference to a 
religious denomination, but can also attack the foundations of today's Western society, which 
appointment as the French poet Paul Valery, "is founded on the Greek rationality, order Roman 
and Judeo-Christian spirituality" [12] 
The civil judge has the power of the sword. The State is authorized to use force to ensure 
justice and protect its borders. Governments do not govern by means of requests or suggestions. 
They rule by law, enforced by coercive legal means. Although the Governments with the power 
of the sword have authority to exercise the death penalty and participate in just wars [32] they 
will be responsible before God for the use of the sword. The law of God is superior to human law 
and every human authority has to undergo it. The State has a basic law, a Constitution; and the 
Government has to submit to the Constitution ("the State of modern law"). In the "rule of law", 
the law is above the Government; a ruler can do arbitrary decisions by the mere fact of being 
ruler. (See book of Deuteronomy 17:18-20).But we couldn’t be agree with the violence State like 
notice of Eric Garner, the new death by police violence that recently shocked New York [36] 
God instructs Governments that administer justice. When the Government governs within 
the limits of their role in God's order, we submit voluntarily to the authority of the State, because 
we understand that God has placed him in authority over us. However, when the State abused 
their authority or claims to be sovereign, we must obey God's transcendent law rather than that of 
the State. Our loyalty to God can call us at political participation in an effort to create a 
Government right and good. Fair participants can significantly influence the Government for the 
Max Weber, father of modern sociology, said that the State exercises the monopoly of 
violence by definition. But he added that faculty must be met through a process of "legitimacy", 
that in the case of the absolute monarchies is accepted by subordinates as divine law; but you can 
also come from a charismatic (subordinates accept power based on sanctity, heroism or 
exemplary of who exercises it) leadership or legitimacy racional (subordinates accept power in 
accordance with objective and impersonal motivations) which becomes synonym for legality. 
Because as the English Puritan poet John Milton said: 
“Not only King, but all men are configured in the image and likeness of God (image 
Easily and more than one century earlier, the lucid Rousseau set the legitimacy the 
"general will" gives it of those subject to the power. Version that agrees with the modern concept 
of democracy as Government "of the people, by the people and for the people", was a happy 
definition of Abraham Lincoln. What happens with these definitions is that they float in the air if 
it is not the State as carrier of the interest of the dominant social classes.[8] 
So that the order reigns, the State must guarantee the private property. But it should 
ensure that this property is not at the expense of others and which is placed at the service of the 
community. As a result, the property is not an absolute good. This limited and is conditional. 
The State must be secular and has to be separated from the Church (principle of church - 
state separation). This does not mean that the State should be against the religion of the people or 
that the ruler should be atheist. The State should not be atheist anti or anti Christ. And it must be 
respected throughout the State, the freedom of conscience of every inhabitant, whether tourist, 
citizen or resident. For this reason, must be guaranteed the freedom of religion and expression in
the country. And the determination that this liberty Riga media (radio, television, press and 
But from the year 1954 this religious freedom is threatened because Lyndon Johnson 
introduced an amendment to the tax code to protect anti-Communist groups that threatened his 
re-election. Lyndon Baines Johnson, often known as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United 
States (1963-1969), a position which took after his service as the 37th Vice President (1961- 
1963). Johnson, a Democrat from Texas, served as a United States representative from 1937 to 
1949 and a United States Senator from 1949 to 1961, including six years as majority leader of 
the Senate, two as Senate minority leader and two as Senate majority whip.[24] Lyndon Baines 
Johnson replaced the assassinated Kennedy as President of the United States and oversaw major 
social reforms and expansion of the Viet Nam war [28]. Johnson was not aimed at churches, but 
their action affected them because the amendment establishes that those who are exempt from 
tax may not intervene in political campaigns. This amendment to the tax code was included 
without hearings or debate, literally was resolved in a matter of minutes. Many bishops, priests 
and Ministers are now confused and intimidated in regards to "preach about politics", to the point 
that some lawyers have advised the churches during the last election (2012-206), given that the 
President proposed in his re-election bid, churches had to mention it when they talked about the 
"culture of life." [2] 
In addition, the primary, secondary and tertiary education should be free. And it must 
legislate for loans financial College and graduate, they are easy to acquire. 
The free coverage of the basic health of every citizen and resident in the country and the 
legal assistance for the defense of an accused person of committing a crime must also be
guaranteed. You must also have the safety of funeral and burial of their human remains if lack of 
money to cover the costs. 
Every inhabitant of this country (citizens and residents), has to be guaranteed by law, a 
minimum work in free and healthy conditions that will enable it to give a basic support to his 
Every 50 years, the State must ensure that poor and low-income, people be forgiven of 
their debts, including student debts. Every citizen should have access to adequate shelter for all 
citizens of this country guaranteed by law. 
Every person born within the limits of the border has to be able to be registered as a 
citizen. And also all legal resident, in one period not more than one year must have the real 
possibility of request and become a citizen. 
Also the State ruling should defend the ecosystem of the country and not allow its 
companies to destroy the global ecosystem. The State has to remember all its inhabitants that all 
living beings are interlinked in one way or another, since some need others to continue to exist. 
And that destroy ecosystems can be in many cases destructive for the next generation. 
c) Family: 
The family is the most basic and primitive kernel of human society. Therefore, the State 
must be defender of the healthy development of families. The human right to form a family is 
undeniable and indisputable. And companies must collaborate with the State in this 
anthropological purpose. Howard George Hendricks was a professor for more than 50 years in 
the Dallas Theological Seminary. As well he said Hendricks, is very clear that
In today's world there are bizarre, hostile, destructive influences of homes. The ancient 
elements underpinning the society already we do not encourage or protect. Home... has to 
flourish in a field of weeds. [15] 
Therefore, it is impossible to doubt that the family as an institution is bankrupt or in way 
of the disaster. Social, psychological, and spiritual conflicts have affected so that the marriage 
and the family are seen by many people as institutions in the process of disappearing. However, 
both the marriage and the family are essential institutions, created by God even before the 
entrance of sin into the world. Therefore they will not disappear. Although like all other species 
in danger of extinction, the State has the obligation to zealously protect their harmonious 
development. Therefore, also is task of the whole society, increase the resistance against its 
decline, and family in such a way that arises a beauty special and remarkable in every one of the 
members of Christian homes. [16] 
Les Thompson was born in Cuba in 1931, and was ordained to the Christian minister in 
1953. After preaching controversial messages about Christ and communism, he was forced to 
leave the island of Cuba, which allowed him to start his ministry in Latin America with the 
founding of LOGOI Ministries, FLET (one of the first long-distance theological universities) and 
the Guía Pastoral. Les Thompson explains that "marriage was conceived to relieve the 
fundamental loneliness experienced by every human being. In his case, according to the degree 
in which your spouse does not satisfy your needs - spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and 
physical- and the degree in which you do not fulfill the same needs of your spouse, in that same 
proportion, the two are still alone. But this is not in conformity with the plan of God, and can be 
remedied. The plan is that they will complement each other."[17]
To make this healthy development of families, all people of this world must be able to 
have the absolute guarantee to work so that everyone can survive; but the work must be 
performed so that the poor are not exploited by the wealthy, foreigners by the natives, the weak 
by the strong [14] No single work is a basic human need, but also a right of every person in age 
to do so. To work with freedom guarantee psychological and physical harmonious development 
of the person, as well as their human subsistence. 
Parents should receive important economic allocations for each child and each child in 
school age. The parents of large families (more than 5 children), should be exempt from taxes or 
failing to pay one smaller percentage until the children reach the age of majority. 
Every citizen, after 30 years of contributions, a person may be entitled to retire. It should 
also be entitled to a decent pension a person who is disabled for health reasons if he is a citizen. 
The State should encourage the (civil) marriage of the couples. Around the world, grow 
the sociological evidence that live together without marriage undermines the institution of 
marriage, even more than the divorce, and that that hurts people, whether adults or children. The 
trend to lower the marriage grows more and more. There are afraid to remarry, divorce fear and 
afraid to engage. [30] 
United States, which has one of the highest rates of marriage in Western countries, also 
has the highest divorce rate, which makes that one in three children live with divorced parents. 
At the same time, according to a study about the obsolescence of the marriage and the changes in 
the family structure, 39% of respondents believe that marriage is an "obsolete" institution. The 
121-page report prepared by the Pew Research Centre in coordination with Time magazine,
points out that "the transformations of the last half-century have led to a huge decline of 
marriage and an increase in new forms of family".[31] 
In United States the Church, until today, acts as a subsidiary of the State agent, so the 
Church marriage implies automatically a marriage recognized by the State. Earlier, the U.S. 
Government acknowledged the existence of a marriage, but now instead of admit it redefines it, 
turning it into something totally dependent on State control. But given that the State recognizes 
various types of marriage, ideally, State to renounce the use of the term marriage instead of using 
it as seems to him he invented a new Word to reflect the types of union which recognizes. So at 
least we would have to get used to not talk about marriage to dry when we refer to which 
recognizes the State. R. R. Reno, Director of the journal First Things, proposes abandoning the 
term "civil marriage" (marriage by the Church is not uncivil) and adopt the "State marriage", 
reserving the word marriage, marriage in the Church. But, today are two substantially different 
things. It is time that the Church renounces compared two types of joints. Wrote Reno that 
“The Church can participate in a civil marriage, but should not participate in a State 
marriage” [21] 
John Rao, American of Sicilian origin, holds a PhD in history from the University of 
Oxford, and since 1979 teaches European history at St. John's University in New York, one of 
the great Catholic academic institutions of United States. He directed also The Roman Forum, 
founded in 1968 by the philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977) to defend Catholic 
doctrine and culture. Just published in Spain a job his, "The American illusion", incorporated 
into the volume Church and politics. Change of paradigm (itineraries), coordinated by Bernard 
Dumont, Miguel Ayuso and Danilo Castellano, collects twelve contributions of Catholic thinkers
from around the world, all of them University professors, with a traditional perspective on the 
relationship between power and religion, secularity and secularism. Published simultaneously in 
Spanish, French and Italian, and soon in English, the book analyzes prospects introduced by the 
Declaration Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican Council II, both at the time of its enactment in 1965 
at the celebration of its fiftieth anniversary. The prospect of Rao is particularly interesting for its 
debunking, theoretical and historical, of the relations between Church and State in the United 
States, often considered an ideal to follow. Something that seems more questionable than ever as 
a result of the so-called "abortion mandate" of the Obama administration, which obliges all 
employers in the country, Catholic and Protestant institutions included (such as schools and 
hospitals), to ensure their workers with coverage of contraceptive practices, artificial 
insemination and even abortion the Catholic Church rejects. The American bishops have led a 
social reaction unprecedented in defense of religious freedom thus attacked. [33] 
Each family must be guaranteed the possibility of acquiring a home and a vehicle at an 
affordable price proportional to their income. You must also have the possibility of acquiring 
health insurance basics, if you don't have the resources to pay for a private one. To receive, 
wages should not be less than the cost of a basket of essential staples that allow the individual to 
subsist for the same period. 
A new report from the United Nations Fund for children (UNICEF) revealed that 2.6 
million children have gone to live below the poverty line in countries developed since 2008, so 
the total number of children living in poverty in the developed world already rises to some 76.5 
million. The report children of the recession: the impact of the economic crisis on child well-
being in rich countries (Report Card 12 of Innocenti Research Centre of UNICEF), presents a 
ranking of 41 countries of the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD) 
and the European Union (EU) depending on whether the levels of child poverty have grown or 
declined since 2008. This UNICEF report discussed the terrible effects of the economic crisis on 
children. Poverty amounted to 2.6 million children in countries developed since 2008. UNICEF 
has made public a report on the increase in child poverty in countries developed as a result of the 
economic downturn. He points out that, since 2008, the number of children living below the 
poverty line has increased by 2.6 million. A figure that reemphasizes the importance for children 
policies social protection in the current social context. It also keeps track of the proportion of 
young people aged between 15 and 24 years of age who work or study or receive training (rate 
NINI). The report includes also the data of the surveys Gallup Institute about the perception of 
the people about their economic situation and their hopes for the future since the beginning of the 
recession [29] 
Families, can’t be partakers of that "culture of the discard, because it reduces the human 
being to simple gear mechanism that treats it as a commodity that is used or rejected, as it is the 
case with the terminally ill, elderly abandoned without care, or the dead children before birth" 
For this reason, I highlight this into an opportunity by Benedict XVI, the former religious 
leader of the Catholic Church, in one of his Homilies, when he lambasted the "seed of tension 
and conflict caused by the growing inequality between rich and poor examples". He also 
denounced "the prevalence of a selfish and individualistic mentality that also finds its expression 
in capitalism without regulation, in various forms of terrorism and crime". Benedict called for a
new economic model and ethical regulations for markets, and said that the global financial crisis 
was proof that capitalism does not protect the weakest members of society. He also warned that 
food insecurity was a threat to the peace in some parts of the world... [20] 
It sounds like too strong. But, according to the judeo-Christian Scriptures, is the stark 
reality. "Love" rampant wealth, money is the root of many evils contrary to the divine will, 
morality, and ethics. Love money and everything so that it can be obtained, the man/woman is 
able of: prostitution /; kill; corrupt /; steal; traffic; damage; destroy; cause economic disasters, 
wars... “[18] It is that "love money", politicians, businessmen, and strangers, what has unleashed 
the current 'economic war' [19]. 
It is that the problem is not so much whether the economy must be agree to the capitalist 
model (or Socialist) but the ethical and moral perversion of the capitalists (or Socialist), that with 
his excessive ambition does not favor full employment not seeing it as a human right, but as a 
way of making the capitalist industrial objectives at the lowest possible cost. Capitalism (or 
socialism) must recover its humanism. But it is only through the message of Christ, who at the 
time of his humanity was the father in everything to as you can be capitalists to recover the fear 
of God who have lost. Because "all ills start when only thinking about money. By the desire 
to amass it, many forgot to obey God and ended up having many problems and sufferings." 
(1 Timothy 6 the Current Language Translation). The Economist Milton Friedman, Nobel 
Prize in Economics in 1976, said that 
"A free market is a necessary condition of individual freedom. Although necessary for 
freedom, capitalism is not only enough to secure it. It must be accompanied by a set of values 
and political institutions favorable to freedom [7]
But how one can speak of God to human suffering and the poor have no livelihood for 
their children, nor right to health care, access to education, excluded from the social and cultural 
life marginalized and that they are considered a burden and a threat to the lifestyle of a few 
wealthy. Already at the time, Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, a catholic priest from the Spanish 
conquest to Hispanic America, named in your brief drafting of the destruction of the West Indies 
the true cause of the tremendous injustice that Spanish conquistadors committed with persons 
who found in their journey of discovery. Upon them who were Christians in name, but not by his 
conduct, says Las Casas that: 
The unique and real cause of the murder and the destruction of that frightening amount of 
innocent people at the hands of Christians was exclusively seize their gold" [0] Gustavo 
Gutierrez has formulated this liberating way of the houses with the following judgment: 
"God or gold". [1] 
And since those days until these, we don't see that the thirst for profit and ambition has dwindled 
much. On the contrary. Increasingly is worshipped the God Mammon more and more. This is an 
idolatry of many are in our modern society. 
Luis Fernando Ortiz is a student of Bachelor's degree in economics from the National 
Autonomous University of Mexico with a special interest in subjects such as political economy, 
history of economic thought, economic development and capitalism, and underdevelopment. It 
also participates in the College Ministry MIES UNAM. Ortiz finally said that it must be said that 
capitalism itself just doesn't work, and unless it is regulated generates an enormous amount of 
problems. Only remains to say that Keynes said an inconvenient truth for many:
International, decadent but individualistic, capitalism in whose hands we are after the 
war, is not a success. It is not intelligent, is not beautiful, is not fair, is not virtuous and non-delivery 
items. In a nutshell, we dislike and we began to despise him. But when we ask ourselves 
what will put in its place, we find extremely perplexed. [34] 
Gustavo Daniel Romero is resident in Hospital Administration from the University of 
Buenos Aires and graduated in Administration, in Psychology (with honors) and degree in 
Theology from Latinoamerican Biblical University and the Buenos Aires Biblical Institute. With 
ministerial training at the ISEDET and a higher diploma in Civil society organizations in 
FLACSO, is Honorary Member of the think tank "Hope Foundation" (Economics Department), 
official of the BCRA, collaborator of the "the economy Online", and the Institute of 
neuroscience, education and assistance, INEA Psychologist. Romero quoted to Chiara Lubich, an 
Italian Roman Catholic lay leader who founded (1943) the Focolare Movement, a lay 
organization dedicated to peace, spiritual renewal, and ecumenical dialogue. Lubich, who trained 
as a teacher, felt a religious calling and changed her name to Chiara in honor of St. Clare of 
Assisi but rejected joining a convent. She laid the foundations for the Focolare (“hearth”) 
Movement when she and other young women studied the Bible while gathered together in air-raid 
shelters during World War II. Lubich worked tirelessly to expand the movement’s values of 
spiritual unity and devotion to the poor in war-ravaged Europe and, later, throughout the world. 
Lubich’s many personal awards included the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion (1977), 
the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (1996), and the Council of Europe’s Human Rights 
Prize (1998). She proposes “The economy of communion is the economy of giving” [37], and 
wrote this beautiful poem 
Unlike the consumer economy,
which is based on the having culture, 
the economy of communion is 
the gift economy. 
This may seem difficult, arduous and heroic. 
But is not such because the man 
made in the image of God, who is love, 
find your own realization 
in love, in the clear. 
This requirement 
is in the depths of his being, 
beyond that is believer or not. 
And precisely in this finding, 
corroborated by our experience, 
the hope of a broadcast is based 
Universal of the economy of communion.[35]
The gold is important in this life but the gold is not God. It’s only a metallic object. Jesus 
says “And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and 
unto God the things which be God's.”(Luke 20:25 KJV) 
Other consulted Bibliography 
 funciones-basicas-de-la-empresa-segun-henri- fayol/ 
 funciones-empresa/elementos-funciones- 
 influencia-en-la-economia- 
 libertad-de-culto-en-los- 
[0] Las Casas, brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias occidentales (H. M. 
Enzensberger [ed.], Las Casas Bericht von der Verwüstung der Westindischen Länder, Frankfurt 
1981, S. 13). 
[1] Gustavo Gutiérrez: Dios o el oro en las Indias, siglo XVI, Lima 1989 (Gott oder das Gold. 
Der befreiende Weg des Bartholomé de Las Casas, Freiburg 1990). 
[3]Leopoldo Cervantes - Ortiz Editor & Jurgen Moltman Juan Calvino, su vida y su obra a 500 
años de su nacimiento. Ed. Clie. Pág. 268.] 
[4] Noah Webster, History of the United States, “Advice to the Young” (New Haven: CT, Durrie 
& Peck, 1832), 338-340. Citado en 
[5] Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracia en América (New York, NY: Vintage Classics, 1990), 
303. Citado en 
[6] George Washington, Primer Discurso Inaugural, Ciudad de Nueva York, 30 de abril de 1789. Citado en 
[9] los- fondos-buitres-que- 
[10] Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, Juan Calvino: Su Vida y Obra a 500 Años de Su Nacimiento, 
Pág. 267, Ed. Clie. (2010). Barcelona, España. 
[11] Ibíd., Pág. 267-268 
[12] vs- libertad-de-culto-en-los- 
[13] Juan Calvino: Su Vida y Obra a 500 Años de Su Nacimiento, Op. Cit. Pág. 266.Ed. Clie 
(2010). Barcelona, España. 
[14] Ibid, pág. 268 
[15] Howard G. Hendricks, El cielo puede ayudar, p. 12. Citado en Les Thompson, La Familia 
Desde Una Perspectiva Bíblica. Página 5. Revisión 2003 © 1995 Logoi, Inc. Derechos 
reservados Primera edición en castellano 1998 Segunda edición reeditada especialmente para el 
programa de estudios de FLET Universidad FLET 14540 S.W. 136 Street, Suite 202 Miami, 
Florida 33186 Estados Unidos. 
[16] Ibíd. 
[17] Ibíd., pág. 16 
[21] iseparar-el-matrimonio-estata 
recesion-el- impacto-de-la 
[31] WASHINGTON, 23/11/2010 (EFE – Edición: de 
[32] las-religiones-y- las-guerras-justa/ 
[34] quoted in Strauss-Kahn, D. (2011) ‘Desafíos mundiales, soluciones mundiales’ [Visto el 12 de junio de 
2014]. Quoted by Lic. Luis Fernando Ortíz, 
[35] Lubich, Chiara. Economía de Comunión - historia y profecía. Ciudad Nueva Grupo 
editorial: 2003 Quoted in 
[37] An economy based on giving in the context of relationship rather than making transactions 
simply for profit or personal material gain. This is in contrast to barter or commercial economies 
which rely on exchange of goods or labor for money - or for goods and labor of equal monetary 
value. Altruism is sometimes viewed as the basis for spreading wealth throughout a gift 
economy. However, the individual giver actually benefits indirectly. For example, social status 
and support in times of need may be obtained by those who give to others in the group or 
community. Most economies rely on both commercial aspects such as paid work and gift aspects 
such as volunteer or unpaid work.[URL= 
html ]

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Funcionamiento de un modelo económico

  • 1. Operation of an economic model Author: Paulo Arieu Course: Sociology 102. Teacher: Janet Rivera Date: 12-04-2012 I. Economy a) What is economy? Economy is the way in which the individuals of a society organized to solve the basic economic problems. It’s the study of the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services having an exchangeable value. And an economic model is a theoretical scheme of a system or complex reality, which is developed to facilitate understanding. b) Economic system:
  • 2. All economic system should be trying to answer three basic economic problems: a) What produce? b) How to produce? c) Who are the people to produce? To try to solve the three basic problems, there are mechanisms or economic systems: System of market economy, system of central planning, mixed economic system. All are theory and doctrinal based on very different economic conceptions. II. Economic models a) Market system or free enterprise. Pure capitalism: It is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and business management. Free and independent of state control, where the allocation of productive resources are made in a decentralized fashion by obeying decisions of thousands of economic agents that act guided by self-interest. b) Central planning. Communism Completely opposite to the previous vision takes precedence in Cuba and other communist countries, dominated by the trend towards central planning of the economy as extreme contrast of pure capitalism, characterized by the property of the Government on most of the means of production and making economic decisions in a centralized manner. The companies are owned by the Government and this is that through a central Planning Board determines when, how and how much produce. c) Mixed economies
  • 3. It’s an intermediate situation between the planned economy and the free market economy. Economic activity rests largely on the private sector, but public sector regulating this activity, acting to protect workers and redistribute income between the older and lower-income. III. Circular flow of the economy Economic agents (families or economies, domestic, business and public sector) do not live isolated, they are permanently connected. Among them there is a flow of income, a continuous flow of goods and services and in Exchange the payment of money and income. The circular flow of income is the current goods and services and payments between economic agents. The representation of the market economy system uses the scheme called circular flow, since the lines describe flows of wealth among agents. The outside shows the relationships between families and businesses. The families sent production factors (mainly work) to market factors, which are purchased by companies. Companies leave the goods and services to the market, where they are consumed by the families.
  • 4. Flows of goods and services factors are called actual flows, and are represented by internal arrows on the chart. Their counterparts, i.e., money that is paid the income with which the land-use is remunerated and capitals at the expense of the families are called financial flows, and they are represented by the external arrow. The center of the scheme shows the relations of the State with other agents. The State sells and buys goods and services in markets and factors paying and charging for them as well as families or companies. But simultaneously charged taxes and transfers income to families (e.g. retirement). The financial system receives deposits from households and made loans to the companies and the Government. Based on this graph, I will carry out the analysis of an economic model in an economy of capitalist, but improved type according to certain social premises of importance. Analysis: a) Companies: From the economic and social point of view, it’s an economic and social unit consisting of financial, technical and human factors with a certain structure and different objectives and whose function is to supply products and services to the society. It’s an organizational unit of an economic nature that, through the combination of the factors of production (capital, labor and raw materials), aims to obtain a benefit. To operate accurate undertaking some human average (managers and employees), financial resources, and technical and economic means. The companies make the production of goods and services. They must be well prepared to develop and manufacture products intended for sale. The company needs to know how to
  • 5. stock up on raw, and efficiently produce its product as we can then sell well. A skilled financial management is essential in order to make the most possible availability avoiding imprudent uses of capital. Their prices must be regulated by the free supply and demand. Without that the State should intervene at all rather than to monitor that the laws of the country are met and that the offered by the company suits with the asserted by it. Corporations must be based on the private ownership of the means of production and the free and autonomous management of State control, where the allocation of productive resources in decentralized obeying decisions of thousands of traders who operate guided by self-interest. Companies leave the goods and services to the market (internal and/or external), where it will be acquired for family consumption or resale. They must be prepared to pay their income tax to the State, so the state persists and administer justice and equity throughout the country. Companies must pay fair and competitive wages to their employees (supervisory staff, leaders and workers). They must pay proportional bonuses to profits that exceed the net value of the retained employee appreciation. They must also lead accounting records of sales and its operating costs. Their balance sheets must be supervised by professional accountant’s employees and external auditors. If the company is a financial institution / Bank, its purpose will be to raise money circulating in the market to then lend it at reasonable rates. But this revenue should be unlawful in the following cases: demand interest to the poor; invest capital to revenue, without taking into account aid to those in need; sign profit contracts without taking into account that we must treat
  • 6. others in the same way to wish to be treated [10], taking into account that "the distinctive christian action is the following of Christ. Jesus Christ is the incarnation personal, vivid and determinant of their cause: incarnation of a new style of life" says Hans Küng, a Swiss Catholic priest, theologian, and author. Since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic. He is notable for his rejection of the doctrine of papal infallibility. And that is truest because "God is the lawyer of poor and of foreigners". The credit is a normal and inevitable accident in the life of a society “and RIBA is perfectly lawful, provided it shall not apply to loans of the poor, who will surely be hampered to comply. Financial institutions should not ever act as "vulture funds". [9] b) State: Noah Webster was a writer in Connecticut (United States) and educator whose greatest achievement was 'An American Dictionary of the English language', published for the first time in 1828. Webster graduated from Yale in 1778, during the American Revolutionary War. It was unconditionally British anti and the new American nation, considered morally superior to Europe [25]. Noah Webster wrote that: "the principles and moral precepts found in the Scriptures should form the basis of all our constitutions and civil laws. These principles and precepts are base truth, immutable truth."[4] Alexis-Charles-Henri Clerel de Tocqueville, was a political thinker and French historian, best known for his democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and the old regime and the revolution (1856). In both cases, it analyzed to better standards of living and social conditions of individuals, as well as their relationship with the market and the State in Western societies. Democracy in America was published after Tocqueville on United States
  • 7. travel, and until this day, is considered a work of sociology and political science [26]. Alexis de Tocqueville said that: "there is no country in the world where the Christian religion has greater influence over the souls of men than in America; and there cannot be a test more than its utility, and of their conformity with human nature, the of that its influence is felt more powerfully over the nation more illustrious and free land."[5] George Washington was the first President of the United States (1789-1797), Commander in Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the founders of the United States. He chaired the Convention which drafted the United States Constitution, which replaced the articles of Confederation and is still the Supreme Law of the land [27]. George Washington, in his inaugural speech as the first President of the United States, referred to "the propitious smiles of heaven" that fall solely within that nation, which does not "ignore the eternal rules of order and justice which heaven itself has ordained." [6] “The authority of the King derives from the sovereignty of the people as God's people. If the King breaks the Pact, its authority rests with the people and those who represent him have the right and obligation to oppose him” [11] These ideas emerged the modern constitutional State, repealing the sacramental power and the mentality of serfdom. A sovereign that consistently breaks the mutual obligation of the Covenant of the Constitution, must be considered a tyrant declared. We must obey God that a similar Monster. [3] The State does not constitute the totality of human existence or encompasses all human hope. The man and his hope are beyond the reality of the State and beyond the sphere of political action. And this is true not only for a State to which one can describe as Babylon, but for any
  • 8. type of State [even "Christian"] (The myth of the State as a god, the myth of the State as paradise and the society without domination or power). The State cannot interfere or give preference to a religious denomination, but can also attack the foundations of today's Western society, which appointment as the French poet Paul Valery, "is founded on the Greek rationality, order Roman and Judeo-Christian spirituality" [12] The civil judge has the power of the sword. The State is authorized to use force to ensure justice and protect its borders. Governments do not govern by means of requests or suggestions. They rule by law, enforced by coercive legal means. Although the Governments with the power of the sword have authority to exercise the death penalty and participate in just wars [32] they will be responsible before God for the use of the sword. The law of God is superior to human law and every human authority has to undergo it. The State has a basic law, a Constitution; and the Government has to submit to the Constitution ("the State of modern law"). In the "rule of law", the law is above the Government; a ruler can do arbitrary decisions by the mere fact of being ruler. (See book of Deuteronomy 17:18-20).But we couldn’t be agree with the violence State like notice of Eric Garner, the new death by police violence that recently shocked New York [36] God instructs Governments that administer justice. When the Government governs within the limits of their role in God's order, we submit voluntarily to the authority of the State, because we understand that God has placed him in authority over us. However, when the State abused their authority or claims to be sovereign, we must obey God's transcendent law rather than that of the State. Our loyalty to God can call us at political participation in an effort to create a Government right and good. Fair participants can significantly influence the Government for the better.
  • 9. Max Weber, father of modern sociology, said that the State exercises the monopoly of violence by definition. But he added that faculty must be met through a process of "legitimacy", that in the case of the absolute monarchies is accepted by subordinates as divine law; but you can also come from a charismatic (subordinates accept power based on sanctity, heroism or exemplary of who exercises it) leadership or legitimacy racional (subordinates accept power in accordance with objective and impersonal motivations) which becomes synonym for legality. Because as the English Puritan poet John Milton said: “Not only King, but all men are configured in the image and likeness of God (image deo)”.[14] Easily and more than one century earlier, the lucid Rousseau set the legitimacy the "general will" gives it of those subject to the power. Version that agrees with the modern concept of democracy as Government "of the people, by the people and for the people", was a happy definition of Abraham Lincoln. What happens with these definitions is that they float in the air if it is not the State as carrier of the interest of the dominant social classes.[8] So that the order reigns, the State must guarantee the private property. But it should ensure that this property is not at the expense of others and which is placed at the service of the community. As a result, the property is not an absolute good. This limited and is conditional. The State must be secular and has to be separated from the Church (principle of church - state separation). This does not mean that the State should be against the religion of the people or that the ruler should be atheist. The State should not be atheist anti or anti Christ. And it must be respected throughout the State, the freedom of conscience of every inhabitant, whether tourist, citizen or resident. For this reason, must be guaranteed the freedom of religion and expression in
  • 10. the country. And the determination that this liberty Riga media (radio, television, press and internet). But from the year 1954 this religious freedom is threatened because Lyndon Johnson introduced an amendment to the tax code to protect anti-Communist groups that threatened his re-election. Lyndon Baines Johnson, often known as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States (1963-1969), a position which took after his service as the 37th Vice President (1961- 1963). Johnson, a Democrat from Texas, served as a United States representative from 1937 to 1949 and a United States Senator from 1949 to 1961, including six years as majority leader of the Senate, two as Senate minority leader and two as Senate majority whip.[24] Lyndon Baines Johnson replaced the assassinated Kennedy as President of the United States and oversaw major social reforms and expansion of the Viet Nam war [28]. Johnson was not aimed at churches, but their action affected them because the amendment establishes that those who are exempt from tax may not intervene in political campaigns. This amendment to the tax code was included without hearings or debate, literally was resolved in a matter of minutes. Many bishops, priests and Ministers are now confused and intimidated in regards to "preach about politics", to the point that some lawyers have advised the churches during the last election (2012-206), given that the President proposed in his re-election bid, churches had to mention it when they talked about the "culture of life." [2] In addition, the primary, secondary and tertiary education should be free. And it must legislate for loans financial College and graduate, they are easy to acquire. The free coverage of the basic health of every citizen and resident in the country and the legal assistance for the defense of an accused person of committing a crime must also be
  • 11. guaranteed. You must also have the safety of funeral and burial of their human remains if lack of money to cover the costs. Every inhabitant of this country (citizens and residents), has to be guaranteed by law, a minimum work in free and healthy conditions that will enable it to give a basic support to his family. Every 50 years, the State must ensure that poor and low-income, people be forgiven of their debts, including student debts. Every citizen should have access to adequate shelter for all citizens of this country guaranteed by law. Every person born within the limits of the border has to be able to be registered as a citizen. And also all legal resident, in one period not more than one year must have the real possibility of request and become a citizen. Also the State ruling should defend the ecosystem of the country and not allow its companies to destroy the global ecosystem. The State has to remember all its inhabitants that all living beings are interlinked in one way or another, since some need others to continue to exist. And that destroy ecosystems can be in many cases destructive for the next generation. c) Family: The family is the most basic and primitive kernel of human society. Therefore, the State must be defender of the healthy development of families. The human right to form a family is undeniable and indisputable. And companies must collaborate with the State in this anthropological purpose. Howard George Hendricks was a professor for more than 50 years in the Dallas Theological Seminary. As well he said Hendricks, is very clear that
  • 12. In today's world there are bizarre, hostile, destructive influences of homes. The ancient elements underpinning the society already we do not encourage or protect. Home... has to flourish in a field of weeds. [15] Therefore, it is impossible to doubt that the family as an institution is bankrupt or in way of the disaster. Social, psychological, and spiritual conflicts have affected so that the marriage and the family are seen by many people as institutions in the process of disappearing. However, both the marriage and the family are essential institutions, created by God even before the entrance of sin into the world. Therefore they will not disappear. Although like all other species in danger of extinction, the State has the obligation to zealously protect their harmonious development. Therefore, also is task of the whole society, increase the resistance against its decline, and family in such a way that arises a beauty special and remarkable in every one of the members of Christian homes. [16] Les Thompson was born in Cuba in 1931, and was ordained to the Christian minister in 1953. After preaching controversial messages about Christ and communism, he was forced to leave the island of Cuba, which allowed him to start his ministry in Latin America with the founding of LOGOI Ministries, FLET (one of the first long-distance theological universities) and the Guía Pastoral. Les Thompson explains that "marriage was conceived to relieve the fundamental loneliness experienced by every human being. In his case, according to the degree in which your spouse does not satisfy your needs - spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical- and the degree in which you do not fulfill the same needs of your spouse, in that same proportion, the two are still alone. But this is not in conformity with the plan of God, and can be remedied. The plan is that they will complement each other."[17]
  • 13. To make this healthy development of families, all people of this world must be able to have the absolute guarantee to work so that everyone can survive; but the work must be performed so that the poor are not exploited by the wealthy, foreigners by the natives, the weak by the strong [14] No single work is a basic human need, but also a right of every person in age to do so. To work with freedom guarantee psychological and physical harmonious development of the person, as well as their human subsistence. Parents should receive important economic allocations for each child and each child in school age. The parents of large families (more than 5 children), should be exempt from taxes or failing to pay one smaller percentage until the children reach the age of majority. Every citizen, after 30 years of contributions, a person may be entitled to retire. It should also be entitled to a decent pension a person who is disabled for health reasons if he is a citizen. The State should encourage the (civil) marriage of the couples. Around the world, grow the sociological evidence that live together without marriage undermines the institution of marriage, even more than the divorce, and that that hurts people, whether adults or children. The trend to lower the marriage grows more and more. There are afraid to remarry, divorce fear and afraid to engage. [30] United States, which has one of the highest rates of marriage in Western countries, also has the highest divorce rate, which makes that one in three children live with divorced parents. At the same time, according to a study about the obsolescence of the marriage and the changes in the family structure, 39% of respondents believe that marriage is an "obsolete" institution. The 121-page report prepared by the Pew Research Centre in coordination with Time magazine,
  • 14. points out that "the transformations of the last half-century have led to a huge decline of marriage and an increase in new forms of family".[31] In United States the Church, until today, acts as a subsidiary of the State agent, so the Church marriage implies automatically a marriage recognized by the State. Earlier, the U.S. Government acknowledged the existence of a marriage, but now instead of admit it redefines it, turning it into something totally dependent on State control. But given that the State recognizes various types of marriage, ideally, State to renounce the use of the term marriage instead of using it as seems to him he invented a new Word to reflect the types of union which recognizes. So at least we would have to get used to not talk about marriage to dry when we refer to which recognizes the State. R. R. Reno, Director of the journal First Things, proposes abandoning the term "civil marriage" (marriage by the Church is not uncivil) and adopt the "State marriage", reserving the word marriage, marriage in the Church. But, today are two substantially different things. It is time that the Church renounces compared two types of joints. Wrote Reno that “The Church can participate in a civil marriage, but should not participate in a State marriage” [21] John Rao, American of Sicilian origin, holds a PhD in history from the University of Oxford, and since 1979 teaches European history at St. John's University in New York, one of the great Catholic academic institutions of United States. He directed also The Roman Forum, founded in 1968 by the philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977) to defend Catholic doctrine and culture. Just published in Spain a job his, "The American illusion", incorporated into the volume Church and politics. Change of paradigm (itineraries), coordinated by Bernard Dumont, Miguel Ayuso and Danilo Castellano, collects twelve contributions of Catholic thinkers
  • 15. from around the world, all of them University professors, with a traditional perspective on the relationship between power and religion, secularity and secularism. Published simultaneously in Spanish, French and Italian, and soon in English, the book analyzes prospects introduced by the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican Council II, both at the time of its enactment in 1965 at the celebration of its fiftieth anniversary. The prospect of Rao is particularly interesting for its debunking, theoretical and historical, of the relations between Church and State in the United States, often considered an ideal to follow. Something that seems more questionable than ever as a result of the so-called "abortion mandate" of the Obama administration, which obliges all employers in the country, Catholic and Protestant institutions included (such as schools and hospitals), to ensure their workers with coverage of contraceptive practices, artificial insemination and even abortion the Catholic Church rejects. The American bishops have led a social reaction unprecedented in defense of religious freedom thus attacked. [33] Each family must be guaranteed the possibility of acquiring a home and a vehicle at an affordable price proportional to their income. You must also have the possibility of acquiring health insurance basics, if you don't have the resources to pay for a private one. To receive, wages should not be less than the cost of a basket of essential staples that allow the individual to subsist for the same period. Conclusion A new report from the United Nations Fund for children (UNICEF) revealed that 2.6 million children have gone to live below the poverty line in countries developed since 2008, so the total number of children living in poverty in the developed world already rises to some 76.5 million. The report children of the recession: the impact of the economic crisis on child well-
  • 16. being in rich countries (Report Card 12 of Innocenti Research Centre of UNICEF), presents a ranking of 41 countries of the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) depending on whether the levels of child poverty have grown or declined since 2008. This UNICEF report discussed the terrible effects of the economic crisis on children. Poverty amounted to 2.6 million children in countries developed since 2008. UNICEF has made public a report on the increase in child poverty in countries developed as a result of the economic downturn. He points out that, since 2008, the number of children living below the poverty line has increased by 2.6 million. A figure that reemphasizes the importance for children policies social protection in the current social context. It also keeps track of the proportion of young people aged between 15 and 24 years of age who work or study or receive training (rate NINI). The report includes also the data of the surveys Gallup Institute about the perception of the people about their economic situation and their hopes for the future since the beginning of the recession [29] Families, can’t be partakers of that "culture of the discard, because it reduces the human being to simple gear mechanism that treats it as a commodity that is used or rejected, as it is the case with the terminally ill, elderly abandoned without care, or the dead children before birth" [22] For this reason, I highlight this into an opportunity by Benedict XVI, the former religious leader of the Catholic Church, in one of his Homilies, when he lambasted the "seed of tension and conflict caused by the growing inequality between rich and poor examples". He also denounced "the prevalence of a selfish and individualistic mentality that also finds its expression in capitalism without regulation, in various forms of terrorism and crime". Benedict called for a
  • 17. new economic model and ethical regulations for markets, and said that the global financial crisis was proof that capitalism does not protect the weakest members of society. He also warned that food insecurity was a threat to the peace in some parts of the world... [20] It sounds like too strong. But, according to the judeo-Christian Scriptures, is the stark reality. "Love" rampant wealth, money is the root of many evils contrary to the divine will, morality, and ethics. Love money and everything so that it can be obtained, the man/woman is able of: prostitution /; kill; corrupt /; steal; traffic; damage; destroy; cause economic disasters, wars... “[18] It is that "love money", politicians, businessmen, and strangers, what has unleashed the current 'economic war' [19]. It is that the problem is not so much whether the economy must be agree to the capitalist model (or Socialist) but the ethical and moral perversion of the capitalists (or Socialist), that with his excessive ambition does not favor full employment not seeing it as a human right, but as a way of making the capitalist industrial objectives at the lowest possible cost. Capitalism (or socialism) must recover its humanism. But it is only through the message of Christ, who at the time of his humanity was the father in everything to as you can be capitalists to recover the fear of God who have lost. Because "all ills start when only thinking about money. By the desire to amass it, many forgot to obey God and ended up having many problems and sufferings." (1 Timothy 6 the Current Language Translation). The Economist Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976, said that "A free market is a necessary condition of individual freedom. Although necessary for freedom, capitalism is not only enough to secure it. It must be accompanied by a set of values and political institutions favorable to freedom [7]
  • 18. But how one can speak of God to human suffering and the poor have no livelihood for their children, nor right to health care, access to education, excluded from the social and cultural life marginalized and that they are considered a burden and a threat to the lifestyle of a few wealthy. Already at the time, Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, a catholic priest from the Spanish conquest to Hispanic America, named in your brief drafting of the destruction of the West Indies the true cause of the tremendous injustice that Spanish conquistadors committed with persons who found in their journey of discovery. Upon them who were Christians in name, but not by his conduct, says Las Casas that: The unique and real cause of the murder and the destruction of that frightening amount of innocent people at the hands of Christians was exclusively seize their gold" [0] Gustavo Gutierrez has formulated this liberating way of the houses with the following judgment: "God or gold". [1] And since those days until these, we don't see that the thirst for profit and ambition has dwindled much. On the contrary. Increasingly is worshipped the God Mammon more and more. This is an idolatry of many are in our modern society. Luis Fernando Ortiz is a student of Bachelor's degree in economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a special interest in subjects such as political economy, history of economic thought, economic development and capitalism, and underdevelopment. It also participates in the College Ministry MIES UNAM. Ortiz finally said that it must be said that capitalism itself just doesn't work, and unless it is regulated generates an enormous amount of problems. Only remains to say that Keynes said an inconvenient truth for many:
  • 19. International, decadent but individualistic, capitalism in whose hands we are after the war, is not a success. It is not intelligent, is not beautiful, is not fair, is not virtuous and non-delivery items. In a nutshell, we dislike and we began to despise him. But when we ask ourselves what will put in its place, we find extremely perplexed. [34] Gustavo Daniel Romero is resident in Hospital Administration from the University of Buenos Aires and graduated in Administration, in Psychology (with honors) and degree in Theology from Latinoamerican Biblical University and the Buenos Aires Biblical Institute. With ministerial training at the ISEDET and a higher diploma in Civil society organizations in FLACSO, is Honorary Member of the think tank "Hope Foundation" (Economics Department), official of the BCRA, collaborator of the "the economy Online", and the Institute of neuroscience, education and assistance, INEA Psychologist. Romero quoted to Chiara Lubich, an Italian Roman Catholic lay leader who founded (1943) the Focolare Movement, a lay organization dedicated to peace, spiritual renewal, and ecumenical dialogue. Lubich, who trained as a teacher, felt a religious calling and changed her name to Chiara in honor of St. Clare of Assisi but rejected joining a convent. She laid the foundations for the Focolare (“hearth”) Movement when she and other young women studied the Bible while gathered together in air-raid shelters during World War II. Lubich worked tirelessly to expand the movement’s values of spiritual unity and devotion to the poor in war-ravaged Europe and, later, throughout the world. Lubich’s many personal awards included the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion (1977), the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (1996), and the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Prize (1998). She proposes “The economy of communion is the economy of giving” [37], and wrote this beautiful poem Unlike the consumer economy,
  • 20. which is based on the having culture, the economy of communion is the gift economy. This may seem difficult, arduous and heroic. But is not such because the man made in the image of God, who is love, find your own realization in love, in the clear. This requirement is in the depths of his being, beyond that is believer or not. And precisely in this finding, corroborated by our experience, the hope of a broadcast is based Universal of the economy of communion.[35]
  • 21. The gold is important in this life but the gold is not God. It’s only a metallic object. Jesus says “And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.”(Luke 20:25 KJV) --------------- Other consulted Bibliography  5.html  funciones-basicas-de-la-empresa-segun-henri- fayol/  funciones-empresa/elementos-funciones- empresa.shtml  influencia-en-la-economia- y-la-politica/    libertad-de-culto-en-los- estados-unidos/ Notes
  • 22. [0] Las Casas, brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias occidentales (H. M. Enzensberger [ed.], Las Casas Bericht von der Verwüstung der Westindischen Länder, Frankfurt 1981, S. 13). [1] Gustavo Gutiérrez: Dios o el oro en las Indias, siglo XVI, Lima 1989 (Gott oder das Gold. Der befreiende Weg des Bartholomé de Las Casas, Freiburg 1990). [2] [3]Leopoldo Cervantes - Ortiz Editor & Jurgen Moltman Juan Calvino, su vida y su obra a 500 años de su nacimiento. Ed. Clie. Pág. 268.] [4] Noah Webster, History of the United States, “Advice to the Young” (New Haven: CT, Durrie & Peck, 1832), 338-340. Citado en htm [5] Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracia en América (New York, NY: Vintage Classics, 1990), 303. Citado en [6] George Washington, Primer Discurso Inaugural, Ciudad de Nueva York, 30 de abril de 1789. Citado en [7] vs-religion/ [8]
  • 23. [9] los- fondos-buitres-que- atacan-argentina/ [10] Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, Juan Calvino: Su Vida y Obra a 500 Años de Su Nacimiento, Pág. 267, Ed. Clie. (2010). Barcelona, España. [11] Ibíd., Pág. 267-268 [12] vs- libertad-de-culto-en-los- estados-unidos/ [13] Juan Calvino: Su Vida y Obra a 500 Años de Su Nacimiento, Op. Cit. Pág. 266.Ed. Clie (2010). Barcelona, España. [14] Ibid, pág. 268 [15] Howard G. Hendricks, El cielo puede ayudar, p. 12. Citado en Les Thompson, La Familia Desde Una Perspectiva Bíblica. Página 5. Revisión 2003 © 1995 Logoi, Inc. Derechos reservados Primera edición en castellano 1998 Segunda edición reeditada especialmente para el programa de estudios de FLET Universidad FLET 14540 S.W. 136 Street, Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33186 Estados Unidos. [16] Ibíd. [17] Ibíd., pág. 16 [18]
  • 24. [19] [20] [21] iseparar-el-matrimonio-estata [22] Europa_0_2391960781.html [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] recesion-el- impacto-de-la [30] [31] WASHINGTON, 23/11/2010 (EFE – Edición: de html
  • 25. [32] las-religiones-y- las-guerras-justa/ [33] [34] quoted in Strauss-Kahn, D. (2011) ‘Desafíos mundiales, soluciones mundiales’ [Visto el 12 de junio de 2014]. Quoted by Lic. Luis Fernando Ortíz, pobreza-en-el-mundo.html [35] Lubich, Chiara. Economía de Comunión - historia y profecía. Ciudad Nueva Grupo editorial: 2003 Quoted in html [36] [37] An economy based on giving in the context of relationship rather than making transactions simply for profit or personal material gain. This is in contrast to barter or commercial economies which rely on exchange of goods or labor for money - or for goods and labor of equal monetary value. Altruism is sometimes viewed as the basis for spreading wealth throughout a gift economy. However, the individual giver actually benefits indirectly. For example, social status and support in times of need may be obtained by those who give to others in the group or community. Most economies rely on both commercial aspects such as paid work and gift aspects such as volunteer or unpaid work.[URL= html ]