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A state of
In America’s heartland, Missouri
is transforming itself into a center
for biotechnology and sustainable
businesses that can help the planet.

      In Partnership with

                                                                                                             Missouri ranks second
                                                                                                                in the Nation in the
                                                                                                                  number of farms.

If the words “heartland” and “cutting edge”                                             man and CEO Tomas Hode, a Ph.D. from
                                                                                        Sweden who founded the company. In
don’t seem to have much in common, think                                                moving to Missouri, he got not only af-
again and take a hard look at Missouri.                                                 fordable office space but also financing,

Along with its traditional harvest of corn                                              mentoring, and room to grow. “I am
                                                                                        very, very happy here,” he says.
and soybeans, Missouri is growing a very                                                    Take a 30-minute drive from Colum-
                                                                                        bia, and there’s Soy Labs, a onetime
different kind of crop these days—          York, and South Carolina, and even          California company. It will soon be the
young companies that are looking to         some from countries as far away as the      first tenant in the Missouri Plant Sci-
leave their mark on the world by curing     United Kingdom and Israel.                  ence Center, now under construction in
cancer, feeding the hungry, solving the         Consider Immunophotonics, a small       the small town of Mexico. In addition
energy crisis, and tackling the other       company that has developed a minimally      to office and lab space, the center will
critical challenges facing the planet.      invasive laser-assisted vaccine designed    include a pilot manufacturing plant de-
    The entrepreneurs behind these          to treat metastatic breast cancer. A        signed to help companies easily move
fledgling firms are dreaming big.           year ago, the company moved into the        from the lab into initial manufacturing.
They’re also getting lots of support        University of Missouri’s brand-new Life     And that, says Soy Labs president Ryan
from state and local government, as         Science Business Incubator in Columbia,     Schmidt, means his fledgling company
well as from Missouri’s leading universi-   where $300 a month buys furnished           will be able to get its product to market
ties and prestigious research institutes.   work space, shared office equipment,        without first investing in its own labora-
The resulting spirit of collaboration and   and access to mentoring resources. “We      tory or production plant.
innovation is luring companies from         moved into the incubator to take this           “It would cost us easily 50% to 80%
high-profile states like California, New    to FDA approval in the U.S.,” says chair-   more to do this same work in California,”


says Schmidt, whose company develops          past year, Express Scripts’ positive eco-    initiatives designed to chart the state’s
cholesterol-reducing soy products that        nomic impact on Missouri should con-         future economy.
can be added to supplements, foods,           tinue to grow. It’s a story that the state       One of the most ambitious is
or beverages. He expects to have 20           is anxious to replicate, and it’s work-      Missouri’s Strategic Initiative for Eco-
employees on-site within nine months,         ing hard to do just that. Building on its    nomic Growth. Launched this summer
and hopes to eventually build a plant in      diverse agricultural base, the state is      by Governor Jay Nixon, its stated pur-
the 70-acre business park that abuts the      helping launch companies that can take       pose is to transform the state’s economy
center. “If you can grow companies and        advantage of Missouri’s great natural        in the next five years. “We want to be
grow entrepreneurs in this down econ-         resources, world-class universities, out-    proactive, not reactive,” says Nixon of
omy,” he says, “just wait until the econ-     standing quality of life, and supportive     the project, which will ultimately iden-
omy turns around to see what happens.”	       business environment.                        tify the six or eight initiatives that hold
                                                  Missouri uses a traditional toolbox      the most promise for Missouri. “We
Homegrown Success Stories                     of tax credits, tax rebates, and govern-     need to know where we are going if we
Missouri—which proudly touts its nick-        ment grants to attract companies to          are going to get there.”
name, “The Show-Me State”—takes this          the state. But there’s more. The state           The project—business-led and data-
culture of entrepreneurship seriously.
Studies show that business startups
play a major role in job creation, in
some areas providing as much as 12%
of employment, according to the Kauff-
man Foundation, a Kansas City–based
organization devoted to entrepreneur-
ship. The state has only to look at some
of its own success stories to see what
can happen.
    Express Scripts, for one, started in
1986 with the innovative idea of provid-
ing mail-order pharmacy services. “Our
founder looked at millions of patients
taking maintenance medications for
chronic diseases, and he wondered why
they were being forced to drive to a
pharmacy every 30 days,” says CFO Jeff
Hall. For the next 25 years, the company
implemented a series of breakthrough                                                                               Kansas City skyline,
methods that continue to make the use                                                                               highlighted by the
                                                                                                                historic Union Station.
of prescription drugs safer, more ef-
fective, and more affordable. With its
commitment to R&D, Express Scripts,
now headquartered on the campus of
the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has     receives a spotless AAA bond rating          driven—is moving fast. With a 41-mem-
flourished. Revenues in 2009 reached          from all three rating agencies, and for      ber steering committee comprising busi-
$24.7 billion, and they are projected to      the past two years it has balanced its       ness, industry, labor, civic, and education
exceed $40 billion in 2010.                   budget without raising taxes. In a CNBC      leaders, the initiative has garnered
     The impact on the state’s economy?       rating of states with the lowest cost of     broad support. Its final report is due on
When you add up Express Scripts’ pay-         doing business, Missouri ranks fifth.        the Governor’s desk by March 31.
roll, the business it does with local sup-        These days the state is finding that        Such aggressive pursuit of business in-
pliers, capital investment, charitable        some of its strongest appeal comes           novation isn’t a surprise to Missourians.
contributions, and taxes, the amount          from Missouri’s community approach to        After all, this is the state that launched
that the company contributes to Mis-          problem-solving, its collaborative spirit,   the Lewis and Clark expedition and gave
souri totals nearly $1 billion a year. And,   and its willingness to think outside the     birth to the Pony Express. Missouri is
after opening its multimillion-dollar         box. This penchant for innovation and        the state that invented the ice cream
Technology & Innovation Center this           independent thinking is clear in the         cone and built the space modules used

The future of aerospace is alive and well in the Greater

St. Louis region. Thanks to the confidence of our

customers and the exceptional efforts of our workforce,

local community support, and our elected officials,

Boeing has won substantial contracts for the F/A-18

Super Hornet and F-15. We applaud everyone who

contributed to this legacy of aerospace leadership

and are committed to building on that honor.

                                                                                             resources.” The company is doing its part
                                                                      Greenhouses at the
                                                                                             to address these challenges by develop-
                                                                       Donald Danforth
                                                                    Plant Science Center,    ing better tools for farmers, including
                                                                                St. Louis.
                                                                                             advanced hybrid and biotech seeds.
                                                                                                Still, getting the world to see the
                                                                                             potential provided by new agricultural
                                                                                             innovations can be challenging. “People
                                                                                             don’t understand how significantly
                                                                                             farmers could improve their lot by sim-
                                                                                             ply using hybrid seed,” says Begemann.
                                                                                             Example: In three short years, the intro-
                                                                                             duction of hybrid corn seed transformed
                                                                                             Malawi from a country where people
                                                                                             were starving to one that is now export-
                                                                                             ing its own corn.

                                                                                             Animal Kingdom
                                                                                             In the western part of Missouri, the fo-
                                                                                             cus shifts from plants to animals. Once
                                                                                             home to the Kansas City Stockyards, this
                                                                                             region has now positioned itself as the
Missouri ranks third in the Small Business                                                   nation’s animal health center, produc-
and Entrepreneurship Council’s Energy                                                        ing everything from animal vaccines

Cost Index 2010, which measures where                                                        and veterinary supplies to livestock feed
                                                                                             and pet products. Some 32% of the $19
the 50 states stand in terms of how major                                                    billion global animal health industry is
energy costs affect small businesses,                                                        based in the Kansas City area, making it

individuals, and families.                                                                   the largest single concentration of ani-
                                                                                             mal health companies in the world.
                                                                                                  Why Kansas City? Located in the geo-
                                                                                             graphic center of the U.S., the Kansas
in the Gemini and Mercury space proj-        chairman of the center named for his fa-        City region is within 350 miles of 45%
ects. These days, it’s home to a growing     ther. “If you don’t have something great        of all the country’s feedlot cattle, 40%
number of scientists who are splitting       in your community, you don’t have a             of its hogs, and 20% of its beef cows
genomes, creating new energy frontiers,      great community.”                               and calves. The region has five veteri-
and changing the face of agriculture.            Next door to the Danforth Center, a         nary schools located within a 300-mile
                                             new bioresearch park is attracting young        radius. In 2007, the U.S. Animal Health
Sustainable Agriculture                      plant-science firms. Across the street          Association moved its headquarters to
In the eastern part of the state near        from the center is Monsanto, the former         nearby St. Joseph after decades in Vir-
St. Louis, the emphasis is on plant sci-     chemical company that has remade itself         ginia. Small surprise, then, that the re-
ences. It is here that the prestigious       by focusing on agriculture. Along the           gion boasts such well-known brands as
Danforth Plant Science Center is work-       way, it has become a major force in the         Advantix, Beneful, and Greenies, as well
ing to develop new varieties of crops,       search for new ways to make agriculture         as companies like Switzerland’s Nestle
ranging from cassava with improved           more sustainable. Its sprawling 500-acre        Purina Petcare and Israel’s Teva Animal
nutritional qualities to disease-resistant   facility is filled with scientists who take     Health Inc. “A very large part of the
and drought-tolerant plants, and new         that charge seriously.                          global industry is sitting right here,” says
biofuels to create a sustainable energy          Given the projections for world             George Heidgerken, president and CEO
source, as well as ways to reduce pesti-     population growth, agriculture has a            of animal health company Boehringer
cide and fertilizer use.                     big job—doubling food production by             Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. and chairman
    “Our goal is to improve nutrition,       2050, says Brett Begemann, Monsanto’s           of the advisory board for the KC Animal
end starvation, preserve the environ-        executive vice president of global seeds        Health Corridor.
ment, and build St. Louis as a center for    and traits. “And we’ll have to do it on              Then there are the biomedical
plant science,” says William H. Danforth,    the same amount of land and with fewer          companies. Some have their roots in


                                                                            State Fact File:

                                       •	Missouri was named after       •	Walt Disney, who grew                theater seats than the Broad-
                                         a tribe whose name meant         up in Marceline, based               way theater district
                                         “town of the large canoes.”      Disneyland’s Main Street             in New York.
                                                                          USA on that town.
                                       •	Missouri was the first state                                        •	In 2010, Missouri
                                         to free its slaves.            •	Rock Port, with a population         celebrated the
                                                                          of 1,300, is the first city in       175th anniversary
                                       •	The state boasts more than       the U.S. to be powered               of Mark Twain’s
                                         95 wineries, which have an       by wind.                             birth, the 125th an-
                                         economic impact of more                                               niversary of his
                                         than $700 million a year.      •	Branson, located in south-           work Adventures
                                                                          east Missouri, boasts more           of Huckleberry Finn, and
                                       •	The state nickname—“The                                               the 100th anniversary of his
                                         Show Me State”—was coined                                             death.
                                         in 1899 when Congressman
                                         Willard Duncan Vandiver                                             •	The agricultural sector
                                         stated: “I’m from Missouri                                            accounts for 13.3% of the
                                         and you’ve got to show me.”                                           state’s gross product.
Member SIPC © Edward Jones, 2010

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genome-sequencing projects at the
universities; others have sprung from                                                                        GoodS roll off the line
                                                                                                                in a Missouri plant.
Missouri hospitals. Still others have ar-
rived from outside the state to capital-
ize on Missouri’s research capabilities
and incubator support. The collabora-
tive approach to both science and eco-
nomic development translates into lots
of room for translational science, which
means that breakthroughs in one disci-
pline can easily be applied in another.
     At Washington University, located
at the western edge of Forest Park in
St. Louis, that kind of interdisciplinary
approach is hardwired into the curricu-
lum. Students are encouraged to take
courses in any of the university’s various
schools, and it’s not uncommon to find
a biology major minoring in music or
a student in the art school graduating
with a dual major in economics.
    Then there is the university’s Skan-
dalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Stud-                  Missouri’s Central Location
ies. While located within the business
school, it funds and coordinates courses
across all schools and programs at the
university. Every year, it awards more
than $200,000 in seed money for com-
mercial and nonprofit ventures. Recent
                                                 Within 500 miles of:
winners include a customized earbud
company, a DNA sequencing lab, a loca-
                                               • 44% of U.S. population
vore food market, and a group that uses        • 38% of U.S. personal
ballroom dancing to build self-esteem            income                                    500 Miles
and confidence among fifth-graders.            • 45% of total U.S.
    With about 6,000 full-time under-            households
graduates and 5,600 full-time students
                                               • 46% of total U.S.
in graduate and professional programs,
Washington University has also been a
magnet for talent. “We have become
one of the major importers of human
resources in the state,” says Chancellor
Mark S. Wrighton. “Approximately 90%
of our students come from outside Mis-       Missouri is located        to markets all over the        and more than 1,000
souri, and about 30% remain in the re-       near the country’s geo-    world. The state has           miles of waterways.
gion after graduation.”                      graphic and population     been ranked as one of             The state is a hub of
                                             centers and is a virtual   the best for manufac-          business activity, with
Incubating Breakthrough Ideas                “next-door-neighbor”       turing and logistics.          more than 160,000
At the University of Missouri system,        to at least 20 states.         Missouri has the 7th       tons of cargo and 20
new policies are helping the four-           The state’s proximity      largest highway system         million airline passen-
campus system aggressively tackle the        also allows for effi-      in the U.S., two of the        gers transported by air
challenge of growing new companies.          cient “quick shipping”     largest rail terminals,        each year.
A few years ago, the system expanded
its stated mission to include economic


development, and ever since it has been       commercialize. Then it reinvests a signifi-   This year, some $600,000 was available
overhauling the way it develops, at-          cant portion of what’s left in the inven-     for fast-track faculty projects—inventions
tracts, grows, and invests in fledgling       tor’s department.                             that needed a bit more money to see if
businesses. “We color outside the lines,”         The university system also took aim       they could be commercialized. There is
says Mike Nichols, vice president of re-      at the state’s Sunshine Law, which re-        also a brand-new $5 million seed-capital
search and economic development.              quired its public-private partnerships and    fund for direct investment, which Nich-
    On one front, the university sys-         collaborations to be transparent to the       ols sees as offering the state big returns.
tem—which has nearly 70,000 students          public. That law was making it nearly im-     “We’re not looking to make money.
on its four campuses—has revamped             possible for the university to work with      We’re looking to create jobs,” he says.
some longstanding practices to make it        companies concerned about revealing               The result is more small companies
easier to attract talent. Most recently,      business plans, financial information, or     populating a growing number of uni-
it changed its rules to allow students to     trade secrets that could endanger their       versity-affiliated high-tech incubators
own outright any intellectual property        competitiveness, Nichols says. This sum-      that are designed to foster growth in
they develop while in school. It also takes   mer, Senate Bill 733 revised that law,        plant science, animal health, biomedical
a generous approach to its faculty inven-     leveling the playing field between public     innovations, and other attractive areas.
tors, letting them keep one-third off         and privately funded institutions.            “I feel like a kid in a candy store,” says
the top of any revenues produced by a             The university has even begun making      Nichols, who spent 25 years launching
technology that the university chooses to     direct investments in startup companies.      new companies before joining the uni-
                                                                                            versity. “I get to leverage other people’s
                                                                                            money, make money for them, and teach
Missouri ranks fifth in the Tax Foundation’s                                                others how to do it.”

Corporate Income Tax Index, which looks                                                         These incubators offer the commu-
                                                                                            nity more than just job generation. At
at the impact of each state’s principal tax                                                 the Christopher S. “Kit” Bond Science
on business activities within the state.                                                    and Technology Incubator in St. Joseph,

Gary Clapp runs a unit that’s located on
the Missouri Western State University
                                                                                  Job Momentum in Missouri
campus. He also teaches a course on
bio-manufacturing that’s designed to
provide real-world experience to college                  Companies were asked: Over the next 12 months,
students so they understand of the rules,                 does your business plan on increasing, maintaining,
regulations, and restrictions that apply                  or decreasing your current employment levels?
when bringing a product to market.
     As head of the Institute for Indus-                   Maintaining                                                                                       65.7%
trial and Applied Life Sciences, Clapp also
has worked with the local school district
to get more math and science into the                       Increasing                                   23.3%
classroom. Yet Clapp says workforce de-
velopment is something that needs to be
addressed even before kids start school.                    decreasing                    11.0%
Citing new programs that target the pre-
                                                                                                                             Source: MERIC Missouri Business survey 2010
school population, he says, “Training has
to begin as soon as a family gets started.”
                                                 by the Independence school district, is                           visitors watch operations. “We call this
Supporting Fledgling Entrepreneurs	              aimed at attracting young companies.                              our Grey’s Anatomy suite,” says Tom
In Independence, an old hospital is in           But in renovating the building, the de-                           Lesnak, president of Independence Eco-
the process of being transformed into            signers have kept in mind the impor-                              nomic Development, noting that stu-
an incubator that will feature not only          tance of science education. In convert-                           dents will now be able to watch chemi-
scientific wet labs but also kitchen work-       ing an old surgical suite into a lab, they                        cal experiments without being exposed
space. The Ennovation Center, owned              retained the viewing area that once let                           to chemicals or fumes.

      We’re Proud to Call                                       0         10          20          30           40          50          60          70           80
      Missouri Home
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                                                               Monsanto and Vine Design® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. ©2010 Monsanto Company.                                               S11
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         Monsanto • Ameren                                        SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
  •Reinsurance Group of America •
       Charter Communications
  • Peabody Energy • Smurfit-Stone
    Container • Graybar Electric •
    Centene • Energizer Holdings
• Ralcorp Holdings • Jones Financial •                        Historical Snapshots:
       Arch Coal • Brown Shoe
   • Sigma-Aldrich • Patriot Coal •
      Solutia • Laclede Group •
                                                                                 •	The 10-story Wainwright
                                                                                   Building, designed by Louis
                                                                                   Sullivan and built in 1891, is
                                                                                   considered the world’s first
                                                                                   skyscraper. Still standing in
                                                                                   downtown St. Louis, the
                                                                                   building marked a
                                                                                   turning point in
                                                                                   building design
                                                                                   due to its load-
                                             •	The Pony Express, born in           bearing steel

  Home of                    19                St. Joseph in 1860, improved
                                               communications across the
                                               country by shortening mail

                                                                                 •	Food firsts are
 FORTUNE 1000™                                 delivery from St. Joseph to
                                               Sacramento, Calif. The fastest
                                                                                   common: The ice
                                                                                   cream cone was re-
  Headquarters                                 trip made during the compa-
                                               ny’s brief 18-month history:
                                                                                   portedly invented at
                                                                                   the St. Louis World’s Fair in
                                               seven days and 17 hours.            1904. Other iconic Ameri-
                                                                                   can foods—including the
                                             •	Born a slave, Missouri native       hot dog, Dr Pepper, cotton
     18 Largest Metro
         th                                    George Washington Carver            candy, and iced tea—were
                                                       discovered 300 uses         popularized at the fair. Aunt
                                                        for peanuts. The agri-     Jemima’s pancake flour, in-
     Leading Financial                                 cultural chemist            vented in St. Joseph, was the
      Services Center                           also developed a crop rota-        first ready-mix food to be in-
                                               tion system for Southern cot-       troduced commercially.
 Second Only to Wall Street
                                               ton farmers that made use of
                                               soil-enriching plants such as     •	The University of
25 Colleges and Universities                   peanuts, soybeans, sweet po-        Missouri opened the
                                               tatoes, and pecans.                 world’s first school of
       National Leader                                                             journalism on Sept. 14,
  in Plant and Life Sciences                 •	In the early 1870s, Adolphus        1908. By the end of the day
                                               Busch was the first Ameri-          students and faculty edi-
        Affordable Living                      can brewer to adopt the use         tors had published its first
                                               of pasteurization, allowing         newspaper.
                                               beer to be shipped
                                               long distances with-                    •	 McDonnell Aircraft,
                                               out spoiling. He also                   which later merged with
                                               pioneered the use of                   Boeing, built space cap-
                                               artificial refrigera-                 sules for Project Mercury,
                                               tion, refrigerated rail              the first U.S. manned space
                                               cars, and rail-side                  program, as well as for
                                               icehouses.                           Project Gemini.

     FORTUNE 1000 is a trademark of the
    Fortune Magazine division of Time Inc.

Mercy Delivers                                                            The Mercy SafeWatch
                                                                          team monitors over 400

the Future of                                                             ICU patients in four states
                                                                          from its command center
                                                                          in St. Louis.

Health Care

Making Missouri Healthier—Physically and Financially
With 400 locations and nearly 22,000 co-workers and physi-
cians across the state, Mercy touches the lives of approxi-
mately 1.8 million Missourians each year. As an employer,
Mercy provides approximately $104 million in payroll each                                                                   The online ser-
month to build stronger families and local economies. The                                                                   vice MyMercy
                                                                                                                            lets patients
economic benefit of Mercy in the St. Louis area alone has                                                                   contact their
been estimated at $2.2 billion in 2009.                                                                                     doctor and
                                                                                                                            manage their
                                                                                                                            health when
$450 Million Electronic Health Record Investment Improves                                                                   it’s most
Patient Experience
Mercy joins just 2.6% of providers nationwide (including Johns
Hopkins and Mayo Clinic) that use an electronic health record
to its fullest. Each day, doctors and caregivers place an average
of 60,000 orders for care and track over 30,000 medication
administrations, improving safety and outcomes for patients.

New Personal Health Record Empowers People to
Better Manage Health                                                  Springfield Distribution Center Facilitates
MyMercy, an online connection with a personal physician,              Supply Chain Operations
opens up unlimited possibilities in managing health. With             Mercy’s supply chain operating division, Resource Optimization
the right information and a convenient connection to their            and Innovation (ROi), processes 2.1 million pick commands per
doctor, people can make smarter decisions and live more               year from its warehouse. ROi returned over $22 million in net
productive lives.                                                     financial benefit to customers in fiscal 2009 and was ranked
                                                                      second in the world in the AMR Research Healthcare Supply
Nation’s Largest Single-Hub Electronic ICU Extends Care               Chain Top 25 for 2009, just behind Johnson & Johnson.
to Remote Hospitals
Mercy’s SafeWatch program brings specially trained physicians         Mercy Partners with Employers to Reduce Expenditures
called “intensivists” to over 400 ICU beds in four states. Based      Holding the cost of employee health benefits to half the national
in St. Louis, SafeWatch represents the future of telemedicine;        average is a big win for a large employer in Springfield, Mo. who
it provides extra support and expertise to a patient’s bedside        partnered with Mercy. Mercy’s ongoing education and health
care team in remote hospitals.                                        programs help employers control costs and manage health.

$60 Million Data Center Processes Two Terabytes of                    154 Years of Firsts, Pioneered by the Sisters of Mercy
Information Every Second                                              For a century and a half, the Sisters of Mercy served Missouri by
Mercy chose Washington, Mo. from more than 20 sites in the            providing hospitals and nursing training where there were none.
Midwest to build its data center. The center supports Mercy’s         Following in the Sisters’ footsteps, Mercy continues to innovate
clinical and operational functions across four states. Built on       today by listening and meeting the needs of people in the
Missouri bedrock, it can withstand a variety of                                      Midwest. Mercy is delivering a new model of care
natural events—including a tornado with 157-                                         and bringing the future of health care to Missouri.
mph winds. With a 99.99% availability of data
and files, its backup systems ensure that doctors
and clinicians can continue to serve patients.                                          To learn more about Mercy, visit                                          S13

    Education was also a consideration in     state’s public universities and colleges     ployees continuing engineering courses
renovating the hospital kitchens, which       topped 255,000—an increase of more           that build its talent pipeline. And the
now serve as a leasable culinary work-        than 10,000 students over last year.         training connection goes even deeper.
space. Fully renovated, the area is divided                                                “We invest in all tiers of the education
into five kitchens and boasts $250,000 of     Developing a Talent Pool                     system,” says Muilenburg, noting that
new cooking equipment ranging from            Corporations, too, are playing a key role    one of his favorites is a high school FIRST
ovens to mixers to a smoker. Already be-      in workforce development. The state          robotics competition. “We actually have
ing leased to tenants who need space to       has been working hard to not only ask        a couple of engineers working for us
develop products and start production, it     employers to identify the kinds of skills    who were part of that program.”
will eventually house a culinary arts edu-    they view as necessary for their contin-         Edward Jones, too, has found the
cation program, as well.                      ued growth, but also to create those         state to be a place where the spirit of
     “This is so much fun,” says the kitch-   programs in the state’s universities, col-   collaboration ranges from lofty goals
en’s first tenant, Jennifer Ward, as she      leges, and two-year schools.                 like training the workforce to nuts-and-
was running a test batch of gluten-free          Boeing is a prime example. The            bolts business development. Founded
cookies through the new rotating con-         aerospace giant’s defense, space, and        in 1922, the financial services firm has

Missouri ranks                                                                                                        A Boeing employee

fifth in the cost of                                                                                               building a fighter jet
                                                                                                                             in St. Louis.

doing business in
America’s Top States
for Business, an
index compiled
by CNBC that is
based on each
state’s tax burden
on individuals,
property, and
business, as well
as utility and
energy costs.
vection ovens. For Ward, the incubator        security unit is headquartered in St.        grown over the years and recently over-
is a way to build her business; to Lesnak,    Louis, where it produces products rang-      saw a significant expansion that hinged
it’s a way to build a community. “Sta-        ing from tactical aircraft to unmanned       in part on the state’s willingness to
tistics show that 85% of all incubator        systems. In 2007, it launched a program      accelerate replacement of a key inter-
companies stay in the community where         with the State of Missouri and St. Louis     change off Interstate 270.
they started,” he says.                       Community College to retrain people               “In Missouri, there is a real and
     Recognizing the importance of edu-       for sheet metal assembly. “It is an in-      widespread understanding of the value
cation to workforce development, the          credibly productive relationship,” says      and necessity for a good business en-
state has worked hard to make college         Dennis Muilenburg, president and CEO         vironment,” says Jim Weddle, Edward
more accessible. Govenor Nixon and the        of Boeing Defense, Space & Security.         Jones managing partner. “As a result,
state’s public higher education institu-      “This program trains individuals in the      the state, the region, and localities co-
tions—including both two-year and             key skills needed for the aircraft assem-    operate. They recognize that working
four-year colleges—agreed to freeze           bly process.”                                together they can achieve far more than
tuition for the past two years despite           Boeing also partners with Washing-        working apart. This cooperation drives
challenges posed by the economy. As a         ton University and Missouri University of    economic development. “
result, this fall, total enrollment in the    Science and Technology, offering its em-         Some see Missouri’s pioneer past


   A Powerhouse                                  Health Care for the                                  Web Directory
    for Missouri                                   Underserved
                                                                                                  Missouri Dept. of Economic Development
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Ameren Missouri serves 1.2 million electric          For more than 25 years, states have        
and 126,000 natural gas customers in 63              relied on Centene Corp. to provide health                       Ameren
counties and 500 towns. Part of St. Louis-           care services and programs to its most
based Ameren Corp. (NYSE: AEE), Ameren               vulnerable and underserved residents.            
Missouri is critical to the state’s economy.         Centene has been proud to call Missouri                          Boeing
Its electric rates are about 33% below the           home to its corporate headquarters for               
national average, while it has invested              the past decade, benefiting greatly from                 Centene Corporation
more than $1 billion in infrastructure proj-         the pioneering spirit so deeply ingrained            
ects to ensure that Missouri’s grid, power           in our state’s history. The innovative                       Edward Jones
plants, and pipelines are safe, reliable             solutions that we continue to develop
                                                                                                                 Express Scripts
and environmentally sound. In addition,              allow us to remain true to our founding          
Ameren Missouri’s economic development               belief—that every American is entitled        Kansas City Area Development Council
professionals offer a portfolio of value-            to receive quality health care with                 
added programs, and expertise for com-               dignity. The friendly economic climate                   Monsanto Company
panies interested in expanding or moving             and unparalleled professional talent
                                                                                                        Sisters of Mercy Health System
their operations to Missouri. Learn more at          in Missouri have been invaluable in                                                     helping us achieve our mission.             St. Louis Regional Chamber & Growth Assoc.
                                                                                                        University of Missouri System,
                                                                                                     Research and Economic Development
                                                                                                      Washington University in St. Louis
                                                                                                               Webster University

          United States • Austria • China • the Netherlands • Switzerland • Thailand • United Kingdom

                                           “Webster University was formed by a progressive, committed,
                                         inclusive and entrepreneurial community of educators. While
                                         the University has changed over time, the values and
                                         commitments formed at the outset have endured.
                                         They guide us and mark us as those who care,
                                         who respond, who innovate, who lead.”
                                         Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Stroble
                                                                                470 E. Lockwood Avenue • St. Louis, MO 63119

        Missouri has 90
                                                                                             Missouri boasts
      wineries and 1,500
         acres devoted
                                                                                             a total 131,100
             to grapes.                                                                      green jobs in
                                                                                             both direct and
                                                                                             support positions.
                                                                                             They account for
                                                                                             4.8% of employment
                                                                                             within the state.

                                                                                            and more environmentally friendly.
                                                                                            Since the end of 2004, Anheuser-Busch
                                                                                            breweries have reduced water usage by
                                                                                            nearly 32%, saving 23 billion liters of
                                                                                            water. The company now recycles 99.4%
                                                                                            of the solid waste generated in the
                                                                                            brewing and packaging process, includ-
                                                                                            ing aluminum, glass, grain, scrap metal,
                                                                                            and cardboard.
                                                                                                The company has also embraced al-
                                                                                            ternative energy in a big way, including
                                                                                            the use of solar power at two brewer-
                                                                                            ies and bio-energy recovery systems at
                                                                                            10 breweries, which use nutrient-rich
                                                                                            wastewater from the brewing process
                                                                                            to create and capture renewable fuel.

reflected in the way the state and its       “This makes us sustainable going for-          International Aspirations
companies are tackling economic issues       ward,” says Lynn Britton, president and        On another front, Missouri is taking a
today. Mercy, a four-state health care       CEO of Mercy. “And this is just the start.”    more global view of the world these
ministry based in St. Louis, has just fin-       Innovation in Missouri, however,           days. It has been forging overseas con-
ished a decade of infrastructure build-      isn’t just about starting new companies.       nections in countries ranging from Mex-
ing. Faced with big changes in health        It’s also about helping established com-       ico to Japan, and it’s working to boost
care and aging systems, Mercy rolled         panies looking for new and better ways         exports and attract foreign companies to
up its sleeves and performed a major         of doing business. At Anheuser-Busch,          the state. One of its most publicized ef-
overhaul. The result: a brand-new elec-      for example, there’s a long history of         forts has been the campaign to establish
tronic health record system, a new data      embracing technology as a way of im-           a China hub at the Lambert–St. Louis Air-
center, a state-of-the-art supply chain      proving business. More than a century          port. Toward this end, Webster Univer-
that tracks everything right down to         ago, the company revolutionized the            sity president Elizabeth Stroble was one
a bandage as it arrives at the patient’s     beer business by adopting pasteuriza-          of those accompanying a recent Missouri
bedside, and a fast-growing telemedi-        tion, artificial refrigeration, refrigerated   delegation to China. Her school, which
cine operation.                              railcars, and railside icehouses.              boasts 108 campuses worldwide, has had
    The health care frontier today may            “Our founders transformed the U.S.        a working relationship with the Chinese
look different than it did to the pioneer-   beer industry and instilled a passion for      ministry of education for years. And
ing nuns who founded the health minis-       innovation that continues to drive our         that, Stroble says, gave her some insight
try more than 150 years ago. But the com-    company,” says president Dave Peacock.         into the Chinese interest in St. Louis.
mitment to getting the job done through          These days the company is turning to           “I see the cargo hub as a way to es-
hard work and vision is much the same.       technology to make its breweries greener       tablish the kind of relationship with


                                                                                            not-for-profit research organization in
   Nelson-Atkins Museum                                                                     Kansas City, and you’ll get a sense of
       of Art, Kansas City
                                                                                            the future. The institute tackles applied
                                                                                            science issues ranging from analyzing
                                                                                            anti-cancer drugs to engineering ro-
                                                                                            botics for defense. Some of the most
                                                                                            exciting work is being done in the field
                                                                                            of energy, where algae oil and biomass
                                                                                            are showing great promise, particularly
                                                                                            when combined with other technolo-
                                                                                            gies such as CO2 capture.
                                                                                                With Missouri’s wealth of resources—
                                                                                            water, fields to grow biomass, and loads
                                                                                            of scientific talent—the possibilities
                                                                                            stretch the imagination. “When all those
                                                                                            things are linked, that will make this the
                                                                                            epicenter of some of the most exciting
                                                                                            development in the country,” says Roger
                                                                                            Harris, associate vice president and direc-
Missouri offers newcomers the fifth-lowest                                                  tor of energy and life sciences.

cost of living in the country, plus friendly                                                    Governor Nixon says one recent trip
                                                                                            to a southern Missouri farm exemplifies
people and a sense of community.                                                            his state’s potential for innovation and
                                                                                            growth. He visited the soybean fields of
                                                                                            Kip Cullers, near Stark City, in October
China that is a win-win,” says Stroble.           When Shah told his wife they were         to present Cullers with the Governor’s
Part of the Chinese attraction to Mis-        heading to Missouri, the first thing she      Award for Agricultural Achievement.
souri, she says, is its excellent education   did was check out Columbia on Wiki-               Cullers had set a new world record
system. And she is quick to point out         pedia. A visit last July sealed the deal.     for soybean yields: 160.6 bushels per
that Webster not only has campuses in         What the Shahs found in Missouri was          acre. That tops the previous world re-
China but also houses one of the Chi-         an affordable lifestyle—the state has         cord—also set by Cullers, in 2007—of
nese government’s Confucius Institutes        the fifth-lowest cost of living in the        154.57 bushels. Cullers attributes his
on its home campus in Webster Groves.         country—friendly people, and a sense          success to his use of the latest advances
One of only 362 in the world, the Insti-      of community.                                 in scientific research and development;
tute promotes better understanding of             There’s also a lot to do. Not only does   a keen eye for detail; and old-fashioned
Chinese history, language, and culture.       the state have two urban centers—St.          Midwestern elbow grease. He walks his
    Is Missouri a hard sell to the Chinese?   Louis in the east and Kansas City in the      fields multiple times a day to make sure
What about to New Yorkers or Cali-            west—but each city also boasts its own        his plants are growing in the most con-
fornians, or those eyeing the research        sports teams, symphony, theaters, and         ducive environment possible.
parks of the Southeastern states? Trans-      museums. Across the state, there are              “Kip Cullers and farmers across Mis-
plants often say they weren’t sure about      caves for spelunking, streams for fishing,    souri exemplify our future of innovation,
Missouri until they arrived but were          lakes for boating, and lots of state parks    science, and progress,” Govenor Nixon
happily surprised by what they found.         for biking, hiking, and birdwatching. The     says. “They build on our state’s tradition
     Tariq Shah, whose company                state’s wineries—while not well known         of agriculture and farming, but they’re
PetScreen opened an office in Columbia        outside of Missouri—have a long history       embracing science and technology to
last year, initially thought he’d be set-     and a loyal following. And those inter-       expand their operations in the 21st cen-
tling in New York State. The U.K.-based       ested in history have their choice of such    tury. That’s exactly the innovative spirit
company wanted to tap into the U.S.           attractions as Civil War reenactments,        that will move every part of Missouri’s
pet population. “There are more dogs          Harry Truman’s home in Independence, or       economy forward.” 	            —Lynn Asinof
in the U.S. than there are people in          the Pony Express Museum in St. Joseph.
England,” he explains. But the company            Missouri also feels like a place where    To advertise in our Economic Development
opted for Columbia because “the situa-        a person can make a difference. Stop          sections, contact Pete Franco at 212.522.4227.
tion was too good to resist.”                 by the Midwest Research Institute, a          For reprints, call PARS at 212.221.9595, ext. 437.


         Missouri’s Economy:                                                          A Center of
 Fourth Most Diversified of All 50 States                                             Innovation

                                                                                The Brookings Institution named the
                                        OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES                 18-county Kansas City region one of the
                                        AND MINING                              20 strongest U.S. metros surviving the
 LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY                                                        current economic recession, based on em-
                                        TRADE, TRANSPORTATION,                  ployment and GNP. Want to find out why?
          CONSTRUCTION                  AND UTILITIES
                                                                                Visit for general market in-
                                                                                formation. Visit to learn
                                                                                how KC is ideal for distribution and ware-
                                                                                housing. Go to for
                                                                                information on the world’s largest concen-
                                        FINANCIAL                               tration of animal health industry assets.
                                        ACTIVITIES                              Visit to review
                                                                                KC’s advanced transportation, wind en-
           GOVERNMENT                                                           ergy, biofuel, and engineering assets.
                                                                                Go to to connect with KC’s IT
                                                                                industry. Get details on KC’s career and
      BUSINESS SERVICES                 MANUFACTURING                           lifestyle assets at

                              Source: U.S. Bureau of economic analysis

                              JAY      NIXON            GOVERNOR            OF     MISSOURI

                                                       “ It’s no surprise that businesses want to come to
                                                         Missouri - we have some of the most competitive
                                                         business and energy costs of any state in the nation.
                                                         But businesses also want to stay here, want to grow here.
                                                         Why? Because they can.”

                                                                  3rd lowest business energy costs
                                                                  (Small Business Entrepreneurship Council)

                                                                  5th lowest cost of doing business (CNBC)

                                                                  7th best transportation network (CNBC)



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Fortune Magazine Missouri Section

  • 1. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION A state of Change In America’s heartland, Missouri is transforming itself into a center for biotechnology and sustainable businesses that can help the planet. In Partnership with
  • 2. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Missouri ranks second in the Nation in the number of farms. If the words “heartland” and “cutting edge” man and CEO Tomas Hode, a Ph.D. from Sweden who founded the company. In don’t seem to have much in common, think moving to Missouri, he got not only af- again and take a hard look at Missouri. fordable office space but also financing, Along with its traditional harvest of corn mentoring, and room to grow. “I am very, very happy here,” he says. and soybeans, Missouri is growing a very Take a 30-minute drive from Colum- bia, and there’s Soy Labs, a onetime different kind of crop these days— York, and South Carolina, and even California company. It will soon be the young companies that are looking to some from countries as far away as the first tenant in the Missouri Plant Sci- leave their mark on the world by curing United Kingdom and Israel. ence Center, now under construction in cancer, feeding the hungry, solving the Consider Immunophotonics, a small the small town of Mexico. In addition energy crisis, and tackling the other company that has developed a minimally to office and lab space, the center will critical challenges facing the planet. invasive laser-assisted vaccine designed include a pilot manufacturing plant de- The entrepreneurs behind these to treat metastatic breast cancer. A signed to help companies easily move fledgling firms are dreaming big. year ago, the company moved into the from the lab into initial manufacturing. They’re also getting lots of support University of Missouri’s brand-new Life And that, says Soy Labs president Ryan from state and local government, as Science Business Incubator in Columbia, Schmidt, means his fledgling company well as from Missouri’s leading universi- where $300 a month buys furnished will be able to get its product to market ties and prestigious research institutes. work space, shared office equipment, without first investing in its own labora- The resulting spirit of collaboration and and access to mentoring resources. “We tory or production plant. innovation is luring companies from moved into the incubator to take this “It would cost us easily 50% to 80% high-profile states like California, New to FDA approval in the U.S.,” says chair- more to do this same work in California,” S2
  • 3.
  • 4. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION says Schmidt, whose company develops past year, Express Scripts’ positive eco- initiatives designed to chart the state’s cholesterol-reducing soy products that nomic impact on Missouri should con- future economy. can be added to supplements, foods, tinue to grow. It’s a story that the state One of the most ambitious is or beverages. He expects to have 20 is anxious to replicate, and it’s work- Missouri’s Strategic Initiative for Eco- employees on-site within nine months, ing hard to do just that. Building on its nomic Growth. Launched this summer and hopes to eventually build a plant in diverse agricultural base, the state is by Governor Jay Nixon, its stated pur- the 70-acre business park that abuts the helping launch companies that can take pose is to transform the state’s economy center. “If you can grow companies and advantage of Missouri’s great natural in the next five years. “We want to be grow entrepreneurs in this down econ- resources, world-class universities, out- proactive, not reactive,” says Nixon of omy,” he says, “just wait until the econ- standing quality of life, and supportive the project, which will ultimately iden- omy turns around to see what happens.” business environment. tify the six or eight initiatives that hold Missouri uses a traditional toolbox the most promise for Missouri. “We Homegrown Success Stories of tax credits, tax rebates, and govern- need to know where we are going if we Missouri—which proudly touts its nick- ment grants to attract companies to are going to get there.” name, “The Show-Me State”—takes this the state. But there’s more. The state The project—business-led and data- culture of entrepreneurship seriously. Studies show that business startups play a major role in job creation, in some areas providing as much as 12% of employment, according to the Kauff- man Foundation, a Kansas City–based organization devoted to entrepreneur- ship. The state has only to look at some of its own success stories to see what can happen. Express Scripts, for one, started in 1986 with the innovative idea of provid- ing mail-order pharmacy services. “Our founder looked at millions of patients taking maintenance medications for chronic diseases, and he wondered why they were being forced to drive to a pharmacy every 30 days,” says CFO Jeff Hall. For the next 25 years, the company implemented a series of breakthrough Kansas City skyline, methods that continue to make the use highlighted by the historic Union Station. of prescription drugs safer, more ef- fective, and more affordable. With its commitment to R&D, Express Scripts, now headquartered on the campus of the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has receives a spotless AAA bond rating driven—is moving fast. With a 41-mem- flourished. Revenues in 2009 reached from all three rating agencies, and for ber steering committee comprising busi- $24.7 billion, and they are projected to the past two years it has balanced its ness, industry, labor, civic, and education exceed $40 billion in 2010. budget without raising taxes. In a CNBC leaders, the initiative has garnered The impact on the state’s economy? rating of states with the lowest cost of broad support. Its final report is due on When you add up Express Scripts’ pay- doing business, Missouri ranks fifth. the Governor’s desk by March 31. roll, the business it does with local sup- These days the state is finding that Such aggressive pursuit of business in- pliers, capital investment, charitable some of its strongest appeal comes novation isn’t a surprise to Missourians. contributions, and taxes, the amount from Missouri’s community approach to After all, this is the state that launched that the company contributes to Mis- problem-solving, its collaborative spirit, the Lewis and Clark expedition and gave souri totals nearly $1 billion a year. And, and its willingness to think outside the birth to the Pony Express. Missouri is after opening its multimillion-dollar box. This penchant for innovation and the state that invented the ice cream Technology & Innovation Center this independent thinking is clear in the cone and built the space modules used S4
  • 5. The future of aerospace is alive and well in the Greater St. Louis region. Thanks to the confidence of our customers and the exceptional efforts of our workforce, local community support, and our elected officials, Boeing has won substantial contracts for the F/A-18 Super Hornet and F-15. We applaud everyone who contributed to this legacy of aerospace leadership and are committed to building on that honor.
  • 6. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION resources.” The company is doing its part Greenhouses at the to address these challenges by develop- Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, ing better tools for farmers, including St. Louis. advanced hybrid and biotech seeds. Still, getting the world to see the potential provided by new agricultural innovations can be challenging. “People don’t understand how significantly farmers could improve their lot by sim- ply using hybrid seed,” says Begemann. Example: In three short years, the intro- duction of hybrid corn seed transformed Malawi from a country where people were starving to one that is now export- ing its own corn. Animal Kingdom In the western part of Missouri, the fo- cus shifts from plants to animals. Once home to the Kansas City Stockyards, this region has now positioned itself as the Missouri ranks third in the Small Business nation’s animal health center, produc- and Entrepreneurship Council’s Energy ing everything from animal vaccines Cost Index 2010, which measures where and veterinary supplies to livestock feed and pet products. Some 32% of the $19 the 50 states stand in terms of how major billion global animal health industry is energy costs affect small businesses, based in the Kansas City area, making it individuals, and families. the largest single concentration of ani- mal health companies in the world. Why Kansas City? Located in the geo- graphic center of the U.S., the Kansas in the Gemini and Mercury space proj- chairman of the center named for his fa- City region is within 350 miles of 45% ects. These days, it’s home to a growing ther. “If you don’t have something great of all the country’s feedlot cattle, 40% number of scientists who are splitting in your community, you don’t have a of its hogs, and 20% of its beef cows genomes, creating new energy frontiers, great community.” and calves. The region has five veteri- and changing the face of agriculture. Next door to the Danforth Center, a nary schools located within a 300-mile new bioresearch park is attracting young radius. In 2007, the U.S. Animal Health Sustainable Agriculture plant-science firms. Across the street Association moved its headquarters to In the eastern part of the state near from the center is Monsanto, the former nearby St. Joseph after decades in Vir- St. Louis, the emphasis is on plant sci- chemical company that has remade itself ginia. Small surprise, then, that the re- ences. It is here that the prestigious by focusing on agriculture. Along the gion boasts such well-known brands as Danforth Plant Science Center is work- way, it has become a major force in the Advantix, Beneful, and Greenies, as well ing to develop new varieties of crops, search for new ways to make agriculture as companies like Switzerland’s Nestle ranging from cassava with improved more sustainable. Its sprawling 500-acre Purina Petcare and Israel’s Teva Animal nutritional qualities to disease-resistant facility is filled with scientists who take Health Inc. “A very large part of the and drought-tolerant plants, and new that charge seriously. global industry is sitting right here,” says biofuels to create a sustainable energy Given the projections for world George Heidgerken, president and CEO source, as well as ways to reduce pesti- population growth, agriculture has a of animal health company Boehringer cide and fertilizer use. big job—doubling food production by Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. and chairman “Our goal is to improve nutrition, 2050, says Brett Begemann, Monsanto’s of the advisory board for the KC Animal end starvation, preserve the environ- executive vice president of global seeds Health Corridor. ment, and build St. Louis as a center for and traits. “And we’ll have to do it on Then there are the biomedical plant science,” says William H. Danforth, the same amount of land and with fewer companies. Some have their roots in S6
  • 7. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION State Fact File: • Missouri was named after • Walt Disney, who grew theater seats than the Broad- a tribe whose name meant up in Marceline, based way theater district “town of the large canoes.” Disneyland’s Main Street in New York. USA on that town. • Missouri was the first state • In 2010, Missouri to free its slaves. • Rock Port, with a population celebrated the of 1,300, is the first city in 175th anniversary • The state boasts more than the U.S. to be powered of Mark Twain’s 95 wineries, which have an by wind. birth, the 125th an- economic impact of more niversary of his than $700 million a year. • Branson, located in south- work Adventures east Missouri, boasts more of Huckleberry Finn, and • The state nickname—“The the 100th anniversary of his Show Me State”—was coined death. in 1899 when Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver • The agricultural sector stated: “I’m from Missouri accounts for 13.3% of the and you’ve got to show me.” state’s gross product. Member SIPC © Edward Jones, 2010 Buys the radical concept that big skyscrapers don’t necessarily mean big investment smarts. We jest, but perhaps it is revolutionary to put our 10,000 offices in neighborhoods, not high rises. We do it so it’s easier to stop by. Talk. And work at eye level, not sky level. Join the nearly 7 million investors who know. Face time and think time make sense. S7
  • 8. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION genome-sequencing projects at the universities; others have sprung from GoodS roll off the line in a Missouri plant. Missouri hospitals. Still others have ar- rived from outside the state to capital- ize on Missouri’s research capabilities and incubator support. The collabora- tive approach to both science and eco- nomic development translates into lots of room for translational science, which means that breakthroughs in one disci- pline can easily be applied in another. At Washington University, located at the western edge of Forest Park in St. Louis, that kind of interdisciplinary approach is hardwired into the curricu- lum. Students are encouraged to take courses in any of the university’s various schools, and it’s not uncommon to find a biology major minoring in music or a student in the art school graduating with a dual major in economics. Then there is the university’s Skan- dalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Stud- Missouri’s Central Location ies. While located within the business school, it funds and coordinates courses across all schools and programs at the university. Every year, it awards more than $200,000 in seed money for com- mercial and nonprofit ventures. Recent Within 500 miles of: winners include a customized earbud company, a DNA sequencing lab, a loca- • 44% of U.S. population vore food market, and a group that uses • 38% of U.S. personal ballroom dancing to build self-esteem income 500 Miles and confidence among fifth-graders. • 45% of total U.S. With about 6,000 full-time under- households graduates and 5,600 full-time students • 46% of total U.S. in graduate and professional programs, manufacturing Washington University has also been a capacity magnet for talent. “We have become one of the major importers of human resources in the state,” says Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. “Approximately 90% of our students come from outside Mis- Missouri is located to markets all over the and more than 1,000 souri, and about 30% remain in the re- near the country’s geo- world. The state has miles of waterways. gion after graduation.” graphic and population been ranked as one of The state is a hub of centers and is a virtual the best for manufac- business activity, with Incubating Breakthrough Ideas “next-door-neighbor” turing and logistics. more than 160,000 At the University of Missouri system, to at least 20 states. Missouri has the 7th tons of cargo and 20 new policies are helping the four- The state’s proximity largest highway system million airline passen- campus system aggressively tackle the also allows for effi- in the U.S., two of the gers transported by air challenge of growing new companies. cient “quick shipping” largest rail terminals, each year. A few years ago, the system expanded its stated mission to include economic S8
  • 9.
  • 10. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION development, and ever since it has been commercialize. Then it reinvests a signifi- This year, some $600,000 was available overhauling the way it develops, at- cant portion of what’s left in the inven- for fast-track faculty projects—inventions tracts, grows, and invests in fledgling tor’s department. that needed a bit more money to see if businesses. “We color outside the lines,” The university system also took aim they could be commercialized. There is says Mike Nichols, vice president of re- at the state’s Sunshine Law, which re- also a brand-new $5 million seed-capital search and economic development. quired its public-private partnerships and fund for direct investment, which Nich- On one front, the university sys- collaborations to be transparent to the ols sees as offering the state big returns. tem—which has nearly 70,000 students public. That law was making it nearly im- “We’re not looking to make money. on its four campuses—has revamped possible for the university to work with We’re looking to create jobs,” he says. some longstanding practices to make it companies concerned about revealing The result is more small companies easier to attract talent. Most recently, business plans, financial information, or populating a growing number of uni- it changed its rules to allow students to trade secrets that could endanger their versity-affiliated high-tech incubators own outright any intellectual property competitiveness, Nichols says. This sum- that are designed to foster growth in they develop while in school. It also takes mer, Senate Bill 733 revised that law, plant science, animal health, biomedical a generous approach to its faculty inven- leveling the playing field between public innovations, and other attractive areas. tors, letting them keep one-third off and privately funded institutions. “I feel like a kid in a candy store,” says the top of any revenues produced by a The university has even begun making Nichols, who spent 25 years launching technology that the university chooses to direct investments in startup companies. new companies before joining the uni- versity. “I get to leverage other people’s money, make money for them, and teach Missouri ranks fifth in the Tax Foundation’s others how to do it.” Corporate Income Tax Index, which looks These incubators offer the commu- nity more than just job generation. At at the impact of each state’s principal tax the Christopher S. “Kit” Bond Science on business activities within the state. and Technology Incubator in St. Joseph,
  • 11. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Gary Clapp runs a unit that’s located on the Missouri Western State University Job Momentum in Missouri campus. He also teaches a course on bio-manufacturing that’s designed to provide real-world experience to college Companies were asked: Over the next 12 months, students so they understand of the rules, does your business plan on increasing, maintaining, regulations, and restrictions that apply or decreasing your current employment levels? when bringing a product to market. As head of the Institute for Indus- Maintaining 65.7% trial and Applied Life Sciences, Clapp also has worked with the local school district to get more math and science into the Increasing 23.3% classroom. Yet Clapp says workforce de- velopment is something that needs to be addressed even before kids start school. decreasing 11.0% Citing new programs that target the pre- Source: MERIC Missouri Business survey 2010 school population, he says, “Training has to begin as soon as a family gets started.” 0 by the Independence school district, is visitors watch operations. “We call this Supporting Fledgling Entrepreneurs aimed at attracting young companies. our Grey’s Anatomy suite,” says Tom In Independence, an old hospital is in But in renovating the building, the de- Lesnak, president of Independence Eco- the process of being transformed into signers have kept in mind the impor- nomic Development, noting that stu- an incubator that will feature not only tance of science education. In convert- dents will now be able to watch chemi- scientific wet labs but also kitchen work- ing an old surgical suite into a lab, they cal experiments without being exposed space. The Ennovation Center, owned retained the viewing area that once let to chemicals or fumes. We’re Proud to Call 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Missouri Home Monsanto is a global leader in agricultural innovation. We work with farmers to produce more crops for a growing world while conserving more natural resources for future generations. Headquartered in St. Louis, we are committed to improving lives in communities where we operate. That’s why we donated nearly $6 million last year to the St. Louis region and its charities through the Monsanto Fund. Producing More. Conserving More. Improving Lives. That’s sustainable agriculture. And that’s what Monsanto is all about. Learn more at Monsanto and Vine Design® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. ©2010 Monsanto Company. S11
  • 12. • Express Scripts • Emerson Electric • Monsanto • Ameren SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION •Reinsurance Group of America • Charter Communications • Peabody Energy • Smurfit-Stone Container • Graybar Electric • Centene • Energizer Holdings • Ralcorp Holdings • Jones Financial • Historical Snapshots: Arch Coal • Brown Shoe • Sigma-Aldrich • Patriot Coal • Solutia • Laclede Group • • The 10-story Wainwright Building, designed by Louis Sullivan and built in 1891, is considered the world’s first skyscraper. Still standing in downtown St. Louis, the building marked a turning point in building design due to its load- • The Pony Express, born in bearing steel Home of 19 St. Joseph in 1860, improved communications across the country by shortening mail framework. • Food firsts are FORTUNE 1000™ delivery from St. Joseph to Sacramento, Calif. The fastest common: The ice cream cone was re- Headquarters trip made during the compa- ny’s brief 18-month history: portedly invented at the St. Louis World’s Fair in seven days and 17 hours. 1904. Other iconic Ameri- can foods—including the • Born a slave, Missouri native hot dog, Dr Pepper, cotton 18 Largest Metro th George Washington Carver candy, and iced tea—were discovered 300 uses popularized at the fair. Aunt for peanuts. The agri- Jemima’s pancake flour, in- Leading Financial cultural chemist vented in St. Joseph, was the Services Center also developed a crop rota- first ready-mix food to be in- tion system for Southern cot- troduced commercially. Second Only to Wall Street ton farmers that made use of soil-enriching plants such as • The University of 25 Colleges and Universities peanuts, soybeans, sweet po- Missouri opened the tatoes, and pecans. world’s first school of National Leader journalism on Sept. 14, in Plant and Life Sciences • In the early 1870s, Adolphus 1908. By the end of the day Busch was the first Ameri- students and faculty edi- Affordable Living can brewer to adopt the use tors had published its first of pasteurization, allowing newspaper. beer to be shipped long distances with- • McDonnell Aircraft, out spoiling. He also which later merged with pioneered the use of Boeing, built space cap- artificial refrigera- sules for Project Mercury, tion, refrigerated rail the first U.S. manned space cars, and rail-side program, as well as for icehouses. Project Gemini. FORTUNE 1000 is a trademark of the Fortune Magazine division of Time Inc. S12
  • 13. ADVERTISEMENT Mercy Delivers The Mercy SafeWatch team monitors over 400 tktktk the Future of ICU patients in four states from its command center in St. Louis. Health Care Making Missouri Healthier—Physically and Financially With 400 locations and nearly 22,000 co-workers and physi- cians across the state, Mercy touches the lives of approxi- mately 1.8 million Missourians each year. As an employer, Mercy provides approximately $104 million in payroll each The online ser- month to build stronger families and local economies. The vice MyMercy lets patients economic benefit of Mercy in the St. Louis area alone has contact their been estimated at $2.2 billion in 2009. doctor and manage their health when $450 Million Electronic Health Record Investment Improves it’s most convenient. Patient Experience Mercy joins just 2.6% of providers nationwide (including Johns Hopkins and Mayo Clinic) that use an electronic health record to its fullest. Each day, doctors and caregivers place an average of 60,000 orders for care and track over 30,000 medication administrations, improving safety and outcomes for patients. New Personal Health Record Empowers People to Better Manage Health Springfield Distribution Center Facilitates MyMercy, an online connection with a personal physician, Supply Chain Operations opens up unlimited possibilities in managing health. With Mercy’s supply chain operating division, Resource Optimization the right information and a convenient connection to their and Innovation (ROi), processes 2.1 million pick commands per doctor, people can make smarter decisions and live more year from its warehouse. ROi returned over $22 million in net productive lives. financial benefit to customers in fiscal 2009 and was ranked second in the world in the AMR Research Healthcare Supply Nation’s Largest Single-Hub Electronic ICU Extends Care Chain Top 25 for 2009, just behind Johnson & Johnson. to Remote Hospitals Mercy’s SafeWatch program brings specially trained physicians Mercy Partners with Employers to Reduce Expenditures called “intensivists” to over 400 ICU beds in four states. Based Holding the cost of employee health benefits to half the national in St. Louis, SafeWatch represents the future of telemedicine; average is a big win for a large employer in Springfield, Mo. who it provides extra support and expertise to a patient’s bedside partnered with Mercy. Mercy’s ongoing education and health care team in remote hospitals. programs help employers control costs and manage health. $60 Million Data Center Processes Two Terabytes of 154 Years of Firsts, Pioneered by the Sisters of Mercy Information Every Second For a century and a half, the Sisters of Mercy served Missouri by Mercy chose Washington, Mo. from more than 20 sites in the providing hospitals and nursing training where there were none. Midwest to build its data center. The center supports Mercy’s Following in the Sisters’ footsteps, Mercy continues to innovate clinical and operational functions across four states. Built on today by listening and meeting the needs of people in the Missouri bedrock, it can withstand a variety of Midwest. Mercy is delivering a new model of care natural events—including a tornado with 157- and bringing the future of health care to Missouri. mph winds. With a 99.99% availability of data and files, its backup systems ensure that doctors and clinicians can continue to serve patients. To learn more about Mercy, visit S13
  • 14. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Education was also a consideration in state’s public universities and colleges ployees continuing engineering courses renovating the hospital kitchens, which topped 255,000—an increase of more that build its talent pipeline. And the now serve as a leasable culinary work- than 10,000 students over last year. training connection goes even deeper. space. Fully renovated, the area is divided “We invest in all tiers of the education into five kitchens and boasts $250,000 of Developing a Talent Pool system,” says Muilenburg, noting that new cooking equipment ranging from Corporations, too, are playing a key role one of his favorites is a high school FIRST ovens to mixers to a smoker. Already be- in workforce development. The state robotics competition. “We actually have ing leased to tenants who need space to has been working hard to not only ask a couple of engineers working for us develop products and start production, it employers to identify the kinds of skills who were part of that program.” will eventually house a culinary arts edu- they view as necessary for their contin- Edward Jones, too, has found the cation program, as well. ued growth, but also to create those state to be a place where the spirit of “This is so much fun,” says the kitch- programs in the state’s universities, col- collaboration ranges from lofty goals en’s first tenant, Jennifer Ward, as she leges, and two-year schools. like training the workforce to nuts-and- was running a test batch of gluten-free Boeing is a prime example. The bolts business development. Founded cookies through the new rotating con- aerospace giant’s defense, space, and in 1922, the financial services firm has Missouri ranks A Boeing employee fifth in the cost of building a fighter jet in St. Louis. doing business in America’s Top States for Business, an index compiled by CNBC that is based on each state’s tax burden on individuals, property, and business, as well as utility and energy costs. vection ovens. For Ward, the incubator security unit is headquartered in St. grown over the years and recently over- is a way to build her business; to Lesnak, Louis, where it produces products rang- saw a significant expansion that hinged it’s a way to build a community. “Sta- ing from tactical aircraft to unmanned in part on the state’s willingness to tistics show that 85% of all incubator systems. In 2007, it launched a program accelerate replacement of a key inter- companies stay in the community where with the State of Missouri and St. Louis change off Interstate 270. they started,” he says. Community College to retrain people “In Missouri, there is a real and Recognizing the importance of edu- for sheet metal assembly. “It is an in- widespread understanding of the value cation to workforce development, the credibly productive relationship,” says and necessity for a good business en- state has worked hard to make college Dennis Muilenburg, president and CEO vironment,” says Jim Weddle, Edward more accessible. Govenor Nixon and the of Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Jones managing partner. “As a result, state’s public higher education institu- “This program trains individuals in the the state, the region, and localities co- tions—including both two-year and key skills needed for the aircraft assem- operate. They recognize that working four-year colleges—agreed to freeze bly process.” together they can achieve far more than tuition for the past two years despite Boeing also partners with Washing- working apart. This cooperation drives challenges posed by the economy. As a ton University and Missouri University of economic development. “ result, this fall, total enrollment in the Science and Technology, offering its em- Some see Missouri’s pioneer past S14
  • 15. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION A Powerhouse Health Care for the Web Directory for Missouri Underserved Missouri Dept. of Economic Development The Missouri Partnership Ameren Missouri serves 1.2 million electric For more than 25 years, states have and 126,000 natural gas customers in 63 relied on Centene Corp. to provide health Ameren counties and 500 towns. Part of St. Louis- care services and programs to its most Anheuser-Busch based Ameren Corp. (NYSE: AEE), Ameren vulnerable and underserved residents. Missouri is critical to the state’s economy. Centene has been proud to call Missouri Boeing Its electric rates are about 33% below the home to its corporate headquarters for national average, while it has invested the past decade, benefiting greatly from Centene Corporation more than $1 billion in infrastructure proj- the pioneering spirit so deeply ingrained ects to ensure that Missouri’s grid, power in our state’s history. The innovative Edward Jones plants, and pipelines are safe, reliable solutions that we continue to develop Express Scripts and environmentally sound. In addition, allow us to remain true to our founding Ameren Missouri’s economic development belief—that every American is entitled Kansas City Area Development Council professionals offer a portfolio of value- to receive quality health care with added programs, and expertise for com- dignity. The friendly economic climate Monsanto Company panies interested in expanding or moving and unparalleled professional talent Sisters of Mercy Health System their operations to Missouri. Learn more at in Missouri have been invaluable in helping us achieve our mission. St. Louis Regional Chamber & Growth Assoc. University of Missouri System, Research and Economic Development Washington University in St. Louis Webster University United States • Austria • China • the Netherlands • Switzerland • Thailand • United Kingdom “Webster University was formed by a progressive, committed, inclusive and entrepreneurial community of educators. While the University has changed over time, the values and commitments formed at the outset have endured. They guide us and mark us as those who care, who respond, who innovate, who lead.” Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Stroble President 470 E. Lockwood Avenue • St. Louis, MO 63119
  • 16. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Missouri has 90 Missouri boasts wineries and 1,500 acres devoted a total 131,100 to grapes. green jobs in both direct and support positions. They account for 4.8% of employment within the state. and more environmentally friendly. Since the end of 2004, Anheuser-Busch breweries have reduced water usage by nearly 32%, saving 23 billion liters of water. The company now recycles 99.4% of the solid waste generated in the brewing and packaging process, includ- ing aluminum, glass, grain, scrap metal, and cardboard. The company has also embraced al- ternative energy in a big way, including the use of solar power at two brewer- ies and bio-energy recovery systems at 10 breweries, which use nutrient-rich wastewater from the brewing process to create and capture renewable fuel. reflected in the way the state and its “This makes us sustainable going for- International Aspirations companies are tackling economic issues ward,” says Lynn Britton, president and On another front, Missouri is taking a today. Mercy, a four-state health care CEO of Mercy. “And this is just the start.” more global view of the world these ministry based in St. Louis, has just fin- Innovation in Missouri, however, days. It has been forging overseas con- ished a decade of infrastructure build- isn’t just about starting new companies. nections in countries ranging from Mex- ing. Faced with big changes in health It’s also about helping established com- ico to Japan, and it’s working to boost care and aging systems, Mercy rolled panies looking for new and better ways exports and attract foreign companies to up its sleeves and performed a major of doing business. At Anheuser-Busch, the state. One of its most publicized ef- overhaul. The result: a brand-new elec- for example, there’s a long history of forts has been the campaign to establish tronic health record system, a new data embracing technology as a way of im- a China hub at the Lambert–St. Louis Air- center, a state-of-the-art supply chain proving business. More than a century port. Toward this end, Webster Univer- that tracks everything right down to ago, the company revolutionized the sity president Elizabeth Stroble was one a bandage as it arrives at the patient’s beer business by adopting pasteuriza- of those accompanying a recent Missouri bedside, and a fast-growing telemedi- tion, artificial refrigeration, refrigerated delegation to China. Her school, which cine operation. railcars, and railside icehouses. boasts 108 campuses worldwide, has had The health care frontier today may “Our founders transformed the U.S. a working relationship with the Chinese look different than it did to the pioneer- beer industry and instilled a passion for ministry of education for years. And ing nuns who founded the health minis- innovation that continues to drive our that, Stroble says, gave her some insight try more than 150 years ago. But the com- company,” says president Dave Peacock. into the Chinese interest in St. Louis. mitment to getting the job done through These days the company is turning to “I see the cargo hub as a way to es- hard work and vision is much the same. technology to make its breweries greener tablish the kind of relationship with S16
  • 17.
  • 18. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION not-for-profit research organization in Nelson-Atkins Museum Kansas City, and you’ll get a sense of of Art, Kansas City the future. The institute tackles applied science issues ranging from analyzing anti-cancer drugs to engineering ro- botics for defense. Some of the most exciting work is being done in the field of energy, where algae oil and biomass are showing great promise, particularly when combined with other technolo- gies such as CO2 capture. With Missouri’s wealth of resources— water, fields to grow biomass, and loads of scientific talent—the possibilities stretch the imagination. “When all those things are linked, that will make this the epicenter of some of the most exciting development in the country,” says Roger Harris, associate vice president and direc- Missouri offers newcomers the fifth-lowest tor of energy and life sciences. cost of living in the country, plus friendly Governor Nixon says one recent trip to a southern Missouri farm exemplifies people and a sense of community. his state’s potential for innovation and growth. He visited the soybean fields of Kip Cullers, near Stark City, in October China that is a win-win,” says Stroble. When Shah told his wife they were to present Cullers with the Governor’s Part of the Chinese attraction to Mis- heading to Missouri, the first thing she Award for Agricultural Achievement. souri, she says, is its excellent education did was check out Columbia on Wiki- Cullers had set a new world record system. And she is quick to point out pedia. A visit last July sealed the deal. for soybean yields: 160.6 bushels per that Webster not only has campuses in What the Shahs found in Missouri was acre. That tops the previous world re- China but also houses one of the Chi- an affordable lifestyle—the state has cord—also set by Cullers, in 2007—of nese government’s Confucius Institutes the fifth-lowest cost of living in the 154.57 bushels. Cullers attributes his on its home campus in Webster Groves. country—friendly people, and a sense success to his use of the latest advances One of only 362 in the world, the Insti- of community. in scientific research and development; tute promotes better understanding of There’s also a lot to do. Not only does a keen eye for detail; and old-fashioned Chinese history, language, and culture. the state have two urban centers—St. Midwestern elbow grease. He walks his Is Missouri a hard sell to the Chinese? Louis in the east and Kansas City in the fields multiple times a day to make sure What about to New Yorkers or Cali- west—but each city also boasts its own his plants are growing in the most con- fornians, or those eyeing the research sports teams, symphony, theaters, and ducive environment possible. parks of the Southeastern states? Trans- museums. Across the state, there are “Kip Cullers and farmers across Mis- plants often say they weren’t sure about caves for spelunking, streams for fishing, souri exemplify our future of innovation, Missouri until they arrived but were lakes for boating, and lots of state parks science, and progress,” Govenor Nixon happily surprised by what they found. for biking, hiking, and birdwatching. The says. “They build on our state’s tradition Tariq Shah, whose company state’s wineries—while not well known of agriculture and farming, but they’re PetScreen opened an office in Columbia outside of Missouri—have a long history embracing science and technology to last year, initially thought he’d be set- and a loyal following. And those inter- expand their operations in the 21st cen- tling in New York State. The U.K.-based ested in history have their choice of such tury. That’s exactly the innovative spirit company wanted to tap into the U.S. attractions as Civil War reenactments, that will move every part of Missouri’s pet population. “There are more dogs Harry Truman’s home in Independence, or economy forward.” —Lynn Asinof in the U.S. than there are people in the Pony Express Museum in St. Joseph. England,” he explains. But the company Missouri also feels like a place where To advertise in our Economic Development opted for Columbia because “the situa- a person can make a difference. Stop sections, contact Pete Franco at 212.522.4227. tion was too good to resist.” by the Midwest Research Institute, a For reprints, call PARS at 212.221.9595, ext. 437. S18
  • 19. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Missouri’s Economy: A Center of Fourth Most Diversified of All 50 States Innovation The Brookings Institution named the OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES 18-county Kansas City region one of the OTHER SERVICES AND MINING 20 strongest U.S. metros surviving the LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY current economic recession, based on em- TRADE, TRANSPORTATION, ployment and GNP. Want to find out why? CONSTRUCTION AND UTILITIES Visit for general market in- formation. Visit to learn INFORMATION how KC is ideal for distribution and ware- housing. Go to for EDUCATION AND information on the world’s largest concen- HEALTH SERVICES FINANCIAL tration of animal health industry assets. ACTIVITIES Visit to review KC’s advanced transportation, wind en- GOVERNMENT ergy, biofuel, and engineering assets. Go to to connect with KC’s IT industry. Get details on KC’s career and PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SERVICES MANUFACTURING lifestyle assets at Source: U.S. Bureau of economic analysis JAY NIXON GOVERNOR OF MISSOURI “ It’s no surprise that businesses want to come to Missouri - we have some of the most competitive business and energy costs of any state in the nation. But businesses also want to stay here, want to grow here. Why? Because they can.” 3rd lowest business energy costs (Small Business Entrepreneurship Council) 5th lowest cost of doing business (CNBC) 7th best transportation network (CNBC) WWW.FORTUNE.MISSOURIPARTNERSHIP.COM MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THE MISSOURI PARTNERSHIP