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Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
by Diego Lo Giudice
December 19, 2016
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Key Takeaways
Modern Applications Drive Business Success
Successful companies use applications to
win new customers and better serve existing
customers by providing richer, more meaningful,
and more valuable experiences. Seizing digital
opportunities requires new processes, new skills,
and new delivery platforms.
Loosely Coupled Software Architectures
Enable Faster Delivery
Modern applications are more modular and
loosely coupled than their predecessors, allowing
organizations to create, deliver, and evolve them
at a pace unthinkable a decade ago. Loose
coupling means fewer dependencies, greater
choice, and improved build/buy tradeoffs that
change the economics of application delivery.
Organizations Must Flatten And Decouple To
Deliver Faster
Flatter organizations are more flexible and
adaptable. Loose architectural coupling gives
teams greater flexibility by reducing complex
coordination. Breaking down functional and
architectural silos lets teams focus on delivering
value and delighting customers.
Why Read This Report
Organizations of all sizes and in every industry
face opportunities and threats caused by
digitally empowered customers. Acquiring new
customers — or losing existing ones — has never
been easier. Companies can’t afford to move
fast only in some areas; the whole organization
must race together toward customer obsession.
This report argues that application development
and delivery (AD&D) professionals must master
modern application delivery practices within
their organizations and apply them across their
entire software portfolio to improve their odds of
winning in the modern digital marketplace.
This is an update of a previously published report;
Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for
continued relevance and accuracy.
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester®
, Forrester Wave, RoleView, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester
Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Unauthorized copying or
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Table Of Contents
Rising Customer Expectations Have
Changed The Rules
Faster Delivery Means Mastering The Three
Dimensions Of DevOps
Process: DevOps Breaks Bottlenecks And
Accelerates Delivery
Platforms: Loose Architectural Coupling Frees
Teams To Work Independently
People: Flat, Lean, Responsive Organizations
Deliver Faster
What It Means
DevOps Is The Gateway To Next-Gen
Software Development
Supplemental Material
Notes & Resources
Forrester interviewed 38 vendor companies,
including Acquia, American Medical Association,
Atlassian, CA Technologies, Chef Software, CI&T,
CloudBees, CollabNet, Cushman & Wakefield,
Danske Bank Group, DBmaestro, Deutsche
Bank, Electric Cloud, FamilySearch, FINRA,
Gap, General Electric, Grant Thornton, Hewlett
Packard Enterprise, IBM, IncrediBuild, Jama
Software, The Lego Group, Macy’s, MasterCard,
Microsoft, MidVision, OpenMake Software,
Parasoft, Perforce Software, Philips, Puppet
Labs,, Skytap, Softtek, ThoughtWorks,
VersionOne, and ZeroTurnaround. We also spoke
with a broad sample of user firms.
Related Research Documents
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Faster Software Delivery Will Accelerate Digital
How To Build Better Software, Faster
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
by Diego Lo Giudice
with Christopher Mines, Amanda LeClair, Robert Stroud, and Amy Homan
December 19, 2016
For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook
rising customer expectations Have changed the rules
customers are fickle and demanding; all it takes is one bad mobile experience to lose them forever — or
one great mobile experience to steal them from a competitor. Digital experiences, mediated by software,
have replaced traditional channels as the place where customers are won or lost. Like it or not, every
company is now in the software business. most companies’ top business priorities translate directly to
software priorities (see Figure 1). the race for customers has turned into a race to deliver high-quality
applications faster. AD&D leaders understand that:
› They need to deliver all applications faster, not just mobile and cloud apps. While customer-
facing systems of engagement (soes) are the tip of the spear, the force behind them is the data
managed in systems of record (sors) that enrich customer journeys (see Figure 2).1
soes change
more frequently, but sors can’t stand still.
When customer expectations necessitate
the streamlining of operational processes
and systems, these systems must be able
to evolve quickly. For example, to improve
on-time arrival, Delta Air Lines had to
change operational systems in areas like
maintenance crew scheduling.2
organizations deliver modern applications,
they coordinate software delivery across a wide range of platforms including mobile devices,
websites, call centers, and the legacy and transactional systems that back them up.
› Different application types have different release constraints. organizations can deliver soes
faster because their modern, loosely coupled architectures enable teams to deliver different
constituent components and services at different rates. monolithic, tightly coupled architectures
require careful control of every aspect, which slows organizations down and makes older
applications brittle and risky to change.3
› Application analytics turn customer experience data into actionable information. modern
applications are a major source of analytics data, which is one means of increasing customer input
into product design. every customer action — whether searching for information, placing an order,
or navigating to an address — creates a trail of information that organizations can use to fine-tune
responses and establish the context for more valuable customer experiences.
› UX matters. the user experience (UX) has a direct impact on business growth and profits, and users
bring high expectations of UX to all kinds of applications.4
companies are responding by making their
products and services easier to use and prioritizing the customer experience across applications.
Unlike the sors of the past, which were used only inside an organization among employees
who could be required to attend training, soes have to be intuitively usable without any training.
organizations need to provide great experiences to all users, whether customer, partner, or employee.5
All applications need to be
delivered faster, not just
mobile and cloud apps.
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
FIGURE 1 The Customer Is The Priority
Top business priorities* Corresponding AD&D actions†
Improve the customer experience
Increase revenue
Reduce costs
Improve our products and services
Address rising customer expectations
Improve IT systems to better serve customers
Make our products and services easier to use
Increase customer input on product and service design
Improve the online customer experience
Add or improve the mobile customer experience
Accelerate time-to-market for new product launches
Reduce IT costs
*Base: 18,610 business and technology decision-makers and influencers
Base: 11,694 to 13,611 business and technology decision-makers and influencers whose firm is
prioritizing the mentioned initiative
Source: Forrester’s Global Business Technographics®
Priorities And Journey Survey, 2016
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
FIGURE 2 An Example Modern Application: Composite And Multichannel
Systems of engagement
(application server)
Open web APIs
Systems of engagement
(mobile, web, rich client platform)
systems of record
systems of record
Cloud-based services provided
by third parties
Faster Delivery Means Mastering The Three Dimensions Of DevOps
Delivering faster doesn’t require organizations to cut quality corners or drive people to unsustainable
overwork. It does require AD&D leaders to fundamentally change the way their teams organize, staff,
collaborate, and automate (see Figure 3). Delivering software applications faster, yet with higher quality,
requires more than simply doing the same things faster; it requires nothing short of complete reinvention.
For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook
FIGUre 3 the three Dimensions of Devops
• Delivery pipeline automation
• Loosely coupled application architecture
• Testing automation
• Team model
• Organizational structure
• Practitioner skills
• Sourcing models
• Agile and Lean
• DevOps and CD
• Governance,
compliance, and
Process: DevOps Breaks Bottlenecks And Accelerates Delivery
traditional AD&D processes are rife with handoffs, delays, and waiting for things to get done. “Wait
time” is the silent killer of faster application delivery. siloed organizations have a hard time spotting
it because everyone is busy — and the busier
they are, the more everyone else who needs
their help has to wait. AD&D leaders who
think that speed is the enemy of quality have
it wrong. Devops practices standardize and
automate processes so they’re easier to monitor
and enforce — and quality improves because
automation eliminates sources of manual errors.
to build processes that support Devops:
› Adopt lean practices to identify bottlenecks and waste. Lean practices like value-stream
mapping have become the starting point for Devops improvements (see Figure 4).6
mapping gives AD&D leaders the means to see where bottlenecks, unnecessary handoffs, and
waste occur.
› Work in smaller increments to incorporate faster feedback. Development teams must work in
small increments and gather frequent feedback from real users about how well the software is
meeting their needs in order to focus on the true requirements.7
“requirements” are hypotheses —
and while traditional practices rely on the hypotheses of subject-matter experts (smes) or business
analysts, they are rarely real users. Agile practices support faster feedback loops by helping teams
Delivering faster doesn’t mean
that organizations have to cut
quality corners or drive people
to unsustainable overwork.
For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook
break down large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks. the resulting software
demonstrations also make earlier production releases possible. Forrester data indicates that
developers who work in short iterations are 12% more likely to describe themselves as having an
excellent working relationship with the business and customers.8
› Implement cI as the foundation of delivery automation. continuous integration (ci) is an
automated process that builds and tests software whenever a developer makes a change and
is well established in leading software delivery teams. it provides rapid feedback while the code
is still fresh in the developer’s mind, which makes problems easier and faster to find and fix. ci
dramatically improves application quality and test coverage.9
› Automate provisioning of environments to support speed. Application developers and testers
need to quickly provision environments to do their work. rapid, automated delivery of high-quality,
standard environments that are mirrors of the eventual production environment reduces time spent
waiting and increases quality. infrastructure-
as-code practices virtually eliminate
environment configuration drift and
associated production incidents caused by
uncontrolled changes.10
Automated testing
practices including service virtualization
simulate production applications and services
under development, simplifying testing
environment configurations and reducing
cost and complexity.11
Automating test data
management also speeds and simplifies the
provisioning of testing environments.12
› Automate release processes to improve
speed and reduce errors. teams using Agile and Devops practices are continually building and
deploying software, in some cases only to testing environments. Automating this process makes
software builds testable sooner, and if testing environments look just like production, why not use
it for production deployments as well? Application release automation (ArA) tools automate the
delivery of the complete environment including infrastructure, middleware, and application. ArA
tools remove errors from manual processes by standardizing and automating the movement of
applications between environments and thus are the critical final step in the delivery pipeline of
applications to improve customer experiences.13
reliability goes up and errors and costs go down.
› Automate testing to ensure quality delivery at speed. manual testing has never kept up with the
pace of delivery, and the problem gets worse when delivery speed increases. Automated testing —
for unit, functional, and nonfunctional tests — built into the ci process and driven principally off of
Apis gives developers the fast feedback they need to improve quality. By the time the application is
deployed, it has been thoroughly tested, making release decisions simple.14
traditional AD&D processes
are rife with handoffs, delays,
and waiting for things to get
done. “Wait time” is the silent
killer of faster application
For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook
FIGUre 4 Lean value-stream mapping Applied to A simplified Application Delivery process
3 days 5 days
15 days
3 days
10 days7 days 4 days 9 days
Cycle time = 57 days
1 day
commit, build
Platforms: Loose Architectural coupling Frees Teams To Work Independently
Applications composed of loosely coupled services make it easier for developers to assemble
applications and develop new services faster than they can with older applications created from
intricate, purpose-built designs.15
the benefits can be profound:
› Loose coupling of microservices is the secret sauce of faster application delivery.
companies like Amazon, etsy, and netflix release new software many times per minute. they do
so by making changes or additions to Apis;
the granularity of change is very small,
making releases nearly risk-free.16
when releases are larger, at the service
level, organizations find it much less risky to
change a single service than to release a
whole application. Letting services evolve at
different rates enables teams to work in
parallel with much less coordination.17
› Feature toggles decouple software releases from UX. Feature toggles let firms deploy
software without turning on a new capability, giving them flexibility without complexity. they let
organizations avoid the complexity of coordinating code changes, business process changes, and
user readiness. Developers can deliver new capabilities when they are ready, and the business
can decide when, how, and to whom they should expose the new capability. if the feature doesn’t
Loose architectural coupling
is the secret sauce of faster
application delivery.
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
meet its goals, they can turn it off just as easily. Some AD&D teams also practice dark launching:
the process of gradually releasing capabilities to consumers by wrapping code in feature flags or
toggles that turn features on and off.
›› Advanced deployment options increase delivery flexibility. New software deployment practices
open up options for both developers and their operations partners. Canary deployments allow
organizations to roll out releases to a subset of users, usually to further evaluate the software
in a production environment but with limited exposure, providing user feedback to the dev and
ops teams. Blue-green deployment is a release technique that enables organizations to reduce
downtime and risk by running two identical production environments (Blue and Green). One
environment is live and serves all production traffic, while the other stands by in case the live
environment goes down.18
›› Increasing container use will further decrease coupling. Containers are to ops what
microservices are to dev: a way of increasing modularity, flexibility, and elastic scalability. Dev
and ops work together to gradually break large, complex, monolithic apps into more manageable
Container platforms dynamically scale the application, both up and down, based on
demand. Due to their rapid availability, they can be instantaneously updated when changes are
required supporting velocity.
›› “Build or buy” is now “build, compose, outsource, or buy.” Application delivery pros now survey
a spectrum of choices for where to find great software, including partnerships, app composition,
and low-code development. Increasingly, organizations focus on building only those portions of
software that differentiate the firm and its services and source the commodity components from
specialty providers.20
Organizations must integrate software supply chain practices into their
application governance frameworks.21
DevOps practices provide the means for doing this at scale.22
People: Flat, Lean, Responsive Organizations Deliver Faster
The old walls are coming down. In a slower-moving era, organizational silos and role specialization
made sense — or were at least tolerable. As cycle times shrink, specialization and hierarchies get in the
way of delivering faster; role handoffs and resource coordination waste precious time. Agile teaming
models feature empowered, cross-functional teams and servant leadership that focus on clearing
roadblocks and improving flow. Institutionalizing these new practices takes time and concerted effort.
Leading AD&D practitioners recognize that:
›› Cross-functional product teams with dedicated resources deliver faster. Products are
applications that need frequent updates in order to remain relevant. Product teams stay together,
and the essential feature of a product team is that it never needs to wait for a team member to
be available to do work. These teams include skills across the spectrum of business, customer
experience, development, quality assurance, and ops, and they pull in specialists from enterprise
architecture, security, and others when needed. Dedicated teams, headed by product managers,
fluidly blend these skills to deliver high-quality solutions while minimizing delays and overhead.23
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
›› Organizations are simplifying and merging roles to deliver faster. Nearly every firm we’ve
spoken with is working to unwind role specialization to create empowered, multidisciplinary teams.
Just as role specialization took years to create, it will take time to rebuild the skills needed for
modern application development. The shift is causing team members to both broaden and deepen
their skills — broadening so that the team is self-supporting across most of the life cycle for most
tasks, gradually being able to go deeper in specialty areas over time. For example, everyone on a
team might need to test, estimate work, define a user story, and create acceptance criteria. But one
team member will be the testing SME to make sure it all happens in the right way.
›› The physical workspace supports cross-functional work and cross-pollinating skills. Breaking
down silos isn’t only about changing reporting structures and bureaucratic procedures — new
teams working in new ways require new space. Open floor plans break down physical barriers to
collaboration and multiple types of work areas give project teams the space they need to design,
develop, and iterate.24
›› Multisourcing is the norm, not the exception. Leading organizations have evolved their
outsourcing initiatives into multisourcing, in which different service providers with different
specialties and skills work together with in-house resources on virtual extended teams.
As companies increase their use of open source software, this virtual delivery organization
participates in and contributes to open source communities. Firms are also increasing their use of
crowdsourcing, especially of user testing activities. Managing these interactions requires greater
transparency and visibility to keep work flowing smoothly.25
›› Business models are changing, too. As organizations learn how to take advantage of faster
delivery, they form a closer bond with their customers. They learn how to experiment faster, try new
ideas quickly, and quickly adapt to new information and market conditions. They learn to let go of
cumbersome long-term planning and embrace the business agility enabled by rapid release cycles.26
What It Means
DevOps Is The Gateway To Next-Gen Software Development
While the term DevOps is often associated with leading-edge projects, mastering DevOps isn’t only
about innovating on the “cool” technologies faster; it’s also about building the capabilities to perform
modern application development across the board. For many companies, staying ahead of disruption
means not only delivering new innovations but also modernizing current software and systems. The
underlying cultural shifts, process improvements, and automation of DevOps build the foundation
for development teams to mature to the next generation of modern software development. AD&D
professionals should keep in mind that:
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
›› People, process, and technology change means that DevOps drives velocity. Moving to a
team-based culture, working in smaller increments, and automating environments drives velocity
across all software development. Mastering DevOps means that all of a business’s functions that
depend on software can keep up with rising customer expectations, not just new functions and
new software.
›› End-to-end automation of the process is pivotal to success. Successful DevOps uses
automation, including the provision of testing environments, to improve consistency and speed.
While DevOps focuses on the tight integration of development and operations, delivering quality
software depends on upstream automation as well. Adoption of artificial intelligence will lead to
automated decision-making that will guide development teams on what to build and test next.27
›› Public cloud and containers will accelerate the DevOps journey. Cloud services provide
an array of tools to build better software faster at scale. The next two to three years will see
hypergrowth of public cloud platform-as-a-service adoption, enabling collaboration in and across
teams and the building of pipelines on the fly.
›› DevOps practices foreshadow the demise of apps in favor of components. The faster
development teams build and release, the more they will focus on building software components —
microservices — rather than full-blown applications. What we today think of as an application will
tomorrow be a collection of granular microservices, composed rather than coded.
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
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Supplemental Material
Survey Methodology
Forrester’s Global Business Technographics® Priorities And Journey Survey, 2016, was fielded from
December 2015 to January 2016. This online survey included 18,610 respondents in Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the UK, and the US from companies with two or
more employees.
Forrester’s Business Technographics ensures that the final survey population contains only those with
significant involvement in the planning, funding, and purchasing of business and technology products
and services. ResearchNow fielded this survey on behalf of Forrester. Survey respondent incentives
include points redeemable for gift certificates.
Please note that the brand questions included in this survey should not be used to measure market
share. The purpose of Forrester’s Business Technographics brand questions is to show usage of a
brand by a specific target audience at one point in time.
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
Companies Interviewed For This Report
American Medical Association
CA Technologies
Chef Software
Cushman & Wakefield
Danske Bank Group
Deutsche Bank
Electric Cloud
General Electric
Grant Thornton
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Jama Software
The Lego Group
OpenMake Software
Perforce Software
Puppet Labs
	 “Systems of engagement” are applications that consumers use directly. “Systems of record” are applications that
are the primary information sources for an organization — these are often traditional mainframe systems, but can be
based on any technology from any era. “Systems of operation” are those applications that directly interact with or
gather data from the real world, usually in the form of an embedded software/hardware solution.
	 Bimodal IT perpetuates the myth that back-end systems can be left alone. For more on why bimodal IT will not work in
the age of the customer, see the Forrester report “The False Promise Of Bimodal IT.”
	 For a deeper view on how a loosely coupled application architecture enables organizations to deliver software faster,
see the Forrester report “Brief: Software Innovation Requires A Loosely-Coupled Application Architecture.”
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
	 Good UX drives revenue through increased conversion, ongoing loyalty, and deepened trust, as Forrester’s research
has proven. For more on what retailers can learn from retail leaders in UX, see the Forrester report “Best Practices For
Retail Sites: User Experience Review, 2016.”
	The importance of great UX has greatly increased with the increasing role that SOEs, especially cloud and mobile
apps, play in successful business strategies. For more information, see the Forrester report “How To Modernize User
Experience” and see the Forrester report “Bridging The CX/UX Divide.”
	 For deeper discussions of how to use value-stream analysis to identify opportunities to improve application delivery,
see the Forrester report “Faster Software Delivery Will Accelerate Digital Transformation” and see the Forrester report
“How To Build Better Software, Faster.”
In addition, Donald Reinertsen provides an excellent introduction to the use of Lean flow techniques in application
delivery. Source: Donald G. Reinertsen, The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean
Product Development, Celeritas Publishing, 2009.
	 Agile practices have revolutionized software development, but organizations still find that their requirements
management capabilities need work, as they struggle with issues such as omitting requirements and needing more
compliance documentation than “pure” Agile provides. Agile requirements management tools address these concerns
by extending Agile development practices into the early design phases of the life cycle. See the Forrester report
“Vendor Landscape: Agile Requirements Management.”
	Source: Forrester’s Global Business Technographics Developer Survey, 2016.
	The role of CI in creating an automated delivery pipeline is described in more complete detail, along with the other
essential tools and practices that comprise an automated delivery pipeline, in the following report. See the Forrester
report “TechRadar™: Continuous Software Delivery, Q3 2016.”
	For more on infrastructure as code, see the Forrester report “Infrastructure As Code, The Missing Element In The I&O
	For a deeper view on service virtualization practices and technology, see the Forrester report “Market Update: Service
Virtualization And Testing Solutions.”
	As your developers shift to Agile practices, they will invariably perform more testing themselves. So where does that
leave your quality assurance professionals? They need to adapt by getting deeply involved in the daily operations of
the development team. For more information, see the Forrester report “Navigating The Agile Testing Tool Landscape.”
	For more information about release automation and the tools that support it, see the Forrester report “The Forrester
Wave™: Application Release Automation, Q3 2016.”
	For a deeper read on functional test automation practices and solutions, see the Forrester report “The Forrester
Wave™: Modern Application Functional Test Automation Tools, Q2 2015.”
	For a deeper view on how application composition works and how organizations are using it to deliver applications
more quickly, see the Forrester report “From Application Design To Application Composition.”
	Loose coupling reduces risk by changing code in smaller increments and reducing dependencies. When organizations
think that more frequent releases are more risky, they are thinking of faster releases of their old tightly coupled
applications. Modern, modular applications are different. For more about this, see the Forrester report “Brief: Software
Innovation Requires A Loosely-Coupled Application Architecture.”
	Loose coupling using APIs and services is rapidly evolving. For more information, see the Forrester report “Establish
Your API Design Strategy.”
For Application Development & Delivery Professionals
Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation
December 19, 2016
© 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook
See the Forrester report “API Design, Part 1: REST Is The Leading But Not Only Option For Your APIs,” see the
Forrester report “API Design, Part 2: Design Messaging Styles By Balancing Reach With Your Other Design Goals,”
see the Forrester report “API Design, Part 3: Make Transactions And Error Handling Clear In Your API Designs,” and
see the Forrester report “API Design, Part 4: Future-Proof And Secure Your APIs To Fit Your Usage Scenarios.”
	Source: “Using Blue-Green Deployment to Reduce Downtime and Risk,” Pivotal Documentation (https://docs.pivotal.
	For a deeper discussion on how organizations are using service-oriented architecture and microservices to
incrementally modernize business critical legacy application over time, see the Forrester report “Application
Modernization, Service By Microservice.”
	See the Forrester report “The API Management Solutions Market Heats Up.”
	Considering that 90% of code in modern applications is open source and 31% of companies have had or suspect a
breach in an open source component, gaining control over open source risks is essential to improving security. For
more information on the intersection of application delivery, DevOps, and cybersecurity, see the Forrester report “The
Seven Habits Of Rugged DevOps.”
	Supply chain practices are a relatively new addition to the tools that organizations are using to manage the externally
sourced components they use in their applications. See the Forrester report “Use DevOps And Supply Chain
Principles To Automate Application Delivery Governance.”
	Designing the right organizational structure for delivering applications at speed with quality is a large topic of its own.
See the Forrester report “Use DevOps Practices To Create A Lean And Responsive Application Delivery Organization.”
For a deeper view on sourcing in Agile context, see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile
Outsourcing: Part One” and see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part
	For more on how the physical space enables agile work, see the Forrester report “Designing Developers’ Spaces.”
	A deep dive on Agile outsourcing can be found in the following reports. See the Forrester report “Developing Modern
Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part One” and see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With
Agile Outsourcing: Part Two.”
	For more information about how being able to deliver high-quality applications quickly leads to dramatically better
business results, see the Forrester report “The Software-Powered Business.”
	AD&D professionals need to understand the potential benefits AI will bring, not only to how they build software but
also to the nature of the applications themselves. See the Forrester report “How AI Will Change Software Development
And Applications.”
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Forrester Report: Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation

  • 1. Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook by Diego Lo Giudice December 19, 2016 For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Key Takeaways Modern Applications Drive Business Success Successful companies use applications to win new customers and better serve existing customers by providing richer, more meaningful, and more valuable experiences. Seizing digital opportunities requires new processes, new skills, and new delivery platforms. Loosely Coupled Software Architectures Enable Faster Delivery Modern applications are more modular and loosely coupled than their predecessors, allowing organizations to create, deliver, and evolve them at a pace unthinkable a decade ago. Loose coupling means fewer dependencies, greater choice, and improved build/buy tradeoffs that change the economics of application delivery. Organizations Must Flatten And Decouple To Deliver Faster Flatter organizations are more flexible and adaptable. Loose architectural coupling gives teams greater flexibility by reducing complex coordination. Breaking down functional and architectural silos lets teams focus on delivering value and delighting customers. Why Read This Report Organizations of all sizes and in every industry face opportunities and threats caused by digitally empowered customers. Acquiring new customers — or losing existing ones — has never been easier. Companies can’t afford to move fast only in some areas; the whole organization must race together toward customer obsession. This report argues that application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals must master modern application delivery practices within their organizations and apply them across their entire software portfolio to improve their odds of winning in the modern digital marketplace. This is an update of a previously published report; Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.
  • 2. 2 4 9 11 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester® , Technographics® , Forrester Wave, RoleView, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA +1 617-613-6000 | Fax: +1 617-613-5000 | Table Of Contents Rising Customer Expectations Have Changed The Rules Faster Delivery Means Mastering The Three Dimensions Of DevOps Process: DevOps Breaks Bottlenecks And Accelerates Delivery Platforms: Loose Architectural Coupling Frees Teams To Work Independently People: Flat, Lean, Responsive Organizations Deliver Faster What It Means DevOps Is The Gateway To Next-Gen Software Development Supplemental Material Notes & Resources Forrester interviewed 38 vendor companies, including Acquia, American Medical Association, Atlassian, CA Technologies, Chef Software, CI&T, CloudBees, CollabNet, Cushman & Wakefield, Danske Bank Group, DBmaestro, Deutsche Bank, Electric Cloud, FamilySearch, FINRA, Gap, General Electric, Grant Thornton, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, IncrediBuild, Jama Software, The Lego Group, Macy’s, MasterCard, Microsoft, MidVision, OpenMake Software, Parasoft, Perforce Software, Philips, Puppet Labs,, Skytap, Softtek, ThoughtWorks, VersionOne, and ZeroTurnaround. We also spoke with a broad sample of user firms. Related Research Documents Agile And DevOps Adoption Drives Digital Business Success Faster Software Delivery Will Accelerate Digital Transformation How To Build Better Software, Faster For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook by Diego Lo Giudice with Christopher Mines, Amanda LeClair, Robert Stroud, and Amy Homan December 19, 2016
  • 3. For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 2 vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook rising customer expectations Have changed the rules customers are fickle and demanding; all it takes is one bad mobile experience to lose them forever — or one great mobile experience to steal them from a competitor. Digital experiences, mediated by software, have replaced traditional channels as the place where customers are won or lost. Like it or not, every company is now in the software business. most companies’ top business priorities translate directly to software priorities (see Figure 1). the race for customers has turned into a race to deliver high-quality applications faster. AD&D leaders understand that: › They need to deliver all applications faster, not just mobile and cloud apps. While customer- facing systems of engagement (soes) are the tip of the spear, the force behind them is the data managed in systems of record (sors) that enrich customer journeys (see Figure 2).1 soes change more frequently, but sors can’t stand still. When customer expectations necessitate the streamlining of operational processes and systems, these systems must be able to evolve quickly. For example, to improve on-time arrival, Delta Air Lines had to change operational systems in areas like maintenance crew scheduling.2 When organizations deliver modern applications, they coordinate software delivery across a wide range of platforms including mobile devices, websites, call centers, and the legacy and transactional systems that back them up. › Different application types have different release constraints. organizations can deliver soes faster because their modern, loosely coupled architectures enable teams to deliver different constituent components and services at different rates. monolithic, tightly coupled architectures require careful control of every aspect, which slows organizations down and makes older applications brittle and risky to change.3 › Application analytics turn customer experience data into actionable information. modern applications are a major source of analytics data, which is one means of increasing customer input into product design. every customer action — whether searching for information, placing an order, or navigating to an address — creates a trail of information that organizations can use to fine-tune responses and establish the context for more valuable customer experiences. › UX matters. the user experience (UX) has a direct impact on business growth and profits, and users bring high expectations of UX to all kinds of applications.4 companies are responding by making their products and services easier to use and prioritizing the customer experience across applications. Unlike the sors of the past, which were used only inside an organization among employees who could be required to attend training, soes have to be intuitively usable without any training. organizations need to provide great experiences to all users, whether customer, partner, or employee.5 All applications need to be delivered faster, not just mobile and cloud apps.
  • 4. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 3 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook FIGURE 1 The Customer Is The Priority Top business priorities* Corresponding AD&D actions† Improve the customer experience 72% Increase revenue 71% Reduce costs 70% Improve our products and services 69% Address rising customer expectations 65% Improve IT systems to better serve customers 32% Make our products and services easier to use 40% Increase customer input on product and service design 28% 45% Improve the online customer experience Add or improve the mobile customer experience 29% Accelerate time-to-market for new product launches 18% Reduce IT costs 40% *Base: 18,610 business and technology decision-makers and influencers † Base: 11,694 to 13,611 business and technology decision-makers and influencers whose firm is prioritizing the mentioned initiative Source: Forrester’s Global Business Technographics® Priorities And Journey Survey, 2016
  • 5. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 4 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook FIGURE 2 An Example Modern Application: Composite And Multichannel Systems of engagement (application server) Customer Open web APIs Systems of engagement (mobile, web, rich client platform) Cloud-based systems of record Traditional systems of record Cloud-based services provided by third parties Faster Delivery Means Mastering The Three Dimensions Of DevOps Delivering faster doesn’t require organizations to cut quality corners or drive people to unsustainable overwork. It does require AD&D leaders to fundamentally change the way their teams organize, staff, collaborate, and automate (see Figure 3). Delivering software applications faster, yet with higher quality, requires more than simply doing the same things faster; it requires nothing short of complete reinvention.
  • 6. For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 5 vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook FIGUre 3 the three Dimensions of Devops Platform • Delivery pipeline automation • Loosely coupled application architecture • Testing automation People • Team model • Organizational structure • Practitioner skills • Sourcing models Process • Agile and Lean • DevOps and CD • Governance, compliance, and security Process: DevOps Breaks Bottlenecks And Accelerates Delivery traditional AD&D processes are rife with handoffs, delays, and waiting for things to get done. “Wait time” is the silent killer of faster application delivery. siloed organizations have a hard time spotting it because everyone is busy — and the busier they are, the more everyone else who needs their help has to wait. AD&D leaders who think that speed is the enemy of quality have it wrong. Devops practices standardize and automate processes so they’re easier to monitor and enforce — and quality improves because automation eliminates sources of manual errors. to build processes that support Devops: › Adopt lean practices to identify bottlenecks and waste. Lean practices like value-stream mapping have become the starting point for Devops improvements (see Figure 4).6 value-stream mapping gives AD&D leaders the means to see where bottlenecks, unnecessary handoffs, and waste occur. › Work in smaller increments to incorporate faster feedback. Development teams must work in small increments and gather frequent feedback from real users about how well the software is meeting their needs in order to focus on the true requirements.7 “requirements” are hypotheses — and while traditional practices rely on the hypotheses of subject-matter experts (smes) or business analysts, they are rarely real users. Agile practices support faster feedback loops by helping teams Delivering faster doesn’t mean that organizations have to cut quality corners or drive people to unsustainable overwork.
  • 7. For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 6 vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook break down large projects into smaller, more manageable chunks. the resulting software demonstrations also make earlier production releases possible. Forrester data indicates that developers who work in short iterations are 12% more likely to describe themselves as having an excellent working relationship with the business and customers.8 › Implement cI as the foundation of delivery automation. continuous integration (ci) is an automated process that builds and tests software whenever a developer makes a change and is well established in leading software delivery teams. it provides rapid feedback while the code is still fresh in the developer’s mind, which makes problems easier and faster to find and fix. ci dramatically improves application quality and test coverage.9 › Automate provisioning of environments to support speed. Application developers and testers need to quickly provision environments to do their work. rapid, automated delivery of high-quality, standard environments that are mirrors of the eventual production environment reduces time spent waiting and increases quality. infrastructure- as-code practices virtually eliminate environment configuration drift and associated production incidents caused by uncontrolled changes.10 Automated testing practices including service virtualization simulate production applications and services under development, simplifying testing environment configurations and reducing cost and complexity.11 Automating test data management also speeds and simplifies the provisioning of testing environments.12 › Automate release processes to improve speed and reduce errors. teams using Agile and Devops practices are continually building and deploying software, in some cases only to testing environments. Automating this process makes software builds testable sooner, and if testing environments look just like production, why not use it for production deployments as well? Application release automation (ArA) tools automate the delivery of the complete environment including infrastructure, middleware, and application. ArA tools remove errors from manual processes by standardizing and automating the movement of applications between environments and thus are the critical final step in the delivery pipeline of applications to improve customer experiences.13 reliability goes up and errors and costs go down. › Automate testing to ensure quality delivery at speed. manual testing has never kept up with the pace of delivery, and the problem gets worse when delivery speed increases. Automated testing — for unit, functional, and nonfunctional tests — built into the ci process and driven principally off of Apis gives developers the fast feedback they need to improve quality. By the time the application is deployed, it has been thoroughly tested, making release decisions simple.14 traditional AD&D processes are rife with handoffs, delays, and waiting for things to get done. “Wait time” is the silent killer of faster application delivery.
  • 8. For AppLicAtion DeveLopment & DeLivery proFessionALs Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester research, inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 7 vision: the modern Application Delivery playbook FIGUre 4 Lean value-stream mapping Applied to A simplified Application Delivery process 3 days 5 days 15 days 3 days 10 days7 days 4 days 9 days Cycle time = 57 days 1 day Feedback Propose idea Understand needs, invent solutions Functional testing Deploy solution Customer value Load, performance, security testing UAT/ exploratory testing Release decision Develop, commit, build Platforms: Loose Architectural coupling Frees Teams To Work Independently Applications composed of loosely coupled services make it easier for developers to assemble applications and develop new services faster than they can with older applications created from intricate, purpose-built designs.15 the benefits can be profound: › Loose coupling of microservices is the secret sauce of faster application delivery. companies like Amazon, etsy, and netflix release new software many times per minute. they do so by making changes or additions to Apis; the granularity of change is very small, making releases nearly risk-free.16 even when releases are larger, at the service level, organizations find it much less risky to change a single service than to release a whole application. Letting services evolve at different rates enables teams to work in parallel with much less coordination.17 › Feature toggles decouple software releases from UX. Feature toggles let firms deploy software without turning on a new capability, giving them flexibility without complexity. they let organizations avoid the complexity of coordinating code changes, business process changes, and user readiness. Developers can deliver new capabilities when they are ready, and the business can decide when, how, and to whom they should expose the new capability. if the feature doesn’t Loose architectural coupling is the secret sauce of faster application delivery.
  • 9. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 8 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook meet its goals, they can turn it off just as easily. Some AD&D teams also practice dark launching: the process of gradually releasing capabilities to consumers by wrapping code in feature flags or toggles that turn features on and off. ›› Advanced deployment options increase delivery flexibility. New software deployment practices open up options for both developers and their operations partners. Canary deployments allow organizations to roll out releases to a subset of users, usually to further evaluate the software in a production environment but with limited exposure, providing user feedback to the dev and ops teams. Blue-green deployment is a release technique that enables organizations to reduce downtime and risk by running two identical production environments (Blue and Green). One environment is live and serves all production traffic, while the other stands by in case the live environment goes down.18 ›› Increasing container use will further decrease coupling. Containers are to ops what microservices are to dev: a way of increasing modularity, flexibility, and elastic scalability. Dev and ops work together to gradually break large, complex, monolithic apps into more manageable chunks.19 Container platforms dynamically scale the application, both up and down, based on demand. Due to their rapid availability, they can be instantaneously updated when changes are required supporting velocity. ›› “Build or buy” is now “build, compose, outsource, or buy.” Application delivery pros now survey a spectrum of choices for where to find great software, including partnerships, app composition, and low-code development. Increasingly, organizations focus on building only those portions of software that differentiate the firm and its services and source the commodity components from specialty providers.20 Organizations must integrate software supply chain practices into their application governance frameworks.21 DevOps practices provide the means for doing this at scale.22 People: Flat, Lean, Responsive Organizations Deliver Faster The old walls are coming down. In a slower-moving era, organizational silos and role specialization made sense — or were at least tolerable. As cycle times shrink, specialization and hierarchies get in the way of delivering faster; role handoffs and resource coordination waste precious time. Agile teaming models feature empowered, cross-functional teams and servant leadership that focus on clearing roadblocks and improving flow. Institutionalizing these new practices takes time and concerted effort. Leading AD&D practitioners recognize that: ›› Cross-functional product teams with dedicated resources deliver faster. Products are applications that need frequent updates in order to remain relevant. Product teams stay together, and the essential feature of a product team is that it never needs to wait for a team member to be available to do work. These teams include skills across the spectrum of business, customer experience, development, quality assurance, and ops, and they pull in specialists from enterprise architecture, security, and others when needed. Dedicated teams, headed by product managers, fluidly blend these skills to deliver high-quality solutions while minimizing delays and overhead.23
  • 10. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 9 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook ›› Organizations are simplifying and merging roles to deliver faster. Nearly every firm we’ve spoken with is working to unwind role specialization to create empowered, multidisciplinary teams. Just as role specialization took years to create, it will take time to rebuild the skills needed for modern application development. The shift is causing team members to both broaden and deepen their skills — broadening so that the team is self-supporting across most of the life cycle for most tasks, gradually being able to go deeper in specialty areas over time. For example, everyone on a team might need to test, estimate work, define a user story, and create acceptance criteria. But one team member will be the testing SME to make sure it all happens in the right way. ›› The physical workspace supports cross-functional work and cross-pollinating skills. Breaking down silos isn’t only about changing reporting structures and bureaucratic procedures — new teams working in new ways require new space. Open floor plans break down physical barriers to collaboration and multiple types of work areas give project teams the space they need to design, develop, and iterate.24 ›› Multisourcing is the norm, not the exception. Leading organizations have evolved their outsourcing initiatives into multisourcing, in which different service providers with different specialties and skills work together with in-house resources on virtual extended teams. As companies increase their use of open source software, this virtual delivery organization participates in and contributes to open source communities. Firms are also increasing their use of crowdsourcing, especially of user testing activities. Managing these interactions requires greater transparency and visibility to keep work flowing smoothly.25 ›› Business models are changing, too. As organizations learn how to take advantage of faster delivery, they form a closer bond with their customers. They learn how to experiment faster, try new ideas quickly, and quickly adapt to new information and market conditions. They learn to let go of cumbersome long-term planning and embrace the business agility enabled by rapid release cycles.26 What It Means DevOps Is The Gateway To Next-Gen Software Development While the term DevOps is often associated with leading-edge projects, mastering DevOps isn’t only about innovating on the “cool” technologies faster; it’s also about building the capabilities to perform modern application development across the board. For many companies, staying ahead of disruption means not only delivering new innovations but also modernizing current software and systems. The underlying cultural shifts, process improvements, and automation of DevOps build the foundation for development teams to mature to the next generation of modern software development. AD&D professionals should keep in mind that:
  • 11. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 10 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook ›› People, process, and technology change means that DevOps drives velocity. Moving to a team-based culture, working in smaller increments, and automating environments drives velocity across all software development. Mastering DevOps means that all of a business’s functions that depend on software can keep up with rising customer expectations, not just new functions and new software. ›› End-to-end automation of the process is pivotal to success. Successful DevOps uses automation, including the provision of testing environments, to improve consistency and speed. While DevOps focuses on the tight integration of development and operations, delivering quality software depends on upstream automation as well. Adoption of artificial intelligence will lead to automated decision-making that will guide development teams on what to build and test next.27 ›› Public cloud and containers will accelerate the DevOps journey. Cloud services provide an array of tools to build better software faster at scale. The next two to three years will see hypergrowth of public cloud platform-as-a-service adoption, enabling collaboration in and across teams and the building of pipelines on the fly. ›› DevOps practices foreshadow the demise of apps in favor of components. The faster development teams build and release, the more they will focus on building software components — microservices — rather than full-blown applications. What we today think of as an application will tomorrow be a collection of granular microservices, composed rather than coded.
  • 12. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 11 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook Engage With An Analyst Gain greater confidence in your decisions by working with Forrester thought leaders to apply our research to your specific business and technology initiatives. Forrester’s research apps for iPhone® and iPad® Stay ahead of your competition no matter where you are. Analyst Inquiry To help you put research into practice, connect with an analyst to discuss your questions in a 30-minute phone session — or opt for a response via email. Learn more. Analyst Advisory Translate research into action by working with an analyst on a specific engagement in the form of custom strategy sessions, workshops, or speeches. Learn more. Webinar Join our online sessions on the latest research affecting your business. Each call includes analyst Q&A and slides and is available on-demand. Learn more. Supplemental Material Survey Methodology Forrester’s Global Business Technographics® Priorities And Journey Survey, 2016, was fielded from December 2015 to January 2016. This online survey included 18,610 respondents in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the UK, and the US from companies with two or more employees. Forrester’s Business Technographics ensures that the final survey population contains only those with significant involvement in the planning, funding, and purchasing of business and technology products and services. ResearchNow fielded this survey on behalf of Forrester. Survey respondent incentives include points redeemable for gift certificates. Please note that the brand questions included in this survey should not be used to measure market share. The purpose of Forrester’s Business Technographics brand questions is to show usage of a brand by a specific target audience at one point in time.
  • 13. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 12 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook Companies Interviewed For This Report Acquia American Medical Association Atlassian CA Technologies Chef Software CI&T CloudBees CollabNet Cushman & Wakefield Danske Bank Group DBmaestro Deutsche Bank Electric Cloud FamilySearch FINRA Gap General Electric Grant Thornton Hewlett Packard Enterprise IBM IncrediBuild Jama Software The Lego Group Macy’s MasterCard Microsoft MidVision OpenMake Software Parasoft Perforce Software Philips Puppet Labs Skytap Softtek ThoughtWorks VersionOne ZeroTurnaround Endnotes 1 “Systems of engagement” are applications that consumers use directly. “Systems of record” are applications that are the primary information sources for an organization — these are often traditional mainframe systems, but can be based on any technology from any era. “Systems of operation” are those applications that directly interact with or gather data from the real world, usually in the form of an embedded software/hardware solution. 2 Bimodal IT perpetuates the myth that back-end systems can be left alone. For more on why bimodal IT will not work in the age of the customer, see the Forrester report “The False Promise Of Bimodal IT.” 3 For a deeper view on how a loosely coupled application architecture enables organizations to deliver software faster, see the Forrester report “Brief: Software Innovation Requires A Loosely-Coupled Application Architecture.”
  • 14. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 13 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook 4 Good UX drives revenue through increased conversion, ongoing loyalty, and deepened trust, as Forrester’s research has proven. For more on what retailers can learn from retail leaders in UX, see the Forrester report “Best Practices For Retail Sites: User Experience Review, 2016.” 5 The importance of great UX has greatly increased with the increasing role that SOEs, especially cloud and mobile apps, play in successful business strategies. For more information, see the Forrester report “How To Modernize User Experience” and see the Forrester report “Bridging The CX/UX Divide.” 6 For deeper discussions of how to use value-stream analysis to identify opportunities to improve application delivery, see the Forrester report “Faster Software Delivery Will Accelerate Digital Transformation” and see the Forrester report “How To Build Better Software, Faster.” In addition, Donald Reinertsen provides an excellent introduction to the use of Lean flow techniques in application delivery. Source: Donald G. Reinertsen, The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development, Celeritas Publishing, 2009. 7 Agile practices have revolutionized software development, but organizations still find that their requirements management capabilities need work, as they struggle with issues such as omitting requirements and needing more compliance documentation than “pure” Agile provides. Agile requirements management tools address these concerns by extending Agile development practices into the early design phases of the life cycle. See the Forrester report “Vendor Landscape: Agile Requirements Management.” 8 Source: Forrester’s Global Business Technographics Developer Survey, 2016. 9 The role of CI in creating an automated delivery pipeline is described in more complete detail, along with the other essential tools and practices that comprise an automated delivery pipeline, in the following report. See the Forrester report “TechRadar™: Continuous Software Delivery, Q3 2016.” 10 For more on infrastructure as code, see the Forrester report “Infrastructure As Code, The Missing Element In The I&O Agenda.” 11 For a deeper view on service virtualization practices and technology, see the Forrester report “Market Update: Service Virtualization And Testing Solutions.” 12 As your developers shift to Agile practices, they will invariably perform more testing themselves. So where does that leave your quality assurance professionals? They need to adapt by getting deeply involved in the daily operations of the development team. For more information, see the Forrester report “Navigating The Agile Testing Tool Landscape.” 13 For more information about release automation and the tools that support it, see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Application Release Automation, Q3 2016.” 14 For a deeper read on functional test automation practices and solutions, see the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Modern Application Functional Test Automation Tools, Q2 2015.” 15 For a deeper view on how application composition works and how organizations are using it to deliver applications more quickly, see the Forrester report “From Application Design To Application Composition.” 16 Loose coupling reduces risk by changing code in smaller increments and reducing dependencies. When organizations think that more frequent releases are more risky, they are thinking of faster releases of their old tightly coupled applications. Modern, modular applications are different. For more about this, see the Forrester report “Brief: Software Innovation Requires A Loosely-Coupled Application Architecture.” 17 Loose coupling using APIs and services is rapidly evolving. For more information, see the Forrester report “Establish Your API Design Strategy.”
  • 15. For Application Development & Delivery Professionals Master DevOps For Faster Delivery Of Software Innovation December 19, 2016 © 2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 14 Vision: The Modern Application Delivery Playbook See the Forrester report “API Design, Part 1: REST Is The Leading But Not Only Option For Your APIs,” see the Forrester report “API Design, Part 2: Design Messaging Styles By Balancing Reach With Your Other Design Goals,” see the Forrester report “API Design, Part 3: Make Transactions And Error Handling Clear In Your API Designs,” and see the Forrester report “API Design, Part 4: Future-Proof And Secure Your APIs To Fit Your Usage Scenarios.” 18 Source: “Using Blue-Green Deployment to Reduce Downtime and Risk,” Pivotal Documentation (https://docs.pivotal. io/pivotalcf/devguide/deploy-apps/blue-green.html). 19 For a deeper discussion on how organizations are using service-oriented architecture and microservices to incrementally modernize business critical legacy application over time, see the Forrester report “Application Modernization, Service By Microservice.” 20 See the Forrester report “The API Management Solutions Market Heats Up.” 21 Considering that 90% of code in modern applications is open source and 31% of companies have had or suspect a breach in an open source component, gaining control over open source risks is essential to improving security. For more information on the intersection of application delivery, DevOps, and cybersecurity, see the Forrester report “The Seven Habits Of Rugged DevOps.” 22 Supply chain practices are a relatively new addition to the tools that organizations are using to manage the externally sourced components they use in their applications. See the Forrester report “Use DevOps And Supply Chain Principles To Automate Application Delivery Governance.” 23 Designing the right organizational structure for delivering applications at speed with quality is a large topic of its own. See the Forrester report “Use DevOps Practices To Create A Lean And Responsive Application Delivery Organization.” For a deeper view on sourcing in Agile context, see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part One” and see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part Two.” 24 For more on how the physical space enables agile work, see the Forrester report “Designing Developers’ Spaces.” 25 A deep dive on Agile outsourcing can be found in the following reports. See the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part One” and see the Forrester report “Developing Modern Applications With Agile Outsourcing: Part Two.” 26 For more information about how being able to deliver high-quality applications quickly leads to dramatically better business results, see the Forrester report “The Software-Powered Business.” 27 AD&D professionals need to understand the potential benefits AI will bring, not only to how they build software but also to the nature of the applications themselves. See the Forrester report “How AI Will Change Software Development And Applications.”
  • 16. We work with business and technology leaders to develop customer-obsessed strategies that drive growth. Products and Services ›› Core research and tools ›› Data and analytics ›› Peer collaboration ›› Analyst engagement ›› Consulting ›› Events Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world. We work with business and technology leaders to develop customer-obsessed strategies that drive growth. Through proprietary research, data, custom consulting, exclusive executive peer groups, and events, the Forrester experience is about a singular and powerful purpose: to challenge the thinking of our clients to help them lead change in their organizations. For more information, visit Client support For information on hard-copy or electronic reprints, please contact Client Support at +1 866-367-7378, +1 617-613-5730, or We offer quantity discounts and special pricing for academic and nonprofit institutions. Forrester’s research and insights are tailored to your role and critical business initiatives. Roles We Serve Marketing & Strategy Professionals CMO B2B Marketing B2C Marketing Customer Experience Customer Insights eBusiness & Channel Strategy Technology Management Professionals CIO ›› Application Development & Delivery Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure & Operations Security & Risk Sourcing & Vendor Management Technology Industry Professionals Analyst Relations 121391