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Group VIII
Goal-13 Climate Action
Goal-14 Life Below Water
Goal-15 Life On Land
SDG Group-VIII 1
Departments/ Agencies Involved
• Forest (including Wildlife)
• Assam State Biodiversity Board
• Fisheries
• Water Resources
• Soil Conservation
• Assam State Disaster Management Authority
SDG Group-VIII 2
• Group met on more than 2 occasions
• e-mail group interactions
• Each one shared the work-plan
• Learning on climate change related issues
SDG Group-VIII 3
• Many inter-related issues: Need for
– Collaboration (with other groups as well)
– Overarching monitoring Mechanism
• Policy issue need a common platform for
– Improving synergy
– Avoiding cross-purpose activities
• Significant targets need commensurate fund
• Common platform for seeking externally
aided funds
SDG Group-VIII 4
Climate Action
SDG Group-VIII 5
Goal 13: Climate Change Targets
Targets- Global Target-Assam Indicator Time frame
Strengthen resilience and
adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards and
natural disasters in all
prepared in tune
with the NAPCC
SAPCC approved by the GoI 2016
Integrate climate change
measures into national
policies, strategies and
All Sectoral polices
are in conformity
with SAPCC
Assam Climate Change Management
Society in place
ACCMS meets regularly to launch
policy initiatives monitor
2016 onwards
Improve education,
awareness-raising and
human and institutional
capacity on climate change
mitigation, adaptation,
impact reduction and early
vulnerable sections
of society and
Awareness workshops – State level,
District level and village level
Capacity building of stakeholders
Early warning systems in place
2016 on wards
SDG Group-VIII 6
Implement the commitment
undertaken by developed-
country parties to the United
Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change to a goal of
mobilizing jointly $100
billion annually by 2020
from all sources to address
the needs of developing
countries in the context` of
meaningful mitigation
actions and transparency on
implementation and fully
operationalize the Green
Climate Fund through its
capitalization as soon as
formulation for
priority sectors
National and International
funding accessed for Pilot
At least 5 Projects
Submitted/launched with
support from 5 major
SDG Group-VIII 7
Promote mechanisms for
raising capacity for
effective climate change-
related planning and
management in least
developed countries and
small island developing
States, including focusing
on women, youth and
local and marginalized
Pilot Projects prepared
target groups showed
measurable adaptive
Strengthen resilience and
adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards
and natural disasters in all
SDG Group-VIII 8
By 2025, prevent and significantly
reduce marine pollution of all kinds,
in particular from land-based
activities, including marine debris and
nutrient pollution
Project on Wetland
Inventory /
Status Study /
A coordinated
Project in place
By 2020, sustainably manage and
protect marine and coastal ecosystems
to avoid significant adverse impacts,
including by strengthening their
resilience, and take action for their
restoration in order to achieve healthy
and productive oceans
Minimize and address the impacts of
ocean acidification, including through
enhanced scientific cooperation at all
Goal 14: Life Below Water
SDG Group-VIII 9
Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation,
halt biodiversity loss
Targets- Global Target-Assam Indicator Time frame
By 2020, promote the
implementation of
sustainable management
of all types of forests, halt
deforestation, restore
degraded forests and
substantially increase
afforestation and
reforestation globally
1. Sustainable
Working Plans
1. Revise 32 Working
2. Obtained approval
on these WP
3. Implement
prescriptions of
approved WP
1. All PWPR by 2017;
WP by 2020
2. 2020
3. 2020 onwards
1. Secure
4000 ha RF are By 2020 @ 1000 ha per
1. Afforest
degraded forests
20000 ha @ 2000 ha. every year
SDG Group-VIII 10
By 2030, ensure the
conservation of mountain
ecosystems, including their
biodiversity, in order to
enhance their capacity to
provide benefits that are
essential for sustainable
Hill area of state
are secured and
protected against
encroachment, tree
felling, soil cutting
and mining
1.Strong legislation in place
2.Offenders prosecuted
3.Hill area regenerate/ man-
animal conflicts reduced
1. by 2017
2. 2017 onwards
3. 2018 onwards
Take urgent and significant
action to reduce the
degradation of natural habitats,
halt the loss of biodiversity
and, by 2020, protect and
prevent the extinction of
threatened species
1. Critical habitat
2. Biodiversity
3. Threatened
species focused
1. Landscape mapping
2.Biodiversity Registers in place
3. State Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan ready
1. by 2017
2. by 2017
3. By 2017
SDG Group-VIII 11
Promote fair and equitable
sharing of the benefits arising
from the utilization of genetic
resources and promote
appropriate access to such
resources, as internationally
State Access-and-
(ABS) mechanism
At least 10 ABS put in
place between people
and commercial users
of bio-resources
2 ABS by 2017
2-3 ABS Every year
Take urgent action to end
poaching and trafficking of
protected species of flora and
fauna and address both
demand and supply of illegal
wildlife products
Poaching of Rhino
and other
scheduled animals
1. Poaching incidents
drastically reduced /
poachers arrested
and prosecuted
2.population of Rhino
steadily grows
Poaching control data
every year is better than
the previous year
Census of wildlife shows
healthy trends
By 2020, introduce measures
to prevent the introduction
and significantly reduce the
impact of invasive alien
species on land and water
ecosystems and control or
eradicate the priority species
Area under Invasive
species of both
land and water is
drastically reduced
Control of Lantana,
Parthenium, on land,
1000 ha.
Control of Eichhornia,
in wetlands 5 major
wetlands and 20
other wetlands
By 2016 onwards @ 100 ha
every year
By 2016 onwards @ 2-3
Wetlnds every year
SDG Group-VIII 12
By 2020, integrate ecosystem and
biodiversity values into national
and local planning, development
processes, poverty reduction
strategies and accounts
Assessment Ecosystem values of
Biosphere reserves and
Protected Areas
Ecosystem Values integrated
with revenue earned in State
Ecosystem value Assessed
2 Biosphere Reserves,
5 National Parks
20 WL Sanctuaries
By 2018
By 2020
By 2025
Mobilize and significantly
increase financial resources from
all sources to conserve and
sustainably use biodiversity and
Externally Aided Projects /
Green Climate Fund /
Climate Adaptation Fund
At least one project for CC actions
for each funding agency
Launched in Assam
Mobilize significant resources
from all sources and at all levels
to finance sustainable forest
management and provide
adequate incentives to developing
countries to advance such
management, including for
conservation and reforestation
Externally Aided Projects /
Green Climate Fund /
Climate Adaptation Fund
One mega project in Forest &
Biodiversity conservation sector
SDG Group-VIII 13
SDG Group-VIII 14
14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing,
illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing
practices; implement science-based management plans, in order to
restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, atleast to levels that
can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their
biological characteristics
Awareness for all
Atleast 1 awareness programme in
each development blocks
Penalization of defaulters Defaulters reduced to nil with 20%
reduction every year
Information on existing
legal provisions to all the
Formal communication 2016
SDG Group-VIII 15
14.4 contd….
Complete ban on culture/
marketing of prohibited exotic
Zero in the market or catch
Workshop for need based
amendment of the legal provisions
2 state level workshop conducted 2017
Hiring legal consultants to
formulate necessary amendments
Study Commissioned
Final draft
Amendments of the legal
Acts and Rules in place 2019
Better management to prevent fish
50% Reduction in mortality due to
disease or pollution
SDG Group-VIII 16
14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which
contribute to over capacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that
contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain
from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate
and effective special and differential treatment for developing and
least developed countries should be an integral part of the World
Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
• Presently Fisheries Department, Govt of Assam is implementing
no subsidy oriented schemes which contribute to over capacity
and overfishing in the natural waters.
• However, effective leasing policies to prevent over-exploitation
of the beel and river fisheries would be addressed through the
actions mentioned in 14.5
SDG Group-VIII 17
14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island
Developing states and least developed countries from sustainable use
of marine resources, including through sustainable management of
fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
Organic fish
State specific Guideline- Draft ready 2017
Identification and selection of suitable area/villages 2018
Experimental Organic fish farming in atleast 5
Coverage of additional 20 villages/clusters 2028
SDG Group-VIII 18
14.7 contd…
Culture based fisheries in
selected beels
100 beels or 3000 ha/ year
Development of 30000 ha
2016 onwards
Semi- intensive aquaculture in
At least 1 such pond in each
village (@ 200 villages / year )
Total of - 50000 ha
2016 onwards
Intensive aquaculture in ponds
of progressive fish farmers
500 ha per year
Development of 5000 ha
2016 onwards
Fish stock enhancement in
swamp and derelict bodies
20 such bodies / year
Covering 20,000 ha
2016 onwards
Integrated fish farming in
existing ponds
5% of ponds / year 2016 onwards
SDG Group-VIII 19
14.7 contd…
Management interventions like
conservation and ranching in large
riverine and reservoirs resources
Increase production from
capture fisheries by atleast
Holistic development of beel
fisheries for production
3 Model Beels in each
Capacity building on ornamental
fish breeding and marketing etc.
50 unemployed youth per
Entrepreneurship development on
ornamental fishes
of 10 backyard hatcheries
and aquarium fabrication
units in each district
SDG Group-VIII 20
14.a - Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and
transfer marine technology, taking into account the
intergovernmental, oceanographic commission criteria and Guidelines
on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean
health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the
development of developing countries, in particular small island
developing states and least developed countries
Capacity building for increasing income
through scientific and sustainable
Cover at least 25% of
the fish farmers of the
Capacity building of the departmental
extension functionaries
To cover all the
technical officers and
Policy formulation for engagement of
para-extension workers
Preparation and
approval of final draft
SDG Group-VIII 21
14.a – contd…
Engagement and training of para-
extension workers
1 para-extension worker
in place for each village
Feed-back to research institute on the
technological needs
Continuous process
Cataloguing of indigenous fish species Publication of
inventories of
indigenous fish species
Standardization of breeding and
propagation protocol of popular but
endangered fish species
standardization for
atleast 10 species on
priority basis
SDG Group-VIII 22
14.b - Provide access for small scale artisanal fishers to marine
resources and markets
Assess the status of participation of
riparian fishers
Conduct and complete a survey 2018
Policy formulation for inclusive
participation of riparian
Relevant provisions in place
followed by approval
Implementation of the relevant
Access of 80% of the riparian
fishers to natural aquatic
resources and 50% of them to the
Participation of women riparian
fishers in productive and income
generating fisheries activities
Commissioning of atleast 500
small scale units
SDG Group-VIII 23
14.c - Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and
their resources by implementing international laws as reflected in
UNCLOS, which provides the legal framework for conservation and
sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph
158 of The Future We Want
Declaring parts of wetland and
rivers as protected areas
To cover 1% area of each beel
and 5% stretches of each river
Enhancement, conservation and sustainable use of freshwater
resources would be addressed through the actions mentioned in
other relevant paras SDG Group-VIII 24
15.1 - By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable
use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystem and their services,
in particular forests, wetlands, mountains, and dry lands, in line with
obligations under international agreements
GIS based survey, listing and
categorization of all the
natural inland wetlands
Collection of existing data from
other department and institute
Creation of a complete database 2020
State preparedness for ‘Wise
use’ of the wetlands in the
state (in the line with
international conventions
Sorting out relevant provisions
where India is a signatory
Identifying the stakeholders and
making them aware
To encompass all the natural
inland wetlands
SDG Group-VIII 25
15.1 contd…
Conservation of the selected
wetlands/ water bodies
reserved under forest
jurisdiction as ‘live gene bank’
for the indigenous fish species
Consultation with Forest Dept.
Wetlands identified
Works initiated
Draft policy formulation 2018
Management of ‘live gene bank’ 2020
SDG Group-VIII 26
SDG Group-VIII 27
Digitization of existing data system
Upgrading manual data collection
system to real time data acquisition
system (RTDAS)
Upgradation of existing River
Research Station to Assam water
Research and Management Institute
Digitizing and archiving data 2020
 Development of advanced flood
forecasting system
Effective early forecasting
leading to timely evacuation
Reduced loss of life and
Working Group-VIII: Climate Change, Life below water & life above Land
(Para 15.3 – Life on Land)
SDG Group-VIII 28
Flood Risk mapping and flood zoning
 Long term erosion risk mapping.
 Use of modeling technologies to improve
decision making.
Risk zone atlas prepared
Zone specific information for
improved decision making
Preservation of water-bodies Growth of aquatic flora & fauna
Channelization of Brahmaputra river to
reduce loss of land mass by adopting
 Channelization works.
 Corrective dredging of river bed for
maintaining stable river regime.
 Bank protection works to check
migration of river bank.
River training works.
• About 300Km upper reach from
Dibrugarh to Tezpur by 2024
• About 130Km middle reach from
Nagaon to Guwahati by 2027
• About 210Km lower reach from
Guwahati to Dhubri by 2030
SDG Group-VIII 29
Practice of using eco-friendly construction
material as geo-bags for erosion protection, geo-
tube dykes for embankment construction. Reduction in damage for
forest resources
Development of drainage network system as
well as proper maintenance in major towns like
Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Silchar and capital city of
Reduction in the incidents
of flash flood in the cities.
1 major city
every year
Promotion of Sustainable Watershed
management through possible techniques such
as check dams, contour trenches etc.,
preservation of forests, increasing the forest
cover, etc. to increase time of run-off and retain
top soil cover.
Reduction in intensity of
flood and silt load in rivers.
SDG Group-VIII 30
 Common watershed platform for all the NE
states and its neighbouring countries viz. Bhutan,
Bangladesh and China to achieve sustainable and all
round development of Assam in particular including
North Eastern region and this part of South East
Asia as a whole.
 This platform will enable the stakeholders ease
of data sharing for better formulation of integrated
water resources management programmes.
 W R Deptt., Assam have been framing
comprehensive and integrated water resources
management proposals considering vulnerable
reaches river basin-wise.
Creation of the
Common platform
 Framing basin wise
implementation of
Working Group-II: Healthy well being and sanitation to all
(Para 6.5 – Clean water and sanitation)
SDG Group-VIII 31
 Fortification of Brahmaputra dyke system.
In this project about 736.00 Km length (Both
Banks) of embankment along river
Brahmaputra will be raised and strengthened
including extension of embankments at some
Strengthening the dyke system in
phase manner.
• About 328.93Km upper reach from
Dibrugarh to Tezpur by 2024
• About 210.96Km middle reach from
Nagaon to Guwahati
• About 196.00Km lower reach from
Guwahati to Dhubri
Fortification of dyke system of independent
rivers like Borak including tributary rivers of
Brahmaputra & Borak river of about 2788.31
Km of vulnerable dykes of tributary rivers of
the state to reduce the flood hazard will be
taken up for implementation.
Strengthening the dyke system in
phase manner.
• About 1000 Km.
• Another 1000Km.
• Remaining 788.31 Km.
Working Group-I: Poverty alleviation, education to all, etc.
(Para 2.4 – Zero Hunger)
SDG Group-VIII 32
Para 15.3.
By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil,
including land affected by desertification, draught and floods,
and strive to achieve a land degradation neutral world.
Para 15.4.
By 2030 ensure the conservation of mountain Ecosystem,
including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to
provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development.
ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
1. State soil atlas with the perspectives of developing intervention plan for Soil
treatment, erosion control and slope stabilization: Print ready atlas available in
digital form using GIS platform for all purpose of soil conservation and protection
planning; ready by 2022.
2. State agro-climatic zone wise States species inventory development for plantation
and vegetative treatment: List of inventory of the species for plantation will be
available to concern agencies and different division of the department against each
of the agro-climatic zones of the state; ready by 2022.
3. Policy on: Draft policy make available to the public for opinion and suggestion ;
ready by 2022.
a) Land use and land use regulation act .
b) Soil and water conservation policy and act.
4. Intervention for Soil Treatment
a) Slope stabilization and restoration by vegetative and structural approach and in
combination: 30% slope destabilized will be covered- by 2023.
b) Soil organic matter restoration and nourishment: 35% of the dry farmland will be
covered - by 2023.
c) Bio-sore application and terapetra treatment: 20% of the dry farm land will be covered
by 2023 .
5. Intervention for Water Harvesting
a) Water harvesting through farm pond: 35 % of the draught prone area will covered- by
b) Water harvesting through improvisation of traditional water harvesting method like
Dong, Longsor :30 % of the draught prone area will covered- by 2024.
c) Farmland neighbourhood water body conservation and field canal connection along
with field bund: 35 % of the draught prone area will covered-by 2024.
ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
6. Development state wasteland data base and State guideline on Wasteland
development: Guidelines - by 2024.
7. Interventions for Wasteland Treatment
a) Plantation:
10% waste land area of the state - by 2025.
b) Wild fruits, herbs orchard development:
10% waste land of the state- by 2025.
c) Plantation of suitable species on sand casting areas :
15% sand casting area- by 2025.
d) Plantation of NTFP/MFS species, like broom grass, castor plant etc:
5% asteland area palnted - by 2025 .
ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
8. Community based wetland management model development:
Demonstration model of Community based wetland management against each
agro-climatic zone: least one model site for each agro-climatic zones - by 2025.
8. State wetland development and restoration Policy:
Draft policy made available to the public for opinion and suggestion- by 2018.
8. State agro-forestry policy:
Draft policy developed in tune with national policy
Public consultations – Finalization by 2018
8. Agro-climatic zone wise agro-forestry model:
Demonstration of Community base Agro-forestry model against each agro-climatic
zone- by 2020 .
8. Soil health card for farmers:
Farmers posses soil health card in all the districts -by 2025.
ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
1. Awareness on soil resource management, protection and conservation:
Awareness Program / Module Developed by 2017
Programmes held in each Village Panchayats @ 200 /year
2. Alternative approach to control Jhum in Hill districts:
Study commissioned 2017
Agro-forestry model development 2020
Pilot Program launched 2021
3. Protection & development of Sacred Forest, Village / Community Forest & Council
Study commissioned on inventory & drafting management Plans 2017
Management Plans ready 2020
At least 10 Management Plans supported 2021.
ACTIONS (Para15.4 )
4. Hill district wise guideline development on watershed basis with
due consultation Autonomous District of Hill area
• Study commissioned for development of Guideline by 2017
• Draft Guidelines by 2020
1. Awareness on soil and water conservation:
• Awareness Module developed - 2017
• Awareness Programmess in each District / Block / Villages 2025.
( clubbed with soil management program)
SDG Group-VIII 40
Draft Action Plan
Assam State Disaster Management Authority
SDG Group-VIII 41
Goal Action Indicator Time by
Strengthen resilience
and adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards,
natural disasters in all
1. Develop an Integrated
Action Plan for all
Hydromat Disasters with
particular reference to
climate change
(Agriculture, Education,
Environment and Forest,
Health & FW, Soil
Conservation, PWD, Social
Welfare, Power, P & RD
- Prepared
Community based
Adaptation and
- Prepared
Integrated Action
Plan for
-Community based
Adaptation and
Mitigation Plan
2. Infrastructure
strengthening of
Community based flood
early warning system
- Flood Early
dissemination upto
village level across
the State
SDG Group-VIII 42
Goal Action Indicator Time by
resilience and
adaptive capacity
to climate-related
hazards, natural
disasters in all
3. Integration of Climate Change
and Disaster Risk Reduction
concerns into flagship programmes
- Identification of
- Selection of Pilot Programmes
- Sensitization of officials
- Implementation in pilot
- Preparation of Framework
- Workshops
- Demonstration of a
Pilot Programme on
- Implementation of
the entire pilot
4. Construction of multipurpose
flood shelter with 500 people/unit
in Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Barpeta,
Morigaon and Majuli
- Completion of 5 flood
shelters at Dhemaji,
Lakhimpur, Barpeta,
Morigaon and Majuli
SDG Group-VIII 43
Goal Action Indicator Time
Improve education,
and human and
institutional capacity
on climate change
adaptation, impact
reduction and early
1. Build ‘Aware Community ‘on DRR
and climate change adaptation
• Training and Capacity Building of
Departmental functionaries of
Agriculture, Education,
Environment and Forest, Health
& FW, Soil Conservation, PWD,
Social Welfare, Power, P & RD
• Sensitize Departments on
changed role and functions due
to the impact of Climate Change
• Development of IEC
modules etc.
• Minimum of 20
Workshops done
with Departments
SDG Group-VIII 44
Goal Action Indicator Time by
Improve education,
and human and
institutional capacity
on climate change
adaptation, impact
reduction and early
Promotion of community based
indigenous adaptation strategies
for Hydromat Disasters
• Study/Documentation of
existing strategies/ coping
mechanism and
documentation of Best
• Large scale sensitization and
awareness generation
regarding Best Practices
Completed Study
completed at Block
and PRI level in all 27
SDG Group-VIII 45
SDG Group-VIII 46
Thank You

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Forest climate change Action Plan .pptx

  • 1. Group VIII Goal-13 Climate Action Goal-14 Life Below Water Goal-15 Life On Land SDG Group-VIII 1
  • 2. Departments/ Agencies Involved • Forest (including Wildlife) • Assam State Biodiversity Board • Fisheries • Water Resources • Soil Conservation • Assam State Disaster Management Authority SDG Group-VIII 2
  • 3. Highlights • Group met on more than 2 occasions • e-mail group interactions • Each one shared the work-plan • Learning on climate change related issues SDG Group-VIII 3
  • 4. Observation • Many inter-related issues: Need for – Collaboration (with other groups as well) – Overarching monitoring Mechanism • Policy issue need a common platform for – Improving synergy – Avoiding cross-purpose activities • Significant targets need commensurate fund • Common platform for seeking externally aided funds SDG Group-VIII 4
  • 6. Goal 13: Climate Change Targets Targets- Global Target-Assam Indicator Time frame Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries Assam SAPCC prepared in tune with the NAPCC SAPCC approved by the GoI 2016 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning All Sectoral polices are in conformity with SAPCC Assam Climate Change Management Society in place ACCMS meets regularly to launch policy initiatives monitor implementation 2016 2016 onwards Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning Sensitizing vulnerable sections of society and concerned departments Awareness workshops – State level, District level and village level Capacity building of stakeholders Early warning systems in place 2016 on wards 2017 2020 SDG Group-VIII 6
  • 7. Implement the commitment undertaken by developed- country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context` of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible Project formulation for priority sectors National and International funding accessed for Pilot Projects At least 5 Projects Submitted/launched with support from 5 major Donors 2017 2017 SDG Group-VIII 7
  • 8. Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change- related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities Pilot Projects prepared Launched target groups showed measurable adaptive capacities 2017 2018 2020 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries SDG Group-VIII 8
  • 9. By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution Project on Wetland Inventory / Status Study / Interventions A coordinated Project in place 2017 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels Goal 14: Life Below Water SDG Group-VIII 9
  • 10. Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss Targets- Global Target-Assam Indicator Time frame By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally 1. Sustainable forest management through Working Plans 1. Revise 32 Working Plans 2. Obtained approval on these WP 3. Implement prescriptions of approved WP 1. All PWPR by 2017; WP by 2020 2. 2020 3. 2020 onwards 1. Secure vulnerable forests 4000 ha RF are By 2020 @ 1000 ha per year 1. Afforest degraded forests 20000 ha @ 2000 ha. every year SDG Group-VIII 10
  • 11. By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development Hill area of state are secured and protected against encroachment, tree felling, soil cutting and mining 1.Strong legislation in place 2.Offenders prosecuted 3.Hill area regenerate/ man- animal conflicts reduced 1. by 2017 2. 2017 onwards 3. 2018 onwards Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species 1. Critical habitat identified 2. Biodiversity inventoried 3. Threatened species focused conservation launched 1. Landscape mapping completed 2.Biodiversity Registers in place 3. State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan ready 1. by 2017 2. by 2017 3. By 2017 SDG Group-VIII 11
  • 12. Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally agreed State Access-and- Benefit-Sharing (ABS) mechanism finalized At least 10 ABS put in place between people and commercial users of bio-resources 2 ABS by 2017 2-3 ABS Every year Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products Poaching of Rhino and other scheduled animals controlled 1. Poaching incidents drastically reduced / poachers arrested and prosecuted 2.population of Rhino steadily grows Poaching control data every year is better than the previous year Census of wildlife shows healthy trends By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species Area under Invasive species of both land and water is drastically reduced Control of Lantana, Parthenium, on land, 1000 ha. Control of Eichhornia, in wetlands 5 major wetlands and 20 other wetlands By 2016 onwards @ 100 ha every year By 2016 onwards @ 2-3 Wetlnds every year SDG Group-VIII 12
  • 13. By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts Assessment Ecosystem values of Biosphere reserves and Protected Areas Ecosystem Values integrated with revenue earned in State Planning Ecosystem value Assessed 2 Biosphere Reserves, 5 National Parks 20 WL Sanctuaries By 2018 By 2020 By 2025 2020 Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems Externally Aided Projects / Green Climate Fund / Climate Adaptation Fund At least one project for CC actions for each funding agency Submitted Launched in Assam 206-17 2018 onwards Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation Externally Aided Projects / Green Climate Fund / Climate Adaptation Fund One mega project in Forest & Biodiversity conservation sector 2018 SDG Group-VIII 13
  • 15. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices; implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, atleast to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Awareness for all stakeholders Atleast 1 awareness programme in each development blocks 2018 Penalization of defaulters Defaulters reduced to nil with 20% reduction every year 2020 Information on existing legal provisions to all the stakeholders Formal communication 2016 SDG Group-VIII 15
  • 16. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.4 contd…. ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Complete ban on culture/ marketing of prohibited exotic fishes Zero in the market or catch composition 2020 Workshop for need based amendment of the legal provisions 2 state level workshop conducted 2017 Hiring legal consultants to formulate necessary amendments Study Commissioned Final draft 2016 2018 Amendments of the legal provisions Acts and Rules in place 2019 Better management to prevent fish disease 50% Reduction in mortality due to disease or pollution 2020 SDG Group-VIII 16
  • 17. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to over capacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation REMARKS • Presently Fisheries Department, Govt of Assam is implementing no subsidy oriented schemes which contribute to over capacity and overfishing in the natural waters. • However, effective leasing policies to prevent over-exploitation of the beel and river fisheries would be addressed through the actions mentioned in 14.5 SDG Group-VIII 17
  • 18. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island Developing states and least developed countries from sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Organic fish farming State specific Guideline- Draft ready 2017 Identification and selection of suitable area/villages 2018 Experimental Organic fish farming in atleast 5 villages/clusters 2020 Coverage of additional 20 villages/clusters 2028 SDG Group-VIII 18
  • 19. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.7 contd… ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Culture based fisheries in selected beels 100 beels or 3000 ha/ year Development of 30000 ha 2016 onwards 2030 Semi- intensive aquaculture in ponds At least 1 such pond in each village (@ 200 villages / year ) Total of - 50000 ha 2016 onwards 2030 Intensive aquaculture in ponds of progressive fish farmers 500 ha per year Development of 5000 ha 2016 onwards 2025 Fish stock enhancement in swamp and derelict bodies 20 such bodies / year Covering 20,000 ha 2016 onwards 2025 Integrated fish farming in existing ponds 5% of ponds / year 2016 onwards SDG Group-VIII 19
  • 20. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.7 contd… ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Management interventions like conservation and ranching in large riverine and reservoirs resources Increase production from capture fisheries by atleast 10% 2020 Holistic development of beel fisheries for production enhancement 3 Model Beels in each district 2020 Capacity building on ornamental fish breeding and marketing etc. 50 unemployed youth per district 2018 Entrepreneurship development on ornamental fishes Establishment/upgradation of 10 backyard hatcheries and aquarium fabrication units in each district 2020 SDG Group-VIII 20
  • 21. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.a - Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the intergovernmental, oceanographic commission criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing states and least developed countries ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Capacity building for increasing income through scientific and sustainable management Cover at least 25% of the fish farmers of the state 2020 Capacity building of the departmental extension functionaries To cover all the technical officers and staff 2020 Policy formulation for engagement of para-extension workers Preparation and approval of final draft 2018 SDG Group-VIII 21
  • 22. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.a – contd… ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Engagement and training of para- extension workers 1 para-extension worker in place for each village 2023 Feed-back to research institute on the technological needs Continuous process Cataloguing of indigenous fish species Publication of inventories of indigenous fish species 2019 Standardization of breeding and propagation protocol of popular but endangered fish species Protocol standardization for atleast 10 species on priority basis 2020 SDG Group-VIII 22
  • 23. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.b - Provide access for small scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Assess the status of participation of riparian fishers Conduct and complete a survey 2018 Policy formulation for inclusive participation of riparian Relevant provisions in place followed by approval 2020 Implementation of the relevant provisions Access of 80% of the riparian fishers to natural aquatic resources and 50% of them to the market 2027 Participation of women riparian fishers in productive and income generating fisheries activities Commissioning of atleast 500 small scale units 2023 SDG Group-VIII 23
  • 24. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER 14.c - Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international laws as reflected in UNCLOS, which provides the legal framework for conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of The Future We Want ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Declaring parts of wetland and rivers as protected areas To cover 1% area of each beel and 5% stretches of each river fisheries 2020 REMARKS Enhancement, conservation and sustainable use of freshwater resources would be addressed through the actions mentioned in other relevant paras SDG Group-VIII 24
  • 25. GOAL 15. LIFE ON LAND 15.1 - By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystem and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains, and dry lands, in line with obligations under international agreements ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY GIS based survey, listing and categorization of all the natural inland wetlands Collection of existing data from other department and institute 2018 Creation of a complete database 2020 State preparedness for ‘Wise use’ of the wetlands in the state (in the line with international conventions Sorting out relevant provisions where India is a signatory 2017 Identifying the stakeholders and making them aware 2019 To encompass all the natural inland wetlands 2027 SDG Group-VIII 25
  • 26. GOAL 15. LIFE ON LAND 15.1 contd… ACTION INDICATOR TIME BY Conservation of the selected wetlands/ water bodies reserved under forest jurisdiction as ‘live gene bank’ for the indigenous fish species Consultation with Forest Dept. Wetlands identified Works initiated 2016 2017 2017 Draft policy formulation 2018 Management of ‘live gene bank’ 2020 onwards SDG Group-VIII 26
  • 28. ACTIONS INDICATOR TIME FRAME Digitization of existing data system Upgrading manual data collection system to real time data acquisition system (RTDAS) Upgradation of existing River Research Station to Assam water Research and Management Institute (AWRMI) Digitizing and archiving data 2020  Development of advanced flood forecasting system Effective early forecasting leading to timely evacuation Mitigation Reduced loss of life and livestock 2025 Working Group-VIII: Climate Change, Life below water & life above Land (Para 15.3 – Life on Land) SDG Group-VIII 28
  • 29. ACTIONS INDICATOR TIME FRAME Flood Risk mapping and flood zoning  Long term erosion risk mapping.  Use of modeling technologies to improve decision making. Risk zone atlas prepared Zone specific information for improved decision making 2022 Preservation of water-bodies Growth of aquatic flora & fauna 2020 Channelization of Brahmaputra river to reduce loss of land mass by adopting  Channelization works.  Corrective dredging of river bed for maintaining stable river regime.  Bank protection works to check migration of river bank. River training works. • About 300Km upper reach from Dibrugarh to Tezpur by 2024 • About 130Km middle reach from Nagaon to Guwahati by 2027 • About 210Km lower reach from Guwahati to Dhubri by 2030 2025 SDG Group-VIII 29
  • 30. ACTIONS INDICATOR TIME FRAME Practice of using eco-friendly construction material as geo-bags for erosion protection, geo- tube dykes for embankment construction. Reduction in damage for forest resources 2016 onwards. Development of drainage network system as well as proper maintenance in major towns like Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Silchar and capital city of Guwahati. Reduction in the incidents of flash flood in the cities. 1 major city every year Promotion of Sustainable Watershed management through possible techniques such as check dams, contour trenches etc., preservation of forests, increasing the forest cover, etc. to increase time of run-off and retain top soil cover. Reduction in intensity of flood and silt load in rivers. 2022 SDG Group-VIII 30
  • 31. ACTIONS INDICATOR TIME FRAME  Common watershed platform for all the NE states and its neighbouring countries viz. Bhutan, Bangladesh and China to achieve sustainable and all round development of Assam in particular including North Eastern region and this part of South East Asia as a whole.  This platform will enable the stakeholders ease of data sharing for better formulation of integrated water resources management programmes.  W R Deptt., Assam have been framing comprehensive and integrated water resources management proposals considering vulnerable reaches river basin-wise. Creation of the Common platform  Framing basin wise comprehensive proposals implementation of schemes 2018 202 2022 Working Group-II: Healthy well being and sanitation to all (Para 6.5 – Clean water and sanitation) SDG Group-VIII 31
  • 32. ACTIONS INDICATOR TIME FRAME  Fortification of Brahmaputra dyke system. In this project about 736.00 Km length (Both Banks) of embankment along river Brahmaputra will be raised and strengthened including extension of embankments at some reaches. Strengthening the dyke system in phase manner. • About 328.93Km upper reach from Dibrugarh to Tezpur by 2024 • About 210.96Km middle reach from Nagaon to Guwahati • About 196.00Km lower reach from Guwahati to Dhubri 2024 2027 2030 Fortification of dyke system of independent rivers like Borak including tributary rivers of Brahmaputra & Borak river of about 2788.31 Km of vulnerable dykes of tributary rivers of the state to reduce the flood hazard will be taken up for implementation. Strengthening the dyke system in phase manner. • About 1000 Km. • Another 1000Km. • Remaining 788.31 Km. 2024 2027 2030 Working Group-I: Poverty alleviation, education to all, etc. (Para 2.4 – Zero Hunger) SDG Group-VIII 32
  • 34. TARGETS Para 15.3. By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, draught and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation neutral world. Para 15.4. By 2030 ensure the conservation of mountain Ecosystem, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development.
  • 35. ACTIONS (Para15.3 ) 1. State soil atlas with the perspectives of developing intervention plan for Soil treatment, erosion control and slope stabilization: Print ready atlas available in digital form using GIS platform for all purpose of soil conservation and protection planning; ready by 2022. 2. State agro-climatic zone wise States species inventory development for plantation and vegetative treatment: List of inventory of the species for plantation will be available to concern agencies and different division of the department against each of the agro-climatic zones of the state; ready by 2022. 3. Policy on: Draft policy make available to the public for opinion and suggestion ; ready by 2022. a) Land use and land use regulation act . b) Soil and water conservation policy and act.
  • 36. 4. Intervention for Soil Treatment a) Slope stabilization and restoration by vegetative and structural approach and in combination: 30% slope destabilized will be covered- by 2023. b) Soil organic matter restoration and nourishment: 35% of the dry farmland will be covered - by 2023. c) Bio-sore application and terapetra treatment: 20% of the dry farm land will be covered by 2023 . 5. Intervention for Water Harvesting a) Water harvesting through farm pond: 35 % of the draught prone area will covered- by 2024. b) Water harvesting through improvisation of traditional water harvesting method like Dong, Longsor :30 % of the draught prone area will covered- by 2024. c) Farmland neighbourhood water body conservation and field canal connection along with field bund: 35 % of the draught prone area will covered-by 2024. ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
  • 37. 6. Development state wasteland data base and State guideline on Wasteland development: Guidelines - by 2024. 7. Interventions for Wasteland Treatment a) Plantation: 10% waste land area of the state - by 2025. b) Wild fruits, herbs orchard development: 10% waste land of the state- by 2025. c) Plantation of suitable species on sand casting areas : 15% sand casting area- by 2025. d) Plantation of NTFP/MFS species, like broom grass, castor plant etc: 5% asteland area palnted - by 2025 . ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
  • 38. 8. Community based wetland management model development: Demonstration model of Community based wetland management against each agro-climatic zone: least one model site for each agro-climatic zones - by 2025. 8. State wetland development and restoration Policy: Draft policy made available to the public for opinion and suggestion- by 2018. 8. State agro-forestry policy: Draft policy developed in tune with national policy Public consultations – Finalization by 2018 8. Agro-climatic zone wise agro-forestry model: Demonstration of Community base Agro-forestry model against each agro-climatic zone- by 2020 . 8. Soil health card for farmers: Farmers posses soil health card in all the districts -by 2025. ACTIONS (Para15.3 )
  • 39. 1. Awareness on soil resource management, protection and conservation: Awareness Program / Module Developed by 2017 Programmes held in each Village Panchayats @ 200 /year 2. Alternative approach to control Jhum in Hill districts: Study commissioned 2017 Agro-forestry model development 2020 Pilot Program launched 2021 3. Protection & development of Sacred Forest, Village / Community Forest & Council Forest: Study commissioned on inventory & drafting management Plans 2017 Management Plans ready 2020 At least 10 Management Plans supported 2021. ACTIONS (Para15.4 )
  • 40. 4. Hill district wise guideline development on watershed basis with due consultation Autonomous District of Hill area • Study commissioned for development of Guideline by 2017 • Draft Guidelines by 2020 1. Awareness on soil and water conservation: • Awareness Module developed - 2017 • Awareness Programmess in each District / Block / Villages 2025. ( clubbed with soil management program) SDG Group-VIII 40
  • 41. Draft Action Plan for Assam State Disaster Management Authority SDG Group-VIII 41
  • 42. Goal Action Indicator Time by Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards, natural disasters in all countries 1. Develop an Integrated Action Plan for all Hydromat Disasters with particular reference to climate change (Agriculture, Education, Environment and Forest, Health & FW, Soil Conservation, PWD, Social Welfare, Power, P & RD Departments) - Prepared Community based Adaptation and Mitigation Guidelines -2017 - Prepared Integrated Action Plan for Implementation -2018 -Community based Adaptation and Mitigation Plan -2020 2. Infrastructure strengthening of Community based flood early warning system - Flood Early Warning dissemination upto village level across the State -2020 SDG Group-VIII 42
  • 43. Goal Action Indicator Time by Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards, natural disasters in all countries 3. Integration of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction concerns into flagship programmes - Identification of programmes/schemes - Selection of Pilot Programmes - Sensitization of officials - Implementation in pilot program - Preparation of Framework - Workshops - Demonstration of a Pilot Programme on Integration - Implementation of the entire pilot 2020 2030 4. Construction of multipurpose flood shelter with 500 people/unit in Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Barpeta, Morigaon and Majuli - Completion of 5 flood shelters at Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Barpeta, Morigaon and Majuli 2025 SDG Group-VIII 43
  • 44. Goal Action Indicator Time by Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning 1. Build ‘Aware Community ‘on DRR and climate change adaptation • Training and Capacity Building of Departmental functionaries of Agriculture, Education, Environment and Forest, Health & FW, Soil Conservation, PWD, Social Welfare, Power, P & RD Departments • Sensitize Departments on changed role and functions due to the impact of Climate Change • Development of IEC material, information capsules, conversation modules etc. • Minimum of 20 Workshops done with Departments 2017 2020 SDG Group-VIII 44
  • 45. Goal Action Indicator Time by Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning Promotion of community based indigenous adaptation strategies for Hydromat Disasters • Study/Documentation of existing strategies/ coping mechanism and documentation of Best Practices • Large scale sensitization and awareness generation regarding Best Practices Completed Study Report -Sensitization completed at Block and PRI level in all 27 districts 2018 2020 SDG Group-VIII 45