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                                                        Equatorial Guinea
                          The rebirth
                             of a nation
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


A new
                                                                                                                         U.S. President
                                                                                                                         Barack Obama and
                                                                                                                         First Lady Michelle

approach for                                                                                                             Obama meet with

                                                                                                                         President Teodoro
                                                                                                                         Obiang and First
                                                                                                                         Lady Constancia

growth                                                                                                                   Mangue de Obiang
                                                                                                                         in New York in
This past summer as
the eyes of the world
followed the
                                                                                                                        came away effective-
unfolding drama of
                                                                                                                        ly shaking their heads
World Cup soccer in
                                                                                                                        in surprise, while
South Africa, another
                                                                                                                        global market ana-
lesser-known event,
                                                                                                                        lysts immediately fol-
but with far more
                                                                                                                        lowed up by urging
long-term global
                                                                                                                        emerging market
impact, was taking
                                                                                                                        investors to take a
place at the same
                                                                                                                        new look at the area.
time just down the
                                                                                                                        Obiang addressed
Equatorial Guinea’s
                                                                                                                        the forum and an-
President Obiang
                                                                                                                        nounced that Equa-
attended the Fortune
                                                                                                                        torial Guinea was
Global Forum to
                                                                                                                        effectively ‘turning the
present to other
attendees the new
                                        The Fortune Global Forum each year brings              In the speech that followed,the President out-
and improved face of
                                        together the Fortune 500 CEOs,heads of state        lined five major steps that will be taken in order
a nation that is
                                        and other dignitaries to discuss global eco-        to fuel the country’s ongoing development,and
rearing to develop
                                        nomic dynamics.This year’s forum,held in Cape       to launch it into a new era. Over the next
under sustainable
                                        Town from June 26-28 and entitled ‘The New          decade, his government will: 1) Ensure Equato-
                                        Global Opportunity’,was also attended by Time       rial Guinea’s membership in the Extractive Indus-
                                        100 members – the world’s most influential          tries Transparency Initiative; 2) Develop the
                                        people from diverse fields – as well as the Pres-   social sectors; 3)Reform judicial institutions; 4)
                                        ident of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea          Maintain close relations with international human
                                        Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.                      rights organizations;and 5) Work to ensure the
                                           Dedicated to exploring the extraordinary         country’s environmental preservation.
                                        promise of the developing world with a special         The President concluded by saying,“We have
                                        emphasis on Africa and its youthful and grow-       a long road ahead of us to achieve these goals.
                                        ing population of 900 million consumers,the 2010    In many ways, we must radically change the
                                        forum did indeed witness some extraordinary,        course of our history and some of our cul-
                                        though unexpected, and far-reaching events.         ture.We will not ask those global groups who
THIS SUPPLEMENT                            Firstly, Sub-Saharan Africa was exposed. Par-    have criticized us to look the other way, but
TO FOREIGN POLICY WAS                   ticipants, who were briefed on the opportuni-       we do ask for patience and support from the
PRODUCED BY                             ties and growth in the 48 countries that make       international community so that we can become
UNIVERSAL NEWS                          up the region by the McKinsey Global Institute,     a full member of the world’s democracies.”
Suite 341, Chrysler Building,
132 East 43rd Street
New York, NY 10017                      At a glance                       oil reserves, and in                             Area
Tel: (212) 497-5057                                                       the last decade has                              17,430 sq miles -
Fax: (212) 845-8305                     Independence                      become sub-Saha-                                 slightly smaller
universalnews@universal     Equatorial Guinea gained inde-    ran Africa’s third-                              than Maryland                pendence in 1968 after 190        largest oil exporter                             Natural
                                        years of Spanish rule             Location                                         Resources
EQUATORIAL GUINEA PROJECT:              Petroleum Industry                Western Africa,                                  Petroleum, nat-
Andrea Soifer, Project Director         The nation has experienced        bordering the Bight of Biafra,      ural gas, timber, gold, baux-
Juan Carlos Jover, Editorial Director
                                        rapid economic growth due to      between Cameroon and                ite, diamonds, tantalum, clay,
                                        the discovery of large offshore   Gabon                               sand and gravel
Equatorial Guinea


The pillar of growth
                                                                                                             and Portugal’s Galp Energia,state-
                                                                                                             owned Sonagas is in the process
                                                                                                             of drafting a sector master plan
                                                                                                             that should be completed by the

Hydrocarbons are leveraging                                                                                  end of this year.
                                                                                                                Minister Owono credits
                                                                                                             North American companies for
the country’s development                                                                                    much of the success of the coun-
                                                                                                             try’s oil industry and says EG is
                                                                                                             seeking to ramp up activity
Nearly 95% of EG’s GDP is         Africa’s third largest producer      Marcelino Owono Edu,                  throughout the sector through
derived from its hydrocarbon      of crude oil, currently pumping      Minister of Mines, Industry           new investment.
industry. As Minister of Mines,   more than 400,000 bpd.               and Energy                               “We want to attract more FDI
Industry & Energy, Marcelino        The country is looking to dou-                                           throughout the sector’s entire
Owono Edu oversees the vast       ble output of natural gas in order   regional electricity supply.In col-   value chain,” he says,adding that
reserves that have transformed    to serve gas-hungry Europe and       laboration with Germany’s E.ON        a new licensing round will open
the country into Sub-Saharan      become a greater source of           Ruhrgas, Spain’s Union Fenosa,        at the end of 2010.

A milestone
for the
Created in 2001 to
take over the direct
management of the
country’s petroleum
assets, state oil giant           GEPetrol has unveiled plans to create a network of service stations across the country
GEPetrol has since
gone on to exceed                 Becoming an oil and gas operator in Equato-             mic work for operators in the country, and
expectations,                     rial Guinea is no small accomplishment. “We             which is used by GEPetrol to survey unlicen-
becoming the first                are very proud of the fact that we are the first        sed areas. GEPetrol is also an active investor
Central African                   national petroleum company in Central Africa            and partner in Luba Freeport, which GEPetrol
company to operate a              to do so.We have long worked with interna-              hopes to develop as a West African oil services
block of its own – an             tional companies, and our meetings with them            hub. Indeed, Luba is already the preferred base
achievement that                  motivated us to become an operator oursel-              for most operators in the country, fast reali-
GEPetrol’s                        ves,” says GEPetrol general manager Cándido             zing GEPetrol’s vision of converting the free port
management says is a              Nsue Okomo.                                             into the operational hub for general Gulf of Gui-
milestone for the                    In addition to being the technical operator          nea activities.
subregion’s                       of Equatorial Guinea’s offshore Block P, GEPe-             In downstream operations,GEPetrol is a part-
hydrocarbon industry              trol manages the state’s participation in E&P con-      ner in the Equatorial Guinea LNG Company, in
                                  tracts, acts as an agent for the sale of the            addition to other ventures.The Equatorial Gui-
                                  government’s share of hydrocarbons and for              nea LNG Company, a joint venture between
                                  licensing open acreage within the country, and          Marathon Oil and the state company, operates
                                  participates in commercial ventures with other          an LNG facility at Punta Europa on Bioko Island,
                                  national and foreign companies both in Equa-            which shipped its first product in May 2007. In
                                  torial Guinea and abroad. GEPetrol works clo-           May of this year, GEPetrol announced plans for
                                  sely with the Ministry of Mines, Industry and           a new 20,000 barrel per day oil refinery at Mbi-
                                  Energy, the overall regulatory and administra-          ni on the Atlantic coast. It also unveiled plans
                                  tive body for the sector.                               to build a nationwide network of service sta-
                                     GEPetrol’s partnerships include GESeis,a joint       tions,construction on which is expected to get
                                  venture with Terra Energy that undertakes seis-         under way before the end of the year.
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                     SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


                       While Segesa has built up capac-
                       ity, its distribution network re-
                       quires a bit of fine-tuning. Power

clearing               supply is still at times unreliable
                       in the country due to aging equip-

                       ment,and blackouts are not un-
                       heard of in the nation’s capital.
                          Consequently, and in line

to Horizon             with the development goals of
                       the Horizon 2020 national strat-
                       egy,efforts are underway to mod-
2020                   ernize the grid,and some of the
                       government’s largest infra-struc-
With a monopoly on     ture investments to date have
Equatorial Guinea’s    been destined to this end.
electricity sector,       “We consider that electrical          Segesa is working to improve power supply
state-run utility      power is a key element in the
company Segesa has a   development process. Large-              Omogo,a project to expand pro-       will eventually generate 220 KW
generating capacity    scale projects are now underway          duction on Bioko from 30MW           for the mainland.
that is more than      on a national level in the coun-         to 160MW and another project            “We also have a project for
capable of meeting     try’s electricity sector aimed pri-      for the medium and low voltage       the transport of high and low
demand both on the     marily at ensuring that electricity      power grid modernization in the      voltage from the Wele River to
continent and the      coverage is available throughout         city of Malabo,which is being car-   the city of Bata, where the low
island of Bioko        the entire country, and also at          ried out by a Chinese corpora-       and medium voltage network
                       ensuring that it is a quality and low-   tion. Another project now            will also be replaced.We are also
                       cost electricity supply,” comments       underway is the construction of      carrying out a project for the
                       Juan Lupercio Nsibi Omogo,Sege-          the Djibloho Hydroelectric Plant     electrification of all the provin-
                       sa’s general manager.                    on the continental region,expect-    cial districts on the continental
                          These include,according to Mr.        ed to be completed in 2011,which     region,” concludes Mr. Omogo.
Equatorial Guinea


A country under
Equatorial Guinea is being
developed from the ground up
EG’s oil revenues are literally      buildings or energy facilities or
paving the country’s streets as      hospitals or electricity. Every-
President Obiang lays down the       thing that has been built in the
foundations of his Horizon 2020,     last few years has been thanks
which aims to gain emerging          to petroleum, and, of course,
country status by that year.         to the effort and work of             Sogea Satom builds main roads that serve as vital arteries
  The country has invested           Guineans,led by our president.”
heavily in roads, ports, airports,      And efforts are ongoing. Ac-       1,500 projects in the country.
and housing projects over the last   cording to the Ministry of Pub-       Today,the infrastructure sector
few years.As Minister of Mines,      lic Works and Infrastructure,         boasts a greater foreign presence
Industry & Energy Marcelino          which oversees all infrastructure     than even the hydrocarbon
Owono Edu said, “We have             related projects through its GE       industry.
built this country from scratch,     Projects initiative, there are cur-       “The projects that we are cur-
we did not inherit a thing.This      rently more than 200 compa-           rently carrying out will contribute
was a village without roads or       nies carrying out approximately       to the creation of jobs and pave
                                                                           the way for the functioning of
                                                                           many other sectors that cannot

Equatorial Guinea’s partner                                                be exploited right now, such as
                                                                           tourism, fisheries, or industry,”     José Ela Oyana, Minister of

in road development
                                                                           comments Minister of Public           Planning, Economic
                                                                           Works & Infrastructure Marceli-       Development & Investment
                                                                           no Oyono Ntutumu.“Personal-
With a largely local workforce and a reputation for                        ly, what motivates me is seeing
finishing on time and on budget, Sogea Satom is                            the results of our work.We work
building EG’s vital arteries                                               on average 15-18 hours a day and
                             A branch of Vinci, the number one             the changes that can be seen
                             construction company in the world,            throughout the country give me
                             Sogea Satom has been present in               a great sense of satisfaction.The
                             Africa for more than 70 years, and            infrastructure of ports and roads
in Equatorial Guinea for over 20.                                          help and promote the exchange
   Sogea Satom GE,whose workforce comprises 90% Guineans,                  of trade and knowledge through-
is helping the government achieve its Horizon Plan 2020 goals              out EG.It unites different villages
by concentrating on the company’s strong suit: road construc-              that were cut off before.”            Marcelino Oyono Ntutumu,
tion.And it certainly takes an expert in roads to deal with this               Minister of Planning, Eco-        Minister of Public Works &
country’s tricky topography and climate.Packed with mountains              nomic Development & Invest-           Infrastructure
and rivers, and with annual rainfall ranging between 76 and 430            ment José Ela Oyana adds,“The
inches depending on the zone,Equatorial Guinea presents obsta-             exploitation of our petroleum            This was the conference that
cles in developing road infrastructure rapidly and safely.                 as it is now being done was a         set the framework for EG’s de-
   Sogea Satom began years ago building urban roads in Mongo-              chieved thanks to the effort of       velopment,says Minister Oyana.
mo, Evinayong, Mbini, Cogo and Bata, and is now addressing main            President Obiang and his gov-         One of the key strategies was
roads–including a national road from Bata to Mongomo–to afford             ernment. Infrastructure was           the reconstruction of basic infra-
the growing country with improved access and communication.                completely destroyed and in a         structure.The Minister says that
   “Areas that were villages ten years ago are becoming towns              very poor state of repair. When       thanks to the petroleum sector
now, and in ten years from now, they will be cities.The whole              he saw the potential that petro-      and direct investment in nation-
country is a very big construction site, and infrastructure needs          leum had, he called the First         al infrastructure development,
to be developed to set off the economy and allow trade and indus-          National Economic Conference,         GDP has increased tenfold in the
try,” says Frank Casteleyn,managing director of Sogea Satom EG.            it was September of 1997.”            past decade.
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                            SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


Horizon Construction: a hive of activity
Many landmark buildings in EG have Horizon’s signature on them

While the country has been                                                                                  so I have no doubt that Hori-
busy laying roads and building                                                                              zon 2020 will be successful.”
hospitals, ports and airports,                                                                                 For the time being, Horizon
Horizon Construction has been                                                                               will continue to undertake large-
equally as active in carving out                                                                            scale public projects in EG,says
the architectural face of the new                                                                           Mr. Jeha, while beginning to lay
Equatorial Guinea.                                                                                          the foundations of its interna-
   Horizon’s list of accomplish-                                                                            tional expansion.Still,the com-
ments to date include the ren-                                                                              pany’s future visions involve
ovation of Bata’s monumental        Horizon’s Tower Liberty will be EG’s tallest building                   more of an internal expansion
clock tower, the Ministry of                                                                                in design rather than a geo-
Communications in Bata, a 10-          Headed by Marwan Jeha, the       They have put policies in place     graphical move. Furthermore,
floor commercial tower in Mal-      company’s general manager,          to build the right infrastructure   Mr. Jeha does not foresee any
abo,the Public Treasury in Bata,    Horizon has established itself as   and to ensure that construction     shortage of work in EG for
the Tower Liberty (a landmark       one of EG’s leading construc-       goes up.All these changes can       some time to come.
structure topped by a revolving     tion companies over the past        be seen when you pass by the           He says the company is head-
restaurant), the Palaces of Jus-    decade,also completing a num-       roads. You can see that the         ing toward the construction of
tice in both Bata and Malabo,and    ber of residential projects rang-   view of Equatorial Guinea is        ‘intelligent buildings’,which will
Bata’s Grand Market shopping        ing from individual villas to       changing every day, and this        use smart systems to control
center. Horizon’s upcoming          apartment complexes in addi-        reflects the vision of the Pres-    everything from security to
projects will be equally as         tion to major hotel projects.       ident.He wants the country to       electricity and water con-
impressive and include the new         Mr.Jeha comments,“The real-      be completely transformed.          sumption. Horizon also wants
airport in Bata and the city’s      ity is that Equatorial Guinea is    When he sets a goal, he makes       to use more solar panels in its
conference center.                  a country under development.        sure that everyone reaches it       construction.

                                                                        Following national development,
                                                                        step by step
                                                                        Specialized in the construction of roads and bridges,
                                                                        Setraco has been putting this experience to good use
                                                                        in EG since 2003

                                                                        With over 30 years of experi-       first-class materials and state-
                                                                        ence, beginning with the con-       of-the-art technology, Setraco
                                                                        struction of Nigerian townships     EG has since undertaken a num-
                                                                        and district roads in 1977,         ber of infrastructure projects
                                                                        Setraco is one of that country’s    in Equatorial Guinea.
                                                                        largest construction compa-            While the first few years in
                                                                        nies,and has over the last three    the country represented a tri-
                                                                        decades made a significant con-     al period for Setraco EG with
                                                                        tribution to Nigeria’s infra-       relatively small public contracts,
                                                                        structure development.              according to general manager
                                                                           In 2003 Setraco Equatorial       Danilo Borserini, over the last
                                                                        Guinea (Setraco EG) was estab-      five years Setraco has gone on
                                                                        lished.In line with founder Said    to complete increasingly larg-
                                                                        Khalaf’s vision of participating    er projects, culminating in its
                                                                        in the growth of developing         current renovation of an entire
                                                                        countries around the world          neighborhood of the capital,
                                                                        through the provision of inter-     including the road works and
                                                                        national standard services,         sanitation systems.
                                                                        including employing highly-            “After a few tests, the gov-
                                                                        trained personnel, and using        ernment has offered us a con-
Equatorial Guinea


                                                                                                            EG in addition to construction,
                                                                                                            which include quarrying, real
                                                                                                            estate services,electro-mechan-

building                                                                                                    ics, and landscaping. Upcom-
                                                                                                            ing projects in its construction
                                                                                                            division include the new Ministry
American Business
Investment                                                                                                  of Finance in Malabo.
Construction (ABIC)                                                                                            Although its quarry is an
is contributing to                                                                                          equally important part of
promoting                                                                                                   ABIC’s activities in EG, Mr.
national tourism                                                                                            Ahmad has a great deal of con-
through the                                                                                                 fidence in the country’s attrac-
construction of                                                                                             tion as a tourist destination,
world-class hotels                                                                                          and consequently, in further
                                                                                                            tourism construction for ABIC.
                                      ABIC has helped bring Hilton the brand to EG                             He states, “The nature and
                                                                                                            sights that exist in the country
“Our job is not only based on         be seen in hotels,governmental     Ahmad. He comments, “The           are incredible; there is great
the construction or architectur-      buildings, or hospitals.”          hotel will surely contribute to    potential for tourism.The sector
al aspects, the ones people can         With the construction of         promote national tourism. We       has not yet been developed,but
see. Our job is to build and con-     world class venues such as the     are partners in the hotel and we   Horizon 2020 promotes its
struct intelligent buildings,” says   new Hilton Malabo and a sec-       have done the construction,but     expansion,among other sectors.
Yossef Ahmad, general manager         ond Hilton hotel to be built in    the hotel will be managed by       People do not know a lot of the
of ABIC, the company behind           Bata,ABIC hopes to boost EG’s      Hilton, having an international    spots in this country because at
Malabo’s new Hilton Hotel.            budding tourism sector,an indus-   operator such as Hilton pro-       the moment, these places are
   “These buildings have systems      try targeted for exploitation by   motes tourism in addition to       not ready to receive tourism.
installed that require very spe-      Horizon 2020,and which at the      promoting the hotel itself.”       They don’t have the necessary
cific skills and abilities to oper-   moment, mainly caters to busi-       Established in 2004, ABIC        infrastructure,but it is coming and
ate them, systems that can only       ness travel, according to Mr.      boasts a number of activities in   rapidly.”

tract that has given us the           child of Said Khalaf, who
opportunity to show what we           dreamt of helping Nigeria,and
are made of and how to estab-         later Equatorial Guinea,devel-
lish infrastructure according to      op,” says Mr. Borserini.“He is
European standards,” says Mr.         a person who knows to per-
Borserini, referring to the           fection what policies a com-
Paraiso neighborhood project.         pany that is set up in Africa
   “This is the first time a pro-     should adopt. Consequently,
ject of this type has been car-       we have formed a group of
ried out by a single company.         companies that can provide
Normally one company would            all types of services through-
be in charge of the street con-       out Africa.”
struction,another of sanitation,         Mr. Borserini says the radi-
etc.This time, it is a complete       cal transformation that EG is
infrastructure contract.”             now undergoing is remark-
   Setraco EG forms part of the       able.“It’s difficult to compare
Setraco International Holding,        Equatorial Guinea with any
a group of over 20 companies          other country in Africa,” he
that provide a range of con-          says. “I have roughly 30 years
struction and infrastructure spe-     of experience traveling and
cialized services,such as bridge      working across the globe, and
and building construction,            I know accelerated develop-
design, and a special projects        ment when I see it. If you look
division.Therefore,Setraco EG         at the last six years in Equa-
has access to specialized knowl-      torial Guinea,you can see that
edge and can rely on its sister       things have changed on a dai-
companies to help the compa-          ly basis, and that new con-
ny expand its project range.          structions are popping up
   “The Group is the brain-           non-stop.”
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


Developing tourism
                                                                                                               ority, the government is pro-
                                                                                                               moting activities that will fos-
                                                                                                               ter its development. It will not
                                                                                                               undertake development activi-

An undiscovered jewel in Africa is being unveiled
                                                                                                               ties per se, but rather facilitate
                                                                                                               them through issuing visas and
                                                                                                               streamlining bureaucratic pro-
                                                                                                               cedures. We have also ear-
Minister of Information,Culture     How is the government pro-           Are there opportunities for           marked specific projects and
and Tourism Jerónimo Osa Osa        moting tourism?                      private sector involvement?           destinations, like the island of
Ecoro speaks about one of the          The country’s tourism sector        The private sector is funda-        Corisco,where the government
world’s least known destinations.   is still in an embryonic stage but   mental.Horizon 2020 envisions         has committed to building a
                                    we are taking concrete steps to      tourism as a source of eco-           new airport to support tourism
                                    make it a reality.                   nomic growth.As this is a pri-        development.
                                        Tourist attractions in Equa-
                                    torial Guinea are numerous so

                                                                         Modern and luxurious:
                                    we are working on a project
                                    with the World Tourism Orga-
                                    nization to make an inventory
                                    of our most attractive destina-
                                        We also want to offer differ-
                                                                         the mirror of the new EG
                                                                         The Sofitel Malabo Presidential Palace upholds the
                                    ent types of tourism from elite
                                                                         French luxury chain’s standards of quality and service
                                    or luxury to ecotourism.There
                                    are luxury hotels for those who
                                    choose elite travel, but we also
Jerónimo Osa Osa Ecoro,             want to provide accommodation
Minister of Information,            for those who want to travel
Culture and Tourism                 with their backpacks.

                                                                         The beautiful Spanish colonial architecture of the Sofitel Malabo

                                                                         Business travellers arriving in EG today will not be lacking
                                                                         for luxury thanks to the Sofitel Malabo Presidential Palace.
                                                                         Opened in 2007, this 5-star hotel is a converted 18th cen-
                                                                         tury cloister, boasting 100 well-appointed rooms – including
                                                                         a presidential suite and three luxury suites – a world-class
                                                                         restaurant, two bars, an outdoor pool, a fitness center, and a
                                                                         300m2 conference room.
                                                                            Located in downtown Malabo and overlooking the port, this
                                                                         hotel bearing the Sofitel seal of excellence, is a landmark
                                                                         establishment that falls right in line with the new image of the
                                                                         country: modern and luxurious. Guests can expect levels of
                                                                         quality and comfort unavailable as of yet outside the hotel,
                                                                         and do not have to worry about the occasional power or water
                                                                         cut.“Sofitel Malabo is our new flagship hotel in the region that
                                                                         will work as a model for further expansion”, says Mr. Chau-
                                                                         vet, General Manager of Sofitel Malabo.
                                                                            “EG is a small, safe and developing country with a gorgeous
                                                                         wildlife and tremendous potential for high class and MICE
                                                                         tourism.The government is building the country from scratch
                                                                         and envisions doing it in a record time; that is why it is very
                                                                         important for Western coun-
                                                                         tries to see and support what
                                                                         is taking place here.”
Equatorial Guinea


‘In the last
                              Morocco-based Somagec is
                              working to bridge its marine
                              construction expertise with

five years,                   tourism development as it
                              continues to unroll new mar-

the country
                              itime projects,such as the new
                              deepwater port in Malabo,
                              where it is constructing a pro-

has really                    tection dike, 1,200 meters of
                              pier with a roll-on,roll-off sta-
                              tion,and an international con-
undergone an                  tainer terminal.
                                 At the same time the com-
                                                                  Somagec is building a new port and boulevard in Kogo

infrastructure                pany has also taken on projects
                              such as the construction of a
                              three-mile maritime boulevard
                                                                  nal,a roll-on,roll-off station,and
                                                                  fueling pier.
                                                                     Meanwhile in the city of
                                                                                                       will begin another soon in
                                                                                                          General manager Jean
revolution’                   in the same city destined to
                              become one of the country’s
                              new leisure attractions.
                                                                  Kogo, Somagec is building a
                                                                  new port terminal, in addition
                                                                  to a new seaside boulevard.
                                                                                                       Charles Hayoz comments,“We
                                                                                                       have been here for five years,
                                                                                                       and in that time, we have suc-
Somagec has been quick
to recognize the                 Outside of the capital,             Upcoming is a new port pro-       cessfully completed many
possibilities in Equatorial   Somagec is working on an air-       ject on the island of Corisco,       large-scale projects. We feel
Guinea’s budding              port and a new port project         a destination targeted by the        that the direction that the Pres-
tourism industry              on Annobon, which will pro-         government for future tourism        ident has taken with regards to
                              vide the infrastructure the         development and where                infrastructure is one of the
                              island needs to further devel-      Somagec is currently con-            best that a new country like
                              op its tourism and trade poten-     structing an airport and a hotel.    Equatorial Guinea can take. In
                              tial.The project will add a new        The company also has hotels       the last five years, the country
                              jetty and dike to the port, as      under construction in Kogo           has really undergone an infra-
                              well as a regional trade termi-     and Media Luna (Bata), and           structure revolution.”
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


Ports: multiple developments
along the coast
In addition to tourism, ports and maritime
transportation are destined to play a large role in
Equatorial Guinea’s economic future
Aiming to double the country’s      ing itself as the hub for the Gulf
port capacity through billion-      of Guinea hydrocarbon indus-
dollar investments in its har-      try. A new port at Annobon
bors, the government has            was completed this year.
multiple port renovations now          “The ports throughout Equa-        Ports and harbors have received significant investments
underway, not the least of which    torial Guinea are a key pillar in
is the $4.5 billion expansion of    the development of the country        marily for the export of cocoa.     create a port that can handle
Port of Malabo, aimed at creat-     as they are the entryway,” says       Today, it is a bustling, modern     large tonnage ships and to lat-
ing capacity for 1,200 ships a      general manager of Equatorial         commercial and industrial port      er redistribute the goods from
year and 40,000 containers.         Guinea’s Port Administration,         as is the Port of Bata, and the     these ships to different ports in
   While the Port of Malabo is      Alberto Nguema Lima.“This is          expansion and renovation of         neighboring countries,” explains
scheduled for full completion in    true for all countries, but espe-     each has resulted in significant    Mr.Nguema. “We want to posi-
2013 (80% of the work will be       cially for Equatorial Guinea as all   interest from the shipping world,   tion ourselves as a transit port.
completed by the beginning of       international companies and           according to Mr. Nguema, who        This presents some challenges
2011),the Port of Bata,the coun-    investors must pass through the       says the port administration has    as there are other ports that are
try’s main port for transporta-     ports as a first point of call.”      received numerous calls from        quite advanced and represent
tion of agricultural and forestry      The ports have come a long         shipping companies inquiring        strong competition, but Equa-
products, is also undergoing        way since colonial times,accord-      about the ports’ new capacities     torial Guinea has two very big
extensive modernization, and a      ing to Mr. Nguema, when the           and facilities.                     advantages – the depth of its
third port at Luba is position-     Port of Malabo was used pri-             “The government’s aim is to      waters and its location.”
Equatorial Guinea


ICT: challenges and                                                         Hits brings innovation and
                                                                            competition to ICT sector
investment                                                                  When Hits arrived in Equatorial Guinea, it hit the
                                                                            ground running, snatching up new customers with its
                                                                            innovative products and competitive prices

Equatorial Guinea’s ICT sector is                                           In May 2008, the government
                                                                            of EG awarded Hits Africa a
                                                                                                                    “We boldly took up the chal-
                                                                                                                 lenge, and that strength got us
positively thriving                                                         20-year license as the country’s
                                                                            second operator, and in No-
                                                                            vember 2009, the company in-
                                                                                                                 to where we are today, still far
                                                                                                                 from reaching our competition,
                                                                                                                 Getesa, but getting closer. We
Minister of Transport, Techno-                                              augurated the country’s first        are introducing services that
logy & IT Vicente Ehate Tomi                                                converged network, consisting        people have never seen before,
says that although EG’s telecom-                                            of mobile, fixed, and data net-      GPRS is now a reality here, and
munications sector is still in its                                          works. This was a historic           we are making great strides in
baby stages, large-scale projects                                           moment in EG’s telecoms sec-         our efforts to provide service in
have been launched since the                                                tor as it signified the end of the   areas that have never had
Second National Economic Con-                                               main operator’s monopoly and         telecommunications coverage.”
ference and they will soon see                                              the introduction of competition         Mr.Bridault adds that Hits also
the country’s first fiber optic sub-                                        for the first time.                  offers mobile phone Internet
marine cable enter into opera-                                                 This competition has since        service and that all of the com-
tion. Further initiatives are          Vicente Ehate Tomi,                  seen Getesa, the country’s first     pany’s services are competitive-
underway such as the installa-         Minister of Transport,               operator,drop its prices at least    ly priced. Indeed, he says that
tion of a national backbone cable      Technology & IT                      three times and launch its first     Hits prices are typically 15% to
and connection to the ACE net-                                              marketing campaign in 20 years,      20% lower than those of the
work that connects SouthAfrica         the general changes through-         according to Secretary of State      competition in the majority of
with Europe.                           out Africa and at a global level.    for ICT Carmelo Modú Ebuka,          the countries where the com-
   “The evolution of the sector        In-deed,all of the development       and has resulted in a new impe-      pany operates.
has been significant and very pos-     and investment that the oper-        tus in the sector to improve cov-       Looking forward, the general
itive,” adds Minister Ehate Tomi.      ators and the government have        erage, products, service, and        manager says his goal is to reach
“Just 15 years ago,the only com-       made were fundamental; it is         connectivity with the world.         300,000 subscribers within the
munication device that existed         really noticeable how the use           Hits general manager, Hugh-       next three years.“We want to
was the landline.Today we have         of the mobile phone has become       es Bridault,says that although not   reach an 80% penetration rate,”
a system that is in operation          an essential means of commu-         easy,his company’s entrance in-      concludes Mr.Bridault.“Equato-
thanks to the help we received         nication for the population.”        to the market was necessary to       rial Guinea is a small country
from China,which over the past            Getesa general manager,           end the monopoly and bring in        and it can be covered quickly if
few years has built trenches in        Catherine Rumillat,says nation-      a second competitor.                 you know what you are doing.”
the cities for the necessary infra-    wide coverage is on its way.Gete-
structure.”                            sa invested more than 9 billion
   The Minister says that the cel-     FCFA ($19.3 million) last year,
lular market has also thrived in       she says, and the company has
the past few years so that today       many projects in the pipeline to
communication within the coun-         offer new products and Internet
try and with the exterior is eas-      service throughout the country.
ily established. Mobile operator          “In terms of telecommunica-
Hits entered the country after         tions infrastructure, many big
the 2008 telecommunications            projects are being launched,such
law opened the door to new             as the cable between Malabo
operators,breaking the monop-          and Bata and the new optical
oly of the country’s single oper-      fiber cable which will link Europe
ator at the time, Getesa.              with South Africa (ACE),” she
   Secretary of State for ICT,         adds.“Thanks to this cable,exist-
Carmelo Modú Ebuka, adds,              ing telecommunication compa-
“We have witnessed tremen-             nies and the ones that will come
dous change in the sector.             in the near future will be able
We’ve had mobile telephony             to offer services that currently
since 1997. Since then, growth         do not exist because of lack of
has been spectacular, reflecting       capacity.”
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                                 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


Banking system backs                                                          BANGE opens up new
                                                                              opportunities for SMEs
rapid development                                                             Established in 2007 with a paid-up capital of
                                                                              €3 million, BANGE has quickly worked to establish
                                                                              itself as ‘The Bank for Everyone’

New infrastructure and products                                               The National Bank of Equatori- money accessible to people who
                                                                              al Guinea (BANGE) is not just would not normally be able to
aid economic diversification                                                  the only bank in the country with obtain a bank loan.”
                                                                              state-owned participation (45%),        In addition to its corporate
                                                                              but it is also the nation’s favorite business, BANGE also offers a
The country’s banking sector has       development, a priority for the        with more than 10% market range of retail products for indi-
remained strong and well capi-         sector, and for the government.        share.The Commercial Bank of viduals and has plans to extend
talized throughout the global             Minister of Economy, Trade          the Philippines is the govern- its branch network throughout
financial crisis as a result of its    and Business Promotion Pedro           ment’s foreign partner in the ven- the country. Services currently
small size and relatively scant        Ondo Nguema says,“In recent            ture (with 30% participation), include deposits,loans,telegraph
international reach.The sector is      years,the institutions in the finan-   and private Equatoguinean inter- transfers,money orders,foreign
comprised of just four banks:          cial system have made great            ests own the remaining 25% of exchange,ATM withdrawal and
BGFIBank GE, CCEI Bank GE,             strides in the area of infrastruc-     the bank’s shares.
Société Générale de Banques GE         ture, in opening new branches,            Equatorial Guinea
and National Bank of Equatori-         launching communications net-          has not had a nation-
al Guinea (BANGE).Still,the sec-       works etc.,as well as in expand-       al bank since the
tor, which is overseen by the          ing the services they provide,         Credit Bank closed
Bank of Central African States,        such as transfers and ATM ser-         its doors in 1985.
is large enough to sufficiently cov-   vices.What is remaining for them       BANGE was creat-
er market needs and to finance         to do is finance the economy.          ed to provide finan-
                                                                              cial support to both
                                                                              public and private
                                                                              commercial and infra-
                                                                              structure projects,
                                                                              including those in the
                                                                              hydrocarbon indus-
                                                                              try.A second objec-
                                                                              tive behind the bank’s
                                                                              establishment was to
                                                                              provide support for
                                                                              the country’s SMEs,a
                                                                              mission that has
                                                                              received new impetus BANGE’s services are focused on
                                                                              since management of SMEs, corporations and homebuyers
                                                                              the bank was
                                                                              assumed by a German group in safety deposit boxes.The bank is
                                                                              the summer of 2009.                  also hoping to launch Master-
                                                                                 “Since then we have devel- Card,Visa, JCB, and AMEX cards
                                                                              oped a special small and medi- before the end of this year.
                                                                              um enterprises department.We            “We took over last year and
                                                                              foresee that a specialized SME at that time the bank was still in
                                                                              department in the bank is a its infancy.We are now trying to
                                                                              requirement for the future,” com- push it to the next level,not only
                                                                              ments BANGE’s general manag- in terms of services to the pub-
                                                                              er, Cornelis E.Verheezen. “We lic,but also in product innovation,”
                                                                              are working jointly with the says Mr. Verheezen.“We recent-
                                                                              Deputy Minister of Economic ly launched 20-year mortgages to
                                                                              Affairs to support the govern- allow more people to gain access
                                                                              ment,which wants to make funds to decent housing which is – next
                                                                              available,some €11 million ($15.3 to the SME business and corpo-
                                                                              million),to support SME activity rate – another pillar on which we
                                                                              in the country. We are making want to build the bank’s future.”
Equatorial Guinea


CCEI Bank GE finances nearly 70% of the national economy
The nation’s largest bank in terms of assets offers invaluable guidance for business in EG

A subsidiary of Afriland First        clients, not just as bankers, and     credit with the faith that one day   complete range of credit cards,
Bank, a full service operating in     consequently places great val-        this country would be what it        but it will wait until all its cards
various sub-Saharan countries,        ue on the quality of its con-         is today.”                           are internationally compatible
CCEI Bank GE was established          sulting services, which provide          Although it boasts a loyal        before launching these prod-
in Equatorial Guinea in 1994.         clients with solid financial advice   client base,CCEI Bank GE con-        ucts.The bank is also working
With head offices in the nation’s     and assistance.                       tinues to progress,                  to expand its microcredit divi-
capital,CCEI Bank GE also offers         These services are also appar-     adapting its                         sion and SME financing.
branches in Bata, Ebibeyin and        ently highly valued by the bank’s     products                                 “Contrary to what is some-
Mongomo.                              customers – profits jumped by         t o                                   times believed,CCEI finances all
   CCEI Bank GE is currently          47% between 2007 and 2008,                                                    types of activities – large,medi-
the nation’s largest bank in terms    while deposits increased by                                                     um and small.We give loans,
of assets (NAV was valued at          76% for the same period.                                                        technical assistance and
more than $28 million in April           CCEI Bank GE deputy                                                          advice. Businessmen often
of 2007), and it provides ser-        general manager Alberto                                                          know how to grow their
vices to the nation’s largest com-    Doria Lajay says,“The phi-                                                       business and make money,
panies. Indeed, as one of the         losophy of our bank, and                                                         but do not really under-
longest-standing financial insti-     the key to our success, has                                                   stand finance.When they pre-
tutions in Equatorial Guinea,         been a strong belief in this coun-                                            sent us with a project, we
CCEI Bank GE finances some            try, in contrast to many other        new technolo-                        guide them through the best
70% of the nation’s economy.          companies.We established here         gies and seeking to                  ways of doing things. It’s good
   In addition to offering the full   before the full development of        offer the best services in the       for the businessman and good
range of traditional banking          the hydrocarbon sector. Since         market. Mr. Lajay says the bank      for us as well because bad financ-
products, CCEI Bank GE sees           it believed in the country, the       is working towards providing         ing would be a problem for both
itself as partners with their         bank began to invest and give         internet banking as well as a        parties,” says Mr. Lajay.
Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                                                                            SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION


Health: a main pillar
                                                                                                                           Health statistics for Equatorial Guinea
                                                                                                                                  in comparison to Africa
                                                                                                                                                      Average for EG      Average for Africa

of Horizon 2020
                                                                                                           Births assisted by qualified
                                                                                                           health personnel                                63%                  46%
                                                                                                           Prenatal care coverage                          86%                  73%
                                                                                                           Prevalence of HIV in adults
For healthcare, the goals are                                                                              over the age of 15 (2008)
                                                                                                           Antiretroviral treatment
                                                                                                                                                     3,343 per 100,000    4,735 per 100,000

quantity as well as quality
                                                                                                           coverage for people
                                                                                                           with advanced HIV/AIDS                          31%                  30%
                                                                                                           % of children under
                                                                                                           5 that received anti-malaria
Established as a priority in the        vide equal healthcare access in                                    treatment for fever                             49%                  36%
national development strategy,          rural and urban areas alike.With                                   Access to
Horizon 2020, along with edu-           aid from the African Develop-                                      sanitation services                             51%                  33%
cation,healthcare must increase         ment Bank,the government has
                                                                                                           Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
both in availability and level of       constructed 52 counter refer-
service, says the government, if        ence centers (rural healthcare                                  multinationals operating in the                     try’s basic transport infrastruc-
the country is to reach emerg-          clinics) throughout the country,                                country have their own health                       ture are also helping to support
ing status within a decade.             while each city has a district hos-                             programs as part of their CSR                       healthcare initiatives, says the
   Consequently, investment in          pital in addition to the provin-                                initiatives, such as Marathon                       minister, who adds that the
medical infrastructure is being         cial and regional hospitals.                                    Oil’s malaria control program,                      decline in infant mortality in EG
made throughout the country.               Moreover, EG now boasts                                      which has succeeded in reduc-                       is in large part due to the fact
Clinics,hospitals,pharmaceutical        some of the region’s most                                       ing the mortality rate from this                    that parents can actually physi-
facilities,and training centers are     advanced clinics in private                                     disease by 64% in children under                    cally get to hospitals thanks to
now under construction in var-          healthcare,such as Clinica La Paz                               the age of five and has achieved                    new roadways that have
ious regions in an effort to pro-       in Bata.In addition,many of the                                 a 57% decline in the prevalence                     improved access.
                                                                                                        of malaria infections in children                      Still,much remains to be done.
                                                                                                        between the ages of two and                         “The healthcare map has not

La Paz Medical Center                                                                                   five on Bioko Island.
                                                                                                           “Our mission with regards
                                                                                                        to the goals set out in Horizon
                                                                                                                                                            yet covered the entire country,”
                                                                                                                                                            the minister states,“but we are
                                                                                                                                                            in the process of providing each
The La Paz Medical Center ranks among the most
sophisticated and advanced hospitals in the region                                                      2020 is to establish an equitable                   population nucleus with its own
                                                                                                        healthcare service for all citizens,                medical clinic. We have com-
Located in the city of Bata,Clin-       an initiative of the government                                 which means both better qual-                       pleted the construction of 52
ica La Paz is one of the most           to develop the country’s health-                                ity and quantity. Healthcare                        rural centers to date.”
modern hospitals inWesternAfr-          care sector.The idea was to cre-                                must be accessible to all,and in                       Given its current focus on
ica. Built in 2007 by Internation-      ate a modern health clinic with                                 order to bring this about, the                      healthcare, it was quite fitting
al Medical Services GE in collabo-      the same standards as there are                                 government has launched a                           that EG hosted the World
ration with the national govern-        in Europe,and to help provide a                                 number of programs for the                          Health Organization’s 60th ses-
ment,the clinic boasts the latest       solution to the country’s health-                               construction of adequate infra-                     sion of the Regional Commit-
technology and a highly qualified       care problems.Before,many peo-                                  structure, to create adequate                       tee for Africa this May.Minister
medical staff.Consequently,it has       ple with serious health problems                                medicinal supply and to pro-                        Asué,pointing out that his coun-
since gone on to quickly estab-         have had to leave the country in                                vide professional training,” com-                   try has been a WHO member
lish itself as the region’s preferred   order to find and receive the                                   ments Minister of Health and                        since 1980, says, “We cannot
medical facility.                       healthcare they needed. Today,                                  Social Welfare Francisco Pas-                       develop Equatorial Guinea’s
   General manager Dr. Alon             they no longer need to do this.”                                cual Obama Asué.                                    healthcare system in isolation.
Stamler comments,“La Paz was                                                                               Financing for these projects                     We operate within the frame-
                                                                                                        is drawn from three different                       work,and are obliged to follow
                                                                                                        budgets,says Minister Asué:one                      the recommendations of the
                                                                                                        for infrastructure construction,                    World Health Organization for
                                                                                                        another for expenses and mate-                      Africa with regards to the pro-
                                                                                                        rials and a third called the Social                 vision of basic healthcare and
                                                                              MINISTRY OF INFORMATION

                                                                                                        Development Fund, which                             healthcare development. We
                                                                                                        finances specific programs such                     feel that if healthcare is not well
                                                                                                        as those for the eradication of                     established in our rural areas
                                                                                                        malaria,HIV andAIDS,and tuber-                      then we cannot speak of the
                                                                                                        culosis, and first aid programs.                    healthcare for us encapsulated
                                                                                                           Improvements in the coun-                        in Horizon 2020.”
Equatorial Guinea


Education takes
center stage

                                                                                MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, CULTURE AND TOURISM
Hydrocarbon revenues are
helping build better schools
What specific initiatives are          There is now a national curricu-
in place for the develop -             lum for the level and all of the tools
ment of the education sec-             and textbooks needed for the
tor?                                   level have been provided.Reforms
   Education is the backbone of        are ongoing in secondary edu-                                                           Primary education is mandatory for all Equatoguineans
development; it is a guaranteed        cation,where a professional train-
investment in the future, ensur-       ing option is being developed.                                                     Can you comment on the                A new scientific research
ing a nation’s sustainable devel-      Reforms are also being carried out                                                 2012 African Nations Cup              center has just been an-
opment.The greatest investment         at the university level,as the spe-                                                (ANC), which your country             nounced for Malabo. Can
stemming from the government’s         cializations offered are adapted to                                                will host?                            you comment on the impor-
plans and projects is destined         the real needs of the country.                                                       These types of events tend          tance of science in the coun-
for the social sectors,and among       More faculties are being intro-                                                    to boost the status of the host       try’s development?
these, the priority is education,      duced as new needs arise.                                                          nation,depending on their size           Science is a course that many
followed by healthcare and the                                                                                            and the quality of their orga-        countries must take.Awareness-
rest of the social aspects.                                                                                               nization. After the country           raising campaigns must be orga-
   EG’s education system has                                                                                              was approved to hold the              nized in order to promote
recently been reformed so as to                                                                                           ANC, the government began             science and the importance of
transform it into the kind of                                                                                             to undertake preparations.            scientists.Also, people must be
quality education system that                                                                                             This will not be the first time       aware that you can make a liv-
meets the expectations of citi-                                                                                           we have organized the event           ing as a scientist.
zens. Our education system is                                                                                             as we have already hosted the            That said, giving science pri-
divided into three levels: early                                                                                          female championship, and the          ority is difficult even when edu-
childhood and pre-school,basic,                                                                                           experience we gained then             cation is a government focus.
and secondary.                                                                                                            will be useful now. We want           I do want to say that any sci-
   Basic,or primary,education is                                                                                          to prepare well so that ANC           entist who would like to estab-
obligatory for all Equatoguineans,                                                                                        2012 is magnificently orga-           lish himself here would be
and there are ongoing reforms          Filiberto Ntutumu Nguema,                                                          nized, and it positions us            warmly welcomed and have
at this level.The first reforms have   Minister of Education, Science                                                     strongly as a host for inter-         access to all the necessary infra-
been successfully completed.           & Sports                                                                           national events.                      structure.

Modernizing the nation’s primary education system
PRODEGE is transforming traditional classrooms into interactive learning environments

This past May,992 new teachers         lic/private partnership led by                                                     ence.The schools use an active        training program, which was
celebrated their graduation from       U.S. oil company Hess and the                                                      learning technique that encour-       established in 2008, PRODEGE
a two-year teacher training pro-       government of EG, and imple-                                                       ages students to build critical       has also built two training labo-
gram in Bata.This was the first        mented by the Academy for                                                          thinking skills and learn cooper-     ratories in Bata and Malabo.
group of professionals to come         Educational Development.                                                           atively. Beyond classrooms, the       To date, 75 PRODEGE nation-
out of the country’s Program for           In the four years since it was                                                 partnership has also built latrines   al staff have been trained in pro-
Educational Development of             established,PRODEGE has estab-                                                     and drilled water wells to ensure     ject management; 38 trainers
Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE)            lished 40 model schools and intro-                                                 that students have safe, potable      are mentoring teachers;and 80
teacher diploma course.                duced accelerated course work                                                      water and proper sanitation.          inspectors have been trained in
PRODEGE is a $50 million pub-          in basic math, language, and sci-                                                     In addition to the teacher         school supervision.

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  • 1. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Equatorial Guinea The rebirth of a nation PHOTO: MUNDO EN ARMONIA
  • 2. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 2 A new U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle approach for Obama meet with Equatoguinean sustainable President Teodoro Obiang and First Lady Constancia growth Mangue de Obiang in New York in 2010 This past summer as the eyes of the world followed the came away effective- unfolding drama of ly shaking their heads World Cup soccer in in surprise, while South Africa, another global market ana- lesser-known event, lysts immediately fol- but with far more lowed up by urging long-term global emerging market impact, was taking investors to take a place at the same new look at the area. time just down the Secondly,President road. Obiang addressed Equatorial Guinea’s the forum and an- President Obiang nounced that Equa- attended the Fortune torial Guinea was Global Forum to effectively ‘turning the present to other page’. attendees the new The Fortune Global Forum each year brings In the speech that followed,the President out- and improved face of together the Fortune 500 CEOs,heads of state lined five major steps that will be taken in order a nation that is and other dignitaries to discuss global eco- to fuel the country’s ongoing development,and rearing to develop nomic dynamics.This year’s forum,held in Cape to launch it into a new era. Over the next under sustainable Town from June 26-28 and entitled ‘The New decade, his government will: 1) Ensure Equato- principles Global Opportunity’,was also attended by Time rial Guinea’s membership in the Extractive Indus- 100 members – the world’s most influential tries Transparency Initiative; 2) Develop the people from diverse fields – as well as the Pres- social sectors; 3)Reform judicial institutions; 4) ident of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Maintain close relations with international human Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. rights organizations;and 5) Work to ensure the Dedicated to exploring the extraordinary country’s environmental preservation. promise of the developing world with a special The President concluded by saying,“We have emphasis on Africa and its youthful and grow- a long road ahead of us to achieve these goals. ing population of 900 million consumers,the 2010 In many ways, we must radically change the forum did indeed witness some extraordinary, course of our history and some of our cul- though unexpected, and far-reaching events. ture.We will not ask those global groups who THIS SUPPLEMENT Firstly, Sub-Saharan Africa was exposed. Par- have criticized us to look the other way, but TO FOREIGN POLICY WAS ticipants, who were briefed on the opportuni- we do ask for patience and support from the PRODUCED BY ties and growth in the 48 countries that make international community so that we can become UNIVERSAL NEWS up the region by the McKinsey Global Institute, a full member of the world’s democracies.” Suite 341, Chrysler Building, 132 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10017 At a glance oil reserves, and in Area Tel: (212) 497-5057 the last decade has 17,430 sq miles - Fax: (212) 845-8305 Independence become sub-Saha- slightly smaller universalnews@universal Equatorial Guinea gained inde- ran Africa’s third- than Maryland pendence in 1968 after 190 largest oil exporter Natural years of Spanish rule Location Resources EQUATORIAL GUINEA PROJECT: Petroleum Industry Western Africa, Petroleum, nat- Andrea Soifer, Project Director The nation has experienced bordering the Bight of Biafra, ural gas, timber, gold, baux- Juan Carlos Jover, Editorial Director rapid economic growth due to between Cameroon and ite, diamonds, tantalum, clay, the discovery of large offshore Gabon sand and gravel
  • 3. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 3 The pillar of growth and Portugal’s Galp Energia,state- owned Sonagas is in the process of drafting a sector master plan that should be completed by the Hydrocarbons are leveraging end of this year. Minister Owono credits North American companies for the country’s development much of the success of the coun- try’s oil industry and says EG is seeking to ramp up activity Nearly 95% of EG’s GDP is Africa’s third largest producer Marcelino Owono Edu, throughout the sector through derived from its hydrocarbon of crude oil, currently pumping Minister of Mines, Industry new investment. industry. As Minister of Mines, more than 400,000 bpd. and Energy “We want to attract more FDI Industry & Energy, Marcelino The country is looking to dou- throughout the sector’s entire Owono Edu oversees the vast ble output of natural gas in order regional electricity supply.In col- value chain,” he says,adding that reserves that have transformed to serve gas-hungry Europe and laboration with Germany’s E.ON a new licensing round will open the country into Sub-Saharan become a greater source of Ruhrgas, Spain’s Union Fenosa, at the end of 2010. A milestone for the subregion’s hydrocarbon industry Created in 2001 to take over the direct management of the country’s petroleum assets, state oil giant GEPetrol has unveiled plans to create a network of service stations across the country GEPetrol has since gone on to exceed Becoming an oil and gas operator in Equato- mic work for operators in the country, and expectations, rial Guinea is no small accomplishment. “We which is used by GEPetrol to survey unlicen- becoming the first are very proud of the fact that we are the first sed areas. GEPetrol is also an active investor Central African national petroleum company in Central Africa and partner in Luba Freeport, which GEPetrol company to operate a to do so.We have long worked with interna- hopes to develop as a West African oil services block of its own – an tional companies, and our meetings with them hub. Indeed, Luba is already the preferred base achievement that motivated us to become an operator oursel- for most operators in the country, fast reali- GEPetrol’s ves,” says GEPetrol general manager Cándido zing GEPetrol’s vision of converting the free port management says is a Nsue Okomo. into the operational hub for general Gulf of Gui- milestone for the In addition to being the technical operator nea activities. subregion’s of Equatorial Guinea’s offshore Block P, GEPe- In downstream operations,GEPetrol is a part- hydrocarbon industry trol manages the state’s participation in E&P con- ner in the Equatorial Guinea LNG Company, in tracts, acts as an agent for the sale of the addition to other ventures.The Equatorial Gui- government’s share of hydrocarbons and for nea LNG Company, a joint venture between licensing open acreage within the country, and Marathon Oil and the state company, operates participates in commercial ventures with other an LNG facility at Punta Europa on Bioko Island, national and foreign companies both in Equa- which shipped its first product in May 2007. In torial Guinea and abroad. GEPetrol works clo- May of this year, GEPetrol announced plans for sely with the Ministry of Mines, Industry and a new 20,000 barrel per day oil refinery at Mbi- Energy, the overall regulatory and administra- ni on the Atlantic coast. It also unveiled plans tive body for the sector. to build a nationwide network of service sta- GEPetrol’s partnerships include GESeis,a joint tions,construction on which is expected to get venture with Terra Energy that undertakes seis- under way before the end of the year.
  • 4. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 4 Segesa: While Segesa has built up capac- ity, its distribution network re- quires a bit of fine-tuning. Power clearing supply is still at times unreliable in the country due to aging equip- obstacles ment,and blackouts are not un- heard of in the nation’s capital. Consequently, and in line to Horizon with the development goals of the Horizon 2020 national strat- egy,efforts are underway to mod- 2020 ernize the grid,and some of the government’s largest infra-struc- With a monopoly on ture investments to date have Equatorial Guinea’s been destined to this end. electricity sector, “We consider that electrical Segesa is working to improve power supply state-run utility power is a key element in the company Segesa has a development process. Large- Omogo,a project to expand pro- will eventually generate 220 KW generating capacity scale projects are now underway duction on Bioko from 30MW for the mainland. that is more than on a national level in the coun- to 160MW and another project “We also have a project for capable of meeting try’s electricity sector aimed pri- for the medium and low voltage the transport of high and low demand both on the marily at ensuring that electricity power grid modernization in the voltage from the Wele River to continent and the coverage is available throughout city of Malabo,which is being car- the city of Bata, where the low island of Bioko the entire country, and also at ried out by a Chinese corpora- and medium voltage network ensuring that it is a quality and low- tion. Another project now will also be replaced.We are also cost electricity supply,” comments underway is the construction of carrying out a project for the Juan Lupercio Nsibi Omogo,Sege- the Djibloho Hydroelectric Plant electrification of all the provin- sa’s general manager. on the continental region,expect- cial districts on the continental These include,according to Mr. ed to be completed in 2011,which region,” concludes Mr. Omogo.
  • 5. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 5 A country under construction Equatorial Guinea is being developed from the ground up EG’s oil revenues are literally buildings or energy facilities or paving the country’s streets as hospitals or electricity. Every- President Obiang lays down the thing that has been built in the foundations of his Horizon 2020, last few years has been thanks which aims to gain emerging to petroleum, and, of course, country status by that year. to the effort and work of Sogea Satom builds main roads that serve as vital arteries The country has invested Guineans,led by our president.” heavily in roads, ports, airports, And efforts are ongoing. Ac- 1,500 projects in the country. and housing projects over the last cording to the Ministry of Pub- Today,the infrastructure sector few years.As Minister of Mines, lic Works and Infrastructure, boasts a greater foreign presence Industry & Energy Marcelino which oversees all infrastructure than even the hydrocarbon Owono Edu said, “We have related projects through its GE industry. built this country from scratch, Projects initiative, there are cur- “The projects that we are cur- we did not inherit a thing.This rently more than 200 compa- rently carrying out will contribute was a village without roads or nies carrying out approximately to the creation of jobs and pave the way for the functioning of many other sectors that cannot Equatorial Guinea’s partner be exploited right now, such as tourism, fisheries, or industry,” José Ela Oyana, Minister of in road development comments Minister of Public Planning, Economic Works & Infrastructure Marceli- Development & Investment no Oyono Ntutumu.“Personal- With a largely local workforce and a reputation for ly, what motivates me is seeing finishing on time and on budget, Sogea Satom is the results of our work.We work building EG’s vital arteries on average 15-18 hours a day and A branch of Vinci, the number one the changes that can be seen construction company in the world, throughout the country give me Sogea Satom has been present in a great sense of satisfaction.The Africa for more than 70 years, and infrastructure of ports and roads in Equatorial Guinea for over 20. help and promote the exchange Sogea Satom GE,whose workforce comprises 90% Guineans, of trade and knowledge through- is helping the government achieve its Horizon Plan 2020 goals out EG.It unites different villages by concentrating on the company’s strong suit: road construc- that were cut off before.” Marcelino Oyono Ntutumu, tion.And it certainly takes an expert in roads to deal with this Minister of Planning, Eco- Minister of Public Works & country’s tricky topography and climate.Packed with mountains nomic Development & Invest- Infrastructure and rivers, and with annual rainfall ranging between 76 and 430 ment José Ela Oyana adds,“The inches depending on the zone,Equatorial Guinea presents obsta- exploitation of our petroleum This was the conference that cles in developing road infrastructure rapidly and safely. as it is now being done was a set the framework for EG’s de- Sogea Satom began years ago building urban roads in Mongo- chieved thanks to the effort of velopment,says Minister Oyana. mo, Evinayong, Mbini, Cogo and Bata, and is now addressing main President Obiang and his gov- One of the key strategies was roads–including a national road from Bata to Mongomo–to afford ernment. Infrastructure was the reconstruction of basic infra- the growing country with improved access and communication. completely destroyed and in a structure.The Minister says that “Areas that were villages ten years ago are becoming towns very poor state of repair. When thanks to the petroleum sector now, and in ten years from now, they will be cities.The whole he saw the potential that petro- and direct investment in nation- country is a very big construction site, and infrastructure needs leum had, he called the First al infrastructure development, to be developed to set off the economy and allow trade and indus- National Economic Conference, GDP has increased tenfold in the try,” says Frank Casteleyn,managing director of Sogea Satom EG. it was September of 1997.” past decade.
  • 6. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 6 Horizon Construction: a hive of activity Many landmark buildings in EG have Horizon’s signature on them While the country has been so I have no doubt that Hori- busy laying roads and building zon 2020 will be successful.” hospitals, ports and airports, For the time being, Horizon Horizon Construction has been will continue to undertake large- equally as active in carving out scale public projects in EG,says the architectural face of the new Mr. Jeha, while beginning to lay Equatorial Guinea. the foundations of its interna- Horizon’s list of accomplish- tional expansion.Still,the com- ments to date include the ren- pany’s future visions involve ovation of Bata’s monumental Horizon’s Tower Liberty will be EG’s tallest building more of an internal expansion clock tower, the Ministry of in design rather than a geo- Communications in Bata, a 10- Headed by Marwan Jeha, the They have put policies in place graphical move. Furthermore, floor commercial tower in Mal- company’s general manager, to build the right infrastructure Mr. Jeha does not foresee any abo,the Public Treasury in Bata, Horizon has established itself as and to ensure that construction shortage of work in EG for the Tower Liberty (a landmark one of EG’s leading construc- goes up.All these changes can some time to come. structure topped by a revolving tion companies over the past be seen when you pass by the He says the company is head- restaurant), the Palaces of Jus- decade,also completing a num- roads. You can see that the ing toward the construction of tice in both Bata and Malabo,and ber of residential projects rang- view of Equatorial Guinea is ‘intelligent buildings’,which will Bata’s Grand Market shopping ing from individual villas to changing every day, and this use smart systems to control center. Horizon’s upcoming apartment complexes in addi- reflects the vision of the Pres- everything from security to projects will be equally as tion to major hotel projects. ident.He wants the country to electricity and water con- impressive and include the new Mr.Jeha comments,“The real- be completely transformed. sumption. Horizon also wants airport in Bata and the city’s ity is that Equatorial Guinea is When he sets a goal, he makes to use more solar panels in its conference center. a country under development. sure that everyone reaches it construction. Following national development, step by step Specialized in the construction of roads and bridges, Setraco has been putting this experience to good use in EG since 2003 With over 30 years of experi- first-class materials and state- ence, beginning with the con- of-the-art technology, Setraco struction of Nigerian townships EG has since undertaken a num- and district roads in 1977, ber of infrastructure projects Setraco is one of that country’s in Equatorial Guinea. largest construction compa- While the first few years in nies,and has over the last three the country represented a tri- decades made a significant con- al period for Setraco EG with tribution to Nigeria’s infra- relatively small public contracts, structure development. according to general manager In 2003 Setraco Equatorial Danilo Borserini, over the last Guinea (Setraco EG) was estab- five years Setraco has gone on lished.In line with founder Said to complete increasingly larg- Khalaf’s vision of participating er projects, culminating in its in the growth of developing current renovation of an entire countries around the world neighborhood of the capital, through the provision of inter- including the road works and national standard services, sanitation systems. including employing highly- “After a few tests, the gov- trained personnel, and using ernment has offered us a con-
  • 7. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 7 Intelligent EG in addition to construction, which include quarrying, real estate services,electro-mechan- building ics, and landscaping. Upcom- ing projects in its construction division include the new Ministry American Business Investment of Finance in Malabo. Construction (ABIC) Although its quarry is an is contributing to equally important part of promoting ABIC’s activities in EG, Mr. national tourism Ahmad has a great deal of con- through the fidence in the country’s attrac- construction of tion as a tourist destination, world-class hotels and consequently, in further tourism construction for ABIC. ABIC has helped bring Hilton the brand to EG He states, “The nature and sights that exist in the country “Our job is not only based on be seen in hotels,governmental Ahmad. He comments, “The are incredible; there is great the construction or architectur- buildings, or hospitals.” hotel will surely contribute to potential for tourism.The sector al aspects, the ones people can With the construction of promote national tourism. We has not yet been developed,but see. Our job is to build and con- world class venues such as the are partners in the hotel and we Horizon 2020 promotes its struct intelligent buildings,” says new Hilton Malabo and a sec- have done the construction,but expansion,among other sectors. Yossef Ahmad, general manager ond Hilton hotel to be built in the hotel will be managed by People do not know a lot of the of ABIC, the company behind Bata,ABIC hopes to boost EG’s Hilton, having an international spots in this country because at Malabo’s new Hilton Hotel. budding tourism sector,an indus- operator such as Hilton pro- the moment, these places are “These buildings have systems try targeted for exploitation by motes tourism in addition to not ready to receive tourism. installed that require very spe- Horizon 2020,and which at the promoting the hotel itself.” They don’t have the necessary cific skills and abilities to oper- moment, mainly caters to busi- Established in 2004, ABIC infrastructure,but it is coming and ate them, systems that can only ness travel, according to Mr. boasts a number of activities in rapidly.” tract that has given us the child of Said Khalaf, who opportunity to show what we dreamt of helping Nigeria,and are made of and how to estab- later Equatorial Guinea,devel- lish infrastructure according to op,” says Mr. Borserini.“He is European standards,” says Mr. a person who knows to per- Borserini, referring to the fection what policies a com- Paraiso neighborhood project. pany that is set up in Africa “This is the first time a pro- should adopt. Consequently, ject of this type has been car- we have formed a group of ried out by a single company. companies that can provide Normally one company would all types of services through- be in charge of the street con- out Africa.” struction,another of sanitation, Mr. Borserini says the radi- etc.This time, it is a complete cal transformation that EG is infrastructure contract.” now undergoing is remark- Setraco EG forms part of the able.“It’s difficult to compare Setraco International Holding, Equatorial Guinea with any a group of over 20 companies other country in Africa,” he that provide a range of con- says. “I have roughly 30 years struction and infrastructure spe- of experience traveling and cialized services,such as bridge working across the globe, and and building construction, I know accelerated develop- design, and a special projects ment when I see it. If you look division.Therefore,Setraco EG at the last six years in Equa- has access to specialized knowl- torial Guinea,you can see that edge and can rely on its sister things have changed on a dai- companies to help the compa- ly basis, and that new con- ny expand its project range. structions are popping up “The Group is the brain- non-stop.”
  • 8. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 8 Developing tourism ority, the government is pro- moting activities that will fos- ter its development. It will not undertake development activi- An undiscovered jewel in Africa is being unveiled ties per se, but rather facilitate them through issuing visas and streamlining bureaucratic pro- cedures. We have also ear- Minister of Information,Culture How is the government pro- Are there opportunities for marked specific projects and and Tourism Jerónimo Osa Osa moting tourism? private sector involvement? destinations, like the island of Ecoro speaks about one of the The country’s tourism sector The private sector is funda- Corisco,where the government world’s least known destinations. is still in an embryonic stage but mental.Horizon 2020 envisions has committed to building a we are taking concrete steps to tourism as a source of eco- new airport to support tourism make it a reality. nomic growth.As this is a pri- development. Tourist attractions in Equa- torial Guinea are numerous so Modern and luxurious: we are working on a project with the World Tourism Orga- nization to make an inventory of our most attractive destina- tions. We also want to offer differ- the mirror of the new EG The Sofitel Malabo Presidential Palace upholds the ent types of tourism from elite French luxury chain’s standards of quality and service or luxury to ecotourism.There are luxury hotels for those who choose elite travel, but we also Jerónimo Osa Osa Ecoro, want to provide accommodation Minister of Information, for those who want to travel Culture and Tourism with their backpacks. The beautiful Spanish colonial architecture of the Sofitel Malabo Business travellers arriving in EG today will not be lacking for luxury thanks to the Sofitel Malabo Presidential Palace. Opened in 2007, this 5-star hotel is a converted 18th cen- tury cloister, boasting 100 well-appointed rooms – including a presidential suite and three luxury suites – a world-class restaurant, two bars, an outdoor pool, a fitness center, and a 300m2 conference room. Located in downtown Malabo and overlooking the port, this hotel bearing the Sofitel seal of excellence, is a landmark establishment that falls right in line with the new image of the country: modern and luxurious. Guests can expect levels of quality and comfort unavailable as of yet outside the hotel, and do not have to worry about the occasional power or water cut.“Sofitel Malabo is our new flagship hotel in the region that will work as a model for further expansion”, says Mr. Chau- vet, General Manager of Sofitel Malabo. “EG is a small, safe and developing country with a gorgeous wildlife and tremendous potential for high class and MICE tourism.The government is building the country from scratch and envisions doing it in a record time; that is why it is very important for Western coun- tries to see and support what is taking place here.”
  • 9. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 9 ‘In the last Morocco-based Somagec is working to bridge its marine construction expertise with five years, tourism development as it continues to unroll new mar- the country itime projects,such as the new deepwater port in Malabo, where it is constructing a pro- has really tection dike, 1,200 meters of pier with a roll-on,roll-off sta- tion,and an international con- undergone an tainer terminal. At the same time the com- Somagec is building a new port and boulevard in Kogo infrastructure pany has also taken on projects such as the construction of a three-mile maritime boulevard nal,a roll-on,roll-off station,and fueling pier. Meanwhile in the city of will begin another soon in Annobon. General manager Jean revolution’ in the same city destined to become one of the country’s new leisure attractions. Kogo, Somagec is building a new port terminal, in addition to a new seaside boulevard. Charles Hayoz comments,“We have been here for five years, and in that time, we have suc- Somagec has been quick to recognize the Outside of the capital, Upcoming is a new port pro- cessfully completed many possibilities in Equatorial Somagec is working on an air- ject on the island of Corisco, large-scale projects. We feel Guinea’s budding port and a new port project a destination targeted by the that the direction that the Pres- tourism industry on Annobon, which will pro- government for future tourism ident has taken with regards to vide the infrastructure the development and where infrastructure is one of the island needs to further devel- Somagec is currently con- best that a new country like op its tourism and trade poten- structing an airport and a hotel. Equatorial Guinea can take. In tial.The project will add a new The company also has hotels the last five years, the country jetty and dike to the port, as under construction in Kogo has really undergone an infra- well as a regional trade termi- and Media Luna (Bata), and structure revolution.”
  • 10. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 10 Ports: multiple developments along the coast In addition to tourism, ports and maritime transportation are destined to play a large role in Equatorial Guinea’s economic future Aiming to double the country’s ing itself as the hub for the Gulf port capacity through billion- of Guinea hydrocarbon indus- dollar investments in its har- try. A new port at Annobon bors, the government has was completed this year. multiple port renovations now “The ports throughout Equa- Ports and harbors have received significant investments underway, not the least of which torial Guinea are a key pillar in is the $4.5 billion expansion of the development of the country marily for the export of cocoa. create a port that can handle Port of Malabo, aimed at creat- as they are the entryway,” says Today, it is a bustling, modern large tonnage ships and to lat- ing capacity for 1,200 ships a general manager of Equatorial commercial and industrial port er redistribute the goods from year and 40,000 containers. Guinea’s Port Administration, as is the Port of Bata, and the these ships to different ports in While the Port of Malabo is Alberto Nguema Lima.“This is expansion and renovation of neighboring countries,” explains scheduled for full completion in true for all countries, but espe- each has resulted in significant Mr.Nguema. “We want to posi- 2013 (80% of the work will be cially for Equatorial Guinea as all interest from the shipping world, tion ourselves as a transit port. completed by the beginning of international companies and according to Mr. Nguema, who This presents some challenges 2011),the Port of Bata,the coun- investors must pass through the says the port administration has as there are other ports that are try’s main port for transporta- ports as a first point of call.” received numerous calls from quite advanced and represent tion of agricultural and forestry The ports have come a long shipping companies inquiring strong competition, but Equa- products, is also undergoing way since colonial times,accord- about the ports’ new capacities torial Guinea has two very big extensive modernization, and a ing to Mr. Nguema, when the and facilities. advantages – the depth of its third port at Luba is position- Port of Malabo was used pri- “The government’s aim is to waters and its location.”
  • 11. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 11 ICT: challenges and Hits brings innovation and competition to ICT sector investment When Hits arrived in Equatorial Guinea, it hit the ground running, snatching up new customers with its innovative products and competitive prices Equatorial Guinea’s ICT sector is In May 2008, the government of EG awarded Hits Africa a “We boldly took up the chal- lenge, and that strength got us positively thriving 20-year license as the country’s second operator, and in No- vember 2009, the company in- to where we are today, still far from reaching our competition, Getesa, but getting closer. We Minister of Transport, Techno- augurated the country’s first are introducing services that logy & IT Vicente Ehate Tomi converged network, consisting people have never seen before, says that although EG’s telecom- of mobile, fixed, and data net- GPRS is now a reality here, and munications sector is still in its works. This was a historic we are making great strides in baby stages, large-scale projects moment in EG’s telecoms sec- our efforts to provide service in have been launched since the tor as it signified the end of the areas that have never had Second National Economic Con- main operator’s monopoly and telecommunications coverage.” ference and they will soon see the introduction of competition Mr.Bridault adds that Hits also the country’s first fiber optic sub- for the first time. offers mobile phone Internet marine cable enter into opera- This competition has since service and that all of the com- tion. Further initiatives are Vicente Ehate Tomi, seen Getesa, the country’s first pany’s services are competitive- underway such as the installa- Minister of Transport, operator,drop its prices at least ly priced. Indeed, he says that tion of a national backbone cable Technology & IT three times and launch its first Hits prices are typically 15% to and connection to the ACE net- marketing campaign in 20 years, 20% lower than those of the work that connects SouthAfrica the general changes through- according to Secretary of State competition in the majority of with Europe. out Africa and at a global level. for ICT Carmelo Modú Ebuka, the countries where the com- “The evolution of the sector In-deed,all of the development and has resulted in a new impe- pany operates. has been significant and very pos- and investment that the oper- tus in the sector to improve cov- Looking forward, the general itive,” adds Minister Ehate Tomi. ators and the government have erage, products, service, and manager says his goal is to reach “Just 15 years ago,the only com- made were fundamental; it is connectivity with the world. 300,000 subscribers within the munication device that existed really noticeable how the use Hits general manager, Hugh- next three years.“We want to was the landline.Today we have of the mobile phone has become es Bridault,says that although not reach an 80% penetration rate,” a system that is in operation an essential means of commu- easy,his company’s entrance in- concludes Mr.Bridault.“Equato- thanks to the help we received nication for the population.” to the market was necessary to rial Guinea is a small country from China,which over the past Getesa general manager, end the monopoly and bring in and it can be covered quickly if few years has built trenches in Catherine Rumillat,says nation- a second competitor. you know what you are doing.” the cities for the necessary infra- wide coverage is on its way.Gete- structure.” sa invested more than 9 billion The Minister says that the cel- FCFA ($19.3 million) last year, lular market has also thrived in she says, and the company has the past few years so that today many projects in the pipeline to communication within the coun- offer new products and Internet try and with the exterior is eas- service throughout the country. ily established. Mobile operator “In terms of telecommunica- Hits entered the country after tions infrastructure, many big the 2008 telecommunications projects are being launched,such law opened the door to new as the cable between Malabo operators,breaking the monop- and Bata and the new optical oly of the country’s single oper- fiber cable which will link Europe ator at the time, Getesa. with South Africa (ACE),” she Secretary of State for ICT, adds.“Thanks to this cable,exist- Carmelo Modú Ebuka, adds, ing telecommunication compa- “We have witnessed tremen- nies and the ones that will come dous change in the sector. in the near future will be able We’ve had mobile telephony to offer services that currently since 1997. Since then, growth do not exist because of lack of has been spectacular, reflecting capacity.”
  • 12. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 12 Banking system backs BANGE opens up new opportunities for SMEs rapid development Established in 2007 with a paid-up capital of €3 million, BANGE has quickly worked to establish 3 itself as ‘The Bank for Everyone’ New infrastructure and products The National Bank of Equatori- money accessible to people who al Guinea (BANGE) is not just would not normally be able to aid economic diversification the only bank in the country with obtain a bank loan.” state-owned participation (45%), In addition to its corporate but it is also the nation’s favorite business, BANGE also offers a The country’s banking sector has development, a priority for the with more than 10% market range of retail products for indi- remained strong and well capi- sector, and for the government. share.The Commercial Bank of viduals and has plans to extend talized throughout the global Minister of Economy, Trade the Philippines is the govern- its branch network throughout financial crisis as a result of its and Business Promotion Pedro ment’s foreign partner in the ven- the country. Services currently small size and relatively scant Ondo Nguema says,“In recent ture (with 30% participation), include deposits,loans,telegraph international reach.The sector is years,the institutions in the finan- and private Equatoguinean inter- transfers,money orders,foreign comprised of just four banks: cial system have made great ests own the remaining 25% of exchange,ATM withdrawal and BGFIBank GE, CCEI Bank GE, strides in the area of infrastruc- the bank’s shares. Société Générale de Banques GE ture, in opening new branches, Equatorial Guinea and National Bank of Equatori- launching communications net- has not had a nation- al Guinea (BANGE).Still,the sec- works etc.,as well as in expand- al bank since the tor, which is overseen by the ing the services they provide, Credit Bank closed Bank of Central African States, such as transfers and ATM ser- its doors in 1985. is large enough to sufficiently cov- vices.What is remaining for them BANGE was creat- er market needs and to finance to do is finance the economy. ed to provide finan- cial support to both public and private commercial and infra- structure projects, including those in the hydrocarbon indus- try.A second objec- tive behind the bank’s establishment was to provide support for the country’s SMEs,a mission that has received new impetus BANGE’s services are focused on since management of SMEs, corporations and homebuyers the bank was assumed by a German group in safety deposit boxes.The bank is the summer of 2009. also hoping to launch Master- “Since then we have devel- Card,Visa, JCB, and AMEX cards oped a special small and medi- before the end of this year. um enterprises department.We “We took over last year and foresee that a specialized SME at that time the bank was still in department in the bank is a its infancy.We are now trying to requirement for the future,” com- push it to the next level,not only ments BANGE’s general manag- in terms of services to the pub- er, Cornelis E.Verheezen. “We lic,but also in product innovation,” are working jointly with the says Mr. Verheezen.“We recent- Deputy Minister of Economic ly launched 20-year mortgages to Affairs to support the govern- allow more people to gain access ment,which wants to make funds to decent housing which is – next available,some €11 million ($15.3 to the SME business and corpo- million),to support SME activity rate – another pillar on which we in the country. We are making want to build the bank’s future.”
  • 13. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 13 CCEI Bank GE finances nearly 70% of the national economy The nation’s largest bank in terms of assets offers invaluable guidance for business in EG A subsidiary of Afriland First clients, not just as bankers, and credit with the faith that one day complete range of credit cards, Bank, a full service operating in consequently places great val- this country would be what it but it will wait until all its cards various sub-Saharan countries, ue on the quality of its con- is today.” are internationally compatible CCEI Bank GE was established sulting services, which provide Although it boasts a loyal before launching these prod- in Equatorial Guinea in 1994. clients with solid financial advice client base,CCEI Bank GE con- ucts.The bank is also working With head offices in the nation’s and assistance. tinues to progress, to expand its microcredit divi- capital,CCEI Bank GE also offers These services are also appar- adapting its sion and SME financing. branches in Bata, Ebibeyin and ently highly valued by the bank’s products “Contrary to what is some- Mongomo. customers – profits jumped by t o times believed,CCEI finances all CCEI Bank GE is currently 47% between 2007 and 2008, types of activities – large,medi- the nation’s largest bank in terms while deposits increased by um and small.We give loans, of assets (NAV was valued at 76% for the same period. technical assistance and more than $28 million in April CCEI Bank GE deputy advice. Businessmen often of 2007), and it provides ser- general manager Alberto know how to grow their vices to the nation’s largest com- Doria Lajay says,“The phi- business and make money, panies. Indeed, as one of the losophy of our bank, and but do not really under- longest-standing financial insti- the key to our success, has stand finance.When they pre- tutions in Equatorial Guinea, been a strong belief in this coun- sent us with a project, we CCEI Bank GE finances some try, in contrast to many other new technolo- guide them through the best 70% of the nation’s economy. companies.We established here gies and seeking to ways of doing things. It’s good In addition to offering the full before the full development of offer the best services in the for the businessman and good range of traditional banking the hydrocarbon sector. Since market. Mr. Lajay says the bank for us as well because bad financ- products, CCEI Bank GE sees it believed in the country, the is working towards providing ing would be a problem for both itself as partners with their bank began to invest and give internet banking as well as a parties,” says Mr. Lajay.
  • 14. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 14 Health: a main pillar Health statistics for Equatorial Guinea in comparison to Africa Average for EG Average for Africa of Horizon 2020 Births assisted by qualified health personnel 63% 46% Prenatal care coverage 86% 73% Prevalence of HIV in adults For healthcare, the goals are over the age of 15 (2008) Antiretroviral treatment 3,343 per 100,000 4,735 per 100,000 quantity as well as quality coverage for people with advanced HIV/AIDS 31% 30% % of children under 5 that received anti-malaria Established as a priority in the vide equal healthcare access in treatment for fever 49% 36% national development strategy, rural and urban areas alike.With Access to Horizon 2020, along with edu- aid from the African Develop- sanitation services 51% 33% cation,healthcare must increase ment Bank,the government has Source: World Health Organization (WHO) both in availability and level of constructed 52 counter refer- service, says the government, if ence centers (rural healthcare multinationals operating in the try’s basic transport infrastruc- the country is to reach emerg- clinics) throughout the country, country have their own health ture are also helping to support ing status within a decade. while each city has a district hos- programs as part of their CSR healthcare initiatives, says the Consequently, investment in pital in addition to the provin- initiatives, such as Marathon minister, who adds that the medical infrastructure is being cial and regional hospitals. Oil’s malaria control program, decline in infant mortality in EG made throughout the country. Moreover, EG now boasts which has succeeded in reduc- is in large part due to the fact Clinics,hospitals,pharmaceutical some of the region’s most ing the mortality rate from this that parents can actually physi- facilities,and training centers are advanced clinics in private disease by 64% in children under cally get to hospitals thanks to now under construction in var- healthcare,such as Clinica La Paz the age of five and has achieved new roadways that have ious regions in an effort to pro- in Bata.In addition,many of the a 57% decline in the prevalence improved access. of malaria infections in children Still,much remains to be done. between the ages of two and “The healthcare map has not La Paz Medical Center five on Bioko Island. “Our mission with regards to the goals set out in Horizon yet covered the entire country,” the minister states,“but we are in the process of providing each The La Paz Medical Center ranks among the most sophisticated and advanced hospitals in the region 2020 is to establish an equitable population nucleus with its own healthcare service for all citizens, medical clinic. We have com- Located in the city of Bata,Clin- an initiative of the government which means both better qual- pleted the construction of 52 ica La Paz is one of the most to develop the country’s health- ity and quantity. Healthcare rural centers to date.” modern hospitals inWesternAfr- care sector.The idea was to cre- must be accessible to all,and in Given its current focus on ica. Built in 2007 by Internation- ate a modern health clinic with order to bring this about, the healthcare, it was quite fitting al Medical Services GE in collabo- the same standards as there are government has launched a that EG hosted the World ration with the national govern- in Europe,and to help provide a number of programs for the Health Organization’s 60th ses- ment,the clinic boasts the latest solution to the country’s health- construction of adequate infra- sion of the Regional Commit- technology and a highly qualified care problems.Before,many peo- structure, to create adequate tee for Africa this May.Minister medical staff.Consequently,it has ple with serious health problems medicinal supply and to pro- Asué,pointing out that his coun- since gone on to quickly estab- have had to leave the country in vide professional training,” com- try has been a WHO member lish itself as the region’s preferred order to find and receive the ments Minister of Health and since 1980, says, “We cannot medical facility. healthcare they needed. Today, Social Welfare Francisco Pas- develop Equatorial Guinea’s General manager Dr. Alon they no longer need to do this.” cual Obama Asué. healthcare system in isolation. Stamler comments,“La Paz was Financing for these projects We operate within the frame- is drawn from three different work,and are obliged to follow budgets,says Minister Asué:one the recommendations of the for infrastructure construction, World Health Organization for another for expenses and mate- Africa with regards to the pro- rials and a third called the Social vision of basic healthcare and MINISTRY OF INFORMATION Development Fund, which healthcare development. We finances specific programs such feel that if healthcare is not well as those for the eradication of established in our rural areas malaria,HIV andAIDS,and tuber- then we cannot speak of the culosis, and first aid programs. healthcare for us encapsulated Improvements in the coun- in Horizon 2020.”
  • 15. Equatorial Guinea SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 15 Education takes center stage MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, CULTURE AND TOURISM Hydrocarbon revenues are helping build better schools What specific initiatives are There is now a national curricu- in place for the develop - lum for the level and all of the tools ment of the education sec- and textbooks needed for the tor? level have been provided.Reforms Education is the backbone of are ongoing in secondary edu- Primary education is mandatory for all Equatoguineans development; it is a guaranteed cation,where a professional train- investment in the future, ensur- ing option is being developed. Can you comment on the A new scientific research ing a nation’s sustainable devel- Reforms are also being carried out 2012 African Nations Cup center has just been an- opment.The greatest investment at the university level,as the spe- (ANC), which your country nounced for Malabo. Can stemming from the government’s cializations offered are adapted to will host? you comment on the impor- plans and projects is destined the real needs of the country. These types of events tend tance of science in the coun- for the social sectors,and among More faculties are being intro- to boost the status of the host try’s development? these, the priority is education, duced as new needs arise. nation,depending on their size Science is a course that many followed by healthcare and the and the quality of their orga- countries must take.Awareness- rest of the social aspects. nization. After the country raising campaigns must be orga- EG’s education system has was approved to hold the nized in order to promote recently been reformed so as to ANC, the government began science and the importance of transform it into the kind of to undertake preparations. scientists.Also, people must be quality education system that This will not be the first time aware that you can make a liv- meets the expectations of citi- we have organized the event ing as a scientist. zens. Our education system is as we have already hosted the That said, giving science pri- divided into three levels: early female championship, and the ority is difficult even when edu- childhood and pre-school,basic, experience we gained then cation is a government focus. and secondary. will be useful now. We want I do want to say that any sci- Basic,or primary,education is to prepare well so that ANC entist who would like to estab- obligatory for all Equatoguineans, 2012 is magnificently orga- lish himself here would be and there are ongoing reforms Filiberto Ntutumu Nguema, nized, and it positions us warmly welcomed and have at this level.The first reforms have Minister of Education, Science strongly as a host for inter- access to all the necessary infra- been successfully completed. & Sports national events. structure. Modernizing the nation’s primary education system PRODEGE is transforming traditional classrooms into interactive learning environments This past May,992 new teachers lic/private partnership led by ence.The schools use an active training program, which was celebrated their graduation from U.S. oil company Hess and the learning technique that encour- established in 2008, PRODEGE a two-year teacher training pro- government of EG, and imple- ages students to build critical has also built two training labo- gram in Bata.This was the first mented by the Academy for thinking skills and learn cooper- ratories in Bata and Malabo. group of professionals to come Educational Development. atively. Beyond classrooms, the To date, 75 PRODEGE nation- out of the country’s Program for In the four years since it was partnership has also built latrines al staff have been trained in pro- Educational Development of established,PRODEGE has estab- and drilled water wells to ensure ject management; 38 trainers Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE) lished 40 model schools and intro- that students have safe, potable are mentoring teachers;and 80 teacher diploma course. duced accelerated course work water and proper sanitation. inspectors have been trained in PRODEGE is a $50 million pub- in basic math, language, and sci- In addition to the teacher school supervision.