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******For Kim Woods Only*****
Assignment 2: Intelligence Gathering
After terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11, the US
government implemented the USA Patriot Act, designed to
gather intelligence and prevent future terror attacks on the
United States. The USA Patriot Act reduced restrictions on law
enforcement agencies’ ability to monitor telephone
conversations, e-mail communications, and medical, financial,
and other records.
Additionally, the act eased restrictions on foreign intelligence
gathering within the United States; expanded the authority of
the secretary of the Treasury to regulate financial transactions,
particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities;
and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and
immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants
suspected of terrorism-related acts.
However, critics of the USA Patriot Act opine that it is an
infringement on civil liberties and should be abolished.
Opponents of the law criticize the authorization of indefinite
detention of immigrants and search of a home or business
without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge.
The USA Patriot Act also expanded the use of National Security
Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
to tap telephone calls, e-mail, and financial records without a
court order, and expanded access to business records, including
library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal
issues have been brought against the act, and federal courts
have ruled that a number of provisions in the USA Patriot Act
are unconstitutional.
to access a film titled
Spying on the Home Front
. The film has five segments, totaling about one hour. This film
explores some of the controversies surrounding the USA Patriot
Submission Details:
After watching all five segments of
Spying on the Home Front
, by
Saturday, June 11, 2016
, in a minimum of 250 words, post to the
Discussion Area
your response to the following:
What are the intelligence-gathering tools being used in the
United States to fight terrorism?
Is there adequate intelligence sharing between different law
enforcement agencies?
Do you think the USA Patriot Act is an effective tool for
fighting terrorism, or do you think it infringes on individual
civil liberties?
How have intelligence-sharing systems changed since 9/11?
Provide concrete examples that support your positions on each
of the above questions.
Assignment 3: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Consider the following scenario:
A bomb has just exploded in a nuclear fuel storage facility in
Centervale. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is
worried because of the extremely high levels of radiation and
nuclear particulates contaminating air and water in Centervale.
Use the Argosy University online library resources and the
Internet to find examples of response plans to nuclear accidents.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper describing how you would respond to
this type of scenario? In your paper, focus on the following
Which agencies would take the lead, and how would they
respond to a nuclear accident?
What type of interagency collaboration would be necessary to
effectively respond to a nuclear mishap?
What type of health risks would a nuclear mishap pose?
Your paper should be in APA format and double-spaced. The
font should be 12 point Times New Roman. Include citations of
your references.
Submission Details:
Save the paper as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
, submit your paper to the
M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox
Assignment 1: First Responder Preparedness
During the terrorist attacks of 9/11, many agencies responded to
help the innocent victims caught in the twin towers of the World
Trade Center. Among the first responders were firefighters, law
enforcement personnel, and the US military.
Critics of the response say that rescue efforts could have been
better streamlined and coordinated. Some of the critics contend
that if firefighters had the proper communication equipment and
an incident command post (ICP) had been established quicker;
perhaps some more lives could have been saved.
After the horrific events of 9/11, a report titled "The 9/11
Commission Report" also came out suggesting that 9/11 could
have been prevented.
Refer to the
for the complete report.
After reviewing the report and reflecting on the response by
first responders during 9/11, by
Saturday, June 18, 2016
, in a minimum of 250 words, post to the
Discussion Area
, your responses to the following:
What is an ICP and why is this important?
Could the events of 9/11 have been prevented?
Which agency do you think should lead the response to an event
like 9/11? Why would you choose the agency for this task?
Assignment 2: Border Security and Technology
Consider the following scenario:
Today, law enforcement in the United States can use technology
and smart security to catch illegal immigrants trying to cross
the borders. Presently, various technologies are being used to
detect illegal immigrants.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following:
Identify and discuss the various technologies currently being
employed by customs and border agents to detect illegal
immigrants. Explain the benefits of employing such
Identify and discuss the current border patrol policies of the US
Analyze the costs accrued to employ such technologies.
Explain how the effectiveness of border patrol is measured.
Describe the laws and regulations regarding immigration
Your paper should be in APA format and double-spaced. The
font should be 12 point Times New Roman. Include citations of
your references.
Submission Details:
Save the report as M2_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
, submit your report to the
M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox
Assignment 1: Homeland Security Agencies
In the United States, there are several agencies responsible for
safeguarding homeland security. The mission of the Office of
Homeland Security is "to develop and coordinate the
implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure
the United States from terrorist threats or attacks" (Bush, n.d.).
In carrying out its mission, the Office of Homeland Security
coordinates the anti-terrorism efforts of over 40 federal
Bush, G. W. (n.d.).
Securing the homeland strengthening the nation. Using
21st century technology to defend the homeland
. Retrieved from
Saturday, June 25, 2016
, in a minimum of 300 words, post to the
Discussion Area
your responses to the following:
Select two of the following agencies responsible for
safeguarding the homeland security, and describe what they do,
who runs them, where they are located, and how and when they
are involved in issues related to terrorism.
The Directorate for National Protection and Programs
The Directorate for Science and Technology
The Directorate for Management
The Office of Policy
Use the Argosy University online library resources for
information regarding something the agencies did. Discuss what
changes, if any, you would make in preventing and resolving
issues related to authority, jurisdiction, and ethics. Provide a
minimum of two sources on how your response would work.
Assignment 2: LASA 1: Threat on Public Health
A war veteran discharged from active duty is unable to receive
the medical benefits that he believes he is entitled to. He also
faces problems in finding decent employment, but secures a
low-level, part-time position at a local water treatment plant in
a Centervale cleaning facility.
After several months on the job, with no benefits, he gets
depressed. He also starts questioning the reasons behind the
United States' military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. He
feels that the United States is not justified in going to war with
Afghanistan and Iraq. All these reasons increase his resentment
toward the United States and its foreign policies.
In an effort to “get back” at the United States, he decides to
attack the water company he works for, including the canals and
major water sources, such as the Colorado River. He plans to
contaminate the water so that it causes major health problems or
even death, thereby resulting in the destruction of US citizens.
In his mission to carry out the attack on the water treatment
facility, he decides to recruit another low-level coworker who,
he believes, will help him. He tells this coworker the details of
his plan, and the coworker initially agrees to help him. A few
days before the plan is to be carried out the coworker gets
nervous and notifies the local Centervale Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) office.
The director of the FBI assigns you to monitor the situation and
track the war veteran's behavior to prevent a domestic terror
attack. The Director expects a report on the disgruntled war
veteran along with the potential methods by which the attacks
on the water system might occur. Overall, your report should
help the city of Centervale prepare for this type of attack.
Your final APA-formatted report should be approximately 6–8
pages long. It should include a minimum of five reference
articles about water contamination or water accessibility at
local water treatment plants.
As you construct your report for the Director, take the following
items into consideration.
Examine the history and events that led to the creation of the
Department of Homeland Security. Discuss how history helps us
improve our responses for future events of a similar nature and
creates a sturdy foundation to handle new cases similar to the
attack this veteran was planning.
Compare and contrast your war veteran to the likes of Timothy
McVeigh, who was also a veteran responsible for blowing up
the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19,
Consider the threat that Transnational Organized Crime (TOC)
cells implanted on American soil have on national security.
Evaluate where and how the disgruntled war veteran might
acquire the resources necessary to launch an attack on the local
water treatment facility in Centervale keeping in mind that
Centervale is a town of seventy five thousand residents situated
outside a major metropolitan area of two million residents.
Consider the overarching mission, role, and function of the
Department of Homeland Security to protect the United States.
Using the available resources, create effective strategies to
verify the legitimacy of each potential terrorist resource without
violating the rights of Centervale's citizens.
Review the preparedness measures offered by the Department of
Homeland Security towards preparing the United Sates for
disasters by going to the website for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) at
. You can find more specific information at
. Select a preparedness measure and recommend how it might be
useful in helping Centervale prepare for an attack on public
Submission Details:
Save the report as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
, submit your paper to the
M3: Assignment 2 LASA 1 Dropbox
Assignment 1: US Agencies in an Effort to Coordinate the
Government's Efforts against Terrorism
In the United States there are several agencies responsible for
helping keep the United States safe. Prominent among these
agencies include the Office of Operations Coordination and
Planning, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, the Transportation Security
Administration, the United States Customs and Border
Protection, and the United States Citizenship and Immigration
In this assignment, you are required to analyze and examine two
of these agencies.
Submission Details:
Saturday, July 2, 2016
, in a minimum of 300 words, post to the
Discussion Area
your responses to the following:
What is the primary role and function of the following agencies:
The Office of Operations Coordination and Planning
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
Transportation Security Administration
United States Customs and Border Protection
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Select two of the agencies given above. Describe what each
does, and then compare and contrast what they do differently.
Assignment 2: Homeland Security Research
Today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses
facial recognition technology and other security procedures to
track and monitor suspected terrorists, in an effort to prevent
future attacks on the Unites States. Facial recognition is one of
many security technologies currently being employed by the
TSA. This assignment requires you to discuss the use of
biometrics in security and the inherent ethical challenges.
Answer the following questions:
Analyze the effectiveness of the TSA as an enforcement
agency? How do you know TSA is effective for the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS)?
What are the benefits of employing technologies such as full-
body scanners, facial recognition, and sensors?
What is the cost to employ such technologies? Is it a means to
an end? Analyze what you have read so far and not what you
have watched on TV.
What one change would you implement effectively now?
Provide budget research and research analysis (Does your idea
make for safer air travel?). What would it cost, and can
terrorists defeat it?
Are civil liberties and security procedures at odds? Does more
security destroy freedoms? Can you somehow improve both in
order to live free and vibrant, yet have security from those who
want to harm the people?
Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper using APA format, double-spaced
Times New Roman, 12 point font. Include the questions or
scenario in your paper and citations of your references.
Submission Details:
Save the report as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
, submit your report to the
M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox
Assignment 1: LASA 2: Sleeper Cells
For the purpose of this LASA, a sleeper cell could be defined as
one or more individuals who are physically located in the
United States and are a part of a political movement against the
US ideology.
Consider the following scenario:
Three Afghanistan women are tired of being oppressed and look
more toward the Muslim religion for freedom. These three
women form an informal communication network with one
another and could be considered "sleepers." The three women
decide to create social unrest by taking radical steps of planning
three different terrorist attacks. The three women target the
East, West, and South Coasts of the U.S. respectively.
The women have very different backgrounds. The first woman is
the first Muslim elected to Congress and plans to attack the
Congressional building targeting the men in power. The second
woman is a former military Explosive Ordinance Disposal
(EOD) team member and plans to use her expertise to blow up
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. The third woman works in a
child day care facility next to the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. Her target is the
day care facility, aiming to create a scene of fear and terror by
killing innocent children.
The three women have been communicating via phone; however,
their plan gets intercepted by the security agencies. The Patriot
Act provides the authority to various federal agencies to include
the National Security Agency (NSA) that can now monitor and
track the plots made by the women.
The NSA director has tasked you to monitor the situation and
coordinate an appropriate response to their threats. A formal
presentation on the group's activities and potential targets is
necessary toward the development of an appropriate response.
The following are the criteria for the 12- to 15-slide Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation. Be sure to use the Argosy University
online library resources and other online resources in addition
to your text as references to complete this project. Include a
title slide to introduce your presentation and a references slide
at the end. The body of the presentation should be of 12- to 15-
Research the topic,
Women and Terrorism in the United States
. Develop a profile for sympathizers, and discuss where female
terrorists are common and what other roles females from nations
who support terrorism may play in terrorist operations in the
United States.
Consider the components of the critical infrastructure and
associated threat assessment risk management procedures.
Develop a plan that would include all the necessary agencies to
respond to this type of coordinated attack.
Research and estimate the cost to combat this threat along with
the necessary interagency coordination to foil this plot.
Analyze the implications of these terrorist attacks on public
health from the initial responses to their overall management.
Propose an appropriate action plan and a recovery plan for the
potentially affected areas.
Analyze the media's perception of domestic terrorism compared
to international terrorism. Identify and discuss the media's
image of the typical international terrorist compared to the
typical domestic terrorist. How do women play a role in the
image of international and domestic terrorism?
Submission Details:
Save the final presentation as M5_A1_Lastname_Firstname.ppt.
Monday, July 11, 2016
, submit your final presentation to the
M5: Assignment 1 LASA 2 Dropbox
Assignment 2: Perspective of Terrorism and the United States
Response to Future Threats
This assignment provides an introduction to many aspects of
terrorism, focusing on the domestic threats of terrorism, the
historical origins, basic needs of preparedness, and the
psychological implications.
This assignment is designed to reflect on various aspects of
homeland security issues that are covered throughout the
Submission Details:
Sunday, July 10, 2016
, in a minimum of 300 words, post to the
Discussion Area
your responses to the following questions:
What are the various types of attacks that the United States
might expect to encounter in the future?
What are the evidences that predict whether future attacks
originate from inside the United States or from outside?
What are the three agencies within the Department of Homeland
Security responsible for keeping the United States safe?
In what ways has this course opened your eyes on the
complexities involved in keeping the United States safe?

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For Kim Woods OnlyAssignment 2 Intelligence Gathering.docx

  • 1. ******For Kim Woods Only***** Assignment 2: Intelligence Gathering After terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11, the US government implemented the USA Patriot Act, designed to gather intelligence and prevent future terror attacks on the United States. The USA Patriot Act reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies’ ability to monitor telephone conversations, e-mail communications, and medical, financial, and other records. Additionally, the act eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expanded the authority of the secretary of the Treasury to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. However, critics of the USA Patriot Act opine that it is an infringement on civil liberties and should be abolished. Opponents of the law criticize the authorization of indefinite detention of immigrants and search of a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge. The USA Patriot Act also expanded the use of National Security Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to tap telephone calls, e-mail, and financial records without a court order, and expanded access to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal issues have been brought against the act, and federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions in the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional. Click here to access a film titled Spying on the Home Front . The film has five segments, totaling about one hour. This film explores some of the controversies surrounding the USA Patriot
  • 2. Act. ?s=frol02p6d&continuous=1 Submission Details: After watching all five segments of Spying on the Home Front , by Saturday, June 11, 2016 , in a minimum of 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following: What are the intelligence-gathering tools being used in the United States to fight terrorism? Is there adequate intelligence sharing between different law enforcement agencies? Do you think the USA Patriot Act is an effective tool for fighting terrorism, or do you think it infringes on individual civil liberties? How have intelligence-sharing systems changed since 9/11? Provide concrete examples that support your positions on each of the above questions. ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ****************** Assignment 3: Weapons of Mass Destruction Consider the following scenario: A bomb has just exploded in a nuclear fuel storage facility in Centervale. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is worried because of the extremely high levels of radiation and nuclear particulates contaminating air and water in Centervale. Use the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet to find examples of response plans to nuclear accidents. Tasks: Write a 2- to 3-page paper describing how you would respond to this type of scenario? In your paper, focus on the following points:
  • 3. Which agencies would take the lead, and how would they respond to a nuclear accident? What type of interagency collaboration would be necessary to effectively respond to a nuclear mishap? What type of health risks would a nuclear mishap pose? Your paper should be in APA format and double-spaced. The font should be 12 point Times New Roman. Include citations of your references. Submission Details: Save the paper as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By Wednesday, June 15, 2016 , submit your paper to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *************** Assignment 1: First Responder Preparedness During the terrorist attacks of 9/11, many agencies responded to help the innocent victims caught in the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Among the first responders were firefighters, law enforcement personnel, and the US military. Critics of the response say that rescue efforts could have been better streamlined and coordinated. Some of the critics contend that if firefighters had the proper communication equipment and an incident command post (ICP) had been established quicker; perhaps some more lives could have been saved. After the horrific events of 9/11, a report titled "The 9/11 Commission Report" also came out suggesting that 9/11 could have been prevented. Refer to the Webliography for the complete report. Tasks: After reviewing the report and reflecting on the response by
  • 4. first responders during 9/11, by Saturday, June 18, 2016 , in a minimum of 250 words, post to the Discussion Area , your responses to the following: What is an ICP and why is this important? Could the events of 9/11 have been prevented? Which agency do you think should lead the response to an event like 9/11? Why would you choose the agency for this task? ***************************************************** ***************************************************** **************** Assignment 2: Border Security and Technology Consider the following scenario: Today, law enforcement in the United States can use technology and smart security to catch illegal immigrants trying to cross the borders. Presently, various technologies are being used to detect illegal immigrants. Tasks: Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following: Identify and discuss the various technologies currently being employed by customs and border agents to detect illegal immigrants. Explain the benefits of employing such technologies. Identify and discuss the current border patrol policies of the US government. Analyze the costs accrued to employ such technologies. Explain how the effectiveness of border patrol is measured. Describe the laws and regulations regarding immigration enforcement. Your paper should be in APA format and double-spaced. The font should be 12 point Times New Roman. Include citations of your references. Submission Details: Save the report as M2_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By
  • 5. Wednesday, June 22, 2016 , submit your report to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** **************** Assignment 1: Homeland Security Agencies In the United States, there are several agencies responsible for safeguarding homeland security. The mission of the Office of Homeland Security is "to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks" (Bush, n.d.). In carrying out its mission, the Office of Homeland Security coordinates the anti-terrorism efforts of over 40 federal agencies. Reference : Bush, G. W. (n.d.). Securing the homeland strengthening the nation. Using 21st century technology to defend the homeland . Retrieved from http://georgewbush- security_book.html#8 Tasks: By Saturday, June 25, 2016 , in a minimum of 300 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following: Select two of the following agencies responsible for safeguarding the homeland security, and describe what they do, who runs them, where they are located, and how and when they are involved in issues related to terrorism. The Directorate for National Protection and Programs
  • 6. The Directorate for Science and Technology The Directorate for Management The Office of Policy Use the Argosy University online library resources for information regarding something the agencies did. Discuss what changes, if any, you would make in preventing and resolving issues related to authority, jurisdiction, and ethics. Provide a minimum of two sources on how your response would work. ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ******************* Assignment 2: LASA 1: Threat on Public Health A war veteran discharged from active duty is unable to receive the medical benefits that he believes he is entitled to. He also faces problems in finding decent employment, but secures a low-level, part-time position at a local water treatment plant in a Centervale cleaning facility. After several months on the job, with no benefits, he gets depressed. He also starts questioning the reasons behind the United States' military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. He feels that the United States is not justified in going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. All these reasons increase his resentment toward the United States and its foreign policies. In an effort to “get back” at the United States, he decides to attack the water company he works for, including the canals and major water sources, such as the Colorado River. He plans to contaminate the water so that it causes major health problems or even death, thereby resulting in the destruction of US citizens. In his mission to carry out the attack on the water treatment facility, he decides to recruit another low-level coworker who, he believes, will help him. He tells this coworker the details of his plan, and the coworker initially agrees to help him. A few days before the plan is to be carried out the coworker gets nervous and notifies the local Centervale Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office. The director of the FBI assigns you to monitor the situation and
  • 7. track the war veteran's behavior to prevent a domestic terror attack. The Director expects a report on the disgruntled war veteran along with the potential methods by which the attacks on the water system might occur. Overall, your report should help the city of Centervale prepare for this type of attack. Instructions: Your final APA-formatted report should be approximately 6–8 pages long. It should include a minimum of five reference articles about water contamination or water accessibility at local water treatment plants. As you construct your report for the Director, take the following items into consideration. Examine the history and events that led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Discuss how history helps us improve our responses for future events of a similar nature and creates a sturdy foundation to handle new cases similar to the attack this veteran was planning. Compare and contrast your war veteran to the likes of Timothy McVeigh, who was also a veteran responsible for blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Consider the threat that Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) cells implanted on American soil have on national security. Evaluate where and how the disgruntled war veteran might acquire the resources necessary to launch an attack on the local water treatment facility in Centervale keeping in mind that Centervale is a town of seventy five thousand residents situated outside a major metropolitan area of two million residents. Consider the overarching mission, role, and function of the Department of Homeland Security to protect the United States. Using the available resources, create effective strategies to verify the legitimacy of each potential terrorist resource without violating the rights of Centervale's citizens. Review the preparedness measures offered by the Department of Homeland Security towards preparing the United Sates for disasters by going to the website for the Federal Emergency
  • 8. Management Agency (FEMA) at . You can find more specific information at and/or response-recovery . Select a preparedness measure and recommend how it might be useful in helping Centervale prepare for an attack on public health. Submission Details: Save the report as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By Wednesday, June 29, 2016 , submit your paper to the M3: Assignment 2 LASA 1 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********** Assignment 1: US Agencies in an Effort to Coordinate the Government's Efforts against Terrorism In the United States there are several agencies responsible for helping keep the United States safe. Prominent among these agencies include the Office of Operations Coordination and Planning, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, the Transportation Security Administration, the United States Customs and Border Protection, and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. In this assignment, you are required to analyze and examine two of these agencies. Submission Details: By Saturday, July 2, 2016 , in a minimum of 300 words, post to the
  • 9. Discussion Area your responses to the following: What is the primary role and function of the following agencies: The Office of Operations Coordination and Planning The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Transportation Security Administration United States Customs and Border Protection United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Select two of the agencies given above. Describe what each does, and then compare and contrast what they do differently. ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************** Assignment 2: Homeland Security Research Today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses facial recognition technology and other security procedures to track and monitor suspected terrorists, in an effort to prevent future attacks on the Unites States. Facial recognition is one of many security technologies currently being employed by the TSA. This assignment requires you to discuss the use of biometrics in security and the inherent ethical challenges. Tasks: Answer the following questions: Analyze the effectiveness of the TSA as an enforcement agency? How do you know TSA is effective for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? What are the benefits of employing technologies such as full- body scanners, facial recognition, and sensors? What is the cost to employ such technologies? Is it a means to an end? Analyze what you have read so far and not what you have watched on TV. What one change would you implement effectively now? Provide budget research and research analysis (Does your idea make for safer air travel?). What would it cost, and can terrorists defeat it?
  • 10. Are civil liberties and security procedures at odds? Does more security destroy freedoms? Can you somehow improve both in order to live free and vibrant, yet have security from those who want to harm the people? Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper using APA format, double-spaced Times New Roman, 12 point font. Include the questions or scenario in your paper and citations of your references. Submission Details: Save the report as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By Wednesday, July 6, 2016 , submit your report to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ********************* Assignment 1: LASA 2: Sleeper Cells For the purpose of this LASA, a sleeper cell could be defined as one or more individuals who are physically located in the United States and are a part of a political movement against the US ideology. Consider the following scenario: Three Afghanistan women are tired of being oppressed and look more toward the Muslim religion for freedom. These three women form an informal communication network with one another and could be considered "sleepers." The three women decide to create social unrest by taking radical steps of planning three different terrorist attacks. The three women target the East, West, and South Coasts of the U.S. respectively. The women have very different backgrounds. The first woman is the first Muslim elected to Congress and plans to attack the Congressional building targeting the men in power. The second woman is a former military Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team member and plans to use her expertise to blow up Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. The third woman works in a
  • 11. child day care facility next to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. Her target is the day care facility, aiming to create a scene of fear and terror by killing innocent children. The three women have been communicating via phone; however, their plan gets intercepted by the security agencies. The Patriot Act provides the authority to various federal agencies to include the National Security Agency (NSA) that can now monitor and track the plots made by the women. The NSA director has tasked you to monitor the situation and coordinate an appropriate response to their threats. A formal presentation on the group's activities and potential targets is necessary toward the development of an appropriate response. Instructions: The following are the criteria for the 12- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Be sure to use the Argosy University online library resources and other online resources in addition to your text as references to complete this project. Include a title slide to introduce your presentation and a references slide at the end. The body of the presentation should be of 12- to 15- slides. Tasks: Research the topic, Women and Terrorism in the United States . Develop a profile for sympathizers, and discuss where female terrorists are common and what other roles females from nations who support terrorism may play in terrorist operations in the United States. Consider the components of the critical infrastructure and associated threat assessment risk management procedures. Develop a plan that would include all the necessary agencies to respond to this type of coordinated attack. Research and estimate the cost to combat this threat along with the necessary interagency coordination to foil this plot. Analyze the implications of these terrorist attacks on public health from the initial responses to their overall management.
  • 12. Propose an appropriate action plan and a recovery plan for the potentially affected areas. Analyze the media's perception of domestic terrorism compared to international terrorism. Identify and discuss the media's image of the typical international terrorist compared to the typical domestic terrorist. How do women play a role in the image of international and domestic terrorism? Submission Details: Save the final presentation as M5_A1_Lastname_Firstname.ppt. By Monday, July 11, 2016 , submit your final presentation to the M5: Assignment 1 LASA 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************** Assignment 2: Perspective of Terrorism and the United States Response to Future Threats This assignment provides an introduction to many aspects of terrorism, focusing on the domestic threats of terrorism, the historical origins, basic needs of preparedness, and the psychological implications. This assignment is designed to reflect on various aspects of homeland security issues that are covered throughout the course. Submission Details: By Sunday, July 10, 2016 , in a minimum of 300 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following questions: What are the various types of attacks that the United States might expect to encounter in the future? What are the evidences that predict whether future attacks originate from inside the United States or from outside?
  • 13. What are the three agencies within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for keeping the United States safe? In what ways has this course opened your eyes on the complexities involved in keeping the United States safe?