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Speciale Spagna

Le grandi novità di
Alimentaria 2012
DI   ALBERTO BONI                                           arcellona (Spagna). Presen-
                                                     FOODMEAT                                li del trinomio R+S+I, dello svi-
                                                            tata alla stampa internazio-
                                                     FOODMEAT                                luppo aziendale, della sostenibili-
Presentata alla stampa                               nale la XIX edizione di Alimenta-       tà e della nutrizione. Ad esempio
                                                     ria, salone internazioale dell’ali-     il Congresso Internazionale della
internazionale l’edizione                            mentazione e delle bevande, che         dieta mediterranea, Innoval, Best
2012 di Alimentaria.                                 si terrà dal 26 al 29 marzo 2012        Pack, le Giornate di trasferimento
Le grandi novità della                               nella capitale catalana presso il       di ricerca e tecnologia, gli incon-
                                                     nuovo polo espositivo “Gran Via”.       tri aziendali della Fiab (la Fede-
rassegna catalana.                                   Un edizione che assume un’im-           razione Spagnola delle industrie
                                                     portanza speciale nel contesto          dell’alimentazione e delle bevan-
                                                     economico odierno e che si ba-          de) e la ricerca universitaria che
                                                     sa sui valori strategici dell’inter-    presenta la Fondazione Triptole-
                                                     nazionalizzazione, dell’innovazio-      mos. Dunque un unico raccogli-
                                                     ne, della concorrenza e della pro-      tore per molteplici iniziative e si-
                      SPAG                           mozione dei marchi alimentari.          nergie.

                                                     Inoltre la fiera potenzierà le sue      La conferenza stampa ha preso il
                                                     attività più rappresentative tra        via dalla splendida “location” del
                                                     le quali troverà maggior spazio,        palazzo Llotja de Mar de Barce-
                                                     come autentica novità assoluta,         lona, uno dei simboli maggiori di
                                                     “The Alimentaria Hub”, il grande        architettura gotica di Barcellona
                                                     centro di interconnessione tra in-      risalente al XVIII secolo. Questa
                                                     novazione, conoscenza e tenden-         opera è stata progettata dall’ar-
     Da sinistra: Antonio Valls, direttore
     generale di Alimentaria Exibitions;             ze per l’industria alimentare e di      chitetto Joan Soler Faneca, co-
     Fernando Salazar, vice presidente di Icex;      tutti i comparti che ruotano nel        struita su un antico edificio me-
     Josep Lluis Bonet, presidente Fiera di
     Barcellona; Josep M. Pelegrí, consigliere del   mondo agroalimentare. “The Ali-         dievale e inaugurata da Re Car-
     Dipartimento Agricoltura e                      mentaria Hub” sarà un’iniziativa        los IV nel 1802. Storicamente è
     Alimentazione della Catalogna; Isabel           fondamentale che riunirà attivi-        sempre stata la sede della Giun-
     Bombal, direttore generale del Ministero
     dell’Industria e dei Mercati Alimentari;        tà classiche di Alimentaria, che        ta Particolare del Commercio Ca-
     Jesus Serafin Pérez, presidente di Fiab.         condividono già valori come quel-       talano, oggi oltre ad essere un
                                                                                             punto d’incontro delle imprese
                                                                                             spagnole e anche la Sede Corpo-
                                                                                             rativa della Camera Ufficiale del
                                                                                             Commercio, industria e navigazio-
                                                                                             ne di Barcellona.
                                                                                             Il presidente di Alimentaria Josè
                                                                                             Luis Bonet ha dato inizio ai lavo-
                                                                                             ri facendo gli onori di casa e por-
                                                                                             gendo i saluti agli oltre 80 giorna-
                                                                                             listi stranieri presenti, provenien-
                                                                                             ti da tutto il mondo, e a diversi
                                                                                             imprenditori spagnoli del settore
                                                                                             In seguito è intervenuto Josep Pe-
                                                                                             legri consigliere del Dipartimen-
                                                                                             to dell’Agricoltura e Alimentazio-
                                                                                             ne della Catalogna. Josep Pele-

                                                                FOODMEAT 126 NOVEMBRE 2011
Speciale Spagna

gri ha sottolineato l’importanza
dell’agricoltura nella Regione Ca-
talana. «Siamo una regione me-
diterranea – ha detto Josep Pe-
legri – quindi i nostri prodotti so-
no caratterizzati da questa posi-
zione geografica e dalla loro tipi-
cità come l’olio, il vino e i salumi.
Ambasciatori famosissimi come i
nostri chef stellati Ferran Adrià,
Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda e
anche con Santi Santamaria re-
centemente scomparso, rappre-
sentato nel mondo la nostra cul-
tura gastronomica». Infine Anto-
nio Valls, general manager di Ali-
mentaria ha descritto le caratteri-
stiche della prossima edizione di
Oltre 4.000 aziende espositri-
ci per una superficie di 95.000
mq. e 14 saloni specializzati. Di
grande interesse il salone Inter-
carn, dove insieme alle industrie
spagnole di carne e salumi ci sa-
ranno anche una nutrita rappre-
sentanza di aziende internaziona-
li del settore con le loro migliori
                                         Da sinistra: Marcos Ruvira, Gruppo Campofrio; Julio Lopez Castaño, Gruppo Internal de Osborne
ALIMENTARIA’S MOST                       5J; Javier Ortiz De Zarate, Conservas Ortiz; Gotzon Elizburu Osa, Gruppo Eroski; Josep Pont
                                         Amenos, Borges Holding.
More than 80 journalists from           economic situation, making it a                 international edition. With an ex-
around the world attended the           venue where companies can gain                  pected 4,000 exhibitor compa-
international presentation of           access to foreign markets, espe-                nies, a third of which will come
the trade show. Alimentaria             cially Asia. Japan, Thailand and                from abroad, and 150,000 buy-
has institutional and business          Vietnam will be sending institu-                ers, 25% international, Alimen-
relationships with over 150             tional exhibitor groups to the ex-              taria is warming up for this gath-
countries.                              hibition for the first time, China              ering of industry professionals,
                                        is doubling the size of its space               which will bring together special-
Food industry opinion leaders,          and the Alimentaria website will                ists from more than 75 coun-
officials, and national and inter-      now have a version in Chinese                   tries in Barcelona. The presenta-
national journalists took part in       and Japanese.                                   tion was held at La Casa Llotja
a day of talks analysing the eco-       Alimentaria 2012 will feature two               de Mar.
nomic situation in the food indus-      new exhibition halls, 5 and 7, at
try. There was also a presenta-         the expense of Exhibition Hall 8,               INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION
tion of the main new features at        for a total of almost 95,000 m2.                OF ALIMENTARIA 2012
the trade show, which will be held      This edition will include twelve                Presiding over the internation-
at the Gran Vía exhibition site in      sector-specific shows and three                 al presentation was Josep-Lluís
Barcelona (Spain), 26–29 March          specifically for international del-             Bonet, chairman of the Alimen-
2012.                                   egations, autonomous communi-                   taria Organising Committee. Al-
The trade fair will be redoubling       ties and organic food products.                 so present were Josep Maria
its efforts to adapt to the current     This will be the trade fair’s most              Pelegrí, secretary of the Govern-                ´
                                              FOODMEAT 127 NOVEMBRE 2011
Speciale Spagna

´ ment of Catalonia’s Department         er for Grupo Eroski, and Javier Or-   doña offered attendees a master
   of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing,   tiz, marketing department man-        class on economics with encour-
   Food and the Environment; Jesús       ager at Conservas Ortiz, accom-       aging figures: Spanish consump-
   Serafín, president of the Span-       panied by FIAB Secretary Gen-         tion is expected to rise 0.3%, to
   ish Food and Drink Industry Fed-      eral, Horacio González-Alemán,        which we can add the 14.7% rise
   eration (FIAB in its Spanish acro-    brought their opinions and busi-      in Spanish food and drink ex-
   nym); Fernando Salazar, execu-        ness experience to the table,         ports compared to the same peri-
   tive vice-chairman of the Spanish     placing special emphasis on the       od of the previous year, according
   Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX     importance of international ex-       to ICEX data.
   in its Spanish acronym); Isabel       pansion for Spanish food and          ‘The food and drinks industry is
   Bombal, director-general of Food      drinks companies in order to ride     stable and innovative, creates
   Manufacturing and Markets at          out the crisis.                       jobs and promotes internationali-
   the Ministry of the Natural, Rural                                          sation,’ Argandoña concluded.
   and Marine Environment (MARM          THE FOOD AND DRINKS
   in its Spanish acronym); the di-      INDUSTRY, KEY TO ECONOMIC             ALIMENTARIA, THE BEST
   rector of Alimentaria, J. Antonio     RECOVERY                              INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION
   Valls; the general manager of Al-     ‘The food and drinks industry is      TOOL FOR COMPANIES
   imentaria Exhibitions, Francisco      the most important for the Cata-      Alimentaria has established it-
   Carrió, and IESE economics pro-       lan economy and the sector which      self as the best tool for compa-
   fessor Antonio Argandoña.             has most and best withstood the       nies seeking to promote their
   The event focused participants’       crisis,’ stated Government of Cat-    products and demonstrate their
   attention on internationalisation.    alonia Department of Agriculture,     quality and innovation. However,
   Five success cases at Spanish         Livestock, Fishing, Food and the      it is also important to remember
   companies were presented to           Environment Secretary Josep Ma-       the trade show’s capacity for cre-
   demonstrate the special impor-        ria Pelegrí, who stressed that the    ating synergies between compa-
   tance of this concept for the food    industry is a key driving force be-   nies and countries, with increas-
   and drinks industry in Spain, as      hind Catalan economic policy.         es of 91% (international) and 6%
   well as for each one of the 14        Isabel Bombal made similar com-       (national) in the number of visi-
   shows that make up Alimentaria.       ments, adding that ‘it is impor-      tors since the year 2000.
   Josep Pont Amenós, managing           tant to lend strength and visibil-    ‘We have set ourselves the goal
   director of Borges Holding; Julio     ity to the food industry because      of 140,000 buyers,’ announced
   López, international managing di-     of how much capacity it has for       Director of Alimentaria and Dep-
   rector of Osborne-5J; Marcos Ru-      job creation’ and defending sup-      uty Managing Director of Ali-
   vira, international customer and      port and resources from the gov-      mentaria Exhibitions J. Antonio
   export development manager for        ernment and media for this type       Valls, who highlighted the show’s
   Grupo Campofrío; Gotzon Elizbu-       of initiative.                        strong focus on Asian countries
   ru, business partnership manag-       IESE professor Antonio Argan-         like Thailand, Japan, Vietnam,
                                                                               China, Indonesia and India.
                                                                               Valls also explained that Alimen-
                                                                               taria would increase investment
                                                                               in international promotion by
                                                                               30%, renewing internationalisa-
                                                                               tion agreements with FIAB (Span-
                                                                               ish acronym for the Spanish Food
                                                                               and Drink Industry Federation), in-
                                                                               creasing advertising investment
                                                                               in international media outlets, or-
                                                                               ganising practical seminars on in-
                                                                               ternational markets such as Rus-
                                                                               sia and China, and strengthen-
                                                                               ing programmes such as Hosted
                                                                               Alimentaria has institutional and
                                                                               business relationships with more

                                               FOODMEAT 128 NOVEMBRE 2011
Speciale Spagna

than 150 countries, a clear ex-                   The welcome of mr. José Pelegrí
ample of the trade fair’s interna-
tional focus. The number of inter-      Dear friend,
national agents has risen from 4
(in 1998) to 27 (in 2012).              As the person responsible for the agricultural and food policy of Catalonia, I
                                        would like to welcome you to our country, which I hope you will also consider a
                                        kind of second home following this visit.
                                        Catalonia is a Mediterranean country that is open and advanced, meaning that
                                        it has incorporated products from around the world into the classic Mediterra-
Alimentaria remains committed
                                        nean trio of wheat, oil and wine to become one of the most emblematic cuisines
to brands: ‘brands create val-
                                        in the world. Catalan cookery, with well-known ambassadors like Ferran Adrià,
ue, security, trust and jobs,’ ex-
                                        Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda and the recently deceased Santi Santamaria as
plained Valls at the international      examples of the wealth of professional chefs who hail from these parts, is a cor-
presentation of the trade show,         nerstone of Catalan culture, which is also gastronomic.
where attendees were able to            Catalan agricultural produce, from its meat and fruit through to its cured sausag-
consider the food and drinks in-        es, olive oils, wine and cavas, nuts, rice, sweets and chocolate, biscuits and tor-
dustry’s capacity to help Spain         rons (nougat), pasta, prepared and smoked goods, pickled vegetables and fish,
emerge from the crisis.                 dairy products and cheeses, boasts a number of exceptional qualities, wheth-
The trade show, which from the          er destined for the mass market or the more demanding gourmet segment. Be-
very beginning has sought to be a       hind it is an entire sector committed to innovation and creativity, with the guar-
gathering of brands, features the       antee and traceability of products that provide an essential service to the popu-
presence of top food and drinks         lation: nutrition.
firms from the various sectors.         The welcome sample is intended to provide a taste of Catalonia so that you can
For Alimentaria, brands are the         have a better idea of everything that will be on display at Fira Barcelona as part of
country’s assets.                       Alimentaria Barcelona 2012, produce both from Catalonia and from the 75 other
Alimentaria’s ongoing commit-           countries due to attend this major international event.
ment to value propositions which
educate and inform specialists                                                                     Josep Maria Pelegrí
will not disappoint specialised             4PUPZ[LY MVY (NYPJS[YL 3P]LZ[VJR -PZOLYPLZ -VVK HUK 5H[YHS ,U]PYVUTLU[
                                                                                                 .V]LYUTLU[ VM *H[HSVUPH
visitors this year. Almost 10,000
m2 will be devoted to this type of
activity, with highlights including
BCNVanguardia, TasteFlavours
and a number of seminars and
conferences for each sector at
the trade show.
On the subject of innovation, Ju-
lia Pérez, journalist and food crit-
ic for the El Mundo newspaper
and spokeswoman for the tech-
nical committee for BCNVan-
guardia, Barcelona International
Gastronomy Conference, which
this year will focus on business
management, announced that at
this edition the gathering will be     entation of Alimentaria, just as             At this edition, the TasteFlavours
broadcast live via the Internet, re-   they will during the exhibition              experience will cast its eye
inforcing the idea of internation-     next 26, 27, 28 and 29 March.                abroad. For the second consecu-
alisation (reaching more media         Food critic and journalist Paul              tive year, Alimentaria will focus on
and specialists) and innovation.       Richardson offered an overview               the best of national and interna-
                                       of the origins of Spanish cuisine            tional cuisine, placing special em-
A DATE WITH GASTRONOMY                 and announced that at this edi-              phasis on the quality and variety
AND HEALTH                             tion TasteFlavours will offer ‘a            of cuisine from other countries.
Health and gastronomy also had         new concept for enjoying Iberian             The news announcement for
a place at the international pres-     pork, oil and wine”.                         the International Conference on             ´
                                             FOODMEAT 129 NOVEMBRE 2011
Speciale Spagna

´ the Mediterranean Diet added a
   healthy note to the event. Obesity
   will be the issue dealt with at the
   conference, with Dr. Ordovás pre-
   siding. The event will take place
   in the exhibition site’s auditorium
   on 27 and 28 March.
   Dr. José María Ordovás is a pro-
   fessor of nutrition and a pioneer
   and specialist in the fields of nu-
   trigenetics and nutrigenomics. He
   directs the USDA Human Nutrition
   Research Center on Aging at Tufts
   University and is a researcher at
   the National Cardiovascular Re-
   search Centre (CNIC) in Spain.
   ‘The fight against obesity re-         Il gruppo di giornalisti internazionali in visita alle famose cantine Torres.
   quires the determined involve-
   ment of society and the leader-       dustries and a showcase for the                      ic, on-the-move and international
   ship of public authorities’, indi-    strength of Spanish industry.’ —                     trade show in Spain.” — Francis-
   cated the president of the Asso-      Isabel Bombal, Director of Food                      co Carrió, Managing Director of
   ciation for the Advancement of        Manufacturing and Markets for                        Alimentaria Exhibitions and Reed
   the Mediterranean Diet, Francis-      the Ministry of the Natural, Rural                   Exhibitions Iberia.
   co Sensat.                            and Marine Environment (MARM                         ‘After tourism, the food industry
   At this edition, the conference       in its Spanish acronym).                             makes the second largest contri-
   will be especially relevant due to    “We are proud to host and sup-                       bution to Spain’s GDP — Jesús
   UNESCO’s decision a few months        port this trade show, a Europe-                      Serafín Pérez, President of the
   ago to award the Mediterranean        an and international leader.” —                      Spanish Food and Drink Indus-
   Diet its Intangible Cultural Herit-   Josep Ma Pelegrí, Secretary of                       try Federation (FIAB in its Span-
   age of Humanity designation.          the Government of Catalonia’s                        ish acronym).
                                         Department of Agriculture, Live-                     ‘Alimentaria is one of the most
   MORE THAN 80                          stock, Fishing, Food and the En-                     important food industry events
   INTERNATIONAL MEDIA                   vironment.                                           in the world.’ — Paul Richardson,
   OUTLETS INVITED                       “Alimentaria is the best venue                       journalist and food critic.
   About eighty foreign journal-         for promoting Catalan industry                       ‘The programme for the next edi-
   ists took part in the internation-    abroad. Our market is the world.”                    tion of Alimentaria will give spe-
   al presentation of Alimentaria        — Josep Ma Pelegrí, Secretary                        cial meaning to the variety of mod-
   2012, representing major food         of the Government of Catalonia’s                     ern Spanish cuisine.’ — Paul Rich-
   and drinks industry publications.     Department of Agriculture, Live-                     ardson, journalist and food critic.
   In addition to attending the press    stock, Fishing, Food and the En-                     “In Alimentaria, our international
   conference at Casa Llotja de Mar,     vironment.                                           partners find a gateway to Span-
   the journalists – from 30 Europe-     ‘Alimentaria is the best showcase                    ish products.” — Gotzon Elizburu,
   an, Asian, American and African       for Spanish food and drinks.’ —                      International Partnerships Man-
   countries – enjoyed an intensive      Fernando Salazar, Executive Vice-                    ager for Grupo Eroski.
   two-day programme of activities       chairman of the Spanish Insti-                       “Alimentaria is a crash course on
   in Barcelona. Highlights included     tute for Foreign Trade (ICEX in its                  consumers in the world.” — Julio
   the leisure, cultural and culinary    Spanish acronym).                                    López, International Managing Di-
   tour of Torres winery.                ‘Alimentaria will increase the                       rector for Osborne 5J.
                                         number of exhibitors in its In-                      “Alimentaria is an opportunity to
   WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING                ternational Pavilion by 30%, to                      demonstrate the quality of our
   ABOUT ALIMENTARIA                     600 companies.’ — Josep Lluís                        products.” — Marcos Ruvira, In-
   ‘We want Alimentaria to contin-       Bonet, Chairman of Fira Barcelo-                     ternational Customer and Export
   ue to grow, because it is an ex-      na and Freixenet.                                    Development Manager for Grupo
   cellent business forum for our in-    “Alimentaria is the most dynam-                      Campofrío.                        Q

                                                FOODMEAT 130 NOVEMBRE 2011

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Le grandi novità di Alimentaria 2012. Foodmeat (Italia), noviembre 2011

  • 1. Speciale Spagna Le grandi novità di Alimentaria 2012 B FOODMEAT DI ALBERTO BONI arcellona (Spagna). Presen- FOODMEAT li del trinomio R+S+I, dello svi- FOODMEAT tata alla stampa internazio- FOODMEAT luppo aziendale, della sostenibili- Presentata alla stampa nale la XIX edizione di Alimenta- tà e della nutrizione. Ad esempio ria, salone internazioale dell’ali- il Congresso Internazionale della internazionale l’edizione mentazione e delle bevande, che dieta mediterranea, Innoval, Best 2012 di Alimentaria. si terrà dal 26 al 29 marzo 2012 Pack, le Giornate di trasferimento Le grandi novità della nella capitale catalana presso il di ricerca e tecnologia, gli incon- nuovo polo espositivo “Gran Via”. tri aziendali della Fiab (la Fede- rassegna catalana. Un edizione che assume un’im- razione Spagnola delle industrie portanza speciale nel contesto dell’alimentazione e delle bevan- economico odierno e che si ba- de) e la ricerca universitaria che sa sui valori strategici dell’inter- presenta la Fondazione Triptole- nazionalizzazione, dell’innovazio- mos. Dunque un unico raccogli- ne, della concorrenza e della pro- tore per molteplici iniziative e si- NA SPAG mozione dei marchi alimentari. nergie. dalla Inoltre la fiera potenzierà le sue La conferenza stampa ha preso il attività più rappresentative tra via dalla splendida “location” del le quali troverà maggior spazio, palazzo Llotja de Mar de Barce- come autentica novità assoluta, lona, uno dei simboli maggiori di “The Alimentaria Hub”, il grande architettura gotica di Barcellona centro di interconnessione tra in- risalente al XVIII secolo. Questa novazione, conoscenza e tenden- opera è stata progettata dall’ar- Da sinistra: Antonio Valls, direttore generale di Alimentaria Exibitions; ze per l’industria alimentare e di chitetto Joan Soler Faneca, co- Fernando Salazar, vice presidente di Icex; tutti i comparti che ruotano nel struita su un antico edificio me- Josep Lluis Bonet, presidente Fiera di Barcellona; Josep M. Pelegrí, consigliere del mondo agroalimentare. “The Ali- dievale e inaugurata da Re Car- Dipartimento Agricoltura e mentaria Hub” sarà un’iniziativa los IV nel 1802. Storicamente è Alimentazione della Catalogna; Isabel fondamentale che riunirà attivi- sempre stata la sede della Giun- Bombal, direttore generale del Ministero dell’Industria e dei Mercati Alimentari; tà classiche di Alimentaria, che ta Particolare del Commercio Ca- Jesus Serafin Pérez, presidente di Fiab. condividono già valori come quel- talano, oggi oltre ad essere un punto d’incontro delle imprese spagnole e anche la Sede Corpo- rativa della Camera Ufficiale del Commercio, industria e navigazio- ne di Barcellona. Il presidente di Alimentaria Josè Luis Bonet ha dato inizio ai lavo- ri facendo gli onori di casa e por- gendo i saluti agli oltre 80 giorna- listi stranieri presenti, provenien- ti da tutto il mondo, e a diversi imprenditori spagnoli del settore alimentare. In seguito è intervenuto Josep Pe- legri consigliere del Dipartimen- to dell’Agricoltura e Alimentazio- ne della Catalogna. Josep Pele- FOODMEAT 126 NOVEMBRE 2011
  • 2. Speciale Spagna gri ha sottolineato l’importanza dell’agricoltura nella Regione Ca- talana. «Siamo una regione me- diterranea – ha detto Josep Pe- legri – quindi i nostri prodotti so- no caratterizzati da questa posi- zione geografica e dalla loro tipi- cità come l’olio, il vino e i salumi. Ambasciatori famosissimi come i nostri chef stellati Ferran Adrià, Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda e anche con Santi Santamaria re- centemente scomparso, rappre- sentato nel mondo la nostra cul- tura gastronomica». Infine Anto- nio Valls, general manager di Ali- mentaria ha descritto le caratteri- stiche della prossima edizione di Alimentaria. Oltre 4.000 aziende espositri- ci per una superficie di 95.000 mq. e 14 saloni specializzati. Di grande interesse il salone Inter- carn, dove insieme alle industrie spagnole di carne e salumi ci sa- ranno anche una nutrita rappre- sentanza di aziende internaziona- li del settore con le loro migliori produzioni. Da sinistra: Marcos Ruvira, Gruppo Campofrio; Julio Lopez Castaño, Gruppo Internal de Osborne ALIMENTARIA’S MOST 5J; Javier Ortiz De Zarate, Conservas Ortiz; Gotzon Elizburu Osa, Gruppo Eroski; Josep Pont Amenos, Borges Holding. INTERNATIONAL EDITION IS WARMING UP More than 80 journalists from economic situation, making it a international edition. With an ex- around the world attended the venue where companies can gain pected 4,000 exhibitor compa- international presentation of access to foreign markets, espe- nies, a third of which will come the trade show. Alimentaria cially Asia. Japan, Thailand and from abroad, and 150,000 buy- has institutional and business Vietnam will be sending institu- ers, 25% international, Alimen- relationships with over 150 tional exhibitor groups to the ex- taria is warming up for this gath- countries. hibition for the first time, China ering of industry professionals, is doubling the size of its space which will bring together special- Food industry opinion leaders, and the Alimentaria website will ists from more than 75 coun- officials, and national and inter- now have a version in Chinese tries in Barcelona. The presenta- national journalists took part in and Japanese. tion was held at La Casa Llotja a day of talks analysing the eco- Alimentaria 2012 will feature two de Mar. nomic situation in the food indus- new exhibition halls, 5 and 7, at try. There was also a presenta- the expense of Exhibition Hall 8, INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION tion of the main new features at for a total of almost 95,000 m2. OF ALIMENTARIA 2012 the trade show, which will be held This edition will include twelve Presiding over the internation- at the Gran Vía exhibition site in sector-specific shows and three al presentation was Josep-Lluís Barcelona (Spain), 26–29 March specifically for international del- Bonet, chairman of the Alimen- 2012. egations, autonomous communi- taria Organising Committee. Al- The trade fair will be redoubling ties and organic food products. so present were Josep Maria its efforts to adapt to the current This will be the trade fair’s most Pelegrí, secretary of the Govern- ´ FOODMEAT 127 NOVEMBRE 2011
  • 3. Speciale Spagna ´ ment of Catalonia’s Department er for Grupo Eroski, and Javier Or- doña offered attendees a master of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, tiz, marketing department man- class on economics with encour- Food and the Environment; Jesús ager at Conservas Ortiz, accom- aging figures: Spanish consump- Serafín, president of the Span- panied by FIAB Secretary Gen- tion is expected to rise 0.3%, to ish Food and Drink Industry Fed- eral, Horacio González-Alemán, which we can add the 14.7% rise eration (FIAB in its Spanish acro- brought their opinions and busi- in Spanish food and drink ex- nym); Fernando Salazar, execu- ness experience to the table, ports compared to the same peri- tive vice-chairman of the Spanish placing special emphasis on the od of the previous year, according Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX importance of international ex- to ICEX data. in its Spanish acronym); Isabel pansion for Spanish food and ‘The food and drinks industry is Bombal, director-general of Food drinks companies in order to ride stable and innovative, creates Manufacturing and Markets at out the crisis. jobs and promotes internationali- the Ministry of the Natural, Rural sation,’ Argandoña concluded. and Marine Environment (MARM THE FOOD AND DRINKS in its Spanish acronym); the di- INDUSTRY, KEY TO ECONOMIC ALIMENTARIA, THE BEST rector of Alimentaria, J. Antonio RECOVERY INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION Valls; the general manager of Al- ‘The food and drinks industry is TOOL FOR COMPANIES imentaria Exhibitions, Francisco the most important for the Cata- Alimentaria has established it- Carrió, and IESE economics pro- lan economy and the sector which self as the best tool for compa- fessor Antonio Argandoña. has most and best withstood the nies seeking to promote their The event focused participants’ crisis,’ stated Government of Cat- products and demonstrate their attention on internationalisation. alonia Department of Agriculture, quality and innovation. However, Five success cases at Spanish Livestock, Fishing, Food and the it is also important to remember companies were presented to Environment Secretary Josep Ma- the trade show’s capacity for cre- demonstrate the special impor- ria Pelegrí, who stressed that the ating synergies between compa- tance of this concept for the food industry is a key driving force be- nies and countries, with increas- and drinks industry in Spain, as hind Catalan economic policy. es of 91% (international) and 6% well as for each one of the 14 Isabel Bombal made similar com- (national) in the number of visi- shows that make up Alimentaria. ments, adding that ‘it is impor- tors since the year 2000. Josep Pont Amenós, managing tant to lend strength and visibil- ‘We have set ourselves the goal director of Borges Holding; Julio ity to the food industry because of 140,000 buyers,’ announced López, international managing di- of how much capacity it has for Director of Alimentaria and Dep- rector of Osborne-5J; Marcos Ru- job creation’ and defending sup- uty Managing Director of Ali- vira, international customer and port and resources from the gov- mentaria Exhibitions J. Antonio export development manager for ernment and media for this type Valls, who highlighted the show’s Grupo Campofrío; Gotzon Elizbu- of initiative. strong focus on Asian countries ru, business partnership manag- IESE professor Antonio Argan- like Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, China, Indonesia and India. Valls also explained that Alimen- taria would increase investment in international promotion by 30%, renewing internationalisa- tion agreements with FIAB (Span- ish acronym for the Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation), in- creasing advertising investment in international media outlets, or- ganising practical seminars on in- ternational markets such as Rus- sia and China, and strengthen- ing programmes such as Hosted Buyers. Alimentaria has institutional and business relationships with more FOODMEAT 128 NOVEMBRE 2011
  • 4. Speciale Spagna than 150 countries, a clear ex- The welcome of mr. José Pelegrí ample of the trade fair’s interna- tional focus. The number of inter- Dear friend, national agents has risen from 4 (in 1998) to 27 (in 2012). As the person responsible for the agricultural and food policy of Catalonia, I would like to welcome you to our country, which I hope you will also consider a kind of second home following this visit. A CLEAR COMMITMENT TO Catalonia is a Mediterranean country that is open and advanced, meaning that INNOVATION AND BRANDS it has incorporated products from around the world into the classic Mediterra- Alimentaria remains committed nean trio of wheat, oil and wine to become one of the most emblematic cuisines to brands: ‘brands create val- in the world. Catalan cookery, with well-known ambassadors like Ferran Adrià, ue, security, trust and jobs,’ ex- Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda and the recently deceased Santi Santamaria as plained Valls at the international examples of the wealth of professional chefs who hail from these parts, is a cor- presentation of the trade show, nerstone of Catalan culture, which is also gastronomic. where attendees were able to Catalan agricultural produce, from its meat and fruit through to its cured sausag- consider the food and drinks in- es, olive oils, wine and cavas, nuts, rice, sweets and chocolate, biscuits and tor- dustry’s capacity to help Spain rons (nougat), pasta, prepared and smoked goods, pickled vegetables and fish, emerge from the crisis. dairy products and cheeses, boasts a number of exceptional qualities, wheth- The trade show, which from the er destined for the mass market or the more demanding gourmet segment. Be- very beginning has sought to be a hind it is an entire sector committed to innovation and creativity, with the guar- gathering of brands, features the antee and traceability of products that provide an essential service to the popu- presence of top food and drinks lation: nutrition. firms from the various sectors. The welcome sample is intended to provide a taste of Catalonia so that you can For Alimentaria, brands are the have a better idea of everything that will be on display at Fira Barcelona as part of country’s assets. Alimentaria Barcelona 2012, produce both from Catalonia and from the 75 other Alimentaria’s ongoing commit- countries due to attend this major international event. ment to value propositions which educate and inform specialists Josep Maria Pelegrí will not disappoint specialised 4PUPZ[LY MVY (NYPJS[YL 3P]LZ[VJR -PZOLYPLZ -VVK HUK 5H[YHS ,U]PYVUTLU[ .V]LYUTLU[ VM *H[HSVUPH visitors this year. Almost 10,000 m2 will be devoted to this type of activity, with highlights including BCNVanguardia, TasteFlavours and a number of seminars and conferences for each sector at the trade show. On the subject of innovation, Ju- lia Pérez, journalist and food crit- ic for the El Mundo newspaper and spokeswoman for the tech- nical committee for BCNVan- guardia, Barcelona International Gastronomy Conference, which this year will focus on business management, announced that at this edition the gathering will be entation of Alimentaria, just as At this edition, the TasteFlavours broadcast live via the Internet, re- they will during the exhibition experience will cast its eye inforcing the idea of internation- next 26, 27, 28 and 29 March. abroad. For the second consecu- alisation (reaching more media Food critic and journalist Paul tive year, Alimentaria will focus on and specialists) and innovation. Richardson offered an overview the best of national and interna- of the origins of Spanish cuisine tional cuisine, placing special em- A DATE WITH GASTRONOMY and announced that at this edi- phasis on the quality and variety AND HEALTH tion TasteFlavours will offer ‘a of cuisine from other countries. Health and gastronomy also had new concept for enjoying Iberian The news announcement for a place at the international pres- pork, oil and wine”. the International Conference on ´ FOODMEAT 129 NOVEMBRE 2011
  • 5. Speciale Spagna ´ the Mediterranean Diet added a healthy note to the event. Obesity will be the issue dealt with at the conference, with Dr. Ordovás pre- siding. The event will take place in the exhibition site’s auditorium on 27 and 28 March. Dr. José María Ordovás is a pro- fessor of nutrition and a pioneer and specialist in the fields of nu- trigenetics and nutrigenomics. He directs the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University and is a researcher at the National Cardiovascular Re- search Centre (CNIC) in Spain. ‘The fight against obesity re- Il gruppo di giornalisti internazionali in visita alle famose cantine Torres. quires the determined involve- ment of society and the leader- dustries and a showcase for the ic, on-the-move and international ship of public authorities’, indi- strength of Spanish industry.’ — trade show in Spain.” — Francis- cated the president of the Asso- Isabel Bombal, Director of Food co Carrió, Managing Director of ciation for the Advancement of Manufacturing and Markets for Alimentaria Exhibitions and Reed the Mediterranean Diet, Francis- the Ministry of the Natural, Rural Exhibitions Iberia. co Sensat. and Marine Environment (MARM ‘After tourism, the food industry At this edition, the conference in its Spanish acronym). makes the second largest contri- will be especially relevant due to “We are proud to host and sup- bution to Spain’s GDP — Jesús .’ UNESCO’s decision a few months port this trade show, a Europe- Serafín Pérez, President of the ago to award the Mediterranean an and international leader.” — Spanish Food and Drink Indus- Diet its Intangible Cultural Herit- Josep Ma Pelegrí, Secretary of try Federation (FIAB in its Span- age of Humanity designation. the Government of Catalonia’s ish acronym). Department of Agriculture, Live- ‘Alimentaria is one of the most MORE THAN 80 stock, Fishing, Food and the En- important food industry events INTERNATIONAL MEDIA vironment. in the world.’ — Paul Richardson, OUTLETS INVITED “Alimentaria is the best venue journalist and food critic. About eighty foreign journal- for promoting Catalan industry ‘The programme for the next edi- ists took part in the internation- abroad. Our market is the world.” tion of Alimentaria will give spe- al presentation of Alimentaria — Josep Ma Pelegrí, Secretary cial meaning to the variety of mod- 2012, representing major food of the Government of Catalonia’s ern Spanish cuisine.’ — Paul Rich- and drinks industry publications. Department of Agriculture, Live- ardson, journalist and food critic. In addition to attending the press stock, Fishing, Food and the En- “In Alimentaria, our international conference at Casa Llotja de Mar, vironment. partners find a gateway to Span- the journalists – from 30 Europe- ‘Alimentaria is the best showcase ish products.” — Gotzon Elizburu, an, Asian, American and African for Spanish food and drinks.’ — International Partnerships Man- countries – enjoyed an intensive Fernando Salazar, Executive Vice- ager for Grupo Eroski. two-day programme of activities chairman of the Spanish Insti- “Alimentaria is a crash course on in Barcelona. Highlights included tute for Foreign Trade (ICEX in its consumers in the world.” — Julio the leisure, cultural and culinary Spanish acronym). López, International Managing Di- tour of Torres winery. ‘Alimentaria will increase the rector for Osborne 5J. number of exhibitors in its In- “Alimentaria is an opportunity to WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ternational Pavilion by 30%, to demonstrate the quality of our ABOUT ALIMENTARIA 600 companies.’ — Josep Lluís products.” — Marcos Ruvira, In- ‘We want Alimentaria to contin- Bonet, Chairman of Fira Barcelo- ternational Customer and Export ue to grow, because it is an ex- na and Freixenet. Development Manager for Grupo cellent business forum for our in- “Alimentaria is the most dynam- Campofrío. Q FOODMEAT 130 NOVEMBRE 2011