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Yasin T. al-Jibouri and Layla Murad Sarhan
Meet Great Contemporary
Plastic Artists
BOOK TITLE: Meet Great Contemporary Iraqi Plastic Artists
AUTHORS: Yasin T. al-Jibouri and Layla Murad Sarhan
PUBLISHER: Yasin Publications, Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A., in
coordination with Createspace Independent Publishing
Copyrights © 2018 by Yasin Publications. No part of this book is to
be reproduced in any format without the prior written permission of
"Yasin Publications".
Front Cover Image: Courtesy of artist Adeeb Makki
Back Cover Image: Courtesy of artist Kulthum al-Zubaidi
Yasin Publications
A Limited Liability Company
Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A.
You can consider this book as an album of works of some
contemporary Iraqi plastic artists arranged alphabetically by first
name. They all love their homeland and cherish its people, history,
heritage and heroism. Some of these artists work for the Art
Directorate, Iraqi Ministry of Culture, while others do not; some of
them live in Iraq and others live abroad. We have included some
artists who passed away in recognition of their great works, but they
are few. The vast majority of these great artists are alive and well,
and the authors of this book are familiar with some of them on a
personal level.
Usually, in a Preface, a Publisher introduces the reader to the author
or authors, but we are going to depart from this tradition solely for
the purpose of giving more room for works of arts of these great
men and women who paint with their brushes or use stone, wood,
bronze or something else to express their thoughts and impressions.
But if the reader is really curious about who the authors of this book
are, we refer him to a book "Yasin Publications" published fairly
recently titled What do you know about Dar al-Mamoon of the Iraqi
Ministry of Culture? where he will find in the Publisher's Preface
enough information to quench his thirst. Google can be helpful, too.
It is easy to see how many of these artists glorify their homeland's
stuggle against the terrorists who invaded them when Iraq's borders
were deliberately left unprotected although arrogant braggarts were
subjecting them to aerial monitoring round the clock... Tens of
thousands of hoodlums were sent there after having been
brainwashed, that is, washed with filth, trained and armed in order to
harm Iraq and its good people. We salute our patriotic artists who
celebrate the victories of the heroic Iraqi military and para-military
units, painting an epic which is destined to be immortalized in the
annals of history just as we salute all those who portray the beauty of
Iraq and its good people.
Yasin Publications
February 26, 2018
You can order this 480-page color book ONLINE if you live in any
of these countries: U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy,
Mexico and Spain via one of Amazon's branch offices there.
PUBLISHER'S PREFACE............................................................. 3
Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam. .................................................................... 7
Artist Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi........................................................... 14
Pioneer ceramic artist Abla al-Azzawi. ........................................... 19
Ahmed al-Bahrani............................................................................ 24
Ali Ni`mah....................................................................................... 32
Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli........................................................ 33
Bilal Basheer.................................................................................... 41
Dina al-Qaisi.................................................................................... 70
Fadhil Abbas.................................................................................... 74
Hussam Dawood.............................................................................. 81
Hussein Mhawi Ghachi.................................................................... 82
Khalid al-Mubarak........................................................................... 86
Sculptor Khdhayyir Jabir................................................................. 99
Lamee`a al-Juwari ......................................................................... 105
Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i........................................................................... 111
Mu'ayyad Muhsin. ......................................................................... 135
Muhammed Gati`........................................................................... 148
Muhammed Jassim al-Zubaidi....................................................... 149
Muhyee Khalifah ........................................................................... 150
Mu`tasim al-Kubaisi...................................................................... 151
Nadia Flayyih................................................................................. 211
Nadia Osi ....................................................................................... 212
Nadia Osi. ...................................................................................... 212
Naji Hussain................................................................................... 223
Naseer al-Ka`bi.............................................................................. 224
Natheer al-Mousawi....................................................................... 225
Natiq Aziz...................................................................................... 226
Neda al-Hasnawi............................................................................ 227
Qusayy al-Khaz`ali........................................................................ 279
Rafid Ahmed Yasin. ...................................................................... 292
Ridha Hassan Ridha....................................................................... 316
Sa`ad Najim ................................................................................... 317
Suha al-Jumaili .............................................................................. 319
Tabarak Salih................................................................................. 321
Usamah Jassim............................................................................... 333
Dr. Wassma al-Agha...................................................................... 373
Wijdan al-Majid............................................................................. 384
Yaqeen Shadhan al-Dulaimi.......................................................... 386
Zainab al-Rikabi. ........................................................................... 405
We have selected these great paintings by Iraqi painters for you.. 423
Paintings by anonymous artists: .................................................... 461
“O Allāh! We plead to You to protect Iraq and its good people
from all mischief makers, domestic and foreign… Āmeen."
Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam
(“al-Rassam” means “the
painter”) was born in
Baghdad in 1882 and died
in 1952. He studied arts in
Istanbul, Turkey, while
being a cadet at its Military
Academy. There, he came
to know a number of
Turkish artists whose
artistic trends had their
impact on him.
Among his art works is the
painting of the hall of the
Royal Cinema in Baghdad.
Al-Rassam was always interested in painting nature, and he painted
individuals in a realistic style characterized by professional skill. He
was one of the members of the Society of Friends of the Art (photo
below) which was founded in 1941. By the way, both photos above
were taken of Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam when young and when old.
The following pages show you the beauty of some of al-Rassam’s
paintings which we hope you will enjoy.
Artist Abdul-
Qadir al-
Ubaidi was
born in
Baghdad in
1930 and
from the
Institute of
Fine Arts in
1975. He
shifted his
experience to
the Directorate
of Plastic Arts,
Iraqi Ministry
of Culture, in
1980 then
retired in 1985 after having participated in all art exhibitions
held in Baghdad. He is influenced by the works of artist Faiq
Hassan and pioneer impressionist artists.
Painter Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi is famous for painting nature. His
paintings incorporate images and scenes of persons, animals and old
homes, all drawn with a great sensitivity. He relies on shade and
light, so he all the time is quite clear in his works.
Artist al-Ubaidi painted many archeological sites and beautified the
walls of al-Adhamiyya County in Baghdad with his paintings.
On December 4, 2017, Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi, General Director of the
Art directorate, inaugurated an exhibit of the works of artist Abdul-
Qadir al-Ubaidi as you can see above. This solo exhibit was dubbed
“The Memory of a Place”, and it was held on the halls of the
Directorate’s exhibitions at the headquarters of the Iraqi Ministry of
Culture, Tourism and Archeology. Al-Mahdi said during the
inauguration, “Looking after Iraqi plastic artists from among our
Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi cutting the ribbon for one of al-Ubaidi's solo exhibits
respectful pioneers is one of the priorities of our humane and artistic
message which falls on the shoulders of the Plastic Arts Office. We
today honor one of the pillars of our plastic movement, namely
impressionist artist Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi. We feel the pleasure of
the continuous success with all innovative generations, and this is
what we want and underscore.”
Flanked by Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi and Mr. Mahir al-Tai during one of his
exhibits, artist al-Ubaidi comments on one of His portraits.
Artist al-Ubaidi honored by Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi
Invitation flyer for one of al-Ubaidi’s exhibits
Flowers" painting by artist al-Ubaidi
An alley in al-Adhamiyya, Baghdad
Artist al-Ubaidi receiving a book gift from Mr. Ali I. ad-Duleimi, author of a
book about artist Hayat ‎‎Jameel
Ad-Duleimi presenting a copy of his book on Hayat Jameel to al-Jibouri
artist Abla
al-Azzawi is
the first Iraqi
artist, Abla
Yousuf Najm
ad-Din al-
Azzawi, lived
to be more
than 80; she
was born in
1915 in Bagh-
dad and died
in 2016 of old
age and of
sickness as
well as
neglect after
having lived in loneliness for many years by choice.
Al-Azzawi was the first female to graduate from Baghdad’s Institute
of Fine Arts, having specialized in ceramic artworks. Dr. Imad
Abdul-Salam detailed her biography, depicting a life fraught with
suffering and innovation. His book is titled ‫العزاوي‬ ‫عبلة‬:‫الطين‬ ‫بين‬ ‫رحلة‬
‫الروح‬ ‫و‬ Abla al-Azzawi: A Journey between Clay and Soul. This book
is a biography as well as of art, and it was published in Baghdad in
2005. Describing her art experience, this lady said, “I started my art
works as soon as I returned from France, and they inclined towards
modernity. This experience went on prompted by the influences and
ideologies which occupied my mind for years. But my many visits to
the Iraqi Museum had their impact on me, pulling me towards old art
in which I started my first works, that is, before my trip to France.
Those works won the admiration of my professors, but I
unfortunately abandoned them because I was influenced by the
pieces which I found there, and they were new to me and seemed to
be unusual, so I felt attached to them despite my professors’
insistence that I should uphold my old Iraqi legacy. After the
spontaneous and rudimentary works and experiences, I started with
legacy, looking in old streets and popular bazaars as well as villages
for this legacy, discerning it, studying it. Then I moved to Islamics,
and it was a sudden shift since the year 1400 A.H./1980 A.D. Now I
combine in my works all roles, but the impacts of the Islamic art are
the greatest and the most distinctive.”
This artist spent her first education years at the Jadiriyya Elementary
School and lived in
atmospheres where the knots,
Shanashil, narrow alleys and
huge doors marked her
surroundings. Then her
family moved to a new house
in the Safeena Quarter of al-
Adhamiyya, but she fell prey
to a chronic ailment that
rendered her bed-ridden,
preventing her from
continuing her education. But
sickness could not prevent
her from reading in which
she found her only solace and
effective alternative. She
found reading indispensable.
She, therefore, kept reading
anything that reached her
hands: newspapers, maga-
zines, books…, anything.
Then she tried to write stories
and poetry in a feverish
attempt to subdue the
sickness that turned her life into a living hell. Abla then felt her
reading appetite hungry for books psychology, and she tried to
personify what she read on the grounds of reality in her miserable
Abla at work
daily life. Strange enough, she derived a great deal of pleasure and
happiness from experiencing such a combination, and this helped her
heal after long years of suffering. But fate was not merciful to her;
her mother passed away while she was trying to recuperate, then it
was the turn of her father to leave this vanishing world, too, five
years later. She, therefore, had to move to live with her oldest sister
in the Waziriyya area of Baghdad. The air seemed to be determined
to suffocate her as she experienced her new life there and then, and
devouring books was her only joy and escape in life. Reading heals,
and Abla proved it. She then traveled to France in order to join her
brother, Tariq, who convinced her that she would most likely find
healing in Paris. To her great surprise and relief, and to that of Tariq,
medical tests showed that she had already healed, so she started in
France a new life studying ceramics at some private art halls, but she
had to return to Baghdad looking for the comfort which she, despite
the healing elation, felt she did not find in France. There was healing
for her in France but no comfort. The sad fact that she was still
without an academic degree did not prevent her from being accepted
at the Institute of Fine Arts as a “listener”, spectator, through
backing from the late artist Khalid al-Jadir. Thus, she spent three
years of her life at that Institute “unofficially” studying there.
Through diligent efforts, Abla al-Azzawi was able to earn her
intermediate school certificate which then allowed her to be
accepted at the said Institute from which she graduated and felt a
sweeping desire to study on the university level. Her passion for the
ceramic art was finally crowned with an academic degree which
opened new horizons for her and a new journey to France. Thus, she
decided to complete her study in the ceramic department of a French
university, and if you wish to get to know the name and location of
that university, simply read Dr. Imad Abdul-Salam’s book referred
to above. She even held solo exhibits in Paris and gained a
reputation as a gifted ceramic artist. Her exhibits were held in France
and abroad as she kept moving from one country to another: Austria,
Venezuela, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and other
Among Abla al-Azzawi’s grand works was a mural which she
completed in 1982 representing Baghdad city on the wall of the Real
Estate Bank in the Karkh flank of this capital city; its dimension was
9.60 x 4.20 meters, and it was enlarged and glazed in Rome, Italy.
Another mural of Baghdad which she completed was installed at one
of Baghdad’s public squares.
In 1986, she set up a large art hall in
the Ghazaliyya Quarter which she
dubbed “Abla’s Art Hall”. There, she
set up her eighth solo exhibit. Her 14th
solo exhibit was held in 2002 at the
hall of the Cultural Center in Paris
which was the most recent exhibit she
held abroad.
Now the reader has an idea about this
amazing lady, no wonder one of Iraq’s
sculptors, namely Fu'ad Hamdi, made
a bust of her. Her story is truly
inspirational. We searched for photos of some of her works of
ceramic art but we felt sorely disappointed…
Ahmed al-Bahrani was born
in Babylon Governorate in
1965 and is a contemporary
Iraqi artist and sculptor.
After graduating from the
Fine Arts Institute in
Baghdad in 1988, he taught
at the Academy of Fine Arts
from 1992-94. Relocating to
Qatar in 1998, he co-founded
Mimar Gallery with architect
Hazem Abu Naba’a and has
exhibited regularly through-
out the Middle East and
internationally. In recent
years, he earned a significant
following on the Gulf art
scene where he has been
featured in some of the
region’s most prominent
commercial art spaces, such
as Art Sawa Gallery in Dubai
and Albareh Art Gallery in
Bahrain. He has been
commissioned for a number
of public works in Iraq, Qatar
and throughout the Middle East. He has also been profiled in several
publications, most notably in Canvas Magazine and Al-Hayat
Newspaper. Constantly evolving his artistic approach, he works
across different mediums, including painting, printmaking and
reliefs. He presently lives and works in Qatar.
Ali Ni`mah
Brave volunteers and regular troops as well as the federal police
force took part in turning Iraq into a large burial ground for
terrorists. Seldom can you see a small nation such as Iraq fighting
tens of thousands of barbaric terrorists backed by many countries
having a lot of money. Iraq became a victim of an organized crime
funded by certain countries, but it once again proved that the people
of Iraq are tougher than others think; so, spread this message!
Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli was born in Mosul in 1936 and
graduated from the Fine Arts Academy, Baghdad University, in
1960. He was one of the students of artists Faiq Hassan and Ata
Sabri. He worked as drawing high school teacher and was one of
those who designed the Spring Festivals in Mosul. Al-Mosulli
occupied the post of plastic arts official at the Center of
Scholastic Activity in Nineveh and drew decorations for operas
and stage presentations.
Al-Mosulli distinguished himself for painting nature in Mosul and
its beautiful heritage, so much so that he was given the title of "King
of Iraqi nature". He won many local, Arab and international prizes
and has collectibles in many world countries.
Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli is a member of the Iraqi Plastic
Artists Society and of the Iraqi Artists League. He now dedicates his
time to his painting art.
Below are some of his great paintings:
Artist Basheer Taha before his painting of the Shrine of Prophet Jonah in
Mosul (below image)
"Mosul Items"
"Adam's Apple"
"Bedouin Life"
Marshes of Southern Iraq
Flowers (Still Life)
Old Mosul alley
A natural view from the Nuran area of Mosul
The Abbasid Bridge, Zakho, Northern Iraq
Mosulli Folklore
Basheer Taha al-Mosulli during a television interview at the Mosul Hotel
The name “Bilal Basheer” shines as one of the most famous
contemporary artists of Iraq, a man of many talents and of one
big heart.
This brilliant young man was born in 1964 in Mosul, graduated from
the Fine Arts Institute in Nineveh then from the Fine Arts Academy
in Baghdad where he taught after his graduation with distinction. For
nine hears has he occupied the post of head of the maintenance
section of the Department of Arts, the Iraqi Ministry of Culture.
Bilal is not only a repairer of art works, he also is a talented painter,
so talented he is that when I saw one of his paintings, I thought it
was snapped by a professional photographer! When “Baghdad Day”
celebration was held in 2017, he won its top art prize. Other prizes
he has won have come from Izmir, Turkey, Beijing, China, Amman,
Jordan and from many other parts of the world. When a
commemoration was held for famous Iraqi artist Faiq Hassan, Bilal
Basheer won its exhibition’s prize.
It was in Rome, Italy, where Bilal Basheer received his training as
an artist at the hands of Prof. Roberto Barapet of the National
Gallery of Modern Art (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna) (photo
below) who had worked in Babylon then in Irbil, Iraq, repairing
unearthed art works obtained from archeological digging at Babylon
and the Irbil Citadel.
Both parents of Bilal Basheer are artists, and some pages below
introduce you to some of his father’s artistic achievements.
Bilal Basheer is a member of the Iraqi Artists League and of the
Iraqi Plastic Artists Society.
We have organized Bilal's photos into two kinds: his own personal
photos and photos of his works as follows:
Bilal Basheer at the Artworks' Repair Section, National Gallery of Modern
Art, Rome, Italy
Bilal standing next to a wooden statue by famous sculptor Jawad Saleem
which was stolen then recovered. It symbolizes motherhood.
At his personal work place
Bilal in Italy learning the arts of painting and of restoration at the National
Gallery of Modern Art
Bilal Basheer in front of a portrait on display at the National Museum of
China (image below)
Bilal restoring a portrait
Working on one of his masterpieces
Bilal in front of one of his paintings
Poster of the "Evident Victory Exhibition" in which Bilal Basheer was a
major participant
"A lion from my homeland" is the name of this painting by patriotic
artist Bilal Basheer. It shows a volunteer from the heroic "Popular
Mobilization Forces" on the frontlines fighting ISIS terrorists.
Some media coverage of activities of this brilliant artist
Coverage of artist Bilal Basheer conducted by Shadwan al-Mahdi of Al-Sabah
daily newspaper
Some of Bilal's oil on canvas landscape paintings
Reality paintings by artist Bilal representing the Shanashil market (above)
and the thoroughbred Iraqi horses (below)
Portraits (above), repairing an artwork by pioneer sculptor Jawad Saleem
A collection of Bilal's paintings and sketches through the use of coal, crayons
and ink of realistic works
Bilal Basheer Honored in China:
At the entrance gate to the Great Wall of China
Bilal Basheer (fourth from left) with other artists in Beijing, China, with a
group of Arab artists
With Arab and Chinese artists
With Arab artists in Beijing, China
A Certificate of Collection issued in China for Bilal Basheer
Bilal Basheer repaired many natural landscape paintings.
Painting nature
Bilal painting nature
Before one of his paintings
Bilal Basheer restoring a painting by Faraj Abbou titled "Islamiyyat"
(Islamic things)
"Amoriyya Siege" work restored by Bilal Basheer
One of the paintings which Bilal Basheer restored titled "The Girl and the
Guitar) by artist Hafiz Hafiz al-Darubi.
Some of Bilal Basheer's Masterpieces:
We particularly love the following beautiful paintings by this
great artist; what about you?!
Isn't she beautiful, folks?!
"The face of a foreign woman"
"Arab horsemen"
"A Baghdad café scene"
"A view from Baghdad"
"One-horse carriage"
A painting by Bilal Basheer that looks more like a photograph! Here, he
painted artist Dr. Adnan Abdul-Wahhab al-Qalamchi, father of artist Rana
Dr. Sabeeh Kalash in the pencil of Bilal Basheer
Dr. Muhannad al-Shawi by the pencil of Bilal Basheer
Dr. Husam Abdul-Muhsin in the brush of Bilal Basheer
Artist Qassim al-Azzawi in the bursh of Bilal Basheer
"A Foreign Woman"
Faiq Hassan by the pencil of Bilal Basheer
Actor and stage producer Faris Daniel by the pencil of Bilal Basheer
"Muslim physicists" by an unknown painter
Dina al-Qaisi, a talented and creative plastic artist, was born in
Baghdad in 1984 and earned her B.A. in Business
Administration from Baghdad University in 2005. She held two
solo exhibits; one was dubbed "Dreams in the Wait" and "My
Brown Butterflies" and is planning for a future exhibit to be
dubbed "Hats".
Dina al-Qais has to her credit several art participations, and she has
won more than one prize, many official and unofficial letters of
This talented lady aspires to paint a large portrait measuring 400
square meters, and we wish her all success in the world in achieving
her dreams and aspirations.
Fadhil Abbas
Many non-Iraqis know Iraq's Lion of Babylon, and now they know the lions
of Iraq. Let the whole world take note of it.
Other works by this artist:
Other works by this artist:
The Iraqi version of a bridal shower
Hussam Dawood
All paintings depicting Iraq's heroic war on terrorism participated in
an exhibition dubbed ‫المبين‬ ‫النصر‬ ‫بشائر‬ "Glad Tidings of an Evident
Victory". This exhibition was held by the Plastic Art directorate of
the Iraqi Ministry of Culture during the period from October 23 to
November 5, 2017 to celebrate Iraq's victory over terrorism.
Hussein Mhawi Ghachi is a plastic artist and an expert on the
restoration of sculpture works. He was born in Baghdad in 1974
and graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts. In the area of
artwork restorations, especially those made of gypsum, he has so
far restored twenty such works, including one made of ceramic
artist Abla al-Azzawi, a pioneer in the area of ceramic artworks,
and another of artist Fuad Hamdi. Hussain Mhawi Ghachi now
works in the Plastic Art directorate and has been an active
participant in exhibitions since 2004.
Mr. Ghachi has also made contributions to the Institute of Fine Arts
even while studying there, earning numerous honor certificates and
"Storkes resting"
Plastic artist and sculptor Khalid al-Mubarak was born in
Basra, Iraq, in 1958. He earned his Diploma from the Institute
of Fine Arts, Baghdad University, specializing in sculptor, in
1981, his B.A. from the Fine Arts Academy, Baghdad University,
in 1985 and his M.A. in 2009 from Baghdad University,
specializing in Methods of Teaching Art Education. In 1992, he
played a major role in the establishment of the College of Fine
Arts in Basra and was one of the founders of the “Alwan”
(Colors) Group of Iraqi Sculptors. In 1998, he took part in the
establishment of the Free Atelier for the Ministry of Culture of
which he became the Director during the years 2005 – 2015. He
also worked as Director of Public Relations and the Media for
the Art directorate in 2010, as Assistant Director of Student
Affairs at the Institute of Popular Crafts and Art and as
Director of the Separ Center for Arts.
So far, Mr. Khalid al-Mubarak has held 16 solo exhibits in Iraq,
Lebanon, Algeria and Qatar, earning numerous prizes and honor
certificates. He has also participated in many fairs, festivals and
symposiums and his works are now collectibles in many world
On the occasion of the “Baghdad: Capital of Arab Culture 2013”,
artist Khalid al-Mubarak held his solo exhibit which contained 70
artworks ranging from paintings, sculptured items and graphics
under the title “My beings touch the surface of the portrait”. These
art works express what the conscience of their maker entertains, his
experiences and impressions towards Baghdad, a city which artists,
poets and thinkers have always celebrated and serenaded.
Al-Mubarak started his exhibits in the mid-1970s, and their total
number reached fourteen.
The most recent work executed by artist Khalid al-Mubarak has been
the “Peace Statue” which was unveiled on December 23, 2017. It
was installed on the famous Al-Rasheed Street in the Hafiz al-Qadhi
area. This statue was made through an initiative by the Islamic Bank
of the South for Investment and under the auspices of the Central
Bank and the Baghdad Municipality. The unveiling took place in the
presence of Mayor Thikra Aloosh and Mr. Ali al-Zubaidi, head of
the board of directors of the Islamic Bank of the South for
Investment and the governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali al-Allaq,
as well as a group of educated people and artists.
The overall shape of this statue inspires symbols from Iraq’s ancient
and contemporary history derived from the wheel, the symbol of the
movement of time and an invention of early Iraqis. It represents the
Tigris and the Euphrates as a woman (the Euphrates) and a man (the
Tigris) with embracing hands. The statue looks like a coin in both its
faces the first of which represents the history of Iraq and its great
Self portrait of Khalid al-Mubarak
legacy, while the other face represents its present. At the top of the
statue are seven spikes in the midst of which is a dove, the symbol of
peace and harmony.
The materials forming the statue are made of bronze and plated iron
in addition to aluminum and white marble, and it weighs three and a
half tons. The size of the base measures seven meters. It took the
sculptor fifteen months to complete this monument.
On the next pages you will see this great artist at work then you will
admire some of his accomplishments:
Below are images of some more works of this great
Sculptor Khdhayyir Jabir was born in Nasiriyya, where ancient
Sumerian Ur and famous ziggurat as well as the birthplace of
our father, Abraham, are all located, in 1966. He earned his
Diploma in 1983 from the Institute of Fine Arts, Basra
University, then started teaching art at the Nasiriyya’s public
schools. He is a member of the Iraqi Artists League since 1989
and was formerly a member of the administrative board of the
Thi-Qar branch of the Iraqi Artists League.
Artist Khdhayyir Jabir completed a wall mural (photo on the next
page) at the entrance to the Rifa`i city in Thi-Qar Governorate as
well as six art works at the College of Education, Baghdad
University, in addition to several art works in various government
institutions the most famous of which is one at the hall of Thi-Qar’s
local administration, another sculpted work at the Youth Forum of
Thi-Qar and elsewhere.
This monument was erected in Nasiriyya, Thi-Qar Governorate, in
2007 and is comprised of playing on the qaithara, ancient guitar, a
group of very old marshland homes, the buffalos which the
marshland women raise, the 1920 Revolution against the British
occupation of Iraq and the rising ziggurat of Ur, the archeological
relic which is visited by tourists from all over the world, in addition
to symbols of the country’s renaissance, reconstruction and building.
In an interview with him conducted by Haider Qassim al-Hijami for
the Middle East Online web site, Khdhayyir Jassim expressed his
belief that “The successful and expressive artist is the one who is
connected with the people, not with the authority,” striking for this
an example from a statement made by the late great artist Jawad
Saleem who was asked once to add to his now world-renown
Freedom Monument in Baghdad an image of Abdul-Kareem Qassim
who led the July 14, 1958 Revolution. Jawad Saleem adamantly
refused saying, “This Revolution belonged to the people, not to
individuals.” Khdhayyir Jassim regards the broad thinking of Jawad
Saleem is what protected the famous “Freedom Monument” from
the axes of military coups because this monument has always been
connected to the people and only to the people.
Sculptor Khdhayyir Jassim continues with patience and diligence his
innovative march, rending stone, wood, gypsum and bronze pliant to
him as he instills life in his various sculpted works, solemnizing a
marriage between what is beautiful on the one hand, and what is
artfully capable of adopting issues of man’s struggle and the justice
of his case in the Land Between the Two Rivers, on the other.
Talking about his art journey to Middle East Online, this artist said,
“I started early with drawing, for we cannot find an innovative
sculptor without his having first been a painter. After that, my
passion prompted me to join the Institute of Fine Arts in Basra
where I specialized in sculpture. This was the beginning. After that, I
joined the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad where I was taught by
highly respectful professors such as famous sculptor Qais Abdul-
Razzaq and others.”
Khdhayyir Jabir said, “In the drawing (or painting) field, your
imagination extends to rich fields uninhabited before, but when you
complete the journey with the brush, you find the world as having
been summed up in a stroke of the brush. As for sculpture, you
search for life so it may move something static, something still; in
other words, you add to it things that give it life. There is a
difference, then: Drawing is life; sculpture is the instilling of a new
For more that twenty years, this artist has been “instilling life” into
inanimate objects, turning them into givers of life and stimulators of
imagination and inspiration.
"A woman bathing" wood work
Artist Khdhayyir Jabir works on fiberglass, wood, gypsum and stone
and says that in gypsum, the artist takes his freedom. As for wood, “I
regard working on wood as having a special effect, and I have many
wood works which I displayed at art exhibitions.” He is influenced
by the “Baghdadi School” of art which merges ancient
Mesopotamian legacy with modern Iraqi history. Among the most
prominent pioneers of this School are great sculptors Jawad Saleem
and Muhammed Ghani who influenced artist Khdhayyir Jabir a great
deal as he himself says in the said interview. He has also been
influenced by the Western sculpture schools and by Spanish painter
Pablo Picasso. The Baghdadi School of Arts is distinctive among
Arab and international art schools.
The above image is for one of the art works of artist Khdhayyir
Jabir. It represents the Speicher Massacre in which ISIS terrorists
killed 1,566 Iraqi Air Force personnel. This massacre took place on
June 12, 2014. Speicher is a suburb of Tikrit City in Salahuddin
Governorate. This massacre is the worst in Iraq’s modern history,
and Iraqis know fully well who armed, trained and funded these
terrorists then sent them to Iraq to commit such atrocities.
Another work that testifies to this artist’s spirit of pride in Iraq’s
history of struggle for freedom and liberty from terrorism is one
which he made for the martyrs who for many years have fallen
victims to sniper and mortar attacks by ISIS terrorists as they march
towards Kerbala City to commemorate the Martyrdom of Imām al-
Hussain, peace be upon him. A photo of this art work is posted on
the next page.
For years, in the absence of a tight grip on the country's security,
terrorists used to gun down unarmed marchers heading to Kerbala to
commemorate the Martyrdom of Imām al-Hussain , bringing
with them their women and children who fell to the bullets of these
brainwashed miscreants who were nothing but hired killers, and we,
Iraqis, know who hired them and why…
Monument by Khdhayyir Jabir honoring those killed as they were on their
way to Kerbala during the Arba`een Ziy¡ra of Imām al-Hussain 
Meet our Lamee`a al-Juwari artist
Among the publications of the Iraqi
Ministry of Culture, the Division of
Cultural Affairs, in 2013, is a book
of art which has fairly recently been
published titled Pantheism/Sufi
Metaphysics and its Impact on
Contemporary Iraqi Drawing by
artist and writer ‫الجواري‬ ‫دمحم‬ ‫جاسم‬ ‫لميعة‬
Lamee`a Jassim Muhammed al-
Juwari in 352 medium size pages.
The writer dealt with this book’s
subject matter in several chapters.
The Philosophy of Pantheism/Sufi
Metaphysics has influenced and deepened the human thought a great
deal, especially in the thought that results in arts and literature of all
types. In this regard, the topic of pantheism found a place in some
contemporary Iraqi plastic arts paintings. Many Iraqi artists, mostly
painters, have worked on deriving inspiration from the Arabic script,
adding it to their portraits and working on it within a new scope and
artistic concept, and each artist has had his
own style and identity.
In this topic, the researcher deals with an
experience of 16 Iraqi painters whose style
depends on the adaptation of the Arabic
script in a simple abstract or free form
through an accurate and examined study of
the artistic works sampled in this book
which all show the following:
First: The inscriptions of the plastic artists
who are inspired by the word "Allah" in
their plastic paintings are free, i.e. non-
linear, as specialized calligraphers do, such
as Ayad al-Hussaini whose artistic works of inscribing and sculpture
are all characterized by the strength of the Arabic script and the high
potentials it embeds.
Second: These artists have used different raw materials in their
works in order to transcend the work site as a traditional surface, and
these work techniques have played an active and productive role
through dedicating the two dimensions to other dimensions in order
to incorporate the entire techniques of artist Shakir Hassan Al
Third: The artists dealt with the Qur’anic
verses and connected them to the
pantheism/Sufi metaphysics through the
inscription together with the religious
philosophy where their works contain
something of Sufism and the cosmos as in
a painting by artist Shakir Hassan al-
Lamee`a Jassim Muhammed al-Juwari
holds two Masters' degrees, one in plastic arts and one in fine arts, as
well as a Diploma in applied arts. She is an employee and artist at
the Plastic Art directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture.
Artist Lamee`a al-Juwari graciously presents one of her portraits to author
"The Unity of Existence" is the title of one of the books written by Lamee`a
Jassim al-Juwari
Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i, a man of many talents and very impressive
qualifications and work experience, was born in Baghdad on
April 26, 1972 and graduated first from Baghdad’s Fine Arts
Institute in 1993 then from the Fine Arts Academy in 2001. He
earned an “expert” diploma in maintaining and repairing art
works and in setting up art
exhibitions from the
National Italian Museum
for Modern Art (Galleria
Nazio-nale d'Arte Mo-
derna) in Rome, Italy, in
2006. In the same year, he received a scholarship which earned
him a certificate from the Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e
SCAVI di Torino↑↑↑ of the Italian Foreign Ministry. He also
earned a certificate in Fluent Italian from the Date Alighieri
Institute (Roma La Dante Alighieri Istituto) in Rome. From the
Greek Zervas Art Organization (Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου και
Ανδρούτσου) in Patras, Greece, he earned in 2010 an honorary
Roma La Dante Istituto
From the Iraqi Parliament, Mr. al-Tā’i earned the “creativity shield”
at the inauguration of his personal exhibit in 2013 when he held it
under the title “Baghdad Wall: Gold Water” during the “Baghdad:
Capital of the Arab Culture 2013” festivities.
Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i has been an active participant in numerous art
exhibitions inside and outside Iraq, including in Arab countries such
as the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, as well as
international countries such as Italy, Greece, the Russian Federation
and China.
Mr. al-Tā’i was from 2008 – 2010 the plastic arts expert of the
Ministry of Culture, and he now is the Director of the Art
Exhibitions, Directorate of the Plastic Arts, since 2011, as well as
the director of the maintenance and repair of the art works at the
Plastic Arts Office since 2014 and up to the present. In 2013, he
designed and executed the Opinion Board Council for the Iraqi
Ministry of Culture and kept designing and executing offices of the
Ministry of Culture during the years 2007 – 2014.
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
Among the numerous achievement of this talented artist and
manager is the designing and executing of the art entrances relevant
to opening the Festivals of the “Baghdad: Capital of the Arab
Culture 2013”, and he now heads the committee in charge of
designing a museum for the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization
Forces for the Martyrs and Sacrifices Directorate which includes
setting up art schedules at Qashla Building in Baghdad, and he is
commissioned to repair and maintain the Diyala Heritage Museum
while working at the Iraqi Museum’s building (under construction).
Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i is the director of the art exhibitions, a member of
the Iraqi Artists League, of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and of
the Iraqi Calligraphers Society. The Iraqi Ministry of Culture is
proud of having among its staffs a man of such qualifications, talents
and extensive work experience, and we wish him the very best of
luck and success in all his art endeavors and in his professional life.
Following are some of this artist's artworks:
Posters relevant to the exhibits held by Mahir al-T¡'i:
Posters about al- Tā'i's solo art exhibit
Artist al-Tā'i earned the attention of Iraq's news media
Mahir al-Tā'i, right, briefing HE Minister of Culture Firyad Rawanduzi
about a posted portrait
Artist Mu'ayyad Muhsin was born in Hilla City, metropolis of
Babylon Governorate, Iraq, in 1964 and earned his Diploma in
1984 from Baghdad's Institute of Fine Arts then a B.A. in Plastic
Arts from Babylon University in 1999 and an M.A. from
Baghdad University in 2011.
Surrealist plastic artist Mu'ayyad Muhsin is an active member of the
Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and of the Iraqi Artists League. He has
participated in many local, Arab and international festivals and
The paintings of Mu'ayyad Muhsin reflect
his deep grief at the catastrophes inflicted on
his homeland, Iraq, by local, regional and
international powers that have effaced or
tried to efface Iraq's glorious historic image,
one of deeply rooted civilizations and
cultures. He agonizes, and his agony is
visible from the way he symbolizes the
foreigners' continuous attempts to harm his
beloved country. Being from Babylon, he is
very keen about Iraq's history and legacy,
deep roots and culture, so he laments how all of these have been
raided, invaded and raped by rogues from this land or that, this
"faith" or that, this….
Poster of one of Mu'ayyad Muhsin's solo exhibits
Does anyone heed the destruction of Iraq's civilization?
"Post Flood Women"
"Going Back to the Roots"
"The Route to the Capital"
"Streets too Narrow for their Dreams"
Muhammed Gati`
This is how ISIS barbarians sorted, priced and sold some female captives,
particularly from the Yazidi (or Ayzidi) faith. Each bears a price tag...
Muhammed Jassim al-Zubaidi
A scene of the war on terrorism as seen by this artist
Muhyee Khalifah
Iraqi troops scored a glorious victory over the ISIS monster.

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First 150 pages of iraqi plastic artists bk

  • 1. 1 Yasin T. al-Jibouri and Layla Murad Sarhan _______________________________________________ Meet Great Contemporary IRAQI Plastic Artists _______________________________________________
  • 2. 2 BOOK TITLE: Meet Great Contemporary Iraqi Plastic Artists AUTHORS: Yasin T. al-Jibouri and Layla Murad Sarhan PUBLISHER: Yasin Publications, Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A., in coordination with Createspace Independent Publishing NO. OF PAGES: 480 DATE OF PUBLICATION: ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Copyrights © 2018 by Yasin Publications. No part of this book is to be reproduced in any format without the prior written permission of "Yasin Publications". Front Cover Image: Courtesy of artist Adeeb Makki Back Cover Image: Courtesy of artist Kulthum al-Zubaidi Yasin Publications A Limited Liability Company Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A.
  • 3. 3 PUBLISHER'S PREFACE You can consider this book as an album of works of some contemporary Iraqi plastic artists arranged alphabetically by first name. They all love their homeland and cherish its people, history, heritage and heroism. Some of these artists work for the Art Directorate, Iraqi Ministry of Culture, while others do not; some of them live in Iraq and others live abroad. We have included some artists who passed away in recognition of their great works, but they are few. The vast majority of these great artists are alive and well, and the authors of this book are familiar with some of them on a personal level. Usually, in a Preface, a Publisher introduces the reader to the author or authors, but we are going to depart from this tradition solely for the purpose of giving more room for works of arts of these great men and women who paint with their brushes or use stone, wood, bronze or something else to express their thoughts and impressions. But if the reader is really curious about who the authors of this book are, we refer him to a book "Yasin Publications" published fairly recently titled What do you know about Dar al-Mamoon of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture? where he will find in the Publisher's Preface enough information to quench his thirst. Google can be helpful, too. It is easy to see how many of these artists glorify their homeland's stuggle against the terrorists who invaded them when Iraq's borders were deliberately left unprotected although arrogant braggarts were subjecting them to aerial monitoring round the clock... Tens of thousands of hoodlums were sent there after having been brainwashed, that is, washed with filth, trained and armed in order to harm Iraq and its good people. We salute our patriotic artists who celebrate the victories of the heroic Iraqi military and para-military units, painting an epic which is destined to be immortalized in the annals of history just as we salute all those who portray the beauty of Iraq and its good people. Yasin Publications February 26, 2018
  • 4. 4 You can order this 480-page color book ONLINE if you live in any of these countries: U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Spain via one of Amazon's branch offices there.
  • 5. 5 CONTENTS PUBLISHER'S PREFACE............................................................. 3 Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam. .................................................................... 7 Artist Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi........................................................... 14 Pioneer ceramic artist Abla al-Azzawi. ........................................... 19 Ahmed al-Bahrani............................................................................ 24 Ali Ni`mah....................................................................................... 32 Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli........................................................ 33 Bilal Basheer.................................................................................... 41 Dina al-Qaisi.................................................................................... 70 Fadhil Abbas.................................................................................... 74 Hussam Dawood.............................................................................. 81 Hussein Mhawi Ghachi.................................................................... 82 Khalid al-Mubarak........................................................................... 86 Sculptor Khdhayyir Jabir................................................................. 99 Lamee`a al-Juwari ......................................................................... 105 Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i........................................................................... 111 Mu'ayyad Muhsin. ......................................................................... 135 Muhammed Gati`........................................................................... 148 Muhammed Jassim al-Zubaidi....................................................... 149 Muhyee Khalifah ........................................................................... 150 Mu`tasim al-Kubaisi...................................................................... 151 Nadia Flayyih................................................................................. 211 Nadia Osi ....................................................................................... 212 Nadia Osi. ...................................................................................... 212 Naji Hussain................................................................................... 223 Naseer al-Ka`bi.............................................................................. 224 Natheer al-Mousawi....................................................................... 225 Natiq Aziz...................................................................................... 226 Neda al-Hasnawi............................................................................ 227 Qusayy al-Khaz`ali........................................................................ 279 Rafid Ahmed Yasin. ...................................................................... 292 Ridha Hassan Ridha....................................................................... 316 Sa`ad Najim ................................................................................... 317 Suha al-Jumaili .............................................................................. 319 Tabarak Salih................................................................................. 321
  • 6. 6 Usamah Jassim............................................................................... 333 Dr. Wassma al-Agha...................................................................... 373 Wijdan al-Majid............................................................................. 384 Yaqeen Shadhan al-Dulaimi.......................................................... 386 Zainab al-Rikabi. ........................................................................... 405 We have selected these great paintings by Iraqi painters for you.. 423 Paintings by anonymous artists: .................................................... 461 ***** “O Allāh! We plead to You to protect Iraq and its good people from all mischief makers, domestic and foreign… Āmeen."
  • 7. 7 Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam (“al-Rassam” means “the painter”) was born in Baghdad in 1882 and died in 1952. He studied arts in Istanbul, Turkey, while being a cadet at its Military Academy. There, he came to know a number of Turkish artists whose artistic trends had their impact on him. Among his art works is the painting of the hall of the Royal Cinema in Baghdad. Al-Rassam was always interested in painting nature, and he painted individuals in a realistic style characterized by professional skill. He was one of the members of the Society of Friends of the Art (photo below) which was founded in 1941. By the way, both photos above were taken of Abdul-Qadir al-Rassam when young and when old. The following pages show you the beauty of some of al-Rassam’s paintings which we hope you will enjoy.
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14 Artist Abdul- Qadir al- Ubaidi was born in Baghdad in 1930 and graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in 1975. He shifted his work experience to the Directorate of Plastic Arts, Iraqi Ministry of Culture, in 1980 then retired in 1985 after having participated in all art exhibitions held in Baghdad. He is influenced by the works of artist Faiq Hassan and pioneer impressionist artists. Painter Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi is famous for painting nature. His paintings incorporate images and scenes of persons, animals and old homes, all drawn with a great sensitivity. He relies on shade and light, so he all the time is quite clear in his works. Artist al-Ubaidi painted many archeological sites and beautified the walls of al-Adhamiyya County in Baghdad with his paintings. On December 4, 2017, Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi, General Director of the Art directorate, inaugurated an exhibit of the works of artist Abdul- Qadir al-Ubaidi as you can see above. This solo exhibit was dubbed “The Memory of a Place”, and it was held on the halls of the Directorate’s exhibitions at the headquarters of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Archeology. Al-Mahdi said during the
  • 15. 15 inauguration, “Looking after Iraqi plastic artists from among our Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi cutting the ribbon for one of al-Ubaidi's solo exhibits respectful pioneers is one of the priorities of our humane and artistic message which falls on the shoulders of the Plastic Arts Office. We today honor one of the pillars of our plastic movement, namely impressionist artist Abdul-Qadir al-Ubaidi. We feel the pleasure of the continuous success with all innovative generations, and this is what we want and underscore.” Flanked by Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi and Mr. Mahir al-Tai during one of his exhibits, artist al-Ubaidi comments on one of His portraits.
  • 16. 16 Artist al-Ubaidi honored by Dr. Shafiq al-Mahdi Invitation flyer for one of al-Ubaidi’s exhibits
  • 17. 17 Flowers" painting by artist al-Ubaidi An alley in al-Adhamiyya, Baghdad
  • 18. 18 Artist al-Ubaidi receiving a book gift from Mr. Ali I. ad-Duleimi, author of a book about artist Hayat ‎‎Jameel Ad-Duleimi presenting a copy of his book on Hayat Jameel to al-Jibouri
  • 19. 19 Pioneer ceramic artist Abla al-Azzawi is the first Iraqi ceramic artist, Abla Yousuf Najm ad-Din al- Azzawi, lived to be more than 80; she was born in 1915 in Bagh- dad and died in 2016 of old age and of sickness as well as neglect after having lived in loneliness for many years by choice. Al-Azzawi was the first female to graduate from Baghdad’s Institute of Fine Arts, having specialized in ceramic artworks. Dr. Imad Abdul-Salam detailed her biography, depicting a life fraught with suffering and innovation. His book is titled ‫العزاوي‬ ‫عبلة‬:‫الطين‬ ‫بين‬ ‫رحلة‬ ‫الروح‬ ‫و‬ Abla al-Azzawi: A Journey between Clay and Soul. This book is a biography as well as of art, and it was published in Baghdad in 2005. Describing her art experience, this lady said, “I started my art works as soon as I returned from France, and they inclined towards modernity. This experience went on prompted by the influences and ideologies which occupied my mind for years. But my many visits to the Iraqi Museum had their impact on me, pulling me towards old art in which I started my first works, that is, before my trip to France. Those works won the admiration of my professors, but I unfortunately abandoned them because I was influenced by the pieces which I found there, and they were new to me and seemed to
  • 20. 20 be unusual, so I felt attached to them despite my professors’ insistence that I should uphold my old Iraqi legacy. After the spontaneous and rudimentary works and experiences, I started with legacy, looking in old streets and popular bazaars as well as villages for this legacy, discerning it, studying it. Then I moved to Islamics, and it was a sudden shift since the year 1400 A.H./1980 A.D. Now I combine in my works all roles, but the impacts of the Islamic art are the greatest and the most distinctive.” This artist spent her first education years at the Jadiriyya Elementary School and lived in atmospheres where the knots, Shanashil, narrow alleys and huge doors marked her surroundings. Then her family moved to a new house in the Safeena Quarter of al- Adhamiyya, but she fell prey to a chronic ailment that rendered her bed-ridden, preventing her from continuing her education. But sickness could not prevent her from reading in which she found her only solace and effective alternative. She found reading indispensable. She, therefore, kept reading anything that reached her hands: newspapers, maga- zines, books…, anything. Then she tried to write stories and poetry in a feverish attempt to subdue the sickness that turned her life into a living hell. Abla then felt her reading appetite hungry for books psychology, and she tried to personify what she read on the grounds of reality in her miserable Abla at work
  • 21. 21 daily life. Strange enough, she derived a great deal of pleasure and happiness from experiencing such a combination, and this helped her heal after long years of suffering. But fate was not merciful to her; her mother passed away while she was trying to recuperate, then it was the turn of her father to leave this vanishing world, too, five years later. She, therefore, had to move to live with her oldest sister in the Waziriyya area of Baghdad. The air seemed to be determined to suffocate her as she experienced her new life there and then, and devouring books was her only joy and escape in life. Reading heals, and Abla proved it. She then traveled to France in order to join her brother, Tariq, who convinced her that she would most likely find healing in Paris. To her great surprise and relief, and to that of Tariq, medical tests showed that she had already healed, so she started in France a new life studying ceramics at some private art halls, but she had to return to Baghdad looking for the comfort which she, despite the healing elation, felt she did not find in France. There was healing for her in France but no comfort. The sad fact that she was still
  • 22. 22 without an academic degree did not prevent her from being accepted at the Institute of Fine Arts as a “listener”, spectator, through backing from the late artist Khalid al-Jadir. Thus, she spent three years of her life at that Institute “unofficially” studying there. Through diligent efforts, Abla al-Azzawi was able to earn her intermediate school certificate which then allowed her to be accepted at the said Institute from which she graduated and felt a sweeping desire to study on the university level. Her passion for the ceramic art was finally crowned with an academic degree which opened new horizons for her and a new journey to France. Thus, she decided to complete her study in the ceramic department of a French university, and if you wish to get to know the name and location of that university, simply read Dr. Imad Abdul-Salam’s book referred to above. She even held solo exhibits in Paris and gained a reputation as a gifted ceramic artist. Her exhibits were held in France and abroad as she kept moving from one country to another: Austria, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and other countries.
  • 23. 23 Among Abla al-Azzawi’s grand works was a mural which she completed in 1982 representing Baghdad city on the wall of the Real Estate Bank in the Karkh flank of this capital city; its dimension was 9.60 x 4.20 meters, and it was enlarged and glazed in Rome, Italy. Another mural of Baghdad which she completed was installed at one of Baghdad’s public squares. In 1986, she set up a large art hall in the Ghazaliyya Quarter which she dubbed “Abla’s Art Hall”. There, she set up her eighth solo exhibit. Her 14th solo exhibit was held in 2002 at the hall of the Cultural Center in Paris which was the most recent exhibit she held abroad. Now the reader has an idea about this amazing lady, no wonder one of Iraq’s sculptors, namely Fu'ad Hamdi, made a bust of her. Her story is truly inspirational. We searched for photos of some of her works of ceramic art but we felt sorely disappointed…
  • 24. 24 Ahmed al-Bahrani was born in Babylon Governorate in 1965 and is a contemporary Iraqi artist and sculptor. After graduating from the Fine Arts Institute in Baghdad in 1988, he taught at the Academy of Fine Arts from 1992-94. Relocating to Qatar in 1998, he co-founded Mimar Gallery with architect Hazem Abu Naba’a and has exhibited regularly through- out the Middle East and internationally. In recent years, he earned a significant following on the Gulf art scene where he has been featured in some of the region’s most prominent commercial art spaces, such as Art Sawa Gallery in Dubai and Albareh Art Gallery in Bahrain. He has been commissioned for a number of public works in Iraq, Qatar and throughout the Middle East. He has also been profiled in several publications, most notably in Canvas Magazine and Al-Hayat Newspaper. Constantly evolving his artistic approach, he works across different mediums, including painting, printmaking and reliefs. He presently lives and works in Qatar.
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  • 32. 32 Ali Ni`mah Brave volunteers and regular troops as well as the federal police force took part in turning Iraq into a large burial ground for terrorists. Seldom can you see a small nation such as Iraq fighting tens of thousands of barbaric terrorists backed by many countries having a lot of money. Iraq became a victim of an organized crime funded by certain countries, but it once again proved that the people of Iraq are tougher than others think; so, spread this message!
  • 33. 33 Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli was born in Mosul in 1936 and graduated from the Fine Arts Academy, Baghdad University, in 1960. He was one of the students of artists Faiq Hassan and Ata Sabri. He worked as drawing high school teacher and was one of those who designed the Spring Festivals in Mosul. Al-Mosulli occupied the post of plastic arts official at the Center of Scholastic Activity in Nineveh and drew decorations for operas and stage presentations.
  • 34. 34 Al-Mosulli distinguished himself for painting nature in Mosul and its beautiful heritage, so much so that he was given the title of "King of Iraqi nature". He won many local, Arab and international prizes and has collectibles in many world countries. Artist Basheer Taha al-Mosulli is a member of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and of the Iraqi Artists League. He now dedicates his time to his painting art. Below are some of his great paintings: Artist Basheer Taha before his painting of the Shrine of Prophet Jonah in Mosul (below image)
  • 37. 37 Marshes of Southern Iraq Flowers (Still Life)
  • 38. 38 Old Mosul alley A natural view from the Nuran area of Mosul
  • 39. 39 Modernity The Abbasid Bridge, Zakho, Northern Iraq
  • 40. 40 Mosulli Folklore Basheer Taha al-Mosulli during a television interview at the Mosul Hotel
  • 41. 41 The name “Bilal Basheer” shines as one of the most famous contemporary artists of Iraq, a man of many talents and of one big heart. This brilliant young man was born in 1964 in Mosul, graduated from the Fine Arts Institute in Nineveh then from the Fine Arts Academy in Baghdad where he taught after his graduation with distinction. For nine hears has he occupied the post of head of the maintenance section of the Department of Arts, the Iraqi Ministry of Culture. Bilal is not only a repairer of art works, he also is a talented painter, so talented he is that when I saw one of his paintings, I thought it was snapped by a professional photographer! When “Baghdad Day” celebration was held in 2017, he won its top art prize. Other prizes he has won have come from Izmir, Turkey, Beijing, China, Amman, Jordan and from many other parts of the world. When a commemoration was held for famous Iraqi artist Faiq Hassan, Bilal Basheer won its exhibition’s prize.
  • 42. 42 It was in Rome, Italy, where Bilal Basheer received his training as an artist at the hands of Prof. Roberto Barapet of the National Gallery of Modern Art (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna) (photo below) who had worked in Babylon then in Irbil, Iraq, repairing unearthed art works obtained from archeological digging at Babylon and the Irbil Citadel. Both parents of Bilal Basheer are artists, and some pages below introduce you to some of his father’s artistic achievements. Bilal Basheer is a member of the Iraqi Artists League and of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society. We have organized Bilal's photos into two kinds: his own personal photos and photos of his works as follows:
  • 43. 43 Bilal Basheer at the Artworks' Repair Section, National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome, Italy Bilal standing next to a wooden statue by famous sculptor Jawad Saleem which was stolen then recovered. It symbolizes motherhood.
  • 44. 44 At his personal work place Bilal in Italy learning the arts of painting and of restoration at the National Gallery of Modern Art
  • 45. 45 Bilal Basheer in front of a portrait on display at the National Museum of China (image below) Bilal restoring a portrait
  • 46. 46 Working on one of his masterpieces Bilal in front of one of his paintings
  • 47. 47 Poster of the "Evident Victory Exhibition" in which Bilal Basheer was a major participant
  • 48. 48 "A lion from my homeland" is the name of this painting by patriotic artist Bilal Basheer. It shows a volunteer from the heroic "Popular Mobilization Forces" on the frontlines fighting ISIS terrorists.
  • 49. 49 Some media coverage of activities of this brilliant artist Coverage of artist Bilal Basheer conducted by Shadwan al-Mahdi of Al-Sabah daily newspaper
  • 50. 50 Some of Bilal's oil on canvas landscape paintings
  • 51. 51 Reality paintings by artist Bilal representing the Shanashil market (above) and the thoroughbred Iraqi horses (below)
  • 52. 52 Portraits (above), repairing an artwork by pioneer sculptor Jawad Saleem (below)
  • 53. 53 A collection of Bilal's paintings and sketches through the use of coal, crayons and ink of realistic works
  • 54. 54 Bilal Basheer Honored in China: At the entrance gate to the Great Wall of China Bilal Basheer (fourth from left) with other artists in Beijing, China, with a group of Arab artists
  • 55. 55 With Arab and Chinese artists With Arab artists in Beijing, China
  • 56. 56 A Certificate of Collection issued in China for Bilal Basheer
  • 57. 57 Bilal Basheer repaired many natural landscape paintings. Painting nature
  • 59. 59 Before one of his paintings Bilal Basheer restoring a painting by Faraj Abbou titled "Islamiyyat" (Islamic things)
  • 60. 60 "Amoriyya Siege" work restored by Bilal Basheer One of the paintings which Bilal Basheer restored titled "The Girl and the Guitar) by artist Hafiz Hafiz al-Darubi.
  • 61. 61 Some of Bilal Basheer's Masterpieces: We particularly love the following beautiful paintings by this great artist; what about you?! Isn't she beautiful, folks?!
  • 62. 62 "Villager" "The face of a foreign woman"
  • 64. 64 "A Baghdad café scene" "A view from Baghdad"
  • 65. 65 "One-horse carriage" A painting by Bilal Basheer that looks more like a photograph! Here, he painted artist Dr. Adnan Abdul-Wahhab al-Qalamchi, father of artist Rana al-Qalamchi.
  • 66. 66 Dr. Sabeeh Kalash in the pencil of Bilal Basheer Dr. Muhannad al-Shawi by the pencil of Bilal Basheer
  • 67. 67 Dr. Husam Abdul-Muhsin in the brush of Bilal Basheer Artist Qassim al-Azzawi in the bursh of Bilal Basheer
  • 68. 68 "A Foreign Woman" Faiq Hassan by the pencil of Bilal Basheer
  • 69. 69 Actor and stage producer Faris Daniel by the pencil of Bilal Basheer "Muslim physicists" by an unknown painter
  • 70. 70 MEET OUR BRILLIANT ARTIST DINA AL-QAISI Dina al-Qaisi, a talented and creative plastic artist, was born in Baghdad in 1984 and earned her B.A. in Business Administration from Baghdad University in 2005. She held two solo exhibits; one was dubbed "Dreams in the Wait" and "My Brown Butterflies" and is planning for a future exhibit to be dubbed "Hats". Dina al-Qais has to her credit several art participations, and she has won more than one prize, many official and unofficial letters of appreciation.
  • 71. 71 This talented lady aspires to paint a large portrait measuring 400 square meters, and we wish her all success in the world in achieving her dreams and aspirations.
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  • 74. 74 Fadhil Abbas Many non-Iraqis know Iraq's Lion of Babylon, and now they know the lions of Iraq. Let the whole world take note of it.
  • 75. 75 Other works by this artist:
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  • 80. 80 Other works by this artist: The Iraqi version of a bridal shower
  • 81. 81 Hussam Dawood All paintings depicting Iraq's heroic war on terrorism participated in an exhibition dubbed ‫المبين‬ ‫النصر‬ ‫بشائر‬ "Glad Tidings of an Evident Victory". This exhibition was held by the Plastic Art directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture during the period from October 23 to November 5, 2017 to celebrate Iraq's victory over terrorism.
  • 82. 82 Hussein Mhawi Ghachi is a plastic artist and an expert on the restoration of sculpture works. He was born in Baghdad in 1974 and graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts. In the area of artwork restorations, especially those made of gypsum, he has so far restored twenty such works, including one made of ceramic artist Abla al-Azzawi, a pioneer in the area of ceramic artworks,
  • 83. 83 and another of artist Fuad Hamdi. Hussain Mhawi Ghachi now works in the Plastic Art directorate and has been an active participant in exhibitions since 2004. Mr. Ghachi has also made contributions to the Institute of Fine Arts even while studying there, earning numerous honor certificates and prizes.
  • 86. 86 Plastic artist and sculptor Khalid al-Mubarak was born in Basra, Iraq, in 1958. He earned his Diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad University, specializing in sculptor, in 1981, his B.A. from the Fine Arts Academy, Baghdad University,
  • 87. 87 in 1985 and his M.A. in 2009 from Baghdad University, specializing in Methods of Teaching Art Education. In 1992, he played a major role in the establishment of the College of Fine Arts in Basra and was one of the founders of the “Alwan” (Colors) Group of Iraqi Sculptors. In 1998, he took part in the establishment of the Free Atelier for the Ministry of Culture of which he became the Director during the years 2005 – 2015. He also worked as Director of Public Relations and the Media for the Art directorate in 2010, as Assistant Director of Student Affairs at the Institute of Popular Crafts and Art and as Director of the Separ Center for Arts. So far, Mr. Khalid al-Mubarak has held 16 solo exhibits in Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria and Qatar, earning numerous prizes and honor certificates. He has also participated in many fairs, festivals and symposiums and his works are now collectibles in many world countries. On the occasion of the “Baghdad: Capital of Arab Culture 2013”, artist Khalid al-Mubarak held his solo exhibit which contained 70 artworks ranging from paintings, sculptured items and graphics under the title “My beings touch the surface of the portrait”. These art works express what the conscience of their maker entertains, his experiences and impressions towards Baghdad, a city which artists, poets and thinkers have always celebrated and serenaded. Al-Mubarak started his exhibits in the mid-1970s, and their total number reached fourteen. The most recent work executed by artist Khalid al-Mubarak has been the “Peace Statue” which was unveiled on December 23, 2017. It was installed on the famous Al-Rasheed Street in the Hafiz al-Qadhi area. This statue was made through an initiative by the Islamic Bank of the South for Investment and under the auspices of the Central Bank and the Baghdad Municipality. The unveiling took place in the presence of Mayor Thikra Aloosh and Mr. Ali al-Zubaidi, head of the board of directors of the Islamic Bank of the South for Investment and the governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali al-Allaq, as well as a group of educated people and artists.
  • 88. 88 The overall shape of this statue inspires symbols from Iraq’s ancient and contemporary history derived from the wheel, the symbol of the movement of time and an invention of early Iraqis. It represents the Tigris and the Euphrates as a woman (the Euphrates) and a man (the Tigris) with embracing hands. The statue looks like a coin in both its faces the first of which represents the history of Iraq and its great
  • 89. 89 Self portrait of Khalid al-Mubarak
  • 90. 90 legacy, while the other face represents its present. At the top of the statue are seven spikes in the midst of which is a dove, the symbol of peace and harmony. The materials forming the statue are made of bronze and plated iron in addition to aluminum and white marble, and it weighs three and a half tons. The size of the base measures seven meters. It took the sculptor fifteen months to complete this monument.
  • 91. 91 On the next pages you will see this great artist at work then you will admire some of his accomplishments:
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  • 96. 96 Below are images of some more works of this great artist:
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  • 99. 99 Sculptor Khdhayyir Jabir was born in Nasiriyya, where ancient Sumerian Ur and famous ziggurat as well as the birthplace of our father, Abraham, are all located, in 1966. He earned his Diploma in 1983 from the Institute of Fine Arts, Basra University, then started teaching art at the Nasiriyya’s public schools. He is a member of the Iraqi Artists League since 1989 and was formerly a member of the administrative board of the Thi-Qar branch of the Iraqi Artists League. Artist Khdhayyir Jabir completed a wall mural (photo on the next page) at the entrance to the Rifa`i city in Thi-Qar Governorate as well as six art works at the College of Education, Baghdad University, in addition to several art works in various government institutions the most famous of which is one at the hall of Thi-Qar’s local administration, another sculpted work at the Youth Forum of Thi-Qar and elsewhere. This monument was erected in Nasiriyya, Thi-Qar Governorate, in 2007 and is comprised of playing on the qaithara, ancient guitar, a group of very old marshland homes, the buffalos which the
  • 100. 100 marshland women raise, the 1920 Revolution against the British occupation of Iraq and the rising ziggurat of Ur, the archeological relic which is visited by tourists from all over the world, in addition to symbols of the country’s renaissance, reconstruction and building. In an interview with him conducted by Haider Qassim al-Hijami for the Middle East Online web site, Khdhayyir Jassim expressed his belief that “The successful and expressive artist is the one who is connected with the people, not with the authority,” striking for this an example from a statement made by the late great artist Jawad Saleem who was asked once to add to his now world-renown Freedom Monument in Baghdad an image of Abdul-Kareem Qassim who led the July 14, 1958 Revolution. Jawad Saleem adamantly refused saying, “This Revolution belonged to the people, not to individuals.” Khdhayyir Jassim regards the broad thinking of Jawad Saleem is what protected the famous “Freedom Monument” from the axes of military coups because this monument has always been connected to the people and only to the people.
  • 101. 101 Sculptor Khdhayyir Jassim continues with patience and diligence his innovative march, rending stone, wood, gypsum and bronze pliant to him as he instills life in his various sculpted works, solemnizing a marriage between what is beautiful on the one hand, and what is artfully capable of adopting issues of man’s struggle and the justice of his case in the Land Between the Two Rivers, on the other. Talking about his art journey to Middle East Online, this artist said, “I started early with drawing, for we cannot find an innovative sculptor without his having first been a painter. After that, my passion prompted me to join the Institute of Fine Arts in Basra where I specialized in sculpture. This was the beginning. After that, I joined the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad where I was taught by highly respectful professors such as famous sculptor Qais Abdul- Razzaq and others.” Khdhayyir Jabir said, “In the drawing (or painting) field, your imagination extends to rich fields uninhabited before, but when you complete the journey with the brush, you find the world as having been summed up in a stroke of the brush. As for sculpture, you search for life so it may move something static, something still; in other words, you add to it things that give it life. There is a
  • 102. 102 difference, then: Drawing is life; sculpture is the instilling of a new life.” For more that twenty years, this artist has been “instilling life” into inanimate objects, turning them into givers of life and stimulators of imagination and inspiration. "A woman bathing" wood work Artist Khdhayyir Jabir works on fiberglass, wood, gypsum and stone and says that in gypsum, the artist takes his freedom. As for wood, “I regard working on wood as having a special effect, and I have many wood works which I displayed at art exhibitions.” He is influenced by the “Baghdadi School” of art which merges ancient Mesopotamian legacy with modern Iraqi history. Among the most prominent pioneers of this School are great sculptors Jawad Saleem and Muhammed Ghani who influenced artist Khdhayyir Jabir a great deal as he himself says in the said interview. He has also been influenced by the Western sculpture schools and by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. The Baghdadi School of Arts is distinctive among Arab and international art schools.
  • 103. 103 The above image is for one of the art works of artist Khdhayyir Jabir. It represents the Speicher Massacre in which ISIS terrorists killed 1,566 Iraqi Air Force personnel. This massacre took place on June 12, 2014. Speicher is a suburb of Tikrit City in Salahuddin Governorate. This massacre is the worst in Iraq’s modern history, and Iraqis know fully well who armed, trained and funded these terrorists then sent them to Iraq to commit such atrocities. Another work that testifies to this artist’s spirit of pride in Iraq’s history of struggle for freedom and liberty from terrorism is one which he made for the martyrs who for many years have fallen victims to sniper and mortar attacks by ISIS terrorists as they march towards Kerbala City to commemorate the Martyrdom of Imām al- Hussain, peace be upon him. A photo of this art work is posted on the next page. For years, in the absence of a tight grip on the country's security, terrorists used to gun down unarmed marchers heading to Kerbala to commemorate the Martyrdom of Imām al-Hussain , bringing with them their women and children who fell to the bullets of these brainwashed miscreants who were nothing but hired killers, and we, Iraqis, know who hired them and why…
  • 104. 104 Monument by Khdhayyir Jabir honoring those killed as they were on their way to Kerbala during the Arba`een Ziy¡ra of Imām al-Hussain 
  • 105. 105 Meet our Lamee`a al-Juwari artist
  • 106. 106 PANTHEISM/SUFI METAPHYSICS AND ITS IMPACT ON CONTEMPORARY IRAQI DRAWING Among the publications of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, the Division of Cultural Affairs, in 2013, is a book of art which has fairly recently been published titled Pantheism/Sufi Metaphysics and its Impact on Contemporary Iraqi Drawing by artist and writer ‫الجواري‬ ‫دمحم‬ ‫جاسم‬ ‫لميعة‬ Lamee`a Jassim Muhammed al- Juwari in 352 medium size pages. The writer dealt with this book’s subject matter in several chapters. The Philosophy of Pantheism/Sufi Metaphysics has influenced and deepened the human thought a great deal, especially in the thought that results in arts and literature of all types. In this regard, the topic of pantheism found a place in some contemporary Iraqi plastic arts paintings. Many Iraqi artists, mostly painters, have worked on deriving inspiration from the Arabic script, adding it to their portraits and working on it within a new scope and artistic concept, and each artist has had his own style and identity. In this topic, the researcher deals with an experience of 16 Iraqi painters whose style depends on the adaptation of the Arabic script in a simple abstract or free form through an accurate and examined study of the artistic works sampled in this book which all show the following: First: The inscriptions of the plastic artists who are inspired by the word "Allah" in their plastic paintings are free, i.e. non- linear, as specialized calligraphers do, such
  • 107. 107 as Ayad al-Hussaini whose artistic works of inscribing and sculpture are all characterized by the strength of the Arabic script and the high potentials it embeds. Second: These artists have used different raw materials in their works in order to transcend the work site as a traditional surface, and these work techniques have played an active and productive role through dedicating the two dimensions to other dimensions in order to incorporate the entire techniques of artist Shakir Hassan Al Sa`eed. Third: The artists dealt with the Qur’anic verses and connected them to the pantheism/Sufi metaphysics through the inscription together with the religious philosophy where their works contain something of Sufism and the cosmos as in a painting by artist Shakir Hassan al- Sa`eed. ***** Lamee`a Jassim Muhammed al-Juwari holds two Masters' degrees, one in plastic arts and one in fine arts, as well as a Diploma in applied arts. She is an employee and artist at the Plastic Art directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture.
  • 108. 108 Artist Lamee`a al-Juwari graciously presents one of her portraits to author al-Jibouri
  • 110. 110 "The Unity of Existence" is the title of one of the books written by Lamee`a Jassim al-Juwari
  • 111. 111 Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i, a man of many talents and very impressive qualifications and work experience, was born in Baghdad on April 26, 1972 and graduated first from Baghdad’s Fine Arts Institute in 1993 then from the Fine Arts Academy in 2001. He earned an “expert” diploma in maintaining and repairing art works and in setting up art exhibitions from the National Italian Museum for Modern Art (Galleria Nazio-nale d'Arte Mo- derna) in Rome, Italy, in 2006. In the same year, he received a scholarship which earned him a certificate from the Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e
  • 112. 112 SCAVI di Torino↑↑↑ of the Italian Foreign Ministry. He also earned a certificate in Fluent Italian from the Date Alighieri Institute (Roma La Dante Alighieri Istituto) in Rome. From the Greek Zervas Art Organization (Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου και Ανδρούτσου) in Patras, Greece, he earned in 2010 an honorary certificate. Roma La Dante Istituto From the Iraqi Parliament, Mr. al-Tā’i earned the “creativity shield” at the inauguration of his personal exhibit in 2013 when he held it under the title “Baghdad Wall: Gold Water” during the “Baghdad: Capital of the Arab Culture 2013” festivities. Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i has been an active participant in numerous art exhibitions inside and outside Iraq, including in Arab countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, as well as international countries such as Italy, Greece, the Russian Federation and China. Mr. al-Tā’i was from 2008 – 2010 the plastic arts expert of the Ministry of Culture, and he now is the Director of the Art Exhibitions, Directorate of the Plastic Arts, since 2011, as well as
  • 113. 113 the director of the maintenance and repair of the art works at the Plastic Arts Office since 2014 and up to the present. In 2013, he designed and executed the Opinion Board Council for the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and kept designing and executing offices of the Ministry of Culture during the years 2007 – 2014. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna Among the numerous achievement of this talented artist and manager is the designing and executing of the art entrances relevant to opening the Festivals of the “Baghdad: Capital of the Arab Culture 2013”, and he now heads the committee in charge of designing a museum for the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces for the Martyrs and Sacrifices Directorate which includes setting up art schedules at Qashla Building in Baghdad, and he is commissioned to repair and maintain the Diyala Heritage Museum while working at the Iraqi Museum’s building (under construction). Mr. Mahir al-Tā’i is the director of the art exhibitions, a member of the Iraqi Artists League, of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and of the Iraqi Calligraphers Society. The Iraqi Ministry of Culture is proud of having among its staffs a man of such qualifications, talents and extensive work experience, and we wish him the very best of luck and success in all his art endeavors and in his professional life. Following are some of this artist's artworks:
  • 114. 114 Posters relevant to the exhibits held by Mahir al-T¡'i: Posters about al- Tā'i's solo art exhibit
  • 115. 115 Artist al-Tā'i earned the attention of Iraq's news media
  • 116. 116 Mahir al-Tā'i, right, briefing HE Minister of Culture Firyad Rawanduzi about a posted portrait
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  • 135. 135 Artist Mu'ayyad Muhsin was born in Hilla City, metropolis of Babylon Governorate, Iraq, in 1964 and earned his Diploma in 1984 from Baghdad's Institute of Fine Arts then a B.A. in Plastic Arts from Babylon University in 1999 and an M.A. from Baghdad University in 2011. Surrealist plastic artist Mu'ayyad Muhsin is an active member of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and of the Iraqi Artists League. He has participated in many local, Arab and international festivals and exhibitions. The paintings of Mu'ayyad Muhsin reflect his deep grief at the catastrophes inflicted on his homeland, Iraq, by local, regional and international powers that have effaced or tried to efface Iraq's glorious historic image, one of deeply rooted civilizations and cultures. He agonizes, and his agony is visible from the way he symbolizes the foreigners' continuous attempts to harm his beloved country. Being from Babylon, he is very keen about Iraq's history and legacy,
  • 136. 136 deep roots and culture, so he laments how all of these have been raided, invaded and raped by rogues from this land or that, this "faith" or that, this…. Poster of one of Mu'ayyad Muhsin's solo exhibits
  • 137. 137 Does anyone heed the destruction of Iraq's civilization? "Post Flood Women"
  • 138. 138 "Going Back to the Roots"
  • 139. 139 "The Route to the Capital" "Streets too Narrow for their Dreams"
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  • 148. 148 Muhammed Gati` This is how ISIS barbarians sorted, priced and sold some female captives, particularly from the Yazidi (or Ayzidi) faith. Each bears a price tag...
  • 149. 149 Muhammed Jassim al-Zubaidi A scene of the war on terrorism as seen by this artist
  • 150. 150 Muhyee Khalifah Iraqi troops scored a glorious victory over the ISIS monster.