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Last male WWI veteran diesABC News5-5-2011The man believed to have been the last living male veteran of World War I has died in Perth aged 110.British-born Claude Choules served in the Royal Navy during World War I and witnessed the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow.Mr Choules was born in 1901 and signed up for the Great War at just 14 years of age. After the war, he moved to Perth and joined the Australian Navy, working as a demolition officer at the Fremantle Harbour during World War II.Mr Choules died in his sleep in a Perth nursing home overnight.The only other surviving WWI veteran is believed to be Britain's Florence Green, who served with the Royal Air Force in a non-combat role and is now 110 years old.
Public release date: 5-May-2011American Heart AssociationDrinking coffee, having sex are triggers that raise rupture risks for brain aneurysmAmerican Heart Association rapid access journal reportFrom drinking coffee to having sex to blowing your nose, you could temporarily raise your risk of rupturing a brain aneurysm — and suffering a stroke, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.Dutch researchers identified eight main triggers that appear to increase the risk of intracranial aneurysm (IA), a weakness in the wall of a brain blood vessel that often causes it to balloon. If it ruptures, it can result in a subarachnoid hemorrhage which is a stroke caused by bleeding at the base of the brain. An estimated 2 percent of the general population have IAs, but few rupture. Calculating population attributable risk — the fraction of subarachnoid hemorrhages that can be attributed to a particular trigger factor — the researchers identified the eight factors and their contribution to the risk as: Coffee consumption (10.6 percent) Vigorous physical exercise (7.9 percent) Nose blowing (5.4 percent) Sexual intercourse (4.3 percent) Straining to defecate (3.6 percent) Cola consumption (3.5 percent) Being startled (2.7 percent) Being angry (1.3 percent)"All of the triggers induce a sudden and short increase in blood pressure, which seems a possible common cause for aneurysmal rupture," said Monique H.M. Vlak, M.D., lead author of the study and a neurologist at the University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands.Risk was higher shortly after drinking alcohol, but decreased quickly, researchers said.
Eating less salt doesn't cut heart risks: study – Tue May 3, 5:45 pm ETNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who ate lots of salt were not more likely to get high blood pressure, and were less likely to die of heart disease than those with a low salt intake, in a new European study.The findings "certainly do not support the current recommendation to lower salt intake in the general population," study author Dr. Jan Staessen, of the University of Leuven in Belgium, told Reuters Health.Current salt guidelines, including those released by the U.S. government in January, are based on data from short-term studies of people who volunteered to be assigned to a low-salt or high-salt diet, Staessen said.The U.S. guidelines recommend that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams of salt daily - 1,500 mg in certain people who are more at risk for high blood pressure or heart disease.While previous trials suggested a blood pressure benefit with lower salt intake, research has yet to show whether that translates into better overall heart health in the wider population.The researchers used data from two different studies, incorporating a total of about 3,700 Europeans who had their salt consumption measured through urine samples at the start of the studies. Staessen and his colleagues broke the participants up into three groups: those with highest and lowest salt intakes, and those with average intake.None of the participants had heart disease at the outset, and two thirds had normal blood pressure. They were followed for an average of 8 years, during which researchers determined how many of them were diagnosed with heart disease, and in a smaller group, how many got high blood pressure.The findings are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Boy, two, with brain cancer is 'cured' after secretly being fed medical marijuana by his fatherDaily Mail Reporter4th May 2011A desperate father whose son was suffering from a life-threatening brain tumour has revealed he gave him cannabis oil to ease his pain. And he has now apparently made a full recovery.Cash Hyde, known as Cashy, was a perfectly healthy baby when he was born in June 2008 but became sick shortly before his second birthday.At first he was misdiagnosed with glandular fever before his parents Mike and Kalli, from Missoula in Montana, were given the devastating news he had a serious brain tumour.The little boy had to have arduous chemotherapy treatment to reduce the growth, which had drastic side effects including seizures and a blood infection.His distraught parents were repeatedly told he was likely to succumb to the illness because the condition was so bad.After one bout of high-dose chemotherapy, Cash was so weak he could not lift his head and was too sick to eat any solid food for 40 days.It was at this point that Mr Hyde decided to take action and go down the route of medical marijuana to try to help his young son. Cash's doctors refused to even discuss the option but his father went and sought authorisation elsewhere and then secretly administered it through his son's feeding tube.He also told doctors to stop giving Cash the cocktail of anti-nausea drugs he had been taking - although he never told them what he was doing.Mr Hyde told KXLY News that his son started looking better right away.Mr Hyde said: 'He hadn't eaten a thing in 40 days - and, it was really incredible to watch him take a bite of a piece of cheese. It shows that he wants to live'.He credits the cannabis oil with helping his son get through the chemo, and say Cash has now been declared cancer free by doctors.
Hotels don't always change the sheets between guestsThe Travel Troubleshooter April 27, 2011 Glenn Robins is grossed out. As a frequent traveler, he assumed the sheets on hotel beds are changed between guests.But a new TV ad by the Hampton Inn chain calls that assumption into question. It shows housekeepers changing sheets in hazmat suits, at what appears to be a competing hotel chain."The implication was obviously that other hotels do not change the sheets for every new guest," he says.Robins is troubled by that."It's a disgusting enough thought that the sheets were not changed," he told me. "It gets even more disgusting when one considers the previous tenant's possible activity."A confession: I changed the last part of Robins' quote to spare you some graphic detail. Use your imagination.Room hygiene is a hot topic among travelers. Always is. A recent post on my blog that featured a guest at a budget hotel who discovered her housekeeping staff hadn't changed the sheets in her room and failed to clean a shower between guest visits, sparked a spirited discussion. Some felt the traveler was entitled to a full refund for the lapse in hygiene.This topic is already well covered -- sorry about the pun -- by the travel press. Sheets are usually changed between guests, and sometimes state law requires it, but there's no guarantee that they will be.As for bedspreads, forget it. As countless hidden-camera investigative TV programs have confirmed, they aren't washed regularly.Yuck.
Bin Laden's HIGH security compound: Marijuana plants grew near hideout as servants made trips for 'lots' of VERY western Coke and Pepsi Daily Mail Reporter4th May 2011High-strength marijuana plants have been found just yards from the luxury home of slain terror chief Osama Bin Laden.Hundreds of the exotic green flower have flourished for a number of years on the border of the war lord's secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.Despite being a short walk from a military training academy dubbed 'Pakistan's Sandhurst', the illegal crop had remained undiscovered.But hundreds of officials have descended on the busy town this week after Bin Laden was blasted in the brain by U.S. Navy Seals.An American reporter noticed the pungent line of plants growing in the dry fields surrounding the five-metre high concrete walls. CNN's Nic Robertson showed to the camera the marijuana hidden alongside other crops including cabbages and potatoes.The discovery raised the possibility that Bin Laden may have been a regular smoker of the 'weed' strain of the plant.Bin Laden had in recent years suffered from kidney problems which may have been eased by taking marijuana for its medicinal properties.The searing heat in the northwestern region of the country would provide ideal conditions for the plant to grow.Pakistan makes around $4billion a year from drug trafficking - though opium is more popular than cannabis.
Math Genius Solves 100 Year Old Problem, Then Refuses Million Dollar PrizeMay 3, 2011 The Poincare conjecture was a seemingly unsolvable theorem that was first proposed in 1904. Dealing with a branch of spatial mathematics called topology, the theorem sought to prove that any shape without a hole can be formed into a sphere. Sounds simple enough, right? Tell that to the math world, which, for over a century, struggled to prove the elusive conjecture even possible, inadvertently turning it into one of the community's Holy Grails.But Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman published two proofs of the theorem back in 2002 and 2003, and according to The Utopianist, it wasn't until last year that a team of advanced mathematicians at the Clay Mathematical Institute (CMI) finally proved his results valid.His reward? One million dollars and the Fields Medal, or the math world's equivalent of the Nobel Prize. But the private Perelman shrugged off the invite to accept the cash, saying that the knowledge he gained from proving the conjecture was more valuable than any monetary gain."Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity. I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda, a daily Russian newspaper.So how did he solve the problem? Simple: by channeling Jesus."We were trying to solve the tasks which required abstract thinking. The distraction from mathematical logic was exactly the point of the daily training. One had to imagine a piece of the world in order to find the correct solution. Do you remember the Biblical story about Jesus Christ walking on water? I had to calculate the speed with which he had to move on the water surface not to fall through.“And they say science and religion can't work together.Though he's avoided talking to most journalists (they want to know "whether he cuts his hair and nails") he's agreed to be part of a documentary about the cooperation and struggles of three of the world's major mathematical schools.
Rental car gas prices hit more than $9 a gallonUSA TODAY5-3-2011The price of gasoline has reached more than $9 a gallon for drivers who don't pay ahead of time and who return their rental cars without a full tank. A USA TODAY survey of auto rental gas prices at 13 big airports on April 25 found Hertz was charging $9.29 a gallon at all 13. Dollar and Thrifty were charging $8.99 a gallon at two.At $9.29 a gallon, Hertz customers renting a Ford Club Wagon, which has a 35-gallon fuel tank, would owe Hertz $325.15 for gas if they returned the wagon with a nearly empty tank and hadn't prepaid for the gas. Renters who pay ahead of time for a tank of gas from Hertz or another car rental company, though, may find the per-gallon price cheaper than at many local gas stations.
The MideastReport:  Qaddafi Troops Raping, Issued Viagra, U.S. Envoy SaysPublished April 29, 2011| FoxNews.comIn a closed door meeting of the United Nations Security Council Thursday, U.S. envoy Susan Rice told member nations she had seen reports from media organizations and human rights groups that Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi were issued the impotency drug Viagra for the purpose of engaging in sexual violence.According to a Security Council diplomat familiar with the meeting, Rice made the remark in response to representatives from Russia and India who complained about NATO involvement in Libya and it's defense of rebels.In addition to citing the reports of sexual violence, Rice pointed out that Qaddafi's snipers are targeting children. Rice was merely defending the stance of NATO, and firing back at "naysayers" who sought to equate the rebels with Qaddafi's forces, this official said.This official made clear Rice was not officially accusing Qaddafi's forces of using Viagra and sexually assaulting civilians, rather she was citing unofficial reports. "She was not referring to any specific U.S. intelligence," this official said.Click here to read more on this report from Reuters.
Could Melania Trump be the next first lady?
ToreraLupita Lopez, Mexico
Published: April 30, 2011 Where to Live to Avoid a Natural DisasterWeather disasters and quakes: who’s most at risk? The analysis below, by Sperling’s Best Places, a publisher of city rankings, is an attempt to assess a combination of those risks in 379 American metro areas. Risks for twisters and hurricanes (including storms from hurricane remnants) are based on historical data showing where storms occurred. Earthquake risks are based on United States Geological Survey assessments and take into account the relative infrequency of quakes, compared with weather events and floods. Additional hazards included in this analysis: flooding, drought, hail and other extreme weather.
Food & DrinkThe $740,000 Vodka Bottle That Comes With an SUV April 28, 2011RussoBaltique Remember the ridiculous DartzPrombron? That oversized Russian luxury SUV that offered customers such outlandish options as whale penis trim for its seats?  Now the company behind it has released another model, this one going by the name of Iron.Diamond or L4P Ladies Only.The strange name, as you’d have probably guessed, is due to the vehicle being targeted at women.It gets a slightly shorter wheelbase than the previous model, as well as a high-end camera system to aid parking and two-tone interior. Customers can also choose from a number of trim materials including snake, crocodile or elephant skins, though there doesn’t appear to be any whale penis this time.This by no means makes the Iron.Diamond soft in anyway.It still gets a 999 horsepower powerplant under the hood, as well as a special monocoque body built using techniques used by the former Soviet military for its armored vehicles.Production is limited to just 10 units worldwide and it appears that the first unit has already been sold to Princess Regina Abdurazakova from Kazakhstan.No word on pricing but the vehicle is being offered for free, along with a designer vibrator from the Viktor Poontoos collection, for anyone buying a bottle of RussoBaltique vodka.This particular bottle of Vodka comes in a 20 pound case made of solid gold and lists for around 500,000 euros ($740,000).
Segway of the Sky? World’s First Commercial JetpackThe cry of the disappointed ex-futurist has long been “Where’s my jetpack?” Well, the world has heard our cries and finally, there is a jetpack that any average Joe with a spare $100K can buy, strap on and terrorize neighborhood birds with. New Zealand based Martin Aircraft Company wants to bring the dream of personal aviation to the masses…or at least the wealthy adventurers among us.So far, the engineering behind the jetpack concept has proven tricky. But Martin seems to have solved the weight-to-thrust ratio problem by keeping the fuel tank small and the jetpack material lightweight. The pack can fly for approximately 30 minutes with its 5-gallon fuel tank and requires only minimal training before one can take flight.The Martin jetpack is being called “The Segway of the Skies,” which may be a very accurate name considering that the contraption isn’t viable as practical, real-world transportation but is good for some fun.
QTvan Mini Camper Trailer Designed For Use With Electric ScootersThe trailer was designed by English company Environmental Transport Association, is not actually available for sale.  They claim they “developed the QTvan to highlight the estimated 220,000 people who use a mobility scooter without breakdown cover and face the prospect of a very long wait should they suffer a mechanical fault or their battery runs flat.The £5,500 QTvan is the world’s smallest caravan and is so named because it caters to three peculiarly British obsessions: queuing, tea and caravans. Inside, there's a tea service, a 19-inch flat-screen television, radio, alarm clock book shelves, a full-sized single bed and kettle. It's even available for short vacations, though with a 30-mile range and six-mph top end, it won't get you much further than the park. 
The Sora Electric MotorcycleThey say if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s a load of crap. Ultimately you’re just going to spend more sleepless nights making sure every last detail is perfect. Case in point, the engineers at Lito Green Motion. Two long years of development work from bike enthusiast engineers resulted in this, the Sora Electric Motorcycle. It might look like it’s from Tron, but it’s anything but a figment of your imagination. It’s got specs like a normal motorcycle: two wheels, rakes, 708ft-lbs of torque, top speed of 120mph and a range of 185 miles, but that’s where the similarities to  its gas-guzzling brethren end. It also has an LCD touch screen, on-board GPS and the world’s first electric seat. Ride it like a cafe racer, street fighter or daily driver with one simple touch of a button.  $44k+
Russia’s TP-82 Space GunThe three-barreled Toz TP-82 was carried into space by Soviet and Russian cosmonauts until 2006 when the ammunition expired and it was replaced with a regular semi-automatic pistol. The top two barrels chambered 12.5x70mm (about 40 gauge) shotshells and the lower barrel chambered 5.45x39mm. A canvas covered machete was designed to be used as the stock.
Woman Loses Phone; Nude Pictures Sent To ContactsPictures Stored In Phone Sent To Contact ListMay 3, 2011  SPARTANBURG COUNTY, S.C. -- A woman recently called police to file a report about a missing cell phone. The woman told Spartanburg County deputies she lost her phone at the Copper River restaurant in Boiling Springs. The woman told police she later learned that someone found her phone and was sending nude pictures she had stored in the phone to people in her contact list. The woman told police she had the phone cut off.
Wife demands $11m over husband's sex flop AAP May 04, 2011 7:07PM AN Emirati man is being sued for a whopping $10.99 million for failing to have sex with his wife and causing her mental anguish. The unidentified woman told the court that her Emirati husband did not sleep with her in the first four months of their marriage in 2008 and later she discovered that he suffered from erectile dysfunction, Gulf News said.The newspaper quoted court records as saying that the woman alleged her husband failed to fulfil her needs.The case is pending before Dubai Courts."Considering the conservative Arab values, and the woman's situation in such a society, I remained silent and tried to adapt by praying to God that things would improve," she said.The woman, whose nationality was unclear, claimed $10.99 million in compensation.The husband forced her out of her employment and stripped her of her jewellery, she charged.
Forget Kate's dress, Princess Beatrice's hat becomes an internet sensation3rd May 2011Star Trek weapon, cat flap and, least kindly of all, toilet bowl – Princess Beatrice’s fascinator has certainly been fascinating the internet pranksters since Friday’s ceremony.A Facebook site entitled Princess Beatrice’s Ridiculous Royal Wedding Hat had last night attracted 123,675 visitors so far, with one asking whether she was a new Doctor Who villain.And other bloggers wasted no time in poking fun at the fifth in line to the throne’s Philip Treacy-designed headgear, creating a host of ‘viral’ mock-up pictures. Newspapers may have been inundated with articles about Kate Middleton’s gorgeous wedding dress, but the biggest ‘hit’ on the internet has been the Princess's unusual headgear.Others have created viral spoofs suggesting various uses for the designer titfer, including a cat flap.The other internet star of the show was three-year-old bridesmaid Grace van Cutsem who frowned and pointedly put her hands over her ears just as William and Kate kissed on the Buckingham Palace balcony.
WTF FloridaWoman Busted for Buying Prostitute for Elderly Dad in TampaThu., Apr. 28 2011 @ 4:33PM  ​Undoubtedly the first time Maurice Kirchberg held his daughter Pia 51 years ago, he looked down at the baby girl and thought, Someday, when I'm old and gray and completely devoid of sex, this baby girl will buy me a prostitute. Nothing quite cements that father-daughter bond like a lady buying a hooker for her dear old dad.According to Tampa's ABC affiliate, 51-year-old PiaKirchberg offered a prostitute a mere $20 to get it on with her 80-year-old father Maurice. Which, really, is just an insult to the fine profession of prostitution. A real prostitute would take nothing less than 100 roses an hour. Kirchberg was out looking in an area of town known for prostitution.Unfortunately for her, Kirchberg wasn't dealing with a real prostitute, but an undercover officer who was part of a sting.Both Kirchbergs were arrested for soliciting a prostitute, but at least they get matching father-daughter mug shots they'll remember forever."Prostitution is illegal. It doesn't matter how old you are," Tampa Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said. "If we catch you trying to solicit a prostitute, you're going to jail."NBCMiami
Authorities in California say 'marijuana grannies' ages 72, 65 growing 100s of plants at homeThe Associated Press – 5-4-2011REDWOOD CITY, Calif. — A California prosecutor says two women he calls "marijuana grannies" have been jailed after police found hundreds of pot plants in their home.Authorities say 72-year-old Aleen Lam and 65-year-old Virginia Chan Pon, of San Bruno, were arrested Friday after neighbours reported a burglary.San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe says responding officers saw marijuana plants through the front door that had been kicked-in.Police got a warrant and found 800 marijuana plants growing throughout the house. They also say they found an electrical bypass that let the women steal electricity.Lam and Pon pleaded not guilty and are being held on $100,000 bail each. They have not retained attorneys, but Wagstaffe says they'll be provided with court-appointed lawyers before their next court date May 13.
The Big Book of Breasts 3DThere’s a reason The Big Book of Breasts continues to be one of the most popular things on Cool Material. It’s a giant coffee table book filled with enormous, hi def pictures of huge boobs. Obviously it’s also the only book (other than The Big Butt Book) we’ve read cover to cover in quite some time. How could anyone possibly improve on something we already thought was perfect? By putting it in three dimensions. The updated version of the book includes 90 fan favorite images from the first, along with 18 brand new, titillating photos. The augmented racks are all presented in standard red/blue anaglyph 3D, viewable with two separate pairs of the funky glasses. That means you get one pair for you and one pair for her, or one backup pair for when the first gets dirty. Just be careful when you take the motorboat out because you don’t want to get papercuts on your lips. $24
It's no fake: Air Sex World Championships in town May 5 Journal Sentinel April 30, 2011  The Air Sex World Championships is bumping and grinding its way into town next week, daring Milwaukee to show off its moves.The event is a bit like karaoke, its organizers say, but instead of singing performers take the stage – fully clothed - and put on their best sex moves with an imaginary partner. The show begins at 10 p.m. Thursday at Stonefly Brewery, 735 E. Center Drive."It is something different," says Rose Billingsley, co-owner of Stonefly. "This caught my eye because we have a lot of air guitar throw downs at Stonefly. I went to YouTube and watched some videos, and I thought it was hilarious.“Billingsley said response to the event's posting on Facebook is pretty positive, noting that she thinks Milwaukee is ready for an event this bold."Especially in the neighborhood we are in . . . we have had . . . shows and things that are a little edgier," Billingsley said. "I think the people who come to our shows look for something that is different and fun and that you don't see any everyday.“Billingsley said the goal is to put on a fun and funny event, noting "no one is taking it really seriously.“No one, perhaps, except Chris Trew, a comedian and host of the Air Sex World Championships, which tours around the country."These are gladiators, warriors . . . all making pretend love to imaginary partners," Trew said. "Hopefully some people will show up in costumes with choreographed routines.“Trew says people interested in checking out the show "should expect to see the most important sporting even in the country - a future Olympic sport.""Someone will be crowned the Milwaukee air sex champion," Trew said.Trew, who says he's hosted about 70 air sex events since started in 2008, says the event is looking for competitors."It's a combination of having a wonderful costume, picking out the right music and total, 100% commitment to what you are doing," Trew says. "If you are making love to a pile of dirt, then sprinkle the dirt around . . . kiss it. The same goes for a dolphin or an older woman or a young man."We like to see what you are like when you are having real sex or what who wish you were like.“Trew says air sex events draw a pretty diverse crowd: men and women, young and old, gay and straight. For those too shy to take the stage, spectators play a pivotal role in selecting an air sex master. Although a panel of judges narrows the field to a final three, the overall winner is determined by audience applause."And they boo the people who don't respect the art of air sex," Trew said. "It is not unlike watching pro wrestling.“In addition to the title of air sex champion, whoever wins the Milwaukee contest will get the chance to compete at the world championships in Austin, as well as score "super high-end sex toys" from an Austin-based company called Fleshlight, which sponsors the traveling spectacle.What makes for a memorable performance?Trew said that a show in Austin, Texas, from a performer named "Slut Truffle" stands out in his mind. Her act includes an electric saw, which she puts between her legs and presses up against a stone protecting her from underneath. She presses the saw against the stone, and the contact sends sparks flying."It was probably the best air sex show I have ever seen," Trew said. "It was really amazing."
Police & Fire Man Tells Waukesha Police he Won't Run Naked in Downtown Again Social worker called to assist with situation. May 4, 2011 A man, who is reportedly mentally ill, spoke with police at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of Corrina Boulevard for previously running around naked in the downtown area, according to the Waukesha Police Department call log.The man told police he would not run around naked again but that the voices in his head were telling him to have sex with a horse, the log states.A social worker was called to assist with the situation.
Animated Gif.
PANCHORAN RETREAT | BALILocated in the forest, close to Ubud, Bali-Indonesia, is the breathtaking Panchoran Retreat. It is inspired by nature, creating environments it is difficult to distinguish the interior from exterior. Only recycled or sustainable materials were used to create this haven. This private hideaway has 6 houses scattered amongst nature with magical views of the valley and bamboo forest.
World’s Most Dangerous Prisoners A List Of The Most Brutal And Savage Prisoners Ever To Walk This Earth Aggressive, brutal, stupid and just plain strange, all qualities held by the world’s most dangerous prisoners.
1. Thomas SilversteinThomas Silverstein aka “Terrible Tom” has been imprisoned in solitary confinement since 1983 after being originally jailed for armed robbery. After being initially imprisoned in 1971, Silverstein went on to commit three murders while imprisoned, killing two other inmates and a prison guard whom he stabbed to death. He is still imprisoned and kept in a solitary confinement where the lights are on 24 hours a day.
2. Charles BronsonHe’s had a film made about him, has several fan sites online and claims world wide notoriety for his brashness and unstable aggression. This eccentric has spent nearly 40 years behind bars after originally being imprisoned for robbery. As a former bare knuckle fighter with a short fuse he’s got into hundreds of fights, took eleven people hostage and savaged many inmates but apparently now a ‘reformed character’.
3. Robert MaudsleyMaudsley aka “Hannibal the Cannibal” was first imprisoned for garrotting a man to death after the victim showed him pictures of children he had abused, he was imprisoned for life and recommended to never be released.In 1977 whilst in prison, he killed a convicted paedophile with another prisoner by the means of torture, when guards stormed the cell where the victim was killed, parts of his brain were missing and it’s thought Maudsley ate the brain, which is where the nickname “Hannibal the Cannibal” comes from.In 1978, he killed a sex offender by garrotting and stabbing, blood drunk, he looked for another victim whom he stabbed to death with a makeshift dagger.
4. Reginald WilsonReginald Wilson is currently serving life imprisonment after the savage, unprovoked murder of a doctor. He tricked his way into the skin specialist’s home by saying he was a courier. He subsequently inflicted 17 hammer blows to the victim, killing him in the most brutal fashion. He tried to stab a prison officer in 1999 but was ‘unsuccessful’ and his volatile, deranged character makes him one of the most feared prisoners in Britain.
5. Willie BosketWillie Bosket is a convicted murderer and has been in and out of the justice system since the age of 9, his crimes led to changes in New York state law regarding juvenile prisoners. In1978, Bosket at the age of 15 shot dead two men within 10 days, both occurring due to attempted robberies on the New York City subway. He’s currently in solitary confinement and won’t be eligible for parole until 2046 after assaulting a guard with a chain and trying stab another whilst in prison.
6. Christophe Khider & El HadjTopKhider and Top were both imprisoned for separate armed robberies, in 2009 they broke out of Moulins prison together by using explosive to escape from the high security prison. They captured two guards as hostages to make their way to the prison entrance, which they eventually blew open. After an intensive car chase, they finally escaped all arms of the law and the two, described as “France’s most dangerous criminals”, are still on the run.
7. ScanvinskiHymesScanvinskiHymes was originally imprisoned at the age of 18 for possessing a weapon in a youth facility, he’s been imprisoned ever since then for various discrepancies in prison. Hymes has a security risk classication score of over 2000, the average for inmates is 19 and 27. The only things he hasn’t been convicted for in prison is murder and anything drug related.
8. Antonio Cortés EscobedoAntonio Cortés Escobedo aka ‘El Zorro’ was the brain behind a huge riot at an Alicante prison in 1990 where one inmate was killed and eight prison officers were held hostage. He was imprisoned aged 17 and was handed a 106 year life sentence after being convicted as ringleader behind the ‘Fontcalent Riots’.
9. Carl AbuhlCarl Abuhl was first imprisoned for killing his co-worker by means of bludgeoning. Whilst in prison serving his sentence, he killed another inmate using a bed sheet to garrotte him. He killed the cat of his original victim by microwaving it and then beating it to death.
10. Mark Brandon ReadMark Brandon Read aka Chopper has had a film based on his life, no longer in prison, he enjoys a celebrity life based on his former violence and cruelty. He’s claimed to have killed 19 people in and out of prison and has assaulted hundreds of other inmates whilst inside. He also had both his ears cut off by another inmate just to win a bet.
Then & Now
Harajuku Style: Asian Girls creating Antifashion
Top 10 Most Desirable Arab Women
10. Miriam Clink, a Beautiful Model from Lebanon.
9. Amar singer, Beautiful Pop Singer from Lebanon.
8. Mona AbouHamzeh, Beautiful TV presenter from Lebanon.
7. Amelia Zidane, Famous belly dancer from Algeria.
6. Nancy Ajram, Arabic Pop Singer from Lebanon.
5. Elissa, an award winning Arabic pop singer from Lebanon.
4. CyrineAbdelnour, Lebanese actress, model and singer.
3. RouwaidaAttieh, Syrian Vocalist.
2. HayfaWehbeh, Most beautiful pop Singer from Lebanon.
1. Sofia El Marikh, an Arabic pop singer from Morocco.
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Finally friday 5 6-2011

  • 1.
  • 2. Last male WWI veteran diesABC News5-5-2011The man believed to have been the last living male veteran of World War I has died in Perth aged 110.British-born Claude Choules served in the Royal Navy during World War I and witnessed the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow.Mr Choules was born in 1901 and signed up for the Great War at just 14 years of age. After the war, he moved to Perth and joined the Australian Navy, working as a demolition officer at the Fremantle Harbour during World War II.Mr Choules died in his sleep in a Perth nursing home overnight.The only other surviving WWI veteran is believed to be Britain's Florence Green, who served with the Royal Air Force in a non-combat role and is now 110 years old.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Public release date: 5-May-2011American Heart AssociationDrinking coffee, having sex are triggers that raise rupture risks for brain aneurysmAmerican Heart Association rapid access journal reportFrom drinking coffee to having sex to blowing your nose, you could temporarily raise your risk of rupturing a brain aneurysm — and suffering a stroke, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.Dutch researchers identified eight main triggers that appear to increase the risk of intracranial aneurysm (IA), a weakness in the wall of a brain blood vessel that often causes it to balloon. If it ruptures, it can result in a subarachnoid hemorrhage which is a stroke caused by bleeding at the base of the brain. An estimated 2 percent of the general population have IAs, but few rupture. Calculating population attributable risk — the fraction of subarachnoid hemorrhages that can be attributed to a particular trigger factor — the researchers identified the eight factors and their contribution to the risk as: Coffee consumption (10.6 percent) Vigorous physical exercise (7.9 percent) Nose blowing (5.4 percent) Sexual intercourse (4.3 percent) Straining to defecate (3.6 percent) Cola consumption (3.5 percent) Being startled (2.7 percent) Being angry (1.3 percent)"All of the triggers induce a sudden and short increase in blood pressure, which seems a possible common cause for aneurysmal rupture," said Monique H.M. Vlak, M.D., lead author of the study and a neurologist at the University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands.Risk was higher shortly after drinking alcohol, but decreased quickly, researchers said.
  • 6. Eating less salt doesn't cut heart risks: study – Tue May 3, 5:45 pm ETNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who ate lots of salt were not more likely to get high blood pressure, and were less likely to die of heart disease than those with a low salt intake, in a new European study.The findings "certainly do not support the current recommendation to lower salt intake in the general population," study author Dr. Jan Staessen, of the University of Leuven in Belgium, told Reuters Health.Current salt guidelines, including those released by the U.S. government in January, are based on data from short-term studies of people who volunteered to be assigned to a low-salt or high-salt diet, Staessen said.The U.S. guidelines recommend that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams of salt daily - 1,500 mg in certain people who are more at risk for high blood pressure or heart disease.While previous trials suggested a blood pressure benefit with lower salt intake, research has yet to show whether that translates into better overall heart health in the wider population.The researchers used data from two different studies, incorporating a total of about 3,700 Europeans who had their salt consumption measured through urine samples at the start of the studies. Staessen and his colleagues broke the participants up into three groups: those with highest and lowest salt intakes, and those with average intake.None of the participants had heart disease at the outset, and two thirds had normal blood pressure. They were followed for an average of 8 years, during which researchers determined how many of them were diagnosed with heart disease, and in a smaller group, how many got high blood pressure.The findings are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
  • 7. Boy, two, with brain cancer is 'cured' after secretly being fed medical marijuana by his fatherDaily Mail Reporter4th May 2011A desperate father whose son was suffering from a life-threatening brain tumour has revealed he gave him cannabis oil to ease his pain. And he has now apparently made a full recovery.Cash Hyde, known as Cashy, was a perfectly healthy baby when he was born in June 2008 but became sick shortly before his second birthday.At first he was misdiagnosed with glandular fever before his parents Mike and Kalli, from Missoula in Montana, were given the devastating news he had a serious brain tumour.The little boy had to have arduous chemotherapy treatment to reduce the growth, which had drastic side effects including seizures and a blood infection.His distraught parents were repeatedly told he was likely to succumb to the illness because the condition was so bad.After one bout of high-dose chemotherapy, Cash was so weak he could not lift his head and was too sick to eat any solid food for 40 days.It was at this point that Mr Hyde decided to take action and go down the route of medical marijuana to try to help his young son. Cash's doctors refused to even discuss the option but his father went and sought authorisation elsewhere and then secretly administered it through his son's feeding tube.He also told doctors to stop giving Cash the cocktail of anti-nausea drugs he had been taking - although he never told them what he was doing.Mr Hyde told KXLY News that his son started looking better right away.Mr Hyde said: 'He hadn't eaten a thing in 40 days - and, it was really incredible to watch him take a bite of a piece of cheese. It shows that he wants to live'.He credits the cannabis oil with helping his son get through the chemo, and say Cash has now been declared cancer free by doctors.
  • 8. Hotels don't always change the sheets between guestsThe Travel Troubleshooter April 27, 2011 Glenn Robins is grossed out. As a frequent traveler, he assumed the sheets on hotel beds are changed between guests.But a new TV ad by the Hampton Inn chain calls that assumption into question. It shows housekeepers changing sheets in hazmat suits, at what appears to be a competing hotel chain."The implication was obviously that other hotels do not change the sheets for every new guest," he says.Robins is troubled by that."It's a disgusting enough thought that the sheets were not changed," he told me. "It gets even more disgusting when one considers the previous tenant's possible activity."A confession: I changed the last part of Robins' quote to spare you some graphic detail. Use your imagination.Room hygiene is a hot topic among travelers. Always is. A recent post on my blog that featured a guest at a budget hotel who discovered her housekeeping staff hadn't changed the sheets in her room and failed to clean a shower between guest visits, sparked a spirited discussion. Some felt the traveler was entitled to a full refund for the lapse in hygiene.This topic is already well covered -- sorry about the pun -- by the travel press. Sheets are usually changed between guests, and sometimes state law requires it, but there's no guarantee that they will be.As for bedspreads, forget it. As countless hidden-camera investigative TV programs have confirmed, they aren't washed regularly.Yuck.
  • 9. Bin Laden's HIGH security compound: Marijuana plants grew near hideout as servants made trips for 'lots' of VERY western Coke and Pepsi Daily Mail Reporter4th May 2011High-strength marijuana plants have been found just yards from the luxury home of slain terror chief Osama Bin Laden.Hundreds of the exotic green flower have flourished for a number of years on the border of the war lord's secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.Despite being a short walk from a military training academy dubbed 'Pakistan's Sandhurst', the illegal crop had remained undiscovered.But hundreds of officials have descended on the busy town this week after Bin Laden was blasted in the brain by U.S. Navy Seals.An American reporter noticed the pungent line of plants growing in the dry fields surrounding the five-metre high concrete walls. CNN's Nic Robertson showed to the camera the marijuana hidden alongside other crops including cabbages and potatoes.The discovery raised the possibility that Bin Laden may have been a regular smoker of the 'weed' strain of the plant.Bin Laden had in recent years suffered from kidney problems which may have been eased by taking marijuana for its medicinal properties.The searing heat in the northwestern region of the country would provide ideal conditions for the plant to grow.Pakistan makes around $4billion a year from drug trafficking - though opium is more popular than cannabis.
  • 10. Math Genius Solves 100 Year Old Problem, Then Refuses Million Dollar PrizeMay 3, 2011 The Poincare conjecture was a seemingly unsolvable theorem that was first proposed in 1904. Dealing with a branch of spatial mathematics called topology, the theorem sought to prove that any shape without a hole can be formed into a sphere. Sounds simple enough, right? Tell that to the math world, which, for over a century, struggled to prove the elusive conjecture even possible, inadvertently turning it into one of the community's Holy Grails.But Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman published two proofs of the theorem back in 2002 and 2003, and according to The Utopianist, it wasn't until last year that a team of advanced mathematicians at the Clay Mathematical Institute (CMI) finally proved his results valid.His reward? One million dollars and the Fields Medal, or the math world's equivalent of the Nobel Prize. But the private Perelman shrugged off the invite to accept the cash, saying that the knowledge he gained from proving the conjecture was more valuable than any monetary gain."Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity. I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda, a daily Russian newspaper.So how did he solve the problem? Simple: by channeling Jesus."We were trying to solve the tasks which required abstract thinking. The distraction from mathematical logic was exactly the point of the daily training. One had to imagine a piece of the world in order to find the correct solution. Do you remember the Biblical story about Jesus Christ walking on water? I had to calculate the speed with which he had to move on the water surface not to fall through.“And they say science and religion can't work together.Though he's avoided talking to most journalists (they want to know "whether he cuts his hair and nails") he's agreed to be part of a documentary about the cooperation and struggles of three of the world's major mathematical schools.
  • 11. Rental car gas prices hit more than $9 a gallonUSA TODAY5-3-2011The price of gasoline has reached more than $9 a gallon for drivers who don't pay ahead of time and who return their rental cars without a full tank. A USA TODAY survey of auto rental gas prices at 13 big airports on April 25 found Hertz was charging $9.29 a gallon at all 13. Dollar and Thrifty were charging $8.99 a gallon at two.At $9.29 a gallon, Hertz customers renting a Ford Club Wagon, which has a 35-gallon fuel tank, would owe Hertz $325.15 for gas if they returned the wagon with a nearly empty tank and hadn't prepaid for the gas. Renters who pay ahead of time for a tank of gas from Hertz or another car rental company, though, may find the per-gallon price cheaper than at many local gas stations.
  • 12. The MideastReport: Qaddafi Troops Raping, Issued Viagra, U.S. Envoy SaysPublished April 29, 2011| FoxNews.comIn a closed door meeting of the United Nations Security Council Thursday, U.S. envoy Susan Rice told member nations she had seen reports from media organizations and human rights groups that Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi were issued the impotency drug Viagra for the purpose of engaging in sexual violence.According to a Security Council diplomat familiar with the meeting, Rice made the remark in response to representatives from Russia and India who complained about NATO involvement in Libya and it's defense of rebels.In addition to citing the reports of sexual violence, Rice pointed out that Qaddafi's snipers are targeting children. Rice was merely defending the stance of NATO, and firing back at "naysayers" who sought to equate the rebels with Qaddafi's forces, this official said.This official made clear Rice was not officially accusing Qaddafi's forces of using Viagra and sexually assaulting civilians, rather she was citing unofficial reports. "She was not referring to any specific U.S. intelligence," this official said.Click here to read more on this report from Reuters.
  • 13. Could Melania Trump be the next first lady?
  • 15. Published: April 30, 2011 Where to Live to Avoid a Natural DisasterWeather disasters and quakes: who’s most at risk? The analysis below, by Sperling’s Best Places, a publisher of city rankings, is an attempt to assess a combination of those risks in 379 American metro areas. Risks for twisters and hurricanes (including storms from hurricane remnants) are based on historical data showing where storms occurred. Earthquake risks are based on United States Geological Survey assessments and take into account the relative infrequency of quakes, compared with weather events and floods. Additional hazards included in this analysis: flooding, drought, hail and other extreme weather.
  • 16. Food & DrinkThe $740,000 Vodka Bottle That Comes With an SUV April 28, 2011RussoBaltique Remember the ridiculous DartzPrombron? That oversized Russian luxury SUV that offered customers such outlandish options as whale penis trim for its seats?  Now the company behind it has released another model, this one going by the name of Iron.Diamond or L4P Ladies Only.The strange name, as you’d have probably guessed, is due to the vehicle being targeted at women.It gets a slightly shorter wheelbase than the previous model, as well as a high-end camera system to aid parking and two-tone interior. Customers can also choose from a number of trim materials including snake, crocodile or elephant skins, though there doesn’t appear to be any whale penis this time.This by no means makes the Iron.Diamond soft in anyway.It still gets a 999 horsepower powerplant under the hood, as well as a special monocoque body built using techniques used by the former Soviet military for its armored vehicles.Production is limited to just 10 units worldwide and it appears that the first unit has already been sold to Princess Regina Abdurazakova from Kazakhstan.No word on pricing but the vehicle is being offered for free, along with a designer vibrator from the Viktor Poontoos collection, for anyone buying a bottle of RussoBaltique vodka.This particular bottle of Vodka comes in a 20 pound case made of solid gold and lists for around 500,000 euros ($740,000).
  • 17. Segway of the Sky? World’s First Commercial JetpackThe cry of the disappointed ex-futurist has long been “Where’s my jetpack?” Well, the world has heard our cries and finally, there is a jetpack that any average Joe with a spare $100K can buy, strap on and terrorize neighborhood birds with. New Zealand based Martin Aircraft Company wants to bring the dream of personal aviation to the masses…or at least the wealthy adventurers among us.So far, the engineering behind the jetpack concept has proven tricky. But Martin seems to have solved the weight-to-thrust ratio problem by keeping the fuel tank small and the jetpack material lightweight. The pack can fly for approximately 30 minutes with its 5-gallon fuel tank and requires only minimal training before one can take flight.The Martin jetpack is being called “The Segway of the Skies,” which may be a very accurate name considering that the contraption isn’t viable as practical, real-world transportation but is good for some fun.
  • 18. QTvan Mini Camper Trailer Designed For Use With Electric ScootersThe trailer was designed by English company Environmental Transport Association, is not actually available for sale.  They claim they “developed the QTvan to highlight the estimated 220,000 people who use a mobility scooter without breakdown cover and face the prospect of a very long wait should they suffer a mechanical fault or their battery runs flat.The £5,500 QTvan is the world’s smallest caravan and is so named because it caters to three peculiarly British obsessions: queuing, tea and caravans. Inside, there's a tea service, a 19-inch flat-screen television, radio, alarm clock book shelves, a full-sized single bed and kettle. It's even available for short vacations, though with a 30-mile range and six-mph top end, it won't get you much further than the park. 
  • 19. The Sora Electric MotorcycleThey say if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s a load of crap. Ultimately you’re just going to spend more sleepless nights making sure every last detail is perfect. Case in point, the engineers at Lito Green Motion. Two long years of development work from bike enthusiast engineers resulted in this, the Sora Electric Motorcycle. It might look like it’s from Tron, but it’s anything but a figment of your imagination. It’s got specs like a normal motorcycle: two wheels, rakes, 708ft-lbs of torque, top speed of 120mph and a range of 185 miles, but that’s where the similarities to  its gas-guzzling brethren end. It also has an LCD touch screen, on-board GPS and the world’s first electric seat. Ride it like a cafe racer, street fighter or daily driver with one simple touch of a button. $44k+
  • 20. Russia’s TP-82 Space GunThe three-barreled Toz TP-82 was carried into space by Soviet and Russian cosmonauts until 2006 when the ammunition expired and it was replaced with a regular semi-automatic pistol. The top two barrels chambered 12.5x70mm (about 40 gauge) shotshells and the lower barrel chambered 5.45x39mm. A canvas covered machete was designed to be used as the stock.
  • 21. Woman Loses Phone; Nude Pictures Sent To ContactsPictures Stored In Phone Sent To Contact ListMay 3, 2011  SPARTANBURG COUNTY, S.C. -- A woman recently called police to file a report about a missing cell phone. The woman told Spartanburg County deputies she lost her phone at the Copper River restaurant in Boiling Springs. The woman told police she later learned that someone found her phone and was sending nude pictures she had stored in the phone to people in her contact list. The woman told police she had the phone cut off.
  • 22. Wife demands $11m over husband's sex flop AAP May 04, 2011 7:07PM AN Emirati man is being sued for a whopping $10.99 million for failing to have sex with his wife and causing her mental anguish. The unidentified woman told the court that her Emirati husband did not sleep with her in the first four months of their marriage in 2008 and later she discovered that he suffered from erectile dysfunction, Gulf News said.The newspaper quoted court records as saying that the woman alleged her husband failed to fulfil her needs.The case is pending before Dubai Courts."Considering the conservative Arab values, and the woman's situation in such a society, I remained silent and tried to adapt by praying to God that things would improve," she said.The woman, whose nationality was unclear, claimed $10.99 million in compensation.The husband forced her out of her employment and stripped her of her jewellery, she charged.
  • 23. Forget Kate's dress, Princess Beatrice's hat becomes an internet sensation3rd May 2011Star Trek weapon, cat flap and, least kindly of all, toilet bowl – Princess Beatrice’s fascinator has certainly been fascinating the internet pranksters since Friday’s ceremony.A Facebook site entitled Princess Beatrice’s Ridiculous Royal Wedding Hat had last night attracted 123,675 visitors so far, with one asking whether she was a new Doctor Who villain.And other bloggers wasted no time in poking fun at the fifth in line to the throne’s Philip Treacy-designed headgear, creating a host of ‘viral’ mock-up pictures. Newspapers may have been inundated with articles about Kate Middleton’s gorgeous wedding dress, but the biggest ‘hit’ on the internet has been the Princess's unusual headgear.Others have created viral spoofs suggesting various uses for the designer titfer, including a cat flap.The other internet star of the show was three-year-old bridesmaid Grace van Cutsem who frowned and pointedly put her hands over her ears just as William and Kate kissed on the Buckingham Palace balcony.
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  • 27. WTF FloridaWoman Busted for Buying Prostitute for Elderly Dad in TampaThu., Apr. 28 2011 @ 4:33PM  ​Undoubtedly the first time Maurice Kirchberg held his daughter Pia 51 years ago, he looked down at the baby girl and thought, Someday, when I'm old and gray and completely devoid of sex, this baby girl will buy me a prostitute. Nothing quite cements that father-daughter bond like a lady buying a hooker for her dear old dad.According to Tampa's ABC affiliate, 51-year-old PiaKirchberg offered a prostitute a mere $20 to get it on with her 80-year-old father Maurice. Which, really, is just an insult to the fine profession of prostitution. A real prostitute would take nothing less than 100 roses an hour. Kirchberg was out looking in an area of town known for prostitution.Unfortunately for her, Kirchberg wasn't dealing with a real prostitute, but an undercover officer who was part of a sting.Both Kirchbergs were arrested for soliciting a prostitute, but at least they get matching father-daughter mug shots they'll remember forever."Prostitution is illegal. It doesn't matter how old you are," Tampa Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said. "If we catch you trying to solicit a prostitute, you're going to jail."NBCMiami
  • 28. Authorities in California say 'marijuana grannies' ages 72, 65 growing 100s of plants at homeThe Associated Press – 5-4-2011REDWOOD CITY, Calif. — A California prosecutor says two women he calls "marijuana grannies" have been jailed after police found hundreds of pot plants in their home.Authorities say 72-year-old Aleen Lam and 65-year-old Virginia Chan Pon, of San Bruno, were arrested Friday after neighbours reported a burglary.San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe says responding officers saw marijuana plants through the front door that had been kicked-in.Police got a warrant and found 800 marijuana plants growing throughout the house. They also say they found an electrical bypass that let the women steal electricity.Lam and Pon pleaded not guilty and are being held on $100,000 bail each. They have not retained attorneys, but Wagstaffe says they'll be provided with court-appointed lawyers before their next court date May 13.
  • 29. The Big Book of Breasts 3DThere’s a reason The Big Book of Breasts continues to be one of the most popular things on Cool Material. It’s a giant coffee table book filled with enormous, hi def pictures of huge boobs. Obviously it’s also the only book (other than The Big Butt Book) we’ve read cover to cover in quite some time. How could anyone possibly improve on something we already thought was perfect? By putting it in three dimensions. The updated version of the book includes 90 fan favorite images from the first, along with 18 brand new, titillating photos. The augmented racks are all presented in standard red/blue anaglyph 3D, viewable with two separate pairs of the funky glasses. That means you get one pair for you and one pair for her, or one backup pair for when the first gets dirty. Just be careful when you take the motorboat out because you don’t want to get papercuts on your lips. $24
  • 30. It's no fake: Air Sex World Championships in town May 5 Journal Sentinel April 30, 2011  The Air Sex World Championships is bumping and grinding its way into town next week, daring Milwaukee to show off its moves.The event is a bit like karaoke, its organizers say, but instead of singing performers take the stage – fully clothed - and put on their best sex moves with an imaginary partner. The show begins at 10 p.m. Thursday at Stonefly Brewery, 735 E. Center Drive."It is something different," says Rose Billingsley, co-owner of Stonefly. "This caught my eye because we have a lot of air guitar throw downs at Stonefly. I went to YouTube and watched some videos, and I thought it was hilarious.“Billingsley said response to the event's posting on Facebook is pretty positive, noting that she thinks Milwaukee is ready for an event this bold."Especially in the neighborhood we are in . . . we have had . . . shows and things that are a little edgier," Billingsley said. "I think the people who come to our shows look for something that is different and fun and that you don't see any everyday.“Billingsley said the goal is to put on a fun and funny event, noting "no one is taking it really seriously.“No one, perhaps, except Chris Trew, a comedian and host of the Air Sex World Championships, which tours around the country."These are gladiators, warriors . . . all making pretend love to imaginary partners," Trew said. "Hopefully some people will show up in costumes with choreographed routines.“Trew says people interested in checking out the show "should expect to see the most important sporting even in the country - a future Olympic sport.""Someone will be crowned the Milwaukee air sex champion," Trew said.Trew, who says he's hosted about 70 air sex events since started in 2008, says the event is looking for competitors."It's a combination of having a wonderful costume, picking out the right music and total, 100% commitment to what you are doing," Trew says. "If you are making love to a pile of dirt, then sprinkle the dirt around . . . kiss it. The same goes for a dolphin or an older woman or a young man."We like to see what you are like when you are having real sex or what who wish you were like.“Trew says air sex events draw a pretty diverse crowd: men and women, young and old, gay and straight. For those too shy to take the stage, spectators play a pivotal role in selecting an air sex master. Although a panel of judges narrows the field to a final three, the overall winner is determined by audience applause."And they boo the people who don't respect the art of air sex," Trew said. "It is not unlike watching pro wrestling.“In addition to the title of air sex champion, whoever wins the Milwaukee contest will get the chance to compete at the world championships in Austin, as well as score "super high-end sex toys" from an Austin-based company called Fleshlight, which sponsors the traveling spectacle.What makes for a memorable performance?Trew said that a show in Austin, Texas, from a performer named "Slut Truffle" stands out in his mind. Her act includes an electric saw, which she puts between her legs and presses up against a stone protecting her from underneath. She presses the saw against the stone, and the contact sends sparks flying."It was probably the best air sex show I have ever seen," Trew said. "It was really amazing."
  • 31. Police & Fire Man Tells Waukesha Police he Won't Run Naked in Downtown Again Social worker called to assist with situation. May 4, 2011 A man, who is reportedly mentally ill, spoke with police at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of Corrina Boulevard for previously running around naked in the downtown area, according to the Waukesha Police Department call log.The man told police he would not run around naked again but that the voices in his head were telling him to have sex with a horse, the log states.A social worker was called to assist with the situation.
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  • 38. PANCHORAN RETREAT | BALILocated in the forest, close to Ubud, Bali-Indonesia, is the breathtaking Panchoran Retreat. It is inspired by nature, creating environments it is difficult to distinguish the interior from exterior. Only recycled or sustainable materials were used to create this haven. This private hideaway has 6 houses scattered amongst nature with magical views of the valley and bamboo forest.
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  • 43. World’s Most Dangerous Prisoners A List Of The Most Brutal And Savage Prisoners Ever To Walk This Earth Aggressive, brutal, stupid and just plain strange, all qualities held by the world’s most dangerous prisoners.
  • 44. 1. Thomas SilversteinThomas Silverstein aka “Terrible Tom” has been imprisoned in solitary confinement since 1983 after being originally jailed for armed robbery. After being initially imprisoned in 1971, Silverstein went on to commit three murders while imprisoned, killing two other inmates and a prison guard whom he stabbed to death. He is still imprisoned and kept in a solitary confinement where the lights are on 24 hours a day.
  • 45. 2. Charles BronsonHe’s had a film made about him, has several fan sites online and claims world wide notoriety for his brashness and unstable aggression. This eccentric has spent nearly 40 years behind bars after originally being imprisoned for robbery. As a former bare knuckle fighter with a short fuse he’s got into hundreds of fights, took eleven people hostage and savaged many inmates but apparently now a ‘reformed character’.
  • 46. 3. Robert MaudsleyMaudsley aka “Hannibal the Cannibal” was first imprisoned for garrotting a man to death after the victim showed him pictures of children he had abused, he was imprisoned for life and recommended to never be released.In 1977 whilst in prison, he killed a convicted paedophile with another prisoner by the means of torture, when guards stormed the cell where the victim was killed, parts of his brain were missing and it’s thought Maudsley ate the brain, which is where the nickname “Hannibal the Cannibal” comes from.In 1978, he killed a sex offender by garrotting and stabbing, blood drunk, he looked for another victim whom he stabbed to death with a makeshift dagger.
  • 47. 4. Reginald WilsonReginald Wilson is currently serving life imprisonment after the savage, unprovoked murder of a doctor. He tricked his way into the skin specialist’s home by saying he was a courier. He subsequently inflicted 17 hammer blows to the victim, killing him in the most brutal fashion. He tried to stab a prison officer in 1999 but was ‘unsuccessful’ and his volatile, deranged character makes him one of the most feared prisoners in Britain.
  • 48. 5. Willie BosketWillie Bosket is a convicted murderer and has been in and out of the justice system since the age of 9, his crimes led to changes in New York state law regarding juvenile prisoners. In1978, Bosket at the age of 15 shot dead two men within 10 days, both occurring due to attempted robberies on the New York City subway. He’s currently in solitary confinement and won’t be eligible for parole until 2046 after assaulting a guard with a chain and trying stab another whilst in prison.
  • 49. 6. Christophe Khider & El HadjTopKhider and Top were both imprisoned for separate armed robberies, in 2009 they broke out of Moulins prison together by using explosive to escape from the high security prison. They captured two guards as hostages to make their way to the prison entrance, which they eventually blew open. After an intensive car chase, they finally escaped all arms of the law and the two, described as “France’s most dangerous criminals”, are still on the run.
  • 50. 7. ScanvinskiHymesScanvinskiHymes was originally imprisoned at the age of 18 for possessing a weapon in a youth facility, he’s been imprisoned ever since then for various discrepancies in prison. Hymes has a security risk classication score of over 2000, the average for inmates is 19 and 27. The only things he hasn’t been convicted for in prison is murder and anything drug related.
  • 51. 8. Antonio Cortés EscobedoAntonio Cortés Escobedo aka ‘El Zorro’ was the brain behind a huge riot at an Alicante prison in 1990 where one inmate was killed and eight prison officers were held hostage. He was imprisoned aged 17 and was handed a 106 year life sentence after being convicted as ringleader behind the ‘Fontcalent Riots’.
  • 52. 9. Carl AbuhlCarl Abuhl was first imprisoned for killing his co-worker by means of bludgeoning. Whilst in prison serving his sentence, he killed another inmate using a bed sheet to garrotte him. He killed the cat of his original victim by microwaving it and then beating it to death.
  • 53. 10. Mark Brandon ReadMark Brandon Read aka Chopper has had a film based on his life, no longer in prison, he enjoys a celebrity life based on his former violence and cruelty. He’s claimed to have killed 19 people in and out of prison and has assaulted hundreds of other inmates whilst inside. He also had both his ears cut off by another inmate just to win a bet.
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  • 85. Top 10 Most Desirable Arab Women
  • 86. 10. Miriam Clink, a Beautiful Model from Lebanon.
  • 87. 9. Amar singer, Beautiful Pop Singer from Lebanon.
  • 88. 8. Mona AbouHamzeh, Beautiful TV presenter from Lebanon.
  • 89. 7. Amelia Zidane, Famous belly dancer from Algeria.
  • 90. 6. Nancy Ajram, Arabic Pop Singer from Lebanon.
  • 91. 5. Elissa, an award winning Arabic pop singer from Lebanon.
  • 92. 4. CyrineAbdelnour, Lebanese actress, model and singer.
  • 94. 2. HayfaWehbeh, Most beautiful pop Singer from Lebanon.
  • 95. 1. Sofia El Marikh, an Arabic pop singer from Morocco.