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                                                 campaign proposal

emily seidl   lauren farek   lauren simonetti   mike bindus
“Opportunity is missed by most people because
                                      it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

                                           --Thomas A. Edison

   memorandum           1

        analysis        2.1 - 2.9

       research         3.1 - 3.7

           goals        4

   creative brief       5

         identity       6.1 - 6.4

            print       7.1 - 7.4

          social        8

        outdoor         9.1 - 9.2

          media         10.1 - 10.2

     media plan         11

    Dear Custer Family,

    4Real Advertising would like to sincerely thank you for allowing us to work personally with you to build the most
    ef cient campaign for Custer’s individual needs and objectives. We have built a foundation for our campaign that
    we are both proud of and extremely eager to share with you. We feel that it is imperative to express to you our
    appreciation for the passion you have exposed when enlightening us with the details of what it means to create an
    inspirational workspace. By sharing your enthusiasm to create a motivating work environment, you have also shown
    your openness to learn from our concepts and ideas. We have also taken into account your speci c needs and
    fundamentals by incorporating them into a customized campaign. As a result, we believe the most bene cial way to
    approach the delicate reputation of Custer in Northern Michigan is to create a physical Custer presence through a
    traveling showroom. We have built our creative pieces to support the need for Custer to improve its physical
    presence in Northern Michigan. Throughout this book, you will be exposed to our campaign from both the creative
    and tactical approach. All in all, we want our campaign to reiterate the fact that creating and managing workspaces
    that are “tailored to t” is essential to any business. We hope you can take away some signi cant ideas from our
    campaign that will greatly impact the quality of the reputation of Custer Workplace Interiors.


                   emily seidl
                   lauren farek
                   lauren simonetti
                   mike bindus


                  .   In 1981, Dave Custer founded Custer Workplace Interiors with the
                      mission to be the premier western Michigan supplier of Steelcase
                      furniture. Over the years, Custer has expanded to employ over
                      100 people and has since earned the ‘Steelcase Exemplary Dealer

                      Award’ for their impressive work in the industry. Custer takes pride
     Evaluation       in being able to offer optimum solutions for a variety of workplace

                      Custer is the only authorized Steelcase dealer in West Michigan.
     Strengths        With Steelcase being the global leader in the of ce furniture
                      industry it offers the most comprehensive array of of ce furnishings.
                      This includes architectural products, panel systems, wood suites,
                      seating, storage, and workplace organization tools.

                      Custer is a provider of high-end solutions and will customize each
  Opportunities       individual product to live their brand.


analysis.                                              Kentwood Of ce Furniture

                      .   .
                      .   Founded 1976

                      .   .
                          Less geographic limitation

                          Stationed in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Chicago, etc.
         Evaluation       .
                          Website shows off eco-friendliness of the company

                      .   Offer an e-mail newsletter for promotions and breaking products

                      .   .
                          Has a line of ergonomic tools (keyboards, food trays, etc.)

                          Custom installation
                          Offers line of education-related products

                          “Think you’ve got the world’s worst of ce?” tagline

                          Sells Herman Miller, Haworth, and Steelcase furniture

analysis.                                                                     Herman Miller

                  .   .
                  .   .
                          In business since 1905 (then as Star Furniture Company)

                  .   .
                          Wide breadth of products

                          Operates in U.S., UK, and China, headquartered in Zeeland, MI
     Evaluation       .
                          $28.3 Million Net Pro t 2010

                  .   .
                          Similar sleek and modern design

                  .   .
                          Line of tool support (i.e. keyboard tray, monitor dock, power/data support)

                          Climate control and sound management systems
       Threats    .

analysis.                                                     Haworth Of ce Furniture

                      .   .
                      .   .
                              Privately held company, founded in 1948

                      .   .
                              North America, Europe, Asia Paci c, Middle East and Latin American regions.

                      .   .
                              It is headquartered in Holland, Michigan.
                              Strong client base

                      .   .
                              Wide product portfolio

                      .   .
                              Visually pleasing website

                              Extensive promotional programs
                              Enclosed moveable walls with frameless glass

                              Offer of ce furniture to government agencies

                              Well-developed Facebook and Twitter pages

                              Sells Herman Miller furniture

                  .   Custer provides a dynamic service whose specialists’ sole focus is

                      creating exceptionally smart designs for the clients’ environment.
   Competition        Custer‘s strengths lie in their forward thinking and specialized
                      products and services. Custer offers dynamic, durable, and fresh
                      options to their customers. Unique and specialized accomodations to
                      each individual consumer request are made permissible by the team's

                      dedication and motivation towards client satisfaction.
                      Custer is the only authorized Steelcase dealer in West Michigan.
                      Steelcase, which is the global leader in the of ce furniture industry,
                      offers the most comprehensive array of of ce furnishings, including

                      architectural products, panel systems, wood suites, seating,
  Opportunities       storage, and workplace organization tools.

       Threats        Custer also represents over 200 other different manufacturers
                      and suppliers of workplace furnishings. This allows them to offer a
                      complete selection of products to t every style and budget, and the
                      expertise to create a solution for every client.. They offer high-quality
                      workplace furnishings, including architecture and technology products.

                      .   .
                      .   .
                              All-encompassing, full-service company for design, technology,
                              furniture, and construction of spaces

                      .   .
                              Customized products: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large

                      .   .
                              Strong design team whose work “sells itself”

                      .   .
                              Experience: Established in 1981
                              Array of project sizes

                              Distribution of Steelcase products. Steelcase has strong market
                              position in of ce furniture industry (Marketline) with wide product

                      .   .
                              MI-based company

                              Environmentally conscious

                              Quality Products with lifetime warranty

                              Refurbished and leased furniture available

        History   .
                  .   .
                          Weak brand recognition in Northern Michigan and U.P.

                  .   .
                          No showrooms outside of Grand Rapids

                          Weak brand image and perceived relevance in Northern Michigan
                          Most business is done locally, limited to speci c regions

                  .   .
                          Weak online presence, particularly social media and SEO/SEM

                          Custer Workplace and HealthWorks branded very similarly but are
                          separate entities

                          Brand image does not demonstrate other genres of design


                      .   .
                      .   .
                              Traveling showroom for client meetings and promotions

                              Sponsorships and promotional events to increase awareness,

                              build customer base in Northern Michigan, and increase sales

                      .   .
                              Increase sales and network in the Upper Peninsula

                              Services: Current state of economy employs opportunities to
                              remodel existing of ce interiors

                              Increasing demand for updated/modernized facilities as economy
                              lowers demand for new buildings

                              Utilize different media venues


                  .   .
                  .   .
                          Dif culty reaching target audience

                          Competition has less geographic limitation and stronger brand


                  .   .
                          Perceived by some as unaffordable, “high end” furniture

                          Economic recession may make it dif cult to enter a relatively new
                          market (Michigan U.P.)

                          Failure to reach market in Northern Michigan and The Upper Peninsula could

                          damage brand image.

                          Custer brand associated primarily with Steelcase


      Survey One
                   .   We obtained our primary research through two surveys

                       speci cally tailored to the target audience. We also conducted
      Survey Two       internal interviews and conference calls with Custer sales
                       representatives in the Northern Michigan region.
                       Survey One

                       Intended for college students that spend majority of their time on campus,
                       whether it is for classes, living arrangements, studying, etc. We surveyed
                       students from a variety of universities including Michigan State University,
                       Northern Michigan University, Ohio University, and Central Michigan University

                       Survey Two

                       Polled current full-time professionals in an of ce setting. The survey’s aim
                       was to nd out what white-collar professionals deemed important in their
                       work environment. The survey was distributed to a variety of of ces
                       throughout Michigan.

   Survey One
                .   Survey One

                    Lecture Halls 10%
   Survey Two                                   where remodeling took place
                                Library 8%
   Secondary                              Study Lounges 6%


                    Less than 10 percent of students surveyed reported any remodeling
                    or updating has taken place in the past 4 years that has been evident
                    to them in their Libraries (8%) and Study Lounges (6%). Majority of the
                    renovations that take place on the college campuses involve
                    Cafeteria’s (44%) and Dormitories—mostly hallways and lobbies (32%)

      Survey One
                   .   Which aspects are most important for you in a study or class environment

                       (Rank Level of Importance)
      Survey Two         Overall Ranking
                         -Comfort - Most Important

       Secondary         -Cleanliness/Organization - Important
                         -Natural Lighting - Average in Importance
                         -Creative and Comfort - Minimally in Importance
                         -Peace and Quiet - Not Important

   Survey One
                .   Survey Two

   Survey Two
                    Which characteristics of a study or work atmosphere would most inspire your
                      76.9 percent of survey students said a modern and contemporary
   Secondary          atmosphere would inspire the performance the most.
                    Which aspects of your current work atmosphere needs the most
                       Lighting 17%

                                  Atmosphere 10%
                                           Decorations 5%


                    Technology Updates (35%) and Furniture (30%) were reported
                    to need the most improvements on college campuses.

      Survey One
                   .    Approximately how many hours do you spend at your current work of ce?

      Survey Two
      Secondary    .        10-20 Hours 25%
                                               40+ Hours 50%

                                     30-40 Hours 25%

                        If remodeling and renovation were to take place in your of ce, which aspects
                        would you like to see remain the same

                             Furniture 5%
                                                           Color Scheme 35%
                       Technology 10%
                                                                Layout 35%
                           Lighting 15%

                        Most of the surveyors would only like to see their of ce layout and color scheme
                        stay the same but would like the accessories to be updated

   Survey One
                .   .
                    Seconday Research

                .   .
                        Over 35 million people in the U.S. are employed in of ce buildings.
   Survey Two
                        Research indicates a direct correlation between workplace environments
                        and productivity.

                        Surveys show crowded work places, job dissatisfaction and physical

                        environment are the main factors affecting productivity.

                        Workplace should have the following to enhance productivity
                        and appease employees:
                        -Fresh air and temperature control
                        -Lighting Control
                        -Daylight and view
                        -Privacy and working in quiet conditions
                        -Network access
                        -Multiple data, power, and voice systems    30%
                        -Ergonomic furniture and environmentally sensitive nishes

      Survey One
                   .   .
                       Gensler 2008 U.S. Workplace Survey

                           900 random full-time, in-of ce employees in the United States were
      Survey Two

      Secondary            Companies creating workspaces that are conducive to productivity are
                           seeing higher levels of employee engagement, brand equity, and pro t,
                           with pro t growth up to 14 percentage points greater than those with
                           less effective work environments.

                       .   36% of the average of ce is ineffective for the majority of today’s
                                                                Property Costs          $6,550
                                                                Property Operation      $1,350
                                                                Of ce Service           $1,500
                                                                Technology Costs        $8,000
                                                                Bene ts                 $12,300
                                                                Salary & Wages          $33,000
                                                                Annual Costs            $63,300

                                Source: after BLS (2002b) and Johnson Controls (2002)

                        It is a much higher cost to employ people then it is to maintain and
                        operate a building. Improving the work environment is the most cost
                        effective way of improving productivity.

             The goal of 4Real Advertising’s campaign is to increase brand recognition for
             Custer by utilizing a traveling showroom in Northern Michigan. All aspects of the
             campaign are intended to support and showcase Custer’s products and services
             to demonstrate relevance in Northern Michigan.


             Increase sales by increasing awareness in Northern Michigan and The Upper Peninsula

             Improve the “down-state” reputation in order to gain trust and broaden clientele

             Create portable showroom

         .   Effectively communicate that Custer is all encompassing and can do it all- technology,
             architecture, and furniture.

Creative Brief.

    Custer Workplace Interiors

    what we want the advertising to do

      Utilize Custer’s strong brand name and recognition in Western Michigan to initiate presence in Northern Michigan

      Create new loyal customers by showing we are ‘tailored to t’ and have more than just ‘high end…’

      Provide a convenience for Custer employees, but also future clients, allowing them to build a strong working relationship without traveling to Grand Rapids.

    who are we talking to
    Business Owners and Residents of Northern Michigan & The Upper Peninsula

    insights about them relevant to campaign
    Cost-conscious, unaware or lack of connection to Custer, and apprehensive about a relationship with Custer when unable to see the products or work rsthand

    main problems brand is currently facing

      Lack of brand awareness in Northern Michigan

      No showroom outside of the Grand Rapids area, therefore sales representatives rely on word of mouth or past project locations to use as a display

    how our advertising will address these problems
      Create a direct relationship between who Custer is and what they can offer prospective clients by maintaining a visual and personal presence in
      Northern Michigan

    medias and methods used

      Using traditional mediums such as local TV spots, print ads in local newspapers and magazines, and direct mail

      Utilize the travel show room at events and festivals in order to increase brand awareness, build relationships, demonstrate and display products

 Business Card
                  .    custer                        workplace interiors

                      Logo is framed to demonstrate more of the architectural and design abilities of
                      Custer. We felt this logo better represents Custer products and services.

                  .   custer
 Business Card
                  .   .
                                                              workplace interiors

     Stationary             Mark Custer
                             Account Relationship Manager
                             217 Grandville Ave. S.W.

                             Suite 100
                             Grand Rapids, MII 49503

                      phone: 616.456.0338    email: mcuster@custerof   fax: 616.458.1117

                                  custer workplace interiors


          Logo                                   workplace interiors

 Business Card
                                                   John Smith
                                                   Director of Company
                                                   Advertising Department

                                                   1234 Any St.

                                                   Anywhere, USA

                                                   Dear Mr Smith

                                                   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac lorem nec augue

                                                   rhoncus blandit. Proin bibendum sem egestas lorem tincidunt a tempor lectus
                                                   condimentum. Nunc ac neque varius elit porta interdum sed vel sapien. Mauris est
                                                   nisl, viverra a vehicula vulputate, consectetur non nunc. Sed et tellus ipsum. Proin
                                                   id neque mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet mauris
                                                   eu turpis cursus facilisis. Vivamus adipiscing justo nec velit pharetra eleifend. Nunc
                                                   condimentum sagittis mattis.

                                                   Integer vel nibh vitae elit auctor dapibus at eu risus. Maecenas imperdiet erat sit
                                                   amet ligula varius consectetur. Aliquam magna ante, aliquet pulvinar tincidunt sed,
                                                   faucibus at nisl. Nam lorem eros, condimentum vitae condimentum quis, dictum et
                                                   orci. In tellus lorem, suscipit at volutpat sit amet, egestas vel mi. Sed odio justo,
                                                   vehicula a egestas id, pharetra vel mi. Nullam erat massa, placerat quis lobortis in,
                                                   venenatis in urna. Donec accumsan aliquet ante, nec vehicula tortor eleifend sed.
                                                   Ut facilisis ante non nunc consectetur ac lobortis nisi faucibus. Mauris varius aliquet
                                                   ultrices. Suspendisse quis nisl purus.

                                                   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac lorem nec augue
                                                   rhoncus blandit. Proin bibendum sem egestas lorem tincidunt a tempor lectus
                                                   condimentum. Nunc ac neque varius elit porta interdum sed vel sapien. Mauris est
                                                   nisl, viverra a vehicula vulputate, consectetur non nunc. Sed et tellus ipsum. Proin
                                                   id neque mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet mauris
                                                   eu turpis cursus facilisis.


                                                   Mark Custer

                      217 Grandville Ave. S.W.
                      Suite 100
                      Grand Rapids, MII 49503
                      phone: 616.456.0038
                      fax: 616.458.1117

                      Mark Custer
                      217 Grandville Ave. S.W.

                      Suite 100

 Business Card
                      Grand Rapids, MII 49503
                                                                          workplace interiors

      Envelope    .                              John Smith
                                                 1234 Any St.
                                                 Anywhere, USA 48823

Direct Mail

                                                                            workplace interiors
                                         Traveling Showroom
                                   near you...
                                                               May 28
                                        Stone Festival

                                    Traverse City
                                                               July 2 - 9
                                        Cherry Festival

                                    Chippewa County
                                                               Aug 28 - Sept 5
                                        Chippewa County Fair

                  The direct mail piece lists the traveling showroom tour dates. This aspect of the
                  campaign will be implemented after the traveling showroom has completed a tour.
                  The delayed introduction of the direct mail campaign will provide Custer the opportunity
                  to build a database of consumers. The campaign will launch in March, running through
                  May, and promote the traveling showroom in conjunction with social media efforts, press
                  releases, and print ads.
Steelcase’s Camp re product is
featured in this Custer print ad.
The product was used to
demonstrate Custer’s product
lines, design expertise, and
relevance in Northern Michigan.
Comparing a workspace to the
backyard camp re allowed for
an emotional appeal that
resonates with an audience that
spends time outdoors and in the
of ce. This print ad represents
Custer’s belief about living your
brand through your workplace.

Direct Mail   .
              .   custer

                   camp re feeling for your workplace.

Direct Mail   .
                                              what’s inside?


                  Traveling Showroom
                            coming to your city

                                                  custer         workplace interiors


Direct Mail
 Magazine     .   custer
                  what inspires you?


Facebook/   .   blog
                archives / most popular
                way of the road 5/7
                grand rapids showcase 4/29
                                             The New Showroom, Custer on Tour...
                                                 by John Smith May 17th

                the new tour bus 5/17        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ornare interdum aliquet. Cras vestibulum libero at ante sollicitudin scelerisque.
                                             Suspendisse mattis, odio eu pharetra pulvinar, tortor lorem imperdiet est, sit amet lobortis libero nibh at tellus. Cras libero turpis, ullamcorper vel
                                             gravida sed, sodales elementum odio. Curabitur at justo at risus sollicitudin tincidunt eget non massa. Ut mollis imperdiet dignissim. Aliquam eros
                                             velit, blandit ullamcorper facilisis a, feugiat at justo. Nullam urna diam, sodales lacinia ultricies sit amet, euismod nec massa. Sed ligula erat, euismod
                                             gravida tincidunt sit amet, egestas vitae dui. Donec sodales ligula at lorem mattis vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
                                             Curabitur vel ultrices nisl.

                                             Sed vel purus massa, id imperdiet urna. Duis lorem purus, tincidunt ut fermentum dapibus, malesuada nec odio. Cras luctus orci non ligula gravida vel
                                             ultricies elit suscipit. Fusce ante nibh, consectetur ac congue dapibus, suscipit id nisi. Integer tristique, est et commodo porta, tellus nunc facilisis odio, at
                                             tincidunt turpis nisl eu dui. Sed posuere, orci eget cursus vulputate, sapien ante blandit elit, ac dignissim mi leo in justo. Quisque feugiat porta sapien, et
                                             euismod purus commodo in. Cras pharetra cursus leo non consequat. Donec ut dui neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
                                             posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus odio urna, varius eu iaculis
                                             vitae, dapibus in quam. Phasellus dapibus diam in leo semper porttitor.

                 Custer’s blog is an integral part of the campaign. The blog will offer Custer a way to
                 keep consumers informed about Custer and will help promote events. It can easily be
                 integrated into Facebook, Twitter, and Custer’s website, which will increase SEO and
                 build brand awareness.

      Showroom   .   Outdoor

                                                       custer workplace interiors

                     The traveling showroom is a hitched trailer designed and branded speci cally
                     to showcase Custer. The bene ts of the traveling showroom are endless, but
                     most importantly, it will allow for a physical presence in Northern Michigan.
                     The showroom will provide new markets and consumers the ability to meet
                     Custer and learn more about the company’s products and services. This
                     interactive showroom will be used at events and sponsorships, for example,
                     the Traverse City Cherry Festival. A kiosk will be used to welcome people,
                     sign in, and obtain contact information. In return, Custer will provide them a
                     canvas Custer travel tote and traveling mug. Four televisions will showcase
                     Custer videos and clips of nished jobs. Also available at the traveling
                     showroom events will be brochures, design information, and a Custer
                     support staff.

   Showroom   .   Indoor

Press Release
                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

                    Grand Rapids, Michigan – March 27, 2011- Custer Workplace Interior sends traveling show room to

                    Traverse City.

                    Custer Workplace Interiors will be sending their traveling showroom to the Traverse City Cherry Festival
                    this upcoming April. The showroom has been traveling northern Michigan and the Cherry Festival will
                    provide the largest crowd yet.

                    "We’re very excited for the upcoming festival," says Mark Custer, "it will be the perfect opportunity to
                    show Northern Michigan what Custer and Steelcase has to offer."

                    The traveling show room serves as a walk through exhibit for individuals to see samples of Custer’s
                    work. Free initial consultations and on site designers will be available for viewers to speak with for
                    additional information.

                    Custer, a family owned company, renovates and remodels a variety of of ce environments in western
                    Michigan. They are based out of Grand Rapids, but looking to expand business to the more northern
                    areas of Michigan.

                    Marc Custer
                    217 Grandville Ave SW # 100
                    Grand Rapids, MI 49503
                    Ph: (616) 458- 6322


Press Release
 Commerical     .   The commerical represents how much time is spent at work. With the message
                    being that if you spend so much time at work you may as well enjoy it.

                                                                        custer     workplace interiors

                     (30 Second Spot)
                     (Comes up after clips of of ce are displayed)
                     8 hours a day
                     40 hours a week
                     160 hrs a month
                     1,920 hours a year spent in your workspace.
                     What inspires you?
                     (Last scene shows custer logo)

media plan.
                       January February March April May June July August September October November December

         Direct Mail
         Showroom Ad
         Camp re Ad
         General Ad

         TV Spot

To Our Friends at Custer,

  We deeply appreciate your time and support throughout the creative process.
  4Real Advertising sincerely hopes that our campaign for Custer Workplace Interiors
  proves to be the perfect t. Through our research and collaboration, we have made
  a valiant effort to reach your target market by building awareness of Custer in
  Northern Michigan. 4Real Advertising is con dent that we have designed a
  campaign that re ects your inspirational work and desire to extend your client
  relationships throughout Michigan. As a result, we genuinely commend you for
  allowing 4Real Advertising to share Custer’s commitment to promoting inspirational

  Thank you greatly on behalf of 4Real Advertising
 Clements-Croome, Derek. (2006). Creating the productive workplace. Taylor and Francis. Retrieved from

 Jan van Ree, H. (2002). The added value of o ce accomodation to organisational performance. Emerald

        Insight, 51, 7, 351-363. Retrieved from:

 Myerson, J. Workplace design. Design Council. Retrieved from:
        +council&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgok4na qStPAcYcWnlyPhU691k3TaPTJyoefk7_vzOd1kPnx5pk

 Custer Workplace Website

 Steelcase Website

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FInal MSU Campaign Project

  • 1. REAL ADVERTISING campaign proposal emily seidl lauren farek lauren simonetti mike bindus
  • 2. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” contents. --Thomas A. Edison . . memorandum 1 . analysis 2.1 - 2.9 . research 3.1 - 3.7 . goals 4 . creative brief 5 . identity 6.1 - 6.4 . print 7.1 - 7.4 . social 8 . outdoor 9.1 - 9.2 . media 10.1 - 10.2 media plan 11
  • 3. 1 memorandum. Dear Custer Family, 4Real Advertising would like to sincerely thank you for allowing us to work personally with you to build the most ef cient campaign for Custer’s individual needs and objectives. We have built a foundation for our campaign that we are both proud of and extremely eager to share with you. We feel that it is imperative to express to you our appreciation for the passion you have exposed when enlightening us with the details of what it means to create an inspirational workspace. By sharing your enthusiasm to create a motivating work environment, you have also shown your openness to learn from our concepts and ideas. We have also taken into account your speci c needs and fundamentals by incorporating them into a customized campaign. As a result, we believe the most bene cial way to approach the delicate reputation of Custer in Northern Michigan is to create a physical Custer presence through a traveling showroom. We have built our creative pieces to support the need for Custer to improve its physical presence in Northern Michigan. Throughout this book, you will be exposed to our campaign from both the creative and tactical approach. All in all, we want our campaign to reiterate the fact that creating and managing workspaces that are “tailored to t” is essential to any business. We hope you can take away some signi cant ideas from our campaign that will greatly impact the quality of the reputation of Custer Workplace Interiors. Sincerely, emily seidl lauren farek lauren simonetti mike bindus REAL ADVERTISING
  • 4. 2.1 analysis. . History . In 1981, Dave Custer founded Custer Workplace Interiors with the mission to be the premier western Michigan supplier of Steelcase Competition . furniture. Over the years, Custer has expanded to employ over 100 people and has since earned the ‘Steelcase Exemplary Dealer . Award’ for their impressive work in the industry. Custer takes pride Evaluation in being able to offer optimum solutions for a variety of workplace environments. . Custer is the only authorized Steelcase dealer in West Michigan. Strengths With Steelcase being the global leader in the of ce furniture industry it offers the most comprehensive array of of ce furnishings. Weaknesses . This includes architectural products, panel systems, wood suites, seating, storage, and workplace organization tools. . Custer is a provider of high-end solutions and will customize each Opportunities individual product to live their brand. Threats
  • 5. 2.2 analysis. Kentwood Of ce Furniture . . History . Founded 1976 . Competition . . Less geographic limitation . Stationed in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Chicago, etc. Evaluation . . Website shows off eco-friendliness of the company Strengths . Offer an e-mail newsletter for promotions and breaking products . Weaknesses . . Has a line of ergonomic tools (keyboards, food trays, etc.) . . Custom installation Opportunities . Offers line of education-related products Threats . “Think you’ve got the world’s worst of ce?” tagline Sells Herman Miller, Haworth, and Steelcase furniture
  • 6. 2.3 analysis. Herman Miller . . History . . In business since 1905 (then as Star Furniture Company) Competition . . Wide breadth of products . Operates in U.S., UK, and China, headquartered in Zeeland, MI Evaluation . . $28.3 Million Net Pro t 2010 Strengths . . Similar sleek and modern design Weaknesses . . Line of tool support (i.e. keyboard tray, monitor dock, power/data support) Climate control and sound management systems Opportunities Threats .
  • 7. 2.4 analysis. Haworth Of ce Furniture . . History . . Privately held company, founded in 1948 Competition . . North America, Europe, Asia Paci c, Middle East and Latin American regions. . . It is headquartered in Holland, Michigan. Evaluation . Strong client base Strengths . . Wide product portfolio Weaknesses . . Visually pleasing website . . Extensive promotional programs Opportunities . Enclosed moveable walls with frameless glass Threats . Offer of ce furniture to government agencies . Well-developed Facebook and Twitter pages Sells Herman Miller furniture
  • 8. 2.5 analysis. . History . Custer provides a dynamic service whose specialists’ sole focus is . creating exceptionally smart designs for the clients’ environment. Competition Custer‘s strengths lie in their forward thinking and specialized products and services. Custer offers dynamic, durable, and fresh Evaluation . options to their customers. Unique and specialized accomodations to each individual consumer request are made permissible by the team's . dedication and motivation towards client satisfaction. Strengths Custer is the only authorized Steelcase dealer in West Michigan. Weaknesses . Steelcase, which is the global leader in the of ce furniture industry, offers the most comprehensive array of of ce furnishings, including . architectural products, panel systems, wood suites, seating, Opportunities storage, and workplace organization tools. Threats Custer also represents over 200 other different manufacturers and suppliers of workplace furnishings. This allows them to offer a complete selection of products to t every style and budget, and the expertise to create a solution for every client.. They offer high-quality workplace furnishings, including architecture and technology products.
  • 9. 2.6 analysis. . . History . . All-encompassing, full-service company for design, technology, furniture, and construction of spaces Competition . . Customized products: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large Evaluation . . Strong design team whose work “sells itself” . . Experience: Established in 1981 Strengths . Array of project sizes Weaknesses . Distribution of Steelcase products. Steelcase has strong market position in of ce furniture industry (Marketline) with wide product . . portfolio Opportunities . MI-based company Threats . Environmentally conscious . Quality Products with lifetime warranty Refurbished and leased furniture available
  • 10. 2.7 analysis. History . . . . Weak brand recognition in Northern Michigan and U.P. Competition . . No showrooms outside of Grand Rapids . . Weak brand image and perceived relevance in Northern Michigan Evaluation . Most business is done locally, limited to speci c regions Strengths . . Weak online presence, particularly social media and SEO/SEM . Custer Workplace and HealthWorks branded very similarly but are Weaknesses . separate entities Opportunities . Brand image does not demonstrate other genres of design Threats
  • 11. 2.8 analysis. . . History . . Traveling showroom for client meetings and promotions Competition . Sponsorships and promotional events to increase awareness, . build customer base in Northern Michigan, and increase sales Evaluation . . Increase sales and network in the Upper Peninsula . Services: Current state of economy employs opportunities to Strengths . remodel existing of ce interiors . Increasing demand for updated/modernized facilities as economy Weaknesses . lowers demand for new buildings Opportunities . Utilize different media venues Threats
  • 12. 2.9 analysis. . . History . . Dif culty reaching target audience Competition . Competition has less geographic limitation and stronger brand . recognition Evaluation . . Perceived by some as unaffordable, “high end” furniture . Economic recession may make it dif cult to enter a relatively new Strengths . market (Michigan U.P.) Weaknesses . Failure to reach market in Northern Michigan and The Upper Peninsula could . damage brand image. Opportunities . Custer brand associated primarily with Steelcase Threats
  • 13. 3.1 research. . Survey One . We obtained our primary research through two surveys . speci cally tailored to the target audience. We also conducted Survey Two internal interviews and conference calls with Custer sales representatives in the Northern Michigan region. Secondary Survey One Intended for college students that spend majority of their time on campus, whether it is for classes, living arrangements, studying, etc. We surveyed students from a variety of universities including Michigan State University, Northern Michigan University, Ohio University, and Central Michigan University Survey Two Polled current full-time professionals in an of ce setting. The survey’s aim was to nd out what white-collar professionals deemed important in their work environment. The survey was distributed to a variety of of ces throughout Michigan.
  • 14. 3.2 research. . Survey One . Survey One . Lecture Halls 10% Survey Two where remodeling took place Library 8% Secondary Study Lounges 6% Cafeterias 44% Dorms 32% Less than 10 percent of students surveyed reported any remodeling or updating has taken place in the past 4 years that has been evident to them in their Libraries (8%) and Study Lounges (6%). Majority of the renovations that take place on the college campuses involve Cafeteria’s (44%) and Dormitories—mostly hallways and lobbies (32%)
  • 15. 3.3 research. . Survey One . Which aspects are most important for you in a study or class environment . (Rank Level of Importance) Survey Two Overall Ranking -Comfort - Most Important Secondary -Cleanliness/Organization - Important -Natural Lighting - Average in Importance -Creative and Comfort - Minimally in Importance -Peace and Quiet - Not Important
  • 16. 3.4 research. . Survey One . Survey Two Survey Two . Which characteristics of a study or work atmosphere would most inspire your performance: 76.9 percent of survey students said a modern and contemporary Secondary atmosphere would inspire the performance the most. Which aspects of your current work atmosphere needs the most improvement: Lighting 17% Atmosphere 10% Decorations 5% Furniture 30% Technology 35% Technology Updates (35%) and Furniture (30%) were reported to need the most improvements on college campuses.
  • 17. 3.5 research. . Survey One . Approximately how many hours do you spend at your current work of ce? Survey Two Secondary . 10-20 Hours 25% 40+ Hours 50% 30-40 Hours 25% If remodeling and renovation were to take place in your of ce, which aspects would you like to see remain the same Furniture 5% Color Scheme 35% Technology 10% 30% Layout 35% Lighting 15% 35% Most of the surveyors would only like to see their of ce layout and color scheme stay the same but would like the accessories to be updated
  • 18. 3.6 research. . Survey One . . Seconday Research . . Over 35 million people in the U.S. are employed in of ce buildings. Survey Two Research indicates a direct correlation between workplace environments Secondary . and productivity. Surveys show crowded work places, job dissatisfaction and physical . environment are the main factors affecting productivity. Workplace should have the following to enhance productivity and appease employees: -Fresh air and temperature control -Lighting Control -Daylight and view -Privacy and working in quiet conditions -Network access -Multiple data, power, and voice systems 30% -Ergonomic furniture and environmentally sensitive nishes
  • 19. 3.7 research. . Survey One . . Gensler 2008 U.S. Workplace Survey . 900 random full-time, in-of ce employees in the United States were Survey Two . participants. Secondary Companies creating workspaces that are conducive to productivity are seeing higher levels of employee engagement, brand equity, and pro t, with pro t growth up to 14 percentage points greater than those with less effective work environments. . 36% of the average of ce is ineffective for the majority of today’s workforce. Property Costs $6,550 Property Operation $1,350 Of ce Service $1,500 Technology Costs $8,000 Bene ts $12,300 Salary & Wages $33,000 Annual Costs $63,300 Source: after BLS (2002b) and Johnson Controls (2002) It is a much higher cost to employ people then it is to maintain and operate a building. Improving the work environment is the most cost effective way of improving productivity.
  • 20. 4 goals. Goal The goal of 4Real Advertising’s campaign is to increase brand recognition for Custer by utilizing a traveling showroom in Northern Michigan. All aspects of the campaign are intended to support and showcase Custer’s products and services to demonstrate relevance in Northern Michigan. . Objectives Increase sales by increasing awareness in Northern Michigan and The Upper Peninsula . . Improve the “down-state” reputation in order to gain trust and broaden clientele Create portable showroom . Effectively communicate that Custer is all encompassing and can do it all- technology, architecture, and furniture.
  • 21. 5 Creative Brief. client Custer Workplace Interiors . what we want the advertising to do . Utilize Custer’s strong brand name and recognition in Western Michigan to initiate presence in Northern Michigan . Create new loyal customers by showing we are ‘tailored to t’ and have more than just ‘high end…’ Provide a convenience for Custer employees, but also future clients, allowing them to build a strong working relationship without traveling to Grand Rapids. who are we talking to Business Owners and Residents of Northern Michigan & The Upper Peninsula insights about them relevant to campaign Cost-conscious, unaware or lack of connection to Custer, and apprehensive about a relationship with Custer when unable to see the products or work rsthand . main problems brand is currently facing . Lack of brand awareness in Northern Michigan No showroom outside of the Grand Rapids area, therefore sales representatives rely on word of mouth or past project locations to use as a display how our advertising will address these problems Create a direct relationship between who Custer is and what they can offer prospective clients by maintaining a visual and personal presence in Northern Michigan . medias and methods used . Using traditional mediums such as local TV spots, print ads in local newspapers and magazines, and direct mail Utilize the travel show room at events and festivals in order to increase brand awareness, build relationships, demonstrate and display products
  • 22. 6.1 identity. . . Logo Business Card Stationary Envelope . . custer workplace interiors Logo is framed to demonstrate more of the architectural and design abilities of Custer. We felt this logo better represents Custer products and services.
  • 23. 6.2 identity. . . custer Logo Business Card . . . workplace interiors Stationary Mark Custer Account Relationship Manager 217 Grandville Ave. S.W. c Envelope Suite 100 Grand Rapids, MII 49503 phone: 616.456.0338 email: mcuster@custerof fax: 616.458.1117 custer workplace interiors
  • 24. 6.3 identity. . custer . Logo workplace interiors Business Card . John Smith Director of Company Advertising Department . 1234 Any St. Stationary Anywhere, USA Dear Mr Smith Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac lorem nec augue Envelope rhoncus blandit. Proin bibendum sem egestas lorem tincidunt a tempor lectus condimentum. Nunc ac neque varius elit porta interdum sed vel sapien. Mauris est nisl, viverra a vehicula vulputate, consectetur non nunc. Sed et tellus ipsum. Proin id neque mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet mauris eu turpis cursus facilisis. Vivamus adipiscing justo nec velit pharetra eleifend. Nunc condimentum sagittis mattis. Integer vel nibh vitae elit auctor dapibus at eu risus. Maecenas imperdiet erat sit amet ligula varius consectetur. Aliquam magna ante, aliquet pulvinar tincidunt sed, faucibus at nisl. Nam lorem eros, condimentum vitae condimentum quis, dictum et orci. In tellus lorem, suscipit at volutpat sit amet, egestas vel mi. Sed odio justo, vehicula a egestas id, pharetra vel mi. Nullam erat massa, placerat quis lobortis in, venenatis in urna. Donec accumsan aliquet ante, nec vehicula tortor eleifend sed. Ut facilisis ante non nunc consectetur ac lobortis nisi faucibus. Mauris varius aliquet ultrices. Suspendisse quis nisl purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac lorem nec augue rhoncus blandit. Proin bibendum sem egestas lorem tincidunt a tempor lectus condimentum. Nunc ac neque varius elit porta interdum sed vel sapien. Mauris est nisl, viverra a vehicula vulputate, consectetur non nunc. Sed et tellus ipsum. Proin id neque mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet mauris eu turpis cursus facilisis. Sincerely Mark Custer 217 Grandville Ave. S.W. Suite 100 Grand Rapids, MII 49503 phone: 616.456.0038 fax: 616.458.1117
  • 25. 6.4 identity. . . Logo custer Mark Custer 217 Grandville Ave. S.W. . Suite 100 Business Card Grand Rapids, MII 49503 workplace interiors Stationary Envelope . John Smith 1234 Any St. Anywhere, USA 48823
  • 26. 7.1 print. . . custer Direct Mail Magazine workplace interiors Traveling Showroom near you... Petoskey May 28 Stone Festival Traverse City July 2 - 9 Cherry Festival Chippewa County Aug 28 - Sept 5 Chippewa County Fair The direct mail piece lists the traveling showroom tour dates. This aspect of the campaign will be implemented after the traveling showroom has completed a tour. The delayed introduction of the direct mail campaign will provide Custer the opportunity to build a database of consumers. The campaign will launch in March, running through May, and promote the traveling showroom in conjunction with social media efforts, press releases, and print ads.
  • 27. Steelcase’s Camp re product is featured in this Custer print ad. The product was used to demonstrate Custer’s product lines, design expertise, and relevance in Northern Michigan. Comparing a workspace to the backyard camp re allowed for an emotional appeal that resonates with an audience that spends time outdoors and in the of ce. This print ad represents Custer’s belief about living your brand through your workplace.
  • 28. 7.2 print. Direct Mail . . custer Magazine camp re feeling for your workplace.
  • 29. 7.3 print. Direct Mail . . what’s inside? Magazine Traveling Showroom coming to your city custer workplace interiors
  • 30. 7.4 print. . Direct Mail Magazine . custer what inspires you?
  • 31. 8 social. . Blog Facebook/ . blog archives / most popular way of the road 5/7 grand rapids showcase 4/29 The New Showroom, Custer on Tour... by John Smith May 17th Twitter the new tour bus 5/17 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ornare interdum aliquet. Cras vestibulum libero at ante sollicitudin scelerisque. Suspendisse mattis, odio eu pharetra pulvinar, tortor lorem imperdiet est, sit amet lobortis libero nibh at tellus. Cras libero turpis, ullamcorper vel gravida sed, sodales elementum odio. Curabitur at justo at risus sollicitudin tincidunt eget non massa. Ut mollis imperdiet dignissim. Aliquam eros velit, blandit ullamcorper facilisis a, feugiat at justo. Nullam urna diam, sodales lacinia ultricies sit amet, euismod nec massa. Sed ligula erat, euismod gravida tincidunt sit amet, egestas vitae dui. Donec sodales ligula at lorem mattis vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vel ultrices nisl. Sed vel purus massa, id imperdiet urna. Duis lorem purus, tincidunt ut fermentum dapibus, malesuada nec odio. Cras luctus orci non ligula gravida vel ultricies elit suscipit. Fusce ante nibh, consectetur ac congue dapibus, suscipit id nisi. Integer tristique, est et commodo porta, tellus nunc facilisis odio, at tincidunt turpis nisl eu dui. Sed posuere, orci eget cursus vulputate, sapien ante blandit elit, ac dignissim mi leo in justo. Quisque feugiat porta sapien, et euismod purus commodo in. Cras pharetra cursus leo non consequat. Donec ut dui neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus odio urna, varius eu iaculis vitae, dapibus in quam. Phasellus dapibus diam in leo semper porttitor. Custer’s blog is an integral part of the campaign. The blog will offer Custer a way to keep consumers informed about Custer and will help promote events. It can easily be integrated into Facebook, Twitter, and Custer’s website, which will increase SEO and build brand awareness.
  • 32. 9.1 outdoor. Showroom . Outdoor custer workplace interiors The traveling showroom is a hitched trailer designed and branded speci cally to showcase Custer. The bene ts of the traveling showroom are endless, but most importantly, it will allow for a physical presence in Northern Michigan. The showroom will provide new markets and consumers the ability to meet Custer and learn more about the company’s products and services. This interactive showroom will be used at events and sponsorships, for example, the Traverse City Cherry Festival. A kiosk will be used to welcome people, sign in, and obtain contact information. In return, Custer will provide them a canvas Custer travel tote and traveling mug. Four televisions will showcase Custer videos and clips of nished jobs. Also available at the traveling showroom events will be brochures, design information, and a Custer support staff.
  • 33. 9.2 outdoor. Showroom . Indoor
  • 34. 10.1 media. . Press Release . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Grand Rapids, Michigan – March 27, 2011- Custer Workplace Interior sends traveling show room to Commerical Traverse City. Custer Workplace Interiors will be sending their traveling showroom to the Traverse City Cherry Festival this upcoming April. The showroom has been traveling northern Michigan and the Cherry Festival will provide the largest crowd yet. "We’re very excited for the upcoming festival," says Mark Custer, "it will be the perfect opportunity to show Northern Michigan what Custer and Steelcase has to offer." The traveling show room serves as a walk through exhibit for individuals to see samples of Custer’s work. Free initial consultations and on site designers will be available for viewers to speak with for additional information. Custer, a family owned company, renovates and remodels a variety of of ce environments in western Michigan. They are based out of Grand Rapids, but looking to expand business to the more northern areas of Michigan. Contact: Marc Custer info@custerof 217 Grandville Ave SW # 100 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Ph: (616) 458- 6322 ###
  • 35. 10.2 media. . Press Release Commerical . The commerical represents how much time is spent at work. With the message being that if you spend so much time at work you may as well enjoy it. custer workplace interiors (30 Second Spot) Copy: (Comes up after clips of of ce are displayed) 8 hours a day 40 hours a week 160 hrs a month 1,920 hours a year spent in your workspace. What inspires you? (Last scene shows custer logo)
  • 36. 11 media plan. January February March April May June July August September October November December Print Direct Mail Showroom Ad Camp re Ad General Ad Video TV Spot Outdoor Showroom
  • 37. To Our Friends at Custer, We deeply appreciate your time and support throughout the creative process. 4Real Advertising sincerely hopes that our campaign for Custer Workplace Interiors proves to be the perfect t. Through our research and collaboration, we have made a valiant effort to reach your target market by building awareness of Custer in Northern Michigan. 4Real Advertising is con dent that we have designed a campaign that re ects your inspirational work and desire to extend your client relationships throughout Michigan. As a result, we genuinely commend you for allowing 4Real Advertising to share Custer’s commitment to promoting inspirational workspaces. Thank you greatly on behalf of 4Real Advertising
  • 38. references. Clements-Croome, Derek. (2006). Creating the productive workplace. Taylor and Francis. Retrieved from workplace&source=bl&ots=5pTyI4B2mH&sig=H9JXdouQncrK30aKMlY8NLHtcAM&hl=en&ei=KH2iTaWDKY W3twfL3tiFAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false Jan van Ree, H. (2002). The added value of o ce accomodation to organisational performance. Emerald Insight, 51, 7, 351-363. Retrieved from: Myerson, J. Workplace design. Design Council. Retrieved from: +council&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgok4na qStPAcYcWnlyPhU691k3TaPTJyoefk7_vzOd1kPnx5pk PlQ93tqg-a22HH76-li9PHDsZwFUSbRmRzMVlhO5MXF090EQBQHifvyvuZsFyNURpNrBI_zXk6R2OpbeSo&sig= AHIEtbSQo_yHcldDv45O_XbXRn8fWjNKXQ Custer Workplace Website Steelcase Website