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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Where Did Feng Shui Start
Chapter 3:
Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom
Chapter 4:
Feng Shui Tips to Help You Advance Your Career
and Make More Money
Chapter 5:
What the Color of Your Wallet Says About Your
Chapter 6:
Meaning of Colors
Chapter 7:
Use the Feng Shui Five-Element Color Cycle to
Change Your Life
Chapter 8
Meaning of Symbols
Decorating Tips for Wealth
Wrapping Up
Decorating Tips for Happiness
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Wind and water combines as feng shui. It is an ancient Chinese
method to find the most suitable locations for a blessed life. Yes, we
are all blessed by god and all we need a fine location to stay because a
good living place will always give you the positive energy which is
really required to get success in your life. Get all the info you need
Feng Shui Fortunes
How To Develop Financial Freedom And Life Long Happiness!
Certified Feng Sui training HERE
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Chapter 1:
Now you might be wondering how feng shui can help you. Well it can
help you in different ways and here I am going to show you how.
Feng shui can help in selecting the most suitable and fruitful location
for you. This Chinese system of geomancy believed one can improve
life by receiving positive qi. It uses the laws of both Heaven (Chinese
astronomy) and Earth. Feng shui was widely used to orient buildings,
and other structures, for example tombs—spiritual structures. It
started losing its popularity during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in
1960. But since then its popularity is growing day by day.
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The Basics
As per The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience feng shui is a
combination of folk remedies, rational remedies and superstitions.
Now it is important to know some background history about feng
The culture period of Yangshao and Hongshan was the main rising
time of feng shui. All believed that feng shui is older than the
magnetic compass.
Feng shui is more than 3500 years old and the Chinese star map has
actually proved this very fact. It has Dragon and Tiger asterisms and
also Beidou the Big Dipper, also known as the Ladle or Bushel. It was
situated through the north-south pole. It was found in a 4000 BC old
grave at Puyang.
Today feng shui is practiced to build a suitable environment for
human with good qi. Three main things dominate feng shui they are:
1) Qi (ch'i): Qi(氣) is chee in English. It is a movable positive or
negative life force. It plays the main role in feng shui. As per the
book of Burial they take advantages of vital qi. Wu Yuanyin of
Qing dynasty said that it was congealed qi. This qi engenders
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2) Polarity: it depends upon the Yin and Yang Theory. It is similar
to a magnetic dipole. The work of Yang is acting and Yin
receiving. Metal, earth, fire, water, and wood are considered as
five primary elements. Chinese medicine, also work, depends on
Yang and Yin.
3) Bagua (eight trigrams): In feng shui two diagrams known as
bagua (or pa kua) loom large. They both predate their mentions
in the Yijing (or I Ching). As per Yaodian the cardinal directions
are determined by the mega-constellations’ marker-stars,
known as the Four Celestial Animals.
East: The Blue Dragon (spring equinox) is Niao (Bird 鳥), α
West: The White Tiger (autumn equinox) is Mǎo (Hair 昴), η Tauri
(the Pleiades)
North: The Dark Turtle (winter solstice) is Xū (Emptiness, Void 虛), α
Aquarii, β Aquarii
South: The Red Phoenix (summer solstice) is Huo (Fire 火), α Hydrae
There are three main schools are in Feng shui
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1) Form school: here focuses on the surrounding landscapes such as
hill, water, and body.
2) Compass school: here the style is oriented on eight points of the
3) Black hat sect school: This is a modern version of feng shui. It
developed in the USA as a hybrid of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a
combination of Taoism and traditional feng shui. This type of feng
shui works upon the direction of the Front Door.
Traditional feng shui relies upon the compass for accurate readings.
Modern day feng shui has become popular. Nowadays, you will get
wealthy and cheap versions available on the market. It is so popular
today that Master Aaron Lee Koch of New York, USA, established an
award upon feng shui.
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Chapter 2:
Where Did Feng Shui Start
You have already got to know that China is the birthplace of feng shui
and you know some basic facts about feng shui but do you know the
entire history of feng shui?
Well, now it is time to know about the rich history behind the ancient
Chinese art feng shui.
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Where Did Feng Shui Start?
Feng shui has become immensely popular all over the globe in the
modern times. Especially in China, feng shui has become very
popular. We need to go deep down into the history to figure out how
exactly feng shui has started and why it has changed the life of so
many people and where does the real secret lie?
We are going to discuss everything in details. Feng shui has started or
rather it was invented many years ago, it was since the Tang Dynasty
it was actually started. Master Yang Sung Sang is the most respected
man in the history of feng shui. He was the one who invented feng
shui. So the people who follow feng shui should be indebted to him. It
was from him everything has started.
In his site, the dragon had the most important significance and there
are other symbols such as hills, valleys and various water bodies.
Some particular areas on earth had some vital energies or what we
call chi, it was told that chi found the dragon and all those things
which were formed naturally on earth were symbolized with various
shapes of animals such as a green colored dragon or white colored
Feng shui is certainly very interesting and produce great effects in our
lives and the effects are definitely positives if it is used or handled
properly. Nowadays, it is not only followed in China, it is followed all
over the world too.
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Then it was about one century later, during the time of the Song
Dynasty, the compass feng shui school which is a different feng shui
school from the previous one, slowly and gradually, started to become
very popular and well accepted by the people in the society. It was
during this dynasty, Wang Chih who was another master of feng shui
started teaching feng shui.
The work in this school was basically based on the directions where
the compass pointed to and the eight sided symbol created by the
baqua was arranged by the “I ching trigrams”.
The Yin Yang Theory was also started by the school and also the “Lo
Shu Square Theory”. Slowly and steadily the generation of feng shui
has started to move in rapid pace.
The compass school master for the first time introduced the time
dimensions. What it determined was, for a particular place, the
perfect timing of the work. The concept of “kua” number helped us to
determine which direction was lucky for us and it also used the
client’s birth date to figure out the most valuable energy.
During the latter part of the nineteenth century, the two different
schools as we know so far, the landscape feng shui school and the
compass feng shui school have joined in collaboration. Thus it
provided a much deeper knowledge and it gave the power of
determining the energy in any given area, be it school, college or
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home. Thus, feng shui has started to become even stronger than
Another type of feng shui is the feng shui of symbols and there is no
separate school for it. It is quite difficult and one needs to put a lot of
attention in this.
People generally become very much confused with this aspect of fengs
shui. The symbols of feng shui are known to us from a very long time,
it generally carries great traditions and it has got a very deep meaning
to it.
Here are many feng shui items we use in our house, so we are aware
of those items like with a piece of a red string the Chinese coins are
attached or the picture of a dragon or a toad with three legs. Not
every symbol suits us; there are some specific symbols which suits us
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Chapter 3:
Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom
We are all aware of the fact that feng shui can bring the significant
positive change in our life and especially when it comes to wealth and
financial life. Now you have to know how it can change our entire
financial condition in a positive way.
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As feng shui has become so popular all over the world, certain
symbols or paintings or charms when kept in our house can bring
good luck in our lives and can improve our financial conditions too
and we all are aware of that at the moment.
Feng shui has some other influences too, it is not only about keeping
certain things inside our house for improving our financial situation,
but feng shui can also be done in our wallet to improve our financial
status and we shall be discussing that in this in details. Feng shui
helps us to choose the appropriate kind of a wallet for us to help
improve the inflow of cash. So feng shui does increase our income.
We should choose a big wallet for us; it should be large enough to
hold many things such as money, coins and important papered
documents etc.
There should be a separate place for keeping all those things inside
the wallet itself.
According to feng shui, choosing an expensive wallet is not important
at all, we need to see when we are choosing a wallet for us, if it makes
us feel happy or not. There should be a good feeling about choosing
the wallet and that is very important.
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The good feeling should be such, every time we open our wallet there
should be a sense of good feeling, it should not be the case like we are
not feeling good showing our wallet to the public.
The wallet should not contain any kind of receipts as a receipt notifies
money being spent on something or other. So we should keep our
wallet free from any kind of receipt. We should clean our wallet quite
often, cleaning our wallet means we need to make sure we throw away
any kind of unwanted papers or receipts from the wallet, it is also
recommended that we should not carry many credit cards inside our
wallet and credit cards means borrowing money or loans.
We do not need to keep many cards inside our wallet, only the ones
we use in our daily lives should be kept inside and the rest should be
outside the wallet. It is better to keep the cards that we like with
ourselves all the time.
If we have a good and a prestigious credit card, it is recommended
that we should keep it in one safe place inside our wallet as every time
we look at it we do feel the sense of pride for being the owner of the
card or by looking at that card we feel good about our financial status.
We need to keep our wallet at a good place and the place should be
special, maybe in a place where we keep our shirts and trousers or our
coats, it could be near the keys of our cars as well. Keeping our wallet
in a basket just at the place where we enter also helps.
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This really boosts our financial freedom and it has been proved right
over the years. We will get attracted to our money more if we are
assured that it is in a secured place and no one will take it away.
When we return home after work during the evening, our wallet
should not be tossed on the kitchen table, we should always be aware
of where we keep our wallet, searching for the wallet when it is
required is not a good thing at all.
It creates and replicates negative vibes within us and that decreases
the level of our prosperity.
So it is very important that we should follow each and every rule of
feng shui regarding our wallet as that will surely enhance our
financial freedom, almost all over the world, there are plenty of
people who have tried these methods and have been rewarded, it is by
their experience we are actually coming to know about the good
effects. In life it is not all about working hard at the end of the day,
these small things can provide miracles.
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Chapter 4:
Feng Shui Tips to Help You Advance Your Career and Make
More Money
Now on this following passage we are going to discuss the details
about feng shui tips that can help you to advance in your career and
make good amount of money.
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese technique for a wealthy and
prosperous life. It actually detects if the surrounding environment is
good for you or not. Some people believe and some think it just a
Believers believe that feng shui can change your life totally. Positive qi
can make you successful. So many persons are there who practice
feng shui and popular also.
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Today every person wants money and wealth, success in career life,
harmony in our home, and love in relationships too. But due to huge
pressure and stress it can’t possible in some cases. So many people
work hard but can’t get that much success. When they become
unsuccessful and sad, really very sad, then they invite feng shui in
their lives.
Today we are talking about some feng shui tips that can really help
you in terms of career and money. You need to know about some tips.
Feng shui has many tips for career growth. Your home and your office
both should be have positive vibration. Your personal energy is
connected to both your residence and workplace.
Know your areas: Your career is directly connected to the North.
South is for reputation and fame. So as per feng shui The Northwest
will help attract helpful people in your professional life.
Position you’re bed and desk: Your personal energy will increase if
you use the positions told by feng shui. Always think positive to
increase your personal energy.
Feng shui tips for the office: Keeping the office neat and tidy is very
good because energy can flow freely. Don’t gather unnecessary things
in your office. Feng shui dragon or the horse can be used to increase
your success chances.
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Feng shui horse: The horse carries the energy of success, fame,
freedom and speed hence placing it in north is good for your career.
Fire element decor: use a décor related fire and place it in South,
Southwest, Center and Northeast areas. The East, Southeast, West,
Northwest and North areas are strongly recommended to avoid.
Feng shui dragon: The dragon is very powerful and auspicious in
traditional feng shui. It symbolizes strong male energy or yang. The
dragon claw is a symbol of wealth, power and a source of
opportunities. The golden dragon can be placed in East for wealth
and abundance.
Water element decor: A fountain is a great idea to bring the water
element in the office or home. It can be placed in the North, East and
Southeast but avoid Southwest, West, Northwest and Northeast
Classical Chinese feng shui money frogs: A three legged bull frog
holding too many coins in its mouth is very auspicious in terms of
wealth. It is believed to be the guardian of house wealth.
Fu dogs: These are also very popular wealth protectors.
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The feng shui money tree and Chinese coins money tree: Some bonsai
trees and a tree filled with hanging coins are also very good for
Chinese jade Buddha: This is a symbol of good luck and fortune. It is
great for career and money.
Besides these there are also many things that are helpful for your
career and money.
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Chapter 5:
What the Color of Your Wallet Says About Your Wealth
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese technique for a happy and prosperous
life. It is more than 3500 years old. Feng shui always guides you to
your prosperity. Everything affects our life, position of our house,
surrounding environment, nearest water body etc. Feng shui works
on qi. Qi is the main energy. Practitioners of feng shui believe that
what we wear, what color things we use also encourage positive or
negative qi. Positive qi helps in growth the same as negative qi creates
Certified Feng Shui training
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Your Wallet
Every person wants to have a wealthy and healthy life. Feng shui also
gives many tips to do so. Sometimes feng shui practitioners suggest to
break any door or move any furniture.
It is just done for attracting positive qi. Some people think that it is
only for wealthy people because doing architectural changes is not an
easy thing. But there is a cheap version also.
Practitioners give you tips on changing everyday items, colors in your
dressing, purses and shoes. It all done for positive vibrations.
We can have a wealthy life just putting some feng shui items in house
such as feng shui frogs, jade Buddhas, money trees. There is a smart
and cheap way also for a wealthy life--your wallet.
Yes your wallet can be the reason for your wealth. We heard many
times people say their wallet always remains empty though their
income is good and every day they put money in it.
Some people may say they are a big spender, so it happens. We
sometimes also hear about some people who don’t have much income
but they can get money in their wallet all the time. Now what are you
going to say? He’s a big saver! Feng shui has the answer, wallet color.
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Yes wallet color also can be the reason for your empty or full wallet.
Every person needs money but if you have a good income but can’t
hold that, it is a big problem. Same as those who don’t have and
always want money, more money.
Feng shui states that your wallet also needs good treatment. Wallets
are the home of your wealth and money, and they don’t like ill
treatment. Always put your wallet in a safe place when you are back
home, keep it clean also for positive qi.
We need some tips related to our wallet to always keep money in it.
Wallet color is not just a color it is the symbol of the owner’s nature
also. We are going to list some colors of wallets that really help you to
increase your qi or chee.
Black and blue: Black and blue are the colors of the water element.
It associates with the wealth trigram in the babua technique in feng
shui. Water is also linked with your money in feng shui. Especially
black color attracts money to your wallet. Every time you open it for
any purchase it evokes the feelings and attracts wealth.
Red: Red is the most auspicious and lucky color in feng shui. It
symbolizes the element fire. Some thought it’s a vibrant color for a
wallet. In that case they can carry a reddish black wallet. Though
some feng shui experts warn about having a red wallet may evoke the
fire element and make you a big spender.
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Green: It is the color of the wood element. It is also associated with
growth and positive qi of life. Green attracts wealth also. If you use
green you will get an ample option of opportunity. This color is very
lucky for that person who is related to business. It will increase their
idea and creativity.
Yellow, brown and beige: These are earth colors. These colors
give your wealth stability and help you save money. It also protects
your money. If you are big spender then a brown color wallet would
be the best option for you.
White, grey, silver or gold: These are metal element colors. These
colors also hold your wealth, make it stable and permanent. Gold is
always related with luxury. So now you know the fact that gold wallets
can give you a luxurious life.
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Chapter 6:
Meaning of Colors
Colors play a very crucial role in feng shui. Every color has its own
significance in feng shui. Now you should know what the meanings of
color in feng shui are.
Feng shui is the most natural and simplest way for making your life
better and colors have a great importance in it. Separate colors are
used for enhancing separate areas of your life.
Those colors are extremely powerful and can transform the looks of
your room instantly if used properly. Here we shall try to find out
meanings of colors in feng shui and which color can work best for
which area of your life.
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Colors create vibration. You may not already know but everything
around us has a life and vibrates on a set frequency for staying alive.
Same is true for colors. They also vibrate on their own respective
frequencies. You also may not be familiar with the fact that you’re
connected with your house in such a manner that both of you overlap
energy fields and colors also get attached to your life in the same way.
So it is very important to choose them properly.
In next few paragraphs we shall try to understand the meaning of
some main colors in feng shui. So please read on.
White color is the most important color in feng shui and it represents
the metal element. It is a symbol of innocence, spirituality, confidence
and hope, so it should be used in the rooms of your children and in
other creative areas. It is also a symbol of purity and cleanliness so it
can also be used in the bathroom.
Red color is a symbol of passion, excitement, power and expansion. It
represents the fire element in feng shui and is awesome for
transformation, love, romance, luxury and richness. You can use it in
your bedroom, kitchen, dining room and living room.
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Green represents the wood element in feng shui and it is a symbol of
peace, purification and new beginning. So the best place to use green
colors is a bathroom.
Blue color represents the water element and is a symbol of clarity,
renewal, relaxation, inspiration and nobility. Just like green, it is also
a best choice for bathrooms.
Like red, yellow is also a representative of the fire element. It is a
symbol of abundance, prosperity, love and relationships. Best places
for this color are the living room, kitchen, bedroom and dining room.
Purple color represents dignity, nobility and abundance. It is also
often linked to spirituality. It is one of the best feng shui colors for
abundance and prosperity. You may use its lighter versions like violet
and lavender for creating a very romantic bedroom.
Like blue, black color also represents the water element. It is a symbol
of power, modernity, elegance and sophistication. It is best to use it as
an accessory color instead of using as a main color.
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Now you have got an enough idea of which shades are used for which
areas in feng shui. You may use slighter variations of these colors for
creating more shades if you are willing to design your home in a more
attractive look.
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Chapter 7:
Use the Feng Shui Five-Element Color Cycle to Change
Your Life
If you want to take advantage of feng shui in your life then colors are
the simplest way to do so. Colors can be extremely powerful because
they bring the expression of light to the life. Too many offices starve
for light and decrease the amount of productivity from human lives. A
strange thing is that people do not come to know that they can bring
their productivity and cheerfulness by changing colors of their
The most basic color principle of feng shui is known as the ‘Five
Elements Color Cycle’. This principle makes use of five feng shui
elements in a proper way for achieving desired results.
You may or may not know but the five elements of feng shui are
Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. All these elements interact with
each other in a certain way and create two types of cycles –
productive cycles and destructive cycles.
Certified Feng Shui training
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Color Cycle
If we use colors in our surroundings according to productive cycle
then we may get a cheerful and powerful experience in our life. On the
other hand, if we make mistakes in choosing colors according to
productive cycles the negative energies may hurt your productivity
Every feng shui element is represented by a specific color. Given
below are colors correspondent to the each element:
 Wood: Brown and Green
 Fire: Red, Orange, Strong Yellow, Purple and Pink
 Earth: Light Brown, Sandy and Light Yellow
 Metal: Grey and White
 Water: Black and Blue
Understanding the perfect way of using colors to balance the energy
of your home is a quite complex topic, but as you may assume, there
are always basics to everything. The right placement of feng shui
colors is defined by using bagua. Bagua stands for the feng shui
energy map of your home or office.
The energy of South seng shui bagua area relates to your reputation
and fame. In simple words, that area relates to Light because fame
and reputation have good relationship with light. And light comes
from Fire. So the southern area of your space relates to the Fire
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element. It means that you should use only Red, Orange, Yellow,
Purple and Pink colors in that area. Any other colors including Blue,
Green and so on shouldn’t be used.
Similarly, Green color is just fantastic for improving health of every
family member when used in the East feng shui bagua area. Blue
color in the North bagua area is a good choice for career growth. On
the other hand, blue color in southern or eastern area is good for
wealth and money. Placement of some strong yellow color in the
southern area is excellent for good times and happy gatherings. Pure
white color in the West bagua area will work extremely well for
supporting all other elements and for increasing creativity in the
One more thing should be remembered while choosing these settings.
You should check the lighting conditions of your home throughout
the day before doing these placements. Will your chosen colors look
brighter in morning? How are they going to look like in the artificial
lighting of night? So check out the lighting conditions first and then
choose a pattern according to these settings.
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Chapter 8:
Meaning of Symbols
Symbols have been used in feng shui from a long time for numerous
purposes. Some symbols are very well known like a tortoise as a
symbol of protection and stability or mandarin ducks as a symbol of
love and marriage.
However, some are less known like bats and chi lins. This list of feng
shui symbols will surely help you out in understanding more about
these symbols.
Before I start mentioning things about symbols, I want to tell you that
there’s a very subtle line between “feng shui cures” and “feng shui
symbols” because symbols are used as cures in feng shui. Now it’s
time to proceed to the list.
Certified Feng Shui training
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Flowers add energy of grace and beauty to the homes. They also
provide numerous blessings, flourishing and good luck to any home.
Placing real flowers in the home is always a best idea for bringing the
strong healing energy but high quality silk flowers and images of
flowers are also used in feng shui.
The most common use of Butterfly symbol is for love and romance
because it is the only thing that gives you the feeling of flying.
However, it is also used for representing freedom.
As you may expect, horses as a symbol in feng shui represent speed,
fame, success and freedom. That’s why they’re often used either in the
fame bagua area (southern area) or in the career bagua area
(northern area) of living space.
Humans have looked at birds from the very beginning of life. A bird
represents freedom, inspiration and unity with divine. And yes,
specific birds may have specific symbols because every bird has its
own distinctive and unique qualities.
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Fruits represent the energy of fruition. They are used as symbols of
prosperity, wealth, longevity, fertility etc. Of course, specific fruits
have specific symbols.
Fishes are also used as a symbol of wealth and the most famous fish
for this purpose is Arrowana or Dragon Fish. But the problem with
them is that purest Arrowanas cost quite expensive to the buyer. So
normally people use Koi or Golden Fish for the same purpose and
they work as effectively as an Arrowana. 8 or 9 fishes work fine for an
aquarium and it is great if one of them is black.’
Mystic Knot
This is one of the often used but less known symbols in feng shui. It
represents a longer life full of happiness and fortune.
When you have a very busy lifestyle, it’s always a good choice to place
this symbol of peace in your home for balancing the effect of active
Fu Dogs
Fu Dogs are a strong symbol of protection and that’s why they’re
often placed in front of Temples, Government Offices and Imperial
Places. They also used to be a symbol of social status and family
wealth and were placed in front of wealthy homes.
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Dragon is a symbol of wealth, power, opportunities and strong Yang male
energy. It doesn’t require any special place and having a feng shui dragon in
almost any part of your home is auspicious.
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Chapter 9:
Decorating Tips for Wealth
If said in one line then feng shui has a great connection with wealth.
Although it isn’t going to make you a millionaire even if you don’t do
your best for achieving your goals, still it can prove to be very helpful
in creating an environment that is required for success. It can drive
positive energies for increasing your desire of working hard and can
also help in increasing the confidence. So you can say that you will
end up being successful if you use some best feng shui practices for
In this chapter we’ll study about some best feng shui practices which
increase the amount of positive energies around us for increasing our
wealth. These best practices also do not require an entire overhaul of
your home and require only a small decoration. You can apply these
practices in both places whether it is your home or is your office. The
decoration will also look pretty amazing in your home, so let’s get
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 First of all keep your home and office free from clutter.
 Use symbols in the environment which indicated towards
wealth and prosperity.
 Decorate your workplace and home with a feng shui aquarium.
 Take good care of your feng shui money area and keep it clean
and clear.
 Use feng shui crystals and essential oils for increasing the
amount of positive energies in your surroundings. Citrine
crystal is the most widely known crystal for wealth in feng shui.
You can place feng shui gem tree constructed of citrine crystal
in your money area for best results or you can also use it in your
 Pyrite which is also known as “sun mineral” is also considered
as a very good thing in feng shui for attracting wealth. It works
especially well when placed in the southern bagua area of your
home or workplace.
 Don’t forget about essential oils too. They can energize the
environment and can fortify the amount of chi in your
surroundings. More chi in the environment attracts more
 High oxygen levels are also important for progress and growth.
Place some good feng shui plants in your home and office which
clean the air and help in maintaining higher oxygen levels.
- 38 -
 Fountains are the most powerful symbol of wealth and power in
feng shui. They increase the amount of fresh chi so it will be
better if you have them in your home and office.
 Since water is a symbol of wealth, images of floating water,
waterfalls, seas and rivers etc. work especially well for
increasing the amount of positive energies. You can place them
as sceneries in your office and home.
 Ensure that you have a strong feng shui main door.
 Ensure that you have a fine flow of chi in your surroundings.
So these were some feng shui decorating tips for increasing wealth.
Now it’s time for a fascinating fact. Did you know that a lot of
millionaires in some Asian areas don’t sell their houses where they
used to live while accumulating wealth and money? Yep, they don’t
sell and keep them because they know the feng shui power of space.
They keep them as a symbol of wealth and luck.
- 39 -
Wrapping Up
Decorating Tips for Happiness
If you follow some good practices of feng shui then finding happiness
is not a very hard task. Feng shui says that if you’re not having the full
joy then chi isn’t flowing in the right direction in your home. The
good news is that you can bring even more happiness and fun to your
life by improving the flow of positive and beneficial energy. In this
section I’m going to recommend some tips for increasing the amount
of happiness in your home through feng shui.
Make sure your house is free of clutter
The first and most basic thing to do is to ensure that your house is
clean and is free of clutter. Energy may not be retained in your home
if it is filled with clutter and often it may also transform into stagnant
energy. If you have stagnant energy in your surroundings, then surely
your body will also become stagnant.
Focus on the abundance and creativity areas of your feng
shui bagua
The key of happiness lies in these two areas of bagua. Abundance
doesn’t only mean wealth; but it also means prosperity, happiness
and peace. Now comes the creativity area, so you should know already
that creativity is the key to creation. Whether you are cooking meal,
composing music, creating art or are doing something else,
Certified Feng Shui training
- 40 -
everything begins from creativity. So if family members have enough
creativity then they will be able to complete tasks in a more intuitive
manner. All these things will lead to a happy life.
Make the environment around you more playful
Maybe you don’t know, but your house communicates with your mind
24x7. It should look like a mirror of your future if you want to live a
happy life. Every person sees some dreams for his/her future, and if
we live with those dreams, we’ll be able to live cheerfully. Place some
toys, some funny and vibrant colors in your home. May be a medium-
sized statue of Mickey Mouse!
Incorporate some moving objects in the environment
Moving objects like wind chimes, mobiles and fountains increase the
amount of positive energy in the home. They also help in changing the
flow of chi towards the right direction. A wind chime on your front
door will be nice selection.
Allow some sunlight in your home
Your rooms may look pretty stylish and well furnished with good
furniture and expensive items. They may look so well furnished, but I
bet that you won’t be able to live a very happy life if you haven’t
allowed sunlight in your home. Humans require sunlight and
researches have also said that exposure to sunlight at least for 10
minutes is mandatory for every person on a daily basis. It is a factor
that affects health, and in feng shui it also affects happiness.
- 41 -
Allow some air
I know that you will be feeling very comfortable in your tightly-
packed air conditioned rooms, but for the sake of your happiness it
will be better if you open some windows and allow the flow of fresh
air. It is good for health, and also for happiness. After all, only a
healthy person can live happily!
Certified Feng Shui training

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  • 2. - 2 - Terms and Conditions LEGAL NOTICE The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.
  • 3. - 3 - Table Of Contents Foreword Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Where Did Feng Shui Start Chapter 3: Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom Chapter 4: Feng Shui Tips to Help You Advance Your Career and Make More Money Chapter 5: What the Color of Your Wallet Says About Your Wealth Chapter 6: Meaning of Colors Chapter 7: Use the Feng Shui Five-Element Color Cycle to Change Your Life Chapter 8 Meaning of Symbols Chapter9 Decorating Tips for Wealth Wrapping Up Decorating Tips for Happiness
  • 4. - 4 - Foreword Wind and water combines as feng shui. It is an ancient Chinese method to find the most suitable locations for a blessed life. Yes, we are all blessed by god and all we need a fine location to stay because a good living place will always give you the positive energy which is really required to get success in your life. Get all the info you need here. Feng Shui Fortunes How To Develop Financial Freedom And Life Long Happiness! E Certified Feng Sui training HERE
  • 5. - 5 - Chapter 1: Introduction Synopsis Now you might be wondering how feng shui can help you. Well it can help you in different ways and here I am going to show you how. Feng shui can help in selecting the most suitable and fruitful location for you. This Chinese system of geomancy believed one can improve life by receiving positive qi. It uses the laws of both Heaven (Chinese astronomy) and Earth. Feng shui was widely used to orient buildings, and other structures, for example tombs—spiritual structures. It started losing its popularity during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1960. But since then its popularity is growing day by day.
  • 6. - 6 - The Basics As per The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience feng shui is a combination of folk remedies, rational remedies and superstitions. Now it is important to know some background history about feng shui. The culture period of Yangshao and Hongshan was the main rising time of feng shui. All believed that feng shui is older than the magnetic compass. Feng shui is more than 3500 years old and the Chinese star map has actually proved this very fact. It has Dragon and Tiger asterisms and also Beidou the Big Dipper, also known as the Ladle or Bushel. It was situated through the north-south pole. It was found in a 4000 BC old grave at Puyang. Today feng shui is practiced to build a suitable environment for human with good qi. Three main things dominate feng shui they are: 1) Qi (ch'i): Qi(氣) is chee in English. It is a movable positive or negative life force. It plays the main role in feng shui. As per the book of Burial they take advantages of vital qi. Wu Yuanyin of Qing dynasty said that it was congealed qi. This qi engenders life.
  • 7. - 7 - 2) Polarity: it depends upon the Yin and Yang Theory. It is similar to a magnetic dipole. The work of Yang is acting and Yin receiving. Metal, earth, fire, water, and wood are considered as five primary elements. Chinese medicine, also work, depends on Yang and Yin. 3) Bagua (eight trigrams): In feng shui two diagrams known as bagua (or pa kua) loom large. They both predate their mentions in the Yijing (or I Ching). As per Yaodian the cardinal directions are determined by the mega-constellations’ marker-stars, known as the Four Celestial Animals. East: The Blue Dragon (spring equinox) is Niao (Bird 鳥), α Scorpionis West: The White Tiger (autumn equinox) is Mǎo (Hair 昴), η Tauri (the Pleiades) North: The Dark Turtle (winter solstice) is Xū (Emptiness, Void 虛), α Aquarii, β Aquarii South: The Red Phoenix (summer solstice) is Huo (Fire 火), α Hydrae There are three main schools are in Feng shui
  • 8. - 8 - 1) Form school: here focuses on the surrounding landscapes such as hill, water, and body. 2) Compass school: here the style is oriented on eight points of the compass. 3) Black hat sect school: This is a modern version of feng shui. It developed in the USA as a hybrid of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a combination of Taoism and traditional feng shui. This type of feng shui works upon the direction of the Front Door. Traditional feng shui relies upon the compass for accurate readings. Modern day feng shui has become popular. Nowadays, you will get wealthy and cheap versions available on the market. It is so popular today that Master Aaron Lee Koch of New York, USA, established an award upon feng shui.
  • 9. - 9 - Chapter 2: Where Did Feng Shui Start Synopsis You have already got to know that China is the birthplace of feng shui and you know some basic facts about feng shui but do you know the entire history of feng shui? Well, now it is time to know about the rich history behind the ancient Chinese art feng shui. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 10. - 10 - Where Did Feng Shui Start? Feng shui has become immensely popular all over the globe in the modern times. Especially in China, feng shui has become very popular. We need to go deep down into the history to figure out how exactly feng shui has started and why it has changed the life of so many people and where does the real secret lie? We are going to discuss everything in details. Feng shui has started or rather it was invented many years ago, it was since the Tang Dynasty it was actually started. Master Yang Sung Sang is the most respected man in the history of feng shui. He was the one who invented feng shui. So the people who follow feng shui should be indebted to him. It was from him everything has started. In his site, the dragon had the most important significance and there are other symbols such as hills, valleys and various water bodies. Some particular areas on earth had some vital energies or what we call chi, it was told that chi found the dragon and all those things which were formed naturally on earth were symbolized with various shapes of animals such as a green colored dragon or white colored tiger. Feng shui is certainly very interesting and produce great effects in our lives and the effects are definitely positives if it is used or handled properly. Nowadays, it is not only followed in China, it is followed all over the world too.
  • 11. - 11 - Then it was about one century later, during the time of the Song Dynasty, the compass feng shui school which is a different feng shui school from the previous one, slowly and gradually, started to become very popular and well accepted by the people in the society. It was during this dynasty, Wang Chih who was another master of feng shui started teaching feng shui. The work in this school was basically based on the directions where the compass pointed to and the eight sided symbol created by the baqua was arranged by the “I ching trigrams”. The Yin Yang Theory was also started by the school and also the “Lo Shu Square Theory”. Slowly and steadily the generation of feng shui has started to move in rapid pace. The compass school master for the first time introduced the time dimensions. What it determined was, for a particular place, the perfect timing of the work. The concept of “kua” number helped us to determine which direction was lucky for us and it also used the client’s birth date to figure out the most valuable energy. During the latter part of the nineteenth century, the two different schools as we know so far, the landscape feng shui school and the compass feng shui school have joined in collaboration. Thus it provided a much deeper knowledge and it gave the power of determining the energy in any given area, be it school, college or
  • 12. - 12 - home. Thus, feng shui has started to become even stronger than before. Another type of feng shui is the feng shui of symbols and there is no separate school for it. It is quite difficult and one needs to put a lot of attention in this. People generally become very much confused with this aspect of fengs shui. The symbols of feng shui are known to us from a very long time, it generally carries great traditions and it has got a very deep meaning to it. Here are many feng shui items we use in our house, so we are aware of those items like with a piece of a red string the Chinese coins are attached or the picture of a dragon or a toad with three legs. Not every symbol suits us; there are some specific symbols which suits us best.
  • 13. - 13 - Chapter 3: Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial Freedom Synopsis We are all aware of the fact that feng shui can bring the significant positive change in our life and especially when it comes to wealth and financial life. Now you have to know how it can change our entire financial condition in a positive way. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 14. - 14 - Finances As feng shui has become so popular all over the world, certain symbols or paintings or charms when kept in our house can bring good luck in our lives and can improve our financial conditions too and we all are aware of that at the moment. Feng shui has some other influences too, it is not only about keeping certain things inside our house for improving our financial situation, but feng shui can also be done in our wallet to improve our financial status and we shall be discussing that in this in details. Feng shui helps us to choose the appropriate kind of a wallet for us to help improve the inflow of cash. So feng shui does increase our income. We should choose a big wallet for us; it should be large enough to hold many things such as money, coins and important papered documents etc. There should be a separate place for keeping all those things inside the wallet itself. According to feng shui, choosing an expensive wallet is not important at all, we need to see when we are choosing a wallet for us, if it makes us feel happy or not. There should be a good feeling about choosing the wallet and that is very important.
  • 15. - 15 - The good feeling should be such, every time we open our wallet there should be a sense of good feeling, it should not be the case like we are not feeling good showing our wallet to the public. The wallet should not contain any kind of receipts as a receipt notifies money being spent on something or other. So we should keep our wallet free from any kind of receipt. We should clean our wallet quite often, cleaning our wallet means we need to make sure we throw away any kind of unwanted papers or receipts from the wallet, it is also recommended that we should not carry many credit cards inside our wallet and credit cards means borrowing money or loans. We do not need to keep many cards inside our wallet, only the ones we use in our daily lives should be kept inside and the rest should be outside the wallet. It is better to keep the cards that we like with ourselves all the time. If we have a good and a prestigious credit card, it is recommended that we should keep it in one safe place inside our wallet as every time we look at it we do feel the sense of pride for being the owner of the card or by looking at that card we feel good about our financial status. We need to keep our wallet at a good place and the place should be special, maybe in a place where we keep our shirts and trousers or our coats, it could be near the keys of our cars as well. Keeping our wallet in a basket just at the place where we enter also helps.
  • 16. - 16 - This really boosts our financial freedom and it has been proved right over the years. We will get attracted to our money more if we are assured that it is in a secured place and no one will take it away. When we return home after work during the evening, our wallet should not be tossed on the kitchen table, we should always be aware of where we keep our wallet, searching for the wallet when it is required is not a good thing at all. It creates and replicates negative vibes within us and that decreases the level of our prosperity. So it is very important that we should follow each and every rule of feng shui regarding our wallet as that will surely enhance our financial freedom, almost all over the world, there are plenty of people who have tried these methods and have been rewarded, it is by their experience we are actually coming to know about the good effects. In life it is not all about working hard at the end of the day, these small things can provide miracles.
  • 17. - 17 - Chapter 4: Feng Shui Tips to Help You Advance Your Career and Make More Money Synopsis Now on this following passage we are going to discuss the details about feng shui tips that can help you to advance in your career and make good amount of money. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese technique for a wealthy and prosperous life. It actually detects if the surrounding environment is good for you or not. Some people believe and some think it just a superstition. Believers believe that feng shui can change your life totally. Positive qi can make you successful. So many persons are there who practice feng shui and popular also. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 18. - 18 - Career Today every person wants money and wealth, success in career life, harmony in our home, and love in relationships too. But due to huge pressure and stress it can’t possible in some cases. So many people work hard but can’t get that much success. When they become unsuccessful and sad, really very sad, then they invite feng shui in their lives. Today we are talking about some feng shui tips that can really help you in terms of career and money. You need to know about some tips. Feng shui has many tips for career growth. Your home and your office both should be have positive vibration. Your personal energy is connected to both your residence and workplace. Know your areas: Your career is directly connected to the North. South is for reputation and fame. So as per feng shui The Northwest will help attract helpful people in your professional life. Position you’re bed and desk: Your personal energy will increase if you use the positions told by feng shui. Always think positive to increase your personal energy. Feng shui tips for the office: Keeping the office neat and tidy is very good because energy can flow freely. Don’t gather unnecessary things in your office. Feng shui dragon or the horse can be used to increase your success chances.
  • 19. - 19 - Feng shui horse: The horse carries the energy of success, fame, freedom and speed hence placing it in north is good for your career. Fire element decor: use a décor related fire and place it in South, Southwest, Center and Northeast areas. The East, Southeast, West, Northwest and North areas are strongly recommended to avoid. Feng shui dragon: The dragon is very powerful and auspicious in traditional feng shui. It symbolizes strong male energy or yang. The dragon claw is a symbol of wealth, power and a source of opportunities. The golden dragon can be placed in East for wealth and abundance. Water element decor: A fountain is a great idea to bring the water element in the office or home. It can be placed in the North, East and Southeast but avoid Southwest, West, Northwest and Northeast areas. Classical Chinese feng shui money frogs: A three legged bull frog holding too many coins in its mouth is very auspicious in terms of wealth. It is believed to be the guardian of house wealth. Fu dogs: These are also very popular wealth protectors.
  • 20. - 20 - The feng shui money tree and Chinese coins money tree: Some bonsai trees and a tree filled with hanging coins are also very good for wealth. Chinese jade Buddha: This is a symbol of good luck and fortune. It is great for career and money. Besides these there are also many things that are helpful for your career and money.
  • 21. - 21 - Chapter 5: What the Color of Your Wallet Says About Your Wealth Synopsis Feng shui is an ancient Chinese technique for a happy and prosperous life. It is more than 3500 years old. Feng shui always guides you to your prosperity. Everything affects our life, position of our house, surrounding environment, nearest water body etc. Feng shui works on qi. Qi is the main energy. Practitioners of feng shui believe that what we wear, what color things we use also encourage positive or negative qi. Positive qi helps in growth the same as negative qi creates obstacles. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 22. - 22 - Your Wallet Every person wants to have a wealthy and healthy life. Feng shui also gives many tips to do so. Sometimes feng shui practitioners suggest to break any door or move any furniture. It is just done for attracting positive qi. Some people think that it is only for wealthy people because doing architectural changes is not an easy thing. But there is a cheap version also. Practitioners give you tips on changing everyday items, colors in your dressing, purses and shoes. It all done for positive vibrations. We can have a wealthy life just putting some feng shui items in house such as feng shui frogs, jade Buddhas, money trees. There is a smart and cheap way also for a wealthy life--your wallet. Yes your wallet can be the reason for your wealth. We heard many times people say their wallet always remains empty though their income is good and every day they put money in it. Some people may say they are a big spender, so it happens. We sometimes also hear about some people who don’t have much income but they can get money in their wallet all the time. Now what are you going to say? He’s a big saver! Feng shui has the answer, wallet color.
  • 23. - 23 - Yes wallet color also can be the reason for your empty or full wallet. Every person needs money but if you have a good income but can’t hold that, it is a big problem. Same as those who don’t have and always want money, more money. Feng shui states that your wallet also needs good treatment. Wallets are the home of your wealth and money, and they don’t like ill treatment. Always put your wallet in a safe place when you are back home, keep it clean also for positive qi. We need some tips related to our wallet to always keep money in it. Wallet color is not just a color it is the symbol of the owner’s nature also. We are going to list some colors of wallets that really help you to increase your qi or chee. Black and blue: Black and blue are the colors of the water element. It associates with the wealth trigram in the babua technique in feng shui. Water is also linked with your money in feng shui. Especially black color attracts money to your wallet. Every time you open it for any purchase it evokes the feelings and attracts wealth. Red: Red is the most auspicious and lucky color in feng shui. It symbolizes the element fire. Some thought it’s a vibrant color for a wallet. In that case they can carry a reddish black wallet. Though some feng shui experts warn about having a red wallet may evoke the fire element and make you a big spender.
  • 24. - 24 - Green: It is the color of the wood element. It is also associated with growth and positive qi of life. Green attracts wealth also. If you use green you will get an ample option of opportunity. This color is very lucky for that person who is related to business. It will increase their idea and creativity. Yellow, brown and beige: These are earth colors. These colors give your wealth stability and help you save money. It also protects your money. If you are big spender then a brown color wallet would be the best option for you. White, grey, silver or gold: These are metal element colors. These colors also hold your wealth, make it stable and permanent. Gold is always related with luxury. So now you know the fact that gold wallets can give you a luxurious life.
  • 25. - 25 - Chapter 6: Meaning of Colors Synopsis Colors play a very crucial role in feng shui. Every color has its own significance in feng shui. Now you should know what the meanings of color in feng shui are. Feng shui is the most natural and simplest way for making your life better and colors have a great importance in it. Separate colors are used for enhancing separate areas of your life. Those colors are extremely powerful and can transform the looks of your room instantly if used properly. Here we shall try to find out meanings of colors in feng shui and which color can work best for which area of your life. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 26. - 26 - Colors Colors create vibration. You may not already know but everything around us has a life and vibrates on a set frequency for staying alive. Same is true for colors. They also vibrate on their own respective frequencies. You also may not be familiar with the fact that you’re connected with your house in such a manner that both of you overlap energy fields and colors also get attached to your life in the same way. So it is very important to choose them properly. In next few paragraphs we shall try to understand the meaning of some main colors in feng shui. So please read on. White White color is the most important color in feng shui and it represents the metal element. It is a symbol of innocence, spirituality, confidence and hope, so it should be used in the rooms of your children and in other creative areas. It is also a symbol of purity and cleanliness so it can also be used in the bathroom. Red Red color is a symbol of passion, excitement, power and expansion. It represents the fire element in feng shui and is awesome for transformation, love, romance, luxury and richness. You can use it in your bedroom, kitchen, dining room and living room. Green
  • 27. - 27 - Green represents the wood element in feng shui and it is a symbol of peace, purification and new beginning. So the best place to use green colors is a bathroom. Blue Blue color represents the water element and is a symbol of clarity, renewal, relaxation, inspiration and nobility. Just like green, it is also a best choice for bathrooms. Yellow Like red, yellow is also a representative of the fire element. It is a symbol of abundance, prosperity, love and relationships. Best places for this color are the living room, kitchen, bedroom and dining room. Purple Purple color represents dignity, nobility and abundance. It is also often linked to spirituality. It is one of the best feng shui colors for abundance and prosperity. You may use its lighter versions like violet and lavender for creating a very romantic bedroom. Black Like blue, black color also represents the water element. It is a symbol of power, modernity, elegance and sophistication. It is best to use it as an accessory color instead of using as a main color.
  • 28. - 28 - Now you have got an enough idea of which shades are used for which areas in feng shui. You may use slighter variations of these colors for creating more shades if you are willing to design your home in a more attractive look.
  • 29. - 29 - Chapter 7: Use the Feng Shui Five-Element Color Cycle to Change Your Life Synopsis If you want to take advantage of feng shui in your life then colors are the simplest way to do so. Colors can be extremely powerful because they bring the expression of light to the life. Too many offices starve for light and decrease the amount of productivity from human lives. A strange thing is that people do not come to know that they can bring their productivity and cheerfulness by changing colors of their surroundings. The most basic color principle of feng shui is known as the ‘Five Elements Color Cycle’. This principle makes use of five feng shui elements in a proper way for achieving desired results. You may or may not know but the five elements of feng shui are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. All these elements interact with each other in a certain way and create two types of cycles – productive cycles and destructive cycles. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 30. - 30 - Color Cycle If we use colors in our surroundings according to productive cycle then we may get a cheerful and powerful experience in our life. On the other hand, if we make mistakes in choosing colors according to productive cycles the negative energies may hurt your productivity badly. Every feng shui element is represented by a specific color. Given below are colors correspondent to the each element:  Wood: Brown and Green  Fire: Red, Orange, Strong Yellow, Purple and Pink  Earth: Light Brown, Sandy and Light Yellow  Metal: Grey and White  Water: Black and Blue Understanding the perfect way of using colors to balance the energy of your home is a quite complex topic, but as you may assume, there are always basics to everything. The right placement of feng shui colors is defined by using bagua. Bagua stands for the feng shui energy map of your home or office. The energy of South seng shui bagua area relates to your reputation and fame. In simple words, that area relates to Light because fame and reputation have good relationship with light. And light comes from Fire. So the southern area of your space relates to the Fire
  • 31. - 31 - element. It means that you should use only Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple and Pink colors in that area. Any other colors including Blue, Green and so on shouldn’t be used. Similarly, Green color is just fantastic for improving health of every family member when used in the East feng shui bagua area. Blue color in the North bagua area is a good choice for career growth. On the other hand, blue color in southern or eastern area is good for wealth and money. Placement of some strong yellow color in the southern area is excellent for good times and happy gatherings. Pure white color in the West bagua area will work extremely well for supporting all other elements and for increasing creativity in the members. One more thing should be remembered while choosing these settings. You should check the lighting conditions of your home throughout the day before doing these placements. Will your chosen colors look brighter in morning? How are they going to look like in the artificial lighting of night? So check out the lighting conditions first and then choose a pattern according to these settings.
  • 32. - 32 - Chapter 8: Meaning of Symbols Synopsis Symbols have been used in feng shui from a long time for numerous purposes. Some symbols are very well known like a tortoise as a symbol of protection and stability or mandarin ducks as a symbol of love and marriage. However, some are less known like bats and chi lins. This list of feng shui symbols will surely help you out in understanding more about these symbols. Before I start mentioning things about symbols, I want to tell you that there’s a very subtle line between “feng shui cures” and “feng shui symbols” because symbols are used as cures in feng shui. Now it’s time to proceed to the list. Certified Feng Shui training
  • 33. - 33 - Symbols Flowers Flowers add energy of grace and beauty to the homes. They also provide numerous blessings, flourishing and good luck to any home. Placing real flowers in the home is always a best idea for bringing the strong healing energy but high quality silk flowers and images of flowers are also used in feng shui. Butterflies The most common use of Butterfly symbol is for love and romance because it is the only thing that gives you the feeling of flying. However, it is also used for representing freedom. Horses As you may expect, horses as a symbol in feng shui represent speed, fame, success and freedom. That’s why they’re often used either in the fame bagua area (southern area) or in the career bagua area (northern area) of living space. Birds Humans have looked at birds from the very beginning of life. A bird represents freedom, inspiration and unity with divine. And yes, specific birds may have specific symbols because every bird has its own distinctive and unique qualities. Fruits
  • 34. - 34 - Fruits represent the energy of fruition. They are used as symbols of prosperity, wealth, longevity, fertility etc. Of course, specific fruits have specific symbols. Fishes/Aquarium Fishes are also used as a symbol of wealth and the most famous fish for this purpose is Arrowana or Dragon Fish. But the problem with them is that purest Arrowanas cost quite expensive to the buyer. So normally people use Koi or Golden Fish for the same purpose and they work as effectively as an Arrowana. 8 or 9 fishes work fine for an aquarium and it is great if one of them is black.’ Mystic Knot This is one of the often used but less known symbols in feng shui. It represents a longer life full of happiness and fortune. Buddha When you have a very busy lifestyle, it’s always a good choice to place this symbol of peace in your home for balancing the effect of active energies. Fu Dogs Fu Dogs are a strong symbol of protection and that’s why they’re often placed in front of Temples, Government Offices and Imperial Places. They also used to be a symbol of social status and family wealth and were placed in front of wealthy homes.
  • 35. - 35 - Dragon Dragon is a symbol of wealth, power, opportunities and strong Yang male energy. It doesn’t require any special place and having a feng shui dragon in almost any part of your home is auspicious.
  • 36. - 36 - Chapter 9: Decorating Tips for Wealth Synopsis If said in one line then feng shui has a great connection with wealth. Although it isn’t going to make you a millionaire even if you don’t do your best for achieving your goals, still it can prove to be very helpful in creating an environment that is required for success. It can drive positive energies for increasing your desire of working hard and can also help in increasing the confidence. So you can say that you will end up being successful if you use some best feng shui practices for wealth. In this chapter we’ll study about some best feng shui practices which increase the amount of positive energies around us for increasing our wealth. These best practices also do not require an entire overhaul of your home and require only a small decoration. You can apply these practices in both places whether it is your home or is your office. The decoration will also look pretty amazing in your home, so let’s get started: Certified Feng Shui training
  • 37. - 37 - Decorating  First of all keep your home and office free from clutter.  Use symbols in the environment which indicated towards wealth and prosperity.  Decorate your workplace and home with a feng shui aquarium.  Take good care of your feng shui money area and keep it clean and clear.  Use feng shui crystals and essential oils for increasing the amount of positive energies in your surroundings. Citrine crystal is the most widely known crystal for wealth in feng shui. You can place feng shui gem tree constructed of citrine crystal in your money area for best results or you can also use it in your jewelry.  Pyrite which is also known as “sun mineral” is also considered as a very good thing in feng shui for attracting wealth. It works especially well when placed in the southern bagua area of your home or workplace.  Don’t forget about essential oils too. They can energize the environment and can fortify the amount of chi in your surroundings. More chi in the environment attracts more wealth.  High oxygen levels are also important for progress and growth. Place some good feng shui plants in your home and office which clean the air and help in maintaining higher oxygen levels.
  • 38. - 38 -  Fountains are the most powerful symbol of wealth and power in feng shui. They increase the amount of fresh chi so it will be better if you have them in your home and office.  Since water is a symbol of wealth, images of floating water, waterfalls, seas and rivers etc. work especially well for increasing the amount of positive energies. You can place them as sceneries in your office and home.  Ensure that you have a strong feng shui main door.  Ensure that you have a fine flow of chi in your surroundings. So these were some feng shui decorating tips for increasing wealth. Now it’s time for a fascinating fact. Did you know that a lot of millionaires in some Asian areas don’t sell their houses where they used to live while accumulating wealth and money? Yep, they don’t sell and keep them because they know the feng shui power of space. They keep them as a symbol of wealth and luck.
  • 39. - 39 - Wrapping Up Decorating Tips for Happiness If you follow some good practices of feng shui then finding happiness is not a very hard task. Feng shui says that if you’re not having the full joy then chi isn’t flowing in the right direction in your home. The good news is that you can bring even more happiness and fun to your life by improving the flow of positive and beneficial energy. In this section I’m going to recommend some tips for increasing the amount of happiness in your home through feng shui. Make sure your house is free of clutter The first and most basic thing to do is to ensure that your house is clean and is free of clutter. Energy may not be retained in your home if it is filled with clutter and often it may also transform into stagnant energy. If you have stagnant energy in your surroundings, then surely your body will also become stagnant. Focus on the abundance and creativity areas of your feng shui bagua The key of happiness lies in these two areas of bagua. Abundance doesn’t only mean wealth; but it also means prosperity, happiness and peace. Now comes the creativity area, so you should know already that creativity is the key to creation. Whether you are cooking meal, composing music, creating art or are doing something else, Certified Feng Shui training
  • 40. - 40 - everything begins from creativity. So if family members have enough creativity then they will be able to complete tasks in a more intuitive manner. All these things will lead to a happy life. Make the environment around you more playful Maybe you don’t know, but your house communicates with your mind 24x7. It should look like a mirror of your future if you want to live a happy life. Every person sees some dreams for his/her future, and if we live with those dreams, we’ll be able to live cheerfully. Place some toys, some funny and vibrant colors in your home. May be a medium- sized statue of Mickey Mouse! Incorporate some moving objects in the environment Moving objects like wind chimes, mobiles and fountains increase the amount of positive energy in the home. They also help in changing the flow of chi towards the right direction. A wind chime on your front door will be nice selection. Allow some sunlight in your home Your rooms may look pretty stylish and well furnished with good furniture and expensive items. They may look so well furnished, but I bet that you won’t be able to live a very happy life if you haven’t allowed sunlight in your home. Humans require sunlight and researches have also said that exposure to sunlight at least for 10 minutes is mandatory for every person on a daily basis. It is a factor that affects health, and in feng shui it also affects happiness.
  • 41. - 41 - Allow some air I know that you will be feeling very comfortable in your tightly- packed air conditioned rooms, but for the sake of your happiness it will be better if you open some windows and allow the flow of fresh air. It is good for health, and also for happiness. After all, only a healthy person can live happily! Certified Feng Shui training