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This section of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) addresses the comments
received on the October 2006 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Comments
include those presented at the DEIS public hearing held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November
30, 2006, at The Town of Wawarsing Town Hall in Ellenville, New York, and written
comments submitted to the Town of Wawarsing Planning Board during DEIS public review
period held from October 31, 2006, to December 26, 2006.

The following table presents a list of individuals and agencies that submitted written
comments during the DEIS public review period; comments received verbally at the DEIS
public hearing are also included.

                      Table III-1: Written Comments Received on the DEIS
              Letter Author                       Author Affiliation               Date of Letter
       1.   Davidson, Chuck           None.                                        Oct. 26, 2006
       2.   Cragsmoor Fire District   Same.                                        Nov. 15, 2006
            Board of Commissioners
       3.   Lesikin, Joan             Member, Cragsmoor Association.               Nov. 22, 2006
       4.   McCombs, Harry            Cragsmoor resident.                          Nov. 25, 2006
       5.   McCombs, June             Cragsmoor resident.                          Nov. 25, 2006
       6.   McCombs, Scott            Cragsmoor resident.                          Nov. 25, 2006
       7.   Beinkafner, Katherine     Mid-Hudson Geosciences                       Nov. 27, 2006
       8.   Seeland, Irene            Cragsmoor resident.                          Nov. 27, 2006
       9.   Markunas, Kenneth         NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic   Nov. 29, 2006
                                      Preservation, Historic Sites Restoration
       10. Porter, David              Consultant to Cragsmoor Association to       Nov. 29, 2006
                                      review DEIS traffic analysis.
       11. Damsky, Russell & Monica   Cragsmoor residents.                         Dec. 4, 2006
       12. Wiebe, Dianne              Cragsmoor resident.                          Dec. 4, 2006
       13. Horn, Ted                  Cragsmoor resident.                          Dec. 19, 2006
       14. Harris, Wendy              Cragsmoor resident, professional             Dec. 20, 2006
       15. Lanc, John                 Lanc & Tully Engineering, Town Engineer.     Dec. 20, 2006
       16. Matz, Sally                Cragsmoor Historical Society, President.     Dec. 21, 2006
       17. Rogers, Linda              Cragsmoor resident.                          Dec. 21, 2006
       18. Slade, Jeffrey             The Cragsmoor Conservancy, President.        Dec. 21, 2006
       19. Wagner, Heidi              The Nature Conservancy, Sam’s Point          Dec. 21, 2006
                                      Preserve Manager. Cragsmoor resident.
       20. Clouser, David             David Clouser & Associates, engineering      Dec. 22, 2006
                                      consultant to Cragsmoor Association.
       21. Franke, Jakob; Meyer,      Members of Long Path South committee of      Dec. 22, 2006
           Eric; Hangland, Gary;      New York/New Jersey Trail Conference.
           Spector, Malcolm;
           Garrison, Andy
       22. Brown, Wayne               Cragsmoor resident.                          Dec. 24, 2006

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                          III-1
April 2008
Table III-1: Written Comments Received on the DEIS (Continued)
   23. Lesikin, Joan                Cragsmoor resident.               Dec. 24, 2006
   24. Rubin, Paul                  HydroQuest, consultant to         Dec. 24, 2006
                                    Cragsmoor Association.
   25. Bierschenk, Joanne &         Cragsmoor residents.              Dec. 25, 2006
   26. Williams, William            Cragsmoor resident.               Dec. 25, 2006
   27. Barbour, James               Ecological consultant hired by    Received by
                                    Cragsmoor Association and         Wawarsing Building
                                    Nature Conservancy.               Dept. Dec. 26, 2006
   28. Beinkafner, Katherine        Mid-Hudson Geosciences            Dec. 26, 2006
   29. Benton, Blake                Cragsmoor resident.               Received by
                                                                      Wawarsing Building
                                                                      Dept. Dec. 26, 2006
   30. Broderson, Cynthia               Cragsmoor resident.           Dec. 26, 2006
   31. Gale, Tom                        Cragsmoor resident.           Dec. 26, 2006
   32. Gordon, David                    Attorney for Cragsmoor        Dec. 26, 2006
    33. Matz, Sally                     Cragsmoor Historical Society,     Dec. 26, 2006
    34. McAlpin, Mary Kroul             Cragsmoor resident.               Dec. 26, 2006
    35. Williams, Dolores               Cragsmoor resident.               Dec. 26, 2006
    36. Mackey, Douglas                 NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Dec. 28, 2006
                                        Historic Preservation, Historic
                                        Preservation Program Analyst -
    37. Swentusky, Jane                 NYS Dept. of Environmental        Jan. 23, 2007
    38. Crist, Rebecca                  NYS Dept. of Environmental        Feb. 2, 2007
Note: In addition to the above comments, a review letter based upon a GML 239-m referral was
received on December 27, 2006, from the Ulster County Planning Board. This letter, and the
Applicant’s responses to it, are attached as Appendix M to this FEIS.

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-2
April 2008
Table III-2: Commenters at the Public Hearing
          Speaker                                          Affiliation
    1. McKenney, Jim            President, Cragsmoor Association
    2. Gordon, David            Attorney for Cragsmoor Association
    3. Beinkafner, Katherine    Mid-Hudson Geosciences (Cragsmoor Association consultant).
    4. Barbour, James           Ecologist representing Cragsmoor Association
    5. Sherman, Henry           Cragsmoor resident
    6. Wagner, Heidi            Preserve manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor resident
    7. Grace, Karen             Cragsmoor resident
    8. Matz, Sally              President, Cragsmoor Historical Society
    9. Radl, Maureen            VP, Cragsmoor Historical Society, VP, Friends of the Shawangunks
    10. Grace, William          Cragsmoor resident
    11. Nolan, Dick             Cragsmoor resident
    12. Lesikin, Joan           Cragsmoor resident
    13. Benton, Blake           Cragsmoor resident
    14. Wiebe, Dianne           Cragsmoor resident
    15. Hoff, Barbara           Cragsmoor resident
    16. Muller, Lucy            Cragsmoor resident
    17. Ditar, Ruth             Cragsmoor resident
    18. Peters, Dick            Cragsmoor resident
    19. Sergenic, Phil          Cragsmoor resident
    20. Muldoon, Kathleen       Cragsmoor resident
    21. Grace, Karen            Cragsmoor resident
    22. Rogers, Linda           Cragsmoor resident
    23. Meily, Walter           Cragsmoor resident
    24. Kraft, Jeff             Cragsmoor resident
    25. Dunn, Irene             Cragsmoor resident
    26. Beinkafner, Katherine   Mid-Hudson Geosciences (consultant to Cragsmoor Association).
    27. Blake Benton            Cragsmoor resident

The following section summarizes and responds to the comments; copies of all comments
received, including transcripts from the public hearing, can be found in Appendix A
(Comments Received on the DEIS). A summary of the comments made in each of the
above referenced comment letters and public testimony is presented and a response to
each comment listed is provided. The commenter’s name is listed after each comment.
The responses to comments are organized as follows:
   A.   General Comments
   B.   Executive Summary
   C.   Description of the Proposed Action
   D.   Land Use and Zoning
   E.   Community Character/Visual Resources
   F.   Flora and Fauna
   G.   Topography, Steep Slopes, Soils and Sanitary Sewage Disposal
   H.   Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and Water Supply
   I.   Surface Water and Wetland Resources
   J.   Stormwater Management
   K.   Traffic
   L.   Community Facilities
   M.   Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impacts
   N.   Cultural Resources (historical and archeological)

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                         III-3
April 2008
O. Noise
     P. Analysis of Alternatives
     Q. Unavoidable Impacts

A.    General Comments

NOTE: This section addresses general comments, and, accordingly, the responses
are set forth in somewhat general terms. More specific comments on the same topics
are responded to with corresponding specificity in later sections of the FEIS (see titles
set forth above).

A.1 Comment: What Cragsmoor is, is because of what Cragsmoor isn’t. It isn’t foul
    water and earth quality that can’t support its pristine habitat. It isn’t an imbalance of
    people to environment. It isn’t a place of stress. (Chuck Davidson, memo dated
    October 26, 2006).

A.1 Response: The Mahamudra Buddhist Hermitage would not result in an imbalance of
    people to environment, nor would it be a place of stress. The goal of the Hermitage
    is to provide a place for retreatants to immerse themselves in quiet, contemplative
    practices and teaching. Because the Hermitage’s sole purpose is the development of
    inner awareness, the activities that will occur on-site will focus completely on the
    inner, personal interactions within oneself during meditation. The activities on the
    site will not involve celebratory, external, interaction with large audiences, or any of
    the noise associated with such activities. The existing natural environment is a major
    element of the atmosphere required for the Hermitage, and preserving the quality of
    that environment – in terms of water, soil and wildlife – is a central element of its

A.2 Comment: Please have both SHPO and the Preservation League of New York State
    review the final DEIS (Joan Lesikin, member of Cragsmoor Association, memo dated
    November 27, 2006).

A.2 Response: Both agencies had the opportunity to review the DEIS. The Applicant
    received comments from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic
    Preservation, of which SHPO is a part. Responses to these comments are contained
    in Section E, Community Character/Visual Resources, and Section N, Cultural
    Resources (historical and archeological).

A.3 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the
    surrounding area (Harry McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November
    25, 2006)?

A.3 Response: As per the Scoping Document, the following potential environmental
    impacts to the surrounding area were evaluated in the DEIS: land use and zoning;
    community character/visual resources; flora and fauna; topography, steep slopes,
    soils and sanitary sewage disposal; hydrogeology, groundwater resources and water
    supply; surface water and wetland resources; stormwater management; traffic;
    community facilities; socioeconomic/fiscal impacts; cultural resources (historical and
    archeological); and noise. The DEIS concluded that potential adverse impacts of the

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                      III-4
April 2008
project include a small increase in local traffic, incremental increases in demand on
     community services, a slight increase in demand for utilities, an increase in
     impervious surfaces, some possible disturbance of wildlife habitats, a small decrease
     to the Town of Wawarsing’s potential tax base and minor visual impacts. The DEIS
     concluded that these potential adverse impacts can be appropriately mitigated
     through a range of measures, as more fully explained within the document.

A.4 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (Harry McCombs,
    Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)?

A.4 Response: The proposed project will be a very quiet land use that has very limited
    visibility from the road. Its development will prevent the site from being subdivided
    and cleared for a number of residential lots. The modifications to the project, which
    have reduced its size, visibility and occupancy, will further limit the impacts. Because
    of the nature of the proposed project, it should not result in any visible impact or
    significant adverse environmental impacts that would negatively affect property
    values in the surrounding area. In fact the quiet use of the retreat facilities and the
    preservation of landscape buffers and restrictions on future development would
    protect the neighborhood from an as-of-right residential subdivision, thus preserving
    and enhancing property values.

     Given the proposed quiet use of the land, the use’s prevention of future subdivision
     and the lack of visible impacts or other significant adverse environmental impacts,
     property values in the surrounding area should be preserved. Furthermore, the
     certainty provided by the Applicant’s proposed restrictions on future development, in
     the form of a permanent buffer around approximately 77 percent of the property
     perimeter, including all portions bordering public roads, will provide additional
     protection of property values in the vicinity of the project site. This proposed
     restriction is discussed in greater detail in Response A.10, below.

A.5 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the
    surrounding area (June McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November
    25, 2006)?

A.5 Response: See response for A.3.

A.6 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (June McCombs,
    Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)?

A.6 Response: See response for A.4.

A.7 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the
    surrounding area (Scott McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November
    25, 2006)?

A.7 Response: See response for A.3.

A.8 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (Scott McCombs,
    Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)?

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-5
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A.8 Response: See response for A.4.

A.9 Comment: The DEIS states that there will be no fragmentation. This ten-year, 4-
    phase development of buildings, roads, water drainage, sewers, parking, etc. will
    result in ripping apart the landscape. There will be fragmentation (Linda Rogers,
    Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006).

A.9 Response: The project has been planned to have a measured development pace
    consistent with the low-impact nature of the proposed use, which will minimize
    construction-related impacts. The internal road, with attendant utilities, is scheduled
    for completion as part of Phase I, to avoid any necessity of repeated disturbance of
    that area. No blasting is expected to occur during any phase of construction, and
    the project will not require relocation of any existing projects or facilities. The project
    layout has been designed to minimize construction in areas of steeper slopes,
    meaning that significant areas will not be re-graded. While approximately 33.5% of
    the project site with the modified layout will be re-graded and temporarily exposed
    during construction of the project, the phased process will assure a slow pace of
    disturbance, limiting areas disturbed at one time. In addition, site plan modifications
    since completion of the DEIS will reduce final build-out in terms of occupancy,
    number of buildings, total square footage and parking. These changes will generate
    decreases in water usage, septic capacity, electrical loads, disturbed areas, parking
    and landscaping.

     As discussed in Chapter IV.C (Flora and Fauna) of the DEIS, fragmentation can be
     described in two fashions: forest and habitat fragmentation. Forest fragmentation
     results from the practice of opening up closed forest canopy, allowing edge-oriented
     species to penetrate into areas of the forest that they could not reach before. Habitat
     fragmentation is the separation and isolation of habitats and wildlife populations by
     placing impenetrable barriers between habitats that prevent mixing of formerly
     connected or adjacent wildlife populations. The site planning for the proposed
     project has created a layout that will minimize the clearing of forested areas and the
     creation of barriers for wildlife migration. Furthermore, the proposed modifications
     to the proposed site plan have reduced the amount of disturbance on the site.
     During construction, special measures will be taken so that construction limits are
     clearly defined to prevent disruption of areas that were to remain undisturbed (See
     Response G.8).

     The DEIS stated that there may be temporary disruption of wildlife migration
     corridors during construction; however, long-term, they should remain intact. The
     phasing of the project, as described in Response J.3, will minimize these temporary
     disruptions, thus minimizing fragmentation impacts. Phase I, which is further divided
     into several separate sub-phases, involves the construction of the main roads,
     utilities and infrastructure and the Milarepa Center. The sub-phases were
     established so that less than 5 acres are disturbed at any one time. The initial two
     sub-phases involve the road construction from Cragsmoor Road to the Milarepa
     Center site, leaving the section north of there to Old Inn Road undisturbed. The third
     sub-phase is the construction of the Milarepa Center buildings, with the final sub-
     phase being the completion of the road construction to Old Inn Road. This will allow

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                        III-6
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any temporary habitat disruptions caused by the initial road installation to
     reestablish while the building construction takes place, which in turn will help
     mitigate any impacts caused by the construction of the balance of the road. Since
     Phase I includes all of the work that transverses the site from Cragsmoor Road to
     Old Inn Road, upon completion, any temporary disruptions of wildlife migration will
     cease to exist. Future phases involve construction of individual building complexes
     within contained areas. Due to the limited development area of each site, during the
     construction of any of these future phases, disruption to wildlife migration is not
     anticipated. See Response J.3 for a detailed discussion of phasing, and alternate

     While the time for completion of the project in its entirety may vary somewhat, the
     minimum anticipated time for such completion is estimated to be approximately 7
     years. Even at this maximum building pace, construction periods of 12-18 months
     would be followed by quiet periods between phases with no construction activity,
     and it is not anticipated that there will be significant fragmentation impacts, as
     discussed herein. It is also possible that the time period for completion of the project
     may extend to a longer period of time, such as the ten year period of time
     suggested by the commenter, by virtue of longer periods of time between phases.
     The total length of actual construction activity would be expected to remain constant
     under any of the potential scenarios for phasing and total project completion. The
     longer periods between one or more phases will not generate any additional
     adverse impacts.

A.10 Comment: Additional consideration should be given to a well-defined, 360-degree
     “buffer zone” – a Conservation Easement guaranteed, in perpetuity, never to incur
     future fragmentation or further development (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident,
     memo dated December 21, 2006).

A.10 Response: As discussed in Chapter II, the Applicant is proposing greenspace buffers
     along approximately 77 percent of the site boundary, as follows: A buffer
     approximately 100 feet deep is proposed along the entire frontage of the property
     along Cragsmoor Road, and the entire frontage along Old Inn Road. A buffer
     approximately 200 feet deep is proposed along the southern and western
     boundaries of the property. A buffer continues at a depth of 100 feet along the
     northwest boundary of the property. These buffers are substantially deeper than the
     applicable 50-foot yard requirement in the R/C-3A zoning district. The proposed
     buffer area is depicted in Figure II-4. The purpose of the buffer area is to provide
     landscaped buffer areas which generally limit placement of facilities above ground
     level within the buffer area and provide reasonable amounts of natural screening
     along areas viewed from public and private roadways. In total, the proposed buffers
     would cover an area of 26.6 acres, or 29 percent of the site.

     Dharmakaya would have certain limited reserved rights within the buffer areas,
     including the right to place walking and meditation trails and religious statuary; to
     selectively prune vegetation; and to remove dead or diseased trees. Dharmakaya
     would also, upon approval by the Planning Board and in the manner shown on
     approved site plans, be allowed to place structures and facilities within the buffer
     areas, including access drives, entrance lighting and directional signage; water and

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                      III-7
April 2008
stormwater facilities; septic and other underground utilities; and such other
     structures and facilities as the Planning Board may deem appropriate in support of
     the use of the property and consistent with the function of the buffer areas.

     The buffer areas would be noted on any approved site plans, with appropriate notes
     to implement the restrictions as approved by the Planning Board. In addition, the
     Applicant would file appropriate covenants and restrictions to implement the buffer
     restrictions and reserved rights as set forth in the approval resolution, in a form
     approved by the Planning Board Attorney, additionally naming the Town of
     Wawarsing as a benefited party with ability to enforce the provisions of the
     covenants and restrictions. Additionally, the Applicant will offer to the Town of
     Wawarsing a Conservation Easement, in form approved by the Town Attorney,
     setting forth the same substantive restrictions and reserved rights as in the covenants
     and restrictions, and granting the Town the ability to enforce the Conservation
     Easement. Both the covenants and restrictions and, if accepted by the Town, the
     Conservation Easement, would be recorded no later than simultaneously with the
     issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for a building within the project.

A.11 Comment: The Planning Board can require Dharmakaya to enter into a
     conservation easement with the Cragsmoor Conservancy or another suitable not-
     for-profit entity to limit both the current use of the property and any further
     development. Such a conservation easement could limit the size and location of
     buildings, require specific landscaping, prevent the use of undeveloped land and so
     on. Any community concern about the size, impact or future use of the project could
     be met through this conservation easement device (Jeffrey Slade, The Cragsmoor
     Conservancy, President, memo dated December 21, 2006).

A.11 Response: See Response A.10. The Applicant is proposing to create buffers around
     77 percent of its perimeter, covering approximately 29 percent of its land.
     Dharmakaya believes that its proposal to create these buffers is not necessary to
     mitigate adverse impacts, but is consented to by Dharmakaya as a neighborly
     gesture in a mutual effort to preserve privacy, quiet, and the nature of the

A.12 Comment: Due to sensitivity of the site, we urge the Planning Board to consider
     requiring a conservation easement on the undeveloped portion of the property, to
     assure that the undeveloped land be protected in perpetuity (Heidi Wagner, The
     Nature Conservancy, Preserve Manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor
     resident, memo dated December 21, 2006).

A.12 Response: See Responses A.10 and A.11.

A.13 Comment: The figures identified in the DEIS as Site Plan, Schematic Landscaping
     Plan, Buffer Area Plan, as well as other mapping within the DEIS, are represented at
     a scale of 1 inch= 300 feet, which is a scale typically used for very general mapping
     of large areas, without any significant design detail. For a project of this scale and
     scope, the DEIS mapping typically has a maximum scale of 1 inch= 100 feet. This
     larger scale mapping format would allow a proper review of site design elements

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-8
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(David Clouser, David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor
     Association, memo dated December 22, 2006).

A.13 Response: Appendix F of the DEIS contained 1inch=80 feet scale drawings of the
     proposed site plan, which is less than the maximum scale of 1 inch=100 feet that
     was requested. These plans were included in the copies of the DEIS that were
     distributed to all involved or interested agencies. This included copies that were
     available for review at the Town Hall and the libraries. Updated plans, showing the
     revised site layout at a 1”=80’ scale have been included as Appendix B of the FEIS.
     In addition, proposed landscaping plans at 1”= 40’ scale for the Construction
     Phase I Milarepa Center (as were previously submitted for site plan/special permit
     review) are included in Appendix B. These plans have been revised since the original
     submission to indicate to scale plant sizes at initial planting and at seven year
     growth. The scale provides clear view of the site design elements including the
     proposed plant materials in the landscape buffer between the Milarepa Center and
     Old Inn Road.

A.14 Comment: The Erosion and Sediment Control Plans were not available on the DEIS
     website, thereby preventing review by the public of this important and required
     element of the site’s environmental protective measures. This omission might be
     considered a serious flaw in the project’s SEQRA review process, where public
     review and participation are fundamental tenets of this procedure (David Clouser,
     David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor Association,
     memo dated December 22, 2006).

A.14 Response: These plans were available from other sources during the DEIS review
     process. Hard copies of the full DEIS and the maps were available at the Town Hall
     and the libraries and were sent to all involved and interested agencies, including the
     Cragsmoor Association, the commenter’s client. The Notice of Completion on the
     Web site included a list of these locations where these hard copies were available.
     The revised plans that are part of the FEIS will be posted on the Web site.

A.15 Comment: As one who spent most of his working life as a plumber on construction
     projects, I knew immediately the impact of this extensive project. It would mean the
     destruction of the fragile ecosystem and the way of life that Cragsmoor residents
     have maintained over generations (Wayne Brown, Cragsmoor resident, memo
     dated December 24, 2006).

A.15 Response: The DEIS concluded that the proposed project would not result in any
     significant adverse environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated. See Responses
     A.3 and A9.

     Regarding the project’s impacts on habitats, the modifications made to the original
     site plan will substantially reduce the area of disturbance on the site. The initial site
     plan described in the DEIS resulted in a total site disturbance of 35.61 acres, or
     39.32 percent of the project site. Due to the Applicant’s reduction in the size and
     number of proposed buildings and in parking spaces, this total site disturbance will
     be reduced to 30.38 acres, or 33.5 percent of the total project site. Site disturbance
     is discussed in greater detail in Response A.32, below. The decrease in the project’s

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anticipated disturbance to the site will preserve more than five additional acres of
     the total project site. In addition, the Applicant’s proposed restrictions on future
     development, in the form of a permanent buffer around the property perimeter, will
     preserve approximately 26.6 acres, or about 29 percent of the 91-acre project site.
     This buffer is discussed in greater detail in Responses A.10 and A.11.

A.16 Comment: The projected buildings are massive compared to the scale of present
     buildings in Cragsmoor. Since a retreat center is in the business of growth, I don’t
     think restricting size now will prevent future growth. What limits can the township
     impose that will stick (Joan Lesikin, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 24,

A.16 Response: While the buildings are larger than the existing buildings in Cragsmoor,
     they are also on a much larger property, and much further set back from the outer
     boundaries of the property. Furthermore, all proposed buildings have been sited so
     as not to create undue disturbance to the existing landscape. For example, the
     Milarepa Center has been designed to “step down” the natural terrain and therefore
     be substantially obscured from views from Old Inn Road. The project’s minimal
     impacts on views are fully discussed in Section E of this chapter. In addition, as
     detailed above, the Applicant is proposing a permanent buffer of approximately
     100 to 200 feet around approximately 77 percent of the property perimeter, which
     will provide additional setbacks and screening of the proposed buildings from
     surrounding areas. See Responses A.10 and A.11.

     The DEIS has addressed the proposed total ultimate size of the project for purposes
     of the special permit application. The Town will enforce these maximums in its
     special permit. The special permit will not allow any development in excess of the
     limits studied in the EIS process. The Town also has an additional review authority,
     in that the Applicant is only seeking site plan approval for the first phase of the
     project. The Town will enforce compliance with the conditions of the special permit
     and site plan through its Building Inspector. The site plan approval processes will
     also be public review processes. It is not anticipated that any additional SEQRA
     review will be required at the time of additional site plan approvals, because the
     SEQRA impacts of the whole project were already addressed in this EIS process.
     Dharmakaya is not in the business of growth, but is a not-for-profit religious
     undertaking to provide worship and meditation in a quiet environment.

A.17 Comment: The DEIS presented and discussed at the last meeting this month was
     irredeemably flawed. The DEIS is diametrically opposed to the opinions of the
     experts hired by the Cragsmoor Association and as such we are requesting that the
     Board hire experts that will receive their funding from the Planning Board and be
     responsible solely to the Board to prepare another DEIS. The Dharmakaya should
     supply funding to the Board (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents,
     memo dated December 25, 2006).

A.17 Response: The Town of Wawarsing Planning Board            has hired several experts to
     review the DEIS, and their comments form part of the      record and are responded to
     in the FEIS. Specifically, the Planning Board hired the   planning firm of Frederick P.
     Clark Associates to review the DEIS for initial            acceptance. It also hired

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hydrogeologist Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to evaluate the Applicant’s hydrogeological
     studies. The Town’s engineering firm, Lanc & Tully, also reviewed the DEIS. These
     experts are responsible solely to the Board. The Planning Board has required that
     the Applicant fund an escrow account which is used by the Planning Board, at its
     discretion, to pay expenses of the review, including the cost of these experts hired by
     the Planning Board, even though the experts are responsible solely to the Board.

A.18 Comment: One cannot place any confidence in the work of the so-called experts
     who were totally debunked, for example by Spider Barbour’s assessment of their
     inclusion in the DEIS of rare plants found solely in Australia. We would love to see
     their credentials. In fact, the Board should ask for, and scrutinize that information
     (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents, memo dated December 25,

A.18 Response: The project team for the Mahamudra Hermitage DEIS consists of a
     number of established professional consulting firms with expertise in the area of
     environmental analysis. The following is a list of all preparers of the DEIS, as well as
     a summary of qualifications for each contributor:

     Cuddy & Feder LLP (Attorney)
           Responsible for overall document review.

         Cuddy & Feder LLP is a law firm with a land use practice representing a diverse
         client base, including local, regional, national and multi-national clients with
         sites located throughout the Hudson Valley, the metropolitan New York area and
         Connecticut. The firm’s practice areas include zoning, land use, environmental
         and municipal law before state, county and municipal boards. The firm has
         acted as counsel in connection with the development of waterfront sites; large
         residential communities; retail; commercial, office and industrial buildings;
         shopping centers; apartment buildings; museums and institutional developments
         such as nursing homes schools, assisted-living facilities and continuing-care
         retirement communities. Cuddy & Feder has also acted as special counsel to
         municipalities in the review of complex zoning and planning matters, and the
         drafting of zoning and planning regulations.

     BFJ Planning (Planner)
            Responsible for document assembly.
            Contributed to the following sections: Executive Summary, Project
            Description,    Land   Use    and     Zoning,     Community       Facilities,
            Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impacts, Noise, Analysis of Alternatives, Unavoidable
            Impacts and Other SEQR Environmental Impacts.

         Founded in 1980, BFJ Planning is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm offering
         services in planning and zoning, environmental analysis, transportation, urban
         design, site planning and real estate analysis. For over 25 years, the firm has
         provided clients with high-quality planning and design solutions to a range of
         complex problems. BFJ’s work is distinguished by a high degree of principal
         participation in the technical work of each project, exceptional capabilities in
         graphic design and presentation and a strong commitment to participatory

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                      III-11
April 2008
planning. The firm has taken a leading role in providing environmental review
         services in New York City and New York State.

     Chas. H. Sells, Inc. (Engineer and Traffic Consultant)
            Contributed to the following sections: Topography, Steep Slopes, Soils and
            Sanitary Sewage Disposal; Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and
            Water Supply; Surface Water and Wetland Resources; Stormwater
            Management; and Traffic.

         Recognized by the Engineering News Record as “One of the Nation’s Top 500
         Firms” in the transportation industry, Chas. H. Sells, Inc. specializes in bridge
         design and inspection, transportation engineering, civil engineering,
         surveying/GPS and comprehensive mapping services. With more than 82 years
         of experience and a large staff of engineers, surveyors and photogrammetrists
         in nine office locations, the firm is dedicated to providing innovative, quality-
         driven and cost efficient services to exceed its client’s needs. Chas Sells’
         continual reassignment by numerous agencies and municipalities is testament to
         the firm’s commitment brought forth by encompassing the very best resources to
         every endeavor it undertakes.

     Cerniglia Architecture and Planning, P.C. (Architect)
            Contributed to the Community Character/Visual Resources section.

         Cerniglia Architecture and Planning, P.C. provides architectural design and site
         planning services to both the public and private sector. Its diversified client and
         project portfolio includes municipal governments, institutions, corporations, the
         development community and private individuals. The firm has endeavored to
         achieve a tradition of excellence in architecture through the strict enforcement of
         high, companywide standards of professionalism and service.

         As a general-practice architecture, planning, design and interiors firm, Cerniglia
         Architecture and Planning is licensed in New York and Connecticut. Its range of
         architectural services include, but are not limited to, comprehensive
         programming, space analysis, conceptual, schematic and final design,
         construction cost analysis, presentation drawings, construction documents and
         specifications, bidding administration, contract negotiations and construction
         administration. Site planning services include land use analysis, zoning analysis,
         environmental evaluation, master planning, site design, re-zoning procedures,
         municipal approvals and ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) facility surveys.

     Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (Environmental Consultant)
            Contributed to the Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and Water Supply

         Leggette, Brashears & Graham (LBG) was the nation's first firm to provide
         specialized consulting services in the field of groundwater geology. The firm has
         been in business for 64 years, longer than any other firm committed to the
         original core specialty of hydrogeology. LBG has maintained state-of-the-art
         expertise in the areas of groundwater movement, utilization, modeling,

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-12
April 2008
contamination and remediation. Technical personnel receive extensive field
         training in all aspects of hydrogeologic and soils investigations, as well as in
         remedial engineering functions. Each project is completed under the direct
         supervision of a principal of the firm. The activities of the firm involve providing
         investigation, design, management and advisory services to public and private
         organizations, both foreign and domestic, on problems that lie within the
         specialized fields of hydrogeology and environmental engineering. The firm
         undertakes only the type of work for which it is qualified and for which there is a
         genuine need for environmental engineering and/or groundwater specialists.

         LBG has been providing public and industrial water-supply consulting since
         1944. Assignments have included municipal and community well-field
         development, design, testing, maintenance and expansion. The firm has
         extensive experience with water-supply development in both bedrock and sand
         and gravel aquifers. LBG has developed numerous supplies in bedrock and
         sand and gravel in New England and southern New York. For most of the
         water-supply development projects, LBG has been involved in all aspects of the
         work, from performing initial hydrogeologic studies and exploratory drilling to
         well design, construction oversight, well testing and permitting. Many of the well
         sites have required wetland studies. The more recent projects have required
         compliance with the Surface Water Treatment Rule regulations.

         Within New York State, LBG has extensive experience in water supply analysis,
         and has conducted groundwater assessment for numerous municipalities in
         Dutchess, Westchester, Rockland and Orange Counties. The firm’s long record
         of work with water-supply development, contamination problems and computer
         modeling throughout the Northeast establishes LBG as a firm uniquely qualified
         to prepare all aspects of water-supply studies.

     Ecological Solutions, Inc. (Environmental Consultant)
            Contributed to the Flora and Fauna section.

         Ecological Solutions staff has more than 18 years experience completing natural
         resource inventories. The firm has analyzed the life history requirements of
         several endangered plant and animal species, including Blanding’s turtle, bog
         turtle, bald eagle, Indiana bat and Karner blue butterfly. This analysis allows the
         firm’s staff to determine the extent of rare, threatened or endangered species
         and the potential impacts presented to a project.

         Ecological Solutions’ vegetation and wildlife surveys:
                o Determine the density, frequency and dominance of plant
                    communities through aerial photography and on-site field
                o Conduct surveys of endangered, threatened and rare wildlife
                o Determine the presence of specific fish and wildlife species on
                    individual sites or areas.

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                      III-13
April 2008
o   Design and supervise ongoing monitoring programs to assess status
                     and impacts to ecological communities.

     Kathy Michell (Biologist, Environmental Consultant)
            Evaluated the site for potential for timber rattlesnake habitat.

         Kathy Michell is a New York State-certified biologist, and holds a Class 1,
         Federal Migratory Bird License, a License to Collect or Possess Animals and is a
         NYSDEC wildlife rehabilitator. Ms. Michell is one of three people certified by
         Region 3 of NYSDEC for the assessment of timber rattlesnake habitat.

     Tim Miller Associates, Inc. (Environmental Consultant)
            Contributed to the Cultural Resources (historical and archeological) section.

         Tim Miller Associates, Inc. provides land planning and environmental services to
         developers, corporations, municipalities and community planning associations.
         These include services in the areas of municipal planning, zoning and
         community development, development feasibility studies, environmental impact
         statements, wetland delineation and analysis, groundwater and geotechnical
         sciences, air quality, noise and traffic studies, phase 1 and 2 environmental
         audits and site assessments, stage 1 archeology studies, landscape design and
         related advisory services. Tim Miller Associates has active projects throughout
         the greater New York metropolitan area, including New Jersey; Connecticut;
         New York City; and Westchester, Putnam, Orange, Rockland, Dutchess, Ulster
         and Sullivan Counties.

         The firm’s in-house staff offers a depth and breadth of experience rarely found
         in small- to mid-size consulting offices. In-house capabilities include
         transportation planning, traffic, environmental and community planning,
         economics, water resources, biology and natural sciences, environmental impact
         assessment, hydrogeology, hazardous waste investigations, asbestos services,
         landscape design and wetland delineation.

     CITY/SCAPE: Cultural Resource Consultants (Environmental Consultants)
           Contributed to the Cultural Resources (historical and archeological) section.

         CITY/SCAPE provides a variety of services to organizations requiring cultural
         and environmental analyses; open space planning; and presentation surveys of
         historic sites, including landscapes and architectural elements, lectures,
         interpretive programs and exhibitions.

A.19 Comment: The Planning Board should be aware that although the Dharmakaya
     claims that theirs will be a religious endeavor, there will be a great deal of tax-free
     money generated as income to the organization. Will the Dharmakaya offer its
     conference facilities to other corporations for meeting purposes? It would certainly
     be a grave injustice to the Town of Wawarsing residents to pay extra taxes to
     support the expense caused by the Dharmakaya community while they are earning
     hundreds of thousands of dollars and are not supporting the community (William
     Williams, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 25, 2006).

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-14
April 2008
A.19 Response: Dharmakaya has no plans to offer any of the Hermitage facilities to
     outside organizations or to corporations for meeting purposes. All facilities at
     Dharmakaya will be focused on the space and infrastructure for Buddhist teachings
     and programs, especially the core three-year meditation retreat. As a non-profit
     organization, Dharmakaya’s activities (and those of its affiliate organization, the
     United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship (UTBF) are made possible through the support
     of its members and private donations. This is not dissimilar to other religious groups
     and churches, which take collections or rely on donations for part of their support.
     The Hermitage is not expected to achieve a “profit,” as all program income will be
     used to pay operating expenses. Income above and beyond operating expenses is
     not expected.

A.20 Comment: Planning boards and town boards sometimes are not aware that the
     services of consultants to the town can be charged to developers. This is a provision
     of state law. It’s a good idea to have the town hire more experts because a poorly
     designed project or a project whose impacts are inadequately and inaccurately
     described and assessed is bound to cost the town eventually, in remediation of
     damage, increased services and legal defense (James Barbour, ecological
     consultant hired by Cragsmoor Association and Nature Conservancy, memo
     received December 26, 2006).

A.20 Response: See Response A.17.

A.21 Comment: Why did the Planning Board allow the Applicant to decimate the content
     of the scoping document? And why did the Applicant elect to ignore the public
     request for hydrogeologic information (Katherine Beinkafner, Mid-Hudson
     Geosciences (consultant to Cragsmoor Association), memo dated December 26,

A.21 Response: Actually, the Planning Board expanded the scoping document from the
     initial submission to include additional requirements. Nor has the Applicant ignored
     the public request for hydrogeologic information. The study done for the DEIS was
     very robust, and performed by a recognized consulting firm, Leggette, Brashears &
     Graham, Inc., who in its 64 years of business has competed over 6,000
     groundwater projects for more than 4,000 clients. The firm has received numerous
     awards from both engineering associations and private entities for its work, and is
     recognized in the engineering community as an expert in the field of groundwater
     and environmental services. (See Response A.18). The Town hired an independent
     consultant, Malcolm, Pirnie, Inc., to review all the hydrogeological reports generated
     under the DEIS review process. The review comment letter from Malcolm Pirnie, and
     the response of Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. are both included in Appendix
     D of the FEIS.

A.22 Comment: I have personally investigated many of the cited Centers for Buddhist
     Worship cited in the DEIS (the Karme Choling Retreat Center; the Shambhala
     Mountain Center; the Zen Mountain Center), and found another common thread
     throughout – the impact of these centers on the surrounding communities was and
     continues to be that of devastating consequences. For example, the DEIS cited the

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                    III-15
April 2008
Karme Choling Retreat Center as a project of similar nature to the proposed
     Hermitage in Cragsmoor – this center started out as a small weekend retreat and is
     now one of the largest centers of its kind and supports a local factory that
     manufactures articles related to Buddhist practices (Blake Benton, Cragsmoor
     resident, memo received December 26, 2006).

A.22 Response: People in Dharmakaya’s organization have approximately 30 years of
     knowledge about these other centers, and we know of no such “devastating
     consequences.” Based on this experience, it is the Applicant’s opinion that all
     Buddhist centers mentioned are good neighbors and have a harmonious and
     positive relationship with their local communities. Karme Choling does not have a
     factory but a small cottage business that makes meditation cushions, to support its
     programs. Nevertheless, the examples of Buddhist centers provided in the Appendix
     A of the DEIS were selected for the fact that places of Buddhist worship have been
     successfully integrated into other communities, not as direct comparisons to the
     projected size, scale and use of the proposed Hermitage. One important difference
     is that the proposed Hermitage will be exclusively used for worship and meditation,
     study and retreat, with the most serious students participating in the traditional
     three-year retreat. Retreats of such intensity and duration are not offered at any
     other center in the U.S. of which we are aware. Mahamudra Hermitage will be a
     worship and retreat center, perhaps more similar to a small religious community,
     while the other centers named function as program centers, which may offer a wide
     range of activities. Also, see Response A.16.

A.23 Comment: We read in the DEIS that Rinpoche, the spiritual leader of the
     Dharmakaya, is regarded as one of the top Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism. Isn’t it
     therefore natural to assume he and his followers will attract this type of future
     growth cited above in our comparatively small community? I ask, what will the town
     Board do to prevent this development in our community (Blake Benton, Cragsmoor
     resident, memo received December 26, 2006)?

A.23 Response: The principal function of the proposed Hermitage will be for meditation
     and study for serious Buddhist practitioners, with the most serious students
     participating in the traditional three-year retreat. Casual use of the Hermitage
     facilities by drop in visitors will not be allowed and is inconsistent with its quiet
     retreat use. See Responses A.4, A.16 and A.22.

A.24 Comment: I don’t believe the people behind the Center care a hoot for their
     neighbors. This is all about their own selfish ambition to turn a dollar under the
     guise of a spiritual retreat. We will be yet another casualty at the price of what?
     Some sort of spiritual gentrification (Cynthia Broderson, Cragsmoor resident, memo
     dated December 26, 2006)?

A.24 Response: Throughout the planning process for the Hermitage, Dharmakaya has
     conducted outreach efforts in the Cragsmoor community, and the Applicant’s
     spiritual leader, Rinpoche, has traveled to the area to discuss the project with
     residents and conduct teachings and meditation sessions for the community.
     Regarding any intention of Dharmakaya to earn a profit through the Hermitage,
     please refer to Response A.19. In the fall of 2003, before Dharmakaya bought the

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                   III-16
April 2008
land, its representatives asked to meet with the Cragsmoor community and did so in
     the Stone Church. At that time, Dharmakaya laid out plans for a community of
     approximately 100 full-time residents on the site, focused on short- and long-term
     meditation practices, with six to eight larger teachings each year (each a single-day
     event with no additional overnight guests). The Applicant also discussed the various
     buildings types that would be needed to make the facility work. Since then,
     Dharmakaya has had meetings with the community each year: one large
     community meeting, multiple meetings with abutters of the land (in addition to
     offering teachings/meditation sessions each June at the home of a neighboring land
     owner for anyone who wanted to come) and a meeting with various representatives
     of the Cragsmoor community groups in the spring of 2007. The Applicant has
     consistently stated its goals to neighbors and intends to continue to be a good
     neighbor by preserving the intent of the community – an atmosphere of quiet

A.25 Comment: It would be better if you would look to preserve and protect what lies in
     your own backyard, namely Cragsmoor! (Cynthia Broderson, Cragsmoor resident,
     memo dated December 26, 2006).

A.25 Response: The proposed Hermitage would preserve far more land and result in
     significantly less development impact than would a conventional residential
     subdivision allowed under the site’s current zoning. In addition, the proposed project
     would generate less traffic and demand for utilities and community services than
     such a subdivision.

A.26 Comment: I recommend that Mahamudra include in the Final EIS a statement of
     intent to pursue the program consistently presented to the township and the
     Cragsmoor community and only that program (Tom Gale, Cragsmoor resident,
     memo dated December 26, 2006).

A.26 Response: The Applicant intends to pursue only the program as consistently
     presented, which is set forth in this EIS. See Responses A.16 and A.22.

A.27 Comment: Further, I recommend that Mahamudra provide a statement in the Final
     EIS offering discussion intended to lead to granting conservation easements on
     selected areas of the site in furtherance of joint Mahamudra, township and
     community recognition of intent to harmonize Hermitage activities and
     environmental amenities (Tom Gale, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December
     26, 2006).

A.27 Response: The Applicant has proposed to create a 100- to 200-foot permanent
     buffer around approximately 77 percent of the perimeter of the project site, covering
     approximately 29 percent of the property. For detailed discussion of this plan, see
     Responses A.10 and A.11.

A.28 Comment: The conclusions in the Environmental Impact Statement about the
     impacts on biological resources are at least in the preliminary draft we put together
     worthless. Too little information is provided to support any conclusions regarding

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                    III-17
April 2008
impacts to the project (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at public
     hearing November 30, 2006).

A.28 Response: As discussed above, the DEIS was accepted as complete on October 25,
     2006. This acceptance came after a full review of the draft DEIS by Frederick P.
     Clark Associates, and resultant modifications to the draft by the Applicant. The
     information in the DEIS regarding Flora and Fauna (biological resources) was
     studied by an expert in the field, Michael Nowicki, of Ecological Solutions, Inc. (see
     Response A.18). Mr. Nowicki has more than 19 years of experience in the field of
     natural resources investigations. The Natural Resources Survey completed for the site
     took a hard look for species of special concern, threatened and endangered species
     that occur in New York State as listed by the NYSDEC during the appropriate
     seasons. Common species were also catalogued on the site. Breeding birds,
     herptiles, plants and other vegetation were also observed and documented on the
     site. All of the species observed on the site were identified and included in the
     Natural Resources Survey. In addition, as part of the FEIS and in response to
     comments raised, the Applicant had the site assessed for rattlesnake habitat by
     Kathy Michell, who is licensed by NYSDEC in this field. The NYSDEC also has a copy
     of the DEIS for review and offered no comments on the Natural Resources Survey.
     Also, additional field surveys were conducted by Mr. Nowicki, on July 24, 2007, and
     August 8, 2007. During these additional field surveys, no additional species of
     special concern or threatened, endangered or rare species were observed

A.29 Comment: With respect to the SEQR timeline, the one thing that wasn’t put up was a
     Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Every one of the impacts I’ve cited
     would be sufficient to require a SEIS to be certain that you are viewing the
     significance of this site (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at
     public hearing November 30, 2006). [Note: the impacts referred to by the
     commenter relate to the project’s compliance with Town zoning, community
     character, traffic, wildlife and habitats, viewsheds, hydrogeology, analysis of
     alternatives and the potential for future project growth. The full text of the comments
     is found in Appendix A of this FEIS.]

A.29 Response: See Responses A.17 and A.28. A supplemental EIS is not required. The
     DEIS adequately and fairly evaluated all potential impacts. Comments raised by the
     public are appropriately addressed in this FEIS.

A.30 Comment: You don’t have the road frontage. The road facilities. You don’t have the
     water means. My question to you is do you want to ruin that community with
     corporate America? It is time for our Board to stand up and say no (Henry Sherman,
     Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.30 Response: As shown in Table IV.A-1, on page IV.A-14 of the DEIS, the project site
     has 1,949 feet of road frontage, more than 10 times the minimum 175-foot
     frontage required by the Wawarsing Zoning Code. Cragsmoor Road is a County
     highway, and road improvements including shoulder widening and drainage
     improvements will be completed as part of the project. In addition, the site plan
     proposes an internal road network that will adequately address the needs of the
     site’s occupants, and that will be privately maintained at no cost to the Town.

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-18
April 2008
Regarding water issues, see Response A.21 and Section H. The proposed use has
     little in common with a corporate campus. There will be far less traffic than on an
     office site. The buildings on the site are not adaptable to corporate office structures.
     The interests of the project sponsors are religious, not “corporate.”

A.31 Comment: Due to the sensitivity of the site and the concern of residents in
     Cragsmoor about the potential for additional development on the site, we urge the
     Planning Board to consider requiring a conservation easement on the undeveloped
     portion of the property to assure that undeveloped land be protected in perpetuity
     (Heidi Wagner, preserve manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor resident, at
     public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.31 Response: See Response A.10 and A.11 for a full discussion of the Applicant’s
     proposal for a buffer around the property perimeter, which is discussed at various
     points throughout the FEIS.

A.32 Comment: This plan has only outlined a construction sequence for Phase I, which is
     proposed to be just under 12 acres. Soil disturbance must be limited to 5 acres or
     less at any one time during the construction phase. A phasing plan, with detailed
     construction sequence for each phase at full build-out, must be included on the site
     plan and must limit areas of disturbance to 5 acres or less. These phases must be
     clearly delineated on the site plan (Janet Swentusky, NYS Department of
     Environmental Conservation, memo dated January 23, 2007).

A.32 Response: The Applicant acknowledges the obligation to limit disturbance to 5 acres
     or less at any one time during the construction phase. Site plan approval is only
     being sought for Phase I at this time. Each phase subsequent to the first shall be
     required to obtain Planning Board site plan review and approval prior to
     construction. Detailed construction sequencing will be developed for the particular
     phase under review at the time of site plan approval. All construction sequencing
     and soil disturbance will be done in accordance with NYSDEC Phase II Stormwater
     Regulations. As described in Response J.3, Phase I will be broken down into sub-
     phases to assure that the amount of disturbance is less than 5 acres. During this
     Phase, a maximum of 4.3 acres will be disturbed in any one sub-phase. Subsequent
     phases will involve the construction of the individual building complexes or
     combinations of buildings. As described in Response J.3, only Phase IV will exceed 5
     acres (8.0 acres). However, work during that phase will be broken down into sub-
     phases so as to assure that disturbance is limited to less than 5 acres at any one
     time See Tables III.A-1 and III.A-2, below, for a revised summary of site disturbance
     to reflect the modified site plan.

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                      III-19
April 2008
Table III.A-1: Area of Disturbance Breakdown
                                     AREA OF DISTURBANCE                PERCENT (%) OF TOTAL PARCEL
                                            (Acres)                                 AREA
                                                               9.89                                  10.92%
Roads                                                          7.54                                    8.33%
Parking                                                        1.75                                    1.93%
Septic Systems *                                               2.64                                    2.92%
Drainage Facilities                                            8.56                                    9.45%

Total                                                        30.38                                   33.54%
      •     There is an additional 1.46 acres or 1.61% of the site that is designated as SSDS expansion areas
            that would remain undeveloped unless the area is needed for expansion. There may be some
            variation in the area of disturbance due to the SSDSs, based on final design and permitting.
            However, large variations are not expected. Any additional area of disturbance will be in the SSDS
            areas shown in the modified site plan and is not expected to create any additional environmental

                                  Table III.A-2: Disturbance by Cover Types
                                      AREA OF DISTURBANCE               PERCENT (%) OF TOTAL PARCEL
NO.            COVER TYPE
                                             (Acres)                                AREA
 1        Wetland/Watercourse                                  0.00                    0.00%
 2           Mature Forest                                    16.82                   18.57%
 3           Young Woods                                       9.35                   10.32%
 4          Upland Meadow                                      4.21                    4.65%
                         TOTAL                               30.38                    33.54%

A.33 Comment: I recommend the creation of conservation easements on all lands which
     will not be used in the project proposal (Maureen Radl, VP Cragsmoor Historical
     Society, VP Friends of the Shawangunks, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.33 Response: See Responses A.10 and A.11.

A.34 Comment: I can’t figure out in all of this that who is the legal entity that somebody
     would go after when and if they don’t do what they are supposed to do (Dick Nolan,
     Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.34 Response: The project Applicant, Dharmakaya, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization
     registered in the State of New York and an affiliate of the United Trungram Buddhist
     Fellowship (UTBF), a nonprofit organization established in 1992. In the United
     States, Dharmakaya fills the role of all dharma teaching activities for UTBF and
     oversees meditation groups in New York City, Boston and Seattle. Contact
     information for Dharmakaya is found on its Web site,
     As noted in Response A.16 above, the Town will enforce compliance with the
     conditions of the special permit and site plan, through its Building Inspector,

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                                      III-20
April 2008
reserving to the Town all additional authority of a Town under New York State Law
     to enforce its zoning and planning laws.

A.35 Comment: The Board should consider an escrow account for the mending and
     complete repair of the terrain for each phase of the project, should the Applicant
     ever abandon any part of it, at least there would be finances to repair the ground
     (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.35 Response: The Applicant will abide by all Town requirements concerning this issue,
     and will not be treated any differently than any other applicant for site plan
     approval. Additionally, applicable stormwater regulations limit the amount of land
     that can be exposed at one time. The Town will require sedimentation and erosion
     control measures, and landscaping bonds relating to certain improvements.

A.36 Comment: I would like to inquire as to whether this Planning Board has found this to
     be an overwhelming project and has employed outside, independent consultants
     focused entirely and only on this DEIS as provided by SEQR. This project is of
     monumental size and although I realize many New York State agencies have been
     requested to comment, I ask if you clearly understand (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor
     resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

A.36 Response: See Response A.17.

A.37 Comment: Cragsmoor residents are already speaking with independent and skilled
     consultants, and I believe it appropriate to ask this Planning Board to require the
     Applicant to pay these professional fees. The proposed cost is beyond the ability of
     Cragsmoor residents and the figures rise daily (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident,
     at public hearing November 30, 2006.

A.37 Response: As discussed above and in Response A.17, the Applicant is providing
     funding, through a lawfully established escrow account, for the experts hired by the
     Planning Board to review the DEIS, as required by the Town. The Applicant is not
     required to fund the professional fees of consultants hired by project opponents.

B.   Executive Summary

No comments received.

C.   Description of the Proposed Action

C.1 Comment: Please upgrade Old Inn Road (off of Cragsmoor Road) to accommodate
    two-way fire apparatus and please keep road maintained during course of
    construction (Cragsmoor Fire District Board of Commissioners, memo dated
    November 15, 2006).

C.1 Response: Old Inn Road is a privately owned road. Other commenters, including
    owners of properties with rights to use Old Inn Road, have expressed concerns

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                  III-21
April 2008
about preserving the quiet nature of the road, and avoiding “over-improvement”
     that would change its character (see Comment and Response N.23 and N.24, for
     example). Based on meetings with the fire district, as represented by Commissioner
     Jack Kissel, the fire district has indicated that Old Inn Road will not need to be
     widened from its current width. They indicated that pull-off areas need to be
     provided along the road’s length so vehicles during any emergency would be able
     to pass. Upon further field investigation and discussion with the Old Inn Road
     Neighborhood Association, the applicant is proposing that the existing driveways at
     each residential driveway entrance accommodate this requirement. It is important to
     note that Old Inn Road will function only as a secondary emergency entrance back-
     up to the primary Cragsmoor Road Hermitage entrance. Further, it should be noted
     that all construction will be mobilized and serviced from Cragsmoor Road only.
     Hence, Old Inn Road will not experience any construction traffic during the course of
     the project’s construction and will not require any maintenance associated with such

C.2 Comment: The request by the Fire District to widen Old Inn Road is unreasonable
    and excessive. The road is currently quite adequate for large vehicles and will not be
    a primary access road for the Dharmakaya Center (Irene Seeland, Cragsmoor
    resident, memo dated November 27, 2006).

C.2 Response: See Response C.1.

C.3 Comment: The scale of the proposed project, both its size (Disneyesque) and
    timeframe for its execution, is unacceptable. We strongly believe that a 70,000+ sq.
    ft. construction project smack in the middle of the hamlet will irreparably detract
    from the bucolic charm that has been intrinsic to Cragsmoor since its establishment
    (Russell and Monica Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006).

C.3 Response: As has been noted in previous responses (see A.1 and A.4, for example),
    the Dharmakaya project was designed to be a place of quiet meditation and repose.
    While the buildings are larger than others in Cragsmoor, the site is also far larger
    than other sites in Cragsmoor. The buildings suit the function of the center of
    worship. However, they are not visually intrusive, and have deep setbacks from the
    property line. They are designed to be visually attractive when seen. Even in the
    initial proposal (as evaluated in the DEIS), the project had deep setbacks and
    proposed a less intensive development scenario than the clearing and development
    necessary for single-family development permitted as-of-right.                 Deep
    buffer/landscaped areas along Cragsmoor Road screened the site from viewing by
    passers-by and nearby residents.

     Moreover, in response to public comments on the DEIS, the Applicant has made
     numerous substantive modifications to the project. As described in Chapter II of this
     FEIS, overall, the site plan changes result in a reduction in final build-out in terms of
     occupancy, number of buildings, total square footage and parking. These
     modifications would generate decreases in water usage, septic capacity, electrical
     loads, disturbed areas, parking and landscaping. The alterations also include the
     relocation of certain buildings, which would significantly improve views from
     neighboring properties. The changes include a reduction in the footprint of the

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                       III-22
April 2008
proposed Hermitage from 78,246 square feet to 67,557 square feet, a decrease of
     approximately 14 percent. As a result of this decrease in total footprint, total
     occupancy of the Hermitage, on a day-to-day basis, would be reduced from 107
     people to 85 people, or approximately 21 percent. Finally, the changes would result
     in a net reduction of total parking spaces on the project site, of 33, from 112 spaces
     to 79, or approximately 29 percent. A rendering of the revised site plan is provided
     in Figure II-1, of this FEIS, and full-scale engineering drawings are provided in
     Appendix B. Refer to Chapter II for a detailed discussion of changes to the original
     site plan.

C.4 Comment: The proposed time frame of up to 10 years for construction, which
    entails extensive blasting and other noise pollution connected with the massive
    clearing and construction processes, is a real long-term threat (Russell and Monica
    Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006).

C.4 Response: See Response A.9 for a description of the overall plan for development,
    and Response J.3 for a description of phasing and potential alternate phasing
    plans. No blasting is expected to occur during any phase of construction. While the
    time for completion of the project may vary somewhat, the minimum anticipated
    time for such completion is estimated to be approximately 7 years. Even at this
    maximum building pace, construction periods of 12-18 months would be followed
    by quiet periods between phases with no construction activity. The phased process
    will assure a slow pace of disturbance, limiting areas disturbed at one time. It is
    also possible that the time period for completion of the project may extend to a
    longer period of time, such as the 10 year period suggested by the commenter, by
    virtue of longer periods of time between phases. The total length of actual
    construction activity would be expected to remain constant under any of the potential
    scenarios for phasing and total project completion. The longer periods between one
    or more phases will not generate any additional adverse impacts. As noted, the
    extended period of a slower paced development is itself a method of limiting the
    intensity of construction-related impacts at any one time.

     Regarding noise, it is expected that site clearing and other construction of the
     proposed project may result in some short-term noise-related impacts, although the
     noise levels will diminish in intensity as site preparation, excavation work and
     foundation development are completed. To mitigate these impacts, the Applicant
     proposes to limit construction to the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mondays through
     Fridays, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays; with no construction activities occurring
     on Sundays. This construction schedule is more stringent than that provided in the
     Town of Wawarsing Noise Ordinance. Because some short-term noise levels at
     adjacent property lines may, without mitigation, exceed levels permitted under the
     Town of Wawarsing Noise Control Law, the Applicant will use noise damping
     practices during construction to minimize the impact on surrounding properties, and
     all mechanical construction equipment will be maintained in good working order to
     minimize noise levels. See section O for further discussion of Noise impacts.

C.5 Comment: Does the project need to be so large? If so, is this tiny hamlet an
    appropriate place to build it? What of the potentially long-term, irreversible negative

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                    III-23
April 2008
impacts on residents living in such quarters to its location (Russell and Monica
     Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006)?

C.5 Response: Regarding the project’s size, see Response C.3. The Applicant believes
    that the present location is the appropriate place for its proposed project. Because of
    the quiet nature of the activities and the inherent respect for the setting by the
    owners and occupants of the Hermitage over time, the Applicant believes that the
    interests of the project proponents and the neighboring residents of Cragsmoor are
    entirely congruent. The Dharmakaya project proponents chose this site because of
    the qualities of the Cragsmoor hamlet, and believe that the Hermitage will enhance
    the character of the hamlet. The project proponents also believe that their project is
    more compatible with the neighborhood than a conventional subdivision
    development. Regarding potential negative impacts to surrounding residents, see
    Responses A.1, A.3, A.4, A.10, A.11, A.16 and A.24.

C6   Comment: There is a real possibility of a large corporate campus, not just a retreat
     (Ted Horn, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 19, 2006).

C.6 Response: First, corporate office complexes are not a permitted use in this zoning
    district. Second, it is the Applicant’s opinion that there is virtually no likelihood that
    this site would be deemed desirable as a corporate office or research and
    development site because of its remote location from highway access. Moreover, the
    layout and design of the buildings, including the meditation center, is inappropriate
    for corporate office purposes. The largest building on the site is now 16,500 square
    feet in size (reduced from 18,500 square feet in the DEIS). This is much smaller than
    the usual corporate office building. In general, developers of corporate office
    buildings in the greater New York City metropolitan area seek a building area of
    20,000 to 30,000 square feet per floor, with buildings typically encompassing
    several floors. Therefore, none of the buildings on the project site would be readily
    adaptable for use as a corporate office. See Responses A.16 and A.30.

C.7 Comment: We are concerned that the intensive use of the site mostly as the result of
    the construction of more than 75,000 square feet of space in seventeen buildings,
    with traffic brought by significant periodic visitation and significant water and septic
    use, will threaten the current balance of the area (Sally Matz, President of
    Cragsmoor Historical Society, memo dated December 21, 2006).

C.7 Response: As discussed throughout this FEIS, Dharmakaya’s purpose is to provide a
    place for retreatants to immerse themselves in quiet contemplation and meditation,
    with the most serious students participating in the three-year retreat. See Response
    A22. The existing natural environment of Cragsmoor is a key factor in the
    atmosphere needed for the Hermitage, and preserving the quality of that
    environment is a major element of its mission. This proposed use is a much less
    intensive use than a conventional as-of-right residential subdivision, which would
    result in significantly more impacts relating to traffic, water and sewer use and
    community character. See Responses A.1., A.3, A.4, A.9 and A.16. In addition, the
    Applicant has substantially reduced the size and intensity of its proposed use. The
    total size of the proposed project is now 67,457 square feet, a reduction from the

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                       III-24
April 2008
initial size (as described in the DEIS) of 78,246 square feet. See Response C.3 and
     Chapter II for a full discussion of these site plan modifications.

C.8 Comment: Are the three detention ponds and two water quality basins for use in
    case of fire, and, if so, are they constructed to contain appropriate water levels at all
    times, or are they constructed so that in dry/drought months the ponds will be vastly
    reduced or completely dry and useless to the Fire Department (Linda Rogers,
    Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006)?

C.8 Response: The intent of the detention ponds are for stormwater mitigation and
    reduction of peak flows. They are not intended for use as fire ponds. A separate
    underground storage tank has been proposed to supply water for fire fighting. See
    Response A.32.

C.9 Comment: The Applicant indicates the intention to celebrate eight individual
    holidays scattered throughout the year. It is important that the number never
    increase because of negative visual, traffic, sewerage and water-use impact (Linda
    Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006).

C.9 Response: The Applicant has agreed to limit the times of visitation to the eight times
    per year which are significant dates on the Buddhist calendar. It should be noted
    that the activities planned for these days are teaching activities. The activities will not
    be noisy or involve loud music or celebration through noise-making activity. While
    the number of people on the site would increase on these days by approximately
    143 people, the total site population on these days would still be approximately 228
    people, which is not an overly intense population for a 91-acre site. This population
    is less than the visitation experienced in the area for Cragsmoor Day or other
    celebrations at Sam’s Point and other scenic attractions. The Applicant does not
    believe that the environmental impacts on these visitation days are significant,
    considering the size of the site, the nature of the visitations, the accommodations on
    the site for parking and the nature of the area. Conditions relating to maximum
    population are expected to be among the conditions of the special permit and/or
    site plan approvals.

C.10 Comment: As the Conservancy sees it, the Cragsmoor community is particularly
     concerned about the size of the project and the possibility of more development in
     the future, and the Conservancy shares these concerns. The development appears to
     be vastly larger and grander than necessary to support the current announced use.
     For example, the “teacher’s house,” which is said to be the home for just two
     persons, is almost 5,000 square feet in size. This would make it the grandest house
     in Cragsmoor by a huge margin- just for two people. This immense size is not only
     unnecessary but tends to support a suspicion that the occupancy of this building will
     grow exponentially in future years, belying any current statements about limited
     usage. And the same could be said about the other buildings (Jeffrey Slade, The
     Cragsmoor Conservancy, President, memo dated December 21, 2006).

C.10 Response: First, it is noted that many of the buildings have been reduced in size,
     including an approximately 20 percent reduction in the size of the teacher's house.
     More importantly, the Applicant has expressed its commitment to the program it has

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                        III-25
April 2008
proposed and also expressed its willingness to have the maximum occupancy and
     use set forth as conditions in the special permit and site plan approvals. These
     commitments are reinforced by the fact that occupancy and use cannot exceed the
     parameters studied within this environmental impact statement. The Applicant is
     bound by its special permit application and the EIS. The Planning Board will only
     approve what is justified based upon the review.

     As a center of worship and quiet meditation, spacious facilities both within the
     common buildings and without – the natural beauty of a 91-acre woodland – are
     conducive to the very purpose of the project. A spacious and natural environment
     contributes to a spacious and loving state of mind during meditation. This is a center
     of worship, meditation and repose. Cramped facilities are not conducive to the very
     purpose of the project. It is inappropriate to oppose an acceptable use based on
     speculation about potential future violations, when there is no factual basis upon
     which to determine that any such violation will occur. The larger facilities about
     which fear has been expressed (e.g. “corporate campus,” “corporate America”) are
     not even permitted in the zoning district. As noted elsewhere in this FEIS, the
     conditions on maximum occupancy will be enforced by the Town. In addition, the
     public will have continued opportunities for input as the subsequent site plan
     applications are reviewed. No activities of any greater intensity or size than those
     approved in the present review process can be placed on the site without a further
     application process, which would entail revisiting the SEQRA process. Both these
     steps (site plan review and SEQRA) would involve a further public review process.
     See Responses A.10, A.16 and C.3. For a discussion of the need for the size and
     number of buildings as described in this FEIS, see Response C.27.

C.11 Comment: There are concerns that the usage of the site will grow well beyond what
     is currently proposed, both through increased usage of the current buildings and
     perhaps through increased development on the site (Jeffrey Slade, President, The
     Cragsmoor Conservancy, memo dated December 21, 2006).

C.11 Response: See Responses A.10, A.16 and C10.

C.12 Comment: The only full scale drawings found in the binder were the Erosion and
     Sediment Control Plans. Very little information with regard to other associated
     necessary plan details has been provided. The currently submitted DEIS plans are
     too general and do not provide the minimum information necessary to allow a
     proper determination of the environmental impacts associated with this project
     (David Clouser, David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor
     Association, memo dated December 22, 2006).

C.12 Response: Appendix F of the DEIS that was distributed to all involved or interested
     agencies contained not only “Erosion and Sediment Control” plans, but also “Layout
     and Utility” and “Grading and Drainage” plans, each of which was prepared to a
     scale of 1 inch = 80 feet. These drawings were prepared at a scale that exceeds the
     one the commenter has requested of 1 inch = 100 feet. Additional copies of the
     DEIS were available for review at the Town Hall and the libraries. See Response

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                    III-26
April 2008
C.13 Comment: I dread the long-term project including the cutting down of 30 acres of
     forest in four phases of development over 10 years (Joan Lesikin, Cragsmoor
     resident, memo dated December 24, 2006).

C.13 Response: The development of this project also involves the preservation of
     approximately 60 acres of open space, the imposition of restrictions preserving
     buffers around the perimeter and the allocation of this site to an extremely quiet use.
     See Responses A.1., A.9, A.10, A.11, A. 15, A.16, C.4 and C.10, among others.

C.14 Comment: Cerniglia Architecture and Planning is recorded in the B scoping
     transcripts most emphatically correcting Lucy Dart saying there were no 17,000-
     square-foot buildings in the project. Apparently, the architecture firm is somehow
     unaware of the 18,500-square-foot building mentioned in project C
     correspondence (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents, memo
     dated December 25, 2006).

C.14 Response: The comment in the November 30, 2005, public scoping session
     transcript, stating that there were no 17,000-square-foot buildings in the project,
     was made in error. However, that error was fully corrected in the DEIS, and there
     has been a full opportunity to comment on the size of the buildings. As noted
     elsewhere, this largest building on the site is set deep into the site, with ample
     setbacks and screening from views from other properties. As further noted, site plan
     modifications made in response to public concerns since completion of the DEIS will
     reduce the size of the Bodhisattva Dharma Center from 18,500 square feet to
     16,500 square feet, a decrease of approximately 11%. Also please refer to
     Responses A.16 and C.3.

C.15 Comment: Last December several petitions were submitted to the Planning Board
     signed by 92 town residents complaining about the sheer size of this project. Since
     then the plan as described in the DEIS is even larger (William Williams, Cragsmoor
     resident, memo dated December 25, 2006).

C.15 Response: The original plan included fewer buildings (14) of much larger scale and
     size. The succeeding plan increased the number of buildings (18) in order to reduce
     the scale and size of many of these buildings to create building sizes and profiles
     which keep more in character with the scale and size of existing buildings within the
     Cragsmoor Historic District. Throughout this process, the project program, including
     the total square footage, has remained consistent with original proposals (in the
     approximate range of 75,000 to 78,000 square feet). Any marginal increase in this
     area is not the result of increasing the project in terms of programs offered or
     occupants served. Rather, in an effort to decrease building size and scales by
     creating more buildings, inefficiencies result and additional space is required to
     accommodate more individual spaces where such spaces were once shared in
     common in a larger building (these spaces include facilities for building services,
     storage spaces, mechanical spaces, circulation spaces, toilet and shower facilities,
     etc.). As has been noted in other sections of the FEIS Chapter III (see Response C.3
     for example) the Applicant has proposed substantial reductions in the project size
     and scope as part of the FEIS in response to public comments.

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                     III-27
April 2008
C.16 Comment: Pre-construction activities can be devastating on flora and fauna. The
     DEIS claims there will be minimum clearing, preservation of habitat, phasing of
     construction, erosion control and water-saving techniques. Are these claims
     substantiated with facts and sound analysis (James Barbour, Ecological consultant
     hired by Cragsmoor Association and Nature Conservancy, memo received
     December 26, 2006)?

C.16 Response: The DEIS contained information on each of the items listed in the
     comment. Furthermore, the Town of Wawarsing hired several experts to review the
     DEIS, and their comments form part of the record and are responded to in this FEIS
     (See Response A.17). The Planning Board's SEQRA Findings in this regard will be
     enforced by conditions of the special permit and site plan approval.

C.17 Comment: The project is far too large and inappropriate for the site, and will have
     far too great an impact on the environment to allow for approval. The project will
     damage the quality of life and ecological resources of Cragsmoor in direct relation
     to its scale (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, memo dated
     December 26, 2006).

C.17 Response: See Responses A.1, A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.3.

C.18 Comment: There is no control over the likely expansion of the project far beyond the
     current excessive scope, exacerbating all of the prospective impact to the
     surrounding community (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, memo
     dated December 26, 2006).

C.18 Response: See Responses A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.10.

C.19 Comment: I request the Town of Wawarsing officials question how the
     Dharmakayas will address future expansion even though they stated in the DEIS that
     there will be no requirements for such. It is hard for me to believe that a World
     Center could be built at this time and know they will not have a need to expand in
     the future (Dolores Williams, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26,

C.19 Response: See Responses A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.10.

C.20 Comment: I am truly afraid that a development on the scale of the Dharmakaya
     would overwhelm tiny Cragsmoor with its needs, and our lovely community would
     be unable to withstand the onslaught (Mary Kroul McAlpin, Cragsmoor resident,
     memo dated December 26, 2006).

C.20 Response: See Responses A.1, A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.3.

C.21 Comment: I’d just like to take a minute of your time to explain the general feelings
     of the Cragsmoor residents about this project. In short, it’s just too big and not in
     keeping with the residential and historical nature of our hamlet (Jim McKinney,
     Cragsmoor Association, President, at public hearing November 30, 2006).

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                   III-28
April 2008
C.21 Response: In response to public concerns about the potential impacts of the
     proposed buildings on the Cragsmoor Historic District, the Applicant has relocated
     the Teacher’s House to the southwest, further into the interior of the project site,
     from its currently proposed location just off of Old Inn Road. This relocation will
     ensure the preservation of the viewshed from Old Inn Road down the former golf
     course fairway, and the building will sit approximately 30 feet lower relative to Old
     Inn Road. In addition, the Teacher’s House will be moved approximately 225 feet to
     the southeast from the neighboring residence, eliminating the need for the curb cut
     off of Old Inn Road previously proposed to provide access the Teacher’s House;.
     While both the Teacher’s House and Guest Teacher’s House will remain within the
     Cragsmoor Historic District, the relocation of the Teacher’s House will ensure that
     neither structure will be visible from off-site. See Response C.3.

     As to other issues relating to size and potential future uses, see Responses A.9, A.10,
     A.11, A.16 and C.10.

C.22 Comment: Imagine what a corporate campus sized facility at 78,000 square feet
     could become. It would swallow up all of Cragsmoor, 470 odd residents. Our
     concern is the potential to vastly overwhelm our small community with this huge
     facility which could serve a vast number of people. The facility needs to be smaller
     (Jim McKinney, Cragsmoor Association, President, Public Hearing November 30,

C.22 Response: See Responses A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16, A.30, C.3, C.6 and C.10.

C.23 Comment: There is no indication in the EIS of the potential for growth of this site
     (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at public hearing November
     30, 2006).

C.23 Response: In keeping with the requirements of SEQRA, the DEIS was prepared to
     address the “whole action,” including the ultimate planned development for the site.
     The Applicant does not foresee any future growth of the site beyond the maximums
     studied in the DEIS. The Applicant further believes that the speculation that this site
     will become a “corporate office complex” or some other large-scale institutional use
     in the future is not based on factual evidence, market trends or zoning. Although
     there is no reasonable basis for forecasting further expansion or change in use, it is
     also true that even in the unlikely and unforeseen event that any change was
     proposed by anyone at any point in the future, it would be subject to a zoning
     review and a SEQRA review, with opportunity for public comment. See Responses
     A.10, A.11, A.16, A.30, C.6 and C.10.

C.24 Comment: The proposed development is, we believe, a compatible use for the land
     in concept, but we are concerned that the intense use of the site, mostly as a result
     of traffic brought by significant periodic visitation and by significant water and septic
     requirements threatens that balance. The society asks the Board to protect the
     resources and community character by asking the Applicant to reduce the scale of
     the project as a matter of buildings, roadways, parking lots and landscape
     modifications desired are out of balance with the surrounding community (Sally
     Matz, President, Cragsmoor Historical Society, Public Hearing November 30, 2006).

MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS                                                       III-29
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FEIS Chapter III - Comments and Responses

  • 1. III. COMMENTS AND RESPONSES INTRODUCTION This section of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) addresses the comments received on the October 2006 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Comments include those presented at the DEIS public hearing held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, 2006, at The Town of Wawarsing Town Hall in Ellenville, New York, and written comments submitted to the Town of Wawarsing Planning Board during DEIS public review period held from October 31, 2006, to December 26, 2006. The following table presents a list of individuals and agencies that submitted written comments during the DEIS public review period; comments received verbally at the DEIS public hearing are also included. Table III-1: Written Comments Received on the DEIS Letter Author Author Affiliation Date of Letter 1. Davidson, Chuck None. Oct. 26, 2006 2. Cragsmoor Fire District Same. Nov. 15, 2006 Board of Commissioners 3. Lesikin, Joan Member, Cragsmoor Association. Nov. 22, 2006 4. McCombs, Harry Cragsmoor resident. Nov. 25, 2006 5. McCombs, June Cragsmoor resident. Nov. 25, 2006 6. McCombs, Scott Cragsmoor resident. Nov. 25, 2006 7. Beinkafner, Katherine Mid-Hudson Geosciences Nov. 27, 2006 8. Seeland, Irene Cragsmoor resident. Nov. 27, 2006 9. Markunas, Kenneth NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Nov. 29, 2006 Preservation, Historic Sites Restoration Coordinator. 10. Porter, David Consultant to Cragsmoor Association to Nov. 29, 2006 review DEIS traffic analysis. 11. Damsky, Russell & Monica Cragsmoor residents. Dec. 4, 2006 12. Wiebe, Dianne Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 4, 2006 13. Horn, Ted Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 19, 2006 14. Harris, Wendy Cragsmoor resident, professional Dec. 20, 2006 archeologist. 15. Lanc, John Lanc & Tully Engineering, Town Engineer. Dec. 20, 2006 16. Matz, Sally Cragsmoor Historical Society, President. Dec. 21, 2006 17. Rogers, Linda Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 21, 2006 18. Slade, Jeffrey The Cragsmoor Conservancy, President. Dec. 21, 2006 19. Wagner, Heidi The Nature Conservancy, Sam’s Point Dec. 21, 2006 Preserve Manager. Cragsmoor resident. 20. Clouser, David David Clouser & Associates, engineering Dec. 22, 2006 consultant to Cragsmoor Association. 21. Franke, Jakob; Meyer, Members of Long Path South committee of Dec. 22, 2006 Eric; Hangland, Gary; New York/New Jersey Trail Conference. Spector, Malcolm; Garrison, Andy 22. Brown, Wayne Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 24, 2006 MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-1 April 2008
  • 2. Table III-1: Written Comments Received on the DEIS (Continued) 23. Lesikin, Joan Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 24, 2006 24. Rubin, Paul HydroQuest, consultant to Dec. 24, 2006 Cragsmoor Association. 25. Bierschenk, Joanne & Cragsmoor residents. Dec. 25, 2006 Richard 26. Williams, William Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 25, 2006 27. Barbour, James Ecological consultant hired by Received by Cragsmoor Association and Wawarsing Building Nature Conservancy. Dept. Dec. 26, 2006 28. Beinkafner, Katherine Mid-Hudson Geosciences Dec. 26, 2006 29. Benton, Blake Cragsmoor resident. Received by Wawarsing Building Dept. Dec. 26, 2006 30. Broderson, Cynthia Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 26, 2006 31. Gale, Tom Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 26, 2006 32. Gordon, David Attorney for Cragsmoor Dec. 26, 2006 Association 33. Matz, Sally Cragsmoor Historical Society, Dec. 26, 2006 President. 34. McAlpin, Mary Kroul Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 26, 2006 35. Williams, Dolores Cragsmoor resident. Dec. 26, 2006 36. Mackey, Douglas NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Dec. 28, 2006 Historic Preservation, Historic Preservation Program Analyst - Archeology. 37. Swentusky, Jane NYS Dept. of Environmental Jan. 23, 2007 Conservation. 38. Crist, Rebecca NYS Dept. of Environmental Feb. 2, 2007 Conservation. Note: In addition to the above comments, a review letter based upon a GML 239-m referral was received on December 27, 2006, from the Ulster County Planning Board. This letter, and the Applicant’s responses to it, are attached as Appendix M to this FEIS. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-2 April 2008
  • 3. Table III-2: Commenters at the Public Hearing Speaker Affiliation 1. McKenney, Jim President, Cragsmoor Association 2. Gordon, David Attorney for Cragsmoor Association 3. Beinkafner, Katherine Mid-Hudson Geosciences (Cragsmoor Association consultant). 4. Barbour, James Ecologist representing Cragsmoor Association 5. Sherman, Henry Cragsmoor resident 6. Wagner, Heidi Preserve manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor resident 7. Grace, Karen Cragsmoor resident 8. Matz, Sally President, Cragsmoor Historical Society 9. Radl, Maureen VP, Cragsmoor Historical Society, VP, Friends of the Shawangunks 10. Grace, William Cragsmoor resident 11. Nolan, Dick Cragsmoor resident 12. Lesikin, Joan Cragsmoor resident 13. Benton, Blake Cragsmoor resident 14. Wiebe, Dianne Cragsmoor resident 15. Hoff, Barbara Cragsmoor resident 16. Muller, Lucy Cragsmoor resident 17. Ditar, Ruth Cragsmoor resident 18. Peters, Dick Cragsmoor resident 19. Sergenic, Phil Cragsmoor resident 20. Muldoon, Kathleen Cragsmoor resident 21. Grace, Karen Cragsmoor resident 22. Rogers, Linda Cragsmoor resident 23. Meily, Walter Cragsmoor resident 24. Kraft, Jeff Cragsmoor resident 25. Dunn, Irene Cragsmoor resident 26. Beinkafner, Katherine Mid-Hudson Geosciences (consultant to Cragsmoor Association). 27. Blake Benton Cragsmoor resident The following section summarizes and responds to the comments; copies of all comments received, including transcripts from the public hearing, can be found in Appendix A (Comments Received on the DEIS). A summary of the comments made in each of the above referenced comment letters and public testimony is presented and a response to each comment listed is provided. The commenter’s name is listed after each comment. The responses to comments are organized as follows: A. General Comments B. Executive Summary C. Description of the Proposed Action D. Land Use and Zoning E. Community Character/Visual Resources F. Flora and Fauna G. Topography, Steep Slopes, Soils and Sanitary Sewage Disposal H. Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and Water Supply I. Surface Water and Wetland Resources J. Stormwater Management K. Traffic L. Community Facilities M. Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impacts N. Cultural Resources (historical and archeological) MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-3 April 2008
  • 4. O. Noise P. Analysis of Alternatives Q. Unavoidable Impacts A. General Comments NOTE: This section addresses general comments, and, accordingly, the responses are set forth in somewhat general terms. More specific comments on the same topics are responded to with corresponding specificity in later sections of the FEIS (see titles set forth above). A.1 Comment: What Cragsmoor is, is because of what Cragsmoor isn’t. It isn’t foul water and earth quality that can’t support its pristine habitat. It isn’t an imbalance of people to environment. It isn’t a place of stress. (Chuck Davidson, memo dated October 26, 2006). A.1 Response: The Mahamudra Buddhist Hermitage would not result in an imbalance of people to environment, nor would it be a place of stress. The goal of the Hermitage is to provide a place for retreatants to immerse themselves in quiet, contemplative practices and teaching. Because the Hermitage’s sole purpose is the development of inner awareness, the activities that will occur on-site will focus completely on the inner, personal interactions within oneself during meditation. The activities on the site will not involve celebratory, external, interaction with large audiences, or any of the noise associated with such activities. The existing natural environment is a major element of the atmosphere required for the Hermitage, and preserving the quality of that environment – in terms of water, soil and wildlife – is a central element of its mission. A.2 Comment: Please have both SHPO and the Preservation League of New York State review the final DEIS (Joan Lesikin, member of Cragsmoor Association, memo dated November 27, 2006). A.2 Response: Both agencies had the opportunity to review the DEIS. The Applicant received comments from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, of which SHPO is a part. Responses to these comments are contained in Section E, Community Character/Visual Resources, and Section N, Cultural Resources (historical and archeological). A.3 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the surrounding area (Harry McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? A.3 Response: As per the Scoping Document, the following potential environmental impacts to the surrounding area were evaluated in the DEIS: land use and zoning; community character/visual resources; flora and fauna; topography, steep slopes, soils and sanitary sewage disposal; hydrogeology, groundwater resources and water supply; surface water and wetland resources; stormwater management; traffic; community facilities; socioeconomic/fiscal impacts; cultural resources (historical and archeological); and noise. The DEIS concluded that potential adverse impacts of the MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-4 April 2008
  • 5. project include a small increase in local traffic, incremental increases in demand on community services, a slight increase in demand for utilities, an increase in impervious surfaces, some possible disturbance of wildlife habitats, a small decrease to the Town of Wawarsing’s potential tax base and minor visual impacts. The DEIS concluded that these potential adverse impacts can be appropriately mitigated through a range of measures, as more fully explained within the document. A.4 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (Harry McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? A.4 Response: The proposed project will be a very quiet land use that has very limited visibility from the road. Its development will prevent the site from being subdivided and cleared for a number of residential lots. The modifications to the project, which have reduced its size, visibility and occupancy, will further limit the impacts. Because of the nature of the proposed project, it should not result in any visible impact or significant adverse environmental impacts that would negatively affect property values in the surrounding area. In fact the quiet use of the retreat facilities and the preservation of landscape buffers and restrictions on future development would protect the neighborhood from an as-of-right residential subdivision, thus preserving and enhancing property values. Given the proposed quiet use of the land, the use’s prevention of future subdivision and the lack of visible impacts or other significant adverse environmental impacts, property values in the surrounding area should be preserved. Furthermore, the certainty provided by the Applicant’s proposed restrictions on future development, in the form of a permanent buffer around approximately 77 percent of the property perimeter, including all portions bordering public roads, will provide additional protection of property values in the vicinity of the project site. This proposed restriction is discussed in greater detail in Response A.10, below. A.5 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the surrounding area (June McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? A.5 Response: See response for A.3. A.6 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (June McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? A.6 Response: See response for A.4. A.7 Comment: Has any thought been given as to the impact on the environment of the surrounding area (Scott McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? A.7 Response: See response for A.3. A.8 Comment: What will happen to the value of our property (Scott McCombs, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 25, 2006)? MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-5 April 2008
  • 6. A.8 Response: See response for A.4. A.9 Comment: The DEIS states that there will be no fragmentation. This ten-year, 4- phase development of buildings, roads, water drainage, sewers, parking, etc. will result in ripping apart the landscape. There will be fragmentation (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006). A.9 Response: The project has been planned to have a measured development pace consistent with the low-impact nature of the proposed use, which will minimize construction-related impacts. The internal road, with attendant utilities, is scheduled for completion as part of Phase I, to avoid any necessity of repeated disturbance of that area. No blasting is expected to occur during any phase of construction, and the project will not require relocation of any existing projects or facilities. The project layout has been designed to minimize construction in areas of steeper slopes, meaning that significant areas will not be re-graded. While approximately 33.5% of the project site with the modified layout will be re-graded and temporarily exposed during construction of the project, the phased process will assure a slow pace of disturbance, limiting areas disturbed at one time. In addition, site plan modifications since completion of the DEIS will reduce final build-out in terms of occupancy, number of buildings, total square footage and parking. These changes will generate decreases in water usage, septic capacity, electrical loads, disturbed areas, parking and landscaping. As discussed in Chapter IV.C (Flora and Fauna) of the DEIS, fragmentation can be described in two fashions: forest and habitat fragmentation. Forest fragmentation results from the practice of opening up closed forest canopy, allowing edge-oriented species to penetrate into areas of the forest that they could not reach before. Habitat fragmentation is the separation and isolation of habitats and wildlife populations by placing impenetrable barriers between habitats that prevent mixing of formerly connected or adjacent wildlife populations. The site planning for the proposed project has created a layout that will minimize the clearing of forested areas and the creation of barriers for wildlife migration. Furthermore, the proposed modifications to the proposed site plan have reduced the amount of disturbance on the site. During construction, special measures will be taken so that construction limits are clearly defined to prevent disruption of areas that were to remain undisturbed (See Response G.8). The DEIS stated that there may be temporary disruption of wildlife migration corridors during construction; however, long-term, they should remain intact. The phasing of the project, as described in Response J.3, will minimize these temporary disruptions, thus minimizing fragmentation impacts. Phase I, which is further divided into several separate sub-phases, involves the construction of the main roads, utilities and infrastructure and the Milarepa Center. The sub-phases were established so that less than 5 acres are disturbed at any one time. The initial two sub-phases involve the road construction from Cragsmoor Road to the Milarepa Center site, leaving the section north of there to Old Inn Road undisturbed. The third sub-phase is the construction of the Milarepa Center buildings, with the final sub- phase being the completion of the road construction to Old Inn Road. This will allow MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-6 April 2008
  • 7. any temporary habitat disruptions caused by the initial road installation to reestablish while the building construction takes place, which in turn will help mitigate any impacts caused by the construction of the balance of the road. Since Phase I includes all of the work that transverses the site from Cragsmoor Road to Old Inn Road, upon completion, any temporary disruptions of wildlife migration will cease to exist. Future phases involve construction of individual building complexes within contained areas. Due to the limited development area of each site, during the construction of any of these future phases, disruption to wildlife migration is not anticipated. See Response J.3 for a detailed discussion of phasing, and alternate phasing. While the time for completion of the project in its entirety may vary somewhat, the minimum anticipated time for such completion is estimated to be approximately 7 years. Even at this maximum building pace, construction periods of 12-18 months would be followed by quiet periods between phases with no construction activity, and it is not anticipated that there will be significant fragmentation impacts, as discussed herein. It is also possible that the time period for completion of the project may extend to a longer period of time, such as the ten year period of time suggested by the commenter, by virtue of longer periods of time between phases. The total length of actual construction activity would be expected to remain constant under any of the potential scenarios for phasing and total project completion. The longer periods between one or more phases will not generate any additional adverse impacts. A.10 Comment: Additional consideration should be given to a well-defined, 360-degree “buffer zone” – a Conservation Easement guaranteed, in perpetuity, never to incur future fragmentation or further development (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006). A.10 Response: As discussed in Chapter II, the Applicant is proposing greenspace buffers along approximately 77 percent of the site boundary, as follows: A buffer approximately 100 feet deep is proposed along the entire frontage of the property along Cragsmoor Road, and the entire frontage along Old Inn Road. A buffer approximately 200 feet deep is proposed along the southern and western boundaries of the property. A buffer continues at a depth of 100 feet along the northwest boundary of the property. These buffers are substantially deeper than the applicable 50-foot yard requirement in the R/C-3A zoning district. The proposed buffer area is depicted in Figure II-4. The purpose of the buffer area is to provide landscaped buffer areas which generally limit placement of facilities above ground level within the buffer area and provide reasonable amounts of natural screening along areas viewed from public and private roadways. In total, the proposed buffers would cover an area of 26.6 acres, or 29 percent of the site. Dharmakaya would have certain limited reserved rights within the buffer areas, including the right to place walking and meditation trails and religious statuary; to selectively prune vegetation; and to remove dead or diseased trees. Dharmakaya would also, upon approval by the Planning Board and in the manner shown on approved site plans, be allowed to place structures and facilities within the buffer areas, including access drives, entrance lighting and directional signage; water and MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-7 April 2008
  • 8. stormwater facilities; septic and other underground utilities; and such other structures and facilities as the Planning Board may deem appropriate in support of the use of the property and consistent with the function of the buffer areas. The buffer areas would be noted on any approved site plans, with appropriate notes to implement the restrictions as approved by the Planning Board. In addition, the Applicant would file appropriate covenants and restrictions to implement the buffer restrictions and reserved rights as set forth in the approval resolution, in a form approved by the Planning Board Attorney, additionally naming the Town of Wawarsing as a benefited party with ability to enforce the provisions of the covenants and restrictions. Additionally, the Applicant will offer to the Town of Wawarsing a Conservation Easement, in form approved by the Town Attorney, setting forth the same substantive restrictions and reserved rights as in the covenants and restrictions, and granting the Town the ability to enforce the Conservation Easement. Both the covenants and restrictions and, if accepted by the Town, the Conservation Easement, would be recorded no later than simultaneously with the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for a building within the project. A.11 Comment: The Planning Board can require Dharmakaya to enter into a conservation easement with the Cragsmoor Conservancy or another suitable not- for-profit entity to limit both the current use of the property and any further development. Such a conservation easement could limit the size and location of buildings, require specific landscaping, prevent the use of undeveloped land and so on. Any community concern about the size, impact or future use of the project could be met through this conservation easement device (Jeffrey Slade, The Cragsmoor Conservancy, President, memo dated December 21, 2006). A.11 Response: See Response A.10. The Applicant is proposing to create buffers around 77 percent of its perimeter, covering approximately 29 percent of its land. Dharmakaya believes that its proposal to create these buffers is not necessary to mitigate adverse impacts, but is consented to by Dharmakaya as a neighborly gesture in a mutual effort to preserve privacy, quiet, and the nature of the community. A.12 Comment: Due to sensitivity of the site, we urge the Planning Board to consider requiring a conservation easement on the undeveloped portion of the property, to assure that the undeveloped land be protected in perpetuity (Heidi Wagner, The Nature Conservancy, Preserve Manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006). A.12 Response: See Responses A.10 and A.11. A.13 Comment: The figures identified in the DEIS as Site Plan, Schematic Landscaping Plan, Buffer Area Plan, as well as other mapping within the DEIS, are represented at a scale of 1 inch= 300 feet, which is a scale typically used for very general mapping of large areas, without any significant design detail. For a project of this scale and scope, the DEIS mapping typically has a maximum scale of 1 inch= 100 feet. This larger scale mapping format would allow a proper review of site design elements MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-8 April 2008
  • 9. (David Clouser, David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor Association, memo dated December 22, 2006). A.13 Response: Appendix F of the DEIS contained 1inch=80 feet scale drawings of the proposed site plan, which is less than the maximum scale of 1 inch=100 feet that was requested. These plans were included in the copies of the DEIS that were distributed to all involved or interested agencies. This included copies that were available for review at the Town Hall and the libraries. Updated plans, showing the revised site layout at a 1”=80’ scale have been included as Appendix B of the FEIS. In addition, proposed landscaping plans at 1”= 40’ scale for the Construction Phase I Milarepa Center (as were previously submitted for site plan/special permit review) are included in Appendix B. These plans have been revised since the original submission to indicate to scale plant sizes at initial planting and at seven year growth. The scale provides clear view of the site design elements including the proposed plant materials in the landscape buffer between the Milarepa Center and Old Inn Road. A.14 Comment: The Erosion and Sediment Control Plans were not available on the DEIS website, thereby preventing review by the public of this important and required element of the site’s environmental protective measures. This omission might be considered a serious flaw in the project’s SEQRA review process, where public review and participation are fundamental tenets of this procedure (David Clouser, David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor Association, memo dated December 22, 2006). A.14 Response: These plans were available from other sources during the DEIS review process. Hard copies of the full DEIS and the maps were available at the Town Hall and the libraries and were sent to all involved and interested agencies, including the Cragsmoor Association, the commenter’s client. The Notice of Completion on the Web site included a list of these locations where these hard copies were available. The revised plans that are part of the FEIS will be posted on the Web site. A.15 Comment: As one who spent most of his working life as a plumber on construction projects, I knew immediately the impact of this extensive project. It would mean the destruction of the fragile ecosystem and the way of life that Cragsmoor residents have maintained over generations (Wayne Brown, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 24, 2006). A.15 Response: The DEIS concluded that the proposed project would not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated. See Responses A.3 and A9. Regarding the project’s impacts on habitats, the modifications made to the original site plan will substantially reduce the area of disturbance on the site. The initial site plan described in the DEIS resulted in a total site disturbance of 35.61 acres, or 39.32 percent of the project site. Due to the Applicant’s reduction in the size and number of proposed buildings and in parking spaces, this total site disturbance will be reduced to 30.38 acres, or 33.5 percent of the total project site. Site disturbance is discussed in greater detail in Response A.32, below. The decrease in the project’s MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-9 April 2008
  • 10. anticipated disturbance to the site will preserve more than five additional acres of the total project site. In addition, the Applicant’s proposed restrictions on future development, in the form of a permanent buffer around the property perimeter, will preserve approximately 26.6 acres, or about 29 percent of the 91-acre project site. This buffer is discussed in greater detail in Responses A.10 and A.11. A.16 Comment: The projected buildings are massive compared to the scale of present buildings in Cragsmoor. Since a retreat center is in the business of growth, I don’t think restricting size now will prevent future growth. What limits can the township impose that will stick (Joan Lesikin, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 24, 2006)? A.16 Response: While the buildings are larger than the existing buildings in Cragsmoor, they are also on a much larger property, and much further set back from the outer boundaries of the property. Furthermore, all proposed buildings have been sited so as not to create undue disturbance to the existing landscape. For example, the Milarepa Center has been designed to “step down” the natural terrain and therefore be substantially obscured from views from Old Inn Road. The project’s minimal impacts on views are fully discussed in Section E of this chapter. In addition, as detailed above, the Applicant is proposing a permanent buffer of approximately 100 to 200 feet around approximately 77 percent of the property perimeter, which will provide additional setbacks and screening of the proposed buildings from surrounding areas. See Responses A.10 and A.11. The DEIS has addressed the proposed total ultimate size of the project for purposes of the special permit application. The Town will enforce these maximums in its special permit. The special permit will not allow any development in excess of the limits studied in the EIS process. The Town also has an additional review authority, in that the Applicant is only seeking site plan approval for the first phase of the project. The Town will enforce compliance with the conditions of the special permit and site plan through its Building Inspector. The site plan approval processes will also be public review processes. It is not anticipated that any additional SEQRA review will be required at the time of additional site plan approvals, because the SEQRA impacts of the whole project were already addressed in this EIS process. Dharmakaya is not in the business of growth, but is a not-for-profit religious undertaking to provide worship and meditation in a quiet environment. A.17 Comment: The DEIS presented and discussed at the last meeting this month was irredeemably flawed. The DEIS is diametrically opposed to the opinions of the experts hired by the Cragsmoor Association and as such we are requesting that the Board hire experts that will receive their funding from the Planning Board and be responsible solely to the Board to prepare another DEIS. The Dharmakaya should supply funding to the Board (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents, memo dated December 25, 2006). A.17 Response: The Town of Wawarsing Planning Board has hired several experts to review the DEIS, and their comments form part of the record and are responded to in the FEIS. Specifically, the Planning Board hired the planning firm of Frederick P. Clark Associates to review the DEIS for initial acceptance. It also hired MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-10 April 2008
  • 11. hydrogeologist Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to evaluate the Applicant’s hydrogeological studies. The Town’s engineering firm, Lanc & Tully, also reviewed the DEIS. These experts are responsible solely to the Board. The Planning Board has required that the Applicant fund an escrow account which is used by the Planning Board, at its discretion, to pay expenses of the review, including the cost of these experts hired by the Planning Board, even though the experts are responsible solely to the Board. A.18 Comment: One cannot place any confidence in the work of the so-called experts who were totally debunked, for example by Spider Barbour’s assessment of their inclusion in the DEIS of rare plants found solely in Australia. We would love to see their credentials. In fact, the Board should ask for, and scrutinize that information (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents, memo dated December 25, 2006). A.18 Response: The project team for the Mahamudra Hermitage DEIS consists of a number of established professional consulting firms with expertise in the area of environmental analysis. The following is a list of all preparers of the DEIS, as well as a summary of qualifications for each contributor: Cuddy & Feder LLP (Attorney) Responsible for overall document review. Cuddy & Feder LLP is a law firm with a land use practice representing a diverse client base, including local, regional, national and multi-national clients with sites located throughout the Hudson Valley, the metropolitan New York area and Connecticut. The firm’s practice areas include zoning, land use, environmental and municipal law before state, county and municipal boards. The firm has acted as counsel in connection with the development of waterfront sites; large residential communities; retail; commercial, office and industrial buildings; shopping centers; apartment buildings; museums and institutional developments such as nursing homes schools, assisted-living facilities and continuing-care retirement communities. Cuddy & Feder has also acted as special counsel to municipalities in the review of complex zoning and planning matters, and the drafting of zoning and planning regulations. BFJ Planning (Planner) Responsible for document assembly. Contributed to the following sections: Executive Summary, Project Description, Land Use and Zoning, Community Facilities, Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impacts, Noise, Analysis of Alternatives, Unavoidable Impacts and Other SEQR Environmental Impacts. Founded in 1980, BFJ Planning is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm offering services in planning and zoning, environmental analysis, transportation, urban design, site planning and real estate analysis. For over 25 years, the firm has provided clients with high-quality planning and design solutions to a range of complex problems. BFJ’s work is distinguished by a high degree of principal participation in the technical work of each project, exceptional capabilities in graphic design and presentation and a strong commitment to participatory MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-11 April 2008
  • 12. planning. The firm has taken a leading role in providing environmental review services in New York City and New York State. Chas. H. Sells, Inc. (Engineer and Traffic Consultant) Contributed to the following sections: Topography, Steep Slopes, Soils and Sanitary Sewage Disposal; Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and Water Supply; Surface Water and Wetland Resources; Stormwater Management; and Traffic. Recognized by the Engineering News Record as “One of the Nation’s Top 500 Firms” in the transportation industry, Chas. H. Sells, Inc. specializes in bridge design and inspection, transportation engineering, civil engineering, surveying/GPS and comprehensive mapping services. With more than 82 years of experience and a large staff of engineers, surveyors and photogrammetrists in nine office locations, the firm is dedicated to providing innovative, quality- driven and cost efficient services to exceed its client’s needs. Chas Sells’ continual reassignment by numerous agencies and municipalities is testament to the firm’s commitment brought forth by encompassing the very best resources to every endeavor it undertakes. Cerniglia Architecture and Planning, P.C. (Architect) Contributed to the Community Character/Visual Resources section. Cerniglia Architecture and Planning, P.C. provides architectural design and site planning services to both the public and private sector. Its diversified client and project portfolio includes municipal governments, institutions, corporations, the development community and private individuals. The firm has endeavored to achieve a tradition of excellence in architecture through the strict enforcement of high, companywide standards of professionalism and service. As a general-practice architecture, planning, design and interiors firm, Cerniglia Architecture and Planning is licensed in New York and Connecticut. Its range of architectural services include, but are not limited to, comprehensive programming, space analysis, conceptual, schematic and final design, construction cost analysis, presentation drawings, construction documents and specifications, bidding administration, contract negotiations and construction administration. Site planning services include land use analysis, zoning analysis, environmental evaluation, master planning, site design, re-zoning procedures, municipal approvals and ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) facility surveys. Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (Environmental Consultant) Contributed to the Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources and Water Supply section. Leggette, Brashears & Graham (LBG) was the nation's first firm to provide specialized consulting services in the field of groundwater geology. The firm has been in business for 64 years, longer than any other firm committed to the original core specialty of hydrogeology. LBG has maintained state-of-the-art expertise in the areas of groundwater movement, utilization, modeling, MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-12 April 2008
  • 13. contamination and remediation. Technical personnel receive extensive field training in all aspects of hydrogeologic and soils investigations, as well as in remedial engineering functions. Each project is completed under the direct supervision of a principal of the firm. The activities of the firm involve providing investigation, design, management and advisory services to public and private organizations, both foreign and domestic, on problems that lie within the specialized fields of hydrogeology and environmental engineering. The firm undertakes only the type of work for which it is qualified and for which there is a genuine need for environmental engineering and/or groundwater specialists. LBG has been providing public and industrial water-supply consulting since 1944. Assignments have included municipal and community well-field development, design, testing, maintenance and expansion. The firm has extensive experience with water-supply development in both bedrock and sand and gravel aquifers. LBG has developed numerous supplies in bedrock and sand and gravel in New England and southern New York. For most of the water-supply development projects, LBG has been involved in all aspects of the work, from performing initial hydrogeologic studies and exploratory drilling to well design, construction oversight, well testing and permitting. Many of the well sites have required wetland studies. The more recent projects have required compliance with the Surface Water Treatment Rule regulations. Within New York State, LBG has extensive experience in water supply analysis, and has conducted groundwater assessment for numerous municipalities in Dutchess, Westchester, Rockland and Orange Counties. The firm’s long record of work with water-supply development, contamination problems and computer modeling throughout the Northeast establishes LBG as a firm uniquely qualified to prepare all aspects of water-supply studies. Ecological Solutions, Inc. (Environmental Consultant) Contributed to the Flora and Fauna section. Ecological Solutions staff has more than 18 years experience completing natural resource inventories. The firm has analyzed the life history requirements of several endangered plant and animal species, including Blanding’s turtle, bog turtle, bald eagle, Indiana bat and Karner blue butterfly. This analysis allows the firm’s staff to determine the extent of rare, threatened or endangered species and the potential impacts presented to a project. Ecological Solutions’ vegetation and wildlife surveys: o Determine the density, frequency and dominance of plant communities through aerial photography and on-site field reconnaissance o Conduct surveys of endangered, threatened and rare wildlife populations; o Determine the presence of specific fish and wildlife species on individual sites or areas. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-13 April 2008
  • 14. o Design and supervise ongoing monitoring programs to assess status and impacts to ecological communities. Kathy Michell (Biologist, Environmental Consultant) Evaluated the site for potential for timber rattlesnake habitat. Kathy Michell is a New York State-certified biologist, and holds a Class 1, Federal Migratory Bird License, a License to Collect or Possess Animals and is a NYSDEC wildlife rehabilitator. Ms. Michell is one of three people certified by Region 3 of NYSDEC for the assessment of timber rattlesnake habitat. Tim Miller Associates, Inc. (Environmental Consultant) Contributed to the Cultural Resources (historical and archeological) section. Tim Miller Associates, Inc. provides land planning and environmental services to developers, corporations, municipalities and community planning associations. These include services in the areas of municipal planning, zoning and community development, development feasibility studies, environmental impact statements, wetland delineation and analysis, groundwater and geotechnical sciences, air quality, noise and traffic studies, phase 1 and 2 environmental audits and site assessments, stage 1 archeology studies, landscape design and related advisory services. Tim Miller Associates has active projects throughout the greater New York metropolitan area, including New Jersey; Connecticut; New York City; and Westchester, Putnam, Orange, Rockland, Dutchess, Ulster and Sullivan Counties. The firm’s in-house staff offers a depth and breadth of experience rarely found in small- to mid-size consulting offices. In-house capabilities include transportation planning, traffic, environmental and community planning, economics, water resources, biology and natural sciences, environmental impact assessment, hydrogeology, hazardous waste investigations, asbestos services, landscape design and wetland delineation. CITY/SCAPE: Cultural Resource Consultants (Environmental Consultants) Contributed to the Cultural Resources (historical and archeological) section. CITY/SCAPE provides a variety of services to organizations requiring cultural and environmental analyses; open space planning; and presentation surveys of historic sites, including landscapes and architectural elements, lectures, interpretive programs and exhibitions. A.19 Comment: The Planning Board should be aware that although the Dharmakaya claims that theirs will be a religious endeavor, there will be a great deal of tax-free money generated as income to the organization. Will the Dharmakaya offer its conference facilities to other corporations for meeting purposes? It would certainly be a grave injustice to the Town of Wawarsing residents to pay extra taxes to support the expense caused by the Dharmakaya community while they are earning hundreds of thousands of dollars and are not supporting the community (William Williams, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 25, 2006). MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-14 April 2008
  • 15. A.19 Response: Dharmakaya has no plans to offer any of the Hermitage facilities to outside organizations or to corporations for meeting purposes. All facilities at Dharmakaya will be focused on the space and infrastructure for Buddhist teachings and programs, especially the core three-year meditation retreat. As a non-profit organization, Dharmakaya’s activities (and those of its affiliate organization, the United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship (UTBF) are made possible through the support of its members and private donations. This is not dissimilar to other religious groups and churches, which take collections or rely on donations for part of their support. The Hermitage is not expected to achieve a “profit,” as all program income will be used to pay operating expenses. Income above and beyond operating expenses is not expected. A.20 Comment: Planning boards and town boards sometimes are not aware that the services of consultants to the town can be charged to developers. This is a provision of state law. It’s a good idea to have the town hire more experts because a poorly designed project or a project whose impacts are inadequately and inaccurately described and assessed is bound to cost the town eventually, in remediation of damage, increased services and legal defense (James Barbour, ecological consultant hired by Cragsmoor Association and Nature Conservancy, memo received December 26, 2006). A.20 Response: See Response A.17. A.21 Comment: Why did the Planning Board allow the Applicant to decimate the content of the scoping document? And why did the Applicant elect to ignore the public request for hydrogeologic information (Katherine Beinkafner, Mid-Hudson Geosciences (consultant to Cragsmoor Association), memo dated December 26, 2006)? A.21 Response: Actually, the Planning Board expanded the scoping document from the initial submission to include additional requirements. Nor has the Applicant ignored the public request for hydrogeologic information. The study done for the DEIS was very robust, and performed by a recognized consulting firm, Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc., who in its 64 years of business has competed over 6,000 groundwater projects for more than 4,000 clients. The firm has received numerous awards from both engineering associations and private entities for its work, and is recognized in the engineering community as an expert in the field of groundwater and environmental services. (See Response A.18). The Town hired an independent consultant, Malcolm, Pirnie, Inc., to review all the hydrogeological reports generated under the DEIS review process. The review comment letter from Malcolm Pirnie, and the response of Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. are both included in Appendix D of the FEIS. A.22 Comment: I have personally investigated many of the cited Centers for Buddhist Worship cited in the DEIS (the Karme Choling Retreat Center; the Shambhala Mountain Center; the Zen Mountain Center), and found another common thread throughout – the impact of these centers on the surrounding communities was and continues to be that of devastating consequences. For example, the DEIS cited the MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-15 April 2008
  • 16. Karme Choling Retreat Center as a project of similar nature to the proposed Hermitage in Cragsmoor – this center started out as a small weekend retreat and is now one of the largest centers of its kind and supports a local factory that manufactures articles related to Buddhist practices (Blake Benton, Cragsmoor resident, memo received December 26, 2006). A.22 Response: People in Dharmakaya’s organization have approximately 30 years of knowledge about these other centers, and we know of no such “devastating consequences.” Based on this experience, it is the Applicant’s opinion that all Buddhist centers mentioned are good neighbors and have a harmonious and positive relationship with their local communities. Karme Choling does not have a factory but a small cottage business that makes meditation cushions, to support its programs. Nevertheless, the examples of Buddhist centers provided in the Appendix A of the DEIS were selected for the fact that places of Buddhist worship have been successfully integrated into other communities, not as direct comparisons to the projected size, scale and use of the proposed Hermitage. One important difference is that the proposed Hermitage will be exclusively used for worship and meditation, study and retreat, with the most serious students participating in the traditional three-year retreat. Retreats of such intensity and duration are not offered at any other center in the U.S. of which we are aware. Mahamudra Hermitage will be a worship and retreat center, perhaps more similar to a small religious community, while the other centers named function as program centers, which may offer a wide range of activities. Also, see Response A.16. A.23 Comment: We read in the DEIS that Rinpoche, the spiritual leader of the Dharmakaya, is regarded as one of the top Lamas of Tibetan Buddhism. Isn’t it therefore natural to assume he and his followers will attract this type of future growth cited above in our comparatively small community? I ask, what will the town Board do to prevent this development in our community (Blake Benton, Cragsmoor resident, memo received December 26, 2006)? A.23 Response: The principal function of the proposed Hermitage will be for meditation and study for serious Buddhist practitioners, with the most serious students participating in the traditional three-year retreat. Casual use of the Hermitage facilities by drop in visitors will not be allowed and is inconsistent with its quiet retreat use. See Responses A.4, A.16 and A.22. A.24 Comment: I don’t believe the people behind the Center care a hoot for their neighbors. This is all about their own selfish ambition to turn a dollar under the guise of a spiritual retreat. We will be yet another casualty at the price of what? Some sort of spiritual gentrification (Cynthia Broderson, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006)? A.24 Response: Throughout the planning process for the Hermitage, Dharmakaya has conducted outreach efforts in the Cragsmoor community, and the Applicant’s spiritual leader, Rinpoche, has traveled to the area to discuss the project with residents and conduct teachings and meditation sessions for the community. Regarding any intention of Dharmakaya to earn a profit through the Hermitage, please refer to Response A.19. In the fall of 2003, before Dharmakaya bought the MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-16 April 2008
  • 17. land, its representatives asked to meet with the Cragsmoor community and did so in the Stone Church. At that time, Dharmakaya laid out plans for a community of approximately 100 full-time residents on the site, focused on short- and long-term meditation practices, with six to eight larger teachings each year (each a single-day event with no additional overnight guests). The Applicant also discussed the various buildings types that would be needed to make the facility work. Since then, Dharmakaya has had meetings with the community each year: one large community meeting, multiple meetings with abutters of the land (in addition to offering teachings/meditation sessions each June at the home of a neighboring land owner for anyone who wanted to come) and a meeting with various representatives of the Cragsmoor community groups in the spring of 2007. The Applicant has consistently stated its goals to neighbors and intends to continue to be a good neighbor by preserving the intent of the community – an atmosphere of quiet retreat. A.25 Comment: It would be better if you would look to preserve and protect what lies in your own backyard, namely Cragsmoor! (Cynthia Broderson, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006). A.25 Response: The proposed Hermitage would preserve far more land and result in significantly less development impact than would a conventional residential subdivision allowed under the site’s current zoning. In addition, the proposed project would generate less traffic and demand for utilities and community services than such a subdivision. A.26 Comment: I recommend that Mahamudra include in the Final EIS a statement of intent to pursue the program consistently presented to the township and the Cragsmoor community and only that program (Tom Gale, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006). A.26 Response: The Applicant intends to pursue only the program as consistently presented, which is set forth in this EIS. See Responses A.16 and A.22. A.27 Comment: Further, I recommend that Mahamudra provide a statement in the Final EIS offering discussion intended to lead to granting conservation easements on selected areas of the site in furtherance of joint Mahamudra, township and community recognition of intent to harmonize Hermitage activities and environmental amenities (Tom Gale, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006). A.27 Response: The Applicant has proposed to create a 100- to 200-foot permanent buffer around approximately 77 percent of the perimeter of the project site, covering approximately 29 percent of the property. For detailed discussion of this plan, see Responses A.10 and A.11. A.28 Comment: The conclusions in the Environmental Impact Statement about the impacts on biological resources are at least in the preliminary draft we put together worthless. Too little information is provided to support any conclusions regarding MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-17 April 2008
  • 18. impacts to the project (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.28 Response: As discussed above, the DEIS was accepted as complete on October 25, 2006. This acceptance came after a full review of the draft DEIS by Frederick P. Clark Associates, and resultant modifications to the draft by the Applicant. The information in the DEIS regarding Flora and Fauna (biological resources) was studied by an expert in the field, Michael Nowicki, of Ecological Solutions, Inc. (see Response A.18). Mr. Nowicki has more than 19 years of experience in the field of natural resources investigations. The Natural Resources Survey completed for the site took a hard look for species of special concern, threatened and endangered species that occur in New York State as listed by the NYSDEC during the appropriate seasons. Common species were also catalogued on the site. Breeding birds, herptiles, plants and other vegetation were also observed and documented on the site. All of the species observed on the site were identified and included in the Natural Resources Survey. In addition, as part of the FEIS and in response to comments raised, the Applicant had the site assessed for rattlesnake habitat by Kathy Michell, who is licensed by NYSDEC in this field. The NYSDEC also has a copy of the DEIS for review and offered no comments on the Natural Resources Survey. Also, additional field surveys were conducted by Mr. Nowicki, on July 24, 2007, and August 8, 2007. During these additional field surveys, no additional species of special concern or threatened, endangered or rare species were observed A.29 Comment: With respect to the SEQR timeline, the one thing that wasn’t put up was a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Every one of the impacts I’ve cited would be sufficient to require a SEIS to be certain that you are viewing the significance of this site (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at public hearing November 30, 2006). [Note: the impacts referred to by the commenter relate to the project’s compliance with Town zoning, community character, traffic, wildlife and habitats, viewsheds, hydrogeology, analysis of alternatives and the potential for future project growth. The full text of the comments is found in Appendix A of this FEIS.] A.29 Response: See Responses A.17 and A.28. A supplemental EIS is not required. The DEIS adequately and fairly evaluated all potential impacts. Comments raised by the public are appropriately addressed in this FEIS. A.30 Comment: You don’t have the road frontage. The road facilities. You don’t have the water means. My question to you is do you want to ruin that community with corporate America? It is time for our Board to stand up and say no (Henry Sherman, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.30 Response: As shown in Table IV.A-1, on page IV.A-14 of the DEIS, the project site has 1,949 feet of road frontage, more than 10 times the minimum 175-foot frontage required by the Wawarsing Zoning Code. Cragsmoor Road is a County highway, and road improvements including shoulder widening and drainage improvements will be completed as part of the project. In addition, the site plan proposes an internal road network that will adequately address the needs of the site’s occupants, and that will be privately maintained at no cost to the Town. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-18 April 2008
  • 19. Regarding water issues, see Response A.21 and Section H. The proposed use has little in common with a corporate campus. There will be far less traffic than on an office site. The buildings on the site are not adaptable to corporate office structures. The interests of the project sponsors are religious, not “corporate.” A.31 Comment: Due to the sensitivity of the site and the concern of residents in Cragsmoor about the potential for additional development on the site, we urge the Planning Board to consider requiring a conservation easement on the undeveloped portion of the property to assure that undeveloped land be protected in perpetuity (Heidi Wagner, preserve manager for Sam’s Point Preserve, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.31 Response: See Response A.10 and A.11 for a full discussion of the Applicant’s proposal for a buffer around the property perimeter, which is discussed at various points throughout the FEIS. A.32 Comment: This plan has only outlined a construction sequence for Phase I, which is proposed to be just under 12 acres. Soil disturbance must be limited to 5 acres or less at any one time during the construction phase. A phasing plan, with detailed construction sequence for each phase at full build-out, must be included on the site plan and must limit areas of disturbance to 5 acres or less. These phases must be clearly delineated on the site plan (Janet Swentusky, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, memo dated January 23, 2007). A.32 Response: The Applicant acknowledges the obligation to limit disturbance to 5 acres or less at any one time during the construction phase. Site plan approval is only being sought for Phase I at this time. Each phase subsequent to the first shall be required to obtain Planning Board site plan review and approval prior to construction. Detailed construction sequencing will be developed for the particular phase under review at the time of site plan approval. All construction sequencing and soil disturbance will be done in accordance with NYSDEC Phase II Stormwater Regulations. As described in Response J.3, Phase I will be broken down into sub- phases to assure that the amount of disturbance is less than 5 acres. During this Phase, a maximum of 4.3 acres will be disturbed in any one sub-phase. Subsequent phases will involve the construction of the individual building complexes or combinations of buildings. As described in Response J.3, only Phase IV will exceed 5 acres (8.0 acres). However, work during that phase will be broken down into sub- phases so as to assure that disturbance is limited to less than 5 acres at any one time See Tables III.A-1 and III.A-2, below, for a revised summary of site disturbance to reflect the modified site plan. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-19 April 2008
  • 20. Table III.A-1: Area of Disturbance Breakdown AREA OF DISTURBANCE PERCENT (%) OF TOTAL PARCEL USE (Acres) AREA Buildings/Landscaped 9.89 10.92% Areas Roads 7.54 8.33% Parking 1.75 1.93% Septic Systems * 2.64 2.92% Drainage Facilities 8.56 9.45% Total 30.38 33.54% • There is an additional 1.46 acres or 1.61% of the site that is designated as SSDS expansion areas that would remain undeveloped unless the area is needed for expansion. There may be some variation in the area of disturbance due to the SSDSs, based on final design and permitting. However, large variations are not expected. Any additional area of disturbance will be in the SSDS areas shown in the modified site plan and is not expected to create any additional environmental impacts. Table III.A-2: Disturbance by Cover Types AREA OF DISTURBANCE PERCENT (%) OF TOTAL PARCEL NO. COVER TYPE (Acres) AREA 1 Wetland/Watercourse 0.00 0.00% 2 Mature Forest 16.82 18.57% 3 Young Woods 9.35 10.32% 4 Upland Meadow 4.21 4.65% TOTAL 30.38 33.54% A.33 Comment: I recommend the creation of conservation easements on all lands which will not be used in the project proposal (Maureen Radl, VP Cragsmoor Historical Society, VP Friends of the Shawangunks, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.33 Response: See Responses A.10 and A.11. A.34 Comment: I can’t figure out in all of this that who is the legal entity that somebody would go after when and if they don’t do what they are supposed to do (Dick Nolan, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.34 Response: The project Applicant, Dharmakaya, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization registered in the State of New York and an affiliate of the United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship (UTBF), a nonprofit organization established in 1992. In the United States, Dharmakaya fills the role of all dharma teaching activities for UTBF and oversees meditation groups in New York City, Boston and Seattle. Contact information for Dharmakaya is found on its Web site, As noted in Response A.16 above, the Town will enforce compliance with the conditions of the special permit and site plan, through its Building Inspector, MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-20 April 2008
  • 21. reserving to the Town all additional authority of a Town under New York State Law to enforce its zoning and planning laws. A.35 Comment: The Board should consider an escrow account for the mending and complete repair of the terrain for each phase of the project, should the Applicant ever abandon any part of it, at least there would be finances to repair the ground (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.35 Response: The Applicant will abide by all Town requirements concerning this issue, and will not be treated any differently than any other applicant for site plan approval. Additionally, applicable stormwater regulations limit the amount of land that can be exposed at one time. The Town will require sedimentation and erosion control measures, and landscaping bonds relating to certain improvements. A.36 Comment: I would like to inquire as to whether this Planning Board has found this to be an overwhelming project and has employed outside, independent consultants focused entirely and only on this DEIS as provided by SEQR. This project is of monumental size and although I realize many New York State agencies have been requested to comment, I ask if you clearly understand (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006). A.36 Response: See Response A.17. A.37 Comment: Cragsmoor residents are already speaking with independent and skilled consultants, and I believe it appropriate to ask this Planning Board to require the Applicant to pay these professional fees. The proposed cost is beyond the ability of Cragsmoor residents and the figures rise daily (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, at public hearing November 30, 2006. A.37 Response: As discussed above and in Response A.17, the Applicant is providing funding, through a lawfully established escrow account, for the experts hired by the Planning Board to review the DEIS, as required by the Town. The Applicant is not required to fund the professional fees of consultants hired by project opponents. B. Executive Summary No comments received. C. Description of the Proposed Action C.1 Comment: Please upgrade Old Inn Road (off of Cragsmoor Road) to accommodate two-way fire apparatus and please keep road maintained during course of construction (Cragsmoor Fire District Board of Commissioners, memo dated November 15, 2006). C.1 Response: Old Inn Road is a privately owned road. Other commenters, including owners of properties with rights to use Old Inn Road, have expressed concerns MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-21 April 2008
  • 22. about preserving the quiet nature of the road, and avoiding “over-improvement” that would change its character (see Comment and Response N.23 and N.24, for example). Based on meetings with the fire district, as represented by Commissioner Jack Kissel, the fire district has indicated that Old Inn Road will not need to be widened from its current width. They indicated that pull-off areas need to be provided along the road’s length so vehicles during any emergency would be able to pass. Upon further field investigation and discussion with the Old Inn Road Neighborhood Association, the applicant is proposing that the existing driveways at each residential driveway entrance accommodate this requirement. It is important to note that Old Inn Road will function only as a secondary emergency entrance back- up to the primary Cragsmoor Road Hermitage entrance. Further, it should be noted that all construction will be mobilized and serviced from Cragsmoor Road only. Hence, Old Inn Road will not experience any construction traffic during the course of the project’s construction and will not require any maintenance associated with such use. C.2 Comment: The request by the Fire District to widen Old Inn Road is unreasonable and excessive. The road is currently quite adequate for large vehicles and will not be a primary access road for the Dharmakaya Center (Irene Seeland, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated November 27, 2006). C.2 Response: See Response C.1. C.3 Comment: The scale of the proposed project, both its size (Disneyesque) and timeframe for its execution, is unacceptable. We strongly believe that a 70,000+ sq. ft. construction project smack in the middle of the hamlet will irreparably detract from the bucolic charm that has been intrinsic to Cragsmoor since its establishment (Russell and Monica Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006). C.3 Response: As has been noted in previous responses (see A.1 and A.4, for example), the Dharmakaya project was designed to be a place of quiet meditation and repose. While the buildings are larger than others in Cragsmoor, the site is also far larger than other sites in Cragsmoor. The buildings suit the function of the center of worship. However, they are not visually intrusive, and have deep setbacks from the property line. They are designed to be visually attractive when seen. Even in the initial proposal (as evaluated in the DEIS), the project had deep setbacks and proposed a less intensive development scenario than the clearing and development necessary for single-family development permitted as-of-right. Deep buffer/landscaped areas along Cragsmoor Road screened the site from viewing by passers-by and nearby residents. Moreover, in response to public comments on the DEIS, the Applicant has made numerous substantive modifications to the project. As described in Chapter II of this FEIS, overall, the site plan changes result in a reduction in final build-out in terms of occupancy, number of buildings, total square footage and parking. These modifications would generate decreases in water usage, septic capacity, electrical loads, disturbed areas, parking and landscaping. The alterations also include the relocation of certain buildings, which would significantly improve views from neighboring properties. The changes include a reduction in the footprint of the MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-22 April 2008
  • 23. proposed Hermitage from 78,246 square feet to 67,557 square feet, a decrease of approximately 14 percent. As a result of this decrease in total footprint, total occupancy of the Hermitage, on a day-to-day basis, would be reduced from 107 people to 85 people, or approximately 21 percent. Finally, the changes would result in a net reduction of total parking spaces on the project site, of 33, from 112 spaces to 79, or approximately 29 percent. A rendering of the revised site plan is provided in Figure II-1, of this FEIS, and full-scale engineering drawings are provided in Appendix B. Refer to Chapter II for a detailed discussion of changes to the original site plan. C.4 Comment: The proposed time frame of up to 10 years for construction, which entails extensive blasting and other noise pollution connected with the massive clearing and construction processes, is a real long-term threat (Russell and Monica Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006). C.4 Response: See Response A.9 for a description of the overall plan for development, and Response J.3 for a description of phasing and potential alternate phasing plans. No blasting is expected to occur during any phase of construction. While the time for completion of the project may vary somewhat, the minimum anticipated time for such completion is estimated to be approximately 7 years. Even at this maximum building pace, construction periods of 12-18 months would be followed by quiet periods between phases with no construction activity. The phased process will assure a slow pace of disturbance, limiting areas disturbed at one time. It is also possible that the time period for completion of the project may extend to a longer period of time, such as the 10 year period suggested by the commenter, by virtue of longer periods of time between phases. The total length of actual construction activity would be expected to remain constant under any of the potential scenarios for phasing and total project completion. The longer periods between one or more phases will not generate any additional adverse impacts. As noted, the extended period of a slower paced development is itself a method of limiting the intensity of construction-related impacts at any one time. Regarding noise, it is expected that site clearing and other construction of the proposed project may result in some short-term noise-related impacts, although the noise levels will diminish in intensity as site preparation, excavation work and foundation development are completed. To mitigate these impacts, the Applicant proposes to limit construction to the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays; with no construction activities occurring on Sundays. This construction schedule is more stringent than that provided in the Town of Wawarsing Noise Ordinance. Because some short-term noise levels at adjacent property lines may, without mitigation, exceed levels permitted under the Town of Wawarsing Noise Control Law, the Applicant will use noise damping practices during construction to minimize the impact on surrounding properties, and all mechanical construction equipment will be maintained in good working order to minimize noise levels. See section O for further discussion of Noise impacts. C.5 Comment: Does the project need to be so large? If so, is this tiny hamlet an appropriate place to build it? What of the potentially long-term, irreversible negative MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-23 April 2008
  • 24. impacts on residents living in such quarters to its location (Russell and Monica Damsky, memo dated December 6, 2006)? C.5 Response: Regarding the project’s size, see Response C.3. The Applicant believes that the present location is the appropriate place for its proposed project. Because of the quiet nature of the activities and the inherent respect for the setting by the owners and occupants of the Hermitage over time, the Applicant believes that the interests of the project proponents and the neighboring residents of Cragsmoor are entirely congruent. The Dharmakaya project proponents chose this site because of the qualities of the Cragsmoor hamlet, and believe that the Hermitage will enhance the character of the hamlet. The project proponents also believe that their project is more compatible with the neighborhood than a conventional subdivision development. Regarding potential negative impacts to surrounding residents, see Responses A.1, A.3, A.4, A.10, A.11, A.16 and A.24. C6 Comment: There is a real possibility of a large corporate campus, not just a retreat (Ted Horn, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 19, 2006). C.6 Response: First, corporate office complexes are not a permitted use in this zoning district. Second, it is the Applicant’s opinion that there is virtually no likelihood that this site would be deemed desirable as a corporate office or research and development site because of its remote location from highway access. Moreover, the layout and design of the buildings, including the meditation center, is inappropriate for corporate office purposes. The largest building on the site is now 16,500 square feet in size (reduced from 18,500 square feet in the DEIS). This is much smaller than the usual corporate office building. In general, developers of corporate office buildings in the greater New York City metropolitan area seek a building area of 20,000 to 30,000 square feet per floor, with buildings typically encompassing several floors. Therefore, none of the buildings on the project site would be readily adaptable for use as a corporate office. See Responses A.16 and A.30. C.7 Comment: We are concerned that the intensive use of the site mostly as the result of the construction of more than 75,000 square feet of space in seventeen buildings, with traffic brought by significant periodic visitation and significant water and septic use, will threaten the current balance of the area (Sally Matz, President of Cragsmoor Historical Society, memo dated December 21, 2006). C.7 Response: As discussed throughout this FEIS, Dharmakaya’s purpose is to provide a place for retreatants to immerse themselves in quiet contemplation and meditation, with the most serious students participating in the three-year retreat. See Response A22. The existing natural environment of Cragsmoor is a key factor in the atmosphere needed for the Hermitage, and preserving the quality of that environment is a major element of its mission. This proposed use is a much less intensive use than a conventional as-of-right residential subdivision, which would result in significantly more impacts relating to traffic, water and sewer use and community character. See Responses A.1., A.3, A.4, A.9 and A.16. In addition, the Applicant has substantially reduced the size and intensity of its proposed use. The total size of the proposed project is now 67,457 square feet, a reduction from the MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-24 April 2008
  • 25. initial size (as described in the DEIS) of 78,246 square feet. See Response C.3 and Chapter II for a full discussion of these site plan modifications. C.8 Comment: Are the three detention ponds and two water quality basins for use in case of fire, and, if so, are they constructed to contain appropriate water levels at all times, or are they constructed so that in dry/drought months the ponds will be vastly reduced or completely dry and useless to the Fire Department (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006)? C.8 Response: The intent of the detention ponds are for stormwater mitigation and reduction of peak flows. They are not intended for use as fire ponds. A separate underground storage tank has been proposed to supply water for fire fighting. See Response A.32. C.9 Comment: The Applicant indicates the intention to celebrate eight individual holidays scattered throughout the year. It is important that the number never increase because of negative visual, traffic, sewerage and water-use impact (Linda Rogers, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 21, 2006). C.9 Response: The Applicant has agreed to limit the times of visitation to the eight times per year which are significant dates on the Buddhist calendar. It should be noted that the activities planned for these days are teaching activities. The activities will not be noisy or involve loud music or celebration through noise-making activity. While the number of people on the site would increase on these days by approximately 143 people, the total site population on these days would still be approximately 228 people, which is not an overly intense population for a 91-acre site. This population is less than the visitation experienced in the area for Cragsmoor Day or other celebrations at Sam’s Point and other scenic attractions. The Applicant does not believe that the environmental impacts on these visitation days are significant, considering the size of the site, the nature of the visitations, the accommodations on the site for parking and the nature of the area. Conditions relating to maximum population are expected to be among the conditions of the special permit and/or site plan approvals. C.10 Comment: As the Conservancy sees it, the Cragsmoor community is particularly concerned about the size of the project and the possibility of more development in the future, and the Conservancy shares these concerns. The development appears to be vastly larger and grander than necessary to support the current announced use. For example, the “teacher’s house,” which is said to be the home for just two persons, is almost 5,000 square feet in size. This would make it the grandest house in Cragsmoor by a huge margin- just for two people. This immense size is not only unnecessary but tends to support a suspicion that the occupancy of this building will grow exponentially in future years, belying any current statements about limited usage. And the same could be said about the other buildings (Jeffrey Slade, The Cragsmoor Conservancy, President, memo dated December 21, 2006). C.10 Response: First, it is noted that many of the buildings have been reduced in size, including an approximately 20 percent reduction in the size of the teacher's house. More importantly, the Applicant has expressed its commitment to the program it has MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-25 April 2008
  • 26. proposed and also expressed its willingness to have the maximum occupancy and use set forth as conditions in the special permit and site plan approvals. These commitments are reinforced by the fact that occupancy and use cannot exceed the parameters studied within this environmental impact statement. The Applicant is bound by its special permit application and the EIS. The Planning Board will only approve what is justified based upon the review. As a center of worship and quiet meditation, spacious facilities both within the common buildings and without – the natural beauty of a 91-acre woodland – are conducive to the very purpose of the project. A spacious and natural environment contributes to a spacious and loving state of mind during meditation. This is a center of worship, meditation and repose. Cramped facilities are not conducive to the very purpose of the project. It is inappropriate to oppose an acceptable use based on speculation about potential future violations, when there is no factual basis upon which to determine that any such violation will occur. The larger facilities about which fear has been expressed (e.g. “corporate campus,” “corporate America”) are not even permitted in the zoning district. As noted elsewhere in this FEIS, the conditions on maximum occupancy will be enforced by the Town. In addition, the public will have continued opportunities for input as the subsequent site plan applications are reviewed. No activities of any greater intensity or size than those approved in the present review process can be placed on the site without a further application process, which would entail revisiting the SEQRA process. Both these steps (site plan review and SEQRA) would involve a further public review process. See Responses A.10, A.16 and C.3. For a discussion of the need for the size and number of buildings as described in this FEIS, see Response C.27. C.11 Comment: There are concerns that the usage of the site will grow well beyond what is currently proposed, both through increased usage of the current buildings and perhaps through increased development on the site (Jeffrey Slade, President, The Cragsmoor Conservancy, memo dated December 21, 2006). C.11 Response: See Responses A.10, A.16 and C10. C.12 Comment: The only full scale drawings found in the binder were the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans. Very little information with regard to other associated necessary plan details has been provided. The currently submitted DEIS plans are too general and do not provide the minimum information necessary to allow a proper determination of the environmental impacts associated with this project (David Clouser, David Clouser & Associates, engineering consultant to Cragsmoor Association, memo dated December 22, 2006). C.12 Response: Appendix F of the DEIS that was distributed to all involved or interested agencies contained not only “Erosion and Sediment Control” plans, but also “Layout and Utility” and “Grading and Drainage” plans, each of which was prepared to a scale of 1 inch = 80 feet. These drawings were prepared at a scale that exceeds the one the commenter has requested of 1 inch = 100 feet. Additional copies of the DEIS were available for review at the Town Hall and the libraries. See Response A.14. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-26 April 2008
  • 27. C.13 Comment: I dread the long-term project including the cutting down of 30 acres of forest in four phases of development over 10 years (Joan Lesikin, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 24, 2006). C.13 Response: The development of this project also involves the preservation of approximately 60 acres of open space, the imposition of restrictions preserving buffers around the perimeter and the allocation of this site to an extremely quiet use. See Responses A.1., A.9, A.10, A.11, A. 15, A.16, C.4 and C.10, among others. C.14 Comment: Cerniglia Architecture and Planning is recorded in the B scoping transcripts most emphatically correcting Lucy Dart saying there were no 17,000- square-foot buildings in the project. Apparently, the architecture firm is somehow unaware of the 18,500-square-foot building mentioned in project C correspondence (Joanne and Richard Bierschenk, Cragsmoor residents, memo dated December 25, 2006). C.14 Response: The comment in the November 30, 2005, public scoping session transcript, stating that there were no 17,000-square-foot buildings in the project, was made in error. However, that error was fully corrected in the DEIS, and there has been a full opportunity to comment on the size of the buildings. As noted elsewhere, this largest building on the site is set deep into the site, with ample setbacks and screening from views from other properties. As further noted, site plan modifications made in response to public concerns since completion of the DEIS will reduce the size of the Bodhisattva Dharma Center from 18,500 square feet to 16,500 square feet, a decrease of approximately 11%. Also please refer to Responses A.16 and C.3. C.15 Comment: Last December several petitions were submitted to the Planning Board signed by 92 town residents complaining about the sheer size of this project. Since then the plan as described in the DEIS is even larger (William Williams, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 25, 2006). C.15 Response: The original plan included fewer buildings (14) of much larger scale and size. The succeeding plan increased the number of buildings (18) in order to reduce the scale and size of many of these buildings to create building sizes and profiles which keep more in character with the scale and size of existing buildings within the Cragsmoor Historic District. Throughout this process, the project program, including the total square footage, has remained consistent with original proposals (in the approximate range of 75,000 to 78,000 square feet). Any marginal increase in this area is not the result of increasing the project in terms of programs offered or occupants served. Rather, in an effort to decrease building size and scales by creating more buildings, inefficiencies result and additional space is required to accommodate more individual spaces where such spaces were once shared in common in a larger building (these spaces include facilities for building services, storage spaces, mechanical spaces, circulation spaces, toilet and shower facilities, etc.). As has been noted in other sections of the FEIS Chapter III (see Response C.3 for example) the Applicant has proposed substantial reductions in the project size and scope as part of the FEIS in response to public comments. MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-27 April 2008
  • 28. C.16 Comment: Pre-construction activities can be devastating on flora and fauna. The DEIS claims there will be minimum clearing, preservation of habitat, phasing of construction, erosion control and water-saving techniques. Are these claims substantiated with facts and sound analysis (James Barbour, Ecological consultant hired by Cragsmoor Association and Nature Conservancy, memo received December 26, 2006)? C.16 Response: The DEIS contained information on each of the items listed in the comment. Furthermore, the Town of Wawarsing hired several experts to review the DEIS, and their comments form part of the record and are responded to in this FEIS (See Response A.17). The Planning Board's SEQRA Findings in this regard will be enforced by conditions of the special permit and site plan approval. C.17 Comment: The project is far too large and inappropriate for the site, and will have far too great an impact on the environment to allow for approval. The project will damage the quality of life and ecological resources of Cragsmoor in direct relation to its scale (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, memo dated December 26, 2006). C.17 Response: See Responses A.1, A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.3. C.18 Comment: There is no control over the likely expansion of the project far beyond the current excessive scope, exacerbating all of the prospective impact to the surrounding community (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, memo dated December 26, 2006). C.18 Response: See Responses A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.10. C.19 Comment: I request the Town of Wawarsing officials question how the Dharmakayas will address future expansion even though they stated in the DEIS that there will be no requirements for such. It is hard for me to believe that a World Center could be built at this time and know they will not have a need to expand in the future (Dolores Williams, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006). C.19 Response: See Responses A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.10. C.20 Comment: I am truly afraid that a development on the scale of the Dharmakaya would overwhelm tiny Cragsmoor with its needs, and our lovely community would be unable to withstand the onslaught (Mary Kroul McAlpin, Cragsmoor resident, memo dated December 26, 2006). C.20 Response: See Responses A.1, A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.3. C.21 Comment: I’d just like to take a minute of your time to explain the general feelings of the Cragsmoor residents about this project. In short, it’s just too big and not in keeping with the residential and historical nature of our hamlet (Jim McKinney, Cragsmoor Association, President, at public hearing November 30, 2006). MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-28 April 2008
  • 29. C.21 Response: In response to public concerns about the potential impacts of the proposed buildings on the Cragsmoor Historic District, the Applicant has relocated the Teacher’s House to the southwest, further into the interior of the project site, from its currently proposed location just off of Old Inn Road. This relocation will ensure the preservation of the viewshed from Old Inn Road down the former golf course fairway, and the building will sit approximately 30 feet lower relative to Old Inn Road. In addition, the Teacher’s House will be moved approximately 225 feet to the southeast from the neighboring residence, eliminating the need for the curb cut off of Old Inn Road previously proposed to provide access the Teacher’s House;. While both the Teacher’s House and Guest Teacher’s House will remain within the Cragsmoor Historic District, the relocation of the Teacher’s House will ensure that neither structure will be visible from off-site. See Response C.3. As to other issues relating to size and potential future uses, see Responses A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16 and C.10. C.22 Comment: Imagine what a corporate campus sized facility at 78,000 square feet could become. It would swallow up all of Cragsmoor, 470 odd residents. Our concern is the potential to vastly overwhelm our small community with this huge facility which could serve a vast number of people. The facility needs to be smaller (Jim McKinney, Cragsmoor Association, President, Public Hearing November 30, 2006). C.22 Response: See Responses A.9, A.10, A.11, A.16, A.30, C.3, C.6 and C.10. C.23 Comment: There is no indication in the EIS of the potential for growth of this site (David Gordon, attorney for Cragsmoor Association, at public hearing November 30, 2006). C.23 Response: In keeping with the requirements of SEQRA, the DEIS was prepared to address the “whole action,” including the ultimate planned development for the site. The Applicant does not foresee any future growth of the site beyond the maximums studied in the DEIS. The Applicant further believes that the speculation that this site will become a “corporate office complex” or some other large-scale institutional use in the future is not based on factual evidence, market trends or zoning. Although there is no reasonable basis for forecasting further expansion or change in use, it is also true that even in the unlikely and unforeseen event that any change was proposed by anyone at any point in the future, it would be subject to a zoning review and a SEQRA review, with opportunity for public comment. See Responses A.10, A.11, A.16, A.30, C.6 and C.10. C.24 Comment: The proposed development is, we believe, a compatible use for the land in concept, but we are concerned that the intense use of the site, mostly as a result of traffic brought by significant periodic visitation and by significant water and septic requirements threatens that balance. The society asks the Board to protect the resources and community character by asking the Applicant to reduce the scale of the project as a matter of buildings, roadways, parking lots and landscape modifications desired are out of balance with the surrounding community (Sally Matz, President, Cragsmoor Historical Society, Public Hearing November 30, 2006). MAHAMUDRA BUDDHIST HERMITAGE FEIS III-29 April 2008